A poor man with a rich inner world. What is a poor and what is a rich inner world? Famous people rich in inner world

Every thinking person has his own inner world. For some, he is bright and rich, rich, as psychologists say, “a person with a fine mental organization.” Some, on the contrary, have a small room filled with phobias and imposed stereotypes. Everyone is different, unique, and therefore the world inside is different. How to understand this diversity, who is who?

What is the inner world of a person?

Some call it the soul, but this is not entirely true: the soul is unchanging, but the attitude towards the world that leads a person through life can change.

A set of internal character qualities, a way of thinking, moral principles and life position, combined with stereotypes and fears - that is what the inner world is. He is multifaceted. This is a worldview, the mental component of a person, which is the fruit of his spiritual labor.

The structure of the inner world

The subtle mental organization of a person consists of several segments:

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that the inner world is such a clear structure, an information matrix as the basis of a human being. Together with the soul and physical body, they form a person as an individual.

Some people have a very developed emotional sphere: they subtly feel what is happening and notice the smallest changes in the emotions of those around them. Others have extremely developed thinking: they can handle the most complex mathematical equations and logical problems, but if at the same time they are poor on the sensory plane, then they cannot love with all their hearts.

Therefore, it is important if a person wants to unlock the potential inherent in everyone and expand his inner world to unprecedented horizons, in parallel develop all segments of his being.

What does a rich inner world mean?

This term means that a person lives in harmony with himself and the outside world: people, nature. He lives consciously, and does not go with the flow artificially created by society.

This person knows how to create a happy space around himself, thereby changing the outside world. The feeling of contentment with life, despite all the ups and downs, does not leave him. Such a person tries every day to become better than he was yesterday, consciously developing in all areas of his inner world.

Are principles and worldviews the same thing?

Principles are patterned subjective attitudes of the mind towards a situation, people and the world, which often control a person. They are individual for everyone, develop in the process of upbringing and are laid deep in the subconscious by life experience.

The worldview has no templates - it is flexible, but at the same time stable, like bamboo: it can bend strongly, but in order to break it, you will have to try very hard. These are moral values, priorities in choosing a life path and ideas about what life should be like.

What is the difference between the external and internal world of a person?

What is the outside world? This is the space surrounding a person: houses, nature, people and cars, sun and wind. This also includes social relationships and interaction with nature. The organs of cognition - vision, tactile sensations and smell - also relate to the outside world. And the way we react to them, experiencing various emotions and feelings, is already a manifestation of the inner world.

At the same time, the inner world of a person is capable of influencing the outer world: if a person is satisfied with life, then his affairs will go well, his work will be a pleasure and he will be surrounded by positive people. If inside a person is irritated or angry, condemns everyone and everything, then nothing works out in everyday life, failures haunt him. Phobias and complexes have a destructive effect on the inner world: they distort the perception of the world and people.

Everything that happens to a person in life is a reflection of his inner state, and if there is a desire to change the world around him, then he needs to start with himself - with the transformation of the inner space.

How to develop your inner world?

What unusual things must be done for the spiritual world to begin to change? Actually do some pretty normal things:

  1. Proper nutrition. Often the food that people eat poisons not only their body, but also their mind. A person with a fine mental organization will never allow himself to eat another creature, so vegetarianism is the first step.
  2. Walk outdoors. This also includes traveling to other cities or countries, hiking and just trips out of town or to the sea. There is only one difference - these are not gastronomic tours: eat barbecue, drink beer with friends, try all the pizzas in a new city. Connection with nature is important: lie on the grass, admire the sunset or sunrise, watch the animals.
  3. Meditation is one of the most powerful tools for development. Just don’t confuse this process with sitting with your eyes closed and legs crossed, waiting for the lesson time to end. Meditation is introspection, a path inside: a person immerses himself in observing his emotions, thoughts, or simply breathing (in the first stages of mastering his mind).
  4. Reading spiritual books. This does not mean that you need to read the Bible or the Bhagavad Gita; each book has its time, and Pollyanna or The Little Prince are equally highly moral creations.
  5. The ability to be grateful to everything that surrounds you, everything that happens. Even if it goes against plans. The Universe knows better which way to direct a person towards development.

The development of the inner world implies a strong desire, aspiration and subsequent actions with full awareness of what is happening. “I want” alone is not enough here: it must be followed by “I do” and “regularly.”

There is no clearer and at the same time darker formulation than “rich inner world.” This is a state of consciousness when a person is not bored when alone. The phrase is understandable because almost everyone has a rough idea of ​​what is being said, but it’s obscure because no one understands what exactly is meant anyway. We would like to offer our interpretation of the famous expression.

Rich inner world: introversion and extroversion

The founder of analytical psychology K.-G. Jung divided people into two types: introverts and extroverts. Let's expand on each definition.

  • The first are focused on themselves, the center of their interests and the main part of their psychic energy is turned inward.
  • The latter, on the contrary, are recharged from the surrounding world. Their interests and most of their activities are aimed at capturing real space. Such people enjoy communicating with other people, and when there are no fresh external impressions, they wither and dry up.

Is a rich inner world the destiny of the chosen few?

On this basis, it could be argued that a rich inner world is the part of introverts, while extroverts are not distinguished by depth. Everything would be so if the creator of the theory himself had not said the following: these characteristics are relative. There are no 100% introverts or extroverts in their pure form. In reality, there is only a predominance of one or the other type in the human psyche.

The result: spiritual development is within the reach of everyone if they wish.

What does a rich inner world mean and what is it made from?

The phrase “interesting person” is widely used in speech. Moreover, it is quite common. “Interesting” refers to both someone who stands out from the crowd and an educated person who knows a lot. Without any difficulty we can say that the concept of “rich inner world” includes:

  • Wide range of professional and non-professional interests.
  • Huge layers of knowledge of the concrete and abstract.
  • An active hobby is an optional item.

A person is not bored with himself. He doesn't need friends, parties. He has a rich inner life, he is in constant search of Shambhala, the spiritual principles of Russia, and general field theory.

People endowed with a rich inner world, who are they?

The answer to the question is quite easy. The inner world is rich among writers, poets, artists, sculptors, any educated people, regardless of profession, if they can not only absorb knowledge, but also draw at least the simplest conclusions and conclusions. What distinguishes such a person from his counterpart?

Most of humanity's spiritual masters were materially poor,
but this does not mean that if there is no money, then a person has a direct path to becoming a spiritual teacher.

You can refuse wealth based on your convictions, or you can be poor out of stupidity.
Therefore, I consider it a great illusion that the poorer a person is, the richer his inner world.

It is not enough to be a beggar to become wise.

Is it possible to combine money and spiritual wisdom, as well as spiritual enlightenment?

While you are earning money, you have to deviate from the path of spiritual enlightenment. Big money is almost always involved in crime and blood.
In the 90s, our oligarchs regularly shot at each other, and now they are strangling their competitors with criminal cases and administrative resources. Sometimes they remember the experience of the 90s...

When there is a lot of money, property, capital, it is also not easy to retain this wealth.
There are many people seeking to take away and divide everything that has been acquired through exorbitant labor in showdowns, shootouts and other privatizations.

I believe that wolf wisdom emerges on how to survive in a pack when dividing the prey.

This is far from the enlightenment of Buddha or Mahatma Gandhi.

On the other hand, a poor person thinks about one thing: where to get money for food, clothing, housing.
Previously, slaves were paid just enough so that they would not die prematurely, but would work. Payment was food.

Now the principle of formation of remuneration for labor has remained almost unchanged. People should have enough for food, clothing, housing.

Like slaves, the average poor person has one thought - to break out of the shackles of poverty into financial freedom.

In battles for material wealth, there is no time to think about the soul.

It turns out that the rich “will not enter the Kingdom of God,” and the poor have no time to think about it at all. Need to work.

And this is what G. Thoreau and I think about the answer to the title of the article (although there is no question there).

The richest person is the person whose joys require the least money, and whose inner peace requires the most knowledge, wisdom and understanding.

Not everyone can call themselves a spiritually rich person. Sometimes such controversial definition criteria are mixed or replaced with obviously incorrect ones. The article will tell you what signs are the most accurate and what it means to be a spiritually rich person.

What is it, spiritual wealth?

The concept of “spiritual wealth” cannot be interpreted unambiguously. There are controversial criteria by which this term is most often defined. Moreover, they are controversial individually, but together, with their help, a fairly clear idea of ​​spiritual wealth emerges.

  1. The criterion of humanity. What does it mean to be a spiritually rich person from the point of view of other people? Often this includes qualities such as humanity, understanding, empathy, and the ability to listen. Can a person who does not have these qualities be considered spiritually rich? Most likely the answer is negative. But the concept of spiritual wealth is not limited to these signs.
  2. Education criterion. Its essence is that the more educated a person is, the richer he is. Yes and no, because there are many examples when a person has several educations, he is smart, but his inner world is completely poor and empty. At the same time, history knows individuals who had no education, but their inner world was like a blooming garden, the flowers from which they shared with others. Such an example could be A simple woman from a small village did not have the opportunity to receive an education, but Arina Rodionovna was so rich in her knowledge of folklore and history that perhaps her spiritual wealth became the spark that ignited the flame of creativity in the poet’s soul.
  3. Criterion of the history of the family and homeland. Its essence is that a person who does not carry a store of knowledge about the historical past of his family and homeland cannot be called spiritually rich.
  4. The criterion of faith. The word "spiritual" comes from the word "spirit". Christianity defines a spiritually rich person as a believer who lives according to the commandments and laws of God.

Signs of spiritual wealth in people

What it means to be a spiritually rich person is difficult to say in one sentence. For each, the main feature is something different. But here is a list of traits without which it is impossible to imagine such a person.

  • humanity;
  • empathy;
  • sensitivity;
  • flexible, lively mind;
  • love for the homeland and knowledge of its historical past;
  • life according to the laws of morality;
  • knowledge in various fields.

What does spiritual poverty lead to?

In contrast to the spiritual wealth of a person is the disease of our society - spiritual poverty.

Understanding what it means to be a spiritually rich, whole person cannot be revealed without negative qualities that should not be present in life:

  • ignorance;
  • callousness;
  • life for one’s own pleasure and outside the moral laws of society;
  • ignorance and non-perception of the spiritual and historical heritage of their people.

This is not the entire list, but the presence of several traits can define a person as spiritually poor.

What does the spiritual impoverishment of the people lead to? Often this phenomenon leads to a significant decline in society, and sometimes to its death. Man is structured in such a way that if he does not develop, does not enrich his inner world, then he degrades. The principle “if you don’t go up, you slide down” is very fair here.

How to deal with spiritual poverty? One of the scientists said that spiritual wealth is the only type of wealth that cannot be deprived of a person. If you fill yours with light, knowledge, goodness and wisdom, then this will stay with you for life.

There are many ways to become spiritually enriched. The most effective of them is reading decent books. This is a classic, although many modern authors also write good works. Read books, respect your history, be a man with a capital “H” - and then poverty of spirit will not affect you.

What does it mean to be a spiritually rich person?

Now we can clearly outline the image of a person with a rich inner world. What kind of spiritually rich person is he? Most likely, a good conversationalist knows how to not only speak so that they listen to him, but also listen so that you want to talk to him. He lives according to the moral laws of society, is honest and sincere with his surroundings, he knows and will never pass by someone else's misfortune. Such a person is smart, and not necessarily due to the education he received. Self-education, constant food for the mind and dynamic development make it so. A spiritually rich person must know the history of his people, the elements of their folklore, and be diversified.

Instead of a conclusion

These days it may seem that material wealth is valued more than spiritual wealth. To some extent this is true, but another question is, by whom? Only a spiritually impoverished person will not appreciate the inner world of his interlocutor. Material wealth will never replace the breadth of soul, wisdom, and moral purity. Sympathy, love, respect cannot be bought. Only a spiritually rich person is capable of displaying such feelings. Material things are perishable; tomorrow they may no longer exist. But spiritual wealth will remain with a person for his entire life, and will illuminate the path not only for him, but also for those who are next to him. Ask yourself what it means to be a spiritually rich person, set yourself a goal and go towards it. Believe me, your efforts will be worth it.

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