Alternative chronology of history. Another look at the history of Rus' Why modern Russian children do not receive this knowledge at school

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The war against Russia has been going on for a very long time and is very, very successful. Of course, not on the battlefields, where we always beat everyone and very painfully, but where the West has always won and continues to win - in information wars. The main goal is to prove to the inhabitants of our country that they are stupid, brainless cattle, not even second-rate, but somewhere in the 6-7 category, without a past and a future. And it has practically proven that even the authors of many patriotic articles agree with this approach entirely.

Examples? Please!

The first capital, the city of Slovensk, was founded in 2409 BC... Example 1. We recently celebrated the 1000th anniversary of Rus'. When did she actually appear? First capital (capital only large country!), the city of Slovensk, was founded in 2409 BC (3099 from the creation of the world); the source of information is the chronicle of the Serf Monastery on the Mologa River, the chronograph of Academician M. N. Tikhomirov, “Notes on Muscovy” by S. Herberstein, “The Tale of Sloven and Rus,” which is widely circulated and recorded by many ethnographers.

Since it is believed that Novgorod was built on the site of Slovensk, I pestered the archaeologists leading the excavations about how plausible this was. They answered me verbatim like this:

“Who the hell knows. We’ve already got to the bottom of Paleolithic sites there.”

Rurik is the grandson of the Novgorod prince Gostomysl, the son of his daughter Umila and one of the neighboring princes of a lower rank... Example 2. It is generally accepted that somewhere in the 8th century, wild, brainless and good-for-nothing Slavs, wandering in herds through the forests, called to themselves Viking Rurik and said: “Control us, oh great European superman, otherwise we, idiots, cannot do anything ourselves.” (Free presentation of a history textbook). In fact,

Rurik is the grandson of the Novgorod prince Gostomysl, the son of his daughter Umila and one of the neighboring princes of a lower rank. He was drafted together with his brothers, since all 4 sons of Gostomysl died or were killed in wars. He was accepted by agreement with the elders, and worked hard to earn respect in Rus'. Source: Joachim Chronicle, Russian history according to Tatishchev, “Brockhaus and Efron”, etc.

Example 3. The opinion is being spread everywhere that almost the only civilization of the past was the Roman Empire, a model of legality and morality. In general, both the gladiatorial fights of Rome and the modern indulgence of looters in Iraq are the same thing. The morality of the Western world has not changed much, and continues to be disgusted by “savages” such as Russians, Chinese and Dagestanis.

Naked and bare-legged, poorly armed Roman infantry... Official history: the great, beautiful and powerful Roman civilization fell under the blows of stinking, shaggy savages. In fact, the degenerates, fed up with everyone (like the Americans now), were subjected to sanitization by their more decent neighbors. The naked, bare-legged, poorly armed Roman infantry (open a textbook on the history of the ancient world and admire the legionnaires) was trampled by cataphracts clad in steel from the tops of their heads to their horse hooves.

The main source of information is “Cataphractars and their role in the history of military art” by A.M. Khazanov. (I don’t remember the rest, but those who wish can search through the auto search themselves. There is a lot of material - they just don’t let it into schools. “Harmful”).

Cataphracts are Slavs who defended themselves against Europeans... The most interesting thing is where did the Huns come from to “cleanse” Rome? Ob, Ugra, Volga region, Urals, Azov region... Graves with partial weapons of cataphracts were also found in Dagestan. Have you, fellow patriots, looked at the map for a long time? So where did the Huns attack Rome from? Why was “wild Rus'” in Europe called Gardarik - the Country of Cities? Now it doesn’t matter, because we celebrate the 1000th anniversary of Rus' with joyful faces, we consider Rurik to be the master who came from Norway and founded Russia, and we even seem to be proud of this history.

4 millennia were sent down the drain, impudently thrown away as uninteresting - and not a single dog even blathered.

1:0 in favor of the West.

The second goal against the Russian fools. In the 8th century, one of the Russian princes nailed a shield to the gates of Constantinople, and it is difficult to assert that Russia did not exist even then. Therefore, long-term slavery was planned for Rus' in the coming centuries. The invasion of the Mongol-Tatars and 3 centuries of obedience and humility. What marked this era in reality? We will not deny the Mongol yoke out of laziness, but... As soon as the existence of the Golden Horde became known in Rus', young guys immediately went there to... rob the Mongols who came from rich China to Rus'. The Russian raids of the 14th century are best described (in case anyone has forgotten, the period from the 14th to the 15th century is considered the yoke).

In 1360, Novgorod lads fought along the Volga to the Kama mouth, and then stormed the large Tatar city of Zhukotin (Dzhuketau near the modern city of Chistopol). Having captured untold wealth, the ushkuiniki returned and began to “drink their zipuns on drink” in the city of Kostroma. From 1360 to 1375, the Russians made eight large campaigns against the middle Volga, not counting small raids. In 1374, the Novgorodians took the city of Bolgar (near Kazan) for the third time, then went down and took Sarai itself - the capital of the Great Khan.

In 1375, Smolensk guys on seventy boats under the command of governors Prokop and Smolyanin moved down the Volga. By tradition, they paid a “visit” to the cities of Bolgar and Saray. Moreover, the rulers of Bolgar, taught by bitter experience, paid off with a large tribute, but the khan’s capital Sarai was stormed and plundered. In 1392, the Ushkuiniki again took Zhukotin and Kazan. In 1409, Voivode Anfal led 250 Ushkuis to the Volga and Kama. And in general, beating the Tatars in Rus' was considered not a feat, but a trade.

Monograph by the Tatar historian Alfred Khasanovich Khalikov... During the Tatar “yoke,” the Russians attacked the Tatars every 2-3 years, the Sarai was burned dozens of times, and Tatar women were sold to Europe in the hundreds. What did the Tatars do in response? They wrote complaints! To Moscow, to Novgorod. The complaints persisted. The “enslavers” could not do anything more. The source of information on the mentioned campaigns - you will laugh, but this is a monograph by the Tatar historian Alfred Khasanovich Khalikov.

They still can’t forgive us for these visits! And at school they still talk about how Russian gray-legged men cried and gave their girls into slavery - because they were submissive cattle. And you, their descendants, also imbue this thought. Does anyone here doubt the reality of the yoke?

2:0 in favor of the West.

Ivan the Terrible In the 16th century, Ivan the Terrible came to power. During his reign in Rus':

Trial by jury introduced;

Free elementary education(church schools);

Medical quarantine at borders;

Local elected self-government, instead of governor;

For the first time, a regular army appeared (and the first military uniform in the world belonged to the Streltsy);

Tatar raids stopped;

Equality was established between all segments of the population (do you know that serfdom did not exist at all in Rus' at that time? The peasant was obliged to sit on the land until he paid for its rent, and nothing more. And his children were considered free from birth, in any case !).

Slave labor is prohibited (source - Ivan the Terrible's code of law);

The state monopoly on the fur trade, introduced by Grozny, was abolished only 10 (ten!) years ago.

The territory of the country has been increased 30 times!

The emigration of the population from Europe exceeded 30,000 families (those who settled along the Zasechnaya Line were paid an allowance of 5 rubles per family. The expense books have been preserved).

The growth in the well-being of the population (and taxes paid) during the reign amounted to several thousand (!) percent.

During the entire reign there was not a single person executed without trial, total number“repressed” amounted to from three to four thousand. (And times were turbulent - remember St. Bartholomew's Night).

Now remember what they told you about Grozny at school? That he was a bloody tyrant and lost the Livonian War, and Rus' was shaking in horror?

3:0 in favor of the West.

By the way, about the stupid Americans as a result of propaganda. Already in the 16th century, many brochures were published in Europe for every brainless layman. It was written there that the Russian Tsar was a drunkard and a libertine, and all his subjects were the same wild monsters. And the instructions to the ambassadors indicated that the tsar is a teetotaler, unpleasantly smart, categorically cannot stand drunks, and even banned drinking alcohol in Moscow, as a result of which you can only “get drunk” outside the city, in the so-called “nalivka” (a place where they pour food) . Source - study “Ivan the Terrible” by Kazimir Waliszewski, France. Now guess with three times- Which of the two versions is presented in textbooks?

In general, our textbooks are based on the principle that everything that is said about Russia that is vile is true. Everything that is said that is good or intelligible is a lie.

One example. In 1569, Grozny came to Novgorod, which had approximately 40,000 people. There was an epidemic raging there, and there was also a smell of riot. Based on the results of the sovereign’s stay, the memorial lists fully preserved in the synodics record 2,800 dead. But Jerome Horsey in “Notes on Russia” indicates that the guardsmen massacred 700,000 (seven hundred thousand (?)) people in Novgorod.

Guess which of the two figures is considered historically accurate?

4:0 in favor of the West.

Wild Russians cry and moan. And they are constantly stolen and driven into slavery by the dashing Crimean infidels. And the Russians cry and pay tribute. Almost all historians point their fingers at the stupidity, weakness and cowardice of the Russian rulers, who could not even cope with the puny Crimea. And for some reason they “forget” that there was no Crimean Khanate - it was one of the provinces Ottoman Empire, in which there were Turkish garrisons and an Ottoman governor. No one wants to reproach Castro for not being able to capture a tiny American base on his island?

The Ottoman Empire, by this time, was actively expanding in all directions, conquering all the Mediterranean lands, spreading from Iran (Persia) and advancing on Europe, approaching Venice and besieging Vienna. In 1572, the Sultan decided to conquer at the same time the wild, as European brochures assured, Muscovy. 120 thousand troops moved north from Crimea, supported by 20 thousand Janissaries and 200 cannons.

This is the place near the village of Molodi... Prince Mikhailo Vorotynsky... Near the village of Molodi, the Ottomans encountered a 50,000-strong detachment of governor Mikhailo Vorotynsky. And the Turkish army was... No, not stopped - completely slaughtered!!!

From that moment on, the Ottomans' offensive against their neighbors stopped - but try to engage in conquests if your army was almost halved! God forbid you can fight off your neighbors yourself. What do you know about this battle? Nothing? That's it! Wait, in 20 years they will also begin to “forget” about Russian participation in World War II in textbooks. After all, all “progressive humanity” has long and firmly known that the Americans defeated Hitler. And it’s time to correct Russian textbooks that are “wrong” in this area.

Information about the Battle of Molodi can generally be classified as closed. God forbid the Russian cattle learn that they too can be proud of the deeds of their ancestors in the Middle Ages! He will develop incorrect self-awareness, love for the Fatherland, for its deeds. And this is wrong. So, it is difficult to find information about the Battle of Moldody, but it is possible - in specialized reference books. For example, three lines are written in the “Encyclopedia of Arms” of Kosmet.

So, 5:0 in favor of the West.

Stupid Russian slackers. Remembering the Mongol invasion, I am always surprised - how did they manage to collect so many sabers? After all, sabers were forged only starting from the 14th century, and only in Moscow and Dagestan, in Kubachi. Such a strange fork - the Dagestanis and I always end up unexpectedly being the same. Although, in all textbooks there are always a couple of hostile states between us. Nowhere else in the world have they learned how to forge sabers - this is a much more complex art than it might seem.

But progress came, the 17th century. The saber gave way to other weapons. There was very little time left before the birth of Peter 1. What was Russia like? If you believe the textbooks, it’s approximately the same as in Tolstoy’s novel “Peter the Great” - patriarchal, ignorant, wild, drunk, inert...

Did you know that it was Russia that armed all of Europe with advanced weapons? Every year, Russian monasteries and foundries sold there hundreds of cannons, thousands of muskets, and edged weapons. Source - here's a quote from the "Encyclopedia of Arms":

Cast iron cannon. These were sold to wild Europeans...

“It is interesting that the producers of artillery pieces in the 16th-17th centuries were not only the sovereign’s Pushkar courts, but also monasteries. For example, quite a large-scale production of cannons was carried out in the Solovetsky Monastery and in the Kirillovo-Belozersky Monastery. The Don and Zaporozhye Cossacks owned cannons and used them very successfully. The first mention of the use of cannons by the Zaporozhye Cossacks dates back to 1516. IN XIX-XX centuries in Russia and abroad there was an opinion that pre-Petrine artillery was technically backward. But here are the facts: in 1646, the Tula-Kamensk factories supplied Holland with more than 600 guns, and in 1647, 360 guns of 4.6 and 8 pound caliber. In 1675, the Tula-Kamensk factories shipped abroad 116 cast iron cannons, 43,892 cannonballs, 2,934 grenades, 2,356 musket barrels, 2,700 swords and 9,687 pounds of iron.”

So much for the wild, backward Rus' they talk about in school.

6:0 in favor of the West.

By the way, from time to time, I come across Russophobes who claim that all of the above cannot happen, since even highly progressive and developed England and France learned to cast iron only in the 19th century. In such cases, I bet on a bottle of cognac and take the person to the Artillery Museum in St. Petersburg. One of the cast iron cannons, cast in 1600, lies there cheekily on a stand for all to see. I already have 3 bottles of cognac in my bar, but they still don’t believe me. People do not believe that Rus', throughout its history and in all respects, was ahead of Europe by about two centuries. But...

Loser's conclusions. Since our school years, we have been told that our entire history is like a huge cesspool, in which there is not a single bright spot, not a single decent ruler. There were either no military victories at all, or they led to something bad (the victory over the Ottomans is hidden like nuclear launch codes, and the victory over Napoleon is duplicated by the slogan Alexander - the gendarme of Europe). Everything that was invented by our ancestors was either brought to us from Europe or simply a baseless myth. The Russian people did not make any discoveries, did not free anyone, and if someone turned to us for help, it was slavery.

And now everyone around has the historical right of Russians to kill, rob, and rape. If you kill a Russian person, this is not banditry, but a desire for freedom. And the destiny of all Russians is to repent, repent and repent.

The information war against Rus' has been going on for many centuries... A little over a hundred years information war- and a feeling of our own inferiority has already been sown in us all. We are no longer, like our ancestors, confident in our own rightness. Look what's happening with our politicians: they constantly make excuses. No one is demanding that Lord Jad be put on trial for promoting terrorism and collaborating with bandits - he is being persuaded that he is not entirely right.

We threaten Georgia - and we do not carry out the threats. Denmark spits in our faces - and they don’t even impose sanctions against it. The Baltic countries have established an apartheid regime - politicians turn away in shame. People demand to allow the sale of weapons for self-defense - they are openly called worthless cretins who, out of stupidity, will immediately kill each other.

Why should Russia make excuses? After all, she is always right! No one else dares to say this.

You think that current politicians are simply so indecisive, but others are about to come instead. But this will NEVER happen. Because the feeling of inferiority does not originate in the post of Foreign Minister. It begins to be systematically brought up from childhood, when the child is told: our grandfathers were very stupid, stupid people, incapable of making the most basic decisions. But the kind and smart uncle Rurik came to them from Europe, began to own them and teach them. He created for them the state of Russia, in which we live.

“The Russian Land existed before us not for a thousand years, but for many thousands of years,

and there will be more, because we have protected our Land from enemies!”

Prince Kiy

While studying the history of my native country, I had the opportunity to get acquainted with a sufficient amount of materials that illuminate the distant past of Russia in various aspects. In printed literature there are a large number of interpretations of the origin and evolution of the Russian people and the emergence of the first statehood on Russian soil. This is a natural process when researchers try to get to the bottom of the truth. This means that many of them are not satisfied with the current state of affairs in Russian history, which means that there are enough facts that do not fit into the version of the history of the Russian state proposed by academic science. What does our science offer? The clearest example of an academic point of view on Russian history is the book “History. Complete course" (multimedia tutor for preparing for the Unified State Exam, 2013 edition).

In presenting this book, I will simply quote a few excerpts from it, which will allow you, the reader, to understand the essence of the academic concept of Russian history that our science offers. I would add that he not only proposes, but also defends his point of view with all the administrative resources available to science. So, I quote...

“The ancient history of the Slavs contains many RIDDLE(emphasized by the author and further), but from the standpoint of modern historians it comes down to the following. First, in the 3rd - mid-2nd millennium BC. e. SOMEONE Proto-Indo-European community from UNCLEAR areas around the Black Sea (possibly from the Asia Minor peninsula) moved to Europe.” And further. “There are several versions of historians about the place where exactly it was formed Slavic community(theories of the origin of the Slavs): the Carpathian-Danube theory was the first to be put forward (the homeland of the Slavs is the region between the Carpathians and the Danube), in the 20th century. The Vistula-Oder theory was born and became the main one (the Slavs arose north of the Carpathians), then academician B. Rybakov put forward a compromise theory, according to which the Slavs arose SOMEWHERE V Eastern Europe- from the Elbe to the Dnieper. Finally, there is a version that the ancestral home of the Slavs was the Eastern Black Sea region, and their ancestors were one of the branches of the Scythians - the Scythian plowmen.” Etc. To this it is also necessary to add the explanation of the name of the Slavs made in the book - “comes from the words “word” and “know”, that is, it means people whose language is understandable, in contrast to the “Germans” (as if dumb) - That’s what the Slavs called foreigners.” Agree, all this is very interesting and even entertaining.

I don’t know about you, dear reader, but all these arguments like – A MYSTERY, SOMEONE, UNCLEAR, SOMEWHERE, not only do not satisfy me, but also lead me to believe that this is some kind of deliberate distortion of the existing facts. I proceed from the fact that academic science must have the strength and means to understand and bring clarity and certainty to our history. Judging by the above, there is no clarity and no certainty. Why doesn’t science have, but I have, although not complete, but extensive information about ancient history Russian people. And I outlined my concept of Russian history in the manuscript “On the Ancient History of Russia.” Is it really possible that among our Russian scientific historians there is not a single patriot, not a single decent person who would criticize the lies that have been imposed on us all for about 300 years, and would professionally begin to unravel the “mysteries” posed by science? Otherwise, it's not science. What I presented to you above cannot be called science. Where in the word SLAVS is there or can be seen the meaning of “word”??? Where can we conclude that the word SLAV contains the meaning “to know”??? SLAVYAN means “glorious”. This is the direct and most correct message that comes to mind, and this meaning is already about 5 thousand years old (if not more). But why “glorious”, we need to deal with this. But we have an answer to this question.

There in the book “History. Full Course" explained VERSIONS origin of the word “Rus”: “...or from the name of the Ros River - the right tributary of the Dnieper (this version is proposed academician B. Rybakov, but today is considered obsolete), either from the name of the Varangians (according to the chronicle of Nestor), or from the word “roots”, which means “ship rowers”, which was then transformed into “ruotsi” (modern version).” Dear gentlemen scientists - fear God! We can talk about such things in the 21st century. And the worst thing is that they fill the heads of our children with all this, deliberately forming in them an inferiority complex and dependence on the West.

The presented book further notes. “The most important source on the events of Russian history from ancient times to the beginning of the 12th century. - the first Russian chronicle (the oldest surviving one) - “The Tale of Bygone Years”, the first edition of which was created by the monk of the Kiev-Pechora Monastery Nestor around 1113.” And on this “document” (why it is in quotation marks will become clear a little later) academic science builds its concept of the history of Russia. Yes, there are many other interesting documents that illuminate our ancient history. But for some reason, the chronicle of Nestor is the main one among academicians. Let's see what historians rely on for their delusion. The main message of official science is this. The Russian princely dynasty originated in Novgorod. In 859, the northern Slavic tribes expelled the Varangian Normans (“northern people”), immigrants from Scandinavia, who had recently imposed tribute on them, overseas. However, internecine wars begin in Novgorod. To stop the bloodshed, in 862, at the invitation of the Novgorodians, the Varangian prince Rurik came to “reign.” The Norman squad with its leader was a stabilizing factor in the struggle for power between the boyar families.” To this point of view, we put forward our counterarguments here, refuting the dogmas of academic science:

The Russian princely dynasty arose long before the appearance of Rurik in Novgorod. Previously, Gostomysl ruled there, who was the 19th (!!!) prince from the famous Prince Vandal (Vandalariy - born in 365)

Rurik was the grandson of Gostomysl (the son of Gostomysl's middle daughter), which means that Rurik was Russian by blood.

There were no internecine wars in Novgorod. After Gostomysl’s death, his eldest grandson, Vadim, reigned there. But Rurik was only invited to reign in Ladoga.

Rurik's squad was a destabilizing factor in Rus', with the help of which Rurik and his relatives seized power in Novgorod by force.

It would not occur to any sane person to invite to reign a stranger who has no relation to the current dynasty of princes, much less one of the Normans who had just been expelled from the country overseas and to whom tribute was paid.

All the arguments presented will be revealed a little later. But this is enough to demonstrate that the “most important source” of academic science does not correspond in its content real events. To this we can also briefly add that Dir and Askold had nothing to do with Rurik, they were not Varangians, much less brothers, as our historical science tells us.

What is “The Tale of Bygone Years”? This is most likely literary work, not a chronicle. The focus of the chronicler Nestor is the baptism of Rus' by Prince Vladimir from the Rurik family. All events before baptism prepare the reader for this climax, all subsequent ones remind of its importance. Rus' seems to emerge from the darkness of past non-existence shortly before its baptism. The author of “The Tale...” is of little interest in the pre-Christian past of the Slavs, although at his disposal then, 1000 years before us, he probably had historical information, various myths and tales, and possibly manuscripts inherited from the pagan era. It is on such materials and information that have been preserved from those times that we will then build the real history of ancient Rus'. It turns out that Nestor deliberately distorted the history of the Russian people, and in other words, he was fulfilling someone’s order.

Go ahead. Since the chronicle talks about the events of the 12th century, the author did not live earlier. But this raises the question: how could the author, living in a Kiev monastery in the 12th century, know what happened in Veliky Novgorod in the 9th century, given the enormous difficulties of the then roads and the “illiteracy” of the entire country? There is only one answer - he couldn’t!!! Therefore, the entire Nestor Chronicle is a simple composition from the words of other persons or according to rumors from later times. And this is convincingly proven in the book by S. Valyansky and D. Kalyuzhny “The Forgotten History of Rus'.” It says that “the oldest of all copies of the Tale of Bygone Years - Radzivilovsky - was made only in early XVII century. Its pages contain traces of the rough work of a forger, who tore out one sheet, inserted a sheet about the calling of the Varangians, and prepared a place for inserting the lost “chronological sheet.” And this material, fabricated by someone, is taken as a source of knowledge??? And for the reader it will be even more surprising to learn that he found this list, i.e. presented to the whole world by our Tsar Peter Alekseevich, about whom rumors had long circulated in certain circles that the Tsar was “not real.” I mean the moment of “replacement” of the real Tsar Peter, who went to study in Holland, accompanied by 20 (!!!) noble children, and returned from there with only one Menshikov, while everyone else either died or disappeared in the prime of life in Holland. Interesting, isn't it?

In their study, S. Valyansky and D. Kalyuzhny highlighted another interesting fact in the chronicle, which concerns the puberty of our ancestors. It turns out that, in comparison with other princely dynasties, for example Germany and England, “our princes in the period from the 10th to the 12th centuries reached puberty only in the thirtieth year of their lives.” This is so late in comparison with other dynasties that “it is impossible to believe such a chronology, which means that the chronicles depicting the activities of representatives of these dynasties cannot be considered reliable.”

There are other important points related to the content of the chronicle. For example, in Nestor’s chronicle information about comets and eclipses of the moon and sun was not noted or was shifted in time. Also in the chronicle there is no information about Crusades and, especially about “the liberation of the Holy Sepulcher from the hands of the infidels.” “What monk would not rejoice on this occasion and would not devote not one, but many pages to this day as a joyful event for the entire Christian world?” But if the chronicler did not see the heavenly eclipses that took place before his eyes, and did not know about the events that thundered throughout the world during his lifetime, then how could he know anything about the prince, who was called 250 years before him? In any case, the so-called “initial chronicle” passes entirely to the position of the late apocrypha,” i.e. works whose authorship is unconfirmed and unlikely. That's how things are.

Let us also refer to the opinion of our first historian V. Tatishchev. He noted that “all Russian historians revered Nestor, the chronicler, as the first and main writer.” But V. Tatishchev did not understand why Nestor himself did not mention any ancient authors, including Bishop Joachim. V. Tatishchev was sure, and from the legends it was clear that ancient stories were written, but they did not reach us. The historian believed unequivocally that long before Nestor there were writers, for example, Joachim of Novgorod. But for some reason his story remained unknown to Nestor. And it is quite certain, according to V. Tatishchev, that the story of Joachim was (that is, existed) by Polish authors, since many cases were not mentioned by Nestor, but by northern (Polish) authors they were. Also, V. Tatishchev noted that “all the manuscripts that he had, although they began with Nestor, but in the continuation, none of them exactly coincided with the other, in one one thing, in another another was added or shortened.”

E. Klassen analyzed in detail the question of what is the basis for the belief about the beginning of the independence of the Russian people or about their statehood only from the time of Rurik’s calling. On the chronicle of Nestor or on the conclusion about his legend by L. Schletser. From the chronicle, the author himself believed, it is clear and undoubtedly clear that the tribes that called the Varangians led a political and state life, since they already formed a union, a community of 4 tribes - Rus', Chud, Slavs, Krivichi, occupying up to 1 million square versts in north-eastern corner of Europe and had cities - Novgorod, Staraya Ladoga, Staraya Rusa, Smolensk, Rostov, Polotsk, Belozersk, Izborsk, Lyubech, Pskov, Vyshgorod, Pereyaslavl. The Bavarian geographer counted 148 (!) cities near Eastern Slavs. Among the savages, E. Klassen believed, and we agree with him, for such a period of living, one cannot even assume mutual relations, much less unity of thoughts, which was expressed among Rus', Chud, Slavs and Krivichi regarding the summoning of princes to the throne . And most importantly, savages have no cities!

S. Lesnoy also mentioned Nestor in his studies. He noted that “Nestor wrote not so much the history of Rus' or southern Rus', but of the Rurik dynasty. As a comparison with the Joachim and 3rd Novgorod Chronicles shows, Nestor quite deliberately narrowed his history. He almost passed over the history of northern, i.e. Novgorod, Rus' in silence. He was a chronicler of the Rurik dynasty, and his tasks did not at all include the description of other dynasties, so he omitted the history of southern Rus', which had nothing to do with the Rurik dynasty. And most importantly, information about pre-Oleg Rus' could have been preserved by pagan priests or persons clearly hostile to Christianity. But it was monks like Nestor who destroyed the slightest traces reminiscent of paganism.” And also: “Nestor kept silent about this reign (Gostomysl), only mentioning the fact itself. And one can understand why: he wrote a chronicle of southern, Kievan, Rus', and the history of the northern did not interest him. This took him away from the tasks set for him by the church. This is evident from the fact that he considered Oleg to be the first prince in Rus'. He does not consider Rurik a Russian prince, because Novgorod was not called Russian at that time, but was called Slovenian. Perhaps Nestor would not have mentioned Rurik at all if not for his son Igor: it was impossible not to say who his father was.”

This is the actual state of affairs with our ancient history. Our fundamental state history According to academic science, it is “The Tale of Bygone Years,” which, in fact, is a falsified document - a forgery. This state of affairs with our history was further consolidated by foreigners called by the sovereigns to write Russian history. Not only did they not know the Russian language, but they openly despised everything Russian, the country in which they lived. The clearest example is academician L. Schletser (1735 – 1809). Let’s imagine one of Schlozer’s “conclusions” regarding ancient Russian history ( We are talking about the 7th century!!!): “A terrible emptiness reigns everywhere in central and northern Russia. Nowhere is there visible the slightest trace of the cities that now adorn Russia. Nowhere is there any memorable name that would present to the spirit of the historian excellent pictures of the past. Where beautiful fields now delight the eye of a surprised traveler, there before there were only dark forests and swampy swamps. Where enlightened people have now united into peaceful societies, wild animals and semi-wild people lived there before.”

Let's briefly summarize what has been said. Nestor was the ideologist of the Rurik princes, the embodiment of their interests. It was considered unacceptable to admit that the Novgorod princes were older than the Rurikovichs, that the Russian princely dynasty existed long before Rurik. This undermined the Rurikovich’s right to original power, and therefore it was mercilessly eradicated. That is why in The Tale of Bygone Years there is not a word about Slovenia and Rus, who laid the foundation for Russian statehood on the banks of the Volkhov. In the same way, Nestor ignores the last prince of the pre-Rurik dynasty - Gostomysl, a person who is absolutely historical and mentioned in other primary sources, not to mention information from oral folk traditions. That is why “The Tale of Bygone Years” can in no way be considered a source about our antiquity, and our historical science is obliged to recognize this fact and create a real, truthful history of our state in the shortest possible time. Our society needs this so much, it will greatly help in the moral education of our youth, not to mention the fundamental position - without knowing the past, you cannot build the future!

We previously prepared two manuscripts about the facts of ancient Russian history and statehood among the Rus: “On the ancient history of Russia” and “History of the Russians according to the Veles Book.” It presents convincing evidence of the high culture of the ancient Slavs and the presence of statehood among our ancestors long before Rurik’s arrival in Novgorod. This study intends to continue work in this direction in order to present, based on factual data, a version of the history of the Russian people from ancient times. In our work we will rely mainly on chronicle materials, which were not widely circulated and are not perceived by academic science as historical sources. Among them: “The Legend of Sloven and Rus”,

“Genealogy of the Slavic-Russian people, their kings, elders and princes from the ancestor Noah to the Grand Duke Rurik and the princes of Rostov”, “Tales of Zacharikha” and other.

About the sources used

When considering the question of the ancient history of Rus', in our opinion, we must proceed from the following two very important points, which directly influence the construction of the history of the ancient Rus, and as a result, our correct perception of this history.

First,"The Tale of Bygone Years" is not an authentic document and cannot be considered as the main source on history ancient Rus'. This is a document deliberately fabricated by the “authors”, which, moreover, was subsequently clearly edited.

Second, The immediate history of the Rus begins 4500 years ago, when on the Russian Plain, as a result of a mutation, a new haplotype arose, an identifier of a man’s ancestral affiliation, which currently affects up to 70% of the total male population of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. With this in mind, we will try further, with a certain degree of probability, of course (the truth is not achievable), to show the reader the real history of our ancestors, which will be based on a sufficient number historical facts. We will take the necessary information from the historical sources we have identified. As such sources, we once again note: “The Legend of Sloven and Rus and the city of Slovensk”, Joachim’s Chronicle, “Veles’s Book”, “Genealogy of the Slavic-Russian people, their kings, elders and princes from the ancestor Noah to the Grand Duke Rurik and the princes of Rostov ", "Tales of Zakharikha", "Budinsky Izbornik".

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The Urals region of the mid-first millennium AD, where the Slavs, Volga Bulgars and Finno-Ugrians coexist. As a result of a scientific experiment, a former investigator with an engineering education and experience as a production worker ended up here. But they didn’t expect a stranger here... Having survived several battles with Abor...

Did you know that royal rule in Rus' was not passed down by inheritance before Christianization?

In Rus' they lived according to the Cop Law, where only those who proved, not in word but in deed, that they were a normal, smart man, a family man, and not a drunk or some kind of loafer, had a voice. A craftsman, such as a carver of wood blanks. Here 10 such men unanimously(!) chose the ten's man, the ten's men chose the sot's man, etc. to the Monarch, whose power was not inherited! Those. the best of the best was chosen and, seeing him, the people said Tse Zarya (Tse (tse - this, this) ZAR (Dawn - Bringer of Light)), which was later shortened to “Tsar”. Children born to kings were called Tse Sarevich (Tse Zarevich). That is, it is the same as the son of the dawn. From the Etruscans (the Russian ethnic group is one of our clans), the Latins adopted this concept and called their rulers Caesar (Caesar). This is where there was freedom of speech, will and democracy of elections.

And who teaches us democracy today? Those who imposed royal power and totalitarianism a thousand years ago.

About taxes in Rus'

The tax was in the form of a tithe, i.e. everyone paid tithes. Those. The 10th part of 144. Now, instead of 144, 100 (%) is taken. To recalculate the tithe in a modern way, let's make a proportion: 144/10 = 100/x. Hence x = 10·100/144 = 7 (%). The tithe went to support the Cossacks (“konik seeing”) and the construction of border towns to protect our lands from invaders. One of the Cossack camps is now called KazakhStan, this happened after the October Revolution, although even before the revolution it was called the Cossack Stan (KazakStan). The Cossacks were skilled warriors, and they were even hired by the Japanese emperors; the samurai probably did not reach the level of our Ancestors.

History of Rus'

Our modern official history, taught in schools, took its final form in the 18th and 19th centuries AD. and was written in accordance with the biblical concept of history, commissioned by the Romanovs. Thus, today we are taught from an early age that our history is only a little over 1000 years old. Allegedly, the brothers Cyril and Methodius benefited the dark and wild pagans by giving them writing.

Let's see what happened and who falsified our past and how.

Let's start with Tsar Peter the Great, who instead of “Summer” introduced “Years” and in Summer 7208 from S.M.Z.H (Creation of the World in the Star Temple, where the creation of the world was previously understood as the signing of a peace treaty) on December 20, Peter I postponed the New Year having issued a decree to congratulate each other on January 1st “on the new Got,” and to introduce a new foreign Julian calendar, where after December 31st, 7208 from S.M. began on January 1, 1700 from the birth of Christ. Thus, he easily and simply stole 5508 years of history from us.

Since our Ancestors wrote numbers in initial letters, then our writing, at least, has existed for more than 7.5 thousand years, as Catherine II wrote in her “Notes on Russian History”: “... the Slavs of ancient Nestor had a written language...”.

But the worst thing happened during Christianization, when in Rus' the monuments of pre-Christian writing and culture of ancient Rus'-Russia-Russia were subjected to total destruction.

About the “Grand” Prince Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko

The illegitimate son of the Khazar woman Malushi, Prince Vladimir, who illegally took the Kiev throne (by poisoning the legitimate heirs) introduced an alien religion with fire and sword. During the years from 988 to 1000, ¾ of the population was destroyed Kievan Rus, after which only 3 million of the original 12 million population remained. The survivors were mostly children and old people. Children deprived of parents were brought up in the Christian spirit, while denying the entire great Heritage of their Ancestors.

The Higher Clergy of Belovodye (the center of Belovodye was in Asgard, modern Omsk), the sacred land of Russia-Rus-Russia in 1222 AD decided to create a special governing body to protect the Old Faith, which became known as: OR-DEN, which meant “Strength Sveta” or “Light Power”, where the Kh'ary rune “OR” meant “strength” in the ancient Slavic language, the rune “DEN” meant “light”. This Light Power came from beyond the Urals in the form of retribution to the Russian lands, devastated and captured by the Greek-Jewish-Christians.

Tatar-Mongol yoke

This word “Order” was distorted by the Latins as “Orde”, and history writers changed it to the word “horde” and the Great Horde or the Mongol-Tatar yoke appeared. Foreigners called Rus' Mongolia. The very name “Mongolia” (or Mogolia, as, for example, Karamzin and many other authors write) comes from the Greek word “Megalion”, i.e. "Great". The word “Mongolia” (“Mogolia”) does not appear in Russian historical sources. But there is “Great Rus'”. The word “Igo” means order, hence the name “Igor” - the keeper of order. “Thief” is an enemy, i.e. Tatar is the enemy of the Aryan. Who could Aryan be an enemy of? Could he be an enemy of the Rasichs, i.e. to your brothers in the Clans of the Great RACE? No. The only enemy he had was those who wanted to enslave these families. That’s why they write in their history (iz-tor-ya) that in Rus' (and they considered only Kievan and surrounding lands to be Russia, and “Kievan Rus” was invented by M. Pogodin, who in his dissertation “On the Origin of Rus'” ( 1825), as well as Messrs. G. Bayer, later G. Miller and A. Schlötzer substantiated the Norman theory of the emergence of Russian statehood: “come and rule with us”) the Great Horde went, or in other words - the Mongol-Tatars - the Great Enemies of the Aryans, not converted to Christianity. And they came from the East of Russeniya (Russeniya is the territory where the Clans of the Great Race settled), more precisely from Siberia, which in those days from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean and from the Cold Ocean to Central India was called Tarkhtaria, the land of which is patronized by the Gods - son and daughter of Perun, brother and sister, Tarkh, nicknamed Dazhdbog (Giving God), and his Younger sister Tara. Our Ancestors told foreigners: “...we are the children of Tarkh and Tara...”. Later, Tarkhtaria became Tartaria, and the biblical people, who had difficulty pronouncing the letter “r,” called it Tataria.

Let's look at the 1754 map “I-e Carte de l’Asie”

Across the entire vast territory of the Russian Empire, right up to the Pacific Ocean, including Mongolia, Far East etc., there is an inscription in large letters: Grande Tartaria, that is, Great Tartaria.

Now it is clear that the words “Tatary” and “Tatar” had nothing to do with modern Tatars until after the revolution of 1917, historians of biblical nationality decided to falsify the “trace of the Mongol-Tatar yoke” in order to confirm with another deception, substitution of concepts his fictitious story about the invasion of Rus' by an enemy that never existed and to divert suspicion from himself as a real enemy.

They carried out this plan to declare someone a former enemy for about a decade and a half, and it was completed by Lazar Moiseevich Koganovich in 1935, declaring several peoples Tatars: the Volga Bulgarians or Bulgars, baptized people, Uighurs, as well as Siberians. Thus, in recent history, another substitution of names and concepts was carried out.

Once upon a time, in the northeast of the Black Sea there was Khazaria, which launched predatory and predatory attacks on neighboring peoples. One day, Khazaria captured the Volga lands with their peace-loving peoples and subjugated them. But some of the Volga Bulgars did not want to submit to the power of the Khazars, and they, together with their khan (i.e. military leader) Astarukh, moved to the Danube, built their cities there and still live there - these territories are called Bulgaria. But note, the Danube Bulgarians modern historiography classifies them as Slavs, and their eastern brothers - the Volga, Kazan Bulgarians - as Turks - as Tatars.

What caused this division? Yes, due to the fact that from Constantinople Christianity was imposed on the Danube, and Islam was imposed up to the Volga. And since in ancient times Islam was accepted mainly by Turkic tribes, therefore the Volga Bulgarians began to be classified as Turks, although they were in fact Slavic tribes who at first did not accept Christianity, but then Islam was forcibly imposed on many of their tribes.

However, among them there were tribes that did not recognize either Islam or Christianity, and many, especially along Vyatka and higher, and closer to the Caspian Sea, remained in their ancient faith of their Ancestors and lived separately. That's why they still call themselves White Bulgarians.

Why don’t modern Russian children receive this knowledge at school?

Yes, again because modern official version the history of the Russian people was finally formalized in the 18-19th century and was written in strict accordance with the biblical picture of the world: they say, there is the most ancient, God-chosen people - the Jews, and the Russians were wild pagans before their Christianization by the Greeks (Semites), and even writing was given to the Russians Greek monks Cyril and Methodius.

In fact, the semi-literate monks Cyril and Methodius reduced Slavic Initial Letter(I Know God, I Know the Verb Good... - one of the types of our writing that existed in Rus' many thousands of years before Christ) from 49 letters to 44, and four of the remaining letters were given Greek names in which there are no such sound images. It was precisely those letters from the old Initial Letter that were destroyed that had no correspondence in the Greek language.

Greek is built on the basis of simplified Phoenician, and Phoenician is based on Scythian, and Scythian is our Slavic, because. Scythians are one of the Slavic tribes. Yaroslav the Wise, with his “wisdom,” removed another letter. The reformer Peter the First removed five letters, Nicholas the Second – three, Lunacharsky – three, introduced “Ё” and removed images from the ABC (Az, Buki, Vedi...) and introduced phonemics (a, b, c...) and the ABC became the Alphabet (alpha +vita - in the Greek manner) and our mighty language became without image (ugly).

Materials taken from the site

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Historical facts, accepted as an immutable truth, sometimes cause a lot of doubts among those who are accustomed to analyzing the course of events and reading “between the lines.” Frank contradictions, silence and distortion of obvious facts cause healthy indignation, since interest in one’s roots is inherent in man by nature. That is why a new direction of teaching arose - alternative history. Reading various articles about the origin of mankind, the development and formation of states, one can understand how school course stories are far from reality. Facts that are not supported by elementary logic and argumentation are put into young heads as the only true path. historical development. At the same time, many of them do not withstand elementary analysis even by those who are not luminaries in this field, but are only interested in world history and know how to think sensibly.

The essence of alternative history

This direction is considered to be unscientific, since it is not regulated at the official level. However, reading articles, books and treatises on alternative history, it becomes clear that they are more logical, consistent and justified than the “official version” of events. So why are historians silent, why do they distort the facts? There could be many reasons for this:

  • It’s much more pleasant to present your origins in a more advantageous light. Moreover, it is enough just to provide the bulk of the population with an attractive theory, even if it does not fit into the context of real history - it will certainly be accepted “as if it were their own,” stroking their subconscious self-esteem.
  • The role of the victim is advantageous only in case of a successful ending, because, as we know, all the “laurels” go to the winner. If you failed to defend your people, then, a priori, the enemies must be bad and insidious.
  • To act on the attacking side, destroying other nationalities is “not comme il faut,” therefore, flaunting such facts in the chronicle of historical events is at least unreasonable.

The reasons for lies and cover-ups in history can be listed endlessly, but they all originate in one single statement: if it is written exactly like this, then it is profitable. Moreover, in this context, benefit implies not so much economic as moral, political and psychological comfort. And it doesn’t matter at all that any lie looks stupid, it’s enough just to analyze the indisputable facts of that time.

Over time, alternative history becomes more complete and meaningful. Thanks to the works of people who are not indifferent to their origins, there are fewer and fewer “dark spots” in the chronicles of our country, and the world as a whole, and the chronology of events takes on a logical and consistent form. This is why reading about alternative history is not only educational, but also pleasant - clearly verified facts make the narrative logical and reasonable, and accepting one’s roots allows one to better understand the deep essence of historical events.

Alternative history of humanity: a view through the prism of logic

Darwin's theory of human origins is ideally suited to be taught to children as a cautionary tale about the benefits of work, with only one acceptable context - it is just a fairy tale. Every artifact obtained during excavations, every ancient find, causes healthy skepticism regarding the official version of history, since they clearly contradict the voiced version. And if you consider that most of them are simply kept classified as “Secret”, the origin of humanity looks vague and doubtful. A common opinion on this issue has not yet been formed, but one thing is known for certain: man appeared much earlier than history attributes to him.

  • traces of humans from the era of dinosaurs discovered in Nevada, which are more than 50 million years old;
  • a fossilized finger, which, according to research, has been preserved for about 130 million years;
  • a metal vase with a handwritten design that is about half a billion years old.

The proof of the correctness of alternative versions of history is not limited to these facts - the number of traces of a person’s presence in ancient world is growing steadily, however, not all of them are known to a wide circle of people. Moreover, many theories regarding the course of historical events have already been voiced in the context of mythology, but scientists have dismissed them because there was no evidence for this. Now, when the emerging facts convince us otherwise, they simply do not want to “lose face” by rewriting the history of mankind.

If in the course of evolution and technological progress people became more and more developed, then how did they build the famous Egyptian pyramids? Indeed, even now, having a huge arsenal of equipment and building materials, such a structure causes delight and awe, since it seems almost unreal. But such pyramids were built not only on the African continent, but also in today’s America, China, Russia and Bosnia. How could incompetent and technically illiterate ancestors, according to academic history, build such a thing?

Turning to ancient Indian treatises, you can find references to flying chariots - prototypes of modern aircraft. They are also mentioned in the works of Maharshi Bharadwaja, a sage of the 4th century BC. His book was found back in the 19th century, but never had a resonance thanks to the efforts of those who adhere to the official version of history. These works were recognized as nothing more than entertaining works based on a rich imagination, while the descriptions of the machines themselves, suspiciously reminiscent of modern ones, were considered mere speculation.

Not only ancient Indian works confirm the dubiousness of the academic theory of human development - the Slavic chronicles contain no less evidence. Based on the described technical structures, our distant ancestors could not only move through the air, but also make intergalactic flights. So why is the suggestion of an alternative history of the Earth about the settlement of the planet from space considered practically insane? A completely logical and reasonable version that has a right to exist.

The question of human origin is considered one of the most controversial, since rare facts force one to make only guesses and assumptions. The academic version suggests that humanity came out of Africa, but this version hardly stands up to the basic “strength test” of modern facts and discoveries. New alternative history items seem more convincing, since even recent articles from 2017 consider several options at once as a possible course of events. One of the confirmations of the multiplicity of theories is the works of Anatoly Klyosov.

Alternative history in the context of DNA genealogy

Founder of DNA genealogy, which reveals the essence of migration processes ancient population through the prism of chromosomal similarities, is Anatoly Klyosov. His works provoke a lot of indignant criticism, since the theories presented by the scientist openly contradict the official version of events about the African origin of the entire human race. The critical questions raised by Klyosov in his books and publications reveal the essence of the erroneous statements of popgeneticists that “anatomically modern man"(precisely in the context of the current genetic basis) came from the African people through constant migration to neighboring continents. The main evidence for the academic version is the genetic diversity of Africans, but this fact cannot be considered confirmatory, but only makes it possible to put forward a theory that is not supported by any justification.

The main features of the idea promoted by Klyosov are as follows:

  • the genetic genealogy (DNA genealogy) he founded is a symbiosis of history, biochemistry, anthropology and linguistics, and not a subsection of academic genetics, as is commonly believed in scientific circles, accusing the author of quackery;
  • This approach allows us to formulate new calendar ancient migrations of mankind, which is more accurate and scientifically substantiated than the official one.

According to the data obtained through a long and scrupulous analysis of historical, anthropological and chromosomal studies, the development “from an African source” is not complete, since the alternative history of the Slavs at that time followed a parallel course. The Proto-Slavic origin of the Aryan race is confirmed by the fact that the chromosomal halogroup R1a1 left the Dnieper territory and the Ural River and went to India, and not vice versa, as the official version of events claims.

His ideas are actively promoted not only in Russia, but throughout the world: founded by him " Russian Academy DNA Genealogy" is an international online organization. In addition to online publications, Klyosov published many books and periodicals. His collection of articles on alternative history, based on a DNA genealogical base, is constantly updated with new works, which each time lift the veil of secrecy over the ancient civilization.

Tatar-Mongol yoke: alternative history

There are still many “dark spots” in the academic history of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, which allow us to make assumptions and conjectures not only for scholar-historians of our time, but also for ordinary people interested in their origins. Many details indicate that the Tatar-Mongol people did not exist at all. This is why alternative history looks very reliable: the details are so logical and reasonable that, willy-nilly, doubts arise: are the textbooks lying?

Indeed, there is no mention of the Tatar-Mongols in any Russian chronicle, and the term itself evokes healthy skepticism: where could such a people come from? From Mongolia? But, according to historical documents, the ancient Mongols were called “Oirats”. There is no such nationality and there never was until it was introduced artificially in 1823!

The alternative history of Russia in those days is clearly reflected in the work of Alexei Kungurov. His book “Kievan Rus did not exist or what historians are hiding” caused thousands of contradictions in scientific circles, but the arguments seem quite convincing even to those who are familiar with history, not to mention ordinary readers: “If we demand to present at least some material evidence of long existence Mongol Empire, then the archaeologists, scratching their heads and grunting, will show a pair of half-rotten sabers and several women's earrings. But don’t try to figure out why the remains of sabers are “Mongol-Tatar” and not Cossack, for example. Nobody can explain this to you for sure. At best, you will hear a story that the saber was dug up at the site where, according to an ancient and very reliable chronicle, there was a battle with the Mongols. Where is that chronicle? God knows, it hasn’t reached our days” (c).

Although the topic is thoroughly revealed in the works of Gumilyov, Kalyuzhny and Fomenko, who are undoubtedly experts in their field, alternative history reveals the Tatar-Mongol yoke in such a cogent, detailed and thorough manner precisely at the suggestion of Kungurov. Undoubtedly, the author is thoroughly familiar with the timing of Kievan Rus and studied many sources before putting forward his theory regarding that time. That is why there is no doubt that his version of what is happening is the only possible chronology of events. Indeed, it is difficult to argue with a logically sound rationale:

  1. There is not a single “material evidence” left of the Mongol-Tatar invasion. Even from the dinosaurs there were at least some traces left, but from the whole yoke - zero. Neither written sources(of course, you should not take into account the subsequently fabricated papers), no architectural structures, no coin trace.
  2. Analyzing modern linguistics, it will not be possible to find a single borrowing from the Mongol-Tatar heritage: the Mongolian and Russian languages ​​do not intersect, and there are no cultural borrowings left from the Transbaikal nomads.
  3. Even if Kievan Rus wanted to eradicate from memory the difficult times of the dominance of the Mongol-Tatars, at least some trace would remain in the folklore of the nomads. But even there – nothing!
  4. What was the point of the capture? They reached the territory of Rus', captured... and that’s all? Was the conquest of the world limited to this? And the economic consequences for present-day Mongolia were never discovered: no Russian gold, no icons, no coins, in a word, nothing again.
  5. For more than 3 centuries of imaginary dominance, not a single mixing of blood has occurred. One way or another, domestic population genetics has not found a single thread leading to Mongol-Tatar roots.

These facts testify in favor of an alternative history of ancient Rus', in which there is not the slightest mention of the Tatar-Mongols as such. But why, over the course of several centuries, were people instilled with the idea of ​​Batu’s brutal attack? After all, something happened during these years that historians are trying to disguise with external interventions. In addition, before the pseudo-liberation from the Mongol-Tatars, the territory of Rus' was really in great decline, and the number local population decreased tenfold. So what happened during these years?

The alternative history of Russia offers many versions, but forced baptism seems the most convincing. According to ancient maps, the main part of the Northern Hemisphere was a Great State - Tartary. Its inhabitants were educated and literate, they lived in harmony with themselves and with natural forces. Adhering to the Vedic worldview, they understood what was good, saw the consequences of instilling a religious principle and tried to maintain their inner harmony. However, Kievan Rus is one of the provinces Great Tartary– I decided to take a different path.

Prince Vladimir, who became ideological inspirer and the executor of forced Christianization, he understood that people’s deep convictions could not be broken just like that, so he ordered to kill most of the adult population and put a religious principle into innocent children’s heads. And when the troops of Tartaria came to their senses and decided to stop the brutal bloodshed in Kievan Rus, it was already too late - the province at that time was a pitiful sight. Of course, there was still a battle on the Kalka River, but the opponents were not the fictional Mongol corps, but their own army.

Looking at the alternative history of the war, it becomes clear why it was so “sluggish”: Russian troops, who forcibly converted to Christianity, perceived the Vedic army of Tartaria not as an attack, but rather as liberation from an imposed religion. Many of them even went over to the side of the “enemy,” while the rest did not see the point in the battle. But will such facts be published in textbooks? After all, this discredits the modern idea of ​​the “great and wisest” power. There are many dark spots in the history of Russia, as, indeed, in any state, but hiding them will not help rewrite it.

Alternative history of Rus' from ancient times: where did Tartary go?

By the end of the 18th century, Great Tartary was erased not only from the face of the Earth, but also from the political map of the world. This was done so carefully that no mention of it can be found in any history textbook, or in any chronicle or official paper. Why is it necessary to hide such an obvious fact of our history, which was revealed relatively recently, only thanks to the works of Academician Fomenko, who worked on the New Chronology? But William Guthrie, back in the 18th century, described in detail Tartaria, its provinces and history, but this work remained unnoticed by official science. Everything is banal and simple: the alternative history of Russia does not look as sacrificial and impressive as the academic one.

The conquest of Great Tartary began in the 15th century, when Muscovy was the first to attack the surrounding territories. The army of Tartary, which did not expect an attack, which at that time concentrated all its forces on protecting the external borders, did not have time to get its bearings, and therefore yielded to the enemy. This served as an example for others, and gradually everyone sought to “bite off” at least a small piece of economically and politically advantageous lands from Tartary. So, over 2 and a half centuries, only a weak shadow remained of the Great State, the final blow to which was World War, called in the history course “Pugachev’s Rebellion” in 1773-1775. After this, the name of the once great power began to gradually change to Russian Empire, however, some regions - Independent and Chinese Tartary - still managed to preserve their history for some more time.

Thus, the long war, which eventually exterminated all the indigenous Tartarians, began precisely at the instigation of the Muscovites, who subsequently took an active part in it. This means that the territory modern Russia was brutally conquered at the cost of tens of thousands of lives, and our ancestors are precisely the attacking party. Will textbooks write such things? After all, if history is based on cruelty and bloodshed, then it is not as “wonderful” as they try to portray.

As a result, historians adhering to the academic version simply took certain facts out of context, swapped the characters in places and presented everything “with the sauce” of a sad saga about the devastation after the Tatar-Mongol yoke. From this perspective, there could be no talk of any attack on Tartary. And what an alternative history of Tartaria, there was nothing. The maps have been corrected, the facts have been distorted, which means that you can forget about the rivers of blood. This approach made it possible to instill in many ordinary people, not accustomed to thinking and analyzing, the exceptional integrity, sacrifice and, most importantly, the antiquity of their people. But in fact, all this was created by the hands of the Tartarians, who were subsequently destroyed.

Alternative history of St. Petersburg, or What does the chronicle of the Northern capital hide?

St. Petersburg is almost the main site of historical events in the country, and the architecture of the city makes you hold your breath with delight and awe. But is everything as transparent and consistent as official history shows?

An alternative history of St. Petersburg is based on the theory that the city at the mouth of the Neva was built back in the 9th century BC, only it was called Nevograd. When Radabor built a port here, the settlement was renamed Vodin. A difficult fate fell on the local residents: the city was often flooded, and enemies tried to seize the port area, causing destruction and bloodshed. In 862, after the death of Prince Vadim, the Novgorod prince who came to power destroyed the city almost to the ground, destroying the entire indigenous population. Having recovered from this blow, almost three centuries later the Vodino residents faced another attack - a Swedish one. True, after 30 years the Russian army was able to regain its native lands, but this time was enough to weaken Vodin.

After the suppression of the uprising in 1258, the city was renamed again - in order to pacify the rebellious Vodino residents, Alexander Nevsky decided to eradicate his native name and began to call the city on the Neva Gorodnyaya. And after another 2 years, the Swedes again attacked the territory and named it in their own manner - Landskron. Swedish dominance did not last long - in 1301 the city returned to Russia and gradually began to flourish and recover.

This idyll lasted a little more than two and a half centuries - in 1570, Gorodnya was captured by the Moskhs, calling it Kongrad. However, the Swedes did not give up their desire to acquire the port territory of the Neva, so in 1611 they were able to recapture the city, which now became Kantz. After that, it was renamed one more time, calling it Nyenschanz, until Peter I recaptured it from the Swedes during Northern War. And only after this the official version of history begins the chronicle of St. Petersburg.

According to academic history, it was Peter the Great who built the city from scratch, creating St. Petersburg as it is today. However, the alternative history of Peter I does not look so impressive, because, in fact, he received a ready-made city with a long history under his control. It is enough to look at the numerous monuments erected supposedly in honor of the ruler to doubt their origins, because on each of them Peter I is depicted completely differently, and not always appropriately.

For example, the statue in the Mikhailovsky Castle depicts Peter the Great, dressed for some reason in a Roman tunic and sandals. Quite a strange outfit for the St. Petersburg realities of that time... And the marshal's baton in the awkwardly twisted hand suspiciously resembles a spear, which for some reason (obviously, why) was cut off, giving it the appropriate shape. And looking closely at the “Bronze Horseman”, it becomes clear that the face is made completely differently. Age-related changes? Hardly. Simply a falsification of the historical heritage of St. Petersburg, which was adjusted to academic history.

Review of alternative history - answers to pressing questions

While thoughtfully reading a school history textbook, it is impossible not to “stumble” over contradictions and imposed clichés. In addition, the revealed facts force us to either constantly adjust the approved chronology to them, or hide historical events from people. But A. Sklyarov was right when he argued: “If the facts contradict the theory, you need to throw out the theory, not the facts.” So why do historians act differently?

What to believe, which version to adhere to, everyone decides for themselves. Of course, it is much easier and more pleasant to close your eyes to the obvious, proudly calling yourself a luminary in the field of historical sciences. Moreover, new alternative history products are met with great distrust, calling them quackery and creative fiction. But each of these supposed fictions is based on much more logic and facts than academic science. But admitting this means abandoning an extremely convenient and advantageous position that has been promoted for decades. But if the official version continues to pass off fiction as reality, maybe it’s time to stop being deceived ourselves? All you need to do is think for yourself.

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