What archaeologists are hiding from us. Treasure and consequences: the lawyer explained what needs to be done. Strange underground passages

Artifacts of “forbidden” archeology

Today, the world has collected a huge amount of credible evidence that many of the technologies and principles used in 20th century technology were known to disappeared civilizations. And the number of these testimonies is growing every month. In the most ancient burials of the Aztecs, as well as in excavated Scythian burial mounds dating back thousands of years, the skulls of warriors were discovered with signs of skillfully performed trepanations and with the thinnest gold plates implanted into the holes on the head. Ancient people were wonderful dentists: both in Scythia, and in the lands of the Mayans and Aztecs, and especially in Ancient Egypt, they were found in different time remains of people with gold crowns and bridges in their mouths. In the burials of the nobility (about three thousand years old) in 1998 in Giza (Egypt) two skeletons with... artificial eyes and three with prosthetic legs and arms were discovered!

It is known that scientific and practical gynecology appeared in the second half of the 19th century. However, back in 1900, the American magazine Scientific American reported on sensational excavations in Pompeii. It turns out that the Temple of the Vestals preserved medical instruments, buried under the ash of Mount Vesuvius, which are “strikingly similar to those used in modern gynecology.” They are made of good metal and are as high quality as today's ones! The inhabitants of Hellas knew how to make excellent steam boilers, which, however, were not widely used at that time.

In 1900, sponge catcher Mikael Tsanis from the island of Antikythera lifted an ugly bronze object from a 12-meter depth, the purpose of which no one understood. And only almost 60 years later, Professor D. Sollara, who studied the wonders of the Antikythera Museum, recognized it as an exceptionally amazing mechanism! It was a unit with a complex set of plates, levers, gears, representing... an exact model solar system! Of course, it was used to calculate the orbits of planets. It is curious that Mars on the unit was painted red, the Earth – green, and the Moon – silver... “It becomes downright scary and extremely annoying when you think that on the eve of the death of their civilization, the ancient Greeks managed to get so close to the civilization of the 20th century .!” - Dr. Price wrote in 1960 in Scientific American magazine.

Mechanism found off the island of Antikythera

Four thousand years ago in Great Britain there lived a small community of people at the level of the Stone Age. Using primitive tools made of stone and bone, they could barely support their existence. However, these people in some incomprehensible way managed to create quarries in the Cambrian Mountains and extract huge stone blocks weighing up to 30 tons, which were then dragged over a distance of 240 miles to the area of ​​​​modern Amesbury and placed in circles with the highest precision! This structure was called Stonehenge, which means “Hanging Stones.” (See separate story about Stonehenge.) Astronomers and other scientists have been studying Stonehenge for centuries. According to their conclusion, the installation of stone blocks was calculated taking into account the position of celestial bodies and the phases of the Moon. Thus, the entire structure probably represents a giant prehistoric calendar. Those who developed the Stonehenge project knew mathematics and astronomy well.

While excavating south of Baghdad, German archaeologist Dr. Wilhelm Koenig discovered electrochemical batteries that are more than two thousand years old! The central elements were copper cylinders with an iron rod, and the cylinders were soldered with a lead-tin alloy, which is still used today. Engineer Gray made an absolute copy of such a battery, and, amazingly, it worked for a long time, being presented to visitors to an exhibition of technical experiments in Munich!

It is appropriate to recall the notorious “Colombian golden plane” - a rarity accidentally discovered by experts among the exhibits of the Columbian historical museum. Its antiquity has been proven: analysis has shown that the thing dates back to the turn of the 1st and 2nd millennia. The eight-centimeter figurine from a museum in Bogota is an exact replica of a 1970s fighter jet! Moreover, its enlarged model, tested on an aviation stand, showed excellent aerodynamic qualities and covered more than 200 m in free flight! The manuscripts of the Ancient East contain a lot of information about flying machines in India one and a half thousand years before the birth of Christ! We are talking about vimanas - “rattling flying carriages with people inside.” The noise apparently came from a jet engine.

Ancient Chinese myths talk about the legendary civilization of Chi-Ki. Its representatives used “air crews.” The Chronicle of Scientists says that the great engineer of the Han Dynasty created a bamboo apparatus with a mechanism inside, with the help of which a pilot could fly about two kilometers. A manuscript by the alchemist Co Huynh, dated 320, describes an ancient propeller device: “Flying baskets were made, the interior of which was made of wood, and leather straps were attached to the rotating blades to set the mechanism in motion.”

According to historian William Dale, the ancient Egyptians rose above the clouds in hot-air balloons and primitive gliders, which was the exclusive privilege of members of the pharaoh family. “Many members of the royal family,” says Dale, “died with broken legs and multiple injuries that could have been sustained by falling with the aircraft.” Based on his research, the scientist suggests that Tutankhamun was also a victim of a plane crash! He came to this amazing discovery after 20 years of studying the history of Ancient Egypt. William Dale is convinced that the strange objects with wings depicted on numerous frescoes are nothing more than the first flying machines! The historian personally made a dozen such devices (models), and it turned out that “many of them feel great in the air.” According to the scientist, the Egyptians launched the first hot air balloon in 3225 BC, and the glider - 2000 years later. Balloons and gliders were made from papyrus and had wingspans of up to 18 m. They were launched from steep cliffs or pyramid-like structures and could cover distances of up to 80 km!

From the book Forbidden Archeology by Baigent Michael

Ancient artifacts... On June 22, 1844, The Times published an unusual story. The article was called “An Unusual Incident.” A few days earlier, the article explained, near Rutherford on the River Tweed, workers in a quarry had found a gold thread in a piece of rock.

From the book 100 Great Mysteries of the Ancient World author

From the book Forbidden Archeology by Cremo Michelle A

Artifacts from Aix-en-Provence (France) In his book Mineralogy, Count Bournon writes about an intriguing discovery made by French workers in the late 18th century. Describing the details of the discovery, Bournon wrote: “In 1786, 1787 and 1788 they mined stones near Aix-en-Provence in France for

From the book Forbidden History by Kenyon Douglas

Chapter 40 ARTIFACTS IN SPACE For writer Richard Hoagland, the trail of ancient extraterrestrial civilizations grows warmer. Since 1981, a gigantic and mysterious face peering out from the Cydonia region on Mars remains a tantalizing hope for the possibility of scientific proof.

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Artifacts And now, so that it is absolutely clear to the reader that before the collapse of Monogea we - all or almost all earthlings - had common ideas about God and the world, I will present, with slight abbreviations, information from the research of the famous scientist and publicist on Jewish studies

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author Warwick-Smith Simon

From the book The Cycle of Space Disasters. Cataclysms in the history of civilization author Warwick-Smith Simon

6. Era Artifacts from the Chobot Site SUNRISE ON BLUE LAKE In search of another Clovis-era dig site in Canada, I headed north from Calgary to Edmonton, Alberta, and drove to the houses overlooking Buck Lake. Checking into a beach motel

From the book From the history of dentistry, or Who treated the teeth of Russian monarchs author Zimin Igor Viktorovich

Chapter 1 Dental Artifacts The concept of an artifact has long existed in archeology. As they write in academic dictionaries, an artifact (from the Latin Artefactum - artificially made) is a phenomenon, process, object, property of an object or process, the appearance of which in the observed

From the book “Mysteries of History” Magazine, 2012 No. 1 author Magazine "Mysteries of History"

incredible artifacts MUMMY: THE PATH TO IMMORTALITY =============================== ======================================== The ancient Egyptians believed in afterlife. They believed that the soul is like a bird with a human face, which can fly all day, but by night must return to

From the book Jesus and His World [Newest Discoveries] by Evans Craig

by Fagan Brian M.

Artifacts, Subassemblages, and Assemblages As we saw in Chapter 4, archaeological evidence represents the material remains of ancient human activity. This data can come in many forms, and a major part of archaeological research is

From the book Archaeology. At first by Fagan Brian M.

Part V Analyzing the past. Artifacts and Technology People who look at the world through the eyes of an archaeologist will never be able to look at the world like ordinary people. They were hurt by what others call little things. The sense of time can be developed as long as the old shoe is in the grass or

From the book Archaeology. At first by Fagan Brian M.

Artifacts. The importance of context In 1953, British archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon unearthed a burial site of human skulls covered in plaster in a hole under the floor of a house in Jericho in the Jordan Valley. Each head was a naturalistic individual portrait with

From the book Archaeology. At first by Fagan Brian M.

Artifacts and artistic styles Ideology is a product of society and politics. It is a complex of doctrine, myth and symbolism associated with a social movement, institution, class or group of individuals, often with reference to some political or

At the request of the public

The National Geographic Society, created back in 1888 in the USA, is one of the oldest in the world. Since that time, it has been publishing the famous National Geographic magazine. And now, keeping up with the times, he also publishes news on the Internet every day on his National Geographic News portal.

Society is the most authoritative organization. They trust her. This is why there are a lot of people who believe that the photos of a giant skeleton that have been circulating on the Internet for several years are authentic. They excite the imagination and make one believe in conspiracies of scientists against civilization. After all, the discovery of the gigantic skeleton is “hung” specifically on the geographical society. Allegedly, its specialists participated in the excavations.

Any sane person can easily guess that the photos are fake, says National Geographic News illustration editor Sebastian John. “However, we regularly receive requests in the hundreds by email from all over the world. Like, tell me, what kind of skeleton is this? Is it true that they found it? Where is he now? Is it hidden from prying eyes?

Society spokesman James Owen conducted the investigation. And I found, pardon the pun, “where the legs grow from” on this skeleton.

Someone is hiding something

At first, the scandalous photo was circulated without any details. They appeared only in 2007 in the Indian magazine Hindu Voice.

Where the correspondent reported that the skeleton of an 18-meter-tall giant was discovered in northern India during excavations organized by the National Geographic Society, its Indian branch and with the support of the Indian Army.

The publication emphasized that clay tablets with inscriptions were found along with the skeleton. And from them it followed that the giant belonged to a race of superhumans who were mentioned in the Mahabharata - the Indian epic of 200 BC.

The editor of the magazine - one P. Deivamuthu - then apologized to the National Geographic Society by sending a letter. He allegedly fell for facts obtained from sources that, as it has now become obvious, were not trustworthy.

But the thirst for knowledge could no longer be quenched. Information about the “Indian find” emerged from all the cracks of the Internet with renewed vigor. And, of course, along with a photo of the giant.

Now things have reached the point where KP readers are demanding the truth. For example, in response to our publication that the remains of gnomes who lived there 39 million years ago were discovered in Asia, someone under the nickname future demanded: “It would be better if archaeologists talked about the excavated giant multi-meter skeletons, the skulls of the titans. That’s what’s more interesting and relevant. Otherwise, all this is hushed up, hidden..."

In short, the public suspects some kind of conspiracy. And she's right. There really was a conspiracy. It was organized back in 2002.

There are plenty of skeletons like this

As the investigation showed, the photo of the “Indian skeleton” was made by an artistic Photoshop specialist from Canada, a certain IronKite. But not for the sake of malicious intent, but as a form of participation in the annual competition called "Archaeological Anomalies 2". Where the author was awarded third place (which works were awarded the first and second prizes is not possible to determine now - access to the competition website is closed). Participants were asked to fabricate some amazing archaeological find. Which some did very talentedly. And it fell on fertile soil - many have no doubt that giants once lived on Earth.

IronKite reported by mail to National Geographic News that he pursued only highly artistic goals, and had nothing to do with subsequent fools. But he doesn’t want to reveal his name. From sin.

The original photograph was also discovered, which served as a kind of background and archaeological setting for the skeleton. The picture was taken in 2000 in New York's Hyde Park (New York) at the site of a real excavation. The skeleton of a mastodon, a prehistoric relative of the elephant, was discovered here.

Regarding the “Indian giant skeleton,” only one thing remains unclear: whose bones played its role?

And the pioneer IronKite seems to have attracted followers. And now the Internet is full of giant skeletons.

Excavation site that was used to "make" a pot with an Indian skeleton


What if giants really lived on Earth?

Excavations indicate that there was a time when giants lived on Earth. And not lizards, but mammals. Some became extinct long ago - during the last ice age. Others - much later - about a thousand years BC. And people could see them. The giant short-faced bear, which lived in Alaska and Chukotka, reached almost 5 meters if it stood on its hind legs. By the way, I ran on them at a speed of almost 70 kilometers per hour. The 5-ton giant sloth was no less fast-moving than the bear.

And beavers and rats grew to the size of the current hippopotamus. In a word, gigantism is not alien to nature. So why should people be an exception?

40-meter Adam, 35-meter Eve

Giant enthusiasts, among whom there are many very serious scientists, first of all refer to countless myths. Naturally, it is difficult to find a people who would not have written legends about giants - just listing their national names would take up an entire book page.

What are myths? Here are lines from the Bible: “At that time there were giants on the earth, especially from the time when the sons of God began to come in to the daughters of men, and they began to give birth...”

Elsewhere in the Bible, the “report” of the spies sent by Moses to Palestine is given: “... There we saw giants..., from a giant race; and we were... before them like locusts...”.

Calculations show: an ordinary person would seem like a locust to a giant more than 50 meters tall.

The Koran was also noted. Regarding the giants, it says that they were “higher than the tallest palm trees.” And they laughed at Noah, who began to build an ark to escape the impending flood. They said: “The flood will not harm us. We are too high...”

And strangely enough, such revelations were believed, for example, by Carl Linnaeus, the famous Swedish naturalist and creator of a system for classifying flora and fauna. Somehow he figured out that Adam was 40 meters tall. And Eva was 35 meters tall.

The mighty Lebanese tilers

Another argument is the strange cyclopean buildings. And the most amazing of them is the Baalbek Terrace in Lebanon, located about a hundred kilometers from Beirut. At its base, archaeologists discovered monolithic stone blocks measuring 21 by 5 by 4 meters. Some weigh 800 tons. And they are fitted so neatly that it is difficult to even insert a needle between the edges. Who else but the giant tilers was able to lay them? The Giant Brigade may have been involved in the construction of the Egyptian and Mexican pyramids, Stonehenge and the Colossus of Rhodes. She installed huge stone idols on the shore of Easter Island.

And in their free time, the giants played with marbles. These "toys" - giant stone spheres called "Los Bolas Grandes" are scattered throughout the jungles of Costa Rica (South America). There are some that weigh 16 tons and reach a diameter of 2.5 meters.

What Turgenev saw

“The bodies were huge, and the faces were so different from ordinary human faces that it was amazing to see them, and scary to hear them speak,” this is how the historian Josephus Flavius ​​describes the giants, not the mythical one, but the real one. His colleague, Pausanias, who lived in the 2nd century, says that a well-preserved human skeleton, more than 5 meters tall, was discovered in Syria.

Ibn Fadlan, an Arab traveler who lived a thousand years ago, allegedly saw a 6-meter skeleton, which was shown to him by the subjects of the Khazar king. A skeleton of the same size was seen by the Russian classical writers Turgenev and Korolenko while in Switzerland in the museum of the city of Lucerne. They were told that these huge bones were discovered in 1577 in a mountain cave by the doctor Felix Platner.

Russian chronicles say that in the battle on the Kulikovo field, the nomads fielded a giant 4 meters tall. But a group of our heroes led by Oslyabya defeated him. Perhaps then the last of the giants died.

Only the four- or six-meter giants were not the most gigantic. While conquering America, the Spanish military leader Canon allegedly discovered a skeleton 12 meters tall in one of the Aztec temples. And he sent it as a gift to the Pope. And a certain Whitney, who served as the chief archaeologist for the US government at the beginning of the 19th century, examined a skull with a diameter of 2 meters. He was found in one of the mines in Ohio. Such a “bowler” had to belong to a person at least 20 meters tall. This is already the scale of the giants from among those who laughed at Noah before the flood.


Teeth - and those from monkeys

Baalbek is not the best argument for the existence of giants, says anthropologist Andrei Grinevsky. - Yes, no one can yet explain how the 800-ton stone blocks were laid. But it is naive to assume that they were carried by 20-meter giants. With such growth, a maximum of six people can grab the monolith. Total, more than 100 tons “per brother”. Don't lift it. “There are prints of huge feet,” continues Andrei Viktorovich. - The most famous of them is located in South Africa. It was found by local farmer Stoffel Coetzee at the beginning of the last century. A “left foot print” is imprinted into the almost vertical wall to a depth of approximately 12 centimeters. Its length is 1m 28 centimeters. They claim that it was “inherited” by a man about 10 meters tall. Came here hundreds of millions of years ago, when the rock was soft. Then it froze, turned into granite and stood upright due to geological processes.

In my opinion, the footprint only looks like a human one. But there are no undeniable signs. It could have been left behind by a stone that later fell out. And a dinosaur.

And the skulls? Skeletons? - I’m interested.

“Giant human bones are not exhibited in any museum in the world,” the scientist answers. - But enthusiasts led by historian Michael Baigent, author of the acclaimed book “Forbidden Archaeology,” blame representatives of traditional science for this. They say they hid unique finds on purpose. Move away from sin. Because otherwise we would have to change our views on evolution, and on the entire history of mankind.

And yet there is something gigantic in museums - teeth. They look almost human, but are 6 times larger than ours. They were first discovered in 1935 by the Dutch paleontologist Koenigswald in... one of the pharmacies in Hong Kong. According to estimates, their owners should weigh 350-400 kilograms.

Many “giantists” still “show off” these teeth, attributing them to mythical giants - the predecessors of people. However, it is known that in 1956 in South China, in the Guangxi province, archaeologists dug up three huge jaws with exactly the same teeth. And they determined that they belonged to apes - the so-called Gigantopithecus. Yes, these primates were huge - almost four-meter. Sort of like mini King Kongs. But not by people.

My conclusion: there is no real evidence of the former existence of giants. Just myths, dubious evidence and fraud.


The famous French biologist Jean Rostand wrote in his book “Life” that in 1905 he saw the Russian giant Makhnov perform in Paris. He was 285 centimeters tall and weighed 182 kilograms. He had palms of 32 centimeters and feet of 51 centimeters. Historians have established that Makhnov is a real person. Belarus. His name was Fedor, he was born near Vitebsk. He had enormous strength - he lifted the village bathhouse around the corner. He died of a cold in 1912 and was buried in the town of Velikanov Khutor. It seems that Fedor was the tallest man on Earth.

The living giants today do not live up to Makhnov.


“Yes, there were people in our time. Not like the current tribe. You are not the heroes.” (Mikhail Lermontov)

Humanity has always been interested in the eternal questions about how many years our civilization has existed, are we alone in the Universe and what happened before people appeared on Earth? Has anyone ever wondered how the age of important finds found in archaeological expeditions is determined?

Conventions in dating

There are several methods for dating historical artifacts that have come down to us, but none of them are accurate. And the radiocarbon method, which is considered the most reliable, has been found to determine age only for the last two thousand years.

Therefore, many experts argue that the dating we know is more than conditional, and the world’s scientists have found themselves in a real dead end due to the inability to accurately establish a clear chronology of human development. It is possible that historical facts known to everyone will have to be examined anew, rewriting many chapters of civilization that seem to be unshakable truths.

Ignoring evidence that undermines the theory of human evolution

Modern scientists establish the boundaries of human evolution in the last few millennia, and before that, according to authoritative researchers, it lasted an indefinite amount of time.

Surprisingly, science ignores recorded archaeological artifacts that do not fit into the history of the development of life on Earth, helping to take a skeptical look at the established theory of chronology.

Let's talk about amazing finds found in various parts of our planet, causing shock not only among the average person, but also among famous researchers who do not want to take them into account as they do not fit into the established framework.

Man-made products embedded in rocks

Some of the most famous finds are man-made objects that were walled up in a stone monolith that is several million years old. For example, strange artifacts have been discovered in limestone and coal quarries in late XIX century.

Then a small article appeared in the American press about a gold chain found, literally soldered into the rock. According to the most conservative assumptions of scientists, the age of the block exceeded 250 million years. And in scientific journal An article about a very strange discovery went almost unnoticed - two halves of a vessel like a modern vase, decorated with flowers, were discovered after an explosion in a quarry. Geologists who carefully studied the rock in which the mysterious object was located found that it was about 600 million years old.

Such unusual artifacts, unfortunately, are hushed up by scientists, because they jeopardize the theory of the origin of man, who could not possibly have lived at that time. Discoveries that violate generally accepted truths about evolution are much easier to ignore than to try to explain them scientifically.

Chandar plate

Unique artifacts appear quite often, but they are not always known to a wide range of the population. One of the latest sensations that surprised all scientists was the discovery of a huge stone slab in Bashkiria, called Chandarskaya, on the surface of which a map of the area was depicted in relief. There is no image of modern roads on it, but instead of them there are incomprehensible sites carved out, later recognized as airfields.

The age of the one-ton monolith was so striking that the find was declared a gift from aliens who wanted to settle our planet. In any case, scientists have not received a clear explanation of how relief outlines of a map of the area appeared on a block whose age is estimated at 50 million years.

Denial of a highly developed pre-civilization

Skeptics fiercely argued with the scientific brethren who defended the version of aliens, explaining all the strange findings with one single hypothesis - the existence of a highly developed civilization that died as a result of some catastrophe, but left its descendants a real reminder of itself. True, modern science strictly denies such assumptions, which break the framework of the supposed evolution of man, declaring such artifacts to be fakes or referring to their production by extraterrestrial civilizations.

Physicist and researcher V. Shemshuk even rightly spoke out on this issue, entering into a confrontation with modern science: “Many finds - historical artifacts confirming the existence of ancient civilizations, are declared hoaxes or relate to the activities of alien beings.”

Strange underground passages

Archaeologists from all over the world have accumulated enough material that does not fit well with the concept of the development of life on Earth. There are known expeditions to the territories of Ecuador and Peru that discovered an ancient many-kilometer labyrinth deep underground.

The archaeologists' research was recognized as a real sensation, but currently access to the anomalous territory is prohibited by local authorities who do not want to share the most secret things with the whole world.

Secrets of a labyrinth laid out using highly developed technologies

The leaders of the group believe that they have encountered the real thing, which has not been solved to this day. After passing through a huge network, scientists discovered a huge hall in which there were statues of animals, including dinosaurs, made of real gold. In a huge cave, reminiscent of a library, ancient manuscripts were kept with the thinnest sheets of metal on which unknown writings were engraved. In the center of the far hall sat a strange figure with a helmet pulled down over his eyes, and on his neck hung an unusual capsule with holes in it, reminiscent of a telephone dial.

It should be noted that there is no reliable evidence other than descriptions by archaeologists, and the leaders of the expedition refused to give the exact location of the labyrinth, worried about its safety.

The unknown origin of the underground labyrinth

After such unusual confessions about the existence of an amazing underground world, other groups went to the area, but only Polish scientists managed to find it and get inside the strange labyrinth. Several boxes of exhibits were taken away, but no golden sculptures or books written in a language unknown to science were found in the spacious underground halls.

However, the main result of all underground research was confirmation of the existence of a many-kilometer labyrinth, laid out using high technologies that could not have been used several thousand years ago. Inexplicable, but true: no one can shed light on the origin of the underground passages, access to which is now closed.

The official “countdown” of the development of civilization is in question

Few people know about the existence of “forbidden” archeology, the founder of which is M. Cremo. The American anthropologist and researcher officially stated that, based on the data he has, civilization arose much earlier than official science suggests.

He mentions geologists excavating in the Urals, which does not fit into standard concepts of evolution. Unexplained artifacts were discovered at a depth of about 12 meters in soil layers whose age was established to range from 20 to 100 thousand years. Miniature strange spirals, no larger than three millimeters in size, were found in untouched soil layers, which was immediately recorded by geological authorities in order to avoid further talk about the falsification of objects.

Amazing composition of spirals

The ancient artifacts surprised with their composition: the spirals were made of copper, tungsten and molybdenum. The latter is used today to harden steel products, and its melting point is about 2600 degrees.

A logical question arises about how our ancestors were able to process the smallest parts made in mass production, because they did not have the appropriate special equipment. Many scientists are inclined to believe that even today, with the use of high technologies, it is unrealistic to put millimeter spirals into production.

At the first glance at small details, an association arises with nanoparticles used in microequipment, and some of our scientists’ developments of this kind are not even completed. It turns out that archaeological artifacts that do not fit into the history of human development were manufactured in a production facility whose technical level is an order of magnitude higher than the modern one.

Was there a super civilization?

The findings were carried out by many researchers who recognized that tungsten cannot independently take a spiral shape, and we are talking about molecular technologies that could not be used by our ancestors.

There is only one answer: archaeological excavations have once again stirred up talk that before us there was a super-civilization with powerful knowledge and high technology.

These discoveries are not written about in newspapers, and few people know about the scientists’ research. However, “forbidden” archeology has plenty of evidence confirming that in prehistoric times superhumans (or aliens) lived on our planet, and the age of humanity is tens of times older than it is believed today.

Elongated skulls

World science is afraid of sensations that will cast doubt on the immutable truths about the stages of evolution, trying to hush up inexplicable artifacts. However, some of them, such as elongated skulls, are becoming famous.

In Antarctica, archaeologists discovered human remains, which became a real surprise in scientific world. On a continent that was considered uninhabited until the modern era, strange elongated skulls have been found that are revolutionizing views of human history. Most likely, they belonged to a mysterious group of people who differed in physical parameters from ordinary representatives of the race.

Previously, the same skulls were found in Egypt and Peru, which confirms the version of contact between civilizations.

Shigir idol

At the end of the 19th century, an amazing archaeological site, made, according to scientists, during the Mesolithic era. as scientists called it, it has no analogues in the whole world. The oldest wooden sculpture was well preserved due to the fact that it was located in a peat bog, which protected it from decomposition.

Ancient artifacts of Guatemala

They found a giant human head with delicate facial features and eyes directed to the sky. The appearance of the monument, similar to a white man, was strikingly different from the representatives of pre-Hispanic civilization.

It is believed that the head also had a body, but nothing can be known for sure, since the statue was used during the revolution as a target for shooting, and all features were destroyed. The statue is not a fake, but questions about who created it and why remain unanswered for a long time.

A disk whose images can only be viewed under a microscope

A disk made of durable material was discovered in Colombia, the surface of which shocked all researchers. All stages of the birth and birth of a person were depicted on it. Inexplicable, but true: the images of the processes are drawn with pinpoint precision; they can only be viewed under a microscope. The “genetic” disk is at least six thousand years old, and it is unclear how such a relief was created without the appropriate instruments.

The strange-looking human heads are different from normal images, and researchers are wondering what species these people belong to. Archaeological artifacts that do not fit into history raise many questions. It is already clear that our ancestors, the authors of this disc, possessed perfect knowledge, as evidenced by the application of microscopic drawings.

An airplane with an unusual wing shape

Colombia is rich in amazing archaeological finds, and one of them, the most famous, was an airplane made of real gold. Its age is about a thousand years. It is surprising that the shape of the wing of a strange object is not found in nature in birds. It is unknown where our ancestors got the special structure of aircraft, which seemed very unusual to contemporaries.

Interesting artifacts stored in Colombian museums interested American designers, who created the famous supersonic aircraft with the same delta-shaped wing as the find.

Stones of the Province of Ica

Drawings on boulders found in the province of Peru contradict the theory of the origin of humanity. It was not possible to determine their age, but the first mention of them is known back in the 15th century.

The volcanic rock, processed until smooth, is covered in drawings of humans interacting with dinosaurs, which is believed to modern science, is simply impossible.

Shot through Neanderthal skull

Stores archaeological artifacts that do not fit into the history of the development of modern humanity. And one of these incomprehensible objects is the skull of an ancient man with a hole from a weapon.

But who, more than 35 thousand years ago, could have owned a gun with gunpowder, which was invented much later?

Version of M. Cremo, who spoke about “forbidden” archeology

All this kind of thing does not fit into Darwin's coherent theory of evolution. The same one in his book provides convincing evidence that destroys modern ideas about the age of humanity. For more than eight years, the researcher has been discovering unique artifacts, drawing his stunning conclusions.

In his opinion, all finds indicate that the first civilizations arose about six million years ago and that creatures similar to humans lived on Earth. However, scientists suppress all artifacts that contradict the official version.

It is argued that man appeared a hundred thousand years ago, and not earlier. “Only when I am presented with convincing evidence of how the DNA structure of apes changed to eventually create humans will I believe Darwin. But so far not a single scientist has done this,” said the American archaeologist.

There is enough evidence in the world confirming the existence of highly developed civilizations before the advent of modern man. For now, these artifacts are carefully hidden, but I want to believe that soon the “forbidden” knowledge will be revealed to everyone and true story humanity will no longer be secret.

Despite the fact that Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered by archaeologists in 1922, something unusual is still found in it. For example, recently, among the funerary belongings of the pharaoh, archaeologists discovered a mysterious ring, which depicts a strange humanoid creature. According to scientists, the ring depicts the god Ptah from ancient Egyptian mythology. One thing is not clear - why does he look so much like a humanoid? In the image, the “alien” does not stand on something, but literally floats along with the objects surrounding it. Scientists believe that this is a sign of the possession of extraterrestrial technology. The ring depicts many different objects, the purpose of which is still not clear to scientists. Tutankhamun's ring dates back to 600 BC, and according to Egyptian beliefs, Ptah existed 5-15 thousand years ago.

An ancient artifact - the blade of a fallen leader - fell into the hands of archaeologists. Historians from England arrived at the place where the unique artifact was discovered and recognized it as a legendary sword. Scientists believe that the legend of King Arthur was borrowed by the Saxons from the Italians. The Siena knight Galgano Guidotti in 1148 plunged his sword into a stone located near the ancient abbey in exactly the same way. Archaeologists found this very sword, but were at a loss because of the striking resemblance to the legendary sword. The monks of the Abbey of San Galgano Montespi near Siena guard an ancient sword. For hundreds of years, the ancient sword was considered a fake, but thanks to modern technology, it was possible to establish the real time of its manufacture - the 12th century. Historians have even more questions. Scientists can't

Researchers have stumbled upon traces of an unknown technology used in the manufacture of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Temple Scroll differs from other scrolls in that the text is written on the inside of the animal's skin. The ink was applied to an unknown inorganic layer. Having analyzed chemical composition a small fragment of the “Temple Scroll”, scientists discovered an incomprehensible mixture of sodium, sulfur and calcium, which the scroll was pre-treated with. The composition applied to the scroll, which gives the scroll its richness and elasticity, is not identical to the salt water of the Dead Sea. It turns out that this technology could be applied in another region. Typically, the clean and dried skin of the animal was rubbed with sea salt, which makes it possible for scientists to determine the region where the parchment was created.

The city of Cusco in southeastern Peru was the capital of the Inca Empire in the 11th-16th centuries AD, but people began to settle in these places 3 thousand years ago. In the ancient part of the Cusco region you can see the impressive megalithic fortress complex called Sacsayhuaman. The stone masonry of the walls of Sacsayhuaman has been the subject of lively discussions for several decades; this is the so-called cyclopean masonry, that is, using stone blocks of huge weight and size very well fitted to each other and without the use of a fastening mortar. However, in addition to the walls, there are unsolved mysteries in Sacsayhuaman, and one of them is a huge granite block with steps cut into it. Granite, by the way, is one of the hardest and therefore very difficult rocks to process. Even with

Pyramids found by archaeologists on the Kola Peninsula prove the existence ancient civilization on Russian territory. Apparently, this civilization is much older than the Egyptian one. Currently, archaeological excavations have been resumed on the Kola Peninsula near the pyramids, which, according to preliminary estimates, are at least twice as old as the Egyptian ones. The question remains open: who could build these structures? Researchers and scientists of various directions flocked to the peninsula, hoping to find the answer to this riddle. The latest attempt to solve it was made by researchers last year. Scientists who made an expedition to these places believe that the Kola Peninsula may be the ancestral home of the most ancient civilization on Earth. A strong argument for this hypothesis is the discovered scientific

For hundreds of years, the Indians of Ecuador have been telling legends about the ancient city of giants, which was located somewhere in the wilds of the Amazon, but was abandoned long ago by its inhabitants and gradually the jungle took over it. According to legends, a race of giants lived here long before ordinary people came here, and they had not just one city, but many. Their civilization flourished. But then something happened. Either the giants did not like the proximity to people, or for some reason they began to die out, their cities became empty, and no one knows where the last inhabitants of the mysterious race went. In 2012, a team of researchers picked up the trail of one of the giant cities, having learned from an informant that the Indians from time to time go deep into the jungle to a special place that is considered sacred. Having followed in the indicated direction, explore

One of the most important city legends is the legend of an underground city called Grustina. In this case, we will not talk about any paranormal phenomena or mysticism; the legend of Sadness is interesting in itself. Agree, few cities can boast of such large-scale underground structures, the size of which is comparable to an entire city, but researchers are sure that on the site of modern Tomsk, an ancient city stood a long time ago and passages from it in different areas of Tomsk can still be found. Some believe that the catacombs were used by robbers and looters to store loot. Others agree that the underground routes were intended for the needs of the city authorities. And finally, the latest theory says that the underground paths and structures are part of the ancient city

A megalithic structure about five thousand years old again “saw” the light of day after 50 years of being under water. The monument, known as the “Spanish Stonehenge”, is very similar to its British “brother”, but noticeably smaller in size. It was considered lost since the 1960s. At that time, the Spanish authorities decided to build the Peraleda de la Mata hydroelectric power station (province of Caceres, Extremadura), and large areas were flooded. But a severe and prolonged drought has meant that the ancient stones have once again become available to people, The Daily Mail reports. The monument was discovered by the German amateur archaeologist Hugo Obermayer in 1925, but it was practically not explored. Scientists only noted that the stones were probably concentrated around the central area

This tiny clay figurine in the form of a man is less than 4 cm long. It was discovered in 1889 in the city of Nampa, Idaho and since then this artifact has been called the “Doll from Nampa”. That year, a group of workers were digging wells, trying to find underground water, and in one of these wells, from a depth of 90 meters, a pump, along with tiny clay balls, brought out this tiny doll. In appearance, it was definitely a man-made object, and not a play of nature, but at such a depth even the bones of fossilized human ancestors are not often found. Experts date this layer of ancient clay to be approximately 2 million years old! And the figurine itself and the clay balls immediately asked riddles that have not yet been solved. Was it a fake? Doubtful. Could the figurine and balls fall into the well?

Not far from the coast of Great Britain, archaeologists discovered a mysterious object, which later turned out to be a very ancient shipyard where ships were built. Reported on the official website of the National Oceanographic Center in Southampton. Underwater archaeologists have discovered fragments of a wooden platform near the Isle of Wight. According to the analysis, the discovered object is approximately 8000 years old. It turns out that this shipyard was built by people who lived in the Stone Age. This is surprising, since for the people of that time, the construction of ships was a real “technology from the future.” Until now, scientists believed that the oldest shipyard was 5,500 years old. Scientists noted that ancient builders used modern technologies wood processing that could appear, then

At the necropolis of the ancient settlement of Mirmekiy near Kerch, archaeologists discovered a unique ancient burial dating back to the 6th century AD. Experts were surprised not only by the technology of making the tomb - it was carved in stone, but also by the contents - the sarcophagus was empty. As the head of the Myrmek ​​expedition, head of the northern Black Sea region sector of the department, told RG ancient world State Hermitage Museum Alexander Butyagin, this season, during excavations at the ancient settlement of Mirmekiy, archaeologists discovered three ancient burials dating back to the first wave of Greek colonization of the peninsula. “This is the twelfth open burial at that necropolis over the past three years,” said Alexander Butyagin. - The unusual thing is that this early necropolis ended up inside the city walls

Some people firmly believe in the existence of aliens, while others believe that space civilizations- it's just fiction. But sometimes even inveterate skeptics have thoughts that humanity would not be able to cope with some issues without the help of representatives of alien civilizations. There are some ancient structures in the world, the mystery of which scientists cannot unravel to this day. Sometimes people wonder if this is the work of aliens? Sacsayhuaman Sacsayhuaman is former capital Inca Empire. The city's monumental fortresses are built from huge and incredibly heavy blocks, each of which weighs about 360 tons. Scientists have been trying for many years to understand, but they still can’t understand, how people lifted these heavy blocks and placed them on top of each other? Another mystery is how building materials were delivered to their destination

A large treasure trove of ancient artifacts was discovered by an expedition led by Elias Sotomayor in 1984. In the Ecuadorian La Mana mountain range, 300 stone artifacts were discovered in a tunnel at a depth of over ninety meters. It is currently impossible to determine the exact age of the finds. However, it is already known that they do not belong to any of the known cultures of this region. The symbols and signs carved on the stone clearly belong to Sanskrit, but not to the later version, but rather to the early one. A number of scholars have identified this language as Proto-Sanskrit.

Before Sotomayor's discovery, Sanskrit had never been associated with the American continent; rather, it was attributed to the cultures of Europe, Asia and northern Africa. For example, it is believed that ancient Egyptian writing was built on its basis. Now scientists, drawing various scientific parallels, are trying to “connect” these cultural centers and find out the origin of the mysterious treasure.

The distance from La Mana to Giza is 0.3 from the circumference of the Earth. The very word La Mana is not typical for the places where the massif is located; it does not carry any semantic meaning in local languages ​​and dialects. But in Sanskrit “mana” means mind, meaning intelligence. Scientists suggest that the name of the area was given to the peoples now living in it from their predecessors, who may have come to America from Asia.

World secrets and mysteries are quite common in Central America. Despite all the similarities between the American and Egyptian pyramids, they have a number of significant technical differences. The stone pyramid discovered by Sotomayor’s expedition most closely resembles in its shape the huge pyramids at Giza.

But her mysteries don’t end there either. Thirteen rows of stone masonry were carved on the pyramid. In its upper part there is an image of an open eye, or, in the mystical tradition, the “all-seeing eye.” Thus, the pyramid found in La Mana is an exact representation of the Masonic sign known to most of humanity thanks to the US one dollar bill.
Another amazing discovery of Sotomayor's expedition is a stone image of a king cobra, made with great artistry. And it’s not even about the high level of art of ancient artisans. Everything is much more mysterious, because the king cobra is not found in America. Its habitat is the tropical rainforests of India. However, the quality of its image leaves no doubt that the artist personally saw this snake. Thus, either an object with an image of a snake applied to it, or its author must have moved from Asia to America across the ocean in ancient times, when it is believed that no means existed for this. The mysteries are multiplying.

Perhaps Sotomayor's third astonishing discovery will provide the answer. One of the oldest globes on Earth, also made of stone, was also discovered in the La Mana tunnel. On the far from perfect ball, the craftsman may have simply spared effort in making it, but the round boulder bears images of continents familiar from school days.
But even to a non-specialist, the differences are immediately apparent. If the outlines of Italy, Greece, the Persian Gulf, the Dead Sea and India differ little from modern ones, then from the coast of Southeast Asia towards America the planet looks completely different. Huge masses of land are depicted where now only a boundless sea splashes.
The Caribbean islands and the Florida peninsula are completely absent. Just below the equator in the Pacific Ocean there is a gigantic island, approximately equal in size to modern Madagascar. Modern Japan is part of a giant continent that extends to the shores of America and extends far to the south.

Perhaps this is the legendary continent of Mu, whose existence in ancient times was suggested by the Japanese scientist M. Kimura. Subsequently, as he claimed, this continent sank to the bottom of the ocean, like Atlantis described by Plato. However, a number of scientists suggest that it was Mu who was described by Plato under the name Atlantis. The presence of this continent turns travel from Asia to America in ancient times from an impossible event into a completely feasible and possibly routine one. The genetic connections of American Indians and Asians have long been proven, and the presence in ancient times of a continent connecting these parts of the world is quite capable of explaining their origin. It remains to add that the find in La Mana is apparently the oldest map of the world, and its estimated age is at least 12,000 years.

Sotomayor's other findings are no less interesting. In particular, a “service” of thirteen bowls was discovered. Twelve of them have perfectly equal volume, and the thirteenth is much larger. If you fill 12 small bowls with liquid to the brim, and then pour them into a large one, then it will be filled exactly to the brim. All bowls are made of jade. The purity of their processing suggests that the ancients had a stone processing technology similar to a modern lathe.

Almost all of Sotomayor's finds glow under ultraviolet light. And then on some of them multi-colored images of stars appear, or rather, the constellation Orion, the star Aldebaran and the twin stars Castor and Pollux. Why exactly this area of ​​the sky attracted the attention of ancient masters, one can only speculate.

A number of finds depict converging circles, clearly associated with Sanskrit ideas about the mandala. It is interesting that this idea entered the Indian ideas about the structure of the world almost unchanged. “Everything that an Indian does is in a circle, because it is the Power of the World. Everything happens in circles, and everything tries to be round... Everything that the Power of the World does is done in a circle,” said the famous Indian leader Black in 1863 Elk.

So far, Sotomayor's findings raise more questions than they answer. But they once again confirm the thesis that our information about the history of the Earth and humanity is still very far from perfect.

Incredible find from Ayud

On the banks of the Mures River, which flows through Romania, construction work was carried out in the spring of 1974. During which, in one of the sand quarries, workers stumbled upon several strangely shaped objects. They lay in a layer of fine river sand, in a large quarry at a depth of about 10 meters. The objects were covered with a thick layer of sandy crust, but shaped like fossils of ancient animals, and were sent to the small town of Ayud.

At the local history museum, a group of historians identified two of the three finds as fragments of bones, which, upon more detailed analysis, turned out to be the tusk of a young mastodon and its shin bone. The third subject was taken up at the large Archaeological Institute of the city of Cluj.

When the scientists removed the crust, they were very surprised - the object turned out to be a metal product, vaguely reminiscent of a stone ax used by ancient people. The subject was subjected to more detailed study. It was approximately 20 centimeters long, oblong in shape, with two different-sized holes going into it, which converged at a right angle in the center. The bottom of the hole was slightly deformed. Apparently some kind of rod had been inserted into it. On two other surfaces, numerous traces were found, left after dynamic contact of the object with some hard objects. The object itself resembled a part of some kind of machine.

For a more detailed study of the object, its samples were sent to the Metallurgical Institute, to Dr. Niederkoron. The scientist, after carefully studying the material of the find, stated that almost 90% of it consists of aluminum. In addition, the complex alloy includes copper, silicon, zinc, lead and tin.

The professor was surprised by the fact that, although aluminum is the most common metal on earth, it cannot be found in nature in its pure form. The first aluminum ingots went into mass production only in 1883, and they were produced at the smelters of the American metallurgical company ALCOA (since the high-tech process requires an electrolysis melt at temperatures of about 1000 degrees Celsius).

And the object that was found in Romania was much older than a hundred years. This was determined by the thickness of the aluminum oxide film on the surface. The fact is that in air, aluminum immediately oxidizes, becoming covered with a thin, durable film, which increases the anti-corrosion properties of the metal. The thickness of the film can often be used to judge the age of a product.

The thickness of the film on the object was a millimeter, which corresponds to at least a hundred thousand years (there are practically no similar samples in nature). Professor Niederkron wrote in an accompanying note: “Incredibly, it seems that we are looking at aluminum with an aged structure. As if other elements of the alloy had regained their own crystal lattices...”

Since the proximity of the object to the bones of a mammoth, which died more than one million years ago, allows us to make a bold and sensational assumption - the object may have an age equal to the age of humanity. Or maybe more.

For a long time, a group of researchers, which included paleontologists, archaeologists, engineers and metallurgists, could not name the exact purpose of this object. An analysis was made of all modern objects in which a part of a similar design can be found.
One of the engineers suggested that the find very much resembled the support or chassis of some medium-sized aircraft, with a vertical take-off, which was adapted for landing on the surface of the planet. The two holes may have been where the posts were attached, and the scratches on the lower surfaces may have been caused by regular rubbing against the ground.

Since aluminum is a lightweight and durable metal, it is used in aircraft construction even now. Perhaps, in ancient times, a space probe flew over the territory of Romania, which crashed, and the debris was carried away by the river current. This chassis, once in shallow water, was covered with sand and lay there until our time.

Romanian scientist Florian Georgita, who was part of the commission that studied the find, published a detailed article in the journal Ancient skies in 1992. This article was published shortly before the discovery disappeared directly from the museum where it had been located since its discovery. Georgita assumed that this part is of extraterrestrial origin and is part of an alien spacecraft.

This version was supported by ufologist M. Hesemann, who in 1994 was able to find traces of the “find from Ayud”. The story is more like a detective story. Arriving at a gathering of ufologists in Debrecen, Hungary, he was invited by a certain person to the city of Cluj. The invitation included a proposal to “get acquainted with the object found near Ayud in the summer of 1974.” Indeed, Professor Hesemann met a man in Romania who showed him an aluminum object.

The professor confirms that the object is not lost, that it is in good hands and, perhaps, when more high-tech research methods become available, it will again be examined for the possibility of its extraterrestrial origin.

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