Unstressed vowels in the roots of words. Root creation creature rule Working with signal cards


Class: 6

Lesson: Russian language

Lesson type: new knowledge lesson

Topic: Spelling of vowels in roots determined by stress: -gar- – -gor-,

-zar- – -zor-, -creature- – -creation-, clan- -clone-

Goals: introduce students to a new topic: alternating vowels O - A in the root of a word, determined by stress, promote the formation of functional literacy, develop critical, logical thinking, speech skills, and cultivate a love for the subject.

Using the Face to Face program modules:
New approaches to teaching: dialogue at all stages of the lesson, collective and individual work
Working with the talented and gifted: the “Teach Another” strategy
Teaching critical thinking: creating a problem situation “Brainstorming”
Teaching in accordance with age characteristics: material (content), lesson form, teaching techniques and methods correspond to the age characteristics of schoolchildren
Assessment of learning and assessment for learning: assessment occurs at each stage of the lesson in the form of verbal encouragement, reflection, self- and mutual assessment
ICT: music for charging

During the classes

Org. Moment

Creating a collaborative environment

Everyone loves to receive gifts and today I want them to congratulate each other on the beginning of the quarter, give each other pens and wish each other success.

Vocabulary dictation

Arrived, half the sky, chicken, stick, excellent, half a watermelon, suburban, section, half a liter, wonderful

9-10 –

6-8 -

3-5 -

Peer review/evaluation

Learning new things

Today we have a lesson on the topic “The letters o - a in the root with alternation.” Let's remember what “alternation of sounds” is?
When words are formed and changed, some sounds may be replaced by others in the same part of the word.
This replacement is called hbetween sounds: pre-sexG assumeand it
Your goal is to find out in what cases the alternation of vowels o-a occurs in the indicated roots, and to master the method of choosing A-O in the roots.


Cards for each pair.Highlight the roots and put the emphasis. Draw a conclusion

1 pair -
Tan, cinder, burn, burnt, sunbathing, fumes

Conclusion: In the root with alternating –gor-, -gar- the letter O is written in an unstressed position

2 pair –dawn, glow, dawn, dawn, illuminate, lightning Conclusion: In the root with alternating –zar-, -zor- the letter A is written in an unstressed position

3 pair –swimmer, buoyant, floater, swimming beetle, fin, buoyancy, excellent swimmer Conclusion: In the roots – plav-, - plov-, plov is written only in the words swimmer, swimmer

4 pair - bent, bow, bow, inclination, etc. e bow down, bow down

Conclusion: In roots with the alternation -clan-, -clone- under stress it is written a

At the root with the alternation -tvor-–tvar-, -tvar- is written only in the word Utensils.;

Compare your conclusions with the rule in the textbook

And then we will all complete our concept card in the form of a flower.

Peer education

Students draw up their conclusions in the form of a piece of paper, attach it to a flower, and explain the new topic.

(each pair works only with its roots and highlights the rule associated with stress)

Consolidation (Work at the board)

Choose a spelling: A or O.

G..heater, heat..heat, sun..r, warm..warmed, coal..r, sun..heated, warmed up, warmed up.

Bow your head, deviate to the side, bow to a deity, kneel, steep slope, bow your head, deviate from the norm.

Graphic dictation (+ physical minute). Insert the desired letter into the table.





















1. tan
8.bend down

Physical exercise “Stand up and sit down” O- stood up A - sat down

Independent work . Self-test using ready-made answers. Self-assessment


I know that in the roots……. under stress it is written ....

I didn’t understand when the letter … is written in the roots….

Peer assessment

D.z. come up with 5 sentences using the words learned in class

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Russian language - spelling:


Roots with alternating o - a

Roots with unchecked vowels

The spelling of vowels in many words cannot be checked by stress: With O tank, in O ldyr, in A trash and etc.; You should look up such words in a dictionary and remember their spelling.

braid - cas, lodge - lag

In the roots kos- - kas-, lie- - lag- letter is written A, if the root is followed by a suffix -A-, For example: To A s-a-tsya (but to O s-noose), to A s-a-telny (but O s-new); izl A g-a-t (but izl O f-it), sl A g-a-t (but sl O live).

clone - clan, tvor - creature, gor - gar

In the roots clone- - clan-, creation- - creature-, gor- - gar- no accent letter is written O, For example: on cl O n yat, with cl O n meaning, according to cl O n to be; TV O R yeah, TV O R meaning, connection TV O R to go; behind G O R ely, for G O R ah, G O R there is, G O R eing.

Fundamentally zar- - zar- (h A R I - h O R And - h O R yka) no accent is written A, For example: h A R I, h A R Nitsa, h A R hey, oh h A R yeah, oh h A R eing.

pilaf - pilaf

Root swim- - swim- spelled with a letter O only in a nutshell: pl O V ec, pl O V sneeze, in other cases is written A: With pl A V lie, pl A V nickname, by pl A V OK, pl A V ounce(bug) , pl A V teaching(Remember the word pl s wun- layers of subsoil saturated with water.)

Fundamentally grow- - grew- (R A st And - R O With lo) no accent before st And sch is written A (You R A st it, car R A st, on R A st education, growing up A puppy, wed A whelping);
before With without follow-up T is written O (You R O With, You R O With shy, water R O With eh, not enough R O With l).

equal - equal

Root equal- mainly written in words that are related in meaning to “ equals th» ( "same" ): R A vn dimensional, R A vn significant, with R A vn that's it, that's it R A vn O, and also in the words: R A opinion, p A pay attention, r A listening, now A got the hang of it, p A vnina;
root exactly mainly written in words related in meaning to “ exactly th» (« smooth», « straight "), For example: R O vn yat(tracks), under R O vn yat(flower beds), etc., ur O ven, r O yay.

poppy - mok - moch

Root poppy- written in words meaning "to lower or lower something into liquid in order to nourish this liquid": m A To at(bread into milk) about m A To no(pen into inkwell);
root mok- written in words meaning “to let liquid through, to become wet”: boots about m O To yut, You m O To no(in the rain), paper about m O To yes, about m O To studio paper, about m O To Ashka.

Before h (urine-) - the letter is always written O, For example: m O h it, on m O h and about m O h oh, you m O h new(cf. under emphasis: m O h it, with m O h new; about verbs in -ivat type With m A h come on, you m A h to live see Roots with verified vowels).

skak - skoch

Fundamentally jump- - jump- no accent before h usually written O, before To- letter A, For example: V sk O h go (but sk A To at), on sk O h go (but on sk A To y), for sk O h yeah, you sk O h ka.

Words with the root tvar-, creative-. Rule and examples

In words with roots creative the vowel is unstressed. Letter selection "O" or "A" depends on the accent.

In words with roots tv o r- most often the vowel is in an unstressed position, for example

Unstressed vowels in the roots of words are usually checked by stress, but this cannot be used if the word has a root creative. It may contain alternating vowels a//o. Therefore, to select a letter "O" or "A", let’s use the spelling rule for writing roots with alternating vowels:

Let's compare the spelling of words with the same root:

  • speak out
  • you're yelling
  • get out of the way
  • shut the gate
  • shut the door
  • tv o retz
  • writer's creativity
  • creative approach
  • wonderful creation
  • sotv about rit
  • agree
  • sotv about ryat
  • agree
  • world creation
  • open the window
  • suddenly open
  • open the door
  • open to the wind
  • open the door
  • open the window
  • open the gate
  • st about rit
  • st about to rush.

The will and labor of man create wonderful things (N.A. Nekrasov).

In a planked mansion the window will instantly dissolve (A. Koltsov).

It will not be difficult to write words with roots creative, in which the vowel is stressed:

In a word "utensil", which was an exception, in modern language the root is no longer distinguished creature-:

Root creation creature rule

§ 35. There are roots in which the writing of letters in place of unstressed vowels does not correspond to the general rule, but is subject to tradition. These include the following roots with alternating vowels.

1. Roots with letters a and o.

gar - mountains In place of the unstressed vowel, the letter o is written, although under the stress - a, for example: burn, scorch, burn out, burn out, tanned, burnt out, combustible; but: soot, tan, soot, fumes. Exceptions (gar without emphasis): residues, izgar, burnt, cinder (along with the cinder variant).

zar - zar. In place of the unstressed vowel, a is written: dawn, lightning, glow, illuminate, illuminate, illumination, robin (bird), lightning; under stress - a and o, cf.: glow, radiant, radiant and zori (plural of the word dawn), zorka, zorenka, zoryushka, zorya (military signal, usually in the expression to beat or play zorya).

cas - braid This root is written a if the root is followed by a; in other cases it is written about: Wed. touch, touch, touch, tangent, touching, but touch, touch, contact, inviolable (the vowel of the root does not occur under stress).

clan - clone. In place of an unstressed vowel it is written about, for example: bow, bow, bow, bow, deviate, bow, bow, bow; under stress - o and a: cf. bow, bow, bend, inclined, inflexible and bow, bow, bow.

speck - crop. The letter o is written without emphasis in words with the meaning ‘to cover with drops, splashes’: sprinkle, sprinkling (from sprinkle), sprinkling, sprinkled, sprinkling; the letter a - in words with the meaning ‘to cover with small specks, dots’: speckled, speckled (from krápat meaning ‘to cover with speckles, apply speckles’), interspersed. Under stress - only a: speck, speck, speck, intersperse, interspersed, speck.

lag - log - lie. In place of the unstressed vowel before g it is written a, before z - o, for example: to set out, impose, assume, attach, decompose, urgent, delay, vagina, adjective, term, versifier, but: lay down, lay out, put aside, put, sentence come to life , attach, presentation, position, sentence, versification, cover, side. The emphasis is always about: tax, pledge, forgery, forged, put, put. In the word polog, where the root -log- is no longer distinguished in modern language, o is written without stress before g.

poppy - mok - moch. In place of the unstressed vowel, the letter a is written before k in words meaning ‘dip, immerse in liquid’: dunk, dunk, dip; the letter o - in words with the meaning 'to become wet': to get wet, to get wet, to get wet, to get wet (in the rain), in words derived from wet (for example, wet, sputum, sputum, wood lice) (under the stress - in the words wet, get wet, get wet, get wet, etc.), and in words with the meaning 'to dry with something. absorbing moisture’: get wet, get wet, blotter, blotter. Before h there is always the letter o, for example: wet, wet, wet, soaked (cf. under stress: wet, soaked; for verbs in -ivat like wet, soak, see § 34, note 2).

pay - sing (in the verb pay and words with the same root). Without stress it is written a: solder, solder, solder, soldering iron, etc. Under stress - a and o: cf. sealed, sealed, soldered, soldered and soldered, soldered.

swim - swim. Without stress it is written a: floating, fin, float, float (grass; beetle; water possum), float (beetle), float (bird), float, float, afloat, float; but: swimmer and swimmer with the letter o. Under stress - only a: swim, timber rafting.

Note. In the word quicksand (soil) the letter s is written, as in other words derived from the verb swim - swim: float, swim up, blur, etc.

equal - equal The letter a is written in words related in meaning to the adjective equal 'same', for example: equate (someone with someone), equal (something or with someone. ), equalize, equalize, compare (s), comparison, equalize (in something), equalize (count), equalize, level (for example, lines - 'make equal in length'), equalize, equalize, equalize, equal, equivalent, equal, balance, equinox, equal, equal.

The letter o is written in words related in meaning to the adjective smooth ‘smooth, straight, without unevenness’, for example: level (bed, road surface), level, level, level, level (make even, smooth, straight).

However, in words equal, coeval, related in meaning to equal, the letter o is written; in the word plain, related in meaning to equal, there is the letter a. In words with an unclear relationship, the following are written: the letter a - in the verb equate (in a line, during formation) and the words derived from it equal, equate, level (in line); the letter o - in combination the hour is not equal, in the word level.

different - different In numerous complex words with the first part, heterogeneous (various, multilateral, disparate, etc.) the letter a is written without stress, in the word separately - the letter o. Under stress - a (different, difference, differ) and o (discord, disparate , scattered).

ros(t) - ras(t) - rasch. In place of an unstressed vowel it is written: a) before s (without a subsequent t) - the letter o: grew, grew, grew, grown, thicket, shoot, algae, undergrowth; exception - industry and its derivatives (industry, inter-industry, diversified); b) before st - the letter a, for example: grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, germinate, grow, grow, increase, increase, age, plant, vegetation, wild; exceptions: sprout, growth, usurer, outgrowth, outgrowth, outgrowth, outgrowth, outgrowth, teenage (along with the variant teenage); c) before u always a, for example: grow, grow, grown, increase, build-up, fusion.

Under the stress before s (followed by t and without it) - only o, for example: growth, growth, outgrowth, teenager, overgrowth; grew, overgrown, grown up, tall, wild plants.

jump - jump - jump - jump. If the root ends in k, then in place of the unstressed vowel the letter a is written, for example: gallop, gallop, gallop, gallop, jump rope, gallop, on a gallop, gallop, although under the stress - o, for example: gallop, gallop, rebound, jump, jump (about -ivat verbs like jump, see § 34, note 2).

If the root ends in h, then the letter a is written in the forms of the verb skakat and verbs derived from it (for example: I jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump), as well as in the elephant jump (the forms of the same verbs are used to check - e.g., jump, jump, and derivatives of jump, gallop); letter o - in prefixed verbs ending in -skochit (for example: jump up, jump up, jump up, jump out, jump out, jump out, jump off, jump up) and in the word upstart (check - with forms of the same verbs, except jump out: jump up, jump off, etc.) P.).

Wed: I'll skip (a hundred miles), proskachi (forms of the verb to skip, will skip) and proskoch', skip (forms of the verb to skip, will slip); I’ll jump up, jump up (forms of the verb podskakat, podskakʹet approach jumping’) and jump up, jump up (forms of the verb jump up, jump up ‘with a quick movement to approach someone or rise sharply’).

creation - creature. In the words create, creation, creator, created, get up, etc., the letter o is written without emphasis; under the emphasis - not only about (creative, creativity), but also a (creature, created). In the word utensil, where the root -tvar- is no longer distinguished in modern language, a is written without emphasis.

2. Roots with letters i and e.

shine (k, t) - shine - shine. In place of the unstressed vowel, the letters i and e are written: i - before st with the subsequent stressed a, for example: shine, shine, shine, shine, brilliant, shine; e - in other cases, for example: sparkle, sparkles, shiny, sparkling, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, reflection, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, sparkle. Under stress - e and e: shine, shine, shining; sparkle, sparkle, sparkle, glitter.

vis - weight. In place of the unstressed vowel, a letter is written in the verb hang (hang, hang) and its derivatives (hang, hang, etc.), as well as in prefixed verbs with the common part -hang: hang, hang, hang, etc. (cf. under stress: hang, hang, hang); letter e - in the words hang out, signboard, suspended, suspended, in weight (cf. under stress: hang, hang, hang).

lip - lep. In the words stick, stick, etc., the letter i is written in an unstressed position (cf. under the stress: sticky, stick), and in the words sculpt, stick, stick, etc. - the letter e (cf. under the stress: sculpts , stick, modeling).

sid - se(d). In place of an unstressed vowel, the following are written: the letter i - before the soft consonant d - in the verb sit (sit, sat) and its derivatives (sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, etc.); the letter e - before the hard d: saddle, saddle (in the latter in the plural - e: saddles), saddle, seat, sedal, sit, sit, press, squat, assessor, chairman, and also - before the soft d - in derivatives from the word saddle (saddle, sedelnik, cheresedelnik, sedeltse). Under the stress - and and e, for example: sitting, imprisonment, assiduous; sit down, sit down, village, homebody, fidget, hen, squat; in the forms of the verb sit down and prefixes - also a (in the letter I): sit down, sit down, sit down.

Note 1. For the writing of vowel letters i and e in verbal roots with a fluent vowel, see § 36.

Note 2. In verbs with a common part - take (e.g., occupy, pester, embrace, take away, lift, remove, understand, appease), which correspond to the perfect verbs of - take (occupy, accept, raise, understand, appease and etc.), written after n in place of an unstressed vowel, the letter i; the same in the verb to take out (cf. sov. view take out). In some verbs of this group, the unstressed vowel of the root can be checked by stress and in forms such as take away, lift, remove (these are forms of verbs in -nyat), rarely - in derivative words: snapshot, in an embrace.

Note 3. The letter and in place of an unstressed vowel is also written in the root of the verbs to conjure and curse. In the corresponding verbs of the perfect form and other words with the same root, the letter l is written (both in an unstressed position and under stress): curse, curse, curse, curse, curse, curse, etc.

Russian language and culture of speech

Improving spelling, punctuation and speech skills in writing

Alternating vowels

Alternation depending on the suffix - a

In the roots listed below it is written And a, otherwise it is written e:

Exceptions: with h e TA t, with h e TA tion.

Remember: h e T A.

In the roots with alternation a(i) - im, a(i) - in are written them And in, if followed by the suffix a.

Fundamentally cas-bras(n)- is written A, if followed by the suffix a.

Alternation depending on stress

No accent in the roots mountains- (gar-), creative- (creature-), clone- (clan-), late- (past-) is written O, in the roots zar- (zor-), plav- (plov-) is written A. Under stress in these roots that vowel is written (o/a) which is heard.

You G A R ki, from G A Rь, at G A R b; y TV A R b; h O R Yankee, h O R eat; pl O V yeah, pl O V sneeze, pl s V un.

Alternation depending on the subsequent consonant

Fundamentally growthgrew- is written A st(also before sch O.

Example: behind R O With l — R A st and you R A sch en.

In an unstressed root lag-false before G is written A, before andO.

Example: before l O and it - before l A G at.

In an unstressed root with how-skoch- before To is written A, before hO.

Example: sk O h y - sk A To at.


from R A With l, R O st ok you R O st OK, R O st sheepman, R O st ov, R O st islav, sk A h OK, sk A h y, by l O G.

Alternation depending on the meaning of the word

Root poppy- contained in verbs that have meaning "immerse in liquid", and the root mok- in verbs with meaning "to absorb liquid".

Example: You m O To no - m A To at.

Root equal- written in words with meaning "equal, identical", and the root exactly- in words with meaning "flat, straight, smooth".

Example: With R O vn yat (earth) - at R A vn tion.


R A vnina, r A opinion, por O vnu, ur O Ven.


1. The spelling of the roots -gor-/-gar-, -clone-/-clan-, -tvor-/-tvar-, -zar-/-zor-, -plav-/-plov- depends on the stress.

In an unstressed position it is written -gor-, -clone-, -crea-, -zor-, -plav-: burn, tanned; inclination, bow down’, shut, create; dawn, lightning; float, fin.

Exceptions: dross, scorch, residue, utensils, dawn, swimmer, swimmer.

Remember: quicksand (subsoil layer rich in water).

2. In the roots -lozh-/-lag- the letter o is written before w, before g - a: izlozht - to state, proposal - to offer.

To correctly write these roots, you can be guided by the following rule: if the root is followed by the suffix -a-, the root is also written a; if there is no suffix -a-, it is written about: term, adjective (there is -a-)” statement, put (there is no -a-)-

It is necessary to distinguish the roots -lozh-/-lag- from others, which contain the same combinations of sounds: pleasure - here the root is -sludge-, verified by the word sweet; cooling - root -khlazh-, verified by the word cool.

3. In the roots -ros-/-rast-/-rasch- before st and sch it is written a; if there is no st or sch, it is written o; grow, grown, growing, overgrown, algae.

Exceptions: industry, sprout, moneylender. Rostov, Rostislav, for growth, outgrowth, as well as derivatives from these words (industry, rostok, usurer, etc.).

4. In the roots - jump

/-skoch- in an unstressed position before k is written a, before h - o; jump, jump.

Exceptions: jump, gallop.

Before h, the letter a is written in the first person singular form. verbs of the present and future tense, as well as the imperative mood, if these forms correspond to the root -skak-: jump (start jumping) - I'll jump (I'll start jumping), zakachi (start jumping).

b. In the roots -kos-/-kas- it is written a, if the root is followed by the suffix -a-; it is written about if the root does not have the suffix -a-: touch, touch, touch, touch.

6. In the roots -mok-/-mac- the spelling o or a is determined by the lexical meaning of the word. The root -mac- is written in words that mean “to immerse, dip into something”: dip a brush in paint, dip a loaf of bread in honey. Words with the root -mok- mean “to let through, absorb liquid, become wet, damp”: waterproof fabric, get wet in the rain.

7. The spelling of the roots -rovn-, -ravn- is also associated with the lexical meaning of the word. The root -equal- has the meaning “same, equal, the same, on a par”: equation, equal. The root -level- is written in words with the meaning “straight, smooth”: to level the road.

Exceptions: plain, equally.

It is necessary to remember the spelling of the words peer, level,

Russian language lesson: Spelling of roots -gar- (-gor -), -zar-, (zor-), -tvor- (-tvar-), -klon- (-klon-) the spelling of which depends on the stress

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Topic: Spelling of roots -gar- (-gor -), -zar-, (zor-),
-tvor-(-tvar-), -clone-(-clone-) the spelling of which depends on the stress.

Educational: To teach students to master the method of choosing vowels, o-and when spelling roots –gar- (-gor-), -zar-, (zor-), -tvar-(-crea-); develop spelling vigilance; consolidate the skill of writing roots with alternating vowels and consonants, unstressed vowels; Developmental: develop observation and analytical skills, speech skills, and communication abilities of students.

Educational: cultivate neatness and respect for each other.

Lesson type: explanation of new material
Equipment: poster - table, signal cards, sun - rules, clouds - exception words, handouts.

1. Organic moment Greetings. I'm glad to see each of you! And let the coolness of autumn breathe through the windows,
We will be comfortable here, because our class
Loves, feels and hears each other .

2. Updating basic knowledge

– What alternating roots do you already know?
– What determines the spelling of the vowel in these roots?
– Let’s turn to the table on the board (column 3 is closed)

Writing a in roots with alternation o–a subject to availability

radical suffix -A-

KAS–KOS: O/A (a)

consonant combinations st/shch
at the root of the word
O/A (…st (w)

GOR–GA’R: O/A (a’)
ZAR–ZOR: A/O (o’)

Guys, we repeated the rules for writing vowels in roots with alternation and that the spelling of vowels can depend on: a) the presence of the suffix A after the root;
b) from the final consonant of the root.

Excl: rostok, moneylender, Rostislav, Rostov, for growth, industry

3) Working with signal cards. Believe, plant, teenager, touch, lie down, touch, branch, sprout, Rostov, presentation, grown, touch, set out, grown, touch, .

4. C communication of a new topic, statement of a problem.– Today we will get acquainted with other roots in which vowel alternation is also observed a–o .
Our goal: a) to establish what determines the spelling of the vowel at the root gore-gar ; zar-zar
b) formulate a rule;

c) learn to recognize this spelling and write words correctly. Therefore, let's open our notebooks and write down the topic of our lesson.

From the title of the topic we see that we will have to help other roots, but we will start with the flaming roots of GOR-GAR.

An individual task for 2 students was to compose a story based on the pictures. Let's listen to these stories and determine the topic of our lesson

Children read out the descriptions of the drawings.

What words of the same root did you hear in the guys’ stories? (suggested answer: sunbathe, burn, soot, tan). The teacher writes words on the board.
Look carefully at these words and tell me why in one case we write the root -A, in the other – O?
Student answers.

Indeed, we are faced with a problem The rules we know do not work in these words. Therefore, let's open our notebooks and write down the topic of our lesson.
From the title of the topic we see that we will have to help other roots, but we will start with the flaming roots of GOR-GAR. Perhaps this image will give you the right solution to this problem.

Of course, you guessed that spelling in these roots depends on stress

Sunshine, sunshine, gentle ray
Look out from behind the clouds, sunshine!
Warm us with a gentle ray -
Remember the new rule quickly!


An exception to this rule is fumes, soot, scorch. (the words are written on the notes) Fortunately, these words are used quite rarely in the Russian language.
It should be distinguished from the root with alternation -gor- - -harmonious roots -gor-, as in the word mountain, and -gor-, as in the word - mountain. To do this, be sure to look at the lexical meaning of the root. The root with the alternation o - a, -gor- - -gar- has a meaning associated with fire - to burn, sunbathe, tan. In the word mountain, the root means “elevation.” And in the word grief, the root means “sadness, misfortune.” Please don't get confused. Let’s check how we learned this

4. Consolidation of material: Explanatory dictation. The fire flares up, a beautiful tan, the milk is burnt, soot on the candle, burnt branches, carbon monoxide; tanned children; the candle burned out. Sunbathe on the beach; tanned children; the candle burned out; burn out in the sun; burnt stump; the pie is burnt; the light bulb has burned out. (in the word flares up, at the root of mountains it is written o, since it is under stress)

5. Explanation of material (continued)

Have you already guessed what determines the choice of letter in the roots we are studying today? Answer: (Yes! From the accent).

But does this rule apply to the roots of the stars? zar we studied today: look at the following phrases: flares up A rya, morning s O rka, s O bright look, aloe A roar, s A rnitsa.

No. Emphasis affects these roots differently, look at the sun rule:

And write without stress, O with stress .

6. Independent work (mutual check) 1. sunbathe

2. mature matches

3. sleep with your hand

4. kicking the ball 5. an argument broke out 6. a candle was lit 7. a fire warmed up 8. a steam locomotive 9. the bottom was touched 10 rotted leaves

In the students' notebook it should look like this:

1) o, 2) o, 3) o, 4) a, 5) o, 6) a, 7) o, 8) a, 9) a, 10) o.

Well done! You have mastered the spelling of these roots perfectly.

1). What is the topic of today's lesson?
2). What does writing depend on? o–a in the roots gore-gar ? Tell me the rule.

8. Work using signal cards

1. In the root -gar- we write the letter under the accent A. (Yes)

2. The roots –gar-, -gor- have a meaning associated with fire. (Yes)

3. The root of the word “mountain” is the same root as -gor-,-gar-. (No)

4. In the word “grief,” the root means “sadness.” (Yes)

5. Burnt, tan – these are words of exception. (No)

6. In the root -zor- under the stress we write ABOUT.(Yes)

7. Zorevoy is a word of exclusion. (Yes)

9. Home The rear is individually on cards.

Rule - Fundamentally -clan- – -clone- as in the root -creation - – -creation-, under the accent we write the letter that we hear. For example, bow, But bow, creativity. But in an unstressed position the letter is written in these roots O, For example, bow, bow, stoop, create, bring to life. Exception is a word utensil, in which in an unstressed position at the root - creature- write a vowel A.

Exercise : Bent down to the ground, say hello to Hertz O gyne, bow_to the elder, bow_adj A travellers, etc. e swear to g e roism, etc. And put your head down. Great TV _ thinking, performing miracles, etc. e bring life to life, open the gate, good luck With tv_ritel, various assertions, evade obligations nn osty, kuho nn oh approval.

3. to sleep with your hand

4. k. sleighing the ball 5. unwind. there was a dispute 6. og. rock candles 7. decomposition the fire was burning 8. locomotive izg. ry 9. k. plant bottom 10 g. rotten leaves

1. zag. fight in the sun

2. mature matches

4. kicking the ball 5. An argument broke out 6. fire. rock candles 7. the fire warmed up 8. locomotive fire 9. the bottom is sunk 10 ripe leaves

1. sunbathe

4. hitting the ball 5. an argument broke out 6. fire. rock candles 7. decomposition a fire was burning 8. a locomotive izg.r 9. the bottom was being sunk 10 g. rotting leaves

1) o, 2) o, 3) o, 4) a, 5) o, 6) a, 7) o, 8) a, 9) a, 10) o.

1. Spelling vowels in the root

§1. Tested unstressed vowels

Unstressed vowels of the root are checked by stress, i.e. in an unstressed syllable the same vowel is written as in the corresponding stressed syllable of the same root word, for example: forests(forest), fox(l And́sy), try on(m e rit) costumereconcile(world) neighbors; flutters(V éyat) flagdevelops(developed And this) industry; fridge(X O cold, cold Ódny).

Wed. different spellings of unstressed vowels of the root in words that sound similar; climb(in pocket) - lick(wounds) boil(potato) - open(door), caress(cat) - rinse(mouth), fastener(collar) – attached(about a horse) thin out(sprouts) – discharge(gun), belittle(meaning) - beg(about mercy), etc.

Note 1. In some roots there is alternation of vowels. The number of such roots is limited (see §3 about this).

Note 2. Vowel O in unstressed roots of perfective verbs cannot be checked by imperfective forms for –s wat (-ivate ), For example: be late (late, Although be late), cut (cutting, Although cut out).

Note 3. In some words of foreign origin with a suffix that is distinguished only etymologically, the spelling of an unstressed vowel cannot be checked with a word of the same root if the vowel being checked and the check vowel are included in suffixes of different origins, for example: subscription ( ement goes back to the French suffix), although subscribe (-edit goes back to the German suffix); accompaniment, Although accompany; engagement, Although engage. Wed. also a similar phenomenon in the composition of a foreign root apperceive, Although apperception; disinfect, Although disinfection. The vowel of the root is preserved in words injectioninject, projection - project Inec. etc.

§2. Unchecked unstressed vowels

The spelling of unstressed vowels, which cannot be verified by stress, is determined by a spelling dictionary, for example: badminton, concrete, string, can, bodyaga, briolin, validol, cheesecake, ventilation, lobby, ham, vinaigrette, dysentery, masturbation, intelligentsia, kalamyanka, kalach, closet, loaf, cuttlefish, holster, layout, burner, head of cabbage, koschei, ladanka, magarych, madapolam, obsession, front garden, pantopon, ferry, periphery, gudgeon, pigalitsa, plasticine, privilege, rump steak, rotaprint, bullfinch, smelt, scholarship, brake, lumpy, elixir, overpass and many more etc. (as the examples show, this includes words regardless of their origin).

§3. Alternating vowels

Alternation A And O

1. Fundamentally gar mountains under stress it is written A, without accent - O ; zag A R, yy A Rzag O reliy, ugh O howl.

Exceptions: vyg A rivers, izg A ry, prig A ry(special and dialect words).

2. Fundamentally zar star A : h A roar, h O Rarkah A rnitsa, oz A bark.

Exception: dawn.

3. Fundamentally cas bras(n)- is written O , if followed by a consonant n , in other cases - A: To A sit down, to A satativeTo O wake up, come to sleep O dream.

4. Fundamentally clan- clone- under stress the vowel is written in accordance with the pronunciation, without stress - O: cl A take care, pokl O npokl O thread, bow O Nenie.

5. In an unstressed root lag- false before G is written A, before and O: proposal A get away, adj A adjectiveproposal cool it, region cool eing.

Exception: floor O G lag- false ).

6. Root poppy- contained in verbs meaning “to immerse in liquid”: m A roll cracker into tea, exchange A dip the pen into the ink. Root mok- contained in verbs meaning “to pass liquid”: you m O whip in the rain, prom O whip what is written. The rule applies to derivative words: m A singing, prom O rolling paper, non-industrial O stone cloak.

7. Fundamentally float a vowel sound can be stressed or unstressed: pl A go, pl A take into account, popl A wok. Root pilaf- contained in words pl O vec And pl O sneeze; root swim- - in a word pl s Woons.

8. Root equals found in words meaning “equal, identical, on a par”: ur A opinion, wed A understand, it's time A take heed(become equal). Root exactly – in words meaning “even, straight, smooth”; zar O listen, p O Vesnik, Wed O take heed, ur O Ven. Wed: other A heed(make equal) – other O heed(make it even); vyr A external(made equal) – vyr O external(made smooth).

9. Fundamentally growth grew- is written A before the next combination st (also before sch ), in other cases it is written O : R A sti, nar A swearingvyr O sshiy, zar O sly, por O sl.

Exceptions: negative A with(although no cm ); R O drain, output O drain, r O stockman, R O stov etc. (although there is cm ).

10. In an unstressed root with how skoch before To is written A , before h O : prompt A rollprompt O read.

Exceptions: sk A chock, sk A Chu.

11. Fundamentally creature creation under stress the vowel is written in accordance with the pronunciation, without stress - O : TV A Ry, TV O gloriesTV O swear, TV O rec.

Exception: approved A ry(no longer semantically associated with the root creature creation ). In the roots of some verbs, when forming aspect pairs, there is an alternation of both unstressed and stressed O : ugh O swear – ugh A to waste, to waste Ónut – zatr A earn money O earn money A to speak(see §1, note 2).

Alternation e And And

12. In the roots ber bir -, der- dir -, mer- world-, per- pir-, ter- dash-, brilliant- blist -, burned- jig-, stel- style-, even- cheat- is written And , if followed by the suffix -A- : personal And army, ass And army, deputy And army, zap And army, art And army, bl And become, szh And go, calculate And go away, part And bark; otherwise it is written e : b e ru, d e ru, mind e howl, zap e talk, st e howl, bl e stet, vyzh e gshiy, vych e t, dist e pour.

Exceptions: op. e thief, op. e dancing.

Alternation A( I) And them , and I) And in

13. In the roots with alternation A( I) And m , and I) in are written them And in, if followed by a suffix -A- : szh A tszh them oh, pon I tMon them ah, start A tbeginning in at. Wed: vn them atelic, closing in ah, let me remind you in yes, prin them at etc. Retained in derivative forms them , even if the suffix does not follow -A , For example: I'll take it off, take it off, pick it up, pick it up etc.

§4. Vowels after sibilants

1. After sizzling ( f, h, w, sch ) letters are not written I, yu, s, and are written accordingly a, y, and, For example: h A yika, sorry A linen, h at before, sch at rush, w And r, w And t.

Exceptions: brooch Yu ra, f Yu ri, parash Yu t, psh Yu t, fish Yu and some other words of foreign origin.

2. After sibilants under stress, it is written in the root e( e) , corresponding in pronunciation to the sound O , if in related words or in another form of the same word it is written e (h e rynyh e to laugh, w e lightand e licence); in the absence of such relations it is written O. Wed:

A) twine, evening, cheap, chewed, gutter, acorn, millstone, hard, test, wallet, liver, slap, hairstyle, bee, millet, millet, comb, lattice, seedlings, account, study, accounting, cheboty, bangs, shuttle, devil, black, dash, tap dance, whisper, dandy, slit, brush;

b) artichoke, junk, pulp, zhor, zhokh, heartburn, gooseberry, cruchon, major, glutton, gluttonous, rattle(the suffix is ​​no longer highlighted -O tk-a ),slum, thicket(the suffix is ​​no longer highlighted -both ), clink glasses, prim, clink, clink, seam, shock, ramrod, shuffle, saddler, rustle(word rough is not perceived now as a single root), blinders.

Note 1. Writing with O It is also preserved in cases where, when changing the form of a word or in a derivative word, the stress moves to another syllable, for example: w O mpolramrod Á.

Note 2. It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of nouns cool O g, perezh O g, podzh O g, prozh O G and verbs in the past tense cool e g, perezh e g, podzh e g, prozh e G(the latter are compared with the root burn burned ).

Note 3. A fluent vowel sound under stress after sibilants is indicated by the letter O , For example: intestinequiche O To, face O nwhy not A .

3. In words of foreign origin it is possible to write Rules for Proper Fractions Dividing Fractions Once you have learned how to multiply common fractions, it is not difficult to learn how to divide them. As usual, let's consider what cases we may encounter when calculating examples of dividing fractions. Dividing a Fraction by a Fraction To divide one […]

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  • 1. Rules. IN root gar/gor without accents is written O , eg: burn, sunbathe, fuel.

    EXCLUSIONS: slag, fumes, fumes, dross, burnt, cinder.

    A : Tan.

    bugle, crucible, grief, grieve, sunbathe, grieve, upset, chagrin, sorry, distressing, become sad, bitter, bitterness, mustard, mustard plaster, mustard, rancid in modern language they are either not considered to have the same root, or are considered words with homonymous roots.

    Note 3. There is a homonymous root mountains (mountain).

    EXAMPLES: burn(and with prefixes burn out, burn out, get a tan, burn, get burned, burn out, get burned, burn, over-burn, burn, burn out, burn out, get burned), burnt(and with prefixes sunburnt, burnt, burnt out, burnt, crazy), burner, combustion, fuel, burn out(and with other consoles burn out, sunbathe, burn up, get burned, burn out, burn out, burn, burn, burn out, get mad), ignite, fire(and with other consoles afterburning, sunbathing, burnout), light up, catch fire, fire victim, flare up, flare up, combustibility, as well as words hot, intoxicating, get hot, fever, get excited, hot, get hot, in the heat of the moment.


    2. Rules. IN root zar/zor without accents is written A , eg: dawn, glow, lightning, lightning, insight, insight, illuminate, illuminate, robin(bird), dawn-dawn.

    A , And O : glow, radiant, luminous And dawn(plural words dawn), dawn, dawn, zoryushka, beat (play) dawn.

    Note 2. Historically cognate words covet, covet, look, supervision, review, spy, penetrating; mischievous, be naughty, mischief, mischievous, a shame, pattern in modern language they are words with homonymous roots.

    Note 3. Words roar, robin, glow have changed the spelling in dictionaries in recent decades. Since 1999, the academic spelling dictionary has given the word roar, instead of the previous one to dawn. Until 1974, dictionaries recommended writing the word Zoryanka with roots zor-.“Spelling dictionary of the Russian language” at 13 - m edition of 1974 approved the spelling as standard robin. Word glow since 1991 it has been recommended to write only with the root zar-.


    3. Rules. IN root kas/kos is written A V words With suffix - A - , V the rest cases is written O , eg: touch, touch.

    Note 1. The root vowel does not occur under stress.

    Note 2. Homonymous roots: braid 1 - (mower), braid 2 - (oblique) And braid 3 - (pigtail).

    cas- : touch, touch, touch, touch, tangent, regarding, regarding, touch. Words with roots braid- : touch, rigorous, touch, inviolable, immunity, contact, touch, touching.


    4. Rules. IN root clan/clone without accents is written O , eg: incline, admiration.

    Note: Accent may also be O , And A : incline, inflexible, bow, bow, take your leave.

    EXAMPLES: tend)(and with prefixes: tilt, reject, bow down, incline, dodge), bow), tilt)(and with other prefixes: reject, bow), bow down, incline), dodge, to worship), mood, admiration, declination, evasion, kneeling, kneeling.


    5. Rules. IN root log/log is written unstressed A before G , unstressed O before and , eg: impose, impose.

    EXCLUSIONS: canopy, syllabic, pledgor.

    Note: Stress can only be O , eg: tax, concubine, pretext, immutable.

    EXAMPLES. Words with roots lag-: assign(and with other prefixes: expound, impose, tax, shift, rely), offer, assume, predispose, attach, lay, decompose, add up, urgent, urgency, urgent, supposed, adjective(cf. application), decomposing, term, subjunctive. Words with roots lodge-: go to bed, assign, post(and with other prefixes: report, state, impose, impose, postpone, shift, put, suggest, guess, attach, pave, decompose, arrange, fold), pawn(and with other prefixes: shift, plant, predispose) and derivatives: cleavage, the attachment(and with other prefixes: laying on, presentation, overlay, taxation, deposition, arrangement, position, offer, assumption, predisposition, application, decomposition, location, addition, code); cover, turndown, positive, predisposed, decomposer, decomposability.


    6. Rules. IN unstressed root urine - is written O ; V unstressed root poppy/mok is written A V words with meaning "immerse V liquid" (dunk), is written O V words with meaning "do sth. wet or make wet" (soak, boots get wet).

    EXCLUSIONS: blotter, get wet (What how), blotting unstressed mock - in words meaning “immerse in liquid” ».

    Note 1. Stress may also be O , And A : wet, got wet, gets wet, Macanese(pie ) , makanka(candle ).

    Note 2. In words bast, washcloth, soak, wear out, exhausted root urine- stands out only historically: bast are made by soaking, but in modern language they are not considered to have the same root.

    Note 3. At the root poppy- there is a homonym poppy- (poppy), y urine- there is a homonym moch/mok/myk/mk: lock, for-moist, master key, unlock.

    EXAMPLES. Words with roots urine - : wet(and with prefixes: You-, behind-, from-, on the-, O-, about-, from-, re-, By-, under-, once-, With-), soaked, urine. Words with roots poppy - : dunk, dip, dip, soak, dipped, dunker, dipping, dip. Words with roots mock-: woodlice, sputum, wet, get wet, get wet, get wet, waterproof, get wet, get slightly wet.


    7. Rules. IN root float / pilaf without accents is written A , eg: fin, floating.

    EXCLUSIONS: swimmer, swimmer

    Note 1. Stress may be A, s , eg: swim, timber rafting, swim.

    Note 2. Root variant swim- does not cause any difficulties in writing, cf.: I'm swimming, float, swim up, blur etc., therefore not included in the main part of the rule . Sometimes two words are confused swimmer(bug, grass, animal) and quicksand(priming ).

    EXAMPLES: floating, fin, float, swimmer(grass; beetle; water possum ) , swimmer(swimming beetle ) , phalarope(bird ) , alloy, raftable, on afloat, floating; melting, melting, smelt, smelting, smelt, smelting


    8. Rule. Unstressed root ditch(n) is written V words With components values "smooth"(about a plane, surface: level platform, fence, solution concrete, trim mound, level out pits, level With earth; about line, edge: level hair, beard, bangs, curtains, dress, hem, build, line, column), "stable, homogeneous" (level step, syllable; level out pulse, breath, color faces; character leveled off, relationship leveled off). Unstressed root equals is written V words With components values "equal to whom; to what, same With someone-what" (equal 1 whom with whom, equal 1 who-what to whom-what, align 1 (conditions life, check), equalize (V rights), equate what is what) or "comparison" (compare, incomparable). Writings words With unclear semantic correlation should remember (Not roven hour, Not equals What will happen, level, plain, peer, equal 3 on whom, equal 3 step for someone or something).

    Exceptions: equally (moat- in words meaning “to be equal”); equal 2, align 2, trim someone-what in what or in what (about many along the line: fighters V I'm building, tables, chairs V rows); equal 2, level out, catch up who-what in what (about many in a line: company leveled off V I'm building, athletes caught up V line).

    Note 1: Accent may also be A , And O , for example . : equality, equal, smooth, equal.

    Words with unstressed roots exactly - :

    a) associated with the meaning “even, smooth, straight”: leveler, to line) ) , align, level, straighten, level, trim(about plane, about edge, line, rhythm ) , equalize(“smooth ») , level out, level(what to “make even” with what; level With land), equalize(what “to make even » , equalize With land);

    b) not related to the meaning “even”: equally(“in equal parts ») , level (water V river, life), exactly, exactly("exactly" as smooth).

    Words with unstressed roots equals - :

    a) having a meaning associated with the concept of “comparison, equality, sameness": level out (conditions life, check, strength), level out (V I'm building), catch up (dollar caught up With Euro; Class teams caught up), equate, equate(who, whom with whom, equate everyone under one comb), dress(what's what, V line, V I'm building or By first, on advanced workers, on world experience), level (death everyone will equalize), catch up(with someone in something, V successes, V knowledge), equalize (V rights);

    All equals, on a par (young And old had fun on a par"the same » , son works on a par With father"the same »; soar on a par With clouds"on the same level ») , alignment (on right flank), plain(“flat surface” or “equidistant from sea level ») , flat, plainsman, equals, equals…(first part of compound words, e.g.: equinox, isosceles, equivalent), be equal! (from dress on right flank), the equation, equalizer, leveling, equalizing, balance, balanced;

    b) words with a prefix With-: incomparable, incomparably, comparison, compare, comparable, comparability, comparative, relatively, (Not) compare(“when compared, turn out to be (not) equal”), except for words level what to “make even” with what, get even what with what or more h.;

    c) not having an obvious connection with the meaning “equal”: catch up(“while moving, to be close, on the same level ») , Not equals (the road you will lose).

    Note 2. Choice of verbs that differ only A or O fundamentally, equate level, level out level out, trim trim, level level, dress to line, level out level out, catch up straighten up, catch up get even depends on the context, in which it is not always easy to identify the specific meaning that determines the spelling.

    Yes, in pairs equate level, level out level out, trim trim It is difficult to determine the meaning unambiguously when there is a multiple object that can be perceived both as a single whole and as a set of compared units, and the parameter by which the alignment is carried out can be indicated or can only be implied, cf.: folded boards And did you listen? circular “aligned along the length” or “made a smooth edge”?; compare: equate lines text“make lines equal in length”, here the object is perceived as a set of compared elements level text By left edge“make the left edge even”, the object is perceived as a single whole. In other contexts the spelling is determined unambiguously, e.g.: sprinkled mounds, smooth their shovel, taxed turf “made the surface flat, smooth »; To their arrival I half a day bushes leveled.


    9. Rules. IN root race(ras , rasch)/ros unstressed A is written before st , sch , unstressed O before With , eg: grow, buildup, thicket

    EXCLUSIONS: height, moneylender, (usury, usurious), sprout, sprout, growth, (nursery, outgrowth), outgrown, outgrowth, teenage, germination; industry, (sub-sector, industry, industry worker).

    Note: Accent may be O (height, tall, grove) And A (in verbs ending in - to live: grow).

    EXAMPLES. Words with roots races-: grow(and with prefixes: grow in, grow up, increase, grow up, grow up, overgrow, grow, grow, grow back, outgrow, grow up, grow up, grow, sprout, grow), raise(and with prefixes: nurture, grow, increase, grow, grow up, increase, grow, grow, grow up, increase, germinate), grow in(and with other prefixes: increase, grow, grow up, grow, outgrow, grow, overgrow, grow up, germinate, grow, grow), grow, grow, ingrowth(and with other prefixes: increase, growing up, overgrowth, build-up, fouling, regrowth, outgrowing, germination, growth, overgrowth), plant, vegetable, vegetation, age, age. Words with roots rasch-: buildup, extended, bred, increment, growth, splice, fusion, spliced. Words with roots grew up- : grow up, thicket, undergrowth, shoot, to mature, increased.


    10. Rules. IN root skak(skach)/skok(skoch) unstressed A is written before To , unstressed O before h , eg: jump, jump.

    EXCLUSIONS: leap, spasmodic and verb forms jump with different prefixes ( I'm galloping, download, I'll jump out, I'll skip).

    Note 1. Stress may also be A , And O : pop up, jump up.

    EXAMPLES. Words with roots with how- : jump(and with prefixes: jump up, jump out, gallop, jump in, jump around, bounce off, jump over, gallop, gallop up, jump up, jump up, gallop up, gallop, gallop away), jump(and with prefixes: jump out, jump over), gallop, jump rope, galloping, racing, horse, jumper. Words with roots skoch-: jump(and with other prefixes: jump out, jump, drop by, run into, slip through, bounce off, jump over, jump up, jump in, slip through, jump off), upstart.

    Note 2. The personal forms of some verbs in pronunciation are the same; to check the correct choice of the verb, you need to put it in the past tense form: jump over, I'll jump over(what, through what, where) – jump over, I'll jump over(whom): I I'll jump over(How jumped over) let I I'll jump over(How jumped) you. Similarly in the following pairs of verbs: I'll jump up, jumped up(“jump, appear”) – I'll gallop, jumped up(“appear abruptly where - That"), I'll drop by, dropped by(“run somewhere - That") - I'll drop by, jumped up(“start jumping”), I'll jump out(“jump out” will jump out V window, hare How will jump out from bushes, impersonal from heads jumped out)jump out(the verb is fixed in the meanings: “to win at the races”, “to move from - this or where - then galloping" about horsemen, but in reality this verb is practically not used in literary language), I'll jump up, jumped up on railway station I'll give you a ride, jumped up on horse, I'll skip (galloped) on horse I'll slip through (slipped through) turn.

    12. Rules. IN root specks/crop without accents is written O , for example . : sprinkle, sprinkling, sprinkle, sprinkled, sprinkle

    EXCLUSIONS: inclusion, marked, marking

    Note 1. Stress can only be A : mottle, speck, speck, intersperse, interspersed, speckled

    Note 2. Historically the same root in the words sprinkle, painstaking, kropotun, nettle. At the synchronic level, words are not considered to have the same root.


    13. Rule. IN root love/loving without accents is written O , eg: catch, trap, catcher, catch, elusiveness, catch, catch, catch, catcher, catch.

    a, and O : different, difference, strife, apart, V retail, retail.


    16. Rule. IN unstressed root hundred ( j )/ hundred(j) is written O before th And vowels, V the rest cases is written A , eg: stand, stop.

    Exception: skeleton.

    Note 1. Stress may also be A , And O : stand up, stop, infusion.

    Note 2. The root is one of the most productive in the Russian language. At the modern level, several homonymous roots are distinguished: 1) hundred/hundred with the meanings “to be in an upright position”, “to stop movement”, “to occupy what - then position, position”, “exist”; 2) become) with meanings “to begin an action, to begin to be someone - then, happen"; 3) cost) with the meaning “price, dignity”. We do not isolate the root hundred/hundred in words flock, mill, village, stanovoy, stately, article, machine, bed, get tired, tireless, get it, supplies, get, force, dignity, worthy, property, real, thorough, the situation, defend, decent, state, although this is controversial.

    EXAMPLES. Words with roots hundred- : restore(and with other prefixes: O-, when-o-, y-), insist, it's coming..., become, put(and with prefixes: behind-, O-, on the-, above-, By-, under-, at-, y-), insert(and with other prefixes: You-, above, at-) and derivatives from these verbs: formation, recovery, resolution, stop, installation, exhibition, pier etc. Words with roots one hundred- : stand(and with prefixes: You-, about-, from-, before- (xia), behind- (xia), on the- (xia), re- (xia), pro-), steadfast, standing up, parking, riser, standing, standing, standing, guest, inn, rector(“the one who is in charge”).


    17. Rule. IN root fret/lod is written A V words rook , rook, V the rest words is written O : little boat.

    Note 1. Stress can only be O : boat, boat, boat

    Note 2. Spelling of a word rook through A explained by the borrowing of the word from the initial South Slavic la-, the Russian version was boat.


    Historically the root is ditch/rav, A -n-– suffix, but at the synchronous level the suffix is ​​often not distinguished. At the synchronous level, the root ditch- speaks only in words peer, same age, which came to Russian from Czech or Polish, where - EU- is part of a derived base, as in miraclemiracles.

    PART II.
    (Materials for repeating spelling)

    Alternating vowels in word roots

    In accordance with the traditional classification of spellings, in this section we will consider the spelling of the following roots:

    There are roots in the Russian language in which the spelling of a vowel cannot be checked by stress position. This is due to various reasons. Let's name some of them.

    Let's try to determine which vowel phoneme is at the root of the word dawn. Let's choose a test word: someone will name dawn, and someone will remember zareve. The stress in words with the same root is that O, That A. Therefore, it is impossible to check the vowel in this root. We observe the same phenomenon in the roots -clone-//-clan- (bow, bow) -creation-//-creature- (creature , creation), -jump-//-jump- //-jump- //-jump- (jump, jump, jump).

    In a number of roots, the spelling of the vowel depends on the suffix -A-. This is connected with tradition, with the history of the language. Take a closer look at this series of words: collect - collect, wipe - wipe, die - die, touch - touch, arrange - arrange. It is impossible not to notice that in modern Russian the suffix -A- is an indicator of the imperfect form of the verb, and alternation accompanies the transition of the verb to another form. By the way, you can recall other similar alternations, which were already mentioned in the previous section: be late - be late, flutter - flutter. Linguists have found that in the Old Russian language it was alternation that was fundamentally an indicator of verbal aspect. But the verbal system has undergone serious changes, and, in particular, alternations of the vowel in the root of verbs have lost their formative function. In modern Russian, these alternations are historical.

    Fundamentally -gor-//-gar- under stress is only A, and the unstressed sound is indicated by the letter O. Why? As etymological dictionaries report, in the Old Russian and Old Church Slavonic languages, before the fall of the reduced ones, it was pronounced g[o]rght, But g[a]r. Since in that era vowels in an unstressed position were not reduced, there were no problems with the spelling of vowels. And, although in modern Russian the spelling O turns out to be fundamentally unmotivated, according to tradition we continue to write it.

    Task 9. Think about whether roots in words can I'll collect, lock up, burn out and similar ones are written according to the phonemic principle.

    Roots with alternating vowels can be divided into four groups depending on the conditions for choosing the vowel letter. All of them are reflected in the table.

    The spelling of the vowel depends on
    final consonants of the root suffix -A- accents semantics
    (values) of the root

    -grow-//-grow- // -grown-

    -jump- // -jump-

    ! If the infinitive of the verb is a root -with how-, That in the form of 1 l. units hours present and bud. vr. and in pov. incl. is written A: jump - jump, jump











    Without accent it is written:







    Mok- – ‘to become saturated with moisture’

    -poppy-– ‘dip into liquid’

    -exactly- – ‘even, straight, smooth’

    -equals- – ‘equal, identical’







    (Variable placement of stress. Test word - teenager)


    And also all the same root words:

    branch, sprout, growth, outgrowth, outgrowth, etc.






    And also all cognate words :








    (These words are derived from the word burning)








    Task 10. Word couple is included in the exceptions in many reference books and spelling textbooks, although this is incorrect. Think about why.

    Task 11. Using linguistic dictionaries, explain the meaning of exception words soot, scorch, fumes and characterize them in terms of their scope of use.

    Task 12. Read a fragment of the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov “Borodin’s Field”:

    The drums struck the dawn,
    The foggy East has turned white,
    And an unexpected blow from enemies
    It landed on the battery.

    Use linguistic dictionaries to determine whether the first line contains a spelling and rhythmic error. (See N.A. Eskova’s dictionary Brief Dictionary of Difficulties of the Russian Language: Grammatical forms; Stress; About 12 thousand words of the modern Russian language. 6th edition, revised M.: Astrel, Asg, 2008)

    Task 14. -lag-//-lozh-, -rast-//-rasch-//-grew-, -skak-//-skoch-, as well as exception words. Rewrite the phrases by inserting the missing letters. Mark the roots with alternating patterns. Explain the spelling of the highlighted letters.

    1. Ra With have free time, adjective, theory e tic_positions, have hopes, offer tea, parse the sentence, lit. e ratio pr And lie, terms of success, lie G cue half_g.

    2. P O useful plants, rich vegetation, tree grown, grown in a greenhouse, grow in captivity, slow nn oh connection, up to the peephole in the door, right And planted to a tree, grows in the middle zone, in the city of R_stov e, adolescence, young age, green growth, important sector, retailer, overgrown with grass, sector on the left Ouch Research Institute

    3. Ride a horse, jump out from around a corner, a decisive jump, jump up from a place, an arrogant upstart, jump out of surprise nn awn, Donskoy horse, racehorse, deftly dismount from the saddle, slip past unnoticed nn y, skip_all, galloping flight, gallop, speed_skate, jump out of A rut, I'll come instantly, ck_read g A with a lop, skip on one leg along the path, don’t miss the turn, I’ll run up to you in the evening, bounce up even higher, just like that, bounce on a chair, bounce along the river bank, stop the horse at a gallop.

    Task 15. Learn the rule for writing roots -mountains-//-gar-, -tvor-//-tvar, -clone-//-clan-, -zor-//-zar-, -pilaf-//-swim-, as well as exception words.

    1. Ш O sunbathed, sunbathed, tanned young man, sunbathed h data, reached to O ster, pr And g_r, g_rhvostka, g_rel, vomits of my passions, hot sleep chk and, locomotive bastard.

    2. Evening in vain, gazing at the rays of the sun, bright spectacles, blazing in the forest, gazing at the rays And villization, insight of a lonely mind, playing for nothing.

    3. Bent down to the ground, bow to hertz O gyne, bow_to the elder, bow_adj A travellers, etc. e swear to g e roism, etc. And put_head;

    4. Great TV _ thinking, performing miracles, etc. e bring life to life, open the gate, good luck With tv_ritel, different tv_r;

    5. Experienced swimmer, swim island, swim to the middle of the river, easy swim, zag O mature swimmers, swimmer beetle, swimmer, swimmer, excellent swimmer;

    6. Insoluble compounds And hesitation, evasion of obligation nn osty, kuho nn This creature, internal combustion engine, lit up with a smile, the smell of waste, bowed over the river, ra With act in the fog, stay afloat, rage while sunbathing by the river, deviate from the course, overwhelmed with happiness, etc. And tv_rit to A litka, uv And give pl_vtsov.

    Task 16. Learn 10 roots, the spelling of which depends on the suffix -A- according to the model -ber-//-bir/a-, and exception words. Rewrite the phrases by inserting the missing letters. Select the roots in an alternating manner. Explain the spelling of the highlighted letters.

    Get ready for the exam, shine in the sun, freeze with surprise, freeze with delight, ra ss smoldering around, erasing what is written, inflaming passions, being rubbed with a towel, locking up a heart, burning out a drawing, an incendiary projectile, a brilliant journalist, shining in the world, locking a barn, laying out a tablecloth, a rare occurrence, running away without looking back, deducting from a salary, tax deduction, tidying up a room , unlock the lock, collect ur O Please, choose a dissertation topic, selective Komi ss Iya, sleep with my mind, my choice.

    Task 17. Remember the meaning of the roots -poppy- And -mock-. Rewrite the phrases by inserting the missing letters. Select the roots in an alternating manner. Explain the spelling of the highlighted letters.

    Washed from head to toe, dip the feather in the ink b, ruined my reputation And yu, toss hair, prom_porridge, s A footwear is wet, waterproof A lol, softened by tears, but kk wet_it thoroughly, blotting paper, dipped the brush in water, washed it to the skin, soaked it in a hot bath, wet_it and with ъ ate, rinse with a napkin.

    Task 18. Using a word-formation dictionary, determine which word motivates the word prom_porridge, what is its word-formation meaning?

    In a number of words with roots -exactly- And -equals- the meaning of the root is quite easy to establish, and writing such words does not cause much difficulty. For example: equalize in weight, equalize, equalize rights, level the asphalt, level the sand. A spelling problem arises where the meanings of words cannot be reduced to semes (elements of meaning) ‘even’ or ‘equal’ or where spellings that contradict the rule have been fixed. At school, words such as: plain, level, equally. How to explain the spelling of a vowel in the command “ Be equal!” or in a phrase align with the forest? After all, a native Russian speaker will most likely explain the meaning of these words through the semes ‘stand up straight’, ‘along a straight line’.

    Orthographic difficulty in choosing roots -exactly- And -equals- explained by the facts of the history of the Russian language. These roots are related: they have a common “ancestor” - a Slavic root, from which words with -exactly-, and in the Old Church Slavonic language - words with the root -equals-. Initially, both of these roots had one meaning, which combined the meanings ‘equal, identical’ and ‘even, straight’. In the textbook A.I. Kaydalova and I.K. Kalinina “Modern Russian Orthography”, the authors note that back in the 19th century. word smooth could be used in both meanings, and the following examples are given:

    She lived at the expense of Marfa Timofeevna, but on an equal footing with her.(I. Turgenev “The Noble Nest”)

    The estate was divided into three even parts.(A. Herzen)

    During the development of language, semantic differentiation occurs: one meaning is assigned to each of the roots. However, some words have traditional spellings despite changes in semantics, and some words have developed new meanings.

    The situation is also complicated by the already familiar alternation o//a in verb roots. For example, imperfect forms of verbs level And level spelling and phonetically coincide in form compare.

    Task 19. Read excerpts from the IAS. Write down the meanings of words with roots in your notebook -exactly And -equal-, which, in your opinion, cannot be reduced to the semes ‘even’ or ‘equal’.

    EQUAL, -I"yu, -I"eat; nesov., pereh.

    1. (owl. compare). To make equal, identical in some way. attitude; equalize Not touched by anything, not embarrassed, humble or murmuring by her brothers - She equalizes everyone with her scythe [death]. (Tyutchev). There are two forces - two fatal forces. Climate equals everyone. So all Vietnamese, one might say, dress the same: pants made of plain fabric and a white light shirt. (Soloukhin. Postcards from Vietnam).

    2. with someone or something. Consider equal, equate to someone or something. [Donna Anna:] I don't want to justify João; He was criminal, but he was not vicious. His deeds cannot be compared with others, and they cannot be measured by a common measure. (A. Tolstoy, Don Juan). Innovation, when we think about Pushkin’s emancipation of poetic speech, cannot be compared with “technological” experiments in the laboratory of poetry. (Reshetov. In his sublunary world).

    EQUAL, -I'm, -I'm; unsatisfied.

    To be equal, the same in some way. respect. Cedar rose higher than deciduous trees, and only poplar could still equal it.(Emelyanova. In the Ussuri taiga) We have seven classes, and the last one<…>equal to the seventh grade of a gymnasium. (Kaverin. In front of the mirror) || with whom.

    Our young lady is so white, such a dandy! How can I compare with her! (Pushkin. Peasant young lady) [Larisa:] Who do you look up to! Is such blindness possible! Sergey Sergeich... this is the ideal man. (A. Ostrovsky. Dowryless) || what. To be equivalent, equivalent to something. The daughters had long ago sent Arina Vasilyevna, but she did not dare to come, because Stepan Mikhailych’s words “not to wake anyone up” amounted to a ban on coming. (S. Aksakov. Family chronicle) [Paratov:] Your request for me is equal to an order. (A. Ostrovsky. Dowryless)

    2. (owl. catch up). When approaching, to be on an equal footing, next to someone. – Who are they shooting at? Who's shooting? - Rostov asked, matching the Russian and Austrian soldiers running in mixed crowds across his road.(L. Tolstoy. War and Peace) [Samghin] walked quickly <…> . - Who are you running from? – Dronov asked, leveling up with him. (M. Gorky. Life of Klim Samgin)

    3. Become (in formation) on the same line with the flanker. The orchestra began to play, and from the courtyard, through the wide-open gates, people began to move in rows.<…>They walked one after another, trying to match the flank as they went. (Bakhmetyev. Martin's crime) || led be equal! (be equal!). Used as military, sports, etc. command – align row(s). – Be equal! - Plum commanded. (Kuprin Duel)

    4. trans.; by whom and to whom. Follow someone example. – You are a social worker, you are strength. You must set an example of strength: after all, everyone looks up to you.(Gladkov. Masha from Zapolya). The front troops were widely recruited by young people who had not yet participated in the war. These youth looked up to their older comrades. (Bragin. Vatutin)

    5. what. To be equal to smb. size, represent some kind of size. Two times two equals four. The length of the island is 900 versts; its greatest width is 125, and its smallest 25 versts. (Chekhov. Sakhalin island). The power of its [ship's] mechanisms was equal to the power of a large power plant. (V. Kozhevnikov. Last flight)

    6. Strad. to equal.

    EQUAL" "YOU, -I"yu, -I"eat; nesov., pereh. (nesov. align).

    1. (nons. also level). Make it even and smooth. Workers in aprons on the scaffolding laid bricks, poured masonry from the gangs and leveled them with lami. (L. Tolstoy. Anna Karenina). In the distance<…>Silin's and Remnev's tractors were constantly chattering; They were using rollers to level a large, two-kilometer-long area where they were supposed to weld pipes. (Azhaev. Far from Moscow).

    2. Place in row(s) in a straight line. Even out the line.

    6. Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Complete academic reference book / Under. ed. V.V. Lopatina. M., 2006.

    7. Rosenthal D.E. Handbook of spelling and literary editing. M., 1999.

    8. Dictionary of the Russian language: in 4 volumes. M., 1981–1984. (IAC)

    9. Dictionary of the Russian language: in 4 volumes. M.: Russk. language; Polygraph resources, 1999. [Electronic resource] – Access mode: http://feb-web.ru/feb/mas/mas-abc/default.asp

    10. Tikhonov A.N. Morphemic-spelling dictionary. M., 2002.

    11. Tikhonov A.N. Word-formation dictionary of the Russian language: in 2 volumes. M., 1985.

    12. Uspensky B.A. History of the Russian literary language (XI–XVII centuries). M., 2002.

    13. Vasmer M. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language: in 4 volumes. St. Petersburg, 1996.

    14. Chernykh P.Ya. Historical and etymological dictionary of the modern Russian language: in 2 volumes. M., 2006.

    15. Shansky N.M., Bobrova T.A. School etymological dictionary of the Russian language: the origin of words. M., 2001.


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