Human activity aimed at creation. Definition of a healthy lifestyle. Conscious human activity is fundamentally different from the behavior of animals: - not necessarily related to biological

1) cognition 2) work 3) communication 4) forecasting

A18. The conscious image of the intended result is:

1) motive 2) goal 3) necessity 4) need

A19. Are the judgments about the activity correct:

A) The unit of human activity is action.

B) The unit of human behavior is an action.

A20. Are the judgments about the activity correct:

A) Practical activities are aimed at transforming nature and society.

B) Spiritual activity is aimed at changing people’s consciousness.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

Part 2.

IN 1. Fill in the blanks in the diagram.

AT 2. Fill in the blank in the diagram.

AT 3. Match the types of activities and their characteristic features.

Signs Activities

1) the result is the assimilation of values ​​A) work

and norms of national culture B) teaching

2) the result is satisfaction

material needs

3) the result is the creation

material and spiritual benefits

4) the essence is the transformation of objects

material world

5) the essence is the development of experience

previous generations

Part 3.

Read the text and complete tasks C1 - C6

Consciousness and activity.

Like animal activity, activity is an information-oriented process that presupposes the ability to navigate the environment - to perceive significant messages, process them into command codes of behavior that cause, direct and control the physical response of the system...

Human information behavior is determined by consciousness, which represents the highest form of development of the psyche of animals that have a nervous system, capable of sensing, perceiving and imagining the surrounding reality. Human consciousness is based on the ability for verbal-logical, “verbal” thinking, which builds on the system of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes of behavior and completes the simplest forms of “pre-logical” - visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking. Any person, unlike an animal, has a certain minimum of abstract thinking, which allows him to reflect the environment through logical models, ideal courses of action, relatively independent, independent of momentary behavioral situations.

The result of such work of consciousness is the presence in human activity of a special kind of goals, different from the objective goals of the adaptive activity of animals. We are talking about conscious goals of activity related to a person’s ability to analyze a situation, i.e. reveal implicit cause-and-effect relationships of significant components that are not amenable to “live observation”... This ability allows people to predict the results of their activities in advance, to plan them, i.e. think through the most

ways to achieve them that are appropriate under given conditions.

K. X. Momozhyan.

C 1. Highlight the main semantic parts of the text. Give each of them a title (make a text plan).

C 4. Which of the two concepts - purposefulness and expediency should be attributed to human activity? Justify your answer based on this text, as well as knowledge from the social studies course.

expedient human activity aimed at creating material and spiritual values

Alternative descriptions

The great cure for all the diseases and sorrows of mankind

The newspaper that awarded Blokhin for his performance

The key to all keyholes

He and patience will fray everything

A renegade of violent pleasures, Onegin locked himself at home, Yawning, took up his pen, Wanted to write - but... stubborn He was sick of it. (A. Pushkin, “Eugene Onegin”)

Work, business, occupation

Work, activity related to the creation of something

Roman by E. Zola

With patience - everything will grind

Synonym for work, occupation

A word to which the epithets “vain” and “monkey” are equally suitable.

Pushkin's verse

Purposeful human activity aimed at creating material, artistic and spiritual values ​​and an important moral and ethical category in the people's worldview

Central newspaper

Human activity disliked by the fish in the pond (folklore)

Poem by Pushkin

. “Respect... the cleaning ladies!”

The novel by American writer Reynolds Price “Love and...”

This word in Old Russian meant sadness, suffering

Mental or overbearing

The best cure for laziness

Monkey's aimlessness

The Creator of Man from an Atheist's Point of View

Monkey converter

He made a man out of a monkey and a horse out of a man

And Sisyphus and Monkey

Patience's grinding partner

Work, occupation

Result of activity, work

Together with patience, he will grind everything out

He made a man out of a monkey

You can't catch a fish without it

Comes before May, but after the world

Novel by the French writer E. Zola

Engine of evolution

The ally of patience in grinding everything

Sisyphus or Monkey

Useful stuff


Crafts lesson

Handicraft lesson at school

Useful activity

. "peace, ..., May!"

Partner of Patience

Patience and... everything will grind

Patience and... everything will grind

The proverbial grinder

That which ennobles a person


Patience's ally


. “patience and... they will grind everything out” (messenger)

Sisyphus and Monkey

Soviet newspaper

Coming after the world

. "t" in GTO

Lesson on making a stool

In which lesson is a stool given?

Popular newspaper

Brother of patience by grinding

Russian newspaper

Monastic obedience

The work that created man from an ape

Newspaper of the proletariat

Workers' newspaper

The meaning of the second letter in GTO

. “...relieves anxiety much better than alcohol”

Sports Society

Human production activity

The work being done on something

Work, activity related to the creation of something

Work, business, occupation, human activity

Materials for testing in social studies in grade 10 (major level)

Man differs from animals in that he

1) has natural instincts

2) has the most perfect hearing

3) does not depend on natural conditions

4) has articulate speech

Distinguishes man from animal

1) use of natural objects

2) the desire to understand the world around us

3) adaptation to environmental conditions

4) instinct of self-preservation

Man is a unity of three components: biological, mental, social. The social component includes

1) knowledge and skills

2) feelings and will

3) physical development

4) age characteristics

Specific traits inherent in a particular individual (organism) due to a combination of hereditary and acquired properties refer to characteristics

1) person

2) individual

3) personalities

4) individuality

What term is used to designate the unique originality, specific features inherent in a person?

1) individual

2) activist

4) individuality

The terms “uniqueness”, “distinctive features”, “otherness” are used to describe a person as

1) personalities

2) individual

3) individuality

4) citizen

The similarity between humans and animals is manifested in the fact that they have

1) various sensations

2) articulate speech

3) rational thinking

4) opportunities for self-development

Unlike animals, humans are capable of expressing

1) dependence on the environment

2) instinctive reactions to environmental influences

3) genetic determination of behavior

4) critical attitude towards oneself

Are the following statements about a person true?

A. Man is a being who participates in the creation of himself.

B. Any one person is enough to judge all people by him.

Are the following statements true?

A. What distinguishes humans from animals is the ability to create a sociocultural environment.

B. What distinguishes humans from animals is the ability to work together.

1) only A is true 3) both A and B are true

2) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

11. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

“(1) Both humans and animals have a nervous system and are capable of sensing and perceiving the surrounding reality. (2) But unlike animals, man has abstract thinking and is able to realize the goals of his activity and foresee its results. (3) It can be stated that thanks to this, man rose above all living organisms and subjugated nature. (4) All human actions are thoughtful and aimed at further strengthening his position as the “king of nature.”

Determine which provisions are

A) factual nature

B) the nature of value judgments

A sign of the concept “human activity” is

1) dominance of biological needs

2) adaptive nature

3) focus

4) mandatory use of tools

13. Generalization of the properties of objects in concepts is typical for the activity:

2) socially transformative

3) spiritual and practical

4) spiritual-theoretical

Students study economic literature related to the creation and use of society's material resources. This is an example activity

1) material and production

2) educational and cognitive

3) value-oriented

4) socially transformative

Determining the possible consequences of changes in preferential payments to socially vulnerable citizens is an activity

1) practical

2) value-oriented

3) educational

4) prognostic

What distinguishes human activity from animal behavior is

1) creating an ideal image of the expected result

2) use of objects given by nature

3) appropriate activity

4) search for means to satisfy needs

Oceanologists study the life of the inhabitants of the seabed. What type of activity does this example illustrate?

1) material

2) spiritual

3) social

4) economic

The farmer cultivates the land using special equipment. The subject of this activity is

2) technology

3) cultivated crop

4) farmer

Unlike animal behavior, human activity is

1) transformative

2) adaptive

3) collective

4) gun

Older teenagers help their parents cultivate the cucumber beds at their dacha. The subjects of this activity are

2) beds with cucumbers

3) older teenagers

4) tools and garden equipment

College students undergo internships at a company that produces electronic equipment. Student activity is an example of activity

1) material and production

2) educational and cognitive

3) value-oriented

4) socially transformative

Textbooks, anthologies, collections of problems and exercises for university students are

1) objects of activity

2) subjects of activity

3) goals of activity

4) means of activity

Human activity aimed at creating material and spiritual benefits useful to society is

1) cognition

3) communication

4) forecasting

A person in the process of his daily life must follow a number of rules (norms of behavior) to ensure personal physical, spiritual and social well-being and maintain health. These rules include:

  • the ability to maintain psychological balance in difficult life situations;
  • the ability to ensure a high level of physical fitness;
  • the ability to adequately respond to dangerous and emergency situations;
  • the ability to properly build relationships in society.

All this constitutes the basic norms of a healthy lifestyle. As a rule, this concept is based on motivated human behavior aimed at ensuring, strengthening and maintaining health.

It does not take into account that the freedom to choose behavior (lifestyle) in modern conditions often does not depend on a specific person, but depends on social conditions (ecological situation, cultural environment, financial capabilities, stressful influences).

Therefore, the concept of healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle) should be interpreted as “optimal quality of life”, determined by motivated human behavior aimed at creating, maintaining and strengthening health in real conditions of exposure to natural and social environmental factors.

The influence of natural factors (chemical, physical, biological) on a person’s lifestyle is largely determined by the environmental situation in a particular region and, as a rule, is associated not with their natural state, but with anthropogenic adverse impacts caused by human activity.

The main social circumstances that determine the way of life are work, life, and socio-economic structure. Among the factors of labor, the leading ones are its severity, intensity, regime, the nature of the connection between a person and a tool, and external working conditions.

Lifestyle may depend on living conditions, including environmental conditions (microclimate, air condition, lighting, ventilation, etc.), and the nature of nutrition, clothing, water quality, daily routine, including rest and sleep.

The socio-economic structure is characterized by the socio-legal status, level of education, culture and social activities.

It follows that the problem of healthy lifestyle can be solved by improving the quality of life in all of the above areas. Eliminating and overcoming factors that provoke health problems (risk factors) will help improve human health.

The main approaches to creating a healthy lifestyle are:

  • ensuring socio-economic conditions for the full functioning of people;
  • the activity of the person himself in establishing a lifestyle that meets health requirements.

A healthy lifestyle creates the best conditions for the occurrence of physiological and mental processes, which reduces the likelihood of various diseases and increases human life expectancy. Leading a different lifestyle, a person, by his behavior, damages his own health: the normal course of physiological processes is often disrupted, the vital forces of the body are mostly spent on compensating for the harm caused to health. At the same time, the likelihood of various diseases increases, accelerated wear and tear of the body occurs, and life expectancy is reduced.

In order to create a healthy lifestyle system, you need to know the factors that have a positive effect on health. These include following a daily routine, rational nutrition, hardening, physical education and sports, and good relationships with people around you.

Factors that negatively affect health should also be taken into account: smoking, alcohol and drug use, emotional and mental stress, unfavorable environmental conditions in places of residence.

To maintain a healthy lifestyle, a person needs to create a behavioral system based on knowledge of factors that contribute to maintaining health.

At the same time, it is necessary to constantly adjust your behavior taking into account the experience gained, age characteristics, changing conditions of the social environment and interaction with other people. This behavioral restructuring requires additional effort. Therefore, it is necessary to imagine the ultimate goal of the effort: what you want to achieve by leading a healthy lifestyle. Briefly, this goal can be formulated as follows: well-being for yourself, for your family and for the state.

Development of personal qualities necessary for maintaining a healthy lifestyle:

  • have a clearly formulated goal in life and have psychological stability in life situations;
  • know the forms of your behavior that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health;
  • strive to be the master of your life; believe that the lifestyle you lead will produce positive results;
  • develop a positive attitude towards life, perceive every day as a small life, be able to enjoy life;
  • develop a sense of self-respect, the awareness that you are not living in vain, that you are able to solve all the tasks facing you and know how to do it;
  • constantly maintain a physical activity regime, since there are no other means that could replace movement;
  • observe food rules and hygiene;
  • observe the work and rest schedule, follow the rules of personal hygiene;
  • be an optimist, moving along the path of improving health, set achievable goals, do not dramatize failures, remember that perfection is, in principle, an unattainable thing;
  • rejoice in success in all human endeavors, knowing that success breeds success.

Rene Descartes had a saying about how important it is to first determine the meaning of words in order to rid the world of its errors. Indeed, most often our misunderstanding and erroneous ideas about reality stem from ignorance of the true meaning and content of those concepts with the help of which we try to reflect its individual fragments. Therefore, we will also begin with the definition of the meaning of the word “education”.

Typically this word in Russian is used in two meanings. Firstly, education is the appearance, structure, creation, organization of something. For example, education, or organization, ethics commission, education, or emergence, of a cultural layer, education, or creation, of a new family, etc. Secondly, education is everything that is associated with the acquisition of knowledge.

It is in this sense that education is closely related to its root word “image.” By the way, in many languages ​​the word “image” is a face, picture, display, representation of something or someone. In philosophy, an image is an ideal form of reflection or construction of objective reality (i.e., a certain idea, a concept about it). Essentially, this means that education is closely related to the formation (appearance, creation, arrangement) of an image or images - pictures, ideas, concepts about the world in the human mind, or, what is the same, education is the process of introducing a person to the universal, his entry into the universal. Actually, this is how Hegel defines education, emphasizing its meaning in the elevation to the spirit, to freedom, in bringing the individuality of man to universality. It is this approach to defining education that is used in scientific discourse today.

Education is considered the process of introducing a person to the universal - socially significant ideas, concepts, forms of behavior. At the same time, it is always noted that education is an ascent, the elevation of a person above his natural essence, his entry into the sphere of spirit (cultural values ​​created by humanity throughout its history). At the same time, the essence of education lies not only in the assimilation of universal (socially significant) experience and knowledge of people, but also in the subjectivization (refraction) of this experience and knowledge into forms of comprehension and creation by each person of his own activities (changes in his self-awareness). In other words, education is also the formation, development (enrichment) of the personality itself as an individual (individual) person, when the universal in it acquires a unique, inimitable form.

That is why we can say that the essence of education lies in the formation of a person’s personality, in which two measures of its existence must be harmoniously combined: the socially significant in the individual and the individual in the socially significant. Actually, this means that education is a social phenomenon, since its meaning and purpose in the life of society is to organize and carry out specialized activities for the formation and development of individuals - “individual ensembles of all social relations” (E.V. Ilyenkov).

Education as an activity for the formation and development of personality is closely related to socialization - the process of a person’s entry into various parts of social life and his integration into the surrounding social order. More precisely, socialization is a necessary process of mastering by every human individual the norms, roles, attitudes accepted in given segments of a particular stage of development of society, through both his own activity and third-party (alien) influence, the influence of parents and friends on him , as well as schools and other public institutions.

A person lives in society, he is a social being, because outside of society, outside of relationships with other people, he cannot live. However, a person is not born a social being immediately, he becomes one in the process of socialization. This means that socialization is a natural process of a person acquiring his social essence, and therefore is a necessary process of existence of all people, since a person becomes such through adaptation to generally significant forms of life of people in society. In this regard, we can say that education solves the problems of human socialization, his entry into society and inclusion in it. Thus, socialization, like the education of an individual, is also associated with the expansion of his everyday world by increasing knowledge, experience about the worlds of other people and adapting his own world to their requirements.

Naturally, in the process of socialization of a person, his everyday world expands due to an increase in knowledge and the acquisition of experience in relationships with the world and with other people. All this means that education is immanently included in socialization, accompanies and directs the process of a person’s entry into the social order that surrounds him. Already with such a general comparison of socialization and education of people, it seems that in essence these processes are identical and interchangeable. However, upon closer examination, it turns out that they not only often do not coincide, but sometimes even oppose each other. All this requires paying close attention to the relationship between the processes of socialization and education of people, especially in the conditions of modern social development.

Socialization of a person is carried out both through a person’s own activity and third-party activity - the influence of family, school, other social institutions and people. True, the distribution of activity of the person himself and his environment in the processes of socialization largely depends and is determined both by the type of socialization and by the structure of social connections of people in society itself.

As for the types of socialization of people, they usually distinguish between primary and secondary socialization. Primary socialization refers to the processes of acquiring skills for living in a family and social environment during childhood. Secondary socialization - all subsequent forms of a person’s entry into various segments of social life - is possible only on the basis of the primary one. It deals with a socialized person (who has mastered elementary collective forms of life) who has become an adult and is now able to consciously and generally independently navigate the system of branched social connections and play responsible roles in them. In the process of secondary socialization, a person learns and reproduces various social practices, seeks and finds his place in society. It is clear that during primary socialization the activity of the person (child) himself is minimal; it is almost entirely directed by forces external to him: family, school, immediate environment. With secondary socialization, a person’s own activity, independent search for his place and role in social structures are maximized. However, this does not mean that the importance of education within the framework of secondary socialization is narrowed. In the context of modern processes of globalization and informatization of people's social life, the role of education in various forms of self-education is significantly increasing. The process of socialization of a person, his entry, adaptation to existing social relations is not always realized by him (especially at the initial stages of human development), it often takes place spontaneously, which means it is carried out with certain costs, and does not always lead to the desired result. In addition, the process of socialization is mainly aimed only at the formation of certain socially significant qualities of a person, because socialization limits and even largely impedes the development of what is individually special and unique in a person. All this explains why specialized pedagogical activity is also necessary in the social life of people, i.e. purposeful education and training, and why they play such an important role in people's lives.

Analyzing the relationship between the processes of socialization and education in modern society, it is important to note that each of them occurs both consciously and spontaneously. Consciously (purposefully) because they are carried out through setting individually significant goals in achieving a specific result. Spontaneously - because a person is not fully aware of how one or another of his actions may turn out in the future. However, even in the conditions of the spontaneous occurrence of these processes, a person also gains experience and knowledge of his actions in society. True, unlike socialization, the process of education is, of course, mainly purposeful. It is coordinated and regulated by society and its institutions. Although there is no doubt that a person can direct the process of his education himself. However, the content of his self-education, i.e. the very knowledge and attitudes of behavior in society in the form in which they exist cannot be constructed by the person himself. They can only be chosen or not chosen by the individual and, to one degree or another, transformed and adapted by him for himself. That is why a person, in his socialization through self-education, cannot always overcome the element (disorder) of knowledge and experience, their mosaic (fragmentation). After all, the process of socialization, especially at its secondary stage, is almost always an independent process of a person’s search for himself, his “I,” a process of trial and error. This is a process that, one might say, gives a person the opportunity to maintain a distance in relation to the prevailing system of norms and values ​​in society. It allows him to be critical of certain institutions of the social environment, the forces that interfere with his self-affirmation, to do as he wants - and in this sense, to resist social pressure. Therefore, the modern German philosopher Jurgen Habermas is right when he says that the process of socialization does not cover the whole person, meaning that this process - to conform to society - covers only part of his personality. However, society wants a person to fit completely into its structure, to correspond to the existing relationships: to be a literate, social and moral citizen, a respectable family man, a worthy professional, etc. In other words, any society or state strives to achieve from each of its members that they meet some specific standard of its expectations and requirements. After all, no one wants so-called “losers” to rise in society - individuals who have lost themselves socially, embittered, unadapted to communication with other people, declassed elements with missing or lost socially significant skills.

At the same time, it is clear that approaching the achieved social (civilized) standard is a very complex process, and it requires more and more time (due to the dynamism of society and the increasing number of tasks facing it). That is why purposeful (target-rational and, naturally, value-rational, according to Max Weber) special activities of society are necessary, which projects and directs the processes of socialization of people. This special activity is certainly socially significant, i.e. adapted to the tasks of social development and, of course, therefore somewhat averaged training for young people to master the complex forms and functions of community life, activities in the various structures of social life. Undoubtedly, this activity, being preparatory and projective, is also more accelerated (outpacing the real process of socialization). It is in this - in the creation of spiritual support in life, the development of prudence and other useful properties of people's suitability in society - that, in essence, the purpose of education is manifested. In this sense, education is a necessary component of the purposeful, consciously directed and carried out by society of human socialization.

Without education, its orientation towards the universal, socially significant and at the same time its direction towards enriching the self-awareness of the individual, the development of his identity, there is no effective socialization, i.e. these two processes - education and socialization - are, as it were, “in one bottle.” We can say that, in essence, education is the most important means (tool) for regulating the processes of socialization of people. At the same time, education, being a social institution, a specialized activity of society for the formation and development of a person, directs, regulates and carries out the process of socialization - the process of people entering society and adapting to its structures.

Education allows you to build and carry out the socialization of people more quickly and more effectively, to shine to the fullest and limit its spontaneous moments associated with all kinds of trial and error of a person in his formation, development and search for his social food. After all, education presupposes the presence of some desirable generally or individually significant model or role model for a person’s assimilation of the transmitted experience of humanity. In education, the significant experience of people is compressed (by the way, this is also a certain difference between education), which is conveyed to a person in the process of his socialization. In addition, we emphasize that education, conveying the socially significant experience accumulated by humanity, is initially oriented and prepares people for the life of any, and not just any specific society. It (education) is intended, so to speak, to save a person from the need to go through all stages of social development, to prevent him from making those mistakes that took place in the experience of previous generations of people. Therefore, we can say that both socialization and education of a person occur throughout a person’s life and the importance of education in it is constantly increasing. This is the general trend in the development of socialization and education of modern society.

Speaking about the dependence of the processes of socialization and education on the structure of social ties of society, one cannot help but see that even in the modern era, some features of differentiation of methods of socialization of people depending on their belonging to one or another social group are preserved. At the same time, one cannot help but notice how social mobility and the current system of mass education contribute to the overall equalization of the ways in which people from different social groups undergo socialization. Consequently, education is an active process of purposeful, and often simultaneously value-rational, action of the educator, teacher (teacher) on the student. However, this does not mean that the student or student is only a passive element of pedagogical influences; he is not clay from which anything can be sculpted. Without them (students, pupils) the educational (pedagogical) process is generally impossible and will never be successful. They enter into the educational process, and therefore they themselves then actively participate in this educational, pedagogical process. They not only often correct the target and value rationality of the pedagogical process, but sometimes they can even determine the course and methods of implementing their education.

Education as the purposeful introduction of individuals into the life of society, during which the assimilation of social experience, cultural values ​​and its (society's) development is carried out, includes two closely interconnected processes (sides): education and training (enlightenment). Education and training always interact, which means that it is impossible to separate or isolate one from the other.

The upbringing and training of people is a necessary and essential part of their socialization and education at the same time, a purposeful activity for the formation and development of certain personal qualities of a person as a social being. That is why education, in the unity of teaching and upbringing, is the most important social institution of any society. It is through the system of education and training that the social inheritance of cultural values ​​occurs: experience, knowledge, skills and abilities are passed on from generation to generation. Education replicates, distributes these values, preserves (consolidates) and adapts them to the specific living conditions of people in society. It is almost everywhere considered as a necessary institution for the organization of people’s lives in society, since it declares and provides a system of various ideas and actions aimed at improving the social system and achieving the common good. This has always been the case and will continue to be so, for education truly strives to open people to the most effective ways of satisfying their needs and ensuring their well-being. It enables people to know and exercise their rights, understand and fulfill their responsibilities.

Although education and training are closely interrelated, they nevertheless (each of them) have their own purpose and a certain meaning in the educational process aimed at a person. Therefore, you need to be able to breed them.

Education is a purposeful activity for the formation and development of a person’s personality, his certain sociocultural and individual qualities as a member of society. This activity is identical to the pedagogical activity itself, because it is always aimed at solving, including specific tasks related to adjusting human behavior in society (being obedient, neat, polite, punctual, etc.). Naturally, here we must keep in mind that education is not just recommendations, advice and calls, but also a dynamic intervention in consciousness, as well as a person’s behavior, for any educational process is a change in his being and his cultivation. By the way, it is interesting that not all cultures interpret education in this way. In Buddhism, for example, it is believed that education does not cultivate or remake a person, but only reveals his nature.

Learning is also a purposeful activity through which the acquisition and assimilation (formation) of knowledge, abilities, skills, and the development of a person’s mental strength and abilities are carried out. Both education and training, being closely interrelated aspects of a person’s education, simultaneously act as types of spiritual production of his personality. Education is a cognitive-theoretical way of mastering the world, during which a person develops a certain picture of the world. Education is a spiritual and practical way of mastering reality, a way of behavior and human action in this world. This means that learning creates an object for a person (knowledge, an image of the world), and education forms a person as a subject for this object (for this knowledge, an image, a picture of the world). In other words, learning creates an object for a person (knowledge, an image of the world), while education forms the subject, that is, the person himself, conscious of himself, ready to consciously act for this object - the world around him and himself. It is clear that with all the differences in training and education, one does not exist without the other, as has already been noted. This circumstance is well illustrated by the example of art. After all, every work of art is a certain image of an object, its knowledge, a vision of the internal and external world of this object. However, a person does not just contemplate an object, there is an impact of this work on a person. A desire arises, a person’s desire to correspond, to resemble (or vice versa not to resemble) this image given by the work of art, i.e. purposefully develop the necessary qualities in yourself. The latter fits well with what Pablo Picasso once said when he painted a portrait of a lady at her request: “Madame, I have finished your portrait, now do everything to be like him.”

Any education, as well as the upbringing and training of people, is a two-way process. Essentially, this means that education is not valid unless there is a connection (counter movement towards each other) of the subject and object of education and training. It is usually said that Pestalozzi himself will be powerless, i.e. will not be able to realize its goals if the meaning of teaching and upbringing is not accepted by their object, if there is no counter-movement between the teacher and his pupils. This means that a person can become educated only when he himself is also formed, for education is also a “difficult and irritating struggle” (Hegel) of a person with himself.

So, training and education are interconnected and necessary parts of education both as a social institution and as the pedagogical activity of people in any society. It is difficult to separate them from each other, and they do not exist separately from each other. It has always been this way: by teaching, we educate, and by educating, we teach. Naturally, education (upbringing and training) as a social institution is not created by the will of an individual. Education and training are functions of society, conditioned by certain conditions that are always specific. Consequently, under certain specific conditions, only a very specific upbringing and training of people (education system) exists and can exist. This means that if society is totalitarian, then training and education are basically also totalitarian. In a theocratic society, religious indoctrination of people by the entire educational system existing in it is not excluded. If conformism flourishes in society, then manifestations of conformism will also dominate in the education system.

At the same time, one cannot help but see that living conditions, as well as the educational systems corresponding to them, are created by people themselves, their needs and interests, which are then formalized into goals, including their pedagogical activities. And therefore, people can break and transform these conditions, as well as not change anything in them, adapting to them, accordingly preserving the existing forms of organization and functioning of their educational institutions.

  • See: Hegel G. Philosophical propaedeutics // Hegel G. Works of different years: in 2 volumes. T. 2.M., 1973.
  • Mikeshina L. A. Hermeneutic meanings of education // Philosophy of Education. M., 1996. P. 44.
  • Berger Luckman T. Social construction of reality: a treatise on sociology. M., 1995. P. 213.
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