Atomic workshop. Special nuclear workshop. Specialization "Analytical Chemistry": educational and methodological manual

1. Special workshop laboratory

The first workshop on radioactivity in Russia was organized at Moscow University by A.P. Sokolov and K.P. Yakovlev even before the revolution. In 1948, a group of NIFI 2 employees led by Professor I.M. Frank (later Nobel laureate and academician) and F.L. Shapiro founded a special nuclear workshop. Initially, the workshop was located in the old premises of NIFI 2 on Sokol and included both laboratory work created on classical experiments (for example, “The Joliot-Curie Experiment”), and purely methodological work (for example, “Making a Geiger counter and studying its characteristics”). Under the leadership of A.A. Sanin, a special radio workshop was created in which students were trained in the development, manufacture and use of electronic devices (pulse amplifiers, discriminators, coincidence circuits, amplitude analyzers, etc.) in nuclear physics research.

After the workshop moved to the new building of the Faculty of Physics on the Lenin Hills in 1954, complex problems “Betatron”, “Graphite Column”, “Accelerator Cascade Tube”, “Mass Spectrometer”, etc. appeared in it. Various sections of the workshop were supervised at that time by the corresponding departments: the section “Radioactive Radiation and Neutron Physics” - the department of prof. THEM. Frank, section "Nuclear spectroscopy" - department of prof. L.V. Grosheva, section "Accelerators" - department of prof. IN AND. Wexler, section "Cosmic rays" - department of prof. S.N. Vernova. Employees of the laboratories of the Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University and teachers of the departments of the Department of Nuclear Physics of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University took part in the organization and modernization of laboratory work and the preparation of descriptions. In a special workshop, laboratory work was carried out by teachers and staff of MEPhI, who later used the experience (and descriptions) of the SINP workshop, students of the Academy named after. Dzerzhinsky, MIREA and other higher educational institutions.

During its existence, the workshop underwent dramatic changes and quite dynamically, along with the development of nuclear physics, changed tasks, methods and techniques. Thus, with the expansion of space research at SINP, laboratory work was created on methods for using spark chambers, Cherenkov detectors, proportional counters, similar to those used in astronomy research. Almost simultaneously with the development of research at the Institute of Nuclear Physics in high energy physics, a laboratory work entitled “Study of processes occurring at high energies using a bubble chamber” was created. Sometimes the introduction of new developments into the workshop was ahead of the introduction of new experimental equipment at SINP as a whole. This was the case with precision gamma spectroscopy based on Ge Li detectors, with the creation of “on-line” experiments using a minicomputer and the CAMAC system. This made it possible to train specialists on the basis of advanced techniques and equipment in conditions similar to those available in developed modern research centers. Here it is necessary to note the great contribution made to the development of the workshop by Art. Lecturer at the Department of Nuclear Physics and Quantum Collision Theory V.A. Ivanov and chief electronics engineer of the special workshop laboratory (LSP) A.V. Somikov, who solved many fundamental issues of using computers in the educational process and posed a number of problems devoted to the latest research methods in the field of nuclear physics.

Along with methodological aspects and the physics of microworld phenomena, students also experimentally study the basic distributions of mathematical statistics and learn to skillfully evaluate experimental errors. The teachers have developed optimal forms of conducting classes. In particular, express analysis (tests) of students’ preparedness is carried out on a number of tasks, increasing the efficiency of their work in educational laboratories.

Over almost 60 years of operation of a special workshop, it has formed a unique team of employees who ensure the smooth operation of complex and sometimes “capricious” installations, who are able to quickly master new technology and actively participate in setting new tasks. Among them it is impossible not to mention I.I. Kharyukova, A.F. Nizhelsky, G.I. Petrov, G.N. Yakovlev, A.V. Skolozubova and others. In terms of their level of qualifications, complexity and novelty of the problems they solve, many of the workshop employees are in no way inferior to the employees of scientific laboratories. Since 1987, the LSP has been headed by Lomonosov Prize laureate, associate professor Yu.V. Popov.

Over the past 10 years, in a special workshop with the financial support of the institute, most laboratory installations have been modernized based on the use of a personal computer as an element that collects and processes physical information, as well as controls the experiment. For these purposes, a group of specialists led by senior researcher at the Department of Ultra-High Energy Particles A.A. Silaev developed unique electronic blocks and circuits. In particular, the laboratory installations “Mössbauer Spectrometer”, “Scintillation Detector”, “Semiconductor Detector”, “Cherenkov Detector”, etc. were significantly updated. A new germanium gamma radiation detector was purchased, which was assigned a practically new task; the equipment of the workshop on nuclear electronics. After the renovation, the workshop premises take on a modern look, convenient for students to work.

2. General nuclear and atomic workshop

In 1954, a general nuclear workshop was created at the “Structure of Matter” department of the Faculty of Physics. In a very short time - less than six months - the first laboratory works were prepared: “Determination of the upper limit of the beta spectrum”, “Artificial radioactivity and determination of half-lives”, “Determination of gamma radiation energy by absorption method”. On September 1, 1955, a general nuclear workshop was opened, the first head of which was A.P. Kuznetsov, the first teachers were A.V. Gnedich, L.N. Kryukova, E.A. Murzina, N.I. Tulinova, I.V. Rakobolskaya, I.A. Antonov.

In the same 1955, at the Department of Atomic Physics, which was then headed by Academician L.A. Artsimovich, an atomic workshop was created under the leadership of S.Yu. Lukyanova. The development and formulation of problems was carried out by Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. Sciences V.A. Molchanov, I.A. Shakhmelikova and others. At the first stage, there were only 4 tasks in the general atomic workshop, then two years later 4 more were added to them.

In the 60s, two workshops were merged into one laboratory (LOYAP) under the leadership of P.I. Shavrina. From 1966 to 2003, the head of the laboratory of the general atomic and nuclear workshops was A.V. Smirnov. During this time, the number of laboratory works in the nuclear workshop reached 18, and in the nuclear workshop - more than 12. Laboratory work was systematically equipped with the latest equipment and measurement techniques were improved. A great contribution to the creation and development of unique installations of the general atomic workshop was made by Associate Professor of the Department of Atomic Physics G.I. Goryaga and teachers I.A. Savchenko, S.S. Krasilnikov, V.A. Kvlividze, as well as laboratory staff: head A.V. Smirnov, B.A. Brusilovsky, T.S. Dubinko, V.V. Degtereva, V.V. Keshek, I.V. Vasilevskaya, S.V. Ishchenko, S.M. Maksudova. Prototypes of many installations were made by mechanic V.M. Belousov. Employees of the Department of General Nuclear Physics, Professor B.S., took an active part in the development of the general nuclear workshop. Ishkhanov, I.M. Kapitonov, teachers E.I. Kabin, E.V. Shirokov, LOYAP staff V.S. Grishin, S.B. Morozov, L.S. Denisova. Unique workshop installations were exhibited at VDNKh in 1972 and 1984. and were awarded silver and bronze medals and diplomas.

In those years, the management of SINP invested heavily in the development and modernization of the workshop, as a result of which a unique educational and methodological complex was created, which has no analogues in the USSR.

The crisis of the early 90s sharply worsened the condition of the workshop, and only the dedicated work of the laboratory team headed by A.V. Smirnov made it possible to keep the workshop in working order and without losses for the educational process. Since the mid-90s, the institute was able to regularly allocate significant funds to support workshops, and from that time systematic work began at LOYAP to modernize the experimental base. In particular, almost all tasks were equipped with computers. At the atomic workshop, optical and spectral installations were transferred from photographic recording to CCD equipment with computer processing. Under the guidance of leading electronics specialists from RINP: D.B. Chopornyak, I.A. Rubinshteina, A.A. Silaeva, A.S. Chepurnov is carrying out a comprehensive modernization of the electronic measuring paths of educational installations with the transition to a modern element base. Employees of the Department of Atomic Nuclear Physics, the Radiochemical Laboratory and the Laboratory of Accelerator Facilities of SINP develop new types of detectors for the workshop and manufacture radioactive sources, thereby providing invaluable assistance to the educational process.

Currently, the workshops use the most modern methods and systems for processing the results of physical experiments. The merit of the older generation employees is great here: T.S. Dubinko, V.V. Degtereva, V.S. Grishina, S.V. Ishchenko, S.M. Maksudova, as well as graduates of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University and other universities N.V. Koropchenko, N.Yu. Kazarina, I.M. Zverevoy, L.V. Skachkova, S.I. Ermakova, who joined the laboratory team in the 80s and 90s. Lead programmer S.B. Morozov created a laboratory computer network with its own server, ensuring the uninterrupted operation of about 50 educational installations.

Every year, about 900 students of the Faculty of Physics undergo experimental training in general courses in atomic and nuclear physics at LOYAP. In addition, students from other Russian universities undergo internships in the laboratory.

Since 2003, the duties of the head of the laboratory have been performed by the Deputy Director of the RINP, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Sciences V.V. Radchenko.

3. Space workshop

During the implementation of the educational program of the unique space project "MGU-250" at SINP, work began on organizing a new educational unit - the laboratory "Space Workshop" (the head of the laboratory is candidate of physical and mathematical sciences S.A. Krasotkin) After the successful launch of the microsatellite "University -Tatyana" On January 20, 2005, with the assistance of Samsung, a modern classroom was equipped, in which regular classes for students from the Department of Cosmic Rays and Space Physics and the Astronomical Department of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University began in September 2005. In the shortest possible time, the textbook “Space Workshop”, edited by A.S., was written, published and distributed to many Russian universities. Kovtyukha, which includes about ten tasks designed to work with information coming from the Universitetsky-Tatyana satellite and other spacecraft (project leaders: M.I. Panasyuk and V.V. Radchenko). SINP staff and ONP teachers took part in the preparation of the textbook and the development of tasks: A.V. Bogomolov, N.A. Vlasova, G.K. Garipov, T.A. Ivanova, S.A. Krasotkin, L.L. Lazutin, S.P. Likhachev, I.N. Myagkova, I.A. Rubinstein, S.I. Svertilov, V.I. Tulupov, B.A. Khrenov, I.V. Yashin. The tasks of the “Space Workshop” can be carried out in any educational institution in Russia that has Internet access, since all educational satellite information is open and posted on a specialized website

4. Workshop "Computer class"

The educational laboratory "Computer Class" was organized in 1995 with the aim of developing and introducing new computer and information technologies into the educational process, as well as to provide access to the computing and telecommunication capacities of SINP for undergraduate and graduate students of the nuclear department performing scientific work at SINP. Researcher of the Department of Cosmophysical Research A.A. was appointed the first head of the LKK. Belyaev. The LKK conducts lectures and seminars by teachers and staff from a number of departments of the Nuclear Physics Department.

Currently, educational and methodological work at LKK is carried out in two directions.

A scientific group led by the head of the laboratory, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. Sciences, Professor I.G. Persiansev taught an elective course “Neural network methods and genetic algorithms” for undergraduate and graduate students of the natural faculties of Moscow State University and opened the first additional education program at SINP under the same name. Students of this program are specialists from a variety of professions - from physicists and engineers to employees of banking and insurance structures.

A scientific group led by Ph.D. Sciences V.A. Kvlividze has been developing and implementing new computer technologies in education for many years. Many Russian and foreign universities widely use the “Physics of the Microworld on the Computer” training program package. Since 1997, the group has been implementing a project to create a new type of training facilities - Training Laboratory Complexes (ULC). Relatively cheap and absolutely safe simulator installations, including a controlled model of a real device, an extensive experimental data base obtained on modern research facilities and software for controlling the device and mathematical processing of experimental results, are currently working in nuclear workshops of many classical, technical and pedagogical universities of Russia.

Yu.V. Popov,
V.V. Radchenko,
I.G. Persians

  • Authors: ,
  • International Conference:
  • Conference dates: 2014
  • Report type: not specified
  • Speaker: not specified
  • Location: Novosibirsk city
  • Abstract of the report:

    The general nuclear workshop of the Physics Faculty of Moscow State University is an integral element of teaching the general physics course at the Faculty. Every year it is performed by more than 400 students of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University, as well as several other educational institutions (KSU named after Nekrasov, Black Sea branch of Moscow State University). This imposes special requirements on the tasks of the workshop. They should introduce students to methods for conducting and analyzing scientific experiments in nuclear physics, particle physics, and interaction physics. Students become familiar with the practical application of modern experimental equipment, independently carry out measurements and processing of various nuclear characteristics and nuclear reactions. The workshop is constantly being modernized, new tasks are being introduced. Several years ago, the task “Particle registration statistics” was introduced to familiarize students with aspects of the application of statistical laws in the physics of the microworld. The operating principle is based on recording cosmic radiation using a Geiger counter. It must be emphasized that the absence of special sources of ionizing radiation and, as a consequence, the relative simplicity and low cost of the task can be used to create similar installations in other workshops. The modernized task “Particle registration statistics” has expanded capabilities compared to the first version. Now each installation includes an individual Geiger counter, which allows you to expand the method of performing the task, for example, with additional exercises to measure the background from any additional source. In addition, the measuring unit can be easily connected to a computer, which makes it possible to observe the shape of the pulses from the meter tube on the computer using a sound card. Since one of the concepts for the development of the nuclear workshop of the Faculty of Physics is the concept of a remote workshop in nuclear and particle physics, the simple combination of new installations with computer technology can be used in the future to create a remote workshop. Its main task is the ability to carry out the tasks of the nuclear workshop of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University and for students of other universities, directly in their laboratories, using an Internet connection.

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No. 4 [Physical education in universities, 2000]

Atomic nucleus. (2 hours). 5.7.1. Structure and phenomenological models of the nucleus. Nuclear reactions.<...>Radioactive transformations of atomic nuclei. Fission chain reaction. Problems of energy sources.<...>Atomic nucleus. Radioactivity. Nuclear reactions. V semester. First block. Working programm.<...>workshop<...>Guidelines for laboratory practical work in physics. Atomic physics.

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No. 4 [Physical education in universities, 2005]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Atomic prospects for the 21st century. //In the world of science, 2004, No. 12, p. 36. 99. Peaceful NE.<...>Nonlinear optics QUANTUM OPTICS Thermal radiation Quantum theory of interaction of radiation with matter ATOMIC<...>serial patterns in the spectrum of hydrogen is one of the mandatory work in the course of atomic<...>Studying serial patterns at the Atomic Workshop of Novosibirsk State University<...>Collection of laboratory works on Atomic Physics, NSU Publishing House-2005.

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No. 3 [Physical education in universities, 1997]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

in the process of teaching a course in general physics and in a number of special courses in statistical, molecular or atomic<...>Second work laboratory workshop "Computer visualization of crystal lattices and atomic structure<...>Gelchinsky), also arose as a development of scientific research on computer modeling of atomic<...>electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), which makes it possible to study the state of matter at the atomic<...>(1901-1976) and Dmitry Dmitrievich Ivanenko (b. 1904) put forward the proton-neutron theory of the structure of atomic

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No. 1 [Physical education in universities, 1996]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

ATOMIC PHYSICS 5.1 Thermal radiation K,O* 5.2 Wave-particle duality K,O* 5.3 Rutherford experiment<...>The first basic problem is the problem of the electronic properties of a one-dimensional atomic chain.<...>these models allow natural generalizations to two- and polyatomic periodic chains, where under the ^-atomic<...>in which electronic properties are considered in the above models for one and two and three atomic<...>It is difficult to begin the presentation with more complex issues of atomic physics, since the methodology and approaches

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Correction of cultural orientations of a secondary vocational school student in the process of studying humanities


"Cultural workshop", "Business communication workshop", "Game-based conceptual-criteria training<...>Workshop, as I confirm "!"<...>The content of the workshop is structured in four interconnected modules (“Personality subject and object<...>Methodology for determining the content of the psychological and cultural workshop "Culture of Business Communication"<...>Educational and methodological materials of the psychological and cultural workshop "Culture of Business Communication".

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Conclusions 1 In the Kurgan region, until 1965, almost all state farms were engaged in the production of commercial pork. Pig farming was characterized by a low level of concentration and specialization, based on manual labor. This led to high costs...

Workshop "on the organization" *_ value of livestock farming on state and collective farms "M, "Kolos", 1969. _ 3 "Feed is the basis



No. 3 [Physical education in universities, 2007]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

compared to those currently existing) can be achieved in the future using optical atomic<...>in which fields such as gravity and relativity have successfully merged with our sophisticated atomic<...>in an atom, is equal to If the intensity of a light wave incident on a solid substance (target) exceeds the atomic<...>To describe the interaction of a field with matter, the model of an atomic oscillator becomes unacceptable.<...>In practical terms, it was proposed to direct an atomic beam into space in which a standing

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No. 2 [Physical education in universities, 1997]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

(Vologda Polytechnic Institute) "Ultraviolet photodetector in physics workshop" and article<...>and new forms of work with students: in addition to generally accepted lectures, practical classes and laboratory workshops<...>The final link in the methodological chain of training is a laboratory workshop, which requires not only<...>own goals, coinciding with the goals of higher education, this task is no less urgent than, say, the splitting of the atomic<...>Within the framework of the second section, the content of the traditional laboratory physics workshop in

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No. 5 [Classroom management and education of schoolchildren (ID September 1), 2015]

Textbook and workshop » Galina Abramova.................................. 13 IDEAS CLASS HOUR Tips for<...>Textbook and workshop » We are starting to publish materials from the book of the publishing house "Urayt", dedicated to the main<...>Abramova A T O R S K I Y TEACHER Textbook and workshop. 2nd edition SELF-DETERMINATION to the best guide<...>Textbook and workshop "CLASS HOUR IDEAS Tested by experience. Tips for graduation Fathers and sons.

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No. 7 [Classroom management and education of schoolchildren (ID September 1), 2015]

Textbook and workshop » Galina Abramova.................................... 14 EXPERT OPINION Pros and cons<...>Textbook and workshop » This fragment is from a book by the Urayt publishing house, dedicated to basic concepts and categories<...>Textbook and workshop "EXPERT OPINION Ruler. Pros and cons IDEAS CLASS HOUR Reliance on experience.

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No. 1 [Physical education in universities, 2005]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Yamny 47 Light-sensitive charge-coupled devices in the atomic workshop of the Physics Faculty of Moscow State University<...>Smirnov outline the experience of using light-sensitive charge-coupled devices in a nuclear workshop<...>Т. 11, No. 1, 2005 Photosensitive charge-coupled devices in the atomic workshop of the Faculty of Physics<...>Financial support of SINP MSU, which supervises the atomic workshop for 3rd year students of the Faculty of Physics<...>

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No. 2 [Physical education in universities, 2003]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The experience of using photosensitive charge-coupled devices in a nuclear workshop is described in the article<...>Atom and atomic nucleus."<...>Financial support from SINP MSU, which supervises the nuclear workshop for students 3!<...>workshop<...>; spectra recorded on optical instruments of the atomic workshop and saved in text format are posted

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The technical characteristics, advantages, disadvantages and other features of the new laboratory workshop of the PHYWE company are discussed, which were discovered in the process of setting up, testing and carrying out control measurements on some laboratory installations of this company, which were received at the Department of General Physics of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. These laboratory works were intended for the “Atomic Physics” laboratory, in which students of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI study in the fifth semester.

Introduction In recent years, a modern physics workshop has been built at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI at the Department of General Physics<...>Description of new laboratory work performed in the “Electricity” laboratory of the physics workshop<...> <...> <...>Atomic workshop. Moseley's Law. Laboratory work No. 12. M.: MSU, 2006, 47 p. 9.


No. 4 [Physical education in universities, 2013]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Key words: laboratory of atomic physics, X-ray spectra, Planck's constant.<...>quantum mechanics and atomic physics.<...>Laboratory workshop of the general physics course. Section “Atomic Physics”: Textbook / Ed. V.V.<...>Atomic workshop. Moseley's Law. Laboratory work No. 12. M.: MSU, 2006, 47 p. 9.<...>Physics workshop.

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In 2009, it was one hundred years since the publication of the first manual for laboratory work in physics by Moscow University professor A.P. Sokolova. Since then, both at Moscow University and at other universities in our country and abroad, many laboratory works have been created devoted to the study of various physical phenomena and physical laws using a wide variety of methods. Based on materials from textbooks of various universities devoted to physics workshops, based on materials from publications in various journals, including the abstract journal “Physics”, books have been created at the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University, which contain information about laboratory work in mechanics, molecular physics, electricity and magnetism, optics, published over the past hundred years. This article presents a book that describes laboratory work on atomic and nuclear physics published over the years.

<...>Atomic and nuclear physics Vladimir Ivanovich Kozlov Moscow State University. M.V.<...>in atomic physics.<...>Physics workshop.<...>Atomic and nuclear physics 3. Kozlov V.I. Anthology of general physical practical work.


Improving teacher training based on the reflection of fundamental physical theory in a general physics course and a workshop on solving physical problems


“Physics of the atom, atomic nucleus and solid state” - and “Workshop on solving physical problems.” 7.<...>implementation of the functions of quantum mechanics in the process of independent work on the course “Physics, atom, atomic<...>functions of quantum mechanics in the course of general physics were analyzed by us in the program “Physics of the Atom, Atomic<...>manifests itself in the inability to apply conservation laws when solving problems from such branches of physics as atomic<...>classical mechanics was understood by only 35% of first and 23% of fifth year students, and the study of atomic phenomena

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Proceedings of the conference "Modern Physical Workshop", Moscow 2012

Computer modeling of fundamental experiments in atomic physics Krasnobokiy Yu.N., Tkachenko<...>Lecture and laboratory physical experiment in universities to register the atomic-molecular spectrum<...>COMPUTER SIMULATION OF FUNDAMENTAL EXPERIMENTS IN ATOMIC PHYSICS Krasnobokiy Yu.N., Tkachenko<...>As the first basic cluster, we took laboratory work in the “Atomic Physics” section using<...>In the general nuclear workshop, new tasks are created using purchased training equipment (tasks “X-ray

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CONCLUSIONS 1. The absorption of beta radiation in thin layers of matter was experimentally studied. Using constructed beta particle counters (T-25-BFL, flow counter with an open window, 4L counter), absorption curves of β-radiation C14, S33, Ca45, TI204, Sr90+Y90 were obtained. It was found that the absorption curves of p-radiation of the studied radioisotopes in the initial part (0-2 mg/cm2) differ significantly from the exponential, namely, there is a more pronounced absorption of p-particles. At zero thickness of the absorbing layer, the upward deviation of the curves from the extrapolated exponential is 15-25% and is more noticeable, the lower the energy of the p-spectrum. The effect is explained by the relative increase in the role of multiple scattering for the soft part of the p-spectrum when filtering radiation in thin layers. 2. The effect of non-exponential absorption of beta particles in thin layers of matter, discovered in the experiment, is of practical importance. For absolute measurements of beta activity using the end counter method. It has been established that the method used in this method of introducing a correction for the absorption of beta particles based on an exponential dependence leads to underestimated results and should be rejected...

FURMAN Research in the field of radiometry and dosimetry of beta radiation in connection with the use of nuclear technology<...>Based on 4 years of practical experience, a training manual “Workshop on the use of<...>Workshop on the use of isotopes and radiation in agriculture, issue I.<...>Workshop on the use of isotopes and radiation in agriculture, issue III.<...>Workshop on the use of isotopes and radiation in agriculture, issue III.



No. 4 [Physical education in universities, 1999]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Laboratory workshop in physics. Part I IV. Ryazan: RVVAIU, 1993.<...>The current installation for the workshop on atomic physics of the X-ray spectrometer is described.<...>Physics workshop, especially atomic and nuclear workshop, contains installations with sources of radioactive<...>& Kniga-Service Agency LLC Environmentally and physically safe devices in workshop 143 workshop<...>Each nuclear workshop installation consists of electrical and electronic devices, often high voltage

Preview: Physical education in universities No. 4 1999.pdf (0.1 Mb)


Proceedings of the conference "Modern Physical Workshop", Astrakhan 2008

Installations “Rosuchpribor” and “Vladis” in a laboratory workshop on atomic and nuclear physics I.A.<...>Particles and atomic nuclei. Workshop. Edited by B.S. Ishkhanov, 5th edition.<...>Let us verify this by the example of two works of the general physics workshop on the physics of the atomic nucleus and particles of Siberian Federal University<...>This work is intended for a laboratory workshop in atomic physics.<...>“Special physical workshop” special kopels are traditionally used in aviation, nuclear, and mechanical engineering

Preview: Proceedings of the conference Modern Physical Workshop, Astrakhan 2008.pdf (0.1 Mb)


The historical path of development of the laboratory workshop of the Department of Physics of MSTU is described. N.E. Bauman. The principles of constructing a modern physics workshop at a technical university are formulated. The implementation of these principles is considered using the example of the educational and laboratory complex of the Department of Physics of MSTU. N.E. Bauman - “House of Physics”, intended for training students of all faculties and specialties. The importance of the technical equipment of a modern laboratory workshop is shown for the high-quality mastery of a physics course, the study of modern methods for experimental research of physical phenomena and processes, the acquisition of practical skills based on innovative developments, and adaptation in the application of fundamental knowledge in solving applied and technical problems. The laboratory workshop for studying a course in general physics operates in conjunction with laboratories for students’ research work, which allows the department of physics to develop a three-stage system of laboratory workshops for students of all areas of training implemented at the university.

5Organization of a physics workshop at a technical university UDC 378.14 Organization of a physics workshop<...>Second-year students in the spring semester study quantum mechanics, atomic and nuclear physics, physics<...>Laboratory workshop on quantum mechanics, solid state physics, atomic and nuclear physics (responsible<...>metals and semiconductors; – physical principles of operation of solar batteries and calculation of their characteristics; – atomic<...>“Stirling Engine”, “Heat Pump” installations; – scanning tunneling microscope for studying atomic


Analytical chemistry: educational and methodological manual

Omsk State University

In each of them, the student must pass both a practical test and an oral exam.<...> <...>Methods for excitation of atomic spectra. 7. Methods for recording atomic spectra. 8.<...>Workshop on analytical chemistry / V.I. Vershinin, T.V. Antonova, S.V.<...>Atomic emission spectral analysis. 3. Atomic absorption analysis. Luminescent analysis. 4.


carrying out The features of the research bias of the laboratory workshop with

is about a research-oriented workshop.<...>This approach was implemented when studying the courses “Optics” and “Physics of the Atomic Nucleus” for students of physics and technology<...>Let us illustrate what has been said with two specific examples from physical workshops on optics and atomic<...>in atomic and nuclear physics.<...>Physical workshop on atomic and nuclear physics: Teaching method. allowance. Part 1 / Author: K.P.


No. 2 [Physical education in universities, 2016]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

in atomic physics.<...>Physics workshop.<...>Atomic and nuclear physics 3. Kozlov V.I. Anthology of general physical practical work.<...>Atomic physics.<...>Atomic physics. Workshop on problem solving: textbook. – Minsk: Vysh. Shk., 2010. – 455 p.

Preview: Physical education in universities No. 2 2016.pdf (3.0 Mb)


The use of the PowerGraph software in the laboratory work “Studying the sodium spectrum” of the physics workshop is considered. A diagram of the laboratory setup is provided. Sodium spectrograms obtained using a computer sound card are discussed.

63Experience of using universal software in the laboratory of atomic physics of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI UDC<...>378.14 Experience in using universal software in the atomic physics laboratory of the National Research Nuclear University<...>Key words: physics workshop, laboratory work, PowerGraph program, sodium spectrum. 1.<...>"Agency Kniga-Service" 65 Experience in using universal software in a nuclear laboratory<...>Laboratory workshop “Spectra of atoms and molecules”. Ed. Surkova V.V. M.: MEPhI, 2007.


The reasons and ways to create a scientific and educational center for the course of general physics at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI are discussed. A description of laboratory work performed on modern, rather complex educational and scientific equipment using computers is given, which allows lyceum students and students to use advanced technologies for conducting and processing the results of experiments in the course of general physics. Innovative laboratory work with remote execution tools is considered.

However, computerization of laboratory workshops alone cannot satisfy all requirements<...>equipment are works on holographic interferometry and probe (scanning tunnel and atomic<...>REC NFO) on the basis of innovative laboratory and research equipment Laboratory work "Atomic<...>Laboratory workshop “Atomic Physics” In the “Atomic Physics” section as a basic complex cluster<...>Modern physics workshop. Materials of the XI International educational and methodological conference,


No. 2 [Physical education in universities, 2010]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

“Atomic design” is the assembly of a ring of iron atoms on a silicon surface.<...>Atomic force microscope (AFM) The atomic force microscope (AFM) was created in 1986 by G. Binnig, K.<...>Atomic physics. Laboratory workshop /ed.<...>For gold, for example (Z = 79), only about 1% of the scattering is due to atomic electrons.<...>Atomic and nuclear physics / D.V. Sivukhin. – M.: FIZMATLIT, 2008. – 784 p. 3. Zhukovsky Yu.G.

Preview: Physical education in universities No. 2 2010.pdf (0.1 Mb)


Independent work with educational text on physics workshop

The workshop “Independent work with an educational text in physics” contains a special didactic apparatus that will help the reader independently organize the study of an academic discipline at all stages of working with educational information (before reading, during reading and after reading). The didactic apparatus includes specific hermeneutical techniques and principles, question-and-answer techniques, contextual method, special logical means, psychological and semiotic techniques.

K95 Independent work with educational text in physics: workshop / M.A.<...> <...>Atomic physics. Solid state physics.<...>Atomic physics. Solid state physics.<...>Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency 131 PRACTICUM M.A.

Preview: Independent work with educational text on physics.pdf (0.5 Mb)


Theoretical calculation of the X-ray diffraction pattern of a polycrystal: laboratory workshop.

the basics of methods for calculating theoretical diffraction patterns of polycrystals using computer structural crystallography are given. The necessary theoretical information is provided, the order of work is determined

is the atomic number, and Ф is the universal function of the atomic factor: Ф = f(sa), where s = λ θπsin4 ; a = 0.47<...>Brief description of PowderCell The workshop contains DOS and Windows versions of the program (directories pc18d and pcw10<...>The instructions below are sufficient to complete the laboratory work of the workshop.<...>The appendix to this workshop presents some menu functions (Russian translation of keywords)<...>extension *.cel for the following structures that will be used in this work and subsequent works of the workshop

Preview: Theoretical calculation of a polycrystal X-ray diffraction pattern laboratory workshop..pdf (0.2 Mb)


No. 4 [Physical education in universities, 2018]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Makhmudov 122 The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction and its application in laboratory workshop I.S.<...>Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5.<...>Laboratory workshop on general physics. - M., Phys. Fak. MSU, 2013, 23 p. 5. Kalashnikov S.G.<...>Quantum physics begins with atomic physics.<...>Atomic physics. Volume 1�2. Moscow. Atomizdat. 2008. 4. Matveev A.N. Atomic physics. Moscow.

Preview: Physical education in universities No. 4 2018.pdf (0.1 Mb)


No. 2 [Physical education in universities, 2015]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Physics workshop.<...>Atomic physics. Physics of the nucleus and elementary particles. / Ed. D.V.<...>Atomic and nuclear physics. Structure of matter. – M.: MIPT Publishing House, 2001. – 432 p. 5. G.P.<...>Shambadal), who published a small book on nuclear energy in 1958, and later (in 1963<...>Effective efficiency of a nuclear power plant // Atomic Energy. 1957. T. 6, No. 11. P. 305. 8.

Preview: Physical education in universities No. 2 2015 (1).pdf (5.3 Mb)


Problem-oriented physical workshops in the conditions of open education in the cycle of natural science disciplines. Theoretical aspects. Monograph.

The monograph examines the theoretical aspects of problem-oriented physical workshops, widely used in open education in the cycles of natural science disciplines. The first three chapters discuss methods for measuring physical quantities, measurement errors, and calculations of measurement errors. The next two chapters are devoted to theoretical problems that arise when conducting physical workshops on the ecology of electromagnetic effects and radiation ecology. The last chapter discusses issues that arise when studying problem-oriented physical workshops on acoustic and vibration ecology. The book will be useful to teachers, graduate students and students - future teachers of physics and technology.

energy, the share of nuclear power plants in the total energy balance of the planet will increase.<...>Atomic physics. Physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles. M.: Nauka, 528 p. 176.<...>Atomic physics. Solid state physics. Physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles.<...>Sivukhin D.V., General course in physics, volume 5, Atomic physics, part 1. M.: Nauka, 1986 – 416 p. 190.<...>Atomic physics. – M.: Education, 2007. – 240 p. 232. Chervova A.A.

Preview: Problem-oriented physical workshops in open education in the cycle of natural science disciplines. Theoretical aspects. Monograph..pdf (1.0 Mb)


The stages of development of MSTU are presented. N.E. Bauman - the first technical university in Russia. The foundations of the “Russian method of teaching crafts”, developed on the basis of the educational process of the MRUZ in 1873, are considered. The historical path of formation and development of the department of physics, one of the oldest departments of MSTU named after. N.E. Bauman, from the moment of creation to the present. The role of communication between the department and scientific research centers, academic institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the preparation of bachelors and masters in the field of training “Technical Physics” is shown. The main directions for the development of the educational process of the Department of Physics are formulated within the framework of training engineers of technical specialties of the university and the implementation of university-wide educational programs, which ensures the implementation of general cultural and general professional competencies provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education generation 3+ and the university’s own educational standards. The use of the basic principles of the “Russian method of training engineers” at the Department of Physics gives university graduates the opportunity to actively adapt to rapidly changing production conditions, successfully carry out professional activities, resolve problem situations, and apply fundamental knowledge when solving applied engineering problems.

student research work, three-stage practicum system.<...>development of the industrial complex of the USSR and Russia, the fundamentals of computer technology, radio communications, nuclear and atomic<...>2nd year students in the spring semester study quantum mechanics, atomic and nuclear physics, physics<...>solid state, atomic and nuclear physics.<...>The laboratory workshop of the second stage of training is based on the NIRS laboratory (2.


No. 3 [Physical education in universities, 2005]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Without touching on the future of nuclear power plants, let's not forget that there is no alternative to nuclear energy.<...>Superconducting toroid in the field of magnetic moments of its own atomic nuclei.<...>Introduction to atomic physics. - M.: Nauka, 1988. § 14.<...>Topic: “Atom and atomic nucleus, fission and synthesis of nuclei.” Task A28 (version No. 5).<...>Superconducting toroid in the field of magnetic moments of its own atomic nuclei.

Preview: Physical education in universities No. 3 2005.pdf (0.2 Mb)


A differentiated approach to teaching physics at BGARF is described

physics in BGARF A differentiated approach to teaching physics in BGARF is described Key words: physics workshop<...>Laboratory workshop is one of the most important means of increasing the level of training of bachelors and specialists<...>In particular, work on dosimetry was introduced into the laboratory workshop in the “Nuclear Physics” section<...>Atomic and nuclear physics" for future specialists, as well as for bachelors in the field of "Technosphere<...>Physical workshop on atomic and nuclear physics. Kaliningrad, KSU Publishing House. – 2002. – 99 p. 4.


No. 2 [Physical education in universities, 2018]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Dementieva UDC 539.184.28 Studying sections of atomic physics in a laboratory workshop at a technical university<...>physics and proposed an integrated approach to studying the properties of atomic structures in a laboratory workshop<...>when studying sections of quantum mechanics and atomic physics.<...>Atomic and nuclear physics. – M.: FIZMATLIT, 2008. 6. Shpolsky E.V. Atomic Physics. T. 1.<...>technical university workshop 8.

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In 2009, it was one hundred years since the publication of the first manual for laboratory work in physics by Moscow University professor A.P. Sokolova. Since then, both at Moscow University and at other universities in our country and abroad, many laboratory works have been created devoted to the study of various physical phenomena and physical laws using a wide variety of methods. Based on materials from the textbooks of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University and other universities dedicated to physics workshops, based on materials from publications in various journals, including the abstract journal "Physics", books have been created at the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University, which contain information about laboratory work in mechanics and molecular physics published over the past hundred years. This article presents a book that describes laboratory work on electricity and magnetism published over the years.

Kozlov UDC 53.372.8 On the history of the general physics workshop.<...>An experiment on the electrolysis of water has been proposed, allowing the measurement of seven atomic constants (Faraday number<...>, mass of an oxygen atom, mass of one atomic unit, Avogadro's number, Boltzmann's constant, universal<...>Phenomena in gases are also an object of study in the workshop.<...>Physics workshop.


No. 1 [Physical education in universities, 2015]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

through work in the field of lasers, electronics, particle physics, thermodynamics, magnetic resonance, atomic<...> <...>Thus, during the semester, students complete 9 laboratory works, in this case 6 in optics and 3 in atomic<...>physics for specialties in the information and mathematics areas of universities (section “Optics and atomic<...>Physics of the atomic nucleus and particles (qualification engineer-physicist - cosmo) and astrophysics, design and

Preview: Physical education in universities No. 2 2009.pdf (0.1 Mb)


Specialization "Analytical Chemistry": educational and methodological manual

Omsk State University

Basic principles of atomic spectroscopy.<...>Fundamentals of atomic absorption spectral analysis.<...>Atomic spectra. 2. Schemes of spectral devices. 3. Methods for excitation of atomic spectra. 4.<...>Atomic absorption spectral analysis. 5. Workshop plan. 5.1. Laboratory works. 1.<...>Workshop plan.


No. 4 [Physical education in universities, 2015]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Key words: interactive site, electronic resource, theory of atomic collisions.<...>Currently, a new course has been prepared in English “Introduction to the theory of atomic collisions”<...>Why the theory of atomic collisions?<...>Method of small radius potentials in atomic physics. – L.: Leningrad State University Publishing House, 1975. – 240 p.<...>Modern laboratory workshop on atomic and quantum physics // Bulletin of the IKBFU. AND.

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The article describes the technique for constructing amplitude spectra used in the nuclear workshop of the SINP MSU. The technology for combating noise signals that appear during equipment operation is discussed, and an overview of the methods used is given. It has been shown that analog-to-digital converters produce noise that cannot be considered purely random. Formulas are presented that are derived for use in digital filters that make it possible to increase the quality of processing signals coming from nuclear radiation detectors. Information is given about the wide capabilities of the created equipment and software for constructing 3D spectra. A link is provided on the Internet to one of the author's educational films.

95Methodology for constructing amplitude spectra in nuclear workshop UDC 53.088.6 Methodology for constructing amplitude spectra<...>This technique is now used in nuclear<...>educational and methodological commission of the Faculty of Physics of Omsk State University E45 Electricity and magnetism: Laboratory workshop<...>The workshop includes 3 laboratory works.<...>Workshop in Physics: Electricity and Magnetism / Ed. F. Nikolaev. M.: Higher. school, 1991. 2.<...>Thus, Faraday's law, together with the atomic theory of matter, leads to the idea of ​​atomic

Preview: Electricity and magnetism laboratory workshop. Part 2.pdf (0.2 Mb)


No. 2 [Physical education in universities, 2013]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Proceedings of the conference "Modern Physical Workshop", Volgograd 2006

On the experience of using the Rosuchpribor and Vladis installations in the laboratories of atomic and nuclear physics I.A.<...>sections: mechanics – 8, molecular physics and thermodynamics – 9, electromagnetism C18, optics – 13, atomic<...>Atomic physics, vol. 2, Nauka, M., 1974, p. 447. 2. Artsimovich L.A.<...>Carrying out this work in the laboratory of atomic physics introduces students to historical experiments,<...>in universities" S. D. On the experience of using the "Rosuchpribor" and "Vladis" installations in nuclear laboratories

Preview: Proceedings of the conference Modern Physics Workshop, Volgograd 2006.pdf (0.1 Mb)


Preview: Proceedings of the conference Modern Physical Workshop, Chelyabinsk 1997.pdf (0.4 Mb)


No. 2 [Physical education in universities, 2011]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

for atomic absorption, atomic emission and atomic fluorescence spectroscopy.<...> <...>Workshop on analytical chemistry. Analysis of food products: in 4 books.<...>Workshop on analytical chemistry. Analysis of food products: in 4 books.<...>Workshop on analytical chemistry. Analysis of food products: in 4 books.

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No. 4 [Physical education in universities, 2000]

Laboratory workshop. 1.<...>Laboratory workshop. 1.<...>Nuclear reactions. Radioactive transformations of atomic nuclei. Fission chain reaction.<...>Nuclear reactions. V semester. First block. Working programm. Section 6. Statistical physics 6.1.<...>workshop

Preview: Physical education in universities No. 4 2000.pdf (0.1 Mb)


No. 4 [Physical education in universities, 2005]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Cold nuclear fusion. Muon catalysis.<...>QUANTUM OPTICS Thermal radiation Quantum theory of interaction of radiation with matter ATOMIC AND NUCLEAR<...>Structure of atoms and molecules Quantum statistical distributions Macroscopic quantum phenomena Nuclear<...>The following blocks are made in the CAMAC standard and manufactured at the Institute of Nuclear Physics.<...>Physics workshop at school Leader: Vladimir Ivanovich NIKOLAEV, prof.

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No. 3 [Physical education in universities, 1997]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

which full-scale experiments are impossible either in principle (for example, the study of known regimes of chain nuclear<...>, optical spectroscopy, solid state and semiconductor physics, fundamentals of microelectronics, nuclear physics<...>Nuclear magnetic resonance in the earth's field. Publishing house of LolGU, 1967. 5. Lundin A.G., Fedin E.I.<...>general fundamental ideas about the wave and quantum properties of light, solid state and nuclear physics<...>Knyazev excimer and dyes, created with the help of the Institutes of Nuclear Physics and Theoretical and Applied

Preview: Physical education in universities No. 3 1997.pdf (0.2 Mb)


No. 1 [Physical education in universities, 1996]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

various branches of physics (MSU, Department of Physics); - computer laboratory work on the course "Atomic and nuclear<...>Particle-wave dualism K,O* 5.3 Rutherford experiment D,K,L* 5.4 Angular momentum operator K,0 5.5 Nuclear<...>5.11 Elements of solid state physics D, K 5.13 Hydrogen atom D, K 5.14 Ising model D, L 5.15 Elements of nuclear<...>This is, first of all, nuclear physics and events in the microworld.<...>One of the “islands” of CD-ROM implementation is currently the Department of General Physics and Nuclear Fusion

Preview: Physical education in universities No. 1 1996.pdf (0.1 Mb)


Correction of cultural orientations of a secondary vocational school student in the process of studying humanities


"Cultural workshop", "Business communication workshop", "Game-based conceptual-criteria training<...>Workshop, as I confirm "!"<...>The content of the workshop is structured in four interconnected modules (“Personality subject and object<...>Methodology for determining the content of the psychological and cultural workshop "Culture of Business Communication"<...>Educational and methodological materials of the psychological and cultural workshop "Culture of Business Communication".

Preview: Correction of cultural orientations of a secondary vocational school student in the process of studying the humanities.pdf (0.0 Mb)


Legal, organizational and financial foundations of countering terrorism workshop. Direction of training 40.03.01 – Jurisprudence. Profile: Criminal law. Graduate qualification – bachelor

publishing house NCFU

The workshop was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the educational standards of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education NCFU for the preparation of graduates to obtain the qualification “Bachelor”

NORTH CAUCASUS FEDERAL UNIVERSITY" LEGAL, ORGANIZATIONAL AND FINANCIAL FOUNDATIONS OF COUNTERING TERRORISM PRACTICUM<...>, economics and law) P 68 Legal, organizational and financial foundations of countering terrorism: workshop<...>The workshop was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the educational standards of the Federal State University of Higher Education "North Federal University" for the preparation<...>“Nuclear material” as a collective definition (Article 1) includes: a) “nuclear material” itself<...>Book-Service" 110 Educational publication LEGAL, ORGANIZATIONAL AND FINANCIAL FOUNDATIONS OF COUNTERING TERRORISM PRACTICUM

Preview: Legal, organizational and financial foundations of countering terrorism.pdf (0.9 Mb)




Conclusions 1 In the Kurgan region, until 1965, almost all state farms were engaged in the production of commercial pork. Pig farming was characterized by a low level of concentration and specialization, based on manual labor. This led to high costs...

Workshop "on the organization" *_ value of livestock farming on state and collective farms "M, "Kolos", 1969. _ 3 "Feed is the basis



No. 2 [Physical education in universities, 1997]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

(Vologda Polytechnic Institute) "Ultraviolet photodetector in physics workshop" and article<...>thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, vibrations and waves, fundamentals of quantum physics, solid state and nuclear physics<...>This problem is reflected in the concept of the “nuclear” model of physics education, according to which<...>The final link in the methodological chain of training is a laboratory workshop, which requires not only<...>based on the technical use of modern achievements in solid state physics, chemical physics, nuclear

Preview: Physical education in universities No. 2 1997.pdf (0.1 Mb)


No. 3 [Physical education in universities, 2007]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Krokhin in the early 60s of the last century, a microsphere (target) with nuclear fuel is irradiated by a multichannel<...>Modern teaching technologies in general physics workshop.<...>Chervyakov Commonwealth "MODERN PHYSICAL PRACTICUM",<...>Moreover, if we are talking about nuclear tests, large technological or socio-economic projects<...>Mathematical modeling specialists successfully completed the task; nuclear explosions

Preview: Physical education in universities No. 3 2007.pdf (0.2 Mb)


No. 5 [Classroom management and education of schoolchildren (ID September 1), 2015]

Textbook and workshop » Galina Abramova.................................. 13 IDEAS CLASS HOUR Tips for<...>Textbook and workshop » We are starting to publish materials from the book of the publishing house "Urayt", dedicated to the main<...>Abramova A T O R S K I Y TEACHER Textbook and workshop. 2nd edition SELF-DETERMINATION to the best guide<...>Textbook and workshop "CLASS HOUR IDEAS Tested by experience. Tips for graduation Fathers and sons.

Preview: Classroom management and education of schoolchildren (ID September 1) No. 5 2015.pdf (0.2 Mb)


No. 7 [Classroom management and education of schoolchildren (ID September 1), 2015]

Textbook and workshop » Galina Abramova.................................... 14 EXPERT OPINION Pros and cons<...>Textbook and workshop » This fragment is from a book by the Urayt publishing house, dedicated to basic concepts and categories<...>Textbook and workshop "EXPERT OPINION Ruler. Pros and cons IDEAS CLASS HOUR Reliance on experience.

Preview: Classroom management and education of schoolchildren (ID September 1) No. 7 2015.pdf (0.2 Mb)


No. 1 [Problems of economics and management of the oil and gas complex, 2013]

Economic problems of all areas of activity of the oil and gas complex, issues of corporate governance, analysis of the state and development trends of the oil market.

The definitions of “Nuclear Geophysics”, “Nuclear Gamma Resonance”, “Stratigraphic Stage”, etc. are given.

Preview: Problems of economics and management of the oil and gas complex No. 1 2013.pdf (0.7 Mb)


No. 3 [Russian Foreign Economic Bulletin, 2006]

The magazine, established by the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade in 1996, is an authoritative scientific, analytical, educational and methodological monthly publication in the field of foreign economic activity. The pages of the magazine touch on current problems of the world economy and international relations, discuss the most important issues for the state of Russia's export-import policy, increasing its competitiveness in various commodity markets. Among the authors of articles published in the journal are well-known scientists and highly competent specialists from many sectors of the economy of various regions and cities of Russia. The magazine actually became the center of attraction for foreign economic ideas throughout the country.

global security without the participation of the world's largest nuclear power, the Russian Federation?<...>cycle and, in particular, uranium enrichment for countries not included in the “nuclear club”.<...>at the same time ensure global nuclear security?<...>And, moreover, we are developing our nuclear deterrent complex.<...>But this is a weapon that can carry a nuclear charge.

Preview: Russian Foreign Economic Bulletin No. 3 2006.pdf (0.2 Mb)


No. 6 [USA and Canada: economics, politics, culture, 2018]

nuclear weapons in the first strike, strategic and tactical nuclear weapons.<...>from nuclear arsenals.<...>nuclear weapons and tactical nuclear weapons presuppose the retention of nuclear weapons as<...>Nuclear strategy D.<...>nuclear triad.

Preview: USA and Canada economy, politics, culture No. 6 2018.pdf (1.7 Mb)


The article describes the technique for constructing amplitude spectra used in the nuclear workshop of the SINP MSU. The technology for combating noise signals that appear during equipment operation is discussed, and an overview of the methods used is given. It has been shown that analog-to-digital converters produce noise that cannot be considered purely random. Formulas are presented that are derived for use in digital filters that make it possible to increase the quality of processing signals coming from nuclear radiation detectors. Information is given about the wide capabilities of the created equipment and software for constructing 3D spectra. A link is provided on the Internet to one of the author's educational films.

95Methodology for constructing amplitude spectra in nuclear workshop UDC 53.088.6 Methodology for constructing amplitude spectra<...>spectra in the nuclear workshop Dmitry Borisovich Chopornyak, Anatoly Vasilievich Somikov Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physics<...> <...> <...>


Proceedings of the conference "Modern Physical Workshop", Moscow 2012

workshop at Moscow University" (1Research Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University named after.<...>Workshop on digital electronics for students of the Department of Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University<...>special workshop on nuclear electronics.<...>nuclear physics.<...>ACCESS “EFMSB2” IN THE TASKS OF THE SPECIAL NUCLEAR WORKSHOP RINP MSU Silaev A.A.

Preview: Proceedings of the conference Modern Physics Workshop, Moscow 2012.pdf (0.1 Mb)


In 2009, it was one hundred years since the publication of the first manual for laboratory work in physics by Moscow University professor A.P. Sokolova. Since then, both at Moscow University and at other universities in our country and abroad, many laboratory works have been created devoted to the study of various physical phenomena and physical laws using a wide variety of methods. Based on materials from textbooks of various universities devoted to physics workshops, based on materials from publications in various journals, including the abstract journal “Physics”, books have been created at the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University, which contain information about laboratory work in mechanics, molecular physics, electricity and magnetism, optics, published over the past hundred years. This article presents a book that describes laboratory work on atomic and nuclear physics published over the years.

<...> <...> <...>Physics workshop.<...>


No. 2 [Physical education in universities, 2013]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Sergeeva 95 Methodology for constructing amplitude spectra in nuclear workshop D.B. Chopornyak, A.V.<...>workshop UDC 53.088.6 Methodology for constructing amplitude spectra in nuclear workshop Dmitry Borisovich<...>Keywords: nuclear workshop, coincidence patterns, noise control, interactive educational films.<...>This technique is now being used in the nuclear workshop of the SINP MSU.<...>We have created various versions of teaching aids for the tasks of the nuclear workshop.

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No. 2 [Posev, 1990]

Social and political magazine. Published since November 11, 1945, published by the publishing house of the same name. The motto of the magazine is “God is not in power, but in truth” (Alexander Nevsky). The frequency of the magazine has changed. Initially published as a weekly publication, for some time it was published twice a week, and from the beginning of 1968 (number 1128) the magazine became monthly.

What could be more dangerous than a nuclear superpower engulfed in anarchy?<...>There is also disagreement on the issue of nuclear war. While M.<...>Gorbachev assures that there is no and cannot be protection from nuclear weapons: “It must be admitted that there is no such<...>"an earthly or cosmic roof under which one could burrow if a nuclear thunderstorm broke out."<...>The reason given is “nuclear tests in the atmosphere in the Far North of the country in 1950-60.”

Preview: Seeding No. 2 1990.pdf (0.6 Mb)


No. 2 [Current problems of economics and law, 2010]

Federal peer-reviewed journal “Current Problems of Economics and Law” is a scientific and information-analytical publication in the field of economic and legal sciences. The journal publishes scientific, informational and analytical articles and materials on current issues in economics and legal sciences.

Workshop: textbook. allowance. – M.: KNORUS, 2007 – 400 p. The editorial staff received the material on 04/27/10.<...>This is how a phenomenon called the “nuclear renaissance” arose.<...>to the creation of nuclear weapons.<...>International legal authority of the Treaty on Nuclear Disarmament (1968) and the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear<...>International law on notification of a nuclear accident and on the exchange of information on nuclear installations).

Preview: Current problems of economics and law No. 2 2010.pdf (1.3 Mb)


Proceedings of the conference "Modern Physical Workshop", Astrakhan 2008

Installations “Rosuchpribor” and “Vladis” in a laboratory workshop on atomic and nuclear physics I.A.<...>New tasks of the general nuclear workshop of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosova S.B.<...>Lomonosov General nuclear workshop of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University is carried out annually by more than 400 students<...>“Nuclear Physics” K.T.<...>in nuclear physics.

Preview: Proceedings of the conference Modern Physical Workshop, Astrakhan 2008.pdf (0.1 Mb)


No. 2 [Physical education in universities, 2016]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Atomic and nuclear physics Vladimir Ivanovich Kozlov Moscow State University. M.V.<...>Electrons in a nuclear experiment.<...>in nuclear physics, when each student completes a cycle of work on nuclear physics on the same installation<...>Physics workshop.<...>Atomic and nuclear physics 3. Kozlov V.I. Anthology of general physical practical work.

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No. 1 [Physical education in universities, 2005]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Philip 41 Universal laboratory complex for nuclear spectrometry E.A. Avdanina, M.D.<...>Yamny Department of Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Physics, Belarusian State University Ave.<...>The subjects studied are a special laboratory for nuclear spectroscopy.<...>Experimental nuclear physics. T. 1, Nauka, M, 1984.<...>Research Institute of Nuclear Physics named after. D.V.

Preview: Physical education in universities No. 1 2005.pdf (0.1 Mb)


A differentiated approach to teaching physics at BGARF is described

In particular, work on dosimetry was introduced into the laboratory workshop in the “Nuclear Physics” section<...>The section “Nuclear Physics” is not studied enough at our university, since according to the program for technical students<...>Atomic and nuclear physics" for future specialists, as well as for bachelors in the field of "Technosphere<...>Nuclear physics. M., Science. –1972. – 672 p. 3. Kornev K.P., Korneva I.P., Pets A.V.<...>Physical workshop on atomic and nuclear physics. Kaliningrad, KSU Publishing House. – 2002. – 99 p. 4.


No. 1 [Physical education in universities, 2004]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Yakut 71 Universal laboratory workshop on nuclear physics E.A. Avdanina, M.D. Dezhurko, I.Ya.<...>Laboratory physics workshop on nuclear physics is an integral part of the course of general nuclear physics<...>Workshop on nuclear physics. – M.: Higher School, 1975. 6. Kalashnikova V.I., Kozodaev M.S.<...>Laboratory workshop on experimental methods of nuclear physics./Ed. Finogenova K.<...>Workshop on nuclear physics. – Kazan: Kazan University Publishing House, 1985. 13.

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No. 3 [Physical education in universities, 2014]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Second-year students in the spring semester study quantum mechanics, atomic and nuclear physics, physics<...>Laboratory workshop on quantum mechanics, solid state physics, atomic and nuclear physics (responsible<...>Kozhevnikov, Professor of the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (Frascati) S.B.<...>Electromagnetic disturbances during underground nuclear explosions / Sat.<...>Nuclear explosion in space, on earth and underground. (Electromagnetic pulse of a nuclear explosion).

Preview: Physical education in universities No. 3 2014 (1).pdf (3.8 Mb)




CONCLUSIONS 1. The absorption of beta radiation in thin layers of matter was experimentally studied. Using constructed beta particle counters (T-25-BFL, flow counter with an open window, 4L counter), absorption curves of β-radiation C14, S33, Ca45, TI204, Sr90+Y90 were obtained. It was found that the absorption curves of p-radiation of the studied radioisotopes in the initial part (0-2 mg/cm2) differ significantly from the exponential, namely, there is a more pronounced absorption of p-particles. At zero thickness of the absorbing layer, the upward deviation of the curves from the extrapolated exponential is 15-25% and is more noticeable, the lower the energy of the p-spectrum. The effect is explained by the relative increase in the role of multiple scattering for the soft part of the p-spectrum when filtering radiation in thin layers. 2. The effect of non-exponential absorption of beta particles in thin layers of matter, discovered in the experiment, is of practical importance. For absolute measurements of beta activity using the end counter method. It has been established that the method used in this method of introducing a correction for the absorption of beta particles based on an exponential dependence leads to underestimated results and should be rejected...

on the family farm. " , " . ": The widespread use of radioactive isotopes and nuclear<...>Based on 4 years of practical experience, a training manual “Workshop on the use of<...>Testing of nuclear radiation counters of type T-25-BFL; using an automatic device.<...>Workshop on the use of isotopes and radiation in agriculture, issue I.<...>Development of an automatic device for testing nuclear radiation counters of the T-25-BFL type.



No. 4 [Physical education in universities, 2006]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Introduction to the workshop on general and experimental physics.<...>The idea of ​​a differentiated approach to learning is also implemented by a laboratory workshop and a computer workshop.<...>About the computer laboratory workshop of the Department of Physics of the Moscow Aviation Institute.<...>One of them is organizing a laboratory workshop.<...>This is especially true for laboratory work in nuclear physics.

Preview: Physical education in universities No. 4 2006.pdf (0.2 Mb)


The stages of development of MSTU are presented. N.E. Bauman - the first technical university in Russia. The foundations of the “Russian method of teaching crafts”, developed on the basis of the educational process of the MRUZ in 1873, are considered. The historical path of formation and development of the department of physics, one of the oldest departments of MSTU named after. N.E. Bauman, from the moment of creation to the present. The role of communication between the department and scientific research centers, academic institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the preparation of bachelors and masters in the field of training “Technical Physics” is shown. The main directions for the development of the educational process of the Department of Physics are formulated within the framework of training engineers of technical specialties of the university and the implementation of university-wide educational programs, which ensures the implementation of general cultural and general professional competencies provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education generation 3+ and the university’s own educational standards. The use of the basic principles of the “Russian method of training engineers” at the Department of Physics gives university graduates the opportunity to actively adapt to rapidly changing production conditions, successfully carry out professional activities, resolve problem situations, and apply fundamental knowledge when solving applied engineering problems.

student research work, three-stage practicum system.<...>directions of development of the industrial complex of the USSR and Russia, the fundamentals of computer technology, radio communications, nuclear<...>metallurgy, technologies for creating aircraft, radio (engineering, electronics, energy, including nuclear<...>2nd year students in the spring semester study quantum mechanics, atomic and nuclear physics, physics<...>solid state, atomic and nuclear physics.


No. 3 [Physical education in universities, 2005]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The 20th century went down in human history as the “century of nuclear energy.”<...>Laboratory workshop in physics. Part III. Optics.<...>Nuclear physics. � Kstovo: NFVIU, 2004. � 118 p. 4. Chandaeva S.A. , Vybornov F.I.<...>Laboratory workshop in physics. Molecular physics.<...>// Modern physical workshop.

Preview: Physical education in universities No. 3 2005.pdf (0.2 Mb)


An overview of the history of the creation and development of the student research laboratory (SRW) is given; the main directions of activity of the SRW hall of the Department of Physics of MSTU are considered. N.E. Bauman. The volume and variety of topics of laboratory work correspond to various areas of modern physics and its applications, which allows students to actively participate in the educational activities of the university. In the transition from a traditional laboratory workshop to a workshop with elements of scientific and technical research, a qualitatively higher level of training of future specialists is ensured.

During the transition from a traditional laboratory workshop to a workshop with elements of scientific and technical research<...> <...>consisting of a general workshop on all sections of the general physics course and a workshop with elements of scientific<...> <...>


M.: Publishing house of MSTU im. N.E. Bauman

An overview of the history of the creation of the student research laboratory (SRW) is given; the main directions of activity of the SRW hall of the Physics Department of MSTU are considered. N.E. Bauman. The volume and variety of topics of laboratory work correspond to various areas of modern physics and its applications, which allows students to actively participate in the educational activities of the university. In the transition from a traditional laboratory workshop to a workshop with elements of scientific and technical research, a qualitatively higher level of training of future specialists is ensured.

In the transition from a traditional laboratory workshop to a workshop with elements of scientific and technical research<...>laws, phenomena and effects in the field of mechanics (impact processes), electromagnetism, optics, quantum and nuclear<...>consisting of a general workshop on all sections of the general physics course and a workshop with elements of scientific research<...>Workshop on the course of general physics.<...>Determination of the energy of the primary particle in high-energy nuclear interactions using the method of nuclear photoemulsions


carrying out The features of the research bias of the laboratory workshop with

is about a research-oriented workshop.<...>and nuclear physics, implemented at IKBFU.<...>in atomic and nuclear physics.<...>Organization of a physical workshop in modern conditions.<...>Physical workshop on atomic and nuclear physics: Teaching method. allowance. Part 1 / Author: K.P.


No. 3 [Physical education in universities, 2011]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

“Nuclear winter” and whether there was anything similar in the history of the Earth. 29.<...>radiation of isotopes 40 19 K and 90 38 Sr with matter in a laboratory workshop Laboratory workshops on<...>This is much better than no nuclear physics experiments at all!<...>Workshop on nuclear physics [Text] / O.F. Kabardin. – M.: Education, 1965. – 215 p. 4.<...>Nuclear energy. – 2010, N 1, P. 146. 6. Freyberg G.N.

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Independent work with educational text on physics workshop

The workshop “Independent work with an educational text in physics” contains a special didactic apparatus that will help the reader independently organize the study of an academic discipline at all stages of working with educational information (before reading, during reading and after reading). The didactic apparatus includes specific hermeneutical techniques and principles, question-and-answer techniques, contextual method, special logical means, psychological and semiotic techniques.

K95 Independent work with educational text in physics: workshop / M.A.<...>Nuclear reactions. 2 Laboratory workshop 1 Introductory LR “Sanitary standards for working with radioactive drugs<...>strength; charge independence of nuclear forces; non-centrality of nuclear forces; nuclear force saturation property<...>Learn to analyze the features of nuclear forces.<...>Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency 131 PRACTICUM M.A.

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No. 2 [Physical education in universities, 2015]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Physics workshop.<...>Physics workshop. Ed. 2. M.L., 1926. 7. Yakovlev K.I. Physics workshop. T. 2. M.<...>Atomic and nuclear physics. Structure of matter. – M.: MIPT Publishing House, 2001. – 432 p. 5. G.P.<...>The “revision” of the value of η in the mid-50s of the 20th century was due to the development of nuclear energy<...>What is the meaning of negative energy from a nuclear reaction?

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Lecture notes on history

Publishing house PGUTI

The purpose of this summary is to assist students in organizing independent study of educational material in the discipline “National History”. This work can be useful not only in the study of history, but also other socio-economic and humanitarian disciplines.

was put at risk by the irresponsible actions of politicians and the military of the Cold War escalating into a nuclear one<...>The world was on the brink of a nuclear conflict.<...>The USSR and the USA put their signatures on the treaty banning nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere, under<...>Reagan decided to deploy medium-range nuclear cruise missiles in Western Europe<...>The Soviet Union, in agreement with the governments of Czechoslovakia and the German Democratic Republic, deployed its nuclear missiles in these countries

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No. 2 [Physical education in universities, 2004]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

publishing house NCFU

The manual presents a laboratory workshop developed in accordance with the discipline program and educational standard. Intended for students studying in the specialty 21.05.03 Geological exploration technology (specialization “Geophysical methods of well exploration”, graduate qualification - mining geophysicist), as well as for graduate students, geophysicists and geologists of industrial, scientific, and educational institutions.

<...>To eliminate these secondary discharges that are not associated with the entry of a new nuclear particle into the counter, more often<...>Scintillation counters in nuclear geology and geophysics are used to register γ-quanta, less often<...>As is known, information comes directly from nuclear radiation detectors in analog form.<...>The gold layer on the surface must be thin so that detected nuclear signals can pass through it freely.

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No. 3 [Physical education in universities, 2015]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The paper discusses the use of a computerized installation in a laboratory workshop in general physics to study the energy spectra of low-activity radioactive gamma sources. The basic principles of gamma spectrometry are described and recommendations are given for using the installation in a laboratory workshop in a general physics course.

47Computer scintillation gamma spectrometry in a laboratory workshop in general physics UDC 539.1.074.3<...>Yuryev The computer simulation method has become particularly widespread among laboratory work on nuclear<...>In addition to the fact that the laboratory facilities themselves on nuclear physics topics are quite expensive, we need<...>spectrometry The main task of gamma spectrometry is to determine the energy of gamma rays that make up the nuclear<...>Laboratory workshop on general physics. The quantum physics. – M.: Fizmatkniga, 2012. 7.


The study of many engineering disciplines is based on the practical development of methods and techniques of work, both on real equipment and on specially created stands or simulators, for the development of which it is necessary to use special methods and technologies.

The laboratory workshop (LP) discussed in this work was created to conduct classes on the topic<...>Zolotarev, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor of the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI",<...>Sabirov, student of the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", Moscow N. A.<...>Shevchenko, st. Lecturer at the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI",<...>Shuvalov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor of the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI",


Conducting negotiations. manual (workshop)

publishing house NCFU

The manual includes modern scientific approaches to the negotiation process, as well as a number of topics devoted to the national characteristics of the negotiation process. The workshop pays attention to the concept of political negotiations as the art of drawing up stratagems, identifies the features of the “hard” and “soft” negotiating styles, indicates options for “hard bargaining”, the advantages and disadvantages of the “hard” and “soft”, “Harvard” styles of negotiations, a comparison of Western and Eastern cultures of political negotiations is given, and the features of mediation are given.

For example, the stage-by-stage six-party negotiations on the nuclear program, which have been regularly resumed since 2003<...>As you know, Japan is actively participating in negotiations to discuss the North Korean nuclear program.<...>He spoke no less provocatively at the first stages of the six-party negotiations on the settlement of the nuclear war.<...>This stratagem was played out by the Iranian president during political negotiations on the Iranian nuclear program<...>) 111 call to strengthen its position on the further development of the nuclear program.

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Organization of a home physics experiment in the conditions of pre-professional training of students in secondary school: educational and methodological manual

The material presented in the work makes it possible to organize a home physics experiment in a secondary school, taking into account such modern trends in the modernization of domestic education as profiling and informatization.

(8.2.2); problem-solving workshops (8.2.3); technical modeling workshops (8.2.4);<...>Test the “Nuclear Transformations” model (see Fig. 22).<...>Model “Nuclear Transformations” 4.2. Rutherford's experiments. Planetary model of the atom 4.2.1.<...>Nuclear reactions 4.4.1. Test the First Artificial Nuclear Reaction model (see Figure 25).<...>Model “The first artificial nuclear reaction” 6.2.

nuclear fuel.<...>The nuclear fuel is now ready for use in a nuclear reactor.<...>The last stage of the nuclear fuel cycle is the disposal of radioactive waste.<...>Workshop on ecology. – M.: JSC MDS, 1996. 3. Ashikhmina T. Ya.Preview: Workshop on human ecology for students in the training of technology teachers Proc. Manual.pdf (0.3 Mb)


In 2009, it was one hundred years since the publication of the first manual for laboratory work in physics by Moscow University professor A.P. Sokolova. Since then, both at Moscow University and at other universities in our country and abroad, many laboratory works have been created devoted to the study of various physical phenomena and physical laws using a wide variety of methods. Based on materials from the textbooks of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University and other universities dedicated to physics workshops, based on materials from publications in various journals, including the abstract journal "Physics", books have been created at the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University, which contain information about laboratory work in mechanics and molecular physics published over the past hundred years. This article presents a book that describes laboratory work on electricity and magnetism published over the years.

Kozlov UDC 53.372.8 On the history of the general physics workshop.<...>magnetometer, Rogowski coil, magnetic needle oscillations, measuring coil with current, Hall effect, nuclear<...>Of interest are works that study resonance effects - paramagnetic, ferromagnetic and nuclear<...>Phenomena in gases are also an object of study in the workshop.<...>Physics workshop.


As part of a laboratory workshop on gas dynamics created at SarFTI NRNU MEPhI, a model of the dynamics of the simplest thermonuclear target for ITS was developed. The model uses the internal energy of the air in the environment as a driver. Due to the safety of the model, working with it does not require special permissions. Key words: workshop on gas dynamics, dynamics of a thermonuclear target, ITS,

Key words: workshop on gas dynamics, dynamics of a thermonuclear target, ITS, “atmospheric” shock tube<...>One of the laboratory works of the workshop allows you to get an idea of ​​the dynamics of the simplest thermonuclear<...>Nuclear fusion with inertial confinement: current state and prospects for energy.<...>studying problems of non-stationary gas dynamics // Sat. abstracts of the conference “Scientific session MEPhI 2009” vol. 1 “Nuclear<...>studying the processes of energy cumulation.// Sat. abstracts of the conference “Scientific session MEPhI 2009” vol. 1 “Nuclear


No. 2 [Physical education in universities, 1996]

This journal is the only one that covers all current issues in teaching physics at universities, and, we hope, it will become the main means of communication between physics departments at universities in the CIS countries. The editor-in-chief of the journal is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor at MEPhI, scientific director of the Higher School named after. N.G. Basova NRNU MEPhI O.N. Krokhin. Main sections of the magazine 1. Conceptual and methodological issues of teaching a general course in physics at a university, technical school, or college. 2. Issues of teaching a course in general physics at technical universities. 3. Modern laboratory workshop in physics. 4. Demonstration lecture experiment. 5. Information technologies in physics education. 6. Issues of teaching the general course of physics in pedagogical universities and special secondary educational institutions. 7. Current practice in small-scale physics experiment. 8. Connection of the general physics course with other disciplines. 9. Integration of Higher School and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

It represents the educational and methodological basis for practical classes in the discipline “World Politics”, which is a mandatory federal component of the state educational standard for the specialty “International Relations”. It can be used as an integral part of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline “World Politics and International Relations”, which is a mandatory federal component of the state educational standard for the specialty “Political Science”.

Kozlov WORLD POLITICS Workshop Vladivostok Publishing House VGUES 2011 1 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM &<...>The workshop is guided by the theoretical provisions of the textbook by M.M.<...>Half of the questions in this test are based on tasks from the presented workshop.<...>Denuclearization - stopping the development of nuclear weapons or destroying existing nuclear weapons<...>nuclear weapons (NPT) and IAEA security measures.

Preview: World Politics Workshop.pdf (1.4 Mb)

The workshop is open: TUESDAY, THURSDAY from 10-00 to 15-00.

Registration for tasks is made only on the days of the workshop from 12-00 to 13-30 in the office. 5-08.

Registration for the next task is not made if there is a debt on the previous ones (more than one has not been submitted). Tasks that are not submitted within a month after their completion are canceled.

Students who are more than 10 minutes late will not be allowed to start work.

1. OYaF students are required to complete 10 tasks in a special workshop: 5 tasks in the VI semester and 5 tasks in the VII semester.

2. Students are allowed to work in the workshop only after passing safety exams when working with radioactive radiation and high voltage.

3. Students are required to have internship books with them. Those who do not have internship books will not be allowed to work.

4. Before completing the task, the student must obtain permission to work from the teacher.

5. Experimental data of laboratory work performed using computers are stored in the computer memory under the student’s personal identifier until credit is received; the absence of this data in the computer indicates that the task was not performed.

Experimental data from laboratory work performed without the use of computers is recorded on special forms, which are signed by the teacher upon completion of the work. In both cases, the internship record book must contain a note about the completion of the work.

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