What is "Authenticity"? Authenticity meaning of the word What does the word authentic mean

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. The word “authentic” has become a fashion statement.

It sounds from television screens, appears in the speeches of lawyers, art critics, psychologists, and is found on social networks.

This word is used in different contexts, so its true meaning is not always clear. To avoid getting into trouble, you should “dig deeper” and find out everything about this mysterious term.

Authenticity - the meaning of the word in general understanding

The concept, which carries a slight flair of mystery and mystery, comes from the Greek language. Translated into Russian αὐθεντικός means “ authentic", "real". offers additional “touches to the portrait” that make this word easier to understand:

  1. true;
  2. authentic;
  3. equivalent;
  4. valid;
  5. reliable.

Authentic is a characteristic meaning that the object in question is real, genuine, not counterfeit.

Concepts opposite in meaning- fake, not real, counterfeit, not original, but a copy. In short, another fashionable word translated from English as “fake”.

Given the widespread prevalence of cheap fakes (competitions for the title of the most authentic copy of branded companies have already become commonplace), purchasing a real, genuine item is a great success.

Therefore, in the modern interpretation, “authentic” also means “high-quality”.

Sometimes you can hear the pronunciation "authentic" or "authentic". These designations are equivalent. But the similar-sounding concept “autistic” is taken from “another opera”; it is associated with developmental disorders.

But don't rush to conclusions, that authenticity is very simple. In fact, this term is used in dozens of fields from psychology to law, and each time its meaning will be interpreted differently.

For example, the authenticity of a person’s behavior is how different his behavior is “in public” and when no one is looking at him. This word also denotes the authenticity of the products. Authentication on sites means verifying the authenticity of your identity. And so on.

But don't worry, we'll figure it all out in no time.

What can be authentic

This is what they say about any genuine original product. For example, an African amulet, Rostov enamel, Chanel No. 5 perfume, Russian buckwheat, an Uzbek carpet, or Nike sneakers can be authentic.

Travel lovers are familiar with the expression “ authentic cuisine" This refers to national dishes that embody the culinary preferences of the country's inhabitants (Spanish paella, Israeli falafel, Mexican tortilla).

The word authenticity is often used when it comes to documents. This term is common in international law in relation to contracts in two or more languages.

The text may initially have been compiled in one of them, but all other versions are considered genuine, having equal validity, in other words, authentic.

From the lips of musicians you can hear the phrase “ authentic performance" This is said when ancient works are reproduced on instruments of the corresponding era in a special manner in order to bring to us the music in the form in which Bach or Beethoven created it.

The pioneer in this direction was the Briton Arnold Dolmech, who reconstructed ancient musical instruments and created a work on the principles of performing ancient music.

In the literature the term Authenticity is applied to original texts that have not been edited. Most often we are talking about personal correspondence, diaries, and manuscripts.

There are cases where authenticity is not the same as authenticity - for example, in contemporary art. Here, such quality can be attributed to a copy that fully conveys the author's style and idea - everything is like in the original source.

Authentication is a test of authenticity

As a personal characteristic, authenticity is the ability to be yourself in different situations, guided by your own ideas about life and bearing responsibility for this choice. This is the antonym for .

Alone with themselves, when there is no one to impress and conquer, people tend to behave authentically. In the presence of others, behavior can change greatly. Authenticity is characteristic of young children - until adults teach them to behave differently.

The smaller the difference between a person’s behavior alone and “in public,” the more authentic he is.

Signs of an authentic person:

  1. realistic perception of yourself and others;
  2. open expression of one's emotions and opinions, even those that differ from the majority.
  3. absence of statements and actions that contradict life guidelines;
  4. self-sufficiency, lack of discomfort when being alone ();
  5. indifference to gossip and unfounded rumors, lack of resentment for criticism from other people and a tendency to condemn the actions of others.

From a psychological point of view, words close in meaning to the word “authentic” are the concepts "sincere", "open", "honest". These qualities manifest themselves not only in relation to other people, but also towards oneself.

Brief summary

In a world overflowing with copies (counterfeits of branded clothing, shoes and smartphones, relationships with masks on faces, fake accounts), authenticity has acquired a special value. And it doesn’t matter that often there are no external benefits behind it: pleasure, wealth or fame.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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(Greek authentikys - authentic). A concept developed in humanistic psychology and psychotherapy and reflecting one of the most important integrative characteristics of personality. According to Rogers (Rogers S.R.), who actively used this term, A. is the ability of a person in communication to refuse various social roles (psychotherapist, professional, teacher, leader, etc.), allowing the manifestation of authenticity, characteristic only a given individual's thoughts, emotions and behavior. Along with the ability for unconditional acceptance and empathy, A. is an essential component of effective human communication.
The boundaries of the concept of A. are unclear. Often, as synonyms for the term A., definitions such as a fully functioning personality (Rogers S.R.), freedom (Allport F.N.), self-actualization (Maslow A.H.), selfhood, holistic personality (Perls F.S.), congruence (Grinder J., Bandler R.).
The psychological meaning of A. can be defined as a coordinated, holistic, interconnected manifestation of the basic psychological processes and mechanisms that determine personal functioning. The manifestation or non-manifestation of A. from this point of view is observed when personal motives and interests collide with social norms and dominant tendencies of social consciousness. In such a situation, authentic behavior presupposes an integral experience of direct experience, not distorted by psychological defense mechanisms. A person is involved in what is happening and then directly shows his emotional attitude towards it. His thoughts and actions are consistent with his emotions. In modern areas of psychology that develop the formal structure of communication, the behavior of such a person is assessed as congruent (i.e., from the point of view of an outside observer, the information coming from him through verbal and nonverbal channels is consistent).
In the traditions of humanistic psychology, A. also characterizes a certain ideal personality, as opposed to a neurotic personality. On the way to A. personal growth occurs. In Gestalt therapy, A., selfhood is preceded by the stages of awareness of the relativity of social norms, the ineffectiveness of behavioral patterns, the affirmation of one’s own value with the discovery in oneself of the possibility of expressing any, even negative, emotions, while simultaneously taking responsibility for authentic behavior in society. In this context, A. is not a role model, say, a hero, but the freedom gained through struggle with oneself in accepting one’s unique characteristics and a unique strategy for building one’s own life. An example of authentic behavior is the behavior of a training group participant who, experiencing fear of an upcoming group discussion of the question “How are you feeling now?”, honestly admits that he is afraid.

Psychotherapeutic encyclopedia. - St. Petersburg: Peter. B. D. Karvasarsky. 2000.

Authenticity is:


Authenticity(ancient Greek αὐθεντικός - genuine) refers to the correctness of principles, properties, views, feelings, intentions; sincerity, devotion.

Authenticity can also mean:

Authenticity in art- this is the reliability of the transmission, the authenticity of the sample. In some cases, it is used to determine the originality of the work and is contrasted with the concept of plagiarism. In literature - author's texts without edits or editorial changes. Often the concept is applied to diaries, personal correspondence, manuscripts, etc. of specific authors. In painting - the author's style, special technique or presentation. In music - a special manner of performance, the use of certain instruments.

Authenticity in Traditional Art

Authenticity is attributed to folk art if this art comes from a bearer of a certain culture. Also, the characteristic of authenticity can be attributed to the art that accurately reproduces folklore samples. For example, playing music on folk instruments, using traditional methods of creating paints and other materials for painting and decorative arts, preserving original phonetics in folk songs.

Authenticity and contemporary art

In modern art, the concept of authenticity is more often applied to the author's style, author's technique, and original idea. Moreover, authenticity can often be attributed not only to the original work, but also to its copies. This approach is especially typical for easily reproduced modern forms of art, where the copy is indistinguishable from the original. In this case, authenticity does not mean the authenticity of the sample, but the originality of the idea of ​​the work of art.

Authenticity in performing musical instruments

Main article authenticism

Authenticity in performance is complete or partial copying style performance of this or that musical work of the time when it was written. For example: the performer plays a composition written in the 18th century, but performs it in the 21st century, the playing style has changed over so many years, and in order to convey the atmosphere, the performer uses those techniques of playing a particular instrument that were used at the time when the composition was written.


  • Authenticity in contemporary art - the boundaries of meaning
  • Where to look for authenticity
  • W. Benjamin “The work of art in the era of its technical reproducibility”

I was called authentic. What does it mean?

Elena Kazakova

AUTHENTICITY - (Greek authentikys - genuine). A concept developed in humanistic psychology and psychotherapy and reflecting one of the most important integrative characteristics of personality. According to Rogers (Rogers S.R.), who actively used this term, A. is the ability of a person in communication to refuse various social roles (psychotherapist, professional, teacher, leader, etc.), allowing the manifestation of authenticity, characteristic only a given individual's thoughts, emotions and behavior. Along with the ability for unconditional acceptance and empathy, A. is an essential component of effective human communication. The boundaries of the concept of A. are unclear. Often, as synonyms for the term A., definitions such as a fully functioning personality (Rogers C.R.), freedom (Allport F.N.), self-actualization (Maslow A.H.), selfhood, holistic personality (Perls F.S.), congruence (Grinder J., Bandler R.). The psychological meaning of A. can be defined as a coordinated, holistic, interconnected manifestation of the basic psychological processes and mechanisms that determine personal functioning. The manifestation or non-manifestation of A. from this point of view is observed when personal motives and interests collide with social norms and dominant tendencies of social consciousness. In such a situation, authentic behavior presupposes an integral experience of direct experience, not distorted by psychological defense mechanisms. A person is involved in what is happening and then directly shows his emotional attitude towards it. His thoughts and actions are consistent with his emotions. In modern areas of psychology that develop the formal structure of communication, the behavior of such a person is assessed as congruent (i.e., from the point of view of an outside observer, the information coming from him through verbal and nonverbal channels is consistent). In the traditions of humanistic psychology, A. also characterizes a certain ideal personality, as opposed to a neurotic personality. On the way to A. personal growth occurs. In Gestalt therapy, A., selfhood is preceded by the stages of awareness of the relativity of social norms, the ineffectiveness of behavioral patterns, the affirmation of one’s own value with the discovery in oneself of the possibility of expressing any, even negative, emotions, while simultaneously taking responsibility for authentic behavior in society. In this context, A. - this is not a role model, say, a hero, but the freedom gained in the struggle with oneself in accepting one’s unique characteristics and a unique strategy for building one’s own life. An example of authentic behavior is the behavior of a training group participant who, experiencing fear of an upcoming group discussion of the question “How are you feeling now?”, honestly admits that he is afraid.
AUTHENTIC AND INAUTHENTIC - (Authentic and inauthentic; authentisch und inauthentisch) - existentialist terms used in depth psychology to distinguish between human actions that turn out to be true or false in relation to oneself, to the self. Practicing psychoanalysts are able to distinguish between these concepts, interpreting inauthentic behavior as defensive. The meaning of these terms is that a person’s “real” feelings and motives for behavior are different from those that he himself feels, his “insincerity” is dictated by the desire to avoid confrontation with certain aspects of the situation or himself.

(Greek authentikys - authentic). A concept developed in humanistic psychology and psychotherapy and reflecting one of the most important integrative characteristics of personality. According to Rogers (Rogers S.R.), who actively used this term, A. is the ability of a person in communication to refuse various social roles (psychotherapist, professional, teacher, leader, etc.), allowing the manifestation of authenticity, characteristic only a given individual's thoughts, emotions and behavior. Along with the ability for unconditional acceptance and empathy, A. is an essential component of effective human communication. The boundaries of the concept of A. are unclear. Often, as synonyms for the term A., definitions such as a fully functioning personality (Rogers S.R.), freedom (Allport F.N.), self-actualization (Maslow A.H.), selfhood, holistic personality (Perls F.S.), congruence (Grinder J., Bandler R.). The psychological meaning of A. can be defined as a coordinated, holistic, interconnected manifestation of the basic psychological processes and mechanisms that determine personal functioning. The manifestation or non-manifestation of A. from this point of view is observed when personal motives and interests collide with social norms and dominant tendencies of social consciousness. In such a situation, authentic behavior presupposes an integral experience of direct experience, not distorted by psychological defense mechanisms. A person is involved in what is happening and then directly shows his emotional attitude towards it. His thoughts and actions are consistent with his emotions. In modern areas of psychology that develop the formal structure of communication, the behavior of such a person is assessed as congruent (i.e., from the point of view of an outside observer, the information coming from him through verbal and nonverbal channels is consistent). In the traditions of humanistic psychology, A. also characterizes a certain ideal personality, as opposed to a neurotic personality. On the way to A. personal growth occurs. In Gestalt therapy, A., selfhood is preceded by the stages of awareness of the relativity of social norms, the ineffectiveness of behavioral patterns, the affirmation of one’s own value with the discovery in oneself of the possibility of expressing any, even negative, emotions, while simultaneously taking responsibility for authentic behavior in society. In this context, A. is not a role model, say, a hero, but the freedom gained through struggle with oneself in accepting one’s unique characteristics and a unique strategy for building one’s own life. An example of authentic behavior is the behavior of a training group participant who, experiencing fear of an upcoming group discussion of the question “How are you feeling now?”, honestly admits that he is afraid.

Definitions, meanings of words in other dictionaries:

Clinical psychology. Dictionary, ed. N.D. Tvorogova

Authenticity (from the Greek authentikys - genuine) is the ability of a person in communication to abandon various social roles, allowing the manifestation of genuine thoughts, emotions and behavior characteristic only of a given individual (K. Rogers). Authentic behavior in a humanistic...

Philosophical Dictionary

Authenticity - what is it? We come across this concept quite often both in everyday life and when immersed in specific areas. Interestingly, the meaning of the word “authenticity” can vary dramatically depending on the context in which it is used. The term originally comes from the Greek word “authenticus,” which literally meant authenticity. Thus, authenticity is a certain authenticity of properties and principles. However, the sonorous term was borrowed by representatives of several scientific directions at once, which entailed ramifications of definitions of the same concept. Let's look at the main ones.

Authenticity is a concept from psychology

Psychologists use this to mean a person’s awareness of his own feelings and experiences, his access to his own consciousness from various sides, the integrity of this Authentic person (in other words, this is called congruence) is He is himself without pretense or “running away” from his own fears and addictions. Example

conscious incongruity can be a lie, simulation, or another type of pretense. If such a phenomenon occurs independently of a person’s will, it constitutes a mental disorder. For example, psychotherapists use the concept of “authenticity” when describing the process of frank psychic connection between therapist and patient. Perhaps, of all the definitions of the term in a psychological context, it turned out to be the most confusing. However, here too it means a certain authenticity (and at the same time integrity).

Authenticity is also from a number of humanitarian areas

Indeed, this term is used in history, art, issues. For example, in the latter case, the concept of authenticity is used when it is necessary to protect the rights of the creator to a cultural product: text, music, video, and so on. The appropriation of an authentic (same) product by another person is called plagiarism and is punishable by law. However, remaking the authentic text into

Only formally different (changing part of the notes, rearranging phrases in a sentence, etc.) is also prohibited, although this is much more difficult to trace. For art critics, the term means the correspondence of the actual content of certain content (the same music, text, paintings, and so on). As we have already noted, authenticity is what distinguishes the original from plagiarism. The same thing is practiced in art, however, not for the purpose of protecting legislation, but for preserving cultural heritage. In literature, painting, and music, real works differ from copies (pirate fakes, to use modern slang) in small details, manner and technique of execution, style that is inherent in the author, and so on. Authenticity in the mouth of a historian-researcher or archaeologist will mean a genuine artifact, a material thing that has come down to us from time immemorial. Such relics are important because they can tell a lot about the past of humanity.

(Greek autentikos - authentic, coming from the original source) - 1) the text of any document, which, if there are necessary grounds (if certain criteria are met), is officially recognized as identical to the original, true, correct, valid; synonymous with the concept of "official document". Texts of legal regulations at the legislative and subordinate levels, published in official sources of the relevant government bodies, can be considered as A. Among such sources are the published “Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. Official weekly publication”, “Collection of federal constitutional laws and federal laws”, “Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive bodies”. -

2) A copy of an interstate official document (duly executed, containing the text of an international treaty), to which a decision agreed upon by the contracting parties and recorded in the same treaty or in a special diplomatic document attached to it (additional agreement, protocol, exchange of notes) is given legal status of genuine, reliable, basic.

In the modern practice of concluding bilateral international treaties, usually drawn up in the official languages ​​of the counterparty countries, each signed copy is equally recognized, which is consistent with one of the basic principles of international law - the principle of sovereign equality of states. In some other cases, bilateral international treaties contain the necessary clarifications:

Thus, the Russian-Japanese peace treaty concluded in 1905 (the Portsmouth Peace Treaty), which was drawn up in English and French (and it directly indicated the absolute similarity of both editions in their content), stipulated that in the event of a dispute on the interpretation of its provisions, the text compiled in French will be considered binding (i.e. A.). In previous times, multilateral international treaties were drawn up in “diplomatic languages” - Latin (Middle Ages), French (XVII-XIX centuries), English (late XIX - early XX centuries), and therefore there were problems in establishing the authenticity of texts, such as the rule did not arise. Today, when there is no single “diplomatic language” obligatory for all states, this category of international treaties is drawn up in the languages ​​agreed upon by the contracting parties (in most cases in the languages ​​of all or some of them). In particular, one of the most famous multilateral international treaties - the UN Charter - is written in Chinese, French, Russian, English and Spanish, and each of the texts is equally A.

The authentication procedure may be provided for in the text of the treaty itself or specifically agreed upon by the negotiating states. In the absence of such a procedure, establishing the authenticity of the prepared text is carried out in one of the following ways: by signing with the condition of subsequent confirmation by the competent authority of the given contracting state or initialing (affixing each page of the text with the initials of persons authorized to conduct negotiations as a sign of their agreement with such edition).

3) A. interpretation of the law - a type of official interpretation of the text of a normative act or its individual provision (rule of law), which comes from the very authority that issued such an act. Such clarification is mandatory, i.e. has a normative nature for all persons and bodies applying this act or rule of law. A. interpretation can also be given by bodies that did not issue the interpreted normative act, but are endowed with special powers to do so by the competent authorities (for example, the powers of a ministry of the relevant profile to explain government regulations related to the activities of this ministry); A. interpretation of an international treaty - clarification of the actual meaning and content of it, carried out by the contracting parties themselves on the basis of mutual consent and therefore having binding force for the contracting states. This type of interpretation is carried out through the exchange of notes, the signing of a protocol, a special agreement. Volosov M. E.

Encyclopedia of Lawyer. 2005 .



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