"Chernobyl zone". Requiem evening for Liquidator's Day (script). On the day of honoring participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant Scenario for the day of the liquidator on December 14

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Objective of the lesson: To give an idea of ​​radioactivity, its impact on all living things, and the use of this phenomenon by humans.


  • Correctly orient students in understanding global environmental problems associated with the use of radioactivity by humans.
  • Fostering a sense of responsibility for preserving the environment.

The student goes to the middle of the class and reads a poem. (Slide 2)

The groan of the Earth.

Rotating in space, in captivity of its orbit,
Not a year, not two, but billions of years.
I'm so tired. My flesh is covered
Scars of wounds - there is no living space.

Steel torments my earthly body
And poisons poison the waters of clean rivers,
Everything that I had and have
A person considers his good.

I don't need rockets and shells
But they use my ore!
What does the state of Nevada cost me?
His underground explosions are a succession!

Why are people so afraid of each other?
Have you forgotten about the Earth itself?
After all, I can die and stay
A charred grain of sand in the smoky haze.

Is it not because, burning with vengeance,
I rebel against the forces of the insane.
And, shaking the firmament with an earthquake,
I give my answer to all grievances.

And it’s no coincidence that the formidable volcanoes
They pour out the pain of the Earth with lava...
Wake up, people!
Call on the countries
To save me from death.

1st presenter: On December 2, 1942, the era of nuclear energy began: in Chicago at 15:30 local time, the great Italian physicist laureate, who emigrated to the United States in 1938 Nobel Prize In 1938, Enrico Fermi (1901–1954) commissioned the first nuclear reactor in human history, built on the squash court under the stands of the University of Chicago football stadium. The reactor was built as part of the top-secret Manhattan Project, the ultimate goal of which was the creation of an atomic bomb.

2nd presenter: In 1972, the UN General Assembly unanimously recognized the need for urgent and effective measures to protect and improve the environment for the benefit of present and future generations.

Teacher: Today our lesson is dedicated to one of the days of environmental safety, where a very important issue of our time is discussed - what is radioactivity and its harmful effect on life.

And the 11th grade students will help me by talking about radiation and its effect on living organisms.

Let's go on an excursion to the Pripyat River. Who knows why?

1st presenter: The biography of the city of Pripyat begins on February 4, 1970, when builders drove in the first peg and extracted the first bucket of earth for the construction of building foundations. The choice of the location of the city was the most optimal, since there was a railway station, a highway nearby, and the presence of a river was very useful. (Slide 3)

The city expanded, its first inhabitants – builders – gained experience.

2nd presenter: Pripyat had a unique face thanks to the compositions of microdistricts, which were located in radii around the city center. Illuminated advertising, bright panels and decorative ceramics on the facades of buildings were successfully used here. This is confirmed by photographs of the city of Pripyat.

A branch of the Kuibyshev All-Union Correspondence Energy Construction College operated in the city. A large network of household institutions, canteens, cafes, and shops was created. More than 10 kindergartens have been built.

1st presenter: The builders paid great attention to the creation of a variety of preschool and sports institutions, since middle age The residents of the young city were only 26 years old. It’s hard to imagine, but more than a thousand babies were born every year in the city of Pripyat. Only in this city could one see a parade of baby carriages, when in the evening mothers and fathers went out into the streets to walk with their babies.

According to master plan development of the city, about 80 thousand people were supposed to live in Pripyat. Polesie atomic city was supposed to be one of the most beautiful cities in Ukraine. (Slides 4, 5)

2nd presenter: It was decided to build a nuclear power plant in the central part of Ukraine on the right bank of the Pripyat River, 12 km from the city of Chernobyl and 3 km from Pripyat, mainly on unproductive lands and meets the requirements of water supply, transport, and sanitary zone.” (Slide 6)

It is known that the determination of the site in the Chernobyl region was preceded by an analysis of the conditions of 16 sites in the Kyiv, Vinnitsa and Zhytomyr regions. The site near the village of Kopachi was determined to be the most optimal.

1st presenter: It took seven years to build and commission the first unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. These were years of hard work for builders, as there were significant problems with the supply of materials and equipment. The first block was put into operation on May 24, 1978, the second on January 10, 1979, then the third and fourth on the night of April 26, 1986. (Slides 7, 8)

It should be noted that long before the launch of the last power units, there was an idea to build the fifth and sixth units of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. In 1981, construction and installation work began.

2nd presenter: Chronology of the main events of construction and commissioning of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Event Date
The first cubic meter of concrete was laid in the foundation of the main building of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant August 15, 1972
V.V. Shcherbitsky appealed to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR A.M. Kosygina with a request to provide the Chernobyl NPP under construction with equipment April 30, 1975
1st presenter: By order of the director of the Chernobyl NPP, a commission was created to prepare and carry out the launch of the 1st power unit of the Chernobyl NPP. Round-the-clock work was organized on critical positions of the unit’s launch schedule (slide 9) May 16, 1975
Filling of the cooling pond of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant with water has begun October 1976
2nd presenter: Work has begun on the commissioning of the first power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant May 1977
The first fuel assembly was loaded into the reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant August 1, 1977
1st presenter: The acceptance certificate for operation of the 1st power unit of the Chernobyl NPP was approved December 14, 1977
The first power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was brought to its design capacity (1000 MW) May 24, 1978
2nd presenter: The second power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was put into operation January 10, 1979
The Chernobyl nuclear power plant generated the first ten billion kilowatt-hours of electricity April 22, 1979
1st presenter: The Chernobyl nuclear power plant generated the first hundred billion kilowatt-hours of electricity (Slides 8, 9, 10) August 21, 1984

2nd presenter: One day time stopped. It stuck on April 26 and no longer reigned here. (Slide 12)

2nd presenter: The city of unfulfilled hopes was hopelessly ill. He greeted the dawn with empty eye sockets again and again, but no longer circulated, did not dream, did not believe.

1st presenter: He has remained silent for 24 years.

2nd presenter: Not only the current, but also future generations will remember Chernobyl and feel the consequences of this disaster. As a result of explosions and fire during the accident at the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant from April 26 to May 10, 1986, approximately 7.5 tons of nuclear fuel and fission products with a total activity of about 50 million Ci were released from the destroyed reactor. In terms of the amount of long-lived radionuclides (cesium-137, strontium-90, etc.), this release corresponds to 500–600 Hiroshimas. Thirty people died immediately: in the fire or after receiving a lethal dose of radiation. The shell of the destroyed building continued to burn for ten days, which led to the contamination of 142 thousand square kilometers of territory - areas in the north of Ukraine and the south of Belarus and in the Bryansk region. The world has never seen a nuclear accident with such serious consequences. (Slide 12)

1st presenter: Due to the fact that the release of radionuclides occurred over more than 10 days under changing weather conditions, the main contamination zone has a fan-shaped, spotty character. In addition to the 30-kilometer zone, which accounted for most of the release, areas where contamination reached 200 Ci/km2 were identified in various places within a radius of up to 250 km. The total area of ​​“spots” with activity of more than 40 Ci/km2 was about 3.5 thousand km2, where 190 thousand people lived at the time of the accident. In total, 80% of the territory of Belarus, the entire northern part of Right Bank Ukraine and 19 regions of Russia were contaminated to varying degrees by radioactive emissions from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. In the Russian Federation as a whole, pollution caused by the Chernobyl accident with a density of 1 Ci/km2 and higher covers more than 57 thousand km2, which is 1.6% of the EPR area. The boundaries of areas contaminated with cesium-137, updated in 1994, remained almost unchanged compared to 1993. Traces of Chernobyl have been found in most European countries, as well as in Japan, the Philippines, and Canada. The catastrophe has become global. (Slide 13)

2nd presenter: And the cities continued to live their lives for two more days. No one warned residents about the disaster. Hundreds of thousands of people walked in the streets and went out into nature. Some people received doses of radiation that caused immediate death. On April 28, a convoy of 1,100 buses transported all residents from Pripyat, Chernobyl and other populated areas of the exclusion zone. They were only allowed to take their ID cards and some food with them. Life within a radius of 30 km from Chernobyl came to a standstill. (Slide 13)

1st presenter: Meanwhile, work at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was in full swing. It was necessary, after the reactor burned down, to dump all the fragments of uranium and graphite from the roofs and collect them throughout the territory. (Slide 14, 15)

An 11th grade student comes out and reads a poem:

We walked in cars towards the elements,
We cannot turn left or right.
Russia groans under the atomic cloud,
For us, the reactor is the only way.
We worked in utter hell day and night,
For children, for loved ones, for our relatives.
Mothers prayed tearfully in front of the icons
For your sons: “God save them.”
Cranes fly over the churchyard near the forest,
In the clear sky there is a Kurlych, and they call us with them,
They leave our villages and towns,
We can't fly, we'll stay here.

2nd presenter: During an accident at a nuclear power plant, the radionuclide “cesium-137” enters the human body and causes sarcoma (one of the types of cancer). Another radionuclide, strontium-90, can replace calcium in solid tissues and breast milk. Which leads to the development of blood cancer (leukemia), bone cancer and breast cancer. And low doses of Krypton-85 radiation increase the likelihood of skin cancer. Radiation is scary because it threatens the lives and health of hundreds of millions of people of future generations, causing diseases such as Down syndrome, epilepsy, mental and physical development defects, mutation of living organisms... (Slide 16, 17)

1st presenter: And today, a decade and a half after the Chernobyl tragedy, there are conflicting assessments of its damaging effects and the economic damage caused. According to data published in 2000, out of 860 thousand people who participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident, more than 55 thousand liquidators died, tens of thousands became disabled. Half a million people still live in contaminated areas. (Slide 18)

A poem performed by a student from this class sounds:

The doom bell rings over the world,
Disturbing the memory, remembering the grief,
Cruel and terrible is the face of the gray war,
Like a raging sea in a storm.

Japan has been mourning for many years now
Known to people are Hiroshima, Nagasaki,
But there is no ban on tragedy,
There are nuclear chopping blocks everywhere.

Humanity doesn't want to understand
That life is the most sacred thing in the world,
It can be cut off instantly
In the crucible of an explosion or in the thick of battle.

We cannot count all the sacrifices and trials,
But the arsenals and training grounds are intact,
Chernobyl devastating news
A warning to new generations.

The millennium has begun to count down,
The twenty-first century walks across the earth,
May his children have better luck
And a ray of sun greets them every day. (Slide 19).

Performance by Anna Erokhin and Oksana Garaput with presentation“Elementary information about radiation”(Appendix 1).

2nd presenter: Today, the highly radioactive remains of the fourth reactor continue to slowly smolder under the so-called sarcophagus - a dilapidated crypt of steel and concrete, hastily built after the accident. It could collapse at any moment. Work should begin soon to replace it with a new stadium-sized “arch” structure that will be installed on top of the sarcophagus, isolating the remains of the reactor from outside world.(Slide 20)

I would like to end our event with one of R. Rozhdestvensky’s poems about Hiroshima.

The city became famous as follows:
The military eccentric came out,
An old man with a young face.
“Guys,” he said, “we’re flying!”
Boys, the time has come.
We are damn lucky!”

At seven 49 am
Everything was the same as yesterday.
“Period... the officer sighed,”
We reached the target cleanly...”

At eight 12 am
It was said: “It’s time!”
At eight 15 flying over the world
The smoky ball howled triumphantly!
The sun closed its eyes, turning cold:
Both “Boeing” and “God” shuddered.

The navigator exclaimed:
“Oh, how beautiful!”
This second in the molten darkness,
All ideas about evil have collapsed,
People learned that on Earth,
There is Hiroshima,
And there is no Hiroshima. (Slides 21, 22, 23)

1st presenter: To preserve life on earth, it is important that every person realizes that he is not the ruler of nature, but a part of it. Therefore, considering the issues of radiation pollution of the environment, I propose:

  • Hold a protest to ban the import of nuclear waste into our country, into our region.
  • Advocate for a ban on nuclear weapons testing.

Do you remember the terrible tragedy in Chernobyl? You don't even have to ask! Those who participated in eliminating the consequences of the explosion are awarded medals. The script for Honoring Chernobyl victims is a professionally compiled script that allows you to hold the event according to all the rules.

Honoring Chernobyl victims - beginning

Presentation of medals 25 years of Chernobyl. (music in the hall before the presenter exits) Presenter: Chernobyl! What a word - A clap of thunder in the distance...

You have become an irreparable misfortune for many on earth. Who would have thought? A peaceful atom - Can do so much evil... Like a violent fountain of radiation Rush up and onto the fields... Gardens and arable land for hundreds of miles,

And small towns, a stain of deadly radiation - are now covered forever. Native huts, belongings. graves, I had to leave and leave. And only take bitterness and resentment with you into your heart. Chernobyl! Cozy town - Green, new houses, How harsh and deserted From now on you have become for centuries. Now you can walk through the overgrown streets only in respirators. And the huts are gone.

Like in the villages of the zone, Everything was destroyed under the knife. 25 years have passed since the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This disaster caused enormous damage to the economy, environment, took the lives and health of thousands of people. On the night of April 26, 1986, a major accident occurred at Unit 4 of the Power Plant with partial destruction of the reactor core.

190 tons of radioactive substances were released into the atmosphere. Other hazardous substances continued to escape from the reactor as a result of the fire, which lasted almost 2 weeks. People at Chernobyl were exposed to 90 times more radiation than when the bomb fell on Hiroshima. Subjected to radiation contamination

19 Russian regions with a population of more than 2 million people. Thanks to the courage and self-sacrifice of those involved in the liquidation of the accident, more tragic consequences were avoided. And today our fellow countrymen, participants in these tragic events, have gathered in this hall. To greet the participants, I invite the Head of the Verkhnekamsk region, Andrei Vasilyevich Olin, to the stage. (Words)

To present the memorial signs “Chernobyl - 25 years”, I invite the Head of the Department of Social Protection of the Population - Svetlana Anatolyevna Zvereva. For the award ceremony, I invite the participants in the liquidation of the accident to come up to the stage (I read out the first 15 names)

1. Baryshnikova Elena “Many years to the Russian land” Chernobyl is a tragedy, a feat, a warning. All over the country, volunteer detachments were formed in enterprises, organizations, and military units. Many of them arrived at Chernobyl in the very first days of the accident and took the brunt of the raging disaster. These people knew very well the cost of their decision. We know it today too. People paid with the most precious thing - their health, and many with their very lives.

2. The poem “The First” is read by Elena Baryshnikova. Bright memory to all the innocent victims of the radiation accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant! Let us bow to them and express our gratitude and gratitude! I ask everyone to stand up! A minute of silence! (minute of silence) The consequences of the accident could have been many times more severe if not for mass heroism Soviet people- firefighters, power engineers, builders, pilots. For a long 4.5 years, replacing each other, scientists, engineers, employees of institutes and enterprises of mechanical engineering and energy, military personnel, and reservists worked at the station.

They were restoring three nuclear reactors, burial of radioactive emissions, built roads, carried out decontamination of a particularly dangerous facility - the roof of the 3rd power unit, other premises of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the city of Pripyat, and nearby territories. Today we welcome our fellow countrymen who participated in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The following are invited to the stage for the award ceremony: (I read out the next 15 names)

3. Song “______________________________” Shulyatyeva Svetlana Presenter: The day when the accident occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - April 26 - became the International Day of Remembrance for Victims of Radiation Accidents and Disasters. This date was set by a decision of the United Nations in memory of the largest nuclear power plant accident in human history. But the peaceful atom experienced an even greater catastrophe on our planet. On March 11, 2011, as a result of a powerful earthquake and a giant tsunami that hit the coast of Japan, the cooling system of the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant was disrupted.

An earthquake that destroyed houses, roads and everything that was dear to people, a tsunami that washed away the remnants of even this and, to top it off, a lethal dose of radiation. The disaster in Japan makes us sincerely sympathize with the tragedy of the people - volunteers even now continue to eliminate the consequences of the accident at the Fukushima 1 nuclear power plant at the cost of their own lives. Courageous people. We, ordinary people, will not forget their feat, just as we do not forget the feat of the Chernobyl victims. Today we honor the heroes - the liquidators of the accident. (I read out the next 15 names)

4. Song “I wish” Elena Baryshnikova Presenter: Today, 25 years after the Chernobyl tragedy, the nuclear energy complex of our country receives further development. I would like to hope that the priority of this development will be the safety and reliability of nuclear power plants. As is known, the human factor was recognized as one of the causes of the Chernobyl disaster.

In order to reduce its impact to a minimum, it is necessary to carry out appropriate work with children, because in the future it is they who will solve the issues of the environmental well-being of the planet. The memory of this man-made disaster will remain for many years a threatening warning to all of humanity and a measure of the fragility of our civilization. Our fate will depend on how long we remember this, how we treat the Chernobyl heroes, the families of the victims, and their needs. To award the commemorative medal “_________________” I invite you to the stage (I read out the last 15 names) Presenter: I will draw Childhood on paper with Magic watercolors from a dream.

That land is mysterious, wonderful, All of harmony and beauty. I will use pale blue watercolors to paint the sea of ​​pure children’s tears, And with white paint I will paint the seagulls above the wave, As symbols of hopes and dreams. Then I will paint the sky Crystal clear, like the eyes of children, Because this is exactly how I love the sky, It is my soul. Let the rainbow shine in the sky, Let childhood be just like this: A beautiful, fabulous, distant land, Alluring, bright and dear.

5. Song “We wish you happiness” Elena Baryshnikova, Anna Luneva Dear participants of today’s event, we invite you to watch feature film about the events of the Chernobyl tragedy “Disintegration” with Sergei Shakurov in the title role. (film “Disintegration”)

Material provided by: Alexandra

On April 26, 1986, in the Soviet Union, at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant located on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR, the largest man-made disaster in human history occurred - Chernobyl accident. Thanks to the dedication of the liquidators of the disaster, many of whom paid for it with their lives and health, the accident was localized. On November 30, 1986, the construction of the sarcophagus over the destroyed power unit was completed, and two weeks later, on December 14, the main newspaper of the PSU "Pravda" and other central publications of the USSR published a Notice of the CPSU Central Committee and the Council of Ministers that state commission The complex of protective structures of the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant was put into operation. It was the date of publication of this message, after reading which the country could breathe easy, that became the “Day of Honoring Participants in the Liquidation of the Consequences of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident.”

Liquidators of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant are heroes who went through a war with an even more dangerous - invisible enemy - radiation. This enemy has no smell, no taste, no appearance... There is only crackling. Dosimeter crackling

The liquidators extinguished the fire, walled up the reactor, caught and slaughtered the now dangerous radioactive animals. There were also those specialists who restored communications and repaired broken rescue equipment. All participants, about 600,000 people, became indispensable “cogs” of one huge “rescue machine.” But they not only followed orders, but also showed initiative when saving people.

From the book "Liquidators"

The most difficult thing was to break the ordinary consciousness of people, to make them understand that the main enemy is neither visible nor heard, but he strikes everything. Most of them spent two years in the army in special forces. But that was just training, and now they found themselves in a real situation that did not allow for carelessness.

At first, radiation safety violations were everywhere,” says Vladimir Tyunyukov. - The processing of clothes and people was carried out poorly. They washed off the invisible dirt in the shower anyhow. Then they went to bed. Once we checked the pillows with instruments. It was so bad that they had to be destroyed. Hair, despite the protective equipment, strongly absorbed radiation. People, without knowing it, harmed themselves. It was forbidden to eat in the risk zone, smoke or drink water. And it was scorching hot. They brought water in bottles. The soldiers opened them with their belt buckles. The soldier was all in a chemical protection suit, all exposed parts were wiped off. But when we were driving in the KAMAZ, dust rose. It seeped everywhere and under the belt buckle. Then he opened a flask of water, and radioactive particles fell from the buckle into the water...

Kamil Sharifulin was a sanitary doctor in the Rostov regiment. His specialty is radiologist, radiologist. Now he is an expert in training fellow sufferers at VTEK. He was called up to Chernobyl from the reserves. He qualified in all respects: 37 years old, two children. And although he could easily refuse a business trip - he worked as the director of a complex of enterprises that produced vaccines and serums, he went to the call without hesitation.

The Rostov regiment in 1986 was not taken to the nuclear power plant. We were localized in Belarus, the Petkovshchina farmstead in the Braginsky district. We cleared villages, buildings, and bases remaining in the resettlement zone. They helped the population, as the Ministry of Emergency Situations does now, - they repaired roofs, cleaned wells and roads,” Kamil recalls. “Then there weren’t enough people at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and they brought us in.” The entire regiment was urgently rushed to Ukraine and set up camp 20 kilometers from the station. 250 people were sent there per day.

During the explosion of the fourth power unit, pieces of concrete, steel, reinforcement and fragments of the reactor's graphite masonry literally permeated with radiation were scattered throughout the station and even beyond its borders. This territory was teeming with a human anthill - people collected radioactive rubbish almost by hand. And we were given the task of replacing the roof at the third power unit. They took it off and laid a new one. But first it was necessary to remove pieces of highly radioactive graphite from the roof.

Everyone who was sent to do this was given two exits to the roof. They worked on the roof itself for only 45 seconds. By stopwatch. The fighter changed into a protective suit, and they pointed out to him: there is a piece of graphite over there. The roof is like a football field. Two or three with shovels had to run to the graphite in 15 seconds. Pick it up with a shovel and in the next 15 seconds carry it to the edge of the roof, where there was a huge container of radioactive waste. Drop the deadly load into its mouth - and run back, another 15 seconds."

Scenario of the solemn event dedicated to the 29th anniversary of the completion of the construction of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant sarcophagus.

Venue:assembly hall of MBOU "SOKSH No. 4"

Meeting participants:members of the public organization “Veterans of Chernobyl”, representatives of the administration and city council, students of the MBOU “SOKSH No. 4”.

Solemn music.

Exit of the presenters.


On April 26, 1986, the Chernobyl disaster occurred, which shocked the world with its scale in space and time, dividing the life of mankind into two periods “Before” and “After”.


The ancient Slavs called Chernobyl wormwood, the most bitter herb, and in the word “Chernobyl” we hear “black pain”.


Today we will talk about this tragedy and the people who covered us with their lives.


A pillar of fire shot up into the sky,

And the explosion splashed the block block,

The Earth froze in horror,

Raised on the rack by misfortune.


Fire and darkness are an invisible enemy,

One step to death - then immortality.

No shootings

No attacks, but live only this way,

At the cost of death.


The starting point is 1 hour, 23 minutes, 40 seconds. During testing, 187 control and protection system rods entered the core to shut down the reactor. After 3 seconds, alarm signals for exceeding reactor power were registered. And after another 4 seconds - a dull explosion. The emergency protection rods stopped before they were even halfway through.


Sparkling clumps began to fly out from the roof of the 4th power unit, as if from the crater of a volcano. They rose high up and settled around in colorful sparks. The black fireball turned into a cloud, which stretched horizontally into a black arc and went to the side, spreading death, disease and misfortune around.


3 minutes after the incident, the fire alarm went off. A terrible fight against the fire began. Floors collapsed, the floor shook, the concrete surface melted, short circuit sparks flared up...


The firefighters could have retreated. But to retreat means to put the world at risk, to betray, and to stay means to save the Earth at the cost of one’s own life.

The order to retreat was the only order that no one wanted to carry out.


The fire should not have spread to other power units of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.


The fire had to be stopped, and people stopped it. At the cost of my own life. After 5 hours the fire was extinguished.


At the epicenter of the accident, 30 people died, thousands of people got sick, died and continue to die from radiation exposure.

Video about Chernobyl.


Touching on this topic is like a bloody wound,

But I’m not supposed to be silent:

You are one of those who have not yet been treated with glory,

At least they fought in the biblical war.


There is nothing worse than fighting invisible death,

Shielding the planet with yourself,

Atoms, evil freaks, are dancing, breaking out,

But the Chernobyl victims took the fight.


No, not everything is measured only by orders,

Although the orders will probably find you,

I see, kneeling down, a soldier's banner

The country bows before you.



Thus, Alexander Vasilyevich Steblych, among the volunteers of the internal affairs bodies, ensured public order in the most dangerous and sensitive places of the “closed zone” for 3 months.


Gennady Ivanovich Yaroshenko, who was not even 20 years old at that time, was the commander of the fire brigade department for airfield support. He was among the first to begin eliminating the accident in April 1986.


And Vera Arsenovna Kotsyubailo, the only female liquidator of the Chernobyl disaster, living in Nefteyugansk, was engaged in the construction of facilities in the 30-kilometer exclusion zone. The builders, including the very young Vera Arsenovna, quickly buried the nuclear monster in a concrete shelter called “Sarcophagus”.


Nikolai Petrovich Grenovetsky was the driver. He delivered concrete around the clock for the construction of the sarcophagus, working in difficult conditions, in radioactive fields.


Conscript soldiers, Pozhidaev Sergey Vladimirovich and Davletgareev Irshat Zakievich, as well as those called up for military training Deykalov Anatoly Alekseevich, Podobedov Anatoly Georgievich, Bazhenov Ivan Andreevich were engaged in heavy physical work: roads were decontaminated, land and water bodies were cleared; were engaged in the burial of graphite and radioactive fuel ejected by the explosion.


And Yuri Pavlovich Belimov was the robotics operator of that very infamous fourth unit - the site of a terrible accident.


Also at the epicenter of events in 1986 were Boris Vasilyevich Ryabushenko, Alexander Anatolyevich Konkov and Leonid Bronislavovich Gursky.


Mikhail Aleksandrovich Chistyakov twice, in 1986 and 1987, worked in the area of ​​liquidation of the accident during the construction of the Chernobyl-Pripyat road. He is one of the initiators of the creation of the Chernobyl Veterans organization.


Dear Chernobyl victims! Your heroic feat, devotion to the oath, demonstrated courage and professionalism in the performance of your official duty is an example of perseverance, decency and heroism for us.


Five minutes before the New Era,
When trouble came to home,
You were happy and brave
Like maybe never before.


Five minutes before the Holocaust
You made your plans,
They wrote stanzas in five minutes
On the wings of tender love.

Five minutes before all the hardships,
A magical dream floated across the world,
In which a world of devastation
This was not the reality.

In five minutes everyone is still alive,
There is no need to remember yet
All those who served with truth
And they could serve again.
Performance of the song “Friends are leaving...” by a vocal group of teachers. A minute of silence.

The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki weighed 4.5 tons. The fourth block reactor released 50 tons of nuclear fuel into the atmosphere.


And another 50 tons remained in the mine of the nuclear volcano. Therefore, on the site of the fourth block of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, on November 30, 1986, a sarcophagus was erected, saving the Earth from mortal danger.

Korovina A.S.:

Our meeting is taking place on the eve of the 29th anniversary of the construction of the sarcophagus.

The floor is given:

Steblich Alexander Vasilievich, chairman of the Nefteyugansk city public organization “Veterans of Chernobyl”.

Tsybulko Nikolai Efimovich, head of the city of Nefteyugansk.

Archikov Vyacheslav Akindinovich, head of the administration of the city of Nefteyugansk.

The floor for the award ceremony is given to Alexander Vasilyevich Steblych.

Monument to the liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant / Photo: www.calend.ru

On April 26, 1986, one of the largest accidents at nuclear power plants occurred - the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (ChNPP).

On November 10, 2006, by Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 945/2006, it was established memorable date - Day of honoring participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant(the second name of the holiday is “Liquidator’s Day”), which is celebrated annually on December 14 (on the day of completion of the construction of the sarcophagus over the destroyed fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant).

Monument to the liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant at the Mitinskoye cemetery in Moscow / Photo: www.calend.ru

In general, the construction of the sarcophagus itself was completed on November 30, 1986, and on December 14, the Pravda newspaper published a message that the state commission had commissioned a complex of protective structures. And today, on this day, various events are held throughout the country dedicated to the memory of the liquidators of this accident - rallies, laying flowers at monuments to the liquidators, prayers and other memorial events.

“Sarcophagus” - a concrete building around the fourth power unit / Photo: cdn.tvc.ru

Experts who consider December 14 their holiday have long called this day Liquidator's Day. Back in 1986, liquidation participants gathered together to celebrate their first victory. In 1994, public organizations of Chernobyl survivors in Ukraine sent a letter to the leaders of the state, in which they proposed to establish in the calendar a day for participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl disaster. No official decision was made then, but the liquidators independently began to mark this date.

Later, the celebration was officially authorized, a guard of honor was allocated from various security agencies, wreaths were laid from state leaders, foreign embassies and public organizations, but there was no recognition of this day at the state level.

Giving state status to Liquidator Day once again reminds society of the problems of Chernobyl liquidators, the most important of which is the insufficient pension for a normal life. Directly related to this problem is another - the problem of the status of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident. Only the first 5 thousand people who liquidated the accident officially began to be called liquidators, having received the appropriate certificates. Since 1992, everyone else was given “crusts” for victims of the Chernobyl disaster.

Despite all the difficulties and problems, the liquidators themselves call December 14 a holiday. More than 650 thousand people from all over took part in the liquidation of the Chernobyl disaster. Soviet Union, of which more than half were residents of the Ukrainian SSR.

In Russia, Liquidator Day became an official holiday quite recently.
. In April 2012, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed the Federal Law “On Amendments to Article 1.1 of the Federal Law “On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia”, according to which a new memorable date was established in Russia - the Day of Participants in Liquidation of the Consequences of Radiation Accidents and Disasters and in memory of the victims of these accidents and disasters, which is celebrated on April 26.

MOSCOW, materials from the Calend.ru website

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