A. Lindgren. Pippi Longstocking (book chapters). Encyclopedia of fairy-tale characters: "Pippi Longstocking" Summary of Pippi Longstocking by chapters

Lindgren A., "Pippi Longstocking"

Genre: fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Pippi Longstocking" and their characteristics

  1. Pippi Longstocking. Girl 9 years old. Red-haired, with freckles, pigtails, mischievous and restless. Very strong, kind, extravagant. He is not afraid of anyone or anything, does not go to school, is an excellent cook, and loves adventures.
  2. Annika, Tommy's sister. A cheerful girl, very calm and obedient.
  3. Tommy, Annika's brother. A kind and sympathetic boy. He is often a coward, but knows how to overcome his fear.
  4. Ephroim Longstocking. Captain and king, Pippi's father. Very fat, strong and funny.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "Pippi Longstocking" for a reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. When Pippi's dad was washed away by the wave, Pippi settled in the Chicken Villa and became friends with Tommy and Annika.
  2. Thanks to her strength, Pippi easily got out of different situations unscathed, helped the weak, and laughed at thieves.
  3. Pippi becomes the heroine of the city after she saves kids from a fire, saves a girl from a tiger, and punishes a local bully.
  4. When Pippi's father arrives, she plans to go with him to the island of Veselia, but remains, unable to part with her friends.
  5. Pippi goes to Veselia Island with Tommy and Annika, talks to the shark and punishes two robbers.
  6. Pippi returns to the Hen Villa, celebrates Christmas, and decides never to grow up.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Pippi Longstocking"
Childhood is the best time in a person's life, and therefore it should be rich in adventures.

What does the fairy tale "Pippi Longstocking" teach?
A fairy tale teaches you to live life to the fullest, have fun, play, and seek adventure. It teaches you not to give up and not retreat, teaches you not to be sad and to understand humor. Teaches the benefits of knowledge and education.

Review of the fairy tale "Pippi Longstocking"
I really enjoyed this wonderful story. Pippi is just a miracle, what kind of girl, with whom you will never get bored and with whom you can not be afraid of anything. But I myself wouldn’t want to be like Pippi, because it seems to me that she was still too lonely.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Pippi Longstocking"
Anyone who has not been beaten since youth is free to play pranks.
Don't hang your head, don't sadden your comrades.
He who knows how to have fun is afraid of grief.
I would be glad to cry, but the laughter overcame me.
Childhood is a golden time.

Pippi moves into the villa "Chicken"

Chapter 1 How Pippi settled in the villa Chicken

Pippi's mother died a long time ago and the girl did not remember her, but thought that she was an angel. And her father was a sea captain who was washed away by a wave during a storm. After that, Pippi took her monkey and a chest of gold and settled in the Chicken Villa. She immediately bought a horse and often took it out into the garden, because Pippi is very strong.
And opposite the villa lived Tommy and Annika, very obedient children. And they were very surprised when they saw how Pippi first left her house and walked normally, and then returned back backwards. Pippi explained to the children that she walks as she pleases, because she lives in a free country. Then she introduced the children to the monkey Nilsson and invited them to her place for breakfast.
The children were very surprised that Pippi lived alone, and the house was in great disarray. But they even liked it.

Chapter 2 How Pippi gets into a fight

The next morning, Tommy and Annika went straight to Pippi, who was preparing scones. Then Pippi decided to clean up the streets and collect things that people had lost or thrown away.
The children went outside and Pippi found a tin can, and then an empty reel. But then a girl ran out into the street, followed by five boys. Pippi stood up for the girl and instantly scattered the boys, some into the flowerbed, and some straight into the tree.
Then the children returned to the villa, and Pippi went to bed with her feet on the pillow.

Chapter 3 How Pippi plays tag with the police

When the city learned that Pippi lived all alone, they decided to send her to an orphanage. And two policemen came to the villa and began to convince Pippi that she needed to study.
But Pippi decided to play tag with the police, climbed onto the balcony, then onto the roof.
The policemen cautiously followed, but Pippi jumped onto a tree, went down and carried away the ladder.
Then, of course, she returned the ladder to its place when the police politely asked her to do so. But the police turned out to be insidious types and grabbed Pippi.
However, Pippi took them by the belts and put them outside.
The city decided to leave Pippi alone.

Chapter 4 How Pippi goes to school

Tommy and Annika told Pippi about the Christmas holidays and Pippi also wanted to go to school. She came to school on a horse and behaved very freely in class. Pippi did not answer the teacher's questions, drew on the floor, and told funny stories.
And then she announced that she was bored at school and would not come there anymore. And as a farewell gift she gave the teacher a golden bell.

Chapter 5 How Pippi climbs into the hollow

This day began with Pippi telling a story about a Chinese man with big ears who had a son, Peter, and then answered the girl who was looking for her hairy dad that not a single bald man had passed here today.
Then Pippi invited her friends to climb the oak tree, where there was a very convenient place. The children settled in like a hut, and Pippi brought a coffee pot and buns.
And then Pippi found a hollow in the tree and climbed into it. She liked it so much in the hollow that she lowered a stepladder into it and told Tommy and Annika to climb into the hollow too.
The children decided that they would have a hiding place in the hollow.

Having learned that the school had declared a sanitary day, Pippi also washed the floor in the villa, and then all the children went on an excursion.
They went out into a meadow, behind which there was an excellent lawn. Pippi pushed away the cow that was blocking the passage and picked off a fly agaric. After taking a bite, she threw the mushroom away, and the children went up the hill.
There Pippi laid out her picnic supplies and the children had a great snack.
Then Pippi tried to fly, but fell down a hill and hurt her knees. And at this time Nilson ran away. The children went to look for him and Tommy ran into a bull.
The bull threw Tommy into the air, but then Pippi came to her friend’s rescue. First, she beat off the bull's horns, then she saddled him and forced him to gallop across the clearing until he dropped. Only when the bull fell down exhausted did Pippi leave him alone.
And Nilsson came down from the tree and the children went back.

Chapter 7 How Pippi goes to the circus

Tommy and Annika invited Pippi to the circus, and the girl agreed to watch the performance. She bought her friends the best and most expensive seats near the arena. When a horse with an acrobat on its back jumped into the arena, Pippi jumped on the horse and had a lot of fun. Then she walked along the rope and jumped from it onto the back of the circus director.
He was in a panic, but no one managed to get Peppy out.
Then the strongest man on the planet, the strongman Adolf, entered the arena. But Pippi easily placed it on her shoulder blades, then a second time, and in the end she simply carried it on one hand.
The audience was delighted, and Pippi fell asleep and slept through the rest of the performance.

Chapter 8 How thieves get to Pippi

One day, thieves saw Pippi counting gold coins and decided to rob her. At night they climbed into the house, but Pippi did not sleep. She decided to play with the thieves and first threw them on the closet, then scattered them in the corners of the room.
Finally she made the thieves dance the twist with her until they dropped.
And then she fed the thieves and gave each a coin, saying that they had earned it honestly.

Chapter 9 How Pippi is invited to a cup of coffee

Annika and Tommy's mother invited Pippi for a cup of coffee and the girl was very worried that she would behave badly. However, everything went great. Pippi ate all the sweets, scattered sugar on the floor, ate a huge cake alone, and when her friends’ mother sat the children aside, she gladly intervened in the adults’ conversations about the servants, talking about her grandmother’s servants.
Annika and Tommy's mother decided not to invite Peppy to visit again, telling the girl that she behaved very badly.

Chapter 10 How Pippi saves two kids

One day, when Pippi was out for a walk, there was a fire in the city. A high-rise building caught fire, with two children crying in the attic. People were afraid that they might die, but they could not help them in any way.
But Peppy sent Nilson up a tree with a rope, and then took a long board and also climbed to the top of the tree. She threw the board onto the attic balcony and easily pulled the kids out.
Then she danced on the board, shouting that the fire was simply magnificent. And the people below praised Pippi's heroic deed.

Chapter 11 How Pippi celebrates her birthday

One day, Tommy and Annika received an illiterately written invitation to a feast on the occasion of Pippi's birthday, and they were very happy. They bought a gift, dressed up and went to Pippi.
Everything was ready there. The table was laden with delicious food, the stove was burning hot, and there was a new carpet on the floor.
The children gave Pippi a music box, and she gave them small gifts in return. Then everyone ate Chinese cookies and played. In the end, Pippi suggested going to the attic to catch a ghost.
There were no ghosts in the attic, but the children found a sailor's chest with a saber, gold and pistols. Pippi immediately fired the pistols and was delighted.
And when dad took Tommy and Annika, Pippi shouted after them that she would definitely become a sea robber when she grew up.

Pippi is getting ready to go.

Chapter 1 How Pippi goes shopping

One spring, Annika and Tommy came to Pippi, they didn’t know what to do, there were no lessons at school. Pippi suggested going shopping and took a handful of gold coins from the suitcase.
Pippi decided to buy herself a piano, but the first thing she did was go to a store that sold freckle cream and asked for a cream that makes freckles appear larger. At the next store, Pippi broke off the arm from the mannequin and immediately bought the entire mannequin, but only took the severed arm.
Then Pippi went to a candy store and bought one hundred kilograms of candy, which she immediately began distributing to children on the street. Then Pippi bought toys for all the children around in the same way, and then looked into the pharmacy and picked up various medicines.
Then Pippi loaded all the purchases into the car and went home.

Chapter 2 How Pippi writes a letter and goes to school

Tommy and Annika said that they wrote a letter to their grandmother, and Pippi decided to write a letter to herself. She wrote something for a long time, then sealed the envelope and gave it to the postman, who immediately threw the letter into her mailbox. Pippi took out the letter and read it with joy.
There were many mistakes in the letter and Tommy and Annika advised Pippi to go back to school. Saying that then she can go on an excursion with them.
The next day, Pippi came to school, but refused to enter the classroom. She told how in Australia they have fun classes and children jump out of the window.
And the teacher allowed Pippi to go on an excursion with the class.

The guys went on an excursion to the Wonderful Forest on foot, and only Pippi was on her horse. In the Wonderful Forest, the children began to play the Beast and the monster, of course, was Pippi. She hid in a cave and hunted children. Everyone had a lot of fun.
Then a girl named Ulla took the boys to her home for compote. On the way, they met a loaded horse, whose driver was mercilessly whipping the animal.
The teacher was indignant and demanded to stop torturing the animal, but the driver threatened the teacher with a whip. Then Pippi came up to him and began tossing him into the air. Then she forced the driver to drag the bag of flour himself, and took the horse to the stable.
The teacher praised Pippi.
But at lunch Pippi behaved terribly again, she grabbed everything without asking and ate more than everyone else combined.
The teacher tried to explain to Pippi how a well-mannered lady should behave, but Pippi’s stomach was growling so much that she again wanted to become a sea robber.

Chapter 4 How Pippi goes to the fair

A fair came to town and Pippi decided to check it out. The children walked along the counters, then entered the shooting range. The sleek gentleman hit the target only the fifth time, and Pippi easily hit the target with five bullets in a row.
Then the children spun on the carousel for more than an hour, and then they went to the booth to watch a theatrical performance. Pippi took the story of the unfortunate Countess Aurora to heart, and when some guy was about to kill the Countess, she jumped onto the stage and threw the guy into the box.
After this, the children went to the menagerie. Pippi was interested in boa constrictors and she put one around her neck. He got angry and tried to strangle Peppy, but of course it didn’t work out.
Suddenly there was a scream - the tigers broke out of the cage.
However, Pippi was not late here either. She grabbed the tiger by the scruff of the neck and carried him back to his cage like a kitten.
At this time, the local hooligan Loban pestered an old man who was selling sausages and began to juggle the sausage. No one dared to say a word against it, and only Pippi boldly stepped forward and began to juggle Loban.
After that, she made the bully pay for the sausage and sent him home. And people shouted that they didn’t need the police since they had Pippi.

Chapter 5 How Pippi gets shipwrecked

Pippi often told Tommy and Annika about the sea, about storms and shipwrecks, and the children decided to play shipwreck on an island on a local lake.
When the schoolchildren were dismissed for the holidays, Tommy and Annika's parents left, and the children went by boat to a desert island.
They began to look for cannibals, but there were none on the island. Then they pitched a tent and lit a fire. After eating and playing, the children went to bed and had a good breakfast first thing in the morning.
Then Pippi tried to catch a cuttlefish, and when that didn’t work, the children began to swim. Since the water was cold, they tied a rope to a tree that grew above the water and slid down it into the water.
The next morning, Tommy discovered that the boat was missing. The children were scared, but Pippi did not lose heart. She made Tommy write a letter and threw the bottle with the note into the water.
Then she remembered that she herself hid the boat in the bushes and the children went home.

Chapter 6 How Pippi receives a dear guest

One evening a fat sailor approached Pippi's house. It turned out to be Pope Ephraim. He hugged Pippi and they immediately began to measure their strength. No one was able to gain the upper hand, but Pippi promised that she would soon become stronger than her father.
Ephroim said that he was blown off the ship by the wind, he ended up on the island of Veselia and became its king. And now he has returned for Pippi, because he promised his black subjects to bring a real princess.
Pippi had a festive dinner, then there was dancing until you dropped.
And in the evening, going to bed, Annika began to cry.

Chapter 7 How Pippi throws a farewell feast

The next day, Pippi announced to her sad friends that she was going with her father to his island, and decided to have a farewell feast.
Children from all over the city were invited to the feast. Captain Ephraim beat the drum, the children blew the pipes, and everyone was having fun.
After dinner, everyone played fun games, and Efroim and Pippi demonstrated their strength by breaking crowbars and dragging many people. The day ended with a ceremonial fireworks display.
Pippi invited Tommy and Annika to come to her villa to play when she sailed away, but the children were too upset to agree.

Chapter 8 How Pippi sets sail

Pippi closed her house and went to the Jumper, her father's ship. Tommy and Annika saw her off, silent and sad.
When Pippi climbed the ladder, Annika could not stand it and burst into tears. Pippi tried as best she could to cheer up her friends, but her own eyes began to sparkle treacherously.
When there were ten minutes left before departure, Pippi suddenly told her father that she could not leave her friends, who felt so bad because she was leaving.
Ephroim sadly supported his daughter's decision, and Pippi got off the ship and rode on a horse towards the Hen villa.

Pippi in the country of Merry.

Chapter 1 How they buy a villa from Pippi Chicken

One day an important gentleman came to the city, and when he saw a sign for the “Chicken” villa, he decided that the villa was for sale. He drove up to the villa and saw a neglected garden and an old house that could have been easier to demolish.
The gentleman began to figure out where to start the renovation and decided to cut down the old oak tree first. The gentleman began to ask the owner and Pippi invited him to wait. The gentleman behaved impudently and defiantly, and Pippi began to tease him. The gentleman became furious, and Pippi climbed the oak tree. Then the gentleman grabbed Annika to give her a beating.
But Pippi immediately came down and began playing with the ball with the gentleman, throwing it into the sky.
The gentleman left in a panic, and then learned from the policeman that Pippi is the owner of the “Chicken” villa and she is the strongest girl in the world.
Then the gentleman started his car and left this town forever.

Chapter 2 How Pippi encourages Aunt Laura

Aunt Laura came to visit Tommy and Annika's mother, and Pippi decided to cheer her up. She told about her grandmother, who was very nervous, but began to take fox poison and after that she sat quiet and calm for months.
Then Pippi told how a cow flew into the train compartment. Then Pippi told about two two-meter twins. And Aunt Laura got up and decided to leave.

Chapter 3 How Pippi looks for cucaryamba

That day, Pippi announced to her friends that she had found a new word - kukaryamba, but she herself did not know what it meant. Pippi really wanted to know what this word means, and the children went to the store. There was no crocus in the grocery store, nor was there any in the hardware store.
Pippi decided that the cucaryamba was some kind of disease and went to the doctor. But the doctor said that there was no such disease.
Then Pippi climbed to the third floor of a house and looked for the crow there. But there was no mysterious word there either.
On the way back, Tommy almost crushed a bug with his foot and Pippi realized that this beetle was the sought-after crow. Kukaryamba turned out to be very beautiful and Pippi loved her very much.

Chapter 4 How Pippi invents a new sport

The summer holidays were over and Tommy and Annika invited Pippi to pick them up at school, because on that day Miss Rosenblum was distributing gifts to obedient children.
Freken Rosenblum, a dry old woman, arranged the children in ranks to conduct a survey and identify those who deserve gifts. And at that moment Pippi galloped up. Freken Rosenblum began asking Pippi questions, and she answered with her usual humor and imagination. The old lady got angry and said that Pippi was the most ignorant and disgusting girl in the world.
Then Pippi decided to play questions with those whom Miss Rosenblum had eliminated. She asked the children funny questions and then handed out coins and candy. And the children who did not receive gifts from Miss Rosenblum were more happy than those who received them.

Chapter 5 How Pippi receives the letter

In winter, Tommy and Annika fell ill with measles, but Pippi came every day to visit her friends and entertained them in every possible way. Finally, the children recovered and Pippi began to feed them porridge, telling instructive stories on this topic from her life.
At this time the postman brought Pippi a letter.
Tommy read the letter aloud, and it said that King Ephraim immediately demands his daughter Penelotte, and has already sent a ship for her.
There was dead silence.

Chapter 6 How Pippi sets sail

The next day, the "Jumper" entered the port and King Ephraim was greeted with great honor by the residents of the city. Pippi was terribly glad that she would soon go sailing, but Tommy and Annika, on the contrary, were sad and gloomy.
Pippi decided to take her friends with her, and her friends were amazed at the proposal and were afraid that their mother would not let them go. But Pippi said that she had already agreed on everything with their mother.
In early spring, Pippi, and with her Annika and Tommy, went up to the deck of the Jumper. All the children in the city were terribly jealous of them, and Mom and Dad of Tommy and Annika furtively wiped their eyes. But the doctor advised their children to change the climate after illness, and the parents decided that this trip would be good for them.
The "Jumper" set sail, and Annika admitted to Pippi that when she grows up, she will also become a pirate.

Chapter 7 How Pippi comes ashore

The ship sailed on the sea for many days. The children were tanned and stronger. But then the shores of Veselia, a small cozy island, appeared.
All the inhabitants of the island poured ashore to meet their king Ephraim, and he put Pippi on his shoulders and the islanders screamed loudly. And then Pippi put Ephroim on her shoulders and the screams intensified.
Ephroim showed the monument, which was erected in the place where the waves threw him. Then he took his place on the throne; for Pippi there was a smaller throne nearby.
The islanders fell prostrate before Pippi, and she was angry, she only needed the throne for the game.

Chapter 8 How Pippi talks to the shark

The next day, all the children went swimming, and the local black kids asked Pippi how white children lived in their country. Pippi explained that all white children love to study and the worst punishment for them is the holidays.
King Ephraim announced to his daughter that he was going with the men to another island to hunt wild boars. And Pippi and the children went to the coral caves to look for pearls.
Tommy suddenly fell into the water and a shark rushed towards him. She managed to sink her teeth into the boy's leg when Pippi arrived.
Pippi lifted the shark above the water, shamed it and threw it back into the sea. The shark hurried to swim away.
And Pippi came ashore and burst into tears; she felt sorry for the shark who was left without breakfast.

Chapter 9 How Pippi explains to Jim and Book

The children found a wonderful cave in which coconuts were stacked and where they could live for several weeks. They looked out to sea and spat when a ship appeared in the distance.
Two bandits sailed on it, Jim and Book, who learned that there were a lot of pearls on the island of Veselia and wanted to get their hands on them.
They landed right next to the cave where Pippi was hiding. And Pippi, of course, started talking to them. She told the bandits about sharks and her grandfather, who has a wooden leg and a long nose.
But the bandits did not believe Pippi and began to swim. Sharks appeared. The bandits hastily got ashore and decided to go after the pearls. Having learned that the children kept a lot of pearls in the cave, they began to ask to sell them, and then climbed into the cave.
But the entrance to the cave was high, and the bandits constantly fell into the water. Sharks hurried towards them, which Pippi fired at with coconuts.
So the day passed, the bandits were tired and wet, and the children ate coconuts and went to bed.

Chapter 10 How Pippi taught the bandits a lesson

In the morning, the monkey Nilsson and the horse went in search of Pippi. The bandits caught the horse and threatened to kill it. Then Pippi jumped down and began throwing the bandits into the sky. At the same time, she said that the bandits were behaving badly.
Then she carried them to the boat and pushed the boat away from the shore. The bandits hastened to sail away from the terrible island.
And when Pippi’s father returned, the girl told him that nothing interesting had happened.

Chapter 11 How Pippi leaves the country of Merry

Days passed. The children played in the caves, played in the bamboo house, played bandits and went into the jungle. The rainy season was approaching. And one day Pippi asked Tommy and Annika if they would like to return home.
Pippi said goodbye to the islanders and "Jumping" took the children back. Only at the beginning of January did the children end up in their hometown.
The lights were on in Annika and Tommy's house and their parents were waiting for them. Villa "Chicken" was covered with snow. Tommy and Annika called Peppy to their place, but the girl stubbornly went to her villa, saying that a lot of work had accumulated there.

Chapter 12 How Pippi doesn't want to be an adult.

Tommy and Annika were very happy to meet their parents, but were very sad that they missed Christmas.
The next morning they went to visit Pippi and froze in surprise. The house was brightly lit, a candle was burning on the terrace, and Pippi herself wished her friends a Merry Christmas. She said that her villa was a little behind in time, and the children exchanged gifts that Pippi had prepared.
The children began to talk about how they didn’t want to become adults, because adults don’t know how to play. And Pippi took out three magic pills that could keep the children children forever.
The children took the pea pills and Tommy and Annika went home. They thought that it was so great that they would never become adults and would always play with Pippi.
And Pippi looked at the Christmas tree for a long time, and then blew out the candle.

Drawings and illustrations for fairy tale "Pippi Longstocking"

Summary: “Pippi Longstocking” - a modern fairy tale Astrid Lindgren composed a fairy tale evening after evening about the girl Pippi for her daughter Karin, who was sick at that time. The name for the main character, long and difficult to pronounce for a Russian person, was invented by the writer’s daughter herself. Summary of Pippi Longstocking This fairy tale turned sixty in 2015, and we present its summary. Pippi Longstocking, the heroine of this fantastic story, has been loved in our country since 1957. A little about the author Astrid Lindgren is the daughter of two Swedish farmers and grew up in a large and very friendly family. She settled the heroine of the fairy tale in a small, dull town, where life flows smoothly and nothing changes. The writer herself was an extremely active person. The Swedish Parliament, at its request and with the support of the majority of the population, adopted a law according to which it is forbidden to harm pets. The theme of the fairy tale and its summary will be presented below. Pippi Longstocking's main characters, Annika and Tommy, will also be featured. Besides them, we also love Baby and Carlson, who were created by the world famous writer. She received the most cherished award for every storyteller - the H.K. medal. Andersen. What Pippi and her friends look like Pippi is only nine years old. She is tall, thin and very strong. Her hair is bright red and glows with flame in the sun. The nose is small, potato-shaped, and covered with freckles. Summary of Pippi Long Stocking Chapter by Chapter Pippi walks in stockings of different colors and huge black shoes, which she sometimes decorates. Annika and Tommy, who became friends with Pippi, are the most ordinary, neat and exemplary children who want adventure. In the Villa "Chicken" (chapters I - XI) Brother and sister Tommy and Annika Settergegen lived opposite an abandoned house that stood in a neglected garden. They went to school, and then, after doing their homework, played croquet in their yard. They were very bored, and they dreamed of having an interesting neighbor. And now their dream came true: a red-haired girl who had a monkey named Mr. Nilsson settled in the “Chicken” villa. She was brought by a real sea ship. Her mother died a long time ago and looked at her daughter from the sky, and her dad, a sea captain, was washed away by a wave during a storm, and he, as Pippi thought, became a black king on a lost island. summary of Pippi Longstocking chapter by chapter very briefly For money , which the sailors gave her, and this was a heavy chest with gold coins, which the girl carried like a feather, she bought herself a horse, which she settled on the terrace. This is the very beginning of a wonderful story, its summary. Pippi Longstocking is a kind, fair and extraordinary girl. Meeting Pippi A new girl was walking down the street backwards. Annika and Tommy asked her why she was doing this. “That’s how they walk in Egypt,” the strange girl lied. And she added that in India they generally walk on their hands. But Annika and Tommy were not at all embarrassed by such a lie, because it was a funny invention, and they went to visit Pippi. summary of Pippi Longstocking main characters She baked pancakes for her new friends and treated them to glory, even though she broke one egg on your head. But she wasn’t confused, and immediately came up with the idea that in Brazil everyone smears eggs on their heads to make their hair grow faster. The whole fairy tale consists of such harmless stories. We will only recount a few of them, since this is a short summary. "Pippi Longstocking", a fairy tale full of various events, can be borrowed from the library. How Pippi surprises all the townspeople Pippi can not only tell stories, but also act very quickly and unexpectedly. A circus has come to town - this is a big event. She went to the show with Tommy and Annika. But during the performance she couldn’t sit still. Together with a circus performer, she jumped onto the back of a horse racing around the arena, then climbed under the circus dome and walked along a tightrope, she also put the strongest strongman in the world on his shoulder blades and even threw him into the air several times. They wrote about her in the newspapers, and the whole city knew what an unusual girl lived there. Only the thieves who decided to rob her did not know about this. It was a bad time for them! Pippi also saved the kids who were on the top floor of a burning house. Many adventures happen to Pippi on the pages of the book. This is just a summary of them. Pippi Longstocking is the best girl in the world. Pippi is getting ready to go (chapters I – VIII) In this part of the book, Pippi managed to go to school, take part in a school excursion, and punish a bully at the fair. This unscrupulous man scattered all his sausages from the old seller. But Pippi punished the bully and made him pay for everything. And in the same part, her dear and beloved dad returned to her. summary of peppy long stocking reviews He invited her to travel the seas with him. This is a completely quick retelling of the story about Pippi and her friends, a summary of “Pippi Longstocking” chapter by chapter. But the girl will not leave Tommy and Annika in sadness; she will take them with her, with the consent of their mother, to hot countries. On the island of the country of Veseliya (chapters I - XII) Before leaving for warmer climes, Pippi’s impudent and respectable gentleman wanted to buy her villa “Chicken” and destroy everything on it. Villa chicken Pippi quickly dealt with him. She also “put in a puddle” the harmful Miss Rosenblum, who gave out gifts, boring ones by the way, to what she considered the best children. Then Pippi gathered all the offended children and gave each of them a large bag of caramel. Everyone except the evil lady was satisfied. And then Pippi, Tommy and Anika went to the country of Merry. There they swam, caught pearls, dealt with the pirates and, full of impressions, returned home. This is a completely summary of Pippi Longstocking chapter by chapter. Very briefly, because it is much more interesting to read about all the adventures yourself. Reviews All parents who have children 4–5 years old assure that children listen with delight to stories about a girl who does everything the other way around. They almost learn her adventures by heart, many people like the illustrations and the quality of the publication. Anything is possible. We hope that those who are not familiar with the fantastic girl who sleeps with her feet on the pillow will be interested in the summary of “Pippi Longstocking.” Reviews say that children ask to read the book again and again.

The story "Pippi Longstocking" by Lindgren was written in 1944. This is a story about an amazing red-haired girl with a rich imagination, a hot head, a generous soul and a kind heart.

Main characters

Pippi Longstocking– a nine-year-old girl, incredibly cheerful and mischievous, a great inventor.

Tommy and Annika Settergren- brother and sister, diligent, well-mannered children, neighbors and best friends of Pippi.

Other characters

Mrs. Settergren- mother of Tommy and Annika, an excellent housewife, a kind, understanding woman.

Ephraim Longstocking- Pippi's father, captain, a good-natured, cheerful and slightly extravagant man.

Miss Rosenblum- a rich, very strict and stingy old lady who tested children for “diligence.”

Part 1. Pippi moves into the villa "Chicken"

Chapter 1. How Pippi settled in the “Chicken” villa

“On the outskirts of a small Swedish town,” in the middle of a neglected garden, there stood an old house - the “Chicken” villa, in which a nine-year-old red-haired girl named Pippi Longstocking settled. She lived completely alone - the girl’s mother died long ago, and her sailor father was shipwrecked, and since then no one has heard anything about him. Pippi believed that her father was alive and, while waiting for him, settled in their old house, taking with her a horse, “a little monkey called Mr. Nilsson - she received it as a gift from her dad - and a large suitcase filled with gold coins.”

Next door to the Chicken Villa lived the friendly Settergren family. When the children Annika and Tommy met Pippi, they happily realized that now they would definitely not be bored.

Chapter 2. How Pippi gets into a fight

The next morning, the Settergrens got up early to meet their new friend. Together they went for a walk, and soon saw how five boys “began to beat the girl.” Pippi could not stay away and stood up for the baby. One of the boys pushed Pippi, and a fight ensued, during which the girl easily defeated all her opponents.

Chapter 3. How Pippi plays tag with the police

Soon all the residents of the city knew that a girl lived completely alone in an abandoned villa. The adults decided that this was unacceptable - “all children should have someone to raise them.” It was decided to send Pippi to an orphanage. When the police came for her, Pippi began to play tag with them, and then put them outside the gate, treating them to buns. The police returned to the city and informed everyone “that Pippi is not suitable for an orphanage.”

Chapter 4. How Pippi goes to school

Tommy and Annika persuaded Pippi to "go to school with them." The girl agreed, but during the lesson it turned out that she could not answer a single question asked by the teacher. Pippi quickly realized that studying was a boring activity and gave up going to school.

Chapter 5. How Pippi climbs into the hollow

One day, Pippi invited her friends to climb a mighty branchy oak tree and have a tea party there. Annika and Tommy were completely delighted - “they had never had the chance to climb a tree in their lives.” Pippi noticed a large hollow in the oak tree, which she immediately decided to climb into. The Settergrens followed her example.

Chapter 6. How Pippi arranges an excursion

One day Pippi Longstocking invited her friends to go on an excursion. She took with her Mr. Nilsson, who disappeared during a picnic. The children began to look for him everywhere, and Tommy came across a huge angry bull, who “lifted Tommy on his horns and threw him very high.” Pippi immediately rushed to help her friend, who killed the bull so much that he fell asleep from fatigue. When the monkey was found, the children went home.

Chapter 7. How Pippi goes to the circus

When the circus came to town, Pippi bought the best seats for herself and her friends. Seeing the deft rider, she immediately jumped on the back of the horse behind the circus performer. The latter was so surprised “that she almost fell to the ground.” Then the restless girl performed on the rope better than a circus tightrope walker, and put the most important strongman on both shoulder blades. Calling the circus boring, Pippi sat down in a chair and fell asleep.

Chapter 8. How thieves get to Pippi

One day, thieves climbed into the Hen villa, believing that a lonely girl would not offer them any resistance. They wanted to steal a chest of gold, but Pippi easily dealt with the robbers, forcing them to dance the twist until they dropped. Afterwards she treated them to sandwiches and finally gave them a gold coin.

Chapter 9. How Pippi is invited to a cup of coffee

The Settergrens' mother baked a delicious pie in anticipation of the guests. She allowed Annika and Tommy to bring Peppi too. However, the red-haired girl, who had painted her face with colored crayons and was dressed “to the nines,” behaved at a party in the most disgusting way: she ate the entire pie, took sweets with her, spilled sugar on the floor, did not stop talking for a minute and clowned around. As a result, Tommy and Annika’s mother could not stand it and kicked the prankster out the door.

Chapter 10. How Pippi saves two kids

One day there was a fire in the city, and two children found themselves in a house engulfed in flames. Firefighters could not reach them because the ladder was too short. Seeing this, Pippi was not at a loss and, thanks to her amazing strength and dexterity, saved the children.

Chapter 11. How Pippi celebrates her birthday

When Pippi was invited to the Settergrens’ birthday, the children bought her a beautiful music box, “gutting out their piggy bank for this.” Pippi also gave her guests gifts. That day, the friends had a wonderful time: they played and had fun until late in the evening, until their dad came for Annika and Tommy.

Part 2. Pippi is getting ready to go

Chapter 1. How Pippi goes shopping

One day, "Tommy, Annika and Pippi with Mr. Nilsson on their shoulder" went shopping. Walking into a candy store, she bought “a hundred kilos of candy.” Pippi began handing out caramels to children on the street, and “here began a candy feast that had never happened before in this small town.”

Chapter 2. How Pippi writes a letter and goes to school

Pippi's friends, noticing the monstrous number of mistakes she made, decided that the girl still “should go to school and learn to write better.” But Pippi couldn’t bring herself to study, and then the teacher invited her to go on an excursion with the class.

Chapter 3. How Pippi participates in a school excursion

On an excursion, Pippi noticed how one person was cruelly treating a horse. She could not watch this indifferently, and taught the man a lesson, forcing him to carry heavy bags on his own. At the tea party, Pippi again showed bad manners, and the teacher told her how to behave when visiting.

Chapter 4. How Pippi goes to the fair

Once a year, “in the small quiet town where Pippi lived,” a fair was held. It was a lot of fun that day: the barrel organ was playing, the carousel was spinning, the shooting gallery was working, everyone around was noisy and laughing. After all sorts of entertainment, the children went to the theater, where they were so inspired by the acting that they could not contain their emotions and were taken out into the street.

Chapter 5. How Pippi gets shipwrecked

Once Pippi invited her friends to go to a desert island on the lake. They got into an old boat and set off. The friends had a wonderful time on the island, but when it was time to return home, they realized that the boat had disappeared. However, the boat was soon found, and the guys got home safely.

Chapter 6. How Pippi receives a dear guest

A year later, after Pippi settled in the villa, a very fat man “with a red mustache, in a blue sailor’s uniform” appeared on the doorstep. It turned out that it was Pippi's father, the captain who was shipwrecked off the island of Veselia. He told how he lived on an island, where the locals, amazed by his unprecedented strength, made him their king. Ephraim Longstocking replied that he had come for his daughter, and his wonderful schooner "Jumper" was already anchored in the port. Tommy and Annika felt very sad - obviously they would soon have to say goodbye to their friend.

Chapter 7. How Pippi organizes a farewell feast

The next day, Pippi told her friends that she would now probably be a “Negro princess.” She said that she would return here only when she became a “pensioner.” However, “neither Tommy nor Annika was consoled by this promise.” To cheer up her friends a little, Pippi organized a farewell feast.

Chapter 8. How Pippi sets sail

The Settergrens went to accompany Pippi to the port. When she boarded the schooner, the children could not stand it and burst into tears. In turn, Pippi could not bear the tears of her friends - she decided to stay with them, receiving another heavy suitcase with gold from her father.

Part 3. Pippi in the land of Merry

Chapter 1. How the “Chicken” villa is bought from Pippi

One day an important gentleman appeared in the town, who, seeing an abandoned villa, decided to buy it. He spent a lot of time in the company of children, never waiting for the owner. As a result, the important gentleman got into an argument with Peppa, and she unceremoniously kicked him out into the street.

Chapter 2. How Pippi encourages Aunt Laura

One day, their old Aunt Laura came to the Settergrens, and they could not leave the house. Then Pippi decided to visit friends and at the same time chat with her aunt. She reassured Annika and Tommy, saying that she knows how to communicate with aunts - “you need to encourage your aunts, that’s the whole secret.” Having learned that Aunt Laura was not feeling well, the girl began to tell how one day a brick fell on her grandmother’s head, and then she ran into a double bass. Pippi was “gagged all the time” because she didn’t let anyone say a word.

Chapter 3. How Pippi looks for cucaryamba

The neighbor kids came to Pippi, who learned a new word - “kukaryamba”, and tried to find this object. None of the children knew what it was either, and they all went together in search of the cucumber. When they met an unknown beetle, Pippi joyfully exclaimed that this was the cucaryamba.

Chapter 4. How Pippi invents a new sport

Every six months, the rich and very stingy lady Miss Rosenblum distributed gifts to the most “obedient and diligent” students. Pippi also appeared at the student survey, and Miss Rosenblum began asking treacherous questions, and the girl answered her in her mischievous manner. She really enjoyed “this new sport of asking each other questions.” She took aside the children who had not passed the survey from the strict lady and distributed sweets to them.

Chapter 5. How Pippi receives the letter

With the onset of winter, Pippi received a letter from her father in which he asked her to come to Veselia, where everyone was eagerly awaiting their princess.

Chapter 6. How Pippi sets sail

Pippi really wanted to visit Veselia, because “being a black princess is not a bad thing for a girl who doesn’t go to school.” Annika and Tommy were completely sad, but Pippi managed to persuade their parents to let the children go sailing, and soon the whole group of friends found themselves aboard the Jumper.

Chapter 7. How Pippi comes ashore

When, after a long voyage, the ship approached the shores of Veselia, “the crowd greeted it with loud cries.” Ephraim immediately began his royal duties, and the children began to explore the picturesque island, which they really liked.

Chapter 8. How Pippi talks to the shark

Pippi with Tommy, Annika and local dark-skinned children often relaxed on the beach, where they frolicked with might and main in the azure water. But one day Tommy was attacked by a huge shark. Pippi arrived in time - she lifted the shark above the water and began to scold it. The shark was very scared and hurried to swim away.

Chapter 9. How Pippi explains to Jim and Book

New friends showed Pippi and the Settergrens a cave overlooking the sea. It was warm and cozy there, and in addition there was a large supply of provisions. From the cave, the children saw a ship on which the bandits Buk and Jim were. They landed on the shore and demanded that the children give them all the pearls with which they were playing. A thunderstorm began, and the sailors were left to get wet in the rain.

Chapter 10. How Pippi taught the bandits a lesson

The next morning, the horse and Mr. Nilsson, worried about the long absence of the mistress, went in search of her. The bandits grabbed the horse and began to threaten the children that they would kill it if they did not get the pearls. Pippi couldn't stand it, she went down and taught the scoundrels a lesson. She then "grabbed Jim and Book by the collar, pulled them into the boat and pushed it away from the shore." The bandits no longer appeared on this island.

Chapter 11. How Pippi leaves the country of Merry

The children had a wonderful time in Veselia, but soon Annika and Tommy began to miss home. In addition, the rainy season was soon to begin and Ephraim was sure that the children would feel bad here. The guys boarded the ship and went to their native places. Much to the Settergrens' surprise, Pippi also returned to the Hen Villa.

Chapter 12. Pippi doesn't want to be an adult

Annika and Tommy were very happy to return home, but they were haunted by the thought that they were late for the Christmas they always looked forward to. Imagine their surprise when the next day, when they came to visit Pippi, they saw a decorated Christmas tree, a festive table and gifts. Making plans for the future, the children came to the conclusion that they did not want to become adults at all. Then Pippi showed them three peas - “miracle pills” for growing up. The friends immediately gobbled them up, hoping that they would remain children forever, and “everyone would play and play.”


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One clear spring day, when Tommy and Annika had no classes at school, Pippi decided to go shopping. Grabbing a handful of gold coins, the children went out onto the main street of the town. Pippi started by buying a hand from a mannequin, deciding that a third hand would be very useful to her.

Then Pippi emptied the candy store and distributed sweets to the children who had come running from all over the city. Then it was the turn of the toy store - each child received what he had always dreamed of.

A crowd of children filled the street, loudly blowing toy pipes. A policeman appeared in response to the noise and ordered the children to go home. They were not against it - everyone wanted to tinker with the new toy to their heart's content.

Finally, Pippi went to the pharmacy, where she bought medicines for all diseases, driving the pharmacist to white heat. Going outside, Pippi decided that it was not practical to keep such small portions of medicine in such large vials. Without hesitation, she poured everything into one bottle, took a few sips from it and declared: if she doesn’t die, then the mixture is not poisonous, and if it is poisonous, it will be useful for polishing furniture.

In the end, Pippi was left with nothing but the hand from the mannequin and a few lollipops.

How Pippi writes a letter and goes to school

One day Tommy received a letter from his grandmother and told Pippi about it. She also wanted to receive a letter and wrote it to herself. There were a lot of mistakes in the letter, and the children again began to persuade their friend to go to school. They said that their class would go on an excursion to the forest.

Pippi considered it unfair that the excursion would take place without her, and the next morning she came to school. She settled down on a birch tree that grew in front of the school, saying that the air in the classroom was “thick with learning” and she was dizzy. Of course, the children were no longer interested in mathematics, so the teacher finished the lesson and led everyone into the forest.

How Pippi participates in a school excursion

The day was very fun. The children played a “monster”, played by Pippi. In the evening, everyone went to the house of a girl who lived near the forest, where a treat awaited them. On the way, Pippi stood up for an old horse that was being beaten with a whip by an evil farmer - she threw the farmer in the air several times, and then forced him to drag a heavy sack all the way to the house.

While visiting, Pippi began stuffing buns into her cheeks. The teacher said that she must learn to behave if she wants to become a real lady, and told the girl about the rules of behavior. Pippi wanted to become a real lady, but then her stomach began to growl. Since the lady's stomach cannot growl, Pippi decided to become a sea robber.

How Pippi goes to the fair

An annual fair with many stalls and attractions has opened on the main square of the town. Tommy and Annika went to the fair with Pippi, who dressed up like a real lady - she lined her eyebrows with charcoal, smeared red paint on her nails and lips, and put on a toe-length dress with a large cutout on the back.

First, Pippi amazed the owner of the shooting gallery with her accuracy, then she gave her friends a ride on a carousel with horses, and then went to a booth to watch the show. The girl liked the drama so much that she jumped onto the stage and saved the heroine from the insidious killer.

At the menagerie, Pippi decided to take part in the performance and hung a huge boa constrictor around the neck, which tried to strangle her, and then saved a little girl from a tiger that escaped from the cage.

Pippi's adventures did not end there. She had to re-educate a hefty quitter who kept the entire town in fear. The lazy man came to the fair and began to offend the old sausage maker. Seeing this, Pippi picked up the big guy and juggled him a little, after which the lazy man paid for the spoiled sausage. Residents of the town were delighted with the girl.

How Pippi gets shipwrecked

Tommy and Annika spent all their days with Pippi and even learned lessons in her kitchen, and the girl told them about her adventures. One day the conversation turned to shipwrecks. Tommy remembered that not far from the town, on the lake, there was an uninhabited island, and Pippi decided to be shipwrecked on it.

When Tommy and Annika were released for the holidays and their parents went away for a few days, Pippi repaired the old boat, and the friends went to the island in the company of the horse and Mr. Nilsson.

Thrifty Pippi took a tent and food with her. The children lived on the island for several happy days. They cooked over fires, hunted tigers and cannibals, fought pirates, and swam in the lake to their heart's content.

When it was time to return home, it was discovered that the boat had disappeared. It was Pippi who decided that they had been on the island too short for the castaways.

Pippi threw a bottle with a letter for help into the lake, but it washed up on the shore of the island. Realizing that no one was going to save them, the girl took out a boat hidden in the bushes and took her friends home.

How Pippi receives a dear guest

One day, when Tommy and Annika were sitting on Pippi’s porch and enjoying strawberries, a man appeared at the gate, who turned out to be Pippi’s father, Captain Ephraim. He really became the black king on the island of Veselia, and now he has come to take his daughter there.

After greeting Pippi, Efroim began to measure his strength with her. Although the captain was very strong, Pippi still defeated him. Then dad dressed up as a black king and entertained the children all evening. Despite the joy that reigned in the house, Tommy and Annika were sad, because Pippi would soon leave them.

How Pippi organizes a farewell feast

Pippi was happy: for six months she would be a black princess, and for the other six months she would be a sea wolf on the schooner of Pope Ephraim, which was already waiting for her in the port.

Before leaving, Pippi decided to arrange a farewell feast and invite “everyone who wants to say goodbye to her” to it. The girl was loved very much, so a whole crowd of children came to say goodbye to her. The crew of the schooner “Poprygunya” also came to the feast. The sailors and dad Efroim entertained the children and played with them all evening.

Pippi decided to spend that night at the “Chicken” villa, although Dad Ephroim invited her to go with him to the schooner. The girl left Tommy and Annika the keys to the house and allowed them to come here, play and take whatever they wanted.

How Pippi sets sail

In the morning, Pippi got on her horse, put Mr. Nilsson on his shoulder and went to the port, accompanied by Tommy and Annika. All the residents of the town gathered at the pier to say goodbye to Pippi. When the girl carried the horse to the ship, Annika began to cry. Tommy held on, but soon his face was in tears.

Seeing her friends crying, Pippi decided to stay. She considered it unfair that someone should suffer because of her. Father Ephroim decided that “it is better for the child to lead a settled life,” and promised to come to visit often. Pippi agreed with him.

As a farewell, the captain handed Pippi another suitcase with gold coins.

Soon Tommy and Annika were already returning to the Chicken Villa, and Pippi was telling them another incredible story.

Pippi Longstocking moves into the Chicken Villa

How Pippi settled in the Chicken Villa

On the outskirts of a small Swedish town you will see a very neglected garden. And in the garden stands a dilapidated house, blackened by time. It is in this house that Pippi Longstocking lives. She was nine years old, but imagine, she lives there all alone. She has neither a father nor a mother, and, frankly, this even has its advantages - no one makes her go to bed right in the middle of the game and no one forces her to drink fish oil when she wants to eat candy.

Before, Pippi had a father, and she loved him very much. Of course, she once had a mother, too, but Pippi no longer remembers her at all. Mom died a long time ago, when Pippi was still a tiny girl, lying in a stroller and screaming so terribly that no one dared to approach her. Pippi is sure that her mother now lives in heaven and looks from there through a small hole at her daughter. That's why Pippi often waves her hand and says every time:

Don't be afraid, mom, I won't get lost!

But Pippi remembers her father very well. He was a sea captain, his ship plied the seas and oceans, and Pippi was never separated from her father. But then one day, during a strong storm, a huge wave washed him out to sea, and he disappeared. But Pippi was sure that one fine day her dad would return; she could not imagine that he had drowned. She decided that her father ended up on an island where many, many blacks live, became king there and walks around every day with a golden crown on his head.

My dad is the black king! Not every girl can boast of such an amazing dad,” Pippi often repeated with visible pleasure. - When dad builds a boat, he will come for me, and I will become a black princess. Gay-hop! This will be great!

My father bought this old house, surrounded by a neglected garden, many years ago. He planned to settle here with Pippi when he grew old and could no longer drive ships. But after dad disappeared into the sea, Pippi went straight to her villa “Chicken” to wait for his return. Villa “Chicken” was the name of this old house. There was furniture in the rooms, utensils hung in the kitchen - it seemed that everything had been specially prepared so that Pippi could live here. One quiet summer evening, Pippi said goodbye to the sailors on her father's ship. They all loved Pippi so much, and Pippi loved them all so much that it was very sad to leave.

Goodbye guys! - said Pippi and kissed each one on the forehead in turn. - Don't be afraid, I won't disappear!

She took only two things with her: a small monkey whose name was Mr. Nilsson - she received it as a gift from her dad - and a large suitcase filled with gold coins. All the sailors lined up on the deck and sadly looked after the girl until she disappeared from sight. But Pippi walked with a firm step and never looked back. Mister Nilsson was sitting on her shoulder, and she was carrying a suitcase in her hand.

She left alone... Strange girl... But how can you hold her back! - said the sailor Fridolf when Pippi disappeared around the bend, and wiped away a tear.

He was right, Pippi really is a strange girl. What is most striking is her extraordinary physical strength, and there is no policeman on earth who could cope with her. She could jokingly lift a horse if she wanted - and you know, she does this often. After all, Pippi has a horse, which she bought on the very day she moved into her villa. Pippi always dreamed of a horse. The horse lives on her terrace. And when Pippi wants to have a cup of coffee there after dinner, without thinking twice she takes the horse out into the garden.

Next to the villa “Chicken” there is another house, also surrounded by a garden. In this house live a father, a mother and two cute children - a boy and a girl. The boy's name is Tommy, and the girl's name is Annika. These are nice, well-mannered and obedient children. Tommy never begs anyone for anything and carries out all his mother’s instructions without arguing. Annika doesn't get capricious when she doesn't get what she wants, and she always looks so smart in her clean, starched chintz dresses. Tommy and Annika played together in their garden, but still they missed the children's company, and they dreamed of finding a playmate. At a time when Pippi was still sailing with her father across the seas and oceans, Tommy and Annika sometimes climbed the fence separating the garden of the Chicken Villa from their garden, and each time they said:

What a pity that no one lives in this house. It would be great if someone with children could live here.

On that clear summer evening when Pippi first crossed the threshold of her villa, Tommy and Annika were not at home. Mom sent them to stay with their grandmother for a week. Therefore, they had no idea that someone had moved into the neighboring house. They returned from their grandmother in the evening, and the next morning they stood at their gate, looking at the street, still not knowing anything, and discussing what they should do. And just at that moment, when it seemed to them that they would not be able to come up with anything funny and that the day would pass boringly, just at that moment the gate of the neighboring house opened and a girl ran out into the street. This was the most amazing girl Tommy and Annika had ever seen.

Pippi Longstocking was going for a morning walk. This is what she looked like: her carrot-colored hair was braided into two tight braids that stuck out in different directions; the nose looked like a tiny potato, and besides, it was speckled with freckles; White teeth sparkled in his large, wide mouth. She was wearing a blue dress, but since she apparently didn’t have enough blue material, she sewed red patches into it here and there. She pulled long stockings of different colors onto her very thin and thin legs: one was brown and the other was black. And the huge black shoes seemed about to fall off. Dad bought them for her to grow in South Africa, and Pippi never wanted to wear others.

And when Tommy and Annika saw that a monkey was sitting on the shoulder of an unfamiliar girl, they simply froze in amazement. The little monkey was dressed in blue trousers, a yellow jacket and a white straw hat.

Pippi walked along the street, stepping on the sidewalk with one foot, and on the pavement with the other. Tommy and Annika kept their eyes on her, but she disappeared around the bend. However, the girl soon returned, but now she was already walking backwards. Moreover, she walked like that only because she was too lazy to turn around when she decided to return home. When she reached Tommy and Annika's gate, she stopped. The children looked at each other in silence for a minute. Finally Tommy said:

Why are you backing away like a cancer?

Why am I sticking out like a lobster? - asked Pippi. - It's like we live in a free country, right? Can't every person walk as he pleases? And in general, if you want to know, everyone walks like this in Egypt, and it doesn’t surprise anyone at all.

How do you know? - asked Tommy. - You haven’t been to Egypt.

How?! I have not been to Egypt?! - Pippi was indignant. - So, get it out of your head: I was in Egypt and in general I traveled all over the world and saw plenty of all sorts of miracles. I've seen funnier things than people who back away like crayfish. I wonder what you would say if I walked down the street on my hands, as they do in India?

He'll be lying! - said Tommy.

Pippi thought for a minute.

“That’s right, I’m lying,” she said sadly.

Total lie! - Annika confirmed, finally deciding to insert a word.

Yeah, it’s a complete lie,” Pippi agreed, becoming more and more sad. - But sometimes I start to forget what happened and what didn’t happen. And how can you demand that a little girl, whose mother is an angel in heaven, and whose father is a black king on an island in the ocean, always speaks only the truth? And besides,” she added, and her whole freckled little face shone, “in the whole Belgian Congo there is not a person who would say at least one truthful word.” Everyone lies there all day long. They lie from seven in the morning until sunset. So if I ever accidentally lie to you, you shouldn't be mad at me. I lived in this same Belgian Congo for a very long time. But we can still make friends! Right?

Still would! - Tommy exclaimed and suddenly realized that this day would certainly not be called boring.

Why don't you, for example, come and have breakfast with me now? - asked Pippi.

“Really,” said Tommy, “why don’t we do that?” Went!

That's great! - Annika screamed. - Let's go quickly! Let's go!

But first I must introduce you to Mr. Nilsson,” Pippi realized.

At these words, the little monkey took off his hat and bowed politely.

Pippi pushed the dilapidated gate, and the children moved along the gravel path straight to the house. There were huge old mossy trees in the garden, made for climbing. All three went up to the terrace. There was a horse standing there. With her head in the soup bowl, she chewed oats.

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