What the author calls deviation is why. Problematic issues of the “Man” block. Social science. Unified State Exam 2011. Write down the definition of the concept

Social sphere

1. Are the following judgments about interethnic relations true?

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

2. Giving a child a silver spoon “for the tooth” (when the first tooth erupts) is an example of following

1) religious norms

2) legal norms

3) traditions

4) aesthetic standards

3. What feature underlies the unification of people and their groups into such a social community as members of parliament?

1) political

2) ethnic

3) territorial

4) cultural

4. What social role can a teenager play?

1) contract soldier

2) younger brother's guardian

3) bus driver

4) website visitor

5. During a social studies lesson, the teacher characterized nationalities and nations. Compare these two ethnic communities. Select and write down the serial numbers of the similarity traits in the first column of the table, and the serial numbers of the differences in the second column.

1) has a single territory of residence 2) is united by stable economic ties

3) has common cultural traditions

4) develops in the conditions of formation of statehood


6. There are different typologies of families. Which of the following family types is distinguished depending on the size of the family?

1) nuclear

3) democratic

4) matriarchal

7. Tatyana Viktorovna works as a teacher. In addition to lessons, she organizes holidays, quizzes, excursions, and hikes with her students; spends a lot of time communicating with the parents of his students. Tatyana Viktorovna’s actions illustrate

1) social role

2) social conflict

3) social structure

4) social policy

8. Read the text below, each position marked with a letter.

  1. reflect a fact 2) express opinions

9. Parents take care of the child’s material living conditions: quality and timely food, good clothes and toys. What function of the family does this example primarily illustrate?

1) emotional

2) teaching and raising children

3) household

4) status

10. The social structure of society is understood as

1) any changes in a person’s social status

2) a set of social norms accepted in society

3) the degree to which a person has mastered cultural values

4) a set of social communities and groups and their relationships

11. Fifth-grader Vitya lives with his parents, brother and sister. What distinguishes a family from such a small group as a school class?

1) direct personal contacts

3) the presence of special norms of behavior

4) community of interests

12. Establish a correspondence between social roles and social groups: for each element given in the first column, select an element from the second column.


A) buyer

B) Internet user

B) a high school student

D) officer

D) Voter


1) teenagers

2) adults

3) both teenagers and adults

13. Are the following judgments about deviant behavior correct?

A. Manifestations of deviant behavior are varied.

B. Only illegal behavior is called deviant.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

14. Are the following judgments about deviant behavior true?

A. Deviant behavior involves both positive and negative deviations from the norm.

B. The cause of a person’s deviant behavior may be the bad influence of his immediate environment.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

15. Are the following judgments about social conflict true?

A. The basis for the emergence of conflict in society is the contradiction of interests of different social groups.

B. The basis of some social conflicts is the inequality of people in income and standard of living.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

16. The expected behavior of an individual, related to his position in society and typical for a given social group, is called

1) social prestige

2) social status

3) social mobility

4) social role

17. Establish a correspondence between examples and types of social norms: for each element given in the first column, select an element from the second column.


A) when entering a room, a man must remove his headdress

B) A citizen over 35 years of age who has been permanently residing in Russia for at least 10 years can be elected President of the Russian Federation

C) every day you need to do some good deed

D) younger people should be the first to greet older people

D) ticketless travel on public transport is punishable by a fine.


1) moral

2) legal

3) etiquette standards

18. Tribes, nationalities, nations are

1) ethnic communities 2) stages of state development

3) demographic groups

4) forms of the political system

19. Are the following judgments about social conflicts true?

A. The causes of social conflicts lie in the conflicting interests of various social groups.

B. Social conflicts only have an impact Negative influence for the development of society.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

20. Are the following statements about ethnic groups true?

A. Ethnic groups have an inherent cultural identity.

B. Any ethnic group strives to create its own statehood.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

21. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types of social norms: for each element given in the first column, select an element from the second column.


A) are fixed in laws and regulations

B) regulate social relations

B) protected by the power of the state

D) reflect public opinion

D) behavior is assessed from the standpoint of good and evil


1) moral

2) legal

3) both moral and legal

22. The social studies teacher talked about the social structure of society. Compare such communities as class and estate. Select and write down the serial numbers of the similarity traits in the first column of the table, and the serial numbers of the differences in the second column.

1) belonging to a community is usually inherited

2) belonging to a community, as a rule, determines the way of life

3) belonging to a community reflects social inequality

4) the community has legally established rights and obligations


23. Which of the following terms characterize the demographic structure of society?

1) women, men

2) parents, children

3) Belarusians, Tatars

4) Muslims, Christians

24. The teacher in a social studies lesson characterized a tribe and a nation. Compare these two social communities. Select and write down the serial numbers of the similarity traits in the first column of the table, and the serial numbers of the differences in the second column.

1) belongs to an ethnic community

2) is a step in the formation of ethnic groups

3) includes various genera and clans

4) is united by stable economic ties


25. Both nationality and nation

1) have their own special cultural traditions

2) endowed with signs of statehood

3) united by a single economic system

4) have sovereignty

26. Ira lives with her parents and grandfather. She is in 7th grade. What characteristic is characteristic of both the family and the school class as small groups?

1) commonality of everyday life

2) joint farming

3) consanguinity

4) direct personal contacts

27. Social conflict between the administration of the enterprise and employees regarding the work schedule and payment of wages can be classified as a conflict

1) interpersonal

2) cultural

3) labor

4) political

28. Are the following statements about ethnic groups true?

A. Ethnic groups are united mutual language and culture.

B. Ethnic groups unite people of the same profession.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

29. In medieval Europe there was a proverb: he is not worthy to be a man who is not the master of his wife. It reflects family relationships

1) democratic

2) patriarchal

3) affiliate

4) incomplete

30. Are the following judgments about deviant behavior correct?

A. Crime is an example of deviant behavior.

B. Deviant behavior is always associated with a violation of legal norms.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

31. A French historian, who studied the events of the 18th century in the USA and France, wrote that European monarchs had to face a completely new phenomenon, which led to a radical change in the existing system, and was also characterized by the widest participation of the masses. The researcher meant this form social conflict How

1) popular revolt

2) peasant uprising

3) national liberation movement

4) revolution

32. It is believed that people who come to the city of Kyzyl in the Republic of Tuva must come to a stone stele located in the geographical center of Asia - at the confluence of the two sources of the Yenisei River. This is where the action comes in

1) etiquette

2) traditions

3) rights

4) morality

33. The totality of large and small social groups that make up society is called

1) social mobility

2) social relations

3) social structure

4) social norm

34. Members of this social group marry, name their children and raise them according to the rules prescribed by ancient religious law and ideas about the transmigration of souls. Such a group is

1) class

2) caste

3) nation

4) class

35. Read the text below, each position marked with a letter.

Determine which text provisions

  1. reflect facts 2) express opinions

36. Establish a correspondence between the manifestations and functions of the family: for each element given in the first column, select an element from the second column.


A) joint spending of the family budget

B) transfer of a certain status to children

B) creating a family business

D) joint housekeeping

D) teaching children the rules of etiquette


1) social

2) economic

37. Are the following judgments about social roles true?

A. A social role is understood as a pattern of behavior recognized as appropriate for people of a given status in a particular society.

B. Any social roles are informal in nature.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

38. Family is

1) large social group

2) social institution

3) sphere public life

4) ethnic community

39. Are the following judgments about deviant behavior correct?

A. Deviant behavior can manifest itself in unusual hobbies.

B. Deviant behavior is always associated with criminal acts.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

40. Establish a correspondence between situations and the social roles that these situations illustrate: for each element given in the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.


A) Student K. is interested in the work of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

B) A 15-year-old teenager works as a courier in his free time from school.

C) On the eve of the New Year, high school students organized a holiday for the pupils of an orphanage.

D) Student S. purchased a digital camera.

D) Ivan participates free of charge in organizing the election campaign of a political party.


1) citizen

2) employee

3) consumer

41. Are the following judgments about the resolution of social conflicts true?

A. The most effective constructive ways to resolve social conflicts include avoiding a conflict situation.

B. Ending a conflict always means resolving it

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

42. Are the following judgments about ethnic groups true?

A. Tribes, nationalities, nations are types of ethnic groups.

B. Members of any ethnic community are united by unity of language, beliefs and common citizenship.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

43. Are the following judgments about social groups true?

A. Small groups include ethnic communities.

B. Social groups whose activities are determined regulatory documents, are called formal.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

44. One type of conflict is a “conflict of belonging,” when a person simultaneously belongs to two groups with opposing interests. What situation illustrates this type of conflict?

1) girlfriends quarreled while preparing for an exam

2) K.’s spouses could not agree on how to spend the evening

3) volleyball player D. plays against the team of his hometown

4) writer R. rejected the publisher’s demands

45. Are the following judgments about interethnic conflict true?

  1. only A is correct
  2. only B is correct
  3. both judgments are correct
  4. both judgments are wrong

46. ​​Scientists surveyed 25-year-old and 60-year-old residents of country Z. They were asked the question: “What, in your opinion, is associated with people’s deviant behavior?”

The survey results (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are presented in the form of a diagram.

The survey results, reflected in the diagram, were published and commented on in the media. Which of the following conclusions directly follows from the information obtained during the survey?

Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  1. Regardless of age, respondents in most cases associate deviant behavior with social factors.
  2. Young people consider deviant behavior a conscious choice of a person.
  3. There is no consensus among respondents about the cause of deviant behavior.
  4. Respondents from both groups negatively assess the influence of society on people.
  5. Older people are more likely than young people to think about the causes of deviant behavior.

Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  1. The smallest share of respondents in both groups sees the reason in the influence of the social environment.

2) The largest proportion of respondents in each group believe that deviant behavior is associated with a person’s lifestyle.

3) The percentage of those who see biological reasons for deviant behavior is higher among 60-year-olds than among 25-year-olds.

4) The same proportion of respondents in both groups believe that deviant behavior is a consequence of psychological character traits.

5) The percentage of those who believe that the environment determines a person’s deviant behavior is higher among 60-year-olds than among 25-year-olds.

Scientists surveyed 35-year-old working men and women from country Z. They were asked: “How should home and work be combined in the life of a modern woman?”

The survey results (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are presented in the table.

Answer options

% of respondents



Women should devote all their time exclusively to work and career

The combination of work and family responsibilities gives a woman the opportunity to achieve equal success with a man

The ideal option for a woman is to combine work and family until the birth of a child; if you have a small child - only home, later - again combining career with household chores

After the birth of a child, a woman must leave work

Women owe everything conscious life dedicate only to family and not work outside the home in any job, even highly paid one

Find in the list the conclusions that can be drawn based on the table and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Equal shares of men and women believe that women should devote all their time exclusively to work and career.

2) Among men, the share of those who believe that the combination of work and family responsibilities gives a woman the opportunity to achieve equal success with a man is greater than the share of those who believe that after the birth of a child a woman should leave work.

3) Among women, the share of those who believe that after the birth of a child a woman should leave work is greater than the share of those who believe that women should devote their entire adult life only to the family.

4) Equal shares of men and women believe that the combination of work and family responsibilities gives a woman the opportunity to achieve equal success with a man.

5) Among those who believe that the ideal option for a woman is to combine work and family until the birth of a child; if there is a small child - only home, later - again a combination of career with household chores, the share of men is greater than the share of women.

The survey results, reflected in the table, were published and commented on in the media. Which of the following conclusions directly follows from the information obtained during the survey? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) In country Z, women do not have the opportunity to combine work and family responsibilities.

2) Most men in country Z adhere to patriarchal views.

3) Women’s career aspirations do not find much support among the population of country Z.

4) Men from country Z cannot compete with women in the professional sphere.

5) The survey did not reveal any fundamental differences in the positions of men and women.

Part 2.

The middle class is a part of society that occupies a middle position in status positions between the upper and lower classes.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the middle class included small owners and independent entrepreneurs. But as the “mass welfare society” developed in developed countries There was an increase in the living standards of qualified wage workers (managers, lawyers, accountants and bank employees, school and university teachers, doctors, etc.), who significantly joined the ranks of the middle class.

There is a constant debate among scientists about the criteria for identifying the middle class. Most often, the main objective criteria are the level of education and income, consumption standards, ownership of material or intellectual property, as well as the ability to perform highly skilled labor. In addition to these objective criteria, a person’s subjective perception of his position, that is, his self-identification as a representative of the “social middle,” plays an important role.

As the main social group, the middle class of developed countries performs a number of very important social functions.

The main one among them is the function of a social stabilizer: having achieved a certain place in the social structure of society, representatives of the middle class tend to support the existing government structure, which allowed them to achieve their position. It should be taken into account that the middle class plays a leading role in the processes of social mobility, and this also strengthens the existing social system, protecting it from social cataclysms: the dissatisfaction of the lower class with its position is balanced by the very real opportunities presented to them for increasing their status in society.

In the sphere of economic relations, the middle class plays the role of an economic donor - not only as a producer of a huge part of society's income, but also as a large consumer, investor and taxpayer.

In the cultural sphere, the middle class is the custodian and disseminator of the values, norms, traditions and laws of society.

It is the middle class that supplies officials and managers of various ranks - both for the state apparatus and for business. Activity civil society is also based on the activity of representatives of the middle class.

(Based on materials from the Internet encyclopedia)

C1. Using facts from social life, illustrate with three examples the social mobility of middle class people.

C2. The text indicates that there is constant debate among scientists about the criteria for identifying the middle class. Formulate any two questions that may cause controversy.


C5. What four functions of the middle class are considered by the author of the text?

C6. What two groups of criteria for identifying the middle class are named in the text?

Sociologists use the term marital nuclear family. This concept refers to a family consisting only of a married couple and their children. The nuclear family in industrial society has come to predominate over the previously common extended or multigenerational family. The latter also includes other relatives: grandparents, etc.

But the family not only decreased in number. The legal framework has changed family relations, and the functions of the family have changed. At one pole we find the patriarchal family Ancient Rome, in which the father had unlimited power, extending even to the power over the life and death of each of the family members. At the other extreme, we find family law in modern Western societies, in which increasing attention is paid to the independent rights of each family member, including children, and we can talk about a family of a democratic type.

There has also been a significant change economic function families - a shift from production to consumption. In earlier times, the family was a unit participating in social production. This is true for the peasant, the artisan, and the shopkeeper. This production function of the family has practically disappeared. Technological production displaced the family from its ancient productive role...

According to a number of sociologists, there is a “compression” of the educational and educational function of the family. It is increasingly being implemented by the system of preschool and school institutions. The reduction of socially significant functions of the family, according to these sociologists, leads to a decrease in its role in society. Other researchers point to the preservation of other important functions by the family.

(Adapted from the book by P. Berger, R. Collins)

C1. The text discusses two pairs of families of different types. List these pairs.

C2. The text cites the statement of a number of sociologists that the reduction of socially significant functions of the family leads to a decrease in its role in society. Do you agree with this conclusion? Based on the text and social science knowledge, give two arguments (explanations) in defense of your position.

C3. Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

C4. Based on the text and using social science knowledge, indicate the main reason that led to the weakening of the productive role of the family. What exactly is the weakening of this role? (Give two manifestations).

C5. What functions of the family have changed, according to the authors, in modern society? Name two functions.

C6. Student M., giving an example of an extended family in class, named a family consisting of adults and several children. The teacher considered this answer incomplete. What else should you know to classify a family as this type? Provide a piece of text that helped you draw your conclusion.

Each of us carries the traits of our people, represents others, society and the world character traits behavior, speech, traditions of their people. These traits are called ethnic. “Ethnos” in ancient Greek means people. According to a number of researchers, the main characteristics of an ethnic group include common territory of residence, language, and historical destiny. People's awareness of their belonging to a given nation (ethnic identity) is also of great importance.

Since ancient times, humanity has consisted of various ethnic groups.

The geographical (natural) environment is the most important condition for the emergence and development of an ethnic group. It affects, first of all, the material culture of the people, starting with tools and ending with household items. Thus, climate determines the characteristics of clothing and housing, and the types of crops cultivated.

The characteristic features of the geographical environment also have a certain, often indirect, influence on certain aspects of spiritual culture. This influence is expressed, first of all, in specific habits, customs, and rituals, in which the features of the way of life of peoples associated with their living conditions are manifested.

The geographical environment is reflected in the ethnic self-awareness of the people. Pictures of the surrounding nature are imprinted in people’s minds in the form of ideas about their “native land.” Some elements of the landscape in the form of visual images (for example, cherry blossoms for the Japanese) or geographical names (the Volga River for the Russians) become a kind of symbols of ethnicity.

Scientists argue about the degree of influence of the natural environment on the development of ethnic groups. Some consider this influence to be very significant and largely determining. Others argue that the influence of this factor, including the material side of life, the economy, is now relatively small.

(Adapted from the book by Yu. Bromley and R. Podolny “Humanity is us”)

C1. The text provides two points of view on the role of nature in the development of an ethnic group. Choose the one you think is more correct. Based on the text and social science knowledge, give two arguments (explanations) in defense of your position.

C2. It is known that the peoples of the tropical zone do not have ritual holidays associated with the seasonal cycles of agricultural work. At the same time, the peoples of temperate latitudes have since ancient times celebrated the beginning of spring sowing, autumn holiday harvest, etc. How can this be explained? Provide a piece of text that can help you answer the question.

C3. Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

C4. What are the main features of an ethnic group as a social group given in the text? (Name four signs.)

C5. Name and illustrate with an example any three characteristics of an ethnic group. C6. What aspects of people's lives, according to the authors of the text, are influenced by natural environment? (Insert three sides.)

We see that the population is stratified into many diverse groups. Each person finds himself a member of many groups. But obviously, it is not possible to study all individual groups, starting with some “society of photography lovers”. Not all groups, further, have an equally important historical role. Nothing will change from the politics and behavior of the “society of photography lovers”, numbering five people: there will be no revolution, no overthrow state power, the behavior of the population does not depend on it; It’s a different matter for a group such as the state, which also seeks to influence the behavior of the population.

Without dwelling on the details, we must recognize the most important population groups as those that, other things being equal: 1) cover a larger number of members; 2) most organized; 3) are most united internally.

We should consider the following groups to be the most important groupings of the population of our time: 1) family-related; 2) state; 3) racial; 4) linguistic; 5) professional; 6) property; 7) religious, etc.

Population any cultural country breaks up into family groups. A family is a group that represents, on the one hand, the union of spouses, and on the other, the union of parents and children. Although each family embraces a small number of members, since there are many families, the family group as a whole embraces a huge number of members. A family is an organized and usually solidary group. Therefore, family grouping of people is very important. It is also important because the nature of the family structure, the nature of the family organization largely determines the fate of other social groups and the fate of the population itself. What is the family of the people, such will be the historical fate of the people themselves. The family is the environment where every person ends up from the moment of birth. The family is the first workshop where people go for alterations immediately after their birth. The family is the first sculptor who shapes the mind, will, and character of the child. We (with very rare exceptions) cannot avoid the influence of family.

(According to P.A. Sorokin)

C1. Based on social science knowledge and facts of social life, illustrate with three concrete examples the influence of the state on the “behavior of the population.”

C2. Why, according to the author, is there no point in studying all social groups? By what three criteria does the author identify social groups worthy of study?

C3. Using the text, indicate any two reasons that determine the special role of the family in society.

C4. Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

Every society values ​​certain personality traits above others, and children learn and develop these traits through socialization. Methods of socialization depend on which personality traits are valued most highly, and they can be very different in different cultures. In American society, qualities such as self-confidence, self-control, and aggressiveness are highly valued; In India, opposite values ​​have traditionally developed: contemplation, passivity.

These cultural values ​​underlie social norms. Norms are the expectations and standards that govern how people interact. Some norms are represented in laws prohibiting theft, assaulting another person, breaking a contract, etc. Such laws are social norms, and those who break them are punished. Our behavior in everyday life is influenced by many expectations: we should be polite to other people; when we are visiting a friend's house, we should give a gift for his family; On the bus you must give up your seats to the elderly and disabled. We set these expectations for our children as well.

It's not just norms that influence people's behavior. The cultural ideals of a given society have a huge impact on their actions and aspirations. Moreover, since these ideals are formed on the basis of many values, society avoids overall uniformity. For example, we value science, which is why the name Albert Einstein is honored and respected. We also value sports highly, giving famous athletes a high social status.

Socialization is a two-way, multidirectional process. There is mutual influence between biological factors and culture, as well as between those who carry out socialization and those who are socialized.

(According to N. Smelser)

C1. The state actively participates in the process of socialization of citizens. Guess what qualities it seeks to develop in citizens. List any two qualities and briefly explain your choice.

C3. Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

C6. Pupils of the same class, dressed in school uniform, even following the same rules and tasks, remain different from each other. But this does not mean that their socialization is unsuccessful. Give two reasons (arguments) to support this opinion.

Being a father these days is more difficult than before. The father no longer has the “innate” right to leadership in the family, the “hereditary” authority. The “innate” authority of the father can be replaced by acquired authority, which is determined by all behavior in the family and care for it. But even then this authority will not be dominant, but equal to the authority of the mother. This is the essence of a modern, equal, democratic family. Researchers have found that some schoolchildren place their father in the family in all respects in second place after their mother, and in a number of circumstances - after their grandmother, grandfather, and peers.

Or maybe let it be like this: the mother comes first? After all, a mother is a nature-given educator of her children. It's right. But father? Isn't a father a less capable teacher of his children? The father has a good supply of versatile information for raising a child, often not less, but more than the mother. The father spends much less time working in the household than the mother, and he is freer in the family. It turns out that in many families there is considerable paternal educational potential, often hidden and untapped.

A father's positive example in raising children is important and significant. Being attentive and caring towards children is the main thing. But the father must also be quite demanding - you cannot respect without demanding. And you can’t demand without respect. True, it is very important what tone of communication the father chooses with his children. In a family, a requirement is best expressed in the form of a request. The tone of an order or instruction is not suitable here, or least of all suitable, especially when we are talking with teenagers or adult children. Otherwise – a breakdown, a conflict.

Probably every father wants to see his children good. Recently, many fathers have become more attentive to family problems, to raising children. Sociologists have found that the share of male participation in raising children is clearly growing. Men are much more willing to go to parent meetings and help children do their homework and participate in cooking and washing clothes. However, more and more men consider it necessary to do housework with their wives. This means they correctly understand their fatherly duty.

(According to N.Ya. Solovyov)

C1. Why, according to the author, is being a father nowadays more difficult than before? (Name the two main reasons given by the author.)

C2. Eighth-grader Alina feels that her parents are too protective of her and treat her like a small child. Therefore, Alina often quarrels with her parents. Using the text and social science knowledge, formulate two pieces of advice for Alina and her parents that, in your opinion, can improve their relationship.

C3. There is an opinion that the family today is losing its importance
in raising children. Using the content of the text and social science knowledge, give two arguments (explanations) to refute this opinion

C4. Based on the text and relying on personal social experience, name two circumstances that allow the author to highly appreciate the educational potential of the father in the family. Suggest why this potential often remains untapped. C5. Give three examples that illustrate the importance of father involvement in raising children. C6. Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

Social deviations play a dual, contradictory role in society. On the one hand, they pose a threat to the stability of society, on the other, they support this stability.

The successful functioning of society can be considered effective only if order and predictable behavior of people are ensured. Everyone should know (within reasonable limits, of course) what behavior he can expect from others, what behavior is expected from himself, and what social norms children should learn. Deviant behavior disrupts this order and predictability of behavior. If there are numerous cases of social deviations in a society or social group, people lose their sense of expected behavior, and social order is disrupted. Moral standards no longer control people's behavior, fundamental values ​​may be rejected, and a person loses a sense of security and confidence in his actions. Therefore, a society will function effectively only when the majority of its members accept established norms and act largely in accordance with the expectations of other people.

On the other hand, deviant behavior is one of the ways culture adapts to social changes. There's no such thing modern society, which would remain static for a long time. Even communities isolated from world civilizations must change their behavior patterns from time to time due to changes environment. Birth explosions, technological innovations, changes in the physical environment - all this can lead to the need to adopt new norms and adapt members of society to them.

New social norms are born and develop as a result of the everyday behavior of people, in the collision of constantly emerging social circumstances. The behavior of a small number of individuals deviating from old, familiar norms may be the beginning of the creation of new normative patterns. Gradually, overcoming traditions, deviant behavior, containing new viable norms, penetrates more and more into the consciousness of people. As members of social groups assimilate behavior containing new norms, it ceases to be deviant.

(S.S. Frolov, text adapted)

C1. How, according to the author, do new social norms emerge? (Using the content of the text, identify the four steps in this process.) C2. What social phenomena, according to the author, may necessitate the emergence of new social norms? Using the content of the text, identify three phenomena and explain the connection of any two of them with the emergence of new social norms.

C3. What conditions, in your opinion, must new social norms meet in order for them to be accepted by society? (Using social science knowledge and personal social experience, indicate any three conditions.) C4. What does the author consider necessary for the successful functioning of social structures? How do numerous cases of deviations, according to the author, affect society?

C5. Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them. C6. There is an opinion that any massive social deviations are useful for the development of society. Using the content of the text and social science knowledge, give two arguments (explanations) to refute this opinion.

Deviant behavior.

Deviation and moral differences.

Starting from early childhood everyday life contains many of our perceptions of people who are different from each other in one way or another. There is one black child in a class of white children; there is a girl leaning against a wall at a party; There are physically disabled and mentally unstable. However, there is another type of difference. There is a boy who expresses his outrage when the rest of the group laughs at a dirty joke; there's a pigeon in an office filled with hawks, or, for that matter, a hawk at a cocktail party thrown by pigeons. These differences are not (or appear to be) like those previously mentioned because they represent a deliberate rejection of the values ​​or norms of the group. To be black, or shy, or crippled is a condition imposed on the individual. On the other hand, being cutesy or a political nonconformist is an act of choice.<...>

The term that sociologists commonly use today for this type of difference is deviance. As we will see later, deviation has been defined and explained in different ways. However, there is widespread agreement among social scientists about this basic concept: deviance always refers to behavior that is a violation of the rules established by a given community or group. In other words, the concept of deviation implies primarily a moral difference. It refers to the refusal or perhaps the inability of an individual or group to adhere to those moral standards that prevail in the social context in question.<...>

Typical is what is thought of as normal. Deviation from typicality is always alarming because it calls into question what people believe is normal.<...>People's ideas about normality order their experience.

Questions and assignments. 1) Which of the examples given by the author relate to deviant behavior? 2) What is the difference between deviant behavior and other behavioral acts?

3) Formulate a definition of the concept of “deviant behavior”. 4) What behavior, according to the authors, is deviant? 5) Give examples (from life or literature) when an individual refused the moral norms prevailing in some social group. 6) Give examples (from life or literature) when an individual was unable to fulfill moral
norms prevailing in a particular social group. 7) How does a social group react to those who cannot or will not adhere to the moral standards prevailing in this social community? Give examples. 8) In your opinion, what is the reason for the rejection by a social group of people with deviant behavior? 9) What reason does the author give for society’s rejection of people with deviant behavior? 10) How does the author explain that this reason leads to society’s rejection of people with deviant behavior? 11) Based on your life experience, give examples that illustrate the author’s statement.

2. Researchers of deviant behavior have different points of view on its causes. Meet some of them:

    Deviants are not made, but born.

    The cause of deviant behavior is errors in education.

    The cause of deviant behavior is the antisocial external environment.

    The reasons for deviant behavior are rooted in the national subculture.

    The cause of deviant behavior is poverty.

Which points of view do you agree with? Justify your position.

    Citizen N. sweeps the stairwell on her floor every day without any requests from anyone, and washes it once a week. Neighbors have repeatedly drawn her attention to the fact that this should be done by a cleaner, who receives a salary for this. To this she constantly replies that she does not want her children and friends who come to see her to see the dirt in the stairwell, because it makes her ashamed.

Is the behavior of citizen N. deviant? Give at least two arguments confirming the assessment of the behavior of citizen N.

4.State X declared war on the stateY. Upon learning of this, a group of young citizens of State X held a protest rally in front of their parliament building.

    Name the conditions under which this behavior of young citizens will be considered deviant.

    Name the conditions under which this behavior of young people will be considered normal.

5. M.’s family moved to another city, and on September 1 their son went to classes at a new school. His acquaintance with school began with the fact that he got lost and ended up in the wrong office. Having opened the door to his class, the student tripped and fell, and the whole class laughed in unison. Then he incorrectly said the name of the class teacher, and to top it off, he dropped his backpack, from which textbooks fell out and ballpoint pens rolled, which caused another burst of laughter in the class. The teenager burst into tears out of embarrassment.

In your opinion, is this student behavior deviant? Give arguments to support your point of view.

Is the class behavior deviant? Give one argument to support your point of view.

6. People with deviant behavior, especially in its most extreme manifestations, such as criminals, bring considerable harm to society, cripple the lives and destinies of people, therefore, since ancient times, the problem of protecting society from criminals has occupied the minds of mankind. Different points of view have been and are being expressed: from pessimistic to optimistic. Which position do you agree with? Give reasons for your point of view.

1. A person is shaped by his environment, and society’s guilt in the fact that he grew up as a criminal is greater than his own. Therefore, society does not have the right to deprive a criminal of his life; it must atone for its guilt before the person who has stumbled and do everything to turn him into a full-fledged member of society.

2. Criminals create evil with their cruelty. Their impunity contributes to the corruption of the weak, and especially minors, so crime must be punished very harshly so that people prone to crime fear subsequent retribution.

3. You can’t put all the blame on society. A person can and must educate himself, therefore, the guilt of each criminal in his own moral decline is no less, and he must bear responsibility according to the gravity of the offense committed.

1. Write down the definition of the concept.

Deviant behavior - Deviant behavior is, on the one hand, an act, human actions that do not correspond to officially established or actually established norms or standards in a given society, and on the other, a social phenomenon expressed in mass forms of human activity that do not correspond to officially established or actually existing norms or standards in a given society. Social control is a mechanism of social regulation, a set of means and methods of social influence, as well as social practice of their use.

Deviant behavior is a kind of social choice: when the goals of social behavior are incommensurate with the real possibilities of achieving them, individuals can use other means to achieve their goals. For example, some individuals, in pursuit of illusory success, wealth or power, choose socially prohibited and sometimes illegal means and become either delinquents or criminals. Another type of deviation from norms is open disobedience and protest, demonstrative rejection of the values ​​and standards accepted in society, characteristic of revolutionaries, terrorists, religious extremists and other similar groups of people actively fighting against the society within which they are located.

In all these cases, deviation is the result of the inability or unwillingness of individuals to adapt to society and its requirements, in other words, it indicates a complete or relative failure of socialization.

2. Fill in the blanks in the diagram.

Deviations from social norms can be:

Positive, aimed at overcoming outdated norms or standards and associated with social creativity, contributing to qualitative changes in the social system;

Negative - dysfunctional, disorganizing the social system and leading to its destruction, leading to deviant behavior.

Illustrate with examples each type of deviant behavior you have indicated at the level of the individual, social group, and state. Fill out the table.

A striking example is the international charity campaigns of the American entrepreneur and public figure George Soros (born in 1930). In Russia alone, the Soros Foundation spent more than $350 million in ten years (1987-1997). Or another, smaller, but significant example is the selfless behavior of a man who gave shelter to homeless animals in his apartment.

Deviant behavior can be depicted as a straight line with two extreme points.

On one half of this line there will be negative actions, actions and habits:



Drug addiction, etc.

On the other half - positive deviance:


Creative insight,

Superintelligence, etc.

3. Read the text and complete the tasks.

Deviant behavior is always assessed from the point of view of the culture accepted in a given society. This assessment is that some deviations are condemned, while others are approved. In our society, people who fall under the definition of a genius, a hero, a leader, or the chosen one of the people are culturally approved deviations. Such deviations are associated with the concept of exaltation, that is, elevation above others, which is the basis of deviation. We will try to highlight the necessary qualities and modes of behavior that can lead to socially approved deviations.

(Based on the book by modern sociologist S. S. Frolov)

1) How do you understand the phrase “culturally approved deviation”?

Deviant behavior is always assessed from the point of view of the culture accepted in a given society. This assessment is that some deviations are condemned, while others are approved. For example, a wandering monk may be considered a saint in one society, but a worthless slacker in another. In our society, people who fall under the definition of a genius, a hero, a leader, or the chosen one of the people are culturally approved deviations. Such deviations are associated with the concept of exaltation, i.e. elevation above others, which is the basis of deviation. Each of us has our own ideas about the concept of exaltation. The same can be said about group performances. Additionally, rankings of great people change over time. For example, when there is a need to protect society, brilliant commanders come first in importance; at other times, political figures, cultural figures, and scientists can become the greatest. We will try to highlight the necessary qualities and modes of behavior that can lead to socially approved deviations.

2) How are deviant behavior and the process of exalting a person related?

In our society, people who fall under the definition of a genius, a hero, a leader, or the chosen one of the people are culturally approved deviations. Such deviations are associated with the concept of exaltation, that is, elevation above others, which is the basis of deviation.

We will try to highlight the necessary qualities and modes of behavior that can lead to socially approved deviations.

1) Increased intelligence can be considered as a way of behavior that leads to socially approved deviations only when a limited number of social statuses are achieved.

2) Special inclinations allow one to demonstrate unique qualities and specific talent in very narrow, specific areas of activity.

3) Overmotivation. Many scientists believe that intense motivation often serves as compensation for deprivations or experiences experienced in childhood or adolescence.

4) A happy accident can contribute to the manifestation of a person’s abilities in certain types of activities. Great achievements are not only a pronounced talent and desire, but also their manifestation in a certain place and at a certain time.

4) Explain why the exaltation of superintelligent people is possible only in a few types of activities.

Because few professions are suitable for super-intelligent people. For example, the professions of a plumber, builder, welder, mechanic, etc. do not require special mental abilities, and vice versa, the professions of a mathematician, economist, scientist, etc. suitable for highly intelligent people, since these professions have big potential; You can develop in them for a very long time.

5) Give an example of a specific personal talent.

There are people who are able to distinguish odors very subtly, and their talent is used in the perfume industry.

6) Give an example of a figure whose exaltation was helped by a happy accident.

The Great Suvorov only became Suvorov because he once ordered the walls of the monastery to be stormed in order to train soldiers. Catherine found out about this eccentricity and from then on Suvorov’s affairs went up (this is his own opinion).

4. When discussing the problem of deviant behavior of adolescents, the opinion is often expressed that parental control can prevent a teenager from violating social norms.

Give some arguments for and some arguments against this opinion.

1) If a parent controls the child, he will be able to prevent deviant behavior in time.

1) All people are different. And it may happen that the teenager may not understand parental control. This can lead to a quarrel with parents and to the fact that the teenager will more covertly violate norms of behavior.

I think everything is good in moderation. To prevent deviant behavior, you should not control your child all the time. It still won't work. Parents need to instill morality in their child from childhood, teach him how to live. Then there will be no problems with deviant behavior.

5. Research on the motivation of adolescents to take up drugs, conducted in schools in one of the regions in this academic year, found the following motives (the lexical features of the answers are preserved):

They help take your mind off personal troubles;

It’s nice, they make you “go crazy”;

All my friends are trying, I don’t want to be the “black sheep”;

Using a drug is "cool";

At a disco you have to do what everyone else does.

Compose a short message to your peers with any of these motivations and explain why drugs should not be taken.

To the last argument - it is not always good to do what everyone else does. If everyone jumps from a bridge, you won’t jump like everyone else.

There are many other ways to distract yourself from troubles, and drugs entail much greater troubles than those from which you will try to distract yourself.

Get Nobel Prize- this is cool, but drugs are a vice, most people do not respect and despise drug addicts. So drugs are far from cool, they are scary and terrible.

Role - it is a pattern or type of behavior expected in a social group from people occupying different positions. We can also say that a role is a set of expectations, rights and obligations aimed at a person as the possessor of a certain social position.

Every person has a wide network social relations. Some of them are temporary, some are long-term and important. In the network of social relations, everyone has a certain social position towards which expectations are directed and which has established rights and obligations. The holder of the position is forced to behave in accordance with these expectations, rights and obligations, to fulfill the role required by them.

The role is quite stable: a person changes, but his social role remains. “Fulfillment” of a social role is learned in the process of socialization, focusing on the expectations set by society. A role can be understood as a “response” to a set of expectations directed at a person in society. This “answer” is determined by his position, profession, position, gender and other factors.

The role sets behavioral limits for its performer. If the behavior characteristic of a given role does not go beyond these limits, then it satisfies both the individual and his environment, i.e. meets the required standards. Different roles still have different limits of permissibility, and each role has specific situations of this “permissibility”. The range of this role freedom can be greater or less, the strictness of adherence to “role” rules is weaker or stronger - the so-called role dichotomy. For example, an actor or a representative of another creative profession is allowed many things that a priest is not allowed...

Fulfilling the role requires a certain creative approach. The interpretation and implementation of the role is largely determined by the personality of the individual. Sometimes important roles transform the personality, which is essentially the integration of all the roles acquired by the individual...

Each individual performs many different roles. As soon as you leave the house (or rather, the house), a person finds himself in a cycle of social roles. For example, during the day: buyer, pedestrian, driver, father, director - one and the same person.

From a sociological point of view, the distribution of labor and activities in society has a role basis. The presence of social roles in society and their parameters is also a way of monitoring the activities and behavior of members of society.

30. The author considers the presence of social roles in society to be a way of social control. Using the text and social science knowledge, explain the author's opinion. Concretize it using examples of the roles of the buyer and the pedestrian.

31. What two aspects of the connection between the social role and the personality of the individual did the author indicate? Using the text and social studies knowledge, explain each aspect.

Social role - ______________________ Therefore, only behavior that is functionally related to a certain status and meets the expectations of other people is a social role.

Read the text and complete the tasks for it

Any person who occupies a high social position in society strives to live up to his status and behave appropriately. From a person with the status of a banker, others expect very specific actions and do not expect others that do not correspond to their ideas about this status. Therefore, status and social role bind people's expectations. If expectations are formally expressed and recorded in any acts (laws) or in customs, traditions, rituals, they have the character of social norms.

Although expectations may not be fixed, this does not make them cease to be expectations. Despite this, people expect a holder of a specific status to play a very specific role in accordance with the requirements that they place on this role. Society prescribes the requirements and norms of behavior for the status. For the correct performance of the role the individual is rewarded, for the wrong one he is punished.

A model of behavior focused on a certain status includes a set of status rights and responsibilities. Rights mean the ability to perform certain actions determined by status. The higher the status, the greater the rights its owner is endowed with and the greater the range of responsibilities assigned to him.

A model of behavior focused on a certain status also has external insignia. Clothing is a social symbol that serves three primary functions: comfort, decorum, and conspicuous expression.

The function of status symbols is also performed by housing, language, behavior, and leisure.

(R. T. Mukhaev)

22. What two conditions are necessary to consolidate role behavior as a social norm? How does society support the correct implementation of social norms?

23. What three main functions of clothing as a social symbol does the author highlight? Using social science and historical knowledge, illustrate any two of them with examples.

24. Give the position of the text that reflects the relationship between the status of an individual, on the one hand, and the range and scope of the rights and responsibilities that she has, on the other. Based on social science knowledge, give two arguments to substantiate this position.


Topic plan:

1. Social control - main elements and types.

Social science

5 - 9 grades

Social deviations play a dual, contradictory role in society. On the one hand, they pose a threat to the stability of society, on the other, they support this stability.
The successful functioning of society can be considered effective only if order and predictable behavior of people are ensured. Everyone should know (within reasonable limits, of course) what behavior he can expect from others, what behavior is expected from himself, and what social norms children should learn. Deviant behavior disrupts this order and predictability of behavior. If there are numerous cases of social deviations in a society or social group, people lose their sense of expected behavior, and social order is disrupted. Moral standards no longer control people's behavior, fundamental values ​​may be rejected, and a person loses a sense of security and confidence in his actions. Therefore, a society will function effectively only when the majority of its members accept established norms and act largely in accordance with the expectations of other people.
On the other hand, deviant behavior is one of the ways culture adapts to social changes. There is no modern society that remains static for a long time. Even communities isolated from world civilizations must change their patterns of behavior from time to time due to environmental changes. Birth explosions, technological innovations, changes in the physical environment - all this can lead to the need to adopt new norms and adapt members of society to them.
New social norms are born and develop as a result of the everyday behavior of people, in the collision of constantly emerging social circumstances. The behavior of a small number of individuals deviating from old, familiar norms may be the beginning of the creation of new normative patterns. Gradually, overcoming traditions, deviant behavior, containing new viable norms, penetrates more and more into the consciousness of people. As members of social groups assimilate behavior containing new norms, it ceases to be deviant.
(S.S. Frolov, text adapted)

Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

What conditions, in your opinion, must new social norms meet in order for them to be accepted by society? (Using social science knowledge and personal social experience, indicate any three conditions.)

There is an opinion that any massive social deviations are useful for the development of society. Using the content of the text and social science knowledge, give two arguments (explanations) to refute this opinion.

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