What is the technological map of the lesson presentation. Technological map of the lesson. Teaching aids used

Technological lesson map - what is it.

A technological map is a new type of methodological product that ensures effective and high-quality teaching of educational courses in secondary schools and the ability to achieve the planned results of mastering basic educational programs at the primary education level in accordance with the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.

2.4.1. Structure of the technological map:

· the name of the topic indicating the hours allocated for its study;

· planned results (subject, personal, meta-subject);

· interdisciplinary connections and features of space organization (forms of work and resources);

· stages of studying the topic (at each stage of work, the goal and predicted result are determined, practical tasks are given to practice the material and diagnostic tasks to test its understanding and assimilation);

· control task to check the achievement of planned results.

The technological map will allow the teacher:

· implement the planned results of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard;

· systematically form universal learning activities among students;

· plan your activities for a quarter, half a year, year by moving from lesson planning to topic design;

· implement interdisciplinary connections in practice;

· carry out diagnostics of the achievement of planned results by students at each stage of mastering the topic.

Technological maps reveal general didactic principles and algorithms for organizing the educational process, providing conditions for the development of educational information and the formation of personal, meta-subject and subject skills of schoolchildren that meet the requirements of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard for educational outcomes.

At the first stage “Self-determination in activity” Stimulation of students' interest in studying a specific topic is organized.

At the second stage "Educational and cognitive activity" mastery of the content of the educational topic necessary to complete the situational task is organized. This stage has content blocks.

Each block represents a step-by-step execution loop educational assignments on mastering specific content and includes:
at step 1 - organizing students’ activities to master educational information at the level "knowledge"— mastering individual terms, concepts, statements;
at step 2 - organizing students’ activities to master the same educational information at the level of “understanding”;
at step 3 - organizing students’ activities to master the same educational information at the “skill” level;
at step 4 - organizing students’ activities to present the result of mastering the same educational information of this block.

At the third stage "Intellectual and transformative activities" to complete a situational task, students choose the level of implementation (informative, improvisational, heuristic), the method of activity (individual or collective) and self-organize to complete the situational task.

At the fourth stage "Reflective activity" the result obtained is correlated with the goal set and self-analysis and self-assessment of one’s own activities are carried out.

2.4.2. Advantages of the technological map:
. the use of ready-made developments on topics frees the teacher from unproductive routine work;
. time is freed up for the teacher’s creativity;
. real meta-subject connections and coordinated actions of all participants in the pedagogical process are ensured;
. organizational and methodological problems are eliminated (a young teacher, replacing lessons, implementing the curriculum, etc.);
. the quality of education is improved.
Experience shows that at first it is difficult for a teacher to create a technological lesson map (its can be considered as a mini-teacher project). To help the teacher, you can suggest possible formulations of the activity.

2.4.3. Reference table for designing a training session

Educational objectives of KZ

Possible methods and techniques of implementation

· Organizational stage

Greeting, checking preparedness, organizing attention

Report of the duty officer, recording of absentees, poetic mood, etc.

· Checking homework completion

Establish the correctness, completeness and awareness of homework, identify and eliminate problems found during the inspection

Tests, additional questions, continue answering..., multi-level independent work

· Preparing students for work at the main stage

Provide motivation, actualization of subjective experience

Communicating the topic and goal (in the form of a problem task, in the form of a heuristic question, through showing the final results, using a technological map of mental activity - a cluster. At the beginning of the lesson, a riddle is given, the answer to which will be revealed when working on new material

· Stage of assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action

· Ensure perception, comprehension and primary memorization of the material being studied

· Promote the assimilation of methods and means that led to a certain choice

· Working with definition

· Use of everyday analogies

· Presentation of the main material simultaneously in verbal and sign-symbolic forms, presentation of the studied material in comparative and classification tables, story, lecture, message, modular learning, use of a computer textbook, problem-based learning, collective learning, construction of a structural and logical diagram, genetic method of teaching

· Initial check of understanding of what has been learned

Establish the correctness and awareness of the studied material, identify gaps, correct gaps in understanding the material

Supporting text, students preparing their questions, their examples on new material

· The stage of consolidating new knowledge and methods of action

To ensure, during consolidation, an increase in the level of comprehension of the studied material and depth of understanding

Using interactive tasks, question-and-answer communication, inventing your own tasks

· Application of knowledge and methods of action

Ensure the assimilation of knowledge and methods of action at the level of application in a variety of situations

Multi-level independent work, business game, educational situations, group work, discussion

· Generalization and systematization

Ensure the formation of a holistic system of students’ leading knowledge, ensure the establishment of intra-subject and inter-subject connections

Construction of the “tree” of the “topic”, construction of the “building of the topic”. Building a block formula: minuend-subtrahend=difference. Learning situations, “intersection of topics”

· Control and self-control of knowledge and methods of action

Identification of the quality and level of assimilation of knowledge and methods of action

Multi-level independent and control work, tests, tasks to identify essential features (depth) tasks, to design several ways to solve the same problem (flexibility), tasks with redundant, contradictory data (ability to make evaluative actions)

· Correction of knowledge and methods of action

Correcting identified gaps in knowledge and methods of action

· Use of exercises divided into small stages and sections

· Application of detailed instructions with regular monitoring. Tests, tasks with omissions, structural-logical diagrams with omissions

· Homework information

Ensure students understand the purpose, content and methods of completing homework

Three levels of homework:

· Standard minimum

· Increased

· Creative

· Summing up the lesson

Provide qualitative assessment of the work of the class and individual students

Teacher's message, summing up by the students themselves

· Reflection

Initiate student reflection on their psycho-emotional state, motivation for their activities and interaction with the teacher and classmates

Telegram, SMS, unfinished sentence, coordinates

"Designing a lesson in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Technological map of the lesson"

Federal State Educational Standard

Deputy Director for Research and Development Marchenko M.V.

“If we teach today like this, as we taught yesterday, we will steal from the children of tomorrow.” John Dewey

School graduate today The 21st century should:

be able to on one's own to get knowledge; apply them in practice to solve a variety of problems; work with various information, analyze, summarize, argue ; on one's own think critically, look for rational ways to solve problems ; be sociable , contactable in various social groups, flexible in changing life situations.

The organization and content of the educational process are focused on

The activity-based nature of learning, with the main goal being the development of the student’s personality; - formation of universal educational actions (UAL); - developing the ability to competently use information and communication technologies (ICT competence).

Technology of system-activity teaching method

A teaching method in which the child does not receive knowledge in a ready-made form, but obtains it himself in the process of his own educational and cognitive activity

Rules for compiling syncwine:

the first line is one word, usually a noun, reflecting the main idea;

second line – two words, adjectives describing the main idea;

third line - three words, verbs describing actions within the topic;

the fourth line is a phrase of several words showing the attitude to the topic;

fifth line – words related to the first, reflecting the essence of the topic.

School teacher

The Standards formulate the requirements for a modern teacher:

firstly, this is a professional who:

Demonstrates universal and objective methods of action;

Consults and corrects students’ actions;

Finds ways to include each student in the work;

Creates conditions for children to gain life experience.

Secondly, this is a teacher who uses developmental technologies.

Thirdly, a modern teacher has information competence.

The main component of the educational process is the lesson. A lesson is part of a child’s life, and living this life should be done at the level of high culture. The educational activities of the teacher and the student are largely concentrates on the lesson.

Modern lesson- this is, first of all, a lesson in which the teacher skillfully uses all opportunities for the development of the student’s personality, her active mental growth, deep and meaningful assimilation of knowledge, and the formation of her moral foundations.

Unlike the traditional lesson, which met the educational requirements of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, a modern lesson is, first of all, a lesson aimed at formation and development (UDD): - communicative - educational - personal - regulatory There are several aspects of such a lesson.

The goal of a modern lesson should be specific and measurable. The goal can be identified with the result of the lesson. The result of the lesson is not academic performance, not the amount of material studied, but the acquired learning skills of students (such as the ability to act, the ability to apply knowledge, implement their own projects, the ability of social action, i.e.).

Motivational and goal-setting aspect of the lesson

At the same time, it should be noted that this approach to the lesson does not deny the importance of knowledge; it focuses on the ability to use the acquired knowledge. The new educational goals of the lesson include goals that students formulate independently and realize their significance for themselves personally.

Activity aspect of the lesson

The new meaning of the lesson is to solve problems by the students themselves during the lesson through independent cognitive activity. The problematic nature of the lesson can confidently be considered as a move away from the reproductive approach in the lesson. The more independent activity in the lesson, the better, because students acquire problem-solving skills and information competence when working with text.

Activity aspect of the lesson

A modern lesson is distinguished by the use of activity-based methods and teaching techniques such as educational discussion, dialogue, video discussion, business and role-playing games, open-ended questions, brainstorming, etc. The development of educational learning in the classroom is facilitated by the use of modern pedagogical technologies: the technology of critical thinking, project activities, research work, discussion technology, collective and individual mental activity. It is important that the teacher does not distort the technology by using only certain techniques from it.

Lesson structure



Creating a problem situation

Acceptance of a problematic situation

Identifying the problem

Identifying the problem

Search activity management

Finding a solution on your own

The discussion of the results

The discussion of the results

Functions of the teacher

Traditional classification:

System-activity classification:


Source of knowledge









Subject of changes

Lesson preparation

The teacher uses a strictly structured lesson outline.

Teacher using a scripted lesson plan .

Main stages of the lesson

Explanation and reinforcement of educational material.

The teacher's speech takes up a lot of time.

The main goal of the teacher in the lesson

Independent activity of students.

Organize children's activities:

Have time to accomplish everything planned

  • on searching and processing information;
  • generalization of methods of action;
  • setting a learning task

Characteristics of the activities of a teacher working according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Subject of changes

Traditional teacher activities

Formulation of tasks for students

Activities of a teacher working according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Formulations: decide, copy, compare, find, etc.

Interaction with parents of students

Lesson form

Mainly frontal

Formulations: analyze, prove, express in symbols, create a diagram or model, change, invent.

Mainly group and/or individual

Parents are not included in the educational process.

Awareness of parents of students. They have the opportunity to participate in the educational process.

Characteristics of the activities of a teacher working according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Subject of changes

Educational environment

Traditional teacher activities

Created by the teacher.

Activities of a teacher working according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Exhibitions of students' works.

Created by students.

  • subject results;
  • no student portfolio;
  • the main assessment is the teacher's assessment;
  • Positive assessments of students based on test results are important

Children prepare educational material and give presentations.

  • not only subject results, but also personal, meta-subject results;
  • creating a portfolio;
  • a guide to the student’s self-esteem, the formation of adequate self-esteem;
  • Taking into account the dynamics of children's learning outcomes relative to themselves. Assessment of intermediate learning outcomes

Learning outcomes

Lesson requirements

Announcing the topic of the lesson

Traditional lesson

Communicating goals and objectives

Modern type lesson

The teacher tells the students

Formulated by the students themselves

The teacher formulates and tells students what they should learn


Formulated by the students themselves, defining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance

Practical activities of students

The teacher tells the students what work they must do to achieve the goal

Students planning ways to achieve the intended goal

Under the guidance of the teacher, students perform a number of practical tasks (the frontal method of organizing activities is more often used)

Exercising control

Implementation of correction

Students carry out educational activities according to the planned plan (group and individual methods are used)

The teacher monitors students' performance of practical work

Student assessment

The teacher makes corrections during the implementation and based on the results of the work performed by the students.

Students exercise control (forms of self-control and mutual control are used)

Students formulate difficulties and carry out corrections independently

The teacher evaluates students for their work in class

Lesson summary

Students evaluate activities based on their results (self-assessment, assessment of the results of the activities of comrades)


The teacher asks the students what they remember

Reflection is taking place

The teacher announces and comments (more often the task is the same for everyone)

Students can choose a task from those proposed by the teacher, taking into account individual capabilities

Federal State Educational Standard

Lesson structure within the framework of the activity approach. 1. Organizational moment. Target: inclusion of students in activities at a personally significant level. “I want because I can.”

II. Updating knowledge. Target: repetition of the studied material necessary for the “discovery of new knowledge” and identification of difficulties in the individual activities of each student. III. Setting a learning task. Target: discussion of difficulties (“Why did difficulties arise?”, “What do we not know yet?”); articulating the purpose of the lesson in the form of a question to be answered or in the form of a lesson topic.

IV. "Discovery of new knowledge" (constructing a project for getting out of a difficulty). The stage of learning new knowledge and methods of action. V. Primary consolidation . Stage of consolidation of knowledge and methods of action Target: pronunciation of new knowledge, recording in the form of a reference signal. VI. Self-analysis and self-control Stage of application of knowledge and methods of action Target: Everyone must draw a conclusion for themselves about what they already know how to do.

VII. Incorporating new knowledge into the knowledge system and repetition. VIII. Reflection. Target: students’ awareness of their learning activities (AL), self-assessment of the results of their own and the entire class’s activities.

Technological lesson map - a modern form of planning pedagogical interaction between teacher and students

A technological lesson map (TKU) is a generalized graphic expression of a lesson scenario, the basis for its design, a means of presenting individual work methods

The need for a map documenting the implementation of the system-activity approach

A new understanding of educational results - the need to focus on results formulated not as a list of knowledge, abilities and skills, but as formed methods of activity ;

The need for students to achieve three groups of planned educational results - personal, meta-subject and subject ;

Understanding meta-subject results as formed on the basis of the fundamentals of science universal learning activities .

The concept of UUD

Ability to learn in communication with peers =

Full mastery by students of the components of educational activities:

Cognitive and learning motives;

Learning goal;

Learning task;

Educational activities and operations (orientation, transformation of material, control and evaluation).

Universal learning activities (UAL)

Provide the student with the ability to SELF-development and SELF-improvement through conscious and active appropriation of new social experience

Ability to learn and develop

transition from students’ independent setting of new educational tasks to the development of ability designing your own educational activities and building life plans in a time perspective

Goal setting

Traditional abstract

in accordance with the knowledge paradigm

Basic description method


in accordance with the planned results of the Federal State Educational Standard (3 groups)


Design Feature

structural-logical; design

by type of teacher activity

Teaching aids used

Didactic approach

by type of activity of teacher and students

teacher and textbook as the main carriers of knowledge

use of all components of teaching materials and modern resources

interdisciplinary connections based on some elements of knowledge

Lesson Description Form


formation of a holistic picture of the world based on the real use of children’s life experience, knowledge from other subject areas, meta-subject knowledge

use of direct (conversation) or indirect teacher speech

use of language, clear and concise description of activities

teacher – learning outcomes in general

by all participants - process, result, individual achievements

The technological map allows the teacher

Build an algorithm for working on the topic, as well as design your activities for a quarter, half a year, year by moving from lesson planning to topic design;

Systematically form universal learning actions among students;

Realize the educational potential of the topic;

Establish continuity in the study of the material;

Implement interdisciplinary connections;

Implement the planned results of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.

Advantages of the technological map

Ready-made developments are being introduced that free you from painstaking work on designing educational activities;

The teacher’s time is freed up for creativity;

Real meta-subject connections and coordinated actions of all participants in the pedagogical process are ensured;

Organizational and methodological problems are eliminated (young teacher, replacement of lessons, implementation of the curriculum, etc.);;

The quality of training, education, and development improves;

An objective diagnosis of a teacher’s professional activity is provided.

Experience shows that at first it is difficult for a teacher to create a technological lesson map (it can be considered as a teacher’s mini-project). To help the teacher, you can suggest possible formulations of the activity.

How to work with TKU

Read the topic carefully and find it in your textbook or workbook;

Get acquainted with the objectives of the lesson, correlate them with the planned results and with previously covered material;

Read the highlighted basic concepts, see in which subjects they are still studied (interdisciplinary connections);

Follow the algorithm proposed in the map;

To motivate students to study the topic, you can use the task given in the map, take it from the textbook, or offer your own;

Record the changes you make in the map;

Make sure that the student knows, understands, and is competent in the material being studied, and only after that proceed to the next stage;

At the final stage, try to complete all the proposed tasks.

Technological map as an administrative tool:

Provides the ability to navigate educational purposes in the context of 2nd generation standards;

Allows you to clearly monitor the implementation of the program and provide methodological assistance;

Provides systematic monitoring of the results of the educational process, the activities of the teacher and students.

The main thing that a lesson should provide is the creation of a comfortable environment for students and a feeling of comfort for the teacher. The criteria for teaching effectiveness include the word “development”, which is one of the indicators of a modern lesson. Exercise: choose words, a combination of words for the phrase “modern lesson”. Words must begin with the letters found in the word "development".




A modern lesson is a lesson characterized by the following features: - the main goal of the lesson is the development of each individual in the process of training and education; - implemented in class personality-oriented approach to learning; - an activity-based approach is implemented in the lesson; - the organization of the lesson is dynamic and varied; - modern pedagogical technologies are used in the lesson

Teacher, his attitude to the educational process, his creativity and professionalism, his desire to reveal the abilities of each child - all this is the main resource, without which the implementation of new standards of school education is impossible.

Federal State Educational Standard

It's difficult to teach children today

It wasn't easy before

"The cow gives milk."

The XXI century is the century of discoveries,

The age of innovation, novelty,

But it depends on the teacher

What children should be like.

I wish you creative success!

Creative success

Technological map of the lesson.

“If we teach today the way we taught

Yesterday, we will steal tomorrow from children."

John Dewey

Dear Colleagues! Our society is changing, the goals and content of education are changing.

Modern life places strict demands on people today - high quality education, communication skills, determination, creativity, leadership qualities, and most importantly, the ability to navigate a large flow of information. Having left the school, the graduate must continue to develop and improve himself, and for this he must learn certain methods of action.

Preparing students for life begins at school, so the requirements for education today are changing their priorities: knowledgeable component gives way developing.

Currently, most teachers still gravitate towardstraditional lesson.This is due to many reasons: the habit of traditional forms of learning and fear of the new; lack of understanding of the huge number of innovations.

The traditional lesson is our youth, this is how we were taught to work at the institute, this is how we worked all our lives. Its organization is simple, familiar, well known and worked out to the smallest detail.

But, as practice shows,With traditional education, students who successfully complete school find it much more difficult to find themselves in the surrounding reality. Among them there are many more failed individuals. It is no coincidence that in recent years a joke has arisen among teachers. To the question: “Who lives well in Rus': an excellent student or a C student,” there is always the same answer – a C student, because he is adapted to life, knows how to adapt, choose a non-standard solution, take responsibility, take risks, etc. That is why among them there are much fewer unsettled and unhappy people than, unfortunately, among excellent students who always clearly and correctly followed the teacher’s instructions.

The task of the education system today is not to transfer a volume of knowledge, but to teach children to learn. The main goal of the Federal State Educational Standard iscomprehensive development of the child’s personality based on universal educational activities (personal, meta-subject and subject)

And in order to implement the requirements of the Second Generation Standards in order to achievemain resulteducation, the lesson must change, becomenew, modern!

Main didactic structure of the lesson displayed in lesson plan and in his technological map. They have both static elements and dynamic ones, which are characterized by a more flexible structure.

In preparation for modernDuring the lesson, the teacher goes through three stages: modeling, design and construction.

Modeling – determination of the main parameters of the lesson, determination of the type and type of lesson.

Design – development of the main components of the pedagogical process.

Construction– creation of lesson technology, i.e. systems of interaction between teacher and students. At the construction stage, the teacher createsdocuments - lesson notes and (or)technological map, according to which will work to solve assigned tasksand achieving the basic result of education.

Organize a lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational StandardA lesson flow chart may help.

Technological lesson map - what is it?

Routing- this is a new type of methodological products that ensure effective and high-quality teaching of educational courses at school and the ability to achieve the planned results of mastering basic educational programs at the levels of primary and basic education in accordance with the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.

Concept "routing"came to education from industry. Technological map - technological documentation in the form of a map, a sheet containing a description of the process of manufacturing, processing, production of a certain type of product, production operations, equipment used, time mode for carrying out operations.

Technological map in a didactic contextpresents a project of the educational process, which presents a description from goal to result using innovative technology for working with information. This a modern form of planning pedagogical interaction between teacher and students.

The technological map has the following distinctive features: interactivity, structure, algorithmic nature when working with information, manufacturability and generalization.

Technological lesson mapis a way of graphically designing a lesson, a table that allows you to structure a lesson according to parameters chosen by the teacher.

With these parameters there may be stages of a lesson, its goals, the content of educational material, methods and techniques for organizing educational activities, the activities of the teacher and the activities of students, the result (formed by the educational activities).

Structure of the technological map includes:

1) Name of the lesson stage.

2) Objectives of the lesson stage.

4) Teacher's activities.

5) Student activities.

6) Forms of work (individual, frontal, pair, group)

7) Result (formed UUD, product).

The main task of the technological lesson map- reflect the activity-based approach to teaching, the algorithm of work of the teacher and students at certain stages of the lesson.

The technological map should define ways to achieve three groups of educational outcomes:

  • personal;
  • meta-subject;
  • subject

Having analyzed (based on open electronic sources of information) a fairly large number of technological lesson maps developed by teachers, we can conclude that a unified, established form of such a map does not yet exist. There are no federal regulations on mapping yet, while the process of gaining experience is ongoing.

Each teacher has the right to develop his own map that is convenient for him personally - the main thing is that it helps in his work and does not cause irritation, like an extra writing load.

I offer you several map templates.

Option 1

Teacher activities

Student activities




Actions taken

Actions taken

Formed methods of activity

Actions taken

Formed methods of activity

Stage 1 of the lesson “Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson”

Stage 2 of the lesson “Updating knowledge”

. . .

The proposed technological lesson map is designed to record not only the types of activities of the teacher and students in the lesson, but also the learning results being formed.

Since the planned learning outcomes represent a system of student-oriented educational goals, there is no need to allocate a separate column in the structure of the map dedicated to the intended purpose of the designed lesson.

Option 2

Methods, techniques and forms of work are added (methodological substructure of the lesson)

Option 3

Planned results



Stage (time)


Maps vary in number and list of highlighted sections depending on the level of detail of the lesson. The shape of the cards depends on the lesson types, but the structure of the card should be maintained.

I bring to your attention a technological map of a Russian language lesson in 3rd grade.

As you can see, colleagues, a technological map can be considered as a teacher’s mini-project and it is quite difficult for a teacher to create it at first. Compiling it takes a lot of time.

A technological map is one of the tools to work in a new way, within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard and

the need to draw up a technological maparose due to the fact that the requirements for a modern lesson have changed.

What is the difference between a lesson plan and a technological map?

Lesson summary


Presentation media


Graphic, symbolic

What determines content

Program requirements, textbook contents

Standard requirements

Methods of activity


Fixed, conscious




Form of obtaining knowledge


Educational cooperation

Focus of training

Transfer of theoretical knowledge

Personal focus

Advantages of the technological map.

The technological map allows:

  • see the educational material holistically and systematically;
  • comprehend and design the sequence of work taking into account the purpose and topic of the lesson;
  • flexibly use effective techniques and forms of working with children in the classroom;
  • coordinate the actions of the teacher and students;
  • organize independent activities of schoolchildren in the learning process;

The technological map will allow the teacher:

  • implement the planned results of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard;
  • systematically form universal learning activities among students;
  • design the educational process for mastering the topic, taking into account the purpose of mastering the course;
  • implement interdisciplinary connections in practice;
  • carry out diagnostics of the achievement of planned results by students at each stage of mastering the topic.

The use of a technological map provides conditions for improving the quality of training, since:

· the educational process for mastering a topic (section) is designed from goal to result;

· effective methods of working with information are used;

· stage-by-stage independent educational, intellectual, cognitive and reflective activities of schoolchildren are organized;

·conditions are provided for the application of knowledge and skills in practical activities.

Self-analysis of the lesson

When introspecting the lessonthe teacher often simply retells its course and finds it difficult to justify the choice of content, methods used and organizational forms of teaching. In the traditional plan, mainly the content side of the lesson is described, which does not allow for a systematic pedagogical analysis of it. Lesson recording form in the form of a technological mapmakes it possible to detail it as much as possible even at the preparation stage, to evaluate the rationality and potential effectiveness of the selected content, methods, means and types of educational activities at each stage of the lesson.

Using a technological map, you can conduct not only a systemic, but also an aspect analysis of a lesson (tracing the map vertically).

For example:

  • teacher’s implementation of lesson goals;
  • the use of developmental methods, ways to enhance the cognitive activity of students;
  • implementation of assessment and control.


The map does not replace the lesson notes. A lesson outline is notes that allow improvisation; it is the support, foundation, foundation of a future building called a “lesson”. And the main purpose of the map is to reflect the activity-based approach, the algorithm of work of the teacher and students at certain stages of the lesson, and the formation of a learning lesson.


I. Organizational moment. Motivation for learning activities.

Check your seating position. Get ready for the lesson.

Today is a wonderful day. You came to school in a good mood. Smile at each other and give the warmth of your hands to your desk neighbor. We will overcome any difficulties together.

Educational and cognitive interest in this lesson, creating a situation of success and trust.

They smile and touch their palms to each other.

Managing your partner’s behavior, willingness to build relationships with other people.

They remember the rules of behavior and get ready for the lesson.

Self-assessment of readiness for the lesson, psychological attitude.

II. Updating what has been learned.

1. Let us remember the spelling patterns we have studied.

In one verbal state they lived and did not bother with spelling. Orthograms - letters of vowels and orthograms - letters of consonants were often collected together, and sometimes in one word, and waited for the children to remember them and not make mistakes in spelling. But sometimes they were naughty and did not want to say their full names. This is what was left of them

(on the slide there is a sign:unstressed, consonants, doubled, unpronounceable)

- Remember the full names of these spellings.

2.Work in pairs.

Give examples of words with these spellings.

3. Vocabulary work.

The spellers were having fun,

And errors appeared.

You'll find them sooner

Write down the words correctly.

(on the slide there is a note:Shyroko, crow pyro, sparrows, flycatcher)

- Write it correctly. Indicate the spelling.

(student works at the board)

The knowledge necessary to understand a new topic is updated.

They listen to a fairy tale and remember the spellings.

Give a full description of the studied spellings and find them in the text.

Dictate 2 words to each other

The ability to listen to the interlocutor, be ready to correct the answer and correct your mistake

Check their work with the board, evaluate the work on the board.

Work according to the plan, checking your actions with the goal, developing evaluation criteria.

III. Statement of a problematic question.

Highlight in a word flytrap root.

I saw the following in the students' notebooks:flycatcher, flycatcher.

What question arises?

(Which student is right? How many roots are in the word flycatcher?)

Write down the word. Isolate the root.

Formulate an educational problem, build reasoning, prove your point of view.

The whole class listens to the students' statements in frontal mode.

The ability to enter into dialogue, express and justify one’s point of view.

The accuracy of the answers is assessed.

Be able to listen in accordance with the target setting, supplement, clarify statements.

IV. Finding a solution (discovering new knowledge)

1. Conversation on issues.

Who is this flycatcher? (bird)

Why was the bird called that? (show picture)

What is the root of the word fly ?

What is the root of the word catches?

Choose words with the same root.

Are there roots of flies and fishing in the word flycatcher?

So how many roots are there in a word? flycatcher ? (This word has 2 roots)

What are words consisting of two roots called?

Read the definition and compare it with your wording.

Write on the board:flycatcher - catches flies.

Teachers answer questions and develop vocabulary.

They put forward hypotheses.

They read the rule, solve the problem, discover new knowledge.

Process information, build reasoning.

Listen to students' answers

Formulate your thoughts, construct a speech statement.

They check the correctness of the answers, correct, supplement, and clarify.

Make a plan for solving an educational problem.

IV. Formulating a topic (working with definition)

What words are called compound words?

Why were they called that: complex? (Composed of two words)

Give your own example of a compound word.

They give examples, identify roots, explain the meaning of words, and select words of the same root.

Extract new information.

They work in frontal mode.

Come to a common decision in joint activities.

Evaluate the correctness of the answers.

Work according to the plan, checking your actions against the goal.

V. Development of the ability to apply new knowledge.

1. Work according to the textbook.

Exercise 122 – identifying a word in the text that consists of two roots.

What words did this word come from?

How many roots does it have?

Write down this word and highlight the roots in it.

2. Determination of the place of compound words in a series of words with the same root.

Exercise 123

In which group of cognate words can the word appear? waterfall?

3.Group work.

(Work with cards)

Collective completion of a task with motivation for choosing a word.

Write out 2 groups of words with the same root, highlight the roots.

They determine the lexical meaning of complex words, give an interpretation, and identify roots.

Process received information and extract new information.

Work in groups.

Ability to collaborate, negotiate and come to a common decision.

Awareness of the value of joint activities.

Self-control and mutual control of task performance in groups.

Work according to plan, determine the degree of success of your work and the work of others.

VI. Summing up the work. Reflection.

What new did you learn in class today?

What are compound words? Dunno answered this question like this: “All incomprehensible words are called complex.” Buratino said that all long words are complex words. Athanasius: “Words that have two roots are called compound words”

Which hero is right?

Self-assessment of work in the lesson.

Develop the ability to generalize, draw conclusions, and evaluate your work.


1.Learn the rule

2. Write a fairy tale about complex words.

Sequence of teacher actions Modeling a lesson - determining the main parameters of a lesson, including: clarifying the concept or technological idea of ​​teaching; correlating the purpose of the lesson with the goals of the educational topic, determining the type and type of lesson, taking into account the requirements for the lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard, the type of lesson for studying and initially consolidating new knowledge; consolidation of new knowledge; complex application of ZUN; generalization and systematization of knowledge; checking, assessing and correcting students' knowledge of learning) Type of lesson - reflects the leading teaching method.

Sequence of teacher actions Design - development of the main components of the pedagogical process: tasks, content, methods, means, forms of educational activity. Construction – creation of lesson technology, i.e. systems of interaction between teacher and students. At the design stage, the teacher creates documents - a lesson outline and (or) a technological map, according to which he will work, solving the assigned tasks and achieving the main result of education

Didactic structure of the lesson Technological map of the lesson Lesson plan

A technological lesson map is a new type of methodological product that ensures effective and high-quality teaching of academic subjects and the ability to achieve the planned results of mastering basic educational programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. A technological lesson map is a way of graphically designing a lesson, a table that allows you to structure a lesson according to parameters chosen by the teacher.

1) Name of the lesson stage. 2) Objectives of the lesson stage. 3) Contents of the stage. 4) Teacher's activities. 5) Student activities. 6) Forms of work (individual, frontal, pair, group) 7) Result (formed UUD, product). The structure of the technological map includes:

Topic: Objectives: Lesson progress: 1. Organizational moment 2. Checking homework 3. Repetition 4. Studying new material 5. Consolidation. 6. Lesson summary 7. Homework Structure of a traditional lesson summary

Characteristics of the technological map The essential characteristic of the technological map is the representation of the educational process at the level of technology - at the level of design and construction, including a description of the actions of the teacher and students (actions of goal setting, organization, control and regulation). The technological map of the lesson should define ways to achieve three groups of educational results: personal, meta-subject)

Each teacher chooses the structural form of the technological map himself, based on his pedagogical preferences.

Option 1 Activities of the teacher Activities of the students Cognitive Communicative Regulatory Actions being formed Formed methods of activity Carried out actions Formed methods of activity Carried out actions Formed methods of activity 1st stage of the lesson “Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson” 2nd stage of the lesson “Updating knowledge”. . .

Option 2 Stage of the lesson Teacher's activities Student's activities Methods, techniques, forms, teaching aids used Methods formed UUD Result of interaction (collaboration)

Option 3 Technology of implementation Students' activities Teacher's activities Assignments for students Planned results subject-specific UUD Stage (time) Objectives:

Academic subject: Russian language Class: 3G Lesson topic: Introducing the concept of “complex words” Lesson type: Lesson on discovering new knowledge. Technological lesson map

Activities of the teacher Activities of students Cognitive Communicative Regulatory Actions being formed Formed methods of activity Carried out actions Formed methods of activity Carried out actions Formed methods of activity 1st stage of the lesson “Organizational moment. Motivation for learning activities » 1. Organizes the class, checks seating at the desk. 2.Gives a positive attitude to the lesson. Educational and cognitive interest in this lesson, creating a situation of success and trust. They smile and touch their palms to each other. Managing your partner’s behavior, willingness to build relationships with other people. They remember the rules of behavior and get ready for the lesson. Self-assessment of readiness for the lesson, emotional and psychological mood.

Activities of the teacher Activities of students Cognitive Communicative Regulatory Actions being formed Formed methods of activity Carried out actions Formed methods of activity Carried out actions Formed methods of activity 2nd stage of the lesson “Updating what has been learned” 1. Organizes work on the studied spellings 2. Updates the knowledge necessary to understand a new topic. 2.Organizes work in pairs. 3. Organizes vocabulary work. They listen to a spelling tale and remember the spellings. Give a full description of the studied spellings and find them in the text. Interact with the teacher during a survey carried out in frontal mode. The ability to listen to the interlocutor, be ready to correct the answer and correct one’s mistake. The ability to cooperate. Check their work with the board, evaluate the work on the board. Work according to the plan, checking your actions with the goal, developing evaluation criteria.

Activities of the teacher Activities of the students Cognitive Communicative Regulatory Actions being formed Formed methods of activity Carried out actions Formed methods of activity Carried out actions Formed methods of activity 3rd stage of the lesson “Posing a problematic question” 1. Creates a problematic situation, leads to the formulation of a problematic question Write down the word flytrap. Isolate the root. Formulate an educational problem, build reasoning, prove your point of view. The whole class listens to the students' statements in frontal mode. The ability to enter into dialogue, express and justify one’s point of view. The accuracy of the answers is assessed. Be able to listen in accordance with the target setting, supplement, clarify statements. Plan learning tasks.

Activities of the teacher Activities of students Cognitive Communicative Regulatory Actions being formed Formed methods of activity Carried out actions Formed methods of activity Carried out actions Formed methods of activity 4th stage of the lesson “Finding a solution (discovering new knowledge)” 1. Organizes work on the lexical meaning of the word. 2. Asks to highlight the roots in the words from which this word was formed. 3. Leads children to the discovery of new knowledge - what are words called that consist of two roots. 4. Asks to read the definition and compare your answer with the author’s formulation. 1. Write on the board: flytrap - catches flies, identify roots 2. Put forward hypotheses. 3.Read the rule, solve the problem, discover new knowledge. Process information, build reasoning. Listen to the students' answers Formulate their thoughts, construct a speech statement. Participate in the discovery of new knowledge about the composition of words. They check the correctness of the answers, correct, supplement, and clarify. Make a plan for solving an educational problem.

Activities of the teacher Activities of the students Cognitive Communicative Regulatory Actions being formed Formed methods of activity Carried out actions Formed methods of activity Carried out actions Formed methods of activity 5th stage of the lesson “Formulating the topic (working with definition)” 1. Helps to formulate the topic of the lesson. 2. Organizes work on the definition 3. Asks to give your examples of complex words. They give examples, identify roots, explain the meaning of words, and select words of the same root. Extract new information. They work in frontal mode. Come to a common decision in joint activities. Evaluate the correctness of the answers. Work according to the plan, checking your actions against the goal.

Activities of the teacher Activities of students Cognitive Communicative Regulatory Actions being formed Formed methods of activity Carried out actions Formed methods of activity Carried out actions Formed methods of activity 6th stage of the lesson “Development of the ability to apply new knowledge” 1. Organizes work on new material from the textbook 2. Organizes work to determine places of complex words in a series of words with the same root 3. Organizes group work to consolidate the material. Perform tasks independently. They determine the lexical meaning of complex words, give an interpretation, and identify roots. Process received information and extract new information. Find difficult words. Work in groups. Ability to collaborate, negotiate and come to a common decision. Awareness of the value of joint activities. Self-control and mutual control of task performance in groups. Work according to plan, determine the degree of success of your work and the work of others.

Activities of the teacher2 Activities of students Cognitive Communicative Regulatory Actions being formed Formed methods of activity Carried out actions Formed methods of activity Carried out actions Formed methods of activity 7th stage of the lesson “Summarizing the results of the work. Reflection. » 1. Organizes a summary of the work in the lesson. 2. Asks to evaluate your work using symbols. Participate in the conversation. Test their knowledge gained in the lesson. Summarize knowledge about the material studied Draw signal circles and evaluate their work. Develop the ability to generalize, draw conclusions, and evaluate your work.

Activities of the teacher Activities of the students Cognitive Communicative Regulatory Actions being formed Formed methods of activity Carried out actions Formed methods of activity Carried out actions Formed methods of activity 8th stage of the lesson “Homework” 1. Learn the rule 2. Compose a fairy tale about complex words.

Differences between a lesson plan and a technological map Lesson outline Technological map Presentation means Text Graphic, symbolic What determines the content Requirements of programs, content of textbooks Requirements of the standard Activity methods Consciously Fixed, conscious Differentiation Group Individual Form of knowledge acquisition Individual Educational cooperation Direction of learning Transfer of theoretical knowledge Personal orientation

The technological map will allow the teacher to: implement the planned results of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard; systematically form universal learning activities among students; design the educational process for mastering the topic, taking into account the purpose of mastering the course; implement interdisciplinary connections in practice; carry out diagnostics of the achievement of planned results by students at each stage of mastering the topic.

The use of a technological map provides conditions for improving the quality of training, since: the educational process for mastering a topic (section) is designed from goal to result; effective methods of working with information are used; stage-by-stage independent educational, intellectual, cognitive and reflective activities of schoolchildren are organized; conditions are provided for the application of knowledge and skills in practical activities.

Using a technological map, you can conduct not only a systemic, but also an aspect analysis of a lesson (tracing the map vertically). For example: the teacher’s implementation of lesson goals; the use of developmental methods, ways to enhance the cognitive activity of students; implementation of assessment and control.


Subject skills are formed in students only in the process of learning a given academic subject and are used mainly in this subject and partly in related subjects.

In modern conditions technological lesson map is an innovation that has a number of specific features such as:

  1. interactivity,
  2. structure,
  3. algorithmicity when working with information,
  4. manufacturability,
  5. generality.

Figure 2. Methodology for creating a technological lesson map

Currently, there are several different approaches to creating a technological lesson map. All of them are aimed at schematizing the processes in the lesson. Most of them can be called superficial due to their exaggerated stereotypes. However, if we turn to those approaches to drawing up a technological lesson map that meet the requirements of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard, we can identify three key trends:

  1. The growing demand and popularity of the technological lesson map in the teaching environment;
  2. Technological lesson cards vary in the number and list of allocated sections depending on the degree of detail of the lesson;
  3. The developers of technological lesson maps change and expand their structure by introducing elements that reflect the content features of the subject they teach.

One of the key features of the technological lesson map It is safe to say that there are increased demands on teachers. The key requirements for a teacher when designing a lesson flow chart include:

  1. possession of constructive planning skills;
  2. knowledge of the goals and objectives of the training course, subject, discipline;
  3. the ability to navigate current educational and methodological kits on a given subject;
  4. knowledge of learning conditions and age characteristics;
  5. taking into account the level of general development of students in this class.

The form of recording a lesson in the form of a technological map makes it possible to maximally detail it even at the preparation stage. An important nuance in favor of replacing outline notes with a technological map is the ability to evaluate the rationality and potential effectiveness of the selected means, types and approaches to organizing educational activities at each stage of the lesson. This fact allows the modern teacher to evaluate the rationality of selecting the content of the material, the adequacy of the forms and methods of work used in their totality.

Figure 3. Structure of the lesson flow chart

The technological map allows you to see the educational material holistically and systematically, as well as design the educational process for mastering the topic, taking into account the purpose of mastering the course. In addition, a correctly compiled technological map of a modern lesson makes it possible to flexibly use effective techniques and forms of working with children in the lesson and coordinate the actions of the teacher and students.

The technological map of the lesson includes in its structure such elements as:

  1. subject;
  2. target;
  3. tasks;
  4. motivation for their adoption;
  5. planned results: knowledge, skills, abilities;
  6. Personality-forming orientation of the lesson.
The purpose of the lesson is to present information on the topic of the lesson in a manner aimed at revealing its main components and fulfilling educational and educational tasks.

The purpose of the lesson is determined by the following factors:

  1. Planned lesson results
  2. Ways to implement a fixed lesson plan.

Lesson objectives are the goal of an activity given under certain conditions, which must be achieved by transforming these conditions according to a certain procedure.

The full cycle of productive thinking includes the setting and formulation of a problem by the subject himself, which occurs when he is presented with tasks whose conditions are of a problematic nature.

Problems can arise in practice or be created intentionally. A hierarchically organized sequence of tasks forms an activity program.

It is immediately necessary to provide for the planned results of the lesson. The formulation of planned results also requires uniformity and compliance with the tasks: as many tasks as there should be, as many planned results. At the main stage of the lesson, it is extremely important to prepare each student for active learning activities.

Reference table for constructing a technological lesson map

Educational objectives of the lesson

Possible methods and techniques of implementation

Organizational stage

Greeting, checking preparedness, organizing attention

Report of the duty officer, recording of absentees, poetic mood, etc.

Checking homework completion

Establish the correctness, completeness and awareness of homework, identify and eliminate problems found during the inspection

Tests, additional questions, continue answering..., multi-level independent work

Preparing students for work at the main stage

Provide motivation, actualization of subjective experience

Communicating the topic and goal (in the form of a problem task, in the form of a heuristic question, through showing the final results, using a technological map of mental activity - a cluster. At the beginning of the lesson, a riddle is given, the answer to which will be revealed when working on new material

Stage of assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action

Ensure perception, comprehension and primary memorization of the material being studied

Promote the assimilation of methods and means that led to a certain choice

Working with definition

Using everyday analogies

Presentation of the main material simultaneously in verbal and sign-symbolic forms, presentation of the studied material in comparative and classification tables, story, lecture, message, modular learning, use of a computer textbook, problem-based learning, collective learning, construction of a structural-logical diagram, genetic method of teaching

Initial check of understanding of what has been learned

Establish the correctness and awareness of the studied material, identify gaps, correct gaps in understanding the material

Supporting text, students preparing their questions, their examples on new material

The stage of consolidating new knowledge and methods of action

To ensure, during consolidation, an increase in the level of comprehension of the studied material and depth of understanding

Using interactive tasks, question-and-answer communication, inventing your own tasks

Application of knowledge and methods of action

Ensure the assimilation of knowledge and methods of action at the level of application in a variety of situations

Multi-level independent work, business game, educational situations, group work, discussion

Generalization and systematization

Ensure the formation of a holistic system of students’ leading knowledge, ensure the establishment of intra-subject and inter-subject connections

Construction of the “tree” of the “topic”, construction of the “building of the topic”. Building a block formula: minuend-subtrahend=difference. Learning situations, “intersection of topics”

Control and self-control of knowledge and methods of action

Identification of the quality and level of assimilation of knowledge and methods of action

Multi-level independent and control work, tests, tasks to identify essential features (depth) tasks, to design several ways to solve the same problem (flexibility), tasks with redundant, contradictory data (ability to make evaluative actions)

Correction of knowledge and methods of action

Correcting identified gaps in knowledge and methods of action

Using exercises divided into small stages and sections

Application of detailed instructions with regular monitoring. Tests, tasks with omissions, structural-logical diagrams with omissions

Homework information

Ensure students understand the purpose, content and methods of completing homework

Three levels of homework:

Standard minimum



Summing up the lesson

Provide qualitative assessment of the work of the class and individual students

Teacher's message, summing up by the students themselves


Initiate student reflection on their psycho-emotional state, motivation for their activities and interaction with the teacher and classmates

Telegram, SMS, unfinished sentence, coordinates

So, why do you need a technological lesson map? First of all, it allows you to see the educational material holistically and systematically. In addition, the technological lesson map is aimed at designing the educational process taking into account the goal of mastering a specific subject within the framework of the school curriculum. The use of a technological map allows you to flexibly use effective techniques and forms of working with children in the classroom, organize independent activities of schoolchildren in the learning process, and also carry out integrative monitoring of the results of educational activities.

Figure 4. The value of the lesson flow chart

The technological map will allow the teacher:

  1. Implement the planned results of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard;
  2. Determine the UUDs that are formed in the process of studying a specific topic and the entire training course;
  3. Systematically form universal learning activities in students;
  4. Comprehend and design the sequence of work to master the topic from goal to final result;
  5. Design your activities for a certain period by moving from lesson planning to topic design;
  6. Free up time for creativity;
  7. Determine the possibilities for implementing interdisciplinary knowledge;
  8. In practice, implement connections common to all subjects and ensure coordinated actions of all participants in the pedagogical process;
  9. Carry out diagnostics of the achievement of planned results by students at each stage of mastering the topic;
  10. Ensure improved quality of education.


  1. Technological lesson map as a tool for designing a modern lesson in a primary school. Methodological manual / Author-compiler S.S. Pichugin. – Ufa: RIO RUMC MO RB, 2013. – 50 p.
  2. Fridman L.M., Kulagina I.Yu. Formation of general educational skills in students: – M.: Publishing House of the Russian Open University, 1993. – 34 p.
  3. Yakushina E.V. Preparing for a lesson under the new Federal State Educational Standards // URL:

Sections: General pedagogical technologies

Purpose: to study the issue of drawing up a “technological map”.

A technological map is a new type of methodological product that ensures effective and high-quality teaching of educational courses in primary school and the ability to achieve the planned results of mastering basic educational programs at the primary education level in accordance with the second generation Federal State Educational Standard.

Training using a technological map allows you to organize an effective educational process, ensure the implementation of subject, meta-subject and personal skills (universal educational actions), in accordance with the requirements of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard, and significantly reduce the time for preparing a teacher for a lesson .

The term “technological map” came to pedagogy from technical, precision production.

Technological map is a form of technological documentation that describes the entire process of processing a product, indicates operations and their components, materials, production equipment, tools, technological modes, time required to manufacture the product, qualifications of workers, etc.

The technological map is intended for designing the educational process.

Over the past decades, society has undergone dramatic changes in its understanding of the goals of education and ways to implement them. Purpose education becomes the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, providing such key competence, how to learn.

In a broad sense, the term “ universal learning activities” means ability to learn, i.e. the subject’s ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. In a narrower (actually psychological) meaning, this term can be defined as a set of methods of action of a student (as well as associated learning skills) that ensure independent assimilation of new knowledge and the formation of skills, including the organization of this process.

Consequently, educators need to look for and use new approaches in working with students to achieve modern educational goals.

Today it is necessary to understand how to form universal learning activities for students in the classroom.

Application . Slide 2 – what does using...

Modeling and conducting a lesson using technological map allows you to organize an effective educational process, ensure the implementation of subject, meta-subject and personal skills (universal educational actions) in accordance with the requirements of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard, and significantly reduce the time for preparing a teacher for a lesson. Advanced teachers have been drawing up technological lesson maps for a long time.

The task of a technological map, as is known, is to reflect the so-called “activity approach” in teaching.

At each stage of the lesson, we monitor our activities and the expected actions of students.

The technological lesson map can be considered as a product of the teacher's brainstorming. And the visual image of the lesson is important to him.

Slide 3– card parameters.

Such parameters can be the stages of the lesson, its goals, the content of the educational material, methods and techniques for organizing the educational activities of students, the activities of the teacher and the activities of students.

When self-analyzing a lesson, the teacher often simply retells its progress and finds it difficult to justify the choice of content, methods used and organizational forms of teaching. In the traditional plan, mainly the content side of the lesson is described, which does not allow for a systematic pedagogical analysis of it.

The form of recording a lesson in the form of a technological map makes it possible to maximally detail it even at the preparation stage, to evaluate the rationality and potential effectiveness of the selected content, methods, means and types of educational activities at each stage of the lesson. The next step is to evaluate each stage, the correctness of the selection of content, the adequacy of the methods used and forms of work in their totality.

Slide 4– the technological map will allow the teacher...

The technological map will allow the teacher:

  • implement the planned results of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard;
  • systematically form universal learning activities among students;
  • plan your activities for a quarter, half a year, year by moving from lesson planning to topic design;
  • implement interdisciplinary connections in practice;
  • carry out diagnostics of the achievement of planned results by students at each stage of mastering the topic.

Slide 5 – lesson parameters.

1) Name of the lesson stage.

2) Objectives of the lesson stage.

4) Teacher's activities.

5) Student activities.

6) Forms of work.

7) Result.

It is very important, in our opinion, to thoughtfully develop the characteristics of the activities of the teacher and students and the results of each stage. The new standard for the first time required the introduction of an activity-based approach to the organization of the educational process. The teacher is now required to organize in lessons with the help of modern educational technologies such educational activities that will ensure the achievement of new educational results and allow students to develop their abilities. At the same time, the student does not listen as carefully teachers, how much in the process of activity masters knowledge and skills. Therefore, when developing each topic, it is important to understand what kind of student activity you are specifically organizing, and what result you expect to get.

A technological lesson map is a modern form of planning pedagogical interaction between teacher and students.

Based on this definition, we can highlight those positions that can and should be relied upon when constructing a lesson flow chart:

  1. the need to describe the entire process of activity;
  2. indication of operations and their components.

The structure of the lesson technology map must provide for the following features:

Slide 6 – capabilities of the technological map:

  1. careful planning of each stage of activity;
  2. the most complete reflection of the sequence of all actions and operations carried out leading to the intended result;
  3. coordination and synchronization of the actions of all subjects of pedagogical activity;
  4. introduction of student self-assessment at each stage of the lesson.

Self-assessment is one of the components of activity. Self-esteem is not related to marking, but is related to the procedure of evaluating oneself. The advantage of self-assessment is that it allows the student to see his own strengths and weaknesses.

Stages of work on the technological map:

Slide 7 – stages of work on the technological map.

1. Determining the place of the lesson in the topic being studied and its type.

2. Formulation of the purpose of the lesson (educational, developmental, educational).

3. Designation of the stages of the lesson in accordance with its type.

4. Formulation of the purpose of each stage of the lesson.

5. Determination of the results of each stage (formed UUD, product).

6. Choosing forms of work in the lesson.

7. Development of characteristics of teacher and student activities.

This material can be used by primary school teachers working in different educational systems.

Having analyzed (based on open electronic sources of information) a fairly large number of technological lesson maps developed by practicing teachers, we came to the conclusion that a unified, established form of such a map does not yet exist. We chose the following technological lesson map:

Slide 8 – structure of the technological map.

1st stage. “Self-determination for activity. Organizing time". Teacher's activities: inclusion in the business rhythm. Oral communication from the teacher. Student activities: preparing the class for work.

2nd stage. “Updating knowledge and recording difficulties in activities.” Activities of the teacher: reveals the level of knowledge, identifies typical shortcomings. Student activities: perform a task that trains individual abilities for learning activities, mental operations and learning skills.

3rd stage. “Setting up a learning task.” Teacher's activity: activates students' knowledge, creates a problematic situation. Student activities: set goals, formulate (clarify) the topic of the lesson.

4th stage. “Building a project for getting out of a problem.” Teacher's activity: building a project for getting out of a difficulty. Student activities: make a plan to achieve the goal and determine the means (algorithm, model, etc.).

5th stage. “Primary consolidation.” Activities of the teacher: establishes awareness of perception, organizes primary generalization. Students' activities: solve standard problems by speaking the algorithm out loud.

6th stage. “Independent work with self-test according to the standard.” Teacher's activities: organizes activities to apply new knowledge. Student activity: independent work, carry out self-test, step by step comparing with the standard.

7th stage. “Reflection of activity (lesson summary).” Teacher's activity: organizes reflection. Student activities: carry out self-assessment of their own educational activities, correlate the goal and results, the degree of their compliance.

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