Children's games for speech development. Children's games for speech development. Games to determine the sound composition of a word

Preschool age is the most fertile period in a person’s life, when basic mental processes intensively develop: thinking, attention, memory, speech, and the main personality qualities are laid. Speech is of particular importance in the development of a preschooler, since it is speech and thinking closely associated with it that provide great opportunities for understanding the world around us. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the timely development of other mental processes. Parents need to understand that the child will certainly master speech, but how quickly and well will depend on the people around him. Therefore, it is simply necessary that from an early age close people actively develop and enrich the baby’s speech. Among others, the most effective means in this matter are didactic (developmental) games for speech development.

What are games for the development of speech in preschoolers?

In order to properly organize speech development games at home, it is advisable for parents to become familiar with the features of didactic games and their difference from other types. At the same time, understand in what directions speech development occurs in preschoolers.

The main feature of such a game is that it necessarily poses a learning task, which is solved with the help of certain rules and actions. For example, in the popular game “Object Lotto” the task will be to consolidate children’s knowledge about objects in the world around them and their properties. In didactic games, the main directions for speech development will be:

  1. Vocabulary enrichment
  2. Formation of grammatical culture
  3. Formation of sound culture
  4. Making coherent speech

Didactic games to enrich vocabulary

Important: enrichment vocabulary children is the main thing that parents should work on. It must be remembered that adults are examples for children, and in those families where they talk about the rich literary language, the child will have correct, well-developed speech. There is no need to wait for a certain age; even as a baby, loved ones can talk about objects in the world around them. This is how the child’s passive vocabulary accumulates, which will then turn into active.

The accumulation of a preschool child’s passive vocabulary should include words denoting objects in the surrounding world, their properties, purpose, and interrelationships. In addition, it is necessary to activate the vocabulary by all means so that the child can use a large number of words in spoken language. For this purpose, educational games to expand quantitative vocabulary and consolidate the lexical meaning of a word are suitable for home learning.

"Bag of Words"

A popular game like the “wonderful bag” helps to accumulate the vocabulary of preschool children and teach them to match a word and an object. It can be carried out with children of all ages; the difference in each age group will be the complication of the vocabulary. Younger children fix the names of objects, older children pay more attention to the properties and purpose of objects, their relationships. The presenter prepares a beautiful bag into which small toys familiar to children are placed. The child must feel the object in the bag and name it, for example, ball, spoon, string, cube. Then the object is pulled out of the bag and it is checked whether the child named it correctly.

At an older age, the rules become more complicated: you need to feel and get the item according to the description. For example, the presenter gives the task: “Find something round, smooth, like a bagel, you can put on your finger (ring)” or “A soft, fluffy lump really loves milk (toy kitten)”, or “Long, heavy, metal (spoon)” . Having taken out the object, the child must add other properties (color, shape, purpose). If the game is played in a subgroup of children, the one who correctly found and named all the objects wins.

“This place is called...?”

An educational game that teaches a child to understand lexical meaning words. It is useful because you can play in any environment: during a walk, in the country, at home. The adult names a common concept, and the child gives it a name. For example, the place where children study (school); where kids make Easter cakes (sandbox); where books are issued for reading (library), where people come to watch films (cinema). Be sure to reward the child who understands and names all the words. For kids, the game will still be difficult, so you can start with middle preschoolers of four or five years old.

“Which is correct?”

A humorous game, similar to the previous one in terms of the task: you need to choose the correct interpretation of the word, for example, is a spoon an object for digging earth? for drawing? for food? Is a chair a sleeping object? for driving on the road? for sitting? Is a watering can a drinking object? for watering flowers? for storing buttons? Such funny concepts will amuse the child and help to correctly understand the lexical concept.

“Guess what it is?”

The goal of the game is to correctly recognize an object by its parts. For example, the presenter says: “Cabin, propeller, engine, wings, landing gear (aircraft); body, engine, wheels, steering wheel, headlights (car); walls, roof, windows, foundation, pipe, door (house); sidewalks, roadway, pedestrians, cars (road).” In a game for kids, you can use pictures to support visual material. Older children work on auditory perception.

“What did the artist forget?”

The game helps to consolidate the names of parts of objects and activate children's vocabulary. An adult prepares pictures depicting objects that are missing any parts: a house has windows, a chair has legs, a teapot has a lid, a bag has handles. The child must correctly name the missing part and complete it. For older children, you can gradually complicate the plot of the pictures and increase the number of missing details, for example, tea utensils on the table.

“Subject Lotto (domestic and wild animals, dishes, flora, transport, furniture, clothing and other topics)”

All kinds of lotto-type tasks provide excellent material for enriching your vocabulary and learning new words. The rules are simple: children are given large cards, the presenter takes small cards one by one and names them. Children try to find the corresponding item on their card and close it. The one who collects the big cards the fastest wins. As a more complicated option for the development of auditory perception, the presenter does not show small pictures, but names them.

This is how educational games are played:

  • “Who screams: the dog barks, the cat meows, the rooster crows, the cow moos,”
  • “Who has what kind of house: the bear has a den, the mouse has a mink, the bird has a nest?”
  • “Whose baby: a cow has a calf, a sheep has a lamb, a goat has a kid, a dog has a puppy, a bird has a chick.”

They make it possible to consolidate in children’s speech the names of animals, their cubs, habits, and habitat. The rules are similar to previous games: find the corresponding picture among others. You can maintain interest in rather monotonous actions with riddles. For example, "guess to find the correct picture":

Yesterday I spent the whole day preparing the den,
I raked up a little bit of leaves and moss.
I worked for a long time, fell down exhausted,
And in the evening (the bear) laid a bunch of grass.

I ran over a bump
Near the stump.
And the hummock has a black nose
And the back is covered in thorns.
On the thorns of leaves
From oak and aspen (hedgehog).

How quiet it is in the autumn forest!
A moose goes out to graze.
And behind her, between the pines
A little... (calf) is jumping.

Under the bushes at the edge
I see gray ears.
They stick out from the grass
Little ears... (bunny).

Here sits a little ball of fluff.
Nose, black ear.
And if you let me go out onto the lawn -
Strekacha will ask like a bunny
(little rabbit).

Crochet snout and tail.
Of course you know him.
He is a big pig's child,
And it’s called - ... (pig).

Games to develop the speech culture of preschool children

Important: Parents should know that the formation of a grammatical culture of speech is necessary for mastering the correct construction of sentences, difficult grammatical forms, and understanding literary speech. All these skills are of great importance in further education at school, since grammar makes speech understandable and beautiful.

Young children often have serious speech errors. For example, they may incorrectly pronounce the endings of nouns (many girls, dolls, bears), change the gender of nouns (the dress is beautiful, give me ice cream, a large window), incorrectly pronounce indeclinable nouns (at the piano, at the coat), verbs (look instead of look, go instead of ride, gallop instead of gallop), participles (broken toy, sewn dress). All such speech errors, to which parents may not react or are touched by children’s distortions, lead to their strong consolidation in speech, and in the future they have to turn to speech therapists to correct them. To prevent this from happening, parents need to pay attention to the formation of the correct culture of speech. The period of word creation, which so touches adults, lasts from 2 to 5, and then there is work on mistakes. Therefore, it is better to teach your child right away by properly organizing children's games.

“Who lives in the house?”

The game perfectly guides children to master such grammatical category, as a gender of nouns. You can solve such a complex problem to the benefit of the children if you use your imagination. For example, an adult cuts out houses with windows, maybe from thick paper, and selects pictures, for example, a window, an apple, a flower, a rooster, a car, candy, pies, books. It is good if the child takes an active part in preparing the attributes for the game. This will raise interest in the task: “Different pictures live in four houses, each has its own house, signed with the words “he”, “she”, “it”, “they”. All items must be distributed correctly." You can check the correctness of your choice with words - helpers: he is mine; she is mine; it is mine; they are mine. The tasks are designed to develop the speech of older preschoolers.

"We write poetry"

Such speech games are intended for children from 4 to 5 years old, as they require certain experience. The tasks teach children to correctly use the cases of nouns. In this game, the ability to pronounce plural words of the genitive case is practiced, since it is in this form that preschool children do the most speech errors: without shoes (boots), for guys (guys), made from sweets (sweets). In order not to turn the game into a boring activity and maintain gaming interest, you can use humorous poems famous authors S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, or compose similar quatrains yourself, for example:

From snails OK, shell ek
And green frogs ek.

After reading the quatrain, ask the child why Marshak thinks that boys are made of snails, shells and frogs? Is what the author says true? If this is a joke, then what else could boys be made of? Invite your child to fantasize about this topic, choosing words to rhyme. The adult begins, and the child continues:

What are boys made of?
What are boys made of?
From cars OK and ball to her,
And already to her, and blue to her.
Chocolate OK and the frog ek,
And your favorite toys ek.
This is what boys are made of!

"Basket of Words"

To work with words and enrich children's vocabulary, older preschool children can be offered a game to transform words into diminutive form with suffixes - IR And - OK. This game is interesting to play in a group of children, for example, at a birthday party, when several children of different ages gather, or at family leisure. The players sit in a circle, and the leader is selected with a counting rhyme, who picks up the basket. All the participants say: “You have a body OK, throw everything at him OK" The child replies: “I’ll put it in the back OK sugar OK, kolob OK, boat OK, boot OK, pie OK" If the player makes a mistake, he gives away a forfeit (some small object). When the basket has gone through all the participants, you can redeem forfeits by performing some task: sing a song, ask a riddle, dance, come up with a rhyme for a word, for example, “I’ll give you a lot of candy, and give me the bike.” You can continue the game by exchanging the basket for a beautiful package. In this case, the players say: “You have a package in your hands.” IR, throw everything at him IR" The player says: “I’ll put it in the bag IR ticket IR, bike IR, Hello IR, bracelet IR, omelette IR, bouquet IR, gun IR" To prevent the children from losing interest in the game, the adult needs to make preparations in advance: a set of words or pictures to help the children.

Games for the formation of sound culture

In kindergarten, in preparation for school, much attention is paid to improving preschool children’s sound pronunciation in accordance with the standards native language, which implies the ability to perceive and reproduce all sounds, work with words, control the volume and speed of speech, use intonation for expressiveness, logical stress. All these skills make it possible to successfully learn reading, writing, and competently perform dictations at school, creative works. Which didactic games for speech development in preschoolers, can it be offered for home use?

"Verbal Chain"

The game develops auditory perception and the ability to manipulate words. The rules are similar to the well-known city game. The participants stand in a circle, the leader begins the game with a word, throwing the ball to the player. He comes up with a word starting with the last sound of the previous one, for example, to m - m s w b - w dec A - A RBU h - h oloto, etc. The main thing is that players must pronounce the word clearly and highlight the last sound.

"Say a word"

The goal of the game is similar to the previous one: the development of auditory perception. An adult throws a ball to a child with a syllable, and he must continue the word and return the ball. For example, le - le That, zi - zi ma, Not - Not bo, honey - honey after all. Words are selected from two syllables; the child’s desire to find several options is definitely welcomed, for example, le - summer, laziness, babble, sculpt.

"We're settling the houses"

The game teaches preschool children to identify syllables and helps them pronounce sounds correctly. It is better to play individually with your child to get a good result. To maintain interest even among small children, an adult can use the game moment: different words and pictures come to visit and want to live in houses (drawn or built from cubes). In a house with one window there will be words with one syllable, with two windows - two-syllable words. For example, a child clearly pronounces the words “cat, hedgehog, wolf, elk, lynx, mole; squirrel, fox, cat, hare, honey, woodpecker, boar, owl (you can use pictures from “Loto”). Alternatively, a mix (mixture) of pictures of different themes is used. To complicate the game with older preschoolers, riddles are introduced, and then a picture answer is found.

Games for developing coherent speech

Competent and beautiful speech is, first of all, the ability to coherently express one’s thoughts. The formation of coherent speech, as it were, generalizes the work of previous directions, therefore, in games there will be a connection between the enrichment of vocabulary and the grammatical structure of speech, and the education of sound culture.

What will happen if...?

The game well develops the ability to meaningfully conduct dialogue, expands vocabulary, and develops cultural speech in preschoolers. You can start playing from the age of four to five, gradually complicating the actions as you get older. preschool age. The rules are quite simple: the adult begins the phrase as a cause, and the child ends with the effect. The subject can be different: weather, nature, wildlife, household items and more. For example,

  • If we plant a seed in the ground, then... (a flower will grow).
  • If you don’t water the plant, then...(it will die).
  • If it rains, then...(you need to take an umbrella, put on boots).
  • If you eat cold ice cream, then...(your throat will hurt).

Alternatively, you can modify phrases that may end not with a consequence, as in the first option, but with a cause. For example,

  • The children are dressed in warm jackets because...(the weather is cold outside).
  • We are going on vacation because...(mom and dad are on vacation).
  • The cat loves milk because...(it's delicious).
  • My brother goes to school because...(he is big).

Be sure to encourage the children’s original answers, and write down the most interesting ones so that they can later be discussed at the family council and praise the child.

“Advertising (word drawing of an object)”

The whole family can take part in this game, as it is advisable to show the child various options for describing objects. Adults set an example of how to correctly characterize any object so that you want to play with it or use it in everyday situations. The driver closes his eyes, and one of the participants talks about the subject. The driver tries to guess what is being said. In the first stage it is better to use items, very good known to the child, for example, household items or edibles, or toys. Then, as knowledge accumulates, you need to talk about other items that can be seen in a toy store or grocery store. For example,

  • This is a kitchen utensil, it is metal, with a transparent lid. It has a bottom, walls, handles. Without it, you cannot prepare a delicious soup or compote (saucepan).
  • Both adults and children love her. It can be round or brick-shaped, white or brown, wrapped or boxed. It tastes very sweet, without it you will be sad at the holiday, you can even decorate a Christmas tree with it (candy).

Adults should encourage the child when he tries to create his own description of objects. After the game, you can have a family tea party, having fun discussing the advertisements of the game participants.

Such didactic games for speech development in preschoolers will definitely help parents develop literate, beautiful speech in their preschooler, which will help him study successfully at school.


"Who will be who (what)?"

The good thing about the game is that you can play with a group or alone with your child anywhere. Ask each other questions, make sure that the child, when answering the question, correctly declines the nouns.

Who will be who:
- egg - can be a chick, crocodile, turtle, snake.)
- chicken - rooster;
- boy - man;
- calf - cow or bull - paper - book
- snow - water
- water - ice
- seed - flower
- flour - pancakes

"Who was who?"

Horse - foal
- flower - seed

"A bird is not a bird"

A fun game for attention and knowledge of birds.
An adult reads poems. The children's task is to listen carefully and, if a word is heard that does not mean a bird, give a signal - stomp or clap. Be sure to ask your child what is wrong. Specify: “Who is the fly?”

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Flies and swifts...
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Storks, crows,
Jackdaws, pasta.,
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
swans, martens,
Jackdaws and swifts,
Seagulls and walruses
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Lapwings, siskins,
Jays and snakes.
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Seagulls, pelicans,
T-shirts and eagles.
Pigeons, tits,
Herons, nightingales,
Perches and sparrows.
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Ducks, geese, owls,
Swallows, cows.
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Sticks and swifts,
Butterflies, siskins,
Storks, cuckoos,
even Scops Owls,
swans and ducks -
and thanks for the joke!

With the help of this simple game with elements of competition, you can work with your child to expand his vocabulary and develop speech in general.

The players stand next to each other and agree on where the finish will be (at a distance of 8-10 steps). And they discuss the topic of steps. For example, "Polite words." Each child can take a step just by saying some polite word. We give a minute to think and “Start!”

Other themes: “Everything is round”, “everything is hot”, “everything is wet”. "Kind words for mom." "Words of comfort", etc. Option: Children stand in pairs opposite each other and take steps towards each other. The conditions of the game are the same: a step can be taken only by saying the right word.

"Attention! Wanted!"

This game is played by at least 5 people. Otherwise it's not interesting. The presenter says: I'm looking for a friend (friend). She has blue eyes, dark long hair, loves cats and hates milk.

The one who first guesses which child we are talking about becomes the leader.
When playing with young children, it is allowed to describe clothes.

Playing with pictures.

This game develops attention, intelligence, and teaches children to express their thoughts coherently. Introduces the classification of objects according to various criteria.

For this game you will need paintings or book illustrations. Landscapes are not suitable here. It is better to use genre painting and large illustrations for children's books.

The meaning of the game: One of the players makes a guess about some detail of the image. The other player, asking leading questions, must guess what was planned.

With children 3-4 years old, wish for whole objects (bunny, ball, cloud...)
With children over 5 years old, complicate the task - a hare's ear, a button on a dress, an apple on the table.

Examples of questions that 3-4 year olds should use:
Example: Illustration for A. Barto’s poem “Our Tanya”. There is a wish for a frog in the river.
- Is it at the top of the picture? Down?
- Is it living or non-living?
- What color?

Questions that children aged 5-7 years should use.
Example: Illustration for A. Barto’s poem “Our Tanya”. The reeds are hidden by the river.
- Does this relate to nature?
- Does this apply to living (inanimate) nature?
- Is it hard?
- Is this a plant?
- High?
- Tree?
- Grass?

In order for children to learn to ask questions correctly, give them the opportunity to make a guess about some object themselves, and you guess by asking as many questions as possible. This will show you how to write questions.

"Once upon a time..."

A game to develop thinking, ingenuity, and consolidate knowledge about the world around us. You can play alone with a child or a group, asking questions in turns.

It will take a long time to explain the meaning of the game - I’ll just give examples.

For smaller children the questions are simple, for older children they are more difficult - decide for yourself the “degree of difficulty”.

An adult asks the question “Once upon a time there was a chicken, what happened to it?” - “He became a cockerel.”
“Once upon a time there was a cloud, what happened to it then?” - "The rain poured out of it"
“Once upon a time there was a stream, what happened to it?” - “Frozen in winter”, “Dry in the heat”.
“Once upon a time there was a seed, what happened to it later?” - "A flower grew from it"
“Once upon a time there was a piece of clay, what happened to it later?” - “They made a brick (vase...) from it.

"The Third Wheel"

In this game, children learn to classify objects according to the characteristics specified in the conditions.

For children 3-5 years old the conditions are simpler.

For example: An adult says three words - owl, crow, fox. The child must quickly analyze these three words in his mind and determine that all three words relate to living nature, however, the owl and the crow are birds, but the fox is not. Therefore, the fox is superfluous here.

More examples for younger preschoolers:
- milk, juice, bread - all three words mean edible. But they drink milk and juice and eat bread.
- car, horse, tram;
- hat, scarf, boots;
- rose, birch, Christmas tree.

For children 5-7 years old, the tasks become more complicated:
- rain, snow, river;
- doctor, tourist, driver;
- shadow, sun, planet;
- frost, blizzard, January;
- stone, clay, glass;
- door, carpet, window;
- sea, river, swimming pool.

"Two Circles"

Children are lined up in two circles - outer (large) and inner (3-4 people).

Children from the large circle stand, and from the small circle they walk along with the leading adult and say: “We walk in a circle and take with us... sweets.”

Large circle players must quickly name something sweet, such as sugar. The child who names the object first stands in the inner circle. The game continues (“...we take with us something soft, liquid, sour, hard,” etc.). The last child remaining in the large circle must complete some task as punishment for being slow.

"What happens?"

By playing this game, children will learn to compare, generalize the properties of objects and, finally, understand the meaning of such concepts as height, width, length; classify objects by shape, size, color. First, the adult asks the questions, and the child answers. Then you need to give the child the opportunity to express himself.

- What happens to be tall? (tree, pillar, person, house) Here it is appropriate to ask what is higher - the tree or the house; person or pillar.
- What is long? (short)
- What is wide (narrow)?
- What is round (square)?

A variety of concepts can be included in the game: what is fluffy, soft, hard, sharp, cold, white, black, etc.

"What does it smell like?"

Prepare items with a specific smell - soap, shoe polish, garlic, lemon, etc.
With children under 4 years old, it is worth examining all the objects in advance, discussing what is edible, smelling it together and trying to determine the smell - sour, bitter, sweet, pleasant - unpleasant, edible - inedible.
Then blindfold your child and ask him to identify each item by smell.
For a laugh, you can offer to smell some clothes. For example, dad's socks.

"Who can't do without what"

Helps the child learn to identify essential features. The adult reads a series of words. From these words you need to choose only two, the most important ones, without which the main subject cannot do. For example, garden... which words are the most important: plants, gardener, dog, fence, earth? What can’t a garden exist without? Can there be a garden without plants? Why?.. Without a gardener... a dog... a fence... land?.. Why?"

Each of the suggested words is analyzed in detail. The main thing is for the child to understand why this or that word is the main, essential feature of a given concept.

Sample tasks:
Boots (laces, sole, heel, zipper, shaft)
River (shore, fish, fisherman, mud, water)
City (car, building, crowd, street, bicycle)
Game (cards, players, fines, penalties, rules)
Reading (eyes, book, picture, print, word)
War (plane, guns, battles, guns, soldiers)
School (teacher, students, tables, chairs, books, notebooks)
Second option. We name the words and ask: what cannot exist without this object, for what or who is it most important?
For example: water, wire, pencil, glass, brick.

"Living - nonliving"

We introduce the child to the concepts of “animate” and “inanimate”.
First, we explain that we call all living objects “WHO” and non-living objects “WHAT”. Here are some examples.
Then we play questions and answers. You can use books with story pictures.
What's growing? Who's growing?
Who's flying? What flies?
Who's swimming? What floats?
Who's the biggest? What's the biggest?

"What's outside, what's inside?"

The adult names a couple of objects, and the child says what can be outside and what can be inside. Home - closet; book - cabinet; bag - wallet; wallet-money; pan - porridge; aquarium - fish; booth - dog; hole - fox.
Then switch roles - let the child think of pairs of words.

"Who is this?" getting to know the professions

For the game, it is good to have cards depicting people of different professions and tools.

Option 1:
We ask questions: who treats the sick? Who teaches children at school? Who's cooking lunch? Who works on the tractor? Who delivers letters and newspapers? Who sews the dress?

Option 2: Questions: what does a janitor do? What does the doctor do? What does an electrician do? What does the teacher do? What does the driver do? What does a painter do? What does a hairdresser do?
Option 3. We come up with riddles. For example: this person works outside, he has a broom and a shovel.
Option 4. “Who needs what?” What does the postman need? What does a hairdresser need? And vice versa: who needs scissors? Who needs a needle?

Let's make up a story.

The adult reads the sentences, the children insert the subject, predicate, explanatory words, etc. The stories of Suteev and Bianki can be taken as a basis.

For example: “She sat on the threshold and meowed pitifully... (who?). The cat sat in front of a cup of milk and greedily... (what was it doing?). The cat caught... (who?) in the garden. The cat has fur... (what?), claws... (what?). The cat was lying with kittens... (where?). The kittens were playing with a ball... (how?).

Distribution of proposals.

An adult says: “The gardener waters... (what? where? when? why?). Children go... (where? Why?), etc. We must pay attention to the correct construction of sentences.

Compose a sentence with several given words.

An exercise recommended by L.N. Tolstoy and used by him at the Yasnaya Polyana school: three or four words are given, for example, dog, old man, get scared. Children must insert them into a sentence. New words and concepts are gradually acquired by children from the general meaning of speech. This entirely and unconditionally refers to abstract, general concepts.

Add proposal.

Ask the child to complete the sentences: “The children water the flowers in the flower beds because...” “There is not a single leaf left on the trees because...” “In winter the bear sleeps because...” etc.

Guess the object by its parts.

This game can be played in two versions.

The first option is using cards with pictures. Participants in the game are given cards depicting various objects - furniture, vegetables, animals, vehicles, etc. The child, without showing his card to other players and without saying what exactly is drawn, names the parts of the object. The one who first guesses what is being said takes the card for himself and gets one point. The second option is without cards. The meaning of the game remains the same. This option is good because you can play together with your child anywhere. For example, on the way to kindergarten, sitting in line to see a doctor, etc.

Four legs, back, seat.
Numbers, arrows.
Letters, pictures, sheets.
Trunk, branches, leaves.
Root, stem, leaves, petals.
Screen, buttons, electrical cord, remote control.
Spout, handle, lid, electrical cord.
Paws, tail, collar.
Paws, tail, trunk.
Does everything seem too simple at first glance? But in fact, not all children can describe objects. Try it!

Guess the item from the description.

The game conditions are the same as in the previous one. But the task here is more difficult. You not only need to find correct definitions objects, but also to correctly agree on the genders of adjectives and nouns, as well as to know such concepts as furniture, vegetables, fruits, insects, domestic and wild animals, etc.
A wild animal, lives in the forest, large, shaggy, loves honey.
A wild animal, cunning, red, with a fluffy tail.
An insect with colorful wings that looks like a flower.
Transport, large, heavy, with wings and a tail.
The vegetable is red, round, and is put in salads and borscht.
Sweet, small, in beautiful paper.

We offer you a series of games aimed at developing a child's speech.

Come up with words

The game promotes the development of imagination and speech. Expands a child's vocabulary

◈ Rules of the game: you need to select and name words starting with a specific letter of the alphabet.

◈ Hang the alphabet on the wall in the nursery and choose letters with your child one by one.

Think faster!

Required equipment: ball.

◈ Rules of the game: you throw the ball to the child, calling thematic group, and he must return the ball to you, naming an object from this group. For example: furniture - sofa; berries - strawberries, etc.

◈ This game can be played outside in a group. It's better to roll the ball at home.

One is many

The game promotes the development of attention and speech

Required equipment: ball.

◈ Rules of the game: you throw the ball, calling any object in singular, the child returns the ball, indicating the plural form. For example: apple - apples, city - cities, letter - letters.

◈ To complicate the game, name objects in the accusative or genitive case, for example:

I don't have an apple. — I don’t have apples.

I see a house. - And I see houses.

Tell me..

The game promotes development, speech, spatial orientation

◈ Tell your child that you came, for example, from another country and know nothing about what surrounds you now. Let your baby become your guide and answer your questions.

◈ Ask about all the objects around you, asking questions, encourage the child to tell a detailed, detailed story: “What is this? Why is this needed? Who uses it? What is it made of? Where does it come from? etc.

◈ Develop spatial awareness by asking, “What is to our right? Who's coming behind? What passed in front of us?

Make a proposal

◈ Invite your child to make a sentence from the selected words. For example, “river, house, white” - “On the bank of the river there is a house with a white roof” or “In winter, the roofs of houses and rivers become white with snow,” etc.

◈ Start with a small set - the number of words should not be more than three.

◈ Explain to your child that the form of words can be changed, that is, they can be used in plural, change endings.

Guess by description

The game promotes the development of speech and imagination

◈ Invite your child to guess the object you wished for based on the description of its features, for example, round, smooth, rubber, bouncing off the ground (ball). Or: round, smooth, sweet, red inside, green outside (watermelon), etc.

◈ Ask your child to make a wish and describe his object.

Guess by action

The game promotes the development of speech and imagination

◈ As in the previous game, you make a guess about something, but describe not the signs, but the actions that the object performs, for example: “Drives along the road, carries passengers, stops at bus stops, refuels with gasoline” (bus)-, “Works in hospital or clinic, treats patients, wears a white coat” (doctor), etc.

◈ Swap roles - the child makes a guess and describes, you guess.


The game promotes the development of speech and imagination

◈ Invite your child to come up with pairs of opposite words one by one. For each pair invented, a chip is given out. The one with the most chips at the end of the game wins.

◈ In the first part of the game, pairs are made - nouns, then - adjectives, verbs and adverbs (fire - water, smart - stupid, close - open, high - low).

Good and bad

The game promotes the development of speech and imagination. Develops thinking

◈ Invite your child to identify good and bad traits or actions in fairy tale heroes. For example:

♦ Fairy tale “Cat, rooster and fox”. The rooster woke the cat up for work, cleaned the house, cooked dinner - that’s good. But he did not listen to the cat and looked out the window when the fox called him - this is bad.

♦ Fairy tale “Puss in Boots”: the cat wanted to help his owner - this is good, but for this he deceived everyone - this is bad.

Tops and roots

◈ Remember the Russian folk tale"Tops and Roots." Invite your child to play: you name vegetables whose fruits are in the ground, the baby - vegetables with above-ground fruits.

Find two words

The game helps develop speech and increase vocabulary

◈ Invite your child to find two words hidden in one: leaf fall (leaves, fall), airplane (himself, fly), helicopter (twirl, fly), flamethrower (fire, throw), etc.

Write a fairy tale

The game promotes speech development and increases vocabulary

◈ Invite your child to write a story about the adventures of one of his toys. If the task is difficult, help him by asking clarifying questions, suggesting one or another option for developing the action.

◈ To complicate the task, ask to come up with and tell the story of any object from the baby’s environment, for example, a teapot, sofa, etc.

◈ My eldest daughter and I have a favorite heroine - the turtle Zina. We invented it ourselves and before going to bed we come up with different stories about it. This replaces the traditional reading of a bedtime story and helps to easily find a way out of different situations.


The game promotes speech development and increases the child’s vocabulary

◈ This simple game can brighten up your wait with your child in public transport, in line, and will simply entertain you while out for a walk.

◈ Rules of the game: you and your child take turns pronouncing words out loud so that each next word begins with the letter with which the previous one ends.

◈ To complicate the rules, suggest naming only names or only cities, etc.

Decorate the word

The game promotes the development of imagination and speech, expands vocabulary

◈ Ask the child to select as many definitions as possible for the selected word. For example, tree - what is it? You can fix the number of definitions and name only five for each word

◈ This game is also great for children's group, even if the children are of different ages.

What, where, when

The game promotes speech development, mastering the grammatical foundations of the Russian language, movement coordination

Required equipment: ball.

◈ When throwing a ball to a child, ask him questions, and he will answer them when he returns the ball. For example:

♦ Where do leaves grow? (On branches or trees.)

♦ Where do fish live? (In the river, in the sea.)

♦ What can you see in the sky at night? (Stars, moon.)

♦ When does the snow melt? (In spring.)

I'm faster

The game promotes speech development, replenishment of vocabulary, development of memory, attention

◈ Stand next to your baby. Choose an object located some distance from you. Explain to your child that the one who reaches this item first will win, but you can only take a step if he names a word from the category you have chosen. For example, everything round (warm, soft), pets, dishes, furniture...

Useful hide and seek

The game promotes the development of attention, helps to study the prepositions under, on, in

◈ Invite your child to play hide and seek with a fairy tale. Come up with short story and ask your baby to do what you talk about. For example: “Once upon a time there was a girl Sofia. One day he and his mother were playing hide and seek. Sofia thought and thought and decided to hide under the table. Mom looks and her daughter is gone. Where is she? Maybe under the sofa? I looked and she wasn’t there. Or maybe under a chair? And there isn't. Oh, that’s where it is - under the table.” Next, you tell how the girl hid in the closet, climbed onto a chair and hid.

◈ You can take any toy and play hide and seek with it. Then switch roles - let the child hide the toy and tell the story.

Think and name

◈ Invite your child to rename some objects. You can rename it based on the functions of objects, for example: “The rain is dripping, so we’ll call it a digger. The shovel digs, so we call it a digger. Watering can - watering can. Legs are walkers,” etc.

Nowadays you rarely meet a mother who can boast that her child is already 1.5 years old. Moreover, this applies even to very responsible parents who strictly adhere to the numerous recommendations of speech therapists and psychologists.

Often, after one and a half years, the first distinct words only appear, and phrases generally appear by two years. Naturally this causes concern. Let's look at some children's games for speech development that will help speed up the process.

Games aimed at developing speech

Repeat after me

To begin developing children’s speech through play, it is not at all necessary to wait until the baby learns to pronounce words. Surely by the age of one year he had mastered at least sounds. This is already enough to start learning.

From the name it is clear that the meaning of the game comes down to repeating syllables and words after mom. Which in itself can be tedious and can quickly get boring. Therefore, for each lesson, choose one syllable already familiar to the baby and select several objects whose names begin with it. It will be much more interesting for the little one to try to pronounce the names of things, and even more so.


This game will allow your child to quickly master the sound “a-a-a”. And if you move classes to the evening, the baby will calm down faster after an active day and fall asleep faster.

As for implementation, there is nothing complicated about it. Many children who are rocked to sleep by their mothers project everything onto dolls, even without outside help. To speed up the learning process a little, play a lullaby and show how to rock a doll or your favorite teddy bear while saying “ah-ah”.


The next game is based on visual perception. Select several clear, bright, preferably large pictures of birds, animals, plants, etc. The main thing is that their names contain syllables the child has already mastered. When everything is ready, sit him down opposite you and start the lesson. Point to the image and say the name. Just sit so that your baby can clearly see your face, in particular your lips. You can even further attract his attention by pointing your finger at his chin.

Talking toys

This “talking” toy used to be a novelty. Now this is the norm. Of course, they are more expensive, but they are great for developing speech through play.

Take several of these copies, sit them in front of your child and turn them on one by one. Please note that toys should not be musical, but with animal voices. After the baby listens to them, repeat the sounds so that he can see how his mother pronounces them.

But this is just the beginning of the game. The fun begins when the little one wants to play with them. Before giving this or that toy, ask him to “call” it. Naturally, the same sounds that they make.

Perhaps we can stop there, although in fact there are many more children's games for speech development. And this doesn’t count those that you come up with on your own. Well, while you are using these, we will prepare another, no less interesting, selection. But read about this in the following articles.

One of effective ways speech development are games that should accompany the child from the moment of his birth. Their choice is huge, and we tried to systematize activities that promote the child’s speech development by age groups: for early, junior and senior preschool age.

In his speech development, each child goes through several stages, at each of which he masters certain skills and abilities:

  • Pre-speech stage
  • Stage of formation of sounds and formation of active speech
  • Vocabulary enrichment stage
  • Stage of conscious speech acquisition with practical use of all linguistic means

For each age category of children at the appropriate stage, a variety of speech games can be used as a natural stimulation of speech development. They contribute to the formation and improvement of the following functions and skills:

  • Speech and phonemic hearing
  • Voice strength and speech rate
  • Articulation
  • Physiological and speech breathing
  • Syllabic structure of a word
  • Correct pronunciation
  • Vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech
  • Connected speech

Games for speech development in young children

From 1 to 6 months

At the pre-speech stage, the child is still preparing to master speech, but he begins to respond to the voice from the second week after birth. You need to talk tenderly to the baby while bathing, changing clothes, feeding, and sing lullabies to him while lulling him to sleep. During the first month of life, the baby begins to follow moving objects. You can attract the child’s attention with a bright toy, and by slowly moving it from side to side, develop the skill of visual tracking.

Starting from the 2nd month, you can play such simple but very useful games with your baby as “Where does the sound come from” and “Peek-a-boo”. Their main task is the development of visual and auditory attention. Using a sounding toy - a rattle or a squeaker - make sounds at different distances and from different sides from the child, saying: “What is this/where is it rattling/squeaking?” They play Peek-a-boo in much the same way, each time appearing in different places and hiding as soon as the baby finds the object with his eyes.

From 6 months to 1 year

From the age of 6 months, when the child begins to form the first sounds, you can play with him such well-known games folk games for the development of speech with movements such as “Ladushki-Ladushki”, “Magpie-white-sided”, “Water-water, wash my face”, “Guli-guli, fly”, “The horned goat is coming.” In them, rhyming phrases are combined with various movements of the hands and fingers, forming a sense of rhythm, developing general and fine motor skills, and activating imitative abilities.

When the child begins to babble, try to get him to produce independent sound combinations and onomatopoeia by playing toys together, doing everyday things, and walking outside. Such as NA, DAI, BACH, TOP-TOP, KUP-KUP, MEOW, AV-AV, LA-LA and others. You need to talk to your child in a normal way in full words and detailed sentences, but repeat such short words constantly in appropriate situations. It’s easy for a child to remember and reproduce them. They become his first words.

From 1 year to 3 years

In the 2nd year of life, games for speech development become more complex; more complex sound complexes appear in them, which need to be reproduced, accompanied by coordinated movements:

  • Game "Who's where?" trains the voice and pronunciation of certain sounds. The adult says: “The dog is in the yard, the geese are on the grass, the cow is chewing grass, the horse is pushing a cart,” and the child reproduces how the animals vocalize and move.
  • In the game “The little white bunny is sitting under the Christmas tree,” the child must show and tell how the little bunny is frozen and trembling (BR-BR-BR), jumps under the Christmas tree (JUMP-JUMP), runs away from the wolf (OH-OH-OH) and hides in “house” (puts hands above head, saying LIKE THIS, LIKE THIS).

At an early age, it is necessary to read to your child such fairy tales as “Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, as well as various nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes, jokes, and look at bright pictures in books with him. At the request of adults, the child shows what is drawn, repeats words, phrases, then simple sentences.

For young children, they are simple to perform, easy to remember, improve overall coordination of movements, and remarkably develop children's speech:

  • S.O. Ermakova " Finger games for children from one to three years old"
  • I.A. Ermakova “Developing fine motor skills in children”
  • O.I. Krupenchuk “Ladushki. Finger games for kids"

Games for speech development in younger preschoolers

At the age of 3 to 5 years, the main purpose of speech games is the accumulation of vocabulary along with active formation lexico-grammatical structure of the language.

Game "Find out by description." Adult enough in simple words describes one of 5-7 real objects - toys, dishes, vegetables, fruits, or a picture with drawn animals, birds, which lie in front of the child on the table: this vegetable grows in the garden, it is red, round in shape, tastes sour sweet, it can be cut into salad; This is a pet with soft fur and a long tail that can meow and catch mice.

After listening to the description, the child shows and names the guessed object. If he already speaks well enough, let him describe something from the objects lying in front of him, and you will have to guess what he was talking about.

To develop speech breathing, it is very useful to blow, make a “storm in a glass” - blow into a cocktail tube placed in a glass of water, blow boats in a small basin, blow paper snowflakes or pieces of cotton wool from your palms. To form correct pronunciation There are special tongue twisters and tongue twisters for different sounds; they can be found on any speech therapy site on the Internet.

Repeating a poem after you or voicing a character in a fairy tale, the child can, upon request, speak in a loud or quiet voice, at a fast or slow pace, with different pitches of voice: roughly, like a bear, thinly, like a mouse. This perfectly develops the strength of the voice, helps to normalize the rate of speech when the child speaks too quickly or slowly.

Games with construction sets, laying out mosaics or puzzles, joint production of appliqués, coloring pictures, are primarily useful for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, development spatial thinking and imagination. But such activities of the child have a very beneficial effect on the development of his speech. Therefore, the development of manual skills should be given as much attention as possible.

Games for speech development in older preschoolers

The age from 5 years until the child enters school is very important for the formation of the correct pronunciation of all speech sounds, the development of coherent speech, and preparation for learning to read and write.

Games contribute to the formation of sound culture of speech:

  • “Catch a sound” - an adult lists different sounds, syllables, words, the child claps his hands when he hears a given sound;
  • “Name 5 words” - the child comes up with words for a given sound;
  • “Find the right words” - the child combines pictures into several piles according to the given sounds;

Games help develop coherent speech and enrich vocabulary:

  • “Confusion” - the adult says sentences in which the words are mixed up, the child corrects the mistakes;
  • “I know 5 objects” - the adult says some general word: vegetables, furniture, dishes, school supplies, and the child lists 5 objects related to them;
  • “Say the opposite” - the adult names the word, the child selects its opposite meaning;
  • "Find extra word“- the adult lists 4 words each, for example: carrot, banana, tomato, cucumber. The child explains why the word banana is “superfluous”;
  • “Make a fairy tale” - the adult names a few words, for example: elephant, walk, dog, friend, and the child comes up with a short fairy tale story with them;

Riddles are very useful, they develop logical thinking, expand knowledge about the world around us and significantly enrich vocabulary.

Games that prepare you for mastering reading:

  • “Come up with words based on the sound...”
  • “Count how many sounds are in a word”
  • “Come up with sentences based on pictures”
  • “Count how many words are in a sentence”
  • "Find the same letter"
  • “Which letters are drawn incorrectly”

Timely and fully developed speech is the main means of communication and a way of understanding the world around us. There are a huge number of games that will make the process of its development exciting, educational, which you can play at home, on a walk, or on special occasions. organized classes. They help solve many related speech problems: develop the sound culture of speech, form a vocabulary and lexico-grammatical structure of speech.

Don’t be lazy to play with your child, spend more time on his development, and don’t transfer these functions to the computer and TV. And then he will grow up literate, sociable, positive person who can independently overcome any difficulties.

Olga Lavitskaya, speech therapist, especially for the Active Mom website

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