Free math club. Internet Olympiad in mathematics “Twice Two” - Boomstarter Name of sections and topics

Every child has talent. Currently, the development needs of children have increased extremely. It is not always the case that there is a school or children’s center near your home that will see and develop your child’s abilities. And then our correspondence clubs come to the rescue.

Any child can take part in a distance learning group. At by correspondence training assignments are received via the Internet. The child performs work under the guidance of his parents or teacher. All classes that an adult leader receives have a theoretical and a practical part. At the same time, an adult is not required to have knowledge of mathematics, since all problems contain not only solutions, but also tips for the child.

What is the advantage of a distance circle? You can start practicing at any time. No need to travel anywhere. The pace of work during the week is chosen independently; illness and travel do not affect absences from classes, as in a full-time study group. In addition, you can take part in visiting schools throughout the year. The materials for the distance learning circle are created on the basis of the materials from the face-to-face clubs we conduct in Moscow.

What is needed for training?

Firstly, you must have a child with a desire to learn (at least a little). Note that at a younger age it is better not to engage additional education in general, what to do “under pressure”.
Secondly, there must be an adult who will help the child learn. All materials assume that the child will be helped by an interested adult, who himself may not even remember the multiplication tables.
Thirdly, you need to know a little how to use the Internet.

How is training organized?

An adult who wants to start teaching a child in our circle registers on our website and becomes a curator . Next, the curator can register one or more students. Each student takes an entrance test and is assigned to a group corresponding to their initial level.
Next, the curator downloads from personal account assignments with solutions, answers and methodological recommendations. Then, based on the materials received, he solves problems with his child. The more the child decides for himself, the better. You can solve one problem over several days. After several lessons on the site, the child completes a screening test, after which the new block tasks.
Each block consists of four regular tasks, usually each task is devoted to a particular topic and one screening test on the topics studied. There are three such blocks in total during the educational cycle. That is, the training cycle contains 15 tasks. At the end school year The child will receive a club participant certificate.

We plan to open such a club in the future for schoolchildren in grades 5-6

The rapid development of “high technologies” and their increasingly widespread introduction into the environment modern man space makes certain demands on him, including his level of knowledge and skills. Mathematics is the main tool for studying the world around us, and it is thanks to it that technical progress becomes possible. Therefore, the relevance of mastering the basics of mathematical logic, mathematical analysis, with a certain mathematical apparatus, is more obvious today than ever.

For younger children school age The need for mathematics classes is no less than for middle and high school students. The sooner children become interested in mathematics, the easier it will be for them to master this subject in depth.

“Mathematics should only be taught because it puts the mind in order,” these are the words of our great compatriot M. Lomonosov. Creative skills logical thinking acquired by children during training in this program are necessary for them to develop further interest in the subject and when studying in other subjects and areas.

This program is largely based on school knowledge children (without duplicating the school curriculum), gradually introducing students to the fascinating world of mathematics.

Classes in the program are structured in such a way as, first of all, to interest children, captivate them with the opportunity to acquire the ability to think outside the box and abstract from stereotyped thinking; involving children at the beginning of their education to participate in mathematical Olympiads and tournaments of different levels.


  • give basic knowledge theoretical material on combinatorics, sets, logic, graphs, volumetric and flat figures etc.
  • introduce some mathematical methods problem solving
  • develop the ability to systematize data and present it in the form of a diagram.


  • give basic skills independent work when solving non-standard mathematical problems;
  • give the basics of the ability to build a chain of logical judgments, argumentation and evidence;
  • develop abstract thinking.


  • cultivate determination in achieving creative results;
  • increase self-esteem.
Expected results

At the end of the training, children will master some mathematical methods for solving problems (method of solving problems from the end, etc.), will have an understanding of symmetry geometric shapes; will have basic logical thinking skills; will be able to master new theoretical material (graphs, area of ​​figures) and some algorithms for solving various non-standard problems; will have some mathematical principles for solving problems; will acquire logical thinking skills, independent work skills when solving non-standard mathematical problems; gain experience working in a team; will increase the level of abstract thinking.

Methods for determining the effectiveness of mastering the program.

The learning outcome of this program is assessed by the number of problems solved by students during the year, at the final Olympiad, as well as by the results of performances at Olympiads of various levels.

Classes consist of theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part is an analysis of problems, which gives children an idea of ​​how mathematical proofs work. The practical part allows you to accumulate the experience of the entire group when solving a mathematical problem. The classes widely use technologies of student-oriented, dialogue and game-based learning. Widely used didactic material: cubes, polyominoes, tangrams, sweeps, etc.

The tasks start out quite simple and become more complex gradually, so, also gradually, each child gains confidence in his abilities and, as a result, solves quite complex problems. This important point in increasing the child's self-esteem.

It is easier for students to solve many problems if their plot is emotionally close to the child. Even children aged 6-8 years solve problems with a fairy-tale setting much more willingly than dry mathematical problems. Therefore, game-based learning technologies are widely used in classes.

Topic No.

Title of sections and topics

Basic rules and requirements for safety and fire safety. Introduction to the program, its structure, goals and objectives. Differences between school mathematics and the content of training in this additional educational program. Different types of tasks.

Practical part. Analysis and solution of problems from various sections on Olympiad topics.

"Plus, minus one."

Problems about flights of stairs and floors. The difference between a line and a round dance. Solving problems on a topic of increased complexity. New methods for solving problems of this type.

Practical part. Problem solving.


Basic principles of transfusion tasks. The main types of errors when solving problems of this type. Examples of problem solving. Examples of problems to prove the impossibility of certain types of actions.

Practical part. Problem solving.

Roman numerals.

Basics positioning systems Reckoning. Introducing students to others non-positional systems Reckoning. Converting four-digit numbers from the Arabic number system to the Roman number system, and vice versa. Examples of solving problems of increased complexity.

Practical part. Problem solving.

Solving problems from the end.

Mastering the method of solving problems from the end in various variations. Basic types of problems to be solved from the end. Analysis of problem solving from the end.

Practical part. Problem solving.

Cutting problems.

Basic types of figures on a checkered plane. Non-constructive methods for solving cutting problems on a checkered plane. Basic rules for cutting on a checkered plane. The principle of pairing. Symmetry. Solving problems with highlighted cells.

Practical part. Problem solving.

Method of solving problems in parts. Basic types of problems and methods for solving them.

Practical part. Problem solving.

"Heads and feet."

The basic principle for solving problems of this type. Various formulations and types of tasks on this topic.

Practical part. Problem solving.

Geometric figures.

Symmetrical figures. Cutting shapes on a plane. Differences between a checkered plane and a regular one.

Practical part. Problem solving.

Math games

Practical part. Mathematical games, competitions, puzzles, math tricks.

"With one stroke of the pen."

Typical problems, basic principles of problem solving.

Practical part. Analysis and solution of problems.

Compiling tables to solve logical problems. Examples of problem solving.

Practical part. Solving problems of increased complexity.

Soma cubes.

Algorithms for assembling a 3x3x3 cube, basic principles for solving problems. Analysis of numerous examples of solutions.

Practical part. Problem solving.

Analysis of Olympiad problems based on materials from past Olympiads.

Practical part. Solving the problems of the Olympiad of previous years.

Analysis and discussion of the tasks of the past Olympiad.

Final Olympiad.

Practical part. Final Olympiad to determine the level of knowledge of students.

Topic No.

Title of sections and topics

Number of hours




Introductory lesson. Safety precautions. Various tasks.

"Plus, minus one."


Roman numerals.

Solving problems from the end.

Cutting problems.

"Heads and feet."

Geometric figures.

Math games

"With one stroke of the pen."

Soma cubes.

Preparation for participation in the Mathematical Olympiad.

Analysis of the problems of the past Olympiad.

Final Olympiad.


The rapid development of “high technologies” and their increasingly widespread introduction into the space surrounding modern man places certain demands on him, including his level of knowledge and skills. Mathematics is the main tool for studying the world around us, and it is thanks to it that technical progress becomes possible. Therefore, the relevance of mastering the basics of mathematical logic, mathematical analysis, and a certain mathematical apparatus today is more obvious than ever.

For children of primary school age, the need for mathematics classes is no less than for middle and high school students. The sooner children become interested in mathematics, the easier it will be for them to master this subject in depth.

“Mathematics should only be taught because it puts the mind in order,” these are the words of our great compatriot M. Lomonosov. The skills of creative logical thinking acquired by children during training in this program are necessary for them to develop further interest in the subject and when studying in other subjects and areas.

This program relies to a greater extent on children’s school knowledge (without duplicating the school curriculum), gradually introducing students to the fascinating world of mathematics.

Classes in the program are structured in such a way as, first of all, to interest children, captivate them with the opportunity to acquire the ability to think outside the box and abstract from stereotyped thinking; involving children at the beginning of their education to participate in mathematical Olympiads and tournaments of different levels.


  • provide basic knowledge of theoretical material on combinatorics, sets, logic, graphs, three-dimensional and plane figures, etc.
  • introduce some mathematical methods for solving problems
  • develop the ability to systematize data and present it in the form of a diagram.


  • provide the basics of independent work skills when solving non-standard mathematical problems;
  • give the basics of the ability to build a chain of logical judgments, argumentation and evidence;
  • develop abstract thinking.


  • cultivate determination in achieving creative results;
  • increase self-esteem.
Expected results

At the end of the training, children will be proficient in some mathematical methods for solving problems (method of solving problems from the end, etc.), will have an understanding of the symmetry of geometric figures; will have basic logical thinking skills; will be able to master new theoretical material (graphs, area of ​​figures) and some algorithms for solving various non-standard problems; will have some mathematical principles for solving problems; will acquire logical thinking skills, independent work skills when solving non-standard mathematical problems; gain experience working in a team; will increase the level of abstract thinking.

Methods for determining the effectiveness of mastering the program.

The learning outcome of this program is assessed by the number of problems solved by students during the year, at the final Olympiad, as well as by the results of performances at Olympiads of various levels.

Classes consist of theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part is an analysis of problems, which gives children an idea of ​​how mathematical proofs work. The practical part allows you to accumulate the experience of the entire group when solving a mathematical problem. The classes widely use technologies of student-centered, dialogue and game learning. Didactic material is widely used: cubes, polyominoes, tangrams, developments, etc.

The tasks start out quite simple and become more complex gradually, so, also gradually, each child gains confidence in his abilities and, as a result, solves quite complex problems. This is an important point in increasing a child’s self-esteem.

It is easier for students to solve many problems if their plot is emotionally close to the child. Even children aged 6-8 years solve problems with a fairy-tale setting much more willingly than dry mathematical problems. Therefore, game-based learning technologies are widely used in classes.

Topic No.

Title of sections and topics

Basic rules and requirements for safety and fire safety. Introduction to the program, its structure, goals and objectives. Differences in school mathematics and the content of training in this additional educational program. Different types of tasks.

Practical part. Analysis and solution of problems from various sections on Olympiad topics.

"Plus, minus one."

Problems about flights of stairs and floors. The difference between a line and a round dance. Solving problems on a topic of increased complexity. New methods for solving problems of this type.

Practical part. Problem solving.


Basic principles of transfusion tasks. The main types of errors when solving problems of this type. Examples of problem solving. Examples of problems to prove the impossibility of certain types of actions.

Practical part. Problem solving.

Roman numerals.

Basics of positional number systems. Introducing students to other non-positional number systems. Converting four-digit numbers from the Arabic number system to the Roman number system, and vice versa. Examples of solving problems of increased complexity.

Practical part. Problem solving.

Solving problems from the end.

Mastering the method of solving problems from the end in various variations. Basic types of problems to be solved from the end. Analysis of problem solving from the end.

Practical part. Problem solving.

Cutting problems.

Basic types of figures on a checkered plane. Non-constructive methods for solving cutting problems on a checkered plane. Basic rules for cutting on a checkered plane. The principle of pairing. Symmetry. Solving problems with highlighted cells.

Practical part. Problem solving.

Method of solving problems in parts. Basic types of problems and methods for solving them.

Practical part. Problem solving.

"Heads and feet."

The basic principle for solving problems of this type. Various formulations and types of tasks on this topic.

Practical part. Problem solving.

Geometric figures.

Symmetrical figures. Cutting shapes on a plane. Differences between a checkered plane and a regular one.

Practical part. Problem solving.

Math games

Practical part. Mathematical games, competitions, puzzles, math tricks.

"With one stroke of the pen."

Typical problems, basic principles of problem solving.

Practical part. Analysis and solution of problems.

Compiling tables to solve logical problems. Examples of problem solving.

Practical part. Solving problems of increased complexity.

Soma cubes.

Algorithms for assembling a 3x3x3 cube, basic principles for solving problems. Analysis of numerous examples of solutions.

Practical part. Problem solving.

Analysis of Olympiad problems based on materials from past Olympiads.

Practical part. Solving the problems of the Olympiad of previous years.

Analysis and discussion of the tasks of the past Olympiad.

Final Olympiad.

Practical part. Final Olympiad to determine the level of knowledge of students.

Topic No.

Title of sections and topics

Number of hours




Introductory lesson. Safety precautions. Various tasks.

"Plus, minus one."


Roman numerals.

Solving problems from the end.

Cutting problems.

"Heads and feet."

Geometric figures.

Math games

"With one stroke of the pen."

Soma cubes.

Preparation for participation in the Mathematical Olympiad.

Analysis of the problems of the past Olympiad.

Final Olympiad.


About Us

The creative laboratory "Twice Two" has long been known among mathematicians and those involved in mathematical education. But, as you know, mathematicians are often not talkative and reserved people, and do not strive for fame, and it is very difficult to find good mathematics teachers, especially in small towns and remote villages. Nevertheless, everyone needs mathematics. It’s good for those who are lucky to have a teacher who, thanks to perseverance and natural talent, still works honestly in a small school, somewhere in a distant village. What about those who are unlucky? And in a big city there are a lot of people, but there are few good teachers.

So we decided that classes, visiting schools, olympiads and tournaments, mathematics clubs for our region are good projects. But it’s time to think about those who really want to study, but do not have the opportunity to get to us.

We want to create an Internet Olympiad in mathematics on our basis for everyone. We already have extensive experience in holding mathematical Olympiads and want to make it accessible to other regions of our country.

We are known in many cities of Russia: Barnaul, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Izhevsk, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kurgan, Moscow, Naberezhnye Chelny, Perm, Saratov, Stavropol, Ufa, Chelyabinsk and other cities.

Our projects on Boomstarter

But we are already known on the Boomstarter portal. This year we raised money and released a wonderful film with the support of Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov. We were very fascinated by the idea of ​​bringing back to life the oldest game - Slavic chess. In our classes, children enjoy playing Amulet, as it combines simple rules, harmonious logic and dynamism.

Most of our backers will receive the game as a gift as a reward.

Creative laboratory "Twice Two" as a non-profit organization

We have never advertised our activities. Although, we are rightfully proud of our children, teachers, methods and graduates. Our children win various Olympiads, graduates study in best universities countries. “Twice Two” is passed from hand to hand as a sign of trust and high quality.

There is another reason for this. "Twice Two" has always been a non-profit organization. We never set ours the purpose of making money. And that’s why we still work exclusively with funds from charitable contributions. You understand that it is difficult to create an all-Russian network of high-quality mathematical education while, in fact, being a charitable organization. But, fortunately for us, today even very small villages have the Internet.

We want to make our quality available to everyone who wants to learn and is drawn to knowledge.

Internet Olympiad in mathematics "Twice Two"

The Internet Olympiad will be held in two leagues: Silver and Gold. Each league is played in 2 rounds. The Silver League is held in two test rounds, the Golden League in two traditional, written rounds. Tours will take place according to the schedule approved for each academic year.

The start of the Internet Olympiad is planned for March 2015. Any student in grades 1-8 under the guidance of parents (substitute parents) or a group of schoolchildren under the guidance of a teacher can become a participant in the Olympiad.

The work of Silver League participants will be checked automatically on the Internet Olympiad website. The work of Golden League participants will be checked by experienced teachers of the Creative Laboratory "Twice Two".

The funds raised will be used to create a database of mathematical problems, provide technical support for the Internet Mathematical Olympiad, and attract the best mathematics teachers to work with schoolchildren and check assignments.


We set ourselves an ambitious goal - to introduce the widest possible range of students to mathematics, teaching them how to solve and formulate non-standard problems, as well as identifying gifted students for their further education.

If the project collects more funds than the stated amount, then in the coming year we will begin implementing the next stage of our project - the creation of an all-Russian system of distance mathematical education.

P.S. Dear friends, we remind you that when choosing a reward, you can deposit any amount. It can be equal to that indicated in the name of the reward, or be as large as desired. It depends only on your financial capabilities and desire to help the development of domestic mathematics.

Project Manager

Bronnikov Anatoly Anatolievich
One of the founders and leaders Creative Laboratory"Two by two". Mathematic teacher. Curator of TL projects "Twice Two" in one of the best Moscow schools "GBOU School 1329".
Graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics of the Bashkir State University State University with honors.
Anatoly Anatolyevich participated in the preparation schoolchildren who won five gold medals at the International Mathematical Olympiad.

Mikhailovsky Nikita Andreevich
Teacher of the Creative Laboratory "Twice Two", graduate of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, graduate of the Chelyabinsk Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 31, winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Mathematics.

Kuprin Sergey Evgenievich

Teacher of the Creative Laboratory "Twice Two", graduate of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, graduate of the Chelyabinsk Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 31, prize-winner All-Russian Olympiad mathematics.

Golovin Anton Igorevich

Graduate of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics.

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