Gods of Ancient Greece - list and description. Gods of Ancient Greece - list and description Goddess of law in ancient Greece 6

The last letter of the letter is “e”

Answer for the question “Goddess of law among the ancient Greeks,” 6 letters:

Alternative crossword questions for the word ananke

Satellite of Jupiter (a planet, not a god)

Ancient Greek goddess of law

In Greek mythology - a goddess personifying inevitability (death)

Works of the Polish writer S. Lem

Goddess of Law in Ancient Greece

Definition of the word ananke in dictionaries

Mythological dictionary Meaning of the word in the dictionary Mythological Dictionary
(Greek) - goddess of necessity, inevitability, mother of the moiras - arbiters of human destinies. Between A.'s knees the world spindle rotates, the axis of which is the world axis.

Examples of the use of the word ananke in literature.

Oh, how I wish it were Ananke“I looked at things through my eyes,” Azzi continued, not paying attention to Ilit’s remark.

Maybe, Ananke would have been the best ruler if not for the unpredictability of her actions - a purely feminine trait.

Later, when the War was over and Ananke summed it up, Azzi and Gabriel even became friends - well, maybe not quite friends, but still they were much closer to each other than just acquaintances.

Having listened carefully to Lucifer's complaint, Ananke she did not put the matter in the drawer of her desk and immediately announced her decision.

After Adam failed for the seventh time, Ananke reversed her previous decision and decreed that Adam could under no circumstances return back to Eden.

Source: Maxim Moshkov library



Know your rights!

Goddess of law in ancient Greece

The Celts began to migrate to Western Europe from the east. In the 4th century BC. they fell on Italy and Greece, threatening to bury these states along with their culture. Rome then barely managed to resist. Meanwhile, the Celts mixed with the peoples who inhabited central and western Europe - with the Iberians and the Cimmerians. By this time, the natives of Scotland had already learned to make objects from bronze; they made various jewelry from this metal. Thanks to metal objects, it became possible to clear forests and cultivate the land more efficiently. A little later - already in Celtic times - iron appeared in Western Europe, first for the purpose of making weapons, then for more peaceful uses.

The Celts knew how to make fabrics - archaeologists find primitive spinning wheels in Scotland. They built buildings and stone towers, the remains of which still exist throughout Scotland. These were towers up to 20 meters high and 10-15 meters in diameter, made of perfectly fitted stones, the thickness of the walls reached several meters. When danger was approaching, the entire population of the village took refuge in such a tower; supplies of water and food were stored in it, with which they could wait until the danger receded.

Ruins of a Celtic tower built from wild stone in Scotland

Spiral magical Celtic symbols on stones in Scotland

In the 1st millennium BC. The religious cult of the Druids appeared in Scotland. Huge stones placed vertically were used as altars around which rituals took place. Apparently, this religion, where natural forces and primarily the Sun were deified, was brought with them by the Celtic tribes migrating from the east. The Druids had a well-established hierarchical management system, sacrifices were frequent, and people were often sacrificed. The Druid class had sacred sanctity; it virtually ruled the entire society of the ancient Celts. The sacred plant of the Druids was mistletoe. In the Celtic religion, stone circles and spirals served as magical symbols. Thus, the Druids were cult ministers - priests - among the Celts and ruled their society.

Similar spirals, only larger, made of stones, are found on the shores of the White Sea, for example, on the Solovetsky Islands.

The Celts appeared in Ireland in the 5th-4th centuries BC. and dominated the island for a millennium, successfully resisting attempts at assimilation by other peoples and other cultures. Who were these people and where did they come from? The term "Celtic" refers to a group of languages ​​of the Indo-European family. The Celts appeared in Europe at the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. and quickly spread across the territory of modern Germany, France, England, mixed with the Iberians in Spain and seriously threatened the Roman Republic. The Celts were clearly distinguished from the Germans, who lived to the north of the Celts, and from the Proto-Slavs, who lived to the east.

The power of the Celtic civilization is indicated by the names of cities and regions in Europe: Gaul in France and Galicia in Spain; individual Celtic tribes gave the names of Belgium, Bohemia and Aquitaine. The most important of the gods of the Celtic pantheon is Lugh (emphasis on the first syllable). Let us remember that this is the name of the river in the Baltic states on the border of Estonia and Russia.

Greek historians of the 5th century BC wrote about the Celts. e. - Hecataeus of Miletus and Herodotus. Between the 6th and 3rd centuries. BC e. Celtic tribes settled northern Spain, Britain, the southern regions of modern Germany and the territory of modern Hungary and the Czech Republic. Individual Celtic tribes penetrated into the Balkans. In the 3rd century BC. e. Celtic detachments moved to Macedonia and Greece, they fought in Asia Minor, where they formed the strong state of Galatia.

Some scientists believe that Carpathian Galicia is also a fragment of the ancient Celtic civilization, which underwent subsequent Slavicization. Maybe that’s why Western Ukrainians are so non-complementary to Eastern Ukrainians, and this non-complementarity is today tearing Ukraine into two parts?

The root “gal” is present in the name of a city in the Kostroma region, which is called Galich. Did the Gauls (Celts) really visit there too?

The dwellings of the Celts were quite primitive: usually it was a stone or wooden house with a floor sunk into the ground (semi-dugout), covered with straw. Such houses made up a village, not protected from enemy raids. They took refuge from enemies in a stone tower. Later, during periods of frequent wars of one tribe against another, the villagers sought refuge in the fortifications that they built on the hills. The site was protected by a rampart, a wall made of logs and stone, and a moat. The tribal nobility of the Celts built themselves more complex dwellings - castles.

Celtic hillforts were centers of political and economic life. Such a city also played an important role in religious life; there were temples here and priests performed sacred functions here.

The Celts buried their dead in the ground, and mounds were built over the graves (burial chambers). In 1953, the burial of a Celtic princess dating back to the 6th century BC was discovered. e. A wooden burial chamber was built under the mound with a diameter of 42 m. The body of the “princess” rested on a four-wheeled cart. The head was crowned with a gold diadem weighing 480 g, gold bracelets were worn on the hands, and an amber necklace was worn on the neck. In addition to the funeral chariot, the chamber contained a huge bronze cauldron 164 cm high and weighing 208 kg. Probably, food for the funeral was prepared in it.

Celtic houses were most often built of wild stone and the roofs were covered with turf or thatch. The houses were buried in the ground

Early Celtic societies were organized around warfare. Greek and Roman authors wrote that the Celts were furiously insane (the main sign of the high passionarity of the ethnos). For them, war was not a means of territorial conquest, but rather a sport similar to hunting. For example, young warriors from Ireland left the tribal area for periods of time to raid and hunt.

When the Celts came into contact with the Romans, they changed their style of warfare. It was this manner that classical authors considered insane. The Celtic method of war was to stand in front of the opposing army and shout and throw spears at the enemy's shields. They would then begin to run towards the opposing army and shout loudly, and this often had the effect of intimidating the opposing soldiers, who would run away; and fighting a fleeing army was a relatively easy matter.

Celtic vessels depicted fighting men dressed in ports and cloaks flowing in loose folds. Other vessels depicted fighting women in embroidered bell-shaped skirts, clutching each other's hair. Nearby we see curly-haired beauties in dresses that flare out at the bottom, concentrating on spinning and weaving. Others are captured by the wild element of the dance and dance with their arms outstretched selflessly. One of the women depicted plays the lyre, the favorite musical instrument of the Celts. Another, wearing a bell-shaped skirt tied tightly at the waist and tight trousers, sits on a horse. Burial scenes were also depicted on the vessels: the body of the deceased was taken to the grave on a four-wheeled funeral chariot.

Throughout the entire space inhabited by the Celts, a single culture and a single language dominated (with dialect differences, of course). However, the ancient Celts did not have a written language. It’s not that they didn’t know it, it’s just that they had a taboo on writing down their own history, religious tenets, technologies, etc. The Celts kept all their knowledge orally, passing it on from one generation to another.

The Celts had a blood feud. The blood relative of the murdered man had to avenge him. To many, this custom seems barbaric, but it stopped people in moments of rage and desire to kill a fellow tribesman. After all, by doing this he exposed not only himself to the danger of revenge, but also dragged his entire family into an endless war.

The position of women in Celtic society was quite high. In the earliest periods of Celtic history, women participated in war and even sat on the royal throne. But in later times the Celts adopted a strict patriarchal model of social structure, but even then they still retained the memory of female leaders.

Each Celtic tribe had its own gods and corresponding mythology, although at the core the religion of all Celts was the same. There were common Celtic gods, whose cult spread over large territories. In the general Celtic pantheon, the sky god Taranis, the patron goddess of horses Epona, and the triad of nursing goddesses were revered. Among the main deities was Cernunos - Esus, who either went into the underground kingdom of the dead and was then called Cernunos, or returned to earth as Esus. Cernunos - Esus also symbolized the time cycle of the year (cold, dead winter and blooming summer).

The Celts deified natural phenomena, rivers, mountains, animals; among their gods were trifaced deities, a ram-headed serpent, and small gnome spirits; in addition, there were many local gods. However, the Celts did not depict their deities in human form. When in 278 BC. e. The Celts captured the famous Greek sanctuary at Delphi, their leader Brennus was outraged by the human appearance of the Greek gods. This seemed to him blasphemy, since the Celts, deifying the forces of nature, always depicted them in the form of symbolic signs and figures.

The Celts believed that after death in the “other” world they would be reborn, so they had no fear of death. The otherworldly world of the Celts was not at all like the dark and ominous underworld of Mediterranean religions; it was a place full of the most desired joys for the Celts - feasts, fights, raids, hunting, horse racing, stories of exciting adventures, the love of beautiful women, enjoyment of the beauties of nature.

A Celtic warrior shows the leader the severed head of an enemy.

The cult of the death's head is associated with the religious ideas of the ancient Celts. The severed heads of enemies had a religious meaning, so the skulls were kept in sanctuaries. This custom was so widespread that one can perhaps say that the severed head is a kind of symbol of the Celtic religion. In one of the tales of the Welsh epic “Mabinogion” it is said that the head of the giant Bran (is this the name from which our word “abuse” comes?), cut off from the body at his own request, continued to live and was a good comrade and manager of feasts in the world “in another”, where she distributed food and drinks to the gods.

The custom of making pumpkin heads during the festival of Heluvim is undoubtedly associated with the cult of the severed head. The ancient pre-Christian customs are so stable in Western Europe!

Remember A.S. Pushkin in the poem episode “Ruslan’s fight with his head”. I think that this plot came into Russian folk tales from ancient times from the great ancestors of the Celts. Probably, the name of the hero Ruslan is not accidental; it is somehow connected with the name of the Rus tribe.

Celtic society was divided into three main classes or castes: “noble” (priests, soothsayers, poets, warriors), “free” (artisans and farmers) and “slaves”, who made up the majority of the population. Relations between the three classes of Celtic society were carried out within the framework of Celtic law - a very ancient and complex legal system that even the Romans recognized. Celtic law established certain rights for every member of society, no matter how low his position; a person was deprived of the protection of the law only when he committed a serious crime, then he was excommunicated from participating in sacrifices, the tribe renounced him, dooming him to the life of an outcast.

Ignoring writing had virtually no effect on the level of development of Celtic society. Knowledge was transmitted orally; the carriers of knowledge in Celtic society were the Druids. The lack of writing put the Druid caste out of competition, which is probably why they instituted a taboo on writing down their knowledge.

Druids ruled courts and taught in educational institutions. Anyone who wanted to become a Druid had to verbally memorize instructions and absorb knowledge for 20 years (!), and only then could he be admitted to the Druid caste. Druids can be compared with the learned clergy of antiquity: the priests of Ancient Egypt, Indian Brahmins, Pythagoreans, Chaldean astronomers of Babylon, Russian sorcerers, Slavic magicians. Julius Caesar, who studied the Druids a lot, wrote that they “know a lot about the stars and astronomical movements, about the size of the Earth and the universe, about the nature of things and the purpose of the power of the immortal gods; and these are the things they teach their students.”

We all fell under the influence of the arrogance of Ancient Rome and Byzantium, which called everything non-Roman and non-Byzantine barbaric. The Romans called the Celts and Scythians barbarians, therefore, these ethnic groups were wild primitive people by definition. But the fact that these peoples possessed the technology of smelting iron, making excellent weapons, the fact that they had a known plow with metal shares, which was moved by a pair of oxen, had luxurious jewelry made of gold and silver, a loom, an accurate calendar - all this makes us to doubt the justice of Roman and Greek authors. In general, we judge the Celts and Scythians by what their enemies wrote about them. And, as you know, they don’t write good things about enemies. Let's remember what the Nazis wrote about Russians during the Second World War or what Russians wrote about the Germans at the same time.

Jewelry was a passion of the Celts and was worn by both women and men. The most typical Celtic jewelry is the "torques", a gold necklace. This is a thick metal hoop, smooth or twisted from several stripes, ending either in balls, or a simple rectangular buckle, or a complex interweaving of stylized leaves and branches. Gold Celtic jewelry, necklaces and bracelets come in a surprising variety of shapes.

Helmets made of sheet bronze have been discovered in a number of Celtic burial grounds, some of them inlaid with coral. The richest is the helmet found near Amfreville-sur-les-Monts (France). This bronze headdress features a soldered gold hoop embossed with trefoils in fine spiral lines. This pattern is very characteristic of Celtic ornamentation.

Look at these decorations. Could such jewelry be made by wild barbarians? In my opinion, it is time to reconsider the idea of ​​​​the ancient world as a world consisting of civilized Rome, Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Urartu and Persia, surrounded by barbarian peoples. It's time to expand the concept of civilization, it's time to finally notice the great empires of the Cimmerians, Scythians, Celts, Vikings, Rus, Mongols, Chinese, Indians and many other peoples in Asia, America and Africa.

The Celts were not the first inhabitants of Ireland, which before their arrival was inhabited by tribes of pre-Indo-European origin. However, the Celts had a great advantage over the aborigines - iron weapons. Celtic expansion into Ireland took place in two ways - through the north-west of France and the north of Spain, as well as through England, which by that time had already been conquered by the Celts. The exact date of the arrival of the Celts in Ireland is impossible to establish, most likely it is 500 BC. e., however, it is known that a century before the birth of Christ the entire island was Celtic.

Between 500–250 BC e. The Celts reached the peak of their prosperity. Then this ethnos lost its former passionarity, and a gradual decline of the Celtic civilization began, a decrease in its influence on the surrounding tribes. The power of the Celts fell under the blows of the rapidly rising Rome. The period of Celtic domination in Europe ended, the Celtic empire declined in the first centuries of our era, Rome expanded into part of its territory, part was captured by the Germans, and a significant part in the east was captured by Asian migrants - the Huns. By the time Rome fell to the Gothic invaders, the Celts had already been driven far to the west and north, to England, Wales and Ireland, and later to Scotland and the northern coast of France. Of the Celtic lands, only Ireland and Scotland remained outside the control of the Roman Empire.

Two Celtic periods in the history of Europe should be distinguished. The first is the ancient Celts - contemporaries of Ancient Greece, contemporaries of the empire of Alexander the Great, whom the Romans forced out to the British Isles. The second late period was the Christian Celts who lived in Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The Celts of the second period are nothing more than a relict ethnic group. We owe the first “real” European literature to the Celts: the Irish and Welsh sagas, the tales of King Arthur, Tristan and Isolde. Consequently, the roots of modern Western European civilization should be sought in the Celts.

Retreating under the onslaught of Rome, some of the Celts could have gone to the northeast - to the eastern Baltic states and even further, to Lakes Ladoga and Onega and further to the White Sea. Here, having conquered the local tribes of the Pomors and merged with them, they could form a new ethnic group, Rus'. At the very least, the Scandinavian Vikings are most likely the successors of the Celts, who did not submit to Rome.

Today, about two million people speak languages ​​belonging to the Celtic group. We are talking about the peoples living on the Atlantic coast of Europe, which includes Brittany (Breton), Wales (Welsh), parts of Scotland (Gaelic) and Ireland (Old Irish). The Welsh language was also called Cymric (from the Celtic people Cymric) or Cumbrian (from Cumbria, the medieval name for Wales). The undoubted kinship of verbal forms originating from the Indo-European language is evidence of common cultural traditions dating back to the 3rd century. BC. Although, depending on certain vowel combinations, linguists distinguish two dialect groups (R-Celtic and Q-Celtic).

For example, terms denoting mysterious magical structures have Celtic roots: men - stone, hir - length, hence menhir - long stone; crom – circle or circle (in Russian there is a carpenter’s word “kromit” - to trim a board or log), lech – standing stone, cromlech – stones located in a circle. But this does not mean that the inhabitants of European regions where there are many megalithic structures, although they left the names of these objects known to them, were skillful authors of these majestic monuments or knew the “secrets” of their construction. These structures may be even more ancient.

Genetic analysis of the European population shows that the highest concentration of Celtic gallogroups in human populations occurs in Scandinavia, Iceland, Finland, Yugoslavia, Ukraine, Germany and France.

Distribution of original haplogroups in European human populations

The red sectors are the Iberians (European autochthons), pink are the Celts (also autochthons), yellow are the Slavs (Aryans), purple are the Finno-Ugric, green are the Semites, blue are the Berbers, cream are the Caucasians, purple are the Eskimos.

The ancient gods have left their mark on many aspects of modern life. One of these images passing through the centuries is Themis. This is a modern symbol of the legal and entire legal system; the image of the ancient goddess symbolizes the judicial system in many countries of the world.

The idea that justice is the privilege of a deity was already in the air in ancient Egypt. The famous goddess Maat (Ma), who represents the eye of Osiris, was a symbol of truth and justice. The symbol of the Egyptian goddess was a feather. Her figurine was a mandatory attribute of the judge’s attire - it was hung around the neck, believing that the wisdom of the goddess would help make the right and fair decision. Other embodiments of justice had similar features. In general, although the court has always personified a man, justice in many religions was personified by a woman - the daughter, wife or sister of God.

The mythology of ancient times did not escape this trend and also made the goddess a symbol of justice. The female image of truth and justice is also present in later religions. Themis is the goddess of the pantheon of ancient Greece, personifying law and legal order in all earthly affairs. She came from the Titans and was the daughter of Gaia and Uranus. The goddess Themis is the first wife of Zeus. From marriage with the ruler of Olympus, the Moiras were born - the arbiters of destinies. Themis always sits at the right hand of Zeus, gives him advice, and announces the verdict.

Of course, such an important deity could not do without its own symbols. The main attributes of justice were scales and a sword. Themis Libra is an emblem of justice, a balanced decision. The sword is a symbol of the inevitability of punishment. These symbols are still used in judicial symbolism in different countries.

Like any Greek deity, the goddess of justice had her own double in the Roman pantheon. She turned out to be the great Justice - the Roman goddess of justice. The modern figurine symbolizing a fair trial is more likely Justice than Themis. This judgment is confirmed by an additional attribute - a blindfold, which symbolizes equality and impartiality. Themis among the Greeks held court with her eyes open. This is how a curious incident arose: in the modern world, the goddess of justice is called Themis, but is depicted as Justice.

In general, the modern goddess Themis is necessarily depicted as a dignified woman, in a long robe, with a blindfold. In her left hand she holds scales, in her right she holds a sword. The tip of the sword is exposed, but lowered. The sword and scales are among the main symbols of justice, the history of which is so ancient that it would be naive to attribute such a visual emblem only to the ancient Greeks. Most likely, this emblem came to the shores of the Aegean Sea from some ancient, half-forgotten religion. The latest symbols are the bandage and the mantle - they are present only in the Roman Justice.

The sword is the oldest symbol of spiritual and physical strength. The sword that Themis holds in her hands is a symbol of fair punishment. The blade of the sword is double-edged - after all, the law not only punishes the guilty, but also prevents crimes. It is also symbolic that the goddess holds the sword in her right hand - this is a symbol of a “just cause”, faith in justice.

Libra is the oldest emblem of measure and justice. The scales of justice are constantly balancing evidence of guilt and innocence, good and evil. Libra is located in the left hand, which is responsible for intuition and sensations.

A mantle is a ritual ceremonial decoration intended for performing certain ceremonial actions, in this case justice, the symbol of which is Themis. This attire emphasizes how important it is for a judge to wear a robe while performing his duties, reserving civilian dress for secular affairs.

The blindfold symbolizes open-mindedness. A fair court should turn a blind eye to property and class differences and consider only fair facts. When considering a case, the judge must be blind, in the sense that both the plaintiff and the defendant are for him only reflections of the facets of the law.

Such a multifaceted perception of the symbols of the goddess of justice only emphasizes humanity’s ancient craving for justice. And the divine essence of Themis reflects the eternal desire for the final, highest judgment, which, according to many beliefs, awaits us at the end of life’s journey.

Everyone is familiar with the concept of the goddess of justice. She is represented as a woman holding a sword and scales, and her eyes are covered with a blindfold. All these attributes have a certain symbolism. Themis is a generally accepted symbol of law and order. She is depicted on many elements that relate to the judicial system.

The ancient goddess of justice was the wife of Zeus, who gave her the right to resolve complex issues. He loves her as much as he loves his second wife Hera. Themis and Zeus had three children, so the story says. "Moir" and "Horus", among whom was a daughter named Dike, who symbolizes justice. As mythology describes, Zeus did not execute justice without his wife and daughter.

The wife of the Olympian God always gave him good advice and did not want to rebel against him. She is always located to the right of the ruler and is his main adviser. The blind goddess of justice is one of the most important in the myths of ancient Greece. She is one of the first to fight for law and order. Then she had followers who, in one way or another, contributed to history.

The Goddess Themis is known to everyone who in one way or another believes in the Gods and connects everything that happens in our lives with their influence. She is a central image, which is described in many sources of ancient myths, and plays a large role in the daily life of every person. It is associated with all events and situations. Endowed with the following attributes that explain its “goals” and “opportunities”:

  • sword - symbolizing retribution for actions, punishment;
  • scales - determining the measure of punishment;
  • a blindfold is a sign of an objective decision.

Using scales, the goddess weighs the pros and cons, and then determines what the punishment will be. She is a symbol of the entire judicial system, which works on the principle of fairness. Every bad deed must be punished. The Goddess of Justice is known throughout the world and is featured on many judicial buildings. Now there is even a legal award named in her honor.

Nemesis is the goddess of retribution and punishment. It symbolizes law and justice. Anyone who does not comply with the established order is punished by Nemesis and Themis. These two goddesses are endowed with the right to punish, but Themis can still decide what the punishment will be and whether it will be at all, because justice does not always end with punishment. Sometimes a person can be found innocent. Nemesis is depicted with the following elements:

  • Libra – moderation;
  • sword or whip - control of disobedience and punishment;
  • wings or a chariot with griffins - the speed of punishment and its inevitability.

In ancient Greek myths, a woman is represented with wings. She is the daughter of Ocean, and is sometimes a nymph, although she is more often described as a goddess of vengeance. Nemesis was given the responsibility of controlling sinful souls. If benefits were distributed among them dishonestly, punishment followed. Nemesis is perceived by many as a cruel Goddess, but this is where her justice lies.

The goddess of justice Justitia was a symbol of truth in Rome. The people characterize her as a woman with the right to judge. Thus, the goddess of justice in Greek mythology was called Themis, who is responsible for legal order. Dike dealt with justice. As a result, the Roman people combined the rights of the two goddesses into one, which is where Justice came from. Her father is considered to be Jupiter or Saturn. The Romans depict the goddess with a blindfold. She holds a sword in her right hand and scales in her left. With the help of such attributes, the woman weighed the guilt and innocence of people.

The goddess of justice Astraea is the child of Zeus and Themis. In mythological sources, she is presented as a woman who descended from heaven to establish order in the human world. She exercised control and punished those who violated order. All this happened in the golden age, and after its end, Astraea returned back to heaven, because people had deteriorated and their morals left much to be desired. Some sources say that Astraea is the goddess of Dike, symbolizing justice and truth. Astraea is depicted with scales and a crown of stars.

Dike is the goddess of justice who was the child of Themis and Zeus. When her father served as chief judge, she was there, as was her mother, who was responsible for enforcing the laws. The Greek people understood that observance of the law and justice are different concepts, therefore Dike represented the interests of justice, and Themis - the law. Her responsibilities and rights were different from those of her mother. The Goddess embodies personal morality and responsibility for pleasant decisions.

Dike is also the keeper of the keys to the gate through which day and night pass. She brings justice to the cycle of souls who are “entangled” in the present time. If a person was a criminal, the goddess followed him and punished him with the cruelty inherent in crime. She is depicted as a woman who strangles and beats injustice, which were represented in the image of Corinth.

Adrastea in Greek mythology is depicted as a goddess who punishes evil. She brought retribution where it was right from the point of view of justice. All her punishments were inevitable - if a person committed a sin, he must be punished. She also determined the further fate of souls in the cycle. Her image in some sources is an analogue of Nemesis and a prototype of Dike.

In mythology, the images are very intertwined and it is not so easy to determine who the goddess of justice is - each of them brings justice and retribution for violation of order and life laws. The most important and central image is Themis - she determines the measure of punishment with complete impartiality, and also rewards the guilty person in full.

In this article we will explore the history of the Greek goddess of justice Themis and let's reveal some of its secrets. Subject " Justice“has been and remains vital and significant throughout the history of mankind. It is still relevant today. Let's turn to the free Encyclopedia Wikipedia: “ Themis, Themis second wife Zeus. In the Mycenaean era the word " themis» ( establishment by custom) is found in place names: ti-mi-to a-ke-e (Themisto Agee?), te-mi-ti-ja (Themistia?). According to Musaeus, she nurtured Zeus (or rather, raised him). Mentioned in the Odyssey (II 68).

From her union with Zeus she gave birth to three Oras: Eunomia (“ goodness"), Dike (" justice") to Eiren (" World"), And Nemesis.

According to Aeschylus, Themis- the mother of Prometheus, while she is clearly getting closer to the earth - Gaia and is thought of as one deity under different names.

Possessing the gift of divination , Themis reveals to Prometheus the secret that the marriage of Zeus to Thetis will lead to the birth of a son who will overthrow Zeus. From mother Gaia she received the Delphic oracle, where she made predictions, which she passed on to her sister Phoebe, who gave it to her grandson Apollo.

Themis helps Zeus start the Trojan War. Summons the gods to council.

Themis was the first to teach divination, sacrifices and divine rites. According to some, she invented the heroic hexameter. She brought up the piety of the Indians.

In Olympia, near Stomion (Zev, Hole), near the altar of Gaia with her oracle and the altar of Zeus, there was an altar of Themis. As the goddess of Olympic mythology, Themis is no longer identified with the earth, but is its creation, and also wife of Zeus as the basis of law and order.

Themis was a great goddess, which ruled a 13-month year, divided into two seasons by the summer and winter solstices. In Athens, the personifications of these seasons were Tallo and Carpo, which respectively mean the deities of “blooming” and “ripe fruit”. The LXXIX Orphic hymn is dedicated to her.

Themis is always depicted with a blindfold, as a symbol of impartiality. Scales good and evil Horn of plenty in the hand of Themis- symbol retribution or non-retribution brought before her court.

Allegorically : Themis - justice, law; , Justice sword .

During the reconstruction of the building of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, a sculpture of Themis by sculptor Alexander Tsigal was installed above the entrance to the complex from Bolshoy Rzhevsky Lane, on whose face there is no bandage - a symbol of impartiality, which caused numerous critical publications in the press.

Themis without a blindfold is mentioned by V. A. Gilyarovsky in"Moscow and Muscovites"

Rice. 1. Themis with scales and " Roman sword " Statuette. " Themis(Θέμις), in ancient mythology, the ancient Greek goddess of justice and legal order, titanide, organizer and guardian of moral foundations And the whole structure of life, daughter of Uranus and Gaia, after the goddess Metis second legal wife of Zeus, mother or and moir (goddesses of fate) (Hesiod, Theogony, 135, 901-906). Goddess Themis was the mother of numerous offspring. Her the daughters were the goddesses of fate - moiras And goddess of the seasons - ors or mountains. According to one version of the myth, Themis is the mother of Prometheus. Possessing the gift of prophecy, Themis reveals to Prometheus the secret that Marriage of Zeus to the Oceanid Thetis will lead to the birth of a son who will overthrow the supreme god of thunder. Her prediction upset Thetis's marriage to Zeus. In the myth of Promethea it is said that the hero discovered this secret only after thousands of years of torment to which Zeus doomed him(Aeschylus, Prometheus, 18). From mother Gaia Themis received Delphic Oracle, which gave it to her sister Phoebe, she gave it away « soothsayer » to his grandson Apollo(Aeschylus, Eumenides, 2-8). According to Ovid she also warned Atlas that one day the son of Zeus would steal apples from his daughters the Hesperides. According to Homer she acts as the herald of the supreme god Zeus on Olympus , convenes gods for meetings, presides at the feasts of the celestials. In meaning advisors to the supreme Olympian god, sitting near his throne, she often appears in post-Hesiod poetic works. Thanks to the care of Themis, external order is maintained both in the life of the gods on Olympus and among people on earth, and the very name of the goddess is also used to denote the abstract concept of legal norms (θέμιστες), regulating human life. Under her patronage are all those seeking hospitality, the oppressed, those who have suffered injustice. In works of art, Themis was depicted with a bandage ( a symbol of impartiality) in front of his eyes, with a sword, sometimes with a cornucopia and scales in his hands. In Olympia, the inhabitants of Ancient Greece they placed altars to Zeus, Gaia and Themis side by side, which shows how much they revered this goddess of law and order."

This is where it starts the first mystery in the depiction of the goddess of justice Themis next to or riding an ostrich .

Rice. 2. Themis Luca Giordano, 1686. The painting depicts the goddess of justice Themis “ standing on "or next to an ostrich?! Where does this symbolic image come from? Ostrich as a symbol: “Symbol of avoiding problems: “ " In the Australian coat of arms ostrich Emu is shield holder along with the kangaroo." However, this expression is “ bury your head in the sand like an ostrich "wrong. "African ostrich(lat. Struthio camelus) is a ratite flightless bird, the only modern representative of the ostrich family (Struthinodae). “camel sparrow” (Greek στρουθίο-κάμηλος). Legend, that a frightened ostrich hides its head in the sand, probably comes from the fact that a female ostrich sitting on a nest, in case of danger, spreads her neck and head on the ground, trying to become invisible against the background of the surrounding savanna. Ostriches do the same thing when they see predators. If you approach such a hidden bird, it instantly jumps up and runs away. “The popular belief that ostriches bury their heads in the sand to escape predators originates in the works of the Roman scientist Pliny the Elder, in whose notes we read: “ostriches imagine that when they stick their heads and necks into the ground, their entire body seems hidden "" The ostrich's habitat covers the dry, treeless areas of Africa and the Middle East, including Iraq (Mesopotamia), Iran (Persia) and Arabia. However, due to intense hunting, their population has greatly declined. Middle Eastern subspecies, S. c. syriacus, considered extinct since 1966. Even earlier, in the Pleistocene and Pliocene, various species of ostriches were common in Western Asia, southern Eastern Europe, Central Asia and India. The beautiful flight and tail feathers of ostriches have long been in demand - they were used to make fans, fans and plumes for headdresses. The durable shells of ostrich eggs were used by African tribes as vessels for water, and in Europe beautiful goblets were made from these eggs. Because of the feathers that were used to decorate ladies' hats and fans, ostriches were almost exterminated in the XVIII - early XIX centuries. If in the middle of the 19th century. If ostriches were not bred on farms, then by now they might have been completely exterminated, just as the Middle Eastern subspecies of ostrich was exterminated.”

Rice. 3. « African ostrich- the largest of modern birds: its height reaches 250 cm, weight up to 150 kg. The ostrich has a dense build, a long neck and a small flattened head. The beak is straight, flat, with a horny " claw"on the beak, quite soft. The eyes are large - the largest among land animals, with thick eyelashes on the upper eyelid. Each eye is the size of a brain. The mouth slit reaches the eyes. ... The hind limbs are long and strong, with just two fingers. One of the fingers ends in the likeness horny hoof- the bird leans on it when running. ... Ostrich lives in open savannas and semi-deserts, north and south of the equatorial forest zone. Outside of the mating season, ostriches usually live in small flocks or families. The family consists of an adult male, four to five females and chicks. Often ostriches graze together with herds of zebras and antelopes and, together with them, make long migrations across the African plains. Thanks to their height and excellent eyesight, ostriches are the first to notice danger. In case of danger, they rush to flight, developing speed up to 60-70 km/h and taking steps in 3.5-4 m wide, and if necessary, abruptly change the direction of running without reducing speed. Young ostriches are already at one month of age can run at speeds up to 50 km/h. The usual food of ostriches are plants - shoots, flowers, seeds, fruits, but on occasion they also eat small animals - insects (locusts), reptiles, rodents and leftovers from predators' meals. Young birds eat only animal food. In captivity, an ostrich requires about 3.5 kg of food per day. Since ostriches do not have teeth, to grind food in their stomach they swallow small pebbles, and often everything they come across: nails, pieces of wood, iron, plastic, etc. Ostriches can go without water for a long time, obtaining moisture from the food they eat. plants, however, on occasion they willingly drink and like to swim. Ostriches are now bred in more than 50 countries around the world.(including cold climate countries such as Sweden), but the majority of their farms are still concentrated in South Africa. You can ride ostriches. An adult male carries a person without difficulty. (Perhaps the ancients thought that ostrich « sledding » Themis bird? Note ed.) Currently, ostriches are bred mainly for their expensive leather and meat. Ostrich meat resembles lean beef - it is lean and low in cholesterol. Additional products include eggs and feathers. Feathers from birds are not pulled out, but carefully cut off close to the skin once or twice a year. Only two-three-year-old and older ostriches are suitable for such an operation - young birds have inexpensive feathers. ( I wonder what) An ostrich's eyes are bigger than its brain.. Most of the coats of arms of Poland have ostrich feathers in the crest.”

Rice. 4. « Ostrich- polygamous bird. Most often, ostriches can be found in groups of 3-5 birds - one male and several females. … The dominant male covers all the females in the “harem”, but forms a pair only with a dominant female and hatches chicks with her . (How similar is this to the “tricks” of Zeus! Note ed.). All females lay eggs in a common nesting hole, which the male scrapes out in the ground or sand. Its depth is only 30-60 cm. Ostrich eggs are the largest in the bird world, although relative to the size of the bird itself they are small: egg length - 15-21 cm, weight - from 1.5 to 2 kg (this is approximately 25-36 chicken eggs ). The shell of ostrich eggs is very thick - 0.6 cm, its color is usually straw yellow, less often darker or white. In North Africa, the total clutch usually consists of 15-20 eggs, in the south of the continent - 30, in East Africa the number of eggs reaches 50-60. Each female lays eggs apparently once every 2 days.

When the dominant female has laid all the eggs, she demands that the other females leave, rolls her own eggs into the center of the clutch (she distinguishes them by the texture of the shell) and begins incubation. ... The female, having laid her eggs, never approaches them again. The male father takes all the care. Often during the day the eggs are left unattended and heated by the sun's rays. Incubation lasts 35-45 days. However, often many eggs, and sometimes all, die due to insufficient hatching. Only the male incubates the eggs. The chick breaks the strong shell of an ostrich egg for about an hour, sometimes more. It rests one foot on the blunt end of the egg, the other foot on the sharp one, and hits one place with its beak until a small hole appears. Then he makes a few more holes like this. Then, in order to break its way out, the chick hits the shell with the back of its head, so African ostrich chicks hatch with hematomas on the back of their heads, which quickly disappear. When the chicks hatch, the adult bird breaks the eggs, which are definitely spoiled (usually they lie on the edges). Flies flock to them and serve as food for the chicks. ... Ostrich chicks hatch sighted, covered with down and capable of movement. A newly hatched baby ostrich weighs approx. 1.2 kg, and by four months it reaches 18-19 kg. The next day after hatching, the chicks leave the nest and travel with their father in search of food.”. (It turns out that it’s not easy to get life in the Material World?! Note ed.)

So, our compliance studies Ostrich as a symbol , associated with Themis, were practically unsuccessful. In the end, we were left with the following to think about: Ostrich quality: beautiful, graceful, with keen eyesight, vegetarian and not aggressive. Hardy, strong, fast, prolific. They have beautiful feathers, tasty meat, the ability to reproduce in captivity, longevity, and are attached to humans and to each other. Elders take responsibility for the protection and education " ostriches - children ": "Ostriches become capable of reproduction at 2-4 years. African ostriches live like people, that is, on average 75 years. The chicks are tightly attached to each other. If two groups of chicks get too close, they mix and cannot be separated. Parents fight with each other. The winners take care of all the chicks. Therefore, groups of chicks of different ages are often found.” Find out the opinion of the artist of the painting Themis about this Luca Giordano, 1686 We won't be able to either. Note that the name of Ostrich in Greek is: “ Its scientific name translated from Greek means“camel sparrow” (Greek στρουθίο-κάμηλος).” However, everything that we have learned about " features "ostrich, this is interesting and can serve as a positive characteristic of these birds for " symbol"Themis, goddess of justice.

In our work on the website, the section “ Mediterranean": The Olympic gods Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, their father Kronos in the matrix of the Universe, and the secret of the number 666 we talked about the hierarchical statuses of the Greek gods by writing them in Greek " Names"into the matrix of the Universe. There we also learned that Mount Olympus, on which all the Olympian gods exist " located"also in the matrix of the Universe. In fact, this is the same mountain that in the Vedas is called mountain Meru (Sumeru) – Olympus and Meru are two names of the same mountain in the matrix of the Universe.

Rice. 5. The figure shows: 1. The name of Mount Olympus is “ OLYMPOS" The arc bracket at the top left shows the position in the Upper World of the Name matrix Brahma. 2. Names in Greek of the Olympian gods Zeus – « ZEUS" And Poseidon – « POSEIDON"in the sequence in which the brothers divided the Universe among themselves. Both “Names” occupy the space of the matrix from the 21st level of the Upper World to the 15th level of the Lower World of the matrix of the Universe. The Matrix of the Universe was the sacred basis for the creation of the entire pantheon of “Names” of the Greek gods ancient sages. This secret Names“The Greeks borrowed the gods and the sacred mountain in the matrix of the Universe from the Egyptian priests.

Rice. 6. The figure similar to the previous one shows the entry in Greek “ Name» goddess of justice Themis into the matrix of the Universe. " Themis, Themis(ancient Greek Θέμις) - in ancient Greek mythology, the goddess of justice, Titanide, second wife Zeus." The arc bracket at the top left shows the position in the Upper World of the matrix " Name» Themis. « Name» Themis– Themis occupies the space of the matrix from the 15th level of the Upper World to the 1st level inclusive of the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe. On the left of " Name"Themis outline drawing shown" correct» image of Themis with a sword and scales in her hands. About why this " correct"Themis's image will be described below. Other details of the images and " Names" are clearly visible in the figure.

Let's consider a number of different images of Themis, known from literary (Internet) sources.

Rice. 7. The figure shows contour images of the goddess of justice Themis. We know that “Themis is always depicted with a blindfold, as a symbol of impartiality, with a cornucopia and scales in hands. Scales- an ancient symbol of measure and justice. The scales of justice weigh good and evil, actions committed by mortals during life. The posthumous fate of people depended on which cup would prevail. Horn of plenty in the hand of Themis- symbol retribution or non-retribution brought before her court. Allegorically : Themis - justice, law; Themis scales - a symbol of justice; servants (priests) of Themis - servants of the law, judges. The Romans borrowed the goddess of justice from the Greeks in their world , but instead of a cornucopia they put it in the right hand Justice sword" Let's look at Figure 8 below - a separate contour drawing in the upper right corner. It is convenient for research, since the goddess stands in front of us.

Rice. 8. From the results of our research " sacred symbols"In a lot of our articles on the site, we know that the ancient sages built images" characters» based on a sacred basis, which acted as matrix of the Universe. Not only the goddess Themis herself, but also every object in the drawing among the ancients was a sacred symbol associated with the matrix of the Universe. Such symbols are sword And scales in the hands of the goddess. From the result of combining the contour drawing of Themis, which is shown in the upper right corner of the previous drawing, we see that the position of the sword is arbitrary, and the scales " justice"go beyond the boundaries of the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe. The top of Themis’s head should be combined with the 15th level of the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe, since from this level her “is recorded” Name"above in Figure 6. So we combined in this figure the contour image of the body of the goddess of justice Themis. On the right, arc brackets describe the space in the Upper world of the matrix of the Universe, where myriads of Shower – Jeev Living creatures. We talked about this, in particular, at the end of the work in the section “ Egyptology" - The Dendera Zodiac in the matrix of the Universe revealed the secret of the sacred basis of the ancient science of Astrology.

Rice. 9. The figure shows a graphically edited outline image of the goddess of justice Themis. Sword in her hand" received» its symbolic meaning. He " tied» to the parameters of the matrix of the Universe (angle of inclination). Its end reaches the 14th level of the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe and indicates the priority of the Upper World over the Lower World of the matrix of the Universe. At this level there is a blindfold for Themis. Bandage has the following symbolic meaning - “ the goddess does not need eyes to see the deeds and destinies of Souls - Jiv ", which are subject to Themis. Scales found their place within the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe. The goddess's feet reach the first level of the Upper World of the matrix. The image shown on the left is Themis holding in her hands " Cornucopia" From the understanding of the Priority of the Upper World ( of the invisible world) over the Lower World (Visible World) follows an almost obvious conclusion ( this is a discovery), which is under " Horn of Plenty“The ancient sages understood the pyramid of the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe. In the figure, bold arrows show the outer boundaries " Horns of Plenty" Sacred meaning " Horns of Plenty" can be expressed this way: - " Everything occurs or flows from the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe as from the Cornucopia " Each Soul, embodied or not, receives " richness of life " How blessing or how temptation.

A few words about the modern understanding of “ Horns of Plenty»: « Cornucopia(lat. cornu copiae) - a symbol of abundance and wealth. It is depicted mostly curved, filled with flowers, fruits and the like (or spewing them and all sorts of benefits). In works of fine art, it is placed in the hands of little Plutos (the god of wealth in ancient Greek mythology), Fortune, Gaia, and also Hercules. In architecture it is depicted on capitals and cornices, especially of the Corinthian order, also above vaults, under windows and similar elements of buildings.

The idea of ​​a horn of plenty is borrowed from ancient Greek mythology, in which it belongs to the goat Amalthea or Achelous who turned into a bull (Amalthean horn, Amalthean horn). The expression as a proverb is found already in the poet of the 6th century BC. e. Phokilida: " the field, they say, is the horn of Amalthea» . The cornucopia was in the right hand of the goddess of justice Themis .

The Horn of Plenty is depicted on the state emblems of Colombia, Panama, and Peru; at the beginning of the 20th century it was depicted on the coats of arms of the following cities of the Russian Empire: Akhaltsikhe, Verkhneudinsk, Korotkoyak of the Voronezh province, Kungur, Novaya Ladoga, Pyatigor of the Kyiv province, Rossien and Kharkov.

“In more ancient times, the cornucopia (like everything related to wealth) was associated with Hades, the kingdom of the dead. The cornucopia belonged to the god of wealth Plutos. The linguistic proximity of the names is not accidental Plutos(Πλο ῦτος) and Pluto(Πλούτων), lords of the kingdom of the dead. In its early form, Plutos, like Pluto, is associated with Persephone. In the Eleusinian mysteries, Plutos and Pluto were identified. The latter was thought to be the owner of countless underground riches."

These are the secrets of the goddess of justice Themis learned with the help of knowledge about the sacred basis « vego », known to the ancient sages , like the matrix of the Universe.

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ThemisEncyclopedia of Mythology- http://godsbay.ru/antique/themis.html

Delphic Oracle- oracle, that is soothsayer , at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. According to Greek mythology, it was founded by Apollo himself at the site of his victory over the monstrous serpent Python. The Delphic oracle, led by a priestess (Pythia), was one of the main soothsayers in the Hellenic world. The oracle originally belonged to Gaea, was guarded by the dragon Python (according to another version, the dragoness) and the place was called Pitho (ancient Greek πύθω - to rot). The first prophetess of Gaia was the mountain nymph Daphne (ancient Greek ἡ δάφνη - laurel). From her mother Gaia, Themis received the Delphic oracle, which she passed on to her sister Phoebe, who passed it on to her grandson Apollo, who, having learned the art of divination from Pan, arrived at Delphi, where he killed the dragon Python guarding the entrance to the oracle and took possession of the oracle. The dark chthonic prophecies of the son of the Earth gave way to the will of Zeus, the father of the gods and the organizer of the new, Olympian cosmic order, the spokesman of which was the “thrower of solar rays”, causing vapors in the earth for divination. After the dragon's defeat, Apollo collected its ashes in a sarcophagus and instituted mourning games in honor of Python. Apollo then went to look for priests for his temple. At sea he saw a ship coming from Knossos, in Crete. Turning into a dolphin, he, by the power of his spell, led the ship to Chris, where he revealed himself to the sailors and told them about their destiny. In Chris, the sailors erected an altar to Apollo and it was called Delphic, in honor of the image in which Apollo appeared to them. From Chrisa the sailors went to Parnassus, where they became the first priests of the temple of Apollo. Bees brought a temple made of wax from the country of the Hyperboreans, and all subsequent temples were built according to its model” - Wikipedia- http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%E5%EB%FC%F4%E8%E9%F1%EA%E8%E9_%EE%F0%E0%EA%F3%EB

The article about Themis reveals amazing secrets! Greek mythology appears in a completely different form - not a collection of “soap operas” about the Olympian gods, but a holistic description of the Universe. For me, the mystery of “Themis’s Cornucopia” has finally been revealed. It turns out that this is a sacred symbol denoting the Upper World of the matrix of the Universe or, as the author calls it, the “Invisible World”! The image of Themis is also a sacred symbol pointing to the spaces of the Divine Universe - the “Cornucopia”, where retribution takes place: punishment or reward of souls. The blindfold on Themis’s eyes indicates that the goddess sees everything in its true light with “other divine eyes” that cannot be deceived. In fact, Themis herself is in the “Cornucopia” and herself sends gifts and punishments to people from there to the “Visible World”.

Instead of a cornucopia, the Romans placed a sword in Themis’s right hand (it just reaches the 14th level of the Upper World, Fig. 9), personifying punishment, reducing Themis’s role to a punishing goddess. The Greek priests did not put such a one-sided meaning into the role of this goddess of the Universe. Confirmation of this: “Themis is the daughter of Uranus and Gaia, a Titanide. The second wife of Zeus after the goddess of wisdom Metis (Metis).

According to Musaeus, she nurtured Zeus (or rather, raised him). From her union with Zeus she gave birth to three Oras: Eunomia (“goodness”), Dike (“justice”) and Eirene (“Peace”); and, according to one version of the myth, three Moira: Clotho (“Spinner”), Lachesis (“Fate”), Atropos (“Inevitable”).
Ora, Mountains, Choirs (ancient Greek Ὥραι, “Seasons”) - goddesses of the seasons in ancient Greek mythology, were in charge of order in nature. Daughters of Zeus and Themis (or daughters of Helios and Selene). Guardians of Olympus, now opening and then closing its cloud gates. They are called the gatekeepers of the sky. The Orrs harness the horses of Helios.

So, Themis, together with her daughters, is the goddess of “Time in the Universe”! There is a time for everything, as Ecclesiastes or the Preacher said - God is the Judge. Eccl. (3.1:17):
"Chapter 3.
1. For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven:
2. a time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
3. a time to kill and a time to heal; a time to destroy, and a time to build;
4. time to cry and time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5. a time to scatter stones, and a time to gather stones; a time to hug, and a time to avoid hugs;
6. time to seek, and time to lose; a time to save, and a time to throw away;
7. a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to be silent and a time to speak;
8. a time to love and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.
9. What does the one who works benefit from what he works on?
10. I saw this care that God gave to the sons of men, so that they would exercise themselves in this.
11. He made everything beautiful in its time, and put peace in their hearts, although man cannot comprehend the works that God does from beginning to end.
12. I learned that there is nothing better for them than to have fun and do good in their lives.
13. And if a person eats and drinks and sees good in all his work, then this is a gift from God.
14. I realized that everything that God does endures forever: there is nothing to add to it and nothing to take away from it, and God does it so that they will reverence before His face.
15. What was, is now, and what will be, has already been, and God will call upon the past.
16. Again I saw under the sun: a place of judgment, and there was lawlessness; there is a place of truth, but there is untruth.
17. And I said in my heart: “God will judge the righteous and the wicked; for there is a time for every thing, and [judgment] for every thing is there.” ...

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Everyone is familiar with the concept of the goddess of justice. She is represented as a woman holding a sword and scales, and her eyes are covered with a blindfold. All these attributes have a certain symbolism. Themis is a generally accepted symbol of law and order. She is depicted on many elements that relate to the judicial system.

Goddess of justice and justice

The ancient goddess of justice was the wife of Zeus, who gave her the right to resolve complex issues. He loves her as much as he loves his second wife Hera. Themis and Zeus had three children, so the story says. "Moir" and "Horus", among whom was a daughter named Dike, who symbolizes justice. As mythology describes, Zeus did not execute justice without his wife and daughter.

The wife of the Olympian God always gave him good advice and did not want to rebel against him. She is always located to the right of the ruler and is his main adviser. The blind goddess of justice is one of the most important in myths. She is one of the first to fight for law and order. Then she had followers who, in one way or another, contributed to history.

Goddess of justice Themis

The Goddess Themis is known to everyone who in one way or another believes in the Gods and connects everything that happens in our lives with their influence. She is a central image, which is described in many sources of ancient myths, and plays a large role in the daily life of every person. It is associated with all events and situations. Endowed with the following attributes that explain its “goals” and “opportunities”:

  • sword - symbolizing retribution for actions, punishment;
  • scales - determining the measure of punishment;
  • a blindfold is a sign of an objective decision.

Using scales, the goddess weighs the pros and cons, and then determines what the punishment will be. She is a symbol of the entire judicial system, which works on the principle of fairness. Every bad deed must be punished. The Goddess of Justice is known throughout the world and is featured on many judicial buildings. Now there is even a legal award named in her honor.

Goddess of Justice Nemesis

Nemesis is the goddess of retribution and punishment. It symbolizes the law and. Anyone who does not comply with the established order is punished by Nemesis and Themis. These two goddesses are endowed with the right to punish, but Themis can still decide what the punishment will be and whether it will be at all, because justice does not always end with punishment. Sometimes a person can be found innocent. Nemesis is depicted with the following elements:

  • Libra – moderation;
  • sword or whip - control of disobedience and punishment;
  • wings or a chariot with griffins - the speed of punishment and its inevitability.

In ancient Greek myths, a woman is represented with wings. She is the daughter of Ocean, and is sometimes a nymph, although she is more often described as a goddess of vengeance. Nemesis was given the responsibility of controlling sinful souls. If benefits were distributed among them dishonestly, punishment followed. Nemesis is perceived by many as a cruel Goddess, but this is where her justice lies.

Goddess Justice

The goddess of justice Justitia was a symbol of truth in Rome. The people characterize her as a woman with the right to judge. Thus, the goddess of justice in Greek mythology was called Themis, who is responsible for legal order. Dike dealt with justice. As a result, the Roman people combined the rights of the two goddesses into one, which is where Justice came from. Her father is considered to be Jupiter or Saturn. The Romans depict the goddess with a blindfold. She holds a sword in her right hand and scales in her left. With the help of such attributes, the woman weighed the guilt and innocence of people.

Goddess Astraea

The goddess of justice Astraea is the child of Zeus and Themis. In mythological sources, she is presented as a woman who descended from heaven to establish order in the human world. She exercised control and punished those who violated order. All this happened in the golden age, and after its end, Astraea returned back to heaven, because people had deteriorated and their morals left much to be desired. Some sources say that Astraea is the goddess of Dike, symbolizing justice and truth. Astraea is depicted with scales and a crown of stars.

Goddess Dike

Dike is the goddess of justice who was the child of Themis and Zeus. When her father served as chief judge, she was there, as was her mother, who was responsible for enforcing the laws. The Greek people understood that observance of the law and justice are different concepts, therefore Dike represented the interests of justice, and Themis - the law. Her responsibilities and rights were different from those of her mother. The Goddess embodies personal morality and responsibility for pleasant decisions.

Dike is also the keeper of the keys to the gate through which day and night pass. She brings justice to the cycle of souls who are “entangled” in the present time. If a person was a criminal, the goddess followed him and punished him with the cruelty inherent in crime. She is depicted as a woman who strangles and beats injustice, which were represented in the image of Corinth.

Goddess Adrastea

Adrastea in Greek mythology is depicted as a goddess who punishes evil. She brought retribution where it was right from the point of view of justice. All her punishments were inevitable - if a person committed a sin, he must be punished. She also determined the further fate of souls in the cycle. Her image in some sources is an analogue of Nemesis and a prototype of Dike.

In mythology, the images are very intertwined and it is not so easy to determine who the goddess of justice is - each of them brings justice and retribution for violation of order and life laws. The most important and central image is Themis - she determines the measure of punishment with complete impartiality, and also rewards the guilty person in full.

The names of most of the gods are designed as hyperlinks, which can take you to a detailed article about each of them.

The main deities of Ancient Greece: 12 Olympian gods, their assistants and companions

The main gods in Ancient Hellas were recognized as those who belonged to the younger generation of celestials. Once it took away power over the world from the older generation, who personified the main universal forces and elements (see about this in the article Origin of the Gods of Ancient Greece). The gods of the older generation are usually called titans. Having defeated the Titans, the younger gods, led by Zeus, settled on Mount Olympus. The ancient Greeks honored 12 Olympian gods. Their list usually included Zeus, Hera, Athena, Hephaestus, Apollo, Artemis, Poseidon, Ares, Aphrodite, Demeter, Hermes, Hestia. Hades is also close to the Olympian gods, but he does not live on Olympus, but in his underground kingdom.

Legends and myths of Ancient Greece. Cartoon

Goddess Artemis. Statue in the Louvre

Statue of Virgin Athena in the Parthenon. Ancient Greek sculptor Phidias

Hermes with caduceus. Statue from the Vatican Museum

Venus (Aphrodite) de Milo. Statue approx. 130-100 BC.

God Eros. Red-figure dish, ca. 340-320 BC e.

Hymen- companion of Aphrodite, god of marriage. Wedding hymns were also named after him in Ancient Greece. hymens.

- daughter of Demeter, kidnapped by the god Hades. The inconsolable mother, after a long search, found Persephone in underground kingdom. Hades, who made her his wife, agreed that she should spend part of the year on earth with her mother, and the other with him in the bowels of the earth. Persephone was the personification of grain, which, being “dead” sown into the ground, then “comes to life” and comes out of it into the light.

The abduction of Persephone. Antique jug, ca. 330-320 BC.

Amphitrite- wife of Poseidon, one of the Nereids

Proteus- one of the sea deities of the Greeks. Son of Poseidon, who had the gift of predicting the future and changing his appearance

Triton- the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, a messenger of the deep sea, blowing a shell. In appearance it is a mixture of a man, a horse and a fish. Close to the eastern god Dagon.

Eirene- goddess of peace, standing at the throne of Zeus on Olympus. In Ancient Rome - the goddess Pax.

Nika- goddess of victory. Constant companion of Zeus. In Roman mythology - Victoria

Dike- in Ancient Greece - the personification of divine truth, a goddess hostile to deception

Tyukhe- goddess of luck and good fortune. For the Romans - Fortuna

Morpheus– ancient Greek god of dreams, son of the god of sleep Hypnos

Plutos- god of wealth

Phobos(“Fear”) – son and companion of Ares

Deimos(“Horror”) – son and companion of Ares

Enyo- among the ancient Greeks - the goddess of frantic war, who arouses rage in the fighters and brings confusion into the battle. In Ancient Rome - Bellona


Titans are the second generation of gods of Ancient Greece, generated by natural elements. First titans there were six sons and six daughters, descended from the connection of Gaia-Earth with Uranus-Heaven. Six sons: Cron(Time. among the Romans - Saturn), Ocean(father of all rivers), Hyperion, Kay, Kriy, Iapetus. Six daughters: Tethys(Water), Theia(Shine), Rhea(Mother Mountain?), Themis(Justice), Mnemosyne(Memory), Phoebe.

Uranus and Gaia. Ancient Roman mosaic 200-250 AD.

In addition to the titans, Gaia gave birth to a marriage with Uranus Cyclops and Hecatoncheires.

Cyclops- three giants with a large, round, fiery eye in the middle of their forehead. In ancient times - personifications of clouds from which lightning flashes

Hecatoncheires- “hundred-handed” giants, against whose terrible strength nothing can resist. Incarnations of terrible earthquakes and floods.

The Cyclopes and Hecatoncheires were so strong that Uranus himself was horrified by their power. He tied them up and threw them deep into the earth, where they are still rampaging, causing volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. The presence of these giants in the belly of the earth began to cause terrible suffering. Gaia persuaded her youngest son, Crown, to take revenge on his father, Uranus, castrated him.

Cron did it with a sickle. From the drops of blood of Uranus that spilled, Gaia conceived and gave birth to three Erinyes- goddesses of vengeance with snakes on their heads instead of hair. The names of Erinny are Tisiphone (the killing avenger), Alecto (the tireless pursuer) and Megaera (the terrible). From that part of the seed and blood of castrated Uranus that fell not on the ground, but in the sea, the goddess of love Aphrodite was born.

Night-Nyukta, in anger at the lawlessness of Krona, gave birth to terrible creatures and deities Tanata(Death), Eridu(Discord) Apata(Deception), goddesses of violent death Ker, Hypnos(Dream-Nightmare), Nemesis(Revenge), Gerasa(Old age), Charona(carrier of the dead to the underworld).

Power over the world has now passed from Uranus to the Titans. They divided the universe among themselves. Cronus became the supreme god instead of his father. The ocean gained power over a huge river, which, according to the ideas of the ancient Greeks, flows around the entire earth. Four other brothers of Cronos reigned in the four cardinal directions: Hyperion - in the East, Crius - in the south, Iapetus - in the West, Kay - in the North.

Four of the six elder titans married their sisters. From them came the younger generation of titans and elemental deities. From the marriage of Oceanus with his sister Tethys (Water), all the earth's rivers and Oceanid water nymphs were born. Titan Hyperion - (“high-walking”) took his sister Theia (Shine) as his wife. They were born from them Helios(Sun), Selena(Moon) and Eos(Dawn). From Eos were born the stars and the four gods of the winds: Boreas(North wind), Note(South wind), Marshmallow(west wind) and Eurus(Eastern wind). The Titans Kay (Heavenly Axis?) and Phoebe gave birth to Leto (Night Silence, mother of Apollo and Artemis) and Asteria (Starlight). Cronus himself married Rhea (Mother Mountain, the personification of the productive power of mountains and forests). Their children are the Olympic gods Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, Zeus.

The Titan Crius married the daughter of Pontus Eurybia, and the Titan Iapetus married the oceanid Clymene, who gave birth to the Titans Atlas (he holds the sky on his shoulders), the arrogant Menoetius, the cunning Promethea(“thinking before, foreseeing”) and the feeble-minded Epimetheus (“thinking after”).

From these titans came others:

Hesperus- god of the evening and the evening star. His daughters from the night - Nyukta - nymphs Hesperides, who guard on the western edge of the earth a garden with golden apples, once presented by Gaia-Earth to the goddess Hera upon her marriage to Zeus

Ory- goddesses of parts of the day, seasons and periods of human life.

Charites- goddess of grace, fun and joy of life. There are three of them - Aglaya (“Rejoicing”), Euphrosyne (“Joy”) and Thalia (“Abundance”). A number of Greek writers have different names for charites. In Ancient Rome they corresponded to grace

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