Unmanned vehicle. Possibilities of using unmanned aerial vehicles for military purposes

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Tactical and technical characteristics of unmanned aerial vehicles in service with units of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

For technical equipment of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations with unmanned aerial vehicles, Russian enterprises have developed several options, let’s consider some of them:

UAV ZALA 421-16E

is a long-range unmanned aircraft (Fig. 1.) with an automatic control system (autopilot), a navigation system with inertial correction (GPS/GLONASS), a built-in digital telemetry system, navigation lights, a built-in three-axis magnetometer, a module for holding and active target tracking ( “AC module”), a digital built-in camera, a digital broadband video transmitter of C-OFDM modulation, a radio modem with a satellite navigation system (SNS) receiver “Diagonal AIR” with the ability to work without a SNS signal (radio range finder), a self-diagnosis system, a humidity sensor, a temperature sensor, a current sensor, a propulsion system temperature sensor, a parachute release, an air shock absorber to protect the target load during landing and a search transmitter.

This complex is designed for aerial surveillance at any time of the day at a distance of up to 50 km with real-time video transmission. The unmanned aircraft successfully solves the problems of ensuring the security and control of strategically important objects, allows you to determine the coordinates of the target and quickly make decisions to adjust the actions of ground services. Thanks to the built-in “AS Module”, the UAV automatically monitors static and moving objects. In the absence of a SNS signal, the UAV will autonomously continue performing the task

Figure 1 – UAV ZALA 421-16E

UAV ZALA 421-08M

(Fig. 2.) Made according to the “flying wing” scheme - this is a tactical-range unmanned aircraft with an autopilot, it has a similar set of functions and modules as the ZALA 421-16E. This complex is designed for operational reconnaissance of terrain at a distance of up to 15 km with real-time video transmission. The ZALA 421-08M UAV is distinguished by its ultra-reliability, ease of operation, low acoustic and visual signature and best-in-class target loads. This aircraft does not require a specially prepared take-off and landing site due to the fact that the take-off is carried out using an elastic catapult, and carries out aerial reconnaissance under various weather conditions at any time of the day.

Transportation of the complex with the ZALA 421-08M UAV to the place of operation can be carried out by one person. The lightness of the device allows (with appropriate preparation) to be launched “by hand”, without using a catapult, which makes it indispensable when solving problems. The built-in “Module AC” allows an unmanned aircraft to automatically monitor static and moving objects, both on land and on water.

Figure 2 – UAV ZALA 421-08M

UAV ZALA 421-22

is an unmanned helicopter with eight rotors, medium range, with a built-in autopilot system (Fig. 3). The design of the device is foldable and made of composite materials, which makes it easy to deliver the complex to the place of operation by any vehicle. This device does not require a specially prepared take-off and landing site due to its vertically automatic launch and landing, which makes it indispensable when conducting aerial reconnaissance in hard-to-reach areas.

ZALA 421-22 is successfully used to perform operations at any time of the day: to search and detect objects, to ensure the security of perimeters within a radius of up to 5 km. Thanks to the built-in “AC Module”, the device automatically monitors static and moving objects.

Phantom 3 Professional

Represents the next generation of DJI quadcopters. It is capable of 4K video recording and HD video output right out of the box. The camera is integrated into the gimbal for maximum stability and weight efficiency in a minimal size. In the absence of a GPS signal, Visual Positioning technology ensures hovering accuracy.

Main functions

Camera and Gimbal: The Phantom 3 Professional shoots 4K video at up to 30fps and takes 12 megapixel photos that look sharper and cleaner than ever. The camera's improved sensor gives you greater clarity, lower noise, and better pictures than any previous flying camera.

HD Video Link: Low latency, HD video transmission, based on the DJI Lightbridge system.

DJI Intelligent Flight Battery: 4480 mAh DJI Intelligent Flight Battery has new cells and uses an intelligent battery management system.

Flight Controller: Next generation flight controller, provides more reliable operation. The new recorder stores data from each flight, and visual positioning allows you to hover accurately at one point in the absence of GPS.

Figure 4 – Phantom 3 Professional UAV

UAV Inspire 1

The Inspire 1 is a new multicopter capable of recording 4K video and transmitting high definition video (up to 2 km) to multiple devices right out of the box. Equipped with a retractable chassis, the camera can freely rotate 360 ​​degrees. The camera is integrated into the gimbal for maximum stability and weight efficiency with minimal size. In the absence of a GPS signal, Visual Positioning technology ensures hovering accuracy.

Main functions

Camera and Gimbal: Captures up to 4K video and 12-megapixel photos. There is space to install neutral density (ND) filters for better exposure control. The new suspension mechanism allows you to quickly remove the camera.

HD Video Link: Low latency, HD video transmission, this is an advanced version of the DJI Lightbridge system. It is also possible to control it from two remote controls.

Chassis: Retractable landing gear allows the camera to take unobstructed panoramas.

DJI Intelligent Flight Battery: 4500 mAh uses an intelligent battery management system.

Flight Controller: Next generation flight controller, provides more reliable operation. The new recorder stores data from each flight, and visual positioning allows you to accurately hover at one point in the absence of GPS.

Figure 5 – Inspire 1 UAV

All characteristics of the UAVs listed above are presented in Table 1 (except for Phantom 3 Professional and Inspire 1 as indicated in the text)

Table 1. UAV characteristics

UAV ZALA 421-16E ZALA 421-16EM ZALA 421-08M ZALA 421-08F ZALA 421-16 ZALA 421-04M
UAV wingspan, mm 2815 1810 810 425 1680 1615
Flight duration, h(min) >4 2,5 (80) (80) 4-8 1,5
UAV length, mm 1020 900 425 635
Speed, km/h 65-110 65-110 65-130 65-120 130-200 65-100
Maximum flight altitude, m 3600 3600 3600 3000 3000
Target load mass, kg(g) Up to 1.5 Up to 1 (300) (300) Up to 1

A lesson on solving problems, taking into account the capabilities of unmanned aerial vehicles in service with units of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

– emergency detection;

– participation in emergency response;

– assessment of damage from emergency situations.

Considering the experience of using unmanned aerial vehicles in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, the following generalizations can be made: – the economic feasibility of using unmanned aerial vehicles is due to ease of use, the ability to take off and land on any selected territory; – the operational headquarters receives reliable video and photo information, which allows you to effectively manage the forces and means of localizing and eliminating emergencies; – the ability to transmit video and photo information in real time to control points allows you to quickly influence changes in the situation and make the right management decisions; – the possibility of manual and automatic use of unmanned aerial vehicles. In accordance with the Regulations “On the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief,” the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations manages the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations at the federal level. The efficiency of such a system is largely determined by the level of its technical equipment and the correct organization of the interaction of all its constituent elements. To solve the problem of collecting and processing information in the field of civil defense, protecting the population and territories from emergencies, ensuring fire safety, the safety of people on water bodies, as well as exchanging this information, it is advisable to use comprehensively space-based, airborne, ground-based or surface-based technical equipment. The time factor is extremely important when planning and carrying out measures to protect the population and territories from emergencies, as well as ensuring fire safety. From timely receipt of information about emergencies to management

The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations is very relevant. Unmanned aircraft technology is experiencing a real boom. Unmanned aerial vehicles of various purposes, of various aerodynamic configurations and with a variety of tactical and technical characteristics are flying into the airspace of various countries. The success of their use is associated, first of all, with the rapid development of microprocessor computing technology, control systems, navigation, information transmission, and artificial intelligence. Advances in this area make it possible to fly automatically from takeoff to landing, solve problems of monitoring the earth's (water) surface, and provide military unmanned aerial vehicles with reconnaissance, search, selection and destruction of targets in difficult conditions. Therefore, in most industrialized countries, development of both the aircraft themselves and the power plants for them is underway on a broad front.

Currently, unmanned aerial vehicles are widely used by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations to manage crisis situations and obtain operational information.

They are capable of replacing airplanes and helicopters during missions that involve risk to the lives of their crews and the possible loss of expensive manned aircraft. The first unmanned aerial vehicles arrived at the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2009. In the summer of 2010, unmanned aerial vehicles were used to monitor the fire situation in the Moscow region, in particular, in the Shatursky and Yegoryevsky districts. In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 2010 No. 138 “On approval of the Federal Rules for the Use of the Airspace of the Russian Federation,” an unmanned aerial vehicle is understood to be an aircraft that performs a flight without a pilot (crew) on board and is controlled in flight automatically by an operator from the control point or a combination of these methods

The unmanned aerial vehicle is designed to solve the following tasks:

– unmanned remote monitoring of forests to detect forest fires;

– monitoring and transmission of data on radioactive and chemical contamination of terrain and airspace in a given area;

engineering exploration of areas of floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters;

– detection and monitoring of ice jams and river floods;

– monitoring the condition of transport highways, oil and gas pipelines, power lines and other objects;

– environmental monitoring of water areas and coastlines;

– determination of the exact coordinates of emergency areas and affected facilities.

Monitoring is carried out day and night, in favorable and limited weather conditions.

Along with this, the unmanned aerial vehicle provides a search for technical equipment that has suffered an accident (catastrophe) and missing groups of people. The search is carried out according to a pre-entered flight mission or according to a flight route quickly changed by the operator. It is equipped with guidance systems, on-board radar systems, sensors and video cameras.

During flight, as a rule, control of an unmanned aerial vehicle is automatically carried out through an on-board navigation and control complex, which includes:

– a satellite navigation receiver that provides reception of navigation information from GLONASS and GPS systems;

– a system of inertial sensors that provides determination of the orientation and movement parameters of an unmanned aerial vehicle;

– a sensor system that provides measurement of altitude and airspeed;

– various types of antennas. The on-board communication system operates in the permitted radio frequency range and provides data transmission from board to ground and from ground to board.

Tasks for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles can be classified into four main groups:

– emergency detection;

– participation in emergency response;

– search and rescue of victims;

– assessment of damage from emergency situations.

Emergency detection means reliable identification of the fact of an emergency, as well as the time and exact coordinates of the place where it was observed. Aerial monitoring of territories using unmanned aerial vehicles is carried out based on forecasts of an increased probability of an emergency or based on signals from other independent sources. This may involve flying over forested areas in fire-hazardous weather conditions. Depending on the speed of spread of the emergency, data is transmitted in real time or processed after the return of the unmanned aerial vehicle. The received data can be transmitted via communication channels (including satellite) to the headquarters of the search and rescue operation, the regional center of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations or to the central office of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. Unmanned aerial vehicles can be included in emergency response forces and can also prove extremely useful, and sometimes irreplaceable, during search and rescue operations on land and at sea. Unmanned aerial vehicles are also used to assess damage from emergencies in cases where this needs to be done quickly and accurately, and without risk to the health and life of ground rescue teams. So in 2013, unmanned aerial vehicles were used by employees of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations to monitor flood conditions in the Khabarovsk Territory. With the help of data transmitted in real time, the condition of protective structures was monitored to prevent dam breaks, as well as the search for people in flooded areas, followed by adjustments to the actions of the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry employees.

Considering the experience of using unmanned aerial vehicles in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, the following generalizations can be made: – the economic feasibility of using unmanned aerial vehicles is due to ease of use, the ability to take off and land on any selected territory; – the operational headquarters receives reliable video and photo information, which allows you to effectively manage the forces and means of localizing and eliminating emergencies; – the ability to transmit video and photo information in real time to control points allows you to quickly influence changes in the situation and make the right management decisions; – the possibility of manual and automatic use of unmanned aerial vehicles. In accordance with the Regulations “On the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief,” the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations manages the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations at the federal level. The efficiency of such a system is largely determined by the level of its technical equipment and the correct organization of the interaction of all its constituent elements. To solve the problem of collecting and processing information in the field of civil defense, protecting the population and territories from emergencies, ensuring fire safety, the safety of people on water bodies, as well as exchanging this information, it is advisable to use comprehensively space-based, airborne, ground-based or surface-based technical equipment. The time factor is extremely important when planning and carrying out measures to protect the population and territories from emergencies, as well as ensuring fire safety. The level of economic damage from the emergency and the number of affected citizens largely depend on the timely receipt of information about emergencies by the management of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations at various levels and on the prompt response to what is happening. At the same time, in order to make appropriate operational management decisions, it is necessary to provide complete, objective and reliable information, not distorted or modified due to subjective factors. Thus, the further introduction of unmanned aerial vehicles will significantly contribute to filling information gaps regarding the dynamics of emergency situations. An extremely important task is to detect the occurrence of an emergency. The use of unmanned aerial vehicles alone can be very effective for a slowly developing emergency or an emergency in relative proximity to the deployed forces and means to eliminate it. At the same time, in combination with data obtained from other space-based, ground-based or surface-based technical means, the real picture of upcoming events, as well as the nature and pace of their development, can be presented in detail. Technical equipment of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations with promising robotic systems is a pressing and extremely important task. The development, production and implementation of such products is a rather complex and capital-intensive process. However, government costs for such equipment will be covered by the economic effect of preventing and eliminating emergencies using this technology. The Russian Federation suffers colossal economic losses from annual forest fires alone. Thus, to modernize the technical base of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, a program has been developed for re-equipping the units of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations with modern models of machinery and equipment for 2011–2015. An analysis of the response of government bodies and forces to federal emergencies associated with the passage of the summer-autumn flood of 2013 in the Far Eastern Federal District emphasized the relevance of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. In connection with this, the decision was made to create a division of unmanned aerial vehicles. Along with this, there are a number of problems that need to be addressed before unmanned aircraft become widespread. Among them, we can highlight the integration of unmanned aerial vehicles into the air traffic system in such a way that they do not pose a threat of collisions with manned aircraft, both civil and military. When carrying out specific rescue operations, the forces of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations have the right to use their technical means to carry out the necessary work. In this regard, there are currently no strict regulatory restrictions, much less bans, on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. At the same time, the issues of legal regulation of the development, production and use of unmanned aerial vehicles for civil purposes in general have not yet been resolved.

– the first turning point of the route (the starting point of the route (IPM) is installed next to the starting point.

– the depth of the working area must be within the limits of stable reception of video signals and telemetric information from the UAV. (Working area depth

– distance from the location of the NSU antenna to the maximum remote turning point. Working area - the territory within which the UAV performs a given flight program.).

– The route line, if possible, should not pass near high-power power lines (power lines) and other objects with a high level of electromagnetic radiation (radar stations, transceiver antennas, etc.).

– The estimated flight duration should not exceed 2/3 of the maximum duration declared by the manufacturer.

– At least 10 minutes of flight time must be allowed for takeoff and landing. For a general inspection of the territory, the most appropriate is a circular closed route. The main advantages of this method are coverage of a large area, efficiency and speed of monitoring, the ability to survey hard-to-reach areas of terrain, relatively simple planning of a flight mission and prompt processing of the results obtained. The flight route must provide coverage of the entire work area.

For the rational use of UAV energy resources, it is advisable to lay out the flight route in such a way that the first half of the UAV flight occurs against the wind.

Figure 1 – Construction of a flight route taking into account the wind.

For a detailed inspection of individual sections of the terrain within the working area, rectilinear, mutually parallel routes are used.

Figure 2 – Construction of a flight of a rectilinear parallel route.

It is recommended to use a parallel route when taking aerial photographs of terrain areas. When preparing a route, the operator must take into account the maximum width of the UAV camera's field of view at a given flight altitude. The route is laid so that the edges of the camera's field of view overlap adjacent fields by approximately 15% -20%.

Figure 3 – Parallel route.

Flying over a given object is used when conducting inspections of specific objects. Widely used in cases where the coordinates of an object are known and clarification of its state is required.

Figure 4 – Flying around a given object

During the inspection of active forest fires, the operator determines the main direction of fire spread, the presence of a threat of fire spread to economic facilities and populated areas, the presence of individual fires, areas that are particularly dangerous in terms of fire, places where fire passes through mineralized strips, and, if possible, identifies the locations of people and equipment involved in fire extinguishing in order to determine the correct placement of them on the edge of the fire. Simultaneously with the receipt of video information, forest service representatives make decisions on tactical methods of extinguishing, maneuvering human and technical resources. Natural boundaries for stopping the fire, access roads (approaches) to the fire, and a section of the edge (roads, trails, lakes, streams, rivers, bridges) are outlined.

UAV application example

In April 2011, three HE300 unmanned helicopters were used to conduct visual surveillance of the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant. These UAVs are equipped with a professional video camera, a thermal imaging camera, various sensors for measurements and shooting, and also have a tank for spraying various liquids. The results of video shooting from a UAV are shown in Fig. 5.6.

Figure 5.6 – Japanese nuclear power plant after an accident with a UAV.

In February 2014, ZALA UAVs allowed the EMERCOM teams in the Kirov region to keep the situation under control during a fire at a railway station (a train with gas condensate derailed and caught fire), to competently concentrate forces for the safe evacuation of residents and liquidation of the consequences of the incident. Aerial monitoring of the emergency zone was carried out during the day and at night, completely eliminating the risk to the lives of the population and the rescue team. Photos from the place. The crashes filmed by the UAV are shown in Figure 7.

Support the project

At the end of the next exhibition “Unmanned Multi-Purpose Systems” - UVS-TECH 2009, all interested readers are offered an overview of Russian aircraft-type unmanned aerial systems. It is perhaps the most complete list of UAV projects, both implemented previously and those on which work is currently ongoing. UAVs are systematized by mass and range.

In Russia, a dozen large and small companies are working in the field of creating complexes with UAVs. All developers, as a rule, are moving towards creating a wide range of multifunctional complexes capable of performing a variety of tasks. As a result, potential customers are offered many essentially identical UAV samples that solve similar problems.

Unfortunately, in Russia there is no accepted classification of UAVs. It is not entirely possible to classify UAV samples and projects currently available on the domestic market using the categories of the UVS International Association of Unmanned Systems. In addition, problems arise with the interpretation by Russian developers of certain characteristics, for example, the range of the UAV. To systematize the UAV systems currently available in Russia, the following classification is proposed, based on take-off weight and/or range.

Short-range micro and mini UAVs

The class of miniature ultra-light and lightweight devices and complexes based on them with a take-off weight of up to 5 kg began to appear in Russia relatively recently, but is already quite widely represented. UAVs are intended for individual operational use at short ranges at a distance of up to 25...40 km. They are easy to operate and transport, are foldable and are positioned as “portable”; they are usually launched by hand.

The Izhevsk company Unmanned Systems is actively working in the field of creating UAVs of this type. These include the ultra-light monitoring UAV ZALA 421-11, the first flight of which was carried out in 2007. The entire complex fits into a standard size case. In terms of the target load set, the device is identical to another model -. This portable small-sized complex includes two UAVs, a control station and a backpack container for transportation. Moreover, the total mass of the complex is only 8 kg. For monitoring, a replaceable unit (TV, IR cameras, camera) is used. In the summer of 2008, test flights of the ship modification were carried out on board an icebreaker to conduct reconnaissance and search for objects on the water. In accordance with the requirements of the Border Guard Service, the company recently developed a lightweight UAV ZALA 421-12 with increased flight duration. The device allows observation using a full-fledged gyro-stabilized camera on two axes with the ability to view the lower hemisphere and with an optical zoom of 26 times. The UAV is capable of monitoring day and night. Navigation is carried out using GPS/GLONASS signals.

The Kazan company "ENICS" represents in this class a whole family of devices and complexes, for which the . This is a UAV for remote observation of objects and monitoring of ground conditions. The device is made according to the “flying wing” design with folding consoles; an electric motor with a pushing propeller is located in the tail section. The UAV can be equipped with a wide range of surveillance equipment, including a stabilized TV system, camera, etc.). The entire complex can be transported in backpack containers or by road. The development of the basic version was completed in 2003, and its production began in 2004. In 2008, trial operation of the complex was carried out at the SP-35 polar station together with the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation AARI. The civilian version of Aileron is called T25. Payload – stabilized TV system (in modification T25D), IR camera (T25N) or camera. A development of the T23 is the family of UAVs of the Eleron-3 and Gamayun-3 types. Their creation was announced in 2008. The Eleron-3 UAV is planned to be created in at least seven modifications, differing mainly in the target load, which may include a TV, IR camera, camera, repeater, RTR station and jamming. When simulating air targets, Luneberg lenses and IR emitters can be installed. Navigation is carried out using GPS/GLONASS signals. The control station is unified with the Eleron-10 (T10) complex. Based on the Aileron-type apparatus, the Irkut OJSC created an aviation remote sensing complex "". In 2007, the UAV was accepted for supply to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.

SKB Topaz offers its portable remote monitoring system. It includes the small-sized Lokon UAV. The payload includes TV, IR and camera cameras. The ground component of the complex includes a control center, receiving and processing information and containers for carrying UAVs. Production is carried out at the Istra Experimental Mechanical Plant (IEMZ).

Micro- and mini-UAVs also include a number of IEMZ’s own developments. In particular, the plant’s specialists developed a basic UAV “Istra-010” weighing 4 kg for aerial photographic reconnaissance. The company manufactured five sets of such UAVs for trial military operation and transferred them to the Russian Defense Ministry. The complex includes a ground station and two aircraft. In 2008, the company was creating a photo reconnaissance vehicle weighing 2.5...3 kg, which is a lightweight version of a previously built UAV weighing 4 kg.

The Novik-XXI Century Research, Production and Design Center has long been known for its developments in the field of unmanned systems. One of the systems developed by the company is the BRAT UAV complex. It includes a small-sized unmanned vehicle weighing 3 kg. The standard target load is two TV cameras or one digital camera.

To date, the line of unmanned systems of the Russian innovative company Aerocon includes three devices of the Inspector series. Two of them belong to the mini-UAV class, and the “youngest” one is close to the “micro” class. The complexes are designed to solve a variety of surveillance tasks, including in difficult and cramped conditions, in an urban environment.

One of the “fresh” developments in the field of mini-class systems is the T-3 UAV complex, created by the Rissa company. The T-3 UAV is designed for use in video surveillance tasks in the daytime and at night, for aerial photography, and for use as a radio signal repeater carrier. The complex is currently undergoing testing of pre-production samples and fine-tuning of ground equipment

Lightweight short-range UAVs

The class of light short-range UAVs includes slightly larger devices - in the mass range from 5 to 50 kg. Their range of action is within 10 – 70 km.

The Novik-XXI Century company offers the unmanned complex "GRANT" in this class. It consists of a basic automated workstation on the UAZ-3741 chassis, a transport and launcher on the UAZ-3303 chassis and two Grant UAVs. The unmanned vehicles have a mass of 20 kg.

UAV ZALA 421-04 offer “Unmanned Systems”. The device is made according to the “flying wing” design with a pushing propeller. The UAV is equipped with an automatic control system that allows you to set a route, control and adjust the flight in real time. The payload is a color video camera on a gyro-stabilized platform. Since 2006, the complex has been supplying the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

At the UVS-TECH 2008 exhibition, ENIKS CJSC for the first time announced the creation of two monitoring systems based on the T10 drone, adapted for specific tasks - Eleron-10 and Gamayun-10. In the Eleron-10 complex, it is possible to use UAVs in several variants of the target load, including with a TV, IR camera, camera, repeater, RTR station and jamming. In 2007-2008 The Eleron-10 complex has undergone a flight test cycle. There is a similar device in the Irkut company’s line of drones. The Irkut-10 complex consists of two UAVs, ground control and maintenance equipment, and is equipped with a communication line with two digital secure control and data transmission channels. Serial production is being prepared.

Another “brainchild” of ENIKS CJSC is the T92 Lotos UAV. It is designed to deliver a targeted load to a given area or perform monitoring. TV and/or IR cameras can be used as payloads. The UAV took part in research exercises of the Ground Forces at the Alabinsky training ground of the Moscow Military District and in the exercises of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Tatarstan in 1998. The complex is currently in operation. This UAV is aerodynamically similar to the small-sized UAV T90 (T90-11), designed for terrain surveillance, operational search, and detection of ground objects. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is used as part of the Smerch MLRS. The adjustment of MLRS fire carried out by the device at a range of up to 70 km reduces shooting errors and reduces the consumption of shells. Payload - TV camera. When folded, the UAV is placed in a special container and fired using a standard 300-mm rocket. According to available data, the complex is currently being tested in the interests of the Russian Defense Ministry.

In addition, in this class, ENIKS is developing a remote viewing complex with a lightweight T21 UAV. Payload: TV camera. The design of the UAV allows it to be transported in a small container. There is a T24 UAV project designed for remote monitoring of terrain and transmission of photo and video images to a ground control point. Its layout is similar to the Eleron UAV. The payload is standard - TV/IR system.

Rybinsk Design Bureau "Luch" has created several UAVs for the Tipchak aerial reconnaissance complex. The most “advanced” of them is UAV-05. Its State tests were completed in 2007, and its serial production began in 2008. The UAV is capable of searching for objects and transmitting data in real time to a ground control station at any time of the day. The payload is a combined dual-spectrum TV/IR camera, which can be replaced with photographic equipment. In addition to the UAV-05, the company some time ago announced two more devices intended for use in a complex. One of them is BLA-07 - a small-sized tactical UAV. The target load is a combined dual-spectrum TV/IR camera or camera. Its design began in 2005. The next device is BLA-08. This is a low-speed UAV with a long flight duration. It is intended for use in intelligence systems in the interests of various types of armed forces and branches of the military.

Light medium-range UAVs

A number of domestic models can be classified as light, medium-range UAVs. Their weight ranges from 50 to 100 kg.

These, in particular, include the T92M Chibis multi-purpose UAV, created by ENIKS OJSC. The device is aerodynamically almost completely unified with the commercially produced aerial targets E95M and E2T. TV and IR cameras can be used as payloads. The propulsion system is a piston engine instead of the M135 PuVRD. The complex is at the stage of preparation for operation.

Recently, the Unmanned Systems company created a new UAV ZALA 421-09, which is designed for monitoring the earth's surface and has a long flight duration of 10.5 hours. It is equipped with a ski or wheeled chassis. Target load – TV, IR camera, camera on a gyro-stabilized platform.

The developments of the Transas company are very interesting - the Dozor-2 and Dozor-4 UAVs. Both devices have a similar layout. The Dozor-2 UAV is used to monitor economic and military facilities, deliver necessary cargo, border patrol, and digital cartography. Its payload is an automatic digital camera, high-resolution front- and side-view video cameras, and a near- and long-range IR system. The entire complex is located on the base of an all-terrain vehicle. The creation of the complex began in 2005. This year it was tested in the interests of the Border Guard Service; one of the Russian oil producing companies ordered several sets for monitoring pipelines. "Dozor-4" is a modification of the "Dozor-2" UAV. A batch of these UAVs in the amount of 12 devices has already been put into production to conduct military tests in the interests of the Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation.

The class under consideration also includes the rather old Stroy-P complex developed by the Moscow Scientific Research Institute Kulon with the Pchela-1T UAV. Currently, the complex has been modernized (“Stroy-PD”) in terms of round-the-clock use. In addition, in the future it is planned to introduce other UAVs into its composition.

Medium UAVs

The take-off weight of medium-sized UAVs ranges from 100 to 300 kg. They are intended for use at ranges of 150 – 1000 km.

ENIKS JSC has created the M850 Astra multi-purpose UAV in this class. Its main purpose is to use it as a reusable air target for training air defense crews. However, it can also be used to perform work related to operational monitoring of the earth's surface. For this purpose, it is possible to install additional target equipment. The device is interesting because it has an air launch, which can be carried out from the external sling of an airplane or helicopter. The layout of the new T04 long-range drone is similar to the E22/E22M Bertha reusable aerial target. The development of a device designed for multispectral monitoring began in 2006.

For the first time at the UVS-TECH-2007 exhibition, the new Berkut UAV for operational monitoring of territories and objects was demonstrated. Developer: JSC Tupolev. The device has a long flight duration. Target load – TV and IR cameras, surveillance sensors, radio data transmission line and telemetry equipment. In 2007, a technical proposal for this UAV was developed.

Also included in the range of systems under consideration is the Irkut-200 remote sensing complex. The complex includes two UAVs, a ground control station and maintenance equipment. Payload – TV camera, thermal imaging camera, radar and digital camera. Currently, the complex is in the development and testing stage.

Recently NPO im. S.A. Lavochkin presented one of his UAV projects for remote sensing - La-225 "Komar". During a long flight at a great distance, it is capable of transmitting video information in real time to a ground point. Launch, landing and control are carried out from a mobile ground complex. The UAV is in the development and testing stage. The prototype was demonstrated for the first time at MAKS-2007.

Istra-Aero has developed at least two UAV variants weighing 120-130 kg. This is a multifunctional UAV and electronic warfare UAV (“Binom”). The last of them, according to the company’s statement, is undergoing flight tests as part of the electronic warfare complex. It is designed to interfere with missile defense radars or satellite navigation systems. The jamming stations are supplied by Aviaconversion. Navigation is carried out without the use of GPS/GLONASS satellite systems. The project is developing, its creation is designed for a long time.

Medium-heavy UAVs

Medium-heavy UAVs have a range similar to that of the previous class of UAVs, but have a slightly higher take-off weight - from 300 to 500 kg.

This class should include the “descendants” of the “Dan” aerial target, created by the Kazan Design Bureau “Sokol”. This is the Dunham environmental monitoring complex, designed to solve the problems of monitoring, monitoring and protecting objects of large area and extent over the earth and water surface. It consists of a UAV (one or more), a mobile ground control point, as well as ground support equipment. The control system is combined (software and radio command). The target equipment is an optical-electronic system with TV and thermal imaging channels. The project is currently in the systems testing stage. The same company offers the Dan-Baruk unmanned aerial vehicle complex, designed for aerial reconnaissance. It is interesting in that it has the ability to strike individual targets. The UAV has a long flight duration and altitude. The complex also includes one or more unmanned vehicles, a mobile ground control post, and ground support equipment. Payload – surveillance and sighting system, on-board weapons (two containers with self-aiming and cumulative fragmentation combat elements). The project implementation is in the R&D stage.

The aviation system for remote control and inspection with the reconnaissance UAV "Hummingbird" was developed by M.A.K. It is designed to conduct reconnaissance in the interests of various types of troops in tactical and operational-tactical depth. The complex includes UAV-O (survey) and UAV-R (repeater), a ground station for remote control, reception and processing of target information, a station for driving and landing the UAV on the runway. The UAV is supposed to be equipped with various reconnaissance equipment - a television camera or thermal imaging equipment placed on a stabilized platform. Information transfer is carried out in real time. It is stated that radio-absorbing coatings are used in the design of the UAV. The first flight was carried out in 2005.

A new development of the Kulon Research Institute is the aerial surveillance complex with the Aist UAV. The device, unlike other UAVs, has two piston engines with pulling propellers on the wing. The ground point of the complex can not only process information coming from the UAV, but also ensure information exchange with external consumers. Payload – wide-area dual-spectrum (TV/IR) line equipment, on-board synthetic aperture radar, on-board information recorder, radio link. For detailed observation, a gyro-stabilized optical-electronic system consisting of combined TV and IR cameras and a laser range finder can be used. The military version is designated "Julia". The UAV can be integrated into other complexes together with a UAV of a different type.

Recently, Transas and R.E.T. Kronstadt" announced their promising development - a complex with a heavy medium-altitude UAV with a long flight duration "Dozor-3". It is designed to collect information about extended and area objects located at a considerable distance from the airfield, in simple and adverse weather conditions, day and night. The UAV payload may include various sets of equipment, including forward- and side-view video cameras, a thermal imager, a forward- and side-view synthetic aperture radar, and a high-resolution automatic digital camera. The transfer of high-quality information will occur in real time. The complex will be equipped with a combined control system with autonomous control and remote piloting modes.

Medium-range heavy UAVs

This class includes UAVs with a flight weight of 500 kg or more, intended for use at medium ranges of 70 – 300 km.

In the “heavy” class, OAO Irkut is developing the Irkut-850 aviation remote sensing complex. It is designed for both monitoring and delivery of goods. Its originality lies in its ability to perform both unmanned and manned flight, since it is created on the basis of the Stemme S10VT motor glider. The payload of the UAV is a TV camera, a thermal imaging camera, a radar and a digital camera. The transition from a manned to a remotely controlled version does not require special work. Distinctive features are multitasking, the use of various payloads, low operating and life cycle costs, and autonomy. Tests have been completed and serial production has been prepared.

Another representative of this class is the multifunctional aviation monitoring complex “Nart” (A-03). Developer - LLC Research and Production Center Antigrad-Avia. It is also distinguished by its ability to deliver cargo. Execution options - stationary or mobile. The set of surveillance equipment may vary. The complex is intended for use in the interests of Roshydromet, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Natural Resources, law enforcement agencies, etc.

The Tu-243 UAV, which is part of the Reis-D photo and TV reconnaissance complex, can be classified in this class. It is a modernized version of the Tu-143 "Flight" UAV and differs from it in a completely updated composition of reconnaissance equipment, a new flight and navigation system, an increased fuel reserve and some other features. The complex is in service with the Russian Air Force. Currently, further modernization of the UAV is proposed in the variants of the Reis-D-R reconnaissance UAV and the Reis-D-U attack UAV. In the shock version, it can be equipped with a sighting system and fire control system. The armament can consist of two KMGU blocks inside the cargo compartment. In 2007, the intention was announced to “reanimate” the project of a multi-purpose operational-tactical unmanned system with the Tu-300 “Korshun” UAV, designed to solve a wide range of reconnaissance tasks, hitting ground targets and relaying signals. Payload – electronic reconnaissance equipment, side-view radar, cameras, IR cameras or aircraft weapons on the external sling and in the internal compartment. The improvements should concern improved performance and the use of new equipment. It is planned to expand the range of weapons used and include conventional and adjustable aerial bombs, depth charges and air-to-surface guided missiles.

Heavy UAVs with long flight duration

The category of long-duration unmanned vehicles, which is quite in demand abroad, which includes the American UAVs Predator, Reaper, Global Hawk, Israeli UAVs Heron, Heron TP, is completely empty in our country. JSC Sukhoi Design Bureau periodically reports on the continuation of work on a number of long-range complexes of the Zond series. They were planned to be used for monitoring in the radar and optical-electronic ranges, as well as for solving air traffic control problems and relaying communication channels. However, apparently, these projects are being carried out in a sluggish manner and the prospects for their implementation are quite vague.

Unmanned combat aircraft (UCA)

Currently, work is actively underway around the world to create promising UAVs that have the ability to carry weapons on board and are designed to strike ground and surface stationary and mobile targets in the face of strong opposition from enemy air defense forces. They are characterized by a range of about 1500 km and a weight of 1500 kg. To date, two projects have been presented in the BBS class in Russia.

Thus, JSC OKB im. A.S. Yakovleva" is working on a unified family of heavy UAVs "Proryv". It widely uses units and systems of the Yak-130 combat training aircraft. As part of the family being developed, it is planned to create the Proryv-U attack UAV. The device is planned to be made according to a low-profile “flying wing” design with internal placement of the combat load.

Another project in this category is the Skat airborne surveillance system of the Russian aircraft manufacturing corporation MiG. In 2007, a full-size mockup of this BBS was demonstrated. This promising heavy combat UAV is also designed according to a stealthy “flying wing” design without a tail unit with a top-mounted air intake. The weapon is placed in the internal compartments of the device.


Approximately half of the existing and designed UAV systems in Russia belong to the first categories, that is, the lightest. This is explained by the fact that the development of these devices requires the least financial investment.

The filling of the last two categories is quite conditional. As noted above, the niche of heavy UAVs with long flight duration is practically empty. Perhaps this circumstance prompted our military to pay attention to the developments of foreign companies. As for combat UAVs, their creation is a matter of an even more distant future.

The use of UAVs in the civilian sector is currently awaiting the solution of some technical and organizational problems, without which the stable use of UAVs is impossible.

The main problems are related to the use of airspace, the allocation of frequency range for controlling UAVs and transmitting information from board to ground and vice versa, and, finally, with the development of the civil services market, which is in its infancy.

Of the tasks posed by the civilian sector of the market for the use of UAVs, first of all, I would like to note those that may become in demand in the near future. These are, first of all, the control functions of the UAV. With the help of unmanned systems, it is possible to monitor both the technical condition of objects, as well as their safety and functioning, despite the fact that the controlled objects can be located at a great distance (extended objects).

From this we can conclude that the interest that fuel and energy organizations have recently shown in the use of UAVs is natural. Having hundreds of thousands of kilometers of pipelines in their structure, which are rather weakly guarded, and often not guarded at all, fuel and energy enterprises are directly interested in using unmanned systems. Simple economic benefits are pushing fuel and energy enterprises to make decisions on the use of UAVs, and this process, which is currently in its initial stages, will steadily develop.

Unfortunately, the management of these companies still does not have a common understanding of how to use UAVs to obtain the greatest effect (economic, including) from the use of unmanned systems. In the depths of some serious organizations, ideas about the use of UAVs and, in connection with this, concepts for the use of UAVs in the interests of companies began to form.

There is another danger here - the danger of regulating this issue in such a way that it will be difficult to resolve it at all.

I would like potential users of unmanned systems to initiate the introduction of some Rules for the use of UAVs in the interests of the civilian sector in the skies of Russia.

The main issue in this area is obtaining the status of an aircraft (AC) by unmanned vehicles.

UAVs, not being an aircraft, are not subject to registration in the aircraft register and do not have a Certificate of Registration and Fitness for Use. They cannot and do not need to obtain permission to use airspace. And this is already fraught with the most serious consequences. The device, capable of flying at an altitude of up to 4 km at a speed of up to 250 km/h, weighing about 100 kg, can take off without permission to use airspace, because according to the classification it is a radio-controlled model. In this situation, rather than prohibitive measures, the organization of permitting measures is needed. The “genie” is out of the bottle, we urgently need to teach it to fly, and correctly.

Within the framework of current legislation, there is a type of aviation in which “drones” can exist legally. This is experimental aircraft. Other countries (USA, Europe) are also following this path. This industry has many years of experience in using aircraft, regulatory documents developed over decades, it is also possible to monitor the technical condition of UAVs and much more. Having received the status of an aircraft within the framework of experimental aviation, UAVs will be able to use airspace according to existing rules.

Of course, all UAVs must be insured against damage to third parties. UAVs must have transponders on board that meet all ICAO requirements in this area. Those UAVs that are not capable of carrying START-2 equipment can fly only in specially designated areas upon prior request with a long notice period.

The goal of all organizations involved in regulating the use of UAVs in Russian airspace is to achieve a level of flight safety of any class of UAVs equivalent to the level of flight safety of aircraft. For this purpose, it is necessary to develop technical requirements for UAVs that would facilitate the accomplishment of this task.

UAVs have been actively used by the military in recent years, so the experience they have gained in operating UAVs in various conditions cannot be discarded under any circumstances. On the contrary, it is necessary to involve the military in developing technical requirements for UAVs, taking into account the fact that the goals and objectives of using UAVs in the civilian sector are in some way different from the tasks solved by the military.

It seems that it would be advisable to create some kind of new organization capable of resolving issues related to the operation of UAVs for civilian purposes and capable of formulating some kind of long-term regulatory policy in the field of the use of UAVs.

So, to summarize, we can note the fact that the use of UAVs in Russian airspace is not only possible, but also necessary. UAV flights are possible subject to compliance with the requirements (developed) for obtaining Certificates of Airworthiness and Registration. This can be done within the framework of experimental aviation.

The issues of using UAVs to ensure the security of objects today are coming to the fore.

The threat to the livelihoods of various organizations makes us increasingly pay attention to new methods of control and monitoring of the earth's surface.

This worries most of all those organizations that have extensive facilities, the control of which is quite difficult to organize. In the forefront are the owners of various pipelines, the Border Troops of the FSB of Russia, RAO UES of Russia OJSC, and Russian Railways OJSC. All of these organizations can see the economic impact of using unmanned systems in a very short period of time.

Due to the high length and territorial vastness of surveillance objects, aerial monitoring is the most effective means of monitoring and remotely collecting data on their condition.

Currently, air patrols are carried out by aircraft in accordance with the Regulations on Air Patrols of Trunk Pipeline Routes.

According to this provision, the frequency of flights is planned taking into account the technical characteristics of the objects and their operating conditions, at least 2 times a month.

Explosive growth of the market for UAVs and related services is predicted when a number of technical and administrative barriers limiting the use of UAVs in national airspace will soon be overcome.

The use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in the civilian field is currently practically limited to special cases of local applications in the interests of solving current production or economic problems, mainly on an experimental basis.

The situation with the UAV in the Russian Federation is clearly illustrated by the forums and exhibitions “Unmanned Systems in the Interests of the Fuel and Energy Complex” that took place in 2007 and 2008 and at the MAKS 2005 and MAKS 2007 air shows.

A number of developments correspond to the current level of development of aircraft construction, communications, control and remote sensing systems. Of greatest interest are companies that offer comprehensive system integration of the carrier platform, means of collecting and processing monitoring data. Some of the developments are at the stage of pre-production prototypes and are offered as complete systems, including carriers of various sizes, target payload complexes, ground support and information processing facilities.

During the flight, as a rule, the UAV is controlled automatically through an on-board navigation and control complex, which includes:

  • satellite navigation receiver, providing navigation information reception from GLONASS and GPS systems;
  • a system of inertial sensors that provides determination of the orientation and movement parameters of the UAV;
  • an air signaling system that provides altitude and airspeed measurements;
  • different types of antennas designed to perform tasks.

The onboard navigation and control system provides:

  • flight along a given route (the route is specified indicating the coordinates and altitude of the turning points of the route);
  • changing the route assignment or returning to the starting point upon command from the ground control station;
  • fly around a specified point;
  • automatic tracking of the selected target;
  • stabilization of UAV orientation angles;
  • maintaining specified altitudes and flight speeds (ground or airborne);
  • collection and transmission of telemetric information and flight parameters and operation of target equipment;
  • software control of target equipment devices.

On-board communication system:

  • operates in the permitted radio frequency range;
  • provides data transmission from board to ground and from ground to board.

Data transmitted from board to ground:

  • telemetry parameters;
  • Streaming video and photo images.

The data transmitted on board contains:

  • UAV control commands;
  • target equipment control commands.

Information received from UAVs must be classified depending on the degree of threat posed. Classification is carried out by the operator of the ground control station (GCS), or directly by the on-board computer of the UAV. In the second case, the software of the complex contains elements of artificial intelligence, and it is necessary to develop quantitative criteria and gradations of threat levels. Such criteria can be formulated through expert assessments and formalized in such a way as to minimize the likelihood of a false alarm.

Flights of unmanned aerial vehicles are no different from flights of manned aircraft. UAVs are equipped with guidance systems, on-board radar systems, sensors and video cameras. The production program of JSC Transas includes a UAV, which in all respects exceeds the devices produced in the UK and France, and is significantly cheaper in price than the US UAV. This is the Dozor-3 UAV. Flight tests of this model will begin in 2008 and by 2009 the Dozor-3 UAV will be ready for use.

Chief designer of the UAV G.V. Trubnikov. JSC "Transas" Article from uav.ru.

There is an opinion that they have only a military purpose. In Russia, until recently, only the army had the opportunity to use UAVs. The drones performed tasks such as aerial photography (photo, video), radio reconnaissance, object detection, etc.

However, today the scope of development and creation of unmanned systems has gone far beyond these limits. Currently, Russian UAVs are used in five civilian areas in addition to the military-industrial complex. Namely: emergency situations (search for people, emergency prevention, rescue operations, etc.); security (protection of objects and people, as well as their detection); monitoring (nuclear power plants, power lines, land, forest, oil and gas, water resources, agriculture, etc.); aerial photography (geodesy, cartography, aerial survey); science (Arctic research, equipment research, R&D).

Types of drones

Now in production unmanned aerial vehicles More than 20 domestic enterprises are engaged in this activity, producing about 50 models for various purposes. True, not all of these companies carry out the full cycle: from development to production. Most perform only screwdriver assembly of imported devices.

All UAVs, according to their type and the scope of the tasks they perform, are divided into 3 main types: unmanned aircraft, unmanned helicopters and unmanned balloons.

Unmanned aircraft

Drones This type is used primarily for monitoring areal and linear sections of terrain. Capable of covering long distances, performing complex aerial photography online at any time of the day and under any weather conditions. Maximum quality of work and efficiency of tasks performed are possible at a distance of no more than 70 km from the ground control station. Speed ​​- up to 400 km/h. Flight time: from 30 minutes to 8 hours.

Unmanned helicopters

Machines of this type are used for operational monitoring of local areas. They are small in size and easy to operate. They do not require a special runway. Like airplanes, unmanned helicopters can operate at any time of the day or night and in any weather conditions. Flight time: from 30 minutes to 3 hours.

Unmanned balloons

Modern, highly efficient devices designed for reconnaissance and surveillance of terrain at altitudes of up to 400 m. Lightweight, reliable, mobile machines capable of operating in real time for a long time.

Review of drone manufacturers and models

As mentioned above, there are not many UAV development companies among the total number of domestic manufacturers. However, it is better to order the device from this minority. After all, they will not only design a car specifically for your requirements, but will also equip it with all the necessary equipment, and also select the best option for driving it.

Today, such companies include: Yakovleva Design Bureau, MiG Design Bureau, Sukhoi Design Bureau, Sokol Design Bureau, Transas (all for military-industrial purposes); ZALA AERO GROUP, BLASKOR, Unmanned, Aerocon (all for civil purposes), etc.

Price drone on average about 500 thousand rubles. True, this is only the price of the drone model itself. The final amount depends on what the management complex will be. And they, depending on the tasks, are based on cars, boats, as well as land-based, portable and mobile. Therefore, the final cost can reach several tens of millions of rubles.

Currently, one of the most popular drones is radio-controlled "Seraphim", created by the leading Russian company in the field of UAVs ZALA AERO. This is a “six-copter”, that is, a 6-rotor helicopter. Widely used by the Russian State Traffic Safety Inspectorate to search for stolen cars. Controlled by computer and GPS systems. Weighs only 1.2 kg and is easy to launch by hand. The electric charge is enough for a half-hour flight, but this is quite enough for the device’s most powerful optics to easily recognize the desired object at a distance of up to 5 km and from a height of up to 500 m.

Another unmanned complex Supercam 100, developed by the domestic company Unmanned, is called a superplane. This is a universal small-sized machine, always ready to start in any climatic conditions. The main purpose is remote monitoring, aerial photography of terrain, water surface, search and detection of objects. At the request of the customer, it is equipped with a video camera, photo camera, and thermal imager. Starts from
using an elastic catapult. Landing is carried out by parachute. Thanks to a special remote control, it is possible to combine up to 4 drones into one control system. Additionally, there is protection against loss of control. Flight range - 100 km, altitude - 3600 m, speed - 125 km/h.

In cramped urban environments, it is inconvenient to use large, high-speed unmanned aerial vehicles. Therefore, the Aerocon company has developed one of the lightest in the world (0.25 kg) mini-UAV "Inspector-101" for air
intelligence. This model is miniature in everything. It is equipped with a small-sized color video camera, a small propeller that drives a tiny electric motor, and is controlled from the ground by a laptop computer. The launch is made from a catapult, landing is on the “belly”. Capable of operating in a very wide temperature range: from -30 to +50 °C. Flight range - 44 km, speed - 72 km/h.

And again we return to the leading domestic developer and manufacturer of UAVs ZARA AERO GROUP. In addition to helicopter and airplane mobile devices, the company produces the best unmanned aerial vehicles in Russia.
balloons. For example, a multifunctional but easy-to-use device. Designed to perform a very wide range of tasks: monitoring crowded places, reconnaissance, environmental measurements, emergency management, etc. Autonomous operation for up to 72 hours at wind speeds of up to 15 m/s. Coverage of the observation area - 360°. Maximum deployment altitude is 300 m.



General Director of the Minsk Aircraft Repair Plant


Senior Researcher

Research Institute of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus

The rapid development of information technology in the leading countries of the world has inevitably led to a rethinking of the concepts of using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), ways of their further development, improving the payload and making them multi-purpose. UAVs occupy a worthy place in the production programs of the world's leading aircraft manufacturers. Based on the objectives of ensuring national security, the Republic of Belarus should accelerate its entry into the international level of development and production of multifunctional UAVs.

The effectiveness of methods of conducting combat operations is determined by the quality indicators of weapons, reconnaissance, communications and automated control systems (ACS). The lack of modern reconnaissance and control systems does not fully realize the potential capabilities of weapons. The capabilities of currently existing ground-based radar and optical-electronic reconnaissance systems are limited by line-of-sight range and do not provide detection of enemy targets and objects located behind natural cover. The use of UAVs for military purposes has become one of the important directions in the development of modern aviation and makes it possible to automate the command and control of troops and reduce the loss of personnel in battle due to operational intelligence information about the current situation. In this regard, the task of creating mobile, easy-to-use and cheap means of conducting aerial reconnaissance is urgent.

The main advantages of using UAVs for military purposes:

no loss of flight personnel;

no need to allocate forces and resources for search and rescue;

low cost of UAVs;

low costs for UAV maintenance and crew preparation;

the ability to perform maneuvers with high overloads;

small size and effective reflective surface;

the ability to use weapons from short distances;

possibility of remote piloting by several operators in shifts.

Use of UAVs for military purposes.

UAVs have been used in the military sphere for more than 30 years. For example, Israel used UAVs in 1973 for reconnaissance and as decoys.

Currently, reconnaissance UAVs for various purposes have been developed, tested and put into service in the United States, including: “Hunter”, “Predator”, “Global Hawk”.

In the UK, the Phoenix unmanned reconnaissance aircraft is being developed, designed to detect and automatically track targets.

During the war in Iraq, unmanned vehicles began to be used in massive quantities. They were used not only for reconnaissance purposes, but periodically launched Hellfire missile attacks on the positions of Iraqi troops. The Predator UAV, flying at a speed of 120 km/h at an altitude of 3 to 4.5 km above the battlefield for 24 hours, transmitted to the ground a clear “picture” of any part of the territory over which it was located. The image was transmitted in real time to computer monitors equipped with field command posts.

To date, three tactical UAV systems have been created in Russia:

complex "Stroy-P" with UAV "Pchela-1" (developed in 1990, placed on an amphibious armored personnel carrier, the launch of the carrier occurs due to two powder accelerators, the weight of the UAV is 140 kg);

civil aerodynamic observer television "GRANT" (developed in 2001; placed on two UAZ vehicles, the launch of the carrier occurs due to the energy of the descending load, the weight of the UAV is 20 kg);

Fig.1. UAV classification

short-range reconnaissance aerodynamic television "BRAT" (developed in 2003; for ranges up to 10 km - portable; for ranges of 50 - 90 km - the control point is similar to the control point of the "GrANT" complex, weight - 2.8 kg).

providing radar detection of camouflaged objects and their automatic recognition;

ensuring targeted consumer access to aerial reconnaissance results;

increasing patrol time and UAV flight range;

development of micro-aircraft;

development of combat (attack) UAVs.

Development of UAV complexes at the State Enterprise "Minsk Aircraft Repair Plant".

The effectiveness of monitoring the air and ground situation is largely determined by the flight performance characteristics of the UAV, the level of equipment with radio-electronic equipment, the reliability of launch, communication and control systems, the autonomy and speed of maintenance of the UAV.

Taking into account these requirements, the State Enterprise "Minsk Aircraft Repair Plant" is developing the mobile aviation reconnaissance complex "FILIN", which includes the universal operational-tactical UAV "Turman". The versatility of this product is due to the modular design of the device, which allows the use of on-board equipment that differs in weight and size characteristics and purpose, ensures concealed deployment, and ease of operation of the device.

The FILIN complex is designed to perform operational-tactical reconnaissance tasks using technical means, and has great autonomy and mobility. The number of UAVs included in the complex allows for constant reconnaissance or target designation in the target area.

patrolling the area at any time of the day and under any weather conditions;

detection and identification of objects;

destruction of detected objects that pose a threat;

suppression of air defense systems.

Monitoring the air and ground situation of a UAV involves viewing a certain area of ​​the terrain and obtaining images on photographic film, magnetic tape or disk. While flying in a given area, the UAV can transmit reconnaissance information via a radio channel in real time (or close to real time) to the module of the communication, control and information processing system. The UAV operator evaluates the incoming information and, via a command radio channel, controls the UAV itself and its target load, for example, a television camera, in order to best observe stationary or moving objects, determine their type and coordinates.

Tactics of the FILIN complex:

takeoff from the deployment site and flight to the patrol area;

searching for objects and observing the area;

detection of objects and determination of their coordinates;

identification of objects of observation;

transfer of information to the UAV operator;

returning to the place of deployment or continuing the search for new objects.

The UAV operator works according to the following algorithm:

object search;

object detection;

object recognition;

measurement of object coordinates;

prompt delivery of information to the consumer.

The operator controls the movement of the UAV along the route on which the presence of objects of interest to the operator is expected, and observes the image of the underlying surface. Having noticed a suspicious point, the operator performs control actions (pointing the UAV at the object, narrowing the field of view of the television camera, switching to a television camera with a narrower field of view, etc.) in order to better examine it. When the image of a suspicious object becomes large enough, the operator makes a decision to detect it, that is, he is convinced that the suspicious point is not just a heterogeneity in the area, but is part of a set of objects of interest to him.

Next, the UAV operator continues to examine the detected object, determines its type (“command post”, “radar station”, “tank”, etc.) and measures the coordinates of the selected object, for example, by combining the crosshair on the screen with the image of the object and feeding it Computer commands for calculating coordinates. Based on the results of working with the object, the UAV operator generates a report about the object, containing its type and coordinates, and promptly delivers the information to the consumer. Having completed work with the first object, the operator controls the flight of the UAV according to the planned program for the purpose of further observation of the battlefield.

The main tasks solved by the UAV operator:

developing a decision to perform actions to search for objects based on the results of the analysis of events and the level of available UAV capabilities;

ensuring stable control of the UAV movement along the route on which the presence of objects of interest to the operator is expected;

reception, processing and analysis of the reliability of information received via radio from the UAV;

detection, recognition and determination of the coordinates of the selected object;

use of technical capabilities of on-board devices and UAV systems;

monitoring the use of resources on the UAV’s onboard power supply system;

using the principle of selecting an object according to its importance and priority;

prompt delivery of the received information to the consumer.

After completing the flight mission, the UAV goes to the launch point, where the operator of the FILIN complex switches the UAV to visual landing mode using remote control equipment. Landing can be carried out, depending on landing conditions, using a parachute or airplane-style, on a fuselage landing ski. The design feature of the landing system ensures the safety of UAV parts from damage during landing.

After checking the on-board equipment, stowing the parachute and refueling, the UAV is again ready for launch. During preparation for the launch of UAV No. 1, it is possible to launch UAV No. 2, which makes it possible to increase the time spent in the target area (i.e., ensure continuous tracking of the target).

Since the UAV airframe is made of separate modules, this makes it possible to replace parts damaged during landing or as a result of fire exposure during the mission. In addition, having a basic module (fuselage and center section), it is possible to change the geometric dimensions and aerodynamic design of the UAV (normal, tailless, canard-type) during production with minimal losses in time and costs.

To prepare calculations for the FILIN complex, it is necessary to conduct calculation training courses. Highly qualified specialists of the Minsk Aircraft Repair Plant are ready to perform these tasks at a high methodological level. Currently, the plant is working on the development of a training system for training crews of the FILIN complex, which allows assessing the level of training of UAV control operators in various combat conditions.

In order to further develop unmanned aerial vehicles and complexes created on their basis, the FILIN complex with the Thurman UAV, being developed at the State Enterprise Minsk Aircraft Repair Plant, can become the basis for unmanned aviation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus. The enterprise has the capabilities to produce a whole series of UAVs and complexes with different characteristics, created on the basis of a basic modular design model, designed to perform various flight missions. This will create technological flexibility in the production of new modifications of UAVs and will reduce the final cost of products.

Cooperation with research institutes and defense industry enterprises of the Republic of Belarus plays an important role in the development of UAVs. Only cooperation of production and scientific and technical potential in order to create unmanned aircraft of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus can give a positive result. The Minsk Aircraft Repair Plant enterprise develops and creates UAVs, launch and transportation systems, and defense industry enterprises - on-board equipment - small-sized long-range visual control and surveillance systems, a navigation system, as well as combat units and special equipment. Cooperation with Russian enterprises that have extensive experience in such developments cannot be ruled out.

The need to equip the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus with a cheap tactical unmanned reconnaissance system is long overdue. In the interests of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, the Thurman UAVs of the FILIN complex can be used as controlled targets for training fighter pilot crews and air defense missile systems, conducting reconnaissance, jamming, monitoring the results of fire strikes by aviation, missile forces and artillery, and monitoring the situation on the battlefield in the tactical, operational-tactical and operational defense zones. It is in the interests of the border agency to solve problems of protecting the State Border; in the interests of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - to ensure the implementation of tasks to protect public order, comply with traffic rules and solve other problems, incl. to prevent terrorist acts; in the interests of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - to collect data on the situation, the scale and damage caused in emergency situations, to identify sources of fires, destruction, flooding and contamination.

The State Enterprise "Minsk Aircraft Repair Plant" also developed the airfield launch UAV "Sterkh" (Fig. 2).

Promising directions for UAV development are:

Automatic recognition can be solved by traditional statistical recognition procedures, as well as by “intelligent” algorithms capable of learning, for example, based on neural network technologies. Currently, the tasks of creating noise-proof and failure-free radio communications with a high degree of compression of transmitted information are also relevant.

Combat missions solved by the FILIN complex:

The Sterkh UAV is made according to a normal aerodynamic design with a straight wing and an influx at the root part. The wing has ailerons, flaperons and simple flaps. The tail unit is made according to a two-fin, two-beam design with a T-shaped stabilizer. The landing gear is made according to a three-point design with a non-steerable nose wheel, take-off and landing like an airplane.

A 19 hp gasoline piston engine is installed in the rear fuselage. volume of 200 cm3 made in Germany by 3W with a pushing three-bladed propeller manufactured by the State Enterprise Minsk Aircraft Repair Plant.

Flight characteristics of the Sterkh UAV:

wingspan -3.8 m;

fuselage length - 3 m;

take-off weight - 53 kg;

target load weight - up to 30 kg;

maximum speed - up to 200 km/h;

cruising speed - 130 km/h;

flight duration - up to 3 hours;

flight range - 300 km.

Comparative characteristics of the flight performance parameters of the UAV “Sterkh”, RQ-7 “Shadow” (USA), “Pchela” (Russia) are presented in Table 1.

Thus, increasing the effectiveness of reconnaissance assets can be achieved by using UAVs that are capable of solving a sufficient number of combat missions. The main efforts to develop UAVs should be focused on creating mass-produced, cheap and multifunctional devices with modern navigation equipment and control systems, which is quite possible for the State Enterprise Minsk Aircraft Repair Plant.

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