Aphorisms from Conor McGregor. The most warlike peoples of Russia Which people are the most warlike

There are 4.8 million people living in Ireland. Despite their small numbers, the Irish have left a noticeable mark on world culture and science and to this day are one of the most enlightened nations.

The Irish character cannot be called traditionally European. They are open and friendly, do everything on a grand scale, and love noisy feasts. These people will treat the first person they meet as if they were their friend: they will tell you the way, ask about your plans, and at the same time tell you a funny story. Friendliness, responsiveness and an excellent sense of humor are their main national traits. No wonder in 2010 Publishing house Lonely Planet recognized Ireland as the most friendly country peace!

Population of Ireland

The indigenous people of Ireland are descended from the Celtic Gaelic tribes who moved here in the 5th century BC. In the 8th century, the Vikings came to the territory of the kingdom, founded cities here (including Dublin) and had a huge influence on the formation of the nation. The Irish are distinguished by red hair, blue eyes, tall stature and a thick build. And in their character one can trace the traits of their warlike ancestors: directness, perseverance and independence.

Today, Ireland is a multinational state, the basis of which is the Irish (90%). The more than 40 other nationalities include British (2.7%), EU (about 4%) and Asian and African immigrants.

Most residents are Catholics. National languages- English and Irish, the study of which is given attention at the state level.

Culture and life of the peoples of Ireland.

Irish literature is considered the third oldest in Europe (after Greek and Roman). Its founder is Saint Patrick, who wrote on Latin"Confession". Three Irishmen received Nobel Prize on literature. Residents of this country love to read books, and many write poetry and publish them in local magazines.

Architectural monuments include Irish dolmens (ancient stone structures), ancient fortresses, Gothic-style buildings (Christ Cathedral in Dublin) and classical manors from the time of English rule. Commoners lived in adobe or stone one-story houses with a hearth, which was considered the “heart of the house.” Songs and folk tales were dedicated to him. Modern Irish people prefer to live in brick houses without any special frills. The only decoration is the bright multi-colored doors, which are the hallmark of Ireland.

The main highlight of Irish culture is folk music and dancing. Irish "solo dancing" with energetic footwork is famous throughout the world. In Ireland itself, dance shows are so popular that you can watch them in ordinary pubs and drink a glass of beer here.

Traditions and customs of the peoples of Ireland.

This country loves to hold noisy fairs with musical performances and sports competitions. Here you can also have a tasty and satisfying meal. Irish cuisine is traditionally simple: potato stew, pickled herring, colcannion (a cabbage and potato dish). It is customary to wash it all down with beer or the famous Irish whiskey.

On New Year's Eve, the Irish do not close the doors of their houses so that anyone can visit them.

The main public holiday is St. Patrick's Day (March 17). The arrival of spring is greeted with parades and carnivals. The Irish wear green clothes, Leprechaun hats and decorate themselves with shamrock leaves. Even beer turns green on this day. Every city has an atmosphere of cordiality and general fun.

The most aggressive people in the world

I once walked around the capital,

I accidentally hit two passers-by.

Vladimir Vysotsky

Russians are the most aggressive people in the world. How else could the largest territory in the world appear? I don’t have the opportunity to make a comparison with the Zulus, but I think they would be in a lot of trouble if they lived next to us. This statement may cause you to protest sharply - after all, we love to talk about ourselves, how kind, meek and fluffy we are. However, the facts indicate the opposite. This feeling of aggression is especially acute when returning home from a trip abroad, especially from Buddhist countries. In many countries you can walk through a crowd of young people and not feel any aggression, and in most countries no one would even think of being afraid of the police. In the Republic of Sri Lanka, the traffic is absolutely crazy, but there are no showdowns or accidents in sight. We have the honor of creating one of the most brutal states in the world.

On radio SI Anna Romanova cited the results of a survey of foreigners living in our country for at least two years. To the question: “What do you dislike most about Russia?”, the answer turned out to be: “Teenagers, police officers, drivers.”

Aggression is primarily directed at one’s own people.

Vladimir Tarasov: Russians are a nation with increased intraspecific aggression.

We are all one family, but very quarrelsome . The simplest and most obvious way to get rid of illusions is to watch the traffic and take a closer look at the dominant driving style. We have approximately 30 thousand killed in road accidents every year (13 thousand died in Afghanistan during the entire period of hostilities), for comparison: in France 300 people per year. The better the roads, the more people die. Of course, one can also blame the authorities, non-believers and Masons for everything here, but rather this is a style of attitude towards oneself and others.

Somehow I came across an interesting, albeit amateurish, study of the behavior of our drivers on the road. Approximately 40% of drivers are law-abiding, 30% break the rules, but are sane, you can talk to them, you can convince them. Another 30% are scumbags, nothing works on them, it’s impossible to come to an agreement with them. It seems to me that this relationship exists not only when driving a car.

If you are driving down a one-way street and a car is coming towards you, try saying something to the driver.

Traces of aggression appear in daily reports and statistics.

In Russia, 7,000 children die annually from assault by drunken and mentally unstable parents, and hundreds of thousands of children run away from their families. Every year, 15,000 women die from family fights with men, and 4,000 men die at the hands of women.

WHO Regional Office for Europe: Level of violence in Russia, according to ratings World Organization health care, was the highest among the 53 countries in which the study was conducted. In our country, 15.85 out of 100 thousand young people die as a result of murder. Moreover, almost half of all those killed in Russia (in the age group from 10 to 29 years) died from knife wounds. Albania is in second place - 11.2 per 100 thousand people. Kazakhstan is in third place - 10.66 per 100 thousand inhabitants. The lowest mortality rate among adolescents and young people from violent causes is in Germany - 0.47 per 100 thousand inhabitants, in Armenia - 0.5 and in Austria - 0.54. The study's authors believe that the most common reason for stabbings is interpersonal conflicts. It is noted that 9 out of 10 murders registered in Europe occur in the Russian Federation.

When faced with an insurmountable prohibition, a significant number of our fellow tribesmen simply fly into a rage and are capable of anything. When getting involved in a showdown, you should always remember the likelihood that your opponent will take out a weapon.

A stowaway who jumped over a turnstile at Moscow's Yaroslavsky railway station injured a private security company employee who tried to detain him. At the moment of detention, the stowaway took out a traumatic pistol and opened fire. As a result, a private security company employee born in 1978 received a dangerous wound to the chest and was hospitalized. When the police arrived, the attacker was detained; he turned out to be a 32-year-old resident of the Moscow region.

“In a Moscow metro carriage, a quarrel arose between two groups of young people, during which the girl pulled out a knife and wounded four passengers - three men and one woman. The girl and her companion were detained, they are now in the police department, where they are being investigated and the issue of initiating a criminal case is being decided,” said a representative of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate.

According to a source in Moscow law enforcement agencies, on Saturday morning on the Garden Ring near Kursky Station, a traffic police officer stopped a foreign car to check documents, the driver of which had obvious signs of alcohol intoxication. “The man refused to undergo a medical examination and did not allow the traffic police officer to draw up a report on the administrative offense. After that, he hit the traffic inspector several times in the face, but was detained by the policeman’s colleagues,” the source said. The offender was taken to the Tagansky police station. The source also said that the detainee I had documents of an FSB officer with me.

Aggression is not only direct violence, aggression also manifests itself in a categorical inability to negotiate with each other, not giving each other the opportunity to develop normally.

There are five city English-language newspapers in New York, of which one, the NYT, is in fact national. At the same time, there are approximately 20 low-level Russian-language newspapers in the city. (Let me not compare the number of English- and Russian-speaking residents of the metropolis.) In the 1990s, eight television studios were organized and fought for the advertising budget in the Sverdlovsk region, although in reality this budget was enough for the normal operation of two or three studios.

The basis of aggression is our attitude towards each other. Foreign journalists in Russia never ask a person’s opinion about his colleagues. Abroad, we are not happy to meet our fellow citizens and try to avoid such meetings, because we want to take a break from the manner of communication adopted in our homeland. You can easily be declared a bastard and a scumbag just based on your position or place of work.

Oleg Kashin: There is truth and another important point uniting the Germans...<…>in general and in general in matters of life (doctor, school, butcher), Germans trust Germans most of all, while Russians trust other Russians just in the last place. We know our own.

Mikhail Babin: Rudeness is initially unpunished aggression and manifests itself in us more often than just aggression, precisely because of unpunishability. And this is not just aggression, this is the rapture of impunity for this aggression.

The policeman goes to the grandmother who is waiting for the train: “So your basket is full of toadstools. You’ll get poisoned!” - “No, son, don’t be afraid, I’m for sale!”

Do you think I'm telling lies? There is such a thing as “sumziki” - red-headed mushrooms (as boletus mushrooms are called in the Urals), collected on the dumps of the Sredneuralsk copper smelter for sale, they are never wormy .

An aggressive style of behavior is inherent in all layers of society. Text of the announcement at the entrance to the territory where construction is underway Orthodox church: “For the stupid and cool: parking is prohibited here - entry to the construction site!” The opposition is more aggressive than the authorities: if they are hungry, they must fight their way. She willingly spreads any unverified information, whipping up passions.

a333r: If the state is powerless, the people take up the pitchforks. In full accordance with Art. 3 of the Constitution (“Bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in Russian Federation is its multinational people").

Institute of Sociology RAS: When asked directly about the desire to “shoot everyone who makes life in the country the way it is,” 34% confirmed the presence of this desire. In 1995 there were 24% of these people, in 2008 - 16%. The number of those who never wanted to shoot anyone decreased from 54% in 2001 to 28% in 2011.

It's not about some innate qualities. The fact is that aggression is encouraged by Russian reality. If you start apologizing, you will be to blame everywhere. In our country, a pedestrian always lets a car pass. If you want to be successful, be aggressive. There is also a purely female version: war paint, 12 cm stilettos, tight clothes on weekdays and holidays, at work and in in public places- not aggression?

The first natural reaction of a Russian person to any event is aggression. Not giving advice, helping or explaining is aggression. The optimal style is aggressive pressure at the beginning, checking the opponent “for lice”, then, if he passes the test, “reducing the momentum” and switching to a friendly conversation.

Of course, constantly living in such conditions, people have developed some mechanisms to mitigate the problem. If in the Caucasus the way to restrain aggression is blood feud, then in Rus' - complete forgiveness. It would seem that a person cannot be forgiven under any circumstances, but at some point they forgive. The Russian person has an amnesty mechanism built into him - unmotivated forgiveness.

Another well-known mechanism is addressing by first name and patronymic. In this case, two more people are invisibly present during communication, helping to keep the situation within limits.

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I'm not afraid of anyone! I'm ready to fight at any weight. Anyone can come out and fight me in this cage and see if they can handle it, but no one has done it yet, that's what I'm saying.

  • I see right through my opponents

    Looking at my opponents, looking into their eyes and reading their body language, I see how they hide behind self-confidence, but I see right through them.

  • About racism

    Many journalists claim that I am anti-black people. This is complete nonsense. Don't they know that I'm half black myself? I'm black from the waist down!

  • About doubts

    The more they doubt, the more confident I become.

  • Mayweather fight prediction

    The fight will take place in two strikes. First I will hit, and then you will hit the ground.

  • Briefly about the profession. I'm the executioner

    This job is not for everyone. Every night I make steaks out of their heads. I'm an executioner.

  • About self-esteem

    All that matters is how you see yourself.

  • About visualization

    If you have a clear picture in your head of where something is going to happen, then nothing can stop it.

  • About faith

    You always hear, "I can't believe it, I can't believe it," but I was able to believe it. That's why I'm here now.

  • About enemies

    “You need to be able to lose” - you should gradually accustom your enemies to this thought.

  • About hatred

    If people like you, you are good. If they hate you, you are the best.

  • Nobody else does it

    Nobody wants to get up at 4am and go for a run when it's still completely dark, but it's necessary. The only reason I'm doing it so early is because I believe that no one else is doing it. And this gives me a small advantage.

  • Be ready

    When you enter a room, you must be polite to everyone. But you must always have a plan to kill each of them.

  • About comparison

    Never lower your bar because someone else cannot rise to it.

  • About rivals

    At the end of the day, I respect everyone. But I am moving along my path and there is only room in it for one thing.

  • Work on yourself

    A gemstone cannot be polished without friction. Likewise, a person cannot become successful without enough hard attempts.

  • About Putin and Russians

    I adore Putin, he's a cool guy. I know that Russians are strong people, they can smell a trick a mile away. Putin senses this too, which is why he runs his country. I also know that he is a big fan of MMA and martial arts, so Russia is one of the leading countries in the world, if not the leading one.

  • Miscalculation

    The most amazing feeling is when you know exactly what your opponent is going to do and you carefully lead him to make a mistake.

  • About the path

    I'm a hungry bastard who doesn't care who gets in his way. All I see is a lot of crying, whining kids in this game.

  • About a dream

    A person must dream. Always. Regardless of how incredible and unfulfillable your dreams may seem to others, continue to dream and strive to realize your desires.

  • Way to victory

    Start big, achieve even more, and never look back.

  • Success

    There are three secrets to successful people: self-confidence, a positive mental attitude, and honest and hard work. Many people know these three principles, but few can put them into practice.

  • About work

    I don't work, I live... I don't have a job, I just have a life.

  • Fight with yourself

    Every fight I have is a fight with myself, there is no opponent.

  • I say what I think

    I'm not trying to hype fights, I just say what I think, and the hype skyrockets on its own - an oil painting right there.

  • Are you waiting for my fight

    Regardless of whether you like me or not, you are still waiting for my fight. Those who like me expect spectacle and show from me, and those who don’t like me dream of me being knocked out.

  • Your own championship belt

    I don't care what weight the fight is at or what belt is on the line because I created my own title. I have my own championship belt. It doesn’t matter if it’s featherweight, lightweight, or welterweight. This is McGregor's title, and I defend my own championship belt every time, regardless of weight class.

  • About checks

    The only weight I care about is the weight of my checks. And they are my super heavyweights.

  • Victory can break a fighter

    People say that losing can break a fighter. But believe me, victory can also break a person. Because he can get used to this, become self-confident, and this will lead to the fact that he will give up, begin to give himself concessions in training, concessions in his diet, because he won, now he is a winner. I'm not like that at all. Because you can fall asleep as a winner, and wake up as a loser.

  • Way to victory

    Anyone who is not ready to go to the end or start over, who is afraid of getting injured or losing something will never become successful.

  • Self-control

    There is a jitters that turns you on. There is one that will crush you. If you ride the excitement, you are a horseman against an infantryman. If excitement overwhelms you, you are an infantryman dragging a horse on your shoulders.

  • Countering evil

    Evil must not be given free rein. If they are doing it near you, you should intervene. Sometimes evil can only be stopped by force.

  • Discipline

    Without discipline, it doesn't matter how good you are, you are nothing! Someday you'll meet a tough guy who can take your best hits.

  • About the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Belt

    I didn't even fight to get my brown belt! I must be the best brown belt on Earth!

  • About your income

    Before that I didn’t have a penny in my pocket. I received 188 euros a week thanks to social security. And now I'm here, getting about 60,000 for the bonus, plus my earnings. Honestly, I don’t know what the f*ck is going on here, okay?”

  • About injury in battle

    I couldn't get out of my head for a few seconds, but remembering the past, I should have just pulled my knee out of my leg and hit him with it.

  • About audacity and modesty

    I am bold in my predictions. I am always confident in my preparation, but I am always humble after winning or losing

  • About Irish people

    If one of us goes to war, we all go to war!

  • About things

    These bespoke suits don't come cheap. This gold watch... three people died making it. I need to get people out of my way. I need big fights. Very soon I will find myself in debt.

  • About the will to win

    We're not here to take part. We're here to take it all in.

  • America or Ireland

    I'll punch you in the face if I hear that question again, my friend. America will never be my home, Ireland is my home. I am proud of my Motherland and, no matter what, I believe that we have the best. I don't need to go to America for some reason. The only reason I go to America is the UFC. This is the best place on earth, my friend. I am a happy and proud Irishman, this is my home.

  • About opponents

    You go to sleep hoping to win, but you wake up in defeat.

  • Inspiration

    I look for inspiration in everything... If someone is chasing their dream, then that inspires me.

  • About sport

    Everything works in this sport. For every movement, no matter what, there is a place and time... That's how I see things.

  • About the impossible

    There is only one impossible thing - to beat a person who does not give up.

  • About opponents

    In order to avoid public execution, I invite everyone who is afraid to meet me and publicly kiss each of my fingers, then perhaps I will change my anger to mercy. I give only 24 hours, during which time you must appear along with your woman and all your property, otherwise, a hunt will be declared for your head and soon it will end up in my collection. Tick ​​tock. Time has passed.

  • First round knockout prediction

    In every fight he is knocked down. A small gust of wind, and Poirier begins to perform the “chicken” dance. Going against me is not a good idea. I'm going to jab him and he's going to float right away. You will be knocked out in the first round. Mark my words... (Conor ended up knocking out Dustin in the first round).

  • About ancestors

    My name MacGregor is stained with blood on the many battlefields of the Scottish Highlands in the 17th century as we fought for independence from Britain. I believe my ancestors were there too. I, on the other hand, fight in a modern gladiatorial arena.

  • Motivation

    I like to eat good food, I like to wear nice clothes, I like to drive a nice car. I want my family to have all this. I don't have children, but when I have them, I want them to be provided for. That's what keeps me working in the gym.

  • Champion

    Everyone wants me to become a champion. No one will deny that the belt will perfectly match my amazing suit. Dana wants me to become champion, Lorenzo wants it, the fans want it, I want it!

  • Two things

    There are two things I love to do: kick ass and look good. I'm doing one of them right now.

  • About the winners

    Winners are focused on winning. Losers focus on winners.

  • Over the past few years, Irish featherweight fighter Conor McGregor (16-2 MMA, 4-0 UFC) made a splash in his division not only thanks to his fighting qualities, but also his ability to express his thoughts a la Chael Sonnen. Having appeared in the UFC last year, McGregor managed to become the No. 1 contender in his weight class in less than 12 months. In his last fight, the Irishman managed to effortlessly stop division threat Dustin Poirier. The Irish fighter, who became a star overnight, established himself as an excellent “speaker” from his first appearance in the UFC organization. The editors of the site invite you to familiarize yourself with the most chic phrases of the Irish superstar.

    We present to your attention the 10 most striking phrases of Conor McGregor:

    #10: After defeating Dustin Poirier at UFC 178, the fighter's trainer John Kavanagh awarded him a brown belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, despite the fact that the fight never went to the ground. No wonder the Irishman thinks he's very good!

    “I didn’t even fight to get my brown belt! I must be the best brown belt on Earth!”

    #9: McGregor may be walking around in bespoke suits now, but when he debuted in the UFC, he only had a splurge in his pocket.

    #8: Injuries are part of the sport, so McGregor was willing to do anything to win his fight against Max Holloway.

    “I couldn’t get out of my head for a few seconds, but remembering the past, I just should have pulled my knee out of my leg and hit him with it.” .

    #7: McGregor's trash talk is truly enormous and before the fight with Dustin Poirier he had to use his entire vocabulary arsenal.

    “He’s a quiet little hillbilly from some unknown hole. I guess his cousin's name is Cletus."

    #6: Looks like someone watched the movie "Strangers Among Us" before the press conference.

    “There are two things I love to do: kick ass and look good. I'm doing one of them right now, and on Saturday night I'm doing the other one."

    #5: You can't make 500 million friends without making an enemy in Cole Miller.

    “Eighteen or seventeen fights in the UFC, I don’t even know. This son of a bitch couldn't even get off Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg called him and tried to get him out of there. Nobody cares about him."

    #4: You can bet with anyone that in the future this statement by the Irish fighter will be included in the golden fund of motivational quotes.

    “I am bold in my forecasts. I'm always confident in my preparation, but I'm always humble after winning or losing."

    #3: Everyone knows that the Irish are a very warlike people. This time McGregor made it clear that one Irishman in the field is not a warrior!

    “If one of us goes to war, we all go to war!”

    #2: Conor loves making money almost as much as making it. Who else would buy $5,000 suits and Rolex watches?

    “These bespoke suits are not cheap. This gold watch... three people died making it. I need to get people out of my way. I need big fights. Very soon I will find myself in debt."

    #1: As mentioned earlier, the Irish have war in their blood, war and only war.

    Part 2

    (about the life, morals and mentality of the inhabitants of its three countries: central (Germany), western (Ireland) and southern (Portugal)

    It was easier for me to adapt to living in Portugal, since the Portuguese, like all southerners, in some aspects are very similar to us Russians, and indeed, to the Slavs:

    They like to put things off until tomorrow (“feed them breakfast”). Therefore, most often in response to the question “When will you do this or when will it be ready?” You will hear: tomorrow - in Russian, amanya - in Portuguese, mañana - in Spanish or domani - in Italian;

    Accuracy and punctuality are purely German qualities, so the Portuguese and Irish live slowly, even time flows slower for them, so being an hour or two late is the norm, as in Russian major cities, however, for a different reason, due to traffic jams.

    Like the Russians, they park their car wherever they can and don’t really bother about following the rules traffic, although, by German standards, they drive more carefully than the Spaniards, Italians or Russians.

    The Portuguese are not only the smallest in stature in Southern Europe, but also the quietest of the southerners. Although everything can be learned by comparison: for Portugal, summer village holidays ending at 3 am with deafeningly loud music are commonplace, like night discos on the Mediterranean coast, but for Germany this is not only nonsense, but also an administratively punishable matter. Such events in Germany are strictly regulated (only on Saturdays and holidays and until midnight), for violation - administrative punishment (heavy fine and if repeated, the license may be taken away or the lease may be denied).

    The Portuguese are also very friendly and smiling people, just like the Irish. Both of them, unlike the Germans and northerners - immigrants from Scandinavian countries, are real talkers and are obsessed with football: this game is at the level of religion there, and in Ireland there is even their own kind of football - Celtic, where you are allowed to play with your hands.

    The Irish are very similar to the Russians: they also love to have a drink and have fun until you drop, preferably with live music! These two deep-drinking nations alone have produced the most famous deep writers in the world, including Irish-Americans. In Irish, as well as in Russian, villages, moonshine is still distilled, only from potatoes, which is sold to tourists in specialized “points” that have a special license for this.

    The Irish are a nation of people who don’t give a damn; they generally turn not caring into a way of life: a day has passed and all is well. This is probably a consequence of the fact that they lived for a very long time under English domination, in deep poverty and lack of rights. As a consequence, the westernmost island, especially on the Atlantic side (the next community is on the American continent), was long time the poorest “dead end” of the European Union, like Portugal, where the southernmost capital of Europe is located - Lisbon).

    The Irish are absolutely not a warlike people; they have no sense of national superiority at all, since from ancient times they were peace-loving shepherds and fishermen, and not warriors and robbers, unlike the Vikings, who managed to get here, or their Norman neighbors, who brought not only Christianity and more progressive methods of building the same fortresses, but also endless wars, famine and slavery.

    The Irish had to live for a long time under the yoke of the English colonialists (Ireland became an independent Republic only in the thirties of the 20th century). And after the famine in the mid-19th century, most of the survivors went on sailing ships into voluntary forced emigration to the United States: otherwise they would have died like flies from hunger.

    On the other hand, the Irish, like any other very small nation, have a keen sense of self-preservation and pride in being Irish. Therefore, they support and preserve the language of the indigenous people - Celtic, which is state language and is compulsorily studied at school, including by foreign children, if they entered primary school before they turn 11 years old. And in the USA on St. Patrick's Day, if I'm not mistaken, in Chicago on this day green water flows in the river - the national color of the Irish Republic.

    Unlike Germany and Portugal, in Ireland the postal vehicle is green, as are private cars and cottage facades, and sometimes even ultramarine. In Ireland you can also see houses in ultra pink (pink) and ultra yellow, and there are also purple ones. There is no such diversity in the coloring of house facades either in the Scandinavian countries, or in Greenland, or even more so in the southern countries!

    This is absolutely unacceptable for the Portuguese: we had to spend a long time convincing the owner of the fasenda in the north of this country, which we rented, so that he would allow us to make a green edging of the roof (not tiles!) against the background of the soft yellow color of the facade of the house. A green house for the Portuguese - “replace this torture with execution.”

    In Ireland, my son did not need a private teacher at home after school, as he did in Portugal, since he has already been in the Portuguese village school since the 3rd grade. primary school I started learning my first foreign language (English). In Ireland, from the 5th grade they begin to learn the first foreign language (Spanish), and then from the 7th grade French or German. My son chose French because Spanish is too easy for him after Portuguese, and he learns German in the family. Upon graduation from high school, all three countries require knowledge of two foreign languages, and before, when my husband was studying, they also taught ancient Greek and Latin. By the way, Latin is being reintroduced for teaching in German schools.

    In Portugal and Germany, they study for 4 years in primary school, in Ireland - 6 years, although in all these countries the curriculum there is designed for the average middle-aged peasant, in Ireland, in general, everything is done slowly, as they say in one of the African dialects (fields). field) - slowly, slowly. But in Ireland, you can graduate from college (gymnasium) in just 5 (a total of 11) years, and in Germany there is still a 13-year course, which they are trying to gradually replace with a 12-year course, since German students are later Everyone in Europe starts studying at universities and, because of this, enters adulthood much later than their peers from neighboring countries.

    Attitudes towards local residents towards immigrants:

    Immigrants are the most annoying for Germans, since Germany is a country of social democracy. And it’s no secret that many people strive here, a decent portion of whom do not intend to work, but strive to “sit down and not leave” social life. But in Portugal or Ireland you cannot receive social benefits at all, which, by the way, are limited in time, without working there for at least 2 years.

    Germans begin to treat foreigners with more or less respect only when the foreigner speaks German. The Portuguese and Irish don't care whether you speak their language or not, they have no innate sense of racism (Portugal even had its own colonies in Africa and South America) and nationalism.

    In Portugal and Ireland, my foreign son was welcomed with open arms at primary school by both students and teachers. What a fundamental difference this is from Germany and from Russia, where they are wary of strangers, even from another region of their own country. Ignorance Portuguese language In the first months of his studies, it didn’t hurt that he almost immediately made friends in the class, and the boy a year younger from the neighboring villa actually became almost a brother.

    In Ireland there are not many Russian-speaking guest workers, much less illegal immigrants; Russians here are mainly invited hired specialists, the majority of whom are intellectuals - IT specialists. Some of them, in my opinion, are too cocky, thinking they are elite even though they don't know how to play golf. And without this, in the West you cannot belong to the “top”, but they may well be the Russian-speaking emigrant elite, because they have different concepts for the “cream of society” than the same VIP pensioners from the USA or Germany.

    The bulk of guest workers in Ireland are Poles and other Balts, among whom there are also Russian speakers, for example, the owner of a Lithuanian store in the town closest to us. Yes, by the way, I don’t feel any discomfort at all without a Russian store, a Lithuanian one is enough for me, as well as branches of the German supermarkets “Lidl” and “Aldi” and a German butcher (he comes from Kassel, but knows how to make such a Bavarian specialty as Weisswurst, used with sweet mustard), since Irish sausages, to my husband’s and my tastes, can be eaten, but not necessary.

    In general, living abroad in the era of globalization is a pleasure, since Germans do not have to deny themselves German TV, beer and sausages, and Russians do not have to deny themselves Russian TV, bagels, black bread and buckwheat with herring in Russian or Baltic stores.

    The Portuguese are somewhat annoyed by illegal immigrants, most of whom come from Ukraine, but their attitude towards them is selective, it all depends on the behavior of the already legalized guest workers themselves. Although illegal immigrants are not loved everywhere, since there is plenty of crime among them. And they don’t pay taxes, and they “steal” jobs. Hence the negativity (they came in large numbers!) on the part of the indigenous residents.

    Having remade the classic, I will say: “You may not be a migrant, but you must be a citizen!” Live by the law of a given country, and not by concepts, respect customs, mentality, study the language of a given state and then you will earn respectful treatment from the local population.

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