What is reality? Meaning of the word. Reality does not exist, there is only perception Multiple synonyms of the word

If a person begins to realize all of the above, if he sees himself as part of a single system that embraces all people, if he passes this knowledge on to others and builds the environment as a support on the path, then he begins to gradually develop in himself a truly strong and integral desire - to acquire a natural property altruism. The path to such a desire is a challenge in itself; it fills our life with multifaceted content, giving it the deepest meaning. At the stage of its final formation, altruistic desire opens up a new reality for a person.

Before describing this reality and the sensations experienced by a person in it, it is necessary to clarify the general mechanism of perception of reality. At first glance, such an excursion may seem unnecessary and pointless. Who doesn't know what reality is? Reality is everything that surrounds us, all visible objects, walls, houses, people, the Universe as a whole. Reality is something you can touch, hear, taste, smell, and so on.

However, the situation is not as simple as it may seem. The greatest minds of mankind devoted a lot of effort to this issue, trying to build a scientific approach to the problem of perception of reality. The modern ideas that most people now hold developed in stages.

The classical approach, presented by Newton, was the assertion that the world exists on its own, without connection with man. It doesn’t matter at all whether a person perceives it or not, in other words, whether he lives in the world or not - one way or another, the world takes place, and the form of its existence is determined.

Subsequently, the development of natural sciences made it possible to consider the picture of the world as something perceived by the senses of living beings. It turned out that their perceptions are not equivalent. For example, the facet vision of a bee or dragonfly is based on a mosaic of images. These insects receive visual information from numerous segments of the eye. A dog's worldview consists mainly of different smells. Einstein discovered the phenomenon that changing the speed of the observer or the observed object creates a completely different picture of reality on the axes of space and time. This statement is fundamentally different from Newton's point of view.

For example, imagine a stick moving in space. What happens if we make it move at very high speed? According to Newton, whatever this speed is, the length of the stick will not change. According to Einstein, the stick will begin to shorten. Modern concepts have given rise to a more progressive approach to the issue of perception of reality, which is that the picture of the world depends on the observer: different properties, sensory organs and states of movement of observers lead to the fact that they perceive reality differently.

In the 30s of the last century, the principles of quantum mechanics were formulated, which revolutionized the scientific world. According to her statements, a person is able to influence the event he observes. In this case, the researcher can only ask one question: what do his measuring instruments show? There is no point in trying to study a process in isolation from oneself or objective reality as such. Discoveries in the field of quantum mechanics, as well as in a number of other areas, led to the formation of a modern scientific approach to the perception of reality: a person influences the world, and, as a result, influences his own worldview. The picture of reality lies somewhere in the middle between the properties of the observer and the object perceived by him.

Modern science is discovering that, in fact, the world has no pattern. “Peace” is a phenomenon felt by a person within himself and reflecting the degree of his similarity to the universal and all-encompassing external force of nature, which, as already mentioned, is absolutely altruistic. It is the degree of correspondence or discrepancy between one’s own properties and external natural altruism that appears to a person as a “picture of the world.” Thus, the picture of the surrounding reality completely depends on our internal properties, and we have the power to change it to the point where it becomes diametrically opposite.

To better understand the mechanism of our perception of reality, let’s imagine a person in the form of a box with five holes, symbolically corresponding to the senses. Inside this box a picture of the surrounding reality emerges.

Consider, for example, how the organ of hearing works. Sound waves entering the eardrum cause vibrations, which are transmitted to the auditory ossicles. As a result of this process, bioelectric impulses are sent to the brain, which translates them into certain sounds. All our measurements are carried out after irritation of the eardrum. The rest of the senses operate in a similar way.

In practice, we measure our internal reactions, and not any factors of external reality. The range of sounds we hear, the spectrum of light we see, etc. – depends on the characteristics of the abilities of our organs of perception. We are closed in our “box” and never know what is really happening outside of us.

The resulting signals from all sensory organs enter the “control center” located in the corresponding part of the brain, where the received information is compared with previous data stored in memory. Well, then, the information is projected onto a kind of “movie screen”, where a person is shown a picture of the world as if appearing before him. As a result, a person determines for himself where he is and what he should do.

During this process, what was previously unknown to us becomes something seemingly “known”, and a picture of “external reality” is formed in a person. However, in fact, we are not talking about external reality, but only about an internal image.

Take, for example, our vision, thanks to which the vast world spreads out before us in all its splendor. In fact, we see this picture only inside ourselves, in that part of our brain where a certain “photo camera” is located, which displays all the visual images we perceive. We don’t see anything from the outside, there’s just something like a mirror in our brain that reflects every object so that we observe it from the outside, in front of us.

Thus, the picture of reality is a consequence of the structure of human senses and information already deposited in our brain. If we had other senses, we would observe a different picture of the world. Perhaps what seems light to us today would look like darkness or something completely beyond the reach of human imagination.

In this regard, it should be noted that many years ago science found the ability to cause electrical stimulation in the human brain. In combination with the information available in memory, they create the feeling of being in a certain place and in a certain situation. In addition, we have learned to replace our senses with artificial devices, using electronic equipment. There is a whole range of hearing aids available, from amplifiers that compensate for hearing impairment to electrodes implanted in the ears of completely deaf people. Development of an artificial eye is already underway, and moreover, electrodes implanted in the brain replace audio information with visual information, that is, they change sounds into images. Here's another innovative technology being developed these days: implanting a miniature camera into the eye that converts light rays passing through the pupil into electrical impulses. Then, these impulses are sent to the brain, where they are translated into the visual range.

Undoubtedly, the day will come when we will fully master this area of ​​​​technology, expand the range of perception of our natural sensors and begin producing artificial organs, if not the entire body. However, at the same time, in this case, the perceived picture of the world will remain exclusively internal.

Consequently, all our sensations are only internal reactions, unrelated to the surrounding reality. We cannot even say whether it exists, because the picture of the “external” world takes shape within us.

Nature program

The study of nature has revealed the conditions for the emergence and existence of life: for this it is necessary that every cell and every part of the system devote itself to the interests of the whole organism. However, the human community does not follow this rule, and this raises the question: how can we even exist? After all, the egoistic cell causes cancer and leads to the death of the entire body. However, we, being selfish parts of the overall system, still live!

The fact is that our present existence is not defined as “life” at all.

In fact, man differs from the other levels of nature in that he is divided into two stages:

First stage- this is the current stage in which each of us feels isolated from others, and therefore does not take them into account and tries to use them in our own interests.

Second stage- this is a corrected existence, when people act as parts of a single system, being in mutual love and bestowal, in perfection and eternity.

It is existence at the second stage that is called “life.” The current transitional stage aims to bring us to an independent breakthrough into a corrected and eternal state, into authentic life. We can define our present existence as an imaginary life or an imaginary reality, while the existence corrected in accordance with an altruistic intention will be recorded as an authentic life or true reality.

The true reality was initially hidden from us - in other words, we are naturally unable to perceive it, since a person perceives himself and the world in accordance with his own desire, with personal, inherent only internal properties. Today we do not feel that all people are united into a single whole - we do not feel it because the picture of such relationships seems unnatural to us, and even somewhat repulsive. The selfish desire for pleasure, imprinted in us from the first day, is not interested in such a union and does not allow us to discern the true state of affairs.

We are surrounded by countless details of reality that we do not perceive. Our mind serves egoistic desire and, at its direction, processes signals from the senses. As a result, we are not able to perceive what is not within the circle of interests of our egoism, which does not directly correlate with its benefit or damage. This is how our senses are programmed, and it is this calculation that underlies the human perception of reality.

Now, if we managed to outline the general picture of what is happening, let's try to reverse it and understand how reality is perceived in altruistic desire. Let's imagine that our feelings are tuned to what is good for others. In this case, completely different pictures and details, previously indistinguishable, will appear before our eyes; and everything that we saw before will look in a completely different light.

With the formation of a new desire - to become a healthy part of humanity and to become like the altruistic force of nature - the foundations of a qualitatively different system of sensation are laid, which is not connected with the current one. This is a corrected perception system. With its help, a person perceives a new picture of the world - the real world, where we are all connected to each other, like parts of one body, and filled with endless pleasure.

Now we can clarify the definition of the purpose of life, which we formulated as “unification between people,” and supplement it. The purpose of life is to rise from the level of imaginary existence to the level of true existence, based on one's own awareness. We need to see ourselves and reality not as they are now, but as authentic, real. After all, our current state is the fruit of an imaginary picture drawn thanks to the information supplied by the egoistic sense organs. If we direct our efforts to the process of correction and build within ourselves a solid desire aimed at altruism, then our organs of perception will become altruistic, and we will feel our condition differently.

The true state is eternal: we are all welded into a single system, permeated with a continuous flow of pleasure and energy. Mutual bestowal leads to unlimited and perfection of the pleasure received, while the current stage is temporary and limited.

Today our sense of life is like a small drop of eternal life reaching to the lower levels of existence. This drop is an integral part of the general altruistic force of nature, penetrating our egoistic desires and reviving them, despite their mutual inconsistency. The function of this particle of perfection is to maintain our existence on the primary material level until we experience true spiritual reality. Our present fleeting life is like a gift given for a time, so that we use it as a means to achieve authentic being. Then our sensations will no longer be content with this smallness - all the inexhaustible energy of nature, the power of love and bestowal, will fill our lives.

Spiritual reality is above us not in a physical sense, but in a qualitative sense. The ascent from material reality to spiritual reality represents the ascent of human desire to the property of altruism, to the natural quality of love and bestowal. To experience the spiritual world means to feel that we are interconnected as parts of a single system, to perceive a higher level of nature. The purpose of our life is to rise to the spiritual reality and experience it in addition to the material reality, that is, in the process of existing in the physical body of this world.

According to nature's program, humanity was deliberately created to experience only the primary imaginary level, developing on it over thousands of years. By our time, it has accumulated sufficient experience and is able to realize that natural egoistic existence is aimless and does not lead to happiness, and therefore we need to move on to a corrected altruistic existence on the second, true level of reality. The global crisis of egoistic development shows us the point at which we can make the transition from one level of reality to another, higher one. Our days must be seen as a special phase, illuminated by glimpses of impending change. This is a turning point in the history of mankind, the point of transition into an eternal perfect existence, originally programmed by nature, as the peak of development of the human race.

It should be explained here that the pleasure we strive for today is diametrically different from the feeling that fills those who have acquired the property of natural altruism. During this period, a person enjoys feeling that he is the only one, unique, the best. An egoistic desire can only be filled in comparison with some kind of lack, a deficiency of something in comparison with one’s past need or with other people. Pleasure of this kind requires immediate and constant infusions, since, filling the desire, it immediately cancels it, as we already know from the second chapter. As a result, in a short time the feeling of pleasure fades away. Well, over time, when selfishness intensifies, a person is able to experience satisfaction only at the sight of disasters befalling his neighbor.

Altruistic enjoyment is the opposite of this. It is felt not inside us against the background of those around us, but inside them. In a sense, you can compare this to the relationship between mother and child. A mother loves her child and therefore feels pleasure when she sees the baby enjoying what she gives him. Her pleasure grows as he enjoys more. The effort a mother puts into her child gives her more pleasure than anything else. Of course, such satisfaction is possible only under the condition of our love for others, and its power depends on the measure of this love. In fact, love is the willingness to care for and serve the welfare of one's neighbor. A person who feels that we are all parts of a single system sees his task, personal meaning of existence and his own reward in this service. Thus, the great difference between the two modes of enjoyment described above clearly appears before us.

A person who has acquired the property of altruism has a “different” heart, a “different” mind. He has completely different desires and thoughts, and therefore his perception of reality is different from ours. Thanks to an altruistic attitude towards his neighbor, he goes beyond the boundaries of his personal “cell”, joins the “common body” and receives vital forces from it. By reviving for himself a single system, of which we are all parts, a person merges into the feeling of the eternal life of an all-encompassing nature, into the endless flow of energy and pleasure that fills world unity.

Our sense of life includes two components: feeling and reason. Having adopted and comprehended the feeling and reason of eternal nature, a person penetrates into it and lives by it. Life no longer seems to him like a random burst, doomed to fade away. Uniting with eternal nature leads to the fact that, even after losing his biological body, the feeling of life in a person is not interrupted.

The death of the flesh means the cessation of the activity of the system responsible for the perception of material reality. The five senses stop the flow of information entering the brain, which in turn stops projecting a picture of the material world onto its “movie screen.” However, the system of perception of spiritual reality does not belong to the level of the material world, and therefore continues to function even with the death of the biological body. If a person, while living in the material world, felt his reality through the spiritual system of perception, this feeling remains with him even after the death of the body.

The difference between the life we ​​experience now and the one we are able to experience at the next stage of development is colossal. To at least partially convey this dissonance, sometimes they resort to comparing a candle or a spark with endless light, or one grain of sand with the whole world. Finding spiritual life is the realization of the potential inherent in people. Each of us must reach a new level during our lives in this world.


To end this chapter, let's do a little exercise. Let's imagine that we are in a certain space where we see and hear nothing, where there are no smells, tastes or tactile sensations. Imagine: this state lasts so long that we forget about the capabilities of our senses, and then even the echoes of past sensations are erased from memory.

Suddenly a certain aroma reaches us. It intensifies and envelops us, although we cannot yet recognize either the smell itself or its source. Then, other smells of varying intensity begin to reach us, alluring or, on the contrary, unpleasant. Although they come from different directions, with their help we are already able to navigate and, following them, make our way.

Then, suddenly, the silence is filled with various sounds and voices coming from all directions. They are very diverse: some are melodic, like music, others are abrupt, like human speech, and some are simply illegible. This improves our ability to navigate in space. Now we can determine direction and distance, and also judge the sources of incoming information. We are surrounded by a whole world of sounds and smells.

After some time, a new sensation is added to us when something touches our skin. These touches are sometimes warm and cold, sometimes dry and wet, sometimes hard and soft, and there are also those about which it is even difficult to say anything definite... If something enters our mouth, then we are surprised to experience taste sensations. The world is getting richer. It is replete with sounds, colors, tastes and aromas. We have the opportunity to touch objects and explore our surroundings. Who would have thought of such diversity when we did not have these organs of perception?

If you were in the shoes of people born blind, would you need vision? Would you know what you are actually missing? Not at all.

For a similar reason, we do not notice in ourselves the absence of a spiritual sense organ, the absence of a soul. We live without knowing about the existence of the spiritual dimension. It is cut off from our sensations, and we do not need it. This world completely satisfies us, day after day, year after year, generation after generation. We are born, live, enjoy, suffer and, ultimately, die without ever experiencing another layer of reality filled with spiritual life.

This situation could have dragged on indefinitely if new indomitable sensations had not begun to break through in us: emptiness, the meaninglessness of existence, the purposelessness of being. Even the realization of all our existing desires no longer consoles us - we are still constantly lacking something. The familiar life with all its charms and temptations gradually ceases to satisfy us.

In truth, this situation is depressing, and therefore we prefer not to think about it. Really, what can you do? Almost everyone lives this way today.

These feelings are caused by the awakening of a new desire - the desire to enjoy from an unknown source something sublime and superior to everything around. Now, if we strive to realize such an ambitious impulse, we will find that it is addressed to something that goes beyond the boundaries of our world.

Many of us already experience this attraction, along with a feeling of emptiness that haunts us within our daily lives. We are talking about natural processes included in advance in the program of nature. A new desire makes us understand that there is something beyond known boundaries, and we begin to look around inquisitively. We just need to allow this desire to lead us forward, we just need to listen to our own heart, and then we will wake up to see the true reality in all its extraordinary beauty.

In our life it is very important to distinguish, what is reality and that there is a fictional world. Most life goals begin to turn into tangible things only thanks to a person's imagination ka. But often some people may lose the connection between the material and the object there and fictitious. This phenomenon is called distorted or with subjective reality.

Definitions from dictionaries

Semantic meaning, has generally accepted criteria. But each individual has his own ideas about the world, they distort the events taking place. The word realis comes from Latin and means “substantial, tangible, tangible.”

What is indicated in the dictionaries:

    Existing things inreality, something that can be felt and touched.

    IN description of reality I'm present t material objects.

    Reality may be whose result anyone's consciousness.

    Everything that exists is a wok friend - this is reality.

    Real things and events do not require proof that they exist.

The description of the word is given in dictionaries compiled by the people involved in the matter. However, reality is the concept of everythingimportant, so as not to create a false idea of ​​the facttah being, it will take a lot of time to study the works of philosophers.One definition contains the enormous meaning of the word. impossible. Scientists created entire volumes of literature in this area.

Difficulties in perceiving the surrounding world

To feel what is reality, need to look at thingsdetached. Existing volumesprojects are modified according to influenced by how we perceive them. Has the meaning time and place of what is happening.If you use your own views on things, then perception errors or involuntary formation illusions.

The essence of reality is contained inobjects, things, events themselves.The basis of the definition pawned without proof essential facts of the existence of being, of all things in the surrounding world.However, to this day heated debate continues about the meaning of the word and its origins. Scientists continue to discuss reality since the 13th century, comparing it with other things, events.

A huge number of sources describing the word “reality”, can give the most complete picture of the existing world. However, even after studying everything possible literature, researchers cannotgive a short and succinct definition of the term. With the change of centuries they changeviews, ways of approaching studying available labor ov, and accordingly, multiple distortion occurs final information.


Philosophy s all over the world are described by- to yours, what is reality. Personal views are influencedthe surrounding world of man and his own oh worldview. Consciousness creates invisible edges that interfere think abstractly. But, having studied all available viewsyada, you can get closer to understanding reality.

Only a baby can accept reality without how Wow- or its changes. Mature the brain has already been nourishedwith our own ideas about the world It's in progress personality formation.The older a person is, the more he withdraws from the essence of things. According to the majority scientists - philosopher about in, only a person who has known true faith in God is able to contemplate the true nature of cabbage soup

All ardent supporters of m atherial origin of thingsbefore death they changed their views, giving preference to spiritual posturesknowledge of the surrounding world.Imagination is the culprit and at the same timerepresents a barrier to acceptance of objects in true existing form. Most people live within the boundaries of their own established ideas about the universe.

Definitions in the works of philosophers

The meaning of the word "reality" for famous thinkers:

    Leibniz defines it with the word "monad", presenting them an eternal substanceance. It is indivisible and not material.

    Spinoza identified many degrees of reality, among which the main one is substance ance.

    Locke viewed reality as the quality of things divided into primary and secondary.

    Berkeley defined reality in descending stepsstarting with Bog, but ending with material things.

    Spencer viewed definition as the result of the creation of consciousness.

    Kant divided reality into empirical and categorical.

    Fichte became a supporterpoint of view of the origin of reality from the active work of the imagination.

    Hegel connected the term simultaneously with ontology ( the doctrine of all things) And logical identification of surrounding objects.

    Brentano setreveals reality as a result of relationships orany events.

    Schiller defines the termthe result of the creativity of an individual’s mental activity.

    Bergson considers determining the source of reality from vital impulse.

    Each work of a philosopher is its own point of view on the foundations of existence. Reality is often compared to the source code of humanity. It is impossible to know true secrets mentally. Cognition of the term comes from an instinctive approach to the study of material objects.

    Multiple synonyms of the word

    The word "reality" has a hugenumber of definitions,each of which may be applicable for her description:

      substance, reality, monad;

      material world , tangible things, tangible events;

      logically determined events, the result of the work of consciousness;

      the naturalness of things truth and simplicity;

      tangible original structure of matter, the surrounding world, everyday life;

      objective world, physical and biologicalhuman reality;

      intuitive things, then which is hard to even dispute.

    Game of thoughts

    We are all from birth we arrange. Everything, that inaccessible to our understanding, is relegated to the areaunreal. God is often classified as a non-existent object, since it is impossible to feel him physically. But challenging its existence is quite problematic. Most researchersconverge to one conclusion: p reality is an immutable truth. B with existence comes from actual things. Undeniable and without any demonstrative substance, perceived at the level subconscious.

    The complexity of understanding the term depends on the upbringing of the younger generation. The first is immutable zhny f sometimes even before school it becomes expression that man - creator b future he can change reality. This is a false description the surrounding world, based on yet lies the immutability of the universe.I evoke the origins of misconceptionsare older. The brain of a wild person is more inclined to understand reality than that of living peoplepeople in technocracy chesky century.


    Frequent phrase in modern society Dreams and reality are inseparable. In that lies the essence of changing one’s own consciousness. The world is perceived as we want to see it. However in philosophy it is considered other approach to understanding things: the mind is mirrored and reflectsthe surrounding world and selectively.

    Maybe but give the following description of the term: m dreams become results atom active human thinking, and since awareness is real , then its fruits containsome degree of reality ness. In other words, a figment of the imaginationcapable of going over the border Eggs of the fictional world and become a mother a materially tangible object. This shows that in Sun Elena everything is relative.


    Myth or reality often appear as things equally significant. But people often mythologize events to simplify understanding of things.A fictional image is superimposed on truly existing basis of existence. After all, it is not easy to describe divine manifestationsin simple language.

    Even modern scientists so far or cannot give the correct interpretation the purpose of the spiritual life of humanity. Myth acts as a connectora link for the correct movement of consciousness towardstrue and immutable new facts of existence.

The normal existence of a person depends entirely on his abilities of perception, but we are absolutely incapable of direct perception of the external world, our field of vision is limited by the framework of our own psychological consciousness. Thus, we are unable to see reality as it exists.
Such a well-known argument as “I only believe in what I see and touch” is in fact completely untenable, since we do not see with our eyes or touch with our fingers, all this is done by our brain, subject to an infinite number of control points, filters and restrictions. The purpose of the following article is to show the unreliability, limitations and fragility of our perceptual processes.
Dario Salas Sommer
About the essence and limitations of perception
A person’s life experience and worldview depend on his manner of perception and sensation of the world around him. In general, a person has a tendency to consider the information that he receives through his senses to be practically infallible. Usually we believe that our ideas about something are true, that our mind can accurately describe the world around us... however, we know that this is not so
From the moment the stimulus enters the brain, and when we are aware of it and interpret the signal, many physiological processes occur that prove that, in fact, the result of our perception depends precisely on the essence of these processes. And the essence of their work is very far from creating a reliable picture of reality and does not even depend on our conscious intentions.
What is perception?
In psychology, the phenomenon of perception is defined as the process of forming a holistic image of an object through influence on the sensory organs. Sensory stimuli are signals, and perception itself is the result of these stimuli triggering more complex perceptual circuits, such as processes of analysis and interpretation, through which the perceived object receives structure and meaning.
The perception of the surrounding space depends on numerous physiological factors and processes, sequentially related to one another in such a way that our intervention in these processes is practically impossible. Sensory receptors send messages in the form of nerve impulses to the internal parts of the brain: the thalamus, hippocampus, amygdala... There the information received is interpreted based on the brain's memory database. Depending on the results of this process, the ascending reticular mesodiencephalic system, responsible for regulating the sleep-wake cycle, will either allow the received stimulus to reach our consciousness or send it to the subliminal level in the memory archives of the brain, which serve as constant intermediaries in the processes of perception.
The function of attention, which is key in the process of conscious perception, is also regulated by the reticular formations, which are responsible for its activation and inhibition.
Thus, perception is the result of a collision of a sensory image with the experience, needs and expectations of the subject, on the basis of which this subject selects, interprets and even corrects his sensations. This collision occurs primarily at the physiological level, outside the field of the subject’s conscious intention, and continues when he realizes the presence of the stimulus and, of his own free will, triggers the mechanism of its interpretation.
Man, at his core, needs a search for truth, and it is not for nothing that this task was considered paramount by all philosophical, psychological and scientific movements of all times. Theoretical frameworks offer us a path of knowledge, but at the same time they limit us; moreover, we must have remarkable courage so as not to go astray due to the imperfection of measuring instruments. Recently, quantum physics has cast significant doubt on the use of the scientific method, proving the degree of influence of the observer on the observed object, which leads us to think about how much any hypothesis, by the very fact of its existence, can affect the results of the experiment.
Likewise, a deep understanding of the phenomenon of perception shows us how our vision of reality depends on the points of view we adopt, on the work of our cognitive mechanism, and even on the language we use to interpret and convey the perceived information. As a result, we have fragmentary knowledge, limited by the framework of our own mind and psychological consciousness. Understanding and accepting the inevitable problem facing a person of the impossibility of knowing real reality, modern constructivist movements take as a basis the following idea: our knowledge of reality is not a copy of this reality, but an image , constructed by a person on the basis of the thinking patterns inherent in him, which he uses to build his relationships with the environment. From this point of view, it can be argued that achieving final knowledge of reality is impossible, however, one can strive to ensure that the processes of operational instrumental cognition guarantee better interaction of the subject with the environment. But is it possible to see reality, unadorned by our own ideas and fantasies? Quantum physics believes that the observer is able to influence the object being observed, and, in fact, it appears that this is the case. What if a person could remain neutral, maintain objectivity? Is there such a way of seeing reality in which a person would not be impressed, would not experience surprise, fear, irritation, and would remain calm and impartial in front of reality?
Can we see reality better?
The only way to improve our ability to see reality is to improve the mechanism of cognition. Then our true being will have access to real reality, unclouded by the subjective influences of our mind.
First of all, it is important to understand that as soon as we lose vigilance and control, the results of our perception are subject to even greater restrictions, reduced to the automatic functioning of the brain, subordinating the ability to analyze and interpret the subliminal perception of information that bypasses the filter of consciousness. On the other hand, it must be borne in mind that the meaning of things is not inherent in sensory data, but follows from the mind's ability to assign them the correct meaning. Accordingly, in order to achieve the plausibility of judgments, it is necessary to improve our ability to process information, to “digest it,” meaning by this term that state of deep reflection in which, after a careful and detailed analysis carried out in a state of wakefulness of the mind, the secrets of our true thoughts are revealed to us. This is the only way to know the truth.
Thinking like most people, we will not go beyond a superficial vision of things. Fatigue, worries, and the desire for maximum comfort lead people to an instinctive desire to say “I think, I think,” avoiding true mental work. We go through life with little awareness of what is actually happening both around and inside us.
It is not difficult to notice that in the head of each of us there is a unique, inimitable world. But despite this, we feel more confident in conforming to the opinion of the majority, even if we know how far it is from the truth.
This behavior is nothing more than a manifestation of the instinct of self-preservation: to identify oneself with others in order to better integrate into society. We tend to play various social roles in order to please others or make a certain impression on them and thus achieve the necessary goal.
Our true self remains hidden behind a layer of slogans, advice, and foreign information that has flooded our brain. And we naively continue to believe that this is not superficial, but our own inner being, giving rise to our decisions, aspirations and goals.
Deep objectivism can exist if, when connected to reality, we are completely freed from conventions and restrictions that create obstacles on the path of knowledge, and this is only possible upon reaching a level of higher consciousness based on a state of active attention, vigilance, biological wakefulness. The Higher Consciousness does not feel, but understands, it looks into the very essence, seeks the root of knowledge, ignoring the programs and concepts imposed on our brain. I would like to note that:
- Being alert and able to control our attention helps reduce the level of subliminal perception and interference of information already stored in our brain when interpreting new perceived information.
- Self-awareness and a sense of one’s own individuality should become the threshold of a state of higher consciousness. We must remember that we are more than just our body, and that we will come to liberation from the clutches of our psyche, and then our true Essence will be able to comprehend the real meaning of things and change our attitude towards the world to a more positive and constructive one.
- The most important task is to learn to control your own attention. We are literally hypnotized by external stimuli that, like leeches, stick to our Self. If we stop paying so much attention to them and allow them to affect our nervous system, then our true Essence will be able to regain control of the situation.
- Avoid accepting prejudices, beliefs and preconceived ideas that interfere with rational thinking. In order to develop, we must go beyond established boundaries, or at least learn to doubt and ask ourselves the question: swim against the tide or follow the majority? Thus, by reflecting, we will come to our own evaluation criteria that help us understand and accept the surrounding reality.
- Try to be impartial, because only in this way will the real reality be revealed to our eyes, the one that lies outside the category of polarized opposites. To be impartial means not to accept anyone's point of view, not to have an opinion, and to always remain neutral. This means forgetting about yourself out of a desire to know and not having an opinion about anything. Being biased, we infect everything we see with it.
- Strive deeper into things, for appearances are deceiving. Pay attention to all the signs, inconsistencies and contradictions that warn us that we still have many discoveries ahead.
- Reflect on the experiences of each day, observe the behavior of other people, overcome your own shortcomings and get rid of automatic actions, thoughts, emotions and reactions - all these are milestones on the path to the development of consciousness. In other words, DO NOT think that you are thinking when you really In fact, you only “read” the information stored in the archives of the brain.
DO NOT confuse automatically arising emotions with true impulses. DO NOT so persistently justify your reactions with your intellectual
- Destroy this false idea of ​​yourself, do not be afraid of the truth, for spirituality is based on true reality, true values ​​and true life.
About perception and consciousness
Perception is described as a process consisting of four stages:
1. Selective attention and understanding.
2. Coding and simplification.
3. Database entry and retention.
4. Recovery and return.
The following notes need to be highlighted:
- We do not perceive everything, but only what attracts our attention, either by its originality or other characteristics. Information must be structured and presented so that what we consider important stands out from the rest.
- Stimuli related to our needs and necessities are most noticeable to us. When we know that we are missing something, or believe it, it becomes much easier to find it. Moreover, the higher the awareness of the need, the less time we spend activating the search process.
- Incoming information is not recorded in the brain database in its original form, it is encoded by each individual in its own way. Each of us has our own unique story. Factors such as parenting patterns, education, previous experiences, and state of mind consciously or unconsciously influence a person's beliefs about others, the world, and himself. Therefore, even in a situation with the same stimuli, their meaning (perception) will vary between two different people, and even among the same person at different points in his life.
- Such a personal interpretation of reality is very characteristic of human perception. Similarity of sensations does not guarantee similarity of perception. Two people may agree that the object they are observing is a car (this is their perception), however, for one of them it may be associated with inconvenience and overpriced, and for the other it can be the standard of an exclusive sports car (perception).
- Perception has a serious influence on our behavior. In other words, people behave not in accordance with the objective characteristics of the reality around them, but in accordance with their perception of this reality. And this partly explains why two people behave differently in the same problem situation.
- Perception is closely related to the process of cognition. Knowledge that has passed through the filter of human perception is inevitably subject to errors, distortions and contradictions.
- Perception processes are determined by such variables as the system of values ​​and attitudes, motivation and knowledge of each individual. Thus, two people with different values ​​and views, possessing different motivations and knowledge, can perceive the same things, people or situations completely differently, and therefore behave completely differently.


The Quantum World is not Our Universe!
The Quantum World is the creator of Our Universe - all its contents - all the complications of energy-informational content, visible to humans as material objects.
There is FALSE INFORMATION in Our World.
Lies exist, therefore lies are positive?
How to separate true truth from true lies?
Since it is impossible to identify a “digestible” definition of the truth of scientific truth, the scientific world replaced it with a formal term - “consistency”.
A “correct” theory should contain only such laws from which it is impossible to draw mutually exclusive conclusions.
If a theory allows you to answer the same question ambiguously: both “yes” and “no,” then this theory does not meet the necessary criteria for consistency.
There is a need to revise the laws of such theories that are responsible for the contradictions created by man.
That is why human knowledge of reality, manifested in Our World, is a secondary knowledge of man himself.
A person draws out the subjective result of such “knowledge” with interest and a clearly desired image for himself.
Science remains alone with the “reality” created in this way, with a certain “consistent theory” that has clung to the consciousness of scientists.
Using the same principle, astronomers found “Dark Matter” and “Dark Energy” - information - as the absence of... information.
These vigilant astronomers listen to the “pure” silence and look into the “pure” emptiness, overflowing with relict noises. They are not threatened with death.
In mathematics, there is a whole class of functions described by equations whose graphs have “break points.”
These are the points at which the functions in question do not make sense.
It is important for a person to realize that the presence of such “breaking points” is not fatal for him.

Not a single mathematician died while penetrating these functions.

Such “breaking points” do not take scientists’ consciousness out of the positive field of thinking.
In Our Universe, all material objects, or their parts, exist at different structural levels.
Quantum theory states that our Universe consists of VACUUM.
How is the rest of the structure - the physical world - built above it?
How do all the material objects exist, the color pictures of which modern cosmologists show us?

Even if we assume that all material objects were formed in accordance with physical laws, then these laws do not exist in reality - in Our World itself.

They reside in our consciousness and the consciousness of our scientists.

It is mentally easy to jump through the levels of Our Universe.
Mathematics can only create the illusion of understanding Our World.
Despite successful examples of the use of mathematics, there is much evidence that it is powerless.
Mathematics is often called the language of the universe.
Scientists often talk about the elegance of mathematics when describing physical reality, citing A. Einstein's formula: E = mc2.
Is mathematics the basis of everything that exists in Ours?
the World, or it was created by the imagination of man, as an attempt to penetrate into the essence of Our World.

So, does this mean that mathematics was not created, but only discovered by human imagination?
Mathematics cannot give an accurate definition of the reality of Our World.
Mathematics is a product of human imagination and man, with all his might, tries to adapt it to the picture of the imaginary reality of Our World.
Mathematics, as a method, is effective in describing phenomena observed by humans that are difficult to process in our little-understood brain.
A person chooses those problematic dead ends that can be resolved with the help of mathematics.
However, in many cases, mathematics is ineffective.
A striking example is radio technology, which developed, at first, from a primitive detector, and then “settled” on the basis of radio tubes, and later on semiconductor devices, on which the priorities for the development of technology in the modern civilized World are based.
When these devices had dimensions of the order of micrometers, mathematics made it possible to describe their operation with “beautiful and elegant” equations.
Modern submicron technology produces effects that cannot be described by such equations.
In this case, an empirical approach is required: the creation of complex computer models that can bring closer explanations of the principles of operation of such equipment.
The relativity of mathematics appears very often.
For example, a person can measure the length of his life in “human time”, and at the same time he calls the Sun a source of energy.
But if the life expectancy of a person corresponded to the “time” of the existence of Our Universe, then the “short life of the Sun” would be perceived by a person as a short-term fluctuation.
And from this point of view, the Sun is not a source of energy for humans.
The theory about the formation of our Universe as a result of a hypothetical “Big Bang” is fading into oblivion.
Our Universe exists independently of the hypothetical “Big Bang”.
Microscope and telescope expand the boundaries of human perception of Our World.
They expand the boundaries visible to human consciousness, but nothing more. If these visible boundaries turned out to be fundamental - of a different (higher category) level for our consciousness, then a person simply would not see anything either through a microscope or a telescope.
Technical devices cannot take a person beyond the limits of his human consciousness.
The Large Hadron Collider will not reveal anything to man that is not within the range of Being mastered by human consciousness.
In order to really have a significant impact on Our World, the power of the hadron collider will need to be increased millions of times.
The global resources of the Earth will not be able to support such “experiments.”


What do they symbolize in the human mind: the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge.
Trees, when understood in this way, become personal symbols of human development.
The roots of the tree go deep into the Earth.
The roots, thus, indicate the inseparability of human life with the Earth, while the branches rising to the Light of the Sun symbolize the spiritual development of man - the desire for... the higher Self.
At the same time, a person remains “grounded”, and his Soul is able to dwell in the rays of Light - in the Holy Spirit.
What is the main meaning of Genesis?
- in human comprehension, - when trees give rise to thought, - their image turns green!
Green foliage creeps from their buds and... Covers the earth.
And a thought, a personal thought - mine, silently and quietly blossoms.
She smells like a flower - and covers the heart with secret bliss.
The grass grows around me, and its image also turns green...
I don’t want to go to the vast desert anymore...
Does the brain want it?
He wants to get away from everything - where living things are rolled into asphalt!
These thoughts make a noise in my ears, a loop in my brain.
The loop crawls like that snake - from ear to ear.
Don't stand in despair on a dusty boulder - and... don't be silent!
That stone will crush the lives of those who are silent.
Let that stone lie, forgotten by everyone, in the autumn silence.
Let it disturb your mind, giving birth to the main meaning... barely - barely:
When trees revive thought, their appearance turns green,
Green foliage creeps from their buds and covers the Earth.

Once upon a time, I had simply impenetrable negative attitudes about making money, finding a job, and relationships with my bosses. It seemed to me that my city was small, gloomy and conservative, where finding a job was not so easy. All my close circle convinced me (and I willingly believed them) that finding a good job with a decent salary is a rare, incredible success. People get into such positions either by having connections and extensive connections, or by being a seasoned specialist with many years of experience, with hundreds of certificates and a thousand diplomas officially confirming their level of experience. The rest get penny salaries, no vacations, no sick leave, and a wonderful office work schedule from 8 a.m. to infinity.

It’s not that I liked the picture described and caused violent bouts of enthusiasm, not at all. The problem is that it was the ONLY picture in my head, and I sincerely believed that there were simply no other options. I sincerely believed that there was no work in the city, that no one would want to get involved with a young specialist who had just received a bachelor’s degree. All this was my everyday, indestructible picture of the world. The reality of my individual bubble. I directed my intention and acted according to my ideas about reality. Is it any wonder that all my negative expectations were completely justified?

I got a job in a rotten, rotting office that did not have any prospects. The salary was more than modest, and the bonus was the inability to go on study leave during the session (at that time I was still studying for a master’s degree). At the same time, those around me did not forget to remind me how lucky I was to find a job, and what a pity that they were unable to find a specialist with at least five years of work experience.

I began to suspect that something was going WRONG after talking with my classmates. I was surprised to discover that almost all of them received twice or even three times more than me. At the same time, no one tried to convince them that finding a job without a master’s degree and impressive experience is great happiness.

It took me a long time to realize that the position of my university classmates was not at all a matter of random luck and coincidence, but the result of a certain way of formed picture of the world. They believed that they were studying in a very popular specialty. Unlike me, they thought that getting a decent salary for a job well done was a normal state of affairs, and not the ultimate dream. They were in no hurry to grab the first job that came their way, did not feel humiliated by petitioners during the interview, and were not afraid to ask for decent working conditions. Accordingly, the result they had was significantly different from what I received.

But realizing what is happening and changing your thinking are far from the same thing. My picture of the world took many, many years to form, and at first it was very difficult to even imagine, just to admit in my head, the possibility of realizing OTHER options for the development of events. At that moment, I was helped a lot by teaching me how to work with intention. She methodically “caught me by the ear” when I once again tried to fall down and start drawing the usual picture. She answered all the tricky questions, removed unnecessary doubts and helped build a “new reality”, where new opportunities existed instead of old restrictions. In the end, I succeeded. I got a job in a good company, where management treated their employees with respect, and the salary level was slightly higher than the city average. The funny thing is that this company was reputed to be one of “those” ones that don’t hire anyone just like that, without cronyism and connections. And I got a job there quite easily, just by sending my resume and going through a fairly comfortable interview...

What I want to say once again: the world in which a person lives depends mainly on what this person thinks about himself and, in fact, about his world. In what place to put yourself and what to bestow - benefits or problems, victories or complexes - this is a personal decision. Whatever you want, you will get. By the way, if we talk about esotericism... all magic, all energy techniques and spiritual practices are based on this principle. Believe my experience, this is true. True, everything is more complicated there... and much more serious than in our everyday world.

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