Alexander Pushkin - Ruslan and Lyudmila (Poem): Verse. The place of the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” in the work of A.S. Pushkin and the literary process of the era. Literary controversy with Zhukovsky Return to Kyiv


For you, the soul of my queen,
Beauties, for you alone
Tales of times gone by,
During golden leisure hours,
Under the whisper of chatty old times,
I wrote with a faithful hand;
Please accept my playful work!
Without demanding anyone's praise,
I am already happy with sweet hope,
What a maiden with the trembling of love
Maybe he'll look furtively
To my sinful songs.

Song one

There is a green oak near the Lukomorye,
Golden chain on the oak tree:
Day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything goes round and round in a chain;
He goes to the right - the song starts,
To the left - he tells a fairy tale.

There are miracles there: a goblin wanders there,
The mermaid sits on the branches;
There on unknown paths
Traces of unseen beasts;
There's a hut there on chicken legs
It stands without windows, without doors;
There the forest and valley are full of visions;
There the waves will rush in at dawn
The beach is sandy and empty,
And thirty beautiful knights;
From time to time clear waters emerge,
And their sea uncle is with them;
The prince is there in passing
Captivates the formidable king;
There in the clouds in front of the people
Through the forests, across the seas
The sorcerer carries the hero;
In the dungeon there the princess is grieving,
And the brown wolf serves her faithfully;
There is a stupa with Baba Yaga
She walks and wanders by herself;
There, King Kashchei is wasting away over gold;
There is a Russian spirit there... it smells like Russia!
And there I was, and I drank honey;
I saw a green oak by the sea;
The cat was sitting under him, a scientist
He told me his fairy tales.
I remember one: this fairy tale
Now I will tell the world...

Things of days gone by
Deep legends of antiquity.

In the crowd of mighty sons,
With friends, in the high grid
Vladimir the sun feasted;
He gave away his youngest daughter
For the brave prince Ruslan
And honey from a heavy glass
I drank to their health.
Our ancestors did not eat soon,
It didn't take long to move around
Ladles, silver bowls
With boiling beer and wine.
They poured joy into my heart,
Foam hissed around the edges,
It is important that the teacups wore them
And they bowed low to the guests.

Speeches merged into indistinct noise:
A cheerful circle of guests buzzes;
But suddenly a pleasant voice was heard
And the sound of the harp is a fluent sound;
Everyone fell silent and listened to Bayan:
And the sweet singer praises
Lyudmila-precious and Ruslana
And Lelem made a crown for him.

But, tired of ardent passion,
Ruslan, in love, does not eat or drink;
He looks at his dear friend,
Sighs, gets angry, burns
And, pinching my mustache with impatience,
Counts every moment.
In despondency, with a cloudy brow,
At a noisy wedding table
Three young knights are sitting;
Silent, behind an empty bucket,
Forgot the circular cups,
And the trash is unpleasant to them;
They do not hear the prophetic Bayan;
They looked down, embarrassed:
Those are three rivals of Ruslan;
The unfortunate are hidden in the soul
Love and hate are poison.
One - Rogdai, brave warrior,
Pushing the limits with a sword
Rich Kyiv fields;
The other is Farlaf, an arrogant loudmouth,
In feasts, not defeated by anyone,
But the warrior is humble among swords;
The last one, full of passionate thought,
Young Khazar Khan Ratmir:
All three are pale and gloomy,
And a merry feast is not a feast for them.

Here it is over; stand in rows
Mixed in noisy crowds,
And everyone looks at the young people:
The bride lowered her eyes
As if my heart was depressed,
And the joyful groom shines.
But the shadow embraces all nature,
It’s already close to midnight; it’s deaf;
The boyars, dozing off from honey,
With a bow they went home.
The groom is delighted, in ecstasy:
He caresses in the imagination
The beauty of a shy maid;
But with secret, sad tenderness
Grand Duke blessing
Gives a young couple.

And here is the young bride
Lead to the wedding bed;
The lights went out... and the night
Lel lights the lamp.
Sweet hopes have come true,
Gifts are being prepared for love;
Jealous robes will fall
On Tsaregrad carpets...
Do you hear the loving whisper
And the sweet sound of kisses
And an intermittent murmur
The last timidity?... Spouse
Feels delight in advance;
And then they came... Suddenly
Thunder struck, light flashed in the fog,
The lamp goes out, the smoke runs out,
Everything around is dark, everything is trembling,
And Ruslan’s soul froze. . .
Everything fell silent. In the menacing silence
A strange voice was heard twice,
And someone in the smoky depths
Soared blacker than the foggy darkness.
And again the tower is empty and quiet;
The frightened groom stands up
Cold sweat rolls off your face;
Trembling, with a cold hand
He asks the mute darkness...
About grief: there is no dear friend!
The air is empty;
Lyudmila is not in the thick darkness,
Abducted by an unknown force.

Oh, if love is a martyr
Suffering hopelessly from passion;
Even though life is sad, my friends,
However, it is still possible to live.
But after many, many years
Hug your loving friend
The object of desires, tears, longing,
And suddenly a minute wife
Lose forever... oh friends,
Of course it would be better if I died!

However, unhappy Ruslan is alive.
But what did the Grand Duke say?
Suddenly struck by a terrible rumor,
I became angry at my son-in-law,
He convenes him and the court:
“Where, where is Lyudmila?” - asks
With a terrible, fiery brow.
Ruslan doesn't hear. “Children, friends!
I remember my previous achievements:
Oh, have mercy on the old man!
Tell me which one of you agrees
Jump after my daughter?
Whose feat will not be in vain,
Therefore, suffer, cry, villain!
He couldn’t save his wife! -
To him I will give her as a wife
With half the kingdom of my great-grandfathers.
Who will volunteer, children, friends?..”
“I am,” said the sad groom.
"I! I!" - exclaimed with Rogdai
Farlaf and joyful Ratmir:
“Now we saddle our horses;
We are happy to travel all over the world.
Our Father, let us not prolong the separation;
Don’t be afraid: we’re going for the princess.”
And gratefully dumb
In tears he stretches out his hands to them
An old man, exhausted by melancholy.

All four go out together;
Ruslan was killed by despondency;
Thought of the Lost Bride
It torments and kills him.
They sit on zealous horses;
Along the banks of the Dnieper happy
They fly in swirling dust;
Already hiding in the distance;
The riders are no longer visible...
But he still looks for a long time
Grand Duke in an empty field
And the thought flies after them.

Ruslan languished silently,
Having lost both meaning and memory.
Looking over your shoulder arrogantly
And it’s important to put your hands on your hips, Farlaf
Pouting, he drove after Ruslan.
He says: “I force
I've broken free, friends!
Well, will I soon meet the giant?
Surely blood will flow,
These are the victims of jealous love!
Have fun, my faithful sword,
Have fun, my zealous horse!”

Khazar Khan, in his mind
Already hugging Lyudmila,
Almost dancing over the saddle;
The blood in him is young,
The gaze is full of the fire of hope;
Then he gallops at full speed,
It teases the dashing runner,
It circles, rears up,
Ile boldly rushes to the hills again.

Rogdai is gloomy, silent - not a word.
Fearing an unknown fate
And tormented by vain jealousy,
He is the most worried
And often his gaze is terrible
He looks gloomily at the prince.

Rivals on the same road
Everyone travels together all day.
The Dnieper became dark and sloping;
The shadow of the night pours from the east;
The fogs over the Dnieper are deep;
It's time for their horses to rest.
There's a wide path under the mountain
A wide path crossed.
“Let’s go our separate ways, let’s go!” - they said
Let us entrust ourselves to the unknown fate.”
And every horse, not smelling steel,
By will, I chose the path for myself.

What are you doing, Ruslan, unhappy,
Alone in desert silence?
Lyudmila, the wedding day is terrible,
It seems like you saw everything in a dream.
Pushing the copper helmet over his eyebrows,
Leaving the reins from powerful hands,
You're walking between the fields,
And slowly in your soul
Hope dies, faith fades.

But suddenly there is a cave in front of the knight
There is light in the cave. He's straight to her
Walks under the dormant arches,
Contemporaries of nature itself.
He entered with despondency: what is he seeing?
There is an old man in the cave; clear view,
Calm gaze, gray hair;
The lamp in front of him is burning;
He sits behind an ancient book,
Reading it carefully.
“Welcome, my son! -
He said with a smile to Ruslan:
I've been here alone for twenty years
In the darkness of the old life I wither;
But finally I waited for the day
Long foreseen by me,
We are brought together by fate;
Sit down and listen to me.
Ruslan, you have lost Lyudmila;
Your strong spirit is losing strength;
But a quick moment of evil will rush by:
For a while, fate befell you.
With hope, cheerful faith
Go for everything, don’t be discouraged;
Forward! with a sword and a bold chest
Make your way to midnight.

Find out, Ruslan: your insulter -
The terrible wizard Chernomor,
Longtime thief of beauties,
Full owner of the mountains.
No one else in his abode
Until now the gaze has not penetrated;
But you, destroyer of evil machinations,
You will enter it, and the villain
He will die by your hand.
I don't have to tell you anymore:
The fate of your coming days,
My son, from now on it is your will.”

Our knight fell at the feet of the old man
And in joy he kisses his hand.
The world brightens before his eyes,
And the heart forgot the torment.
He came to life again; and suddenly again
There is a sadness on the flushed face...
“The reason for your melancholy is clear;
But sadness is not difficult to disperse, -
The old man said: you are terrible
Love of a gray-haired sorcerer;
Calm down, know: it is in vain
And the young maiden is not afraid.
He brings down the stars from the sky,
He whistles - the moon trembles;
But against the time of the law
His science is not strong.
Jealous, reverent guardian
Locks of merciless doors,
He's just a weak torturer
Your lovely captive.
He silently wanders around her,
Curses his cruel lot...
But, good knight, the day passes,
But you need peace.”

Ruslan lies down on soft moss
Before the dying fire;
He is looking for sleep,
Sighs, turns slowly...
In vain! Knight finally:
“I can’t sleep, my father!
What to do: I am sick at heart,
And it’s not a dream, how sickening it is to live.
Let me refresh my heart
Your holy conversation.
Forgive me the impudent question,
Open up: who are you, O blessed one?
Fate's confidant is incomprehensible,
Who brought you into the desert?”

Sighing with a sad smile,
The old man replied: “Dear son,
I've already forgotten my distant homeland
Gloomy edge. Natural Finn,
In the valleys known to us alone,
Chasing the herd from the surrounding villages,
In my carefree youth I knew
Some dense oak groves,
Streams, caves of our rocks
Yes, wild poverty is fun.
But to live in gratifying silence
It didn't last long for me.

Then, near our village,
Like a sweet color of solitude,
Naina lived. Between friends
She thundered with beauty.
One morning
Their herds on the dark meadow
I drove on, blowing the bagpipes;
There was a stream in front of me.
Alone, young beauty
I was making a wreath on the shore.
I was attracted by my destiny...
Ah, knight, it was Naina!
I go to her - and the fatal flame
I was rewarded for my daring gaze,
And I recognized love in my soul
With her heavenly joy,
With her painful melancholy.

Half of the year has flown away;
I opened up to her with trepidation,
He said: I love you, Naina.
But my timid sorrow
Naina listened with pride,
Loving only your charms,
And she answered indifferently:
“Shepherd, I don’t love you!”

And everything became wild and gloomy for me:
Native bush, shade of oak trees,
Merry games of shepherds -
Nothing consoled the melancholy.
In despondency, the heart dried up and sluggishly.
And finally I thought
Leave Finnish fields;
Seas of faithless depths
Swim across with a brotherly squad,
And deserve the glory of abuse
Naina's proud attention.
I called the brave fishermen
Look for dangers and gold.
For the first time the quiet land of fathers
I heard the swearing sound of damask steel
And the noise of non-peaceful shuttles.
I sailed into the distance, full of hope,
With a crowd of fearless countrymen;
We are ten years of snow and waves
They were stained with the blood of enemies.
Rumor spread: the kings of a foreign land
They were afraid of my insolence;
Their proud squads
The northern swords fled.
We had fun, we fought menacingly,
They shared tributes and gifts,
And they sat down with the vanquished
For friendly feasts.
But a heart full of Naina,
Under the noise of battle and feasts,
I was languishing in secret sorrow,
Searched for the Finnish coast.
It's time to go home, I said, friends!
Let's hang up the idle chain mail
Under the shadow of my native hut.
He said - and the oars rustled;
And, leaving fear behind,
To the Gulf of the Fatherland dear
We flew in with proud joy.

Long-time dreams have come true,
Ardent wishes come true!
A minute of sweet goodbye
And you sparkled for me!
At the feet of the haughty beauty
I brought a bloody sword,
Corals, gold and pearls;
Before her, intoxicated with passion,
Surrounded by a silent swarm
Her envious friends
I stood as an obedient prisoner,
But the maiden hid from me,
Saying with an air of indifference:
“Hero, I don’t love you!”

Why tell me, my son,
What is there no power to retell?
Ah, and now alone, alone,
Soul asleep, at the door of the grave,
I remember sorrow, and sometimes,
How a thought is born about the past,
By my gray beard
A heavy tear rolls down.

But listen: in my homeland
Between the desert fishermen
Wonderful science lurks.
Under the roof of eternal silence,
Among the forests, in the distant wilderness
Gray-haired sorcerers live;
To objects of high wisdom
All their thoughts are directed;
Everyone hears their terrible voice,
What happened and what will happen again,
And they are subject to their formidable will
And the coffin and love itself.

And I, a greedy seeker of love,
Decided in joyless sadness
Attract Naina with charms
And in the proud heart of a cold maiden
Ignite love with magic.
Hastened into the arms of freedom,
Into the lonely darkness of the forests;
And there, in the teachings of sorcerers,
Spent invisible years.
The long-awaited moment has come,
And the terrible secret of nature
I realized with bright thoughts:
I learned the power of spells.
The crown of love, the crown of desires!
Now, Naina, you are mine!
The victory is ours, I thought.
But really the winner
There was rock, my persistent persecutor.

In dreams of young hope,
In the delight of ardent desire,
I cast spells hastily,
I call the spirits - and in the darkness of the forest
The arrow rushed like thunder,
The magic whirlwind raised a howl,
The ground shook under my feet...
And suddenly he sits in front of me
The old woman is decrepit, gray-haired,
Sparkling with sunken eyes,
With a hump, with a shaking head,
A picture of sad disrepair.
Ah, knight, it was Naina!..
I was horrified and silent
With his eyes the terrible ghost measured,
I still didn’t believe in doubt
And suddenly he began to cry and shout:
Is it possible! oh, Naina, is it you!
Naina, where is your beauty?
Tell me, is heaven really
Have you been changed so badly?
Tell me, how long has it been since you left the light?
Have I parted with my soul and my sweetheart?
How long ago?.. “Exactly forty years,”
There was a fatal answer from the maiden: -
Today I hit seventy.
“What should I do,” she squeaks to me, “
The years have flown by,
My, your spring has passed -
We both managed to grow old.
But, friend, listen: it doesn’t matter
Loss of unfaithful youth.
Of course, I'm gray now,
A little hunchbacked, maybe;
Not like it was in the old days,
Not so alive, not so sweet;
But (added the chatterbox)
I’ll tell you a secret: I’m a witch!”

And it really was like that.
Mute, motionless in front of her,
I was a complete fool
With all my wisdom.

But here's something terrible: witchcraft
It was completely unfortunate.
My gray deity
There was a new passion for me.
Curling his terrible mouth into a smile,
Freak with a grave voice
He mumbles a confession of love to me.
Imagine my suffering!
I trembled, looking down;
She continued through her cough.
Heavy, passionate conversation:
“So, I now recognize the heart;
I see, true friend, it
Born for tender passion;
Feelings woke up, I'm burning
I'm yearning for love...
Come into my arms...
Oh darling, darling! I'm dying..."

And meanwhile she, Ruslan,
She blinked with languid eyes;
And meanwhile for my caftan
She held herself with her skinny arms;
And meanwhile I was dying,
I closed my eyes in horror;
And suddenly I couldn’t stand the urine;
I broke out screaming and ran.
She followed: “Oh, unworthy!
You have disturbed my calm age,
The days are bright for the innocent maiden!
You have achieved Naina's love,
And you despise - these are men!
They all breathe treason!
Alas, blame yourself;
He seduced me, wretched one!
I gave myself up to passionate love. ..
Traitor, monster! oh shame!
But tremble, maiden thief!”

So we parted. From now on
Living in my solitude
With a disappointed soul;
And in the world there is consolation for the old man
Nature, wisdom and peace.
The grave is already calling me;
But the feelings are the same
The old lady hasn't forgotten yet
And the late flame of love
Turned from frustration into anger.
Loving evil with a black soul,
The old witch of course
He will hate you too;
But grief on earth does not last forever.”

Our knight greedily listened
Stories of an Elder: Clear Eyes
I didn’t fall into a light nap
And a quiet flight of the night
I didn't hear it in deep thought.
But the day shines radiantly...
With a sigh the grateful knight
Volume of the old sorcerer;
The soul is full of hope;
Gets out. Legs squeezed
Ruslan of the neighing horse,
He recovered in the saddle and whistled.
“My father, do not leave me.”
And gallops across the empty meadow.
Gray-haired sage to a young friend
He shouts after him: “Happy journey!”
Forgive, love your wife,
Don’t forget the elder’s advice!”

Song two

Rivals in the art of warfare,
Know no peace among yourselves;
Bring tribute to the dark glory,
And revel in enmity!
Let the world freeze before you,
Marveling at the terrible celebrations:
No one will regret you
Nobody will bother you.
Rivals of a different kind
You, knights of the Parnassian mountains,
Try not to make people laugh
The immodest noise of your quarrels;
Scold - just be careful.
But you, rivals in love,
Live together if possible!
Believe me, my friends:
To whom fate is indispensable
A girl's heart is destined
He will be kind to the evil of the universe;
It is stupid and sinful to be angry.

When Rogdai is indomitable,
Tormented by a dull foreboding,
Leaving his companions,
Set off into a secluded region
And he rode between the forest deserts,
Lost in deep thought
The evil spirit disturbed and confused
His yearning soul
And the cloudy knight whispered:
“I’ll kill!.. I’ll destroy all the barriers!..
Ruslan!.. do you recognize me...
Now the girl will cry..."
And suddenly, turning the horse,
He gallops back at full speed.

At that time the valiant Farlaf,
Having dozed sweetly all morning,
Hiding from the midday rays,
By the stream, alone,
To strengthen your mental strength,
I dined in peaceful silence.
Suddenly, he sees someone in the field,
Like a storm, he rushes on a horse;
And without wasting any more time,
Farlaf, leaving his lunch,
Spear, chain mail, helmet, gloves
Jumped into the saddle and without looking back
He flies - and he follows him.
“Stop, dishonorable fugitive! -
An unknown person shouts to Farlaf. -
Despicable one, let yourself be caught up!
Let me rip your head off!”
Farlaf, recognizing Rogdai’s voice,
Crouching in fear, he died,
And, expecting certain death,
He drove the horse even faster.
It's like the hare is in a hurry,
Covering your ears fearfully,
Over hummocks, across fields, through forests
Jumps away from the dog.
At the site of the glorious escape
Melted snow in spring
Muddy streams flowed
And they dug into the wet chest of earth.
A zealous horse rushed to the ditch,
He waved his tail and white mane,
He bit the steel reins
And he jumped over the ditch;
But the timid rider is upside down
He fell heavily into a dirty ditch,
I didn’t see the earth and the heavens
And he was ready to accept death.
Rogdai flies up to the ravine;
The cruel sword has already been raised;
“Die, coward! die!” broadcasts...
Suddenly he recognizes Farlaf;
He looks and his hands drop;
Annoyance, amazement, anger
His features were depicted;
Grinding my teeth, numb,
Hero, with drooping head
Having quickly driven away from the ditch,
I was furious... but barely, barely
He didn't laugh at himself.

Then he met under the mountain
The old lady is barely alive,
Hunchbacked, completely gray.
She's a road stick
She pointed him north.
“You will find him there,” she said.
Rogdai was boiling with joy
And he flew to certain death.

And our Farlaf? Left in the ditch
Not daring to breathe; About myself
As he lay there, he thought: Am I alive?
Where did the evil rival go?
Suddenly he hears right above him
The old woman's deathly voice:
“Get up, well done: everything is quiet in the field,
You won't meet anyone else;
I brought you a horse;
Get up, listen to me.”

The embarrassed knight involuntarily
Crawling left a dirty ditch;
Looking around timidly,
He sighed and said, coming to life:
“Well, thank God, I’m healthy!”

“Believe me! - the old woman continued: -
Lyudmila is difficult to find;
She has run far;
It's not up to you and me to get it.
It is dangerous to travel around the world;
You really won't be happy.
Follow my advice
Go back quietly.
Near Kyiv, in solitude,
In his ancestral village
Better stay without worries:
Lyudmila will not leave us.”

Having said that, she disappeared. Impatient
Our prudent hero
I immediately went home
Heartily forgetting about fame
And even about the young princess;
And the slightest noise in the oak grove,
The flight of the tit, the murmur of the waters
They threw him into the heat and sweat.

Meanwhile, Ruslan rushes far;
In the wilderness of forests, in the wilderness of fields
With habitual thought he strives
To Lyudmila, my joy,
And he says: “Will I find a friend?
Where are you, my soul husband?
Will I see your bright gaze?
Will I hear a gentle conversation?
Or is it destined that the sorcerer
You were an eternal prisoner
And, growing old as a mournful maiden,
Has it bloomed in a dark dungeon?
Or a daring opponent
Will he come?.. No, no, my priceless friend!
I still have my faithful sword with me,
The head has not yet fallen from our shoulders.”

One day, in the dark,
Along the rocks along the steep bank
Our knight rode over the river.
Everything was calming down. Suddenly behind him
Arrows instant buzzing,
Chain mail ringing and screaming and neighing
And the tramp across the field is dull.
“Stop!” a thunderous voice boomed.
He looked back: in an open field,
Raising his spear, he flies with a whistle
Fierce horseman and thunderstorm
The prince rushed towards him.
“Aha! caught up with you! wait! -
The daring rider shouts: -
Get ready, friend, to be cut to death;
Now lie down among these places;
And look for your brides there.”
Ruslan flared up and trembled with anger;
He recognizes this violent voice...

My friends! and our maiden?
Let's leave the knights for an hour;
I will remember them again soon.
Otherwise it’s high time for me
Think about the young princess
And about the terrible Black Sea.

Of my fancy dream
The confidant is sometimes immodest,
I told how on a dark night
Lyudmila of gentle beauty
From the inflamed Ruslan
They suddenly disappeared among the fog.
Unhappy! when the villain
With your mighty hand
Having torn you from the wedding bed,
Soared like a whirlwind towards the clouds
Through heavy smoke and gloomy air
And suddenly he rushed off to his mountains -
You have lost your feelings and memory
And in the terrible castle of the sorcerer,
Silent, trembling, pale,
In an instant I found myself.

From the threshold of my hut
So I saw, in the middle of summer days,
When the chicken is cowardly
The arrogant sultan of the chicken coop,
My rooster was running around the yard
And voluptuous wings
Already hugged my friend;
Above them in cunning circles
The chickens of the village are the old thief,
Taking destructive measures
A gray kite rushed and swam
And he fell like lightning into the yard.
He took off and flies. In terrible claws
Into the darkness of safe chasms
The poor villain takes her away.
In vain, with my sorrow
And struck with cold fear,
The rooster is calling his mistress. ..
He sees only flying fluff,
Blown by the flying wind.

Until the morning, young princess
She lay in painful oblivion,
Like a terrible dream,
Embraced - finally she
I woke up with fiery excitement
And full of vague horror;
The soul flies for pleasure,
Looking for someone with ecstasy;
“Where is my dear,” he whispers, “where is my husband?”
She called and suddenly died.
He looks around with fear.
Lyudmila, where is your bright room?
The unhappy girl lies
Among the down pillows,
Under the proud canopy of the canopy;
Curtains, lush feather bed
In tassels, in expensive patterns;
Brocade fabrics are everywhere;
The yachts play like heat;
There are golden incense burners all around
They raise aromatic steam;
Enough... fortunately I don’t need it
Describe a magical house;
It's been a long time since Scheherazade
I was warned about that.
But the bright mansion is not a consolation,
When we don’t see a friend in him.

Three maidens of wonderful beauty,
In light and pretty clothes
They appeared to the princess and approached
And they bowed to the ground.
Then with silent steps
One came closer;
To the princess with airy fingers
Braided a golden braid
With art, which is not new these days,
And she wrapped herself in a crown of pearls
The circumference of the pale forehead.
Behind her, modestly bowing his gaze,
Then another one approached;
Azure, lush sundress
Dressed Lyudmila's slender figure;
Golden curls covered themselves,
Both chest and shoulders are young
A veil as transparent as fog.
The envious veil kisses
Beauty worthy of heaven
And the shoes lightly compress
Two legs, miracle of miracles.
The princess is the last maiden
Pearl Belt delivers.
Meanwhile, the invisible singer
He sings happy songs to her.
Alas, neither the stones of the necklace,
Not a sundress, not a row of pearls,
Not a song of flattery or fun
Her souls are not glad;
In vain the mirror draws
Her beauty, her outfit;
Downcast, motionless gaze,
She is silent, she is sad.

Those who love the truth,
On the dark bottom of the heart they read,
Of course they know about themselves
What if a woman is sad
Through tears, stealthily, somehow,
To spite habit and reason,
Forgets to look in the mirror -
She's really sad now.

But Lyudmila is alone again.
Not knowing what to start, she
He approaches the lattice window,
And her gaze sadly wanders
In the space of a cloudy distance.
Everything is dead. Snowy plains
They lay down in bright carpets;
The peaks of the gloomy mountains stand
In monotonous whiteness
And they slumber in eternal silence;
You can't see the smoky roof all around,
The traveler is not visible in the snow,
And the ringing horn of cheerful catching
There is no trumpet in the desert mountains;
Only occasionally with a sad whistle
A whirlwind rebels in a clean field
And on the edge of gray skies
The naked forest shakes.

In tears of despair, Lyudmila
She covered her face in horror.
Alas, what awaits her now!
Runs through the silver door;
She opened with music,
And our maiden found herself
In the garden. Captivating limit:
More beautiful than the gardens of Armida
And those that he owned
King Solomon or Prince of Tauris.
They waver and make noise before her
Magnificent oak trees;
Alleys of palm trees and laurel forests,
And a row of fragrant myrtles,
And the proud peaks of cedars,
And golden oranges
The waters are reflected by the mirror;
Hills, groves and valleys
The springs are enlivened by fire;
The May wind blows with coolness
Among the enchanted fields,
And the Chinese nightingale whistles
In the darkness of trembling branches;
Diamond fountains are flying
With a cheerful noise towards the clouds;
The idols shine under them
And, it seems, alive; Phidias himself,
Pet of Phoebus and Pallas,
Finally admiring them
Your enchanted chisel
I would drop it out of my hands out of frustration.
Crushing against marble barriers,
Pearly, fiery arc
Waterfalls are falling and splashing;
And streams in the forest shade
They curl a little like a sleepy wave.
A haven of peace and coolness,
Through the eternal greenery here and there
Light arbors flash by;
There are living rose branches everywhere
They bloom and breathe along the paths.
But inconsolable Lyudmila
He walks and walks and doesn’t look;
She is disgusted with the luxury of magic,
She is sad and blissfully bright;
Where, without knowing, she wanders,
The magic garden goes around,
Giving freedom to bitter tears,
And raises gloomy gazes
To the unforgiving skies.
Suddenly a beautiful gaze lit up;
She pressed her finger to her lips;
It seemed like a terrible idea
Was born... A terrible path was opened:
High bridge over the stream
In front of her hangs on two rocks;
In grave and deep despondency
She comes up - and in tears
I looked at the noisy waters,
Hit, sobbing, in the chest,
I decided to drown in the waves,
However, she didn’t jump into the water
And then she continued on her way.

My beautiful Lyudmila,
Running through the sun in the morning,
I'm tired, I've dried my tears,
I thought in my heart: it’s time!
She sat down on the grass, looked around -
And suddenly there is a tent over her,
Noisily, coolly unfolded
Lunch is sumptuous before her;
A device made of bright crystal;
And in silence from behind the branches
The invisible harp began to play.
The captive princess marvels,
But secretly she thinks:
“Away from the sweetheart, in captivity,
Why should I live in the world anymore?
O you, whose disastrous passion
It torments me and cherishes me,
I'm not afraid of the villain's power,
Lyudmila knows how to die!
I don't need your tents
No boring songs, no feasts -
I won't eat, I won't listen,
I will die among your gardens!”
I thought and began to eat.

The princess gets up, and instantly the tent
And a magnificent luxury device,
And the sounds of the harp... everything was gone;
Everything became quiet as before;
Lyudmila is alone in the gardens again
Wanders from grove to grove;
Meanwhile in the azure skies
The moon, queen of the night, is floating,
Finds darkness on all sides
And she rested quietly on the hills;
The princess is involuntarily falling asleep,
And suddenly an unknown force
More gentle than the spring breeze,
Lifts her into the air
Carries through the air to the palace
And carefully lowers
Through the incense of evening roses
On a bed of sadness, a bed of tears.
Three maidens suddenly appeared again
And they fussed around her,
To take off your luxurious attire at night;
But their dull, vague gaze
And forced silence
Showed secret compassion
And a weak reproach to fate.
But let's hurry: with their gentle hand
The sleepy princess is undressed;
Charming with careless charm,
In one snow-white shirt
She goes to bed.
With a sigh the maidens bowed,
Get away as quickly as possible
And they quietly closed the door.
Well, our prisoner is now!
He trembles like a leaf, he doesn’t dare to breathe;
The hearts grow cold, the gaze darkens;
Instant sleep flees from the eyes;
Not sleeping, doubled my attention,
Looking motionless into the darkness...
Everything is gloomy, dead silence!
Only hearts can hear the fluttering...
And it seems... the silence whispers;
They go - they go to her bed;
The princess is hiding in the pillows -
And suddenly... oh fear!.. and really
There was a noise; illuminated
With an instant shine the darkness of the night,
Instantly the door opened;
Silently, proudly speaking,
Flashing naked sabers,
Arapov is walking in a long line
In pairs, as decorously as possible,
And be careful on the pillows
He bears a gray beard;
And he follows her with importance,
Raising his neck majestically,
Humpbacked dwarf from the door:
His head is shaved,
Covered with a high cap,
Belonged to the beard.
He was already approaching: then
The princess jumped out of bed,
Gray-haired Karl for the cap
With a quick hand I grabbed it,
Trembling raised fist
And she screamed in fear,
Which stunned all the Arabs.
Trembling, the poor man hunched over,
The frightened princess is paler;
Quickly cover your ears,
I wanted to run, but I had a beard
Confused, fallen and thrashing;
Gets up, fell; such trouble
Arapov's black swarm is restless,
They make noise, push, run,
They grab the sorcerer
And out they go to unravel,
Leaving Lyudmila's hat.

But something about our good knight?
Do you remember the unexpected meeting?
Take your quick pencil,
Draw, Orlovsky, night and flog!
In the quivering light of the moon
The knights fought fiercely;
Their hearts are filled with anger,
The spears have already been thrown far away,
The swords are already shattered,
The chain mail is covered in blood,
Shields are cracking, broken into pieces...
They grappled on horseback;
Exploding black dust to the sky,
Beneath them the greyhounds' horses fight;
The fighters are motionlessly intertwined,
Squeezing each other, they remain
As if nailed to the saddle;
Their members are cramped with malice;
Intertwined and ossified;
A quick fire runs through the veins;
On the enemy's chest the chest trembles -
And now they hesitate, weaken -
Someone's mouth... suddenly my knight,
Boiling with an iron hand
The rider is torn from the saddle,
Lifts you up and holds you above you
And throws it into the waves from the shore.
“Die! - exclaims menacingly; -
Die, my evil envious one!”

You guessed it, my reader,
Who did the valiant Ruslan fight with:
He was a seeker of bloody battles,
Rogdai, the hope of the people of Kiev,
Lyudmila is a gloomy admirer.
It is along the Dnieper banks
I was looking for rival tracks;
Found, overtook, but the same strength
I cheated on my battle pet,
And Rus' is an ancient daredevil
I found my end in the desert.
And it was heard that Rogdaya
Young mermaid of those waters
I accepted it coldly
And, greedily kissing the knight,
Drove me to the bottom with laughter,
And long after, on a dark night,
Wandering near quiet shores,
Bogatyr's ghost is huge
Scared the desert fishermen.

Song three

It was in vain that you lurked in the shadows
For peaceful, happy friends,
My poems! You didn't hide
From angry, envying eyes.
Already a pale critic, to her service,
The question was fatal to me:
Why does Ruslanov need a girlfriend?
As if to laugh at her husband,
I call both maiden and princess?
You see, my good reader,
There is a black seal of anger here!
Tell me, Zoilus, tell me, traitor,
Well, how and what should I answer?
Blush, unfortunate one, God bless you!
Blush, I don’t want to argue;
Satisfied that I am right in soul,
I remain silent in humble meekness.
But you will understand me, Klymene,
You will lower your languid eyes,
You, victim of the boring Hymen...
I see: secret tear
It will fall on my verse, clear to my heart;
You blushed, your gaze went dark;
She sighed silently... an understandable sigh!
Jealous: be afraid, the hour is near;
Cupid with wayward chagrin
We entered into a bold conspiracy,
And for your inglorious head
The vengeful cleaning is ready.

Already the cold morning was shining
On the crown of the full mountains;
But in the marvelous castle everything was silent.
In annoyance, the hidden Chernomor,
Without a hat, in a morning robe,
Yawned angrily on the bed.
Around his gray hair
The slaves crowded silently,
And gently the bone comb
Combed her curls;
Meanwhile, for benefit and beauty,
On an endless mustache
Oriental aromas flowed,
And the cunning curls curled;
Suddenly, out of nowhere,
A winged serpent flies into the window:
Rattling with iron scales,
He bent into quick rings
And suddenly Naina turned around
In front of an astonished crowd.
“I greet you,” she said, “
Brother, long revered by me!
Until now I knew Chernomor
One loud rumor;
But secret fate connects
Now we have common enmity;
You are in danger
A cloud hangs over you;
And the voice of insulted honor
Calls me to revenge.”

With a gaze full of sly flattery
Karla will give her his hand,
Saying: “Wonderful Naina!
Your union is precious to me.
We will put Finn to shame;
But I am not afraid of dark machinations;
A weak enemy is not scary to me;
Find out my wonderful lot:
This blessed beard
No wonder Chernomor is decorated.
How long will her hair be gray?
A hostile sword will not cut,
None of the dashing knights
No mortal will destroy
My slightest plans;
My century will be Lyudmila,
Ruslan is doomed to the grave!”
And the witch gloomily repeated:
“He will die! he will die!”
Then she hissed three times,
She stomped her foot three times
And she flew away like a black serpent.

Shining in a brocade robe,
A sorcerer, encouraged by a witch,
Having cheered up, I decided again
Carry the captive to the feet of the maiden
Mustaches, humility and love.
The bearded dwarf is dressed up,
Again he goes to her chambers;
There is a long row of rooms:
There is no princess in them. He's far away, into the garden,
To the laurel forest, to the garden trellis,
Along the lake, around the waterfall,
Under bridges, in gazebos... no!
The princess left, and there was no trace!
Who will express his embarrassment,
And the roar and the thrill of frenzy?
Out of frustration, he did not see the day.
Carla heard a wild groan:
“Here, slaves, run!
Here, I hope for you!
Now find Lyudmila for me!
Hurry up, do you hear? Now!
It’s not that - you’re joking with me -
I will strangle you all with my beard!”

Reader, let me tell you,
Where did the beauty go?
All night she follows her fate
She marveled in tears and laughed.
The beard scared her
But Chernomor was already known,
And he was funny, but never
Horror is incompatible with laughter.
Towards the morning rays
Lyudmila left the bed
And she turned her involuntary gaze
To high, clean mirrors;
Involuntarily golden curls
She lifted me from her lily shoulders;
Involuntarily thick hair
She braided it with a careless hand;
Your yesterday's outfits
I accidentally found it in the corner;
Sighing, I got dressed and out of frustration
She began to cry quietly;
However, from the right glass
Sighing, I didn’t take my eyes off,
And it occurred to the girl,
In the excitement of wayward thoughts,
Try on Chernomor's hat.
Everything is quiet, no one is here;
No one will look at the girl...
And a girl at seventeen
What hat won't stick!
You're never too lazy to dress up!
Lyudmila shook her hat;
On the eyebrows, straight, askew,
And she put it on backwards.
So what? oh the wonder of old days!
Lyudmila disappeared in the mirror;
Turned it over - in front of her
The old Lyudmila appeared;
I put it back on - no more;
I took it off - I’m in the mirror! "Wonderful!
Good, sorcerer, good, my light!
Now I’m safe here;
Now I’ll save myself the hassle!”
And the old villain's hat
Princess, blushing with joy,
I put it on backwards.

But let's return to the hero.
Aren't we ashamed to do this?
So long with a hat, a beard,
Ruslana entrusting to the fates?
Having fought a fierce battle with Rogdai,
He drove through a dense forest;
A wide valley opened before him
In the brightness of the morning skies.
The knight trembles involuntarily:
He sees an old battlefield.
In the distance everything is empty; here and there
The bones turn yellow; over the hills
Quivers and armor are scattered;
Where is the harness, where is the rusty shield;
The sword lies in the bones of the hand here;
The shaggy helmet is overgrown with grass,
And the old skull smolders in it;
There is a whole skeleton of a hero there
With his downed horse
Lies motionless; spears, arrows
Stuck into the damp ground,
And peaceful ivy wraps around them...
Nothing of silent silence
This desert does not disturb,
And the sun from a clear height
The valley of death is illuminated.

With a sigh the knight surrounds himself
He looks with sad eyes.
“Oh field, field, who are you
Strewn with dead bones?
Whose greyhound horse trampled you
In the last hour of a bloody battle?
Who fell on you with glory?
Whose heaven heard the prayers?
Why, O field, have you fallen silent?
And overgrown with the grass of oblivion?..
Time from eternal darkness,
Perhaps there is no salvation for me either!
Perhaps on a silent hill
They will place the silent coffin of the Ruslans,
And the loud strings of Bayan
They won’t talk about him!”

But soon my knight remembered,
That a hero needs a good sword
And even the shell; and the hero
Unarmed since the last battle.
He walks around the field;
In the bushes, among the forgotten bones,
In the mass of smoldering chain mail,
Swords and helmets shattered
He is looking for armor for himself.
The roar and the silent steppe woke up,
A crackling and ringing sound arose in the field;
He raised his shield without choosing,
I found both a helmet and a ringing horn;
But I just couldn’t find the sword.
Driving around the valley of battle,
He sees many swords
But everyone is light, but too small,
And the handsome prince was not sluggish,
Not like the hero of our days.
To play something out of boredom,
He took the steel spear in his hands,
He put the chain mail on his chest
And then he set off on his way.

The ruddy sunset has already turned pale
Over the sleepy earth;
The blue mists are smoking
And the golden month rises;
The steppe has faded. Along a dark path
Our Ruslan rides thoughtfully
And he sees: through the night fog
A huge hill blackens in the distance
And something terrible is snoring.
He is closer to the hill, closer - he hears:
The wonderful hill seems to be breathing.
Ruslan listens and looks
Fearlessly, with a calm spirit;
But, moving his timid ear,
The horse resists, trembles,
Shakes his stubborn head,
And the mane stood on end.
Suddenly a hill, a cloudless moon
Palely illuminated in the fog,
It becomes clearer; the brave prince looks -
And he sees a miracle before him.
Will I find colors and words?
There is a living head in front of him.
Huge eyes covered in sleep;
He snores, rocking his feathered helmet,
And feathers in the dark heights,
Like shadows, they walk, fluttering.
In its terrible beauty
Rising above the gloomy steppe,
Surrounded by silence
The guardian of the nameless desert,
Ruslan will have it
A menacing and foggy mass.
In bewilderment he wants
Mysterious to destroy sleep.
Looking closely at the wonder,
Got my head spinning
And he stood silently before his nose;
Tickles the nostrils with a spear,
And, wincing, my head yawned,
She opened her eyes and sneezed...
A whirlwind arose, the steppe trembled,
Dust flew up; from eyelashes, from mustaches,
A flock of owls flew from the brows;
The silent groves woke up,
An echo sneezed - a zealous horse
Neighed, jumped, flew away,
The knight himself barely sat still,
And then a noisy voice rang out:
“Where are you going, foolish knight?
Step back, I'm not kidding!
I’ll just swallow the impudence!”
Ruslan looked around with contempt,
He held the reins of the horse
And he smiled proudly.
"What do you want from me? -
Frowning, the head cried out. -
Fate sent me a guest!
Listen, get away!
I want to sleep, it's night now
Goodbye!" But the famous knight
Hearing harsh words
He exclaimed with angry importance:
“Be quiet, empty head!
I have heard the truth happen:
Although the forehead is wide, the brain is not enough!
I'm going, I'm going, I'm not whistling,
And once I get there, I won’t let you down!”

Then, speechless with rage,
Constrained by the flames of anger,
The head pouted; like fever
Bloody eyes sparkled;
Foaming, lips trembled,
Steam rose from the lips and ears -
And suddenly, as fast as she could,
She began to blow towards the prince;
In vain the horse, closing its eyes,
Bowing my head, straining my chest,
Through the storm, the rain and the darkness of the night
The infidel continues on his way;
Fearful, blinded,
He rushes again, exhausted,
Far away in the field to rest.
The knight wants to turn again -
Reflected again, no hope!
And his head follows,
She laughs like crazy
Thunders: “Ay, knight! ah hero!
Where are you going? hush, hush, stop!
Hey, knight, you'll break your neck for nothing;
Don't be afraid, rider, and me
Please me with at least one blow,
Until I killed the horse.”
And yet she is a hero
She teased me with a terrible tongue.
Ruslan, there is annoyance in the heart of the cut;
Silently threatens her with a copy,
Shakes him with his free hand,
And, trembling, the cold damask steel
Stuck into the insolent tongue.
And blood from a mad mouth
The river ran instantly.
From surprise, pain, anger,
In a moment I lost my insolence,
The head looked at the prince,
She gnawed at the iron and turned pale.
In a calm spirit, heated,
So sometimes in the middle of our stage
Melpomene's bad pet,
Stunned by a sudden whistle,
He doesn't see anything anymore
He turns pale, forgets his role,
Trembling, head down,
And he stutters into silence
In front of a jeering crowd.
Taking advantage of the moment,
To a head filled with embarrassment,
Like a hero hawk flies
With a raised, formidable right hand
And on the cheek with a heavy mitten
It hits the head with a swing;
And the steppe resounded with a blow;
Dewy grass all around
Stained with bloody foam,
And, staggering, the head
Turned over, rolled,
And the cast-iron helmet rattled.
Then the place is empty
The heroic sword flashed.
Our knight is in joyful trepidation
He was grabbed and to the head
On the bloody grass
Runs with cruel intent
Cut off her nose and ears;
Ruslan is already ready to strike,
Already swung his broad sword -
Suddenly, amazed, he listens
The head of the begging pitiful moan...
And quietly he lowers his sword,
Fierce anger dies in him,
And stormy vengeance will fall
In a soul pacified by prayer:
So the ice melts in the valley,
Struck by the midday ray.

“You brought some sense into me, hero,”
With a sigh the head said: -
Your right hand has proven
That I am guilty before you;
From now on I am obedient to you;
But, knight, be generous!
My lot is worthy of weeping.
And I was a daring knight!
In the bloody battles of the adversary
I have not matured my equal;
Happy whenever I don't have
Little brother's rival!
The insidious, evil Chernomor,
You, you are the cause of all my troubles!
Our family is a disgrace,
Born by Karla, with a beard,
My wondrous growth from my youth
He could not see without annoyance
And for this reason in his soul he became
I, cruel one, should be hated.
I've always been a little simple
Although tall; and this unfortunate one,
Having the stupidest height,
Smart as a devil - and terribly angry.
Moreover, you know, to my misfortune,
In his wonderful beard
A fatal force lurks,
And, despising everything in the world,
As long as the beard is intact -
A traitor fears no evil.
Here he is one day with an air of friendship
“Listen,” he told me slyly, “
Don't give up on this important service:
I found it in black books
What's beyond the eastern mountains
On the quiet shores of the sea,
In a remote basement, under locks
The sword is kept - so what? fear!
I made out in the magical darkness,
That by the will of hostile fate
This sword will be known to us;
That he will destroy us both:
He will cut off my beard,
Head for you; judge for yourself
How important is it for us to purchase
This creature of evil spirits!”
“Well, what then? where is the difficulty? -
I told Karla, “I’m ready;
I’m going, even beyond the limits of the world.”
And he put the pine tree on his shoulder,
And on the other for advice
He imprisoned his brother's villain;
Set off on a long journey,
I walked and walked and, thank God,
Like a prophecy for evil,
Everything went happily at first.
Behind the distant mountains
We found the fatal basement;
I scattered it with my hands
And he took out the hidden sword.
But no! fate wanted it:
A quarrel has boiled between us -
And, I confess, it was about something!
Question: who should own the sword?
I argued, Karla got excited;
They fought for a long time; finally
The trick was invented by a cunning man,
He became quiet and seemed to soften.
“Let’s leave the useless argument,”
Chernomor told me important: -
We will thereby dishonor our union;
Reason commands us to live in the world;
We'll let fate decide
Who does this sword belong to?
Let's both put our ears to the ground
(What does evil not invent!),
And whoever hears the first bell,
He will wield the sword until his death.”
He said and lay down on the ground.
I foolishly also stretched myself;
I'm lying there, I don't hear anything,
I dare to deceive him!
But he himself was cruelly deceived.
Villain in deep silence
Standing up, tiptoeing towards me
He crept up from behind and swung it;
A sharp sword whistled like a whirlwind,
And before I looked back,
My head has already flown off my shoulders -
And supernatural power
The spirit in her life stopped
My frame is overgrown with thorns;
Far away, in a country forgotten by people,
My unburied ashes have decayed;
But the evil Karl suffered
I'm in this secluded land,
Where I should have always been guarding
The sword you took today.
O knight! You are kept by fate,
Take it, and God be with you!
Perhaps on its way
You will meet Karl the sorcerer -
Oh, if you notice him,
Take revenge on deceit and malice!
And finally I will be happy
I'll leave this world in peace -
And in my gratitude
I’ll forget your slap.”

Canto Four

Every day, when I rise from sleep,
I thank God from the bottom of my heart
Because in our times
There aren't that many wizards.
Besides - honor and glory to them! -
Our marriages are safe...
Their plans are not so terrible
For husbands, young girls.
But there are other wizards
Which I hate:
Smile, blue eyes
And a dear voice - oh friends!
Don't believe them: they are deceitful!
Be afraid by imitating me,
Their intoxicating poison,
And rest in silence.

Poetry is a wonderful genius,
Singer of mysterious visions,
Love, dreams and devils,
A faithful inhabitant of graves and paradise,
And my windy muse
Confidant, mentor and guardian!
Forgive me, northern Orpheus,
What's in my funny story
Now I'm flying after you
And the lyre of the wayward muse
I will expose you in a lovely lie.

My friends, you heard everything,
Like a demon in ancient days, a villain
First he betrayed himself out of sadness,
And there are the souls of the daughters;
Like after a generous alms,
By prayer, faith, and fasting,
And unfeigned repentance
He found an intercessor in the saint;
How he died and how they fell asleep
His twelve daughters:
And we were captivated, terrified
Pictures of these secret nights,
These wonderful visions
This gloomy demon, this divine wrath,
Living sinner's torment
And the charm of virgins.
We cried with them, wandered
Around the battlemented castle walls,
And they loved with their hearts touched
Their quiet sleep, their quiet captivity;
Vadim's soul was called upon,
And they saw their awakening,
And often nuns of saints
They escorted him to his father's coffin.
And well, is it possible?.. they lied to us!
But will I tell the truth?

Young Ratmir, heading south
The impatient running of a horse
I was thinking before sunset
Catch up with Ruslan's wife.
But the crimson day was evening;
In vain is the knight before himself
I looked into the distant mists:
Everything was empty above the river.
The last ray of dawn burned
Above a brightly gilded pine forest.
Our knight past the black rocks
I passed quietly and with my gaze
I was looking for an overnight stay between the trees.
He goes to the valley
And he sees: a castle on the rocks
The battlements elevate;
The towers on the corners turn black;
And the maiden along the high wall,
Like a lonely swan at sea,
It's coming, the dawn is lit;
And the maiden's song is barely audible
Valleys in deep silence.

“The darkness of night falls on the field;
It's too late, young traveler!
Take refuge in our delightful tower.

“There is bliss and peace here at night,
And during the day there is noise and feasting.
Come to a friendly confession,
Come, O young traveler!

“With us you will find a swarm of beauties;
Their speeches and kisses are tender.
Come to the secret calling,
Come, O young traveler!

“We are with you at dawn
Let's fill the cup goodbye.
Come to a peaceful calling,
Come, O young traveler!

“The darkness of night falls on the field;
A cold wind rose from the waves.
It's too late, young traveler!
Take refuge in our delightful tower.”

She beckons, she sings;
And the young khan is already under the wall:
They meet him at the gate
Red girls in a crowd;
With the noise of kind words
He is surrounded; they don't take him away
They have captivating eyes;
Two girls lead the horse away;
The Young Khan enters the palace,
Behind him is a swarm of sweet hermits;
One takes off her winged helmet,
Another forged armor,
That one takes a sword, that one takes a dusty shield;
Clothes will replace bliss
Iron armor of battle.
But first the young man is led
To a magnificent Russian bathhouse.
Already the smoky waves are flowing
In her silver vats,
And cold fountains splash;
A luxurious carpet is spread out;
The tired khan lies down on it;
Transparent steam swirls above it
Downcast bliss full gaze,
Adorable, half naked,
In tender and silent care,
There are young maidens around the Khan
They are crowded by a playful crowd.
Another waves over the knight
The branches of young birches,
And the fragrant heat from them plows;
Another juice of spring roses
Tired members are cooling off
And drowns in aromas
Dark curly hair.
The knight intoxicated with delight
Already forgot Lyudmila captive
Recently lovely beauties;
Tormented by sweet desire;
His wandering gaze shines,
And, full of passionate expectation,
He melts his heart, he burns.

But then he comes out of the bathhouse.
Dressed in velvet fabrics,
In the circle of lovely maidens, Ratmir
Sits down to a rich feast.
I am not Omer: in high verses
He can chant alone
Lunches of Greek squads
And the sound and foam of deep cups.
Nice, in the footsteps of the Guys,
I should praise the careless lyre
And nakedness in the shadow of the night,
And a kiss of tender love!
The castle is illuminated by the moon;
I see a distant tower,
Where is the languid, inflamed knight
Taste a lonely dream;
His forehead, his cheeks
They burn with an instant flame;
His lips are half open
Secret kisses beckon;
He sighs passionately, slowly,
He sees them - and in a passionate dream
Presses the covers to the heart.
But here in deep silence
The door opened: the floor is jealous
It hides under a hasty foot,
And under the silver moon
The maiden flashed. Dreams are winged,
Hide, fly away!
Wake up - your night has come!
Wake up - the moment of loss is precious!..
She comes up, he lies down
And in voluptuous bliss he slumbers;
His cover slips from the bed,
And the hot fluff envelops the brow.
In silence the maiden before him
Stands motionless, lifeless,
Like the hypocritical Diana
Before your dear shepherd;
And here she is, on the khan's bed
Leaning on one knee,
Sighing, she tilts her face towards him.
With languor, with living trepidation,
And the lucky man's sleep is interrupted
A passionate and silent kiss...

But, others, the virgin lyre
She fell silent under my hand;
My timid voice is weakening -
Let's leave young Ratmir;
I don’t dare continue with the song:
Ruslan should keep us busy,
Ruslan, this unparalleled knight,
A hero at heart, a faithful lover.
Tired of stubborn fighting,
Under the heroic head
He tastes the sweetness of sleep.
But now at the early dawn
The quiet horizon shines;
All clear; morning ray playful
The head's shaggy forehead turns golden.
Ruslan gets up, and the horse is zealous
The knight is already rushing like an arrow.

And the days fly by; the fields are turning yellow;
Decrepit leaves fall from the trees;
In the forests the autumn wind whistles
The feathered singers are drowned out;
Heavy, cloudy fog
It wraps around naked hills;
Winter is coming - Ruslan
Bravely continues his journey
To the far north; every day
Meets new obstacles:
Then he fights with the hero,
Now with a witch, now with a giant,
Then on a moonlit night he sees
As if through a magical dream,
Surrounded by gray fog
Mermaids quietly on the branches
Swinging, the young knight
With a sly smile on your lips
They beckon without saying a word...
But we keep it in secret,
The fearless knight is unharmed;
Desire lies dormant in his soul,
He doesn't see them, he doesn't listen to them,
Only Lyudmila is with him everywhere.

But meanwhile, not visible to anyone,
From the attacks of the sorcerer
I keep it with a magic hat,
What is my princess doing?
My beautiful Lyudmila?
She is silent and sad,
Alone walks through the gardens,
He thinks about his friend and sighs,
Or, giving free rein to your dreams,
To the native Kyiv fields
Flies into the oblivion of the heart;
Hugs his father and brothers,
Girlfriends sees young
And their old mothers -
Captivity and separation are forgotten!
But soon the poor princess
Loses his delusion
And again sad and alone.
Slaves of a villain in love,
And day and night, not daring to sit,
Meanwhile, around the castle, through the gardens
They were looking for a lovely captive,
They rushed about, called loudly,
However, it’s all for nothing.
Lyudmila was amused by them:
Sometimes in magical groves
Suddenly she appeared without a hat
And she clicked: “here, here!”
And everyone rushed to her in a crowd;
But to the side - suddenly invisible -
With silent feet she
She ran away from predatory hands.
We noticed everywhere all the time
Her minute traces:
Those are gilded fruits
They disappeared on the noisy branches,
Those are drops of spring water
They fell into the crumpled meadow:
Then the castle probably knew
What does the princess drink or eat?
On the branches of cedar or birch
Hiding at night, she
I was looking for a moment's sleep -
But she only shed tears
My wife and peace were calling,
I was languishing with sadness and yawning,
And rarely, rarely before dawn,
Bowing my head to the tree,
She dozed in a thin drowsiness;
The darkness of the night was barely thinning,
Lyudmila walked to the waterfall
Wash with a cold stream:
Karla himself in the morning
Once I saw from the wards,
As if under an invisible hand
The waterfall splashed and splashed.
With my usual melancholy
Until another night, here and there,
She wandered through the gardens;
Often in the evening we heard
Her pleasant voice;
Often in the groves they raised
Or the wreath thrown by her,
Or scraps of a Persian shawl,
Or a tear-stained handkerchief.

Wounded by cruel passion,
Overshadowed by vexation, anger,
The sorcerer finally decided
Definitely catch Lyudmila.
So Lemnos is a lame blacksmith,
Having received the marital crown
From the hands of the lovely Cythera,
I spread a net to her beauty,
Revealed to the mocking gods
Cyprids are tender ideas...

Bored, poor princess
In the cool of the marble gazebo
I sat quietly near the window
And through the swaying branches
I looked at the flowering meadow.
Suddenly he hears a call: “dear friend!”
And he sees faithful Ruslan.
His features, gait, stature;
But he is pale, there is fog in his eyes,
And there is a living wound on the thigh -
Her heart trembled. “Ruslan!
Ruslan!.. he’s definitely!” And with an arrow
The captive flies to her husband,
In tears, trembling, he says:
“You’re here... you’re wounded... what’s wrong with you?”
Already reached, hugged:
Oh horror... the ghost disappears!
Princess in the nets; from her forehead
The hat falls to the ground.
Cold, he hears a menacing cry
"She is mine!" and at the same moment
He sees the sorcerer before his eyes.
The maiden heard a pitiful groan,
Fall unconscious - and a wonderful dream
He embraced the unfortunate woman with his wings.

What will happen to the poor princess!
O terrible sight: the frail wizard (3)
Caresses with an impudent hand
The youthful charms of Lyudmila!
Will he really be happy?
Chu... suddenly there was a ringing of horns,
And someone calls Karla.
In confusion, pale sorcerer
He puts a hat on the girl;
They blow again; louder, louder!
And he flies to an unknown meeting,
Throwing his beard over his shoulders.

Song five

Ah, how sweet my princess!
Her like is most dear to me:
She is sensitive, modest,
Marital love is faithful,
A little windy... so what?
She's even cuter.
Always the charm of the new
She knows how to captivate us;
Tell me: is it possible to compare
Is she and Delphira harsh?
One - fate sent a gift
To charm hearts and eyes;
Her smile, her conversations
Love gives birth to heat in me.
And she is under the skirt of a hussar,
Just give her a mustache and spurs!
Blessed is he who in the evening
To a secluded corner
My Lyudmila is waiting
And he will call you a friend of the heart;
But believe me, blessed is he too
Who is running away from Delphira?
And I don’t even know her.
Yes, but that’s not the point!
But who blew the trumpet? Who's the sorcerer
Did you call me to a flogging?
Who scared the sorcerer?
Ruslan. He, burning with revenge,
Reached the abode of the villain.
The knight is already standing under the mountain,
The calling horn howls like a storm,
The impatient horse is seething
And he digs snow with his wet hoof.
The prince is waiting for Karla. Suddenly he
On a strong steel helmet
Struck by an invisible hand;
The blow fell like thunder;
Ruslan raises his vague gaze
And he sees - right above the head -
With a raised, terrible mace
Karla Chernomor flies.
Covering himself with a shield, he bent down,
He shook his sword and swung it;
But he soared under the clouds;
For a moment he disappeared - and from above
Noisily flies towards the prince again.
The agile knight flew away,
And into the snow with a fatal swing
The sorcerer fell and sat down there;
Ruslan, without saying a word,
Off the horse, he hurries towards him,
I caught him, he grabs me by the beard,
The wizard struggles and groans
And suddenly he flies away with Ruslan...
The zealous horse looks after you;
Already a sorcerer under the clouds;
The hero hangs on his beard;
Flying over dark forests
Flying over wild mountains
They fly over the abyss of the sea;
The stress makes me stiff,
Ruslan for the villain's beard
Holds on with a steady hand.
Meanwhile, weakening in the air
And amazed at the Russian strength,
Wizard to proud Ruslan
He insidiously says: “Listen, prince!
I will stop harming you;
Loving young courage,
I will forget everything, I will forgive you,
I’ll go down - but only with an agreement...”
“Be silent, treacherous sorcerer! -
Our knight interrupted: - with Chernomor,
With his wife's tormentor,
Ruslan doesn't know the contract!
This formidable sword will punish the thief.
Fly even to the night star,
How about you be without a beard!”
Fear surrounds Chernomor;
In frustration, in silent grief,
In vain long beard
Tired Karla is shocked:
Ruslan doesn't let her out
And sometimes it stings my hair.
For two days the sorcerer wears the hero,
On the third he asks for mercy:
“O knight, have pity on me;
I can barely breathe; no more urine;
Leave me life, I am in your will;
Tell me, I’ll go down wherever you want...”
“Now you’re ours: yeah, you’re trembling!
Humble yourself, submit to Russian power!
Take me to my Lyudmila.”

Chernomor humbly listens;
He set off home with the knight;
He flies and instantly finds himself
Among their terrible mountains.
Then Ruslan with one hand
Took the sword of the slain head
And, grabbing the beard with the other,
I cut her off like a handful of grass.
“Know ours! - he said cruelly, -
What, predator, where is your beauty?
Where is the strength? and on the helmet high
Gray hair knits;
Whistling he calls the dashing horse;
A cheerful horse flies and neighs;
Our knight Karl is barely alive
He puts it in a knapsack behind the saddle,
And he himself, afraid of the moment of waste,
The steep one hurries to the top of the mountain,
Achieved, and with a joyful soul
Flies into magical chambers.
In the distance, seeing a big-haired helmet,
The key to a fatal victory,
Before him is a wonderful swarm of Arabs,
Crowds of fearful slaves,
Like ghosts from all sides
They ran and disappeared. He walks
Alone among the proud temples,
He calls his dear wife -
Only the echo of silent vaults
Ruslan gives his voice;
In the excitement of impatient feelings
He opens the doors to the garden -
He walks and walks and doesn’t find him;
Confused eyes look around -
Everything is dead: the groves are silent,
The gazebos are empty; on the rapids,
Along the banks of the stream, in the valleys,
There is no trace of Lyudmila anywhere,
And the ear does not hear anything.
A sudden chill embraces the prince,
The light is darkening in his eyes,
Dark thoughts arose in my mind...
“Perhaps grief... gloomy captivity...
A minute... waves..." In these dreams
He's immersed. With silent melancholy
The knight bowed his head;
He is tormented by involuntary fear;
He is motionless, like a dead stone;
The mind is darkened; wild flame
And the poison of desperate love
Already flowing in his blood.
It seemed like the shadow of a beautiful princess
Touched trembling lips...
And suddenly, frantic, terrible,
The knight rushes through the gardens;
He calls Lyudmila with a cry,
It tears cliffs from the hills,
Destroys everything, destroys everything with a sword -
Gazebos, groves are falling,
Trees, bridges dive in the waves,
The steppe is exposed all around!
Far away the rumbles repeat
And roar, and crackling, and noise, and thunder;
Everywhere the sword rings and whistles,
The lovely land is devastated -
The mad knight is looking for a victim,
With a swing to the right, to the left he
The desert air cuts through...
And suddenly - an unexpected blow
Knocks off the invisible princess
Chernomor's farewell gift...
The power of magic suddenly disappeared:
Lyudmila has opened up on the networks!
Not believing my own eyes,
Intoxicated with unexpected happiness,
Our knight falls at his feet
Faithful, unforgettable friend,
Kisses hands, tears nets,
Tears of love and delight are shed,
He calls her, but the maiden is dozing,
Eyes and lips are closed,
And a voluptuous dream
Her young breasts rise.
Ruslan doesn’t take his eyes off her,
He is tormented by grief again. ..
But suddenly a friend hears a voice
The voice of the virtuous Finn:

“Take courage, prince! On the way back
Go with sleeping Lyudmila;
Fill your heart with new strength,
Be true to love and honor.
Heavenly thunder will strike in anger,
And silence will reign -
And in bright Kyiv the princess
Will rise up before Vladimir
From an enchanted dream.”

Ruslan, animated by this voice,
He takes his wife into his arms,
And quietly with the precious burden
He leaves the heights
And he goes down into a secluded valley.

In silence, with Karla behind the saddle,
He went his own way;
Lyudmila lies in his arms
Fresh as spring dawn
And on the shoulder of the hero
She bowed her calm face.
With hair twisted into a ring,
The desert breeze plays;
How often does her chest sigh!
How often is a quiet face
It glows like an instant rose!
Love and secret dream
They bring Ruslan’s image to her,
And with a languid whisper of lips
The spouse's name is pronounced...
In sweet oblivion he catches
Her magical breath
Smile, tears, gentle moan
And the sleepy Persians are worried...

Meanwhile, across the valleys, across the mountains,
And in broad daylight and at night,
Our knight travels incessantly.
The desired limit is still far away,
And the maiden is sleeping. But the young prince
Burning with a barren flame,
Is it really a constant sufferer?
I was just watching over my wife
And in a chaste dream,
Having subdued the immodest desire,
Have you found your bliss?
The monk who saved
Faithful legend to posterity
About my glorious knight,
We are confidently assured of this:
And I believe! No division
Sad, rude pleasures:
We are truly happy together.
Shepherdesses, the dream of a lovely princess
Wasn't like your dreams
Sometimes a languid spring,
On the grass, in the shade of a tree.
I remember a little meadow
Among the birch oak forest,
I remember a dark evening
I remember Lida’s evil dream...
Ah, love's first kiss,
Trembling, light, hasty,
I didn’t disperse, my friends,
Her patient slumber...
But come on, I'm talking nonsense!
Why does love need memories?
Her joy and suffering
Forgotten by me for a long time;
Now they're getting my attention
Princess, Ruslan and Chernomor.

The plain lies before them,
Where the spruces sprang up occasionally;
And a formidable hill in the distance
The round top turns black
Sky in bright blue.
Ruslan looks and guesses
What comes to the head;
The greyhound horse ran faster
It’s a miracle of miracles;
She looks with a motionless eye;
Her hair is like a black forest,
Overgrown on the high brow;
The cheeks are deprived of life,
Covered with leaden pallor
Huge lips are open,
Huge teeth are cramped...
Over half dead head
The last day was already hard.
A brave knight flew to her
With Lyudmila, with Karla behind her
He shouted: “Hello, head!
I'm here! your traitor is punished!
Look: here he is, our villain captive!”
And the prince's proud words
She was suddenly revived
For a moment the feeling was awakened in her,
I woke up as if from a dream,
She looked and groaned terribly...
She recognized the knight
And I recognized my brother with horror.
The nostrils flared; on the cheeks
The crimson fire is still born,
And in dying eyes
The final anger was depicted.
In confusion, in silent rage
She ground her teeth
And to my brother with a cold tongue
An inarticulate reproach babbled...
Already her at that very hour
The long suffering is over:
Chela instant flame went out,
Weakly heavy breathing
A huge rolled-up gaze
And soon the prince and Chernomor
We saw the shudder of death...
She fell into eternal sleep.
The knight left in silence;
The trembling dwarf behind the saddle
Didn't dare to breathe, didn't move
And in blackish language
He prayed fervently to the demons.

On the slope of dark shores
Some nameless river
In the cool twilight of the forests,
The roof of the drooping hut stood,
Crowned with thick pine trees.
In a slow flowing river
Near the reed fence
A wave of sleep washed over
And around him there was barely a murmur
With the slight sound of a breeze.
The valley was hidden in these places,
Secluded and dark;
And there seemed to be silence
Has reigned since the beginning of the world.
Ruslan stopped his horse.
Everything was quiet, serene;
From the dawning day
Valley with coastal grove
Through the morning smoke shone.
Ruslan lays his wife down in the meadow,
He sits down next to her and sighs.
With sweet and silent despondency;
And suddenly he sees before him
Humble shuttle sail
And hears the fisherman's song
Over a quiet river.
Having spread the net over the waves,
Fisherman leaning on his oars
Floats to the wooded shores,
To the threshold of the humble hut.
And the good prince Ruslan sees:
The shuttle sails to the shore;
Runs out of a dark house
Young maiden; slender figure,
Hair, carelessly loose,
A smile, a quiet gaze of eyes,
Both chest and shoulders are bare,
Everything is sweet, everything captivates about her.
And here they are, hugging each other,
They sit by the cool waters,
And an hour of carefree leisure
For them it comes with love.
But in silent amazement
Who is there in the happy fisherman?
Will our young knight find out?
Khazar Khan, chosen by glory,
Ratmir, in love, in bloody war
His opponent is young
Ratmir in the serene desert
Lyudmila, I forgot my glory
And changed them forever
In the arms of a tender friend.

The hero approached, and instantly
The hermit recognizes Ruslan,
He gets up and flies. There was a scream...
And the prince hugged the young khan.
“What do I see? - asked the hero
Why are you here, why did you leave?
Anxiety of life combat
And the sword that you glorified?”
“My friend,” answered the fisherman, “
The soul is tired of abusive glory
An empty and disastrous ghost.
Believe me: innocent fun,
Love and peaceful oak forests
Dearer to the heart a hundred times -
Now, having lost the thirst for battle,
I stopped paying tribute to madness,
And rich in true happiness,
I forgot everything, dear comrade,
Everything, even Lyudmila’s charms.”
“Dear Khan, I am very glad! -
Ruslan said; - she is with me.”
“Is it possible, by what fate?
What do I hear? Russian princess...
She's with you, where is she?
Let me... but no, I'm afraid of betrayal;
My friend is sweet to me;
My happy change
She was the culprit;
She is my life, she is my joy!
She returned it to me again
My lost youth
And peace and pure love.
In vain they promised me happiness
The lips of young sorceresses;
Twelve maidens loved me:
I left them for her;
He left their mansion cheerfully,
In the shade of guardian oak trees;
He laid down both the sword and the heavy helmet,
I forgot both glory and enemies.
The hermit is peaceful and unknown,
Left in the happy wilderness,
With you, dear friend, lovely friend,
With you, the light of my soul!”

The dear shepherdess listened
Friends open conversation
And, fixing his gaze on the khan,
And she smiled and sighed.

Fisherman and knight on the shores
We sat until the dark night
With soul and heart on my lips -
The hours flew by invisibly.
The forest is black, the mountain is dark;
The moon rises - everything became quiet.
It's high time for the hero to hit the road -
Quietly throwing the blanket
On the sleeping maiden, Ruslan
He goes and mounts his horse;
Thoughtfully silent khan
My soul strives to follow him,
Happiness and victories to Ruslan
He wants fame and love...
And the thoughts of proud, young years
Involuntary sadness revives...

Why is fate not destined
To my fickle lyre
There is only one heroism to sing
And with him (unknown in the world)
Love and friendship of old?
Poet of sad truth,
Why should I for posterity
Reveal vice and malice
And the secrets of the machinations of treachery
Convict in truthful songs?

The princess's seeker is unworthy,
Having lost the hunt for glory,
The unknown Farlaf
In the distant and calm desert
He was hiding and waiting for Naina.
And the solemn hour has come.
A sorceress appeared to him,
Saying: “Do you know me?
Follow me; saddle your horse!”
And the witch turned into a cat;
The horse was saddled and she set off;
Along the dark oak forest paths
Farlaf follows her.

The quiet valley was dozing,
In the night dressed in fog,
The moon moved across the darkness
From cloud to cloud and mound
Illuminated with an instant brilliance.
Below him in silence is Ruslan
I sat with the usual melancholy
Before the sleeping princess.
He thought deeply,
Dreams flew after dreams,
And sleep blew inconspicuously
Cold wings above him.
At the maiden with dim eyes
In a languid drowsiness he looked
And with a tired head
Bending at her feet, he fell asleep.

And the hero has a prophetic dream:
He sees that the princess
Above the terrible depths of the abyss
Stands motionless and pale...
And suddenly Lyudmila disappears,
He stands alone above the abyss...
A familiar voice, an inviting moan
Flies out of the quiet abyss...
Ruslan strives for his wife;
He flies headlong into the deep darkness.
And suddenly he sees in front of him:
Vladimir, in the high gridnitsa,
In the circle of gray-haired heroes,
Between twelve sons,
With a crowd of named guests
Sits at dirty tables.
And the old prince is just as angry,
Like a terrible day of parting,
And everyone sits without moving,
Not daring to break the silence.
The cheerful noise of the guests has died down,
The circular bowl does not move...
And he sees among the guests
In the battle of the slain Rogdai:
The dead man sits as if alive;
From a foamed glass
He is cheerful, drinks and does not look
To the amazed Ruslan.
The prince also sees the young khan,
Friends and foes... and suddenly
A quick sound of the gusli rang out
And the voice of the prophetic Bayan,
Singer of heroes and fun.
Farlaf joins the grid,
He leads Lyudmila by the hand;
But the old man, without getting up from his seat,
He is silent, bowing his head sadly,
Princes, boyars - everyone is silent,
Soulful movements of the cut.
And everything disappeared - the chill of death
Envelops the sleeping hero.
Heavily immersed in slumber,
He sheds painful tears,
In excitement he thinks: this is a dream!
Languishes, but has an ominous dream,
Alas, he is unable to interrupt.

The moon shines slightly over the mountain;
The groves are enveloped in darkness,
Valley in dead silence...
The traitor rides on a horse.

A clearing opened before him;
He sees a gloomy mound;
Ruslan sleeps at Lyudmila’s feet,
And the horse walks around the mound
Farlaf looks with fear;
The witch disappears in the fog
His heart froze, trembled
From cold hands he drops the bridle,
Quietly draws his sword,
Preparing knight without a fight
Cut in two with a flourish...
I approached him. Hero's horse
Sensing the enemy, he began to boil,
He neighed and stamped. The sign is in vain!
Ruslan doesn’t listen; terrible dream
Like a load, it weighed down on him!..
A traitor, encouraged by a witch,
A hero in the chest with a despicable hand
Cold steel pierces three times...
And rushes fearfully into the distance
With your precious spoils.

Unfeeling Ruslan all night
He lay in the darkness under the mountain.
The hours flew by. Blood flows like a river
It flowed from inflamed wounds.
In the morning, opening my misty gaze,
Letting out a heavy, weak groan,
He stood up with effort,
He looked, bowed his head in a scolding manner -
And he fell motionless, lifeless.

Song six

You command me, oh my gentle friend,
On the lyre, light and careless
The old ones were humming
And dedicate to the faithful muse
Hours of priceless leisure...
You know, dear friend:
Having quarreled with a windy rumor,
Your friend, intoxicated with bliss,
I forgot my solitary work,
And the sounds of the lyre dear.
From harmonic fun
I am intoxicated, out of habit...
I breathe you - and proud glory
I don't understand the call to call
My secret genius left me
And fictions and sweet thoughts;
Love and thirst for pleasure
Some haunt my mind.
But you command, but you loved
My old stories
Traditions of glory and love;
My hero, my Lyudmila,
Vladimir, witch, Chernomor,
And Finn's true sorrows
Your daydreaming was occupied;
You, listening to my easy nonsense,
Sometimes she dozed off with a smile;
But sometimes your tender gaze
She threw it more tenderly at the singer...
I will make up my mind; loving talker,
I touch the lazy strings again;
I sit at your feet and again
I'm strumming about the young knight.

But what did I say? Where is Ruslan?
He lies dead in an open field;
His blood will no longer flow,
A greedy crow flies above him,
The horn is silent, the armor motionless,
The shaggy helmet doesn’t move!

A horse walks around Ruslan,
Hanging my proud head,
The fire in his eyes disappeared!
Doesn't wave his golden mane,
He doesn’t amuse himself, he doesn’t jump,
And waits for Ruslan to rise up...
But the prince is in a deep, cold sleep,
And his shield will not strike for a long time.

And Chernomor? He's behind the saddle
In a knapsack, forgotten by the witch,
Doesn't know anything yet;
Tired, sleepy and angry
Princess, my hero
He scolded silently out of boredom;
Without hearing anything for a long time,
The wizard looked out - oh wonder!
He sees the hero killed;
The drowned man lies in blood;
Lyudmila is gone, everything is empty in the field;
The villain trembles with joy
And he thinks: it’s done, I’m free!
But old Karla was wrong.

Meanwhile, Naina’s inspiration
With Lyudmila, quietly put to sleep
Farlaf strives for Kyiv:
Flies, full of hope, full of fear;
The Dnieper waves are already in front of him
There is noise in familiar pastures;
He already sees the golden-domed city;
Farlaf is already rushing through the city,
And the noise in the haystacks rises;
The people are excited and joyful
It falls behind the rider, crowds in;
They run to please their father:
And here is the traitor at the porch.

Dragging a burden of sadness in my soul,
Vladimir was the sunshine at that time
In his high chamber
I sat, languishing in my usual thoughts.
Boyars, knights all around
They sat with gloomy importance.
Suddenly he listens: in front of the porch
Excitement, screams, wonderful noise;
The door opened; in front of him
An unknown warrior appeared;
Everyone stood up with a muffled stamp
And suddenly they became embarrassed and made a noise:
“Lyudmila is here! Farlaf... really?”
Changing his sad face,
The old prince gets up from his chair,
Hastens with heavy steps
To his unfortunate daughter,
Fits; stepfather's hands
He wants to touch her;
But the dear maiden does not heed,
And the enchanted one dozes
In the hands of a killer - everyone is watching
To the prince in vague expectation;
And the old man has a restless look
He stared at the knight in silence.
But, cunningly pressing a finger to his lips,
“Lyudmila is sleeping,” Farlaf said: “
I just found her recently
In the deserted Murom forests
In the hands of the evil goblin;
There the work was accomplished gloriously;
We fought for three days; moon
She rose above the battle three times;
He fell, and the young princess
I fell into my hands sleepily;
And who will interrupt this wonderful dream?
When will the awakening come?
I don’t know - the law of fate is hidden!
And we have hope and patience
Some were left in consolation.”

And soon with the fatal news
Rumors spread throughout the city;
A motley crowd of people
City Square began to boil;
The sad chamber is open to everyone;
The crowd is getting excited and pouring out
There, where on a high bed,
On a brocade blanket
The princess lies in a deep sleep;
Princes and knights all around
They stand sad; the voices of trumpets,
Horns, tambourines, harps, tambourines
They thunder over her; old prince
Exhausted by heavy melancholy,
At the feet of Lyudmila with gray hairs
Drooped down with silent tears;
And Farlaf, pale next to him
In silent remorse, in annoyance,
Trembling, having lost his audacity.

Night has come. Nobody in the city
I didn’t close my sleepless eyes;
Noisy, everyone crowded towards each other:
He talked about all sorts of miracles;
The young husband to his wife
In the modest room I forgot.
But only the light of the two-horned moon
Disappeared before the dawn,
All Kyiv is in new alarm
Confused! Clicks, noise and howling
They appeared everywhere. Kievans
Crowding on the city wall...
And they see: in the morning fog
The tents are white across the river;
Shields shine like a glow,
Riders flash in the fields,
Black dust rises in the distance;
The marching carts are coming,
Bonfires burn on the hills.
Trouble: the Pechenegs have risen!

But at this time the prophetic Finn,
Mighty ruler of spirits,
In your serene desert,
I waited with a calm heart,
So that the day of inevitable fate,
Long foreseen, it has risen.

In the silent wilderness of the flammable steppes,
Beyond the distant chain of wild mountains,
Dwellings of the winds, rattling storms,
Where do witches look boldly?
He's afraid to sneak in at a late hour,
The wonderful valley lurks,
And in that valley there are two keys:
One flows like a living wave,
Murmuring merrily over the stones,
It flows like dead water.
Everything is quiet all around, the winds are sleeping,
The spring coolness does not blow,
Centuries-old pines do not make noise,
The birds do not fly, the deer does not dare
In the summer heat, drink from secret waters;
A couple of spirits from the beginning of the world,
Silent in the bosom of the world,
The dense shore guards...
With two empty jugs
The hermit appeared before them;
The spirits interrupted the long-standing dream
And they left full of fear.
Bending down, he immerses
Vessels in virgin waves;
Filled it up, disappeared in the air,
And in two moments I found myself
In the valley where Ruslan lay
Covered in blood, silent, motionless;
And the old man stood over the knight,
And sprinkled with dead water,
And the wounds shone instantly,
And the corpse is wonderfully beautiful
Thrived; then with living water
The elder sprinkled the hero
And cheerful, full of new strength,
Trembling with young life,
Ruslan gets up on a clear day
He looks with greedy eyes,
Like an ugly dream, like a shadow,
The past flashes before him.
But where is Lyudmila? He's alone!
His heart flares up and stops.
Suddenly the knight stood up; prophetic Finn
She calls him and hugs him:
“Fate has come true, oh my son!
Bliss awaits you;
The bloody feast calls you;
Your formidable sword will strike with disaster;
A gentle peace will fall on Kyiv,
And there she will appear to you.
Take the treasured ring
Touch Lyudmila’s brow with it,
And the powers of secret spells will disappear,
Your enemies will be confused by your face,
Peace will come, anger will perish.
Both of you deserve happiness!
Forgive me for a long time, my knight!
Give me your hand... there, behind the door of the coffin
Not before - we’ll see you!”
He said and disappeared. Intoxicated
With ardent and silent delight,
Ruslan, awakened to life,
Raises his hands after him...
But nothing is heard anymore!
Ruslan is alone in a deserted field;
Jumping, with Karla behind the saddle,
Ruslanov is an impatient horse
Runs and neighs, waving his mane;
The prince is already ready, he is already on horseback,
He's flying alive and well
Through fields, through oak groves.

But meanwhile what a shame
Is Kyiv under siege?
There, with his eyes fixed on the fields,
The people, stricken with despondency,
Stands on towers and walls
And in fear awaits heavenly execution;
Timid moaning in houses,
There is a silence of fear on the haystacks;
Alone, near his daughter,
Vladimir in sorrowful prayer;
And a brave host of heroes
With a loyal squad of princes
Preparing for a bloody battle.

And the day has come. Crowds of enemies
At dawn they moved from the hills;
Indomitable squads
Excitedly, they poured out from the plain
And they flowed to the city wall;
The trumpets thundered in the hail,
The fighters closed ranks and flew
Towards the daring army,
They came together and a fight ensued.
Sensing death, the horses leaped,
Let's go knock swords on armor;
With a whistle, a cloud of arrows soared,
The plain was filled with blood;
The riders rushed headlong,
The horse squads mingled;
A closed, friendly wall
There the formation is cut down with the formation;
A footman fights with a horseman there;
There a frightened horse rushes;
There a Russian fell, there a Pecheneg;
There are shouts of battle, there there is escape;
He was knocked over with a mace;
He was lightly struck by an arrow;
Another, crushed by a shield,
Trampled by a mad horse...
And the battle lasted until dark;
Neither the enemy nor ours prevailed!
Behind the piles of bloody bodies
The soldiers closed their languid eyes,
And their abusive sleep was strong;
Only occasionally on the battlefield
The fallen mournful groan was heard
And Russian knights of prayer.

The morning shadow grew pale,
The wave turned silver in the stream,
A doubtful day was born
In the foggy east.
The hills and forests became clearer,
And the heavens woke up.
Still in inactive repose
The battlefield was dozing;
Suddenly the dream was interrupted: the enemy camp
He rose up with noisy alarm,
A sudden cry of battle broke out;
The hearts of the people of Kiev were troubled;
Running in discordant crowds
And they see: in a field between enemies,
Shining in armor as if on fire,
Wonderful warrior on horseback
It rushes like a thunderstorm, stabs, chops,
Blows a roaring horn while flying...
It was Ruslan. Like God's thunder
Our knight fell on the infidel;
He prowls with Karla behind the saddle
Among the frightened camp.
Wherever a formidable sword whistles,
Wherever an angry horse rushes,
Heads are falling off shoulders everywhere
And with a cry, formation falls upon formation;
In an instant the scolding meadow
Covered with hills of bloody bodies,
Alive, crushed, headless,
A mass of spears, arrows, chain mail.
To the sound of the trumpet, to the voice of battle
Cavalry squads of the Slavs
We rushed in the footsteps of the hero,
They fought... perish, you infidel!
The horror of the Pechenegs is overwhelming;
Pets stormy raids
The names of the scattered horses are
They don’t dare resist anymore
And with a wild cry in a dusty field
They are fleeing from the Kyiv swords,
Doomed to be sacrificed to hell;
The Russian sword executes their hosts;
Kyiv rejoices... But hail
The mighty hero is flying;
In his right hand he holds a victorious sword;
The spear shines like a star;
Blood flows from the copper chain mail;
A beard curls on the helmet;
Flies, filled with hope,
Along the noisy haystacks to the prince's house.
The people, intoxicated with delight,
Crowds around with clicks,
And the prince was revived by joy.
He enters the silent mansion,
Where Lyudmila sleeps in a wonderful dream.
Vladimir, deep in thought,
A sad man stood at her feet.
He was alone. His friends
War led to bloody fields.
But Farlaf is with him, shunning glory
Far from enemy swords,
In my soul, despising the worries of the camp,
He stood guard at the door.
As soon as the villain recognized Ruslan,
His blood has cooled, his eyes have gone dark,
The voice froze in the open mouth,
And he fell unconscious on his knees...
Treason awaits a worthy execution!
But, remembering the secret gift of the ring,
Ruslan flies to the sleeping Lyudmila,
Her calm face
Touches with a trembling hand...
And a miracle: the young princess,
Sighing, she opened her bright eyes!
It seemed as if she
I marveled at such a long night;
It seemed like some kind of dream
She was tormented by an unclear dream,
And suddenly I found out - it was him!
And the prince is in the arms of a beautiful woman.
Resurrected by a fiery soul,
Ruslan doesn’t see, doesn’t listen,
And the old man is silent in joy,
Sobbing, he hugs his dear ones.

How will I end my long story?
You will guess, my dear friend!
The old man's wrongful anger went out,
Farlaf in front of him and in front of Lyudmila
At Ruslan's feet he announced
Your shame and dark villainy;
The happy prince forgave him;
Deprived of the power of sorcery,
The king was received into the palace;
And, celebrating the end of disasters,
Vladimir in the high grid
Locked it in with his family.

Things of days gone by
Deep legends of antiquity.


So, an indifferent inhabitant of the world,
In the bosom of idle silence,
I praised the obedient lyre
Legends of dark antiquity.
I sang and forgot the insults
Blind happiness and enemies,
The betrayals of the windy Dorida
And the gossip of noisy fools.
Carried on the wings of fiction,
The mind flew beyond the edge of the earth;
And meanwhile the invisible thunderstorm
A cloud was gathering over me!..
I was dying... Holy Guardian
Initial, stormy days,
O friendship, tender comforter
My sick soul!
You begged the bad weather;
You have returned peace to my heart;
You kept me free
Idol of boiling youth!
Forgotten by light and rumor,
Far from the banks of the Neva,
Now I see before me
Proud heads of the Caucasus.
Above their steep peaks,
On the slope of stone rapids,
I feed on dumb feelings
And the wonderful beauty of the paintings
Nature is wild and gloomy;
Soul, as before, every hour
Full of languid thoughts -
But the fire of poetry went out.
I search in vain for impressions:
She has passed, it's time for poetry,
It's time for love, happy dreams,
It's time for heartfelt inspiration!
The short day passed in delight -
And disappeared from me forever
Goddess of silent chants...

The poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” is a fairy tale written in 1818 - 1820. The author was inspired to create the work by Russian folklore, Russian epics and popular popular stories. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” is full of elements of grotesque fantasy, colloquial vocabulary and the author’s good-natured irony. According to literary scholars, the work is a parody of the chivalric novels and romantic ballads of Zhukovsky.

Main characters

Ruslan- a brave prince, Lyudmila’s fiancé, who saved her from Chernomor.

Lyudmila- Princess, youngest daughter of Prince Vladimir, bride of Ruslan.

Chernomor- a hunchbacked dwarf with a long magical beard, “the full-fledged owner of the mountains,” kidnapped Lyudmila.

Finn- an old wizard who helped Ruslan find and save Lyudmila.

Other characters

Rogdai- “brave warrior”, one of Ruslan’s rivals.

Farlaf- “an arrogant screamer, not defeated by anyone at feasts, but a humble warrior,” killed Ruslan and kidnapped Lyudmila.

Ratmir- “young Khazar Khan”, wanted to marry Lyudmila, but fell in love with another maiden.

Naina- Finn's beloved, sorceress.

Prince Vladimir- Prince of Kyiv, father of Lyudmila.


The author dedicates his work to the “beauties” - “the queens of his soul.” The poem begins with a description of the fabulous Lukomorye - a magical world is revealed to the reader, where a learned cat, a mermaid, a goblin, Baba Yaga, King Kashchei, knights and sorcerers live.

Song one

Prince Vladimir marries his youngest daughter Lyudmila to “the brave Prince Ruslan.” The celebration is in full swing, guests listen to the song of the “sweet singer” Bayan, glorifying the newlyweds. However, not everyone is having fun; three knights, Ruslan’s rivals - Rogdai, Farlaf, Ratmir - are sitting “despondently, with a cloudy brow.”

After the feast, the young people went to their chambers. Suddenly thunder struck, the room went dark and “someone in the smoky depths / Soared blacker than the foggy haze.” Ruslan discovers in despair that Lyudmila has disappeared. Having learned about what happened, Prince Vladimir promises anyone who can find her his daughter’s hand and half his kingdom. Ruslan, Rogdai, Farlaf and Ratmir go in different directions in search of Lyudmila.

On the way, Ruslan notices a cave. Entering it, the knight sees a gray-haired old man reading a book. The elder informs him that Lyudmila was kidnapped by the “terrible wizard Chernomor.” The knight stays in the cave for the night, and the old man tells him his story. He was a “natural Finn”, a shepherd, in love with a very beautiful and proud girl Naina. However, she refused the young man. Then the Finn went to distant lands and ten years later returned victorious, throwing treasures at the feet of his beloved. But Naina again refused him. Finn decided to attract his beloved with charms, studied for many years in the forests with sorcerers and was finally able to make a woman fall in love with him. However, forty years had passed since their last meeting, and now before him was not a young beauty, but a decrepit old woman, and even a witch. Finn runs away from a woman who is inflamed with passion for him, and since then Naina has hated the man.

Song two

At this time, Rogdai decides to kill his main rival, Ruslan, and goes back. Farlaf, having lunch near the stream, saw a knight rushing towards him, got scared and ran away. When Rogdai, who believed that he was chasing Ruslan, caught up with him, he was disappointed and let the knight go.

On the way, Rogdai met the old woman Naina, who showed him the way to Ruslan to the north. The witch also appeared to Farlaf - she advised him to return to Kyiv, since “Lyudmila will not leave them.”

After the abduction, Lyudmila was in “painful oblivion” for a long time. The girl woke up in rich chambers similar to the house of Scheherazade. Three maidens, accompanied by wonderful singing, braided Lyudmila’s hair, put on her a pearl crown, an azure sundress and a pearl belt. However, the princess is very sad and yearns for Ruslan. She is not even happy with the magically beautiful garden where she spends the whole day. At night, a “long row of Arabs” unexpectedly enters her room. They bring on the pillows a long beard that belonged to a hunchbacked dwarf. In fright, Lyudmila screamed and wanted to hit the dwarf, but he, trying to escape, got tangled in his own beard. The araps carried him away.

Ruslan rides out into an open field, where a horseman rushes towards him with a spear. It was Rogdai. Ruslan defeats his opponent, and Rogdai finds his death in the river.

Song three

In the morning, a winged serpent flies to the dwarf Chernomor, which “suddenly turned around like Naina.” The woman invites the sorcerer to enter into an alliance, and he agrees.

Chernomor finds out that Lyudmila has disappeared - she was neither in the chambers nor in the garden. The girl accidentally discovered the sorcerer's invisibility cap and was now having fun, hiding from the dwarf and his servants.

Ruslan travels to the old battlefield, strewn with bones, where he selects armor for himself, but does not find a worthy sword. Heading further, the prince notices a high hill on which the huge head of a warrior in a helmet sleeps. Ruslan woke up his head and she, angry, began to blow on the knight. A strong whirlwind carried Ruslan back, but he contrived to thrust a spear into the tongue of the head, and then knocked it over. The prince wanted to “chop off her nose and ears,” but the head asked not to do this, telling her story. It used to belong to a giant, who was very jealous of his dwarf brother Chernomor. One day Chernomor learned that there was a sword that would cut off the giant’s head and his beard (in which “fatal power was hidden”). The giant got hold of a blade, and while his brother was sleeping, the dwarf cut off his head, placing it there to guard the sword. The head asks Ruslan to take the blade for himself and take revenge on Chernomor.

Canto Four

Ratmir drives out to the valley and sees a castle on the rocks in front of him. The Knight notices a beautiful maiden walking along the wall and singing a song. The young khan knocks on the castle and is greeted by red maidens. Ratmir remains in the castle.

Lyudmila, all this time, wandered around the sorcerer’s possessions, yearning for her lover. “Wounded by cruel passion,” Chernomor decides to catch Lyudmila, turning into the wounded Ruslan. The girl rushes to her lover, but upon discovering the substitution, she falls unconscious. Suddenly a horn rings.

Song five

As it turned out, Ruslan challenged the sorcerer to battle. In the midst of the battle, the knight grabs Chernomor by the beard and they rise into the sky. Ruslan did not let go of the sorcerer’s beard for three days, and he, tired, descended to the ground. Immediately the knight drew his sword and cut off the sorcerer’s beard, after which he lost his magical power.

Ruslan returns to Chernomor's possessions, but cannot find Lyudmila. Grieving, the knight begins to destroy everything around him with his sword and with an accidental blow knocks off the princess’s invisibility cap. Ruslan falls at the girl’s feet, but she is bewitched and sleeps.

Suddenly, the virtuous Finn appears nearby. He advises taking Lyudmila to Kyiv, where the princess will wake up. The Knight does just that.

On the way back, Ruslan tells the giant’s head that he has taken revenge, and she dies calmly. Near a quiet river, the knight meets a fisherman with a sweet maiden, whom he recognizes as Ratmir. Former rivals wish each other happiness.

Naina comes to Farlaf. The sorceress takes the knight to Ruslan, who is sleeping at Lyudmila’s feet. Farlaf “stabs thrice-cold steel” into his opponent’s chest and kidnaps the princess.

Song six

Farlaf arrives in Kyiv, but Lyudmila continues to sleep. Soon the Pecheneg uprising begins. At this time, Finn comes to the murdered Ruslan with dead and living water and revives the knight. The wizard sends the prince to protect Kyiv and gives him a ring that will help break Lyudmila’s spell.

Ruslan leads the army and defeats the Pechenegs. After the victory, the prince entered the chambers, touched Lyudmila’s forehead with a ring and the girl woke up. Ruslan and Lyudmila forgave Farlaf, and the dwarf was accepted into the palace.


In the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” Pushkin reveals the eternal conflict - the confrontation between good and evil. All the heroes of the work are ambiguous - they have both positive and negative sides, but they themselves choose which path to follow. At the end of the poem, the author, following the traditional fairy tale, shows that good always triumphs over evil.

A brief retelling of “Ruslan and Lyudmila” will help you become familiar with the plot of the work, as well as prepare for a lesson in Russian literature.

Poem test

Test on the summary of Pushkin's work:

Retelling rating

Average rating: 4.6. Total ratings received: 2313.

A poetic fairy-tale work by the outstanding Russian classic of Russian literature Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” was written between 1818 and 1820. The author, impressed by the beauty, diversity and originality of Russian folklore (epics, legends, fairy tales and popular stories), creates a unique poetic work that has become a classic of world and Russian literature, distinguished by a grotesque, fantastic plot, the use of colloquial vocabulary and the presence of a certain amount of authorial irony.

According to some literary scholars, the poem was created as a parody of chivalric novels and poetic ballads in the romantic style of Zhukovsky, who was fashionable at that time (the basis was his popular ballad “The Twelve Maidens”), who, after the publication of the poem, presented Pushkin with his portrait with words of gratitude from a defeated teacher for a winning student.

History of creation

(The first edition of “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by A.S. Pushkin, St. Petersburg. Printing house N. Grech, 142 pp., 1820)

According to some sources, Pushkin conceived the idea of ​​writing this fabulous poetry with a “heroic spirit” during his lyceum studies. But he started working on it much later, already in 1818-1820. The poetic poem was created under the influence not only of exclusively Russian folklore, but also the motifs of the works of Voltaire and Ariosto are clearly felt here. The names for some characters (Ratmir, Farlaf, Ragdai) appeared after Pushkin read “The History of the Russian State.”

Analysis of the work

(Lukomorye has a green oak tree. A golden chain on an oak tree.., Chromo-lithography by A.A. Abramova. Moscow, 1890)

In this poetic work, the author skillfully combined antiquity, moments of Russian history and the time in which the poet lived. For example, his image of Ruslan is akin to the image of the legendary Russian heroes, he is just as brave and courageous, but Lyudmila, thanks to her certain carelessness, flirtatiousness and frivolity, on the contrary, is closer to the young ladies of Pushkin’s era. The most important thing for the poet was to show in the work the triumph of good over evil, the victory of the light principle over dark, gloomy forces.

After the poem appeared in print in 1820, it almost immediately brought the poet well-deserved fame. Distinguished by its lightness, irony, sublimity, grace and freshness, it was a deeply original work, in which various genres, traditions and styles were skillfully mixed, immediately captivating the minds and hearts of readers of that time. Some critics condemned the use of deliberately common figures of speech in the poem; not everyone understood the author’s unusual technique and his unusual position as a storyteller.

Story line

The poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” is divided into six parts (songs), it begins with lines where the author talks about who this work is dedicated to, and it is intended for beautiful girls, for whose sake this fairy tale was written. Then comes the well-known description of the magical country of Lukomorye, the green oak tree that grows there and the mythical creatures that live there.

First song begins with a story about a feast in the palace of the Kyiv prince Vladimir the Red Sun, dedicated to the wedding of his daughter, the beautiful Lyudmila, and the brave young hero Ruslan. There is also the legendary epic singer and storyteller Bayan, as well as Ruslan’s three rivals Ratmir, Ragdai and Farlaf, who are also in love with Lyudmila, they are angry with the newly-minted groom, full of envy and hatred of him. Then a misfortune happens: the evil sorcerer and dwarf Chernomor kidnaps the bride and takes her to his enchanted castle. Ruslan and three rivals set out from Kyiv in search of her, in the hope that whoever finds the prince's daughter will receive her hand and heart. On the way, Ruslan meets Elder Finn, who tells him the story of his unhappy love for the girl Naina and shows him the way to the terrible sorcerer Chernomor.

Second part (song) talks about the adventures of Ruslan’s rivals, about his clash and victory over Ragday who attacked him, and also describes the details of Lyudmila’s stay in Chernomor’s castle, her acquaintance with him (Chernomor comes to her room, Lyudmila gets scared, squeals, grabs him by the cap and he runs away in horror).

In the third song a meeting of old friends is described: the wizard Chernomor and his friend the sorceress Naina, who comes to him and warns him that the heroes are coming to him for Lyudmila. Lyudmila finds a magic hat that makes her invisible and hides throughout the palace from the old and nasty sorcerer. Ruslan meets the giant head of a hero, defeats it and takes possession of a sword with which to kill Chernomor.

In the fourth song Radmir abandons the search for Lyudmila and remains in the castle with young beauties, and only one faithful warrior Ruslan stubbornly continues his journey, which becomes more and more dangerous, on the way he meets a witch, a giant and other enemies, they try to stop him, but he firmly goes to your goal. Chernomor tricks Lyudmila, wearing an invisibility cap, into a magic net and she falls asleep in it.

Fifth song tells the story of Ruslan's arrival at the wizard's palace, and of the difficult battle between the hero and the villainous dwarf, who carries Ruslan on his beard for three days and three nights, and finally surrenders. Ruslan captivates him, cuts off the magic beard, throws the sorcerer into a bag and goes to look for his bride, whom the vile dwarf hid well, putting an invisibility cap on her. Finally he finds her, but cannot wake her up, and in such a sleepy state he decides to take her to Kyiv. On the night road, Farlaf secretly attacks him, seriously wounds him and takes Lyudmila away.

In the sixth song Farlaf brings the girl to her father and tells everyone that it was he who found her, but he still cannot wake her up. Elder Finn saves and revives Ruslan with living water, he hurries to Kyiv, which was just attacked by the Pechenegs, bravely fights them, removes the spell from Lyudmila and she wakes up. The main characters are happy, a feast is arranged for the whole world, the dwarf Chernomor, who has lost his magical powers, is left in the palace, in general, good will dine on evil and justice will triumph.

The poem ends with a lengthy epilogue in which Pushkin tells readers that with his work he glorified the legends of deep antiquity, says that in the process of work he forgot about all grievances and forgave his enemies, in which friendship, which is of great importance to the author, helped him a lot .

Main characters

The hero Ruslan, the groom of the prince's daughter Lyudmila, is the central character of Pushkin's poem. The description of the trials that befell him, which he endured with honor and great courage in the name of saving his beloved, forms the basis of the entire storyline. The author, inspired by the exploits of Russian epic heroes, portrays Ruslan not only as the savior of his beloved, but also as the defender of his native land from the raids of nomads.

Ruslan's appearance, described with special care, must fully convey his correspondence to the heroic image according to the author's intention: he has blond hair, symbolizing the purity of his plans and the nobility of his soul, his armor is always clean and shiny, as befits a knight in shining armor, always ready for battle. At the feast, Ruslan is completely absorbed in thoughts about his future marriage and ardent love for his bride, which does not allow him to notice the envious and evil glances of his rivals. Compared to them, he stands out for his purity and directness of thoughts, sincerity and sensuality. Also, the main character traits emerge during his journey to the Chernomor castle; he reveals himself as an honest, decent and generous person, a brave and courageous warrior, purposefully and stubbornly pursuing his goal, a faithful and devoted lover, ready to even die for his love.

In the image of Lyudmila, Pushkina showed a portrait of an ideal bride and lover who faithfully and faithfully waits for her groom and grieves immensely in his absence. The princely daughter is depicted as a delicate, vulnerable nature, possessing special tenderness, sensitivity, elegance and modesty. At the same time, this does not prevent her from having a strong and rebellious character, which helps her resist the evil sorcerer Chernomor, gives her strength and courage not to submit to the vile kidnapper and faithfully wait for her savior Ruslan.


Find out, Ruslan: your insulter

The terrible wizard Chernomor,

Longtime thief of beauties,

Full owner of the mountains.

Things from days gone by

deep legends of antiquity...

There, King Kashchei is wasting away over gold;

There is a Russian spirit there... it smells like Russia! author A.S. Pushkin

Features of compositional construction

The genre of the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” refers to novels and poems of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, gravitating toward creativity in a “national” spirit. It also reflects the influence on the author of such trends in literature as classicism, semanticism, and chivalric romance.

Following the example of all magical knightly poems, this work has a plot built according to a certain template: hero-knights are looking for their lovers, kidnapped by some mythical villain, overcome a series of tests for this, armed with certain talismans and magical weapons, and in the end they receive a hand and beauty's heart. The poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” is constructed in the same vein, but it is distinguished by amazing grace, freshness, subtle wit, brightness of colors and a light trail of epicureanism, characteristic of many works written by Pushkin during his studies at the Tsarskoe Selo Lyceum. It is precisely the author’s ironic attitude towards the content of the poem that cannot give this work a real “national” coloring. The main advantages of the poem can be called its light and beautiful form, playfulness and witty style, perkiness and cheerfulness of the general mood, a bright thread running through all the content.

Pushkin’s fairy-tale poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila,” cheerful, light and witty, became a new word in the established literary traditions of writing heroic ballads and poems; it was extremely popular among readers and caused a great resonance among literary critics. It is not without reason that Zhukovsky himself admitted his complete failure, and gave the branch of primacy to the young talent of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, who, thanks to this work, took a leading position in the ranks of Russian poets and became famous not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders.

Good afternoon, dear fairy tale lovers. I again invite you on a fascinating journey into the semantic content of A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.

All my thoughts are based on information taken from the Holy Scriptures, from the works of the holy fathers, from the scientific works of modern scientists, from works of art. I don’t claim that this is exactly what our great storytellers wanted to say – I’m guessing.

Baptism of Rus'

From thinking about the meaning of previous fairy tales and cartoons, it became clear that they all figuratively reflect the life of the Universe: the creation of man, man’s disobedience of what was said by the Heavenly Father not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which led to the first death, the fall into the world of solid forms - the physical. Next, being in leather clothes, the task was to return to their Heavenly Homeland - to Eden, avoiding the second death - the death of the soul. But what is the poem about?

Ruslan - loving Rus', the spirit of the Russian people, Lyudmila - dear to people - Christian faith. The poem begins with a story about the baptism of Rus'.

“In the crowd of mighty sons with friends in the high grid, Vladimir the sun feasted; He married his youngest daughter to the brave prince Ruslan. Why did Prince Vladimir, the clear sunshine, decide to baptize Rus'? The fact is that at that time the Slavs had their own pantheon of gods. According to tribal traditions, each tribe, revering all the Slavic gods, singled out one main god, connecting primarily with him the preservation of all social and economic life. As a result, inter-tribal conflicts and strife in the East Slavic world were consolidated in religious form. This weakened Rus' in the fight against its enemies. Vladimir Svyatoslavovich realizes the need for a new religion in order to free Rus' from tribal traditions and strengthen grand-ducal centralism. Vladimir began with a “test of faith.” Then embassies began to come to Rus' and Prince Vladimir slowly chose. He conducted a “test of faith” thoroughly, trying to understand in truth which of the religions was most needed by Rus'. Having settled on Christianity, he first of all gave way to reflection and only after that finally made his choice in favor of Eastern Orthodoxy. (A.F. Zamaleev, E.A. Ovchinnikova “Essays on Old Russian Spirituality”)

Why “the youngest daughter,” although the others are not mentioned in the poem? I assume that we are talking about the transformation of our consciousness: the beginning of human transformation is Faith, then after Faith we have Hope and, finally, the highest level of consciousness - Love.

… “Our ancestors did not eat soon”...

The Christian faith gradually, slowly entered the consciousness of people: they looked closely, thought about it. The spirit of the Russian people - Ruslan was already ready to unite with the Christian faith, this would be followed by a “resurrection”, that is, the possibility of returning to Eden. But “the fairy tale is soon told, but the deed is not done soon.”

“Three young knights are sitting at a noisy wedding table;...

...They lowered their embarrassed gaze: they were Ruslan’s three rivals;

In their souls, the unfortunate harbor poison of love and hatred.”

In the soul of each of us, along with qualities of high dignity, nest also such as envy, aggression, lust, laziness, gluttony, etc. These are rivals. At the interstate level everything is the same. The mentality of a country is the united consciousness of its population.

“Only Rogdai, a brave warrior, who with his sword pushed the boundaries of the rich fields of Kyiv; the other is Farlaf, an arrogant loudmouth, undefeated at feasts, but a humble warrior among swords; the last, full of passionate thought, the young Khazar Khan Ratmir: all three are pale and gloomy and a cheerful feast is not a feast for them.” Co-joy even between close people is rarely manifested sincerely, and interstate relations are even more difficult to build. Which state or group of states corresponds to which of these names, think for yourself, this is the history of our country. Alexander Sergeevich wrote the poem in 1820.

Kidnapping of Lyudmila

“Suddenly thunder struck, light flashed in the fog, the lamp went out, smoke ran, everything around was dark, everything was trembling, and Ruslan’s soul froze.”

... Faith in love according to the teachings of Jesus Christ: “love one another” was not allowed to be quickly realized on earth by dark forces: persecution of Christians began - a sorcerer - the united image of world evil, born of the imperfect consciousness of people, “stole Lyudmila.”

“Oh grief: there is no dear friend! Abducted by an unknown force."

“But what did the Grand Duke say?

Tell me, which of you agrees to gallop after my daughter? Whose feat is not in vain, to him I will give her as a wife with half the kingdom of my great-grandfathers.”

"I!" - said the sad groom. “I, I,” Farlaf and joyful Ratmir exclaimed with Rogdai.”

“All four of them go out together. Ruslan languished in silence, having lost his meaning and memory.” The Russian people were given many talents from God from the very beginning. The enemies of the Russian people, those who really did not want dear Love to become a queen on our land, distorted the history of Great Rus'.

Farlaf (the corroded ego of an individual or a state) arrogantly, arrogantly boasted of his future exploits, the Khazar Khan already considered Lyudmila his own, full of the excitement of the young, Rogdai was gloomy, feared an unknown fate, did not seem to crave heroic deeds: he already had experience in the battle with Ruslan - Russia.

“Rivals travel the same road all day long.” We live on the same planet, and universal human values ​​seem to be the same: everyone craves love and considers themselves the most worthy of it. But at some point in history there was a split in Christianity.

“Let’s leave, it’s time! - they said, “we’ll entrust ourselves to an unknown fate.” And each horse, not sensing the steel, chose its own path of its own free will.” A horse “does not sense steel” when its rider controls it uncertainly.

Ruslan's despondency

“What are you doing, unfortunate Ruslan, alone in the desert silence? Leaving the reins from your powerful hands, you walk at a pace between the fields, and slowly in your soul hope perishes, faith fades. But suddenly there was a cave in front of the knight; there is light in the cave." A time of stagnation in the country.

“There is an old man in the cave; clear appearance, calm gaze, gray hair; the lamp in front of him is burning; he sits behind an ancient book, reading it carefully.” Why in a cave? Yes, because knowledge about the Creation of the world, its development, the fate of countries and people, about the true history of the lives of our ancestors until the time of awakening of souls was hidden from the masses of people. Therefore it is said: in the cave there is an old man, that is, a man with an awakened soul who has acquired knowledge about the laws of this world, about the destinies of countries and peoples. He got to know them in order to achieve the love of an earthly woman - this is one layer of information; the next one is that the mind of an earthly person learns the laws of education, the development of the matter of the earth in order to use them for its enrichment, but much more has been revealed.

“Welcome, my son! – he said with a smile to Ruslan. “For twenty years I have been here alone in the darkness of my old life, withering away; but finally I waited for the day I had long foreseen. We are brought together by fate; sit down and listen to me.”

The old man called Ruslan his son for a reason: according to the law of succession of generations, in the language of physics this is the law of conservation of energy, nothing happens by chance, from nothing - the spiritual experience of our pagan ancestors prepared the modern state of our consciousness, and therefore our spirit and soul. The old man is the mind, transfers his experience to the young spirit - Ruslan. This happens in every person and in humanity as a whole: the physical body transfers its life experience to the emotional part of the soul, the emotional body transfers its experience to the mental (mental) part of the soul, and the mind transfers all experience to the spirit. This is how we see the light.

“Ruslan, you have lost Lyudmila; your strong spirit loses strength; but a quick moment of evil will rush by: for a while, doom has befallen you. Go to everything with hope and cheerful faith, do not be discouraged; forward! With a sword and a bold breast, make your way to midnight.”

More than once in the life of Russia, the faith of Christ was forgotten, as if hidden, disappeared. But hard years passed and she reappeared, still sweet and beloved, calling for love between all peoples.

“Find out, Ruslan: your offender is the terrible wizard Chernomor” ... - this is a combined image of the servants of the dark forces, what we call the earthly pragmatic mind, not yet purified of gross animal qualities. There are states in which a significant part of the population thinks about the world around them in terms of its benefits for personal enrichment with material wealth, neglecting moral, ethical and spiritual values.

“No one’s gaze has penetrated his abode until now; but you, destroyer of evil machinations, will enter into it, and the villain will perish by your hand.” In Russia, many immoral laws of other states are not welcomed, and Russian representatives at the international level often highlight - voice the secret insidious actions of some countries against others, when one thing is said from the international platform, but the completely opposite is done.

“Our knight fell at the elder’s feet and kissed his hand in joy. The world brightens his eyes, and his heart has forgotten the torment. He came to life again."

Man and woman

Next, the elder told Ruslan about his life. In his youth, he, a shepherd, was sincerely in love with the beautiful Naina: - and I recognized love in my soul. Naina rejected his love, only loving her charms: - shepherd, I don’t love you! Then he decided to earn Naina’s proud attention with abusive glory. - Rumor spread, the kings of a foreign land were afraid of my audacity! Long-time dreams came true, a bloody sword, corals, gold and pearls were brought to the feet of the arrogant beauty. I stood there as an obedient captive, but the maiden hid from me: “Hero, I don’t love you.” And I, a greedy seeker of love, decided in my joyless sadness to attract Naina with charms and kindle love in the proud heart of the cold maiden with magic. But in fact the winner was fate, my stubborn persecutor. I spent invisible years in the training of sorcerers. Now, Naina, you are mine! The victory is ours, I thought. And suddenly a decrepit, gray-haired old woman sits in front of me, her sunken eyes sparkling, with a hump, with a shaking head, a picture of sad disrepair.

Ah, knight, it was Naina!.. And it really was like that. Mute, motionless in front of her, I was a complete fool with all my wisdom. In a sepulchral voice, the freak mutters a confession of love to me. Imagine my suffering! But meanwhile she, Ruslan, blinked her languid eyes; traitor, monster! Oh shame! But tremble, maiden thief!”

The Creator placed enormous talents in a man, but the key to unlocking them lies in a woman’s body. The man first turned from a carefree youth into a brave, courageous warrior, but this was not enough: his beloved did not appreciate either his exploits or the gifts brought to her feet. Women's selfishness sometimes knows no bounds, but it also gives meaning to men's lives. The man did not give up: he decided to comprehend all earthly wisdom. This is also a feat in the name of a woman’s love. I knew something, but time passed: Naina grew old, even though he awakened her feelings. But the feelings were awakened by witchcraft, and Naina also admitted to him that she was a witch, that is, their hearts did not open to each other. It turned out to be deception in exchange for love. This is how this world works: our feelings encourage the development of the brain: in order to do something, you need to want it. Our desires gradually become more complex and are the driving force behind the development of the world: first we want enough food, warm shelter, then, having found this, we want beauty, aesthetics, fame. But this is not enough, we become bored and want to know the laws of this world in order to master it. But the world was created by the Creator and He alone can own it. Human exaltation leads to the collapse of both the individual and entire nations infected with this idea. We went through all this in history books (and in the fairy tale about the fisherman and the fish).

“Now I find consolation in nature, wisdom and peace. But the old woman had not yet forgotten her former feelings and turned the late flame of love from annoyance into anger. The old witch, of course, will hate you too; but grief on earth does not last forever.” The feelings in a person must submit to the mind - reason. But this is a slow process. Naina here reflects our feelings, the old man - the mind. These processes occur in humanity as a whole and in the soul of each person: feelings are very difficult to obey the mind. Earthly wisdom will give way to spiritual wisdom when it fulfills its destiny. And Naina somehow resembles America, and the old man resembles Russia. They looked up to America and competed with it. Our scientists and artists found an opportunity there to realize their talents and, in fact, gave them to her. For some reason, even the Russian stabilization fund is located in an American bank.

Ruslan's fight with Rogdai

Rogdai mistook Farlaf for Ruslan and wanted to show heroism. Farlaf fell out of fear into a dirty ditch. The old lady told me where to look for Ruslan. She told Farlaf to sit at home near Kiev in solitude on his ancestral estate and that she would help him get Lyudmila without worries. Yes, hurt feelings are insidious.

Rogdai caught up with Ruslan: prepare, friend, for the death blow. The knights fought fiercely. “Suddenly my knight, boiling, with an iron hand rips the rider off the saddle, lifts him up, holds him above him and throws him into the waves from the shore. Perish! - exclaims menacingly; “Die, my evil envious one!”

“You guessed, my reader, with whom the valiant Ruslan fought: it was the seeker of bloody battles, Rogdai, the hope of the people of Kiev.” I think international events in the coming years will show who (which state or group of states) Alexander Sergeevich named Rogday. Political events of the modern world revolve around Kyiv.

Conspiracy of Naina and Chernomor

Naina made her way to Chernomor like a snake and proposed an alliance: “hitherto I knew Chernomor only by loud rumor; but a secret fate now unites us with common enmity; danger threatens you, a cloud hangs over you; and the voice of offended honor calls me to vengeance.” “With a look full of cunning flattery, the dwarf gives her his hand, saying: we will put Finn to shame.” I’m not saying that, but Naina is very much reminiscent of America: in the recent past everyone aspired to her, but now her position has clearly been shaken. And she, like old Naina, tries to present as many intrigues to Russia as possible. What is Chernomor’s beard, which he boasts so much about to Naina? Perhaps this is the dollar - the international monetary equivalent, perhaps this is the world evil united against Russia.

Trinity in man

“The gray-haired sage shouts after his young friend: “Happy journey!” Forgive, love your wife, don’t forget the elder’s advice.” The developed earthly mind transfers all its knowledge to the spirit while striving for the Savior. This is how a chain is built: the body submits to the soul (feelings and mind taken together as a single whole, and the soul gives itself into submission to the spirit. The Lord says about this in the Gospel: “where there are three of you for My sake, there I am with you.”

“Whoever is destined by inevitable fate to have a girl’s heart will be sweet in spite of the universe; being angry is stupid and funny.” Like this! This is the knowledge - revelations that the old man learned in the “cave”.

Two brothers

Ruslan met a huge talking head in an open field, fought with it, contrived and fell away. “Then in the empty place the heroic sword sparkled.” The sword here is an image of the wise consciousness of the people. The head is the mind, the elder brother,” Ruslan told how his mind was deceived by his younger brother Chernomor. “Listen,” he slyly told me, “don’t refuse an important service: I found in black books that behind the eastern mountains on the quiet shores of the sea, in a remote basement under locks, a sword is kept - so what? Fear! I understood in the magical darkness that by the will of hostile fate this sword would be known to us; that he will destroy us both: he will cut off my beard, your head.” “Beyond the distant mountains we found a fatal cellar; I scattered it with my hands and took out the hidden sword.” Dialogue between brothers is our internal dialogue between the worst (mundane) in us and between our sublime thoughts, that is, between the mind and reason. In Russia, all sources of information about the origin of the Russians and our centuries-old history were destroyed. But is it possible to destroy something like this irrevocably? A lot of documentary evidence was found in the form of manuscripts and works of art; During excavations on the land of the current European states, in Siberia, many artifacts were found that indicate, without a doubt, the great history of our people. And this is an indisputable fact!

The head gave the sword to Ruslan: “Oh, knight! We keep you with fate, take it and God be with you! Perhaps on your way you will meet Karla, the sorcerer. “Oh, if you notice him, take revenge on treachery and malice!”

The wisdom of the holy fathers says that anger only grows from revenge. Man, as a slave of passions and animal instincts, ignoring the needs of the soul and spirit, is the image of this evil dwarf with a beard. To cleanse your soul of base feelings means to cut off Karl’s beard: there is no dependence, no slavery. And Karla becomes simply an earthly mind, necessary for life in the physical world.

“Ruslan, this unparalleled knight, a hero at heart, a faithful lover. Tired of stubborn battle, under the heroic head he tastes sweet sleep.” In the modern world, scientists from all countries have made many discoveries that have provided food for our minds - the “heroic head”. These discoveries confirm knowledge about the subtle and spiritual world.


The main commandment given to us by the Lord: “people, love one another”! But people, with their pragmatic minds, have forgotten about God’s love; love is now called something else. God's true feeling of love remains in us, but as if hidden from the eyes of strangers - under an invisible cap. Love languishes, she feels bad in Karla’s slavery. Lyudmila is waiting for her beloved - the strong spirit of the people, Ruslan - to save her. Carla tricks her into catching her in her net. Lyudmila fell into a wonderful dream from horror. “Behind Faith, Hope awakens, but Love sleeps in deep lethargy.”

Ruslan's fight with the sorcerer

Ruslan entered into battle with Karla and grabbed the villain by the beard. The spirit of the Russian people exposed the dwarf, but he resisted for a long time: he carried the hero through the air for two days. The strong spirit of the Slavs “holds the beard” of world evil.

“Meanwhile, weakening in the air and amazed at the Russian strength, the wizard insidiously says to the proud Ruslan: listen, prince! I will stop harming you; but only with an agreement... - shut up, treacherous sorcerer! - interrupted our knight, - with the Black Sea, with the tormentor of his wife, Ruslan does not know the agreement! And be without a beard! - Leave me life, I am in your will. - Humble yourself, submit to Russian power! Take me to my Lyudmila." Ruslan finds his wife sleeping. He's desperate, but Finn's voice revives him. He takes Lyudmila and Karla and goes to Kyiv. On the way he meets his former rival Ratmir, but now as a peaceful fisherman with a young wife. - “The soul is tired of the abusive glory of the empty and disastrous ghost.”

Farlaf's cunning

Ruslan fell asleep at Lyudmila’s feet and dreamed of Vladimir with his twelve sons - which means our Lord, together with the 12 apostles, support the spirit of the Russian people. Farlaf, vice and malice, treachery, on Naina’s tip, killed the sleeping Ruslan. He brought Lyudmila to her father in Kyiv, but could not awaken her - Love can only awaken Love!

Victory of Love

“But at this time, the prophetic Finn (sorcerer, wizard - a person who knew the laws of controlling earthly energy), the mighty ruler of spirits, in his serene desert with a calm heart, waited for the day of inevitable fate, long foreseen, to rise.” Finn filled one jug with dead water (the laws of the Old Testament), and filled another with living water (the New Testament). He healed the wounds with dead water and restored life in Ruslan by sprinkling him with living water.

“Fate has come true, oh my son! Bliss awaits you; the bloody feast calls you; your formidable sword will strike with disaster; A gentle peace will fall on Kyiv, and there she will appear to you. The powers of the secret spell will disappear. Peace will come, anger will perish. He said he disappeared." Witchcraft is the possession of earthly electromagnetic energy; with the advent of new times and other, more subtle energies, it will lose its power. The Pechenegs (Asians, formerly nomadic tribes) attacked Kyiv, Ruslan inspired with his heroism and the enemy was defeated.

All the events in the poem are somehow strangely structured around Kyiv, wasn’t Alexander Sergeevich writing about our times? The poem was written at the beginning of the 19th century, now outside the window is the beginning of the 21st century! Alexander Sergeevich, in his brilliant images, outlined the essence of what was happening in our world. But the essence is the same - the evolution of consciousness, the awakening of Love in the soul of every person.

Ruslan woke up Lyudmila. Love has triumphed!


For you, the soul of my queen,
Beauties, for you alone
Tales of times gone by,
During golden leisure hours,
Under the whisper of chatty old times,
I wrote with a faithful hand;
Please accept my playful work!
Without demanding anyone's praise,
I am already happy with sweet hope,
What a maiden with the trembling of love
He'll look, maybe furtively,
To my sinful songs.

There is a green oak near the Lukomorye;
Golden chain on the oak tree:
Day and night the cat is a scientist
Everything goes round and round in a chain;
He goes to the right - the song starts,
To the left - he tells a fairy tale.
There are miracles there: a goblin wanders there,
The mermaid sits on the branches;
There on unknown paths
Traces of unseen beasts;
There's a hut there on chicken legs
It stands without windows, without doors;
There the forest and valley are full of visions;
There the waves will rush in at dawn
The beach is sandy and empty,
And thirty beautiful knights
From time to time clear waters emerge,
And their sea uncle is with them;
The prince is there in passing
Captivates the formidable king;
There in the clouds in front of the people
Through the forests, across the seas
The sorcerer carries the hero;
In the dungeon there the princess is grieving,
And the brown wolf serves her faithfully;
There is a stupa with Baba Yaga
She walks and wanders by herself;
There, King Kashchei is wasting away over gold;
There is a Russian spirit there... it smells like Russia!
And there I was, and I drank honey;
I saw a green oak by the sea;
The cat was sitting under him, a scientist
He told me his fairy tales.
I remember one: this fairy tale
Now I will tell the world...

Song one

Things of days gone by
Deep legends of antiquity.

In the crowd of mighty sons,
With friends, in the high grid
Vladimir the sun feasted;
He gave away his youngest daughter
For the brave prince Ruslan
And honey from a heavy glass
I drank to their health.
Our ancestors did not eat soon,
It didn't take long to move around
Ladles, silver bowls
With boiling beer and wine.
They poured joy into my heart,
Foam hissed around the edges,
It is important that the teacups wore them
And they bowed low to the guests.
Speeches merged into indistinct noise;
A cheerful circle of guests buzzes;
But suddenly a pleasant voice was heard
And the sound of the harp is a fluent sound;
Everyone fell silent and listened to Bayan:
And the sweet singer praises
Lyudmila is lovely, and Ruslana,
And Lelem made a crown for him.
But, tired of ardent passion,
Ruslan, in love, does not eat or drink;
He looks at his dear friend,
Sighs, gets angry, burns
And, pinching my mustache with impatience,
Counts every moment.
In despondency, with a cloudy brow,
At a noisy wedding table
Three young knights are sitting;
Silent, behind an empty bucket,
Circular cups are forgotten,
And the trash is unpleasant to them;
They do not hear the prophetic Bayan;
They looked down, embarrassed:
Those are three rivals of Ruslan;
The unfortunate are hidden in the soul
Love and hate are poison.
One - Rogdai, brave warrior,
Pushing the limits with a sword
Rich Kyiv fields;
The other is Farlaf, an arrogant loudmouth,
In feasts, not defeated by anyone,
But the warrior is humble among swords;
The last one, full of passionate thought,
Young Khazar Khan Ratmir:
All three are pale and gloomy,
And a merry feast is not a feast for them.
Here it is over; stand in rows
Mixed in noisy crowds,
And everyone looks at the young people:
The bride lowered her eyes
As if my heart was depressed,
And the joyful groom shines.
But the shadow embraces all nature,
It’s already close to midnight; it’s deaf;
The boyars, dozing off from honey,
With a bow they went home.
The groom is delighted, in ecstasy:
He caresses in the imagination
The beauty of a shy maid;
But with secret, sad tenderness
Grand Duke blessing
Gives a young couple.
And here is the young bride
Lead to the wedding bed;
The lights went out... and the night
Lel lights the lamp.
Sweet hopes have come true,
Gifts are being prepared for love;
Jealous robes will fall
On Tsaregrad carpets...
Do you hear the loving whisper,
And the sweet sound of kisses,
And an intermittent murmur
The last timidity?.. Spouse
Feels delight in advance;
And then they came... Suddenly
Thunder struck, light flashed in the fog,
The lamp goes out, the smoke runs out,
Everything around is dark, everything is trembling,
And Ruslan’s soul froze...
Everything fell silent. In the menacing silence
A strange voice was heard twice,
And someone in the smoky depths
Soared blacker than the foggy darkness...
And again the tower is empty and quiet;
The frightened groom stands up
Cold sweat rolls off your face;
Trembling, with a cold hand
He asks the mute darkness...
About grief: there is no dear friend!
The air is empty;
Lyudmila is not in the thick darkness,
Abducted by an unknown force.
Oh, if love is a martyr
Suffering hopelessly from passion,
Even though life is sad, my friends,
However, it is still possible to live.
But after many, many years
Hug your loving friend
The object of desires, tears, longing,
And suddenly a minute wife
Lose forever... oh friends,
Of course it would be better if I died!
However, unhappy Ruslan is alive.
But what did the Grand Duke say?
Suddenly struck by a terrible rumor,
I became angry at my son-in-law,
He convenes him and the court:
“Where, where is Lyudmila?” - asks
With a terrible, fiery brow.
Ruslan doesn't hear. “Children, friends!
I remember my previous achievements:
Oh, have mercy on the old man!
Tell me which one of you agrees
Jump after my daughter?
Whose feat will not be in vain,
Therefore, suffer, cry, villain!
He couldn’t save his wife! -
To him I will give her as a wife
With half the kingdom of my great-grandfathers.
Who will volunteer, children, friends?..”
"I!" - said the sad groom.
"I! I!" - exclaimed with Rogdai
Farlaf and joyful Ratmir:
“Now we saddle our horses;
We are happy to travel all over the world.
Our Father, let us not prolong the separation;
Don’t be afraid: we’re going for the princess.”
And gratefully dumb
In tears he stretches out his hands to them
An old man, exhausted by melancholy.
All four go out together;
Ruslan was killed by despondency;
Thought of the Lost Bride
It torments and kills him.
They sit on zealous horses;
Along the banks of the Dnieper happy
They fly in swirling dust;
Already hiding in the distance;
The riders are no longer visible...
But he still looks for a long time
Grand Duke in an empty field
And the thought flies after them.
Ruslan languished silently,
Having lost both meaning and memory.
Looking over your shoulder arrogantly
And it’s important to put your arms akimbo, Farlaf,
Pouting, he followed Ruslan.
He says: “I force
I've broken free, friends!
Well, will I soon meet the giant?
Surely blood will flow,
These are the victims of jealous love!
Have fun, my faithful sword,
Have fun, my zealous horse!”
Khazar Khan, in his mind
Already hugging Lyudmila,
Almost dancing over the saddle;
The blood in him is young,
The look is full of fire of hope:
Then he gallops at full speed,
It teases the dashing runner,
Circles, rears up
Ile boldly rushes to the hills again.
Rogday is gloomy, silent - not a word...
Fearing an unknown fate
And tormented by vain jealousy,
He is the most worried
And often his gaze is terrible
He looks gloomily at the prince.
Rivals on the same road
Everyone travels together all day.
The Dnieper became dark and sloping;
The shadow of the night pours from the east;
The fogs over the Dnieper are deep;
It's time for their horses to rest.
There's a wide path under the mountain
A wide path crossed.
“Let’s leave, it’s time! - they said, -
Let us entrust ourselves to the unknown fate.”
And every horse, not smelling steel,
By will, I chose the path for myself.
What are you doing, Ruslan, unhappy,
Alone in desert silence?
Lyudmila, the wedding day is terrible,
It seems like you saw everything in a dream.
Pushing the copper helmet over his eyebrows,
Leaving the reins from powerful hands,
You're walking between the fields,
And slowly in your soul
Hope dies, faith fades.
But suddenly there was a cave in front of the knight;
There is light in the cave. He's straight to her
Walks under the dormant arches,
Contemporaries of nature itself.
He entered with despondency: what is he seeing?
There is an old man in the cave; clear view,
Calm gaze, gray hair;
The lamp in front of him is burning;
He sits behind an ancient book,
Reading it carefully.
“Welcome, my son! -
He said with a smile to Ruslan. -
I've been here alone for twenty years
In the darkness of the old life I wither;
But finally I waited for the day
Long foreseen by me.
We are brought together by fate;
Sit down and listen to me.
Ruslan, you have lost Lyudmila;
Your strong spirit is losing strength;
But a quick moment of evil will rush by:
For a while, fate befell you.
With hope, cheerful faith
Go for everything, don’t be discouraged;
Forward! with a sword and a bold chest
Make your way to midnight.
Find out, Ruslan: your insulter
The terrible wizard Chernomor,
Longtime thief of beauties,
Full owner of the mountains.
No one else in his abode
Until now the gaze has not penetrated;
But you, destroyer of evil machinations,
You will enter it, and the villain
He will die by your hand.
I don't have to tell you anymore:
The fate of your coming days,
My son, from now on it is your will.”
Our knight fell at the feet of the old man
And in joy he kisses his hand.
The world brightens before his eyes,
And the heart forgot the torment.
He came to life again; and suddenly again
There is a sadness on the flushed face...
“The reason for your melancholy is clear;
But sadness is not difficult to disperse, -
The old man said, “You are terrible.”
Love of a gray-haired sorcerer;
Calm down, know: it is in vain
And the young maiden is not afraid.
He brings down the stars from the sky,
He whistles - the moon trembles;
But against the time of the law
His science is not strong.
Jealous, reverent guardian
Locks of merciless doors,
He's just a weak torturer
Your lovely captive.
He silently wanders around her,
Curses his cruel lot...
But, good knight, the day passes,
But you need peace.”
Ruslan lies down on soft moss
Before the dying fire;
He is looking for sleep,
Sighs, turns slowly...
In vain! Knight finally:
“I can’t sleep, my father!
What to do: I am sick at heart,
And it’s not a dream, how sickening it is to live.
Let me refresh my heart
Your holy conversation.
Forgive my impertinent question.
Open up: who are you, O blessed one,
An incomprehensible confidant of fate?
Who brought you to the desert?
Sighing with a sad smile,
The old man replied: “Dear son,
I've already forgotten my distant homeland
Gloomy edge. Natural Finn,
In the valleys known to us alone,
Chasing the herd from the surrounding villages,
In my carefree youth I knew
Some dense oak groves,
Streams, caves of our rocks
Yes, wild poverty is fun.
But to live in gratifying silence
It didn't last long for me.
Then, near our village,
Like a sweet color of solitude,
Naina lived. Between friends
She thundered with beauty.
One morning
Their herds on the dark meadow
I drove on, blowing the bagpipes;
There was a stream in front of me.
Alone, young beauty
I was making a wreath on the shore.
I was attracted by my destiny...
Ah, knight, it was Naina!
I go to her - and the fatal flame
I was rewarded for my daring gaze,
And I recognized love in my soul
With her heavenly joy,
With her painful melancholy.
Half of the year has flown away;
I opened up to her with trepidation,
He said: I love you, Naina.
But my timid sorrow
Naina listened with pride,
Loving only your charms,
And she answered indifferently:
“Shepherd, I don’t love you!”
And everything became wild and gloomy for me:
Native bush, shade of oak trees,
Merry games of shepherds -
Nothing consoled the melancholy.
In despondency, the heart dried up and sluggishly.
And finally I thought
Leave Finnish fields;
Seas of faithless depths
Swim across with a brotherly squad
And deserve the glory of abuse
Naina's proud attention.
I called the brave fishermen
Look for dangers and gold.
For the first time the quiet land of fathers
I heard the swearing sound of damask steel
And the noise of non-peaceful shuttles.
I sailed into the distance, full of hope,
With a crowd of fearless countrymen;
We are ten years of snow and waves
They were stained with the blood of enemies.
Rumor spread: the kings of a foreign land
They were afraid of my insolence;
Their proud squads
The northern swords fled.
We had fun, we fought menacingly,
They shared tributes and gifts,
And they sat down with the vanquished
For friendly feasts.
But a heart full of Naina,
Under the noise of battle and feasts,
I was languishing in secret sorrow,
Searched for the Finnish coast.
It's time to go home, I said, friends!
Let's hang up the idle chain mail
Under the shadow of my native hut.
He said - and the oars rustled;
And, leaving fear behind,
To the Gulf of the Fatherland dear
We flew in with proud joy.
Long-time dreams have come true,
Ardent wishes come true!
A minute of sweet goodbye
And you sparkled for me!
At the feet of the haughty beauty
I brought a bloody sword,
Corals, gold and pearls;
Before her, intoxicated with passion,
Surrounded by a silent swarm
Her envious friends
I stood as an obedient prisoner;
But the maiden hid from me,
Saying with an air of indifference:
"Hero, I don't love you!"
Why tell me, my son,
What is there no power to retell?
Ah, and now alone, alone,
Soul asleep, at the door of the grave,
I remember sorrow, and sometimes,
How a thought is born about the past,
By my gray beard
A heavy tear rolls down.
But listen: in my homeland
Between the desert fishermen
Wonderful science lurks.
Under the roof of eternal silence,
Among the forests, in the distant wilderness
Gray-haired sorcerers live;
To objects of high wisdom
All their thoughts are directed;
Everyone hears their terrible voice,
What happened and what will happen again,
And they are subject to their formidable will
And the coffin and love itself.
And I, a greedy seeker of love,
Decided in joyless sadness
Attract Naina with charms
And in the proud heart of a cold maiden
Ignite love with magic.
Hastened into the arms of freedom,
Into the lonely darkness of the forests;
And there, in the teachings of sorcerers,
Spent invisible years.
The long-awaited moment has come,
And the terrible secret of nature
I realized with bright thoughts:
I learned the power of spells.
The crown of love, the crown of desires!
Now, Naina, you are mine!
The victory is ours, I thought.
But really the winner
There was rock, my persistent persecutor.
In dreams of young hope,
In the delight of ardent desire,
I cast spells hastily,
I call the spirits - and in the darkness of the forest
The arrow rushed like thunder,
The magic whirlwind raised a howl,
The ground shook under my feet...
And suddenly he sits in front of me
The old woman is decrepit, gray-haired,
Sparkling with sunken eyes,
With a hump, with a shaking head,
A picture of sad disrepair.
Ah, knight, it was Naina!..
I was horrified and silent
With his eyes the terrible ghost measured,
I still didn’t believe in doubt
And suddenly he began to cry and shout:
“Is it possible! oh, Naina, is it you!
Naina, where is your beauty?
Tell me, is heaven really
Have you been changed so badly?
Tell me, how long has it been since you left the light?
Have I parted with my soul and my sweetheart?
How long ago?..” “Exactly forty years,”
There was a fatal answer from the maiden, -
Today I was seventy.
“What should I do,” she squeaks to me, “
The years flew by in a crowd.
My, your spring has passed -
We both managed to grow old.
But, friend, listen: it doesn’t matter
Loss of unfaithful youth.
Of course, I'm gray now,
A little hunchbacked, maybe;
Not like in the old days,
Not so alive, not so sweet;
But (added the chatterbox)
I’ll tell you a secret: I’m a witch!”
And it really was like that.
Mute, motionless in front of her,
I was a complete fool
With all my wisdom.
But here's something terrible: witchcraft
It was completely unfortunate.
My gray deity
There was a new passion for me.
Curling his terrible mouth into a smile,
Freak with a grave voice
He mumbles a confession of love to me.
Imagine my suffering!
I trembled, looking down;
She continued through her cough.
Heavy, passionate conversation:
“So, now I recognize the heart;
I see, true friend, it
Born for tender passion;
Feelings have awakened, I'm burning,
I'm yearning for love...
Come into my arms...
Oh darling, darling! I'm dying..."
And meanwhile she, Ruslan,
She blinked with languid eyes;
And meanwhile for my caftan
She held herself with her skinny arms;
And meanwhile I was dying,
I closed my eyes in horror;
And suddenly I couldn’t stand the urine;
I broke out screaming and ran.
She followed: “Oh, unworthy!
You have disturbed my calm age,
The days are bright for the innocent maiden!
You have achieved Naina's love,
And you despise - these are men!
They all breathe treason!
Alas, blame yourself;
He seduced me, wretched one!
I gave myself up to passionate love...
Traitor, monster! oh shame!
But tremble, maiden thief!
So we parted. From now on
Living in my solitude
With a disappointed soul;
And in the world there is consolation for the old man
Nature, wisdom and peace.
The grave is already calling me;
But the feelings are the same
The old lady hasn't forgotten yet
And the late flame of love
Turned from frustration into anger.
Loving evil with a black soul,
The old witch, of course,
He will hate you too;
But grief on earth does not last forever.”
Our knight greedily listened
Stories of the Elder; clear eyes
I didn’t fall into a light nap
And a quiet flight of the night
I didn't hear it in deep thought.
But the day shines radiantly...
With a sigh the grateful knight
Volume of the old sorcerer;
The soul is full of hope;
Gets out. Legs squeezed
Ruslan of the neighing horse,
He recovered in the saddle and whistled.
"My father, do not leave me."
And gallops across the empty meadow.
Gray-haired sage to a young friend
He shouts after him: “Happy journey!
Forgive, love your wife,
Don’t forget the elder’s advice!”

Song two

Rivals in the art of warfare,
Know no peace among yourselves;
Bring tribute to the dark glory
And revel in enmity!
Let the world freeze before you,
Marveling at the terrible celebrations:
No one will regret you
Nobody will bother you.
Rivals of a different kind
You, knights of the Parnassian mountains,
Try not to make people laugh
The immodest noise of your quarrels;
Scold - just be careful.
But you, rivals in love,
Live together if possible!
Believe me, my friends:
To whom fate is indispensable
A girl's heart is destined
He will be sweet in spite of the universe;
It is stupid and sinful to be angry.
When Rogdai is indomitable,
Tormented by a dull foreboding,
Leaving his companions,
Set off into a secluded region
And he rode between the forest deserts,
Lost in deep thought -
The evil spirit disturbed and confused
His yearning soul
And the cloudy knight whispered:
“I’ll kill!.. I’ll destroy all the barriers...
Ruslan!.. do you recognize me...
Now the girl will cry..."
And suddenly, turning the horse,
He gallops back at full speed.
At that time the valiant Farlaf,
Having dozed sweetly all morning,
Hiding from the midday rays,
By the stream, alone,
To strengthen your mental strength,
I dined in peaceful silence.
When suddenly he sees someone in the field,
Like a storm, he rushes on a horse;
And without wasting any more time,
Farlaf, leaving his lunch,
Spear, chain mail, helmet, gloves,
Jumped into the saddle and without looking back
He flies - and he follows him.
“Stop, dishonorable fugitive! -
An unknown person shouts to Farlaf. -
Despicable one, let yourself be caught up!
Let me rip your head off!”
Farlaf, recognizing Rogdai’s voice,
Crouching in fear, he died
And, expecting certain death,
He drove the horse even faster.
It's like the hare is in a hurry,
Covering your ears fearfully,
Over hummocks, across fields, through forests
Jumps away from the dog.
At the site of the glorious escape
Melted snow in spring
Muddy streams flowed
And they dug into the wet chest of earth.
A zealous horse rushed to the ditch,
He waved his tail and white mane,
He bit the steel reins
And he jumped over the ditch;
But the timid rider is upside down
He fell heavily into a dirty ditch,
I didn’t see the earth and the heavens
And he was ready to accept death.
Rogdai flies up to the ravine;
The cruel sword has already been raised;
“Die, coward! die! - broadcasts...
Suddenly he recognizes Farlaf;
He looks and his hands drop;
Annoyance, amazement, anger
His features were depicted;
Gritting my teeth, numb,
Hero, with drooping head
Having quickly driven away from the ditch,
I was furious... but barely, barely
He didn't laugh at himself.
Then he met under the mountain
The old lady is barely alive,
Hunchbacked, completely gray.
She's a road stick
She pointed him north.
“You will find him there,” she said.
Rogdai was boiling with joy
And he flew to certain death.
And our Farlaf? Left in the ditch
Not daring to breathe; About myself
As he lay there, he thought: Am I alive?
Where did the evil rival go?
Suddenly he hears right above him
The old woman's deathly voice:
“Get up, well done: everything is quiet in the field;
You won't meet anyone else;
I brought you a horse;
Get up, listen to me."
The embarrassed knight involuntarily
Crawling left a dirty ditch;
Looking around timidly,
He sighed and said, coming to life:
“Well, thank God, I’m healthy!”
“Believe me! - the old woman continued, -
Lyudmila is difficult to find;
She has run far;
It's not up to you and me to get it.
It is dangerous to travel around the world;
You really won't be happy.
Follow my advice
Go back quietly.
Near Kyiv, in solitude,
In his ancestral village
Better stay without worries:
Lyudmila will not leave us.”
Having said that, she disappeared. Impatient
Our prudent hero
I immediately went home
Heartily forgetting about fame
And even about the young princess;
And the slightest noise in the oak grove,
The flight of the tit, the murmur of the waters
They threw him into the heat and sweat.
Meanwhile, Ruslan rushes far;
In the wilderness of forests, in the wilderness of fields
With habitual thought he strives
To Lyudmila, my joy,
And he says: “Will I find a friend?
Where are you, my soul husband?
Will I see your bright gaze?
Will I hear a gentle conversation?
Or is it destined that the sorcerer
You were an eternal prisoner
And, growing old as a mournful maiden,
Has it bloomed in a dark dungeon?
Or a daring opponent
Will he come?.. No, no, my priceless friend:
I still have my faithful sword with me,
The head hasn’t fallen off my shoulders yet.”
One day, in the dark,
Along the rocks along the steep bank
Our knight rode over the river.
Everything was calming down. Suddenly behind him
Arrows instant buzzing,
Chainmail ringing, and screaming, and neighing,
And the tramp across the field is dull.
"Stop!" - a thunderous voice boomed.
He looked back: in an open field,
Raising his spear, he flies with a whistle
Fierce horseman and thunderstorm
The prince rushed towards him.
“Aha! caught up with you! wait! -
The daring rider shouts, -
Get ready, friend, to be cut to death;
Now lie down among these places;
And look for your brides there.”
Ruslan flared up and trembled with anger;
He recognizes this violent voice...
My friends! and our maiden?
Let's leave the knights for an hour;
I will remember them again soon.
Otherwise it’s high time for me
Think about the young princess
And about the terrible Black Sea.
Of my fancy dream
The confidant is sometimes immodest,
I told how on a dark night
Lyudmila of gentle beauty
From the inflamed Ruslan
They suddenly disappeared among the fog.
Unhappy! when the villain
With your mighty hand
Having torn you from the wedding bed,
Soared like a whirlwind towards the clouds
Through heavy smoke and gloomy air
And suddenly he rushed off to his mountains -
You have lost your feelings and memory
And in the terrible castle of the sorcerer,
Silent, trembling, pale,
In an instant I found myself.
From the threshold of my hut
So I saw, in the middle of summer days,
When the chicken is cowardly
The arrogant sultan of the chicken coop,
My rooster was running around the yard
And voluptuous wings
Already hugged my friend;
Above them in cunning circles
The chickens of the village are the old thief,
Taking destructive measures
A gray kite rushed and swam
And he fell like lightning into the yard.
He took off and flies. In terrible claws
Into the darkness of safe chasms
The poor villain takes her away.
In vain, with my sorrow
And struck with cold fear,
The rooster is calling his mistress...
He sees only flying fluff,
Blown by the flying wind.
Until the morning, young princess
She lay in painful oblivion,
Like a terrible dream,
Embraced - finally she
I woke up with fiery excitement
And full of vague horror;
The soul flies for pleasure,
Looking for someone with ecstasy;
“Where is my dear,” he whispers, “where is my husband?”
She called and suddenly died.
He looks around with fear.
Lyudmila, where is your bright room?
The unhappy girl lies
Among the down pillows,
Under the proud canopy of the canopy;
Curtains, lush feather bed
In tassels, in expensive patterns;
Brocade fabrics are everywhere;
The yachts play like heat;
There are golden incense burners all around
They raise aromatic steam;
Enough... fortunately I don’t need it
Describe the magical house:
It's been a long time since Scheherazade
I was warned about that.
But the bright mansion is not a consolation,
When we don’t see a friend in him.
Three maidens of wonderful beauty,
In light and pretty clothes
They appeared to the princess and approached
And they bowed to the ground.
Then with silent steps
One came closer;
To the princess with airy fingers
Braided a golden braid
With art, which is not new these days,
And she wrapped herself in a crown of pearls
The circumference of the pale forehead.
Behind her, modestly bowing his gaze,
Then another one approached;
Azure, lush sundress
Dressed Lyudmila's slender figure;
Golden curls covered themselves,
Both chest and shoulders are young
A veil as transparent as fog.
The envious veil kisses
Beauty worthy of heaven
And the shoes lightly compress
Two legs, miracle of miracles.
The princess is the last maiden
Pearl Belt delivers.
Meanwhile, the invisible singer
He sings happy songs to her.
Alas, neither the stones of the necklace,
Not a sundress, not a row of pearls,
Not a song of flattery or fun
Her souls are not glad;
In vain the mirror draws
Her beauty, her outfit:
Downcast, motionless gaze,
She is silent, she is sad.
Those who love the truth,
On the dark bottom of the heart they read,
Of course they know about themselves
What if a woman is sad
Through tears, stealthily, somehow,
In spite of habit and reason,
Forgets to look in the mirror, -
She's really sad now.
But Lyudmila is alone again.
Not knowing what to start, she
He approaches the lattice window,
And her gaze sadly wanders
In the space of a cloudy distance.
Everything is dead. Snowy plains
They lay down in bright carpets;
The peaks of the gloomy mountains stand
In monotonous whiteness
And they slumber in eternal silence;
You can't see the smoky roof all around,
The traveler is not visible in the snow,
And the ringing horn of cheerful catching
There is no trumpet in the desert mountains;
Only occasionally with a sad whistle
A whirlwind rebels in a clean field
And on the edge of gray skies
The naked forest shakes.
In tears of despair, Lyudmila
She covered her face in horror.
Alas, what awaits her now!
Runs through the silver door;
She opened with music,
And our maiden found herself
In the garden. Captivating limit:
More beautiful than the gardens of Armida
And those that he owned
King Solomon or Prince of Tauris.
They waver and make noise before her
Magnificent oak trees;
Alleys of palm trees and laurel forests,
And a row of fragrant myrtles,
And the proud peaks of cedars,
And golden oranges
The waters are reflected by the mirror;
Hills, groves and valleys
The springs are enlivened by fire;
The May wind blows with coolness
Among the enchanted fields,
And the Chinese nightingale whistles
In the darkness of trembling branches;
Diamond fountains are flying
With a cheerful noise to the clouds:
The idols shine under them
And, it seems, alive; Phidias himself,
Pet of Phoebus and Pallas,
Finally admiring them
Your enchanted chisel
I would drop it out of my hands out of frustration.
Crushing against marble barriers,
Pearly, fiery arc
Waterfalls are falling and splashing;
And streams in the forest shade
They curl a little like a sleepy wave.
A haven of peace and coolness,
Through the eternal greenery here and there
Light arbors flash by;
There are living rose branches everywhere
They bloom and breathe along the paths.
But inconsolable Lyudmila
He walks and walks and doesn’t look;
She is disgusted with the luxury of magic,
She is sad and blissfully bright;
Where, without knowing, she wanders,
The magic garden goes around,
Giving freedom to bitter tears,
And raises gloomy gazes
To the unforgiving skies.
Suddenly a beautiful gaze lit up:
She pressed her finger to her lips;
It seemed like a terrible idea
Was born... A terrible path was opened:
High bridge over the stream
In front of her hangs on two rocks;
In grave and deep despondency
She comes up - and in tears
I looked at the noisy waters,
Hit, sobbing, in the chest,
I decided to drown in the waves -
However, she didn’t jump into the water
And then she continued on her way.
My beautiful Lyudmila,
Running through the sun in the morning,
I'm tired, I've dried my tears,
I thought in my heart: it’s time!
She sat down on the grass, looked around -
And suddenly there is a tent over her,
Noisily, she turned around with coolness;
Lunch is sumptuous before her;
A device made of bright crystal;
And in silence from behind the branches
The invisible harp began to play.
The captive princess marvels,
But secretly she thinks:
“Away from the sweetheart, in captivity,
Why should I live in the world anymore?
O you, whose disastrous passion
It torments me and cherishes me,
I'm not afraid of the villain's power:
Lyudmila knows how to die!
I don't need your tents
No boring songs, no feasts -
I won't eat, I won't listen,
I will die among your gardens!
The princess gets up, and instantly the tent
And a magnificent luxury device,
And the sounds of the harp... everything was gone;
Everything became quiet as before;
Lyudmila is alone in the gardens again
Wanders from grove to grove;
Meanwhile in the azure skies
The moon, queen of the night, is floating,
Finds darkness on all sides
And she rested quietly on the hills;
The princess is involuntarily falling asleep,
And suddenly an unknown force
More gentle than the spring breeze,
Lifts her into the air
Carries through the air to the palace
And carefully lowers
Through the incense of evening roses
On a bed of sadness, a bed of tears.
Three maidens suddenly appeared again
And they fussed around her,
To take off your luxurious attire at night;
But their dull, vague gaze
And forced silence
Showed secret compassion
And a weak reproach to fate.
But let's hurry: with their gentle hand
The sleepy princess is undressed;
Charming with careless charm,
In one snow-white shirt
She goes to bed.
With a sigh the maidens bowed,
Get away as quickly as possible
And they quietly closed the door.
Well, our prisoner is now!
He trembles like a leaf, he doesn’t dare to breathe;
The hearts grow cold, the gaze darkens;
Instant sleep flees from the eyes;
Not sleeping, doubled my attention,
Looking motionless into the darkness...
Everything is gloomy, dead silence!
Only hearts can hear the fluttering...
And it seems... the silence whispers,
They go - they go to her bed;
The princess is hiding in the pillows -
And suddenly... oh fear!.. and really
There was a noise; illuminated
With an instant shine the darkness of the night,
Instantly the door opened;
Silently, proudly speaking,
Flashing naked sabers,
Arapov is walking in a long line
In pairs, as decorously as possible,
And be careful on the pillows
He bears a gray beard;
And he follows her with importance,
Raising his neck majestically,
Humpbacked dwarf from the door:
His head is shaved,
Covered with a high cap,
Belonged to the beard.
He was already approaching: then
The princess jumped out of bed,
Gray-haired Karl for the cap
With a quick hand I grabbed it,
Trembling raised fist
And she screamed in fear,
Which stunned all the Arabs.
Trembling, the poor man hunched over,
The frightened princess is paler;
Quickly cover your ears,
I wanted to run, but I had a beard
Confused, fallen and thrashing;
Gets up, fell; in such trouble
Arapov's black swarm is restless;
They make noise, push, run,
They grab the sorcerer
And out they go to unravel,
Leaving Lyudmila's hat.
But something about our good knight?
Do you remember the unexpected meeting?
Take your quick pencil,
Draw, Orlovsky, night and flog!
In the quivering light of the moon
The knights fought fiercely;
Their hearts are filled with anger,
The spears have already been thrown far away,
The swords are already shattered,
The chain mail is covered in blood,
Shields are cracking, broken into pieces...
They grappled on horseback;
Exploding black dust to the sky,
Beneath them the greyhounds' horses fight;
The fighters are motionlessly intertwined,
Squeezing each other, they remain
As if nailed to the saddle;
Their members are cramped with malice;
Intertwined and ossified;
A quick fire runs through the veins;
On the enemy's chest the chest trembles -
And now they hesitate, weaken -
Someone's mouth... suddenly my knight,
Boiling with an iron hand
The rider is torn from the saddle,
Lifts you up and holds you above you
And throws it into the waves from the shore.
“Die! - exclaims menacingly; -
Die, my evil envious man!”
You guessed it, my reader,
Who did the valiant Ruslan fight with:
He was a seeker of bloody battles,
Rogdai, the hope of the people of Kiev,
Lyudmila is a gloomy admirer.
It is along the Dnieper banks
I was looking for rival tracks;
Found, overtook, but the same strength
I cheated on my battle pet,
And Rus' is an ancient daredevil
I found my end in the desert.
And it was heard that Rogdaya
Young mermaid of those waters
I accepted it coldly
And, greedily kissing the knight,
Drove me to the bottom with laughter,
And long after, on a dark night
Wandering near quiet shores,
Bogatyr's ghost is huge
Scared the desert fishermen.

Song three

It was in vain that you lurked in the shadows
For peaceful, happy friends,
My poems! You didn't hide
From angry, envying eyes.
Already a pale critic, to her service,
The question was fatal to me:
Why does Ruslanov need a girlfriend?
As if to laugh at her husband,
I call both maiden and princess?
You see, my good reader,
There is a black seal of anger here!
Tell me, Zoilus, tell me, traitor,
Well, how and what should I answer?
Blush, unfortunate one, God bless you!
Blush, I don’t want to argue;
Satisfied that I am right in soul,
I remain silent in humble meekness.
But you will understand me, Klymene,
You will lower your languid eyes,
You, victim of the boring Hymen...
I see: secret tear
It will fall on my verse, clear to my heart;
You blushed, your gaze went dark;
She sighed silently... an understandable sigh!
Jealous: be afraid, the hour is near;
Cupid with wayward chagrin
We entered into a bold conspiracy,
And for your inglorious head
The vengeful cleaning is ready.
Already the cold morning was shining
On the crown of the full mountains;
But in the marvelous castle everything was silent.
In annoyance, the hidden Chernomor,
Without a hat, in a morning robe,
Yawned angrily on the bed.
Around his gray hair
The slaves crowded silently,
And gently the bone comb
Combed her curls;
Meanwhile, for benefit and beauty,
On an endless mustache
Oriental aromas flowed,
And the cunning curls curled;
Suddenly, out of nowhere,
A winged serpent flies into the window;
Rattling with iron scales,
He bent into quick rings
And suddenly Naina turned around
In front of an astonished crowd.
“I greet you,” she said, “
Brother, long revered by me!
Until now I knew Chernomor
One loud rumor;
But secret fate connects
Now we have common enmity;
You are in danger
A cloud hangs over you;
And the voice of insulted honor
Calls me to revenge."
With a gaze full of cunning flattery,
Karla gives her his hand,
Saying: “Wonderful Naina!
Your union is precious to me.
We will put Finn to shame;
But I’m not afraid of dark machinations:
A weak enemy is not scary to me;
Find out my wonderful lot:
This blessed beard
No wonder Chernomor is decorated.
How long will her hair be gray?
A hostile sword will not cut,
None of the dashing knights
No mortal will destroy
My slightest plans;
My century will be Lyudmila,
Ruslan is doomed to the grave!”
And the witch gloomily repeated:
“He will die! he will die!
Then she hissed three times,
She stomped her foot three times
And she flew away like a black serpent.
Shining in a brocade robe,
A sorcerer, encouraged by a witch,
Having cheered up, I decided again
Carry the captive to the feet of the maiden
Mustaches, humility and love.
The bearded dwarf is dressed up,
Again he goes to her chambers;
There is a long row of rooms:
There is no princess in them. He's far away, into the garden,
To the laurel forest, to the garden trellis,
Along the lake, around the waterfall,
Under bridges, in gazebos... no!
The princess left, and there was no trace!
Who will express his embarrassment,
And the roar and the thrill of frenzy?
Out of frustration, he did not see the day.
Carla heard a wild groan:
“Here, slaves, run!
Here, I hope for you!
Now find Lyudmila for me!
Hurry up, do you hear? Now!
It’s not that - you’re joking with me -
I will strangle you all with my beard!”
Reader, let me tell you,
Where did the beauty go?
All night she follows her fate
She marveled in tears and laughed.
The beard scared her
But Chernomor was already known,
And he was funny, but never
Horror is incompatible with laughter.
Towards the morning rays
Lyudmila left the bed
And she turned her involuntary gaze
To high, clean mirrors;
Involuntarily golden curls
She lifted me from her lily shoulders;
Involuntarily thick hair
She braided it with a careless hand;
Your yesterday's outfits
I accidentally found it in the corner;
Sighing, I got dressed and out of frustration
She began to cry quietly;
However, from the right glass,
Sighing, I didn’t take my eyes off,
And it occurred to the girl,
In the excitement of wayward thoughts,
Try on Chernomor's hat.
Everything is quiet, no one is here;
No one will look at the girl...
And a girl at seventeen
What hat won't stick!
You're never too lazy to dress up!
Lyudmila shook her hat;
On the eyebrows, straight, askew
And she put it on backwards.
So what? oh the wonder of old days!
Lyudmila disappeared in the mirror;
Turned it over - in front of her
The old Lyudmila appeared;
I put it back on - no more;
I took it off and in the mirror! "Wonderful!
Good, sorcerer, good, my light!
Now I’m safe here;
Now I’ll save myself the hassle!”
And the old villain's hat
Princess, blushing with joy,
I put it on backwards.
But let's return to the hero.
Aren't we ashamed to do this?
So long with a hat, a beard,
Ruslana entrusting to the fates?
Having fought a fierce battle with Rogdai,
He drove through a dense forest;
A wide valley opened before him
In the brightness of the morning skies.
The knight trembles involuntarily:
He sees an old battlefield.
In the distance everything is empty; here and there
The bones turn yellow; over the hills
Quivers and armor are scattered;
Where is the harness, where is the rusty shield;
The sword lies in the bones of the hand here;
The grass is overgrown there with a shaggy helmet
And the old skull smolders in it;
There is a whole skeleton of a hero there
With his downed horse
Lies motionless; spears, arrows
Stuck into the damp ground,
And peaceful ivy wraps around them...
Nothing of silent silence
This desert does not disturb,
And the sun from a clear height
The valley of death is illuminated.
With a sigh the knight surrounds himself
He looks with sad eyes.
"Oh field, field, who are you
Strewn with dead bones?
Whose greyhound horse trampled you
In the last hour of a bloody battle?
Who fell on you with glory?
Whose heaven heard the prayers?
Why, O field, have you fallen silent?
And overgrown with the grass of oblivion?..
Time from eternal darkness,
Perhaps there is no salvation for me either!
Perhaps on a silent hill
They will place the silent coffin of the Ruslans,
And the loud strings of Bayan
They won’t talk about him!”
But soon my knight remembered,
That a hero needs a good sword
And even armor; and the hero
Unarmed since the last battle.
He walks around the field;
In the bushes, among the forgotten bones,
In the mass of smoldering chain mail,
Swords and helmets shattered
He is looking for armor for himself.
The roar and the silent steppe woke up,
A crackling and ringing sound arose in the field;
He raised his shield without choosing,
I found both a helmet and a ringing horn;
But I just couldn’t find the sword.
Driving around the valley of battle,
He sees many swords
But everyone is light, but too small,
And the handsome prince was not sluggish,
Not like the hero of our days.
To play something out of boredom,
He took the steel spear in his hands,
He put the chain mail on his chest
And then he set off on his way.
The ruddy sunset has already turned pale
Over the sleepy earth;
The blue mists are smoking,
And the golden month rises;
The steppe has faded. Along a dark path
Our Ruslan rides thoughtfully
And he sees: through the night fog
A huge hill blackens in the distance,
And something terrible is snoring.
He is closer to the hill, closer - he hears:
The wonderful hill seems to be breathing.
Ruslan listens and looks
Fearlessly, with a calm spirit;
But, moving his timid ear,
The horse resists, trembles,
Shakes his stubborn head,
And the mane stood on end.
Suddenly a hill, a cloudless moon
Palely illuminated in the fog,
It becomes clearer; the brave prince looks -
And he sees a miracle before him.
Will I find colors and words?
There is a living head in front of him.
Huge eyes covered in sleep;
He snores, rocking his feathered helmet,
And feathers in the dark heights,
Like shadows, they walk, fluttering.
In its terrible beauty
Rising above the gloomy steppe,
Surrounded by silence
The guardian of the nameless desert,
Ruslan will have it
A menacing and foggy mass.
In bewilderment he wants
Mysterious to destroy sleep.
Looking closely at the wonder,
Got my head spinning
And he stood silently before his nose;
Tickles the nostrils with a spear,
And, wincing, my head yawned,
She opened her eyes and sneezed...
A whirlwind arose, the steppe trembled,
Dust flew up; from eyelashes, from mustaches,
A flock of owls flew from the brows;
The silent groves woke up,
An echo sneezed - a zealous horse
Neighed, jumped, flew away,
The knight himself barely sat still,
And then a noisy voice rang out:
“Where are you going, foolish knight?
Step back, I'm not kidding!
I’ll just swallow the impudence!”
Ruslan looked around with contempt,
He held the reins of the horse
And he smiled proudly.
"What do you want from me? -
Frowning, the head cried out. -
Fate sent me a guest!
Listen, get away!
I want to sleep, it's night now
Goodbye!" But the famous knight
Hearing harsh words
He exclaimed with angry importance:
“Be quiet, empty head!
I heard the truth, it happened:
Although the forehead is wide, the brain is not enough!
I'm going, I'm going, I'm not whistling,
And once I get there, I won’t let you down!”
Then, speechless with rage,
Constrained by the flames of anger,
The head pouted; like fever
Bloody eyes sparkled;
Foaming, lips trembled,
Steam rose from the lips and ears -
And suddenly, as fast as she could,
She began to blow towards the prince;
In vain the horse, closing its eyes,
Bowing my head, straining my chest,
Through the storm, the rain and the darkness of the night
The infidel continues on his way;
Fearful, blinded,
He rushes again, exhausted,
Far away in the field to rest.
The knight wants to turn again -
Reflected again, no hope!
And his head follows,
She laughs like crazy
Thunders: “Ay, knight! ah, hero!
Where are you going? hush, hush, stop!
Hey, knight, you'll break your neck for nothing;
Don't be afraid, rider, and me
Please me with at least one blow,
Until I killed the horse.”
And yet she is a hero
She teased me with a terrible tongue.
Ruslan, there is annoyance in the heart of the cut,
Silently threatens her with a copy,
Shakes him with his free hand,
And, trembling, the cold damask steel
Stuck into the insolent tongue.
And blood from a mad mouth
The river ran instantly.
From surprise, pain, anger,
In a moment I lost my insolence,
The head looked at the prince,
Iron gnawed and turned pale
In a calm spirit, heated,
So sometimes in the middle of our stage
Melpomene's bad pet,
Stunned by a sudden whistle,
He doesn't see anything anymore
He turns pale, forgets his role,
Trembling, head down,
And, stuttering, falls silent
In front of a jeering crowd.
Taking advantage of the moment,
To a head filled with embarrassment,
Like a hawk, the hero flies
With a raised, formidable right hand
And on the cheek with a heavy mitten
It hits the head with a swing;
And the steppe resounded with a blow;
Dewy grass all around
Stained with bloody foam,
And, staggering, the head
Turned over, rolled,
And the cast-iron helmet rattled.
Then the place is empty
The heroic sword flashed.
Our knight is in joyful trepidation
He was grabbed and to the head
On the bloody grass
Runs with cruel intent
Cut off her nose and ears;
Ruslan is already ready to strike,
Already swung his broad sword -
Suddenly, amazed, he listens
The head of the begging pitiful moan...
And quietly he lowers his sword,
Fierce anger dies in him,
And stormy vengeance will fall
In a soul pacified by prayer:
So the ice melts in the valley,
Struck by the midday ray.
“You talked some sense into me, hero,”
With a sigh the head said,
Your right hand has proven
That I am guilty before you;
From now on I am obedient to you;
But, knight, be generous!
My lot is worthy of weeping.
And I was a daring knight!
In the bloody battles of the adversary
I have not matured my equal;
Happy whenever I don't have
Little brother's rival!
The insidious, evil Chernomor,
You, you are the cause of all my troubles!
Our family is a disgrace,
Born by Karla, with a beard,
My wondrous growth from my youth
He could not see without annoyance
And for this reason in his soul he became
I, cruel one, should be hated.
I've always been a little simple
Although tall; and this unfortunate one,
Having the stupidest height,
Smart as a devil - and terribly angry.
Moreover, you know, to my misfortune,
In his wonderful beard
A fatal force lurks,
And, despising everything in the world,
As long as the beard is intact -
A traitor fears no evil.
Here he is one day with an air of friendship
“Listen,” he said to me slyly, “
Don't give up on this important service:
I found it in black books
What's beyond the eastern mountains?
On the quiet shores of the sea,
In a remote basement, under locks
The sword is kept - so what? fear!
I made out in the magical darkness,
That by the will of hostile fate
This sword will be known to us;
That he will destroy us both:
He will cut off my beard,
Head for you; judge for yourself
How important is it for us to purchase
This creature of evil spirits!”
“Well, what then? where is the difficulty? -
I told Karla, “I’m ready;
I’m going, even beyond the limits of the world.”
And he put the pine tree on his shoulder,
And on the other for advice
He imprisoned his brother's villain;
Set off on a long journey,
I walked and walked and, thank God,
As if to spite the prophecy,
Everything went happily at first.
Behind the distant mountains
We found the fatal basement;
I scattered it with my hands
And he took out the hidden sword.
But no! fate wanted it:
A quarrel has boiled between us -
And, I confess, it was about something!
Question: who should own the sword?
I argued, Karla got excited;
They fought for a long time; finally
The trick was invented by a cunning man,
He became quiet and seemed to soften.
“Let’s leave the useless dispute,”
Chernomor told me it was important, -
We will thereby dishonor our union;
Reason commands us to live in the world;
We'll let fate decide
Who does this sword belong to?
Let's both put our ears to the ground
(What does evil not invent!),
And whoever hears the first bell,
He will wield the sword until his grave.”
He said and lay down on the ground.
I foolishly also stretched myself;
I'm lying there, I don't hear anything,
I dare to deceive him!
But he himself was cruelly deceived.
Villain in deep silence
Standing up, tiptoeing towards me
He crept up from behind and swung it;
A sharp sword whistled like a whirlwind,
And before I looked back,
My head has already flown off my shoulders -
And supernatural power
The spirit in her life stopped.
My frame is overgrown with thorns;
Far away, in a country forgotten by people,
My unburied ashes have decayed;
But the evil Karl suffered
I'm in this secluded land,
Where I should have always been guarding
The sword you took today.
O knight! You are kept by fate,
Take it, and God be with you!
Perhaps on its way
You will meet Karl the sorcerer -
Oh, if you notice him,
Take revenge on deceit and malice!
And finally I will be happy
I'll leave this world in peace -
And in my gratitude
I’ll forget your slap.”

Canto Four

Every day, when I rise from sleep,
I thank God from the bottom of my heart
Because in our times
There aren't that many wizards.
Besides - honor and glory to them! -
Our marriages are safe...
Their plans are not so terrible
For husbands, young girls.
But there are other wizards
Which I hate:
Smile, blue eyes
And a dear voice - oh friends!
Don't believe them: they are deceitful!
Be afraid by imitating me,
Their intoxicating poison
And rest in silence.
Poetry is a wonderful genius,
Singer of mysterious visions,
Love, dreams and devils,
A faithful inhabitant of graves and paradise,
And my windy muse
Confidant, mentor and guardian!
Forgive me, northern Orpheus,
What's in my funny story
Now I'm flying after you
And the lyre of the wayward muse
I will expose you in a lovely lie.
My friends, you heard everything,
Like a demon in ancient days, a villain
First he betrayed himself out of sadness,
And there are the souls of the daughters;
Like after a generous alms,
By prayer, faith, and fasting,
And unfeigned repentance
He found an intercessor in the saint;
How he died and how they fell asleep
His twelve daughters:
And we were captivated, terrified
Pictures of these secret nights,
These wonderful visions
This gloomy demon, this divine wrath,
Living sinner's torment
And the charm of virgins.
We cried with them, wandered
Around the battlemented castle walls,
And they loved with their hearts touched
Their quiet sleep, their quiet captivity;
Vadim's soul was called upon,
And they saw their awakening,
And often nuns of saints
They escorted him to his father's coffin.
And well, is it possible?.. they lied to us!
But will I tell the truth?..
Young Ratmir, heading south
The impatient running of a horse
I was thinking before sunset
Catch up with Ruslan's wife.
But the crimson day was evening;
In vain is the knight before himself
I looked into the distant mists:
Everything was empty above the river.
The last ray of dawn burned
Above a brightly gilded pine forest.
Our knight past the black rocks
I passed quietly and with my gaze
I was looking for an overnight stay between the trees.
He goes to the valley
And he sees: a castle on the rocks
The battlements elevate;
The towers on the corners turn black;
And the maiden along the high wall,
Like a lonely swan at sea,
It's coming, the dawn is lit;
And the maiden's song is barely audible
Valleys in deep silence.
“The darkness of night falls on the field;

It's too late, young traveler!
Take refuge in our delightful tower.
Here at night there is bliss and peace,
And during the day there is noise and feasting.
Come to a friendly calling,
Come, O young traveler!
Here you will find a swarm of beauties;
Their speeches and kisses are tender.
Come to the secret calling,
Come, O young traveler!
We are for you at dawn
Let's fill the cup goodbye.
Come to a peaceful calling,
Come, O young traveler!
The darkness of night falls on the field;
A cold wind rose from the waves.
It's too late, young traveler!
Take refuge in our delightful mansion.”
She beckons, she sings;
And the young khan is already under the wall;
They meet him at the gate
Red girls in a crowd;
With the noise of kind words
He is surrounded; they don't take him away
They have captivating eyes;
Two girls lead the horse away;
The Young Khan enters the palace,
Behind him is a swarm of sweet hermits;
One takes off her winged helmet,
Another forged armor,
That one takes a sword, that one takes a dusty shield;
Clothes will replace bliss
Iron armor of battle.
But first the young man is led
To a magnificent Russian bathhouse.
Already the smoky waves are flowing
In her silver vats,
And cold fountains splash;
A luxurious carpet is spread out;
The tired khan lies down on it;
Transparent steam swirls above it;
Downcast bliss full gaze,
Adorable, half naked,
In tender and silent care,
There are young maidens around the Khan
They are crowded by a playful crowd.
Another waves over the knight
The branches of young birches,
And the fragrant heat from them plows;
Another juice of spring roses
Tired members are cooling off
And drowns in aromas
Dark curly hair.
The knight intoxicated with delight
Already forgot Lyudmila captive
Recently lovely beauties;
Tormented by sweet desire;
His wandering gaze shines,
And, full of passionate expectation,
He melts his heart, he burns.
But then he comes out of the bathhouse.
Dressed in velvet fabrics,
In the circle of lovely maidens, Ratmir
Sits down to a rich feast.
I am not Omer: in high verses
He can chant alone
Dinners of Greek squads,
And the ringing and foam of deep cups,
Nice, in the footsteps of the Guys,
I should praise the careless lyre
And nakedness in the shadow of the night,
And a kiss of tender love!
The castle is illuminated by the moon;
I see a distant tower,
Where is the languid, inflamed knight
Taste a lonely dream;
His forehead, his cheeks
They burn with an instant flame;
His lips are half open
Secret kisses beckon;
He sighs passionately, slowly,
He sees them - and in a passionate dream
Presses the covers to the heart.
But here in deep silence
The door opened; Paul is jealous
It hides under a hasty foot,
And under the silver moon
The maiden flashed. Dreams are winged,
Hide, fly away!
Wake up - your night has come!
Wake up - the moment of loss is precious!..
She comes up, he lies down
And in voluptuous bliss he slumbers;
His cover slips from the bed,
And the hot fluff envelops the brow.
In silence the maiden before him
Stands motionless, lifeless,
Like the hypocritical Diana
Before your dear shepherd;
And here she is, on the khan's bed
Leaning on one knee,
Sighing, she tilts her face towards him.
With languor, with living trepidation,
And the lucky man's sleep is interrupted
A passionate and silent kiss...
But, others, the virgin lyre
She fell silent under my hand;
My timid voice is weakening -
Let's leave young Ratmir;
I don’t dare continue with the song:
Ruslan should keep us busy,
Ruslan, this unparalleled knight,
A hero at heart, a faithful lover.
Tired of stubborn fighting,
Under the heroic head
He tastes the sweetness of sleep.
But now at the early dawn
The quiet horizon shines;
All clear; morning ray playful
The head's shaggy forehead turns golden.
Ruslan gets up, and the horse is zealous
The knight is already rushing like an arrow.
And the days fly by; the fields are turning yellow;
Decrepit leaves fall from the trees;
In the forests the autumn wind whistles
The feathered singers are drowned out;
Heavy, cloudy fog
It wraps around naked hills;
Winter is coming - Ruslan
Bravely continues his journey
To the far north; every day
Meets new obstacles:
Then he fights with the hero,
Now with a witch, now with a giant,
Then on a moonlit night he sees
As if through a magical dream,
Surrounded by gray fog
Mermaids quietly on the branches
Swinging, the young knight
With a sly smile on your lips
They beckon without saying a word...
But we keep it in secret,
The fearless knight is unharmed;
Desire lies dormant in his soul,
He doesn't see them, he doesn't listen to them,
Only Lyudmila is with him everywhere.
But meanwhile, not visible to anyone,
From the attacks of the sorcerer
I keep it with a magic hat,
What is my princess doing?
My beautiful Lyudmila?
She is silent and sad,
Alone walks through the gardens,
He thinks about his friend and sighs,
Or, giving free rein to your dreams,
To the native Kyiv fields
Flies into the oblivion of the heart;
Hugs his father and brothers,
Girlfriends sees young
And their old mothers -
Captivity and separation are forgotten!
But soon the poor princess
Loses his delusion
And again sad and alone.
Slaves of a villain in love,
And day and night, not daring to sit,
Meanwhile, around the castle, through the gardens
They were looking for a lovely captive,
They rushed about, called loudly,
However, it’s all for nothing.
Lyudmila was amused by them:
Sometimes in magical groves
Suddenly she appeared without a hat
And she called: “Here, here!”
And everyone rushed to her in a crowd;
But to the side - suddenly invisible -
With silent feet she
She ran away from predatory hands.
We noticed everywhere all the time
Her minute traces:
Those are gilded fruits
They disappeared on the noisy branches,
Those are drops of spring water
They fell into the crumpled meadow:
Then the castle probably knew
What does the princess drink or eat?
On the branches of cedar or birch
Hiding at night, she
I was looking for a moment's sleep -
But she only shed tears
My wife and peace were calling,
I was languishing with sadness and yawning,
And rarely, rarely before dawn,
Bowing my head to the tree,
She dozed in a thin drowsiness;
The darkness of the night was barely thinning,
Lyudmila walked to the waterfall
Wash with a cold stream:
Karla himself in the morning
Once I saw from the wards,
As if under an invisible hand
The waterfall splashed and splashed.
With my usual melancholy
Until another night, here and there,
She wandered through the gardens:
Often in the evening we heard
Her pleasant voice;
Often in the groves they raised
Or the wreath thrown by her,
Or scraps of a Persian shawl,
Or a tear-stained handkerchief.
Wounded by cruel passion,
Overshadowed by vexation, anger,
The sorcerer finally decided
Definitely catch Lyudmila.
So Lemnos is a lame blacksmith,
Having received the marital crown
From the hands of the lovely Cythera,
I spread a net to her beauty,
Revealed to the mocking gods
Cyprids are tender ideas...
Bored, poor princess
In the cool of the marble gazebo
I sat quietly near the window
And through the swaying branches
I looked at the flowering meadow.
Suddenly he hears a call: “Dear friend!”
And he sees faithful Ruslan.
His features, gait, stature;
But he is pale, there is fog in his eyes,
And there is a living wound on the thigh -
Her heart trembled. “Ruslan!
Ruslan!.. he’s definitely!” And with an arrow
The captive flies to her husband,
In tears, trembling, he says:
“You’re here... you’re wounded... what’s wrong with you?”
Already reached, hugged:
Oh horror... the ghost disappears!
Princess in the nets; from her forehead
The hat falls to the ground.
Cold, he hears a menacing cry:
"She is mine!" - and at the same moment
He sees the sorcerer before his eyes.
The maiden heard a pitiful groan,
Fall unconscious - and a wonderful dream
He embraced the unfortunate woman with his wings
What will happen to the poor princess!
O terrible sight: the frail wizard
Caresses with an impudent hand
The youthful charms of Lyudmila!
Will he really be happy?
Chu... suddenly there was a ringing of horns,
And someone calls Karla.
In confusion, pale sorcerer
He puts a hat on the girl;
They blow again; louder, louder!
And he flies to an unknown meeting,
Throwing his beard over his shoulders.

Song five

Ah, how sweet my princess!
Her like is most dear to me:
She is sensitive, modest,
Marital love is faithful,
A little windy... so what?
She's even cuter.
Always the charm of the new
She knows how to captivate us;
Tell me: is it possible to compare
Is she and Delphira harsh?
One - fate sent a gift
To charm hearts and eyes;
Her smile, her conversations
Love gives birth to heat in me.
And she is under the skirt of a hussar,
Just give her a mustache and spurs!
Blessed is he who in the evening
To a secluded corner
My Lyudmila is waiting
And he will call you a friend of the heart;
But believe me, blessed is he too
Who is running away from Delphira?
And I don’t even know her.
Yes, but that’s not the point!
But who blew the trumpet? Who's the sorcerer
Did you call me to a flogging?
Who scared the sorcerer?
Ruslan. He, burning with revenge,
Reached the abode of the villain.
The knight is already standing under the mountain,
The calling horn howls like a storm,
The impatient horse is seething
And he digs snow with his wet hoof.
The prince is waiting for Karla. Suddenly he
On a strong steel helmet
Struck by an invisible hand;
The blow fell like thunder;
Ruslan raises his vague gaze
And he sees - right above the head -
With a raised, terrible mace
Karla Chernomor flies.
Covering himself with a shield, he bent down,
He shook his sword and swung it;
But he soared under the clouds;
For a moment he disappeared - and from above
Noisily flies towards the prince again.
The agile knight flew away,
And into the snow with a fatal swing
The sorcerer fell and sat down there;
Ruslan, without saying a word,
Off the horse, he hurries towards him,
I caught him, he grabs me by the beard,
The wizard struggles and groans
And suddenly he flies away with Ruslan...
The zealous horse looks after you;
Already a sorcerer under the clouds;
The hero hangs on his beard;
Flying over dark forests
Flying over wild mountains
They fly over the abyss of the sea;
The stress makes me stiff,
Ruslan for the villain's beard
Holds on with a steady hand.
Meanwhile, weakening in the air
And amazed at the Russian strength,
Wizard to proud Ruslan
He insidiously says: “Listen, prince!
I will stop harming you;
Loving young courage,
I will forget everything, I will forgive you,
I’ll go down - but only with an agreement..."
“Be silent, treacherous sorcerer! -
Our knight interrupted: - with Chernomor,
With his wife's tormentor,
Ruslan doesn't know the contract!
This formidable sword will punish the thief.
Fly even to the night star,
How about you be without a beard!”
Fear surrounds Chernomor;
In frustration, in silent grief,
In vain long beard
Tired Karla is shocked:
Ruslan doesn't let her out
And sometimes it stings my hair.
For two days the sorcerer wears the hero,
On the third he asks for mercy:
“O knight, have pity on me;
I can barely breathe; no more urine;
Leave me life, I am in your will;
Tell me, I’ll go down wherever you want...”
“Now you are ours: yeah, you’re trembling!
Humble yourself, submit to Russian power!
Take me to my Lyudmila."
Chernomor humbly listens;
He set off home with the knight;
He flies and instantly finds himself
Among their terrible mountains.
Then Ruslan with one hand
Took the sword of the slain head
And, grabbing the beard with the other,
I cut her off like a handful of grass.
“Know ours! - he said cruelly, -
What, predator, where is your beauty?
Where is the strength? - and a high helmet
Gray hair knits;
Whistling he calls the dashing horse;
A cheerful horse flies and neighs;
Our knight Karl is barely alive
He puts it in a knapsack behind the saddle,
And he himself, afraid of the moment of waste,
The steep one hurries to the top of the mountain,
Achieved, and with a joyful soul
Flies into magical chambers.
In the distance, seeing a big-haired helmet,
The key to a fatal victory,
Before him is a wonderful swarm of Arabs,
Crowds of fearful slaves,
Like ghosts from all sides
They ran and disappeared. He walks
Alone among the proud temples,
He calls his dear wife -
Only the echo of silent vaults
Ruslan gives his voice;
In the excitement of impatient feelings
He opens the doors to the garden -
He walks and walks and doesn’t find him;
Confused eyes look around -
Everything is dead: the groves are silent,
The gazebos are empty; on the rapids,
Along the banks of the stream, in the valleys,
There is no trace of Lyudmila anywhere,
And the ear does not hear anything.
A sudden chill embraces the prince,
The light is darkening in his eyes,
Dark thoughts arose in my mind...
“Perhaps grief... gloomy captivity...
A minute... waves..." In these dreams
He's immersed. With silent melancholy
The knight bowed his head;
He is tormented by involuntary fear;
He is motionless, like a dead stone;
The mind is darkened; wild flame
And the poison of desperate love
Already flowing in his blood.
It seemed like the shadow of a beautiful princess
Touched trembling lips...
And suddenly, frantic, terrible,
The knight rushes through the gardens;
He calls Lyudmila with a cry,
It tears cliffs from the hills,
Destroys everything, destroys everything with a sword -
Gazebos, groves are falling,
Trees, bridges dive in the waves,
The steppe is exposed all around!
Far away the rumbles repeat
And roar, and crackling, and noise, and thunder;
Everywhere the sword rings and whistles,
The lovely land is devastated -
The mad knight is looking for a victim,
With a swing to the right, to the left he
The desert air cuts through...
And suddenly - an unexpected blow
Knocks off the invisible princess
Chernomor's farewell gift...
The power of magic suddenly disappeared:
Lyudmila has opened up on the networks!
Not believing my own eyes,
Intoxicated with unexpected happiness,
Our knight falls at his feet
Faithful, unforgettable friend,
Kisses hands, tears nets,
Tears of love and delight are shed,
He calls her, but the maiden is dozing,
Eyes and lips are closed,
And a voluptuous dream
Her young breasts rise.
Ruslan doesn’t take his eyes off her,
He is tormented by grief again...
But suddenly a friend hears a voice,
The voice of the virtuous Finn:
“Take courage, prince! On the way back
Go with sleeping Lyudmila;
Fill your heart with new strength,
Be true to love and honor.
Heavenly thunder will strike in anger,
And silence will reign -
And in bright Kyiv the princess
Will rise up before Vladimir
From an enchanted dream."
Ruslan, animated by this voice,
He takes his wife into his arms,
And quietly with the precious burden
He leaves the heights
And he goes down into a secluded valley.
In silence, with Karla behind the saddle,
He went his own way;
Lyudmila lies in his arms,
Fresh as spring dawn
And on the shoulder of the hero
She bowed her calm face.
With hair twisted into a ring,
The desert breeze plays;
How often does her chest sigh!
How often is a quiet face
It glows like an instant rose!
Love and secret dream
They bring Ruslan’s image to her,
And with a languid whisper of lips
The spouse's name is pronounced...
In sweet oblivion he catches
Her magical breath
Smile, tears, gentle moan
And the sleepy Persians are worried...
Meanwhile, across the valleys, across the mountains,
And in broad daylight and at night,
Our knight travels incessantly.
The desired limit is still far away,
And the maiden is sleeping. But the young prince
Burning with a barren flame,
Is it really a constant sufferer?
I was just watching over my wife
And in a chaste dream,
Having subdued the immodest desire,
Have you found your bliss?
The monk who saved
Faithful legend to posterity
About my glorious knight,
We are confidently assured of this:
And I believe! No division
Sad, rude pleasures:
We are truly happy together.
Shepherdesses, the dream of a lovely princess
Wasn't like your dreams
Sometimes a languid spring,
On the grass, in the shade of a tree.
I remember a little meadow
Among the birch oak forest,
I remember a dark evening
I remember Lida’s evil dream...
Ah, love's first kiss,
Trembling, light, hasty,
I didn’t disperse, my friends,
Her patient slumber...
But come on, I'm talking nonsense!
Why does love need memories?
Her joy and suffering
Forgotten by me for a long time;
Now they're getting my attention
Princess, Ruslan and Chernomor.
The plain lies before them,
Where the spruces sprang up occasionally;
And a formidable hill in the distance
The round top turns black
Sky in bright blue.
Ruslan looks and guesses
What comes to the head;
The greyhound horse ran faster;
It’s a miracle of miracles;
She looks with a motionless eye;
Her hair is like a black forest,
Overgrown on the high brow;
The cheeks are deprived of life,
Covered with leaden pallor;
Huge lips are open,
Huge teeth are cramped...
Over half dead head
The last day was already hard.
A brave knight flew to her
With Lyudmila, with Karla behind her.
He shouted: “Hello, head!
I'm here! your traitor is punished!
Look: here he is, our villain prisoner!
And the prince's proud words
She was suddenly revived
For a moment the feeling was awakened in her,
I woke up as if from a dream,
She looked and groaned terribly...
She recognized the knight
And I recognized my brother with horror.
The nostrils flared; on the cheeks
The crimson fire is still born,
And in dying eyes
The final anger was depicted.
In confusion, in silent rage
She ground her teeth
And to my brother with a cold tongue
An inarticulate reproach babbled...
Already her at that very hour
The long suffering is over:
Chela instant flame went out,
Weakly heavy breathing
A huge rolled-up gaze
And soon the prince and Chernomor
We saw the shudder of death...
She fell into eternal sleep.
The knight left in silence;
The trembling dwarf behind the saddle
Didn't dare to breathe, didn't move
And in blackish language
He prayed fervently to the demons.
On the slope of dark shores
Some nameless river
In the cool twilight of the forests,
The roof of the drooping hut stood,
Crowned with thick pine trees.
In a slow river
Near the reed fence
A wave of sleep washed over
And around him there was barely a murmur
With the slight sound of a breeze.
The valley was hidden in these places,
Secluded and dark;
And there seemed to be silence
Has reigned since the beginning of the world.
Ruslan stopped his horse.
Everything was quiet, serene;
From the dawning day
Valley with coastal grove
Through the morning smoke shone.
Ruslan lays his wife down in the meadow,
He sits down next to her and sighs.
With sweet and silent despondency;
And suddenly he sees before him
Humble shuttle sail
And hears the fisherman's song
Over a quiet river.
Having spread the net over the waves,
Fisherman leaning on his oars
Floats to the wooded shores,
To the threshold of the humble hut.
And the good prince Ruslan sees:
The shuttle sails to the shore;
Runs out of a dark house
Young maiden; slender figure,
Hair, carelessly loose,
A smile, a quiet gaze of eyes,
Both chest and shoulders are bare,
Everything is sweet, everything captivates about her.
And here they are, hugging each other,
They sit by the cool waters,
And an hour of carefree leisure
For them it comes with love.
But in silent amazement
Who is there in the happy fisherman?
Will our young knight find out?
Khazar Khan, chosen by glory,
Ratmir, in love, in bloody war
His opponent is young
Ratmir in the serene desert
Lyudmila, I forgot my glory
And changed them forever
In the arms of a tender friend.
The hero approached, and instantly
The hermit recognizes Ruslan,
He gets up and flies. There was a scream...
And the prince hugged the young khan.
“What do I see? - asked the hero, -
Why are you here, why did you leave?
Anxiety of life combat
And the sword that you glorified?
“My friend,” answered the fisherman, “
The soul is tired of abusive glory
An empty and disastrous ghost.
Believe me: innocent fun,
Love and peaceful oak forests
Dearer to the heart a hundred times.
Now, having lost the thirst for battle,
I stopped paying tribute to madness,
And rich in true happiness,
I forgot everything, dear comrade,
Everything, even Lyudmila’s charms.”
“Dear Khan, I am very glad! -
Ruslan said, “she’s with me.”
“Is it possible, by what fate?
What do I hear? Russian princess...
She's with you, where is she?
Let me... but no, I'm afraid of betrayal;
My friend is sweet to me;
My happy change
She was the culprit;
She is my life, she is my joy!
She returned it to me again
My lost youth
And peace and pure love.
In vain they promised me happiness
The lips of young sorceresses;
Twelve maidens loved me:
I left them for her;
He left their mansion cheerfully,
In the shade of guardian oak trees;
He laid down both the sword and the heavy helmet,
I forgot both glory and enemies.
Hermit, peaceful and unknown,
Left in the happy wilderness,
With you, dear friend, lovely friend,
With you, the light of my soul!
The dear shepherdess listened
Friends open conversation
And, fixing his gaze on the khan,
And she smiled and sighed.
Fisherman and knight on the shores
We sat until the dark night
With soul and heart on my lips -
The hours flew by invisibly.
The forest is black, the mountain is dark;
The moon rises - everything became quiet;
It's time for the hero to hit the road.
Quietly throwing the blanket
On the sleeping maiden, Ruslan
He goes and mounts his horse;
Thoughtfully silent khan
My soul strives to follow him,
Ruslan happiness, victories,
He wants both fame and love...
And the thoughts of proud, young years
Involuntary sadness revives...
Why is fate not destined
To my fickle lyre
There is only one heroism to sing
And with him (unknown in the world)
Love and friendship of old?
Poet of sad truth,
Why should I for posterity
Reveal vice and malice
And the secrets of the machinations of treachery
Convict in truthful songs?
The princess's seeker is unworthy,
Having lost the hunt for glory,
Unknown, Farlaf
In the distant and calm desert
He was hiding and waiting for Naina.
And the solemn hour has come.
A sorceress appeared to him,
Saying: “Do you know me?
Follow me; saddle your horse!
And the witch turned into a cat;
The horse was saddled and she set off;
Along the dark oak forest paths
Farlaf follows her.
The quiet valley was dozing,
In the night dressed in fog,
The moon moved across the darkness
From cloud to cloud and mound
Illuminated with an instant brilliance.
Below him in silence is Ruslan
I sat with the usual melancholy
Before the sleeping princess.
He thought deeply,
Dreams flew after dreams,
And sleep blew inconspicuously
Cold wings above him.
At the maiden with dim eyes
In a languid drowsiness he looked
And with a tired head
Bending at her feet, he fell asleep.
And the hero has a prophetic dream:
He sees that the princess
Above the terrible depths of the abyss
Stands motionless and pale...
And suddenly Lyudmila disappears,
He stands alone above the abyss...
A familiar voice, an inviting moan
Flies out of the quiet abyss...
Ruslan strives for his wife;
Flying headlong in the deep darkness...
And suddenly he sees in front of him:
Vladimir, in the high gridnitsa,
In the circle of gray-haired heroes,
Between twelve sons,
With a crowd of named guests
Sits at dirty tables.
And the old prince is just as angry,
Like a terrible day of parting,
And everyone sits without moving,
Not daring to break the silence.
The cheerful noise of the guests has died down,
The circular bowl does not move...
And he sees among the guests
In the battle of the slain Rogdai:
The dead man sits as if alive;
From a foamed glass
He is cheerful, drinks and does not look
To the amazed Ruslan.
The prince also sees the young khan,
Friends and foes... and suddenly
A quick sound of the gusli rang out
And the voice of the prophetic Bayan,
Singer of heroes and fun.
Farlaf joins the grid,
He leads Lyudmila by the hand;
But the old man, without getting up from his seat,
He is silent, bowing his head sadly,
Princes, boyars - everyone is silent,
Soulful movements of the cut.
And everything disappeared - the chill of death
Envelops the sleeping hero.
Heavily immersed in slumber,
He sheds painful tears,
In excitement he thinks: this is a dream!
Languishes, but has an ominous dream,
Alas, he is unable to interrupt.
The moon shines slightly over the mountain;
The groves are enveloped in darkness,
Valley in dead silence...
The traitor rides on a horse.
A clearing opened before him;
He sees a gloomy mound;
Ruslan sleeps at Lyudmila’s feet,
And the horse walks around the mound.
Farlaf looks with fear;
The witch disappears in the fog
His heart froze and trembled,
From cold hands he drops the bridle,
Quietly draws his sword,
Preparing knight without a fight
Cut in two with a flourish...
I approached him. Hero's horse
Sensing the enemy, he began to boil,
He neighed and stamped. The sign is in vain!
Ruslan doesn’t listen; terrible dream
Like a load, it weighed down on him!..
A traitor, encouraged by a witch,
A hero in the chest with a despicable hand
Cold steel pierces three times...
And rushes fearfully into the distance
With your precious spoils.
Unfeeling Ruslan all night
He lay in the darkness under the mountain.
The hours flew by. Blood flows like a river
It flowed from inflamed wounds.
In the morning, opening my misty gaze,
Letting out a heavy, weak groan,
He stood up with effort,
He looked, bowed his head in a scolding manner -
And he fell motionless, lifeless.

Song six

You command me, oh my gentle friend,
On the lyre, light and careless
The old ones were humming
And dedicate to the faithful muse
Hours of priceless leisure...
You know, dear friend:
Having quarreled with a windy rumor,
Your friend, intoxicated with bliss,
I forgot my solitary work,
And the sounds of the lyre dear.
From harmonic fun
I am intoxicated, out of habit...
I breathe you - and proud glory
I don't understand the call to call!
My secret genius left me
And fictions and sweet thoughts;
Love and thirst for pleasure
Some haunt my mind.
But you command, but you loved
My old stories
Traditions of glory and love;
My hero, my Lyudmila,
Vladimir, witch, Chernomor
And Finn's true sorrows
Your daydreaming was occupied;
You, listening to my easy nonsense,
Sometimes she dozed off with a smile;
But sometimes your tender gaze
She threw it more tenderly at the singer...
I’ll make up my mind: a loving talker,
I touch the lazy strings again;
I sit at your feet and again
I'm strumming about the young knight.
But what did I say? Where is Ruslan?
He lies dead in an open field:
His blood will no longer flow,
A greedy crow flies above him,
The horn is silent, the armor motionless,
The shaggy helmet doesn’t move!
A horse walks around Ruslan,
Hanging my proud head,
The fire in his eyes disappeared!
Doesn't wave his golden mane,
He doesn’t amuse himself, he doesn’t jump
And waits for Ruslan to rise up...
But the prince is in a deep, cold sleep,
And his shield will not strike for a long time.
And Chernomor? He's behind the saddle
In a knapsack, forgotten by the witch,
Doesn't know anything yet;
Tired, sleepy and angry
Princess, my hero
He scolded silently out of boredom;
Without hearing anything for a long time,
The wizard looked out - oh wonder!
He sees the hero killed;
The drowned man lies in blood;
Lyudmila is gone, everything is empty in the field;
The villain trembles with joy
And he thinks: it’s done, I’m free!
But old Karla was wrong.
Meanwhile, inspired by Naina,
With Lyudmila, quietly put to sleep,
Farlaf strives for Kyiv:
Flies, full of hope, full of fear;
The Dnieper waves are already in front of him
There is noise in familiar pastures;
He already sees the golden-domed city;
Farlaf is already rushing through the city,
And the noise in the haystacks rises;
The people are in joyful excitement
It falls behind the rider, crowds in;
They run to please their father:
And here is the traitor at the porch.
Dragging a burden of sadness in my soul,
Vladimir was the sunshine at that time
In his high chamber
I sat, languishing in my usual thoughts.
Boyars, knights all around
They sat with gloomy importance.
Suddenly he listens: in front of the porch
Excitement, screams, wonderful noise;
The door opened; in front of him
An unknown warrior appeared;
Everyone stood up with deaf whispers
And suddenly they became embarrassed and made a noise:
“Lyudmila is here! Farlaf... really?”
Changing his sad face,
The old prince gets up from his chair,
Hastens with heavy steps
To his unfortunate daughter,
Fits; stepfather's hands
He wants to touch her;
But the dear maiden does not heed,
And the enchanted one dozes
In the hands of a killer - everyone is watching
To the prince in vague expectation;
And the old man has a restless look
He stared at the knight in silence.
But, cunningly pressing a finger to his lips,
“Lyudmila is sleeping,” said Farlaf, “
I just found her recently
In the deserted Murom forests
In the hands of the evil goblin;
There the work was accomplished gloriously;
We fought for three days; moon
She rose above the battle three times;
He fell, and the young princess
I fell into my hands sleepily;
And who will interrupt this wonderful dream?
When will the awakening come?
I don’t know - the law of fate is hidden!
And we have hope and patience
Some were left in consolation.”
And soon with the fatal news
Rumors spread throughout the city;
A motley crowd of people
City Square began to boil;
The sad chamber is open to everyone;
The crowd is getting excited and pouring out
There, where on a high bed,
On a brocade blanket
The princess lies in a deep sleep;
Princes and knights all around
They stand sad; the voices of trumpets,
Horns, tambourines, harps, tambourines
They thunder over her; old prince
Exhausted by heavy melancholy,
At the feet of Lyudmila with gray hairs
Drooped down with silent tears;
And Farlaf, pale next to him,
In silent remorse, in frustration
Trembling, having lost his audacity.
Night has come. Nobody in the city
I didn’t close my sleepless eyes
Noisy, everyone crowded towards each other:
Everyone was talking about the miracle;
The young husband to his wife
In the modest room I forgot.
But only the light of the two-horned moon
Disappeared before the dawn,
All Kyiv is in new alarm
Confused! Clicks, noise and howling
They appeared everywhere. Kievans
Crowding on the city wall...
And they see: in the morning fog
The tents are white across the river;
Shields shine like a glow,
Riders flash in the fields,
Black dust rises in the distance;
The marching carts are coming,
Bonfires burn on the hills.
Trouble: the Pechenegs have risen!
But at this time the prophetic Finn,
Mighty ruler of spirits,
In your serene desert,
I waited with a calm heart,
So that the day of inevitable fate,
Long foreseen, it has risen.
In the silent wilderness of the flammable steppes
Beyond the distant chain of wild mountains,
Dwellings of the winds, rattling storms,
Where do witches look boldly?
He's afraid to sneak in at a late hour,
The wonderful valley lurks,
And in that valley there are two keys:
One flows like a living wave,
Murmuring merrily over the stones,
It flows like dead water;
Everything is quiet all around, the winds are sleeping,
The spring coolness does not blow,
Centuries-old pines do not make noise,
The birds do not fly, the deer does not dare
In the summer heat, drink from secret waters;
A couple of spirits from the beginning of the world,
Silent in the bosom of the world,
The dense shore guards...
With two empty jugs
The hermit appeared before them;
The spirits interrupted the long-standing dream
And they left full of fear.
Bending down, he immerses
Vessels in virgin waves;
Filled, disappeared in the air
And in two moments I found myself
In the valley where Ruslan lay
Covered in blood, silent, motionless;
And the old man stood over the knight,
And sprinkled with dead water,
And the wounds shone instantly,
And the corpse is wonderfully beautiful
Thrived; then with living water
The elder sprinkled the hero
And cheerful, full of new strength,
Trembling with young life,
Ruslan gets up on a clear day
He looks with greedy eyes,
Like an ugly dream, like a shadow,
The past flashes before him.
But where is Lyudmila? He's alone!
His heart, flaring up, freezes.
Suddenly the knight stood up; prophetic Finn
She calls him and hugs him:
“Fate has come true, oh my son!
Bliss awaits you;
The bloody feast calls you;
Your formidable sword will strike with disaster;
A gentle peace will fall on Kyiv,
And there she will appear to you.
Take the treasured ring
Touch Lyudmila’s brow with it,
And the powers of secret spells will disappear,
Your enemies will be confused by your face,
Peace will come, anger will perish.
Both of you deserve happiness!
Forgive me for a long time, my knight!
Give me your hand... there, behind the door of the coffin -
Not before - we’ll see you!”
He said and disappeared. Intoxicated
With ardent and silent delight,
Ruslan, awakened to life,
He raises his hands after him.
But nothing is heard anymore!
Ruslan is alone in a deserted field;
Jumping, with Karla behind the saddle,
Ruslanov is an impatient horse
Runs and neighs, waving his mane;
The prince is already ready, he is already on horseback,
He's flying alive and well
Through fields, through oak groves.
But meanwhile what a shame
Is Kyiv under siege?
There, with his eyes fixed on the fields,
The people, stricken with despondency,
Stands on towers and walls
And in fear awaits heavenly execution;
Timid moaning in houses,
There is a silence of fear on the haystacks;
Alone, near his daughter,
Vladimir in sorrowful prayer;
And a brave host of heroes
With a loyal squad of princes
Preparing for a bloody battle.
And the day has come. Crowds of enemies
At dawn they moved from the hills;
Indomitable squads
Excitedly, they poured out from the plain
And they flowed to the city wall;
The trumpets thundered in the hail,
The fighters closed ranks and flew
Towards the daring army,
They came together and a fight ensued.
Sensing death, the horses leaped,
Let's go knock swords on armor;
With a whistle, a cloud of arrows soared,
The plain was filled with blood;
The riders rushed headlong,
The horse squads mingled;
A closed, friendly wall
There the formation is cut down with the formation;
A footman fights with a horseman there;
There a frightened horse rushes;
There are shouts of battle, there there is escape;
There a Russian fell, there a Pecheneg;
He was knocked over with a mace;
He was lightly struck by an arrow;
Another, crushed by a shield,
Trampled by a mad horse...
And the battle lasted until dark;
Neither the enemy nor ours prevailed!
Behind the piles of bloody bodies
The soldiers closed their languid eyes,
And their abusive sleep was strong;
Only occasionally on the battlefield
The fallen mournful groan was heard
And Russian knights of prayer.
The morning shadow grew pale,
The wave turned silver in the stream,
A doubtful day was born
In the foggy east.
The hills and forests became clearer,
And the heavens woke up.
Still in inactive repose
The battlefield was dozing;
Suddenly the dream was interrupted: the enemy camp
He rose up with noisy alarm,
A sudden cry of battle broke out;
The hearts of the people of Kiev were troubled;
Running in discordant crowds
And they see: in a field between enemies,
Shining in armor as if on fire,
Wonderful warrior on horseback
It rushes like a thunderstorm, stabs, chops,
Blows a roaring horn while flying...
It was Ruslan. Like God's thunder
Our knight fell on the infidel;
He prowls with Karla behind the saddle
Among the frightened camp.
Wherever a formidable sword whistles,
Wherever an angry horse rushes,
Heads are falling off shoulders everywhere
And with a cry, formation falls upon formation;
In an instant the scolding meadow
Covered with hills of bloody bodies,
Alive, crushed, headless,
A mass of spears, arrows, chain mail.
To the sound of the trumpet, to the voice of battle
Cavalry squads of the Slavs
We rushed in the footsteps of the hero,
They fought... perish, you infidel!
The horror of the Pechenegs is overwhelming;
Pets stormy raids
The names of the scattered horses are
They don’t dare resist anymore
And with a wild cry in a dusty field
They are fleeing from the Kyiv swords,
Doomed to be sacrificed to hell;
The Russian sword executes their hosts;
Kyiv rejoices... But hail
The mighty hero is flying;
In his right hand he holds a victorious sword;
The spear shines like a star;
Blood flows from the copper chain mail;
A beard curls on the helmet;
Flies, filled with hope,
Along the noisy haystacks to the prince's house.
The people, intoxicated with delight,
Crowds around with clicks,
And the prince was revived by joy.
He enters the silent mansion,
Where Lyudmila sleeps in a wonderful dream;
Vladimir, deep in thought,
A sad man stood at her feet.
He was alone. His friends
War led to bloody fields.
But Farlaf is with him, shunning glory,
Far from enemy swords,
In my soul, despising the worries of the camp,
He stood guard at the door.
As soon as the villain recognized Ruslan,
His blood has cooled, his eyes have gone dark,
The voice froze in the open mouth,
And he fell unconscious on his knees...
Treason awaits a worthy execution!
But, remembering the secret gift of the ring,
Ruslan flies to the sleeping Lyudmila,
Her calm face
Touches with a trembling hand...
And a miracle: the young princess,
Sighing, she opened her bright eyes!
It seemed as if she
I marveled at such a long night;
It seemed like some kind of dream
She was tormented by an unclear dream,
And suddenly I found out - it was him!
And the prince is in the arms of a beautiful woman.
Resurrected by a fiery soul,
Ruslan doesn’t see, doesn’t listen,
And the old man is silent in joy,
Sobbing, he hugs his dear ones.
How will I end my long story?
You will guess, my dear friend!
The old man's wrongful anger faded;
Farlaf in front of him and in front of Lyudmila
At Ruslan's feet he announced
Your shame and dark villainy;
The happy prince forgave him;
Deprived of the power of sorcery,
The king was received into the palace;
And, celebrating the end of disasters,
Vladimir in the high grid
Locked it in with his family.
Things of days gone by
Deep legends of antiquity.


So, an indifferent inhabitant of the world,
In the bosom of idle silence,
I praised the obedient lyre
Legends of dark antiquity.
I sang and forgot the insults
Blind happiness and enemies,
The betrayals of the windy Dorida
And the gossip of noisy fools.
Carried on the wings of fiction,
The mind flew beyond the edge of the earth;
And meanwhile the invisible thunderstorm
A cloud was gathering over me!..
I was dying... Holy Guardian
Initial, stormy days,
O friendship, tender comforter
My sick soul!
You begged the bad weather;
You have returned peace to my heart;
You kept me free
Idol of boiling youth!
Forgotten by light and rumor,
Far from the banks of the Neva,
Now I see before me
Proud heads of the Caucasus.
Above their steep peaks,
On the slope of stone rapids,
I feed on dumb feelings
And the wonderful beauty of the paintings
Nature is wild and gloomy;
Soul, as before, every hour
Full of languid thoughts -
But the fire of poetry went out.
I search in vain for impressions:
She has passed, it's time for poetry,
It's time for love, happy dreams,
It's time for heartfelt inspiration!
The short day passed in delight -
And disappeared from me forever
Goddess of silent chants...

Pushkin's interest in fairy tales manifested itself at an early stage of his work. In 1820, his first poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” was published, the idea for which arose while still at the Lyceum. The beginnings of the poet's interest in folklore genres would later lead to the writing of his own fairy tales. For now, the poet is inspired by foreign epic literature of the Renaissance and Enlightenment (Ariosto, Voltaire) and Russian literary fairy tales (Kheraskov, Radishchev, Karamzin, Zhukovsky). The poem also gravitates toward epics, a folklore genre whose main characters are most often heroes. The famous - a fairy-tale mosaic, a whirlwind of characters and events - shows that the fantastic world of a fairy tale has no boundaries.

The poem is written in iambic tetrameter. It is interesting that the poem is not divided into stanzas, and the rhyme pattern is very free (cross rhyme alternates with paired rhyme, male rhyme with female rhyme). This creates a smooth musical narrative, devoid of a rigid rhythmic structure - the rhyme does not enclose the poem within the framework of a stanza and flows freely, as if arising by itself during the course of the presentation.

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