Running is a good habit. Go outside

Running in the morning is one of the best ways to gain and maintain health. More and more more people thinking about how to get rid of bad habits and start leading a healthy lifestyle. Most of us are so caught up in business that rarely does anyone manage to carve out at least a few minutes of their time for morning exercises, not to mention systematic exercise.


And, did you know that sport is a very important part of the life of every successful person? Think about it, why do the luckiest among us exercise at least four times a week? There are two main reasons for this.

Firstly, they value their health. Secondly, sport can charge a person with the energy necessary to accomplish great things every day. Most people simply don't have enough of this energy.

It is not at all necessary to practice this kind of sport professionally. A wealthy businessman, a schoolboy, or an old pensioner can run in the morning. The fact is that you just need to develop a habit, which, according to statistics, takes 21 days to form. For three weeks a person will have to force himself, and then everything will go like clockwork. But first, let's figure out why we need this.

Experts say that running in the morning is a universal sport that is suitable for absolutely every person. In some cases, doctors recommend running in the morning for people who have suffered quite serious illnesses, for example, myocardial infarction.


There are many cases where morning jogging or brisk walking helped a person cure a diseased heart. How does this happen?

In fact, there is no organ in the human body that running in the morning does not have an effect on. positive influence. Unusual vibrations that occur only during this sport greatly contribute to the flow of blood to the organs and tissues of our body.

As a result, all human cells receive the full required dose of oxygen and nutrients, which contributes to their rapid renewal.

It has long been proven that people whose habit is running in the morning almost never get ARVI, and if this happens, they overcome the disease quickly, without resorting to bed rest. The fact is that regular morning jogging forces our immune system to work, as a result of which it is constantly strengthened.

We run and lose weight

Running in the morning is good for weight loss. This is why people who have problems with excess weight first start running. But they should know that this is not a panacea. Morning jogging can help a person get rid of extra pounds only if this remedy is used in combination with other beneficial actions, including a healthy diet.

Running in the morning helps to put the metabolism in the human body in order, thereby helping to maintain normal weight.

Many businessmen or people whose main job is mental work sometimes witness such a phenomenon - the solution to a difficult problem that has been bothering a person for a long time suddenly suddenly pops up in consciousness during the morning run. How does this happen?

A running person intensively saturates his body with oxygen, which in itself adds energy to the brain, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of this organ. But most importantly, a person, concentrating on running, switches his attention from the problem that bothers him, which, together with the above factors, gives him a ready-made answer.

For mind and body

Running in the morning is undoubtedly a necessary and beneficial activity for both the mind and body. But unfortunately, for many, starting to engage in this sport is a real problem. Moreover, the most difficult thing is to take the first step, because motivating yourself further is a matter of technique.

There are many people who seem to have already decided to run in the morning, but just can’t start. Because the first step is the most difficult. You need to get up earlier, make an effort, get out of your usual comfort zone, and break yourself to some extent.

Therefore, having decided to run in the morning, you need to start immediately. You shouldn't wait for running shoes, a tracksuit or something else to appear. You need to start running in what you have immediately the next morning.

As a rule, procrastination, for example, I start running on Monday or the first of the month, are just excuses that do not give any results. The main thing is to clearly understand why this is being done and what the result should be.

Habit of running

Running in the morning is just a habit, but it trains both the body and the will. After all, in order to accustom yourself to running systematically, you need character in any weather. Like any habit, it can be ingrained into your lifestyle, even if it doesn’t take root well at first. But how to do that?

Experts say that in order to instill a new habit or get rid of an old one, you need to perform a certain action for twenty-one days, which will soon become a habit. Under no circumstances should this action be interrupted, since even one missed day means a broken chain and no result.

In order for the habit of running in the morning to take root in your life, constantly motivate yourself. Set small goals, such as running every day for a week, or at least waking up at six in the morning.

Reach the goal

If the goal is achieved, praise yourself, give yourself some gift. Always keep an image of the goal you are aiming for in your mind. Imagine your body the way you want to see it - developed and beautiful.

Always remember, running in the morning is a healthy habit that pushes us up. While another habit is not playing sports, that is what drags us down.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits that a person receives by learning to run correctly and forming the corresponding good habit of doing it every morning. I am sure that everyone, even an advanced runner, will have something to learn from this series of articles on running, because we consider running not only from the physiological, but also from the energetic and psychological side. Start studying this topic with the article, then you can master it.

And in this article we will talk about the problems that cause people to stop running, give up jogging, and what needs to be done to create the need for daily running.

Run in the morning every day. How to form the desire and habit of running?

Mastering esotericism, meditation and constantly working on myself, I became acquainted with the detailed structure of the human body, consciousness, energy systems and understood how this or that human ability or need is formed.

Without details, it looks like this: Any function, ability or need of a person is realized by the corresponding physical or energy system, or a complex of systems that are controlled by a program formed in the subconscious. All systems are inherent in everyone from the very beginning. The main condition for revealing systems is their relevance and regular training.

In other words, what a person does regularly many times reveals the systems that implement this activity and forms programs for managing this process. When systems are revealed and programs are formed, this ability begins, as it were, to live its own life and demand its implementation, which is felt by a person as a need for this activity.

As you can see, in order to create a need for daily jogging, you need to run regularly, preferably at the same time, and at least every other day. Following all our recommendations (running so that the energy gain exceeds the expenditure, a positive attitude and pleasure, etc.) will speed up this process.

The main mistakes that block the formation of the need to run:

  • Not jogging regularly– the necessary systems are not revealed, skills are not consolidated, and the need for daily jogging is not formed.
  • Negative state while running(preoccupation with problems, worries, condemnation, grievances, fears, etc.) – the process of gaining energy does not start, a significant part of the energy is spent on negative emotions, etc.
  • The necessary relaxation is not achieved. Tense muscles do not accept energy well, become clogged, and get tired quickly.
  • Energy gain is less than consumption. Reasons: The necessary relaxation is not achieved; negative state while running; the process of gaining energy is not started purposefully.
  • Running does not become part of a lifestyle.
  • Running does not become a constantly evolving process. Any process that does not develop sooner or later begins to collapse.
  • Running stops during the cold season and in inclement weather. Long breaks mean destruction of the process. Not everyone is capable of starting over again.
  • Running is hard work, violence. No pleasure, heaviness, fatigue. Consciousness clearly carries out the program: “It’s hard for me,” etc.
  • Running technique is not mastered or improved. Running in the usual way does not give the results that the meditative running technique can give.
  • Less time spent jogging than necessary to obtain results. The run ends at the stage of entering the desired mode, when the energy collection system has not yet fully engaged. If there is a lack of energy, it will not be possible to achieve a state of lightness and pleasure. Without receiving the planned results, a person stops jogging earlier or later.
  • The intensity (speed) of jogging is lower or higher than necessary. If it is lower, the result is not achieved, if it is higher, there are breakdowns, etc. due to overload.

Running in the morning every day is a great pleasure

Pleasure - this is a special condition. Not everyone knows that a person receives maximum pleasure when a large amount of energy of a certain quality enters him. Moreover, the energy flow density is so high that it causes vibrations in every cell of the body, which give the most pleasant sensations, great joy and delight. This can happen in the process of creativity, when a person creates, creates, does what he loves; when running, when it also becomes a favorite activity; when lovers meet; when partners exchange energy during sexual relations, etc.

Let's remember the well-known truth: “A person can only enjoy what he loves and what he values.”

Anyway, To enjoy running, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Eliminate violence against yourself - do not force yourself, but create the need for daily jogging;
  2. To love running and make it your favorite thing;
  3. Ensure that energy gain exceeds energy consumption.

Self-violence occurs when a person understands that he needs to run and does it not out of desire, but out of willpower, forcing himself to run. It is appropriate to note that violence against oneself, like any negative emotion, leads to excessive energy consumption, blocking its gain, rapid fatigue and termination of the process; accompanied by negative, unpleasant, destructive energies that block a set of positive energies. Eliminated by creating the need for daily jogging.

There are different ways to force yourself to start running in the morning. You can make a promise to someone that if I don’t go out in the morning and go for a run, I will pay him 1000 rubles. You can get a dog and walk it every morning and run races with it. Or you can create a new habit that will help you start running in the morning.

How to create a new habit of running in the morning? To do this, you only need to take seven simple steps.

1. Make a decision.

First you need to decide for yourself: should I do this or not. When making a decision, it is important to understand that on any day, in any weather, in any condition, you will need to leave the house and run along your route. Think about it, do you need this? Why torment and torment yourself so much? Sleep in warmth and comfort))) The worst thing here is to finish before you even start. That is, just ignore this matter: “I haven’t run for a hundred years and there’s no point in starting!”

2. Ask yourself why is this important to me?

If you still decide that you will run, then ask yourself why this is important to you. For example, it is important for me to start running in the morning because I want to be energetic. Why is it important for me to be energetic? Because when I'm energetic, I have more confidence and determination. Why is it important for me to have more confidence and determination? Because when I am confident and determined, I easily take on any task and see it through to the end...

Like that. Through the question “why is this important to me” you can get to the bottom of true reasons. And they will ignite and support your desire and decision to start running in the morning.

3. Prepare clothes and shoes for running.

Before you set off on a journey, it is advisable to prepare for it. What clothes will you wear for running? What shoes? Which route? This could be a path around a school, a park, or a sports ground. Think about this in advance.

4. Start small.

It’s better to start small: wake up 10 minutes earlier than usual, wash your face, put on your sneakers, stand in the hallway. That's all. Take off your sneakers and continue doing what you always did.

If you think this is a stupid activity, then don’t do anything at all. But understand this: if you want to develop the habit of running regularly in the morning, you need to start small. From such a small step that you could not fail to complete.

For example, just put on sneakers and stand in the hallway. It is important to repeat this action every morning after doing the same thing. For example, we washed our face, brushed our teeth and put on our sneakers. And after that, you definitely need to praise yourself: “What a great job I am! I’m developing the habit of running in the morning!”

The most important thing is to repeat this every morning so that the habit begins to form. There are different days. One day, I’m dying to set an Olympic record. And some day you don’t want to take your nose out from under the blanket. But no matter what state I’m in, vigorous or lethargic, whether I’ve had enough sleep or not, whether I have time or whether I’m already late, I need to put on my sneakers and stand in the hallway for a couple of minutes. Let this be such a new ritual.

5. Go outside.

After a week, you can increase it a little: wake up another 10 minutes earlier, put on your sneakers, go outside and walk around the house. That's all. And home. Let it take only 2-3 minutes, no more is needed. The fact that you left the house is already a great achievement. And repeat this tomorrow. And after tomorrow. And every subsequent day.

6. Walk along the route.

In another week, put on your sneakers, go outside and quickly walk the intended running route. Maybe not all of it. A small piece. It is better to have several routes: small, medium and full. And depending on your mood and desire, choose one of them. And every next day repeat this sequence: put on your sneakers, go outside and walk along the route.

7. Start running.

In another week you can start running. By this time, it will no longer be possible not to run in the morning))) You can and should ask yourself every morning: why is it important for me to run in the morning. And respond with all passion and intensity.

It is advisable not to turn morning jogging into a feat every day, but to make it a habitual routine. It’s better to study for 2 minutes every day for a month than to load yourself up for an hour or two one day and then give up on it.

It's free, takes just 18 minutes to read, and simple examples tells how you can easily build a new habit that will stay with you for the rest of your life.

Well, are you ready to play for real? You will be delighted with the simplicity and effectiveness of this method.

That's all for now. Thank you for your desire for health and beauty))) Click "Like", if you found this article helpful, how to start running in the morning. And better -
write in the comments.

One of the most useful habits healthy image life is regular exercise. Sport, in its essence, not only improves your health and makes your body beautiful, but also develops willpower. It is also a good psychological release.

Running is a great way to start exercising. Why running and how does it affect our health?

Running is a cardio exercise. It helps to develop endurance, both psychologically and physically.

One of the advantages of running is its accessibility to everyone. Of course, if you have any health problems, it is recommended to consult a doctor before such exercise. Because running puts a lot of stress on the heart.

The benefits of this sport are enormous:

- endurance and other personal qualities such as willpower, self-control, and self-esteem improve;

- excess calories are burned, which helps girls lose weight and boys dry out their muscles;

- the muscles of the whole body are strengthened, but especially the calf muscles, thereby keeping the body in good shape;

- strengthens the circulatory system, as well as the heart and lungs;

- strengthening the musculoskeletal system.

Many argue that running is bad for your health, citing that it causes joint pain, blackened toenails, or causes severe blood pressure surges. Yes, all this can happen to you if you don’t remember the basic rules of running:

- the clothes you run in should not only be comfortable, but also not too warm. Since during running the body temperature rises, and it will be very difficult for your body to maintain normal body temperature and run at the same time;

- shoes should also be comfortable, ideally when they are a little larger than your foot size, since when you run, your feet expand a little, and it would seem that the ideal sneaker for you rubs;

- Be sure to do a short warm-up before running. This will prevent unwanted stretch marks and joint pain;

- do not overeat before training, this will put an additional, completely unnecessary load on the body. Moreover, such training will not be effective;

- if you have problems with the heart or circulatory system, consult a doctor before training.

Running is good for its versatility: if you want to relax after a hard workout, jogging for 10-15 minutes will help you; if you are trying to lose weight, then the best choice is interval running for 35-50 minutes; if you want to develop endurance, ordinary long runs are suitable for you, for example: 40 – 70 minutes; Well, if you just want to warm up before starting a workout, any of the above types will suit you for 15-20 minutes.

Interval running is, in many ways, the most confusing. What rest periods and loads should there be? How to keep track of time? And how long do you need to run to get results?

During interval running, many more calories are burned, which affects the reduction of subcutaneous fat tissue. Thus, this type of running is most suitable for people who are losing body weight.

For beginners, an example of a workout could be like this:

5 minutes of fast walking or slow running, and then take turns, running - 4 minutes, acceleration 15 seconds, walking - 1 minute. There are 6 stages, after which you return to walking, restoring your breathing. This workout will take you 39:30 minutes, of which 15 minutes are walking, 23 minutes are running and 1:30 is spent speeding up. .

For people who have been running for a long time, the number of stages in the training increases, and, except for warm-up and cool-down, walking between stages is not included. But there appears acceleration at 100% of your capabilities, and you know, after such acceleration, running will already seem like a rest to you.

It is for this kind of running that I want to recommend you the free app “Running for Weight Loss.” To be honest, I don’t really hope for all the promises made by the creators of this application (something like “you will lose 15 kg in 2 months”, etc. is nonsense). But the plan for interval jogging there is excellent, the plus of this program is that you do not need to control the time, you only need to follow the instructions of the audio trainer. At the same time, you can listen to your favorite music without interruption.

Sincerely, Katerina Lemishko.

Remember once and for all that amateur running is very simple and very easy!

Today we want to address those who are just starting to run, are thinking about running, or have simply heard that regular running is beneficial in one way or another.The fact is that this is a very accessible option for physical activity and amateur sports for most people. But there are a number of demotivating misconceptions that float around running that prevent many people from making running a habit.

Below you will find 7 simple rules on how you can make running a habit and a real hobby that brings true pleasure every day. Follow these rules and you'll soon find yourself looking forward to every next run.

Rule 1: Have a big goal

You should not use running as a means to lose weight, become healthier, or feel more energetic. Running to lose weight is a utopia that is based solely on negative motivation.

Have a larger, positive goal that inspires you every day, something that gives you goosebumps and raises your heart rate when you think about it. Perhaps this will be the goal of running your first marathon or half marathon, or perhaps running 10 kilometers. If you set a big goal, you will feel more energized and enthusiastic! And losing weight and feeling good will be a pleasant consequence.

Stop and imagine for a moment that you have not just developed the habit of regular running, but have achieved a really big goal, you are satisfied with yourself, even a little proud, you are admired by close friends and relatives, and as a complement to the movement towards this big goal, you We also purchased a magnificent physical fitness and well-being! Isn't this great?!

Rule 2. Have intermediate goals

Break your big goal into several intermediate ones. Enjoy constantly achieving more and more mini-goals. If you want to run a marathon, then intermediate goals could be: take part in a 5-kilometer race, then a 10-kilometer and a half marathon. If you haven’t been running very much yet and can only run a couple of kilometers, then let your immediate mini-goal be an increase in the maximum distance of 500 meters. The main thing is a constant feeling of progress and development.

Rule 3. Enjoy the process

Enjoy the running itself. Don't focus on the result, this is a direct path to quickly losing interest in jogging and training. Enjoy the fact that you are running. Enjoy being part of the sports community. Enjoy the surrounding views. Focus on enjoying the process and the results will come automatically.

Rule 4. Compete only with yourself

The biggest mistake beginner runners make is wanting to immediately fit in with other runners and trying to run fast from the very first runs. Run slowly, at a pace that is comfortable for you. Fast run on initial stage will not give anything good except an aversion to training.

Turn on the “Chatter” mode! This is a running pace at which you can calmly carry on a conversation with someone, observe the surrounding views, look at everything that is happening around, or just calmly think about life and business.

Rule 5. Create a feeling of “hunger”

If you are just starting your running journey, then start it gradually. Consciously limit the distances you run. Start with 500 meters, then a kilometer, then 1.5, etc. Accumulate the desire so that each time you want to go for a run more and more. the main task- this is the development of a habit after which running will become part of everyday life.

Rule 6. Change the environment

Change the place and time of your runs regularly to get a new and interesting experience each time.

Rule 7: Create a supportive environment

This is perhaps the most important rule. If you follow only him, then 99.9 percent of running will become a part of your life. Join running groups and communities, meet runners online, find a training partner, join a running club, find and read a few running books, subscribe to blogs, and stay in constant contact with other runners. This is the fastest and easiest way to immerse yourself and “pump up” in any topic, including running.

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