What is the difference between a profession and a specialty? In anticipation of the updated list of vocational training specialties: what should you be prepared for? Enlarged group of specialties 08.00 00

The introduction of innovative technologies, changes in the relationship between the needs of production and programs for training specialists in the open source system, as well as globalization and a number of other factors require revision and more in-depth study list of existing professions.

Over the past few years Russian educational programs did not have time to update themselves at the same speed as the needs of the labor market changed: some professions simply lost their relevance, others did not have sufficient demand from applicants (according to statistics, about 100 professions and vocational training specialties have been showing practically zero indicators for several years now admission of students). As a result of this state of affairs, many graduates of secondary vocational education remain unclaimed and cannot find employment, and enterprises lose profits due to a lack of qualified personnel.

The growing discrepancy between vocational education specialties and current conditions has sharply raised the question of revising and updating their list. We will try to talk about what changes are planned to be made and how they will improve the situation in more detail in this article.

Changes dictated by time

Until now, the demands of the labor market existed separately from the vocational education system. In many ways, this was the reason for the lack of demand for young specialists in a number of “dying” professions and the shortage of qualified personnel in professions of the future.

The elimination of unclaimed outdated professions, the change of some names while simultaneously expanding the level of qualifications of specialists and the emergence of new specialties - all this is a forced necessity dictated by the demands of the time.

Let's look at some examples for clarity:

  • The manual labor of the baker is a thing of the past, and in bakeries hard work is performed by complex, program-controlled equipment, which is maintained by operators, technicians, and programmers.
  • In the housing and communal services sector, the need arose to replace narrow specialists - mechanics, electricians, carpenters, glaziers - with general-purpose craftsmen, reducing the unjustifiably “bloated” staff and the costs of its maintenance.

We must also not forget that today the achievements of science are being introduced into almost all spheres of human life. Including in the field of nuclear energy, mechanical engineering, and other leading sectors of the economy, the service of which is impossible without specially trained workers. In this regard, the list of vocational education professions needs to be supplemented with new professions.

Work to improve the list of professions has been going on for the second year and is now in full swing. The draft version was submitted for discussion under the patronage of the National Agency for the Development of Qualifications on April 5 this year, and the next, but not the last stage of approvals will take place in July 2019. By September 1, 2020, it is planned not only to complete coordination with the Ministry of Education and update all educational programs for vocational education, but also the beginning of training specialists in new programs.

In order to adjust the secondary vocational education system to the conditions of the modern labor market, colleges and technical schools, as part of the implementation of state policy, are given the opportunity to change curriculum by 30%. At the same time, as Alexey Ovchinnikov, head of the Center for the Development of Open Source Education at the Moscow University, emphasizes Polytechnic University, the employer and the education system have different goals. If the task of the college is to qualitatively prepare students for a future independent life in a wider range than the labor market requires, then the employer is interested, first of all, in getting only a qualified specialist.

In the current situation, which is associated mainly with the rapidly changing labor market, the decision to exclude outdated and undemanded professions from the list of specialties can be considered reasoned. But the question of whether the unification of some professions without increasing the duration of training will affect the quality of training remains open.

Is the list of professions a long-term plan for the development of the Russian economy?

Bringing the list of professions into line with the actual range of training programs and parallel restructuring open source systems in general, they suggest the importance of changes that will determine changes in the state’s economy for years to come.

Please note that before the start of work on the Draft new list of professions and specialties of secondary vocational education, the issues of their compliance long time was not given due attention. As a result, the secondary vocational education system produced obviously unclaimed specialists.

At the same time, employers experienced (and continue to experience) an acute shortage of personnel in in the right directions. And the consequences of an ill-conceived system have caused problems associated not only with youth employment, but also with additional social burden on the budget, as well as with the slow pace of development of the most significant sectors of the economy.

The new list almost completely reflects the dynamics of economic changes. Despite the fact that the list of professions will be reduced by 25% overall across all sectors, the education system will still have a lot of work to do, since a major revision of specialties and curricula is required.

What in-demand specialties will remain on the list?

Today's graduates colleges and technical schools, first of all, of course, you are interested in the question of where to go to study, so that after graduation educational institution at a minimum, not to end up on the unemployment market, but at the most, to find a use for the diploma you received.

Experts named a number of priority areas of training, which, in their opinion, will allow graduates of secondary educational institutions not only to realize themselves in the professional field, but also to earn their bread and butter. Among these areas of training, the following specialties deserve special attention:

  • Nurse;
  • Teacher;
  • Salesperson-cashier;
  • Cook;
  • Procurement Specialist;
  • Social worker;
  • Lawyer.

The Ministry of Labor especially emphasizes that for the listed professions, which will not disappear in the foreseeable future, it is important that the specialist is a generalist (that is, has knowledge and skills in several directions at once).

For those who did not find in the above list of areas of training, a profession corresponding to one’s vocation, one should pay attention to the fact that in other industry areas the names of specialties either disappeared as anachronisms or received new names due to the expansion of the level of training.

In particular, according to experts, in the near future new professions will appear in the following areas:

  • Informatics and Computer Science;
  • Oil and gas industry;
  • Sociology;
  • Construction.

At the same time, large reductions are expected in such areas as:

  • Light industry technologies;
  • Tourism and service;
  • Chemical technologies.

Less noticeable reductions will be in the “Information Technology” group of specialties. For example, the specialty “computer operator” will disappear - it will be renamed and combined with other qualifications in the field information technologies. The same fate will befall the profession of “locomotive driver” - it is expected to disappear by 2025.

Global "permutations" in the list current professions indicate that current applicants need to carefully monitor the updated list of specialties in order to correctly navigate the choice of their future.

The qualification of a nurse is obtained by persons who have mastered the federal state educational standard secondary vocational education (FSES) basic training (mastering period 2 years 10 months) in the specialty "Nursing", and also persons who have mastered the FSES in this specialty in-depth training(development period: 3 years 10 months).

1.12. An educational organization develops an educational program in accordance with the qualifications of a mid-level specialist specified in the List of specialties of secondary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated October 29, 2013 N 1199 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 26, 2013, registration N 30861), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 2014 N 518 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation May 28, 2014, registration N 32461), dated November 18, 2015 N 1350 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 3, 2015, registration N 39955) and dated November 25, 2016 N 1477 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation December 12, 2016, registration N 44662).

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2013 N 1199
"On approval of lists of professions and specialties of secondary vocational education"

With changes and additions from:

In accordance with Part 8 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7598; 2013, N 19, Art. 2326; N 30, Art. 4036), subparagraph 5.2.1 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2013 N 466 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 23, Art. 2923; N 33, Art. 4386; N 37, Art. 4702), I order:

2. Educational organizations, implementing educational activities for educational programs of secondary vocational education, apply the List of professions of primary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2009 N 354 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 22, 2009, registration N 15083), as amended, introduced by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 2010 N 1242 "On amendments to the List of professions of primary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2009 N 354" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation December 29, 2010, registration N 19434), dated February 21, 2012 N 124 "On amendments to the List of professions of primary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2009 N 354" (registered by the Ministry Justice of the Russian Federation on March 22, 2012, registration N 23562), List of specialties of secondary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2009 N 355 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 27, 2009, registration N 15123), as amended by the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 2010 N 1243 “On amendments to the List of specialties of secondary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2009 N 355” ( registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 1, 2011, registration N 19646), dated October 26, 2011 N 2524 “On amendments to the List of specialties of secondary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2009 N 355, as amended by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 2010 N 1243" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 2, 2011, registration N 22481) (hereinafter referred to as the lists), until the completion of training of persons previously accepted for training in the professions and specialties specified in the lists.

D.V. Livanov

Registration N 30861

New academic year In professional educational institutions, teachers and students will be greeted with an updated list of vocational education specialties according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Is it time to prepare documentation, and how should we approach fulfillment of all requirements?

The transition to new Federal State Educational Standards and updating the list of vocational training specialties have been talked about for the last few years. Issues related to the difficulties of transition are discussed at All-Russian conferences, scientific reports are written about the imperfections of programs and views on future changes. Concepts for introducing new standards are being worked out and disassembled “piece by piece”.

However, due to the lack of understandable, accessible information, as well as ready-made tools for quickly transitioning to new standards, the number of questions is not decreasing. And there are not many educational institutions that cope with the task and are preparing for the transition to new standards.

Meanwhile, the updated Federal State Educational Standards have already entered into force, and from September 2019, training in the secondary vocational education system will begin in accordance with them. Enrollment for all old Federal State Educational Standards is closed.

What is the reason for updating the list of open source software specializations?

The problem, first of all, is the lack of qualified personnel in the labor market. And also in the personnel training system itself, whose qualifications often do not meet the requirements of employers.

Not only does our education system not have time to adapt to them, but also the personnel show incompetence and lack of practical skills. Therefore, another problem is added - the employer is skeptical about the graduate’s educational document, wanting to see confirmation of his qualifications and work skills in the form of experience and recommendations.

The labor market needs new and transformed professions, the relevance of which is required by the rapid development of technology. You can’t stagnate in one place, but try to match the level of development, creating a new perspective for the profession.

A good example on this topic was given by Vladimir Blinov, head of the Center for Vocational Education and Qualification Systems of the FIRO RANEPA. In 2017, at the WorldSkills Championship in Abu Dhabi, the Belarusian national team lost in the “Plumbing and Heating” competency. Neither stable traditions nor experience helped.

A modern plumber without a computer and design skills is no longer competitive. In a few years, he will also need skills in the field of additive technologies.

From the article by V. I. Blinov “On the issue of the methodology of standardization and classification of professions and specialties of secondary specialized education,” 2017.

The list of SVE specialties, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 29, 2013 N 1199, including subsequent editions, needed improvement. What shortcomings have been identified:

  • the level of qualifications of some specialties does not correspond to the level of qualifications approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2013 N 148n “On approval of qualification levels for the purpose of project development professional standards»;
  • inconsistency of professional standards specified in the Register of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation in relation to some professions and specialties of secondary vocational education;
  • lack of connection between open secondary education and higher education programs;
  • a decrease in demand or its complete absence for training in certain specialties over the past few years;
  • The absence of a unified classification system for professional educational programs leads to the fact that after studying at college, a student needs additional training to obtain the necessary qualifications and practical skills. professional education.

The importance of updating and expanding the list of vocational training specialties

The desire to enter a new model of the digital economy leads to the development of a strategy the main objective which is to provide the labor market with qualified specialists with a high level of key competencies. To do this, it is necessary to bring the open source software system to a new level of personnel training.

The Federal Project “Young Professionals” as part of the National Project “Education” presented a list of key indicators that contribute to this goal:

  1. Creation of centers for advanced professional training in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  2. Introduction and distribution of a demonstration exam in the open source software system.
  3. Introduction of mentoring methodology into the vocational education system with the involvement of practitioners.
  4. Updating the list of professions and specialties of secondary vocational education.

In this case, the list becomes the basis for the development of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education. But the goal of updating the list of specialties, according to the expert opinion of Vladimir Blinov, is their functional and substantive harmonization with the qualification classification system operating in the labor sphere.

The spheres of education and labor must be in close partnership to quickly determine the needs of specialists and the level of qualifications of personnel.

Presentation “Transformation of the labor market. Updating the list of professions. Professional and public accreditation.” National Agency for the Development of Qualifications. Author A. A. Faktorovich.

How is the process of updating the list of vocational education specialties going?

Since 2018, issues in the secondary vocational education system have been dealt with by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The approval and formation of a list of professions and specialties indicating qualifications takes place on the basis of federal laws and acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation.

This is a long, complex job requiring:

  • global analysis of approved positions;
  • tracking the dynamics of demand from both the employer and the student;
  • comparison of the needs of the labor market and current, new specialties;
  • revision of approved standards and introduction of new ones;
  • introducing amendments to the current Law on Education in the Russian Federation and a number of regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science;
  • obtaining new licenses for educational activities in secondary vocational education;
  • advanced training for managers and teachers of secondary vocational education.

What tools were used in developing the new list of professions and specialties of secondary vocational education 2018:

  1. Exclusion of unclaimed or obsolete professions and specialties.
  2. Introduction of new ones.
  3. Combining narrowly focused professions and specialties.
  4. Transfer of positions to other enlarged groups.
  5. Changing the names of professions and specialties to current ones.
  6. Introduction of a new codification.

Also, when forming a new list of vocational education specialties, classifiers of the sphere of labor, registers of professional standards, classifications and best technologies are taken into account.

Elena Tsarkova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Deputy Head of the Center for the Development of Vocational Education of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education, Moscow Polytechnic, in her article “Updating the lists of professions and specialties of secondary vocational education: main determinants and opportunities” mentioned that the final version of the updated lists of the Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational education will appear during 2019.

Updating the list of vocational education specialties according to the new Federal State Educational Standards is part of a set of measures aimed at improving the system of secondary vocational education for 2015-2020, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2015 N 349-r.

This large-scale program includes a number of activities, including:

  1. Updating the TOP-50 most promising professions and specialties, taking into account the requirements of the labor market, with the transition to this model of training for 50% of professional educational institutions by 2019-2020.
  2. Introduction of a dual learning model.
  3. Introduction of a demonstration exam as a final assessment.
  4. Conducting competitions, Olympiads, participation in professional championships, including “WorldSkills Russia”, “Best in Profession”.

To transition to a new open source software system model, implement approved requirements and select the best concept for the development of your educational institution you will have to understand all these issues and think through a detailed plan. In addition, along with updating the list, the working documentation of professional educational organizations will change.

You will learn how to bring the work in your vocational education institution in line with modern requirements at the International Design and Analytical Seminar “Ensuring the quality of education in the secondary vocational education system in accordance with international standards. We are constructing a new type of college" . Click on the event name to participate.

06/21/2018 · Comments: 2 ·

What is the difference between a profession and a specialty?

If you do not fully understand the difference between professions and specialties of secondary vocational education, then you have come to the right page. Let's tell it in simple words.

For decades, our country has had a vocational education system that included three levels:

  1. Primary vocational education (schools and vocational lyceums)
  2. Secondary vocational education (technical schools and colleges)
  3. Higher professional education (institutes, universities, academies)

Everything was simple and clear. You choose the desired level of education and submit documents to the appropriate educational institution.

The Federal Law “On Education”, which came into force in 2013, excluded such a level as primary vocational education. The NGO level has disappeared. Schools were transformed into technical schools.

There was confusion. When applying to a technical school or college, people do not always understand what level of education they are offered to receive there.

Now in colleges and technical schools you can get education at two levels:

  1. Skilled worker. A student studying at this level receives profession. This is exactly the level of education that was previously provided in schools. Working profession and nothing more. It will not be possible to occupy even minor leadership positions with such an education.
  2. Mid-level specialist. After graduating from a technical school or college, such a student will receive speciality. This is the level of education that was previously called secondary specialized or technical school.

When you are applying to a college or technical school and are unsure about the level of education offered to you in the program of study, simply ask:

Is this a profession or specialty?

If you get the answer that this is a profession, then this is the school level. If this is a specialty, then it is more high level education, which is preferable.

Still have questions? Ask in the comments.

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