Activity approach in Russian language lessons. System-activity approach in Russian language lessons, as the main condition for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Taking “Fantastic Supplement”

System-activity approach in lessons

Russian language and literature


This article lists the reasons for the need to change the educational paradigm of a modern school. The author of the article gives examples of how to put into practice the system-activity approach in Russian language and literature lessons.


Systematic-activity approach, universal educational

actions, educational activities, personal results.

The basic document of the Concept of New Educational Standards is the program for the development of universal educational activities, designed to specify the requirements for the results of general education and to supplement the traditional content of educational programs. Why did this become a necessity?

Modern man lives in a flow of large amounts of information. Television, the media, and the Internet require new ways of mastering it. Today, a school graduate is not able to cope with the new demands put forward by life, since, first of all, he is only a performer, armed with a sum of knowledge. Therefore, the task of a modern school is to form a person who improves himself, who is able to make decisions independently, be responsible for them, and find ways to implement them, i.e. master meta-subject skills, including personal results (system of value relations, interests, motivation of students).

A new approach to understanding educational results determines the need to abandon the usual education paradigm. Simple transfer of new knowledge, demonstration of new subject actions (which should turn into abilities and skills), exercises, questioning and marking by the teacher cannot ensure the fulfillment of the requirements of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard, does not awaken the need for self-education, fetters the initiative and desire of children to learn new things, analysis of the information received.

Due to the fact that the priority direction of the new educational standards is the implementation of the developmental potential of general secondary education, ensuring the development of universal educational activities as the actual psychological component of the fundamental core of the content of education becomes an urgent task. Therefore, the most important task is to form a set of universal educational actions as meta-subject results of education.

The Federal State Educational Standard is based on a system-activity approach, which assumes a focus on educational results as a system-forming component of the Standard, where the development of the student’s personality based on the mastery of universal educational actions, knowledge and mastery of the world is the goal and main result of education. This approach is conceptually based on ensuring that students’ educational activities correspond to their age and individual characteristics.

The teacher does not always have a clear idea of ​​how to implement the activity approach in practice. The essence of the system-activity paradigm is not that the student is asked to perform certain actions that will lead him to the creation of a specific educational result. The main thing here is the student’s personal initiative, mastery of universal learning activities (personal, cognitive, regulatory, communicative). It is the students who become the main “acting heroes” in the lesson. Their activities should be meaningful, personally significant: what do I want to do? Why am I doing this? How do I do this? How did I do this? Only motivated and activity-based learning can be personality-oriented and developmental.

A modern lesson should form universal educational activities that provide schoolchildren with the ability to learn, the ability for self-development and self-improvement. The development of positive motivation for learning is facilitated by the general atmosphere in the school and classroom: the student’s involvement in various types of activities, the cooperative relationship between teacher and student, the involvement of students in assessment activities and the formation of adequate self-esteem in them. It is in the lessons of the Russian language and literature that the formation of such basic competencies as general cultural, information, and communication takes place. This implies the relevance of implementing a system-activity approach in teaching the Russian language and literature.

The teacher’s task when introducing material is not to explain, tell and show everything in an accessible way, but to organize the children’s work in such a way that they themselves come up with a solution to the key problem of the lesson and themselves explain how to act in new conditions. Children independently find their mistakes, identify the cause of these mistakes, they are given the opportunity to independently correct mistakes and make sure that their corrections are correct, and learn to reflect on their activities.

The fundamental difference between the technology of the activity method and the technology of the traditional explanatory and illustrative teaching method is, firstly, that the proposed structure describes the activities of students, not teachers, and in addition, systematic training of a full list of activity abilities is provided. This technology is integrated in nature: it synthesizes ideas that do not conflict with each other from the concepts of developmental education of leading Russian teachers and psychologists from the standpoint of continuity of the traditional school.

For pedagogical technology, as for any other, the pedagogical conditions for its implementation must be determined - didactic principles. Thus, the implementation of the activity method technology in practical teaching is ensured by the following system of didactic principles:

the principle of activity is that the student, receiving knowledge not in a ready-made form, but obtaining it himself, is aware of the content and forms of his educational activity;

the principle of continuity - means continuity between all levels and stages of education;

the principle of integrity - involves the formation in students of a generalized systemic understanding of the world;

the minimax principle - the school must offer the student the opportunity to master the content of education at the maximum level for him;

the principle of psychological comfort - creating a friendly atmosphere focused on the implementation of cooperation pedagogy;

the principle of variability - the formation of abilities to systematically enumerate options and adequate decision-making;

the principle of creativity is maximum focus on creativity in the educational process, students’ acquisition of their own experience of creative activity.

Where to start for a teacher moving to new standards? Probably, first of all, by rethinking the most important thing - preparing and conducting a lesson under new requirements.

The implementation of the activity method in literature and Russian language lessons will allow:

improve the quality of training;

understand the aesthetic values ​​of the Russian language; respect for the native language; desire for speech self-improvement;

to form communicative, linguistic and linguistic (linguistic) and cultural competencies;

to form a sufficient amount of vocabulary, the ability for self-esteem based on observation of one’s own speech;

to form cultural-moral and moral-ethical norms, up to the ability for self-education based on humanistic ideals;

apply acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in everyday life;

to form communicatively appropriate interaction with people around in the process of verbal communication, joint performance of any task.

acquire the basics of scientific knowledge about your native language;

to form active abilities in sufficient completeness, up to the ability for self-development.

The first thing a teacher who begins to work within the framework of a systemic activity approach should remember is that the lesson notes should reflect the implementation of the activity approach to organizing the educational process. As is known, the system-activity approach acts as the methodological basis of the standard. The construction of a lesson in the logic of a system-activity approach differs significantly from the classical idea of ​​the typology and structure of a lesson. The stages of the lesson should reflect the structural elements of the “activity”: motive, goal, actions to achieve it, result:

1). Motivation for learning activities.

This stage of the learning process involves the student’s conscious entry into the space of learning activity in the lesson.

2). "Discovery" of new knowledge.

The teacher offers students a system of questions and tasks that lead them to independently discover new things. As a result of the discussion, he draws a conclusion.

3). Primary consolidation.

Training tasks are completed with mandatory commenting and speaking out loud the learned algorithms of actions.

4). Independent work with self-test according to the standard.

When carrying out this stage, an individual form of work is used: students independently perform tasks of a new type and self-test them, step by step comparing them with the standard.

5). Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

At this stage, the limits of applicability of new knowledge are identified. Thus, all components of educational activity are effectively included in the learning process: learning tasks, methods of action, operations of self-control and self-assessment.

6). Reflection on learning activities in the lesson (result).

New content learned in the lesson is recorded, and reflection and self-assessment of students’ own learning activities is organized.

In the context of the transition to the New Generation Standards, many questions have arisen that are related to the implementation of educational programs in various subjects, including literature. Today we need to pay special attention to personal results (competencies), which determine the motivation and direction of an individual’s activity, and not to objective ones, as was done before.

The relationship between teacher and student within the framework of the system-activity approach (hereinafter referred to as SAP) is subject - subjective. This is reflected in changes in teaching technologies and in the improvement of the lesson plan.

What might be the lesson of literature within the framework of SDP? This question cannot now be answered unambiguously. Thus, from the analysis of modern literature methods, as well as on the basis of the experience of modern teachers working in this direction, we can identify some features, techniques and methods of a modern literature lesson within the framework of SDP.

Features of the structure and content of a literature lesson depend on the specific genre of the work being studied. It is the specifics of the genre that determine the choice of lesson type, setting goals, objectives, etc. SDP contains the communicative basis of the lessons, a dialogical form of mastering the work. Thus, the lesson should organize a dialogue between readers and the author and a dialogue between students about the text.

The teacher is faced with the task of creating a situation for students to communicate with the author and his work; the main thing here is not to impose a single correct point of view on students, but to encourage them to express their own judgments, organize a discussion, discuss what they read.

The dialogic model of studying a literary work distinguishes the lesson structure from the traditional one, introduces a variety of forms of delivery, and involves a greater number of options for its planning. The dialogue is aimed at mastering the content of the work, as well as at independently preparing students for its expressive reading (highlighting pauses, key words, intonation), for the reading itself, as well as conversation based on the text. Next, students are introduced to a work of fiction. Let's see what such literature lessons might look like.

    Stage of primary self-determination in the text .

At this stage, the following techniques are used: acquaintance with the author of the work and the title, genre; guessing the content of the text based on the title, epigraph, illustrations; expressive reading by the teacher of the text; step-by-step reading of the work by students (reading with comments, reading “following the author,” formulating questions, highlighting incomprehensible places, new words for children in the text, exchanging opinions, stopping in reading, suggesting possible developments of the plot, etc.).

    The stage of text analysis and interpretation of its meaning.

Analysis of the text should begin with setting the main task of the lesson by the teacher together with the students (determine the genre, period of writing, description of the characters, reveal the idea of ​​the work, understand what the author wanted to say, try to determine the intent, etc.). The main method of work is a creative dialogue between students and the author on the work. Type of work: developing methods of activity to solve the problem posed at the beginning of the lesson, drawing up assignments and questions based on the text; performing independent tasks on the text in subgroups, and then collective discussion of the results and observations obtained; research assignments for the work (choosing words and quotes that characterize characters, choosing ways to create images of characters, etc.), drawing up a text outline.

    The stage of working with the text of the work after reading .

At this stage, all observations of the text are systematized and summarized, the quality of solving problems posed at the beginning of the lesson, and completing test tasks are assessed (this can be any task, for example, testing, to assess each student’s level of reading comprehension, as well as his involvement in the work throughout lesson, and comprehension of the work). Then it is necessary to carry out creative work based on what has been read: a condensed retelling, a third-person retelling, dramatization, writing an essay, an essay, reproductions of scenes, a landscape of a work, illustrative display of the general mood of the work, unusual characterization of characters, oral drawing, etc.

When planning a literature lesson, the teacher must choose a form and logic of the lesson that will be more conducive to activating the creative activity of the student as a direct reader, cultivate in him a love and interest in reading, contribute to the accumulation of experience in communicating with the author and his work, and in ultimately enrich and expand the child’s moral consciousness, his ability to socialize - in other words, make a literature lesson a life lesson. It must be remembered that the lesson should be problematic and developmental, creative, it is necessary to take into account the level and capabilities of the students, which takes into account such aspects as the profile of the class, the aspirations and mood of the students, the conclusion must be made by the students themselves. And one more necessary condition must be met - the lesson must be good.

All of the above is necessary for conducting Russian language lessons. In addition, it must be said that a pre-planned, carefully thought-out lesson project would not hurt. How to prepare for a modern Russian language lesson?

Firstly, the teacher clearly defines what new knowledge should be revealed in the lesson. This could be a rule, an algorithm, a pattern, a concept, its relationship to the subject of research, etc.

Secondly, it is necessary to construct a problem situation. A problematic situation in a lesson can, of course, arise by itself, but in order to achieve the set goal, the teacher must clearly understand at what point the problem should arise, how best to handle it, so that its further resolution will lead to the intended result. Therefore, the problem situation must be well thought out and led to students independently formulating the problem of the lesson in the form of a topic, goal or question. This can be done in two ways: “with difficulty” or “with surprise.” The first method involves students receiving a task that cannot be completed without new knowledge. During the problem dialogue, the teacher leads students to realize the lack of knowledge and formulate the problem of the lesson in the form of a topic or goal. The second method involves a comparative analysis of two facts, opinions, assumptions. In the process of comparison, the teacher must make students aware of the discrepancy, the contradiction, which should cause surprise in them and lead to the formulation of the lesson problem in the form of a question.

Let's see how we can organize a problem situation in a Russian language lesson in the fifth grade. The topic of the lesson is “The imperative mood of the verb.”

Students are asked to answer the question: Why is the verb WRITE in one case written WRITE, and in another WRITE?

In the process of searching for a solution to this linguistic problem, students, using existing knowledge, will determine that the verb WRITE is I conjugation. This means that the form WRITE the future tense is written correctly. The WRITE form expresses a command, a request, an order, and this determines its writing. Thus, during the problematic dialogue, students formulate the lesson problem in the form of a topic:

What will be the topic of our lesson? (Imperative verb)

What will help us not make mistakes in writing verbs of different moods? (Knowledge of the morphemic composition of words.)

What is the composition of each form? (A variety of student answers, including erroneous ones, are possible here.)

What will help us make sure which of you is right? (Proof with specific examples.)

Let's find the right way to solve this issue.

After this, fifth-graders will be able to independently explain that in the form of the imperative mood -I- is a suffix that forms the form of the mood, and -TE- is the ending of the plural in the imperative mood. In the indicative form, which students are already familiar with, the plural ending is ETE.

Another example. When studying the topic “Spelling the letter I-Y after consonant prefixes,” work is carried out in groups. Each group receives cards with words in which they had to insert the missing letters (error task):


The test left the children bewildered: many made mistakes when completing the task. In this learning situation, students are faced with “difficulty”; they understand that in order to complete this task they need to gain new knowledge. Their questions lead to the formulation of a topic, setting a goal. Next, students put forward and test hypotheses. Children leave the lesson happy, because they themselves were able to resolve a problematic situation and answer all the questions.

Thirdly, the teacher must clearly plan his and the students’ actions. Once the problem of the lesson has been formulated, the main part of the lesson will begin - communication. At this stage, students are expected to work independently. When preparing for a lesson, the teacher must provide for possible options for “action development” in order to promptly direct students’ activities in the right direction. Therefore, when working on a lesson script, you should plan to use different techniques. For example, putting forward versions, updating previously acquired knowledge using brainstorming or performing a series of tasks on the studied material, drawing up a plan using elements of problem dialogue technology to determine the sequence of actions, their direction, and possible sources of information.

Fourthly, you need to plan your decisions correctly. When planning a solution to a problem, it is necessary: ​​firstly, to formulate your conclusion on the problem (the form of a rule, an algorithm, a description of a pattern, a concept), which, with the help of a teacher, students can come to on their own; secondly, to choose such sources for students to obtain the necessary new information to solve the problem, which will not contain a ready-made answer, conclusion, or formulation of new knowledge. This may be the observation of a situation in which the necessary knowledge is manifested. For example, in Russian language lessons, having seen the pattern of spelling, students can formulate the rule themselves, and only then test themselves using the textbook. This can be working with text (with a table, diagram, drawing), from which you can logically deduce the characteristics of a concept, a natural connection between phenomena, find arguments for your assessment, etc. Thirdly, it is necessary to design a dialogue to find a solution to the problem. You can provide a leading or encouraging dialogue.

Leading dialogue involves a chain of questions arising from one another, the correct answer to each of which is programmed in the question itself. Such dialogue contributes to the development of logic. A motivating dialogue consists of a series of questions to which different correct answers are possible. This dialogue develops students creatively. Finally, you should create an approximate reference signal (diagram, set of theses, table, etc.), which will appear on the board as students discover new knowledge or its elements. Ideally, each element of the reference signal should appear in dialogue with students as they solve the problem.

Next comes planning the result. The lesson script requires the teacher to think through a possible expression for solving the problem. For example, this could be an answer to the question: “So how did we solve the problem?”

And the final stage is planning tasks to apply new knowledge. It should be remembered that tasks should be of a problematic nature, aim the student at search or research activities, and involve individual or group work.

The introduction of modern pedagogical technologies is difficult but interesting work. The main thing is that it gives positive results. Students think independently, strive for creativity, and do not work according to a template. They are going into a big life, which will require school graduates to be able to make decisions quickly and independently. Only a thinking person who knows how to quickly solve the complex life problems that arise before him can find his place in life.


1. Aksenova N. I. System-activity approach as the basis for the formation of meta-subject results / N. I. Aksenova // Theory and practice of education in the modern world: materials of the international. scientific conf. (St. Petersburg, February 2012). - St. Petersburg: Renome, 2012. - pp. 140-142.

Internet sources

1 Sherstova E.V. System-activity approach in Russian language lessons. // Internet magazine "Eidos". - 2012. - No. 3.

2.System-activity approach to the lesson. Lesson designer. [Electronic resource] Access mode

3.Implementation of a system-activity approach to teaching in primary and high schools (from work experience) [Electronic resource] Access mode

4.System-activity approach to training and education

[Electronic resource] Access mode

5. All-Russian Internet Pedagogical Council [Electronic resource] Mode


6. Planned results of students mastering the basic

educational program of basic secondary (complete) general

education [Electronic resource] Access mode

“If you want something done well, do it yourself.”

That's what the German designer Ferdinand Porsche said and created the car of his dreams. Anyone can make their dream come true, but for this you need to make an effort and do everything yourself.

The beginning of the 21st century requires educated people to be able to independently navigate all types of extensive information and solve numerous production and social problems. This means that the near future will require from every student today independent thinking, the ability to understand the situation and find a solution.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation, the success of a modern person is determined by a focus on knowledge and the use of new technologies, an active life position, an attitude towards rational use of one’s time and designing one’s future, active financial behavior, effective social cooperation, a healthy and safe lifestyle. The implementation of these tasks is fully facilitated by the system-activity approach to training and education.

In my opinion, it is very important to positively motivate students in the classroom, that is, there must be inclusion of the student in different types of activities, a cooperative relationship between teacher and student, involvement of students in assessment activities and the formation of adequate self-esteem in them. In addition, the formation of motivation is facilitated by entertaining presentation, an unusual form of teaching the material, and the emotionality of the teacher’s speech; skillful use of encouragement and reprimand by the teacher.

In our lessons, the children and I directly work with words, sentences, and texts. I teach children how to make plans, notes, annotations and reviews of news reports; I teach you how to give reasons for your statements; I instill in students a careful, respectful attitude towards words.

Previously, the main task in relation to the student in literature lessons came down to the formula “Read and retell.” Now we need to teach how to search for information and use it. The teacher’s task is to develop in schoolchildren such reading skills as searching, selecting, and evaluating information from texts used in out-of-school situations. These reading skills not only sharpen students' minds, but also serve as the basis for academic success in all school disciplines and are a prerequisite for successful participation in most areas of adult life.

I am also preparing to take the OGE, where I will need to write a concise summary with elements of an essay. In Russian language and literature lessons, students must master a universal learning activity - read a text critically, condense it, remember the main thing, highlight it and write a short genre essay on it, formulating the problem of the text.

Literature lessons provide space for students' creative activity. When studying the text of “The Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh,” the students composed their own teachings: these were teachings to their sister, brother, classmates, and even to themselves.

In my work, I practice the note-taking method. It is very important that children develop the ability to make supporting notes in various forms. The background summary is compiled by the teacher for students or by children, or by the joint efforts of the teacher and children in dialogue. Thus, the ability to make a supporting note is one of the important general educational skills that prepares students for the presentation of their knowledge.

The most popular pedagogical technology in modern teaching is becomingproject method using ICT, since it is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the lesson. In such classes, the teacher presents students with this or that problem for independent research, knowing well its result, the course of solution and those features of creative activity that are required in the course of solving it. Thus, the construction of a system of such problems makes it possible to provide for the activities of students, which gradually lead to the formation of the necessary traits of a creative personality.

A special role is played by the outcome of the lesson, the so-called reflection stage , when traditionally the teacher asks the question: “Did you like the lesson?”, “What did you learn new?” This is in the past, but now we use various reflection techniques: a five-minute essay; syncwines; incomplete sentence method; ; free speech; emoticons, etc.

Another important point: to build a lesson within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, it is important to understand what should belesson performance criteria, regardless of which typology we adhere to.

Main stages of the research lesson:

■updating knowledge; ■motivation; ■creating a problematic situation;

■statement of the research problem; ■determination of the research topic;

■formulation of the purpose of the study; ■developing a hypothesis;

■testing hypotheses; ■interpretation of the received data;

■conclusion based on the results of the research work;

■application of new knowledge in educational activities;

■summarizing the lesson; ■homework.

The proposed approach to teaching the Russian language and literature has a number of advantages: students systematically gain skills in communication, cooperation, and self-regulation of behavior in a team. This happens in the familiar environment of a microgroup in which students are united. Working in microgroups gradually liberates the children, creates conditions of psychological comfort, teaches them to freely express their thoughts, prove their own conclusions, listen to others, respect other people’s points of view, argue, analyze their actions, and evaluate them. A personality is being formed that is capable of assessing the situation, seeing the problem, making a decision, implementing it and taking responsibility for one’s choice. The subjects Russian language and literature provide great opportunities for working with the use of ICT, since it is in these lessons that we directly work with words, sentences, and text; we teach children to make plans, notes, annotations and reviews of information messages; give reasons for your statements; We cultivate in students a careful, respectful attitude towards words.

In 5th grade, when studying the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin, it is necessary to formulate a theme.(A.S. Pushkin. “Ruslan and Lyudmila”).

Words written on the board: good always triumphs over evil.The disciples are offered a parable

Once upon a time, a Man lived in the world and did not know that Good and Evil existed on earth. A man set off on a journey and encountered a mountain on his way. There were two vessels on the top of the mountain. One vessel was filled with Good, the other with Evil. The Man became interested in the contents of the vessels, he decided to look inside and find out what Good and Evil are. He broke the jugs and all their contents were mixed up. The contents of the jugs filled the human soul. A person lives and does not know what good and evil are, what is more in his soul.

So what will we talk about in today's lesson?

Students come to the conclusion that we will talk about good and evil heroes in A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale"Ruslan and Ludmila",and more specifically, Ruslana and Chernomor, we will compare them.

The lesson asks a problematic question: “Why is a fairy tale called a lie?” Fifth graders give examples of magic in fairy tales and name wonderful helpers. A dispute arises about the victory of good over evil, and different points of view are expressed on this matter. After thinking about good and evil, students independently determine the purpose of the lesson by reading again the words written on the board.

Also, when studying the topic: The problem of indifference, M.Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Leaf”, words come out,which are written on the board.
“A stick is better than an unfaithful friend, a green leaf is better than an empty flower” (Uzbek wisdom).

First question in class: “Guys, what impression did the poem make on you? What words could you use to express the feeling this piece evoked?" From the understanding that two opposing images, personifying despair and youth, collided in the poem, students move on to realizing the liveliness of these characters. Remembering the biography of the poet, students imagine the poet himself in a foreign land. The theme of indifference is developed further.

Any activity begins with setting a goal that is personally significant for students; when this goal is “appropriated” by the student, he can understand and formulate the task. In order for students to develop cognitive interest, they must be confronted with a “surmountable difficulty”, that is, a problem situation must be created, in order to solve it, educational actions are performed, at this stage it is necessary to create a situation of success. The new paradigm of education, education of the 21st century is equipping schoolchildren with the skills to learn independently: to acquire knowledge, skills, and learning skills.

Solving a problematic issue or forming a problem based on the life experience of students (the inherent contradiction between knowledge and ignorance) helps to intensify the mental activity of students and set goals. So, when studying the topic “Predicate”, students are given a search task: to find how the predicates of the following sentences differ: The cheeks are pink – The cheeks have become pink – The cheeks have become pink.

The following problematic questions allow us to complete the work:

– What groups can the predicates of these sentences be divided into and on what basis?
- Which predicates can be called simple and which can be called compound and why?
– How do the predicates of the second group differ?
- Which of them can be called verbal, and which – nominal? Why?

When studying the topic: Indicative mood of the verb, an epigraph is written on the board: “The verb is the most fiery part of speech, the most lively and bright. The scarlet, freshest, arterial blood of the tongue flows in the verb. But the purpose of the verb is

Express the action itself!”

Students guess that we will talk about verbs, the characteristics of which, as a result, we list dryly.(Such morphological features of this part of speech:

Conjugation, transitivity-intransitivity, tense, person, mood, aspect, gender).

In the slide with morphological features, the guys see a new feature for them - Inclination.

Again they conclude that we are talking about inclination.

Well, watching the slide, on which the replicas of the fairy-tale brother-heroes follow in turn. They receive a task: study 3 verbs that are underlined.

I would do it, I could do it
if only someone could help!

Take it! Give it to me!

I don’t throw words to the wind,

Whatever I have in mind, I do it!

They conclude that there are only three inclinations. Let's start studying the first - indicative mood.

Such a task allows students to demonstrate both independent thinking, express their points of view about verbs, verb moods, and also shows possible difficulties in studying this topic.

Speaking about the system-activity approach in education, this concept cannot be separated from the educational process. Only in conditions of an activity approach, and not a flow of information and moral teachings, does a person act as an individual. By interacting with the world, a person learns to build himself, evaluate himself and analyze his actions. Therefore, project activities, business games, collective creative activities - these are all things that are aimed at practical communication, that have motivational conditionality and involve creating in children an attitude of independence, freedom of choice and preparing their lives - this is a system-activity approach, which Undoubtedly, it does not bear fruit immediately, but it leads to achievements.

So, the system-activity approach to education is not a set of educational technologies, methods and techniques, it is a kind of philosophy of education of a new school, which allows the teacher to create, search, become a master of his craft in collaboration with students, work for high results, form students have universal learning activities - thus preparing them for continued education and for life in constantly changing conditions.

Completed by: Petrova Liana Nyaimovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature "Cheremishevskaya secondary school"

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 9"

city ​​of Belovo, Kemerovo region

Related article:

“Activity approach in Russian language lessons

as the main condition for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard"


teacher of Russian language and literature

Edakina Marina Rastemovna



Activity-based approach to Russian language lessons

as the main condition for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

"The only path leading to

knowledge is an activity.”


"Tell me

- and I will forget.

Show me

and I will remember.

Let me act on my own

and I will learn."



We study for life, not for school.”

Modern society requires educated people who are not so much armed with knowledge as those who know how to obtain it, acquire it as the need arises when solving problems, and apply knowledge in any situation.

What do we see today, looking at the modern schoolchild? Poverty of vocabulary, limited and stereotyped constructions used in speech, the use of unambiguous words, lack of logical analysis skills, narrow-mindedness - this is not a complete list of the problems of the current student. In addition, the modern pace of life leaves its mark on the thinking of students. Ready to sit in front of computer monitors for hours on end, they quickly get tired and lose interest in their studies. Incredibly concentrated in the game, they are distracted and inattentive in class, concentrating only for a short time. Performing almost hundreds of test tasks every day, he has serious memory problems.

It is quite natural that in such an alarming situation there is a need to review the capabilities of well-known teaching methods in order to adapt them to changing conditions.

The traditional lesson is built on the principle: “Do as I do - and everything will be right.” The ineffectiveness of this formula has been proven over time. Society needs modern youth who can identify problems, ask and independently find answers to questions posed, draw conclusions, and make decisions. Initiative people needed! And the system-activity approach to teaching is designed to help in educating an active person: not only one who knows how to do something, but one who understands what he is doing, why and how.

The system-activity approach is aimed at personal development and the formation of civic identity. Training must be organized in such a way as to purposefully lead development.

Only in the process of activity the brain and memory are activated, experience is acquired and accumulated. The student is socializing...

Only during activity discoveries may appear and joy from them may be felt and motivation for further activity may be created.

The implementation of the activity method technology in practical teaching is ensured by a system of didactic principles described in detail in various sources.

All of them are applicable in the Russian language lesson, however, in my opinion, the key principles are still the principles of activity and creativity. Thus, it is appropriate to talk about creative activity in the classroom, as a result of which the student not only discovers new knowledge for himself, but also creatively implements it.

Introduction of the system-activity method into educational

process of Russian language lessons

The system-activity approach is the basis of the second generation Federal State Educational Standards.

The priority of modern education becomes the student’s own activity and the schoolchildren’s mastery of universal methods of activity (universal educational actions).

What is activity? This is a process of active interaction between a subject and an object, during which the subject satisfies any of his needs and achieves a goal.

In his theory of activity A.N. Leontiev identifies in the structure of activities:

Need – desire to acquire knowledge;

Learning task – mastering the general method of solving all problems of a given type (introduced in problem situations);

Motives (motives specify the need for UD);

Learning actions and operations (learning actions, with the help of which learning tasks are solved, are carried out using many different learning operations).

Activities can be divided into stages:

    process of involvement in activities;

    goal setting process;

    action design process;

    process of taking action;

    the process of analyzing the results of actions and comparing them with set goals.

This is, after all, the structure of a lesson under SDP.

Only in activity does the development of cognitive abilities and basic mental formations occur. The better the learning conditions are created, the more optimally the student will develop. In SDP, the teacher is the organizer and coordinator of students’ independent cognitive activity.

What methods and techniques do I use in my lessons?

SDP presupposes the child’s own activities. This is impossible without relying on his personal experience. A mandatory element in the lesson is appeal to children's personal experiences and their thoughts on the topic under discussion.

To involve a child in activities, it is necessary to influence all areas of his development: emotional, motivational and intellectual.

Fundamentally significant is impact on the emotional sphere. The main task is to create a certain emotional and aesthetic atmosphere using various types of art, to “immerse” children in this atmosphere, deep empathy, and contemplation.

To see a child in the process of education, he must be opened, turned towards himself, and included in the activity. A person engages in any activity only when it is he needs it when he has certain motives to carry it out.

The lesson uses various ways to develop motivation:

    Organization of the educational process.

Important here:

Novelty, practical significance of the presented material;

Clear structuring;

Logical, bright, contrasting presentation;

Rhythmic alternation of activities.

2. Use of non-traditional forms of education(in this lesson - the use of different means of art).

3. Problem situations.

The inconsistency of the material gives the effect of surprise and the desire to understand the problem (at the stage of working with dictionary words, using texts with errors). This is due to the innate desire of the individual for harmony.

4. Communication culture:

Humane treatment;

Trust in students;

Variety of activities and full-blooded life in the classroom.

Impact on the intellectual sphere with the help of problematic questions and tasks leads to the use of various mental operations at each stage of the lesson: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification.

The following modern teaching aids are used in the lesson. technologies:

    problem-based - dialogic technology (at the stage of updating knowledge and setting the topic of lesson goals);

    mini-research technology (each type of activity is a mini-research)

    assessment of educational achievements (academic success) (self-assessment at each stage of the lesson);

    technology of cooperation (throughout the lesson);

    ICT – technology .

During the lesson, the formation of the UUD is underway:

    cognitive UD (development of mental operations);

    regulatory UD (setting the lesson topic, activity goals, internal action plan, self-control, self-esteem);

    communicative learning skills (development of coherent monologue and dialogic speech, ability to listen, express one’s opinion, work in collaboration);

    personal UD (cultivating a sense of beauty, love for nature, art, native language, and the Motherland).

The structure of lessons for learning new knowledge within the framework of the activity approach

1. Motivation for educational activities.
This stage of the learning process involves the student’s conscious entry into the space of learning activity in the lesson. For this purpose, at this stage, his motivation for educational activities is organized, namely:

    the requirements for it from the side of educational activities are updated (“must”);

    conditions are created for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in educational activities (“I want”);

    a thematic framework (“I can”) is established.

In the developed version, processes of adequate self-determination in educational activity and self-reliance in it occur here, which involve the student comparing his real “I” with the image “I am an ideal student”, consciously subordinating himself to the system of normative requirements of educational activity and developing internal readiness for their implementation.

2. Updating and recording individual difficulties in a trial educational action.
At this stage, preparation and motivation of students for proper independent implementation of a trial educational action, its implementation and recording of individual difficulties are organized.
Accordingly, this stage involves:

    updating the studied methods of action sufficient to construct new knowledge, their generalization and symbolic fixation;

    updating of relevant mental operations and cognitive processes;

    motivation for a trial educational action (“need” - “can” - “want”) and its independent implementation;

    recording individual difficulties in performing a trial educational action or justifying it.

3. Identifying the location and cause of the difficulty.
At this stage, the teacher organizes for students to identify the location and cause of the difficulty. To do this, students must:

    restore the operations performed and record (verbally and symbolically) the place - step, operation where the difficulty arose;

    correlate your actions with the method of action used (algorithm, concept, etc.) and on this basis identify and record in external speech the cause of the difficulty - those specific knowledge, skills or abilities that are lacking to solve the original problem and problems of this class or type at all.

4. Construction of a project for getting out of the difficulty (goal and topic, method, plan, means).
At this stage, students in a communicative form think about the project of future educational actions: they set a goal (the goal is always to eliminate the difficulty that has arisen), agree on the topic of the lesson, choose a method, build a plan to achieve the goal and determine the means - algorithms, models, etc. This process is led by the teacher: at first with the help of introductory dialogue, then with stimulating dialogue, and then with the help of research methods.

5. Implementation of the constructed project.
At this stage, the constructed project is being implemented: various options proposed by students are discussed, and the optimal option is selected, which is recorded in the language verbally and symbolically. The constructed method of action is used to solve the original problem that caused the difficulty. At the end, the general nature of the new knowledge is clarified and the overcoming of the previously encountered difficulty is recorded.
6. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.
At this stage, students, in the form of communication (frontally, in groups, in pairs), solve standard tasks for a new method of action, pronouncing the solution algorithm out loud.

7. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.
When carrying out this stage, an individual form of work is used: students independently perform tasks of a new type and self-test them, step by step comparing them with the standard. At the end, a performance reflection on the progress of the implementation of the constructed project of educational actions and control procedures is organized.
The emotional focus of the stage is to organize, if possible, a situation of success for each student, motivating him to engage in further cognitive activity.

8. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.
At this stage, the boundaries of applicability of new knowledge are identified and tasks are performed in which a new method of action is provided as an intermediate step.
When organizing this stage, the teacher selects tasks that train the use of previously studied material that has methodological value for introducing new methods of action in the future. Thus, on the one hand, there is an automation of mental actions according to the learned norms, and on the other, preparation for the introduction of new norms in the future.

9. Reflection on learning activities in the lesson (result).
At this stage, new content learned in the lesson is recorded, and reflection and self-assessment of students’ own learning activities is organized. At the end, its goal and results are correlated, the degree of their compliance is recorded, and further goals of the activity are outlined.

Modern Russian language lesson

(Differences from a traditional lesson)

The traditional lesson is built on the principle: “Do as I do - and everything will be right.” The ineffectiveness of this formula has been proven over time. Society needs modern youth who can identify problems, ask questions, independently find answers to questions posed, study, draw conclusions, and make decisions. Initiative people needed! And the system-activity approach to education is designed to help in educating an active person: not only someone who knows how to do something, but who understands what he is doing, why and how.

If we consider technological approaches to organizing a system-activity approach in training, the most effective model of system activity proposed by Dr. A.V. Khutorsky:

1) the student studies the object (including heuristically),
2) creates its own educational product as a result,
3) with the help of the teacher, compares his product with a cultural analogue,
4) rethinks its product and at the same time masters general cultural achievements,
5) reflection of the process. Self-esteem, evaluation of results.

Using this structure, you can build both the entire lesson and individual stages of the lesson.

Let's look at an example of a Russian language lesson for 6th grade on the topic: "Demonstrative pronouns".

Lesson objectives:

    Checking the degree of assimilation of pronoun categories. Studying the lexical and grammatical features of demonstrative pronouns in independent research activities.

    Development of educational, cognitive, communicative and information competencies of students.

    Cultivating a culture of speech and artistic perception of the surrounding world.

The proposed lesson is combined in structure and includes stages of repetition, learning new material, and consolidation.

Repetition. At this stage, a situation of emotional emancipation is created, work is underway on the first educational goal of the lesson - checking the degree of assimilation of the ranks of pronouns. A completely traditional beginning of the lesson, but an important element here is the independent setting of educational tasks and reflection of students.

The lesson begins with a question:

    What is special about today?

The question allows schoolchildren to express different points of view, among which the theme of spring will certainly be heard.

The text about spring is written in a notebook:

The day of March 14 was considered by the people to be a great holiday, which was celebrated cheerfully and solemnly. On this day (March 1, old style), Ancient Rus' celebrated the New Year. Girls and children on this day began to call for spring: “Spring is red! What did you bring us? Red little fly!

Class assignment:

Possible task options:

    Find the pronouns, indicate the categories.

    Title the text. Continue the text and etc.

Review conversation:

    What is a pronoun?

    What categories have you studied?

    Remember what difficulties you identified for yourself on the topic “Name and pronoun” in the last lesson.

The last question is especially important, since it is personally significant; each student remembers his difficulties, pronounces them and indicates the degree of difficulties in mastering the previously studied topic.

    Look after yourself. Prepare something. Who is there? Stay with them. Nobody got tanned. How many books? Who should I ask? Be friends with them. No difficulties. See something. How much did you make? Go see you. Know nothing. To own something. A house next to the road. Come for you. No obstacles. Someone to consult. Find out who did it.
    Come see me. I do not have anyone to talk to. Some rustling noise. Determine whose nest it is. Stand next to her. Take it for yourself.

Peer review. After completing the task, a mutual check and evaluation of the result is carried out. A situation of success for a student is created through the absence of a “2” grade among the assessment criteria.

Reflection. Much more important at this stage is students’ self-analysis of the results obtained based on the test results. Possible questions for reflection:

    Are you happy with your result or not and why?

    What categories of pronouns could not be determined and why?

    What exactly helped you cope with your work today?

    Formulate your homework on this topic.

Introduction to the topic. The next stage of the lesson is aimed at achieving the educational goal of the lesson, since the analysis of a poetic text fosters an artistic perception of the world around us, and at the same time, working with this text allows a smooth transition to the study of a new topic.

Working with the text of A. Akhmatova’s poem:

Before spring there are days like this:
The meadow rests under the dense snow,
The dry and cheerful trees are rustling,
And the warm wind is gentle and elastic.
And the body marvels at its lightness,
And you won’t recognize your home,
And the song that I was tired of before,
Like new, you eat with excitement.

Questions and tasks for working with text:

    What feelings does the lyrical hero experience? Do you know these feelings? (Update.)

    What artistic means help create the image of the coming spring?

The meadow is resting - personification;

The trees rustle - personification;

Fun-dry is an epithet;

The wind is gentle and elastic - an epithet;

Like new - comparison.

    Find all the pronouns in the text (such, yours, yours, that one).

    Name the known categories of pronouns.

    What is special about pronouns? SUCH, THAT? What role do they play in the text? (IN highlight the word, emphasize its peculiarity.)

    Suggest your name to such pronouns?

Here is the first open task, allowing the student to offer his own answer, unlike other options. After hearing the options

The topic of the lesson is written down in a notebook.

Studying a new lesson topic. The next stage of the lesson is work on a new topic: “Demonstrative pronouns.”

    Consider the words. What do all these words have in common?

    Distribute the words into groups (each person determines the number of groups independently)

This, this, here, now, such, so much, there, there, such, from there, that, then, so, that.

After students distribute the words into groups, answer options and justifications for the proposed distribution are heard. Then the students are offered the teacher’s option and given the task of explaining the proposed distribution of words into groups (pronouns and adverbs):

Thisthissuchso manythat's how it isthatTogo

Such a task allows students to demonstrate both independent thinking, express their points of view about demonstrative pronouns, and also shows possible difficulties in studying this topic. Therefore, the next obligatory step is goal setting for students:

Questions for goal setting:

    Formulate a learning task for yourself when studying the topic “Demonstrative Pronouns.”

    Choose a convenient form for briefly recording important information about demonstrative pronouns (background summary, table, drawing, etc.)

view of demonstrative pronouns .

    Assignment: read paragraphs from textbooks:
    M.T. Baranov – paragraph 77, page 184.
    V.V. Babaytseva - paragraph 131, page 139.

    What have you learned about demonstrative pronouns?

    How do the points of view on pronouns differ between the authors of different textbooks?

    Draw your own conclusion.

During a conversation about different points of view, students are offered background information on the board to correctly formulate an answer:

Baranov Mikhail Trofimovich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Ladyzhenskaya Taisa Alekseevna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Babaytseva Vera Vasilievna, Doctor of Philology
Chesnokova Liliya Dmitrievna, Doctor of Philology

Words to help:

highlights, considers, considers, relates, from the point of view, in opinion

Independent work: students are invited to write a short note in any form about demonstrative pronouns, based on the textbook by M.T. Baranov and a fragment from the textbook by N.S. Valgina (Appendix 1).

After independent work, the answer options are heard, discussed, and the teacher’s option is also offered - a reference summary (Appendix 2).

Questions for reflection:

    What helped you with this?

    What difficulties did you encounter?

The stage of a lesson on studying a new topic contributes to the development of educational and cognitive competence of schoolchildren through goal setting by the students themselves, solving a problem task, formulating conclusions, and

then reflection. Also, this stage of the lesson is aimed at developing the information competence of students through working with several sources; the ability to highlight the main information and compactly formulate their thoughts is being developed. The development of students’ communicative competence is realized through educational dialogue, tasks aimed at creating their own short notes, defending them, and reviewing classmates’ speeches.

Consolidation. At the next stage of the lesson, through a heuristic task, a new topic is consolidated in practical activities, since the task is aimed at using demonstrative pronouns in speech.

Heuristic task: At the beginning of the lesson today, we talked about the fact that it is on this day that girls and children begin to call for spring and sing songs. In the old days, such ancient ritual songs were called vesnyanka or vesnyanka-calls. Come up with your own stonefly calling for spring, making sure to use demonstrative pronouns in your text.

Alternative task - ex. 437.


    Find out the similarities and differences between demonstrative pronouns in Russian and English.

    Be able to tell from your short note about demonstrative pronouns.

    Exercise 439.

Final reflection:

During the lesson, students were given the opportunity not to

simply creating their own educational product, but also comparing their educational results with cultural and historical analogues, the system organized work on goal setting and reflection of students, which contributed to a meaningful and responsible attitude towards completing educational tasks.

Russian language lesson on the topic “Communion as a part of speech”, 7th grade.

1. Organizational moment.

Target: inclusion of students in activities at a personally significant level - “I want because I can.”

II. Updating knowledge.

Target: repetition of the studied material necessary for the “discovery of new knowledge”, and identification of difficulties in the individual activities of each student.

At this stage, a situation of emotional emancipation is created, work is underway on the first educational goal of the lesson - checking the degree of assimilation of the previously studied material. A completely traditional beginning of the lesson, but an important element here is the independent setting of educational tasks and reflection of students.

The lesson is based on working with text. This content of educational activities corresponds to the goal of competency-based teaching of the Russian language, which contributes to the formation of the individual’s linguistic ability.

At the stage of updating knowledge, I often offer students work with a short poem. Analysis of a poetic text fosters an artistic perception of the world around us, and at the same time, working with this text allows a smooth transition to the study of a new topic. The requirements for texts are their compactness and artistic exemplary character.

For example, when studying the topic “Communion,” I offer texts rich in adjectives that are already well known to children, and participles that will only be discussed in class.

When the yellowing field is agitated,
And the fresh forest rustles with the sound of the breeze,
And the raspberry plum is hiding in the garden
Under the sweet shade of the green leaf;
When sprinkled with fragrant dew
On a ruddy evening or morning at the golden hour,
From under a bush I get a silver lily of the valley
Shakes his head affably.
M. Yu. Lermontov

Class assignment: Formulate a study task for yourself for this text.

Possible task options:

Read the poem expressively.

Title the text.

Determine the topic and idea of ​​the text. Give a reasoned assessment of the proposed texts.

What artistic means do the authors of poems use?

Indicate and explain the studied spellings and punctograms.

The tasks listed above are, as a rule, required for working with any type of text in each class. Not only is there a development of communicative competence (mastery of all types of speech activity and the basics of the culture of oral and written speech), in parallel there is preparation for the state final certification, the development of practical skills in textual criticism (speech criticism), such as the ability to accurately perceive the content of a read text, its main problems; determine the main idea, the position of the author of the text; recognize linguistic means of expression, etc.

Introduction to the topic. Working with these texts allows you to smoothly move on to studying a new topic.

Name all the words that indicate the attribute of the object. How were you able to identify them? (on the question which one? Which one? Which one?)

Studying a new lesson topic.

Research assignment for the class:

Distribute the words into groups, combining them according to common characteristics (everyone determines the number of groups independently).

After students distribute the words into groups, answer options and justifications for the proposed distribution are heard. Then the students are offered the teacher’s option and given the task of explaining the proposed distribution of words into groups.

When he gets worried yellowing cornfield,
AND fresh forest makes noise with the sound of the breeze,
And hides in the garden raspberry plum
Under the shadow of a sweet green leaf;
When sprinkled with fragrant dew
Ruddy evening il morning at golden hour,
From under the bush to me silver lily of the valley
Shakes his head affably.
M. Yu. Lermontov

III. Setting a learning task.

Target: discussion of difficulties (“Why did difficulties arise?”, “What do we not know yet?”); speaking the purpose of the lesson in the form of a question to be answered ( What is a participle as a part of speech?)

Such a task allows students to demonstrate both independence

thinking, expressing your point of view, and shows possible difficulties in studying this topic. Therefore, the next obligatory step is goal setting for students.

Questions for goal setting:

What do the words in both groups have in common? What part of speech are they explaining? How are these words formed? What parts of speech are these words derived from?

IV. “Discovery of new knowledge”(constructing a project for getting out of a difficulty).

Conversation based on a comparison of two texts:

    What have you learned about the sacrament?

    How do the points of view on the sacrament of the authors of different textbooks differ? What do they have in common?

Draw your own conclusion.

During a conversation about different forms of presenting educational material, students are offered background information on the board to correctly formulate an answer:

Words to help: highlights, considers, considers, relates, from the point of view, in opinion.

    Choose a convenient form for briefly recording important information about the sacrament (background summary, table, drawing, etc.)

The teacher offers his own recording form only after the children make their own suggestions.

V. Primary consolidation.

Target: pronunciation of new knowledge, recording in the form of a reference signal.

Definitions of the participle are given both in poetic form, which facilitates memorization, and by authoritative Russian classics.

Here is my required property:

I bow as an adjective.
I answer all his questions.
I remind you of the meaning of the verb.

Words by V. Dahl, creator of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language”:

A participle is a part of speech that participates in a verb in the form of an adjective.”

A.S. Pushkin, the genius of our literature, spoke about participles:

Participles... are usually avoided in conversation. We don't say: a carriage galloping over a bridge; servant sweeping the room; we say: who gallops, who sweeps, and so on - replacing the expressive brevity of the participle with a sluggish turn of phrase.”

After independent work, the answer options are heard, discussed, and then the teacher’s version is shown - a reference summary.

VI. Independent work with self-test according to the standard. Self-analysis and self-control.

At the end of this stage of the lesson, reflection is carried out:

Questions for reflection:

    Were you able to solve the task set for yourself?

    What helped you with this?

    What difficulties did you encounter?

The stage of a lesson on studying a new topic contributes to the development of educational and cognitive competence of schoolchildren through goal setting by the students themselves, solving a problem task, formulating conclusions, and then reflection. Also, this stage of the lesson is aimed at developing the information competence of students through working with several sources; the ability to highlight the main information and compactly formulate their thoughts is being developed. The development of students’ communicative competence is realized through educational dialogue, tasks aimed at creating their own short notes, defending them, and reviewing classmates’ speeches.

VII. Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system and repetition.

Consolidation. At the next stage of the lesson, through a heuristic task, a new topic is consolidated in practical activities, since the task is aimed at using participles in speech.

Exercise 1:

Try replacing the adjectives from the first column with participles of the same root.

Heuristic task:

Come up with as many sentences as possible about your activities in class and the work of your classmates, using participles.

Based on the results of implementation, the resulting answer options are heard, evaluation and self-assessment are carried out.


Be able to tell from your short notes about participles.

Name an associative series with the word “Autumn” (autumn, leaves, sky, rain, clouds). Make up sentences in which these words will be used with participles.

VIII. Reflection on activity (lesson summary).

    What was the most useful thing for me in the lesson?

    What was the most interesting thing for me in the lesson?

    What was difficult for me in the lesson?

    What should I pay attention to in my homework in preparation for the next lesson?

It is possible to create qualitatively new educational results only with the systematic inclusion of students in independent educational and cognitive activities. The ability to create your own educational product, work with various sources of information, and other types of activities ensure the continuity of personal self-development in the learning process.

It is obvious that it is impossible to realize new educational goals if the student passively assimilates ready-made truths. An independent search is necessary, in the process of which one acquires the experience of goal setting, achieving goals, reflexive self-organization and self-esteem, and the experience of communicative influence.

Teacher! He's always on the road

In worries, search, anxiety,

And there is never peace!

He judges himself more harshly than everyone else,

He is all earthly, he strives for heights;

I can’t count how many destinies

Intertwined with his destiny!

D. S. Likhachev.


1. Asmolov A.G. System-activity approach in the development of new generation standards / Pedagogy M.: 2009 – No. 4.

2. Dusavitsky A.K., Kondratyuk E.M., Tolmacheva I.N., Shilkunova Z.I. Lesson in developmental education: A book for teachers. – M.:VITA-PRESS, 2008.

3. Peterson L.G., Kubysheva M.A., Kudryashova T.G. Requirements for drawing up a lesson plan according to the didactic system of the activity method. – M., 2006.

4. Polat E.S. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system. – M., 2000.

5. Sukhov V.P. “System-activity approach in developmental education of schoolchildren” Ufa, 2004.

2. Grigoriev M.I. Analysis of a poetic text - M.: “Uchenik”, 2003.

Materials used and Internet resources

1. Video cassette “Culture of Russia. Silver Age", 2006
2. Ivanov I.S. "Great Russia" CD, 2007
3. Petrov T.I., song “Russia” (lyrics by I. Morkovkin, music by A. Zaikina)
4. http:// sitename. ru

System-activity approach to Russian language and literature lessons in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in primary school

“A person will achieve results only by doing something himself...”
(Alexander Pyatigorsky, world famous Russian philosopher, orientalist, professor at the University of London)

Modern life places strict demands on people today - high quality education, communication skills, determination, creativity, and most importantly, the ability to navigate a large flow of information and the ability to adapt to any society. Preparation for the future life is laid at school, so the requirements for education today are changing their priorities.

The goals and content of education are changing, new teaching tools and technologies are appearing, but despite all the diversity -the lesson remains the main form of organizing the educational process. And in order to implement the requirements of the Standards, the lesson must become new, modern!

How to prepare and conduct a lesson, taking into account the new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and modern innovations? A modern teacher, in the context of the introduction of new educational standards, is faced with the task of using a systemic activity approach in teaching schoolchildren. The implementation of the activity approach in the lesson forces the teacher to restructure his activities, move away from the usual explanation and allow students to discover new knowledge independently, in a certain sequence. Exactlystudents are the main “acting heroes” in the lesson . And, of course, their activities in the lesson should be meaningful and significant:what I want to do, why I do it, how I do it, how I did it.

The formation of qualitatively new educational results is possible only with the systematic inclusion of students in independent educational and cognitive activities. It is the activity method that ensures the continuity of personal self-development in the learning process. It is obvious that it is impossible to realize new educational goals if the student passively assimilates ready-made truths. It is necessary to independently search for it, in the process of which one acquires the experience of goal setting, achievement of set goals, reflexive self-organization and self-assessment, experience of communicative influence, therefore, in order to develop the personality of students, the formation of their activity abilities, it is necessary to include them in independent educational and cognitive activities.The main principle of the activity approach is to teach how to learn. . This approach assumes that knowledge is acquired and manifested only in activity, that behind the skills, development and education of a student there is always action.In the educational field of Philology, the priority is communicative development - the formation of the ability and readiness to communicate freely in the Russian native language, mastery of modern means of verbal and non-verbal communication. The system-activity approach is based on the theoretical provisions of the concept of L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontyeva, D.B., Elkonina, P.Ya. Galperin.

Whatrequirements are presented to the modern lesson of the Russian language and literature based on the activity approach in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard:

A well-organized lesson in a well-equipped classroom should have a good beginning and a good ending.

the teacher must plan his activities and the activities of his students, clearly formulate the topic, purpose, and objectives of the lesson;

the lesson should be problematic and developmental: the teacher himself aims to cooperate with students and knows how to direct students to cooperate with the teacher and classmates;

the teacher organizes problem and search situations, activates the activities of students;

the students themselves make the conclusion;

minimum reproduction and maximum creativity and co-creation;

saving time and saving health;

the focus of the lesson is children;

taking into account the level and capabilities of students, which takes into account such aspects as the profile of the class, the aspirations of students, and the mood of children;

the ability to demonstrate the methodological art of a teacher;

planning feedback;

the lesson should be good.

The new meaning of the lesson is the solution of problems by the schoolchildren themselves during the lesson through independent cognitive activity. The problematic nature of the lesson can confidently be considered as a move away from the reproductive approach in the lesson. The more independent activity in the lesson, the better, because students acquire problem-solving skills and information competence when working with text.

A modern lesson in Russian language and literature in the context of the introduction of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard should includethe following six main steps:

    mobilization (involves the inclusion of students in active intellectual activity);

    goal setting (students independently formulate the goals of the lesson according to the scheme “remember → learn → learn”);

    awareness of the insufficiency of existing knowledge (the teacher facilitates the emergence of a problem situation in the lesson, during the analysis of which students understand that the existing knowledge is not enough to solve it);

    communication (search for new knowledge in pairs, in a group);

    mutual verification, mutual control;

    reflection (the student’s awareness and reproduction in speech of what he has learned and learned in the lesson).

A modern lesson should form universal educational activities that provide schoolchildren with the ability to learn, the ability for self-development and self-improvement. The development of positive motivation for learning is facilitated by the general atmosphere in the school and classroom: the student’s involvement in various types of activities, the cooperative relationship between teacher and student, the involvement of students in assessment activities and the formation of adequate self-esteem in them. In addition, the formation of motivation is facilitated by entertaining presentation, an unusual form of teaching the material, the emotionality of the teacher’s speech, and the teacher’s skillful use of encouragement and reprimand.

Of particular importance is the implementation by schoolchildreneducational activities Andself-control, independent transition from one stage of work to another, inclusion of students in joint learning activities. Independent work, in essence, is a form of self-education.The concept of independent work of a student in modern didactics necessarily correlates with the organizing role of the teacher. For the student himself, independent work should be understood as a freely chosen, internally motivated activity.

Popular and relevant todayproblem-based learning , in which there is a special type of lesson - a research lesson.

The following is a fragment of a Russian language lesson in fifth grade on the topicThe "imperative mood of the verb" illustrates organization of a problem situation.

Students are asked to answer the question: Why is the verb WRITE in one case written WRITE, and in another WRITE?

In the process of searching for a solution to this linguistic problem, students, using existing knowledge, will determine that the verbsay Iconjugations. So the formWILL YOU WRITE future tense is written correctly. The form isWRITE expresses a command, request, order, and this determines its writing.

What will be the topic of our lesson today? (Imperative verb)

What will help you not to make mistakes in writing verbs of different moods? (Knowledge of the morphemic composition of words.)

What is the composition of each form? (A variety of student answers, including erroneous ones, are possible here.)

What will help us make sure which of you is right? (Proof with specific examples.)

Let's find the right way to solve this issue. (Here the teacher can give a hint to fifth graders: change the form of the number of the imperative mood of the verb.)

After this, fifth-graders will be able to independently explain that in the form of the imperative mood, –I- is a suffix that forms the form of the mood, and –TE is the ending of the plural in the imperative mood. In the indicative form, which students are already familiar with, the plural ending is ETE.

One possible way to improve the efficiency and selection of a research problem isreference summary , which inherently represents a secondary text, since it briefly conveys the basic information of the source text. In this case, abbreviations, various signs, symbols, and graphic highlights can be used. Often the supporting summary is a drawing or diagram, sometimes a table. Psychologists note thatstudent transformation of information , translating it into another, more visual form helps better understanding and assimilation of knowledge. Therefore, it is important that children develop the ability to make supporting notes in various forms. The background summary is compiled by the teacher for students or by children, or by the joint efforts of the teacher and children in dialogue. Thus, the ability to make a supporting note is one of the important general educational skills that prepares students for the presentation of their knowledge. For a long time now I have been practicing in my lessons keeping a notebook-reference book in which various diagrams and tables are entered. I often encourage students to come up with a short version of the rule themselves or create an algorithm for applying the rule.

The most popular pedagogical technology in modern teaching is becomingproject method using ICT , since it is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the lesson. In such classes, the teacher presents students with this or that problem for independent research, knowing well its result, the course of solution and those features of creative activity that are required in the course of solving it. Thus, the construction of a system of such problems makes it possible to provide for the activities of students, which gradually lead to the formation of the necessary traits of a creative personality.

The most effective implementation of the activity approach in practice allowsgroup form of work . Group activity of students involves increasing the role of the teacher in the educational process. The volume of work, of course, increases, it changes qualitatively. Special preparation of the material and the development of original teaching methods are important. We must not forget that the psychological side of the problem is also important, i.e. interaction of students in the group. The teacher performs various functions:

1 . Monitors the progress of work in the group.

2. Answers questions.

3. Regulates disputes and work procedures.

4. As a last resort, provides assistance to individual students or the entire group.

When selecting groups, it is necessary to take into account the real knowledge of schoolchildren and their academic performance, recorded in the minds of their classmates. But this is not enough for successful work. It is also necessary to take into account the nature of the students’ relationships with each other (likes, dislikes, willingness to cooperate).

Selecting a Consultant: It is a fairly common belief that good and excellent students perform this role well. Psychologists say that a student’s high academic performance in no way affects relationships in the group.
Group members (4-5 people) should be close in their approach to the goals and objectives of joint activities. It is very important that students are able to hear each other, draw conclusions, and come to a common decision.

What types of work can be done in groups? Many. The main thing is to determine optimality and efficiency. There are lessons where the group form is present only when checking homework, there are lessons that are entirely in the group, and sometimes during the whole lesson I will never say: “Now we are working in groups.” It all depends on the topic of the lesson, the goal facing the teacher and his students, the place of the lesson in the system of studying the problem, the type of lesson, and the form of teaching.

I want to note visible advantages of group learning work:

1. The responsibility of each group member to his team for studies and work.

2. A sense of comradeship, the skills of real work discipline.

3. Intensity and productivity of joint activities.

4. Achieving a high level of content mastery.

5. Exchange of methods of action.

6. Mutual understanding.

Of course, when organizing this type of activity, certain organizational, pedagogical and social difficulties arise. But the additional time spent on teacher preparation for group work is offset by greater pedagogical gains.

The optimal place in the modern lesson is occupied by variousgame forms work.

"Fourth wheel" Example: key, lock, gnome. The third extra thing: a gnome, because a key and a lock cannot live without each other, because a gnome is an animate noun, etc.

Spelling relay race . The group should give examples of words with the specified spelling. Who is faster and bigger?

Anagrams . Dewdrop-mote, coat-bast shoe, kite-lace, etc.

Word-formation charades: make up a word: root from the word fairy tale, suffix from the word cabman, prefix from the word expense.

The new approach to education corresponds to the modern idea of ​​the lesson. It is this kind of lesson that is called modern, where the teacher, together with the students, works on equal terms to search for and select the scientific content of knowledge to be learned; only then does knowledge become personally significant, and the student is perceived by the teacher as the creator of his knowledge. The outcome of the lesson, the so-called reflection stage, plays a special role. I have long been using various reflection techniques: a five-minute essay; incomplete sentence method; statement in the forum, free speech, emoticons.

The principle of activity is that the student, receiving knowledge not in a ready-made form, but obtaining it himself, is aware of the content and forms of his educational activities, understands and accepts the system of its norms, actively participates in their improvement, which contributes to the active successful formation of his general cultural and activity abilities, general educational skills.

Federal State Educational Standards introduce a new concept -learning situation , by which is meant such a special unit of the educational process in which children, with the help of the teacher, discover the subject of their action, explore it, performing various educational actions, transform it, for example, reformulate it, or offer their description, etc., and partially remember it.

A learning situation can be a task to create: a table, graph or diagram based on the content of a read text, an algorithm according to a certain rule, or completing a task: to explain the content of a read text to a junior class student or practical work, etc.

The structure of modern lessons should be dynamic, using a set of diverse operations combined into purposeful activities. It is very important that the teacher supports the student’s initiative in the right direction and ensures the priority of his activities in relation to his own.

Productive tasks are the main means of achieving educational results. If a student has the qualities laid down in the Federal State Educational Standard, then he himself will be able to become an “architect and builder” of the educational process, independently analyze his activities and make adjustments to them. Thus, in contrast to the 2004 standard, the new Federal State Educational Standards introduce significant changes to the goals, content and organization of the educational process, which entail the need to restructure all educational activities and, first of all, the teacher who provides them.

The teacher, his attitude to the educational process, his creativity and professionalism, his desire to reveal the abilities of each child - this is the main resource, without which the new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the organization of the educational process at school cannot exist. Much depends on the desire and character of the teacher, on the level of his professional training. If a person is open to new things and is not afraid of change, he will be able to start taking his first confident steps in new conditions in a shorter time.

Thus, the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard depends to a greater extent on the teacher, who will no longer be the sole bearer of knowledge, but will play the role of a guide in the world of information. The teacher’s task is not only to form and develop the necessary qualities, but also to interact with the environment in which the child grows up. Give students the opportunity to make a choice, argue their point of view, take responsibility for this choice, and not give them something ready-made.


(Slide 16)

2. Working with text

“Reading with stops” opens up the possibility of a holistic vision of the work. Sample questions:

 What associations do the names and surnames of the characters evoke in you?

 How did you feel after reading this part? How did you feel?

 What expectations were confirmed? What was unexpected?

 How do you think the story will end? How would you end it?

(Slide 17)

3. Insert - This is a technique for marking the text when students mark in the margins with icons what is known, what contradicts their ideas, what is interesting and unexpected, as well as what they want to learn about in more detail.

(Slide 18)

4. Creating a cluster

For example, analyzing the image of Gerasim from the story by I.S. Turgenev “Mu-mu”, in a literature lesson in the 5th grade the following cluster is created:


Relation to Mu-mu

Description of the closet


Attitude towards the lady

Relationship with the servants

Relationship with Tatyana


After analyzing the image of Gerasim, fifth-graders can compose the following syncwine:


kind, hardworking

cares, loves, works

should not suffer because of the cruelty of people


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MCOU Volokonovskaya Secondary School

Report: "System-activity approach to teaching in Russian language lessons"

Work completed:

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Chernoguzova Tatyana Alekseevna

" Amongmanylateralpaths,reducingthe roadToknowledgeusmore necessaryTotalone,whichwouldtaughtusartacquireknowledgeWithdifficulties" J.-J. Rousseau

The methodological basis of the concept of new educational standards is a system-activity approach, the main result of which is the development of the child’s personality based on educational activities. In the conditions of their implementation, the teacher faces a difficult pedagogical task - the creation and organization of conditions that activate the educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren.

The Russian language is one of the most difficult subjects in school education. The motivation for teaching the Russian language has always faced a number of problems, which can be overcome by the competent implementation of a system-activity approach in the classroom, which will allow children to be involved in active learning activities, develop students’ interest in the subject and ensure the effectiveness of learning.

The main idea of ​​the system-activity approach is that new knowledge is not given in ready-made form. Children “discover” them themselves in the process of independent research activities. The teacher must coordinate the work of children, guide them to independently search for information, analyze the information received, and find ways to solve the lesson problem.

The leading tasks of school education have become not just to equip the student with a fixed set of knowledge, but to develop in him the ability to learn, work in a team, and the ability for self-development. The organization of the educational process should be aimed at creating a sustainable interest among schoolchildren in the subject and process of learning, successfully mastering the ability to learn creatively, and gaining practical experience through various types of activities.

The system-activity approach to the Russian language lesson is aimed at:

· development of intellectual, communicative, linguistic and creative abilities of students through research activities;

· inclusion of each student in active creative activities;

· strengthening the practical orientation of teaching the Russian language based on involving students in various types of activities;

· creating an atmosphere of cooperation, empathy, and mutual support in Russian language and literature lessons;

· development of skills that influence educational and cognitive activity and the transition to the level of productive creativity.

An important characteristic of the activity approach in the work of teachers is consistency. Thus, in practice, the system-activity approach is carried out at various stages of the lesson.

At the stage of self-determination for educational activities and updating knowledge, a problematic situation is created, which presupposes the presence of different options for solving problems.

At the stages of setting a learning task and discovering new knowledge, there is a search, analysis, and structuring of information. The effectiveness of this stage of the lesson is achieved through work in groups of permanent and rotating composition, and the organization of project activities. Collective activities of students are organized in the form of “debates”, “brainstorming”, with the help of which a method of resolving a problem situation is selected. This technique is used when it is possible to offer the greatest number of options for resolving the problem.

Setting a learning task. The introduction of a learning task into a situation begins with the teacher setting problematicsituations when there is obvious contradiction between what the student knows and what he has to learn. In this case, a special role is given to motivationupcomingknowledge.

Thus, introducing the new concept of “Communion,” the teacher, in a pre-prepared text, offers to define all parts of speech. Students, as a rule, mistakenly classify participles as either adjectives. A situation of contradiction arises between previous knowledge and obvious ignorance of the new thing that they have to learn: what is this part of speech that is similar to an adjective, but is not one.

At the stage of incorporating new knowledge into the system and repetition, such forms of work as individual work are used, individual elimination of gaps in students’ knowledge is organized on the basis of self-control and mutual control.

Step-by-step instructions (algorithm) for isolating the concept being studied from the mass of other linguistic phenomena or applying the concept being studied (rules). It allows the student to control his actions in order to achieve the desired result. This technique is good because if students get an erroneous result, they can return to the “instructions” and determine what they did not fully understand, etc.

So, after studying the topic “-K - and - SK - in adjective suffixes,” the following entry appears in the notebooks:

1. I see and highlight the word in the spelling pattern being studied.

2. I determine the category of the adjective.

3. If it is qualitative (has a short form), I write - K-.

4. If it’s relative, I look at which letter the stem ends with.

5. If in K, C, Ch, I write - K-.

6. If with other letters, I write - SK-.

7. At the same time, I remember that in relative adjectives the basis of nouns is completely preserved (French + sk + y).

The stage of generalizing acquired knowledge and reflecting on educational activities deserves special attention. In practice, it is effective to use at these stages such teaching methods as syncwine and cluster, which allow you to combine analytical and creative activities.

So, during a lesson on the topic: “Numeral”, children were asked to express the topic of the lesson in a genre they already knew - syncwine.


Ordinal, numeral

It is written, read, changed.

We are studying it with interest.


To develop activity abilities in Russian language lessons, the teacher must constantly direct the student to perform various types of speech activities: speaking, reading, listening, writing. The basic unit of teaching the Russian language is the text. A variety of activities with text, a system of mental operations allows you to develop children’s meta-subject skills:

§ retell and edit text;

§ analysis of texts of different styles and genres;

§ explanation of the structure and content of the text;

§ conducting observations of language characteristics;

§ independent creation of your own speech statements (based on a picture, photo collage, drawing, diagram, on a given topic, based on personal observations).

This system of operations is transferred to all texts offered to students in the school curriculum. At any level of learning a language and its units, in theory and when performing practical exercises, the student observes strong connections, learns actions to master the meaning, form and functioning of language units of all levels and learns to use them correctly in his speech.

According to the requirements of the standard, students’ verbal and mental activity should be close to real life conditions. This is possible thanks to the use of information and communication technologies in the lesson, a varied, wide background of visualization in multimedia presentations (drawing, photography, reproduction of a painting, photo collage). The use of visual images allows you to develop communication skills, correctly express your thoughts, compare reality phenomena using various language units, enrich your vocabulary, visually represent a particular object, and relate it to a thematic group of words. Based on a selection of visual images, students, in the process of comprehending the phenomena of reality, come to linguistic conclusions (comparison, thematic group of words, etc.). Working with visual series realizes not only subject and meta-subject, but also personal goals: it develops taste, students learn to see beauty in the life around them, and also encourages creativity: students themselves or together with the teacher create a bank of digital photographs, presentations, texts that are used in class and in homework.

The use of information and communication technologies is effective for the development of universal key competencies that allow the student to flexibly adapt to changing life situations; independently acquire the necessary knowledge, skillfully applying it in practice; achieve educational results.

Most of the work with linguistic material in the classroom is associated with comprehension of theoretical information. The selection of tasks should have a developmental function, form general methods of mental activity: formulate a topic, a title, think through the composition of a statement, select an argument, draw conclusions, as well as model, transform the system of an object - create a plan, table, diagram. The creation of tables, diagrams, and images in the classroom is a support for students’ educational actions on the topic being studied in achieving subject and meta-subject results.

The teacher directs the student to the desired action, helps to structure theoretical material, and find the correct answers to the questions posed. Working with deformed diagrams and tables creates a communicative environment, a whole palette of general educational skills - it teaches methods of activity: reading, highlighting the main and essential in theoretical material, memorizing, comparing, thinking through speech models, reading a table, illustrating a rule with examples, composing a linguistic statement.

At the self-test stage, students acquire the ability to construct an oral statement on a linguistic topic based on a table. All methodological techniques will be effective if they cause intense mental work of the student, aimed at solving cognitive and practical problems. The work must be structured in such a way that children have cognitive questions that require independent comprehension of the material, conclusions, generalizations and testing them in practice.

The basis of the technology of the system-activity approach is not to give examples, to put the child in a situation where his usual methods of action are obviously unsuitable, this gives rise to the motivation to search for the essential features of a new situation in which he must act.

Updating the content of school education associated with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard requires an intensive search for new ways and technologies that can ensure not only the effectiveness of learning, but also the desire of schoolchildren to learn and the development of the need to master new things. The use of a system-activity approach is focused primarily on the formation of information and communication culture of students. The role of students’ cognitive activity and their motivation for independent educational work is sharply increasing. The advantage of the activity approach is that it is organically combined with various modern educational technologies:

§ problem-dialogical technology;

§ gaming technologies (business and retrospective games, intellectual tournaments);

§ technology of critical thinking;

§ technology of research and design activities

assessment of educational achievements (academic success);

§ technology of cooperation;

§ ICT technologies.

The teacher, through the use of various effective pedagogical technologies, ensures the motivated inclusion of schoolchildren in educational and cognitive activities with the aim of independently “acquiring knowledge” by the students.

In improving the teaching of the Russian language, along with lessons, extracurricular work in the subject is of great importance. The lesson cannot contain everything that interests students, and everything that is necessary for practical mastery of the Russian language. Favorable conditions for satisfying the individual interests of students and for instilling speech skills are created by multifaceted extracurricular activities. In extracurricular activities, students go beyond the narrow confines of textbooks and acquire many vital skills - they learn to independently select and analyze material, and use reference books.

It is possible to achieve certain results in studying the Russian language only with the systematic inclusion of students in independent educational and cognitive activities. It is the activity method that ensures the continuity of personal self-development in the learning process. It is obvious that it is impossible to realize new goals of education if the student passively assimilates ready-made truths. An independent search is necessary, in the process of which one gains experience in goal setting, achieving goals, reflexive self-organization and self-esteem, and experience in communicative interaction.

systemic activity approach training

I propose to see how all of the above is implemented in practical activities using the example of a lesson organized on the basis of a system-activity approach, on the topic “Communion as a part of speech,” 7th grade.

1. Organizational moment.

Goal: inclusion of students in activities at a personally significant level - "Want, That's why What Can".

II. Updating knowledge.

Goal: repetition of the studied material necessary for the “discovery of new knowledge”, and identification of difficulties in the individual activities of each student.

At this stage, a situation of emotional emancipation is created, work is underway on the first educational goal of the lesson - checking the degree of assimilation of the previously studied material. A completely traditional beginning of the lesson, but an important element here is the independent setting of educational tasks and reflection of students.

The lesson is based on working with text. This content of educational activities corresponds to the goal of competency-based teaching of the Russian language, which contributes to the formation of the individual’s linguistic ability.

At the stage of updating knowledge, I often offer students work with a short poem. Analysis of a poetic text fosters an artistic perception of the world around us, and at the same time, working with this text allows a smooth transition to the study of a new topic. The requirements for texts are their compactness and artistic exemplary character. For example, when studying the topic “Communion,” I offer texts rich in adjectives that are already well known to children, and participles that will only be discussed in class.

Class assignment: Formulate a learning task for yourself for this text.

Possible task options:

Read the poem expressively.

Title the text.

Determine the topic and idea of ​​the text. Give a reasoned assessment of the proposed texts.

What artistic means do the authors of poems use?

Indicate and explain the studied spellings and punctograms.

The tasks listed above are, as a rule, required for working with any type of text in each class. Not only is there a development of communicative competence (mastery of all types of speech activity and the basics of the culture of oral and written speech), in parallel there is preparation for the state final certification, the development of practical skills in textual criticism (speech criticism), such as the ability to accurately perceive the content of a read text, its main problems; determine the main idea, the position of the author of the text; recognize linguistic means of expression, etc.

Introduction to the topic. Working with these texts allows you to smoothly move on to studying a new topic.

Name all the words that indicate the attribute of the object. How were you able to identify them? (on the question which one? Which one? Which one?)

Studying a new lesson topic.

Research assignment for the class:

Distribute the words into groups, combining them according to common characteristics (everyone determines the number of groups independently).

After students distribute the words into groups, answer options and justifications for the proposed distribution are heard. Then the students are offered the teacher’s option and given the task of explaining the proposed distribution of words into groups.

When the yellowing field is agitated, And the fresh forest rustles at the sound of the breeze, And the crimson plum hides in the garden Under the shadow of the sweet green leaf;

When sprinkled with dew on a fragrant rosy evening or in the golden hour of the morning, from under a bush a silver lily of the valley shakes its head at me in a welcoming manner.


The sun has cleared up during the day, the curly forest is descending:

The forest stands under a dark cap, bathes in golden fire.

On the hillock the green grass sleeps, all sprinkled with sparks, showered with pink dust and strewn with stones.

(AND .WITH. Nikitin )

Fresh forest, raspberry plum, under shadow sweet, green leaf, dew fragrant, ruddy In the evening, V hour golden, lily of the valley silver, curly forest, under with a hat dark, V gold fire, grass green, dust pink.

Yellowing Niva, splashed lily of the valley, grass splashed, showered, humiliated.

III. Setting a learning task.

Purpose: discussion of difficulties (“Why did difficulties arise?”, “What do we not know yet?”); speaking the purpose of the lesson in the form of a question to be answered ( What such participle How Part speeches?)

Such a task allows students to demonstrate both independent thinking, express their point of view, and shows possible difficulties in studying this topic. Therefore, the next obligatory step is goal setting for students.

Questions for goal setting:

What general at words V both groups? Which Part speeches They explain? What way educated data words? From what parts speeches educated data words?

IV. “Discovery of new knowledge” ( building a project to get out of the difficulty).

Conversation based on a comparison of two texts:

· What have you learned about the sacrament?

· How do the points of view on the sacrament of the authors of different textbooks differ? What do they have in common?

Draw your own conclusion.

During a conversation about different forms of presenting educational material, students are offered background information on the board to correctly formulate an answer:

Words V help: highlights, believes considers relates, With points vision, By opinion.

· Choose a convenient form for briefly recording important information about the sacrament (background summary, table, drawing, etc.)

The teacher offers his own recording form only after the children make their own suggestions.

V. Primary consolidation.

Goal: pronouncing new knowledge, recording it in the form of a reference signal.

Definitions of the participle are given both in poetic form, which facilitates memorization, and by authoritative Russian classics.

Here is my required property:

I bow as an adjective.

I answer all his questions.

I remind you of the meaning of the verb.

Words by V. Dahl, creator of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language”:

"Participle - This Part speeches, involved verb V image adjective".

A.S. Pushkin, the genius of our literature, spoke about participles:

“Communions. usually are avoided V conversation. We Not we talk: coach, galloping By bridge; servant, throwing room; We we talk: which jumps, which sweeps And other - replacing expressive brevity participles sluggish turnover".

After independent work, the answer options are heard, discussed, and then the teacher’s option is shown - a reference summary.

VI. Independent work with self-test according to the standard. Self-analysis and self-control.

At the end of this stage of the lesson, reflection is carried out:

Questions For reflections:

· Were you able to solve the task set for yourself?

· What helped you with this?

· What difficulties did you encounter?

The stage of a lesson on studying a new topic contributes to the development of educational and cognitive competence of schoolchildren through goal setting by the students themselves, solving a problem task, formulating conclusions, and then reflection.

Also, this stage of the lesson is aimed at developing the information competence of students through working with several sources; the ability to highlight the main information and compactly formulate their thoughts is being developed.

The development of students’ communicative competence is realized through educational dialogue, tasks aimed at creating their own short notes, defending them, and reviewing classmates’ speeches.

VII. Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system and repetition.

Consolidation. At the next stage of the lesson, through a heuristic task, a new topic is consolidated in practical activities, since the task is aimed at using participles in speech.

Exercise 1:

Try it replace adjectives from first column on cognate participles.

Heuristic task:

Come up with How Can more proposals O his activities on lesson And work classmates, using participles.

Based on the results of implementation, the resulting answer options are heard, evaluation and self-assessment are carried out.


Be able to tell from your short notes about participles.

Name an associative series with the word “Autumn” (autumn, leaves, sky, rain, clouds). Make up sentences in which these words will be used with participles.

VIII. Reflection on activity (lesson summary).

· What was the most useful thing for me in the lesson?

· What was the most interesting part of the lesson for me?

· What was difficult for me in the lesson?

· What should I pay attention to in my homework in preparation for the next lesson?

It is possible to create qualitatively new educational results only with the systematic inclusion of students in independent educational and cognitive activities.

The ability to create your own educational product, work with various sources of information, and other types of activities ensure the continuity of personal self-development in the learning process.

It is obvious that it is impossible to realize new educational goals if the student passively assimilates ready-made truths.

An independent search is necessary, in the process of which one acquires the experience of goal setting, achieving goals, reflexive self-organization and self-esteem, and the experience of communicative influence.

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