Quotes about good and evil. Quotes about good Expressions about good and evil for children

Beautiful aphorisms about kindness towards people, mercy towards others, and humanity in relationships.

Nature instilled in a person the need to care for all people.

Marcus Aurelius

Good It doesn’t lie on the road, you won’t pick it up by chance. Man learns goodness from man.

Ch. Aitmatov

I don't I know no other signs of superiority than kindness.

L. Beethoven

Big a heart like the ocean, never Not freezes.

L. Berne

How sun - beauty And the adornment of the sky, so the greatness of the soul is the brilliance and torch of every virtue.

D. Boccaccio

Kindness- a language that the dumb can speak And which the deaf can hear.

K. Bovey

Difficult quickly forgotten, good things are remembered.

V as il Bykov

Greatest The pleasure that an honest man can feel is to give pleasure to his friends.

f. Voltaire

To love good, you must hate evil with all your heart.

f. Wolf

Do good easier than to be kind.

J. Wolfram

Genuine compassion is empathy for the moral justification of the sufferer.

G. Hegel

Kindness better than beauty.

G. Heine

Kind finds heaven for himself on earth, the evil one already anticipates his hell here.

G. Heine

Many one has to respect not because they do good, but because they do not bring evil.

C. Helvetius

Handful good deeds are worth more than a barrel of knowledge.

D. Herbert

All good people are undemanding.

I. Goethe

Despite for all their shortcomings, people are most worthy of love.

I. Goethe

Kindness- quality, the excess of which does not harm.

D. Galsworthy

Love to people - these are the wings on which a person rises above all else.

M. Gorky

Praise It is very useful for a person, it increases his self-respect, it contributes to the development of confidence in his creative powers.

M. Gorky

In my opinion, a person lives as long as he loves, and if he doesn’t love people, then why is he needed?

M. Gorky

In the inner In the human world, kindness is the sun.

A kind word also pleases the cat. There will be a lot of kind words here, because these are kind quotes. And we guarantee that after reading them, not only the cat will be pleased.

Be kind whenever possible. And this is always possible.

Dalai Lama XIV

Forget insults, never forget kindness.


How much kindness there is in a person, so much life there is in him.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Kindness is better than beauty.

Heinrich Heine

Small, insignificant acts of love and kindness are the best moments of human life.

William Wordsworth

Kindness is something that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

Mark Twain

Without kindness, true joy is impossible.

Thomas Carlyle

It's so easy to be kind. You just need to imagine yourself in the place of another person before you start judging him.

Marlene Dietrich

He who is good is free, even if he is a slave; he who is angry is a slave, even if he is a king.

Aurelius Augustine

More valuable than all titles is a kind heart.

Alfred Tennyson

One wise quote says that it is not at all necessary to be strong or rich in order to help another person. To do this, simply being kind is enough. And it’s hard to disagree with this idea. All the other quotes about kindness presented here also indicate that kindness is a state that any person should strive for. And if everyone is kind, then life will be much better, simpler and more enjoyable. We hope that these kind quotes will inspire you to do good deeds.

The warmest clothing for the heart is kindness.

Nadeya Yasminska

There are only two virtues in the world that one can and should bow to with reverence: genius and kindness of heart.

Victor Hugo

The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people.

Blaise Pascal

Kindness is a language that the dumb can speak and that the deaf can hear.

Christian Nestel Bovey

The greatest quality of the soul is kindness. The most natural state of a good soul is good nature.

Fazil Iskander

In inner world a person's kindness is the sun.

Victor Hugo

The most beautiful muse of the soul is kindness.

Romain Rolange

Truly true religion is a good heart.

Dalai Lama XIV

Life will be much easier and more enjoyable for everyone if we are kinder to each other. Then the world will be a better place.

Tom Hiddleston

Kind words may be brief, but their echo is truly limitless.

Mother Teresa

Quotes about kindness remind us that thanks to it our world becomes better, filled with warmth and love. Goodness makes people better. How can one not remember the wise thought: what goes around comes around.

Kindness, no matter how small, is never wasted.


Kindness consists of loving people.

Joseph Joubert

Kindness is the only value in this illusory world that can be an end in itself.

William Somerset Maugham

Edward Bulwer-Lytton

I know of no other sign of greatness than kindness.

Ludwig van Beethoven

A kind person is not always happy, but happy man always kind.

Oscar Wilde

Beauty is admired, but kindness is loved.

Konstantin Melikhan

Above all, be kind; kindness disarms most people.

Jean-Baptiste Henri Lacordaire

Don't be afraid to be good.

Douglas Copeland

Nothing is real and eternal except kindness, heartfelt human kindness. Everything else is transitory, like a dream.

Theodore Dreiser

A kind person is like the bright sun, because he knows how to warm everyone with his love, care, affection, sincerity and generosity. And it will be just great if these good quotes awaken something good and beautiful in your soul. After all, the most beautiful thing in this world is when people do good to each other.

But in every person, even if very deep, there are certainly grains of kindness. Must be.

Sarah Maas

To be ugly - what does it mean? It means to harm someone. Gwynplaine does only good, which means he is beautiful.

Victor Hugo

Only a truly strong person can be kind, attentive and caring. Others are afraid to be like this because they consider kindness a sign of weakness.

Oleg Roy

There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophy. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness.

Dalai Lama XIV

Kindness is the only garment that never wears out.

Henry David Thoreau

I was always happy when I made people laugh. He who laughs with a kind laugh infects others with kindness. After such laughter, the atmosphere becomes different: we forget many of life’s troubles and inconveniences.

Yury Nikulin

Not everyone is given the gift of being kind; this is the same talent as an ear for music or clairvoyance, only rarer.

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

To be truly kind, a person must have a vivid imagination, he must be able to imagine himself in the place of another. Imagination is the best tool for moral improvement.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Great people are capable of great kindness.

Miguel de Cervantes

It is not true that we lack friendship and kindness; It is friendship and kindness that is missing from us.

Marcel Jouandeau

If you think about it, you have to agree that people’s kindness to each other is the most important thing in the world.

Victoria Holt

Don't expect much from people, but be grateful to them for their smile, greeting, kind word, talk.

Victor Likhachev

Scoundrels are, first of all, fools. Being kind is much more fun, entertaining and ultimately more practical.

Korney Chukovsky

A good laugh is sunlight in the house.

William Thackeray

We must be kind and forgive each other. Otherwise we won't survive.

Fannie Flagg

A kind word often helps better than a hundred reproaches.

Giles Carwin

Don't stockpile out of love and kindness. And don’t store up mercy for the rainy day to come.

Bulat Okudzhava

Kindness is a sign of superiority over the world of cynics.

Rimma Khafizova

One glance at a good person is happiness for one in whom the sense of goodness has not hardened.

Nikolay Karamzin

Walk the path of your life in such a way as to live - so that on this beautiful path neither you nor anyone you encounter on it will be touched by either dirt or death. Look for good everywhere and, having discovered it, pull it out, no matter how deeply it is hidden: it has nothing to be ashamed of or hide. Protect and grow even the smallest grains of humanity: this is what resists death, although it is itself transitory. Discover the bright, pure in everything, that which cannot be stained. If in someone's heart virtue, persecuted by universal mockery, is hidden in fear and sorrow, encourage it. Do not give in to superficial impressions: they are unworthy of clear eyes and a pure heart. Do not subordinate yourself to anyone, but do not subordinate yourself to anyone either. Remember: every person is a likeness of yourself. Anyone's fault is your fault, and all innocents share their innocence with you. Despise evil and baseness, but not base and evil people, understand this. Don’t be ashamed to be kind and gentle, but if ever on the path of your life the turn comes to kill, kill and do not repent. Walk the path of your life in such a way as to live - so that on this wonderful path you do not increase the suffering and sorrow of the world, but greet it with a smile boundless joy and a secret.

William Saroyan

Nothing is as powerful as kindness; nothing can be as soft and kind as real strength.

Francis de Sales

True kindness grows from a person's heart. All people are born good.


There are so many gods and religions in the world, so many roads that circle and wind, and yet the only thing this sad world needs is the art of being kind. Ella

Wheeler Wilcox

Kindness is a quality, the excess of which does not harm.

John Galsworthy

In this world, kindness does not lie on the road, and you should always accept it with gratitude.

Margaret Atwood

When you plant seeds of kindness, you are sure to reap a rich harvest of good friends.

Fannie Flagg

Sometimes you can find kindness in the midst of hell.

Charles Bukowski

Weakness is not a lack of strength. Weakness is the absence of kindness.

Angel de Coitiers

True courage and kindness go hand in hand.

Bear Grylls

People live, people lived, people die, that's how it is... People live, and the only thing remembered after their death, the only thing that matters, the only thing that remains, is their kindness.

Anna Gavalda


A collection of quotes, aphorisms and sayings that can be used in the final essay in the direction of “Good and Evil.” These statements will be useful when writing your final essay.

  • To love good, you must hate evil with all your heart. V. Wolf
  • The fabric of our life is woven from tangled threads, good and evil coexist in it. O. Balzac
  • There is nothing worse than fake kindness. Pretending kindness is more repulsive than outright malice. L. Tolstoy
  • Good done by an enemy is just as difficult to forget as it is difficult to remember good done by a friend. For good we pay good only to the enemy; For evil we take revenge on both the enemy and the friend. V. Klyuchevsky
  • The good one finds his heaven on earth, while the evil one has his hell on it. Heine
  • "Atrocities remain atrocities even if they occur in laboratories and are called medical research." George Bernard Shaw
  • To attach one good deed to another so closely that there is not the slightest gap between them is what I call enjoying life. Marcus Aurelius
  • True kindness grows from a person's heart. All people are born good. Confucius
  • Kindness is for the soul what health is for the body: it is invisible when you own it, and it gives success in every endeavor. Lev N. Tolstoy
  • Good is the eternal, highest goal of our life. No matter how we understand good, our life is nothing more than a desire for good. L. Tolstoy
  • A person remembers his meager reserves of kindness usually when it is too late. And then he is very moved by how noble, it turns out, he could be. Erich M. Remarque
  • Of all the virtues and virtues of the soul, the greatest virtue is kindness. F. Bacon
  • The good that you do from your heart, you always do to yourself. L. Tolstoy
  • Kindness is better than beauty. G. Heine
  • A kind person is ashamed even in front of a dog. A. Chekhov
  • The reward for a good deed is in its very accomplishment. R. Emerson
  • Feelings of compassion and goodwill are often drowned out by unbridled selfishness. F. Voltaire

And his kindness even surpassed his generosity, because if generosity inevitably has a limit, then kindness is limitless.

"Jules Verne"

Without kindness - genuine warmth of the heart - the spiritual beauty of a person is impossible.

"Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky"

Stefan often says ironically that there are only three important things in our lives. The first is kindness. The second is kindness. And the third is also kindness. But none of these important things are valued.

"Alexey Pekhov"

Goodness must only be remembered with kindness.

"Francois Villon"

The most tender plants make their way through the hardest soil, through the cracks of rocks. So is kindness. What wedge, what hammer, what ram can compare with the strength of a kind, sincere person! Nothing can resist him.

"Henry David Thoreau"

To be truly kind, a person must have a vivid imagination, he must be able to imagine himself in the place of another. Imagination is the best tool for moral improvement.

"Percy Bysshe Shelley"

The reward for a good deed is in its very accomplishment.

"R. Emerson"

Without true love for humanity, there is no true love for the motherland.

"Anatole France"

Only the person who has the strength of character to sometimes be evil is worthy of praise for kindness; otherwise, kindness most often speaks only of inactivity or lack of will.

Without kindness, true joy is impossible.

"Thomas Carlyle"

Free yourself from evil - you will have goodness. Free yourself from goodness - what will you have left?

Be human first and foremost. Don't be afraid to weigh yourself down too much with humanity.

"Victor Hugo"

I learned silence from the eloquent, tolerance from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind, but, strangely enough, I do not feel the slightest gratitude to these teachers.

"Gibran Kahlil Gibran"

Kindness is something that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

"Mark Twain"

To attach one good deed to another so closely that there is not the slightest gap between them is what I call enjoying life.

"Marcus Aurelius"

When the concepts of goodness, truth and beauty became available to me, I recognized that they were worthy of dominating the feelings and will of man.

"M. Braddon"

There are only two virtues in the world that one can and should bow to with reverence: genius and kindness of heart.

"Victor Hugo"

He who intends to do good should not expect people to remove all the stones from his path; he is obliged to calmly accept his lot even if new ones are thrown at him. Only such a force can overcome these difficulties that, when confronted with them, becomes spiritually enlightened and strengthened. Indignation is a waste of energy.

"A. Schweitzer"

Good morals are the rewards of an honest man.

"G. Derzhavin"

He who has done good to people is a good man; whoever suffered for the good he did was a very kind person; whoever accepted death for this has reached the pinnacle of virtue, heroic and perfect.

"AND. Labruyère"

To love people, you need to do good to them; but to respect them, one must avoid them.

"Moses Safir"

It’s so hard and bitter when your best intentions and kindness are thrown in your face!

"Anne Bronte"

I don’t care what kind of person: white, black, short, tall, thin, fat, poor, rich. If he is good to me, then I will be good to him.

I know of no other sign of greatness than kindness.

"Ludwig van Beethoven"

Are there many of them in the world - good people? Sometimes it seems to me that they live somewhere in other worlds, and our world is ruled only by evil people...

"Alexandra Deville"

It’s not difficult to say kind words, but their echo lives long in human hearts.

To be kind enough, you need to be kind a little beyond measure.

"P. Marivaux"

Just as there is nothing excessive for intelligence, so there is nothing too small for kindness.

"Jean Paul"

There are no virtues of a non-selfish nature that I cannot use. I may make a sacrifice, show compassion, give a gift to a friend, suffer for a friend, give my life for a friend - all because this may be the best way for me to express myself; but there is not a drop of simple human kindness in me.

"Francis Scott Fitzgerald"

Kindness must not lack a certain firmness, otherwise it is not kindness. When they preach love, in which there is too much whining and tearfulness, in counteraction it is necessary to teach hatred.

"R. Emerson"

Be kind whenever possible. And this is always possible.

He who does good to another does the most good to himself - not in the sense that he will receive a reward for it, but in the sense that the consciousness of the good done already gives greater joy.


The greatest beauty, strength and wealth are really useless; but a kind heart surpasses everything in the world.

"Benjamin Franklin"

Everything that is done out of love is always done on the other side of good and evil.

"Friedrich Nietzsche"

Kindness is the only garment that never wears out.

"Thoreau Henry David"

There are good people and evil people, and the good are sometimes evil, and the evil are sometimes good. We laugh and cry, and sometimes we cry as if we would never laugh again, or we laugh heartily as if we had never cried.

"A. Schweitzer"

Kindness, if it is not limitless, does not deserve to be called kindness.

"Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach"

A good desire also excuses bad execution.

“U. Shakespeare"

He who is truly good must be able to be truly evil when he encounters evil, otherwise his kindness is called good-heartedness and is worth little in terms of its social value.

"TO. Simonov"

Cruelty is a character trait of kind people; it arises when they begin to wipe their feet on your kindness.

Transplanting your kindness into the soul of a child is an operation as rare as a heart transplant a hundred years ago.

"Arkady and Boris Strugatsky"

Sensitivity and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and determination.

"Gibran Kahlil Gibran"

Kindness, boundless trust and affection - feelings are always irresistible, if sycophancy has not rubbed in between them, which can then, gradually, turn everything into false - kindness, trust, and affection. This is a terrible quality - sycophancy.

"Gabriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky"

Many people have to be respected not because they do good, but because they do not do evil.


Good will never go unpunished.

"Stephen King"

Our greatest strength lies in the kindness and tenderness of our hearts...

First of all, be kind, kindness disarms most people.


He who is kind at heart is noble even in poor clothes.

"Gustav Freytag"

Statements and quotes about goodness by famous philosophers and thinkers.

To believe in goodness, you need to start doing it.

There is one undoubted sign that divides people's actions into good and evil: love and unity of people increases the action - it is good; produces enmity and disunity - he is bad.

The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people.

Do good in secret and regret it when they find out about it, and you will learn the joy of doing good. The consciousness of a good life without people's approval for it is the best reward of a good life.

The movement towards the good of humanity is accomplished not by torturers, but by martyrs.

We love people for the good we have done to them, and we do not love them for the evil we have done to them.

Material mercy is only good when it is a sacrifice. Only then does the one who receives a material gift also receive a spiritual gift.

The concept of beauty not only does not coincide with goodness, but rather is the opposite of it, since goodness for the most part coincides with victory over addictions, while beauty is the basis of all our addictions.

Condemnation for good is the only test of the sincerity of serving good.

Quotes about goodness by Leo Tolstoy

What a necessary seasoning for everything - kindness. The best qualities are worthless without kindness, and the worst vices are easily forgiven.

There is only one way to end evil - to do good to evil people.

Think well - and your thoughts will ripen into good deeds.

Good is the eternal, highest goal of our life. No matter how we understand good, our life is nothing more than a desire for good.

Quotes about goodness by Leo Tolstoy

The good that you do from your heart, you always do to yourself.

A good deed is always done with effort, but when the effort is repeated several times, the same deed becomes a habit.

Kindness is for the soul what health is for the body: it is invisible when you own it, and it gives success in any endeavor.

Quotes about goodness by Leo Tolstoy

There is nothing worse than fake kindness. Pretending kindness is more repulsive than outright malice.

People are no less attached to those to whom they have done good than to those who have done good to them.

When you do good, you yourself experience a certain joyful satisfaction and legitimate pride that accompanies a clear conscience.

Often vice itself pushes us to do good deeds.

The greatest test is to occupy a place where nothing good can be done without it being immediately taken into account and weighed, where the slightest good deed affects so many people at once and where with your outer behavior you act primarily on the people, a judge who is not fair enough, who is easily and swoon, and satisfy.

To those who have not comprehended the science of good, any other science brings only harm.

Compassion for animals is so closely connected with kindness of character that we can confidently say that someone who is cruel to animals cannot be kind.

When Good is powerless, it is Evil.

When we are happy, we are always kind; but when we are kind, we are not always happy.

He is good who does good for others; evil - who does bad things for others. Let us now combine these simple truths and in conclusion we get: “ kind person it happens when, in order to receive something pleasant for himself, he must do something pleasant for others; He becomes evil when he is forced to extract something pleasant for himself from causing trouble to others.”

Goodness and reasonableness are two terms that are essentially equivalent: what is reasonableness from a theoretical point of view, is good from a practical point of view; and vice versa: what is good is certainly reasonable.

Good is like superlative benefit, it seems like a very useful benefit.

Anyone who is happy with everyone does nothing good, because good is impossible without insulting evil.

Only those who are kind are reasonable, and only as much as they are kind.

It now seems to everyone that he could do a lot of good in the place and position of another, but he just cannot do it in his own position. This is the cause of all evil.

If one senseless whim was the cause of worldwide upheavals and forced the smartest people to do stupid things, what would have happened if this whim had been meaningful and directed towards good?
author: Gogol Nikolay Vasilievich

Measure the good, for how can you know where it will penetrate? The rays of the spring sun, intended only to warm the earth's surface, unexpectedly penetrate to the place where the sapphires lie!

Good nature is the most common virtue, but kindness is the rarest virtue.

Others believe that they have a good heart, but these are just weak nerves.

How much wisdom is needed to never lose kindness!
author: Maria Ebner-Eschenbach

A person's virtue is measured not by extraordinary feats, but by his daily effort.

We are persistent in virtue not because we are strong in spirit, but because we are supported on both sides by the pressure of opposing vices.

A person's virtue should be judged not by his impulses, but by his daily deeds.

The best thing about good deeds is the desire to conceal them.

Only the unfortunate are kind.

Good is nothing more than that which corresponds to the egoism of all people.

Good is the will to happiness.

Good by decree is not good.

The opportunity to do evil is given one hundred times a day, and to do good - once a year.

The question of good and evil remains a chaos that those sincerely seeking an answer cannot understand, a mental game for those who only want to argue - the latter are like convicts playing with their chains.

Virtue and vice, moral good and evil in all countries are determined by whether a given phenomenon is useful or harmful for society.

Opportunities to do evil are presented a hundred times a day, and opportunities to do good are presented once a year.

Good deeds should never be delayed: any delay is unwise and often dangerous.

Great people are capable of great kindness.

True egoists should do only good: by doing evil, they themselves are too unhappy.

The good and evil we do to others often reflects back on ourselves.

Those without mercy are cold as ice. These will freeze everyone they meet. Such people can never do good or make another person happy.

If the fields spread out wide before our eyes, their view will not be forgotten. If the good we leave behind spreads far, the memory of it will not become scarce. Leave three times more for your friends than for yourself. For yourself, preserve at least a grain of pristine purity of heart.

Kindness can often cause harm, so when you want to do good, think it over carefully.

Don't be ahead of others in receiving awards. Do not be behind others in doing good deeds. When receiving from others, do not take more than your due. In good deeds, do not do less than is available to you.

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