Aphorisms about goals and aspirations. Aphorisms and quotes about achieving goals Statements of famous people about goals

“To achieve success, you need to set your goals a little higher,
than those that can currently be achieved.”
Max Planck

Dear friends! In this collection I would like to offer some well-known aphorisms and not so well-known quotes about the purpose in life. We all know how important purpose is in our life. It's interesting to see how it changes over time and with age. If you have children, ask them to write about their desired goals in life. What would they like to achieve? What do they prioritize? Hide this sheet and show it to them in a few years. Not only you, but also they will be surprised. Maybe you'll smile. And perhaps you will think about it.

Aphorisms about the goal

What is achievable by means of a ladder does not interest me.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

gato-gato-gato (c)

To reach your goal, you must first go
Honore de Balzac

Look for something that is higher than what you can find.
Daniil Kharms

Remember what is fair, feel what is beautiful,
to desire what is good is the goal of intelligent life.
August Platen

A mind that has no definite purpose is lost;
to be everywhere is to be nowhere.
Michel de Montaigne

Anyone who has been led to a goal has no right to consider that he has achieved it.
Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

photo by john dominis (c)

Those who lack insight are not those who do not achieve their goals,
and those who pass by her
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Gunther Stephan (c)

Great minds have goals, others have desires.
Washington Irving.

To be who we are and to become what we are capable of becoming is the only purpose of life.
Baruch Spinoza.

by Gavin Hammond (c)

Only those who can see the invisible can do the impossible.
Frank Gaines.

If you have a great goal,
and your capabilities are limited, act anyway;
for only through action can your capabilities increase.
Sri Aurobindo

The slowest man, unless he loses sight of his goals,
walks faster than someone who wanders aimlessly.
G. Lessing

Peter Bowers (c)

How few people have their own goals.
And how many people make other people’s goals their targets.
Stas Yankovsky

You can't change the direction of the wind
but you can always raise your sails to achieve your goal.
O. Wilde

Life goes breathless without an aim.
F. Dostoevsky

1. He who believes in his luck is lucky. Christian Goebbel
2. If you work towards your goals, then those goals will work for you. Jim Rohn
3. You must treat yourself today as a person who has achieved success. Jim Rohn

4. Start every morning by reading the list of the richest people. If you're not there, get to work. Robert Orben
5. Success is a ladder that cannot be climbed with your hands in your pockets. P. Bauet
6. Success is being on time. Marina Tsvetaeva,
7. Every time you need to jump off a cliff and grow wings on the way down. Ray Bradbury
8. The world belongs to optimists, pessimists are just spectators. Francois Guizot
9. The secret of success is to know what no one else knows. Aristotle Onassis
10. You can be invincible if you do not enter into any battle in which victory does not depend on you. Epictetus
11. In serious matters, you should care not so much about creating favorable opportunities, but about NOT MISSING them. Francois de La Rochefoucauld
12. LIFE is like driving a bicycle. To maintain balance, you must MOVE. Albert Einstein
13. Winners are not judged. Catherine II
14. Success is a matter of pure chance. Any loser will tell you that. Earl Wilson
15. 17) When we set a goal for ourselves, we are equal to it; but while we achieve it, we grow. This is where the disappointment in the achieved goal comes from: once achieved, it turns out to be unworthy of either our dreams, or our dedication, or our efforts. I. Akimov, V. Klimenko
16. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you do, you will be successful. Herman Cain
17. Success is balance. Success is being all that you can be without sacrificing anything else in your life. Larry Winget
18. Be Prepared: Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity. Randy Posch
19. “What you think about is what you will be.” Proverb
20. Perfection comes from the little things. And perfection is no longer trifles! Michelangelo Buonarroti
21. Success is when you can change the world. At least a little bit. It is you, by your own will.M. and S. Dyachenko
22. Pessimism is a mood, optimism is a will. Alain, Emile Auguste
23. Lack of self-confidence is the cause of most of our failures. Christian Nestel Bovey
24. We ourselves don’t know what we can... we just need to forget the word “impossible.” Vera Kamsha
25. Success is an unexpected combination of talent, happiness and work,
and sometimes misunderstandings. Zuckmayer
26. Understand that if you have time to whine and complain, then you will have time to do something about it. Anthony DeAngelo
27. Even if you are on the right road, if you just sit on it, you will still be overtaken. William Peni Eder Rogers
28. Quality of life goes hand in hand with the pursuit of excellence. Tom Lanry

29. Success is moving from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. Churchill
30. Everyone has an epiphany at least once in their life. But as a rule, we take it for an obsession. Savin Anton
31. I think that nothing significant happens as long as we are in our comfort zone. I often hear, “But I’m concerned about safety.” My answer is simple: “Safety for the dead.” Bob Parsons
32. My secret to success is the ability to understand another person’s point of view and look at things from both his and my points of view. Henry Ford
33. There are two levers that can move people - fear and personal interest. Napoleon Bonaparte
34. In life, you should strive not to overtake others, but yourself. Babcock Maltby Davenport
35. Easy paths lead to a dead end. Wilson Misner
36. When a person has a lot of free time, he will achieve little. Xunzi
37. The success of one brave man always motivates a whole generation to zeal and courage. Honore de Balzac
38. Do you want to have something tomorrow that you don’t have today? Then do today what you didn’t do yesterday. Proverb
39. The last degree of failure is the first stage of success. Carlo Dossi
40. Moving forward always involves taking risks. It is impossible to move to second base while remaining on first base. Frederick Wilcox
41. Luck inspires only those who can fly. -Tamara Kleiman
42. What is important is not the desire to win - everyone has it. What is important is the will and readiness to win. Paul Bryant
43. A good plan executed with lightning speed today is much better than a perfect plan for tomorrow. George Patton
44. 99% of failures happen to those who are used to making excuses for themselves. George Washington Carver
45. The right path is the one that leads to life, to the sun. Camus
46. ​​A successful person is one who is able to build a strong foundation from the stones that others throw at him. David Brinkley
47. Will is what makes you win when your mind says that you are already defeated. Carlos Castaneda
48. Don’t stop investing in development. Never stop improving. Never stop updating. The moment you stop improving your organization will be the beginning of its end. Set a goal: to become better every day, at least a little. Remember the Japanese Kaizen strategy. Small daily improvements will add up to big benefits in the end. Bob Parson
49. There is no shortage of opportunities to make your life the way you would like it to be. There is just a lack of determination to do it. Wayne Dyer
50. Persistence and determination are omnipotent in themselves. The call “come on, let’s push” has solved and will solve many human problems. Kelvin Coolidge
51. Love: the more you share with others, the more you will possess. Mother Teresa
52. Fall seven times, get up eight. Japanese proverb
53. The most important 3 words you can say to yourself: Yes, I can. Proverb
54. Success is not so much what we have, but what we become as a result. Jim Rohn
55. Measure the height of a person’s achievements not from the level of development of society, but from the level of his undertaking. Harun Agatsarsky
56. Diligence is the mother of success.M. Cervantes
57. Success is often the only visible difference between genius and madness. Pierre Claude Buast
58. A noble goal ennobles activity in the name of this goal. K. Liebknecht
59. Achieving the highest virtues is the goal of man. You should not set any limits for yourself in achieving them. G. Skovoroda
60. Victory over fear gives us strength. Victor Hugo
61. He who looks for millions rarely finds them, but he who does not look for them never finds them. Honore de Balzac
62. Luck requires vigilance and diligence. Doubt is killing her. James Blaylock
63. If a person throws a spear at a target all day, he will eventually hit it. Marcus Tullius Cicero
64. Unload from current affairs, but not from main goals. The only thing that rest is good for is to accumulate new strength. Jim Rohn
65. Past and present are our means, only the future is our goal. Blaise Pascal
66. Every person individually and everyone together has, one might say, a certain goal, in pursuit of which they choose one thing and avoid another. Aristotle
67. Fate will pour into each person as many liters of luck as will fit into the gas tank of his courage. M. and S. Dyachenko

68. No winner believes in chance. Friedrich Nietzsche
69. What exactly is success? This is a mysterious, inexplicable force - prudence, composure, the consciousness that you influence the course of life events by the very fact of your existence, the belief that life obsequiously adapts to you. Thomas Mann
70. I don't like to fight, I like to win. Bernard Shaw
71. There is enough LIGHT for those who want to see, and enough DARKNESS for those who do not want to. Pascal
72. The secret to steadily moving forward is to take the first step.
The secret of the first step is to break down complex, seemingly insurmountable tasks into simple and achievable ones and start with the very first one. The secret of success is consistency of purpose. Mark Twain
73. Six components of the key to success: sincerity, personal integrity, modesty, courtesy, wisdom, mercy. William Menninger
74. For most of us, the danger is not that a great goal seems unattainable and we miss it, but that the goal that is achieved is too small. Michelangelo
75. It is only a matter of method. To find a needle in a haystack, just burn the hay and hold a magnet over the ashes.B. Verber
76. Only when we reach the goal do we decide that the path was correct. Paul Valéry
77. The main thing in this world is not where we stand, but in which direction we are moving. Oliver Holmes
78. 90)LIFE is the path that a person chooses with his heart and mind. Besides this road, he cannot choose another, even for a while. IT IS HIS CHOICE, and this choice must be made in such a way that he never wants to go down another road. Confucius
79. A determined man finds means, and when he cannot find them, he creates them. William Ellery Channing
80. Before it’s too late, don’t forget that your life’s work is not business, but LIFE. B.C. Forbes
81. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step. Lao Tzu
82. If you set off towards your goal and start stopping along the way to throw stones at every dog ​​barking at you, then you will never reach your goal.F. Dostoevsky
83. If you don't succeed right away, try again and again. And then calm down and live for your own pleasure. William Fields
84. If a person confidently moves towards his dream and strives to live the life he has imagined, then success will come to him at the most ordinary hour and quite unexpectedly. Henry Thoreau
85. The secret to success in life: Be prepared for opportunities before they arise. Benjamin Disraeli
86. It’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times. It's better to do it once than to read it a hundred times.
87. “He who studies and does not repeat is like one who sows and does not reap the harvest” - Torah
88. There are few truly violent ones - so there are no leaders. Vladimir Vysotsky
89. You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty. Folk Wisdom
90. If they tell you that you worked and didn’t find it, don’t believe it.
They will say you worked and found it - believe it.
91. The eyes see, the “heart” wants, the hands and feet do.
92. Do what you love to do and strive with all your heart to achieve excellence in this matter.
Brian Tracy
93. Self-confidence is the basis of all major successes and achievements.
Brian Tracy
94. Don’t waste your life on that person who would rather not spend it with you.
95. When you try hard, you forget to be happy, and then little happens. Just live and enjoy what comes naturally to you.
96. We rarely fully understand what we really want.
F. La Rochefoucauld
97. There are many plans in the heart of a person, but God’s plan is the one that is fulfilled. Psalms of David (Tehelim)
98. Our greatest glory is not that we have never failed, but that we have always risen after falling.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
99. I can’t give you a formula for success, but I’m ready to offer you a formula for failure: try to please everyone.
G. Swope
100. The purpose of life is living with a purpose.
Robin Sharma
101. He often repeated:
“If not me for myself, then who for me? But if I am [only] for myself, then what am I worth? And if [to look for answers to this] not now, then when?”
Hillel (Pirkei Avot)
102. If you want to have success, you must look like you have it.
T. More
103. Usually we perceive any success as our own, and any failure as a consequence of the system.
T. Peters, R. Waterman
104. For those who never despair, nothing is impossible.
105. Success is the only unforgivable sin towards your loved one.
F. Ranevskaya
106. The true mirror of our way of thinking is our life.
(Michel de Montaigne, 1533-1592, French writer, philosopher, essayist)
107. We must strive to ensure that a healthy mind is in a healthy body.
108. In order to correctly judge sublime and great things, one must have the same soul; otherwise we will attribute our own shortcomings to them.
M. Montaigne
109. The best souls are those who have more flexibility and variety.
M. Montaigne
110. There is only one way in the world to gain the upper hand in a dispute - to avoid it.
D. Carnegie
111. As soon as we feel anger during an argument, we no longer argue for the truth, but for ourselves. T. Carlyle
112. Refrain from arguing - arguing is the most unfavorable condition for persuasion. Opinions are like nails: the more you hit them, the harder they stick.
113. If people argue for a long time, this proves that what they are arguing about is unclear to themselves. Voltaire
114. Most often, you argue heatedly only because you can’t understand what exactly your opponent wants to prove.
L. Tolstoy
115. Everyone knows that money doesn’t buy happiness, but everyone wants to see for themselves
116. Money is minted freedom
63. The world is such and such only because we told ourselves that it is like that.
Carlos Castaneda
118. A lot of time is spent waiting for troubles, the troubles themselves, and the anticipation of troubles, and as a result, your whole life
author unknown (to avoid trouble)))))
119. Looking into the night sky, I thought that probably thousands of girls also sit alone and dream of becoming a star. But I wasn't going to worry about them. After all, my dream cannot be compared with anyone else's.
Marilyn Monroe
120. Peace to him who is not afraid
A dazzling dream
For him, delight lurks,
Flowers bloom for him!
K. Balmont
121. When a person dies, the most valuable thing he can pass on to his children is enthusiasm and encouragement. This is a priceless gift.
Thomas Edison
122. All love is true and beautiful in its own way, as long as it is in the heart and not in the head.
Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky
123. To get the most out of life, a person must be able to change. Unfortunately, a person changes with great difficulty, and these changes occur very slowly. Many people spend years on this. The hardest thing is to truly want to change.
Carlos Castaneda
124. Not everyone likes Philip Kirkorov.
Yitzhak Pintosevich
125. Fear has more power over us than hope.
— E. Condillac
126. “Alice laughed. This won’t help!” she said. You can’t believe in the impossible! You just have little experience, the Queen noted. At your age, I devoted half an hour to this every day. On other days, I managed to believe in a dozen impossibilities before breakfast. .!"
Alice in Wonderland
127. - What are those sounds over there? - Alice asked, nodding at the very secluded thickets of some pretty vegetation at the edge of the garden.
“And these are miracles,” explained the Cheshire Cat indifferently.
- And.. And what are they doing there? - the girl asked, inevitably blushing.
“As it should be,” the cat yawned. - They happen...
Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll
128. Laughter is the sun: it drives winter away from a person’s face.
V. Hugo
129. He who is more careful in his promises is more accurate in their fulfillment.
J. Rousseau
130. “Life is either a risky adventure or emptiness.” HELEN KELLER
131. Only one thing makes fulfilling a dream impossible - fear of failure.
Paolo Coelho
132. There is no other meaning in life than what a person himself gives to it, revealing his strength, living fruitfully.
Fromm E.
133. Be perfect. I've told you this twenty times already. Being flawless means figuring out once and for all what you want in life, and thereby maintaining your determination to achieve it. And then do everything in your power and even more in order to realize your aspiration. If you have not decided on anything, you are simply in turmoil playing roulette with life. Carlos Castaneda
Yitzhak Pintosevich.
135. We ourselves create the world around us. We get exactly what we deserve. How can we be offended by the life we ​​have created for ourselves? Who to blame, who to thank, except ourselves! Who, besides us, can change it as soon as he wishes? Richard Bach,
136. Dream the impossible - you will get the MAXIMUM!
137. I have found that four givens are of particular importance for psychotherapy: the inevitability of death for each of us and those we love; freedom to make our lives what we want; our existential loneliness; and, finally, the absence of any unconditional and self-evident meaning of life.
Yalom I.
138. We ourselves create the world around us. We get exactly what we deserve. How can we be offended by the life we ​​have created for ourselves? Who to blame, who to thank, except ourselves! Who, besides us, can change it as soon as he wishes?
Richard Bach
139. There is, apparently, some strange correspondence between the general pattern of life and those small stories that constantly happen to a person and to which he does not attach importance.
Victor Pelevin
140. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt
141. No despair, no shame
Not now, not then, not then.
Anna Akhmatova
142. - I repeat: we spend too much time in four rooms. We think too much within four walls. We live too much and despair locked up. Is it possible to fall into despair in the lap of nature?
Erich Maria Remarque
143. And so year after year will pass, and so life will pass, And for the hundredth time the sandwich will fall, butter side down. But maybe it will be at least a day, Maybe it will be at least an hour when we are lucky.
Victor Tsoi
144. Thinking and acting differently than the vast majority of your friends, than the majority of the people you see every day, is perhaps the most difficult act of heroism you can perform.
Theodore H. White
145. Take the first step and you will understand that not everything is so scary. Seneca
146. Do what you can with what you have, where you are.
Theodore Roosevelt.
147. The art of being happy is the lot of the few; The ability to be unhappy is available to everyone.
Vitaly Panov
148. Intuition will tell the thinking mind in which direction to search.
Dr. Jonas Salk
149. In twenty years, you will regret more what you DIDN'T DO than what you DID. Therefore, cast aside your doubts. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the fair wind with your sails. Explore. Dream. Open it up.
Mark Twain
150. The history of a free person is not written by chance, it is written by CHOICE - his CHOICE.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
151. Between the event and the reaction there is a gap called FREEDOM OF CHOICE.
This gap creates human life.
Stephen Covey
152. One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw the Cheshire Cat.
“Please tell me which road I should choose?” she asked.
“Where do you want to go?” the Cat answered the question with a question.
“I don’t know,” Alice admitted.
“Then it doesn’t matter where to go,” said the Cat.
153. All children are born geniuses. 9,999 out of every 10,000 children are soon deprived of this genius by adults through carelessness.
Buckminster Fuller
154. Individuality is DESTINY.
Stephen Covey
155. Of the two roads lying in front of me, I decided to take the untrodden path.
And this changed everything radically.
Robert Frost
156. When you are inspired by some great goal, some outstanding plan, your thoughts break all fetters. Your mind goes beyond its usual limits, your consciousness expands in all directions and you find yourself in a NEW, MAGNIFICENT AND WONDERFUL WORLD.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
157. Decision creates action. Actions create a habit. Habit creates character. Character creates destiny.
158. People capitulate more often than they crash.
Henry Ford
159. To become a billionaire, you first need luck, a significant dose of knowledge, a huge capacity for work, I emphasize HUGE, but most importantly, the most important thing - you must have the mentality of a billionaire. The billionaire mentality is a state of mind in which you focus all your knowledge, all your skills, all your skills on achieving your goal. This is what will change you.
Paul Getty
160. “It’s okay to act ordinary, as long as you don’t feel ordinary.”
Richard David Bach
161. “If you don’t support a woman in her right to feel unhappy from time to time, she will never be able to feel truly happy.”
John Gray (Men are from Mars - Women are from Venus)
162. “Always remember that your determination to succeed is more important than anything else.”
Abraham Lincoln
163. I caused ridicule from others with my way of dressing, but this was the secret of my success. I didn't look like everyone else.
Coco Chanel.
164. There is no alternative to victory. He who doesn't want to win loses.
W. Clinton
165. No winner believes in chance.
F. Nietzsche
166. No life will ever become great until it is focused on something, dedicated to something and organized.
Henry Emerson Fosdick
167. You did not come into this world by chance. You are not a product of mass, mass production. The Lord Creator intentionally planned you, gifted you with talents and sent you to Earth with love.
MAX LUCADO, bestselling author

168. There is a moment of tide in the affairs of people,

William Shakespeare
169. Any communication that does not elevate pulls down, and vice versa... - F. Nietzsche
170. If you want to lead a happy life, you must be attached to the goal, not to people or things.
171. The life of an individual has meaning only to the extent that it helps to make the lives of other people more beautiful and noble.
172. Life is like driving a bicycle. To maintain balance, you must move. Albert Einstein
173. Every negative event contains within itself the germ of good.
174. A person can change his life simply by changing his attitude towards it.
William James
175. Every negative event contains within itself the germ of good.
176. Starting from a certain point in life, everyone is responsible for what they do. And for what he doesn't do.
Arturo Perez-Reverte
177. Responsibility means authorship. To be aware of responsibility means to be aware of the creation by oneself of one’s Self, one’s destiny, one’s troubles in life, one’s feelings, as well as one’s suffering, if any.
Irvin Yalom
178. Every person is the author of his own life. What goes around comes around. One thing is obvious to me: responsibility for everything that happens to you lies only with you - regardless of whether you agree with what is happening or not.
Robert Downey (Jr.)
179. The best way to make children good is to make them happy. — Oscar Wilde
180. A pessimist sees difficulties in every opportunity; An optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill
181. Trusting in God is the only way to believe in him, and therefore whoever does not pray does not believe. Petr Chaadaev
182. With one prayer we refute another. Our desires are at odds with our desires. Seneca
183. Lord, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, give me the courage to change the things I can change, and give me the wisdom to know the difference. Friedrich Christoph Etinger
184. The prayer of one who asks for mercy for his neighbor, but himself needs the same, is accepted first. Talmud
185. Victorious generals usually make military plans that will work no matter what the enemy does. This is the essence of a good strategy. — Jack Trout
186. Anyone who wants to see the results of his work immediately should become a shoemaker. - Albert Einstein
187. Test your campaign on a dozen people first, make sure it works, and then scale it up to thousands. This is much less romantic than immediately starting to spend money mindlessly. But this is a reliable and proven way to increase the scale of your activities if you still want results and are ready to work. — Seth Godin
188. My interests are in the future because I plan to spend the rest of my life there. — Charles Kettering
189. Those who want, look for opportunities. Those who don’t want to look for reasons.
Socrates (some attribute this quote to Abraham Lincoln)
190. In our democratic society of equal opportunities, people have forgotten the classic definition of the road to success: It is not what you know that matters. It matters who you know.
Jack Trout (Marketing Guru)
191. Like vinegar for the teeth and smoke for the eyes, the same is lazy for those who send it. Proverbs of King Solomon. Chapter 10, 24.
192. Life itself is a blank canvas; it becomes whatever you draw on it. In this freedom lies your greatness. This is one of the greatest gifts. You must create yourself, be self-creating. Remember: you are responsible - only you, and no one else.
193. At first they don’t notice you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you. And then you win.
Mahatma Gandhi, one of the ideologists of the Indian independence movement
194. Whatever you do, do it to the fullest.
King Solomon
195. If you want to be smart, learn to ask intelligently, listen carefully, answer calmly and stop talking when there is nothing more to say.
196. A problem is only a problem if you consider it a problem.
Mark Fisher
197. As soon as you want to know what you should avoid, what you should strive for, look at the goal of your whole life: all your actions should be consistent with it. Only the one who manages everything individually is the one who has the highest goal in life.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger, Roman philosopher
198. If you have a great goal in front of you, but your capabilities are limited, act anyway; for only through action can your capabilities increase.
Sri Aurobindo, Indian thinker and poet
199. A person is never as unhappy as he thinks or as happy as he wants
Francois La Rochefoucauld
200. Most people are only as happy as they decide to be happy.
Abraham Lincoln
201. Everything that one person can do, everyone can do.
David Blaine
202. Truth passes through three stages: first it is ridiculed, then it is fiercely resisted, and finally it is accepted as obvious.
Arthur Schopenhauer Philosopher
203. If you intend to succeed in building the life of your dreams, you must believe that you are capable of achieving it, that you have all the necessary qualities for this.
JACK CANFIELD, bestselling author
204. Freedom and health have one thing in common: you truly value them only when you lack them.
Henri Beck
205. If you can dream something up, you can do it.
Walt Disney, American director
206. Nothing in the world can replace perseverance. Talent cannot: talented losers are the most common occurrence.
A genius cannot: unrecognized geniuses are proverbial.
Education cannot: the world is full of educated fools.
Only perseverance and determination are omnipotent.
Thomas Watson, co-founder of IBM
207. Difficulties are opportunities to find the best; stages of knowledge, gaining more extensive experience... When one door closes, another opens. This is how the natural law of maintaining balance works.
208. In life you should set yourself two goals. The first goal is to achieve what you are striving for. The second goal is the ability to enjoy what has been achieved. Only the wisest representatives of humanity are capable of achieving the second goal.
Logan Piersall Smith
209. Poverty and wealth are words to denote need and abundance. Therefore, whoever is in need is not rich, and whoever is not in need is not poor.
210. Action clarifies everything better than reflection.
Erich Maria Remarque.
211. As soon as you imagine that you are unable to complete a certain task, from that moment on it becomes impossible for you to carry it out.
Benedict Spinoza
212. When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself: “What should I do?” In the evening, before falling asleep: “What have I done?”
213. Knowledge is not enough, application is necessary. Desire is not enough, action is necessary.
Bruce Lee, Jeet Kune Do, 1965
214. For behavior in life, habits are more important than rules, for habit is a living rule that has become instinct and flesh. Life is nothing more than a tissue of habits.
A. Amiel
215. Whether sooner or later, they will certainly achieve their goal if they strive for it with the confidence that genius or instinct inspires.
F. Bacon
216. Aim for the sun, although you probably won’t hit it; but your arrow will fly higher than if your target were the same height as you.
D. Hoes
217. Discipline is the mother of victory.
A. Suvorov
218. Actions do not always bring happiness, but without actions there is no happiness.
Benjamin Disraeli.
219. Nothing is impossible, and there are paths leading from everywhere; and if you have enough will, then there will always be means.
F. La Rochefoucauld
220. High goals, even if unfulfilled, are dearer to us than low goals, even if achieved.
I. Goethe
221. A person grows as his goals grow.
F. Schiller
222. The slowest person, who does not lose sight of his goal, is still more agile than the one who wanders without a goal.
G. Lessing
223. Only he is worthy of life and freedom,
Who goes to fight for them every day.
I. Goethe
224. You can become whatever you want, you just need to believe firmly enough and act in accordance with your faith: everything is achievable, no matter what you imagine and no matter what our mind believes.
NAPOLEON HILL, bestselling author of Think and Grow Rich
225. True passion, like a stream rushing from a mountain, knows no obstacles.
L. Ackerman
226. Wisdom does not consist in suppressing our passions, but in forcing them to contribute to our happiness.
S. Dube
227. Take the first step with faith. You don't have to see the entire staircase. It is enough to step on the first step.
MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr., civil rights activist
228. For most of us, the danger is not that a great goal seems unattainable to us and we miss it, but that a goal that is too small turns out to be achievable and achievable.
229. There are no lazy people. There are goals that are not inspiring.
Anthony Robbins
230. Education is a difficult matter, and improving its conditions is one of the sacred duties of every person, for there is nothing more important than the education of oneself and one’s neighbors.
231. A student is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a torch that needs to be lit.
232. In a moment of indecision, act quickly and try to take the first step, even if it’s an extra one.
L. N. Tolstoy
233. A woman confident in her beauty will be able to convince everyone else of this.
Brigitte Bardot. Actress
234. A beautiful woman pleases the eyes, but a kind woman pleases the heart. The first is like a beautiful thing, and the second is a treasure.
Napoleon Bonaparte
235. I feel something in myself, not only great inner strength, but also the ability to transfer it to others. It is a sense of my higher purpose that frees me from fear.
Che Guevara
236. The surest way to win the love of others is to give them your love.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
237. To love means to find your own happiness in the happiness of another.
Gottfried Leibniz
238. Love is when the happiness of another is a necessary condition for your happiness.
Robert Heinlein
239. Any great achievement was once just a dream in someone’s specific head.
240. Only men who are not interested in women are interested in women's clothing.
A. France
241. To justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often convince ourselves that we are unable to achieve our goal; in fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed
Francois de La Rochefoucauld, thinker
242. The goal in life is life itself.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe, poet
243. Follow your passion; Do what you love and money will find you.
Oprah Winfrey
244. He who relies on G‑d is surrounded by his support and mercy on any path.
245. Life is either a risky journey or emptiness.
Helen Ketler (writer)
246. There is a moment of tide in the affairs of people,
He rushes them to happiness, if not missed,
Otherwise the whole voyage of their lives
Passes among shallows and adversity.
247. Share your smile and it will come back to you more than once!
248. “An ordinary person is a collection of routines, ideas and traditions. If you follow this path, you will learn routines, ideas, and traditions - your shadow. You don't know yourself." - Bruce Lee
249. Eliminate the cause and the effect will disappear.
250. You are the main designer of your life, whether you realize it or not.
Robbins Anthony
251. We find in life only what we put into it.
Emerson Ralph Waldo
252. Life is the art of drawing comforting conclusions from disappointing premises.
Butler Samuel
253. Wherever you can live, you can live well
Aurelius Mark Antony
254. If you want life to smile at you, first smile at life yourself.
John E. Smith
255. Anything can happen in life, but over the years it becomes less and less common.
Boris Krutier
256. Life is what happens to us while we are making plans for the future.
Thomas La Mans
257. Skip the meal, but don’t skip the time allotted for reading inspiring and educational literature.
Jim Rohn
258. Whoever you mess with, that’s how you’ll gain.
Folk Wisdom
259. Don’t work on another person, work on your thoughts about this person.
Robert Kiyosaki
260. I know of no more inspiring force than the persistent desire of a person to improve his life through conscious effort.
261. We are here to leave our mark on the Universe.
Steve Jobs
Jim Rohn
263. Once you have taken the first step (in business), your effectiveness begins to depend on your ability to influence others - through the spoken and written word.
Peter Drucker
264. If there is a decisive component on which the success of your quest for both wealth and happiness depends, it is discipline. Discipline is the main key that opens the doors to wealth and happiness, culture and sophistication, High self-esteem and High achievement, as well as to such accompanying feelings as pride, satisfaction and success.
Jim Rohn
265. If you “lack” something and you “need” it, first give it to others and you will be rewarded a hundredfold. This is true not only for money, but also for a smile, love, friendship. Robert Kiyosaki
266. Nothing comes true if it is not preceded by a dream.
267. I do my thing and you do yours. I am not in this world to meet your expectations, and you are not in this world to meet my expectations. You are you and I am me. If we happen to find each other, that's great. If not, then nothing can be done.
Fritz Perls
268. The ultimate goal of eloquence is to convince people...
Philip Chesterfield
269. A smart woman builds her house, but a stupid woman destroys it
Parables of King Solomon
270. Man’s mistakes create problems for him, but he is angry with G‑d.
Parables of King Solomon
271. “Are you bored? Are you depressed? Find an activity that you believe in with all your heart, live for it and you will feel happiness that you never dreamed of!”
Dale Carnegie
272. A small body, conditioned by the spirit and inspired by an unquenchable faith in its mission, can change the course of history.
Mahatma Gandhi
273. Well, is it possible to take a book without pictures seriously?!
Alice in Wonderland
274. Miracles happen, but you need to work hard at it.
Walt Disney
275. The success of marriage is not so much about finding the ideal partner as it is about being the ideal partner yourself.
Woody Allen
276. I can’t be discouraged so easily, because every failed attempt is another step forward for me.
277. Successful people know very well that the key to necessary innovation lies in reconsidering already known ideas from a slightly different angle. Reed Markham
278. Believe that achieving any of your goals is possible. If you believe something is possible and achievable, truly believe it, your mind will find a way to do it. Believing that a solution exists opens the door to that very solution. David Schwartz
279. All men and women who have achieved success are great dreamers. They have a clear vision of what their future should be, and then they begin to work with the sole goal of making their dream a reality. Brian Tracy
280. As soon as thoughts come to you, write them down. Unsolicited thoughts tend to be the most valuable. Francis Bacon
281. Before you can win in your life, you must win in your imagination. John Addison
282. Never be afraid to blaze your own path. Determine your path and follow it, no matter where it promises to lead you. Resist the temptation to follow in other people's footsteps - your own footprints will look best on your path. Eileen Keddie
283. There is only one way to achieve success - an unwavering commitment to your goal. Caecil de Mille
284. Only those who carefully listen to the truth coming from their own hearts become winners. Sylvester Stalloni
285. Success comes from achieving worthwhile, clearly defined and important personal goals. Paul Meyer
286. Live by your imagination, not by memories of the past. Stephen Covey
287. Always remember that your own decision to succeed is a much more important thing than any other. Abraham Lincoln
288. The purpose of any strategy is to turn the dreams created by our imagination into reality. Azim Premiums
289. The most important thing for achieving success is a clearly defined goal. Everything else is nothing more than comments on it. Brian Tracy
290. As long as you have the ability to think, think big! Donald Trump
291. Not a single person in all of history has achieved anything great without first generating it in his imagination. Napoleon Hill
292. People rarely succeed if they are busy doing something that does not give them pleasure. Dale Carnegie
293. The reason why people who have precisely formulated goals achieve success is for a completely banal reason - they know where they are going. Ale Nightingale
294. Thoughts, reflections and ideas are the source of all prosperity, success, material well-being, all great discoveries and achievements. Mark Victor Hansen
295. If you start working on your goals, they will also work on you. If you work on your plan, it will also work on you. In the same way, all the good things we strive to do strive to make you better. Jim Rohn
296. If a person is confident in his own abilities and believes in the achievability of his dream, success will definitely come to him, and in the most unexpected way and at the most unexpected time. Henry David Tory
297. Any thought that has established itself in the mind immediately begins to materialize, using the most acceptable practical method for this. Andrew Carnegie
298. If you can clearly imagine something, you are able to achieve it. If you can dream about something, you have all the means to achieve it. William Arthur Ward
299. Every evening, write down on paper the six most important things you need to do tomorrow. While you are sleeping, the subconscious mind will carry out all the necessary work and determine how they can be done in the best way. And your new day will be much more productive. Tom Hopkins
300. Set BIG goals - they're harder to miss!
301. If you don’t have your own goal in life, then you have to work for someone who has it.
302. Mashenka went to pick mushrooms and berries. She returned with nothing. Because you need to set specific goals for yourself!
303. Most often, those goals that include clear visualization come true!
304. Aim for the moon. Even if you miss, you will still remain among the stars. Cecilia Ahern
305. Not a single desire is given to you separately from the power that allows you to fulfill it. Richard Bach "Bridge Over Eternity"
306. Nothing can prevent a person armed with a positive worldview from achieving his goal. In the same way, nothing will help a person who has a negative psychological attitude. Joseph Crossman
307. Clearly imagine yourself as a winner, and this alone will significantly shorten your path to success. Harry Fosdick
308. If you want to succeed, ask yourself the following four questions: Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not right now? Jimmy Dean
309. One single sound idea is what is needed to achieve true success. Napoleon Hill
310. Show me an ordinary office clerk who has a clearly set goal for himself - and I will show you a person who is able to change the course of history. Show me a person who is going to change the course of history without having a clearly defined goal - and I will show you an ordinary office clerk. J. Penney
311. A great man clearly knows his purpose in life. Everyone else has only emotions. Washington Irving
312. Clarity and definiteness of goals is one of the most important components of success, regardless of what exactly a person strives for. John Rockefeller
313. Man is a product of his dominant thoughts. Because he becomes what he thinks about for more time. Mahatma Gandhi
314. First be clear about who you want to become, and then do whatever it takes to become who you want to be. Epictius
315. You must have long-term goals so that short-term defeats do not unsettle you. Bob Bales
316. If you don’t know where you are going, no matter which way you go, you will end up nowhere. Henry Kissinger
317. Let your dreams be global, for petty dreams have no power to influence a person’s heart. Goethe
318. Who told you that this is impossible? And who is he to so easily use the word “impossible” in relation to your ideas? Napoleon Hill
319. “Awareness of one’s imperfection brings one closer to perfection!” — Wolfgang Johann Goethe
320. “Nothing is impossible for a thirsty heart!” — John Heywood
321. “You have to motivate yourself EVERY DAY!” —Matthew Stazajor
322. “The best motivation always comes from within!” — Michael Johnson
323. “The most important formula for success is knowing how to treat people!” — Theodore Roosevelt
324. “Only those who do nothing make no mistakes! Don’t be afraid to make mistakes - don’t be afraid to repeat mistakes!” — Theodore Roosevelt
325. “Do what you can with what you have and where you are!” — Theodore Roosevelt
326. “If a person lives and works honestly so that those who depend on him and are attached to him live better thanks to the fact that he lives in the world, then we can say that such a person has succeeded in life!” — Theodore Roosevelt
327. “Nothing great can happen without an idea! Without the great there can be nothing beautiful!” — Gustave Flaubert
328. “Perhaps there is no more important character trait than strong determination! A young man who wants to become a great man or to make a mark in this life in one way or another must decide not only to overcome a thousand obstacles, but also to win, despite a thousand failures and defeats!” — Theodore Roosevelt
329. Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the awareness that something else can be much more important than fear. (Ambrose Redmoon)
330. If a person does not try to do more than he can, then he will never be able to do all that he is capable of. (Henry Drummond)
331. 100% of attempts not made will not be successful. (Wayne Gretzky)
332. A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but his bravery lasts 5 minutes longer (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
333. I can’t do everything, but I can do at least something. And precisely because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I really can do. (Edward Everett Hale)
334. We are not able to change the duration of our life, but we can do something regarding its breadth and depth. (Shira Tehrani)
335. For me, living for a certain result means condemning myself to long-term disappointment. My only reward is in the actions, not the consequences. (Hugh Prather)
336. Failure is just another great opportunity to try again. And this time be wiser. (Unknown author)
337. Defeat is not defeat unless you recognize it as such in your mind. (Bruce Lee)
338. The hardest part about getting to the top step of the stairs is getting through the crowd at the base. (Unknown author)
339. Our greatest glory is not that we have never failed, but that we have always risen after falling. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
340. Nothing has such power as kindness; nothing can be as soft and kind as real strength. (St. Francis De Sales)
341. We do not dare to do something not because it is difficult; on the contrary, everything seems difficult because we do not dare to do it. (Seneca)
342. You are truly on the path to success when you realize that failure is just a detour. (Anonymous)
343. Failure (failure) is not a single sudden event. Your failure does not happen suddenly. On the contrary, failure occurs when you make the same mistakes day after day. (Jim Rohn)
344. Success is the ability to correctly apply failure.
345. Avoid those who try to undermine your self-confidence. This trait is characteristic of small people. A great person, on the contrary, instills in you the feeling that you too can become great. Mark Twain
346. The ability to refuse to do non-essential tasks is a decisive condition for success. Mackenzie
347. Everything that the human mind is capable of understanding and believing in is achievable. Napoleon Hill
348. There are no secrets to achieving success. All we really need is careful preparation, hard work and learning from failure. Colin Powell
349. It is impossible to defeat someone who does not give up. Babe Ruth
350. There are a huge number of beaten paths in the world, and if you are lucky enough to find at least one of them, follow it. But if there is no such road in front of you, pick up a pick and shovel and get to work! Because only you are responsible for building the road to success - for yourself and for those who will follow you! Amelia Earhart
351. If you don't set goals for yourself, you guarantee your inability to achieve anything in life. Yogi Bera
352. The greatest glory comes not to the one who has never fallen, but to the one who rises higher after each fall. Nelson Mandella
353. A strong and successful person is not a product of his environment. He himself creates the conditions in which he needs to grow and develop. Orisen Marden
354. There is no greater pleasure in life than the pleasure of overcoming difficulties on the path to success. Samuel Johnson
355. If you miss, never think about what you did wrong. Instead, take aim again and think about how you can do it right. Tony Alfonso
356. If a person is confident in his own abilities and believes in the achievability of his dream, success will definitely come to him, and in the most unexpected way and at the most unexpected time. Henry David Tory
357. Champions do not become in gyms. To become a champion, you need to start deep from within - with desire, dreams and a clear vision of your success. Mohamed Ali
358. Work as if money doesn’t matter to you. Love as if you are not in danger of being rejected. Dance as if no one is watching you. Mark Twain
359. What is behind our life and what awaits us ahead is a mirror image of what we have in it now. Ralph Waldo Emerson
360. The computer only outputs what is entered into it. The secret of success is not information, but people. — L. Iacocca
361. It can only be said that he achieved success who was able to take advantage of its fruits. — L. Vauvenargues
362. If success is difficult to achieve, you need to put in more effort. — P. Beaumarchais
363. Staying at the height of your success or at the level of your wealth is what requires the most intelligence. — L. Vauvenargues
364. Your well-being depends on your own decisions. — D. Rockefeller
365. The point is not to run fast, but to run out early. — F. Rabelais
366. If I work fourteen hours a day and seven days a week, then I definitely start to get lucky. — L. Hammer
367. People succeed when someone they respect believes they “can.” — R. Waterman
368. To catch a fish, you need to think about the fish. English proverb
369. “Great things are accomplished not by extreme efforts, but by perseverance.” HELENA BLAVATSKY

to achieve success.

0 0 Enikster http://site/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/bl-300x85.pngEnikster 2011-09-12 08:33:11 2018-03-09 04:25:31 Best Quotes for Success

Maybe you are now just at the age when you are building dreams and setting global life goals. Maybe you have already passed this stage and are bringing them to life, or maybe you have already achieved everything.
We don't know, but we do know that all successful people started with a dream. The burning desire to make their dream a reality became their first and perhaps most important driving force. Your dream becomes your beacon, a guiding star that, even in the clouds of difficulties, continues to shine invitingly, giving you faith and new strength. Just be true to your dream and it won’t let you down!…

Aphorisms about dreams and goals

“If a traveler, climbing a mountain, is too busy with each step and forgets to check the guiding star, he risks losing it and going astray.” (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

“There are people who live without any purpose, who pass through the world like a blade of grass in a river: they don’t walk, they are carried along.” (Seneca)

“You are part of the parade of change. At the same time, you can conduct an orchestra, or you can clean up trash after the participants of the holiday. You make your own choice" (J. Harrington)"

“Our most important responsibility is to always keep our course in the direction of our deepest desires.” (Randolph Bourne)

“If you are walking toward a goal and stop at every step to throw a stone at every dog ​​that barks at you, then you may not reach your goal.” (Fedor Dostoevsky)

“The slowest man, if of course he HAS A PURPOSE, walks faster than the one who runs aimlessly”

“A man without a dream is like a bird without wings!” (Unknown author)

“He who does not have a goal finds no joy in any activity.” (D. Leopardi)

“Where desire ceases, man ceases.” ... (Ludwig Feuerbach)

“If you dream small, you will never succeed big.” (Howard Schultz)

“It is more important to know where you are going than to get there quickly.” (Mabel Newcumber)

“The easiest dreams to realize are those that are not doubted.” (A. Dumas the Father)

“An obstacle is what a person sees when he turns away from his goal.” (D. Grossman.)

“Whoever wants the impossible is dear to me. “(I. Goethe)

“People easily believe what they passionately desire.” (Voltaire)

“To reach the goal, you must first go.” (Honoré Balzac)

“He who does not know where he is sailing has no favorable wind.” (Seneca)

“A man grows as his goals grow.” (Johann Friedrich)

“Perhaps the one who does the most dreams the most.” (Stephen Leacock)

“High goals, even if impossible, are dearer to us than low goals, even if achieved.” (I. Goethe)

“A goal is nothing more than a dream limited by time.” (Joe L. Griffith)

“Set big goals, because they are easier to achieve.” (Friedrich Schiller)

“You also need to manage your dream, otherwise, like a ship without a rudder, it will drift to God knows where.” (A.N. Krylov)

“To know the end to which we strive is prudence; to achieve this goal is the fidelity of the view; stopping on it is strength; to go further than the target is insolence.” (C. Duclos)

“Great minds set goals; other people follow their desires." (W. Irving)

“Whoever is too zealous in small things usually becomes incapable of great things.” (F. La Rochefoucauld)

“You have to aim above the target to hit the target.” (Emerson, Ralph Waldo)

“At first dreams seem impossible, then implausible, and then inevitable.” (Christopher Reeve)

“Have a goal for your whole life, a goal for a certain time, a goal for the year, for the month, for the week, for the day and for the hour and for the minute, sacrificing the lower goals to the higher.” (Tolstoy L.N.)

“Fanaticism is redoubling efforts without losing sight of the goal. (Santayana, George)
“Even if you are on the right path, you will simply be run over if you are. simply sit on the road." (Will Rogers)
“Don't be afraid of the future. Look at him, do not be deceived about him, but do not be afraid. Yesterday I climbed onto the captain's bridge and saw waves as huge as mountains and the bow of a ship that was confidently cutting them. And I asked myself why the ship overcomes the waves, although there are so many of them, and he is alone? And I realized that the reason is that the ship has a goal, but the waves do not. If we have a goal, we will always get where we want." (Winston Churchill)

“Sometimes a blow misses its target, but intention cannot miss.” (Rousseau, Jean-Jacques)

How many things were considered impossible until they were accomplished (Pliny the Elder).

Dream big; Only great dreams have the power to touch human souls! (Marcus Aurelius)

Start big, achieve even more, and never look back. We must always go beyond. (Arnold Schwarzenegger)

Never forget to dream! (Madonna)

Looking into the night sky, I thought that there were probably thousands of girls also sitting alone and dreaming of becoming a star. But I wasn't going to worry about them. After all, my dream cannot be compared with anyone else's. (Marilyn Monroe)

You will become a better person if you live your dreams (Kf One Tree Hill)

The dreams of great dreamers not only come true - they come true in a form even more daring than the one in which they were first clothed (Alfred Whitehead)

For most of us, the danger is not that a great goal seems unattainable and we miss it, but that the goal that is achieved is too small. (Michelangelo)

Somewhere in the middle of life we ​​stop believing that we can do ANYTHING. And if we don't have a dream, we have nothing. (K-f 'Farmer-astronaut')

Since it is impossible, it must be done. (Alexander the Great)

Most people in the world fail to achieve their goals because they never actually put them first.
(Denis Whately, psychologist and mental performance coach)

Today, most people will return home to be greeted by dogs and children. The spouses will ask each other how the day went, and at night they will sleep. Stars will miraculously appear in the sky. But one star will be slightly brighter than the others. My dream will fly there. (George Clooney, Up in the Air)

If you give up on your dreams, what is left? (Jim carrey)

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

It all started when I looked around and, not seeing the car of my dreams, decided to design it myself... (Ferdinand Porsche)

Champions are not made in gyms. To become a champion, you need to start deep from within - with desire, dreams and a clear vision of your success. (Mohammed Ali)

My destiny is not to be like anyone else (Brigitte Bardot)

The worst thing that can happen to me is that I will become ordinary. (Arnold Schwarzenegger)

I repeated to myself from early childhood: “I want to be the ruler of the world!” (Ted Turner, CNN founder)

If a goal were set, a chain of trial and error would itself lead to the desired result... (Haruki Murakami)

Don't listen to anyone who says you can't do something. Even me. Understood? If you have a dream, take care of it.
People who cannot do something in their lives will say that you cannot do it in your life either... Set a goal - achieve it! And period. (Will Smith, film 'The Pursuit of Happyness')

Nothing helps create the future like bold dreams. Today it’s utopia, tomorrow it’s flesh and blood. Victor Marie Hugo

If you dream, you won’t deny yourself anything. Danil Rudy

Fear of hell is already hell, and dreams of heaven are already heaven. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

To build a dream, let it build you. Salvador Daniel Ansigeris

Faith reveals abilities in a person that he did not even suspect about, and any dreams come true. Juliusz Wontroba

You can even dream about what you can’t think about. Gennady Malkin

The more memories you have, the less room you have for dreams. Janusz Wasilkowski

A dream must rise to the level of a goal before it can be fulfilled, but fate will invariably make its own adjustments to our plans to achieve our goals. Unknown author

Even the stupidest idea can be executed masterfully. Leszek Kumor

Thinking about what you can do or what you can't do, in both cases you are right. Henry Ford

If you want to have something you've never had, start doing something you've never done. Richard Bach

Follow your path and let people say whatever they want. Dante Alighieri

Even sitting in a ditch, you can admire the sky. Oscar Wilde

This is impossible!" - said Reason. "This is recklessness!" - Experience noted. "It's useless!" - Pride snapped. “Try...” whispered Dream. Unknown author

Don't be afraid of dreams, be afraid of those who don't dream. Andrey Zufarovich Shayakhmetov

Dream is our weapon. Without a dream it is difficult to live, it is difficult to win. Sergei Timofeevich Konenkov

Don’t part with your illusions ahead of time - they will be useful to you more than once... Mikhail Genin

A dream comes true through faith. Artem Nio

Only a dreamer walks not on the earth, but on the globe. Evgeniy Khankin

We need dreamers. It's time to get rid of the mocking attitude towards this word. Many people still don’t know how to dream, and maybe that’s why they can’t get on par with time. Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

Dreams are the cheapest way to make wishes come true. Wieslaw Cermak-Novina

A blue dream is a dream that has turned blue in anticipation of its fulfillment. Unknown author

Become a Human in thoughts, in deeds - Then dream of angel wings! Muslihaddin Saadi (Muslihaddin Abu Muhammad Abdallah ibn Mushrifaddin)

Humanity dreams only of what can be realized. Unknown author

Nature, like a kind smiling mother, gives herself to our dreams and cherishes our fantasies. Victor Marie Hugo

Everything that a person can imagine in his imagination, others can bring to life. Jules Verne

No matter how much we pay for our beautiful illusions, we will not remain at a loss. Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

A true scientist is a dreamer, and whoever is not one calls himself a practitioner. Honore de Balzac

It is very easy to make plans, but it is even easier not to carry them out. Veselin Georgiev

Every normal person has a period when he prefers fiction to fact, because fact is what he owes to the world, while fantasy is what the world owes to him. Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Dreamers don't have their head in the clouds; they are above that. Konstantin Kushner

The living fight... And only those alive are
Whose heart is devoted to a sublime dream. Victor Marie Hugo

Every dream is given to you along with the strength necessary to make it come true. However, you may have to work for it. Richard Bach

A dream is a imagined reality. Konstantin Kushner

If you dream of a rainbow, be prepared to get rained on. Dolly Parton

When we can no longer dream, we die. Emma Goldman

We must dream as much as possible, dream as hard as possible in order to turn the future into the present. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

What is impossible for simple eyes,
That inspired eye
We will understand easily in deep ecstasy. William Shakespeare

It is in dreams that new ideas are born... To achieve a dream - this is the greatest meaning of a person's life... Alexey Semenovich Yakovlev

Always beware of building castles in the air, because although these buildings are the easiest to build, they are the most difficult to destroy. Otto Eduard Leopold von Schönhausen Bismarck

Dreams are the cornerstones of our character. Henry David Thoreau

If you take away a person’s ability to dream, then one of the most powerful motivations that gives rise to culture, art, science and the desire to fight for a wonderful future will disappear. Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

A dream is more powerful than reality. And how could it be otherwise if she herself is the highest reality? She is the soul of existence. Anatole France

For those who dream big and don't doubt their courage, there is a place at the top. James Sharp

There is a side to a dream that is better than reality; in reality there is a better side than the dream. Complete happiness would be a combination of both. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

They dream not only at night, but also while awake. (Ernst Simon Bloch)

Dreams are not an escape from reality, but a means to get closer to it. (William Somerset Maugham)

Youth dreams of what will never come true, old age remembers what never came true. Hector Hugh Munro (Saki)

Blessed is he who sometimes lives in the future; Blessed is he who lives in a dream. Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev

Dreams become reality when thoughts turn into actions. Dmitry Andreevich Antonov

It is dangerous to joke with a dream; a broken dream can constitute the misfortune of life; chasing a dream, you can miss life or, in a fit of insane inspiration, sacrifice it. Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

Death is not scary for a hero, As long as the dream runs wild! Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Even a millionaire sometimes has some kind of cherished dream. For example, become a billionaire. Baurzhan Toyshibekov

Everything in this world has some purpose. And a person must have it, therefore, it will be useful to read all the quotes about the goal. To live your life more productively and get a lot done without being distracted by trifles and fuss, read quotes about goals more often, they will focus you on the right things.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes, stumble and fall; often the greatest rewards come from the things that scare us the most. Maybe you will achieve everything you want, and maybe even more than you imagined. Who knows where life will take you, the path is long, and in the end the journey itself is the goal.
One Tree Hill

I don't know what I want, but I will achieve it.
Frederick Beigbeder. Ideal

Don't listen to anyone who says you can't do something. Even me. Understood? If you have a dream, take care of it. People who can’t do something will insist that you can’t do it either. Set a goal - achieve it! And period.
Gabriel Muccino

You can achieve something, fight for what you believe in. Your dreams are your legitimate goals.
Jared Leto

This collection contains some really good quotes about goals.

Knowing the path and walking it are not the same thing.
The Matrix

A painless lesson is meaningless. He who has not lost anything will not be able to achieve anything.
Fullmetal Alchemist

I don't want to become some kind of star, I will become a legend.
Freddie Mercury

The purpose of the quote (any one included in the collection) is to explain to everyone how important it is to set goals and go towards them. Yes, it is not always possible to achieve them, but the path itself already gives a lot.

If you really want something, you don't have to stop for something or anyone until you get it.
Gossip Girl

If you are heading towards your goal and stop along the way to throw stones at every dog ​​that barks at you, you will never reach your goal.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. Writer's Diary

It's never too late to leave the crowd. Follow your dream, move towards your goal.
George Bernard Shaw

When it seems to you that a goal is unattainable, do not change the goal - change your action plan.

There is no wealth in the world more priceless than a strong mind with a right purpose.
Joanne Rowling. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

It is better to move forward without a clearly formulated goal than to stand still without a goal, and certainly much better than to move backward without a goal.
Andrzej Sapkowski. Baptism by fire

For me there are two possibilities: either achieve the full implementation of my plans, or fail. If I succeed, I will become one of the greatest in history; if I fail, I will be condemned, rejected and damned.
Adolf Gitler

The best motivation in life is the wise sayings of great and famous people - leaders, scientists, successful entrepreneurs. Their quotes about achieving a goal in a person’s life will become your motto and will help you not to lose faith in your own strengths and make your dream come true.

If you want to achieve significant heights in life, you cannot hope and expect that plans will come true on their own. The path to success must begin with defining a plan of action and, of course, motivation. At a minimum, it is necessary to answer the question: what is the greatest goal of your life? Statistically, people who move forward according to a plan are more likely to achieve success. Remember that the whole world lies at your feet, it is important to correctly define your goal and strive to achieve it every day.

Quotes about achieving goals from famous personalities

  1. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, a famous American singer and translator, said that it is much easier to immediately do something correctly and well than to later make excuses and explain why it was done poorly.
  2. The French writer La Rochefoucauld wisely noted that a person is inclined to justify himself, therefore he passes off his lack of will in achieving a goal as powerlessness.
  3. The famous figure skater Irina Rodnina said that it is impossible to achieve success in life and become successful if you constantly return to the past. You need to not only close the door there, but also throw away the key.
  4. The brilliant writers Ilf and Petrov came up with the phrase that numerous goals in life are a path to nowhere.

Psychologist's opinion: every person has a choice - to waste time trying to overcome all the obstacles and difficulties or to clearly see the dream in front of him and concentrate on its implementation and achievement. Every day it is necessary to take real steps aimed at implementing the plan. Trying to cope with all the difficulties is work for the present and is not productive. It turns out to be effective only for the future.

A few more phrases about the importance of determining the final result for which all the main efforts are made. They determine

  • a successful person knows what he strives for, and a loser knows what he doesn’t want;
  • It is better not to set a goal for yourself than to set one, but not make any effort to achieve it;
  • the main goal in a person’s life should be socially significant and useful, attract and captivate;
  • It’s not enough to say to yourself – this is the goal, you need to think about it carefully;
  • Having a right and worthy goal is much more important than having opportunities;
  • bold, well-thought-out dreams come true 110%; upon reaching a goal, a person always receives a pleasant bonus from life in the form of 10% to his result.

Effective motivation

Competent, effective motivation for success is also aimed at controlling one’s own emotions and feelings:

  1. the biggest mistake is wasting effort and time on experiencing a mistake, while determining that this is your goal in life;
  2. you should not rejoice at random success, because random success will not lead to the desired victory;
  3. dreams will be achieved by those who show not compliance, but perseverance and fortitude;
  4. When making a decision and moving forward, never betray your dream and do not be distracted by obstacles, otherwise you will become a victim of circumstances;
  5. the most important condition for success is faith in yourself, only faith in your own strengths will allow you to achieve your goal;
  6. use your power openly and as honestly as possible, only in this way will your efforts be effective and beneficial.

Of course, the right choice of allies plays an important role in achieving your dreams. It is necessary to surround yourself with like-minded people who will support, help with advice, and share experiences. It is impossible to become successful alone.

  • you should not have free time, otherwise you will never achieve the desired result;
  • never plan anything under severe emotional stress;
  • do not set a goal when you are angry, such a person is foolish because he wants to cross the ocean in a strong storm;
  • If you want to reach heights, you need to be able to restrain your desires and limit yourself; if you want a lot, you won’t be able to realize your dream.
  • set several goals for the year and determine their priority;
  • divide your goals into areas. For example: financial, health, relationships.

And remember that any goal and dream must be specified - deadlines, final result, necessary resources, start of action, duration of each stage.

Useful video about achieving success.

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