Cyclogram of educational work of the second junior group (Smile). Cyclogram of educational work of the second junior group (Smile) Cyclogram for June in the 2nd junior group

Cyclogram 2 kishi tobyndagy balalardyn omiri men tәrbiesіn ұyimdastyru.

Cyclogram for planning the organization of life and upbringing of children 2nd younger groups s.

(for the 1st week of December)

Balalardyn omiri men tarbiesin ұyimdastyru

Organization of life and upbringing of children

Kun tartibіnіn үlgіsі now қaskaska masmuna.

Sample daily routine and its summary .






























“Salemetsizder me, balalar!”

Tanertengilik shenber. Oyindar. Tanertengilik zhattygular. Hygiene procedures.

Top karym-katynasy:

Please note that this is not the case.

"Hello children!"

Morning circle. Games.

Morning exercises.

Hygiene procedures.

Group communication:

A jointdesigning interesting short-term and long-term activities.

Morning circle "Snowflakes"

Game exercise"Horses."

D\i “Find out and show” to develop imagination and memory. Be able to imitate wild animals and their habits.

Finger game “Children in a cage” development of small arm muscles

Morning circle

"Hedgehogs!" - relieving emotional stress.

Game exercise “At the Zoo” (wild animals)

Riddles: Guessing riddles about wild animals and their babies

D\i “Zoological Lotto”, “Forest Dwellers” (classification)

Finger gymnastics “Bunny”

Morning circle

"Hello, friends!" overcoming communication difficulties

Labor assignment: feeding a turtle, a hamster - caring for animals in a living area.

Looking at pictures, a video about wild animals and their babies

Finger game: “Animal” - speech development.

Morning circle

“Awakening in the forest” relieves psycho-emotional stress. Pantomimes.

Work assignment: assistance in setting the table

Game exercise “Teddy Bear”

D\i "The third wheel"

Morning circle

“Sunny” creates a good mood in children

Game exercise “kind animal” development of emotions. Overcoming motor automatism.

Finger gymnastics “Orange” - development of fine motor skills of the fingers

Learning a new rhyme

“Oynaymyzda yrenemiz.”

(yimdastyrylgan oku іs-areketіnің kestesі)

"Learning by playing".

(organized learning activities on a grid)


1.Health. PE

2.Communic.Hud.lit. "Christmas tree"

3. Cognition. Natural science “Hello, first snow.”


1. Commun. Development of speech “Grandfather planted a turnip”

2.Cognition.FEMP “The dolls came to visit”


1.Health. PE

2.Creativity.Sculpting “Snowman”


1.Knowledge.Design. "Long Train"

2. Creativity. Music.

2p\d V\h "Veselinka"


1. Health. Physics 2.Creativity.Drawing “Nevlyashka-doll”

"Tabigatpen Birgemiz"

Seruenge dayyndyk.

Seruen: tabigatpen, tanystyru, oyyndar, enbek.

Seruennen kaitu. Hygienic procedures.

« On nature"

Preparing for a walk.

Walk: getting to know nature, games, work. Returning from a walk. Hygienic and hardening procedures.


ABOUT inspection of the site.

Game "Pathfinders", "Whose traces?"

Outdoor games: “Bear the bear in the forest”, “Wolf and hares”, “Find yourself a mate” - the ability to navigate in space, develop running.

D\i “Who lives where?” classification of domestic and wild animals.

Game exercise “Guess the animal”

Observation behind the snow.

P\i “Fox and Hares” - development of reaction, running.


D\i “Who is the odd one out?” highlight the most characteristic features of wild animals.

“Who will collect it faster?” - development of reaction speed, intelligence, orientation

Di “Who is screaming?”

“Whose children?” - correlate adult cubs and their cubs.

Observation by the strength of the wind. Fix the season (winter months)

P\i “Beared in the forest” the relationship between words and actions. “Hit the target” - throwing snowballs with the right and left hands.

D\i “What has changed?” - weather monitoring,

“Whose house?” observation skills, consolidate knowledge about animals, habitats, wintering methods.

Observation for the weather

“Became” - consolidate the ability to coordinate one’s movements, develop a reaction to the teacher’s signal

P\i “Hunter and Hares” - throwing at a target, acting on a signal, dexterity, eye.

P\i “Find and remain silent” - orientation in space.

Observation birdwatching

P\i “Cat and Sparrows” running in different directions, agility.

“White Bunny” - jumping on 2 legs moving forward

D\i “Who does what?” - consolidate knowledge about professions.

“Mirror” - development of speech and breathing activity.

"Healthy sleep" .

“Tatti uyky.”

Reading: nursery rhymes “Bay, bayushki. Byu..." (folk)

Reading: “How the squirrel and the hare didn’t recognize each other” (Yakutsk.skz)

Relaxation exercise “Kiss the sun”

Relaxation exercise “Butterfly”

Reading “The Good Hostess” by V. Oseeva

“Oyanamyz, oyatamyz.”

Uyqydan turu. Ojanu gymnastics.

Shynyktyru procedures. Tusten keying as.

“We wake up. We wake up” Rise.

Awakening gymnastics. Tempering procedures. Afternoon snack.


Air baths

Carry out awakening gymnastics

Walking barefoot on button paths

Contrasting air baths

Foot gymnastics.

Pouring hands with cold water

Do eye exercises

Washing hands, face and neck with cold water

Carry out articulation gymnastics

“Alakai! Oyin!

Zhelіlі – rөldіk shyғarmashylyқ zhәne nakty didaktikalyk oyyndar. Seruenge shyguga dayydyk. Seruen, qimyldy oyindar. Seruennen kaitu. Hygienics zhen shynyktyru procedures. Keshki as. Balalardyn az erkimen erkin arketteri.

"Hooray!A game!".

Role-playing, creative and didactic games.

Preparing for a walk.

Walk, outdoor games.

Returning from a walk.

Hygienic and hardening procedures. Dinner.

Free independent activity of children.

Individual work with Anel A, Anel P, Maxim,

D. and “Which flower is gone”

Role-playing game “Visiting the Ezhe” - develop a sense of responsibility and respect for elders. Maintain the game situation.

“Does this happen or not?” - development of logical thinking.

P\i “Wolf and foals” - development of attention, climbing.

"Cat and mouse"

Individual work with Samir, Alan, Mansur

D. and “Get to know the animal”

Role-playing game " Book Store" - continue to introduce children to the books of our corner.

Reinforce the concept of “bookstore”

D\i "Kite" to practice dialogical speech, the ability to coordinate actions

"Domino" - consolidate knowledge about wild and domestic animals

"Give me a word"

P\i “Mousetrap” - attention, dexterity.

“The Shepherd and the Flock” attention, jumping. .

Individual work with Dannil, Roman, Varvara

D. and “Vegetables and fruits”

D\i “Forms” - consolidation of geometric shapes, development of thinking and logic.

“What is round?” - development of observation and thinking.

P\i “Find your house”

P\game "Carousel" development of motor activity of children.

Individual work with Masha, Islam, Nurkhan.

D. and "Who's the odd one out"

The plot-role-playing game “On Jailau” - to develop interest in the world around us and imagination.

D\i “Who needs what for work?” - knowledge about tools, enrich vocabulary

“Observation” - attention, memory (visual)

Sports games: “Throw it, catch it”, “Who is faster?”, “Catch up”.

P\i “Sly Fox” - motor activity.

Individual work with Daniyal, Stepan, A.mir, Nurbek

D. and “What’s in the bag”

Role-playing “Zoo” - to establish the name of wild animals, their habitat in captivity, and the care and attention given to animals by zoo workers.

D\i “What object?” classification of objects

“how much?...” exercise in counting, auditory perception.

P\i "Hed" - attention, health improvement in the air.

Games with external materials

“Sau bol, balabaksha!”

Ata – analarmen, balalarmen әңгіmelesu. Erkin oyndar.

"Goodbye, kindergarten"

Communication with children and parents. Free games.

Conversation with parents. "Winter injuries"

Printed board game “Mosaic” - development of finger motor skills, imagination, perseverance.

The “Dog” project is to improve the skills of constructive activities made from paper.

Offer children drawing boards “Draw what you want?” - development of imagination, being able to talk about a drawing.

Labor: cleaning and ordering the play corner after play activities.

D\i “Forest inhabitants” - classification of animals.

Learning a new game “Observation” to develop children’s visual memory and thinking.

Project "Puzzles" - develop fine motor skills, logically assemble a picture

Conversation with parents “Prevention of ARI”

Watching a cartoon on DVD helps develop attention and perseverance.

D\ “Tell me what you remember” - develop the ability to retell from memory, coherent speech.

Viewing new books, reading - broaden your horizons.

D\i “Loto” - practice the correct use of generalizing words.

Game exercise

“Smile at your friends” - creating a positive background.

Elena Vladimirovna Chirko
Cyclogram of educational work of the second junior group (Smile)

I approve:

Head of MBDOU "Children's

garden "Sun"

L. V. Kosova___

Cyclogram of educational work(II junior group« Smile» )

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Morning 1. Conversation

2. Round dance game

3. Speech situation

(speech breathing)

4. Individual Job on sensory development

2. Work assignments

2. D/i (sensory development).

3. Speech situation (working on diction) 1. Conversation

2. Observations of indoor plants, experiments, labor.

3. Finger games.

4. Speech situation (exercises to develop voice power) 1. Conversation

2. Individual Job(fine motor skills)

3. D/i (musical).

4. Speech situation (articulation gymnastics) 1. D/i (sensory development)

2. Construction games.

3. Working in a corner of nature(observations of plants, experiments, labor)

Walk 1. Observation of inanimate nature.

2. Outdoor games and running

3. Work assignments

4 Individual Job.

(remote material)

(animal world).

2. P/n jumps.

3. Work assignments.

4. Individual Job.

5. Independent play activities (remote material)

1. Observation of the phenomena of social life.

2. P/n (orientation in space).

3. Work assignments.

4. Individual Job.

5. Independent play activities (remote material)

1. Target walk.

2. P/n (throwing)

3. Work assignments.

4. Individual Job.

5. Independent play activities (remote material).

1. Observation of wildlife (vegetable world).

2. Folk games.

3. Labor (sanitary cleaning of areas).

4. Individual Job.

5. Independent play activities (remote material).

Evening 1. Role-playing game.

2. Theatrical games

3. Observations of indoor plants, experiments, labor.

4. Individual speech development work.

5. Reading fiction. 1. Role-playing game.

2. Reading fiction.

3. Job in the sports corner.

4. Individual Job(sensory upbringing)

5. Construction games 1. Role-playing game.

2. Entertainment, leisure.

3. Games with toys to develop fine motor skills.

4. Independent artistic activity.

5. Reading fiction. 1. Role-playing game

2. Theatrical games.

3. Examination of illustrations and reproductions

4. Reading fiction. 1. Role-playing game.

2. Joint activities in the visual arts corner.

3. Construction games

4. Reading fiction.

Publications on the topic:

Cyclogram of the organization of educational work Day of the week Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for independent.

Cyclogram of planning educational work in the preparatory group Cyclogram of planning educational work in the preparatory group “Teremok” for the 2015-2016 school year. year teacher: Kipyatkova.

Cyclogram of work with parents in the second junior group Section title Contents Proportion of parental participation Month 1. Monitoring family requests Questioning parents on the topic: “Everything about mine.

Cyclogram of the teacher of the second junior group Cyclogram of the work of the teacher of the 2nd junior group Karpenko O. N. MONDAY. 7.-30 Reception of children, examination, conversation with parents, work in the corner.

Cyclogram of educational work (2016–2017) MONDAY MORNING - Morning exercises - Situational conversation on a moral topic - Formation of cultural and hygienic skills - Individual.

Cyclogram of educational work (senior preschool age) Day of the week Dir/mom Educational work taking into account educational areas MONDAY, MORNING Daily: morning exercises.

Calendar plan of educational work for the week in the second junior group, September 5–9 Day of the week Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas.


for 1 week (September 4-8, 2017)

Second junior group mini-center “Zhuldyz”

Cross-cutting theme "Kindergarten"

Subtopic "My kindergarten"

Educators : Vyazhevich. L.N.











Admission of children

Conversations with parents

Games (board games, finger games, etc.)


7.50 -8.20

Communication between the teacher and children: Conversations with children “How did you spend your day off?”, individual conversations about kindergarten with Gleb, David K., games for communication and creating a good mood for children. Creating a friendly atmosphere. Conversations with the parents of Dima T. and Sofia Zh. about the child’s health and disease prevention.

Instruct Dima K. to put the chairs straight

Instruct Ilana to feed the fish in the aquarium.

Instruct Stepan to wipe the dust on the bookshelf

Entrust Eldiar to arrange beautiful cars in the play corner.

Instruct Sofia D. to put socks on all the dolls.


Russian folk nursery rhyme


Introduce the content of a Russian folk song (rhyme)

Educational games

“Who is screaming?”

Goal: to develop children's hearing and onomatopoeia skills. Teach to distinguish animals by their appearance and sounds made.


« Let's find out what kind of water" Goal:Identify the properties of water (transparent, odorless, flowing, substances dissolve in it)

Introducing the book corner. Review of books, rules for using the book.

Goal: To develop children's interest in children's books through creative and educational activities.

D/i “Place it in order” (Karpukhina p. 184) Development of logical thinking

Games in the play corner.

Morning exercises (5 min)


Set of exercises No. 2 “Funny rattles” with rattles


8.30 8.50

Game exercise “Wonderful bag”

KGN: Introduce personal hygiene items and their use.

Games, preparation for organized educational activities (OAL)

8.50 9.20

Low mobility games and play exercises to prepare children for OUD

Game “Sparkle of Friendship” chapter No. 2

Game “Circle of Polite Words” No. 4

Game "Magic Mirror" No. 1

Game “Sparkle of Friendship” chapter No. 2

OUD according to the schedule DO



1 Society Getting to know your surroundings.

Subject : “Toys of our group.”

Introduce basic rules of behavior in society; Developa sense of belonging to the kindergarten team, to the group,Cultivate friendly and caring relationships2. 2.Creativity


Musical-rhythmic movements: " They trampled with their feet" M. Rauchwerger

Hearing: “Autumn Song” by A. Alexandrov

Singing: “Ladushki” by G. Fried

Dance: “We became friends” by T. Vilkoreiskaya

Teach children to walk rhythmically one after another.

Listen to a new song of a calm nature.

Get to know a new song.

Master the movements of a new dance


Natural science .

Subject: " Journey to the land of Kindness and Friendship » .

Introduce children to the concepts of “politeness”, “kindness”, “friendship”, show the need to use “polite” words in speech; Develop cognitive interest, memory, attention, imagination, speechBring upa culture of communication, to form respect and a friendly attitude towards people..

2. Health

Physical Culture.

Free walking around the hall.

Outdoor switchgear without objects.

Walking along the path in a straight direction.

Learn to perform various types of walking and running in small groups in a straight direction behind the teacher; to develop children’s ability to walk along the path in a straight direction; Develop balance. Cultivate friendly relationships.

1. Communication Kazakh language.

Menin balabaksham

Balabaksha turaly tusinikterin tolyktyru. Dostary turals әңгіmeleu. Zhana sozderdi uyretu. Surak-zhauap archyly sozdik koryn, tіlіn damytu. Balabakshadagy kyzmetkerler men dostyrin kurmetteuge tәrbieleeu.

Mengeriletin sozder: balabaksha, top,

2. Creativity. Application Subject: "Pyramid"

Develop skills in depicting objects from ready-made figures; Develop the ability to lay out figures on a sheet of paper. Cultivate neatness.



"One, Many"

To give an idea that there can be many or one object and they can be of different sizes. -Develop visual attention and thinking. -Cultivate interest in classes.2. Creativity Drawing Subject : « What kind of sticks are these? »

Teach children the ability to arrange images throughout the sheet. Develop the ability to draw straight horizontal lines in different directions, cultivate the desire to complete the work started.

3 Health Physical Culture .

Free walking around the hall.

Run from one side to the other.

Outdoor switchgear without objects.

P/n. “In an even circle”, “Crawl to the bunny”

Learn to perform various types of walking and running in small groups in a straight direction;

1. Communication Speech development

Subject : “Funny Tongue” Introduce children to the group room

To instill in children a love for kindergarten, respect for its traditions; to develop a sense of belonging to the kindergarten team, to a group, to cultivate friendliness and mutual understanding.

2 Health Physical education

Free walking around the hall.

Run from one side to the other.

Outdoor switchgear without objects.

Walking and running between two lines.

Jumping on two legs in place.

P/n. “In an even circle”, “Crawl to the bunny”

Strengthen exercises in walking and running between two lines, maintaining balance;

to develop children’s ability to jump on two legs in place. Develop balance. Cultivate friendly relationships.



Creating interest in the walk; individual conversations with children; selection of play material for a walk; motivation for children's activities during a walk.

Walking map No. 1

Observation: forautumn flowers in the flowerbed

Work on the site: cleaning up fallen leaves

Individual work: improve jumps moving forward (group of girls)

Walking map No. 2

Observation: forvariety of autumn leaves.

Work on the site: work on the ecological trail

Individual work: improve running technique (Daniil, Sofia, Yasmin

Walking map No. 3

Observation"What autumn gave us"

Work on the site: cleaning up garbage in the garden

Individual work: strengthening the ability to jump on one leg (Alla, Kiril, Yulia)

Walking map No. 4

Observationbehind the sun .

Work on the site: collecting seeds

    Individual work: improve jumping over a long rope (Eldiar, Gleb, Karim, Lisa)

Walking map No. 5

Observation:behind the sky and the region.

Work on the site: collecting medicinal plants

Individual work: improve fast running skills

Returning from a walk


Consistently undressing children, putting them in lockers, washing hands.



Individual work to develop cultural and hygienic skills

“Teach yourself and carefully wash your hands”



Creating a favorable environment for children to sleep peacefully

Listening to music

"Sounds of nature"

Reading a fairy tale

"Three piglets"

Listening to music

" Classical music"

Reading a fairy tale

"Swan geese"

Listening to music

" Classical music"

Gradual rise, hardening procedures


Awakening gymnastics complex No. 1

Walking on an orthopedic path to prevent flat feet.

Consolidation of knowledge and implementation of cultural and hygienic skills.

Game exercise« Wonderful bag"

Afternoon snack


Individual work to develop food culture skills

Let's teach Bunny how to hold a spoon correctly.Target:Teach children to hold a spoon correctly, in their right hand.

Games, independent activities

Individual work in accordance with the child’s development map


Fun with soap bubbles

Goal: creating a favorable emotional state in children.

Theatrical games

Fox and Hare. (Finger Theater)


Variable component :

"Rowan Branch"


Target: introduce children to an unconventional way of drawing - poking.

Introduce children to finger painting techniques

Board games

"Where is whose house"

Goal: To teach children to correctly match animals with their habitats

Conversation “Fire and the Fire Tamer”

Goal:pfamiliarize children with fire safety rules and teach them how to handle fire carefully


Educational games

Find differences.» №11№

Finger training


Target:develop fine motor skills of hands and fingers.

Construction games

"House for the Cockerel"


Play activity

D/i “Name as many objects as possible”

Goal: activation of vocabulary, development of attention.Plot-role-playing

Games “Building a house” No. 2


Form a column one at a time, jump up in place. Walking between two lines (width 15cm, length 3 meters)

Goal: Learn to find your place in the column.


“Guess the toy by description”

Purpose: to teach children to guess the toy from the description using questions

Sofia D.

Learning to hold a pencil correctly

Goal: learn to hold a pencil in your hand correctly


Sofia J.

"Where does it grow?"

Goal: to teach children to group vegetables and fruits, to develop speed of reaction to the teacher’s word, endurance, discipline.


D/game “Wonderful bag”

Goal: Learn to identify geometric shapes.

Children going home


Consultation: “Children’s adaptation to kindergarten”

Information for parents: physical education instructor. “Preparing clothes for physical education classes”

Information for parents: music and art teacher“Fine arts and the world around us”

Information for parents, psychologist and speech therapist:

“At what age should you see a speech therapist?”

Individual conversations about the characteristics of the child’s behavior and character

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