Bakhchisarai methodological department - mathematics, physics, chemistry. Speech at a seminar for physics teachers “creative interdisciplinary connections” How to organize a training seminar in a physics lesson

On October 31-November 1, school No. 5 hosted a seminar for physics teachers in the city of Sergach and the Sergach region “Current problems of teaching physics in the conditions of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.”

Professors from Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow State University, Leningrad State University, Moscow State Pedagogical University, experienced teachers, and employees of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Education took part in the development of the standard. The main thing that the developers of the new standard paid attention to was an integrated approach and the interrelation of the main didactic units with each other. Physics, like chemistry or biology, is a very integral subject, having a certain foundation, a foundation that cannot be destroyed. And this foundation was preserved. Today, the path has been chosen to reduce the number of hours spent studying natural science subjects. This affected physics to a lesser extent than other subjects (for example, only an hour a week was left for biology and geography in high school, two hours for physics), but it still affected it. In the new standard, the study of any physical phenomenon must go through the following stages: observation and description of the phenomenon; measurement of physical quantities; independent conduct of simple experiments and experiments to identify the basic properties of the phenomenon; practical application of physical knowledge; explanation of the operating principle of a physical device. And the study of thermal phenomena is based on these same blocks, and the study of the electromagnetic field is based on them. This is the activity approach - observation, description, measurement of physical phenomena. What is also new here is that an important goal of the physics standards is for students to master scientific methods for studying nature.

This didn't happen before. After all, now training is organized so that children learn to conduct research on their own, and not just get acquainted with the results of others. There is a well-known biblical wisdom: “It is better to teach a man to fish than to bring him a fish every time.” Students must see for themselves the correctness of the laws once discovered by scientists. Can they do it? They can. Because modern school instruments for studying physics, no matter how bad they are, are still much better than those used, for example, by Newton or Faraday. Children themselves can carry out measurements, conduct experiments and independently discover the same laws for themselves. Of course, I would like the standard to reflect the basic elements of knowledge and not destroy physics education, which we are rightfully proud of. At the same time, the standard should be activity-based, personality-oriented, aimed at mastering the methods of scientific knowledge. The requirements for the material being studied should be as close as possible to practice, to everyday life, and at the same time should form a holistic picture of the world in students. On the other hand, we constantly say that children in schools are overloaded and have difficulty learning new material. The essence of the solution to the problem of overload is to divide the material in the standard into two parts - mandatory, included in the main framework and included in the requirements for the level of training of graduates, and material to be studied, but not included in these requirements. The latter is in italics in the standards. Of course, less attention will be paid to these topics, but they do not need to be covered in detail. There is no need, for example, to study the structure of the generator in detail, although it is worth talking about it in general terms (for example, hang up a table, talk about the main components of the generator). The main thing is that schoolchildren learn that the principle of operation of the generator is the law of electromagnetic induction. This is exactly what will be asked during the final certification.

The standard defines the boundaries of learning within such limits that children do not experience overload, but children learn from textbooks and not from standards. If the author of a textbook increases the volume of material several times compared to the standards, then overload is inevitable. It turned out that the number of concepts in textbooks is almost three times higher than the number recommended in the standard. Of course, the textbook should exceed the standard in volume, focus on further development, provide more examples - but within reasonable limits! But so far, the authors of textbooks do not take into account the restrictions established in the standards on the number of concepts introduced and write what they please. In my opinion, standards should define not only the lower limit (minimum knowledge), but also the upper one. It makes sense to limit the amount of additional material to at least 30% of the required minimum, and to mark those tasks that go beyond the requirements for the level of graduates to avoid overloading students. What should a teacher do? Use old textbooks while new ones are being developed and tested experimentally, taking into account the requirements of the new standard.
– Training in basic and specialized classes has different goals. If in basic classes the emphasis is on studying physics as an element of general culture, on the formation of a physical picture of the world, then in specialized classes an in-depth course is offered, designed to continue education in physical and technical specialties. This is a completely different level and a different number of hours. Concepts marked as additional in the basic standard are mandatory in specialized classes.
For classes with in-depth study of physics (6 hours or more per week), standards will not be developed. The Ministry of Education approves a program according to which textbooks and educational materials are created.
A separate situation has developed with humanities classes. In these classes, the study of physics, chemistry and biology is not provided at all. But the educational field “Natural Science” has been introduced, synthesizing knowledge in physics, chemistry and biology. We have developed a standard for natural science. The purpose of this course is to systematize and generalize students’ knowledge in these subjects, combining them into a holistic picture of the world. But there are certain difficulties in its implementation: there are no appropriate personnel and textbooks. There are few teachers who know all three subjects together at the proper level. The topics for advanced training courses in the Institute of Industrial and Industrial Education and in pedagogical universities have not yet been developed. Therefore, most likely, for now, instead of natural science, physics, chemistry and biology will be taught separately (an hour a week for each subject or 2 hours if it is possible to add hours from the school component).

Criteria-based assessment

Certificate on the results of monitoring the state of chemistry teaching in the public organization of the Bakhchisarai region

Certificate on the results of monitoring the state of mathematics teaching in OO Bakhchisarai district

Workshop on chemistry

On December 6, 2019, on the basis of the MBOU "Bakhchisarai Secondary School No. 2" took place with seminar-workshopchemistry teachers of the Bakhchisarai district on the topic: “Lesson of developmental control in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.”

The open lesson was conducted by O.I. Galkina, a chemistry teacher at Bakhchisarai Secondary School No. 2, and A.A. Tomchak presented a master class on the topic of the seminar. (MBOU "Kuibyshev Secondary School named after N.T. Khrustalev."

Modern lesson - territory of success

On November 25, 2019, on the basis of the MBOU “Bakhchisaray Secondary School No. 1”, a visiting seminar for mathematics teachers of the Bakhchisaray region was held on the topic: “Models of modern lessons. The modern lesson is the territory of success.”

The seminar participants were welcomed by the school director S.V. Bundina.

Open lessons were conducted by mathematics teachers from G.A. Akhtemov’s school. (geometry grade 10 “Tetrahedron”) and Vereshchenko T.V. (algebra 11th grade “Tangent Equations”).

Mathematics teachers of the district took part in the training “Pedagogical techniques for creating a situation of success”, which was conducted by Vereshchenko T.V.

The seminar was held at a high methodological level.

Biology Seminar

On November 20, 2019, on the basis of the MBOU “Bakhchisaray Secondary School No. 5 with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages ​​of instruction”, a visiting seminar for biology teachers of the Bakhchisaray region was held on the topic: “Development of a strategy for semantic reading and working with text in biology classes.”

The seminar participants were welcomed by the school director D.F. Kurtametova.

Open lesson in 10th grade “Cell structure. General plan of the structure of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells” was conducted by biology teacher Seidametova Z.E.

Teachers Yampol N.V. (MBOU "Verkhorechenskaya Secondary School") and Goncharenko E.A. (MBOU "Nauchnenskaya Secondary School") conducted master classes with seminar participants.

The seminar was held at a high methodological level.

Workshop for physics teachers

October 11, 2019 On the basis of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Crimean Boarding Gymnasium for Gifted Children" a visiting seminar-workshop for physics teachers was held on the topic: "Application of developmental education technology in physics lessons to realize the creative potential of students." The students of the gymnasium warmly welcomed the seminar participants and gave a tour of the gymnasium. The gymnasium was presented by director Yu.A. Tulaev. Physics teacher O.M. Golovko spoke to the participants of the seminar. “Organization of multi-level research work when conducting front-line laboratory work,” showed a fragment of a lesson in grade 8 - A “Elements of developmental training when conducting an oral survey.” Physics teacher MBOU "Nauchnenskaya Secondary School" Kryzhko V.B. conducted a master class with 10th grade students. The subject game “Physical Combat” (a personal-team competition among high school students in the ability to solve complex research and scientific problems, convincingly present their solutions, and defend them in scientific discussions) aroused keen interest and a desire to take part in it.

The seminar was held at a high methodological level.

August 27, 2019 Instructional and methodological meetings of teachers of mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, and biology were held on the basis of the MBOU "Gymnasium". At the meetings, a report was heard on the work done by the RMO of teachers of science and mathematics subjects, an analysis of the work for the 2018/2019 academic year, the results of the academic year, and the results of the State Examination Test in grades 9 and 11 were reviewed and analyzed. The goals and objectives of the RMO have been determined, and a work plan (separately by subject) for the 2019/2020 academic year has been approved. The features of teaching subjects in the 2019/2020 academic year were studied with teachers.

On May 4, 2019, on the basis of the MBOU "Gymnasium" was heldIIImunicipal intellectual tournament for the Small Cup of the natural history magazine “Spikelet” among students of 7th and 8th grades of educational organizations of the Bakhchisaray region of the Republic of Crimea.

The game was attended by 8 teams from 7 schools in the district (MBOU "Bakhchisaray Secondary School No. 2", MBOU "Gymnasium", MBOU UVK "School Academy", MBOU "Plodovskaya Secondary School", MBOU "Krasnomakskaya Secondary School", MBOU "Bakhchisaray Secondary School No. 1" , MBOU "Vilin Secondary School No. 2 with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages ​​of instruction").

The third place was taken by the "Tornado" team (MBOU UVK "School Academy", team leader T.S. Bagirova, biology teacher), second place - the team "Academics" (MBOU UVK "School Academy", team leader T.S. Bagirova, biology teacher). The winner of the game was the team “Pochemuchki” (MBOU “Bakhchisaray Secondary School No. 2”, team leader O.A. Shapetko, geography teacher).

“Play with us and explore the natural world!”

On April 13, 2019, on the basis of the MBOU "Gymnasium" was heldVIImunicipal intellectual tournament for the Small Cup of the natural history magazine "Spikelet" among students of grades 5 - 6 of educational organizations of the Bakhchisaray district of the Republic of Crimea.

The game was attended by 7 teams from 6 schools in the district (MBOU "Bakhchisaray Secondary School No. 2", MBOU "Gymnasium", MBOU UVK "School Academy", MBOU "Plodovskaya Secondary School", MBOU "Krasnomakskaya Secondary School", MBOU "Golubinskaya Secondary School").

Third place was taken by the “Comet” team (MBOU “Gymnasium”, team leader E.Ya. Ganina, biology teacher), second place went to the “Lions” team (MBOU UVK “School Academy”, team leader T.S. Bagirova, biology teacher ). The winner of the game was the “Integral” team (MBOU “Bakhchisaray Secondary School No. 2”, team leader O.A. Shapetko, geography teacher).

Congratulations to the winner and runners-up! We wish you further success!


On March 29, 2019, the SECOND Republican intellectual game for the BIG CUP "KOLOSOK" was held at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 30" of the Simferopol Municipal District of the Republic of Crimea among students of grades 3-4 of general education institutions of the Republic of Crimea. The game was attended by 21 teams from 7 regions of the Republic of Crimea: the cities of Dzhankoy, Evpatoria, Simferopol and Yalta, as well as Bakhchisarai, Dzhankoy and Simferopol regions. The game was dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the Crimean Spring and the 150th anniversary of the discovery of the Periodic Law by D.I. Mendeleev.

From the Bakhchisaray district, the winner of the Small Cup “Kolosok” and gold medals team “Pochemuchki” (MBOU “Bakhchisaray Secondary School No. 2”, team leader S.E. Turyanskaya, primary school teacher) and the winner of silver medals team “Kometa” (MBOU "Gymnasium", team leader T.S. Zaitseva, primary school teacher), bronze medal winner team "Constellation" (MBOU "Plodovskaya Secondary School", team leader Yu.V. Kustova, primary school teacher).

According to the results of the SECOND Republican intellectual game for the Big Cup "KOSOSOK" among students of grades 3-4 of educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea, the Big Cup and a set of Gold medals was won by the team "PIRVOFLOWERS" from the municipal educational institution of the city of Dzhankoy of the Republic of Crimea "School-gymnasium No. 6" (team leader Ruchko A.A. primary school teacher).
The silver medals were won by the team “SMART GIRL AND SMART GIRL” from the Municipal Educational Institution of the city of Dzhankoy, Republic of Crimea “School-Gymnasium No. 6” (team leader S.P. Budz, primary school teacher). Bronze medals were won by the CACTUS team from the Prostornenskaya School municipal educational institution of the Dzhankoy district of the Republic of Crimea (team leader N.M. Tarata, primary school teacher).

The game was interesting, instructive, at a high emotional, cognitive and organizational level.

District Methodological Association of Mathematics Teachers

On March 28, 2019, a meeting of the regional methodological association of mathematics teachers of the Bakhchisaray district was held at the MBOU “Bakhchisaray Secondary School No. 2”. At the meeting, reports from certified teachers were heard: Asanova D.Kh. (MBOU "Dolinnenskaya Secondary School"), Dzhemilova Kh.N., Gafarova M.Z. (MBOU “Vilin Secondary School No. 2 with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages ​​of instruction”). Head of RMO Zhuravel E.V. commented on the criteria for lesson analysis. Methodist RMK Golovtsova M.F. read out a certificate based on the results of monitoring the state of mathematics teaching in public education institutions of the Bakhchisarai region, and analyzed the statistical indicators of the studies conducted as part of the monitoring. We exchanged experiences in preparing students for the State Examination.

“Play with us and explore the natural world!”

On March 09, 2019, on the basis of the MBOU "Gymnasium" the second municipal intellectual game for the Small Cup of the natural history magazine "Spikelet" was held among students of grades 3 - 4 of educational organizations of the Bakhchisarai region.

The game was attended by 10 teams from 9 schools in the region (MBOU "Bakhchisaray Secondary School No. 2", MBOU "Gymnasium", MBOU UVK "School Academy", MBOU "Bakhchisaray Secondary School No. 5 with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages ​​of instruction", MBOU "Vilinskaya Secondary School No. 1", MBOU "Plodovskaya Secondary School", MBOU "Tabachnovskaya Secondary School", MBOU "Krasnomakskaya Secondary School", MBOU "Nauchnenskaya Secondary School").

Third place went to the “Constellation” team (MBOU “Plodovskaya Secondary School”, team leader Yu.V. Kustova, primary school teacher), second place went to the “Kometa” team (MBOU “Gymnasium”, team leader T.S. Zaitseva, primary school teacher classes). The winner of the game was the team “Pochemuchki” (MBOU “Bakhchisarai Secondary School No. 2”, team leader S.E. Turyanskaya, primary school teacher).

Congratulations to the winner and runners-up! We wish you further success!

Seminar for physics teachers

On March 1, 2019, on the basis of the Skalistovskaya Secondary School, a visiting seminar was held for physics teachers of the Bakhchisarai region on the topic “Activity-based teaching technology as a tool for improving educational results and developing the student’s personality in the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard LLC.”

The school’s business card was presented by the school’s director N.V. Kupriyanova, BOSS president Milena Manaenkova and 11th grade student Tatyana Rumyantseva. Master class “Using the “Active Inspire” program in physics lessons” and an open lesson in grade 10 “Fundamentals of electrodynamics. Electric charge. The law of conservation of electric charge" was conducted by physics teacher R.N. Dzhemilev. 7th grade students spoke to the participants of the seminar on “The Trial of Inertia.”

Chemistry is Me, chemistry is my life, chemistry is our future, there is no life without you!”

On February 28, 2019, on the basis of the Krasnomakskaya Secondary School, a visiting seminar was held for chemistry teachers of the Bakhchisarai district on the topic “Effective methods of goal-setting and reflection in chemistry lessons in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC.”

The school's business card was presented by the school director L.A. Buk. An open lesson in the 9th grade “The presence of metals in nature and their methods of production” was conducted by chemistry teacher M.S. Shuraeva.

Chemistry teachers A.A. Osmanova shared their work experience. (MBOU “Bakhchisaray Secondary School No. 5 with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages ​​of instruction”) and Ziyadinova H.E. (MBOU "Kashtanovskaya Secondary School"). Gerasimov S.A. gave a wonderful tour of the school museum. The seminar was held at a high level.

Seminar for biology teachers

On February 20, 2019, at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Vilin Secondary School No. 1”, a visiting seminar for biology teachers of the Bakhchisarai region was held on the topic “System-activity approach in the context of organizing a modern biology lesson.”

The school’s business card was presented by the Deputy Director for Education and Resource Management E.A. Nadeina. An open biology lesson in 6th grade on the topic “Structure of a flower. Laboratory work No. 7 “Structure of a flower” was conducted by biology teacher Z.E. Islyamova.

As part of the seminar, master classes were held: “Pedagogical technologies in biology lessons” Zusko L.N. (MBOU "Vilinskaya Secondary School No. 1"), "Laboratory work as a way to learn new things" Chernikova S.L. (MBOU "Gymnasium"), "Group work within the framework of a modern lesson" Ametova Z.R. (MBOU “Bakhchisaray Secondary School No. 5 with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages ​​of instruction”). The seminar was held at a high methodological level.

Workshop for chemistry teachers

December 06, 2018 On the basis of the MBOU "Kuibyshev Secondary School named after N.T. Khrustalev" a workshop was held for chemistry teachers of the Bakhchisarai region.

The theme of the seminar is “Activation of mental activity in chemistry lessons in the light of the requirements of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.”

The seminar participants were met by the school director S.N. Pasha, who presented a business card. School students, under the leadership of A.A. Tomchak (chemistry teacher), G.L. Kocherzhenko (biology teacher), O.V. Inyushina (technology teacher), presented a fragment of the extracurricular event “Drinking tea - being healthy.”

An open chemistry lesson in the 8th grade on the topic “Composition of Air” was conducted by A.A. Tomchak.

Chemistry teacher of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Pochtovskaya Secondary School” A.P. Golikova conducted a master class “Differentiation of tasks in lessons in order to increase the effectiveness of educational activities.”

V.B. Kryzhko, a chemistry teacher at the MBOU “Nauchnenskaya Secondary School”, presented her experience on the topic “Activation of mental activity in chemistry lessons.”

“He who comprehends the new while cherishing the old can be a teacher.”


November 26, 2018 On the basis of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Kashtanovskaya Secondary School” a visiting seminar-workshop for mathematics teachers of the Bakhchisarai region was held. The theme of the seminar was “Increasing motivation to study mathematics through the use of new information technologies.”

The participants of the seminar were met and presented with the school’s business card by the acting director. school director A.F. Topale. Mathematics teachers of the MBOU "Kashtanovskaya Secondary School" showed open lessons: in the 8th grade "Square root" - T.V. Krivosheina and in the 9th grade "Solving inequalities by the method of intervals" - A.R. Barasheva. As part of the seminar, mathematics teachers of the district presented master classes: “Using a document camera in mathematics lessons and in extracurricular activities” - T.S. Ovchinnikova, MBOU “Bakhchisaray Secondary School No. 2” and “From the experience of working on the YaKlass website” - T. G. Chavkina, MBOU "Krasnomakskaya Secondary School".

The seminar ended with a musical gift from the school's children's creative groups, prepared by music teacher A.Yu. Dorosh.

The seminar was held at a high methodological level.

Workshop for biology teachers

November 21, 2018 On the basis of MBOU "Secondary School No. 1" in Bakhchisaray, a visiting seminar-workshop for biology teachers of the Bakhchisaray region was held

06/20/2017 Publishing house "BINOM. Laboratory of Knowledge" and "Enlightenment" held a training seminar on June 14 - 16, 2017 on the topic: "Topical issues of teaching astronomy and physics in the context of modernization of the education system."

In the new academic year, the subject “Astronomy” will return to Russian schools, so the seminar will cover a wide range of issues. The discussion, first of all, touched on the draft standard of secondary (complete) general education in astronomy, as well as methodological recommendations for its implementation and implementation. The astronomy standard is expected to be introduced in the format of changes to the federal component of the 2004 State Educational Standard, as well as to the 2012 Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary General Education.

Leading methodologists in physics at the Institute of Pedagogics, Institutes of Education and Development and educational development centers, as well as teachers of the highest qualification category, were invited to the seminar.

The seminar program was dense and rich in presentations by leading experts in the field of astronomy and physics.

Speaker at the seminar Demidova Marina Yurievna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, head of the Center for Pedagogical Measurements of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “FIPI”, head of the FKR Unified State Examination in Physics. Topic of her speech: « System for assessing educational achievements in physics and astronomy: basic approaches, models of tools for assessment procedures.”

The speech was of particular interest Nikiforov Gennady Grigorievich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, leading researcher at the Laboratory of Didactics of Physics at the Institute of Content and Teaching Methods of the Russian Academy of Education, Deputy Chairman of the Federal Commission for Developers of Test Measuring Materials for the Unified State Exam in Physics. He demonstrated new equipment for the OGE and the Unified State Exam, and showed a number of frontal experiments for students in grades 10-11.

Gendenshtein Lev Elevich, author of textbooks from the BINOM publishing house. Laboratory of Knowledge,” Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, began his speech with a method for studying key situations and implementing a system-activity approach in the study of physics, and also told how to awaken interest in solving problems by setting their conditions.

The author provided complete information about the principles of constructing textbooks, about the methodological features, methods and components of teaching materials, about the form of presentation of the material, as well as new opportunities for using the educational and methodological complex in the conditions of implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Particular emphasis is placed on the features of introducing the method of studying key situations in teaching physics in grades 7-11; practice-oriented approach.

Bulatova Albina Alexandrovna, author of textbooks from the BINOM publishing house. Knowledge Laboratory,” a teacher of the highest qualification category, told how to organize educational and research activities using frontal experiments.

The lack of research and project activities gives rise to well-known questions from students: “Where did this come from?”, “Why are we teaching all this?” These questions, on the one hand, indicate a deficit of meanings that arises in schoolchildren during their studies, and on the other, a desire to overcome this deficit. Consistent building of the educational process and educational space in which research activities are carried out “naturally” can significantly change the attitude of adolescents to learning.

Even before conducting the experiment, it is necessary to bring students to the conclusion that There is a problem, which can only be resolved experimentally. Then, with the participation of schoolchildren, it is necessary plan and perform an experiment, the results of which may provide a solution to this problem. After completing the experiment in the form of independent experience, schoolchildren should have a collective discussion of its results and formulate conclusions.

Koshkina Anzhelika Vasilievna, author of textbooks from the BINOM publishing house. Laboratory of Knowledge,” methodologist of the Arkhangelsk Institute of Educational Education, teacher of the highest qualification category, said that the goal of modern high-quality education cannot only be the acquisition of knowledge, because the information that we present to children is rapidly becoming outdated: what is indisputable today is refuted tomorrow by a new scientific theory or more accurate observation. Therefore, it is obvious that the teacher’s task is not so much to convey to the child a sum of knowledge, but to teach him to learn and think, because only a developed mind and mastery of universal methods of educational activity can become the key to his success, no matter what he does in life. How to achieve this?

The answer to this question today is given by the Federal State Educational Standards, which put forward the requirement to achieve not only personal and subject, but also so-called meta-subject results. The latter assume that students will master universal educational activities of an information-logical, organizational nature, a wide range of skills and abilities in using information and communication technologies for collecting, storing, converting and transmitting various types of information, basic research skills, the basics of productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults, that is, the entire arsenal of tools that allow a person to successfully learn throughout his life, implementing the idea of ​​lifelong education and meeting the challenges of the 21st century.

Korniliev Igor Nikolaevich, author of textbooks from the BINOM publishing house. Laboratory of Knowledge", Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of the Center for Design, Research and Innovation Activities of the State Autonomous Educational Institution JSC Further Professional Education "Institute for Educational Development". The topic of his speech: “Design and research activities in the study of physics and astronomy.” Igor Nikolaevich drew attention to the possibilities of using improvised means to carry out various research works.

Project activities and the use of the project method are associated with great advantages:

  • The project method contributes to the successful socialization of schoolchildren thanks to an adequate information environment in which students learn to navigate independently, which leads to the formation of a personality with an information culture as a whole.
  • At all stages of the project, a systematic, activity-based approach to learning is used, which leads to the development of students’ creative abilities.
  • When choosing a research problem and solving specific problems, schoolchildren proceed from their interests and level of preparedness. This provides everyone with their own trajectory of learning and self-study, allowing them to differentiate and individualize the educational process.
  • Working in a group develops a personality capable of collective goal-setting and planning, distributing tasks and roles between group members, acting as a leader and executor, coordinating their actions with the actions of other project participants, collectively summing up, sharing responsibility

Igor Nikolaevich gave a classification of project types:

  • By the nature of the projected changes: a) innovative; b) supportive.
  • By areas of activity: a) educational; b) scientific and technical; c) social.
  • By financing features: a) investment; b) sponsorship; c) credit; d) budgetary; d) charitable.
  • By scale: a) megaprojects; b) small projects; c) microprojects.
  • By implementation period: a) short-term; b) medium-term; e) long-term.

The seminar concluded with a Round Table. Methodists, teachers, authors, and representatives of publishing houses once again drew attention to factors for improving the quality of education and effective approaches and methods of teaching physics and astronomy.


“Formation of key competencies when teaching physics in class and extracurricular activities”

“If we teach today like this,

as we taught yesterday, we will steal from the children of tomorrow.”

John Dewey

November 11, 2015On the basis of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 in the village of Starodubsky, a seminar was held for physics teachers of general education organizations in the Budennovsky district on the topic “Formation of key competencies in teaching physics in class and extracurricular activities,” in which 19 people from 19 institutions in the district took part.

Goals of the seminar: systematize students’ knowledge about the federal state educational standard, modern lessons in the light of the introduction of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard;

organize an exchange of experience among teachers on the issue of the seminar;

to form the motivational readiness of participants for pedagogical activities to implement the standard.

Objectives of the seminar:

to form the motivational readiness of students for teaching activities in the situation of changed approaches to the formation of new content of education for students, modern requirements for educational results in the context of the implementation of the system-activity paradigm of education.

The lesson is the main component of the educational process. The educational activities of the teacher and the student are largely focused on the lesson. In order for the level of a modern lesson to be high enough, it is necessary that the teacher, during the preparation of the lesson, try to make it a unique work with its own concept, beginning and ending, like any work of art. How to construct such a lesson? How can we ensure that the lesson not only equips students with knowledge and skills, the significance of which cannot be disputed, but that everything that happens in the lesson arouses sincere interest in children, genuine passion, and shapes their creative consciousness? Kopylova E.G., a physics teacher at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 in the village of Starodubsky, tried to answer all these questions, who, as part of the seminar, gave a physics lesson in the 10th grade on the topic “Jet propulsion. Successes in space exploration."

The school becomes not so much a source of information as it teaches how to learn; The teacher is not a conductor of knowledge, but a person who teaches through creative activity aimed at independent acquisition and assimilation of new knowledge.

The project method in school education is considered as a kind of alternative to the classroom-lesson system. A modern student project is a didactic means of activating cognitive activity, developing creativity and at the same time forming certain personal qualities.

The topic of the master class of the physics teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 8 in the village of Katason Kudryavtseva T.V. “Increasing cognitive activity of students through extracurricular activities.” Tatyana Viktorovna emphasized in her speech that if a teacher does not speak , Quite fluent in research, problem-solving, search methods, the ability to conduct statistics, process data, without mastering certain methods of various types of creative activity, it is difficult to talk about the possibility of successfully organizing student project activities. And, therefore, to intensify the cognitive activity of students in the subject area “Physics”. At this stage of the seminar, subject teachers acted as developers of a research project on the topic “Noise Pollution.”

During the seminar, physics teachers became active participants in the round table “Creating conditions for the personal growth of students,” at which Kudrenko N.V., director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 in the village of Starodubsky, spoke.

One of the conditions for a student’s personal growth is the growth of the teaching skills of the teachers themselves. This means that a modern physics teacher must master a new type of methodological product - a technological lesson map.

Training using a technological map allows you to organize an effective educational process, ensure the implementation of subject, meta-subject and personal skills (universal educational actions), in accordance with the requirements of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard, and significantly reduce the time for preparing a teacher for a lesson.

The result of the round table was the creation of a technological map of a physics lesson on the topic “Conductor” (7th grade).

Shtraukh G.I., Deputy Director for Education and Resource Management of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 in the village of Starodubsky, conducted a practical lesson with teachers on the topic “Interactive posters as a structural element of teaching physics.”

Interactive poster is an electronic educational poster that has interactive navigation that allows you to display the necessary information: graphics, text, sound. Compared to conventional printed posters, interactive electronic posters are a modern multifunctional teaching tool and provide greater opportunities for organizing the educational process.

Galina Ivanovna introduced the technology for creating multimedia interactive educational materials - Web 2.0 Using this multimedia application, physics teachers created an interactive poster that reflected the expectations and impressions of the participants from the last seminar in an original and colorful form.


Regional seminar for physics teachers

“Innovative activity of a teacher in the context of the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard” or “Federal State Educational Standard: how to teach in a new way”

On November 26, 2014, on the basis of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 12 in the village of Terek, a scientific and practical seminar was held for physics teachers of general education organizations of the Budyonnovsky district on the topic “Innovative activity of a teacher in the context of the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard” or “Federal State Educational Standard: how to teach in a new way”, which was attended by 17 people from 16 institutions in the district.

Each participant of the seminar attended a physics lesson in the 7th grade on the topic “Strength” (Getmanova I.N., physics teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 12 in the village of Terek), which made it possible to answer the question: how today teachers involved in the work on the Federal State Educational Standard, correctly organize the educational process in a new form.

During the seminar, physics teachers became active participants in the round table “From Work Experience”, at which Filipenko D.A., educational psychologist at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 12 in the village of Terek, spoke on the topic “Psychological and pedagogical support for teachers in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”, the goal of psychological and pedagogical support for the teacher is to provide psychological support for innovative activities and develop the teacher’s psychological readiness for innovative activities. An important task of a psychologist is to assist in creating conditions so that teachers want to change something in their work.

The topic of the speech by the physics teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 8 in the village of Katason Kudryavtseva T.V. “New approaches to the professional competence of a teacher in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC” made it possible to reveal such concepts as the professional competence of a teacher, the requirements that are imposed on the teacher not only by the new educational standard, but also by time.

Physics teachers visited the interactive museum “Innovative activities in physics lessons,” organized by E. G. Kopylova, a teacher at Secondary School No. 7 in the village of Starodubskogo, where the forms and methods of using an interactive whiteboard and flash presentations in the classroom were discussed.

Polunova I.I., teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1 in the village of Pokoinoy, introduced the features of a modern lesson in terms of the content of the Federal State Educational Standard. The quick-tuning carried out by I.N. Getmanova allowed teachers to tune in to an optimistic working mood, psychologist D.A. Filipenko conducted a survey to identify strengths and weaknesses in conducting and organizing the seminar.

The teachers noted the high scientific and methodological level of the organization and conduct of the seminar, its enormous importance in improving the professional level, advanced training, and disseminating advanced pedagogical experience. On March 27, 2013, regular meetings of district methodological associations were held, the priority areas of work of which were:

  • - use of new digital technologies as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard;
  • - the use of interactive tools in lessons in order to increase motivation and efficiency of the educational process;
  • - development of creative abilities of students;
  • - use of a system-activity approach with the introduction of resource and educational laboratory equipment to increase the effectiveness and success of students.

The creative approach of the head of the regional methodological association of physics teachers to his activities made it possible to conduct a training workshop “Workshop for the exchange of experience in the use of interactive teaching tools” on the basis of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2 of Budennovsk, director Pripadcheva T.I., head of the local educational institution Kupaeva G.V.

Seminar program

SEMINAR for physics teachers SEMINAR for physics teachers OBOSHI Sudzhan boarding school “Activity-based approach to teaching physics within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education.” “An activity-based approach to teaching physics within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education.” g Sudzha Novikova Lyudmila Viktorovna Physics teacher

Operations Result Action Structure of activity Motive 1 Needs Goal and task Reflection 6

Lesson of general methodological orientation Activity goal: developing students’ ability to a new way of action associated with building the structure of the studied concepts and algorithms. Educational goal: identifying the theoretical foundations for constructing content and methodological lines. Lesson of “discovery” of new knowledge Activity goal: developing the ability of students to a new way of action. Educational goal: expanding the conceptual base by including new elements. Developmental control lesson Activity goal: developing students’ ability to carry out the control function. Educational goal: control and self-control of learned concepts and algorithms. Reflection lesson Activity goal: to develop in students the ability to reflect on a correctional-control type and implement a correctional norm. Educational goal: correction and training of learned concepts and algorithms. Typology of lessons in the didactic system of the activity method

The structure of lessons for learning new knowledge within the framework of the activity approach. Updating and recording individual difficulties in a trial educational action. Construction of a project for getting out of a difficulty (goal and topic, method, plan, means). Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition. 1 Motivation for educational activities. Identifying the location and cause of the difficulty. Reflection on learning activities in the lesson (result) Independent work with self-test according to the standard. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech. Implementation of the completed project 7

Requirements for the lesson Traditional lesson Modern lesson Formulation of the topic of the lesson The teacher informs the students Formulate by the students themselves (the teacher leads the students to understand the topic) Setting goals and objectives The teacher formulates and informs the students what they must learn Formulate by the students themselves, defining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance (the teacher brings students to realize goals and objectives) Planning The teacher tells the students what work they must do to achieve the goal Planning by students how to achieve the intended goal (the teacher helps, advises) Practical activities of students Under the guidance of the teacher, students perform a number of practical tasks (the frontal method of organization is more often used activities) Students carry out educational activities according to the planned plan (group and individual methods are used), the teacher advises DifferencesDifferences

Requirements for the lesson Traditional lesson Modern lesson Exercising control The teacher monitors students' performance of practical work Students exercise control (forms of self-control and mutual control are used), the teacher advises Correction The teacher makes corrections during the implementation and based on the results of the work performed by students Students formulate difficulties and carry out correction independently, the teacher consults, advises, helps Assessing students The teacher evaluates the work of students in the lesson Students evaluate the activity based on its results (self-assessment, evaluation of the results of the activities of their comrades), the teacher advises Result of the lesson The teacher finds out what the students remember Reflection is carried out Homework The teacher announces and comments (more often - the task is the same for everyone) Students can choose a task from those proposed by the teacher, taking into account individual capabilities DifferencesDifferences

To construct a lesson within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, it is important to understand what the criteria for the effectiveness of a lesson should be, regardless of what typology we adhere to. The goals of the lesson are set with a tendency to transfer functions from the teacher to the student. The teacher effectively (adequate to the purpose of the lesson) combines reproductive and problem-based forms of education, teaches children to work according to the rule and creatively. During the lesson, tasks and clear criteria for self-control and self-assessment are set. The teacher achieves understanding of the educational material by all students, using special techniques for this. The teacher systematically teaches children to carry out reflexive action. A variety of forms, methods and techniques of teaching are used to increase the degree of activity of students in the educational process. The teacher knows the technology of dialogue, teaches students to pose and address questions. The teacher strives to evaluate the real progress of each student, encourages and supports minimal success. The style and tone of relationships set in the lesson create an atmosphere of cooperation, co-creation, and psychological comfort. In the lesson there is a deep personal impact “teacher-student”.

Resources: 1. Dusavitsky A.K., Kondratyuk E.M., Tolmacheva I.N., Shilkunova Z.I. Lesson in developmental education: A book for teachers. – M. VITA-PRESS, Matveeva E.I., Patrikeeva I.E. Activity-based approach to learning in primary school

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