“100 rubles a month is enough.” Students move into dormitories. Belarusian State Technological University BGTU dormitory check-in lists

Students move into dormitories: “If you don’t push too hard, then 100 rubles a month is enough to live on”

In the last days of August, a careful eye can notice in Minsk an increased concentration of students with suitcases at the ready. This is not surprising: representatives of all universities and faculties occupy their assigned places in the dormitories. Sacks of potatoes, trunks with blankets and pillows, cutely colored suitcases, queues at the entrance - Onliner.by correspondents observed this picture today on several campuses. What Belarusian students expect from life and how much the capital costs for young people today - read in the “Portraits” section.

Maria, 17 years old, a first-year student at the Institute of Journalism of BSU, came from Lida:

I entered the budget program with 378 points, which is the sum of three CTs and the average score in the certificate. I waited a very long time for an answer whether I would get a place in the hostel or not. And only at the beginning of last week I finally found out: the answer is yes! Now we stood in line for a very long time to get a medical certificate. The queues are simply huge! Although this could be expected from BSU: there are so many students at the university, so there is nothing to be surprised about. I have already met the girls from my group, everyone got to know each other. Now we'll go to a meeting with the dean.

I haven't worked anywhere yet. My parents were against part-time jobs; they said: when you study, only studies should be in your head. I expect that I will spend 200-250 rubles a month on food, some more on a travel card, plus 27 rubles for the hostel. Total rubles 300-350 per month. This is the capital, Minsk, after all, money is needed here!

Ekaterina, 21 years old, 3rd year student at the Faculty of Folk Instruments of the Academy of Music, came from Slonim:

At our academy, like everywhere else, there is a waiting list for dormitories. As soon as I entered, I had to wait a little - a month or two. I pay 25 rubles a month for the hostel. Our conditions are good - this is a new building on Dzerzhinsky, 97! There are two rooms in the block, two people in each.

I work part-time, like any student. I sing in the church choir. Of course, financially you can’t do without the help of your parents. To be honest, Minsk is a very expensive city, unlike all the others. Maybe it costs me 250-300 rubles a month to live. This is if you don’t go to some clubs or events. And it’s generally difficult for a girl with such a budget...

Maxim, 17 years old, a first-year student at the Institute of Journalism of BSU, came from Baranovichi:

It was probably more difficult than ever to get a place in a dormitory this year. But I succeeded, because the score was quite good - 351 in total for two CTs, a school certificate and two creative exams.

I don’t know yet what kind of scholarship I will have. I'm waiting for September 21st. I think that I will need about 200 rubles a month to live in Minsk. For the hostel you need to pay 27 rubles. A metro pass costs as much as 26 rubles - very expensive! I bought it today. You need to install the Internet - another 30 rubles. In addition, you need food and clothes. Once I get settled in, I’ll find out how much it will cost me. In any case, I'm glad I escaped my parents' nest.

I haven’t thought about a part-time job yet. I read on brochures from McDonald's that there is good career growth, a big salary, and there are prospects (laughs - Note Onliner.by). But for now this is in the background.

Andrey, 21 years old, 5th year student of the Faculty of Technology and Engineering of the Forestry Industry of the Belarusian State Technological University, came from the village of Lyuban (Luninetsky district):

I've been living in a dormitory since my first year. The fact that I am from a village, far away, plus Chernobyl benefits played a role here. Mostly, the hostel is given to those who have benefits, students from large or disadvantaged families. In the first year, everyone is accommodated, and then everything is not so simple... Now in the fifth year, out of 17 people in my group, only four, as far as I know, got places in the dormitory. I pay about 10 rubles a month for a dorm. We have a corridor type, there are 26 rooms on the floor, and there are four people in a room.

After graduation I will be an industrial engineer. Where will I work? They distribute it to Pinskdrev, for example. Or to other enterprises related to furniture production and woodworking. You can find a good place with a private owner yourself, even if it’s not in your specialty. Throughout my student years, I worked part-time in different places. We go to sabbaths with the boys. For some time he worked in a cinema as a cleaner. He took the job for any money. If you don’t push it too hard, then 100-150 rubles a month is enough for me to live in Minsk.

Anton, 17 years old, 1st year student of the Faculty of Information Technology Belarusian State Technological University, came from Soligorsk:

I entered the budget, scoring a total of 294 points - CT in physics, mathematics, Russian language, plus the average score of the certificate. I’ve already seen my classmates - normal guys! I got a place in hostel No. 1 - “kopek”. We have a corridor type, there are four people in my room. Conditions are minimal for living, but you can live. A person gets used to everything. Of course, the 4th and 5th dormitories at BSTU are much better and more comfortable. I easily got a place in the dorm. I have the 2nd category in adult basketball, and I also graduated from music school - this probably contributed.

Yulia (from Stolin) and Zhenya (from Bobruisk), 18 years old, 2nd year students of the Faculty of Print Technologies and Media Communications Belarusian State Technological University:

It was not difficult for us to get a place in the hostel this year, because we worked at the university in the summer. We were given two options to choose from: either work in admissions committee, or be forest cleaners in the forestry. Work in the admissions committee is unpaid, so we chose forestry. As a result, we earned money and even got a place in a hostel. Each of us was paid about 300 rubles for a month of work in the Ratom forestry.

I chose Minsk to study because it a good city, I like him. Even when I was in the 11th grade, I flew here as a tourist and was pleased. There are too many prohibitions in Ashgabat: now because of the Asian Games you cannot go into the city without a passport after 23:00, there are difficulties with the Internet, prohibition, smoking is prohibited in the city - we are a sports country.

In Minsk I study on a paid basis. I passed Russian with excellent marks and entered. My family is Russian-speaking; we have spoken Russian all our lives. I also know Turkmen - national, and English.

It’s easy for a foreigner to get a place in a dormitory: just pay $500 a year. I live in a “four”, we have a block type, each block has two rooms - for three and two people. Now I live alone in a two-room apartment. I don’t go to clubs, it’s not my thing. I'd rather go for a walk with my friends in the park.

Minsk for me is neither expensive nor cheap, almost the same as Ashgabat, nothing supernatural. I haven’t tried to earn extra money yet, my parents help me. Enough for life. When I graduate from university, I will return to Ashgabat, since my education is valued there and technologists are needed. With my specialty in Turkmenistan you can easily earn about $800-1000. And our average salaries are the same as in Belarus - $300-350.

Vlad, 17 years old, a first-year student at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of BSU, came from Vitebsk:

I entered the budget with 356 points: these are three CTs, plus the average score of the certificate. The CT went like clockwork for me, because at my school in Vitebsk there were very good teachers. In addition, our 10th and 11th grades were specialized. At the third rehearsal test we were scared difficult tasks, but on the central heating center everything was easier. I rather worked myself up emotionally, but there was nothing difficult in the tasks themselves.

I immediately chose my university and specialty. I read about computer mathematics and systems analysis - and that’s it, I didn’t even consider other options, it sank into my soul. I set a goal and move on.

At the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the BSU, all non-residents who need a dormitory are allocated places. There are no problems with this at all. It was enough to take fluorography and photos. You just have to wait in line, but this problem exists everywhere.

I have already corresponded with the person who will live in the same room with me, found out what and how. It wasn't difficult. During our course, we have organized groups on social networks, where you can calmly find out everything: where you will live, with whom. You can even sign up for a specific room if you wish.

I'm not going to work part-time in my first year. The scholarship will be enough, and my parents are very good and will help in this regard. The reason why I don’t want to work now is fundamental: it will interfere with my studies. Yes, many people work full-time in the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, but starting from the third year, not earlier. The teachers themselves, as well as the dean and deputy dean, said that it was very undesirable to work in the first year. On the third or fourth - please. But it's better to learn first. I accepted this belief as my main one.

Traditionally the beginning school year falls in the first days of autumn, but nonresident students felt the atmosphere of approaching classes today. Since August 22, the dormitories of the Belarusian State Technological University have opened their doors to rested students and yesterday's applicants. The latter, by the way, came with an undeniable advantage: every freshman has the right to shelter on the campus of their home university. However, before receiving the coveted pass, which gives the right to be considered a resident of a large and friendly “dormitory” family, recent schoolchildren are required to go through a quest, consisting of the offices of the dean’s office, the first-aid post, the passport officer, the campus director and many others.

– It’s scary, really scary at the very beginning, when you arrive in an unfamiliar city and immediately meet a huge number of people. And you need to remember everything, take it into account, take note,” says Dmitry, chairman of the BSTU student council, “I myself managed to check in only with grief on the second day. And now, it seems, I could go through all the authorities in five minutes. True, after, when the stressful first impression weakens a little, you realize that you need activity. That it is vitally important to meet new people and communicate with interesting personalities. If I had been thrown back into the routine of those first weeks, I would have shown interest much earlier, because only now I realize that I missed a lot.

Dima today is one of the activists regulating the settlement procedure. He meets new students, tells them, shows them, explains them, and in between interpreting strict rules, he doesn’t forget to joke, putting them at ease, liberating them, and helping them avoid the mistakes that he himself made in a similar situation.
– Also, don’t forget that when you get to a dormitory, you find yourself in an organized structure. It’s not for nothing that the word contains the “GENERAL” part. You are not alone. And this has its own pros and cons. At the very least, the rules that future students learn today must be followed,” the young man carefully examines the crowded line. - Five more people! Come in! Don't crowd!

The guy spent his entire university youth in the “five”, which he is not going to give up this year.
- What are you talking about! No apartment! I understand: in a hostel it is more difficult to organize personal space. This is a monastery, into which you cannot enter with your own charter, and next to you there are people who need to be respected, with whom you need to be taken into account, but how can you call yourself a student if you don’t live a day in this friendly and cheerful company, which sometimes , one fridge for three blocks?! And I wouldn’t say that one-room rental housing has any advantages in terms of living conditions. After all, it’s good here too: clean, cozy, warm.

The rest of the assets that regulate the settlement procedure also share their advice, from which you can easily create

TOP 6 things to remember when moving into a hostel:
1) Do not take a large amount of things with you, because the hostel is given for a year and then problems arise with how to take everything back;
2) be sure to buy a tee with a surge protector (to protect against voltage surges), because a regular extension cord is prohibited for fire safety reasons;
3) don’t be shy to get to know everyone at first, because a large number of acquaintances makes it easier to solve problems that arise in the hostel;
4) treat plumbing and furniture with care: each of us enjoys living in a tidy room, and even if you are not moved into it, the person who will live after you will be comfortable;
5) be sure to draw up a duty schedule for the block at the beginning of the year, having previously discussed all the nuances of cleaning, this will help maintain constant cleanliness in the room and allow you to avoid problems with representatives of the housing sector (responsible for the sanitary condition of the rooms);
6) don’t be afraid to ask the headman for advice, because he already has experience living in a dorm.

Belgorod State University of Technology them. V.G. Shukhov is one of the largest educational, research and production complexes in Russia. Students from 30 countries and 70 regions of Russia study here.

Everyone is given the opportunity to live in a dormitory. USZhK "Tekhnolog" begins its history practically with the creation of BSTU itself. V.G. Shukhova. Today, students, graduate students, employees, and couples live in four comfortable student dormitories and one family dormitory.

Dormitory No. 1

Everyone is created here the necessary conditions for a comfortable and safe stay. Each block, consisting of four to five rooms, is equipped with a kitchen with a gas (dormitories No. 1 and No. 3) or electric (dormitories No. 2, No. 4, No. 5) stove where you can prepare food. Toilet, bathtub or shower stalls allow you to maintain sanitary living conditions and take care of personal hygiene. Gas, electrical and plumbing equipment is constantly updated. Every year the university carries out cosmetic repairs of premises, replacing furniture and linen with new ones.

Dormitory No. 2

A system has been created on campus Catering. Each hostel has a dining room, buffet or cafe where you can have a tasty and inexpensive lunch. You can buy necessary products in stores located on campus.

Here students can solve other everyday problems: there is a shoe repair shop, laundry and dry cleaning, and storage lockers.

The necessary conditions for successful study have been created. The dormitories have a computer network connected to a local network with Internet access, which allows you to install a computer in each room. There is an Internet cafe on campus.

There is a library with a reading room, where there is all the literature necessary for studying and broadening your horizons. This opens up ample opportunities for self-education and successful studies.

Dormitory No. 3

A security system has been created in the dormitories, there is a local police station and a room for the operational police assistance unit, where activities are carried out to suppress crime. Daytime duty in the dormitory is carried out by watchmen and floor duty officers, evening duty by the “Griffin” operational detachment. The dormitory watches are equipped with “panic buttons” connecting the dormitories with police departments, and a video surveillance system is in operation. Introduced electronic system passes. The dormitories are equipped modern system notifications about emergencies and fires.

Representatives of institutes and faculties conduct educational work, solve everyday problems of students, keep order. The Council's commission for work in the hostel periodically carries out raids to check compliance with internal regulations and the sanitary condition of residential premises.

Dormitory No. 4

The health of young people is the main capital of society. A sanatorium and health center operate successfully on the basis of USZHK “Tekhnolog”. Highly qualified specialists receive medical care here. There is a dental office.

The best health care at a young age is physical education and sports. The dormitories have gyms for sports activities. On the campus there are sports grounds, a power camp, courts, and one of the best stadiums for universities in the Black Earth Region.

The student council is elected in the dormitory, which represents the interests of the student body and coordinates the activities of section leaders. Student Council helps in holding cultural and sports events: competitions and recreational evenings, festivals, KVN games and other exciting events are held.

Incentives for residents and disciplinary measures are agreed upon with the student council. According to the results of the All-Russian competition in 2007, the student council of the university was recognized as the best in Russia

On the initiative of the Ministry of Education, Governor Belgorod region Evgeniy Stepanovich Savchenko eight years ago, student construction teams were revived. Construction teams actively participate in repair and construction work on the campus. For a number of years, there has been a tradition of holding the third working semester of freshmen under the slogan “Your own home - with your own hands.”

Dormitory No. 5

The university has created an atmosphere of intolerance towards the use of drugs, alcoholic beverages, and smoking. Smoking is allowed only in specially designated areas, away from educational buildings and dormitories.

The entire campus area has a beneficial effect on the health and performance of students. The campus park area extends over 35 hectares. Picturesque public gardens are conducive to relaxation and create an environmentally friendly environment that promotes relaxation. emotional stress, psychological wellness.

In the shade of the trees there are comfortable benches and shaped lanterns. Special comfort is created by stairs, small viewing platforms, harmoniously decorated with lawns, ornamental shrubs and trees, flower beds and landscape stones.

These corners have become a favorite vacation spot for students.

Student dormitories of BSTU named after. V.G. Shukhova have repeatedly become winners and prize-winners of All-Russian competitions. In March 2016 student hostel No. 5 in All-Russian competition took the title for Best Student Dormitory out of 350 applicants.

Dormitory addresses

Dormitory No. 1: Belgorod, st. Kostyukova, 44
Dormitory No. 2: Belgorod, st. Kostyukova, 42
Dormitory No. 3: Belgorod, st. Nekrasova, 7
Dormitory No. 4: Belgorod, st. Kostyukova, 38
Dormitory No. 5: Belgorod, st. Kostyukova, 46

Number of residential premises in dormitories for non-resident students

Dormitory name Number of living rooms
1 Dormitory No. 1 441
2 Dormitory No. 2 430
3 Dormitory No. 3 111
4 Dormitory No. 4 323
5 Dormitory No. 5 233

To check into the hostel you must provide to the student health center (dormitory No. 1; reception hours from 9.00 to 16.00) the following documents:

  • photocopy of passport (page No. 2, 3 and 5);
  • photocopy of vaccination certificate;
  • photocopy of health insurance policy;
  • data on fluorographic examination of the lungs (no more than 1 year old).
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