Army of burning hearts with David Gotsman. Summary of the military situation in Donbass: the DPR army punished the punitive forces for shelling the outskirts of Gorlovka. Interview from Yuri Kotenok

The situation at the front in Donbass had seriously deteriorated by Tuesday evening. Military correspondents and local residents report heavy fighting in the vicinity of Gorlovka and Donetsk. Shelling and clashes were also recorded in other directions of the front. When shelling the village of Spartak on the outskirts of Donetsk, the Ukrainian Armed Forces used 122 mm artillery.

Video from a local resident and message from military officers:

“Powerful fighting goes on all evening near Gorlovka. The whole of Golma is shaking from the powerful blows of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. There haven't been fights like this for a long time! Residents are going down to the basements!”

From the militia: “GORLOVKA is on fire! Golma, take cover! Plus it's very close. The fragments flew by. Don't wait for warnings! Dolomite, the battle does not stop. They use both small and heavy weapons. By the way, the Minsk racers had a get-together there today, so we grabbed it. Everything is as usual. The High side is thundering. On the part of the “unfavorable Metalist”, small arms. The battle continues in the direction of Dolomitnoye. The enemy is using small arms and mortars. Golma is under attack from small arms and BMP1. Dill is shelling Dolomite. Explosions are coming closer and closer to Golme.”

From military officers: “The north of Gorlovka (Golm) is under artillery fire. Rifle and short-range machine guns in the areas: Novoazovsky district, Trudovsky (Petrovka Donetsk), northern Gorlovka and Kalinovo LPR. Small arms and mortars are deployed in the areas: Yabp and districts, Debaltsevo-Svetlodar bridgehead, Bakhmutka highway (Slavyanoserbsky district).”

“I was sitting in the house when four shells fell. I was as deaf as a stump. And then we started with drones”...

An elderly woman, confusedly, talks again and again about how Ukrainian Armed Forces shells flew into her house. And as if this were not enough, after the mortar attack, they began to bombard the yard with converted AGS charges from drones, preventing firefighters from putting out the fire.

A broken and burnt roof, broken glass and frames by fragments, a cozy house just yesterday, today has become another victim of the war.

- “I earned everything with my own hands, and now in my old age I am left without a stake and a yard”….
Nadezhda Filippovna is sobbing.”

Interview from Yuri Kotenok:

Alexey Sosonny (“Viking”) - head of the apparatus of the Donbass Volunteer Union, a native of Gorlovka, marine, battalion commander of the DPR Armed Forces - about comrades in arms, reliable and life-loving; about “Motorola” - a marine, a hero of Donbass; about combat coordination and the transformation of the militia into an army.”



A friend's dog died due to age. Nursed from a puppy. Darling. Half of my heart seemed to have died, and my friend fell ill from grief: she became so ill that she was about to die. And her children are shocked, of course. Mothers are getting worse and worse, but what can we do to help? The doctors just shrug their shoulders, saying she’s tormenting herself... But she’s really going away! She lies there, stares at the wall, doesn’t eat, and doesn’t even get up anymore.

That’s when my friend’s daughter went to the place under the birch tree in the garden where the dog was buried, burst into tears, talked to the dog as if it were alive, and began to reproach it: what are you doing? How we loved you! Mom is still so young - to live and live... How can we live without her? Don’t take her with you, be a man!.. And she was crying, she was all sobbing. In the evening she tells me everything on the phone and says that since she herself went to the dog’s grave with persuasion, then she, too, is going crazy. Well, what about me?
Standard phrases of sympathy... What else can we do?

A few days later it was barely light - my daughter’s doorbell rang. Who's there? Mom - in person: cheerful, businesslike, cheerful, suddenly changed her mind about dying...
So, he says, children, Evochka came to me in a dream last night. She said that she was coming back to us. She said that in a month we need to go to the bird market every Sunday and look for a woman with puppies. The woman's name is Emma, ​​and her bitch's name is Eva. Breed? She didn't say. The main thing: the owner is Emma, ​​and the bitch is our name, the same nickname...

My friend dumped all this on the kids, changed clothes, got ready, and went about her business, as if she wasn’t sick and wasn’t interested in suicide... The kids are shocked again! My daughter calls me: help her mother persuade a psychiatrist to see her... she’s clearly gone crazy: a dead dog in a dream is giving away the control... And by that time I had heard the whole story about the dream first hand, I see my friend with my own eyes - alive and well , thank you God! Well, I tell the girl: you won’t please! Mother dying is bad. Worn like a shuvei - again not good. Decide already! Your mother is normal, calm down! No worse than I've been all my life...

And then, as the month flew by, every Sunday my friend walked ten rows of the market from morning to night. When alone, when with me, when with my daughter... There is no this combination of Emma/Eva, even if you shoot yourself... I started to become limp again, and I told her: why are you ahead of time?.. Well, a person told you in Russian: wait! Do you think it’s so easy to return from the other world?..

That day we went with her to the last circle, at the end of the market. Everyone is standing the same, and lunch time has long passed... I dragged my friend into the cafe by the bootstraps. We sat down and looked at the menu. I raise my eyes, and my friend is looking behind me and her face changes. Lord, did you see a ghost? Look, there’s an ad taped to the wall behind me: a pre-registration for Eva-Eritha’s puppies, and two more lines of all sorts of names separated by a line. And below is the phone number and name - Emma. We were thrown. What's lunch like there? Let's call there right away: Emma? Answer: Emma. - And the dog Eva? Exactly. Do you already have puppies? No, he says, everyone has already been sold.

Here my friend really starts to get hysterical:
How did you sell it? What about me? There was my... my dog ​​told me in a dream... my puppy... from the other world... And sobbing out loud.
I got scared and grabbed the phone. I say: sorry, don’t pay attention: we have here mystical story, and in the advertisement the names - yours and your dog's - coincided as if in a dream... and the dog in the hospital dreamed and said...
Well, you understand - I also made it clear! Damn negotiator.

And the receiver was silent, and then suddenly said: write the address, come. There is one puppy. They left it for themselves...

God! Not feeling our feet under us, we jumped into the car and rushed to the address. Found. Let's go. The lady stands one and a half meters tall and the same one and a half meters wide - such a square-shaped lady!, on her neck is a gold chain, three fingers wide, wearing a wig and dark glasses. Yeah, in the apartment. No hello to you, no other curtsies. She silently pointed her finger towards the room. There was a table and chairs in the room. We sat down.

And then the interrogation began with passion: who are they, where are they from, why? The aunt runs around us in circles and yells: Tell the truth! I know who sent you!
I had already begun to slowly glance towards the front door when my aunt, noticing my gaze, barked a word, and a huge dog came out of the next room and silently lay across the doorway into the corridor. I realized that we wouldn’t get out of here alive...

And so, when for the hundredth time in great detail we, each in turn, retold the whole story, including the dream, and described the bird market from the inside with topographical accuracy, the square mistress stood up, made one movement, and the huge dog also silently left, as it seemed to me, with some disappointment.

In a second move, the aunt took out a bottle of cognac from the bar, poured us a glass, poured half a glass for herself and said that although she does not believe in God or the devil, there is no other explanation for this

In short: the owner's Eva turned out to be a dog of terribly expensive blood, which the whole world can count on one hand. It is always paired with only one male dog, whose pedigree includes all the kings, princes of the blood, and there is no one lower than the duke, not even a servant.

This dog is brought to her from specially for a lot of money... and everything is always perfect! The puppies are all perfect for selection, each one costs a fortune, all the bests are bests, entries are made a year in advance... And so, as expected, three months ago the dog gave birth, and..⠀
Ta-daam: among all the dark puppies, suddenly there was one white girl. How is that? This is impossible! No way! Science refutes!
With their blood there cannot be white anywhere, even if they are turned inside out...

What to do? If anyone finds out that this happened, the dog will be deprived of all titles and excluded from breeding, as well as her past puppies. We decided to remain silent. But what to do with this white one?

My aunt again gave half a glass of skate, like I did forty drops of Corvalol, and repented: she wanted to put her to sleep, she even called her trusted veterinarian... But only at night I had a dream:
I'm walking along an empty street with many doors opening onto it. And they are all closed. Suddenly one opens and a dog stands in the doorway - not mine, I don’t know that one. She looked at me, bared her teeth terribly and disappeared, and from that place a white puppy jumped out onto my path with a ball in its mouth. The puppy put the ball in front of me, sat down and looked at me seriously, like an adult. At that moment that door slammed, so loudly that I woke up...

It's morning already. I can't get any sleep out of my head all day. And I’m waiting, the farrier is supposed to arrive any minute. And then the door from the next room opens and this blond miracle plops towards me, wags its tail, carries a ball in its mouth, places it right in front of me, sits down and looks into my eyes. One on one, like in a dream. And the look is the same - not puppyish. A chill ran through my skin, I was pounding all over, I can’t remember any prayer, and my heart almost jumped out of my chest...

I grabbed the puppy and took it to the back room. Well, I think whatever happens. I feel that the puppy should not be put to sleep.
No wonder that strange dog bared its teeth in its sleep. Verinaru paid for the false call, told her something, fortunately, there was no discussion about euthanasia beforehand.
Well, I think, okay, I’ll decide tomorrow morning.
And then in the evening your call... Well, how about this one - a nod towards a friend - she started sobbing that she should get a puppy, and about a dream, and about her dead dog...
It became clear to me - here the hostess’s voice fell on us like Niagara Falls - It became clear to me that it was because of you that they put me in marriage (finger in the sky!) into my beauty.

The woman with a sharp movement poured herself some more cognac and barked:
- Now you take the puppy and forget about me forever.
Moreover, in a few days I am leaving with the dog and will definitely not return here.
Consider everything I told you as your nightmare about your dead dog. The aunt slammed her fist on the table and yelled:
Will you meet?
Or will you just take your package from the other world?

She poured the remaining cognac into herself and ran out into the other room.
My friend and I are dumbfounded
looked at each other. Now I know what hair standing on end looks like. What I heard didn’t go anywhere, but from the point of view of my friend’s dream, everything was quite logical, especially the color of the puppy. This was a guarantee that it wouldn’t be sold to anyone or even shown to anyone except us...

At that moment, a puppy entered the room - absolutely white, which, indeed, is simply incredible for this breed. The puppy stood in front of us on the threshold of the room and looked at both of us carefully for some time, looking from one to the other, then boldly moved towards his friend and lay down at her feet. My friend looked in confusion at the puppy, which didn’t even bear a remote resemblance to her dead dog, then she looked up at me and smiled timidly...

The owner came out with a box placed in a bag. She looked at the puppy, at her friend, cursed under her breath, but carefully put the baby in a box with holes already made on the sides, silently handed the bag with the box to her friend and gestured to the door. My friend tried to thank me, to which the hostess let out such a roar that we rolled head over heels out of the apartment, and the door slammed behind us with a roar...

We got into the car and were driving, and the box opened, the puppy got out and started whining, so loudly! Already crying, already tears are dripping! She seems offended that they didn’t recognize her. Then her friend grabs her in her arms and lets kiss her and cry. I stopped the car, because it’s dangerous to drive with so many tears, and these two fools are already laughing, or rather, my friend is laughing and crying at the same time, and a white puppy of an incredible breed is wiping her tears with her tongue. Well, I say, girls, have you met? And you didn’t believe me that they always return to those they love...

Represented by various groups. One of them, the most numerous and popular, is “Typical Gorlovka”. The public has more than 12,000 subscribers and boasts its own website, the content of which replicates the content of the group on the social network.

On the community wall you can find sections in the following format:

  • News from the life of the city;
  • Political events of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the world;
  • Reports from the battlefields of the DPR;
  • Entertaining content and useful tips.

In the comments, subscribers actively discuss broadcast events and post a variety of photo and video materials.
"Self-defense of Gorlovka" VKontakte is a community where real political events and relations between the two countries are actively discussed. The main topic of the VK public is political news from Ukraine, the Russian Federation and Donbass in particular. Participants actively share their opinions, and materials with relevant content are posted on the wall. However, sometimes they alternate with requests to help find something, or vice versa, with messages about the find, as well as beautiful photographs of the city.

The creators of the community position their group as an opportunity to inexpensively find the desired plant specimen, because connections with difficult situation, prices for flowers have increased significantly. Also, participation in the community is an opportunity to communicate with like-minded people and have a good time on the Internet.

On the wall of the group they not only conduct roll calls and post military news. Here readers share funny stories and images, and also help each other - be it finding something lost or publishing useful tips and articles.

Kristina Melnikova

The village of Zaitsevo is located on the outskirts of Gorlovka, and now there is a demarcation line here - one part of the village is controlled by the people's militia of the DPR, and the other by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The situation here is always alarming, the silence seems painful and can be broken at any moment by an unexpected firefight, and the life of a military man or even a civilian is cut short by targeted sniper fire. “We most likely will not go to the position today, it’s too risky - the enemy has increased sniper fire. Let’s just walk around the village,” warns the escorting military man. But in the end, taking advantage of the temporary lull, we still go to the famous Zaitsev school, which has probably already become one of the symbols of the defense of Gorlovka. The school came under fire from the Ukrainian Armed Forces that came close to it, was evacuated, and only after that was it occupied by the militia in the early stages of the war.

The steppe stretching behind the school now looks peaceful, without the harshness of summer colors. But this calm is also deceptive - there are firing positions, equipment and enemy personnel there, snipers work from there, and from there, from this steppe, Ukrainian tanks fired, leaving behind several giant holes in the walls of the Zaitsev school. “They fired at us in May from three tanks,” says one of the military men, pointing to the broken brick walls. “They hit us with ‘bangs’, the tanks drove straight into the steppe.”

“Can they see us from the other side now?” I ask, looking around the ruins of the school yard. In response, they nod in the affirmative. You feel uneasy, your imagination pictures a pair of attentive eyes watching your every move. I would like to take refuge behind the monument to Soviet Red Army soldiers, which by some miracle survived here under many years of shelling. Two immortal stone soldiers from the past seem to protect, encourage and show an example of perseverance to other fighters, made of flesh and blood, who hold the defense within the walls of this school.

But even these people, accustomed to many things during the war years, are sometimes scared. “There are plenty of scary moments here, only a fool isn’t afraid. When tanks are hit with targeted attacks, when the 120s are hit, it’s all very scary,” responds Roman with the call sign “Metis” when I ask him about this.

Denis “Mongol,” who joined the militia back in 2014, had no previous profession related to war, as did most of the guys who then stood up to defend Donbass. In that past life he was a car mechanic. I wonder how quickly he managed to adapt to a military mindset. “Well, first of all, I served in the army, so I already had military training. And it’s very easy to change. Here, in war, somehow an immediate understanding of its main law comes - either you, or you,” says the serviceman.

For now, the front is dormant, and the soldiers can take a break. Everyday life goes on in the positions. The kettle is boiling, dinner is being cooked, the dogs are sleeping serenely, and only a red kitten, apparently having lost its mother cat, meowing sadly and demanding attention, makes its way through the ruins of the school.

But by evening, as the soldiers say, the war comes into its own here - shelling begins. The Ukrainian Armed Forces shoot first, since the DPR military has been given a strict order to observe the truce. “They shoot from AGS, infantry fighting vehicles, 120 mortars, targeted fire is conducted from large-caliber machine guns, snipers are very often activated...,” the serviceman lists, commenting on the video for my Donetsk colleagues on the current front-line situation, “It hasn’t happened for as long as I’ve been here.” such that the truce is observed."

“You’ve been here too long, they might close you down now. Seriously, wrap it up already. The second floor is a dangerous place,” lamented a nearby military man. On the second floor former school, where I wander while waiting for the recording to be completed, there are posters with the Ukrainian anthem lying around, a Ukrainian map, drawings, notebooks with assignments on Ukrainian language, which will never be fulfilled here. At this time, the kitten continues to run restlessly along the corridors. Cats always live on the front line - they not only brighten up everyday life at the front, but also help fight rodents, which, with the onset of cold weather, can launch an invasion of steppe trenches and positions.

Fortunately, no one began to “cover” us that day. It was quite quiet, with the exception of a short firefight, which began, however, in the heat of the day. Near the school building there is visual evidence of the “tense situation on the demarcation line in the area of ​​the settlement. Zaitsevo" - fresh craters from recent arrivals, new mine shanks sticking out of the loose earth.

The front line ran along the outskirts of Gorlovka back in 2014. “While the fighting was in full swing in Slavyansk, it was quite calm in Gorlovka, it was considered a rear city. When we left Slavyansk, part of the militia entrenched itself in Donetsk, and part in Gorlovka. Ukrainian troops occupied the Donetsk airport, but they did not dare to enter Donetsk directly, deciding to semi-encircle it from the south and north. If we compare the south and north, then the northern route to Donetsk, which runs through Gorlovka, is the shortest. In addition, Gorlovka is an exit to Yasinovataya, where one of the two largest railway junctions in the Donbass is located. The capture of Gorlovka opens the Armed Forces of Ukraine access to Yasinovataya, and in this case, Ukraine could deliver ammunition, personnel, and equipment by rail,” explained the military correspondent of the press service of the DPR NM press service accompanying us. Georgy Medvedev.

According to him, the front line in Gorlovka was uneven for a long time, which made its defense difficult. “From the side of Mayorsk they ( APU - approx.) wedged themselves deep enough into our defenses, they managed to take several checkpoints, and in June 2014, fierce battles began directly in the city. Covered by artillery and even air strikes, they razed several streets to the ground, and then began to advance with infantry. After the first Minsk, which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, of course, did not carry out, the shelling continued. By the end of the summer, targeted strikes were no longer aimed at militia positions, but throughout the city. In those days, many people died, there was an arrival at a bus stop, at the market... In general, it became obvious that the truce did not happen, and then our command began to level the front line in the Gorlovka direction. Just on the eve of this, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost Ilovaisk, and the fiercest battles moved there. As a result, we managed to level the front line, pushing the enemy beyond the city limits. They made several attempts to break through, but overall the situation has stabilized,” he said.

It was here, as Georgy Medvedev recalled, that at the end of last year the Ukrainian Armed Forces entered the neutral villages of Gladosovo and Metalist in the “gray” zone, violating the Minsk agreements. “One not very beautiful morning, local residents woke up and discovered that the Armed Forces of Ukraine were digging in in the village. Overnight, from their zero point, they entered the gray zone, occupied these two villages and blocked the roads. Local residents were prohibited from driving cars, and people fleeing the outright occupation were forced to transport their property to the nearest village of Golmovsky on our territory on bicycles along the frozen road. The Ukrainian Armed Forces still do not admit that this was a “gray” zone. They stated and continue to state that our units were stationed there, and these villages were allegedly occupied in battle,” said Georgy.

This spring, Ukraine again tried to break through the defenses of Gorlovka, using different tactics. “They tried to pass in small groups, sent reconnaissance, small DRGs, but they didn’t work out with that either. The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost a lot of people then. At the end of spring, there was an attempt to break through several DRGs into the Nikitovsky district, from where it was only a five-minute drive to the zero line,” Georgy recalled.

In the spring of this year, the Ukrainian Armed Forces tormented residents of the Gorlovka outskirts for several weeks with daily shelling. Later information appeared that they had already entered the city. Just on this day I went to the Nikitovsky district of Gorlovka, the outskirts of which had allegedly already come under the control of Ukraine. People then said that they were afraid to return home from work from the city center to the outskirts, expecting to find enemy troops there. A breakthrough attempt actually took place, but it ended unsuccessfully for the Ukrainian Armed Forces - Alexander Zakharchenko gave the order to return fire, and the consequences of carrying out this order could be observed from Gorlovka with the naked eye - positions behind the waste heap were smoking all day long, from which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, apparently, carried out artillery preparation for the failed attack.

After the failure in the Gorlovka direction, the Ukrainian Armed Forces concentrated their attention in the south. However, Gorlovka still remains one of the main targets for a potential strike. The village of Zaitsevo suffers more than the other outskirts of Gorlovka due to the fact that it is located directly on the demarcation line and, as mentioned above, is divided by the front line. Here the distance between positions is minimal. On average about a kilometer, but all this is very variable. “When Ukraine tried to break through to Gorlovka in the spring and early summer, this distance was reduced to 200 meters,” explained the representative of the DPR NM.

Not only Zaitsevo is under regular shelling, but also other front-line Gorlovka outskirts - the village of the Gagarin mine, mines 6/7, the already mentioned Golmovsky... Here people are also forced to coexist with the front, and constantly live under fire. “In the Gorlovka direction, from the positions of the 72nd mechanized brigade under the command of the punitive Tatusya, the area of ​​​​the settlement of Zaitsevo came under fire from grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms,” says the official report for October 3. Unfortunately, there is no doubt that this village will be mentioned more than once in military reports. We can only hope that information about the injured residents and defenders of Donbass will appear in these messages as rarely as possible, and better yet, never at all.

Anna Petrovna sat on a bench in the hospital square and cried. Today she turned 70, but neither her son nor her daughter came to congratulate her. True, her roommate, Evgenia Sergeevna, congratulated her and even gave her a small gift. Moreover, the nurse Masha treated me to an apple in honor of my birthday.
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The boarding house was decent, but the staff was generally indifferent. Of course, everyone knew that old people were brought here to live out their lives by children, to whom they became a burden. And Anna Petrovna was brought here by her son, as he said to rest and get treatment, but in fact she was just disturbing her daughter-in-law. After all, the apartment was hers; it was later that her son persuaded her to write a deed of gift for it. When he asked me to sign the papers, he promised that she would continue to live as she lived at home.

But in reality it turned out differently, they immediately moved the whole family to her and a war with their daughter-in-law began. She was always dissatisfied, she didn’t cook properly, she left dirt in the bathroom and much more. At first the son stood up, but then he stopped and started shouting himself. Then Anna Petrovna noticed that they began to whisper about something, and as soon as she entered the room, they fell silent. And then one morning her son started talking about how she needed to rest and get treatment. His mother, looking into his eyes, asked bitterly: “Are you sending me to an almshouse, son?” He blushed, fussed and answered guiltily: “What are you talking about, mom, it’s just a sanatorium.” You'll lie down for a month, then go back home.

He brought her, quickly signed the papers and hurriedly left, promising to return soon. He only showed up once: he brought two apples, two oranges, asked how things were, and without listening to the end, he rushed off somewhere. She has been living here for two years now. When a month passed and her son never came for her, she called her home phone. Strangers answered, it turned out that the son had sold the apartment and it was now unknown where to look for him. Anna Petrovna cried for a couple of nights, but she still knew that they would not take her home, that now she would shed tears. After all, the most offensive thing is that she was the one who offended her daughter for the sake of her son’s happiness.

Anna was born in the village. She got married there, to her classmate Peter. There was a big house and farm. They didn’t live richly, but they didn’t go hungry either. And then a neighbor from the city came to visit his parents and began to tell Peter how good life was in the city. And the salary is good and they provide housing right away. Well, Peter got excited, let’s go, let’s go. Well, I persuaded him. They sold everything to the city. The neighbor didn’t deceive me about the housing; they gave me the apartment right away. We bought furniture and an old Cossack. It was on this Cossack that Peter had an accident. The husband died in the hospital on the second day. After the funeral, Anna was left alone, with two children in her arms. To feed and clothe people, they had to wash the floors in the hallways in the evenings. I thought when the children grew up they would help. But it didn't work out.

Her son got into a bad situation, she had to borrow money to avoid being imprisoned, then she spent two years paying off her debts. Then my daughter Dasha got married and gave birth to a child. Until a year everything was fine, but then my son began to get sick often. She had to leave work to go to hospitals. Doctors could not make a diagnosis for a long time. It was then that they found some kind of sore in him, which is treated only in one institute. But there is such a queue.

While my daughter was visiting hospitals, her husband left her, at least he left the apartment. And then somewhere in the hospital she met a widower who had a daughter with the same diagnosis. They liked each other and began to live together. And five years later he fell ill with her, and she needed money for an operation. Anna had money, she wanted to give it to her son for a down payment on an apartment. Well, when my daughter asked, she felt sorry for spending it on a stranger, because her own son needed the money more. Well, she refused. The daughter was very offended by her, and when she said goodbye, she said that she was no longer her mother, and when it was difficult for her, not to contact her. And now they have not communicated for twenty years. Dasha cured her husband and they took their children and went to live somewhere by the sea. Of course, if it were possible to turn everything back, Anna would have done it differently. But you can't bring back the past.

Anna slowly got up from the bench and slowly walked into the boarding house. Suddenly he hears: - Mom! My heart began to pound. She turned around slowly. Daughter. Dasha. Her legs gave way and she almost fell, but her daughter ran up and caught her. - Finally, I found you... My brother didn’t want to give me the address. But I threatened him with legal action that I sold the apartment illegally, and he immediately split. With these words, they entered the building and sat down on the couch in the hall. - Forgive me, mom, for not communicating with you for so long. At first I was offended, then I put it off, I was ashamed. A week ago I dreamed of you. It's like you're walking through the forest and crying. I got up, and my soul felt so heavy. I told my husband everything, and he told me to go and make peace. I arrived, and there were strangers there, they didn’t know anything. I looked for my brother’s address for a long time and found it. And here I am. Get ready and come with me. Do you know what house we have? Big, on the seashore. And my husband told me: if your mother feels bad, take her to us. Anna hugged her daughter gratefully and began to cry. But these were already tears of joy...

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