What do you know about esotericism? What is esotericism? What is esotericism and how is it different from esotericism?

Simultaneously with the emergence of human spirituality, the need arose to establish connections between what is happening in the vast and unknown World and how the manifestations of this World are reflected in each of us. Absolutely all philosophical, mystical, religious quests, starting from the most ancient times, were built around the question: “How do Macrocosm and Microcosm interact?” The most significant answers gradually formed the field of esoteric knowledge. Esotericism for beginners is the first method of their ascent to the deep secrets of the Universe. But what do we know about him?

Basics of esotericism

Esotericism is the quintessence of knowledge about the World and about man, provided by one or another teaching. This is a special, secret knowledge that was transmitted only to selected adherents of a certain school. Each movement has its own esotericism. Thus, astrologers, magicians, alchemists, yogis, masons and others - they all provide a unique understanding of the processes occurring in the Universe, which may sometimes be somewhat similar, but never identical.

Over the course of many millennia, huge layers of information have accumulated, which it would not take a lifetime to master. Therefore, a person trying to understand where to start studying esotericism must first of all be aware of some limitations of his resources and not be scattered about mastering pseudo-teachings. The latter, unfortunately, have spread widely on the Internet along with truly valuable materials. Remember: when you choose your knowledge, you choose yourself, so allow yourself to be selective.

How to become an esotericist at home? To whom is knowledge available?

Esotericism for beginners is always a delicate and demanding question individual approach. Directly esoteric teachings, methods, practices differ, and a method that is thoroughly suitable for one may be completely unacceptable for others. Agree, what an astrologer does and how he tries to influence environment magician - completely different things, although their essence is the same - knowledge of oneself and everything that is outside this “self”.

However, there are things that are mandatory and basic for anyone who wants to come into contact with secret knowledge. This is a kind of set of rules that allow you to use the information received as safely as possible and for your own benefit. Here are the most basic of them:

  1. Accept yourself as an entity consisting of more than just a material, tangible body. We are always something more than we are used to seeing and feeling.
  2. Live consciously. Some people work on this all their lives to achieve even the slightest bit significant result. Mindfulness is about understanding, recognizing, identifying your thoughts, intentions, goals, words, actions and all their consequences.
  3. Take responsibility. Moreover, it already lies on you, but not everyone feels it (remember the awareness just mentioned). By absorbing secret knowledge, we take responsibility for its storage and use.
  4. Feel like a creator. All your spiritual and practical, tangible activities are a product of your command and creativity. Find out how much you can really do!
  5. And the most important thing. Create and live for good. The vast majority of esoteric teachings say that the energy panel of the Universe is created in some special way.

The peculiarity lies in maintaining a homeostatic balance between good and evil. According to this, only by acting for good will you receive good in return. Be wise!

In any case, there should not be any fundamental problems with self-determination. Our age of accessibility information technologies offers a selection of books, audio recordings, video lectures and even documentaries to suit any, even the most sophisticated taste!

Esoterics for beginners: books

There are now a great many books on esotericism. As already mentioned, the main principle here is to find your own, separating the wheat from the chaff. We bring to your attention a list of the most popular, classic authors and their works, which will certainly inspire valuable thoughts!

  • Carlos Castaneda

    The author shares knowledge about magic and shamanism, approaching this with the professionalism of an anthropologist. Shares many ways on how to learn to develop the abilities of consciousness to change the world around us. In total, he published 13 books, including “The Teachings of Don Juan: The Way of Knowledge of the Yaqui Indians”, “A Separate Reality”, “Tales of Power”, “The Art of Dreaming”. We recommend reading all of his works.

  • Vadim Zeland

    A man whose life is so secretive that it has long been overgrown with a mass of myths and guesses. He offers the reader a teaching called “Transurfing of Reality”, revealing it in a series of his books. There are also audio and video versions of his work - for those who like not to waste time in between.

    Transurfing is, in essence, a volitional movement from one version of an existing space to another, with more attractive life “scenery”. How to achieve this - read!

  • Robert Monroe

    He is considered a kind of guru of esoteric literature and will talk about such a thing as out-of-body experience. The titles of his books “Journeys Out of the Body”, “Far Journey”, “The Ultimate Journey” speak for themselves and do not require unnecessary comments.

  • "Hatha Yoga Pradipika" with commentaries by Swami Muktibodhananda Saraswati

    Classic literary work, who raised more than one generation of yogis with his wisdom. Eastern practices are revealed in simple, understandable language, accessible to Western thinking.

Esotericism for beginners requires attention, time and effort. The main thing is to choose the necessary guideline and patiently follow it, then everything will definitely work out!

Probably every person has heard the word “esotericism”. Some did not pay attention to it at all, but for others it aroused special interest.

What is esotericism?

The term appeared around the 3rd-4th century BC. Its origin is allegedly connected with Pythagoras, who argued that esotericism is the knowledge of one’s inner world.

Esotericism is secret knowledge, having learned which, you can find spiritual harmony.

Although many do not adequately perceive esotericism as a science, it is in fact a science that, first of all, deals with the issue of spirituality, Good and Evil, the issue of the human Soul. There is a lot of literature where the authors describe how to improve the order of their inner world, relying on their own experience.

Every person sooner or later faces his own life path with different problems and difficult circumstances. Then the question arises: what will happen tomorrow, what will the future be like, where to look for a solution to the problems that have arisen. Those who are weak lose faith in themselves and surrender to the flow of situations, those who are strong, without despondency, climb through life’s obstacles and achieve the desired result, and someone comes to the conclusion that everything can be solved absolutely, only under one condition - to know yourself. After reading a bunch of literature, trying a bunch of remedies, a person turns to esoteric knowledge and begins to engage in esoteric practices.

Esoteric practices- these are special classes during which a person pays special attention to improving not so much the physical body as the spiritual one, that is, the soul. The result of such practices is experiences and sensations that cannot be achieved in material life. Under the influence of such practices, a person changes his worldview, his awareness is filled with a new secret meaning. Esotericism is not just a hobby; to join it means to radically change your life, since this is the world of spirituality, an upward movement towards something Higher. Having entered the path of esotericism, a person must be prepared for drastic changes, since esotericism is another world that cannot be limited to something material, but on the contrary, it is a world of eternity, the boundlessness of spirituality in itself. By engaging in esoteric practices, a person steps over the edge of the reality around us and penetrates into the world of conscious life, into the world of learning new possibilities. He understands that with the help of esoteric studies he can discover beyond his capabilities, penetrate into a special sphere that seemed unreal and non-existent in material life.

Having acquired internal order, a person can no longer be the same as he was before. Esotericism is the secret knowledge of many peoples, accumulated over many centuries. Possession of such knowledge gives a person a completely different understanding of the world around us. The world becomes like a book with a number of pages that cannot be counted, where it is written interesting story, which never ends. And the further a person reads this book, the more clear it becomes to him that he is only at the very beginning of something new, secret and painfully exciting. He is so passionate about self-development and improvement that he has no time to return to his old life. And although it is difficult for others to perceive such a person, it is not difficult for him to live in harmony with others and at the same time, in harmony with himself.

People who engage in esoteric practices have much broader and more powerful thoughts than others. And what more people comprehends esoteric knowledge, the wider his inner world, the more it distinguishes and at the same time crosses out the line between the real world and the world of knowledge.

In order to begin to improve yourself, you must first of all realize that the material world is something in comparison with the spiritual world. Holding on to material things, to the accumulation of money and wealth, a person cannot devote himself to complete improvement. The thoughts of such a person are filled with the desire to show his advantage over others, to receive at least praise from others, and at best, fame and power. When he receives this, he feels as if he is happy, but, according to those who are engaged in self-improvement, real happiness comes when a person is in complete freedom, when material life becomes less and less important, and only then can he be happy. This does not mean completely abandoning the means of subsistence, giving away or selling your property, but that you need to draw a clear line between the spiritual and the material. Engaging in self-improvement does not mean that you need to give up everything, forget everyone, go somewhere to the mountains and, meditating there, learn the secrets of other worlds.

Delving deeper into esoteric practices, a person, from the very first lessons on a subconscious level, begins to suspect that an alternative material world there are many other worlds, secret and unknown. And the more he strives to understand the meaning of things that previously seemed like something fictitious or fantastic, the less important material life becomes.

Sooner or later, a special feeling comes into the life of every person when he understands that he needs to change the way of his existence. And it becomes clear that if you don’t take any action, then life will become just a boring, gray stream. Then the question arises: how and where to start, who to turn to for help, who can accurately show the true path. Many, having tried to change something and suffered minor defeats, are already initial stage they give up because they are unable to change. There remains an understanding that we need to try again, but the fear of a possible next failure takes over and the person finally loses hope for better life, without making a single attempt, and it, perhaps, could have become the starting line for the initial changes. Then the “loser” has the idea that everything in this life is bad and the further it goes, the worse it becomes. This thought is imprinted in his memory and without outside help he will no longer understand that there is still a way to fight for himself. They cannot independently understand that they already have nothing to lose, that by attempting to go further, they are not risking anything at all.

But there are people who, having set out on the path of change, never stop. Esotericism calls such people warriors. To become a warrior, a person needs to understand at the very beginning of his journey that this path is not as easy as it might seem, he needs to come to terms with the fact that realizing the secret is not at all easy and accepting all the hardships as the main component on the path to improvement. Without these settings, self-development, as well as self-improvement, becomes impossible. By accepting difficulties and defeating them, the warrior, after each, so to speak, fight, becomes stronger and more confident in his ability to become even better, he seems to rise to a higher level. If a person has thought through all the pros and cons, weighed all the circumstances that he will have to face, that is, he has set himself the necessary settings, decides to go further along the path of improvement, the question is asked: what should his first actions actually be.

As already mentioned, in our time there is a lot of different literature that gives instructions with all the details on exactly how to start changing your worldview. There is just one “but”: each person is an individual person, each thinks differently from others, and from this we can conclude that the approach to the study of esoteric practices should be individual. You need to create a pleasant atmosphere around yourself. Start by waking up in the morning and telling yourself: today I’m going to have a great day, I’m in a good mood, and whatever I do, everything will work out. When you leave the house, you need to smile at people who come to meet you and greet them. Yes, at first it will be difficult, as there will be a feeling that others think that you are not okay in your head. But over time, this action will become a habit, and you will simply stop paying any attention to it. People, in turn, will not treat you as abnormal, but as a person emitting positive energy. In simple words– you need to surround yourself with a pleasant environment. Otherwise, you will not be able to improve yourself, as you will be charged with negativity. Also important is the fact that you need to engage in physical exercise, sports, and strengthen your body. This is important because when a person is healthy, he has a desire to do something, to implement different projects, no matter how small they may be. And if the body is physically exhausted, a lack of strength is felt, then there can be no talk of any kind of self-knowledge. Healthy sleep, excellent health, positivity promote and push a person to take some action, which is why it is so important to monitor your physical health. In other words, as one wise proverb says, “a healthy mind in a healthy body.” It’s no secret that everyone who engages in esoteric practices enjoys good health, but it became good not during the process of training, but even before it. This leads to conclusions: before you start practicing esotericism, you need to prepare your body, otherwise everything will stop as spontaneously as it began. If a person has some kind of health problem, then his thoughts will converge on one thing: how to get rid of a certain problem, because it prevents him from concentrating on achieving new knowledge.

Having taken the first steps, realizing that esotericism is what he was looking for, a person decides to move on. The next stage is meditation: what is it? Meditation is a series of breathing and psychological exercises, the goal of which is to relieve tension, organize thoughts (if possible, turn off internal dialogue altogether) and remain alone with your consciousness. Meditation seems to be the main process of self-improvement. Some religious people, striving for improvement, refuse meditation. But they are mistaken in this, because all religions of the world have their own types of meditation. This word translated from Latin means withdrawal into oneself, contemplation of oneself, analysis of all one’s actions. Even such a strict religion as Christianity has meditation, which is designated there as highest degree prayers. Over the centuries, many different forms of meditation have emerged, but they all share three main characteristics: solitude, relaxation and concentration.

To start practicing meditation, you need to learn how to breathe correctly. To do this, you need to take a comfortable position. It doesn't have to be the lotus position, because it doesn't suit everyone. You need to choose one to feel completely relaxed. Once you are comfortable, you need to focus on your breathing. First, you need to count every inhalation and every exhalation, and then the body will get used to it. About a month of practicing breathing exercises and you can start turning off the internal dialogue.

Turning off the internal dialogue is getting rid of all your thoughts, their complete absence. In this state, a person seems to be floating above the earth, like a cloud floating across a clear sky. Each task requires a certain amount of time to complete. Also in meditation - it will take more than one day to develop the ability to completely get rid of thoughts. For some, a few months will be enough, while for others it will take many years.

Having mastered meditation, you can go to a higher level and move on to other esoteric practices. But here everyone’s paths diverge. If the implementation of the initial points is the same for everyone, then now everyone chooses what practices they actually want to do. After all, there are a lot of them. There are simple prayers, which are used in Christianity. Even the Pope practices prayer meditation. There are esoteric practices aimed at understanding oneself and striving to become better in another life than in the present. They are practiced in Buddhism. But the most difficult to master are magical practices. Since everyone can master the first, only purposeful and impeccable warriors can master magic.

But once you have set out on the path of comprehending secret esoteric knowledge, you must remember that in order to achieve any success in any given matter, you need to devote yourself completely to this matter and engage in the practices that you have chosen for yourself every day, and then you must there will be results of such perseverance.

Nowadays they write and talk a lot about esotericism. The media, in all available ways and means, prepare humanity to realize the fact of the existence of the Subtle World. Interest in esotericism is growing every year. Along with interest, the number of “home-grown” magicians and sorcerers is growing. After watching films and reading books, many young people decide to become, if not a magician, then at least an “advanced” mystic. However, let's think about how difficult it is to do this? What does it take to become an esotericist?
First, desire. Secondly, natural predisposition. And then myths and illusions begin.

Myth one.

Ask yourself the question, what do you need to do to become a physicist, chemist, doctor or lawyer? Possess a sufficiently large specialized knowledge base and have studied at a higher education institution for at least 5 years educational institution. But for some reason they think you can become an esotericist quickly, without effort, and at home. ...or by taking a ten-day course... As one young man said: “I’ll take up magic; it takes a long time to study to become a lawyer and there’s a lot of competition to get into the institute.”

Myth two.

There is an opinion that an esotericist (magician, psychic) ​​can do almost everything - he heals, teaches, reads thoughts, predicts the future, changes situations, looks for lost things. And those who are at the beginning of the development of their abilities think that they too will become like this. They strive to master everything, immediately and quickly.
In reality, everything is completely different. Each mystic has his own specialization and inner predisposition. Esotericists can be compared to doctors. Everyone who has anything to do with medicine is a doctor. From a nurse to a professor, and ophthalmologists, and resuscitators and therapists - they are all doctors, but they are so different.
We're not going to see an ophthalmologist for dental treatment, are we? But a psychic must, for some reason, be able to do everything... Among doctors, there are specialists who can do everything and a little bit - these are paramedics.
Think about what you want to become: a paramedic or a specialist? And who do you turn to to solve your problems?

Myth three.

In order to engage in esotericism, it is enough to discover your abilities. You can discover abilities yourself at home.
The discovery of internal abilities implies a radical change in energy at all levels of organization of the human body. If you are lucky, then through trial and error you will be able to discover no more than 30% of your internal potential on your own. (very mediocre psychic abilities). The remaining 70%, at best, you simply cannot open. In the worst case, they will also begin to open up…..with an unprepared consciousness at this stage, internal conflicts will certainly arise, leading to serious physical and mental problems. The newly discovered abilities will literally burn their owner.
Even with minimal predisposition, any person can discover abilities within two to three weeks. The only question is, what will he do with them then? The main work during training is to adapt abilities and obtain a certain knowledge base, without which any abilities will eventually acquire a destructive character and begin to destroy the one who uses them.

Myth four.

All necessary knowledge can be obtained from online books.
There is a lot of information, but it is all scattered. In the books, the author sets out his individual vision and perception of a particular issue, implying that you are already familiar with basic knowledge in the field of esotericism and his (the author’s) information will only deepen your knowledge. By acquiring knowledge in this way, you will definitely get confused in the opinions of the authors and there will be a huge number of logical gaps in your worldview that will not allow you to fully reveal your abilities.
According to traditions, mystical knowledge should be transmitted from teacher to student through personal contact and participation at the subconscious level. (In 15 years of practice, I have not met a single mystic who learned anything only from books.)

Myth fifth.

If I have a purpose and serious abilities, then they themselves will find a way to realize themselves.
Truly extraordinary abilities given from above will always find a way to realize themselves, but before that they will “harshly” break your consciousness and your life. Accidents, illnesses, disasters are frequent ways to force a person to do what he is destined to do.
I have seen many people for whom developing abilities is a vital necessity. And no matter how much they “walked away” from this, the world always, with maximum harshness and efficiency, forced such people to realize their inner strength.

Now a few words about what is still needed in order to reveal and realize your abilities.

The past determines the present. It is necessary to open the memory of past lives - the roots of your abilities are located there.

Man is body-soul-spirit. It is necessary to understand what your spirit looks like, what subtle world it lives in, and what tasks it implements in the physical world. (as for the task and purpose, this is not a philosophical question. From the technical side, this is not at all difficult to determine)

These were the key provisions of the process of self-awareness. In addition to them, you need to gain basic knowledge about esotericism, learn to perceive information from the subtle world, learn to “walk” into the subtle worlds, communicate with spirits and much more...

Everything is achievable if you have the desire...

Material selected from http://blogs.mk.ru/showjournal.php?journalid=3112389&tagid=1852041

Actually, this topic should have been raised even earlier, since our site is directly related to esotericism, the questions: “How to become an esotericist? And who is this esotericist?” require an answer. But before we strive to become someone, let’s think: “What kind of people are these - esotericists?”
As you know, on the main page of our website there is information about what esotericism is. Therefore, we will not dwell on this concept and move directly to esoteric people.

So, esotericists, I apologize for the tautology, people who study esotericism. And since esotericism, as such, is a very versatile branch, which includes many other sciences, a person who has mastered at least one science can be called an esotericist.

Unfortunately, these sciences, today, society and society are called "Mystical", "Occult" and other unpleasant synonyms. This is perhaps the first and most important requirement for a person who strives for self-development in a similar direction.

A small set of rules on the topic: “How to become an esotericist?”

In order to be called an esotericist, you do not need to perform any rituals or witchcraft actions., knock on a tambourine, drum or beat a gong, while dancing to the waxing phase of the moon.

And now - seriously, after thinking a little, I have put together a small list of rules, which, in my opinion, are the basis for every person who strives for esoteric knowledge:

  1. As mentioned above, the first and most important rule is a good knowledge of one of the esoteric sciences or more.
  2. Understand that in life there are no accidents, surprises or other “Pleasures” that happen simply by chance or fortune.

Rule #3 - “Trust, but verify”

The knowledge that you received from any sources of information on self-development, magic or the same conspiracy theory should not be taken as the ultimate truth, but as information that should be verified.

Alternatively, look in other sources, since you cannot blindly trust the Internet, since it is full of charlatans, “Messengers of God,” various “Higher Ones” and other smart people who want not only to earn money, but also not to give a person a choice and think with his own head .

Rule No. 4 - “Theory without practice is zero”

When answering the question: “How to become an esotericist?”, you should understand that esoteric knowledge must be used in your life, because otherwise this information will become useless and you will only be a theoretician, whose knowledge has not been confirmed in practice and is of zero use.

For example, you read an article on our website: “”, but having gleaned information from this article, you simply left it in your memory, and nothing more. It is necessary not only to learn something new, but to actually apply them in real life.

But we should not forget about safety; it is one thing to use simple, easy techniques and quite another, for example, to use protective runes.

Rule No. 5 - “The world is not only black and white”

Esotericists know that our world is not divided into two traditional camps: black and white, but it is also full of other flowers, therefore smart esotericists almost never divide people into:

“Light, kind, white and fluffy”, and others - “Dark, evil, bad and prickly”. If we take magicians into account, even white magicians can have black traits, since it is not always possible to retain negative emotions or redirect this energy in a positive direction.

It’s the same with black magicians; not every black magician is capable of slaughtering an innocent animal; unexpectedly, even for himself, a feeling of pity for the animal may arise within him. At least for beginner black magicians.

Afterword and conclusions about esotericism

Perhaps, here are five basic rules that you need to know so that you can call yourself an esotericist.

Unfortunately, the majority, in an effort to find the answer to the question: “How to become an esotericist?”, simply read a whole mountain of Talmuds or enroll in some self-development courses, where they end up with an unsystematized mess in their heads, moreover, not confirmed by practice by “Teachers”, and even more so from our own experience.

Now let’s summarize briefly from all of the above. In order to become an esotericist, you must:

Bottom line

The list of 5 rules is far from complete and, as I wrote above, it contains only the basics. If you have any interesting questions, additions or ideas about this list, I will be happy to hear them in the comments.

If you decide to engage in esoteric practice, first of all, think about whether you have a habit of being lazy, how much you like to be in a group and how strong your abilities are. If you are not one of those who are lazy and consider yourself a capable person, then you can easily engage in esoteric practice on your own, with the help of a variety of practical aids any of the authors. IN Everyday life, there will be many situations in which you will be able to evaluate yourself from the outside.

If you think that you have a habit of being lazy sometimes, and you are a person who loves to be in a team, then it will be more acceptable for you to find some esoteric club that you could join. The main advantage of esoteric clubs over individual esoteric practice is that during group classes it is easier to feel this previously unfamiliar state, and you can always find support from other club members who will certainly be able to help you.

So, if you decide that individual esoteric practice is not for you and you prefer to study with a group, then the first thing you should do is decide on the direction. What would you prefer: to develop your body through breathing or physical exercises, or to develop your intellect and gain new knowledge, or something in between these two extremes.

It’s also worth visiting some esoteric shops. You can search for them on the Internet or through advertisements on the street; there are probably similar organizations in your city. Choose what you like.

Now you can start choosing an esoteric club. To avoid falling into the hands of deceivers and choose exactly the esoteric club you are looking for, follow some rules.

First. If you come to an esoteric club and are greeted there with open arms, telling you that you have now come to truth and salvation, then you can safely say: “goodbye” and leave, slightly slamming the door. As a rule, such things indicate that other teachings are condemned here and considered false. Most likely, in such places there is no free thought and free will, and this is more likely to hinder you than help you.

Second. Take a closer look at how other club members relate to the mentor (leader, teacher). If it is just a branch, then the teacher may be nothing more than a mere protege. If you see that none of the club members allows themselves to challenge his words or ask an extra question, then again, you can, without hesitation, turn around and leave. A true mentor would not mind if someone helped him to look at himself with fresh eyes, or simply show curiosity and zeal.

Third. If you are asked to pay for visiting a club, of course, you should think about it, but you don’t need to run away right away, because some funds must be used to pay for the premises, for example, and the mentor needs to live on something. However, take a closer look at the leader to see what his financial security is compared to the club members. If you can see with the naked eye that the mentor of this esoteric club is, let’s say, “wealthy,” then you can be sure that your esoteric practice is not that important to him, you are just another source of income for him.

And perhaps main rule– be more careful when choosing an esoteric club. This article, of course, will not talk about the theft of energy from club members, slavery, sectarianism or terrorism, but if you are reasonable enough, you will not fall into such traps. And one more thing – trust your intuition!

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