Black magic and runes reboot consciousness. Rebooting consciousness - library of shadows. To live or not to live, that is the question

Library of Shadows

There is a long-standing classical law of perception: “7+2”. A person is capable of consciously keeping about seven pieces of information in his field of attention at the same time. Anything beyond the limits becomes an overload and is processed unconsciously.

Whenever conscious processing is overloaded, you can feed information directly into the subconscious and the person will respond to that information. The simplest way overload attention - force a person to focus on internal experience.

Here's a simple example. "...Please close your eyes. Now I will ask you to quietly count out the numbers out loud, starting from two hundred, choosing every third. And when you do this, I put my hands on your shoulders and turn you around, over and over again. At any moment you may feel more comfortable simply plunging into a pleasant deep trance; then you will do so, fully aware that you are in good hands."

By doing this, you create overload by occupying all of the client's representational systems. He uses a visual system to help himself sort through the numbers in reverse order. His auditory system is busy telling himself these numbers. Finally, kinesthetically he becomes disoriented by the rotation. Now he is overloaded with different things that require his attention, and you can save yourself from this.

To make sure that overload is in effect, you need to check that all systems are busy. When a person is busy visualizing and saying numbers, and at the same time disoriented kinesthetically, you can make suggestions to him, and these suggestions will pass past his conscious mind and directly into the subconscious. If anything you say distracts him from his task, you'll know right away because he's counting out loud. This very traditional method has a built-in mechanism feedback. If he stops counting, you know he is either in a deep trance or has recovered from his disorientation and is consciously listening to the suggestions you are trying to place in his subconscious. Then you insist that he continue counting, or, if he is already in a deep trance, stop fooling around and get down to business.

By disorienting a person, you can use any complex task to occupy and distract his mind. Then you make a completely direct, immediate and easily executable suggestion, for example:

"If at any time you find it easier to just go into a deep trance, then do it with pleasure, knowing that you are completely safe..."

A special case of this is double pointing, where two people are used to handle the load. You get overload very quickly and a very strong reaction.

In Carlos Castaneda's book "Journey to Ixtlan" there is a very vivid description of double induction. Don Juan speaks into one ear of Carlos, and don Genaro simultaneously speaks into the other. Grinder and Bandler claim that the descriptions of the people with whom they did the double induction matched perfectly with the descriptions of Castaneda - the feeling of being split down the middle of the body, and so on. Carlos accepts images and words, focusing primarily on the kinesthetic sensations he produces from them. In such a person, the double auditory canal actually causes a feeling of kinesthetic splitting. One message is processed by the opposite hemisphere, and voluntary sensations are experienced in the same half of the body where the auditory signal is received. Difference auditory signals, entering the two ears, appears differently in the two halves of the body. The difference between these kinesthetic representations is most fully expressed near midline body, which leads to the experience of splitting or separation.

All of these techniques are similar in that they allow you to break the state of consciousness that a person comes with and replace it with a more flexible state. Once you've removed the leverage, the overload, or the gap, you simply become more directive in connecting that situation to what you're causing. “And when all this happens or continues to happen to you, you hear it, and your eyes begin to close, and there is a feeling of relaxation.” You continue to develop trance, and then you can use the trance state as a condition for the changes that you make.


Mannaz - operator
Ansuz - thoughts, consciousness
Uruz - strength, health
Berkano - growth
Vunyo - joy, happiness
Soulo - energy
Ingvaz is the embodiment
Fehu - possession
Dagaz - transformation
Otal - soul
Algiz - protection
Hyera - cyclicality

Formulas in the table
Kenaz + Uruz + Ingvaz = is a comprehensive solution to health problems.
Dagaz + Berkano = interesting medicinal formula. We, as it were, “close” the problem and relieve the tension that has arisen in connection with this problem. Relieving tension, reducing pressure, combating stress that caused a serious crisis. Used as an analgesic, antispasmodic
Gebo+Algiz+Otal=neutralization of disputes and scandals. Protection of family relationships
Ansuz + Yera + Mannaz = harmonious combination of strengthening mental processes and directing them in the right direction
Ansuz + Gebo + Mannaz = connection with the egregor of the Gods, request for help
Ansuz + Mannaz + Algiz = search and establishment of connection with the Guardian Spirit
Kenaz+Mannaz=talent development
Dagaz+Fehu+Ingvaz+Otal = ends a certain previous stage and gives access to new heights according to the principle - a person receives what he really needs. The scope of action is abundance in the family on all levels. This includes the birth of a child, earning an income, improving your home, getting a new job, and increasing your salary.
Vunyo + Soulo + Yera = joyful, successful, harmonious life. Brings you out of depression and despair
Soulo + Dagaz + Mannaz = a person’s orientation towards victory, success, self-realization.
Fehu+Kenaz+Gebo+Soulo= implementation of ideas, projects and creative plans.
Fehu + Uruz + Otal + Soulo = business success, increased profits.
Uruz+Yera+Ansuz= happiness and luck

By the power of Runes!
This Runic system restarts all the operator’s life processes, relieving him of illness, depression, failure and despair.
This Runic form transforms the negative aspects of the operator’s life into positive ones, opening up opportunities, prospects and leading to the heights of success, joy, prosperity and happiness.
This Runic stave establishes a connection between the operator, his Guardian Spirit and the Higher Powers, whose support and assistance the operator enlists from the moment the stave is activated.
This Runic stave reveals hidden talents in the operator and orients the operator towards self-realization and victory.
This Runic position acts easily and comfortably, bringing into the life of the operator abundance in all plans (specify which ones), success, victory and happiness in his personal life and in society.
This Runic stave operates without harm to the physical, psychosomatic health, well-being and well-being of the operator.
This Runic stave operates without harm to the physical, psychosomatic health, well-being and well-being of the operator’s relatives and friends.
This Runic pattern begins its action then and then and will act for so long.
In the name and for the glory of the Great Odin!
By the power of the Runes and with the support Higher Powers, let it be so! And so it is!

The problem can be posed to each of the formulas, and then posed as a whole

The shadow has covered me - these are the states that you can experience in times of change.

Eclipse of the Soul. A state when you don’t know how to live, you want to hide or go into the shadows so that no one can see.

You can live this time with the thought “What is happening??” or “Everything is happening!”

It may feel like time has gone crazy. It lives by its own laws, the days may get confused, the sense of time will be elusive.

Feelings will change from “I’ve found the ground” to “the ground is disappearing from under my feet.”

Emotional swings will be felt not only in the body. It will seem that the technology has a life of its own. All this is a reboot state.

Anything that doesn't work will break, wear out, slip away, or become even more confusing.

All you need now is

To live or not to live, that is the question

The Universe, as always, turned on to its fullest to help.

A time like this is a wonderful chance to see and realize everything that is not relevant, does not work, burdens and is a brake in life.

Throw it away, recycle it and leave it in the past.

For those who have worked well with themselves in the fall and winter, the time has come when the wind is always fair. He inflates the sails and carries forward to meet his dreams and goals.

Now there is no need to succumb to decadent moods!

This is a time for testing: is there willpower and desire to live, is one strong, does one burn with fire, or does laziness control a person?

Choose where you are going, where you direct your thoughts and desires. You take actions or justify inaction and create the illusion of actions.

Choose - now is the best time for this.

And remember: the entire universe is working to help you now.

During this period there is narrowness of views and thinking. which hinders progress. Restrictions, lack of spontaneity and naturalness.

Situations with criticism, nagging, situations that are called “pig in a poke” may arise. Illness may occur.

Some will want to get involved in some kind of proceedings, start dishonest games under very delicate circumstances.

Others will feel as if they are in a liturgical sleep or in a still-ongoing winter hibernation.

Hey! Spring has arrived! Rise!

Did you think Goddess Mara would let you go so easily, lazybones? You've been warming yourself on the stove all winter - well, accept the consequences. If you want change, it’s time to rethink your life, situations, relationships, interests...

How to make your life easier during changes

What can you do to make it easier to cope with difficulties?

* Be friends.

Maintain good relationships with people no matter what. Maintain harmony, balance and goodwill. Find common interests with others and do things together.

* Spend time usefully and interestingly.

Don't be afraid of traps. They can be safely avoided. But you won’t be able to catch anyone in the net, if you have such thoughts.

* Know how to use your powers for good and control your will.

Take the initiative, declare your plans, become the magician of your life. And don’t be under illusions, avoid people who don’t inspire confidence in you.

Take care of yourself and act!

Rebooting consciousness

P.S. Do you want to know what takes your strength and how to get it back? Download practical ways to restore strength.

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