Zhen. Lightning. Fortune telling without cards Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

The appearance of the Zhen hexagram in a love scenario predicts that very soon success will await you, and the kind that you have been waiting for for a long time, but, unfortunately, someone really wants to prevent this, so you should gather your strength and be extremely careful in order to recognize the threat in time and respond appropriately to it.

Now, more than ever, those who envy your love or your beauty, your success, and so on can become more active. But in any case, their goal will be to denigrate you and prevent you from enjoying the happiness of love. And if you don’t yet have a love relationship, then someone is trying very hard to prevent them from arising. Be careful and cautious.

Also, the appearance of the Zhen hexagram indicates that in the very near future a certain event will occur in your life, which will become a reporting point for the beginning of success. The main thing is not to miss it, that is, to have time to react properly - without giving in to the temptation to intensify it, but also not to fall back into endless thoughts “what if...”. Now more than ever, on new chance fortune you just need to respond in the best way you can.

If you are waiting for love, then now a person will appear with whom you can find the fullness of love feelings - so do not miss him, do everything to connect your destiny with him. And if you already have a love relationship, then there is a chance to make it better, deeper and richer in tender experiences.

In a word, you are required to be attentive and active. And don’t forget what was said above, someone will always try to interfere with you, so at the first opportunity, do so as to completely neutralize his attempts to ruin everything for you. At a minimum, try to keep everything a secret until you are absolutely sure that nothing threatens your love.

© Alexey Korneev © Alexey Kupreichik

You are close to success, but someone is trying to prevent you from achieving it. Don't feel bad about this. What you sought to obtain as necessary for you will in fact turn out to be completely different, not what you imagined, so you can safely and with a calm soul give it up to your opponent. Soon something unexpected and unpleasant will happen in your environment, however, this event will not harm you in any way. The period is favorable for rest. Don't be nervous because circumstances turn out this way and not otherwise. A little later, fate will smile on you.

The previous situation was characterized by static character. It is replaced by maximum dynamism, which is characteristic of this situation. Its very name - Excitement and its image - lightning indicate the dynamism of this situation. This is the most dynamic of all the situations indicated in the Book of Changes. It symbolizes the development that can occur after not only renewed forces have been accumulated, but also renewed and remelted.

In addition, this hexagram consists of a repetition of the trigram “zhen”, which, according to family symbolism, denotes the eldest son. The eldest son is the one who, having inherited his father, is forced to further develop the business started by his father. Therefore, it is precisely the action that awaits him, and he will achieve that accomplishment; energetic intervention in life environment doesn't pass by.

And therefore, at the beginning of the onset of this situation, the dynamics may seem to a person as something that greatly changes circumstances, something that shakes them to their foundations, and only at the end, upon completion of this situation, if it is carried out correctly, can a certain satisfaction come. Here the Book of Changes expresses this in the image of lightning. When lightning “comes”, it frightens a person. If he has already heard and seen her, then he himself remains unharmed, and fear is replaced by joy. In addition, lightning is visible from afar.

This symbolizes what is meant here is tense active work, exciting very wide circles. And yet, the danger that is inherent in lightning, if the situation is handled correctly, cannot have a bad influence even in small things. In this sense, the main aphorism of this situation is understood:

Excitation. Accomplishment. Lightning comes and you exclaim: wow! And it will pass, and you will laugh: ha-ha! Lightning can scare you hundreds of miles away. But she will not knock over even a spoonful of sacrificial wine.

In this situation, the first position is the main one. Here the first lightning strike occurs immediately, without any warning. It is here that we find that first blow, which frightens us the most. Therefore, the aphorism about fear is repeated here again. But here a reminder is given that this fear, if lightning is realized and seen, will not lead to a bad consequence. Therefore the text here says:

The beginning is a strong trait. Lightning comes and you exclaim: wow! And it will pass, and you will laugh: ha-ha! Happiness.

Following a lightning strike, a person may feel fear. Of course, this situation is dangerous. And since the impulse of the first line acts very strongly here, moving back towards it is impossible. You can only move on, forward. At the moment of such dynamics, which is meant in the first position, any movement back would be a complete break with the conditions surrounding a person, would lead him to the loss of everything that he has.

But here, if he moves forward invariably, even if he loses everything he has countless times, he should not worry about this, he should move on steadily. This kind of movement can lead to the highest success. A person can reach the final heights, which are called the “ninth height” in the language of the Book of Changes. But such a movement must occur exclusively impulsive by a person’s own strength.

To chase something, i.e. to see some goal in front of you means to already defend yourself from this goal. Therefore, here the “Book of Changes,” warning that, in the end, everything will be achieved, says:

The weakest feature comes second. When lightning comes, it is terrible. You can lose your wealth a hundred thousand times, but you will rise to the ninth height. Don’t rush, you’ll get it in seven days.

The moment of transition from internal to external life is when a person may lose confidence in his actions. Especially in a situation such as this, this confusion can manifest itself with particular force; in order not to be taken by surprise, here too it is necessary not to change the principle of steady action and striving forward, because otherwise a person himself can bring trouble upon himself, without this trouble being predetermined by the situation itself. The text puts it this way:

The weak point is in third place. Lightning will make you confused. But act like lightning and you won’t cause trouble.

The impulse itself develops, from the point of view of the authors of the Book of Changes, in waves. One lightning strike is followed by a second. But the blow is already only an echo of the first, in which all the power is concentrated. This is a blow to something that does not offer sufficient resistance and that absorbs the force of the blow without the effect of this blow being evident. Lightning strikes something inert, soft, pliable, in which the force of the strike is only lost. This repeated weakened blow of the “Book of Changes” is embodied in the following image:

The strong point is in fourth place. Lightning strikes the mud.

Both the second position and the fifth speak about the possibility of loss, for these are corresponding positions with the only difference being that the second characterizes the internal life, and the fifth - the external one. But the run-up, the dynamics that were already in previous positions, lead to the fact that in the fifth position of the development of this situation, despite all its danger, there is still an opportunity to get out - and get out skillfully - from the situation in which the person was placed in in this case life. In this sense, the Book of Changes says:

The weak point is in fifth place. Lightning goes and comes. Terrible! Even if it’s for the hundred thousandth time, you won’t lose the ability to act.

Both in the third position and in the sixth, which stands in accordance with it, a person may be overcome by fear and confusion when struck again. However, there, in the third position, he had the opportunity to further develop this situation. The lightning strike was felt even more strongly, and therefore the person could find more excuses for his fear. Here, such fear, when a lightning strike is very far from the place occupied by a given person, can only be perceived as excessive fearfulness, which is understandable, because the sixth position represents excess.

Therefore, if a person here falls into confusion and fear, then all his further action and the performance can be completely ruined. In order not to fall into this fear, you need to keep in mind that the main lightning strike is far away, that it does not touch the acting person, but only its neighbors. In addition, here we encounter the position in which the dynamics of the entire given situation already permeates the entire environment of a person and even concerns his life. If there are no strong shocks here, then, in any case, there will at least be rumors and conversations. That's why in the text here we read:

There's a weak line at the top. Lightning will cause you to lose your composure and you will look around fearfully. Hiking is unlucky. But lightning does not touch you, but only your neighbors. There will be no blasphemy. But even about marriage there will be talk.

Accomplishment. Lightning comes (and you exclaim in fear): oh! O! (and then) you laugh: ha ha! Lightning can scare you hundreds of miles away, (but it) will not lead to the loss of a spoonful of sacrificial wine.

Lightning comes (and you exclaim in fear): oh! O! (a) then you laugh: ha ha! Happiness.
(When) lightning comes, (it) is dangerous. (You can) lose (your) wealth a hundred thousand (times), (but) you rise to the ninth height. - Don't chase. (In) seven days (and so on) you will find it.
Lightning will make you confused. (But, like) lightning, act - and you will not (cause) trouble.
Lightning strikes the mud.
Lightning goes and comes. Dangerous. Even if it’s the hundred thousandth time (I’ve come), you won’t lose the ability to act.
Lightning will cause you to lose your composure (and you will) look around fearfully. - Hiking is unfortunate. (If) lightning does not (yet) touch you, (but only) your neighbors, there will be no blasphemy. - (Even about) marriage there will be talk.


Zhen (Excitement/Lightning): to excite, inspire; wake up, shake; shock, fright, awe; thunder, lightning, earthquake; set in motion, begin; awesome, majestic; also: influence, influence; work, act; hatch from a cocoon, sprout from a bud. The hieroglyph depicts rain and a sign of excitement.

Figurative series

This is an exciting and exciting shake-up, a burst of violent energy. He brings new life and love. Awaken things to action. Let the shake-up destroy the old and unnecessary. When the shock hits, it may seem scary at first, but then fun and laughter follow. This is a turning point. Don't get carried away by momentary emotions. Focus on feeling grateful and making offerings to the spirits who have brought about change for the better. Your actions should be a mirror of your highest aspirations.

Outer and Inner worlds

Thunder And Thunder

Turbulent energy rushes from below, exciting and encouraging new growth.

Violent activity contains the hidden possibility of recreating a difficult situation.


Heaven responds to the sacrifice made. Awareness of this allows you to use excitement.


Excitement implies confusion.


powerful clap of thunder.


something that can be clearly heard but cannot be seen.

Thunder booms twice. Excitation.

A noble person uses fear and anxiety to test himself.

Hexagram lines

First nine

Lightning comes, and you exclaim: “Wow!”
And it will pass, and you will laugh: “Ha-ha!”

At first you are afraid, then you are happy. The shake-up had a beneficial effect on you. The way is open.

Six second

When lightning comes, it is terrible.
You can lose your wealth a hundred thousand times,
But you will rise to the ninth height.
Don’t rush, you’ll get it in seven days.

Shock takes away everything you once valued. It seems like everything is lost. Do not be afraid and do not chase after what you have lost. Rise steadily. After a certain period of time everything will return.

Six third

Lightning will make you confused.
But act like lightning and you won’t cause trouble.

You are taken by surprise. The main thing now is not to change your plans and steadily move forward. A lot depends on the speed of your decisions.

Nine fourth

Lightning strikes the mud.

There seems to be no resistance, but your actions are mired in a quagmire. Stop and try to understand what's going on.

Six fifth

Lightning goes and comes. Terrible.
At least for the hundred thousandth time you will not lose the ability to act.

The shock comes and goes. You are in danger, the roots of which are in the past. Stay committed to your goal and don't be afraid to start over: the skills will stay with you.

There's a six at the top

Lightning will cause you to lose your composure and you will look around fearfully.
Hiking is unlucky.
But lightning does not touch you, only your neighbors.
There will be no blasphemy.
But even about marriage there will be talk.

As in the third position, you are overcome by fear and confusion. However, here forward movement is closed, and any attempt to speak out will lead to failure. You must understand that the blow does not affect you, but your neighbors. There is a hidden trap in the situation, but you can avoid it.

Associative interpretation

  1. A man stands on a rock. It means "to be in a dangerous position."
  2. The flowers are in full bloom and there is a document hanging on the branch. Spring is a good time to write.
  3. A man pushes a cart with a book. This means an urgent service is needed.
  4. A pile of coins and precious stones is a sign of fame and wealth.

Explanation of the hexagram according to Wen-wan.

Thunder - to success. Thunder comes - fright. People laugh through force. Thunder frightens hundreds of miles away, but will not overturn spoons of sacrificial wine.

Guidelines for interpretation

  1. This is the October hexagram. It is good at all times of the year, but especially in summer.
  2. Zhen is a pure hexagram. Her images are impact, power and movement. People get scared by thunder; they try to behave well so as not to anger the sky.
  3. You haven't worked for six months and it's not easy for everyone in the family. “Find yourself a job, any job!” - says your wife. A week later you come home with the news that you have been offered a higher position than before, but it is 500 miles away, and therefore you will all have to move. Everyone is terrified of the upcoming inconveniences and worries associated with the move, and you must carefully ensure that everything gets done

Explanation of individual yao according to Zhou Gong.

First Yao
Starting nine. With the arrival of thunder - disorder. Then happy laughter. Luck.

  1. You find your two-year-old son, whom you lost in the forest 18 hours ago. Everyone is running around in anxiety, trying to find out if he has harmed himself in any way. Everyone laughs with relief at the same time.
  2. How can you expect great feats without taking risks?
  3. This is a purely personal matter. There is no need for others to know about it.

Second Yao.
Six second. Thunder comes and brings threat. A hundred thousand times you will lose your treasures and be forced to climb nine mountains. Don't look for them. In seven days you will return them back.

  1. Your friend says she is leaving you for another guy. You're terribly upset, but you decide to accept it. You throw yourself into work to avoid being upset about the loss, and it works. After a couple of months you already feel normal. And a little later - find someone you like even more.
  2. You always speak and behave the way others do and have no opinions of your own.
  3. The sparrow's nest was occupied by a dove.

Third Yao.
Six third. Thunder comes and you come to life. If he pushes you to action, you will be free from failure.

  1. At your new job, you work very intensively and do everything well. Then, when the probationary period ends, you are fired. Some days you are depressed. Then you remember what the employer said - it wasn't your fault, the company just had to downsize. You force yourself to look for another job, and the great work you just put in turns out to be beneficial to your success in the new place.
  2. Rain only falls on those who have weaknesses.
  3. A bull's head does not go well with a horse's mouth.

Fourth Yao.
Nine fourth. Thunder got stuck.

  1. You have made a very important breakthrough in your work. You get ready to use it, look around and see that nothing is happening. It’s as if your achievement doesn’t exist.
  2. Don't give up halfway.
  3. Avoid extremes and stick to the middle path.

Fifth Yao.
The fifth six. Thunder comes and goes. Danger. But nothing is lost, and there is still something to do.

  1. Fate hits you from all sides, one blow at a time - just a madhouse! Something tells you that the wisest thing is to take each new surprise as it comes, and when everything passes, you are alive and well and can do something worthwhile.
  2. Every person has strengths and weaknesses. It is important to be able to use the good and avoid or correct the bad.
  3. It is impossible to understand a person's true intentions.

Sixth Yao.
Top six. Thunder brings destruction, people look scared. Going forward means failure. If the thunder has not yet touched you, but has already reached someone else, there is nothing to blame. But your friends will gossip about you.

  1. You come to work on Monday morning and see everyone running around frantically because the factory is closing. You calmly collect your personal belongings, call the employment office and leave for an urgent meeting. Your employees think that you are soulless and insensitive.
  2. If your problem is not solved urgently, there will be obstacles and distortions.
  3. You are heading towards a sad ending.

General interpretation according to Yu. Shutsky

The previous situation was characterized by static character. It is replaced by maximum dynamism, which is characteristic of this situation. Its very name - Excitement and its image - lightning indicate the dynamism of this situation. This is the most dynamic of all the situations indicated in the Book of Changes. It symbolizes the development that can occur after not only renewed forces have been accumulated, but also renewed and remelted. In addition, this hexagram consists of a repetition of the trigram “zhen”, which, according to family symbolism, denotes the eldest son. The eldest son is the one who, having inherited his father, is forced to further develop the business started by his father. Therefore, it is precisely the action that awaits him, and he will achieve that accomplishment; energetic intervention in the life of the environment does not pass by. And therefore, at the beginning of the onset of this situation, the dynamics may seem to a person as something that greatly changes circumstances, something that shakes them to their foundations, and only at the end, upon completion of this situation, if it is carried out correctly, can a certain satisfaction come. Here the Book of Changes expresses this in the image of lightning. When lightning “comes”, it frightens a person. If he has already heard and seen her, then he himself remains unharmed, and fear is replaced by joy. In addition, lightning is visible from afar. This symbolizes that what is meant here is intense, active activity that involves very wide circles. And yet, the danger that is inherent in lightning, if the situation is handled correctly, cannot have a bad influence even in small things. In this sense, the main aphorism of this situation is understood: Excitement. Accomplishment. Lightning comes and you exclaim: wow! And it will pass, and you will laugh: ha-ha! Lightning can scare you hundreds of miles away. But she will not knock back even a spoonful of sacrificial wine.

In this situation, the first position is the main one. Here the first lightning strike occurs immediately, without any warning. It is here that we find that first blow, which frightens us the most. Therefore, the aphorism about fear is repeated here again. But here a reminder is given that this fear, if lightning is realized and seen, will not lead to a bad consequence. Therefore, the text here says: In the beginning is the strong line. Lightning comes and you exclaim: wow! And it will pass, and you will laugh: ha-ha! Happiness.

Following a lightning strike, a person may feel fear. Of course, this situation is dangerous. And since the impulse of the first line acts very strongly here, moving back towards it is impossible. You can only move on, forward. At the moment of such dynamics, which is meant in the first position, any movement back would be a complete break with the conditions surrounding a person, would lead him to the loss of everything that he has. But here, if he moves forward invariably, even if he loses everything he has countless times, he should not worry about this, he should move on steadily. This kind of movement can lead to the highest success. A person can reach the final heights, which are called the “ninth height” in the language of the Book of Changes. But such a movement must occur exclusively impulsive by a person’s own strength. To chase something, i.e. to see some goal in front of you means to already defend yourself from this goal. Therefore, here the “Book of Changes,” warning that, in the end, everything will be achieved, says: The weakest line is in second place. When lightning comes, it is terrible. You can lose your wealth a hundred thousand times, but you will rise to the ninth height. Don’t rush, you’ll get it in seven days.

The moment of transition from internal to external life is when a person may lose confidence in his actions. Especially in a situation such as this, this confusion can manifest itself with particular force; in order not to be taken by surprise, here too it is necessary not to change the principle of steady action and striving forward, because otherwise a person himself can bring trouble upon himself, without this trouble being predetermined by the situation itself. The text puts it this way: The weak point is in third place. Lightning will make you confused. But act like lightning and you won’t cause trouble.

The impulse itself develops, from the point of view of the authors of the Book of Changes, in waves. One lightning strike is followed by a second. But the blow is already only an echo of the first, in which all the power is concentrated. This is a blow to something that does not offer sufficient resistance and that absorbs the force of the blow without the effect of this blow being evident. Lightning strikes something inert, soft, pliable, in which the force of the strike is only lost. This repeated weakened blow of the “Book of Changes” is embodied in the following image: A strong feature in fourth place. Lightning strikes the mud.

Both the second position and the fifth speak about the possibility of loss, for these are corresponding positions with the only difference being that the second characterizes the internal life, and the fifth - the external one. But the run-up, the dynamics that were already in previous positions, lead to the fact that in the fifth position of the development of a given situation, despite all its danger, there is still an opportunity to get out - and get out skillfully - from the position in which the person was placed in this case life. In this sense, the Book of Changes says: The weakest line is in fifth place. Lightning goes and comes. Terrible! Even if it’s for the hundred thousandth time, you won’t lose the ability to act.

Both in the third position and in the sixth, which stands in accordance with it, a person may be overcome by fear and confusion when struck again. However, there, in the third position, he had the opportunity to further develop this situation. The lightning strike was felt even more strongly, and therefore the person could find more excuses for his fear. Here, such fear, when a lightning strike is very far from the place occupied by a given person, can only be perceived as excessive fearfulness, which is understandable, because the sixth position represents excess. Therefore, if a person here falls into confusion and fear, then any of his further actions and performances can be completely spoiled. In order not to fall into this fear, you need to keep in mind that the main lightning strike is far away, that it in no way concerns the active person himself, but only his neighbors. In addition, here we encounter the position in which the dynamics of the entire given situation already permeates the entire environment of a person and even concerns his life. If there are no strong shocks here, then, in any case, there will at least be rumors and conversations. That's why in the text here we read: At the top is a weak line. Lightning will cause you to lose your composure and you will look around fearfully. Hiking is unlucky. But lightning does not touch you, but only your neighbors. There will be no blasphemy. But even about marriage there will be talk.

51 Hexagram I-Ching

Zhen (Excitement/Lightning): excite, inspire; wake up, shake; shock, fright, awe; thunder, lightning, earthquake; set in motion, begin; awesome, majestic; also: influence, influence; work, act; hatch from a cocoon, sprout from a bud. The hieroglyph depicts rain and a sign of excitement.

Lightning comes, and you exclaim: “Wow!”

Lightning can scare you hundreds of miles away.
But she will not knock back even a spoonful of sacrificial wine.

This is an exciting and exciting shake-up, a burst of violent energy. It brings new life and love. Awaken things to action. Let the shake-up destroy the old and unnecessary. When the shock hits, it may seem scary at first, but then fun and laughter follow. This is a turning point. Don't get carried away by momentary emotions. Focus on feeling grateful and making offerings to the spirits who have brought about change for the better. Your actions should be a mirror of your highest aspirations.

The previous situation was characterized by static character. It is replaced by maximum dynamism, which is characteristic of this situation. Its very name - Excitement and its image - lightning indicate the dynamism of this situation. This is the most dynamic of all the situations indicated in the “Book of Changes”. It symbolizes the development that can occur after not only renewed forces have been accumulated, but also renewed and remelted. In addition, this hexagram consists of a repetition of the trigram “zhen,” which, according to family symbolism, denotes the eldest son. The eldest son is the one who, having inherited his father, is forced to further develop the business started by his father. Therefore, it is precisely the action that awaits him, and he will achieve that accomplishment; energetic intervention in the life of the environment does not pass by.

And therefore, at the beginning of the onset of this situation, the dynamics may seem to a person as something that greatly changes circumstances, something that shakes them to their foundations, and only at the end, upon completion of this situation, if it is carried out correctly, can a certain satisfaction come. Here the Book of Changes expresses this in the image of lightning. When lightning “comes”, it frightens a person. If he has already heard and seen her, then he himself remains unharmed, and fear is replaced by joy. In addition, lightning is visible from afar. This symbolizes that what is meant here is intense, active activity that involves very wide circles. And yet, the danger that is inherent in lightning, if the situation is handled correctly, cannot have a bad influence even in small things.

External and Inner worlds: Thunder And Thunder

Turbulent energy rushes from below, exciting and encouraging new growth.

Hidden opportunity: 39 (Obstacle)

Violent activity contains the hidden possibility of recreating a difficult situation.


Heaven responds to the sacrifice made. Awareness of this allows you to use excitement.


Excitement implies confusion.


Thunder booms twice. Excitation.
A noble person uses fear and anxiety to test himself.

Hexagram lines

Line 1

First nine

Lightning comes, and you exclaim: “Wow!”
And it will pass, and you will laugh: “Ha-ha!”

At first you are afraid, then you are happy. The shake-up had a beneficial effect on you. The way is open.

In this situation, the first position is the main one. Here the first lightning strike occurs immediately, without any warning. It is here that we find that first blow, which frightens us the most. Therefore, the aphorism about fear is repeated here again. But here a reminder is given that this fear, if lightning is realized and seen, will not lead to a bad consequence.

Line 2

Six second

When lightning comes, it is terrible.
You can lose your wealth a hundred thousand times,
But you will rise to the ninth height.
Don’t rush, you’ll get it in seven days.

Shock takes away everything you once valued. It seems like everything is lost. Do not be afraid and do not chase after what you have lost. Rise steadily. After a certain period of time everything will return.

Following a lightning strike, a person may feel fear. Of course, this situation is dangerous. And since the impulse of the first line acts very strongly here, moving back towards it is impossible. You can only move on, forward. At the moment of such dynamics, which is meant in the first position, any movement back would be a complete break with the conditions surrounding a person, would lead him to the loss of everything that he has. But here, if he moves forward invariably, even if he loses everything he has countless times, he should not worry about this, he should move on steadily. This kind of movement can lead to the highest success. A person can reach the final heights, which are called the “ninth height” in the language of the Book of Changes. But such a movement must occur exclusively impulsive by a person’s own strength. To chase something, i.e. to see some goal in front of you means to already defend yourself from this goal.

Line 3

Six third

Lightning will make you confused.
But act like lightning and you won’t cause trouble.

You are taken by surprise. The main thing now is not to change your plans and steadily move forward. A lot depends on the speed of your decisions.

The moment of transition from internal to external life is when a person may lose confidence in his actions. Especially in a situation such as this, this confusion can manifest itself with particular force; in order not to be taken by surprise, here too it is necessary not to change the principle of steady action and striving forward, because otherwise a person himself can bring trouble upon himself, without this trouble being predetermined by the situation itself.

Line 4

Nine fourth

Lightning strikes the mud.

There seems to be no resistance, but your actions are mired in a quagmire. Stop and try to understand what's going on.

The impulse itself develops, from the point of view of the authors of the Book of Changes, in waves. One lightning strike is followed by a second. But the blow is already only an echo of the first, in which all the power is concentrated. This is a blow to something that does not offer sufficient resistance and that absorbs the force of the blow without the effect of this blow being evident. Lightning strikes something inert, soft, pliable, in which the force of the strike is only lost.

Line 5

Six fifth

Lightning goes and comes. Terrible.
At least for the hundred thousandth time you will not lose the ability to act.

The shock comes and goes. You are in danger, the roots of which are in the past. Stay committed to your goal and don't be afraid to start over: the skills will stay with you.

Both the second position and the fifth speak about the possibility of loss, for these are corresponding positions with the only difference being that the second characterizes the internal life, and the fifth - the external one. But the run-up, the dynamics that were already in previous positions, lead to the fact that in the fifth position of the development of a given situation, despite all its dangers, there is still an opportunity to get out - and get out skillfully - from the position in which the person was placed in this case life.

Line 6

There's a six at the top

Lightning will cause you to lose your composure and you will look around fearfully.
Hiking is unlucky.
But lightning does not touch you, only your neighbors.
There will be no blasphemy.
But even about marriage there will be talk.

As in the third position, you are overcome by fear and confusion. However, here forward movement is closed, and any attempt to speak out will lead to failure. You must understand that the blow does not affect you, but your neighbors. There is a hidden trap in the situation, but you can avoid it.

Both in the third position and in the sixth, which stands in accordance with it, a person may be overcome by fear and confusion when struck again. However, there, in the third position, he had the opportunity to further develop this situation. The lightning strike was felt even more strongly, and therefore the person could find more excuses for his fear. Here, such fear, when a lightning strike is very far from the place occupied by a given person, can only be perceived as excessive fearfulness, which is understandable, because the sixth position represents excess. Therefore, if a person falls into confusion and fear here, then any of his further actions and performances can be completely spoiled. In order not to fall into this fear, you need to keep in mind that the main lightning strike is far away, that it in no way concerns the active person himself, but only his neighbors. In addition, here we encounter the position in which the dynamics of the entire given situation already permeates the entire environment of a person and even concerns his life. If there are no strong shocks here, then, in any case, there will at least be rumors and conversations.

A shock, a necessary shake-up; to excite, stir, wake up; spring return of life and love.


Zhen (Excitement/Lightning): excite, inspire; wake up, shake; shock, fright, awe; thunder, lightning, earthquake; set in motion, begin; awesome, majestic; also: influence, influence; work, act; hatch from a cocoon, sprout from a bud. The hieroglyph depicts rain and a sign of excitement.

Figurative series

Lightning comes, and you exclaim: “Wow!”

Lightning can scare you hundreds of miles away.
But she will not knock back even a spoonful of sacrificial wine.

This is an exciting and exciting shake-up, a burst of violent energy. It brings new life and love. Awaken things to action. Let the shake-up destroy the old and unnecessary. When the shock hits, it may seem scary at first, but then fun and laughter follow. This is a turning point. Don't get carried away by momentary emotions. Focus on feeling grateful and making offerings to the spirits who have brought about change for the better. Your actions should be a mirror of your highest aspirations.

Outer and Inner Worlds: Thunder and Thunder

Turbulent energy rushes from below, exciting and encouraging new growth.

Hidden opportunity:

Violent activity contains the hidden possibility of recreating a difficult situation.


Heaven responds to the sacrifice made. Awareness of this allows you to use excitement.


Excitement implies confusion.


Thunder booms twice. Excitation.
A noble person uses fear and anxiety to test himself.

Hexagram lines

First nine

Lightning comes, and you exclaim: “Wow!”
And it will pass, and you will laugh: “Ha-ha!”

At first you are afraid, then you are happy. The shake-up had a beneficial effect on you. The way is open.

Six second

When lightning comes, it is terrible.
You can lose your wealth a hundred thousand times,
But you will rise to the ninth height.
Don’t rush, you’ll get it in seven days.

Shock takes away everything you once valued. It seems like everything is lost. Do not be afraid and do not chase after what you have lost. Rise steadily. After a certain period of time everything will return.

Six third

Lightning will make you confused.
But act like lightning and you won’t cause trouble.

You are taken by surprise. The main thing now is not to change your plans and steadily move forward. A lot depends on the speed of your decisions.

Nine fourth

Lightning strikes the mud.

There seems to be no resistance, but your actions are mired in a quagmire. Stop and try to understand what's going on.

Six fifth

Lightning goes and comes. Terrible.
At least for the hundred thousandth time you will not lose the ability to act.

The shock comes and goes. You are in danger, the roots of which are in the past. Stay committed to your goal and don't be afraid to start over: the skills will stay with you.

There's a six at the top

Lightning will cause you to lose your composure and you will look around fearfully.
Hiking is unlucky.
But lightning does not touch you, only your neighbors.
There will be no blasphemy.
But even about marriage there will be talk.

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