Alexander Vitko biography. The end of the era of Alexander Vitko. The case against Vitko: a new provocation from Kyiv

Epoch, of course, is a strong word. As commander Black Sea Fleet Alexander Vitko spent only five years. He was appointed to the post of fleet commander on April 15, 2013. But these were the years of the revival of the Black Sea Fleet, where he began his service, studying at the ChVVMU named after. P.S. Nakhimov.

His track record includes service in the Pacific, where he rose from assistant commander of a missile boat to commander of troops and forces in the Northeast and Northern Fleets (deputy commander of the Northern Fleet). By decree of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief in April 2013, he headed the Black Sea Fleet.

It cannot be said that the Black Sea Fleet was dying. No, he simply did not change and stopped in his development. This process has been going on since 1992 and was due to the position of Ukraine, which categorically objected not only to the replacement of the ship's personnel, but also managed to make money on the problems of the fleet, charging unimaginable duties for the import of spare parts, fuel and other means necessary to maintain combat readiness. Apparently, Ukraine and its “friends” hoped that the Black Sea Fleet would soon die a natural death. After all, over the years the Black Sea Fleet has received only one ship. No fleet - no problem, and the infrastructure freed from the Russian Black Sea Fleet is quite suitable for use.

But that was not the case. Less than a year later, the events of the “Russian Spring” began, in which at that time Vice Admiral Vitko and the Black Sea Fleet led by him took an active part.

Personal participation in the return of Sevastopol and Crimea to Russia (visiting the headquarters of the Ukrainian Ukrainian Armed Forces, warning Ukrainian military personnel against the use of violence) resulted in Alexander Vitko having the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine initiate a criminal case against him on charges of inciting high treason and organizing sabotage against the military of Ukraine, as well as inclusion in the EU sanctions list.

But what does the admiral care about Ukrainian criminal cases and European sanctions when there are more important things to do?

For the Black Sea Fleet, led by Alexander Vitko, the reunification of Crimea with Russia in 2014 gave new life. A new page in its history has begun, the process of modernization has begun. Since 2015, it began to be actively replenished with new ships and auxiliary vessels. Over the past three years, the fleet has received more than 50 new warships, boats and auxiliary vessels, which, with virtually no build-up and a long commissioning period, immediately began performing tasks in the Mediterranean and Black Seas.

In the shortest possible time, a number of new associations, formations and units were formed, in particular, the Crimean naval base was revived, and later the army corps of the Black Sea Fleet. Today, an interspecific, self-sufficient group of forces has been created in Crimea, modern Bastion anti-ship coastal missile systems deployed on the peninsula, S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, as well as naval and air defense aviation ensure the security of the region from all kinds of threats.

During the years of Alexander Vitko’s command, the life of military sailors and their families really improved, gradually the fleet began to open up to the city, in lately The fleet transferred a number of sites for the implementation of key urban projects. This was noted by the head of the region Dmitry Ovsyannikov, awarding Alexander Viktorovich Vitko with the first honorary badge in the history of the city “For services to Sevastopol.”

According to experts, under Vitko the fleet became not only a military unit: it became a symbol new Russia, its revival as a Great Power. The bar has been raised, and the new commander, Vice Admiral Alexander Moiseev, will have to continue the work begun by his predecessor.

For reference:

Alexander Viktorovich Vitko (born September 13, 1961, Vitebsk, BSSR, USSR) - Russian military leader, commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy (from April 15, 2013 to May __, 2018), admiral, candidate of military sciences, bears the honorary title “Honored Military Specialist” Russian Federation».

Awarded state awards: Orders of Merit for the Fatherland III degree with swords and “For Military Merit”, medal “For Distinction in Military Service”, anniversary medals"300 years Russian fleet" and "70 years Armed Forces USSR", Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation

He was awarded departmental awards - medals “For the Return of Crimea”, “For Distinction in Military Service” I and II degrees, “For Impeccable Service” III degrees, “200 Years of the Ministry of Defense”, “For Military Commonwealth” (FSB). He has public awards - the medal “For the Liberation of Crimea and Sevastopol” (March 17, 2014) - for his personal contribution to the return of Crimea to Russia and the memorial sign “275 years of the Pacific Fleet”. In 2013, he was awarded the medal “20 Years of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.”

IA SakhaNews. Vice Admiral will be appointed new commander of the Black Sea Fleet Alexander Moiseev. The current commander of the Black Sea Fleet is Admiral Alexander Vitko received a promotion and will work in the Main Command of the Navy, RIA Novosti reports citing a source in the power structures of Crimea.


Moiseev Alexander Alekseevich born on April 16, 1962 in the village of Borskoye, Kaliningrad region.

In 1987 he graduated from the Higher Naval School of Radio Electronics named after A.S. Popov. In 1995 he graduated from the Higher Special Officer Classes of the Navy. In 2003 he graduated with honors from the Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet. Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsova. In 2011 he graduated from the faculty with a gold medal national security and State Defense of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

He worked as a foreman-adjuster in a film repair shop in Berezniki, Perm Region.

In 1981 he was called up for military service (Ural Military District).

Since 1987 he has served on submarines of the Northern Fleet. He consistently worked his way up from an engineer in the computer group of a radio-technical combat unit to the commander of a strategic nuclear-powered missile submarine.

In 1994, while serving as senior assistant to the commander of the strategic nuclear missile submarine cruiser K-18 Karelia, he was awarded the Order of Courage for going to North Pole. During the trip, the Karelia crew hoisted the St. Andrew's and Russian flags at the North Pole.

On July 7, 1998, commanding the strategic nuclear-powered missile submarine cruiser K-407 Novomoskovsk, he went down in cosmonautics history as the commander of the submarine cruiser that for the first time successfully launched two German commercial micro-satellites Tubsat-N and Tubsat- into low Earth orbit. N1 launch vehicle "Shtil" launched from an underwater position.

In 2003-2007 - Chief of Staff of the 31st Submarine Division of the Northern Fleet.

In 2007-2009 - commander of the 31st submarine division of the Northern Fleet.

In 2008, being the senior on board, he supervised the transition of the strategic nuclear missile submarine cruiser K-44 Ryazan from the Northern Fleet to the Pacific Fleet underwater under the ice of the Arctic Ocean, for which he was awarded the second Order of Courage.

In June 2011 - April 2012 - Deputy Commander of the Submarine Forces of the Northern Fleet.

In 2012, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed commander of the Submarine Forces of the Northern Fleet.

On February 20, 2013, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the next military rank Rear Admiral.

On April 5, 2016, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed chief of staff of the Northern Fleet.

On November 22, 2017, he was appointed Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Vitko Alexander Viktorovich born on September 13, 1961 in Vitebsk, Belarusian SSR (now Belarus).

In 1984 he graduated from the Black Sea Higher Naval School named after P.S. Nakhimov (now the Academy of Naval Forces named after P.S. Nakhimov, Ukraine), in 1989 - Higher Special Officer Classes of the Navy, in 1998 - Military Maritime Academy named after N. Kuznetsov, in 2004 - Military Academy General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Since 1984, he has served in various command positions on surface ships. Pacific Fleet.

In 1984-1986 - assistant commander - commander of the missile and artillery combat unit of a missile boat.

In 1986-1988 and 1989-1991 - commander of a missile boat.

From 1991 to 1992, he served as chief of staff of a missile boat division.

In 1992-1996 - commander of a missile boat division.

In 1996-1998, he held the position of chief of staff - deputy commander of a brigade of water area security ships.

In 1998-2000 - chief of staff - deputy commander of a brigade of surface ships.

Since August 2004 - Deputy Commander of the Primorsky Flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Pacific Fleet.

Since June 2005 - Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of Troops and Forces in the North-East, and since November 2006 - Commander of Troops and Forces in the North-East.

In October 2009, he was appointed deputy commander of the Northern Fleet.

He took an active part in the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation.

On April 25, 2016, the Pechersky District Court of Kyiv, at the request of the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine, issued permission to arrest Vitko on charges of committing a number of serious crimes. On April 26, 2016, he was put on the wanted list by Ukraine.

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree with swords (2014),

Order of Military Merit,

anniversary medal “300 years of the Russian Navy”,

Medal "For Distinction in Military Service"

anniversary medal “70 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR”,

Certificate of honor from the President of the Russian Federation,

honorary title “Honored Military Specialist of the Russian Federation”,

medal “For the return of Crimea” (March 2014),

medals "For Distinction in Military Service" 1st and 2nd degree,

Medal "For Impeccable Service" III degree,

medal "200 years of the Ministry of Defense",

Medal "For Military Commonwealth" (FSB),

medal “For the liberation of Crimea and Sevastopol” (March 17, 2014) - for personal contribution to the return of Crimea to Russia,

memorial sign “Pacific Fleet 275 years” (2006),

medal “20 years of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine” (2013).

Commander of the Black Sea Fleet from April 15, 2013 to May 14, 2018.
Deputy Commander of the Northern Fleet 2009-2013. An active participant in the reunification of the Crimean Peninsula with the Russian Federation in 2014.

Alexander Vitko was born on September 13, 1961 in the city of Vitebsk, Belarus. The boy spent his childhood and youth in Orsha. After finishing eighth grade high school No. 13, tried to enter the St. Petersburg Nakhimov Naval School, but was not accepted due to his age. After graduating from tenth grade in 1979, he entered the Black Sea Higher Naval School named after Pavel Nakhimov, from which he graduated with honors in 1984.

Then he studied at the Higher Special Officer Classes of the Navy. Then he graduated in absentia from the Naval Academy named after Fleet Admiral Nikolai Kuznetsov. Later he received a diploma from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. He defended his PhD thesis on the strategy and tactics of modern naval combat.

Since 1984, Alexander Viktorovich served in the Pacific Fleet as an assistant commander and commander of a missile boat. From 1991 to 1992 he served as chief of staff, and then, until 1996, he was commander of the second guards missile boat division. He spent the next two years as chief of staff - deputy commander of the 47th brigade of water area security ships.

In 1998, Vitko was appointed chief of staff, and in 2000 he became commander of the 165th brigade of surface ships. Four years later he took the post of deputy commander of the Primorsky flotilla of heterogeneous forces. In 2005, he was appointed chief of staff, and from November 13, 2006, by order of the Russian Minister of Defense, he led the troops and forces in the Northeast.

In the same year, he commanded the largest exercises in the Pacific Ocean, and in April of the following year - joint anti-terrorist exercises with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB. In October 2009, he was appointed deputy commander of the Northern Fleet.

By decree of the President of Russia dated April 15, 2013, Vitko was appointed commander of the Black Sea Fleet. A month later, at the celebrations marking the 230th anniversary of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, Vitko was solemnly presented with the standard of the commander of the Black Sea Fleet.

Together with the commander of the Ukrainian naval forces, Vice Admiral Yuri Ilyin, on July 28, 2013, he hosted a joint Russian-Ukrainian naval parade in Sevastopol. In October 2013, he led the final inspection of a separate missile and artillery brigade, during which he paid special attention to the development of new types of weapons undergoing the final stage of military testing in the fleet, including the Bastion anti-ship missile system.

As a team captain, he took part in a friendly football match between the teams of the Russian Black Sea Fleet and the Ukrainian Navy, held at the Metalist stadium in Sevastopol.

In the spring of 2014, Vitko took an active part in the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation. Together with Alexey Chaly, on March 4, 2014, he visited the headquarters of the Ukrainian Naval Forces. The next day, the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine opened a criminal case against him on charges of inciting high treason and organizing sabotage against the Ukrainian military. On March 12, 2014, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case regarding the unlawful decision of the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine against Alexander Vitko, and the commander himself was recognized as a victim.

In mid-March 2014, Vitko was included in the list of people against whom the European Union imposed sanctions. His role in command was noted Russian troops, on the territory of the Republic of Crimea and its annexation to the territory of Russia.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation on May 5, 2014, Alexander Viktorovich Vitko was awarded the military rank of “Admiral”.

In 2015, he took part in the sailing regatta “Russian Spring 2015”, which took place in the waters of Sevastopol Bay at the Ushakova Balka yacht club and dedicated to the anniversary of the “Crimean Spring”. In total, seven professional crews on international class sports yachts took part in the competition.

On May 14, 2018, Alexander Vitko was relieved of his post as commander of the Black Sea Fleet and sent for further service to the Main Command of the Navy of the Russian Federation.

By decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin in November 2018, Alexander Vitko was appointed Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy of the Russian Federation.

Awards of Alexander Vitko


Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree with swords (2014)
Order of Military Merit
Jubilee medal “300 years of the Russian Navy”
Medal "For Distinction in Military Service"
Jubilee medal "70 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR"
Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation
Honorary title "Honored Military Specialist of the Russian Federation"


Medal "For the Return of Crimea" (March 2014)
Medals "For Distinction in Military Service" 1st and 2nd class
Medal "For Impeccable Service" III degree
Medal "200 years of the Ministry of Defense"
Medal "For Combat Commonwealth" (FSB)
Medal "For Service in Surface Forces"
Medal "For Military Valor" 1st class


Order “For Fidelity to Duty” (Crimea) (May 11, 2018) - for impeccable service, conscientious performance of one’s duties, high professionalism and for high personal contribution to the development of the peninsula


Medal “For the Liberation of Crimea and Sevastopol” (March 17, 2014) - for personal contribution to the return of Crimea to Russia

Memorial sign “Pacific Fleet 275 years old” (2006)

Other countries

Medal “20 years of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine” (2013)

Family of Alexander Vitko

Mother - Nina Viktorovna, graduate of Vitebsk State medical institute. After the birth of their son, the family moved from Vitebsk to Orsha, which Alexander considers his hometown. His grandmother Tamara Nikolaevna Popova was actively involved in raising Alexander. As a child, I was fond of reading sea stories by K. M. Stanyukovich, the novel “Tsushima” by A. S. Novikov-Priboy, as well as Jules Verne, which affected the choice of future profession

His wife, Tatyana, with whom they previously studied together at school No. 13, got married in 1984 immediately after graduating from college.
Eldest son - Anton Alexandrovich, officer Navy Russia, graduate of the Pacific Naval Institute named after S. O. Makarov. Youngest son- Maxim/

The former brigade commander of the 165th brigade of surface ships of the Primorsky association of heterogeneous forces of the Pacific Fleet headed the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

Vice Admiral Alexander Vitko (pictured) has been appointed commander of the Black Sea Fleet (BSF), news agencies reported on Wednesday, April 17.

He replaced Vice Admiral Alexander Fedotenkov, who was appointed Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy.

Alexander Vitko, after graduating from the Black Sea Higher Naval School named after Nakhimov, held various positions in the Pacific Fleet.

He commanded the 165th brigade of surface ships, the Kamchatka group of forces. In 2009, he was appointed deputy commander of the Northern Fleet.

Alexander Viktorovich is well known and remembered in the Pacific Fleet, rocket strike master, he at one time had a hand in the development of many young naval officers - commanders of missile boats, minesweepers and small anti-submarine ships.


Alexander Viktorovich Vitko was born on September 13, 1961 in Vitebsk Byelorussian SSR (now Belarus). In 1984 he graduated from the Black Sea Higher Naval School named after P.S. Nakhimov (now the Academy of Naval Forces named after P.S. Nakhimov, Ukraine), in 1989 - Higher Special Officer Classes of the Navy, in 1998 - Naval Academy named after N. Kuznetsov, in 2004 - Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Since 1984, he served in various command positions on surface ships of the Pacific Fleet. He began his service on river No. 523 ("R-41") of the Kamchatka flotilla.

In 1984-1986 - assistant commander - commander of the missile and artillery combat unit of the missile boat of project 205 "R-107" 16 DPRK 89 brigade KamFlRS Pacific Fleet.

In 1986 - 1988 - commandermissile boatproject 1241.1"R-83"2nd GDNRK 165 brrk PrFlRS Pacific Fleet.

In 1989 - 1991 - commander of the R-76 missile boat.In 1990 - 1991 Project 1241.1 missile boat "Molniya" "R-76" under the command ofLieutenant Commander A. Vitkoperformed combat service tasks in the South China Sea based at the Cam Ranh station.

From 1991 to 1992 - Chief of Staff of the 2nd Guards Missile Boat Division.
In 1992-1996 - commander of the 2nd Guards Missile Boat Division 165 missile boat brigade PrFlRS.

In 1996-1998 - chief of staff - deputy commander of the 47th brigade of water area security ships (brkOVR) PrFlRS.

In 1998 - 2000 -Chief of Staff - Deputy Commander of the 165th BrNK PrFlRS.
From April 2000 to August 2002 - commander of the 165th brigade of surface ships of the PrFlRS.

Since August 2004 - Deputy Commander of the Primorsky Flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Pacific Fleet.

Since June 2005 - Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of Troops and Forces in the North-East, and since November 2006 - commander of troops and forces in the Northeast.

In October 2009, A. Vitko was appointed deputy commander of the Northern Fleet.

Since April 17, 2013, Alexander Vitko has been Commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation.

Vice Admiral.
Awarded the Order of Military Merit and medals.
Married, two sons.

In a photo from 2008, Vice Admiral A. Vitko presents lieutenant shoulder straps to his son, Anton Vitko, a graduate of the Pacific Naval Institute named after S.O. Makarova

Born on September 13, 1961 in Vitebsk, Belarusian SSR (now Belarus). Mother Nina Viktorovna, a doctor by profession, after the birth of her son, moved with him to Orsha (Vitebsk region).

In 1984 he graduated with honors from the Black Sea Higher Naval Order of the Red Star School named after P.S. Nakhimov in Sevastopol, in 1989 - Higher special officer classes of the USSR Navy in Leningrad (now - Military Institute of Additional vocational education, branch of the VUNTS Navy "Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsov", St. Petersburg), in 1998 - Naval Academy named after N.G. Kuznetsov. In 2004, he graduated with honors from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Moscow.

Candidate of Military Sciences, in 2006 he defended his dissertation on the strategy and tactics of modern naval combat.

In 1984, he began serving on a large missile boat of Project 205 "R-41" of the Kamchatka flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Pacific Fleet (Pacific Fleet) of the USSR Navy. ​
From June 1984 to May 1986 - assistant commander - commander of the missile and artillery warhead (BC-2) of the large missile boat pr. 205 "R-107" of the 16th missile boat division of the 89th missile boat brigade of the Kamchatka flotilla .
From May 1986 to October 1988 - commander of the missile boat "R-83" (project 1241.1 "Molniya") of the 2nd Guards Division of missile boats of the 165th brigade of missile boats of the Primorsky Flotilla of heterogeneous forces of the Pacific Fleet.
From July 1989 to October 1991 - commander of the missile boat project 1241.1 "R-76", in 1990-1991. performing combat service tasks in the South China Sea based at the USSR Navy logistics center Cam Ranh (Vietnam).
From October 1991 to July 1992, he served as chief of staff of the 2nd Guards Division of Missile Boats of the Primorsky Flotilla of Various Forces of the Pacific Fleet (Maly Ulysses Bay, Vladivostok).
In July 1992 - August to 1996 - commander of the 2nd Guards Missile Boat Division.
From August 1996 to April 1998 - Chief of Staff - Deputy Commander of the 47th Brigade of Water Area Security Ships of the Primorsky Flotilla of the Pacific Fleet (Russky Island, Vladivostok).
In the period from August 1998 to July 2000 - chief of staff - deputy commander of the 165th brigade of surface ships of the Primorsky flotilla of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy in Vladivostok.
In July 2000 - August 2002 - commander of the 165th brigade of surface ships.
From August 2004 to June 2005 - Deputy Commander of the Primorsky Association of Dissimilar Forces.
From June 2005 to November 2006 - Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of troops and forces in the north-east of Russia (Pacific Fleet).
From November 2006 to 2009 - commander of troops and forces in the northeast of Russia.
From October 2009 to April 2013 - Deputy Commander of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy (Admiral Nikolai Maksimov, then Vice Admiral Vladimir Korolev).
By decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin dated April 17, 2013, he was appointed commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy, replacing Vice Admiral Alexander Fedotenkov in this position. Took office in May 2013.
On June 26, 2018, it was announced that Alexander Vitko was replaced as commander of the Black Sea Fleet by Vice Admiral Alexander Moiseev. It was reported that Alexander Vitko was sent to a new location military service to the Main Command of the Navy.

Awarded the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree with swords (2014), "For Military Merit", medals, including "For the Return of Crimea". Recognized with a certificate of honor from the President of the Russian Federation.

Honored Military Specialist of the Russian Federation.

Married. Has two sons. One of them, Anton Vitko, is an officer in the Russian Navy.

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