Poor Lisa. Nikolai Karamzin. “Poor Liza (collection)” Nikolai Karamzin

In the novels and stories of Russian writers before the beginning of the 19th century, plots in which reason is placed above feelings are most often traced. Nikolai Karamzin was one of the first who began to write works in which the feelings of the characters were put in first place. This is what the story is like: Poor Lisa”, which was not immediately accepted by critics, but the public really liked it. The writer makes you think, focusing not only on logic and common sense, but also taking into account the experiences of the characters, which he skillfully conveys to readers.

A young peasant girl named Lisa is forced to work hard to support herself and her mother since their father died. One day she falls in love with the nobleman Erast. He experiences mutual feelings and is so seriously attracted to her that he is ready to leave the world and spend evenings only in her company. But this young man is flighty and fickle, he experiences sincere sympathy, which tomorrow may disappear without a trace. But can a girl so easily let go of her feelings and accept her lover’s departure?

The book also describes the location of the action, which is not typical for the literature of that time. Readers were so imbued with Lisa's story that they went to the places where she walked in the story. Many even believed that the story was real. The author does not lecture anyone, does not condemn, does not try to impose his point of view, but only wants to evoke sympathy for the characters, and he succeeds.

The work belongs to the Prose genre. It was published in 1792 by the publishing house Eksmo. The book is part of the series "List of school literature for grades 7-8." On our website you can download the book "Poor Lisa" in epub, fb2, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 4.01 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper form.

On the outskirts of Moscow, from where the Sparrow Hills are visible, not far from the walls of the monastery, in an old dwelling, the main character of Karamzin’s book “Poor Liza” lived with her mother. After the death of their father, they had to live on money received from renting land. The mother, who was in poor health, missed her late husband, and Lisa took care of the house alone and earned extra money by selling forest flowers.

While selling flowers in the city, Lisa met the amiable young handsome Erast, who paid her not five kopecks, but a whole ruble. But the honest girl did not take too much. The young man asked where Lisa lived and persuaded her not to sell flowers to anyone but him.

At home, the girl told her mother about everything. The woman was happy for her daughter’s honesty. The next day, Lisa brought the most choice flowers - beautiful lilies of the valley, but they had to be thrown into the river because her admirer never showed up.

The evening of the next day, Erast came to Lisa’s home, where he met her mother and asked to sell all the girl’s work only to him.

Having met the girl, the kind and intelligent young nobleman Erast decided to end his former idle life.

Despite differences in class, the young people fell in love and began to meet every day. Erast was delighted with the innocent purity and naivety of the girl, different from everyone he knew before her.

The mother, who did not know about her daughter’s feelings, wants to marry poor Liza to a rich peasant. The girl refuses.

When she tells Erast about this, the lovers become closer. Intimacy with a girl with whom the young man was platonically in love changes his attitude towards his beloved. The symbol of purity and purity was destroyed, and Erast began to avoid meeting with Lisa.

A few days later, our hero showed up, informing the girl about leaving for war. To prevent Lisa from trading again while he was gone, he left her mother the money.

A couple of months later in the city, Lisa noticed a luxurious carriage passing nearby, in which Erast was sitting. At the gate of the house, a joyful girl hugs him, but the man informs him that he is engaged. He got into debt after losing, so he is forced to marry a rich, aging widow who has long been in love with him. The man asks not to bother him anymore, handing the girl a hundred rubles.

Poor Lisa meets her friend Anyuta, through whom she transfers money to her mother, and she throws herself into the pond. Soon her mother, despairing of grief, dies.

Until the end of his days, Erast was not happy and considered himself guilty of Lisa’s death.

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Poor Lisa (collection) Nikolay Karamzin

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Title: Poor Lisa (collection)

About the book “Poor Liza (collection)” Nikolai Karamzin

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin (1766–1826) - writer, historian and educator, creator of one of the most significant works in Russian historiography - “History of the Russian State”, founder of Russian sentimentalism.

The book includes the stories “Poor Lisa,” “Bornholm Island,” and “Sierra Morena,” as well as a collection of essays, “Letters from a Russian Traveler.”

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Quotes from the book “Poor Liza (collection)” Nikolai Karamzin

She threw herself into his arms - and now her integrity had to perish! - Erast felt an extraordinary excitement in his blood - Liza had never seemed so charming to him - never had her caresses touched him so much - never had her kisses been so fiery - she knew nothing, suspected nothing, was afraid of nothing - the darkness of the evening nourished desires - not a single star shone in the sky - no ray could illuminate delusions. - Erast feels awe in himself - Lisa also, not knowing why - not knowing what is happening to her... Ah, Lisa, Lisa! Where is your guardian angel? Where is your innocence?

Lizin's father was a fairly prosperous villager, because he loved work, plowed the land well and always led a sober life.

“You must, young man,” he said, “you must inform me about the events of the world that I left behind, but have not yet completely forgotten. I have been living in solitude for a long time; I have not heard anything about the fate of people for a long time. Tell me if love reigns globe? Is incense burned on the altars of virtue? Are the peoples prosperous in the countries you have seen? “The light of science,” I answered, “is spreading more and more, but human blood is still flowing on earth—the tears of the unfortunate are shed—they praise the name of virtue and argue about its essence.” – The elder sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

In order to vividly feel all the audacity of the human spirit, one must be on the open sea, where one thin plank, as Wieland says, separates us from wet death, but where a skilled swimmer, spreading his sails, flies and in his thoughts already sees the glitter of gold, which in another parts of the world will be rewarded for his bold enterprise. “Nil mortalibus arduum est” - “Nothing is impossible for mortals,” I thought with Horace, lost in the infinity of Neptune’s kingdom.

The poet preaches the philosophy of “painful joy”, calls melancholy a sweet feeling, which is “the most gentle overflow from sorrow and melancholy to the joys of pleasure.”

Karamzin’s heroes are like shipwrecked people, thrown onto a harsh and wild shore, alone in a deserted land.

Belinsky wrote: “Karamzin was the first in Rus' to write stories that interested society... stories in which people acted, the life of the heart and passions was depicted in the midst of ordinary everyday life.”

Karamzin is deeply convinced that humanity is moving along the path of progress, that it was the 18th century. Thanks to the activities of great educators - scientists, philosophers and writers - he brought people closer to the truth. Misconceptions do exist, but they, like “alien growths, will sooner or later disappear,” for a person will definitely come “to the pleasant goddess-truth.” Having mastered the educational philosophy of his time, Karamzin believes that “enlightenment is the palladium of good morals.” Enlightenment is beneficial for people of all conditions.

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