Children's library as a special type (type) of library. Features of serving children's readers What is “reading guidance”

Lecture 8.

Type-forming functions: are distinguished from among derived functions in accordance with the information needs of users of a particular library. In accordance with the information needs of users, public, universal scientific and special libraries can be distinguished; in each of these types of libraries, one social function will be dominant, which will be the type-forming one for this library.

For example, in educational libraries the dominant functions are educational and upbringing, therefore, they are typical for educational libraries.

For a special library, the type-forming function will be the function of information support for professional and production activities.

Additional functions: These functions are performed only by some libraries that have the ability to do this. For example:

o The function of methodological assistance is performed only by libraries - methodological centers that have a methodological department in their structure.

o The research function is performed only by large libraries that have their own research centers.

1. Technological functions of libraries (independently).

Topic: Typology of libraries.


  1. Evolution of views of librarians on the typology of libraries.

Classification and typology are the leading problems of any science, because allow you to organize and systematize objects and phenomena that constitute the object of study of any science.

The problem of library typology is one of the most complex and has not yet been completely resolved.

The first attempt in Russia to typology of libraries was Gennadi, in 1864, when compiling an index of the library of Russia. The basis by which libraries were divided into types was geographical.

Later, attempts at typology were returned only at the beginning of the 20th century. Libraries were classified in the 20-40s according to geography.

In 1924, the Belgians Tarkje and Budersten proposed to classify libraries into 4 positions:

o By purpose - scientific and non-scientific libraries.

o According to the nature of the fund, general and special were distinguished.

o The range of activities includes community and municipal libraries.

In the 50s of the 20th century, Chubaryan proposed classifying libraries according to their intended use. I identified 2 classes:

o Mass libraries.

o Scientific and special libraries.

This theory lasted until the 80s of the 20th century.

In the 60-70s, a discussion about the typology of libraries developed on the pages of the NTB magazine. Karatygina, Dubauskass, Valyanas, Fromin, Chernyak and others offered their options.

Stolyarov, Motulsky - proposed their own types of classification, and also proposed their ideas about classification and typologization. Motulsky, based on the social role of libraries, proposed to distinguish 3 types:

o A general library is a library that satisfies the information needs of the entire society, based on the universal content of the collection. The types of shared libraries are:

§ National libraries.

§ Regional universal.

§ Public libraries.

o Special libraries are libraries that satisfy special information needs caused by different areas of reader activity. These libraries have an industry-specific collection of documents in content and a universal (specialized) collection of documents.

o Personal libraries are libraries that satisfy the needs of one individual.

  1. Features of the typology of libraries in the Republic of Belarus.
    1. Public libraries.
    2. Special libraries.

The typology of libraries is the division of libraries into groups or types, which are characterized by commonality of the following characteristics:

· Composition of the fund.

· Contingent of readers.

· Place of the library in the overall republican network of libraries.

Library type is the main division of libraries into groups according to the main characteristics.

The type and subtype of a library is a further, more detailed typology of libraries based on other characteristics.

The typology is needed to differentiate tasks and functions, to purposefully form the composition and structure of collections, to create a comprehensive network of libraries in the republic, to more fully satisfy the information needs of users, and to effectively manage librarianship.

In the Republic of Belarus, Article 9 of the “Law on Librarianship of the Republic of Belarus” enshrines the typology of the republic’s libraries by reader’s purpose. Based on this feature, there are 2 types of libraries:

· Public libraries.

· Special libraries.

The library type is determined by 3 parameters:

· According to the composition of library collections.

· Based on the principle of placing a network of libraries.

Public libraries: typological features of public libraries:

· The universal nature of the funds - these funds contain both fiction and industry literature on all branches of knowledge. Industry literature can be both scientific and popular science.

· The contingent of readers is everyone who lives in the library’s service area.

· The location of the library network is carried out according to administrative-territorial division (at the place of residence).

Public libraries are focused on meeting the self-educational, educational, professional and leisure information needs of the user.

Types of public libraries:

o Universal Scientific Libraries (UNL):

Typological features of UNB:

§ Universal funds, which are completed mainly with universal literature.

§ Readers are mainly specialists from various industries and scientists (but also serve everyone).

§ The library network is located according to administrative-territorial division.

Types of UNB:

§ National NSA.

§ Regional (territorial) UNB.

o Mass public libraries (public libraries at the grassroots level of the BCH).

Typological features of MPB:

§ The universal nature of the funds, which are completed by 50-60% of fiction, the rest is industry literature of a popular science nature.

§ Readers are everyone living in the library’s service area. In addition, mass libraries satisfy the professional information needs of specialists who do not have their own network of special libraries (workers of mass professions, employees of the consumer and trade spheres).

§ The library network is located at the place of residence or according to administrative-territorial division.

Types of MPB:

§ MPB state network, which are funded and subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus. These include city, district, rural, and children's libraries.

§ MPB of public organizations, which includes libraries of trade unions, parties, national and cultural partnerships, religious communities, private or commercial libraries.

§ MPB of other departments, which include public libraries in hospitals for patients (but not medical libraries), libraries in military units for soldiers, libraries in prisons.

Special libraries: typological characteristics of libraries:

· The special nature of the funds is that they are completed only with specialized industry literature.

· The readership consists of specialists from various industries.

· The location of the network is based on departmental or place of work.

Special libraries satisfy the needs of users caused by the scope of their professional or educational activities. The activities of special libraries are focused on specialists, employees of ministries, departments, organizations and enterprises within which they are organized and operate.

Special libraries are united into branch networks, which are headed by large republican branch libraries.

Types of special libraries:

· Scientific special libraries (NSL).

o Libraries of the Academy of Sciences (Central Library named after Y. Kolas of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus and a network of academic libraries subordinate to it; state and republican large branch libraries (RNTL, RNMB, BelSHB, NPB).

o Libraries of research institutes and design bureaus.

The main task of libraries of this type is to satisfy the scientific needs of users and promote research activities.

· Industrial special libraries (PSB).

This group includes special libraries with sectoral collections at the regional and grassroots levels. These include:

o Technical libraries (regional scientific and technical libraries (STB), head or “base” STB, technical libraries at enterprises, institutions and organizations).

o Medical libraries (regional medical libraries, medical libraries at clinics and hospitals for employees, medical libraries of treatment and preventive institutions).

o Agricultural libraries (agricultural libraries at agricultural research institutes and agricultural educational institutions; also agricultural libraries of experimental stations).

o Military libraries (for command personnel).

The main task of industrial special libraries is to meet the needs associated with the production activities of readers.

· Educational special libraries (USL):

o Libraries of universities and other higher educational institutions.

o Libraries of colleges and lyceums.

o Libraries of gymnasiums and schools.

o Libraries of out-of-school institutions.

o Libraries of institutions for advanced training and retraining of teaching staff.

The main social purpose of educational social libraries is to support the educational process. In addition to requests related to the educational activities of readers, such libraries satisfy production requests related to industrial practice; scientific inquiries of teachers, students and staff. Libraries of cultural institutes and pedagogical universities also satisfy requests for thin. literature.

· Special libraries of government and management bodies (SBOViU):

o Libraries of local councils of deputies – “libraries of legislative authorities”.

o Libraries of executive authorities – libraries of executive committees.

o Libraries of the prosecutor's office and courts

These libraries satisfy the needs associated with the legislative and leadership activities of readers. Their funds contain complete sets of laws, decrees, regulations, orders of authorities at various levels.

The largest among them is the Presidential Library.
Topic: Library systems and networks of the Republic of Belarus.


  1. The concepts of “library system” and “library network”. Principles of forming library networks.

The organization and functioning of librarianship is based on the principle of consistency (or “systems approach”). He assumes that libraries form a variety of associations at the local, regional or national levels, which are designated by the terms “library systems” or “library networks”.

A library system is a set of interacting libraries, united under certain contractual conditions, in order to better satisfy user requests and effectively use library resources.

A library network is a library system united by a commonality of tasks, organizational solutions and a number of common characteristics: belonging to a certain territory, institution, industry, etc.

All these library systems and networks operate on certain principles:

· The principle of interaction – i.e. interaction is a set of certain connections that are aimed at the most complete satisfaction of information needs, rational formation and effective use of library resources. These connections also predetermine the acquisition of new properties by the library system, ensuring complementarity and mutual assistance between libraries.

Types of library interaction:

o Coordination.

o Cooperation.

o Association into library consortia.

o Specialization.

o Centralization (the highest form of interaction).

· The principle of integrity of the library system is when all elements of the system are mutually consistent with each other; their effects are consistent with the interests of others.

· A certain organizational structure - at the organizational level, various library associations are distinguished, which cover interconnected libraries of one or different departments.

Based on the scale of the territory, the number of libraries, the volume and nature of library resources, primary, local, regional and regional library associations can be distinguished.

The primary level of association is the central library, which includes libraries of the same type and one department in a certain territory.

· Dynamics of integrated systems.

  1. Central library of public libraries: types, goals, objectives, structure.

In the Republic of Belarus, all public libraries operate on the basis of centralization, i.e. integrated into centralized library systems.

Centralization involves the unification of previously independent libraries into a single system, with a single book collection, centralized acquisition and processing of documents, a single staff and management.

Central library = this is a single library institution that unites state and public libraries, operating on the basis of a single administrative and methodological leadership, common staff and funds, centralization of the processes of formation and use of funds. All libraries are subject to the same leadership.

The merger of libraries into the Central Library was due to a number of reasons:

· The rapid development of science, economics, and culture in the 70s.

· Strengthening the integration of sciences, the emergence of complex problems that caused changes and significant complications in the information needs of users.

· The need to unify the processes of formation and cataloging of funds to serve readers.

Before the centralization process, each library worked separately, not paying attention to the libraries that were nearby.

The centralization of public libraries took place in 3 stages:

· Experimental stage (1966-1972).

· Transitional stage (1973-1975).

· Mass (frontal) integration of mass libraries into the Central Library (1976-1988).

In the Republic of Belarus, centralization was carried out in 1980.

Centralization was carried out on the basis of the following documents:

· Resolution of the CPSU Central Committee on increasing the role of libraries in the communist education of workers and scientific and technological progress (published in 1974).

· Regulations “On the centralization of state public libraries”, 1975.

The typical structure of a central bank includes:

· Central library (CB), for example Central City Library, Central City Library.

· Support branch libraries.

· Libraries branches.

· Non-stationary forms of service.

The structure of the central library depends on the composition and number of readers, and the number of branch libraries included in the system.

The Central Library is the head division of the Central Library, managing branch libraries, providing centralized acquisition, document processing, reference, bibliographic and information services on the basis of a single reference and bibliographic apparatus. The Central Library is responsible for serving readers, attracting as many people as possible from the service area to the libraries, and manages the activities of branch libraries

Functions of the central library in the Central Library:

· The Central Library is a legally responsible entity that has its own seal and can enter into agreements with various institutions and organizations.

· The Central Bank is the main book depository of the entire Central Library. Forms its funds taking into account the needs of readers throughout the service area.

· The Central Bank centrally collects and processes the library collections of all branches. The Central Bank also forms its own fund; employees of its acquisition and processing department redistribute the literature received by the Central Bank and determine where to send special or scientific literature received in one copy.

· The Central Library maintains a summary and individual record of all documents received by the Central Library, excludes literature from the central library's unified collection and writes it off the balance sheet.

· The Central Bank reflects the unified fund of the Central Bank through a system of catalogs and card files. Creates central catalogs and card indexes, with the expectation of their use by readers throughout the Central Library, maintains a consolidated catalog reflecting the holdings of all branch libraries.

· Unifies and generalizes the experience of branch libraries, disseminates and controls the implementation of best practices, and promotes the improvement of the qualifications of library personnel in the system.

· The central library is responsible for the administrative and economic activities of the entire system. Responsible for the equipment of all branch libraries and the distribution of all financial resources.

· The Central Library carries out planning and reporting within the entire Central Library and submits documents to the reporting authority in a timely manner.

· The Central Library coordinates the main activities of all branch libraries, and also coordinates the activities of the entire Central Library with other libraries.

Structure of the central library.

The Central Library has the following departments:

· Administrative and economic department.

· Department of acquisition and processing of a single fund.

· Information and bibliographic department.

· Service department:

o Subscription department.

o Reading room department.

· Department of non-inpatient services.

· Marketing department (methodological department).

· Musical notes department.

Support branch libraries: these are city, central rural, children's libraries, which act as a support in their administrative area. They can stand out if the central library has a large number of libraries.

These supporting branch libraries assist the central library in carrying out the following functions:

· Provide methodological assistance to branch libraries in their area of ​​activity.

· Partially perform administrative and economic functions in relation to branch libraries.

Structure of the core library-branch:

· Service department:

o Subscription.

o Reading room.

· Children's department.

Branch libraries: these are city, rural or children's libraries that are part of the Central Library. They are responsible for library and bibliographic services and attracting the population of their service area to reading, as well as for the use and preservation of their collection.

The main task of these libraries is to improve the forms and methods of serving the readers of their area. The branch library is involved in completing its collection (by requests), systematically selects and transfers unused literature to the central library, and issues publications from its collection requested by other libraries; receives from the central library (central children's library and other branch libraries) through interlibrary loan the publications necessary for readers and ensures their safety.

The branch library has the right to participate in collegial resolution of issues related to the activities of the Central Library and the branch library. It also maintains technological connections with departments of the central library and the central children's library. Coordinates work with libraries of other departments in his area (support branch libraries also perform the same functions).

Branch library structure:

· Service department:

o Subscription.

o Reading room.

· Children's department.

· A multimedia department is possible.

Non-stationary forms of service: this is the lower level of the Central Bank. If necessary, any stationary library of the Central Library can organize various forms of non-stationary service in small settlements, or in remote microdistricts of the city, at city enterprises, organizations, and house managements:

· Library points.

This is when a librarian, or a reader of a stationary library, brings books from there (from the library) to the required place, at a certain time, and issues them.

· Book reading.

When a librarian carries books to readers at their place of residence or work.

· Library brigade subscription.

When, using one reader's form, an employee of a production team can receive books for the entire team.

· Absentee subscription.

Books by mail.

· Mobile libraries.

Bibliobuses. This is a specially equipped bus that serves readers in remote neighborhoods of the city or remote settlements. The first one appeared in the 40s of the 20th century. The library bus is organized by the central library service department. It has broader functions than other non-stationary forms of service:

o Library bus employees fulfill requests for documents from the library system’s unified fund.

o Library bus employees hold public events for readers (bibliographic reviews of new literature, book exhibitions).

o Library bus employees provide methodological assistance to employees of other non-stationary forms of service.

A stationary library is a library with a permanent location, has its own premises, its own collection, its own equipment and employees.

Non-stationary library - does not have permanent premises, funds, equipment and employees. All this is organized by the stationary library.

Non-stationary forms of service are organized with the aim of bringing documents closer to the place of residence, study or work.

Options for centralizing public mass libraries:

The regulation “On the centralization of state public libraries” provides for the following options for merging libraries in a city or rural area:

· City Central Bank.

o The central library of this central library is the Central City Library (CHB).

o Support branch libraries are the largest libraries in the city's microdistricts.

o Branch libraries – city and children's libraries in the city.

If the population is less than 1 million. person – one centralized book center is organized. In cities with more than 1 million inhabitants. centralization can be carried out as follows:

o By creating a single central library, which will include all the city's libraries. This system is very large and the efficiency of management decisions of the central library in it is low.

o Organization of independent, parallel working, citywide systems: a library system for adults, and a library system for children.

o Through regional centralization, i.e. unification of public and children's libraries within one administrative district of the city (disadvantage: lack of a citywide policy for the acquisition and use of the collection).

· Rural Central Bank.

Centralization is carried out within the administrative region.

o The central library of this central library is the Central District Library (CRB).

o Supporting branch libraries are central rural libraries.

o Branch libraries are rural libraries located in villages.

· Mixed CBS.

The central library of this system:

o CRB is the central regional library.

o Branch libraries – rural libraries, city and rural libraries of the district center.

· If there are more than 8 children's libraries in the city, then a Special Central Library for Children's Libraries is created, it unites all the children's libraries in the city. This network is headed by the Central City Children's Hospital. In this case, city libraries for adults do not serve children. This is the central bank in Minsk.

· If there are less than 8 children's libraries, they are included in the city or mixed central library as separate specialized branches. In this case, libraries for adults also serve children. In this central library, the central city children's library is a department of the central library.

Specialization of public mass libraries of the Republic of Belarus.

Currently, there is a process of specialization of public mass libraries, in which a number of public mass libraries, based on universal collections, specialize their activities in a certain area of ​​library services, or are focused on serving one category of readers.

Options for specialization of public libraries:

· By types of documents: music libraries, art libraries, video libraries, electronic libraries.

· In areas of library services:

o Family reading libraries.

They focus on the demographic situation, study families, maintain close contact with schools, and focus on the interests of the family when compiling and distributing collections, determining the topics and forms of library events. The library staff includes teachers, psychologists, and organizers of mass cultural work. In Minsk, in the Central Library for adults there are 3 family reading libraries.

o Libraries are cultural complexes and social and leisure centers, libraries are clubs.

They provide leisure time, therefore they work closely with cultural institutions and focus on local history topics. Types of these libraries:

§ Youth cultural centers.

§ Libraries clubs for children.

§ Libraries museums.

§ Libraries information and educational centers.

o Business libraries.

In addition to the universal fund, a “business fund” is being formed - literature on economics, management, marketing, etc. Services of such libraries:

§ They provide documents from both the universal fund and the business fund.

§ Carry out information and bibliographic searches for information.

§ They organize the study of foreign languages, computer work, and courses on the basics of business relations.

§ They create business clubs.

§ Provide consulting services.

§ Provide services.

§ They create special book stalls.

Previously, such a library existed in Minsk at the Central City Hospital named after Y. Kupala, but its activities were considered inappropriate.

Depository libraries.

According to the results of scientific research, about 40% of the collections of universal scientific libraries and special libraries are either almost not used by readers or are used to a limited extent. In order to clear library collections of little-used literature, collection depository departments were created at certain scientific libraries, and such libraries became known as depository libraries.

Depository libraries are special and universal scientific libraries that preserve little-used documents, create a reference and bibliographic apparatus for these documents and serve them to their readers and readers of other libraries.

Little-used documents include scientific documents used in professional and scientific fields that were published 10-15 years ago and for which there have been no reader requests over the past 3-5 years, and which are not part of the library’s core collection. However, these documents have not lost their scientific significance and are occasionally needed by specialists.

Functions of depository libraries:

· Depository libraries accept from all libraries little-used documents that are not in their collections.

· Libraries constantly store these documents in 1-2 copies.

· They issue these documents both to their readers and to readers of other libraries.

· They create a reference and bibliographic apparatus, which reflects depositary funds.

· Provide methodological assistance to libraries and the NTI body in identifying and transferring little-used documents to the depository.

Levels of libraries and depositories:

· Republican: represented by the national library and republican branch scientific libraries. Each of these libraries has its own depository profile.

o The NLB is a universal and diversified depository that stores documents on social sciences, intersectoral and complex problems, reference and encyclopedic literature of universal content.

o The Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus is a depository of documents on natural and exact sciences.

o RNTB is a depository of regulatory technical documents and industrial catalogs.

o RNMB is a depository of documents on medicine and healthcare.

o BelSHB is a depository of documents on agricultural topics.

· Regional (regional): these are regional universal scientific libraries. In the Republic of Belarus there are 6 regional UNBs that are depositories of local history literature.

  1. Public library networks.

All libraries (both public and specialized) and based on administrative affiliation are divided into:

· Network of state public libraries.

· Network of libraries of departments and institutions.

· Network of libraries of public organizations.

Library network analysis :

· Network structure.

· The central library of the network, its characteristics and functions.

· Options for centralization in this network.

· Typological characteristics of all libraries included in the network at different levels.

Network of state public libraries of the Republic of Belarus:

This network is created and financed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus.

Network structure:

· Republican level: NBB

· Regional (regional) level: regional universal scientific libraries.

· Grassroots level: libraries included in the Central Library: all central libraries (Central City Library, Central District Hospital, Central City Children's Library), city, rural children's and youth libraries, branches of urban, rural and mixed Central Library.

Options for centralization: see the lecture on Central Banks, urban, mixed and rural Central Banks.

National Library of Belarus. Typological features (see materials in room 312 and excursion materials).

Regional universal scientific libraries of the Republic of Belarus. Their typological basis and functions. See excursion materials in room 312.

The central library in the Central Library, its functions (see the corresponding lecture).

  1. Networks of special libraries of the Republic of Belarus.
    1. Network of libraries of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus.

This network unites academic libraries at various levels.

An academic library is a library that is a structural unit of an academic research institution and institute, and organizes library services for its staff.

The collections of academic libraries contain scientific, reference publications, and a wide range of periodicals in Russian and foreign languages.

Academic libraries are subordinate to and financed by the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, which exercises general management and control over their activities through the library council under the presidium and the library councils of the National Research University.

Structure of the network of academic libraries:

o Republican level - Central Scientific Library named after. Y. Kolas NAS RB. Functions of the Central National Library:

§ The fund contains the most complete collection of works on the sciences.

§ Academic Library Leadership Center.

§ NBA industry center by network profile.

§ Center for coordination with republican and regional libraries in areas of activity.

o Regional level – libraries of research institutes, research centers and branches of the Academy of Sciences. Libraries at this level are special libraries with highly specialized collections. They work at research institutions and ensure that the scientific needs of the employees of these institutions are met. For example, the following industry-specific libraries at this level exist:

§ For technical sciences: library of the Institute of Technology and Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences.

§ For philological sciences: library of the Institute of Belarusian Language and Literature of the Academy of Sciences.

§ On natural and exact sciences: library of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences.

Centralization of academic libraries: the Y. Kolas Central Library unites into a single central library 25 libraries of research institutions that are part of its network as branches. 15 branch libraries located in Minsk are included in this central library on the basis of complete centralization, i.e. – they are structural divisions of the Central Scientific Library and the Central Scientific Library performs a series of technological processes for them (acquisition and processing of funds, organization of reference, information and exhibition work, servicing subscribers across the NBA, implementing ABIS). Libraries that are located in regional centers at research institutes are included in this Central Library System on the basis of partial centralization, i.e. – they retain their affiliation with their scientific institutions, and the Y. Kolas Central Library provides only methodological assistance to these branch libraries.

    1. Network of scientific and technical libraries of the Republic of Belarus.

Network structure:

o Republican level – Republican scientific and technical library. It reports to the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus. It was founded in 1977, on the basis of the scientific and technical library of the Institute of Information. It provides library, reference and bibliographic services to enterprises, institutions and specialists of the economy of the Republic of Belarus. The structure of this library has 2 specialized departments that distinguish it from other libraries:

§ Department of scientific and technical documentation and industrial catalogues. Employees of this department make changes to regulatory and technical documentation, maintain a reference and search engine for new materials, and advise readers on issues of working with industrial catalogs and regulatory and technical documentation.

§ Patent Documentation Department.

Functions of RLST:

§ The main repository of domestic and foreign scientific and technical literature, patent and regulatory technical literature.

§ Methodological center for scientific and technical libraries of the republic, for standardization services, information and patent services for other institutions.

§ NBA industry center for these documents.

§ Center for coordination with large universal and special libraries of the republican level in the main areas of activity.

o Regional level – this includes regional scientific and technical libraries. There are 5 such libraries in the Republic of Belarus.

o The third level is the head or base scientific and technical libraries of production and research and production associations. Functions of head NTBs:

§ Provide library and information services to management, scientific, engineering and technical workers, and workers of the serviced complex of enterprises and organizations.

§ Provide methodological assistance to technical libraries of enterprises or institutions that are part of production associations.

§ The funds of technical associations are centrally completed, large funds are organized and intra-system redistribution of scientific and technical literature and documentation is organized.

§ They provide non-stationary services to enterprises and institutions that are members of this association, but do not have their own technical libraries.

o Technical libraries of enterprises, design bureaus, design organizations and research institutes. These technical libraries are structural divisions of the enterprise or institution within which they operate. They serve the staff of their enterprise with documents. The collections of these libraries are formed in accordance with plans for production, scientific, design, engineering and technical work for the purpose of providing information services to employees of a given enterprise.

Centralization of technical libraries: there are 2 options for centralization of scientific and technical libraries:

o Organizational (full) centralization - when the head scientific library centralizes within one association all technical libraries that become its branches. In this case, the head scientific library performs the same functions for the branch libraries as the central library of the central library of public libraries. In the Republic of Belarus, only the libraries of the Belarusian railway are centralized in this way. The central library in this network is the library of the Belarusian Railways Design Technology Center. The network includes 16 branches, 6 of them are regional branch libraries, and 10,000 are technical library branches in regional centers.

o Functional (partial) centralization – which provides for the centralization of only individual library and bibliographic processes. For example: acquisition, planning. This option is feasible when there is no territorial unity of libraries.

Provide comprehensive services to the population through a concentration of various types of cultural and educational institutions.

Features of a single set of libraries:

o Public accessibility of libraries that are organized at the place of work or study.

o Systematic placement of libraries taking into account national and regional characteristics, socio-economic and cultural objectives.

o A differentiated approach to the organization of library services to the population, by opening libraries for specific groups of readers, according to relevant branches of knowledge or types of literature.

o Consolidation of libraries into departmental and industry networks and subordination of libraries within each network.

o Centralization of the main processes of library work, creation of departmental and interdepartmental central library systems.

o Functioning of libraries - methodological centers providing methodological guidance and assistance to other libraries.

o Development of interaction between libraries and library networks in the main areas of activity. Interaction can be carried out:

§ Through specialization of libraries (public, mass libraries).

§ By centralizing library processes (creating a central library).

§ Through cooperation and coordination of the main areas of activity, the creation of library consortia.

The total network of libraries includes:

o Libraries of the Ministry of Culture system.

o Special libraries of other systems and departments based on state property.

Fundamentals of organizing and creating a unified library system in the Republic of Belarus.

The unified library network operates on the following basis:

· Based on the unification of libraries into departmental (industry) interdepartmental (interindustry) central library and territorial library associations, library consortia.

· Based on the centralization within the Republic of Belarus of the following library processes:

o Centralized acquisition of library collections in the Republic of Belarus through a system of library collectors (a library collector is a book trading organization that communicates between publishing houses and libraries).

o Centralized scientific and technical processing of documents entering library collections also through library collectors.

o Creation, together with NTI bodies, of unified reference and information funds.

· The library network operates on the basis of coordination and cooperation of libraries in the main areas of activity.

· Based on the interaction of libraries with other social institutions: publishing houses, NTI bodies, media, museums, archives, etc.

The interaction of libraries and library systems with each other is the most important basis for organizing the functioning of a unified library system.

If they ask, the Russian State Library was created in 1862, the Russian National Library in 1814

Under typology of libraries is understood as a method of scientific knowledge based on the division of the studied set of libraries into groups, which has certain properties. Typology– separation process. Typology- result.

Bryusov dealt with the problem of typology. He created his own typology of libraries:


Political and educational libraries (PUBLIC)

In the 1930s (1934), an all-Union library census took place. Based on the results of this census, the following libraries were allocated:


Scientific libraries

Libraries of vocational schools

Children's libraries

Potapov continued the theoretical development of the problem. He proposed dividing libraries into special and universal. His typology was not accepted in the 30s, since it was based on incorrect types.

In the 40s I.M. Frumin returns to the division of libraries into public and scientific. He takes the nature of reader requests as the basis for the grouping: general education, research, production, educational.

In the 50-60s O.S. Chubaryan differentiated libraries by reader's purpose, highlighting the main types of libraries: mass, scientific and special.

In the 70-90s, on the pages of the collection “Scientific and Technical Libraries of the USSR”, a special discussion was devoted to the problem of library typology, during which various concepts were put forward. Libraries were divided into mass and scientific, general and special, universal and special, public and departmental, scientific and children's.

From the many features of unequal significance, it is necessary to single out a feature that can reflect the basic essence of the library as a social institution, i.e. primary in relation to additional, derived characteristics. These requirements best meet public social purpose of library.This feature determines the need for a functional approach to library typing, which makes it possible to identify a stable content characteristic of a library and distinguish libraries primarily by function, i.e. the nature, content, and direction of the library’s activities, in turn, determined by the nature of the information needs satisfied.

Types of libraries

1. National

2. Special

3. Universal

Library Types – division of the library according to the most important essential feature. The main feature of libraries is social significance.

Types of libraries – This is a division of libraries according to a number of characteristics.

1. Geographical or territorial. In accordance with this criterion, libraries are divided: city, republican, rural, regional.

3. Departmental affiliation. Libraries of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, Libraries of the Ministry of Culture, industrial libraries of ministries and departments.

4. According to the composition of the fund. Libraries of foreign literature, beat. Periodicals.

Typology – This is a study of the types and types of libraries. There are currently three types of libraries:

1. National libraries.

This type of library was singled out in the 90s of the 20th century by Kartashov, as it is the most important library for the country.

Typological features of national libraries:

Collection and storage of information

Organization of international cooperation

Organization of international book exchange

Conducting international symposiums and conferences.

2. Universal libraries.

They differ from each other on a territorial basis. They are divided into traces. Kinds:

Universal public libraries (city, district, rural)

Universal scientific libraries (libraries serving large territorial republics, territories, regions)

Typological features of universal scientific libraries.

The universal composition of the fund, serving almost all categories of readers, conducting local history work, a universal reference and bibliographic apparatus, methodological activities for lower-level libraries.

3. Special libraries.

Libraries of socio-political profile (inion ran, state publ. Historical library, state scientific. Pedagogical library named after Ushinsky.)

Libraries of natural sciences (library of natural sciences Benran, TsNSKHB, scientific medicine. Bib.)

Scientific and technical profile

Typological features of special libraries include sectoral or intersectoral composition of the collection, service with special information, a special library is managed by a specialist in this field.

Currently, the problems of the Typology of the Bible. Stolyarov and Akilina continue to develop.

Yu.N. Stolyarov proposed dividing libraries into two types:

1. Personal (own libraries)

2. Public (state)

At the moment, there is an urgent question about educational libraries in order to distinguish them into separate types.

The National Library is the main library of the state.

The specificity of the social purpose of the National Bank, therefore, is statehood, which is understood as a system of signs, incl.

Subordination to the social, cultural and political interests of the state as a whole

Financial and administrative affiliation with the state

National, i.e. unlimited by geographical, departmental or other boundaries, scale of activity.

Each of these features individually may be present in other libraries. But in an inseparable totality they are characteristic only of NB.

Main functions of the National Bank.

All functions of the NB can be divided into:


The first typological function of the National Library is the formation of a fund of domestic documents, carried out on the basis of the principle of exhaustive acquisition and eternity of storage, the creation of sources of bibliographic information and bibliographic services.


Many NBs are completed with unpublished documents: manuscripts, domestic dissertations, materials on culture and art, etc. But this function is not typological for them, since providing the state with such documents is the task of archival institutions. That's why formation of a manuscript fund should be classified as an additional function.

The RSL is responsible for the retrospective recording of domestic documents.

An additional feature is function of the central industry body of scientific information in the field of culture and art. Entrusted to the RSL.

This function is a continuation of two main (typological) functions - the creation of sources of bibliographic information and bibliographic services. It is implemented on the basis of the funds and reference apparatus of the RSL and ensures the intensification of the use of the information potential of the RSL by:

Organization of information support for a wide range of scientists, practitioners, and government officials in the field of culture

Use of forms of scientific information activity previously characteristic primarily of scientific information bodies (preparation and dissemination of overview and analytical information, creation and operation of an industry-specific automated information retrieval system.)

The next set of functions of the National Library is related to reader service, which is based on a combination of 2 principles:

Public availability


The National Library is the main public library of the country; it not only makes its collections available for use, but also reveals their contents through bibliographic information. To mitigate the contradiction between the status of the National Library as a public library and the memorial nature of its social purpose, it should, in the general system of library services to society, serve as an authority that is resorted to primarily when the resources of other libraries cannot satisfy the needs of readers.

The participation of the National Library in the development of librarianship in the country is represented by 4 functions:

Centralization of library processes (cataloging, book exchange, systematization)

Coordination of library activities, methodological work (including standardization in the field of librarianship and bibliography)

Advanced training for library workers

The methodological function is to develop, implement and improve the basic methodological principles of the country's libraries, ensuring the unity of execution of basic library processes, without which the mutual use of their resources and the guarantee of high quality are impossible.

Currently, the type of national library is at the stage of development, which is expressed, firstly, in the strengthening of its main variety - national universal national libraries and, secondly, in the formation of 2 new types of national libraries: regional universal and national specialized. The scope of responsibility for the implementation of social purposes by regional national libraries is determined by the boundaries of the territory of individual republics of the federal state, specialized ones - by branches of knowledge.

Industry NB in Social Sciences and in Science and Technology exist in Australia. The role played by these libraries within certain branches of science meets the criterion of statehood inherent in the social purpose of the National Library: their activities are subordinated to the interests of the state as a whole, they are financed by the state, their responsibility is not limited to any region. In the Russian Federation, the State Public Library for Science and Technology, state central scientific-medical and agricultural libraries can be classified as specialized library according to this principle.

The division of the type of national security occurs not only according to industry specialization, but according to the territorial division of responsibility. Regional variety The National Library in the Russian Federation is represented by the republican library, whose activities are subordinated to the social, cultural and political objectives of a particular republic within the Russian Federation.

Regional national libraries serve and represent the interests of the entire multinational population living on the territory of the republic.

The National Library is the main universal or specialized library of a state or republic within the Federation, meeting the needs of the state or republic in national and world documents by implementing the functions described above.

Universal Library– the main largest public library of a territory (region, region, district, village) is created, as a rule, on an administrative-territorial basis and serves the information needs of the population and organizations of these regions.

The social purpose of UB is the harmonization of all basic social functions. The most important role of these libraries is to promote the harmonious all-round development of readers, the formation of their citizenship and spirituality, helping readers spend their free time, indirect communication, i.e. leisure and hedonistic function, including educational, cultural and educational, information services for science and production.

The local history (regional) function of UB is its type-forming, essential function. In relation to regional and local history problems, UBs are universal. Within the regional framework, UBs do what sets them apart from others. Otherwise, they are not abstractly (absolutely) universal, but deliberately specialized. It is with the range of functions performed, and not with the composition of funds, that the status of UB is associated. This is the basis for the typological characteristics of management management and the improvement of specific areas of its activities. The versatility here is primarily functional and not thematic.

Its functions are thematically specialized taking into account local conditions and other types and types of libraries available in the region.

UB is a public library that satisfies a variety of reading needs and promotes the free all-round development of personality, improving the educational and professional level of readers, has a universal fund, acts as a cultural and information center, a center for library local history and the regional library system.

UB are divided into scientific and mass.

Within the framework of 2 types of library, there is further division according to administrative-territorial, departmental characteristics, age composition of readers and library status. On the first basis, regional and local libraries (regional, regional, city, rural, district) are distinguished; on the second, state, trade union and other libraries are distinguished, according to the age composition of readers - libraries for adults, children and youth. Depending on the status, i.e. . values ​​and functions performed in relation to other libraries, UBs can be classified as central, head (support) and branch.

Universal Scientific Libraries (UNL)

The essence of the differences between scientific and mass libraries lies in the different attitudes of readers to the book. The activities of the UNB are aimed at satisfying the information needs of readers related to research work, expanding professional knowledge and improving the qualifications of persons with higher education in all spheres of social and industrial activity.

UNLs are libraries of regional (regional and regional) significance, their official name is regional (territorial) UNLs. Their formation began more than 150 years ago. They arose as provincial public libraries. What was common in their development throughout the 19th and 20th centuries was the connection between the process of formation and development of libraries and the internal needs of the region.

A distinctive feature of OB is the presence of a fund that is as complete as possible in accordance with the scale of its activities and is universal in subject matter.

The local history function is a type-forming essential function that determines the scope of responsibility of the educational institution in the national system of distribution of responsibilities for the collection, storage and provision of local history local publications, as well as information about them, for public use.

As a regional information and bibliographic center, the OB carries out the following functions:

Organization of reference and bibliographic services on universal topics

Creation of scientific-auxiliary and popular scientific bibliographic aids

Organization of a system of information and bibliographic support for regional government bodies

Implementation of the function of a regional information center for culture and art

Promoting the creation and implementation of a system for promoting library and bibliographic knowledge in libraries, information agencies, and educational institutions in the region.

As a scientific, methodological and coordinating center of the library system of the region, the Library carries out research work in its inherent branches of scientific knowledge.

Universal Mass Libraries (UML)

Main typological features

They are publicly accessible, evenly distributed throughout the territory and make up more than a third of the total number of libraries in the country. In a public library (as opposed to the UNB), we deal primarily with readers who have just awakened to the desire to independently acquire scientific knowledge. Therefore, the requirement for the universality of the collections of mass libraries must be combined with the requirement for understandability and accessibility of books for the reader.

Mass library. Along with the tasks of education and information, it also solves the problem of stimulating various aspects of the cultural activity of the population. Exhibitions, film clubs, lectures, competitions, etc. A mass library stimulates reading, turns a non-reading public into a reading one, and develops such a function of a mass library as organizing factual reference information on issues of people’s everyday lives.

Typologically, mass libraries are not a network of identical libraries organized according to one type of library. The nature of the serviced area, its economic, cultural and other profile, population composition, etc. They define a category of readers who are heterogeneous in their level of knowledge, specialty, interests and needs. And this, in turn, determines the nature of the work of a public library.

Children's libraries are responsible for organizing book services for older preschoolers and schoolchildren under 14 years of age.

Trade union public libraries have received the greatest development. Being in the structure of enterprises (organizations, institutions), they perform the functions of servicing a specific work collective with a book.

This group of public libraries also includes libraries in hospitals for patients, in sanatoriums, rest homes, in prisons, in military units, etc.

Special libraries

The social purpose of special libraries is the organization of professional reading. It determines the profile of their collections, the contingent of readers, and the set of forms and methods of work.

Special libraries are libraries that satisfy the special information needs of readers, determined by the professional field of their activity, on the basis of a sectoral and diversified fund.

A distinctive feature of special libraries is their close connection with scientific and technical information bodies.

There are 3 main groups of special libraries:

Social-scientific (humanitarian)

Naturally scientific

Application profiles.

Further detailing - by branches of science and industry - specifies the stock orientation of the special. Library.

An important feature of differentiation of special libraries is the type of activity of the organization to which the library belongs. On this basis, scientific, educational, industrial and management libraries are distinguished. Using other characteristics, we can distinguish groups of special libraries by their status (all-Russian, central sectoral and regional, etc.), by type of literature (patent libraries), by category of subscribers served (libraries for the blind)

Special libraries in the social sciences and humanities differ from other special libraries, especially technical ones, in that they are dominated by books, magazines, newspapers, and old literature occupies a large place. Scientific publications in many branches of the humanities do not lose their value longer than publications in the natural and technical sciences.

The largest information and library institution in the humanities is the Institute of Scientific Information in Social Sciences (INION). It was created in 1967 on the basis of the fundamental library for social sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences (FBON). INION is a unique institution for our country: all types of information and library work with documents and all types of information and library services to science and scientists are concentrated here.

In the Russian Federation there are special libraries in the humanities that are part of the RF MK system: All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature named after. M.I. Rudomino (VGBIL), State Public Historical Library of the Russian Federation (GPIB), State Library of the Russian Federation for Art.

Natural science libraries are, as a rule, libraries of scientific institutes, research centers, and central libraries of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN).

The term management library is formed by analogy with terms denoting other types of special libraries. These are libraries that satisfy information needs that arise in the process of human management. This type of special libraries has never been distinguished in national library science; it was proposed by R.S. Motulsky. The following groups of management libraries can be noted:

Legislative and executive bodies of the state

Subjects of the federation (republics within the Russian Federation, territories, regions)

Local government

Judicial authorities, etc.

The largest administrative library is the Library of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

The largest contingent of readers are children and youth. Improving services to these readers requires delineating the functions of different types of libraries based on reader interests and reading purposes, deeper specialization in services, clearer interaction and library cooperation. Children's libraries are responsible for organizing book services for older preschoolers and schoolchildren under 14 years of age; satisfying the requests of teachers and other persons working with children. They also provide methodological assistance to school libraries in the region. The content of the children's library collection is aimed at ensuring the comprehensive education of readers - children and adolescents.

The network of children's libraries is organized on the basis of centralization; if there is an extensive network of children's libraries in the city (at least 8-10), they are united into an independent central library. In other cases, children's libraries are part of the central library of state public libraries. The structure of the independent central library of children's libraries includes: the central city children's library, children's branch libraries, non-stationary forms of service (library points).

The organizational, methodological and coordination center of libraries of all departments working with children is the central city (district) children's library

(CDB). It determines the setting and content of library work with children, organizes the involvement of children and adolescents in systematic reading. The Central Children's Library coordinates the activities of children's and school libraries.

A network of school libraries has been created to provide books to students at their place of study. The school library is a structural unit of the school and develops as its organic part. If a children's library, created on an administrative-territorial basis by the cultural bodies of the local administration, is a universal mass (public) library, then a school library is a special, educational library. It performs several interrelated functions: educational, educational and informational in relation to students and informational and methodological in relation to teachers. It compiles a collection of textbooks, program literature for extracurricular reading, as well as educational and methodological literature for teachers. Children's and school libraries are united by a commonality of basic tasks and operating principles. The interaction of children's and school libraries is necessary in order to increase the role of books and reading in the education of the younger generation, full coverage of children and adolescents with library services, the most effective use of local library collections, and the elimination of disunity and isolation in work.

The organizational basis for interaction between children's and school libraries is the coordination plan. Regional (territorial) children's libraries operate in regional (territorial) centers. In addition to directly serving children's readers, they serve as scientific, methodological and coordination centers for all libraries serving children.

The leading children's library in the country is the Russian State Children's Library. Created in 1969, in a relatively short period of time it became the central repository of literature for children and children's reading leaders, a scientific and methodological institution in the field of library work with children and bibliography of children's literature, a center for scientific and methodological assistance to all libraries serving children, information and propaganda of children's literature, organizer of joint activities of libraries of all departments. Mass libraries for adults act as centers that organize and provide library services to youth.

Depending on the number of young readers, the size of the fund, etc., youth groups, departments of delivery, departments, departments, and subscriptions are organized in them. As a rule, youth departments or subscriptions are created at the Central Bank of the Central Bank, and youth groups and departments are created at branches. In the conditions of the Central Library, connections are established between youth structural units and other links in library services for youth, as well as continuity in the work of children's and youth structural units. Since the late 60s. Regional youth libraries began to form in the Russian Federation. Their difference from universal scientific and mass libraries lies in the allocation to serve a specific age group (15-21 years). In the conditions of the regional youth library, it becomes possible to observe youth as a reading category, work in depth with it, taking into account the characteristics of socio-psychological development, modern tasks of upbringing and education of the country’s younger generation, to form a fund based on differentiated reader interests, to develop effective forms and methods of working with young people. readers, provide qualified methodological assistance to libraries of other departments serving youth.

The composition of the youth library collection is characterized by its universality and general educational orientation, with priority acquisition of humanitarian and popular science items. Regional youth libraries play the role of a scientific, methodological and coordinating center for the formation of a unified regional fund of literature for youth, organizing its rational use based on the interaction of libraries of different departments. They develop and publish methodological recommendations, information and bibliographic manuals, etc. An important place in their work is occupied by identifying, studying and summarizing best practices, the most effective forms of library work with young people, and introducing them into practice. Working, like regional children's libraries, in coordination with regional universal scientific libraries, regional youth libraries participate in the development and implementation of consolidated coordination plans for methodological, bibliographic and research work, unified interdepartmental plans for library services to youth in the region.

The activities of the Russian State Youth Library have gained wide popularity. She carries out diverse and complex work on serving readers, organizing a system of library and bibliographic services for youth in the Russian Federation, studying and analyzing its functioning. The library carries out information work on youth issues, prepares and publishes bibliographic aids for youth, conducts scientific research on the sociology and psychology of reading for youth, develops methodological recommendations for a network of youth libraries, subscriptions, branches, lending departments at libraries for adults. Z.Z.2.4.

More on the topic Z.Z.2.Z. Children's and youth libraries:

  2. Question 4. Types of libraries. Library network of the Russian Federation. The most important libraries in Russia

Readers of the children's library- children and adolescents (preschoolers and students in the 9th grade of a comprehensive school inclusive). Their library services are differentiated depending on the age of the readers.

In a children's library, two service departments are usually created: for readers of primary school age (students in grades 1-4 and preschoolers) and for readers of secondary school age (students in grades 5-9). This is also due to Federal Law No. 436 “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development.”

Each age period is characterized by its own reading patterns and special manifestations of various reading qualities.

There is a general principle: for younger children you need to use more visual information, for older children - information content. The younger the child and the more difficult it is for him to maintain his attention, the more games and various visual aids (pictures, cartoons, various objects, etc.) should be used in the forms of work that the librarian chooses. As a child grows up, he or she can concentrate attention longer, so the information content of classes, conversations, etc. should increase.

Young children (from 1 to 3 years old) have objective thinking. For them, a book is an object that can be touched, handled, and tasted. This age group needs toys and various picture books (with cardboard pages without sharp corners, with covers that are soft and pleasant to the touch, soft fabric books). When working with children, spectacular forms of work predominate - recognizing familiar characters from pictures, game exhibitions, theatrical puppet miniatures. However, this age is extremely important for getting acquainted with a book, understanding the simplest texts, and replenishing a child’s vocabulary, which is why expressive reading aloud is so necessary for little ones.

The leading activity for preschool children (3–7 years old) is play. In the game, children learn to communicate with each other, their creative imagination is formed, and their speech actively develops. This is the period when the child begins to feel like an individual.

Attracting preschoolers to books and reading should be done through play, which is organized and supported by an adult, since children themselves are not yet capable of this. For example, you can dance in circles, make homemade books with your children, create a paper puppet theater in which you can act out fairy tales already familiar to children, etc. This will not only help children concentrate on a particular book, but will also develop fine motor skills and promote better speech development.

Since parents, as a rule, bring a preschooler to the library, it is imperative to pay attention to them, involving them in joint activities and encouraging further visits to the children's library.

By the end of preschool childhood, the child is formed as a future independent reader. At the age of 6-7 years, he perceives books as the main source of information. When communicating with an adult, he actively participates in a multifaceted analysis of the work (content, characters, themes, problems). Many preschoolers at this age are already able to independently choose a book to their liking from among those offered; It is quite easy to recognize and retell the text read using illustrations. Children show creative activity: they come up with an ending, new plot twists, write short poems, riddles, and teases. Under the guidance of an adult, they dramatize excerpts from works, try on various roles, discuss the behavior of the characters with their peers; They know many works by heart, read them expressively, trying to imitate the intonation of an adult or follow his advice on reading. Children are able to consciously set a goal to memorize a poem or a role in a play, and to do this, repeatedly repeat the necessary text. By playing their favorite characters, children can transfer certain elements of their behavior into their relationships with peers.

During preschool childhood, the child accumulates sufficient reading experience. A craving for a book is the most important result of the development of a preschool reader.

For children of primary school age (from 7 to 11 years old), cognitive and educational activity becomes the leading one. After entering school, children play for a long time, but play ceases to be the main content of their lives. They develop an inner life, experiences that are not necessarily related to external events. In children of this age, thinking becomes the dominant function, thought processes intensively develop, and a conscious need for self-development and self-improvement appears. They begin to reflect before action, deed.

Children of this age have a growing interest in questions about the structure of the world, which means that the librarian should offer them scientific and educational books to read. At this age, developmental library activities that present the school curriculum from an unexpected, interesting side will be especially effective. Children are happy to participate in various experiments, Olympiads and KVN, play in performances based on books they have read, make costumes for them with their own hands, etc.

Adolescence (12–15 years) is often referred to as a protracted crisis. The boundaries of this period vary significantly - some children enter it earlier, others later. The leading activity during this period is communication.

Teenagers need special attention because at this age many of them stop reading. The challenge for librarians and other professionals aware of this mental and emotional development is to provide young readers with a wide range of books and media products that meet their changing interests. In individual work, one should take into account the specifics of age, which does not accept any kind of instructions. A teenage reader can enter into communication with a librarian and trust him if he has great respect for his knowledge, experience, and if he is confident that he will be understood. Teenagers love it when a librarian “talks about good books,” “can advise what to read,” “if a book is exciting, you can discuss it with him.” A teenager will only accept advice from a person who is in the “topic”; the librarian must be well versed in literature in order to interest the teenage reader.

What does individual work with the reader consist of?

Individual library and bibliographic services (or individual work) is a process that ensures direct and systematic communication between a librarian and one or several readers at the same time, taking into account the personal characteristics of each.

The latter is necessary for the reader to take exactly “his” book, that is, one that is accessible to him in terms of the level of reading culture, corresponding to his interests and real needs, taking into account individual psychological characteristics and capabilities.

The range of tasks of individual service is quite wide: assistance in determining the topic of reading, choosing specific literature, discussing what has been read in order to determine and form reader’s interests and clarify requests, fostering a reading culture, providing assistance in searching for published works and familiarizing with bibliographic sources and reference books.

A universal way of individual work is an individual conversation with library readers. It acts as an independent method and is present in all other methods of individual library and bibliographic services and includes three interrelated types:

conversation when registering a reader in the library;

conversation when receiving a read book from the user.

A conversation when registering for a library makes it possible to collect information about a person who wishes to become a reader. During this conversation, he is introduced to the rules of use, its information capabilities, the level of reading culture of the person signing up is established, what libraries the reader uses, and the presence of a personal book collection. The librarian records the information obtained during this conversation in the “librarian’s notes” section of the reader’s form.

The recommendation conversation is structured in such a way that the reader wants to read the book. For example, in a recommendation conversation on a work of art, it is advisable to provide vivid information about the personality of the writer, about the intention of the work, to show why the writer was worried about these particular thoughts, why this particular genre was used. It is advisable to dwell on the creative history of the work. It is useful to talk about the time when the work appeared and how its contemporaries accepted it. To make it easier for the reader to understand the work, you need to draw his attention to the main problems in it. If a film or performance was created based on the work, then this certainly needs to be mentioned. It is not necessary, of course, to touch on all these issues in every conversation - the work itself and the reader will tell the librarian what is best to focus on.


A reader (girl, 8th grade) hands over A. Belyaev’s book “Amphibian Man”: A very interesting book. I literally read it in three days.

Librarian: Did you like the novel or the film of the same name better? Have you seen him?

CH: Yes, I watched the film. But not everything matches the book. For some reason I liked the novel better.

B.: Belyaev generally writes fascinatingly. Tanya, and you! Have you read any other works of his?

Ch.: Yes: “The Head of Professor Dowell”, “The Island of Lost Ships”... Do you have anything else from his work?

B: Of course. Take the book “The Last Man from Atlantis!” Such an exciting novel!.. Personally, I liked it most of all that I read from Belyaev.

C: Really? Then bring it to me, please. When I read it, I will share my impressions with you.

This dialogue included elements of both a conversation about what was read and a recommendatory conversation. Similar conversations often take place in the junior membership (preschoolers - 4th grade). As noted above, it is from early childhood that it is necessary to instill a love of books and reading. This is largely facilitated by conversations and dialogues conducted by employees of the junior department with children and their parents.

Conversation about what you read. The nature of the conversation depends on many factors: the characteristics of the book (content, reader’s purpose), the reading development of the library user, etc. The main thing is to determine the degree to which the reading task has been achieved (identifying the level of perception, understanding of what has been read, clarifying the reader’s interests, etc.).

Typical techniques that ensure the creation of conditions for the reader to enter into a conversation with the librarian:

Individual work with the reader requires certain personal qualities of a librarian, primarily such as respect for people, responsiveness, politeness, the ability to understand the interests of another person, sociability, endurance, observation, curiosity, efficiency and clarity of decisions and actions, and a creative approach to work.

Forms and methods of conversations with readers

When working with children, the use of play elements is very important. As a rule, they are used in mass work. The use of game elements in individual reading guidance could give a second wind to old methods. If the librarian, instead of “interrogating” an embarrassed child shifting from foot to foot, suggests to him: “Let’s compete to see who can name the characters from the book you read more – you or me, who can remember more funny episodes from the story, who will more accurately describe the main character “who will come up with a more interesting story with a different ending, etc.”, then the reader will have great confidence in the reading leader and will look forward to the upcoming meeting in the library.

Visual material would also help to make the process of individual reading guidance for a child more interesting: literary bingo, posters, book exhibitions and games like:

  • game "Who is the author?"- next to the portraits of writers, the reader should put cards with the names of their works in the pockets;
  • geographic map game “Where did this happen?”- you need to mark on the map the place where the action of several books took place, the covers of which are placed side by side;
  • game "Recover the text"- put the torn text or two different texts into an envelope and invite the reader to restore what was written, say which book it is from;
  • game "Jumble"- can be done with poems: the lines of poems written on separate strips are divided in half. The first words of each line are on the left, and the continuations are on the right. These stripes are mixed up, the result is nonsense. The reader’s task is to arrange the strips correctly so that each one is in its place.

Librarians often use creative tasks when talking about what they have read: they offer to draw an “illustration”, “explain” the fate of the hero, write a review, tell friends about the book. Direct judgments, the reader’s own questions when exchanging books, are the most important initial element of the conversation, and the librarian must be extremely careful with them. By supporting or refuting the reader’s opinion, by involving other readers in the conversation, the librarian can have no less influence on his reading activity than by directly posing the question, which a modern teenager often perceives as an attack on his freedom, control over his reading.

An important part of individual communication with the reader is reviews of what they have read. They are used in the library as an active means of recommending literature to a wide range of readers. Collecting feedback is often practiced in libraries serving children, and is often associated with the preparation of conferences, discussions, and meetings with writers.

Game techniques are also used when working with teenage readers. Most often, these are travel games that require keeping diaries, writing letters to peers, etc. Such feedback-essays provide an opportunity to express the child’s imagination, at the same time they reveal his knowledge, cognitive and spiritual experience.

Many children's libraries create special instructions on how best to write a review. Depending on the individuality of the teenager, one or another version of the written statement is offered. Reviews and responses can be placed in special folders, on stands under the following names: “Amazing meeting”, “I found myself in this book”, “I liked this book”.

For younger readers, a response to a book can also be a drawing drawn after reading the book. In the children's library, these drawings are traditionally used on exhibition stands, as well as in the design of book exhibitions. We publish the drawings in the newspaper “Country of Chitalia” and on our library website.

Thus, when working with the reader, the librarian uses all methods and means of individual communication: from direct dialogue to indirect forms of communication. They are all interconnected and complement each other.

What is “reading guidance”?

Reading guidance is a purposeful influence on the content and nature of reading through various forms and methods of library activities. It is based on the principles of a differentiated approach to readers and systematicity.

Reading guidance is based on the study and consideration of reader interests and needs and is carried out through various forms and methods of individual, group and mass work, as well as through the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library, a system of recommendatory bibliographic aids, a system of visual propaganda of literature, open access to funds, and the mass media. information through the most prepared readers.

This activity includes:

  • assistance to readers in choosing printed works and other documents, information about literature in accordance with the interests and needs of readers;
  • selection and recommendation of literature on the topic of reader request; promoting the formation of new reader interests and needs;
  • assistance to the reader in mastering the skills of independently selecting books (systematic promotion of library and bibliographic knowledge, training the reader in methods of orientation in the library collection and the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library);
  • helping readers in the process of reading and comprehending what they read (conversations about what they read, analysis of reader reviews of the book, their presentations at reading conferences, teaching readers methods of rational reading).

Individual planned reading is the most common and effective form of reading guidance. Here, reading plans and other “small forms” of bibliographic products are used to organize individual planned reading, which are developed by librarians at the request of readers.

Mainly three types of individual planned reading are used based on:

  • standard reading plans that are created after analyzing the most frequently recurring interests of users (for example, lists of favorite book series “Novels for Girls”, “Children’s Detective”, “For Lovers of Horror Movies”, “Fantasy is Serious”, etc.);
  • annotated bibliography such as “What to read next?” In the open access collection, books that are useful from the librarian's point of view include bibliography lists that help to continue reading if the topic interests the reader;
  • drawing up individual reading plans for the most prepared readers together with librarians based on recommended literature indexes and other bibliographic publications. For example: reading plan “Land of the Pharaohs” (6th grade); “Traveling around Japan” (7th grade).

An important theoretical problem in library science is the development of a typology of libraries based on identifying typical and specific features that make it possible to distribute a diverse system of libraries into groups. The main units of library grouping are the concepts “type” and “species”, meaning sample, model, variety, which corresponds to a group of libraries that have certain characteristics.

In the first years of Soviet power, most librarians identified three types of libraries: mass, scientific and school. However, such a division no longer corresponds to the modern idea of ​​the social purpose of libraries and the level of their organization.

The combination of complex and highly specialized topics in information needs and reader interests rightfully connects the typology of libraries with differentiation and integration, which corresponds to two types of libraries - universal and special.

Depending on the nature of the public information needs and reader requests being satisfied, universal libraries are differentiated into mass and scientific ones. Within these two types, further division of universal libraries is made according to regional, departmental characteristics and the age composition of readers.

So, based on the age composition of readers, a group of children's and youth libraries is distinguished.

Children's libraries of Russia are specialized libraries serving children under 15 years of age inclusive, their parents, teachers, educators and other users professionally dealing with issues of children's reading and children's literature, culture and information for children.

All activities of the children's library are aimed at giving priority to a certain category of the population - children. This is where children's libraries differ from public libraries, which must provide equal conditions to all citizens, regardless of age, gender, education, etc.

Of course, a children's library is not only an information institution; it is, first of all, an institution that accumulates and transmits cultural and social experience. Changes taking place in all spheres of society directly affect the library associated with government authorities, political organizations, and funding mechanisms. The activities of the children's library are affected by the reorganization of book publishing and book distribution of literature for children, reform of the educational and cultural systems. Changes in society directly affect the structure, content and volume of reader interests and needs, which entails clarification and sometimes transformation of the functions and structures of a children's library.

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Librarianship,” children have the right to use public, specialized children’s and educational libraries.

Children's libraries can be:

independent libraries with the status of a legal entity (republican, regional, regional libraries)

municipal children's libraries with legal entity status (central library and branches)

structural units (branches, departments) of other library systems, mainly public libraries.

The network of children's libraries in Russia makes it possible to organize a system of library services for children at all levels: from the federal to the level of rural settlements.

The following long-established models operate in the cultural sector:

Federal level

Federal State Cultural Institution Russian State Children's Library (RGDL) is a research, scientific, methodological and information center on the problems of children's reading and library services for children in the Russian Federation. Main users: children's libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, central libraries of municipal children's systems, libraries serving children, children and reading leaders. Main tasks: providing Russian libraries serving children with scientific and methodological assistance, conducting research on children's reading, information needs, library services for children, coordinating the work of children's libraries in Russia, developing new forms of library services for children, collecting and preserving a fund of documents for children and adolescents. RGDB is a legal entity and operates in accordance with the Charter approved by the founder - the Government of the Russian Federation.

Level of the subject of the Russian Federation

Republican, regional and regional children's libraries (hereinafter referred to as central regional). The main users are children's and other libraries serving children, children are users, reading leaders.

All children's libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in accordance with federal and regional laws on library science, perform the functions of central libraries:

methodological and research in relation to all libraries in the region serving children;

memorial, that is, collecting with the greatest completeness, storing and using literature for children and adolescents with the aim of preserving these collections for subsequent generations;

mutual use of funds (IBA, electronic delivery of documents), which is very important in the context of insufficient stocking of regional libraries with children's literature;

The main task is to maintain a unified library service for the children's population, its support, scientific and methodological support, and conduct large events to distribute books and reading among children.

As stated in the Regulations on the Central Children's Library, the Central Children's Library (CDB) is one of the divisions of the Central Library - an information cultural and educational institution.

Central children's libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation should position themselves as genuine research centers for the study of children's reading and children's literature; centers for monitoring library services for children and the dissemination of reading among the children's population; centers that unite various institutions and organizations dealing with children's problems; as an information base for authorities to develop the most optimal policies regarding childhood.

In order to improve the quality of work of the central children's libraries of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to change the management of libraries and their structural divisions. Flexible structures must be created that meet the current and future development of the needs of young users, legal entities and individuals related to solving childhood problems; horizontal and vertical connections have been established between the library as a methodological and research center with all interested legal entities and individuals.

To solve this strategic task, it is necessary to support government agencies, increase and stabilize funding for the activities of central children's libraries, strengthening their status, and creating appropriate regulatory and legal documentation. Each library must develop a strategy for its development and programs for achieving its goals.

Municipal level

Municipal children's libraries, which have the status of a legal entity, and municipal children's library systems (MCSB) are independent specialized children's libraries at the municipal level.

The main tasks are the organization of library services for children in accordance with their gender, age and psychological characteristics, the creation of an environment for the development of the child’s personality, including the satisfaction of educational needs, the organization of leisure and communication, library services for reading leaders, the acquisition of a collection of literature for children and children’s reading leaders, including publications in various formats and on various media: books, periodicals, audiovisual and electronic documents.

In relation to rural libraries - branches, municipal children's libraries carry out methodological functions on issues of children's reading and the organization of library services for children.

Municipal children's libraries serve the majority of the city's child population and have the ability to provide services and conduct various events to promote books and reading. Their development should follow the path of strengthening independence, informatization of all processes within the system, inclusion in corporate and local city interdepartmental information systems, establishing intersystem and interdepartmental exchange of documents and information, coordination and cooperation of activities with public and school libraries of the city, other institutions and organizations.

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