Finek points. Point-rating system in St. Petersburg State University. The point-rating system simplifies the teacher’s work, since he gets the opportunity not to conduct “full-fledged exams and tests,” and rating tasks can be used from year to year

Since the 2008-2009 academic year, our university has introduced a point-rating system for assessing and recording academic performance, which has somewhat changed students’ usual ideas about studying. Surely everyone knows the saying: “Students live happily from session to session...”, then in 2-3 days they learn the subject (with varying degrees of success), pass it and happily forget it. Not everyone, of course, learns this way, but no one will deny that such a practice exists. And one more thing: everyone knows perfectly well that a traditional session exam is in many ways a lottery: you can prepare from time to time during the semester, get a “good” ticket in the exam and get an “excellent” grade. Or, on the contrary, you can work all semester, prepare, go to lectures, read textbooks, but be unlucky in the exam. And if the teacher is in a bad mood on the day of the exam, then complaints about bias, bias, etc. are inevitable. And all because the usual traditional system almost completely does not take into account what is called the student’s current academic work.

In the point-rating system, these shortcomings are compensated. For certain types of work performed by students throughout the semester, points are awarded, a certain number of points are awarded for an exam or test, then all these points are summed up, and a final rating score for the subject is obtained. This score is converted to the traditional grading system.

The final grade in the discipline, which is included in the test report, grade book and, at the end of training, in the diploma appendix, reflects not only the results of passing the exam or test, but also the results of academic work throughout the semester;

In order to objectively evaluate the results of a student’s work, a system of control activities (checkpoints) of various forms and contents is introduced into the educational process, each of which is assessed with a certain number of points (as a rule, checkpoints are colloquiums, tests, etc., for successful completion in which the student is not given grades, as before, but points are awarded);

Final control (test/exam) is part overall assessment, and the points for it are part of the final rating, which accumulates while studying the discipline.

ATTENTION: an important condition of the point-rating system is the timely completion of the established types of work. If a test point in a discipline is missed for an unexcused reason or is not passed the first time, then when it is retaken, even if the student answered well, some of the points are deducted.

Thus, in the process of studying the discipline, points are accumulated and a rating is formed, which ultimately shows the student’s performance.

The normative rating is the maximum possible amount of points that a student can score during the period of mastering the discipline. The normative rating of a discipline depends on the duration of mastering the discipline and is 50 points if the discipline is studied in one semester, 100 points if the discipline is studied in two semesters, 150 points if the discipline is studied in three semesters, etc. Each type of control also has its own standard rating, for example, for current and midterm control - 30% of the standard rating of the discipline, for final control (tests and exams) - 40%;

A passing rating is the minimum score for which a student will be considered certified in the discipline. A passing rating for a discipline is more than 50% of the standard rating, for example, 25.1 points for a discipline with a standard rating of 50 points; 50.1 points – for a 100-point discipline; 75.1 points – for a 150-point discipline, etc. If a student, based on the results of training, scores less than a passing rating, the discipline is considered unmastered;

The threshold rating is the minimum actual rating of the semester control, after gaining which the student is admitted to the final control. The threshold rating of the discipline is more than 50% of the normative rating of semester control;

Firstly, the objectivity of assessing student academic achievements increases. As already mentioned, objectivity, the main requirement for assessment, is not implemented very well in the traditional system. In the point-rating system, the exam ceases to be the “final verdict”, because it will only add points to those scored during the semester.

Secondly, the point-rating system allows you to more accurately assess the quality of studies. Everyone knows that three are different from three, as teachers say, “we write three, two in our mind.” And in the point-rating system you can immediately see who is worth what. For example, the following case is possible: the highest scores were obtained for all current and milestone control points, and average scores were obtained for the exam (you never know). In this case, the total amount of points can still result in a score that allows you to put a well-deserved A in the grade book (on the traditional grading scale).

Thirdly, this system eliminates the problem of “session stress”, since if at the end of the course a student receives a significant amount of points, he can be exempted from taking an exam or test.

And, finally, the quality of preparation for training sessions will certainly increase with the introduction of a point-rating system, which is important for occupying a worthy place in the labor market in the future.

Current control;

Midterm control (colloquiums, testing, coursework, etc.);

Final control (semester test and/or exam).

The recommended amount of rating is: for current control - 30% of the normative rating of the discipline, for foreign control - 30% of the normative rating of the discipline and for final control - 40% of the normative rating of the discipline.

Current control is carried out during the semester for disciplines that have practical classes and/or seminars, laboratory works in accordance with the curriculum. It allows you to evaluate your academic progress throughout the semester. Its forms can be different: oral questioning, solving situational problems, completing an essay on a given topic, etc.

Midterm control is usually carried out 2-3 times during the semester in accordance with the working curriculum of the discipline. Each of the milestone control events is a “micro-exam” based on the material of one or more sections and is carried out to determine the degree of mastery of the material in the relevant sections of the discipline. The type of midterm control is determined by the department. The most popular forms of midterm control are colloquiums, tests, and testing.

Final control is an exam and/or test established by the curriculum. They are accepted, as a rule, in the traditional form.

R disc. = R current + R rub. + R total, where

How many points are awarded and for what? The ratio of grades by type of control activities within the framework of studying a specific discipline is established by the department when developing a schedule for studying the discipline.

At the beginning of the semester, the teacher leading classes in the discipline that students are starting to study must explain its rating structure, how many points can be obtained for a particular work or stage of control, bring to the attention of the study group information about the passing rating, deadlines, forms and maximum scores of control events in the discipline, as well as the terms and conditions for retaking them in the current semester.

After students have completed an ongoing control task or passed a milestone test, the teacher evaluates the work and enters this assessment into the rating sheet (it supplements the gradebook, but does not replace it!). If a student’s answer at a control point is unsatisfactory, he refuses to answer, or simply fails to appear at a control event, 0 points are assigned to the rating sheet.

To be allowed to take a test/exam in a discipline, the following conditions must be met:

The amount of classroom work (including attendance at lectures) required by the curriculum must be completed.

In order to be admitted to the session, the actual semester rating for each discipline studied in the semester must be more than 50% of its standard semester rating. In this case, the student receives “passed” in the grade book for the disciplines studied.

If the rating in a discipline scored in a semester is 50% or less than 50% of its standard semester rating, but more than 15% of the standard semester control rating, the student can “gain” the missing number of points by retaking control events. We remind you that during retakes, even with a brilliant answer, it is impossible to obtain the maximum score established for a given control point, due to the fact that part of the points, as a rule, is deducted by the department (with the exception of missing a class due to an excused illness). Therefore, to master educational material you have to be thorough in order to pass the checkpoints the first time.

If a student, due to regular missed checkpoints or systematic failure, scores a low rating in the semester (15% or less than 15% of the standard semester rating of the discipline), he is not allowed to retake the checkpoints, is considered to have not mastered the discipline and is expelled from the university.

And one more condition: a student’s high rating based on the results of control events does not relieve him of the obligation to attend lectures, seminars and practical classes, which, if missed, must be worked out in the usual manner (not to be confused with retaking control events!).

After the test/exam, points for it are entered into the rating and examination sheets and a certain amount is obtained, which is the final actual rating for the discipline. It is expressed in points (for example, from 28 to 50). Unfortunately, the student's grades and diploma supplement must be given a score according to the traditional scale adopted in Russia: excellent-good-satisfactory-unsatisfactory. Therefore, after the points are entered into the rating sheet, the rating is recalculated into an assessment on a traditional scale in accordance with the scheme below:

(in % of the maximum score for the discipline)

85.1 - 100% Excellent

65.1 – 85% Good

50.1 – 65% Satisfactory

0% Unsatisfactory

The point-rating system for assessing academic performance is based on regular work throughout the semester and on systematic monitoring by the teacher of the level of students' educational achievements. This means the following: in order to have a good score, all tasks must be completed not only well, but also on time. The schedule of control events, which students are familiar with at the beginning of the semester, indicates the dates for passing control points. Remember: time is also one of the evaluation criteria!

The point-rating system allows you to objectively control all educational activities of students, stimulates their cognitive activity and helps plan study time. In addition, the point-rating system will help develop democracy, initiative and healthy competition in studies.

At the end of each semester, the dean's offices will compile and post consolidated rating lists on their stands and on the university website, so that everyone can see what position each student of the faculty occupies. Maybe this doesn’t matter to some, but being a leader and occupying the highest level of the ranking is always prestigious.

For some reason I found so few objective reviews on the Internet, so I really want to write my own objective review, because... I am a student at this university. I will try to write everything as it is objectively, while making comparisons. It will be important to mention that the university is new, which became such in 2012 through the merger of FINEK, ENGEKON and GUSE. To better understand the essence of the current St. Petersburg State Economic University, you need a little history. FINEK in Soviet times and until the early 2000s was indeed almost the first economic one in Russia, where studying was prestigious and difficult. From 2000 to 2012, the university went downhill, to be honest, everything was mired in corruption, complete laxity of both students and teachers, a deplorable material base (old computers, lack of licensed software, lack of money to repair the main building (from which plaster is still crumbling today) , salaries for teachers, in short, devastation) the university took the path of cash flow through money laundering, teaching became rather a bright spot in complete darkness. ENGEKON, in fact, is the complete opposite; just at the time of unification, it was a completely competitive university with an excellent material base (all buildings are in excellent condition, licensed software and new computers), lack of corruption, demanding teachers and various developed student areas ranging from science to sports. It is worth noting that FINEK was more focused on financial and economic specialties, and ENGECON on economic and engineering specialties. One way or another, they always competed with each other in St. Petersburg. GUSE, to be honest, is something like a college with the status of a university, there is nothing special to talk about. First, I’ll tell you about the admission system. In terms of organizing the reception, everything is really right here. high level thanks online information system registration of applicants (inherited from FINEK), which is rarely found in other universities. Those. you submit documents and are simultaneously registered in the online database of applicants and, in fact, you can track the number of applicants for each specialty online via a computer using various filters. on the university website, which is very, very convenient especially for a green applicant. Documents are both accepted and handed over at any time, no one will force you to hold the documents or interfere with you. I would like to immediately note the unobtrusive desire of the selection committee that you immediately submit documents for the contract and immediately conclude it (i.e., bring them money). The university is primarily interested in you applying for a contract because there really is no competition (although the number of places is nominally limited, nevertheless, those who wanted to apply for a contract with a minimum score of Mat 40, Rus 45, General 50, enter 100%). If you have at least 135 in total and money, then you can already rejoice, because... you are already a correspondence student at St. Petersburg State University of Economics because... There is no competition for the contract, the main thing is to pass the minimum score to submit an application. In principle, they are constantly trying to inflate the GEM brand at the expense of the former FINEK, ENZHEKON and former graduates there Miller, Chubais and others. From the perspective of the applicant, all this looks quite respectable. About the most important thing: about the university and about training. As a result of the merger of universities, and in fact, to be honest, FINEK simply crushed its competitor under itself, because all the management and the rector remained FINEK. The result was the same FINEK only in the engineering and guse buildings. To a large extent, the preparations remained those of Finekov, i.e. economics, literally a couple of programs in applied mathematics and programming for bachelor's and master's degrees. The university is divided into faculties, which are based in different buildings. Those. If you are admitted, for example, to study management or State Medical University (FU), you will study 99% of the time in this one building, where you have the dean’s office of the faculty where the specialty is implemented. It’s easy to study, however, the university sometimes seems to be created in order to work and study (read: it’s registered), only in some areas and profiles you sometimes have to do something. Mostly they don’t expel, and if they do expel, it’s either the person who decided to leave of his own free will, or he’s so focused on studying that he’s too lazy to come and write the test points and check in a couple of times, i.e. It’s not necessary to fumble, it’s enough to walk, and if you walk constantly and try to learn, then at least 4 is guaranteed. It is a very real situation in the state educational institution that people have 10-15 debts (unfinished tests and exams) and are quietly registered and closed. The main thing is to pay off your debts within 1 year (2 semesters); if you don’t pay them off, you may be expelled. However, this is not a problem, the teachers are more loyal, they are not aimed at giving a bad grade, but rather, on the contrary, to give something just to get rid of it (sometimes it seems that the installation is not to blame in any case, but rather to pull). Among those who study, the normal situation is that people receive 4-5 machines per semester, i.e. You have to take a maximum of 1-2 subjects in exams. Personally, I often have a situation where I pass a maximum of 1 subject. Those who do not attend the university very often take exams, or simply beg in the next semesters and everything is closed to them. The university has implemented a BRS system (point-rating system), which takes into account the points received during the semester based on checkpoints and current control of going to classes (points are posted in the online system on the website). Roughly speaking, without taking a semester at all, you cannot come to the exam, pass it super well and get a 5 or 4. Speaking of “sick,” you cannot mention corruption in the university. Unfortunately, it really exists, I personally encountered it, but in principle I did not pay. In practice, it looks like this: there is a certain Testing Center where you can buy courses in almost all subjects (mathematics courses are especially relevant), where you pay money and they give you points (like they organize courses) in the BRS and give a grade in your record book. Courses in subjects cost 16k, the most expensive seems to be English 20k. If you have a lot of money, you can pay for school and pay for items, if you don’t want to close something yourself. Moreover, there are teachers who themselves organized courses in mathematics, one of these was P.N. Matveev, who openly says that the guys can’t rewrite more than 2 times, otherwise you pay and 80% of them come home to him without bothering, actually pays without even trying to pass it yourself and bingo you have 4 or 5. Of the advantages of the university, in fact, it can be noted Availability military department on the basis of the Khrulev Military Academy, where you can complete your studies in parallel with your studies and receive a military ID (though subject to successfully obtaining a diploma from a university). I can also note good library, both book and electronic, perhaps for those who want to study here this is a plus, because There are a lot of books and they are largely not in demand, because students do not need books to graduate and write diplomas with coursework (which can easily be purchased or downloaded). On the plus side, I would like to note that there are some teachers who really give something, demand something, want to give knowledge, but unfortunately there are not many of them. Of the departments that provide something, I would like to mention the Department of Marketing, applied mathematics This is at least what I personally know for sure. The university has many international cooperation programs, double diplomas, etc., which the university itself heavily promotes. But they are not in demand in principle because it is not available to state employees. expensive, but the majors don’t need it. In general, the university contingent (students) is of average quality, there are many St. Petersburg majors who pay for everything and come to the university, roughly speaking, to check in in a car that costs 200 teachers’ salaries (which is on average 28,000 for an assistant professor), and the teachers themselves come by metro. There are many immigrants with an average level of education, but there is also a layer of smart, talented guys, not many of them. The material resources of the university are generally average. All that remains of the engineer is still quite working; the software is also old and is not updated at all. Dorms are given to everyone who needs them, contract workers are accommodated in better dorms, block type (left over from engineering) and MSG, old dorms from the 60s, basically all state employees go there. In general, summarizing everything (probably in too detailed a story) that I wanted to tell future applicants, I will note that if you want to get a high-quality economic education, then this is HSE and GSOM St. Petersburg State University, where, however, you need to study. If you plan to work, get a diploma on the shelf, as I already said, then St. Petersburg State Economic University.

Question: Hello, Ekaterina Gennadievna!

My appeal is related to the introduction at the Faculty of Economics of the University of a system for recording academic progress based on compiling a ranking of points. At the moment, we have a grading system in accordance with the scoring set by each teacher, and this has a number of disadvantages:

1. Firstly, this leads to the teacher’s subjectivity in assessing the student’s knowledge. Everyone knows about the massive expulsions of students from the Faculty of Economics due to failure to pass the “Enterprise Economics” discipline, because the established thresholds for passing the exam, if they are not lowered, allow only some to receive “excellent” and “good” grades, because Only a few get the corresponding points. Moreover, appealing to this specific example, I want to say that such a system, in my opinion, does not reflect the student’s true knowledge of the discipline: for example, very little time is given, and the volume (theoretical and computational parts) is considerable, and therefore many simply do not have enough time to complete the assignments. EP is, of course, far from the only example.

2. Secondly, this does not stimulate competition between students and motivation to learn, because everyone, knowing the existing thresholds and points, simply strives to get into the area that corresponds to a certain assessment.

The introduction of a point-rating system for recording academic performance, as far as I know, was successfully carried out at GSOM. There, a rating is compiled based on the results of passing the exam, the first 25% receive “excellent”, the second 50% “good”, the third 25% - “ud”, and the same principle applies to the ECTS “letters”: the first 10% - A, the second 20-V and so on.

This system, in my opinion, would find EXCELLENT application at the Faculty of Economics, because:
1. Firstly, our bachelor’s programs are very similar in structure, hours, and, in principle, similar in organization;
2. Secondly, this will deprive teachers of subjectivity, and the assessment of knowledge will be based on the existing performance rating. In the end, it is more objective to judge that someone has “excellent knowledge” and someone has “Good” in comparison with the existing “background”, that is, in comparison, in which, as we know, everything is learned, rather than be based on the existing subjective criteria of each teacher;
3. Thirdly, it motivates students to compete, to want to be the best and leaders. We must not forget that an economist is not just a person with a “crust” who will then go to work at MaxiDom as an accountant, but a highly qualified and versatile specialist who has mastered an entire field of knowledge, systematized it and is able to apply it to solve a number of problems, including leadership and governance issues.
I would really like your help in introducing such a system, it would be appropriate, and I think most students will support it, because... she is reasonable and logical.
Vsevolod Kotenev
MEOiMB-31, Faculty of Economics.

Answer of the First Vice-Rector for Academic, Extracurricular and educational and methodological work St. Petersburg State University Ekaterina Gennadievna Babelyuk: Dear Vsevolod Sergeevich!

The point-rating assessment system is used for a large number of students when the rule of uniform distribution works. Implemented in St. Petersburg state university(hereinafter referred to as St. Petersburg State University) assessment system, it is clarified that the rating scale is used if the number of students who received a positive final grade (i.e. more than 50 points, which is also predetermined) is more than 30 people.

Training at St. Petersburg State University is carried out not at faculties, but at major and additional educational programs. Methodology for carrying out current monitoring and intermediate certification by discipline curriculum contained in work programs, the developers of which are scientific and pedagogical workers. These methods are approved after appropriate educational and methodological examinations in the manner established by St. Petersburg State University annually. At the moment, all work programs for the current academic year approved, St. Petersburg State University does not see any objective reasons for making changes to them.

For information, we inform you that according to the results of a survey of students conducted in April-May 2015, on the question “A teacher objectively evaluates students’ knowledge”, the average value for St. Petersburg State University as a whole is 3.663, for the Faculty of Economics - 3.618, for High school management - 3,514.

The selection of tools and methods for assessing the achievements of students at St. Petersburg State University is constantly being improved. You can get involved in working on this, and, like any university student, (see clause 1.6 of the Fundamentals of the Organization of Educational and Methodological Commissions, approved by Order No. 75/1 of January 17, 2014) take part in meetings of the educational and methodological commission. Your suggestions will certainly be considered and, taking into account the opinions of experts, used in the development educational materials. St. Petersburg State University thanks you for your active participation and initiative.

I am finishing my 4th year at the Faculty of Humanities. I consider our university to be one of the best in St. Petersburg, but I can say that since the university is a union of three, now everything is quite ambiguous. I can say with 100% confidence that it is worth enrolling in economics and, possibly, management - these areas receive the greatest attention. It is clear from the children who study in these areas that they really work and gain knowledge. Moreover, it is the students of these areas who take the most active part in the life of the university, as most events take place in their academic buildings. Students from other majors may not even know about all the activities and opportunities. And there are a lot of opportunities, both for study and for leisure. St. Petersburg State Economic University has a dance studio of a very good level, its own language learning center, and a Sports Club. Students can also try themselves and be selected for an international internship, since the university has a huge number of connections with universities in Europe and Asia. The conditions for internships are different, but all students can familiarize themselves with them on the website and choose an internship to their liking. A controversial point is the point-rating system introduced at the university. It is good in the sense that students who work throughout the semester, regularly pass checkpoints, have some advantages during the session. We do not have traditional tests - the test is based on the results of work in the semester. Thus, we do not have the principle “from session to session...” - rather from test to test. The bad thing about the university is that due to the unification, the level of awareness of students of faculties studying in other than the “main” buildings suffers, since even the dean’s office receives some information much later than it should, or even does not reach it at all. Behind Last year However, it became clear that the university is working on this problem, so maybe in another year or two all faculties will be truly equal. Another plus: St. Petersburg State Economic University is one of the few universities that provides dormitories to EVERYONE. We have really good dormitories, both at the university itself, where mainly contract workers are accommodated, and also at MSG, which has already become famous throughout the country, where state employees live. No matter what they say, you can really live in our hostels - everything is in good repair, it’s clean and there is all the necessary furniture. At least I have never heard of students doing renovations in their rooms themselves. We also have an excellent website that reflects all aspects of the university’s activities. You can find absolutely all the information on the website; another question is that most students are simply too lazy to find something on their own. We also have one of the best admissions committees, I can say with confidence. The admissions committee consists of students of different directions and ages, attentive and friendly, ready to answer all questions from parents and applicants. The procedure for accepting documents is very fast; rarely anyone is delayed when accepting documents for more than 15 minutes. In general, I can say that St. Petersburg State Economic University is an excellent university, with good teachers and a rich student life. However, a lot depends on the student himself: if you want to study well, it’s not enough to go to classes, you need to try to learn something yourself. If you want leisure time, go and find out everything yourself; running after students and imposing something on us is not customary. The university needs to work on the quality of education, I think this is due to the unification: teachers are changing, learning programs etc. I think that in a couple of years everything will settle down and all the problems will be solved.

​Memo to students

Distribution of students by profile (within the framework of bachelor's training at the faculty),

Practical placements with the possibility of subsequent employment,

Internship directions,

Providing hostel accommodation for nonresident students,

Advantages when participating in competitive selection for a master's degree program in a similar educational program.

  1. Academic rating – max 100 points (by discipline)

    Attendance at training sessions (max 20 points)

    Results of mastering each module of the academic discipline (current and midterm control) (max 20 points)

    Interim certification (exam, test with assessment, test) (max 40 points)

    Attendance at training sessions is assessed cumulatively as follows: the maximum number of points allocated for attendance (20 points) is divided by the number of classes in the discipline. The resulting value determines the number of points scored by the student for attending one lesson.

    Interim certification is carried out either at the last practical lesson(test with assessment or credit), or in accordance with the schedule during the examination session (exam). To be admitted to the intermediate certification, you must score a total of at least 30 points and successfully pass the midterm test in each discipline (not have any outstanding academic performance arrears).

    ¤ a student may be exempt from taking an intermediate assessment (test, test with assessment or exam) if, based on the results of attendance, the results of current and midterm control and creative rating, he scored at least 50 points. In this case, he is given a grade “passed” (in case of a test) or a grade corresponding to the number of points scored (in case of a test with a grade or exam) with the consent of the student.

    ¤ the teacher of the department who directly conducts classes with the student group is obliged to inform the group about the distribution of rating points for all types of work in the first lesson of the educational module (semester), the number of modules by academic discipline, terms and forms of control of their development, the opportunity to receive incentive points, the form of intermediate certification.

    ¤ Students have the right during the educational module (semester) to receive information about the current number of points scored in the discipline. The teacher is obliged to provide the group leader this information to familiarize students.

    In the traditional four-point

Participation in student scientific work competitions;

Speaking at conferences;

Participation in olympiads and competitions;

Participation in scientific work on the subject of the department and work in scientific circles;

determined by the dean's office together with student council faculty and group supervisor 2 times a year at the end of the semester (cannot exceed 200 points). Characterizes the activity of student participation in public life university and faculty.

The total educational rating is calculated as the sum of the products of the points received in each discipline (according to a 100-point system) by the complexity of the corresponding discipline (i.e., the volume of hours in the discipline in credit units), with the exception of the discipline “physical education”.

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