English lesson plan for preschoolers about professions. Summary of direct educational activities in English “The mysterious world of professions. Learning new material

Summary of an open lesson.

Topic: “Gift for a Veteran”

(Making a flower - carnation)

Educational area: arts and crafts. Association: exemplary team "Azhur".

Children's age: 9-11 years.

Venue: MAUDOD DTDiM “Northern Lights”.

FULL NAME. teacher: Olga Nikolaevna Konyukova, teacher of the first qualification category.

Department: Artistic.

Focus: social and pedagogical

Subject classes : What are you going to be?My future profession.

Purpose of the lesson: Development of communication skills in monologue and dialogic speech, listening to texts on the topic.


1.Ensure that vocabulary on the topic is reinforced.

2. To develop the skills of monologue and dialogic speech and understanding of text on the topic of the lesson.

3. Promote the development of linguistic conjecture, imagination and attention.

4.Expand children's knowledge about professions.

5. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards different professions.

Type of lesson: A lesson in consolidating knowledge, developing skills and abilities.

Lesson form: Educational game, practical lesson.

Forms of work organization: Collective, group and individual.

Techniques and methods of organization: visual, verbal, method of practical work, elements game method, elements of the problem method.

Didactic materials: Tutorial M. Z. Biboletova "EnjoyEnglish”-5, Vocabulary cards, video “Professions”. (Annex 1)

Technical equipment: Computer, TV, media - discs with audio texts in English.

Lesson stages:

    Preparatory stage;


    Repetition of studied material;

    Updating knowledge;

    The stage of summarizing the material covered;

    The stage of consolidating new skills and abilities;

    Reflection stage.

Progress of the lesson.


Greetings: Good afternoon dear students. Nice to meet you.

TalkWithduty officer:

Who is on duty today?

Good afternoon, dear teacher. Nice to meet you too.

I am on duty today. P. is absent. Today is the … of ….Our homework is ….

Preparatory stage


Today we are going to speak about different professions and about the traits of people of different professions.

Repetition of learned material

The teacher suggests repeating words in English using cards, names of professions:

Let's repeat the new words.

Children read new words after the teacher and translate them.

Vocabulary cards are on the board. Reinforcing vocabulary

Phonetic practice of vocabulary on the topic of the lesson.

Updating knowledge

1Let’s see a video film about professions.

2. The teacher distributes cards describing professions.Whoknowsprofessionsbetter?

Children watch a film.

The guys read the children's stories individually and guess who these guys want to be in the future.

2 The guys work individually.

Presentation of the film. "About professions"

Control of implementation - collective discussion.

2. Control - collective discussion.

Repetition of learned material.

Conversation about personality traits required for different professions

Differentprofessionsneeddifferent traits of character.

Children fill out the table.

Then, in a detailed answer, they express their opinion in English.

All students take part in the discussion

Stage of summarizing the material covered

The guys are given the task to name the most popular profession in their group. I suggest you play:

Let’s see, what are you going to be in the future?


Pupils ask each other about what they want to become in the future, using the poem: “Whatareyougoingtobe?”

Role-playing game

Relaxation stage

ANowlet's rest.

Let's have a break.

Children perform an exercise to relieve muscle and mental tension.

Dynamic exercises.

Stage of consolidation of new skills and abilities

Children read carefully and guess what professions we are talking about.

Reading unfamiliar texts using the techniques of “imagination” and linguistic guesswork.

Reflection stage.


Children are invited to prepare presentations for the next lesson and talk about future profession.

When preparing the lesson, I used materials from the site: http://festival.1september.ru/articles/subjects/11

Municipal budgetary institution

additional education

Center for extracurricular activities "Harmony" in Tikhoretsk

Developed by:

additional education teacher

Belavina Vera Viktorovna


Goal: creating conditions for the formation of knowledge about professions and their representatives.

1.Tell about what professions are, about the scope of various professions, name the various professions and their representatives, list the necessary working tools and the results of the work of each of the named professions.

2.Develop lexicon and children's horizons.

3. Foster respect for representatives of various professions.

Material and technical support for the lesson: cards with images of professions, a set of demonstration material on the topic “Professions”, task cards on the topic “Collect a profession” and “Match and complete”.

During the classes:

Hello guys. Today in class we will talk to you about professions and their representatives. Tell me, what professions do you know?

Children name professions.

What professions do we encounter every day?

Children respond6 with sellers, with vehicle drivers, with teachers, etc.

Poem about professions

What does craft smell like? Gianni Rodari.

Everyone has something to do

Special smell:

The bakery smells

Dough and baking.

Past the carpenter's shop

You go to the workshop -

Smells like shavings

And a fresh board.

Smells like a painter

Turpentine and paint.

Smells like a glazier

Window putty.

Driver's jacket

Smells like gasoline.

Worker's blouse

Machine oil.

Smells like a pastry chef


Doctor in a robe-

A pleasant medicine.

loose earth,

Field and meadow

Smells like a peasant

Walking behind the plow.

Fish and sea

Smells like a fisherman.

Only a slacker

Doesn't smell at all.

No matter how much you smell

Rich loafer, -

Very unimportant

It smells, guys!

Guys, what do you think would happen if, for example, representatives of the “doctor” profession disappeared? (Children's answers). What if there were no cooks, teachers, etc.? (Children's answers). This means that we need and simply need representatives of all professions. There will be no gardeners - there will be no one to plant trees, there will be no bus drivers - we will have to walk to work, there will be no cleaners and janitors - everywhere will be so dirty that we will not be able to study and walk the streets calmly. Therefore, ALL PROFESSIONS ARE NEEDED, ALL PROFESSIONS ARE IMPORTANT! (Children repeat this phrase several times in chorus.)

Demonstration of pictures depicting various professions.

Children name professions, the teacher corrects if the child makes a mistake.

Working with demonstration material on the topic “Professions”.

Children, with the help of a teacher, first name a representative of the profession, then his tools, then what he does, then the result of his work.

Now, guys, let's check how well you know the professions.

Riddles on the theme “Professions”.

He is a very good master

He made a wardrobe for our hallway.

He is not a carpenter, not a painter.

Furniture is made... (carpenter)

Traffic rules

He knows without a doubt.

He instantly starts the engine,

The car is rushing... (driver)

Dark night, clear day

He fights fire.

In a helmet, like a glorious warrior,

Hurries to the fire... (firefighter)

He puts the bricks in a row,

Builds a kindergarten for the children

Not a miner or a driver,

He will build us a house... (builder)

Who is sailing on the ship

To an uncharted land?

He is cheerful and kind.

What's his name? (Sailor)

In reality, not in a dream

He flies on high.

Flying a plane in the sky.

Who is he, tell me? (Pilot)

You are probably familiar with him.

He knows about all the laws.

Not a judge, not a journalist.

He gives advice to everyone... (lawyer)

Stands at his post

He keeps order.

Strict, brave officer.

Who is he? (Policeman)

Nails, axes, saw,

There's a whole mountain of shavings.

This is a worker working -

He makes chairs for us... (carpenter)

He is away from all his relatives

Drives ships to sea.

Seen a lot of countries

Our brave... (captain)

So that an ambulance rushes across the bridge,

He is repairing at the bottom of the support.

All day long over and over again

Dives deep... (diver)

Who controls the movement?

Who lets cars through?

On the wide pavement

Waves his baton... (guard)

He is on duty in the snow and heat,

Protects our peace.

A man who is faithful to his oath,

Called... (military)

Knock flies from under the wheels,

An electric locomotive rushes into the distance.

The train is not driven by a taxi driver,

Not a pilot, but... (driver)

Performs stunts in films

Dives from a height to the bottom

Trained actor.

Fast, brave... (stuntman)

He waves a thin stick -

The choir on stage will sing.

Not a wizard, not a juggler.

Who is this? (Conductor).

Independent work children with task cards “Collect a profession” and “Match and complete”.

Children are given task cards where they need to assemble puzzles by profession and draw a line with a pencil connecting the profession and its representatives in the picture, or a set of tools, etc.

Learning proverbs and sayings about work and labor

You can’t even catch a fish from a pond without difficulty.

The master's work is afraid.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

Time for business, time for fun.

Who does not work shall not eat.

The real plan open lesson It’s good for preschoolers because you can easily change some parts of the lesson by inserting your own poems or songs.

1. Start of class. Greetings.

Hello Song (your song that starts the lesson).

"Hello! Hello! Good afternoon, my dear friends! How are you?”

“I’m fine, thank you.” I’m OK, thank you.”

“Guys, today we will go on a magic magic carpet to a zoo, and not just a simple one, but a fabulous one.”

2. The main part of the lesson.

2.1 Repetition and reinforcement of the “My name is...” construction.

“But to take your place on the magic magic carpet, you will have to say your name. How do we say our name in English?”

"My name is..."

“Let’s each take turns saying our name in English. You, please. All right. Take your seat, please.”

2.2 Phonetic exercise.

“Our carpet is flying, the wind is blowing in our faces and making noise”
“And here we are flying straight through the cloud, and the carpet is gaining strength: “”
“And now we are approaching the fabulous zoo, our carpet stops and says: “”
“The plane is flying and buzzing: [ð]”
“A snake slithered near us and hissed: [θ]”
“And over there the bee is buzzing on the flower: [ð]”
“And the snake poses towards her: [θ]”

2.3 We repeat and reinforce words on the topic “Animals”.

“So you and I have arrived at our fabulous zoo. Let's go and see what animals live there.
And who is this? Who is this? (Tiger - tiger).

Where to see it, guess?
In the city of the tiger cub, tiger,
Or a mountain goat?
Only at the zoo. Zoo.

Look who's lying there. Who is this? (Lion - lion).
And there is this poem about a lion:

King of beasts - we know this -
It will be in English a lion.

Who is this? (Fox - fox).

Red-red miracle phlox!
Red fox... fox.

Who is this? (Frog - frog).

Jumped from the garden bed, right on the threshold
Green beauty, in English... frog.

Who is this? (Bear - bear).

The clubfoot bear can barely walk.
Teddy bear, bear cub in English... bear.

Who is this? (Crocodile - crocodile).

It’s a pity I didn’t know what to treat you with
Crocodile. crocodile.
Offered him candy -
He was offended by this.

Who is this? (Piggy - pig).

The pig wants to eat every moment,
We call a pig... pig.

Who is this? (Horse - horse).

I'll ask you a difficult question:
“What was the name of the horse?” ... horse.

Who is this? (Elephant - elephant).

Not ordered to approach
To my little elephant, elephant.
He is terribly mischievous:
He pours water on everyone.

Who is this? (Rabbit - rabbit).

Grandfather robs the grass with a rake.
Our rabbit wants to eat... rabbit.

Children, let's see what color the animals are. Who knows what color a rabbit is? How do you say “green frog” in English? What about the brown horse? And the pink pig? What about the gray elephant?

Well done boys!

Guys, a kind gnome named Tom works in this fabulous zoo, but he doesn’t know English very well, and he needs your help. We need to feed the animals, can we handle it?! But to know if we have enough treats for everyone, we need to count how many animals we have in the zoo, and how many vegetables and fruits.

Well done boys! You did a great job!

2.4 Physical education minute(fixing the verbs jump, run, sit down, stand up and other verbs).

You and I flew on a magic carpet for a long time, walked around the zoo for a long time and counted and fed the animals, of course, we were tired. Let's go to the clearing near the zoo and play a little.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, run!
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, sit down!
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, stand up!
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, jump!

(you can add your own verbs).

3. Repetition of the material covered.

Guys, the residents of this fabulous zoo liked you so much that they wanted to tell you a poem called “Little Mouse and Little Cat”.

Little Mouse, Little Mouse,
Where is your house?
Little Cat, Little Cat
I am a poor mouse
I have no house.

Little Mouse, Little Mouse,
Come to my house.
Little Cat, Little Cat,
I can't do that
You want to eat me.

4. Song “If you are happy”

Guys, did you enjoy our trip? Let's sing a song for our new friends!

5. Final part.

Guys, now it's time for us to go back. The magic flying carpet has been waiting for us. Take your seats, please.
And now it's time for us to say goodbye. Goodbye, my dear friends!

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Irina Vladimirtseva
Synopsis of direct educational activities By English language"The mysterious world of professions"

Summary of direct educational activities in English.

Subject: « The mysterious world of professions»

Target: To form in children an idea of variety of existing professions based on the English language.


1. Consolidate children’s existing knowledge on the topic « The mysterious world of professions» .

2. To develop in preschoolers the ability to logically express their thoughts in the process of communication, relying on knowledge of grammar English constructions.

3. To cultivate children’s desire to independently and collectively complete tasks, determination and curiosity.

Equipment: story pictures with depicting professions, riddles in English on the topic« Professions» , audio material, homemade book, magic bag, presentation.

Move direct educational activities:

Teacher: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you!

Children: Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you!

Good morning, good morning,

I am glad to see you!

Teacher:Nice! And how are you?

Children: We are fine!

Children: Yes! Elizabeth the second!

Teacher: That's right. Right. So what is this gift? This is a book! And, as you know “A book is the best gift”. I propose to look at it together and thank the queen! Let's start by saying "Thank you" on English language.

Children: Thank you!

Teacher: Good! So, what country's flag featured on the cover of the book?


Teacher: Good. Here on the first page is a portrait of Elizabeth the second herself. Let's turn the page. And here's the game! Guys you need match each profession image with the right picture, which is associated with it. And before that we will play another game that will help us remember those professions, which we already know on English language.

Who teaches the children? – a teacher.

Who drives the trolleybuses? – a driver.

Who flies the planes? – a pilot.

Who's cooking lunch? – a cook.

Who delivers the mail? – a postman.

Who plays in the play? – an actor.

Who goes to school? –a pupil.

Who gives us beautiful haircuts? – a hair dresser. Well done! All answers are correct. Let's return to our game "Connect the pictures".

Who will be the first? Who will be first? Kostya, come here, take any picture and connect it with depiction of profession to which it belongs. Well done! Daniel, you must do the same. (so every child).

Super! Guys, you did it all. Let's keep turning the pages! And here? – Puzzles! But it's not easy puzzles, but from the heroes of famous cartoons and fairy tales! First mystery from Aibolit and his friends:

“Who is the most useful in days of illness?

And heals us from all diseases..."

Children: A doctor.

Teacher: Let's check! Right! Fairy tale heroes "Three piglets" wished you the following: “Nails, axes, saw,

There's a whole mountain of shavings.

It’s the worker who’s working..."

By it will be in English?

Children: A worker!

Teacher: Let's check! You guessed it! And Leopold and his friends have prepared this for you riddle: “In reality, not in a dream

He flies on high.

Flying a plane in the sky.

Who is this..."

Children: It is a pilot!

Teacher: Well done!

Cartoon characters "Mickey Mouse" wished you the next profession: “Tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches?

Children: It's a cook!

Teacher: Well done! Here are the cartoon characters "The Lion King" prepared this for you riddle:

“He stands at his post,

He keeps order.

Strict, brave officer.

Children: It is a policeman!

Teacher: Perfect! Guys, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs also did not stand aside and they also have something for you mystery: "Who sails on the ship

To an uncharted land?

He is cheerful and kind.

What's his name?

Children: It is a sailor.

Teacher: It is true again! And the last one mystery from cartoon characters "Prostokvashino": “Traffic rules

Knows without a doubt

Immediately start the engine,

He's racing in a car."

Children: A driver.

Teacher: Well done! Guys, look! And now you and I will become a dancer!

And let's dance a little.

Physical education minute.

Lyrics: «

Head, shoulders, knees and toes,

And eyes, and ears, and mouth,

Head, shoulders, knees and toes,

Knees and toes."

Well done! Guys, now I suggest you become a teacher and a student! One of you will be the teacher and the other the student. You need to go to the computer and the one who will be the teacher calls profession in English, and the one who is a student is looking for her. And the rest of the guys say "Yes" or "No" depending on the answer. Is it clear? It's clear? Start! Kostya and Dasha come out first. Kostya will be a teacher, and Dasha will be a student. (the remaining pairs of children take turns replacing each other).

Well done! Well, let's return to our gift - a book. After all, we haven’t looked through it all yet. And on the last page, look, the Queen asks you a question "Who are you?" "Who are you?" meaning who you want to become profession when you grow up? We need to answer the question and this magic bag, where perhaps your future ones are hidden, will help you and me with this. professions. You need to go up to it, put your hand in it and pull out the picture. And we will find out what might await you in the future. And voice it using the phrase "I'm a..." Start. Gleb, you will be the first! (each child comes out in turn and makes his choice).

Smart girls, we were very interested to know about your future. I hope that the one you chose profession will truly be yours!

Time is running out! Our lesson ends! And for your correct answers, active work in class, initiative and curiosity, you receive small gifts from Elizabeth the second. Thank you very much! See you soon!

Children: See you soon.

Go through the topic Professions? Are you preparing for a lesson on Professions? This means that the following exercises will be useful to you, thanks to which you will not only remember the names of professions in English, but also learn how to write descriptions of your (future) profession in English.

Before you start doing the exercises, read the following. Exercises for practicing professions are carried out in order of increasing difficulty. At the end you will find answers for self-test.

Exercises on professions. Exercises for children and beginners to learn English.

Exercise 1. Read the names of professions and circle the two professions that you like best.

  • a doctor - doctor
  • a nurse - nurse
  • a driver - driver
  • a worker - worker
  • a builder - builder
  • a seller
  • an economist - economist
  • an engineer - engineer
  • a housewife - housewife
  • a businessman - business man
  • a military man - military man

Exercise 2. Match the two lists to make sentences describing certain jobs

  1. A hairdresser
  2. A vet
  3. A carpenter
  4. A cook
  5. A pilot
  6. A stewardess
  7. A militiaman
  8. A racing driver
  9. A nurse
  10. A nursery school teacher
  11. A waiter
  12. A clown
  13. A farmer
  14. A postman
  15. A banker
  16. A builder
  1. a) teaches small children
  2. b)flies airplanes.
  3. c) looks after air passengers.
  4. d) serves people food.
  5. e) makes things of wood.
  6. f) cuts people's hair.
  7. g) drives fast cars.
  8. h) looks after sick people.
  9. i) regulates traffic.
  10. j) works on a farm.
  11. k) cures sick animals.
  12. l) makes people laugh.
  13. m) makes food.
  14. n) builds houses.
  15. o) counts money
  16. p) brings letters.

Exercise 3. Listen to the names and say what these people were.

Example: Beethoven – a composer.

Exercise 4. a) Look at the list. Do you know all the words? Give the definitions.

a shop-assistant

a police officer

b) which of these are not actually professions (4)?

c) Underline the jobs you think are exciting.

Circle the jobs you would never like to do.

Put brackets around the well-paid jobs.

Cross out the jobs you think are boring.

Tick ​​the jobs you think you'll be good at.

d) Which jobs from the list match these definitions?

  1. - a person who does experiments.
  2. — someone who works in the country with animals or plants.
  3. - a person who cooks in a restaurant.
  4. - a person who makes things from wood.
  5. - a person who helps a doctor in a hospital.
  6. — someone who does office work, such as typing letters, answering phone calls, etc.

e) Write 3 more definitions of the jobs people do. Work in groups. Can your classmates guess the jobs?

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the names of professions or activities.

A person who writes for newspapers is a journalist.

  1. A doctor who treats teeth is ...
  2. A person who paints pictures is ...
  3. A person who types papers is ...
  4. A person who takes part in public life is …
  5. A scientist who studies the structure of materials is ...
  6. A scientist who studies the structure of organisms is ...
  7. A person who writes books is ...
  8. A person who knows a lot about his job is ...

Exercise 6. Look through the list of circus jobs. Translate them and say which of them you like best and why.

Acrobat, clown, magician, tamer, ringmaster, horse-rider, fire-eater, manager, musician, weight lifter, jumper, dancer

Exercise 7. Write the names of five jobs that people do:

  • inside the building,
  • in the open air,
  • with their hands,
  • with the help of a computer,
  • using a pen.

Exercise 8. Write the names of professions that are connected with the words.

Example: mark - teacher

Exercise 9. Build the names of jobs and professions from the given English words. Translation may help you to do it.

  1. build (builder) ____________
  2. music (musician) ____________
  3. employ (employer, employee) a) ____________b) ____________
  4. history (historian) ____________
  5. biology (biologist) ____________
  6. invent (inventor) ____________
  7. account (accountant) ____________

Exercise 10. Choose from the box gender-neutral names for the given professions.

Mail carrier, congressional representative, salesperson (2), bar person, police officer (2), flight attendant, chairperson, firefighter, business executive (2)

  1. Chairman _____________________
  2. Businessman _____________________
  3. Businesswoman _____________________
  4. Mailman _____________________
  5. Stewardess _____________________
  6. Policewoman _____________________
  7. Policeman _____________________
  8. Salesman _____________________
  9. Saleswoman _____________________
  10. Barman _____________________
  11. Fireman _____________________
  12. Congressman _____________________


1 – f, 2 – k, 3 – e, 4 – m, 5 – b, 6 – c, 7 – i, 8 – g, 9 – h, 10 – a, 11 – d, 12 –l, 13 – j, 14 – p, 15 – o, 16 – n.

  1. poet / playwright / dramatist
  2. Scientist
  3. Presidents
  4. Singers
  5. Detectives
  6. Printer
  7. Sailors
  8. test pilots
  9. goalkeeper

B) a businessman, a housewife, a student, a traveler.

D) a) a scientist, b) a farmer, c) a chef, d) a carpenter, e) a nurse, f) a secretary

Possible answers:

1 a dentist, 2 a painter, 3 a typist, 4 a politician, 5 a chemist, 6 a biologist, 7 a writer, 8 a professional

Acrobat, clown, magician, animal trainer, ringmaster, equestrian, fire-eater, manager, musician, weightlifter, jumper, dancer

  1. builder 2. musician 3. a) employer; b) employee 4. historian 5. biologist 6. inventor 7. accountant

Answers:1. chairperson 2. business executive3. business executive 4. mail carrier 5. flight attendant 6. police officer 7. police officer 8. salesperson 9. salesperson 10. bar personII. firefighter 12. congressional representative

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