The Scarlet Flower. The Scarlet Flower – Aksakov S. – Domestic writers The Scarlet Flower Russian folk tale

The Scarlet Flower- a beautiful, magical and kind children's story about unconditional devotion and love that overcomes unbelief and evil. The fairy tale The Scarlet Flower was created by S. Aksakov for a children's collection in 1858. The main character, a kind-hearted girl, asked her father to bring her a scarlet flower from a long journey. Fulfilling the pet’s request, the father picks a flower in the garden of the wondrous beast. In order to avoid punishment, the father has to send his daughter to the monster, who later turns out to be an enchanted prince. Girls will especially enjoy reading the fairy tale The Scarlet Flower - they are fascinated by stories about love. It is recommended to read the story before going to bed, because it is written in a melodious and lyrical folk language, which has a slightly soothing nature.

Why should you read the fairy tale The Scarlet Flower?

Reading the fairy tale The Scarlet Flower is useful and instructive for children. She will explain to the little ones that love has no price, that there are no barriers to unfeigned feelings, and that the love of parents is the most precious gift. But the most important lesson from this children's fairy tale is that external beauty is by no means the main dignity of a person: the most important thing is hidden inside. Our intentions and actions, our feelings - these are what determine the true beauty of a person.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a rich merchant, an eminent man. He had a lot of all kinds of wealth, expensive overseas goods, pearls, precious stones, gold and silver treasury; and that merchant had three daughters, all three beautiful, and the youngest was the best; and he loved his daughters more than all his wealth, pearls, precious stones, gold and silver treasury - for the reason that he was a widower and he had no one to love; He loved the older daughters, but he loved the younger daughter more, because she was better than everyone else and was more affectionate towards him. So that merchant is going on his trade affairs overseas, to distant lands, to the distant kingdom, to the thirtieth state, and he says to his dear daughters: “My dear daughters, my good daughters, my pretty daughters, I am going on my merchant business.” to distant lands, to the distant kingdom, the thirtieth state, and whether I travel for a long time or not, I don’t know, and I order you to live without me honestly and peacefully; and if you live without me honestly and peacefully, then I will bring you such gifts as you want, and I will give you three days to think, and then you will tell me what kind of gifts you want.” They thought for three days and three nights and came to their parent, and he began to ask them what gifts they wanted. The eldest daughter bowed to her father’s feet, and was the first to say to him: “Sir, you are my dear father! Do not bring me gold and silver brocade, nor black sable furs, nor Burmita pearls, but bring me a golden crown of semi-precious stones, and so that there will be such light from them as from a full month, as from the red sun, and so that there is they are as light in a dark night as in the middle of a white day.” The honest merchant thought about it and then said: “Okay, my dear, good and pretty daughter: I will bring you such a crown; I know a man overseas who will get me such a crown; and one overseas princess has it, and it is hidden in a stone storage room, and that storage room is located in a stone mountain, three fathoms deep, behind three iron doors, behind three German locks. The work will be considerable: but for my treasury there is no opposite.” The middle daughter bowed at his feet and said: “Sir, you are my dear father! Don’t bring me gold and silver brocade, nor black Siberian sable furs, nor a necklace of Burmita pearls, nor a gold semi-precious crown, but bring me a tovalet made of oriental crystal, solid, immaculate, so that, looking into it, I can see all the beauty under heaven and so that, looking at it, I would not grow old and my girlish beauty would increase.” The honest merchant became thoughtful and, after thinking for who knows how long, says the following words to her: “Okay, my dear daughter, good and pretty, I will get you such a crystal toilette; and the daughter of the King of Persia, a young princess, has an indescribable, indescribable and indescribable beauty: and that Tuvalet is buried in a high stone mansion, and he stands on a stone mountain, the height of that mountain is three hundred fathoms, behind seven iron doors, behind seven with German locks, and there are three thousand steps leading to that mansion, and on each step there stands a Persian warrior day and night, with a damask saber, and the queen carries the keys to those iron doors on her belt. I know such a man overseas, and he will get me such a toilet. Your work as a sister is harder: but for my treasury there is no opposite.” The youngest daughter bowed at her father’s feet and said this: “Sir, you are my dear father! Don’t bring me gold and silver brocade, nor black Siberian sables, nor a Burmita necklace, nor a semi-precious crown, nor a crystal Touvette, but bring me scarlet flower, which could not be more beautiful in this world.” The honest merchant thought more deeply than before. Whether he spent a lot of time thinking or not, I can’t say for certain; having thought it over, he kisses, caresses, caresses his beloved younger daughter and says the following words: “Well, you gave me a harder job than my sisters: if you know what to look for, then how not to find it, but how to find something that you yourself don’t know? It’s not hard to find a scarlet flower, but how can I know that there is nothing more beautiful in this world? I’ll try, but don’t ask for a gift.” And he sent his daughters, good and handsome, to their maiden mansions. He began to get ready to hit the road, to the distant lands overseas. How long it took, how much he planned, I don’t know and don’t know: soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. He went on his way, down the road. Here an honest merchant travels through foreign lands overseas, through unknown kingdoms; he sells his goods at exorbitant prices, buys others at exorbitant prices; he exchanges goods for goods and more, with the addition of silver and gold; Loads ships with golden treasury and sends them home. He found a treasured gift for his eldest daughter: a crown with semi-precious stones, and from them it is light on a dark night, as if on a white day. He also found a treasured gift for his middle daughter: a crystal toilette, and in it all the beauty of heaven is visible, and, looking into it, a girl’s beauty does not age, but increases. He just can’t find the treasured gift for his youngest beloved daughter, a scarlet flower, the most beautiful of which would not be in this world. He found in the gardens of the kings, royals and sultans many scarlet flowers of such beauty that he could neither tell a fairy tale nor write them with a pen; Yes, no one gives him guarantee that there is no more beautiful flower in this world; and he himself doesn’t think so. Here he is riding along the road, with his faithful servants, through the shifting sands, through dense forests, and out of nowhere, robbers, Busurman, Turkish and Indian filthy infidels flew at him; and, seeing the inevitable disaster, the honest merchant abandons his rich caravans with his faithful servants and runs into the dark forests. “Let me be torn to pieces by fierce beasts, rather than fall into the hands of filthy robbers and live out my life in captivity, in captivity.” He wanders through that dense forest, impassable, impassable, and as he goes further, the road becomes better, as if the trees part before him, and the frequent bushes move apart. He looks back - he can’t stick his hands in, he looks to the right - there are stumps and logs, he can’t get past the sideways hare, he looks to the left - and even worse. The honest merchant marvels, thinks he can’t figure out what kind of miracle is happening to him, but he goes on and on: the road is rough under his feet. He walks day from morning to evening, he does not hear the roar of an animal, nor the hiss of a snake, nor the cry of an owl, nor the voice of a bird: everything around him has died out. Then the dark night came: all around him it would be enough to prick out an eye, but under his feet there was little light. So he walked, almost until midnight, and began to see a glow ahead, and he thought: “The forest is apparently on fire, so why should I go there to certain death, inevitable?” He turned back - you can’t go, right, left - you can’t go; leaned forward - the road was rough. “Let me stand in one place, maybe the glow will go in the other direction, or away from me, or it will go out completely.” So he stood there, waiting; but that was not the case: the glow seemed to be coming towards him and it seemed to be getting lighter around him; he thought and thought and decided to go forward. You can't have two deaths, you can't avoid one. The merchant crossed himself and went forward. The further you go, the brighter it becomes, and it almost became like white day, and you can’t hear the noise and crackling of a fireman. At the end he comes out into a wide clearing, and in the middle of that wide clearing stands a house, not a house, a palace, not a palace, but a royal or royal palace, all on fire, in silver and gold and in semi-precious stones, all burning and shining, but there is no fire to be seen ; The sun is exactly red, it’s hard for the eyes to look at it. All the windows in the palace are open, and consonant music is playing in it, such as he has never heard. He enters a wide courtyard, through a wide, open gate; the road was made of white marble, and on the sides there were fountains of water, tall, large and small. He enters the palace along a staircase covered with crimson cloth and with gilded railings; entered the upper room - there was no one; in the second, in the third - there is no one, in the fifth, tenth - there is no one; and the decoration everywhere is royal, unheard of and unprecedented: gold, silver, oriental crystal, ivory and mammoth. The honest merchant marvels at such unspeakable wealth, and doubly marvels at the fact that there is no owner; not only the owner, but also no servants; and the music doesn’t stop playing; and at that time he thought to himself: “Everything is fine, but there is nothing to eat,” and a table grew up in front of him, cleaned up, sorted out: in gold and silver dishes there were sugar dishes and foreign wines and honey drinks. He sat down at the table without hesitation: he got drunk, ate his fill, because he had not eaten for a whole day; the food is such that it’s impossible to even say - just as soon as you swallow your tongue, and he, walking along the forests and sands, is very hungry; He got up from the table, but there was no one to bow to and no one to say thank you for the bread or the salt. Before he had time to get up and look around, the table with food was gone, and the music was playing incessantly. The honest merchant marvels at such a wonderful miracle and such a wondrous marvel, and he walks through the decorated chambers and admires them, and he himself thinks: “It would be nice to sleep and snore now,” and he sees a carved bed standing in front of him, made of pure gold, on crystal legs , with a silver canopy, with fringe and pearl tassels; the down jacket lies on her like a mountain, soft, swan-like down. The merchant marvels at such a new, new and wonderful miracle; He lies down on the high bed, draws the silver curtains and sees that it is thin and soft, as if silk. It became dark in the room: exactly at dusk, and the music was playing as if from afar, and he thought: “Oh, if only I could see my daughters in a dream,” and he fell asleep for the same minute.

“The Scarlet Flower” by S.T. Aksakova - a tale of love. She introduces the reader to a merchant who tenderly loves his daughters and the youngest daughter in the family, who, in order to save her father’s life, agrees to live in the monster’s palace. Despite the ugly appearance of the monster, the girl fell in love with him for his friendly, affectionate and caring attitude towards her.

The main idea and meaning of the fairy tale The Scarlet Flower

There are no barriers that a loving heart cannot pass through! Be it the dangers that lie in wait along the way, or the ugly appearance of a kind, loving creature.

Brief summary of the fairy tale The Scarlet Flower by Aksakova, grade 4

In a certain kingdom, as the tale goes, there lived a rich merchant with three beautiful daughters. One day, getting ready to travel, the merchant promised to bring them whatever gifts they wanted. The youngest daughter puzzled her father with a request to bring her a scarlet flower.

The merchant wandered in a foreign land for two years. Miraculously, he found himself in a fairy-tale palace with an amazing garden. I almost paid with my life for plucking a scarlet flower. But the owner, a terrible monster, released the merchant on the merchant’s word that one of his daughters would come to the palace of her own free will.

Upon returning home, the merchant told everything that had happened to him. The youngest daughter went to the monster, saving her father from death. The merchant's daughter spent a lot of time living in the palace, not seeing or hearing the monster, but only feeling his care for her. Her love for him grew every day, and it did not go away when the girl saw his ugly appearance.

The monster let the girl go stay at home. Yes, he just asked her to return in three days, since he could not live without her. Time passed quickly in my father's house. The sisters became envious that their sister lived in wealth and love, they planned evil, and set all the clocks in the house back an hour. Unaware of her lateness, the merchant's daughter returned to the palace and found the monster lying lifeless. The girl's love broke the spell of the evil sorceress and freed the young man from the appearance of an ugly monster.

Summary No. 2 Aksakov The Scarlet Flower

A very brief summary for a reader's diary, grade 4, 5-6 sentences

The merchant had three daughters. Once he was setting off on a voyage, and the girls asked him for overseas items: the eldest - a crown, the middle - a crystal toilet, and the youngest, most beloved daughter - a scarlet flower. During the way back, he found gifts for the two older daughters, but did not find the smaller one. The merchant was attacked by villains, and he hid from them in the forest. In the thicket of the forest I found a palace in a garden with a scarlet flower growing. When the father took it, a monster appeared and ordered him to return his daughter in exchange for a flower. Nastenka returned to him and fell in love with him for his kind soul.

The main idea of ​​the tale

The fairy tale tells that you need to see first of all the soul, and not the external appearance, that love works miracles.

There lived a rich merchant and he was the father of three daughters. He loved the youngest most of all. He began to travel to overseas countries on his merchant business. He called all his daughters and began to ask who wanted what foreign thing. The eldest asked for a crown with stones that emit light. Another dreamed of receiving a dress made of foreign crystal, and the smaller one asked for a scarlet flower, the more beautiful of which would not exist anywhere else in the world. The merchant set out on the road. He bought goods cheaply, gave them away at a high price, and exchanged goods with other merchants.

He found gifts to his liking for the two older daughters, but he did not find any for the youngest. On the way back, robbers attacked him, and he ran away from them into the forest. Wandering through the forest, he came across a palace decorated with precious metals. I entered it, and everything there was luxuriously tidied up. The merchant set out to walk through the gardens of fabulous beauty and suddenly came across a scarlet flower, which could not be found more beautiful in the world. He took it and at that moment a terrible beast appeared before him. The monster gave the flower to the merchant, but on the condition that he or his daughter would return to him of their own free will.

The merchant put the ring on his right hand and found himself at home. He told his children the story that happened to him and said that the monster ordered him to return. The youngest daughter put on the ring and at that moment found herself in a luxurious castle. She had a wonderful life in the castle, but she decided to see the monster. The beast agreed, but the girl almost killed him.

Nastenka overcame her fear, and after that they began to live harmoniously. One day she had a dream that her father was sick. The beast allowed her to stay home for three days, but she had to return exactly at the indicated hour, otherwise it would die.
The sisters envied her that she lived in abundance and luxury and set the time on the clock back and closed the windows.

At the right time, Nastenka’s heart broke, she did not wait for the time required by the clock in the house, she returned to the monster. And there the beast rested near a scarlet flower. Nastenka began to cry, told the monster about how she fell in love with him for his kind soul, and asked him to wake up from his dead sleep. The monster turned into a handsome prince, who had been bewitched by an old witch for thirty years.

The young man took Nastenka as his wife and they lived happily ever after.

Watch the fairy tale The Scarlet Flower from Soyuzmultfilm

Picture or drawing of a scarlet flower

In one ordinary family there lived a boy, Dima, who loved to read. He read every book available to him that was intended for children his age. Mom was worried that he had already paid attention to his father’s bookcase.

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    The hero is daring, even the storm is calmer and safer than him. He is one of those who captured Greece, which is dying under the yoke of them - the Muslims.

  • Fairy tales remind us of what is good, bright and pure. They give hope for the best, faith in sincere love. And often they are so lacking when everything in life is dull and dull, or maybe even worse. But you can always open a book and immerse yourself in an amazing story, for example, in “The Scarlet Flower” by Sergei Aksakov. This work is one of the versions of the fairy tale “Beauty and the Beast”, only written in melodic language, in the style of a lyrical tale using beautiful phrases.

    According to the plot of the work, a rich merchant goes to overseas countries to trade. He asks his daughters what gifts to bring. The two older ones ask for something valuable, and the youngest asks for a scarlet flower, the most beautiful in the whole world. This is not an easy task, but everything happens as if by itself, and the merchant takes out the flower, only now his daughter must live in a palace with a monster. And what at first seemed terrible gradually becomes completely different. Through the characters of the older sisters one can see human shortcomings, but through the image of the youngest daughter of a merchant and a monster, a bright and pure soul is shown. The author says that it is not what is external that is important, but what is inside. And only this is worth appreciating, and only this can be truly loved. After reading such a fairy tale, you experience pleasant sensations and hope that there is also a place for such love in life.

    The work was published in 1858 by the publishing house Public on Litres. On our website you can download the book "The Scarlet Flower" in epub, fb2, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 3.2 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.

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    In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a rich merchant, an eminent man. He had a lot of all kinds of wealth, expensive goods from overseas, pearls, precious stones, gold and silver treasury, and that merchant had three daughters, all three were beautiful, and the youngest was the best; and he loved his daughters more than all his wealth, pearls, precious stones, gold and silver treasury - for the reason that he was a widower and he had no one to love; He loved the older daughters, but he loved the younger daughter more, because she was better than everyone else and was more affectionate towards him.

    So that merchant is going on his trade affairs overseas, to distant lands, to the distant kingdom, to the thirtieth state, and he says to his dear daughters:
    - My dear daughters, my good daughters, my beautiful daughters, I am going on my merchant business to distant lands, to the distant kingdom, the thirtieth state, and you never know, how much time I travel - I don’t know, and I punish you to live honestly without me and peacefully, and if you live without me honestly and peacefully, then I will bring you such gifts as you yourself want, and I will give you three days to think, and then you will tell me,
    what kind of gifts do you want?
    They thought for three days and three nights and came to their parent, and he began to ask them what gifts they wanted.
    The eldest daughter bowed at her father’s feet and was the first to say to him:
    - Sir, you are my dear father! Do not bring me gold and silver brocade, nor black sable furs, nor Burmita pearls, but bring me a golden crown of semi-precious stones, and so that there will be such light from them as from a full month, as from the red sun, and so that there is It is light in a dark night, as in the middle of a white day. The honest merchant thought for a moment and then said:
    - Okay, my dear daughter, good and pretty, I will bring you such a crown; I know a man overseas who will get me such a crown; and one overseas princess has it, and it is hidden in a stone storage room, and that storage room is located in a stone mountain, three fathoms deep, behind three iron doors, behind three German locks. The work will be considerable: yes, for my treasury there is no opposite.
    The middle daughter bowed at his feet and said:
    - Sir, you are my dear father! Don’t bring me gold and silver brocade, nor black Siberian sable furs, nor a necklace of Burmita pearls, nor a gold semi-precious crown, but bring me a tovalet made of oriental crystal, solid, immaculate, so that, looking into it, I can see all the beauty under heaven and so that, looking at it, I would not grow old and my girlish beauty would increase.
    The honest merchant became thoughtful and, after thinking for who knows how long, he says to her these words:

    Okay, my dear, good and pretty daughter, I’ll get you such a crystal toilette; and the daughter of the king of Persia, a young princess, has an indescribable, indescribable and unknown beauty; and that Tuvalet was buried in a high stone mansion, and he stood on a stone mountain, the height of that mountain was three hundred fathoms, behind seven iron doors, behind seven German locks, and there were three thousand steps leading up to that mansion, and on each step stood a warrior Persian, day and night, with a naked damask saber, and the princess carries the keys to those iron doors on her belt. I know such a man overseas, and he will get me such a toilet. Your work as a sister is harder, but for my treasury there is no opposite.
    The youngest daughter bowed at her father’s feet and said this:
    - Sir, you are my dear father! Don’t bring me gold and silver brocade, nor black Siberian sables, nor a Burmita necklace, nor a semi-precious crown, nor a crystal tovalet, but bring me a scarlet flower, which would not be more beautiful in this world.
    The honest merchant thought more deeply than before. Whether he spent a lot of time thinking or not, I can’t say for certain; having thought about it, he kisses, caresses, caresses his youngest daughter, his beloved, and says these words:
    - Well, you gave me a harder job than my sisters: if you know what to look for, then how can you not find it, and how can you find something that you don’t know? It’s not hard to find a scarlet flower, but how can I know that there is nothing more beautiful in this world? I will try, but don’t ask for a gift.
    And he sent his daughters, good and handsome, to their maiden houses. He began to get ready to hit the road, to the distant lands overseas. How long it took, how much he planned, I don’t know and don’t know: soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. He went on his way, down the road.
    Here an honest merchant travels to foreign lands overseas, to unprecedented kingdoms; he sells his goods at exorbitant prices, buys other people's at exorbitant prices, he exchanges goods for goods and even more, with the addition of silver and gold; Loads ships with golden treasury and sends them home.

    He found a treasured gift for his eldest daughter: a crown with semi-precious stones, and from them it is light on a dark night, as if on a white day. He also found a treasured gift for his middle daughter: a crystal toilette, and in it all the beauty of heaven is visible, and, looking into it, a girl’s beauty does not age, but increases. He just can’t find the treasured gift for his youngest, beloved daughter - a scarlet flower, which would not be more beautiful in this world.

    He found in the gardens of the kings, royals and sultans many scarlet flowers of such beauty that he could neither tell a fairy tale nor write them with a pen; Yes, no one gives him guarantee that there is no more beautiful flower in this world; and he himself doesn’t think so.
    Here he is traveling along the road with his faithful servants through the shifting sands, through dense forests, and out of nowhere, robbers, Busurmans, Turkish and Indians, flew at him, and, seeing the inevitable trouble, the honest merchant abandoned his rich caravans with his servants faithful and runs into the dark forests. “Let me be torn to pieces by fierce beasts, rather than fall into the hands of filthy robbers and live out my life in captivity in captivity.”
    He wanders through that dense forest, impassable, impassable, and as he goes further, the road becomes better, as if the trees part before him, and the frequent bushes move apart. He looks back - he can’t stick his hands in, he looks to the right - there are stumps and logs, he can’t get past the sideways hare, he looks to the left - and even worse.
    The honest merchant marvels, thinks he can’t figure out what kind of miracle is happening to him, but he goes on and on: the road is rough under his feet. He walks day from morning to evening, he does not hear the roar of an animal, nor the hiss of a snake, nor the cry of an owl, nor the voice of a bird: everything around him has died out. Now the dark night has come; All around him it would be prickly to poke out his eyes, but under his feet there is little light.
    Here he goes, almost until midnight, and he began to see a glow ahead, and he thought:
    “Apparently, the forest is burning, so why should I go there to certain death, inevitable?”

    He turned back - you can’t go, right, left - you can’t go; leaned forward - the road was rough. “Let me stand in one place, maybe the glow will go in the other direction, or away from me, or go out completely.”
    So he stood there, waiting; but that was not the case: the glow seemed to be coming towards him, and it seemed to be getting lighter around him; he thought and thought and decided to go forward. Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided. The merchant crossed himself and went forward. The further you go, the brighter it becomes, and it almost became like white day, and you can’t hear the noise and crackling of a fireman.
    At the end he comes out into a wide clearing and in the middle of that wide clearing stands a house, not a house, a palace, not a palace, but a royal or royal palace, all on fire, in silver and gold and in semi-precious stones, all burning and shining, but there is no fire to be seen; The sun is exactly red, and it’s hard for your eyes to look at it. All the windows in the palace are open, and consonant music is playing in it, such as he has never heard.
    He enters a wide courtyard, through a wide open gate; the road was made of white marble, and on the sides there were fountains of water, tall, large and small. He enters the palace along a staircase covered with crimson cloth and with gilded railings; entered the upper room - there was no one; in another, in a third - there is no one; on the fifth, tenth – there is no one; and the decoration everywhere is royal, unheard of and unprecedented: gold, silver, oriental crystal, ivory and mammoth.

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