What is the psychosomatics of bronchitis and what psychological causes can lead to the disease. Psychosomatics of bronchitis: what is the condition according to Liz Burbo and Louise Hay, how to heal Bronchitis mental causes

Psychosomatics of bronchitis is an alternative, psychological approach to the causes of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tracheobronchial tree or diffuse lesions of the bronchial tree with the formation of a large amount of sputum, as well as coughing.

As we know, modern medicine considers the main causative agents of bronchitis to be infections (viruses or bacteria), as well as long-acting non-infectious pathogens (such as dust or allergens). But, a number of psychologists have come to the conclusion that the causes of recurring, "persistent" bronchitis can be negative attitudes and.

The psychological conditionality of recurrent bronchitis may be associated with two important points: what is called "", and what can be called "a ban on breathing deeply."

In the first case, coughing is a kind of protest that suppresses verbally expressed “uncomfortable” thoughts or emotions that we do not dare to express. In the second case, a person puts a ban on such a comprehensive life that he would like to realize. Why this happens - it is worth understanding individually.

So, Louise Hay positions that the psychosomatics of bronchitis in adults is directly related to emotional negativity in family relationships. Stormy clarifications, scandals, screams and insults, as well as acute outbursts of negativity that have been suppressed in oneself, can lead to chronic or constantly recurring acute bronchitis.

V. Zhikarentsev pays special attention to such family quarrels, in which a person feels an “explosion” or “boiling” inside himself. At the same time, noticing even similar turns of Russian speech, for example, “do not bring to a boil”, “brought to a white heat”. Such states of emotional involvement will certainly cause “responses” of the body: a change in complexion, trembling in the hands. In some patients, a similar reaction affects the internal organs. IN this case, bronchi.

Worst of all, the sick child in this way “runs to regret and treat” all the household members, stopping the strife for a while. This involuntarily reinforces the chosen strategy of the child's body. That is, the subconscious mind decides: it is right to react with bronchitis to family scandals, because they also stop. The "vicious" scheme is fixed very quickly, and the child actually constantly gives such reactions.

The main signs of psychosomatic bronchitis in adults can be persistent obsessive bronchitis, which tend to recur every month. Moreover, a person “manages to become infected” even in the warm season.

Doctors in this case can make diagnoses in the form of acute allergic bronchitis or talk about very poor immunity. But immunostimulants are powerless and bronchitis does not recede.

The second option is chronic, sluggish bronchitis, which tend to worsen during stress and anxiety. Most often, such phenomena are also attributed to poor immunity or they suggest looking for the “source” of the problem in the form of harmful things or odors at work or replacing all household detergents at home.

But, all activities do not lead to the desired result. Bronchitis won't go away. This is the main sign to try to find a psychologist, not a doctor.

Signs of psychosomatic bronchitis in adults

Psychosomatics of bronchitis in children is closely related to a specific experience. Important traumatic events can be clearly traced, after which the manifestations of bronchitis begin. Often this is a special grandiose scandal or the moment the child is involved in the scandal process. That is, those moments are especially terrible when the baby is offered to “choose” or is required that he take sides.

Often psychosomatic bronchitis is characterized by restful sleep. The kid does not worry about coughing, he "turns off his experiences." But awakening can cause major seizures. Another indicative moment is when the child practically does not cough, playing fun outdoor games with children on the street. When you return home, everything repeats.

Ways of healing from psychosomatic bronchitis

Ways of healing lie in developing a strategy for overcoming negative attitudes. For example, Louise Hay spoke about declaring peace and harmony around her.

V. Zhikarentsev wrote that the most important stage is the feeling of harmony. He talked about the need to find peace within yourself and solve problems for this.

Liz Bourbo wrote that in order to cure bronchitis, it is necessary to treat life more joyfully. Some family members may express their vision of the situation. This does not mean that you should not defend your living space and not express your disagreement. There are no ideal families and conflicts are inevitable. Respect the right to the opinions of others, but do not kill your own completely. After all, even if these are close people and family members, you should remain yourself.

As for the healing of children, most of the responsibility falls on adults. It is they who need to learn to live in harmony, or at least not to involve the baby in the existing conflict. Yes, mother-in-law or mother-in-law can be wrong. But, after all, this is your child, and you need to start changing your behavior with yourself.

Prevention methods

It is very important to solve problems in family relationships. If you accumulate innuendo, nothing good comes of it. Stand up for your opinion, but respect the opinions of others. Prevention of bronchitis is an opportunity to live in harmony with yourself, in psychological comfort.

If it concerns a child, it is worth making every effort so that “family showdowns” do not take place before his eyes. Of course, this is difficult to do, especially if several generations are involved in the conflict. But, most likely, everyone wants the best for the baby, so if you see that the situation is heating up, just transfer it to a place where it will go unnoticed by the child.


The ideal approach for dealing with bronchitis in adults would be family therapy. It will help you understand each other better. In addition, it is often on it that the spouses understand that they are a separate family, in which grandparents should not be allowed too much. Even if they sincerely want the best. After all, they, of course, are also close and dear, but not those + who should impose their guidelines and values.

Also, family psychotherapy well helps to realize one's responsibility to the baby, and possible consequences"public scandals". However, children are good at relieving their stress with the help of art therapy. The same technique helps them generally establish contact with a psychotherapist.

If the main problem is related to the inability to defend one's personal space, then other methods can come to the rescue: cognitive therapy and symbol drama.

Of course, psychological intervention does not preclude rejection of medications prescribed by the doctor. Especially if the person is in the acute stage of the disease. But, you see, it is quite acceptable to try psychological methods along with traditional therapy. After all, they, unlike medicines, cannot cause a side effect. And, perhaps, solve the problem once and for all.

Causes of the disease

4. BRONCHITIS- (Valery Sinelnikov)

Cause Description

Essentially, bronchitis is a reflection of unspoken anger and claims.

There is a very nervous atmosphere in the family, there is no peace and harmony. Arguments, swearing, shouting. A rare calm. In such cases, children are very sensitive indicators of the atmosphere in the family. They immediately react with diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

One man came to see me with his 5-year-old son. Every month the child has inflammation of the upper respiratory tract: bronchitis, cough.

- Who do you live with? I ask him.

- In addition to me, my wife and child, my mother still lives with us.

- And what is your relationship with your mother, what is the atmosphere in the family?

- Terrible! - the man answers. She is constantly dissatisfied with something. I am dissatisfied with the fact that I am not working now, but my wife is working. He believes that we are raising our child incorrectly. We, especially me, have constant conflicts with her. Calm comes only when the child gets sick. That's when we all unite around a sick child.

- It turns out that the child's illness helps you to achieve a truce at least for a while? I ask him.

- It turns out so. But you are absolutely right, - the man answers. - I never thought about it that way.

- That's when you learn to find a common language with your mother, then the disease will not be needed.

"But shouldn't the mother herself change?" he wonders.

“I should,” I reply. “But you are in front of me now, not your mother. You change, she changes.

- Yes, it will be difficult to do, - the man sighs, - but I will try.

“Try it,” I say. - After all, the health of your child depends on your efforts.

Three months later I met the man's wife, she worked as a secretary with my friend.

“You know,” she said, “since my husband visited you, my son has never been sick, and there is now peace and tranquility in the family. We are very grateful to you.

In diseases of the respiratory tract, such as bronchitis, the developmental psychosomatics require detailed study. It indicates the root cause of the disease, the elimination of which in most cases leads to the recovery of the patient.

With bronchitis, a person has trouble breathing normally. Many experience a feeling as if someone is pressing on the chest and does not allow to relax. Every breath becomes a test.

Background of bronchitis

Each of us is prone to colds, against which bronchitis can progress. And yet Louise Hay and her supporters are of the view that the problem lies not only in reduced immunity; even patients in excellent health are prone to respiratory diseases.

With frequent bronchitis, a person is usually given a chronic diagnosis and no more detailed examinations are carried out. Such an approach is doomed to failure. If the disease constantly reminds of itself, and from time to time it worsens more, then you should think about the psychosomatics of the disease. It is not uncommon for people to suffer from constant pain in the airways in the form of a severe emotional breakdown. Such reasons cannot be eliminated by the use of immunomodulators, even if they are strong. The patient needs more serious help - a professional psychologist.

The study of the psychosomatics of bronchitis

Figure 1. Table of dependence of diseases on emotions.

In the process of studying the psychosomatics of respiratory diseases, the specialist conducts extensive work. His main task is to reveal the root causes of the disease and understand the essence of the patient's conflict. According to Liz Burbo, the first step is to change your own attitude to what is happening around. It is worth doing this, as the disease itself will recede. Most often, the psychosomatics of bronchitis lies in serious conflicts that have occurred within the family.

Experts are sure that it is not worth avoiding conflicts and closing yourself in, this can turn into more serious diseases. It is necessary to learn how to find a solution to a controversial situation, to go through it without taking everything to heart. Qualified psychologists work with each patient with bronchitis individually and teach them to realize that not everything in life depends on us, everything happens.

Why is it that conflicts in the family provoke the development of bronchitis in adults and children? The fact is that close family ties are very strong. The patient cannot tear them apart or dismiss the conflict as if it were a bystander.

The doctor reveals the psychosomatics of bronchitis by conducting frank conversations with the patient. In most cases, the problem comes from a distant childhood, when there was a serious conflict with parents or relatives. People keep a subconscious resentment for many years, as a result of which their own health suffers. As Sinelnikov says, it is necessary to recognize the offense and figure out why the patient this situation than he deserved such an attitude. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to accept what happened and come to terms with the fact that all people are absolutely unique and can act differently in the same situation.

In life, we will not once meet people who will offend us, but this should not be taken too seriously. Your own health should come first. We cannot change the human nature, but we can eliminate the causes of chronic bronchitis by changing our perception. There is a whole theory developed by Louise Hay about the localization of inflammation depending on the anxieties and resentments of a person.

Louise Hay's theory

Louise Hay worked for many years on the theory that every physical manifestation of illness has a psychosomatic basis. This is the basis for the treatment of the disease. According to Louise, bronchitis develops against the backdrop of a nervous atmosphere in the family, where screams and arguments constantly reign. As a rule, scandals are replaced by only rare periods of calm. To fight the disease according to the Hay method, you need to convince yourself that you are developing in peace and harmony, everything is fine around you. In some cases, pain in the lungs can also be caused by fear for one's own safety. To overcome phobias, it is enough to say aloud every day the phrase that you love life in its various manifestations and are safe.

Louise has a detailed table about all the common diseases of the human body and settings that will help get rid of them. (Fig. 1) In recent years, an increasing number of people suffering from chronic ailments are immersed in the study of this theory.

Psychosomatics Liz Burbo

Liz Burbo believes that all processes in the human lungs can be divided into two groups. The large bronchi are responsible for delivering air to the lungs, while the small bronchi provide regulation of the working volume of the lungs. This is possible due to the contraction and expansion of the small bronchi. With inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, we can talk about the development of bronchitis.

From the point of view of metaphysics, the bronchi have a direct relationship with family relationships. As soon as serious difficulties arise in the family, we can talk about the development of bronchitis. If a person is not ready to enter into an open conflict with his loved ones and solve the problem, he gradually becomes discouraged, feels tired and guilty. To get rid of bronchitis, you need to get out of a depressed state. A person must realize that problems can arise in any family, you should not worry so much because of them. Liz Burbo assures that the views of your family members may differ significantly from your own, and this is not considered a deviation from the norm. To exclude the possibility of developing bronchitis, it is necessary to defend your position without guilt and respect the point of view of loved ones.

Theory of Valery Sinelnikov

Valery Sinelnikov is a renowned psychologist, homeopath and author of several books. At his appointments, he teaches patients to treat their own illness with love.

According to the theory of Valery Sinelnikov, bronchitis is the result of the accumulation of unspoken claims and anger. The disease progresses if a nervous situation persists in the family for a long time. The most sensitive indicator of what is happening is the child. Children are the first to suffer from diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

To recover from an illness, according to a specialist, you need to look at the atmosphere in your own home from the outside.

Video recording of a radio program about psychosomatic diseases:

Think about how often conflicts occur in your family, who and for what reason is their initiator. Try to change so that your loved one does not experience discomfort and maintain their peace of mind. Valery Sinelnikov is convinced that as soon as you change your attitude to the problem, your family members will also change. This will help to establish a favorable atmosphere in the house. You will immediately notice that the symptoms of bronchitis will begin to recede.

Man is a multipolar being in many senses. This term can also be used when speaking about the causes of suffering in the human body. People who are faced with this or that ailment, with unfortunate regularity, are no longer satisfied with simply stating the fact that the process is chronic. Or the claim that the disease returned because the first time it was poorly treated. They are looking for other possible causes of malaise, as well as ways to deal with it.

This fully applies to the pathologies of the respiratory system. Given the fact that obstructive and allergic forms of bronchitis cover more and more segments of the population, the question automatically arises, what is the underlying cause of the disease? Can emotional and psychological problems result in somatic suffering? And if so, what is the psychosomatics of bronchitis?

All causes of almost any disease can be divided into 3 large groups. The division, of course, is conditional, but it helps to understand where to look for the roots of the problem. Bronchitis can be caused by several reasons:

  1. Provoking factors - an infectious agent, hypothermia.
  2. Contributing factors - work in adverse conditions, smoking, living in environmentally hazardous areas, overwork, prolonged antibiotic therapy, chronic diseases that weaken the immune system.
  3. Emotional and psychological factors - chronic stress, hidden resentment, any emotional discomfort.

The division is conditional, usually factors from all 3 groups in one way or another affect a person. And due to their joint action, disease develops.

The leading factor is usually a pathogenic microorganism or viral agent. If the treatment is carried out correctly, the body is not "undermined" by a chronic illness, and the psyche is not injured by the stressor, recovery occurs as a result of a standard course of therapy. And a repeated disease occurs rarely, and only when a number of conditions favorable for it coincide.

It makes sense to reconsider the leading factor if:

  • Standard therapy does not bring results.
  • Bronchitis becomes chronic.
  • Signs of bronchopulmonary obstruction develop.
  • Relapses become more frequent and longer.

In this case, an allergic or psychosomatic element, as well as a genetic predisposition, may come first.

Considering the instability of the child's psyche, it should be noted that bronchitis in children can have psychosomatics as the leading justification for the chronicity of the process. As well as the severe course of the disease and its transition to bronchial asthma.

Signs of psychosomatic bronchitis in adults

Unfortunately, the psychosomatic component of any disease has not been studied enough. Mainly due to the lack of accurate tools to measure the depth of resentment or the strength of stress. For these purposes, special tests and methods have been developed, but only a psychotherapist or psychologist can deal with their decoding, and doctors of other specialties, unfortunately, cannot do it. This is partly why evidence-based medicine is considered subjective.

The psychological background in somatic (bodily) pathologies is revealed during a confidential conversation between the doctor and the patient. Criteria that make you think about the emotional roots of bronchitis in adults are:

  • Chronization of the process after a strong emotional shock (divorce, death of a loved one).
  • Relapses on the background of scandals in the family.
  • The development of the disease after a robbery, job loss or other painful events.
  • Annoying, tormenting cough, often without sputum, which cannot be overcome with the help of standard therapies (antitussive, expectorant, antibacterial, immunostimulating drugs).
  • Complaints of pressing pains in the chest, lack of air, that "there is nothing to breathe."
  • The general depressed state of the patient, despondency, signs of hidden depression, lack of friends.
  • Uncomfortable, monotonous working conditions, work that does not bring satisfaction.
  • Low self-esteem. The locus of control is biased towards blaming oneself for all problems.
  • Inability to forgive, survive the situation and move on, a permanent feeling of inferiority, failure or guilt.

All these signs suggest that the mechanisms for triggering the disease are “fixated” on one or another psychological problem. This means that the patient needs not only medicines. He needs a consultation of a specialist who will help him understand the problem, reconsider his view of it, survive and feel alive, happy and healthy again.

Popular theories

The psychosomatics of bronchitis is described by several theories that link the development of diseases of the respiratory system:

  1. With the threat of an emotional or physical invasion of a person's space. Moreover, the disease develops against the background of the resolution of the situation, and not at the moment of intense expectation.
  2. With rejection of the world around or oneself in it, if bronchitis occurs with an allergic component. A person is dissatisfied with his place in life, the world order, the country in which he lives, etc. But he does not have real power or the ability to change anything.
  3. With general nervousness in the family, constant scandals and quarrels.
  4. With dissatisfaction with the family way of life, but insufficient determination to overcome problems. The patient withdraws into himself, becomes discouraged and sick.
  5. With unspoken resentment, hidden malice, "swallowed" anger.
  6. With resentment "born" from childhood, which concerns close relatives.

It is noteworthy that patients with preserved tonsils as a result of quarrels and screams, curses uttered aloud, or swallowed insults are more likely to get angina. The same people who have undergone tonsillectomy are prone to diseases of the bronchi and lungs. In both of these cases, the body seems to lose not only the immune organ in the physical plane, but also loses the buffer that protects the bronchi and lungs from emotional and psychological aggression.

It is also noteworthy that under stressful circumstances in adolescents and young adults, the temperature can rise to 40-41 C without additional signs of the disease.

With a favorable resolution of the situation, the temperature drops without medication, with an unfavorable one, cough, shortness of breath, and bronchospasm may appear.

I-Kh worked in the field of psychosomatics. Heinroth, to whom the term actually belongs, Jacobi, F. Alexander, E. Weiss, Z. Freud, S. Geliff, F. Dunbar. Many well-known doctors and psychoanalysts, domestic and foreign, have devoted their works to the described branch of medicine.

Psychosomatic medicine, as a branch of knowledge about a person, also attracted researchers who had their own negative experience and were forced to look for solutions to their problems. The most famous researcher of this kind is Louise Hay. Other specialists also contributed: homeopath and psychologist V. Sinelnikov, American allergist Olanda Daywalt, researcher Liz Burbo.

Signs in children

Bronchitis in children is a peculiar way to attract the attention of adults. Coughing, wheezing and weakness give children the kind of care that a child in a family of actively working parents feels lacking.

The main signs of psychosomatic bronchitis in a child:

  • Nervousness.
  • Temperature that is difficult to correct with antipyretics.
  • Hoarse breathing, shortness of breath.
  • Attacks of dry, sometimes wet cough.
  • Prolonged course of the disease with periods of symptom reduction and "unreasonable" exacerbations.
  • Weak effectiveness of standard drug therapy.
  • The inability to achieve a stable remission.

It is customary to talk about chronic bronchitis in children over the age of 3 years. Up to this point, bronchial obstruction is suspected as a diagnosis for frequent and prolonged relapses with shortness of breath and wheezing.

Psychosomatics in children is one of the leading factors in the development of inflammatory diseases of the throat, respiratory system, urinary organs, as well as allergies.


Children's psyche is unstable, because it is at the stage of formation. And everything that close people say and do in one way or another leaves an imprint on what will keep a person's subconscious for life. And not only on the list of childhood diseases, but also on what a person will get sick with in the coming years.

In a child, the main traumatic factors that cause bronchial pathologies are:

  • Resentment inflicted by loved ones (usually parents).
  • Authoritarian behavior of adults, suppression of the "I" of the child.
  • Making the child feel guilty.
  • Excessive criticism from loved ones.
  • Inability to express one's opinion and calmly accept criticism or simply someone else's view of any situation. This problem often causes bronchitis in puberty.
  • Inability to get along in a team, communicate with peers, rejection of the child by other children, rejection. More common in adolescence.
  • Stressful atmosphere in the family, conflict between parents.
  • The absence in the family of common "family" interests, values, activities. Everyone is passionate about their own affairs, does not take into account the opinions of other members. Little is done together.

The psychosomatics of childhood illnesses requires a more thorough study by both physicians and psychologists. But it is believed that all negative emotions (resentment, anger, fear) that a child is not able to express can cause bronchitis, asthma.

Correction methods

Psychosomatic ailments are subject to complex therapy, in which therapists, pulmonologists, and psychologists take part. Bronchitis, the psychosomatics of which has been determined, requires the use of psychocorrective techniques:

  • Psychoanalysis.
  • Art therapy.
  • Gestalt therapy.
  • Autogenic training.
  • Walks in the open air.
  • Yoga as a spiritual practice and breathing exercises.

Greetings, dear readers!

Cough is an unpleasant symptomthat is familiar to everyone. Most often it is provoked by colds, viral or bacterial diseases. More rare is psychosomatic cough. This is a symptom that occurs as a result of stress, nervous breakdowns. Various researchers of the human psyche assess the causes of discomfort in different ways. If you have a cough, psychosomatic phenomena may well be present.

The symptoms of psychosomatic cough have been studied by several experts in the field of psychology and human energy. They expressed similar opinions about what psychological reasons could cause the onset of coughing.

Louise Hay

Louise Hay is an American psychologist who studies the psychosomatics of various diseases, including cough. Her work is based on stereotypes that the human psyche assimilates. These stereotypes can significantly affect our lives.

What does Louise see? hey reasons cough?

  • Strong and dry - a person certainly wants to be noticed and appreciated, thereby subconsciously trying to attract attention to himself.
  • Regular, arising from periods - criticism of his entire environment.

For treatment, an American psychologist suggests repeating affirmations that affirm a benevolent attitude towards the world.

Liz Burbo

Another psychologist involved in the psychosomatics of diseases. She is the author of Listen to Your Body. The publication describes more than 500 different diseases in terms of psychology.

Cough is considered in terms of three blockages:

  1. Physical - coughing expresses a desire to clear the airways.
  2. Emotional - internal criticism, irritation with oneself.
  3. Mental - self-criticism and irritation at the level of thoughts.

The cause of internal irritability and self-criticism can be both external factors and internal ones. It is important not to eliminate them, but to change your attitude towards them.


Russian homeopathic doctor Valery Sinelnikov also considers the basis of psychosomatic cough. He draws up his own table of diseases, where each disease corresponds to one or more hidden emotions.

To understand the causes of cough, it is worth making a definite diagnosis, i.e. see a doctor. Cough is a symptom of many diseases. A medical diagnosis will tell you how to navigate the table. That's just to treat the cough of the patient will already be at the energy level.

  • Bronchitis, including in children, is an indicator of a nervous situation in the family, at work. A child living in a family where the relationship between parents is strained will often get sick, as this is the only way for him to express his feelings and unite his parents.
  • A cough without any parallel symptoms is a sign of a desire to declare oneself to the world, to be heard. However, for some reason, a person is afraid to do this. A cough speaks for him, drawing the attention of others.
  • Asthma is suppressed tears. If a healthy child suddenly develops asthma, this is a sign of a conflict in which the baby is unable to express his emotions. In children, asthma is a fear of life, fear hidden in the soul.

  • Tuberculosis - depression, sadness, aggression. Such a person cannot live fully, breathe deeply.
  • Throat diseases. This is repressed anger, emotions. It is difficult for people with a constantly sore throat to express what they want, to ask for something.

These are the main causes of cough according to Sinelnikov. At the heart of every disease lies an emotion, a thought. If they are negative, it means that a person is engaged in self-discipline, destroys himself and the world around him.

If you follow this theory, it turns out that diseases should be treated first on the emotional sphere. And there are no incurable diseases if you completely change your life.

How to treat?

Stress, anxiety, unpleasant surroundings, aggression and upheavals affect our well-being. They are also reflected in the physical plane. Treatment, if you want it to be effective, should begin with your own thoughts and feelings, getting rid of the source of negativity.

But the whole problem is that a person often does not know what is happening inside him. Hypnosis sessions, introspection, a conversation with a psychologist come to the rescue. As a result, the patient turns to his subconscious, and facts surface that become the basis for future beliefs.

Thus, in his books, Sinelnikov analyzes in detail the fragments of the life of his patients in order to understand which segment of their path could influence the formation of a worldview.

Having established the exact cause of the disease, Sinelnikov begins a course of treatment aimed at expelling the negative and replacing it with a positive attitude towards life.

This can be achieved in many ways. Louise Hay suggests repeating affirmations (statements) to reinforce a positive stereotype of attitude towards life in the brain.

Sinelnikov, on the contrary, seeks to conduct sessions of hypnosis and introspection with the patient. As a result, the patient remembers what long-forgotten events caused his current failures at the subconscious level.

Do not think that homeopathic or psychological treatment should completely abandon medications. However, negative thoughts (resentment, self-criticism) should be disposed of. This can be done through constant introspection and control of your own thoughts.

Our body is a reflection of the soul. If the soul is sick, it is reflected in the body. In diseases, not only physical, but also psychological factors play a role, which official medicine does not yet fully recognize.

See you soon, my readers!


Bronchitis is an infectious disease that affects the bronchi in both children and adults. Depending on the form of the course and the severity, it may be accompanied by complications and side diseases.

Bronchitis may be accompanied by a dry cough or sputum production. With the release of green sputum, there is a high probability of damage to the bronchi by bacteria.

In addition to coughing, the patient is accompanied by symptoms:

  1. heat;
  2. pain in the joints;
  3. weakness;
  4. dizziness.

It lies in its high intensity of distribution during seasonal periods.

At the initial stage, bacteria may not become a source of bronchitis, but they can cause inflammation. Over time, when the immune system is weakened, the body loses its natural defenses. Starting from this moment, the virus begins to spread and gain its strength.

Heredity is of great importance in the development of bronchitis. For this reason, the number of diseases in childhood is increasing. To date, medicine has developments to cure bronchitis and contain it at those stages when it does not cause significant harm to the body.

Psychosomatics of bronchitis

Most often, conflicts in the family lead to bronchitis in children.

The role of psychosomatics of bronchitis is as important as in other diseases. affects the body with no less force than any other virus or infection.

The only drawback is its poor research, because of this it is often difficult to determine the source of the problem, and in fact you can get a positive result only if it is eliminated.

Patients describe symptoms as lung compression that interferes with daily activities. It is impossible to live normally when every breath is given with difficulty.

There are theories of the influence of psychosomatics on the development of bronchitis. Scientists say that medical professionals do not need to focus only on the causes of reduced immunity and heredity. Also in parallel to determine the psychology of man.

People who have psychological problems and emotional disorders are susceptible.

If there is such a manifestation, then there is a high probability that it will be quite difficult to recover from bronchitis and it will take a long time. In this case, patients should be provided with psychological assistance in parallel.

Exploring the psychological aspects of the development of the disease, the doctor needs to conduct a deep analysis and identify the source of the problem. The source of oppression and bronchitis hides in it.

Scientists studying psychosomatics claim that bronchitis can be completely cured if it is not caused by external factors and infection. In some situations, the disease may recede after the patient passes a difficult psychological stage in life and feel the taste for life.

Family problems are the source of many diseases, including bronchitis. According to experts, you can not withdraw into yourself. We must try to be open and friendly person to others.

The main task of psychologists is to convey to patients that it is not necessary to take all adversity to heart.

Why do conflicts in the family, according to statistics, most often lead to bronchitis in children? The strength of family ties is very important for a child. Therefore, if in his environment there is no love and positive emotions it negatively affects the child's body.

In this regard, adults need to radically reconsider family relationships in order to lead the child out of the psychological impasse. If it is impossible to solve this problem on your own, then you can connect a family psychologist.

Psychosomatics can haunt a person for years. Many patients who have a chronic form of bronchitis are not aware that the reason is not in their poor health and heredity, but has a reason that lies on the surface.

For this reason, it is also necessary to identify psychosomatic symptoms in adult patients. To cure bronchitis, a person must realize what lifestyle he leads, in what position is his psychological state. The patient throws aside the true source of the disease and begins to treat physical ailments, as a result of which he does not get the desired effect.

Theories about psychosomatic causes of bronchitis

Bronchitis can develop from phobia, anger, resentment, family problems

One of the leading researchers in the field of psychosomatics of bronchitis is Louise Hay. Based on her research, it follows that all people with illnesses suffer from psychosomatics. This discovery became the foundation for the formation of new treatment courses.

As it turned out, family problems strongly influence the development of bronchitis. In order to be cured of it, it is required at least to place the patient in a calm environment. Also, bronchitis is affected by the patient's fear for his life. To get rid of a phobia, a person must tell himself every day that life needs to be loved and that he is safe.

It has also been found that bronchitis manifests itself in those people who are prone to anger and hide resentment.

Love for others helps to avoid the accumulation of negativity.
There is no single mechanism for determining the source of bronchitis. Research takes time.

Sources of bronchitis

Inflammatory factors: weather, harmful work, tobacco smoke, weak immunity

  • Weak immunity

The whole working capacity of the body as a whole depends on the functioning of the immune system. Because of it, children often suffer from bronchitis. Weak immunity makes a person susceptible to infections, and the constant use of drugs does not allow the body to gain strength.

  • Smoking

Smokers systematically expose their body to the harmful effects of tobacco combustion products. Bronchitis of smokers is accompanied by bouts of coughing and a chronic form of the disease.

  • Harmful working conditions

The lungs are daily polluted with harmful substances formed as a result of the vital activity of human civilization. In small doses, they do not cause harm to health, but within a few years, toxic plaques can form on the lungs that interfere with the normal functioning of the bronchi.

  • Climate

The weather is rarely the cause of bronchitis. But this factor cannot be ignored, as it has a negative impact on overall health. Low temperature and high humidity, the main enemies of the upper respiratory tract.

Children's bronchitis differs in that it is difficult to identify before the age of three. Only from this age there are physical changes in the lungs that can be detected by diagnostics.

Until the age of three, the child suffers from an acute form of bronchitis, and starting from the age of three, it flows into a chronic form. This can happen due to a congenital disease transmitted from the parents.

Infection is the primary source of bronchitis in children. This is due to weak immunity, which cannot fully withstand external negative factors.
Children's bronchi gradually accumulate bacteria in themselves, and thereby the general condition of the child worsens.

Conclusion: The study of the psychosomatics of bronchitis is of great importance in its treatment. To cure it, it is necessary not only to apply medical treatment, but also to solve the psychological problems of the patient.

1. BRONCHITIS- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Stormy family life. Arguments and screams. Sometimes self-isolation.

I proclaimed (proclaimed) peace and harmony in myself and around me. Everything is fine.

2. BRONCHITIS- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Heated atmosphere in the family. Arguments and swearing. Sometimes boiling inside.

Possible Healing Solution

I declare peace and harmony within me and around me.

3. BRONCHITIS- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

Large bronchi conduct air to the lungs, small bronchi (bronchioles) perform a more complex function: contracting and straightening, they regulate the working volume of the lungs. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi.

Emotional blocking

mental blocking

If you suffer from bronchitis, it's time for you to start taking life more joyfully and simply. You shouldn't worry so much about what's going on in your family. You must understand that there are no families in which absolute agreement would always reign. The views of your family members may differ from yours - this is quite normal. Instead of taking what is happening too close to your heart, try to live the way you see fit, and do not succumb to the influence of other people, even if they are members of your family. You must not lose heart, but resist, and without the slightest feeling of guilt. You must take your place, your territory. At the same time, try to respect the right of other people to live the way they want. (See also explanation " features of inflammatory diseases».)

4. BRONCHITIS- (Valery Sinelnikov)

Cause Description

Essentially, bronchitis is a reflection of unspoken anger and claims.

There is a very nervous atmosphere in the family, there is no peace and harmony. Arguments, swearing, shouting. A rare calm. In such cases, children are very sensitive indicators of the atmosphere in the family. They immediately react with diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

One man came to see me with his 5-year-old son. Every month the child has inflammation of the upper respiratory tract: bronchitis, cough.

- Who do you live with? I ask him.

- In addition to me, my wife and child, my mother still lives with us.

- And what is your relationship with your mother, what is the atmosphere in the family?

- Terrible! - the man answers. She is constantly dissatisfied with something. I am dissatisfied with the fact that I am not working now, but my wife is working. He believes that we are raising our child incorrectly. We, especially me, have constant conflicts with her. Calm comes only when the child gets sick. That's when we all unite around a sick child.

- It turns out that the child's illness helps you to achieve a truce at least for a while? I ask him.

- It turns out so. But you are absolutely right, - the man answers. - I never thought about it that way.

- That's when you learn to find mutual language with his mother, then the disease will not be needed.

"But shouldn't the mother herself change?" he wonders.

“I should,” I reply. “But you are in front of me now, not your mother. You change, she changes.

- Yes, it will be difficult to do, - the man sighs, - but I will try.

“Try it,” I say. - After all, the health of your child depends on your efforts.

Three months later I met the man's wife, she worked as a secretary with my friend.

“You know,” she said, “since my husband visited you, my son has never been sick, and there is now peace and tranquility in the family. We are very grateful to you.

Elena Semenova from Izhevsk asks:

As soon as my daughter went to 1st grade, she immediately began to get sick often. The doctor claims that at this age, the psychosomatics of bronchitis in children is the main provoking factor. The pediatrician referred us to a psychotherapist. How true is this information and can a specialist cure bronchitis?

Our expert's answer:

Indeed, in childhood, the nervous instability of the child's fragile psyche often becomes a factor provoking the development of bronchitis.

Psychological causes of illness

When doctors talk about the psychosomatics of bronchitis in children, they point to a direct connection between physical health, depending on the following external and internal psychological problems:

  • Lack of emotional closeness with parents. Lack of attention (grievances, suffering accumulate).
  • Conflicts between dad, mom, sisters, brothers (bitterness, grief, dejection, shame).
  • Conflicts with peers, teachers, kindergarten teachers (anger, anger, dissatisfaction, depression).
  • Vicious behavior of yard dogs (fear, hopelessness, hostility).
  • Hostility from neighbors (resentment, chagrin, bitterness).
  • Excessive loads in the process of studying, classes in circles (fatigue, dissatisfaction, disgust).
  • Poor living conditions (resentment, intolerance, disappointment).

The mirror effect of reflection is manifested when someone from the family is seriously ill with bronchitis. Unconsciously, the baby tries on all the symptoms because of the fear that dad or mom might die.

Symptoms of bronchitis caused by psychological causes

The first and important sign caused by psychosomatics is the lack of a proper response to drug therapy - small patients do not feel better after treatment with inhalations, tablets, cough syrups:

  • Not enough air, because it hurts to breathe.
  • Attacks of spasmodic, unproductive cough with bronchitis in children do not stop.
  • The child's inner feelings of tension and fear of death are growing, this further intensifies cough and shortness of breath.

In the absence of stressful situations, the hyperreactivity of the mucous membranes of the bronchial tree stops, the child recovers.

Psychogenic cough in children after bronchitis can occur due to the desire to increase the care of parents, sympathy for the patient: to sit near the crib, bring goodies, read fairy tales.

Therapy Methods

All negative factors that provoke bronchitis should be excluded from the life of children:

  • Change school, place of residence, divorce an aggressive spouse, if it is impossible to resolve conflicts in any other way.
  • To occupy the child with interesting things, thereby saving him from melancholy and sadness.
  • Increase rest time if children are excessively tired.
  • Visit a psychologist on the recommendation of a pulmonologist.
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