A person with unique abilities, Lior Sushard - biography, activities and interesting facts. Genius, telepath, psychic or ordinary magician? Israeli LIOR SUCHARD Biography of Lior Suchard

Israeli resident Lior Suchard became famous throughout the world thanks to his exceptional abilities. Today he is considered one of the most powerful telepaths of our time. Every time he appears in public, Lior amazes the audience with his talents, forcing those around him to admire the power of his thoughts.

Who is he - Lior Suchard

In fact, Lior Suchard is known not only for his ability to read other people's thoughts, but also for his ability to make any person think about what a telepath needs. In front of thousands of spectators, Lior demonstrates his own talent: he bends metal objects and makes things move using only the power of his thoughts.

Despite his wide popularity, Suchard leads a rather mysterious lifestyle, hiding from numerous journalists and general attention. Fans of the brilliant psychic Lior Suchard need to make a lot of efforts in order to find out at least a little about the life of their idol.

Suchard tries with all his might to hide his personal life from others, which arouses even greater interest in his personality. Lior rarely answers direct questions regarding his age, career and personal relationships. However, despite such mystery, the public still has some information about the world-famous telepath. After all, many years ago, a little-known guy submitted his personal data along with an application to participate in the Uri Geller project, where he indicated some information about himself.

Biography of Lior Suchard

The famous telepath was born on December 6, 1981 in the city of Haifa, where he grew up. Suchard has two more older brothers, however, nature has awarded only the youngest child in this family with superpowers. Lior discovered extraordinary abilities in himself when he was still very young. At the age of six, the boy noticed that he had extremely subtle intuition. Even then, Lior made an ordinary spoon move without touching it with his hands. The baby's parents were very scared for their child, not understanding what was happening.

It was at this moment that Lior felt truly special for the first time and at first he simply played with his gift. At such a young age, the boy demonstrated his own talent, but the audience were friends, relatives and classmates, whom he surprised each time with his unusual abilities to guess thoughts and even predict current events. But at a more mature age, Suchard had to think carefully about what kind of application to find for his talent.

Mentalist career

Lior graduated from the university in Haifa, after which he went to the capital of Israel - Tel Aviv. This is where Suchard lives now. After graduating from the university in Haifa, the born mentalist did not stop there, devoting another 12 years to his education, but this time in the vastness of Israel. At the age of 18, Lior, as befits everyone in this state, went into the army, serving there for 3 years. And after military service Suchard went to college. Although already at the age of 20 the guy knew that his calling was the stage, and that most of all he wanted to develop in this direction. According to the artist himself, he did not acquire most of his knowledge and skills in college.

What does a telepath earn?

Of course, Suchard's earnings are based on his unique talent, which delights and surprises people. Lior organizes trainings, corporate and private consultations, as well as developing business ideas that help major businessmen, celebrities and government officials. For example, among Lior Suchard's clients are Bill Gates, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tony Blair, Microsoft, Sberbank and many others.

Lior Suchard demonstrates his unique abilities around the world at various events of various sizes. At large corporate events, the mentalist uses all available knowledge about companies. For example, a feature of his performances is considered to be the play on company logos and slogans.

But, despite the existing distinctive feature Suchard's show, for all clients he creates an individual program and a unique performance.

Lior is a frequent guest at parties of companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Facebook.

Sometimes Suchard is invited to various meetings as a consulting analyst. Lior helps his clients understand the situation and suggests which partner is not telling the truth.

Lior's achievements

Among other things, the famous mentalist gives lectures in many countries. He is also a participant in numerous television projects. For example, Suchard is a regular guest on the Jay Leno and Barbara Walters program on American television.

On Russian channels, Lior became a guest of the “Evening Urgant” program in March 2014. And just a couple of months later, Channel One dedicated an entire episode to the popular telepath in the show “Let Them Talk” with host Andrei Malakhov. It was in this program that Russian viewers were able to see firsthand the power of Lior Suchard’s thoughts. The audience froze with delight when the brilliant mentalist, in front of thousands of spectators, bent a metal spoon without touching it with his hands.

In addition, Lior Suchard worked as a consultant on the set of the famous series “The Mentalist” and is the author of a best-selling book called “I Read Minds.” By the way, Lior Suchard’s book has been translated into several foreign languages: Russian, Greek, English and Italian. In this work, the thoughts of Lior Suchard serve as a kind of manual for readers, which helps people develop telepathic talent.

In general, Lior - creative person, which puts this particular area of ​​life above material assets. By the way, not so long ago Suchard published another work called “Mind Reader”. Lior Suchard's book became a real bestseller, the circulation of which sold out extremely quickly. In this book, the author shares with his readers not only his own thoughts, but also some secrets on how to discover extraordinary talent in yourself and learn to develop it.

The extraordinary talent of a common man

Mentalism is one of the types of psychological experiments and influence on other people, which shows a person’s extrasensory abilities in public. In such performances, gifted people demonstrate their telepathic and even hypnotic abilities.

Lior Suchard considers his main task to be spreading positive thoughts, positive energy and smiles on people’s faces. A telepath simply loves to help people: for example, he often reminds his friends of forgotten names, addresses and passwords, funny stories from childhood, memories of loved ones. According to the telepath himself, he is able to quite clearly read other people’s thoughts, but only if the person really concentrates on a specific idea.

According to Lior himself, he really likes to show others the power of his thoughts. It gives him extraordinary pleasure to watch the surprise on people's faces when he talks about their thoughts and instills in them his own opinion.

What is Lior's talent based on?

However, Suchard himself does not consider himself a psychic; he calls his talent mentalism. And he defines this ability as hypersensitive intuition. When communicating with various people, Lior monitors their body language and gestures, using knowledge of physiology and psychology. Suchard doesn't know exactly what exactly people are thinking about, but he is well aware of the process itself. This is what gives him the opportunity to guess other people's thoughts and even control them.

Today, Suchard’s abilities are equated with the talents of such great people as Wolf Messing, Sergei Listopad, Keith Berry, Derren Brown, Alexander Char, Ilya Larinov, Daniil Shmakov, Thorsten Gunever.

Personal life of Lior Suchard

On the pages of his official website, Lior talks about the fact that he has not only telepathic abilities, but also real telekinesis. And these talents repeatedly helped him in life. For example, it was a unique gift that helped Suchard meet his future wife. Lior surprised his future companion by guessing all the digits of her phone number.

Lior's life today

Now, despite frequent flights and trips abroad, the popular telepath has a family in his life that he loves very much. Suchard's wedding took place in 2013. And just a year later, the happy couple had a son. By the way, Lior predicted the sex of the unborn child even before the ultrasound, which once again confirmed that Suchard had telepathic abilities.

Tel Aviv resident Lior Suchard, after airing on the program “Let Them Talk,” became one of the most talked about personalities in the country. The man demonstrated things from the category, as they say, beyond the limits of human capabilities.

He guessed thoughts, moved objects, bent spoons and glass goblets - all with the power of thought. In an exclusive interview with the Rodnoy Gorod newspaper, Lior Suchard spoke about the hidden capabilities of the human mind.

Lior Suchard learned that he had unusual abilities when he was 6 years old. However, his relatives did not have similar talents.

I played with friends. Someone hid a coin in one of their palms, and you had to guess which hand it was in, he tells Rodny Gorod. telepath Lior Suchard. - I noticed that I was always right in my guesses. I started asking myself, how can I know the right answer all the time? Is it luck or intuition? Then, while eating dinner at home, the spoon in the soup began to move. I realized that I had unusual abilities. Since then I have been exploring and continuing to study what I do and invent new ideas. At the same time, I don’t like to call it “strength”, it’s more like an “ability”, because we can achieve even more if we think positively and believe in ourselves.

32-year-old Lior always dreamed of his career being connected with the stage, and his talent allowed him to fulfill his dream.

First of all, I don’t think that a person chooses something just like that,” our interlocutor continues. “That’s why I didn’t choose the stage, but it chose me.” I have always loved performing and entertaining audiences. In fact, in my current performances, I combine my mental abilities with the abilities of a showman. I have no goal to become famous, the main thing is to share positivity with people through my shows and lectures.

Over time, studying his abilities, Lior Suchard came to the conclusion that there are certain patterns in the work of his gift, and this opened up a new facet of it - mind reading.

First of all, the person with whom I am conducting the session must be aware of the situation,” the telepath continues. “Then I combine my techniques of suggestion, non-verbal communication, along with reading body language and very sensitive intuition. I begin to build a kind of puzzle with various options and ideas, together these factors help me figure out the necessary information.

When asked about cooperation with intelligence services, the telepath does not give a clear answer.

“I can’t answer this question, sorry,” the mentalist concluded. - However, I want to add that I do not deal with magic or any manifestations of the dark side. My choice and my path is positive thinking. I know that if you put in the effort, it can change your life.

His talent is admired by Hollywood stars all over the world. famous politicians and businessmen. At the same time, Lior calls himself a “mentalist” - in Russian this word can be translated as “ a person who can control other people's thoughts" Suchard wrote a book on how to develop superhuman abilities.

Every person has the opportunity to unlock the hidden potential of their mind, says Lior Suchard. - But each of us is individual. Therefore, it is impossible to predict what exactly these abilities will be.

Lior has developed 5 steps that will help you start thinking positively.

I believe that when we think, the universe listens to us and acts accordingly, notes Lior Suchard. - I'll tell you about 5 simple steps that will help you think positively:

- Step 1- Look forward to things worth working on. Optimists have more reasons to be happy. Studies have shown that optimists are more successful and healthier than pessimists.

- Step 2- Instead of focusing on the negative, try to find something positive in every situation. negative situation. This will exercise your brain and help positive thinking come more naturally.

- Step 3-Imagine success in small details. The power of visualization is very strong, you should experience triumph, as if the event you desire has already happened. Athletes have been using this trick for years.

-Step 4- Surround yourself happy people. It's easier to stay happy when you're surrounded by cheerful friends. Some studies show that happiness is contagious.

- Step 5- Compliment other people daily. This will create a favorable aura in your life.

The mentalist continues to travel around the world; his acquaintance with Russia began in Moscow.

I have never been to Volgograd, but I love to discover new places, so I hope that I will soon be able to visit the hero city,” noted Lior Suchard.

We would like to thank Dmitry Zakon, partner and personal director Lior Suchard, for his assistance in organizing the interview.

Hometown dossier:

Lior Suchard, telepath.

Education: graduated from the University of Haifa.

Career: at the age of 6 he discovered his superpowers: moving objects, reading minds. Organizes trainings and private and corporate consultations, develops business ideas for large corporations, including, for example, Microsoft. Actively performs on various TV shows. Gives lectures all over the world.

Family: married, son born in May.

Life credo: « Always think positively, because you don't know who will read your thoughts».

Tel Aviv resident Lior Suchard, after airing on the program “Let Them Talk,” became one of the most talked about personalities in the country. The man demonstrated things from the category, as they say, beyond the limits of human capabilities.

He guessed thoughts, moved objects, bent spoons and glass goblets - all with the power of thought. In an exclusive interview with the Rodnoy Gorod newspaper, Lior Suchard spoke about the hidden capabilities of the human mind.

Lior Suchard learned that he had unusual abilities when he was 6 years old. However, his relatives did not have similar talents.

I played with friends. Someone hid a coin in one of their palms, and you had to guess which hand it was in, he tells Rodny Gorod. telepath Lior Suchard. - I noticed that I was always right in my guesses. I started asking myself, how can I know the right answer all the time? Is it luck or intuition? Then, while eating dinner at home, the spoon in the soup began to move. I realized that I had unusual abilities. Since then I have been exploring and continuing to study what I do and invent new ideas. At the same time, I don’t like to call it “strength”, it’s more like an “ability”, because we can achieve even more if we think positively and believe in ourselves.

32-year-old Lior always dreamed of his career being connected with the stage, and his talent allowed him to fulfill his dream.

First of all, I don’t think that a person chooses something just like that,” our interlocutor continues. “That’s why I didn’t choose the stage, but it chose me.” I have always loved performing and entertaining audiences. In fact, in my current performances, I combine my mental abilities with the abilities of a showman. I have no goal to become famous, the main thing is to share positivity with people through my shows and lectures.

Over time, studying his abilities, Lior Suchard came to the conclusion that there are certain patterns in the work of his gift, and this opened up a new facet of it - mind reading.

First of all, the person with whom I am conducting the session must be aware of the situation,” the telepath continues. “Then I combine my techniques of suggestion, non-verbal communication, along with reading body language and very sensitive intuition. I begin to build a kind of puzzle with various options and ideas, together these factors help me figure out the necessary information.

When asked about cooperation with intelligence services, the telepath does not give a clear answer.

“I can’t answer this question, sorry,” the mentalist concluded. - However, I want to add that I do not deal with magic or any manifestations of the dark side. My choice and my path is positive thinking. I know that if you put in the effort, it can change your life.

His talent is admired by Hollywood stars, world-famous politicians and businessmen. At the same time, Lior calls himself a “mentalist” - in Russian this word can be translated as “ a person who can control other people's thoughts" Suchard wrote a book on how to develop superhuman abilities.

Every person has the opportunity to unlock the hidden potential of their mind, says Lior Suchard. - But each of us is individual. Therefore, it is impossible to predict what exactly these abilities will be.

Lior has developed 5 steps that will help you start thinking positively.

I believe that when we think, the universe listens to us and acts accordingly, notes Lior Suchard. - I'll tell you about 5 simple steps that will help you think positively:

- Step 1- Look forward to things worth working on. Optimists have more reasons to be happy. Studies have shown that optimists are more successful and healthier than pessimists.

- Step 2-Instead of focusing on the negative, try to find something positive in any negative situation. This will exercise your brain and help positive thinking come more naturally.

- Step 3-Imagine success in small details. The power of visualization is very strong, you should experience triumph, as if the event you desire has already happened. Athletes have been using this trick for years.

-Step 4- Surround yourself with happy people. It's easier to stay happy when you're surrounded by cheerful friends. Some studies show that happiness is contagious.

- Step 5- Compliment other people daily. This will create a favorable aura in your life.

The mentalist continues to travel around the world; his acquaintance with Russia began in Moscow.

I have never been to Volgograd, but I love to discover new places, so I hope that I will soon be able to visit the hero city,” noted Lior Suchard.

We would like to thank Dmitry Zakon, partner and personal director Lior Suchard, for his assistance in organizing the interview.

Hometown dossier:

Lior Suchard, telepath.

Education: graduated from the University of Haifa.

Career: at the age of 6 he discovered his superpowers: moving objects, reading minds. Organizes trainings and private and corporate consultations, develops business ideas for large corporations, including, for example, Microsoft. Actively performs on various TV shows. Gives lectures all over the world.

Family: married, son born in May.

Life credo: « Always think positively, because you don't know who will read your thoughts».

Lior Suchard

Israeli Lior Suchard is a man with unique abilities. Today he is one of the strongest telepaths in the world. At every performance, Suchard shocks people with the power of his thoughts.

At the same time, the world-famous telepath leads a very mysterious life. Lior's fans have to work hard to get at least some information about his life.

Lior Suchard prefers to keep his personal life secret, which attracts even more interest in his person. Lior does not answer direct questions about his age, however, according to some sources, there is still information about his date of birth - December 6, 1981. Once upon a time, the still unknown Suchard registered to participate in the show with his famous compatriot Uri Geller, where he indicated his date of birth.

It is known that Suchard was born and raised in Haifa. Now lives in Tel Aviv (Israel). I got married four years ago. Lior conquered his chosen one with his amazing abilities, having guessed her phone number when they met. The couple has a child together, a boy. The sex of the child was determined, of course, by the telepath himself.

Lior Suchard is put on a par with such famous mentalists as Wolf Messing, Derren Brown, Daniil Shmakov, Sergey Listopad, Alexander Char, Torsten Gunever, Kate Berry, Ilya Larinov and others. Mentalism is one of the ways of conducting psychological experiments that demonstrates psychic abilities in public. Such performances demonstrate telepathy, clairvoyance and even sometimes hypnosis.

As Suchard himself says, he loves to show people the power of his mind. He enjoys watching people's surprise, especially when he tells them what they think, but even more when people say what Lior wants.

Lior Suchard recently released a book called “Mind Reader” in which he shares secrets on how to discover the power of thought and get what you want.

In April and May last year, Lior surprised the whole of Russia with his abilities, speaking on the programs “Let Them Talk,” “Today Evening,” and “Comedy Club.” Some employees of the Ostankino television center kept objects bent by his thoughts as a memory of Lior.

Here are some interesting moments with Lior Suchard that took place on Channel One.

So who is this person? Genius, telepath, psychic or ordinary magician? I’m afraid no one will answer this question, just as no one will answer the question of how he does it...

World-famous mentalist Lior Suchard from Israel amazed the hosts on the Fox News channel program “Fox & Friends” by demonstrating his unique ability to guess people’s thoughts. He asked one of them to think about a pet he had as a child. The guessed dog's name Brownie made the TV presenter scream in amazement, because the telepath could not have known the name of his dog.

During the program, he also asked the presenters to name any number from 1 to 5, and after they did this, he distributed envelopes numbered in this way to them. Imagine their surprise when each of the envelopes contained their photograph - that is, Suchard knew which numbers they would choose even before coming to the show.

Previously, the mentalist had already amazed such stars as Leonardo DiCaprio and Kim Kardashian with his abilities.

Among fans of Suchard's talent is former US President Bill Clinton.

In addition, he managed to surprise even the famous skeptic, TV presenter Larry King. On King's show, the telepath asked the living legend of American journalism about the name of his first love. Then the journalist confidently declared that Suchard would never be able to guess it. However, the name "Goldie" was already written on the mentalist's sheet before Larry King said it.

And in 2014, the telepath took part in the Russian talk show “Let Them Talk.” Then he guessed the PIN code from the bank card of presenter Andrei Malakhov.

As a favorite trick, he forces the show's guests to choose just one printed word from a whole pile of newspapers. The little girl chose the word “weather” and Lior Suchard not only guessed it, but also tried to write it in Russian.

The Mentalist is blacklisted by all famous casinos in the world. And all because he can easily guess the meaning of the cards that the dealer lays out. He himself admits that he cannot immediately read the thoughts of his wife or friends. To do this, he needs great concentration and eye contact. By the way, he also met his wife thanks to his unusual abilities. Suchard guessed her phone number.

The telepath admits that he is not a magician or a psychic at all, but simply knows how to guess thoughts and manipulate people. Suchard also believes that most people are very predictable.

Stunning performances turned him into a real star. Lior regularly invites world stars to his parties to entertain guests and read their innermost thoughts. In addition, he advises business leaders, helping them convey their message in an original way to the specific consumer of the final product. He also works with businessmen such as Warren Buffett and Bill Gates.

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