Diagnostics of spelling vigilance of primary schoolchildren. Abstract “Formation of spelling vigilance in primary schoolchildren. ending “oh”, check with the question - “which one?”


Pedagogical project

“Development of spelling vigilance in junior schoolchildren through game exercises”

Bakhurtsova Irina Aleksandrovna

primary school teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 1 from T. Giaginskaya

Maykop 2014

Project plan

1.Analysis of the situation.

2. Relevance. Justification of the relevance of the implementation of an individual target project.

3. Goal and objectives of the pedagogical project.

4. Planned results.

5. Scientific part.

6.Project implementation program.

    Learning from positive experiences.

    Stages of development of spelling vigilance.

6. List of sources used.

7. Application (presentation).

Analysis of the situation

With the introduction of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard in primary school, junior schoolchildren must be taught two groups of new skills. The first includes a group of universal educational actions that form the basis of the ability to learn: creative problem solving skills and skills of searching, analyzing and interpreting information. The second is the formation of motivation in children to learn, helping them in self-organization and self-development.

The program for the formation of universal educational actions at the stage of primary general education (hereinafter referred to as the program for the formation of universal educational actions) specifies the requirements of the Standard for the personal and meta-subject results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education, complements the traditional content of educational programs and serves as the basis for the development of exemplary programs of educational subjects , courses, disciplines.

The Standard clearly formulates the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education, the structure and conditions for its implementation, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of junior schoolchildren.

When mastering the subject area “Russian Language”, students should be able to:

    come to an understanding that language and speech are phenomena of national culture and the main means of human communication; to form a positive attitude towards correct oral and written speech as indicators of a person’s general culture;

    master basic understanding of the norms of the Russian literary language (orthoepic, lexical, grammatical) and the rules of speech etiquette. Each academic subject, depending on the subject content and relevant ways of organizing students’ educational activities, reveals certain opportunities for the formation of universal educational actions.

In particular, the educational subject “Russian Language” ensures the formation of cognitive, communicative and regulatory actions. Working with text opens up opportunities for the formation of logical actions of analysis, comparison, and establishment of cause-and-effect relationships. Orientation in the morphological and syntactic structure of the language and the assimilation of the rules of word and sentence structure, the graphic form of letters ensures the development of sign-symbolic actions - substitution (for example, a sound with a letter), modeling (for example, the composition of a word by drawing up a diagram) and model transformation (modification of a word) . Studying Russian and the native language creates conditions for the formation of a “language sense” as a result of the child’s orientation in the grammatical and syntactic structure of the native language and ensures the successful development of age-appropriate forms and functions of speech, including generalizing and planning functions.

When studying the Russian language, we often encounter the following situation: children know As a rule, they give examples, but when doing written work they make mistakes. Why? During a Russian language lesson, the student listens, memorizes, writes, reads, and answers the teacher’s questions. This kind of work in class can be called passive or relatively passive. And deep knowledge and skills are acquired in the process of active mastery of educational material, that is, in active cognitive activity - “I don’t just learn, memorize what the teacher says, but I learn, I acquire knowledge myself”

In Russian language lessons, developing attention means developing the ability to see different forms of words, developing spelling vigilance.


The problem of teaching children to read and write has always been extremely acute not only in pedagogy, but also in social life, since the literacy of the people is their weapon in the struggle for culture. Therefore, achieving high quality spelling skills continues to be one of the most challenging tasks in primary education. Indeed, the theoretical material of the Russian language course presents some difficulties for schoolchildren, since it is presented in a larger volume, which must not only be learned, but also applied in practice. This volume is determined by the official program and the Russian language school textbooks compiled on its basis. Within this scope, students must learn to identify spelling patterns, find their identifying features and, in accordance with this, apply one or another spelling rule. But learning the wording of a rule and mastering spelling using a rule are not the same thing. As you know, there are students who, although they know the rule, cannot apply it in practice. Therefore, both scientists and teachers are looking for new, more effective approaches to organizing the process of working on the formation of spelling skills

For some reason, students in many schools don’t really like Russian language lessons. They are reluctant to learn, and sometimes cram boring rules, without which it is impossible to write correctly. How can we make Russian language lessons interesting and exciting for younger students? How to make spelling patterns easy to remember and consciously used by children when writing? One of the means of development is game exercises. They can be used when schoolchildren work in pairs, in groups and even individually. Games evoke a spark of curiosity in the eyes of students, a desire to remember and use the rule in practice, form schoolchildren's spelling vigilance, when explaining and proving actions, develop their speech, awaken children's interest and love for Russian language lessons. Upon entering school, the child’s leading activity becomes educational, while maintaining the importance of play.

The development of spelling vigilance is possible subject to systematic and targeted work on developing the ability to detect spelling patterns. The largest part of the orthograms of the Russian language, according to scientists, consists of orthograms of weak positions, which include unstressed vowels in different parts of the word, consonants paired in voiced-voiceless positions, standing at the end of the word and before other consonants.

Spelling vigilance develops gradually, in the process of performing various exercises that provide visual, auditory, articulatory, motor perception and memorization of spelling material, which is a necessary condition for the formation of spelling vigilance.

The development of schoolchildren's spelling vigilance and strong spelling skills is one of the important tasks of teaching them the Russian language at school, since competent writing ensures the accuracy of expression of thoughts and mutual understanding of people in written communication. First of all, the student must find a spelling, only after that he will be able to decide on its specific spelling. This means that the ability to detect spelling patterns, called spelling vigilance, is a basic spelling skill, the first stage in learning to spell, the key to competent writing. The inability to distinguish spelling patterns is one of the main reasons hindering the development of spelling skills. Without “reacting” to spelling, schoolchildren write with errors in full confidence that they write correctly; In this case, the rules turn out to be unnecessary; students often don’t even remember them.

This means that increasing the effectiveness of schoolchildren’s learning is associated with the formation and development of spelling vigilance. Here the question arises: with the help of what methods, methods, means can one effectively develop spelling vigilance?

The works of famous methodologists are devoted to solving this problem: V. Sheremetevsky, N.S. Rozhdestvensky, M.R. Lvov, E.G. Shatova, M.M. Razumovskaya and others.

At the present stage, the question of the development of spelling vigilance is one of relevant issues of linguodidactics. Unfortunately, as practice shows, a student graduating from primary school makes serious spelling mistakes. This suggests that their spelling vigilance has not been developed.

Goal and tasks

Target: develop and implement game exercises to develop the spelling vigilance of primary schoolchildren.


1) analyze linguistic, psychological, pedagogical and scientific-methodological literature on this issue;

2) summarize existing pedagogical experience on this issue;

Hypothesis: the process of developing spelling vigilance in students will be effective

Planned results

The student will learn

Distinguish between letters denoting vowels and consonants, use all methods of letter designation when writing;

Determine whether a given word is spelled the way it is pronounced, in what part of the word the letter or letters are located, indicating a discrepancy

Write correctly by ear and from memory most words (to the extent studied); in difficult cases, establish the nature of the difficulty: choose a method of checking spelling that is adequate to the spelling and educational situation;

To be guided by the goals, objectives, means and conditions of communication, to choose on this basis adequate language means to successfully solve communicative problems.

Scientific part

Modern Russian spelling is based on certain principles. To understand the principle of spelling means to see its system and perceive each of its individual rules as part of the system, to understand the spelling rule and each spelling in the interrelations of grammar, etymology, and the history of the language. The theory of Russian spelling specifies morphological, phonetic, and traditional principles.

Possible psychological reasons for the underdevelopment of spelling vigilance: low level of development of voluntary attention, lack of formation of methods of educational activity (self-control, ability to act according to the rule), low level of volume and distribution of attention, low level of development of short-term memory.

Psychological features of the writing process in primary schoolchildren

Every teacher of a modern school knows that it is often necessary to repeat the same grammar material with students many times and yet it remains unlearned. Children seem to know the rule, formulate it correctly, but do not know how to apply it.

During the lesson, the student writes, reads, answers the teacher’s questions, but this work does not affect her thoughts and does not arouse interest. Often he cannot concentrate attention, thought, or strain his memory. Activity in mastering the material requires attention to what is being studied, the teacher’s assignments, and the wording of the rules and assignments in the textbook. For all this, the students’ mental and willpower is required. As you know, K.D. Ushinsky considered attention to be the only door through which the impressions of life enter the child’s soul. Attention is the concentration of consciousness on something. It is impossible to concentrate it without a certain effort of will, without a certain activity of the listening, reading, writing student. That is why modern psychologists who study the processes of children’s assimilation of knowledge attach great importance to cultivating attention in children.

In the context of teaching the Russian language, to develop attention means to develop the ability to see different forms of words, to develop “spelling vigilance”. This means that when children look at a written word, they should see it as a whole and in its component parts (if necessary in the process of learning to spell). When listening to speech, hear the whole word and its individual sounds (hard and soft, voiced and voiceless, stressed and unstressed). If the teacher has not raised the student’s attention to the word, to its sound side, to its meaning and form, then the student will be “deaf” to the word, to its spelling. In the process of teaching spelling, the development of memory in children, the formation of their attitude towards memorization. What do we need to know about memory to help children learn competent writing?

Auditory memory consists of memorizing phonemes into morphemes by ear. They are memorized during the writing process, i.e. when transmitting phonemes using letters. In lessons, various types of dictations are used for this purpose.

Visual Memory manifests itself in the process of writing by ear and when copying. In the classroom, visual memory manifests itself when using various types of cheating, as well as dictations with visual preparation.

Speech motor memory (kinesthetic) is based on syllable-by-syllable orthographic pronunciation of words, as a result of which the phonemic composition of the studied word is fixed in the muscular movements of the speech organs. Speech motor memory is used when teaching children to spell words with untestable spellings.

Motor memory involves the student writing the same word over and over again. The methodology and school experience do not have data on the number of necessary repeated entries of a particular word.

A significant role in teaching the Russian language is played by the conscious attitude of students to work. Active, thorough completion of tasks in accordance with the requirements of the teacher and textbook is also a conscious attitude towards learning. Interest in work, the needlessness of coercion on the part of teachers and parents is a very important sign of a conscious attitude towards learning. Children of this age often cannot fully understand the responsibility for the work they do. Interest in a task is not always sufficient for a student to take up its completion without a reminder. Interest in working on the Russian language is cultivated in a student if he receives meaningful, feasible, but at the same time thought-provoking tasks. Tasks will be interesting if to complete them you need to analyze, compare, explain and prove.

Practical part

Project implementation stages

Preparatory– use of game exercises in literacy lessons.

Basic - using game exercises in Russian language lessons

Final- use of game exercises in consolidation lessons (spelling lessons).

Upon entering school, the child’s leading activity becomes educational, while maintaining the importance of play. One of the most effective means of arousing interest in Russian language classes is a didactic game. The goal of the game is to awaken interest in knowledge, science, books, and learning. At primary school age, play, along with learning, occupies an important place in the development of the child. When children are included in a didactic game situation, interest in educational activities increases sharply, the material being studied becomes more accessible to them, and their performance increases significantly.

After all, the fact that play is part of the educational process is no secret to anyone. The game helps the formation of phonemic perception of words, enriches the child with new information, activates mental activity, attention, and most importantly, stimulates speech. As a result, children develop an interest in the Russian language. Not to mention the fact that didactic games in the Russian language contribute to the formation of spelling vigilance in younger schoolchildren.

Over the course of several years of working in primary classes, I observed that Russian language classes do not always arouse interest among students. Some children find it a boring subject. Reluctance to study the Russian language gives rise to illiteracy. I thought about how to arouse interest in classes, how to improve writing literacy. I re-read a lot of literature, analyzed my lessons and came to the conclusion that it is possible to awaken interest in the Russian language if you systematically accumulate and select fascinating material that can attract the attention of every student.

Preparatory stage

Game exercises that develop phonemic hearing

In the process of searching for new ways and means, methods and techniques for organizing the educational process, preference is given to those that contribute to personal self-realization, are interesting to students, and help to more effectively absorb educational material. In school practice, such

Games are increasingly being considered as means (B.G. Ananyev, O.S. Anisimov, L.I. Bozhovich, A.V. Zaporozhets, S.A. Shmakov, D.B. Elkonin, etc.).

Successful learning to read and write requires developed phonemic awareness. Phonemic hearing, as defined by M.R. Lvov, is “the discrimination of individual speech sounds in the sound stream, ensuring the understanding of words and the distinction of their meanings”

In literacy lessons, the following games can be used to develop phonemic awareness.

Exercise 1. “Attentive Shoppers”

The teacher lays out various objects on his desk. Among them are those whose names begin with the same sound, for example: doll, cube, cat; mask, bear, ball, bowl, etc. - You came to the store. Your parents paid for toys whose names begin with the sound [k] or [m]. You can take these toys. Be careful, don’t take a toy you didn’t pay for! The difficulty of the task is that instead of a toy whose name begins, say, with the sound [m] (matryoshka, mouse), do not take a toy whose name begins with the sound [m,] (ball, bear). Option: buyers and seller are children portraying literary characters.

Exercise 2. Lotto “Read it yourself”

. Option I. Children are dealt cards with 6 words written on each card. The presenter shows the picture and asks: “Which of the guys has the name of the picture written down? (Who has the floor?).” The first one to fill out the card without errors wins.

Option II. The children are dealt cards. The presenter shows the sound diagram of the word, the students correlate it with the word on their map. The winner is the one who correctly fills his card with word patterns.

Exercise 3. “Wolf, dog hunter.”

First, children find the first sound in the word. - Now there is a big hunt in the forest: wolves are hunting for hares, and hunters with dogs are hunting for wolves. Let the sound [r] be the wolf, the [r] be the dog, the other sounds be the hares, and let you be the hunters. Now be careful. As soon as you hear [p] in the words I pronounce, “shoot” - clap your hands! Just don't hit the hare or your hunting dog. Attention! Let's start the hunt!

Exercise 4. “The animals got lost.”

- We got lost, lost in the forest: a donkey, a rooster, a horse, a mouse, a cat, a dog, a pig, a chicken, a cow. Katya will call the animals, and let Kolya listen carefully and draw a syllable diagram of each word on the board. It should show which syllable was drawn out when Katya called the animals. If they do the job right, the animals will come together again.

Exercise 5. “Mathematical grammar.”

The child must perform the actions on the card (“+”, “–”) and use the addition and subtraction of letters, syllables, and words to find the desired word. For example: s + tom – m + fox – sa + tsa? (capital).

Exercise 6. Game “One sound, march!”

1. Take out one sound from each word. Do this so that the remaining sounds form a new word with a different lexical meaning. For example: a handful is a guest. (To your heart's content, paint, slope, regiment, heat, trouble, screen.)

2. Now, on the contrary, add one sound to make a completely new word. For example: rose - thunderstorm. (Table, paw, ball, chopping, treasure, bite, mustache, gift.)

3. Replace one consonant sound in words. For example: cake - walrus. (Nails, bun, paw, teeth, pussy, sand, jackdaw, eagle, wedge, mink, longing, light, log, frame).

Exercise 7. “Collect a flower.”

The “middle” of the flower lies on the table. There is a letter written on it (for example, c). “Flower petals” are laid out nearby, on which pictures with the sounds [s], [z], [ts], [sh] are drawn. The student must choose among these “petals” with pictures those with the sound [s].

Using the games listed above allows first-graders to master the following skills:

1) name the sounds that make up the word; 2) do not confuse the concepts of “sound” and “letter”; 3) determine the role of vowel letters standing after letters denoting consonant sounds, paired in softness; 4) determine the number of letters and sounds in a word, etc.

Game techniques and exercises that promote the development of self-testing skills and spelling vigilance in students

The emergence of spelling vigilance in students is facilitated by exercises that require them to carefully work with the sound-letter composition of a word and develop phonemic hearing.

"A Keen Eye Helps a Keen Ear"

    Spelling dictation. The teacher dictates the words, and the students write down only the spellings that appear in them.

For example: car - shi, watch - cha, Gleb - G, b, etc.

    The teacher shows subject pictures and asks to remember only those whose names contain the spelling pattern being studied. For example: subject pictures: skis, chair, pencils, watches, pine cone, vase, pike. Students are given the task to remember only those names of pictures that contain combinations of vowels and sibilants, and then write down these names.

    The teacher asks you to listen to the words. Then he asks you to remember and write down those words that contain an unstressed vowel a, o or e.

    Peer review. Students exchange notebooks and check the dictation, correcting their friend's mistakes with a pencil.

    Differentiation of sound and spelling of words. The teacher reads the word. Then he gives the task to the student: “Say the word as you heard it; pronounce the word as you write it; explain why (highlight the spelling); Write down the word, and write the letters that are written according to the rule in a different color.

    "Count how many words". The exercise can be used in a reading lesson. The teacher reads a short text. Task: count how many words in it begin or end with a certain sound. Then you are asked to retell what you heard. The main thing is that the child learns to quickly grasp the main meaning and be able to express it verbally without making grammatical errors.

    « Where are the words hidden? The exercise can be used in Russian language and reading lessons. Words with unfinished elements are suggested. You need to read the words and write them correctly. Exercise helps increase concentration and stability of attention.

« Playing the piano". The exercise can be used in a Russian language lesson. The teacher says a word. Students determine the number of sounds in a word by performing the exercise “Playing the piano” (the tips of their fingers touch the table in succession). The exercise promotes the development of fine motor skills and phonemic analysis.

The main stage is the use of game exercises in Russian lessons

I. “Choose three words”(the game can be used to reinforce any topics in the Russian language)

Goal: To monitor the formation of spelling skills, taking into account the stage of work on spelling.

The choice of words depends on the topics being studied or completed.

Nine words are written on 9 cards:

1st set: fish, blizzard, stocking, oak trees, jam, scarecrow, streams, plague, mushroom.

2nd set: entrance, warehouse, crow, hail, shooting, treasure, gate, rise, sparrow.

Two people take turns taking cards, the first one to have three words with the same spelling wins.

II. Game "Postman"

Goal: To consolidate students’ knowledge of selecting a test word, expand their vocabulary, develop phonemic awareness, and prevent dysgraphia.

Procedure: The postman distributes invitations to a group of children (4-5 people each).

Children determine where they have been invited.


a park



dining room


get wet


    Explain spellings by choosing test words.

    Make up sentences using these words.

III. Game "Cryptographers"

Goal: automation of sounds, development of phonetic-phonemic perception, processes of analysis and synthesis, understanding of the semantic-distinctive function of sounds and letters, enrichment of students’ vocabulary, development of logical thinking.

Progress: Play in pairs: one as a coder, the other as a guesser.

The cryptographer conceives a word and encrypts it. Players can try their hand at deciphering phrases and sentences.







The guesser has to not only guess the words, but also choose the extra word from each group.

For example:

    Aaltrek, lazhok, raukzhk, zoonkv (plate, spoon, mug, bell)

    Oarz, straa, enkl, roamksha (rose, aster, maple, chamomile)

    Plnaeat, zdzeav, otrbia, sgen (planet, star, orbit, snow)

IV. Game "Nicknames"

Goal: formation of the process of inflection and word formation, consolidation of phonetic and grammatical analysis of words, spelling of proper names.

Progress: Form animal names from the following words:


Make sentences.


Highlight the part of the word that you used to compose nicknames (suffix, ending).

Gaming techniques.

1. Find the “extra word”

Goal: to develop the ability to identify a common feature in words, develop attention, consolidate the spelling of untestable vowels.














Tasks: Underline the “extra” word. What spellings are found in these words?

2. Children really like tasks such as:

    Replace phrases with one word:

    • A period of time of 60 minutes,

      A soldier standing on duty

      Child who loves sweets

      A very funny movie.

    Divide the words into two groups.

    • Find related words. Select the root.

    Complete the sentences:

Roma and Zhora have ………….
One day they went ………….
Suddenly from the bushes……………..
Then the guys remembered for a long time how........

    Make up a story using the following words:

    • winter, snow, frost, trees, cold, bullfinches.

The value of such games lies in the fact that using their material you can also practice reading speed, syllabic composition of words, develop spelling vigilance and much more.

An important role of entertaining didactic games is that they help relieve tension and fear when writing in children who feel their own inadequacy, and create a positive emotional mood during the lesson.

The child happily completes any of the teacher’s tasks and exercises. And the teacher, thus, stimulates the student’s correct speech, both oral and written.

Game “Settled in the House” on the topic “Paired consonant sounds” Task:

Whose group, couple or who will “populate their house” faster and more correctly with letters denoting paired consonant sounds according to their voicedness and deafness?

Game "Find the letter"

This game is played on the topics: “Testable unstressed vowels at the roots of words”, “Testable paired consonants at the roots of words”. There are as many words on the board as there are children in the class. Instead of physical training, I conduct it as follows:

Guys, Senor Tomato snuck into our class. He stole the letters from the words and locked them in the houses. Who will help me get them back? There is only one condition: the lock will open only if you can choose the correct test word.


- Who will come to the board and help me return the letter to the right word?

So, learning with passion, lighting a sparkle in the eyes of every student, instilling a thirst for knowledge - these are the main conditions for success. The latest technologies also provide great assistance in work - the use of a computer and a multimedia projector, project activities in elementary school, presentations and tests - all this enlivens the learning process and allows one to achieve success in work.


· M.R. Lvov “Spelling in primary grades”, M., Pr. 1990.

· Russian language in primary school. Theory and practice of teaching. M., Ave. 1993.

· I. V. Borisenko. Teaching spelling to primary schoolchildren. Primary school 1998 No. 3.

· G. I. Khotentseva. Working on spelling errors. Primary school 1995 No. 4.

· Frolova L.A. The structure of spelling vigilance and the conditions for its development in primary schoolchildren. Primary school. - 2001 No. 5.

· Frolova L.A. Theoretical support of spelling activity of junior schoolchildren. Elementary School. – 2005 No. 3.


· Formation of competent writing skills through a variety of forms and methods of teaching the Russian language.


· Types of work on words with uncheckable spellings.


· Development of spelling vigilance in Russian language lessons.


· Development of spelling vigilance of junior schoolchildren through didactic diversity (From the work experience of Tatyana Efimovna Chantsay, primary school teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 15 in the village of Birakan)

· O.V. Epifanova. “Entertaining Russian language for younger schoolchildren”, Volgograd, Extremum. 2006.

· L. I. Tikunova. "Collection of dictations and creative works." M., Ave. 1992,

Exercises to develop spelling vigilance in junior schoolchildren

in Russian language lessons based on the use of modern technologies

N.S. Rozhdestvensky wrote: “Competent writing is not just the movement of the writing hand, but a special speech activity. The more developed a child is, the richer his vocabulary and syntax, the more correct his pronunciation, the easier spelling is for him.”

Russian is considered one of the most difficult school subjects. Teaching the Russian language should be based on three pillars: linguistics, psychology, and methodology. The main attention of the teacher should be focused on the formation of spelling and punctuation literacy of students and their speech development, as well as on the solid assimilation of the knowledge that is the basis for the application of spelling rules and mastery of speech norms. The literacy level of secondary school students is one of the most pressing problems in public education.

Spelling vigilance– this is the ability to quickly detect spelling patterns in the text and determine their types, find your own and others’ mistakes. The lack of spelling vigilance or its poor formation is one of the main reasons for mistakes made.

The task of a primary school teacher– to develop students’ spelling vigilance. When starting to study spelling, children must realize that copying and dictation are not an end in themselves, that in life spelling is necessary for communication, for accuracy of speech.

Having worked on techniques for developing spelling vigilance for quite some time, I consider it advisable to carry out the following games or exercises to develop the corresponding skill.

1. Game “Light the beacon”" We carry out sound analysis of words or copying words and sentences in copybooks. Children place green circles under the “dangerous place”.

2.Letter from dictation. First I dictate the words as they are written. Later I’ll play the “Echo” game. I read the words, and the children repeat in a whisper, but so that I can hear. If someone copied incorrectly, they correct the mistake by saying it again, then write everything down.

3. A special way of writing words. During dictation, letters in “dangerous places” are skipped. These letters must first be recognized, and this is not easy: not all the rules are known yet. Therefore, it is advisable to put gaps. When the text is written down, the teacher answers the children’s questions and fills in the missing letters.

4. Phonetic analysis(conducted throughout all four years of study). Its principle can be briefly represented using the example of the word Earth. I pronounce [z" and m l" a]. The word has two syllables [z" and m] - [l" a]. The second syllable is stressed.

[z"] – consonant, soft, voiced, I write z;
[ and ] – vowel, unstressed, I check [ z "em l" and ], after a soft consonant I write e;
[m] – consonant, hard, voiced, I write m;
[l"] – consonant, soft, voiced, I write l;
[a] – vowel, stressed, after a soft consonant I write the letter I.

5. Analysis of words by composition- This is one of the main stages of learning spelling.

Before the child writes a word, he must put emphasis and determine in which part of the word there are “dangerous places”. Some prefixes and suffixes are known to children. They pronounce them and write them. If you are not familiar, the teacher must dictate clearly. Vowels and consonants are fundamentally checked according to the rules or clearly dictated by the teacher if the rules for a given spelling have not been studied.

For example, the word is written runs through.

- Runs through. The student's line of reasoning: the stress falls on the penultimate syllable. I'm writing a prefix about- because prefixes great-- No. Root unstressed vowel e, because run. I don’t know the ending, I skip it (the teacher clearly dictates this part).

6. Self-test of what you have written. Students find and highlight “dangerous places” in an already written sentence or word.

7. Cheating. Particular attention should be paid to the issue of cheating, since it is the most important type of spelling exercises, which includes the operation of preliminary highlighting the overwhelming number of spellings in the copied text.

Various reminders help develop self-testing skills, for example:

1.Have you missed any letters?

2.Did you write the unstressed vowels correctly? What about paired consonants?

3.Not sure, ask your teacher.

Spelling exercise system

Taking into account the two principles underlying the acquisition of spelling, conscious and mechanical, teaching spelling includes the following operations:

copying from the correct text; reading;

writing a coherent text memorized;

warning dictations;

explanatory dictations;

creative, free dictations;

selective, silent, visual dictations;

use of spelling dictionaries;

test dictations;

work on mistakes.

It is worth noting that teaching spelling, as is known, is based primarily on the study of spelling rules. It should be borne in mind that the rule organizes the teaching of writing, but it in itself does not lead to correct writing: writing must be consolidated through long exercises, so that it becomes a skill.

Types of exercises.

1. Decipher the fairy tale (based on the text of “Turnip”)

Psdl dd rpk. Vrsl rpk blsh-prblsh. Stl dd rpk z zml weight. Tnt ptnt, tnt n mzht. Pzvl dd bbk. BBk z ddk, ddk z rpk. Tnt ptnt, tnt n mgt. Pzvl bbk vnchk. Vnchk z bbk, bbk z ddk, ddk z rpk. Tnt ptnt, tnt n mgt. Pzvl vnchk Zhchk. Zhchk z vnchk, vnchk z bbk, bbk z ddk, ddk z rpk. Tnt ptnt, tnt n mgt. Pzvl Zchk kshk. Kshk z Zhchk, Zhk z vnchk, vnchk z bbk, bbk z ddk, ddk z rpk. Tnt ptnt, tnt n mgt. Pzvl kshk mshk. Mshk z kshk, Kshk z Zhchk, Zhk z vnchk, vnchk z bbk, bbk z ddk, ddk z rpk. Vtnl rpk!

2. Name and write down only the vowels of the dictated words:

House, smoke, ladies

Cat, porridge, gut

Little, soap, crushed

Young, hungry, cold

3. Encryptor

Find words on the page of the ABC book and encrypt them, writing down only the vowels or consonants of them.

4. Find a dangerous place

Clap as soon as you hear a sound you can't trust.

5.Traffic light

Show a red traffic light as soon as you find “dangerous place” in the word.

6. Finding "danger spots" in the written word

Completing this exercise is the beginning of learning to self-test.

In grades 2–4, you can use the following types of exercises aimed at developing spelling vigilance.

Letter with missing spellings


1. Copy by inserting the missing letters. Put an accent, highlight the root.

Peace, for example, peaceful, remember, for everyone.

K...k...tok, k...tit, k...tit, k...tanie, k...talk.

Hungry, g...hungry, g...hunger, hunger, g...l...giving.

Mol...t, m...l...tit, m...l...tba, m...l...tit, m...l...tilka.

2. Write down, insert the missing letters

Between r...dealing in...rhushek

P...k...shared with...Neva.

The guns made noise

Bright yellow foliage.

The spruce tree has become more noticeable in the forest,

B... r... there is a thick shadow.

P...dosinovik p...last

Moved his hat on one side (A. Tvardovsky)

3. Write it down. Before words with unstressed vowels at the root, write test words.

sat in the garden - I’ve turned gray a long time ago

drink medicine - sing a song

live in the city - chew food

made a nest - took her down the steps

get off the roof - lick the sour cream

copy it off the board - hurry home

open the door - boil the potatoes

reconcile enemies - try on a suit

caress the cat - rinse the laundry

The search and application of intensive forms of teaching the Russian language, new approaches to the use of existing methods and means of increasing students' spelling vigilance is accompanied by an in-depth analysis of the results achieved. For this purpose, it is necessary to constantly diagnose the qualitative level of students’ knowledge, monitor specific errors made by students in all types of written work

The problem of developing spelling vigilance in younger schoolchildren

Work on the formation of spelling vigilance in primary schoolchildren through active methods and techniques.

The practical goal of teaching the Russian language involves students mastering two types of communication - oral and written. To learn to write correctly, a child must master the rules of spelling.

The problem of developing competent writing in primary school is one of the leading ones in the Russian language course. Research by psychologists and teachers has shown that the optimal way to teach spelling is one in which the spelling skill is initially formed as a system of conscious actions. As a result of special exercises, they are reduced and automated. Conscious mastery of spelling includes the ability to isolate spellings, assign each to a specific rule, and, finally, write in accordance with the rule.

Linguists, psychologists, and methodologists emphasize the dependence of the results of teaching spelling on the development in students of the ability to detect places in words that need to be written according to the rule. This ability should be developed during the learning process in primary school. However, during their studies in grades 1-4, most children do not develop spelling vigilance: “the percentage of vision of spelling patterns among 4th grade students ranges from 30% - 50%.”

Thus, the problem of developing spelling vigilance is relevant, which determined the choice of the topic of our research.

At the beginning of our teaching career, we more than once encountered endless grammatical errors by students. It was always very offensive, annoying, sometimes I just gave up. “What to do?”, “What is the cause of grammatical errors?”, “How to teach children to write correctly?” - Which teacher was not concerned about these and similar questions? But the teacher is called upon to ensure the formation of strong literate writing skills. Many years of observations have led to the conclusion: the “spelling problem” in the primary grades can be solved only by constantly and systematically developing students’ spelling vigilance.

From the very first days of school, the teacher must develop in each child the ability to master a word, understand a word, consider it from different sides (lexical, phonetic, morphemic, etc.), and comprehend the laws of language. At the same time, it is important to remember that our great Russian language is not lost behind “boring” grammar and “monotonous” spelling. Children should feel its beauty, realize its richness, and gain the ability to express a wide variety of thoughts and feelings on it.

Where should you start? We consider it important to use spellings in our work. Not a single Russian language lesson should be complete without the word "spelling". However, it should be noted that if this term is not filled with meaning, as is quite often the case in elementary school, the student involuntarily develops his own, often incorrect, idea of ​​​​the concept of “spelling”, which usually leads to spelling errors.

At the first stage, I try to teach children to accurately and quickly identify the stress in a word, and to correctly designate a stressed sound in writing with the corresponding letter. When doing this work, you can use a technique such as substituting the word “This is...” to determine the emphasis: “This is...”: these are threads, these are bushes, these are dolls, these are pine trees.

Students get acquainted with such words, the spelling of which is determined by pronunciation, and make sure that a spelling mistake cannot be made in a word, i.e. the word may not have any spelling at all.

To consolidate the ability to find stress, we select words where each subsequent set of words is one sound greater than the previous one.

  • a) Olya fish pear matches porch wonderful
  • b) Wasps Vova wing paper desert toothy
  • c) Anya notes bag seal shirt strawberry
  • d) Ira sneakers desk chandelier slim tulip, etc.

In the process of this work, children not only place emphasis, but also learn to identify sounds.

For this purpose, the following technique is used. A card is prepared for each child. It is a cardboard strip 12-15 cm long and 3-4 cm wide. 6-7 transverse colored paper strips are glued on it (preferably different colors). Using this card, the children show the number of sounds in a word. While reading words, children, at the request of the teacher, first show how many sounds there are in each syllable, and then - in the entire word. For example, in the word “ball” the student shows 3 stripes (there are 3 sounds in the word), and covers the rest with his hand.

Another technique for checking the spelling of a word. Children are given “magic” squares (size - 5 cm, the square is decorated with applique). When checking what you have written, a square is placed on the first word of the sentence. Gradually, moving it to the right, the student opens the first syllable, then the second, etc. This way he can easily detect missing letters. This simple technique gives good results. Children learn to control themselves and, as a rule, make almost no mistakes in missing letters.

At the second stage, the ability to evaluate each vowel sound of a word is developed, i.e. children determine which sound is stressed (strong position) and which sound is unstressed (weak position).

Stress is a strong emphasis on sound. Which one?


This vowel is stressed, and this one is unstressed.

At this stage, children learn to distinguish between stressed and unstressed vowels. The main thing is for the child to understand that stress does not change anything. At the same stage, the concept of a dangerous place, “stepping stone” is introduced. Children must understand this place, and in order to write correctly, use the “Ask me” technique. At this stage we use the following tasks:

“Light a flashlight” - write off, mark the strong position with an emphasis, and under the weak position “light the flashlight” (mark the dangerous place with a red dot).

Letter with missing letters of weak position:

S. sleep, c. lna, pov. r, ball. To.

N - p - lyan - d - nok - st - yala m - lod - nyk - yol - chka. (To write

That's right - "Ask me.")

At the next stage, the ability to determine which sound unambiguously indicates a letter is developed, and which can be indicated by different letters with the same sound. (The unstressed sound “a” can be indicated by the letters o or a, the unstressed sound “i” by the letters e, i, i.) At this stage, students become familiar with spelling as a phenomenon when they are faced with cases of ambiguous relationships between sounds and letters.

Is it possible to misspell the word “mountains”?

It turns out that an error is impossible, since replacing any of the letters leads to the destruction of the given word and its replacement with another (hole).

What if you replace the letter of the unstressed vowel in the word mountain and write the word “gara”? What will happen?

When writing the word "gara" its meaning did not change. The replacement of the letters o - and in the words gora - "gara" - is a purely orthographic phenomenon. Consequently, spelling errors are possible only in cases where there is a choice of letters, the use of which does not affect pronunciation.

What is the exercise system at this stage?

Change the words mountains, owls, pine trees, paths, thunderstorms, walls, rivers, candles, lands, arrows so that they name not many, but one object.

Entry in notebooks:

g"o"ry ​​- g"a"ra, s"o"dreams - s"a"sna, walls - st"i"na, candles - sv"i"cha, s"o"you - s"a" va, tr"o"py - tr"a"pa, rivers - r"i"kA, arrows - str"i"la

(note: " " brackets indicate sounds).

Children note that when words were changed, instead of the sound “o”, the sound “a” appeared in a weak position; that the unstressed sound “e” in writing is indicated by the letter i.

It is noted that there is no exchange for the letters y (cheese), u (rays), yu (love); at the end of the word - a, I (desk, Tolya). We try to convey to children the essence of the concept of spelling: there is no spelling in a word if there is no “exchange” of letters; a word has a spelling if there is a “change” of letters.

The next stage is listening to the spelling.

Read the words. Write down only those that contain spellings. Please indicate your choice.

Desk, cow, floor, ruler, book, big, playing, lived, on the desk, ran, blue...

Entry in notebooks:

Cow, ruler, big, playing, lived, on a desk, ran, blue.

K"o-a"rova, l"i-e"neika, b"o-a"lshoi, "i-e"gra"e - i"t, zh"i - y"l, n "a-o" "

part "e-i", p"o-a"b "e - i"zhal, sin"i-e"y.

Read the words and write down only those that have no spelling:

Melon, cheerful, snowstorm, forester, crackling, strawberry, round, cactus, under the roots of a pine tree, on the skating rink, rocking.

Children write down the words: melon, snowstorm, strawberry, round, cactus.

The next stage is choosing the correct option from the available set. This skill is practiced in 1st grade when learning the root as a meaningful part of a word.

Exercise. In the words rooks, winter, fed, forest, prove the correct spelling of the letters a, i, o, e.

Entry in notebooks:

Rooks, gr-chi (rook), rooks.

Winter, z-ma (winter), winter.

Fed, k-rmil (feed), fed.

Forest, l-snoy (forest), forest.

Thus, in grade 1, only the basis is created for developing the skill of spelling unstressed vowels. The program does not require students to have developed skills in this area, nor does it involve testing unstressed vowels by selecting words with the same root.

The most common type of exercise in 1st grade is writing with

pronunciation (the basis of this letter is pronunciation by syllables). For example, students pronounce a word syllable by syllable, write down the first letter of the syllable, then pronounce the vowel and write it down, for example: “I’ll write z with the vowel a.” First, the teacher himself gives a sample of pronunciation: 1-2 words in syllables, then the children dictated to themselves in chorus according to a given pattern. After choral speaking, there were always people who wanted to try their hand at speaking individually. Alternating between different types of pronunciation adds variety to the lesson and prevents boredom and fatigue. With this type of work, the game “Captain leads the ship” is often used, i.e. the designated student - the "captain" - comments on the pronunciation ("leads the class" behind him).

Modern "Primer" and "Copybook" contain rich material for propaedeutic work for the study of many spelling topics: "Capital letter in proper names", "Capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and a period at the end", "Spelling of combinations zhi - shi; cha - shcha ; chu - schu", material on the rules for writing in some cases unstressed vowels, paired voiced/voiceless consonants, and more - in total about 10 types of spelling patterns. The alphabet period allows you to lay the foundations for developing students' spelling vigilance.

Thus, already from the 1st grade, children are accustomed to understanding spelling as a difficult place in a word. Later, in Russian language lessons, we reveal to students that for competent writing, knowledge of the alphabet is not enough; it is necessary to master other laws of writing. And throughout the rest of the years of teaching the Russian language, we discover these laws together with the children - the rules of spelling.

Spelling in primary grades as a system of rules consists of four sections:

  • 1) rules for transmitting phonemes by letters in words;
  • 2) rules for the use of uppercase (capital, large) and lowercase (small) letters;
  • 3) rules for transferring words from one line to another;
  • 4) rules about combined and separate spellings of words.

Each of these sections rests on certain principles. What is the position of the teacher in this case?

First of all, the teacher, of course, needs to know science itself, be able to compare different points of view and choose from among them the one that best suits his own views. The main thing is not to confuse the various phonemic theories on which the modern theory of spelling is based.

When starting to introduce first-graders to the problems of spelling, we must take care, first of all, to introduce children to the rules as early as possible and begin their practical application as quickly as possible.

During the first years of our work in primary school, we, like many teachers, worked to develop competent writing in a stereotypical manner: children first learned the rule, and then practiced. But this did not make the children literate; they still made mistakes when writing. It became clear that knowing the rule and writing freely are two different things!

Knowing the rule is the first stage in the formation of spelling skills, and various types of exercises that allow you to consolidate the rule are the third. As a result of observations and reading methodological literature, we came to the conclusion that in the system of developing competent writing, a whole stage (the second) was missing - this is the application of the rule in practice based on an algorithm.

In recent years, elements of programmed learning have begun to be used in teaching the Russian language. One of these elements of such training is the algorithmization of the educational process. In spelling work, this is especially important: almost all spelling rules do not contain recommendations on how these rules should be applied, hence the gap between knowledge of the rules and the ability to use them.

The use of an algorithm is intended to make it easier for students to apply rules when writing.

Teaching spelling is based primarily on an algorithm, and the algorithm is based on learning spelling rules. It should be borne in mind that the rule organizes the teaching of writing, but in itself it does not yet lead to correct writing: writing must be consolidated through long exercises - so that it becomes a skill.

For this purpose, so-called special spelling exercises are used to develop spelling vigilance. Special spelling exercises, during which students develop the skill of applying the rule in practice, include exercises such as cheating, usually complicated by grammatical and spelling tasks, and dictations of various types. All special spelling exercises are accompanied by oral or written language analysis.

1. Exercises such as cheating are copying a text without missing letters and copying a text in which letters are missing. Specially organized copying, like writing with missing letters, is an effective technique for developing spelling vigilance.

In order to consolidate one or another spelling rule, students perform exercises such as cheating and dictations of various types in parallel: at home they work with exercises such as cheating, in class they write dictations of various types.

When working on developing spelling vigilance, it became obvious that dictations are more effective than copying. This is evidenced by observations: literacy turned out to be better when the exercises were given under dictation than when the same exercises were given for independent copying. But for obvious reasons, dictations are only possible in a classroom setting. When conducting exercises such as copying and, in parallel, dictations, I try to ensure that spelling exercises are performed in a certain sequence, in a certain system. For example, having studied the spelling rule of a particular root spelling, work is carried out according to the following system:

1) Observation of the text where letters are not missing.

For example, the text is given: “A mouse is running across an open field. Behind the mouse is a path where paws walked in the snow. The mouse saw a pine cone.”

The children are invited to find words with a paired consonant at the root and explain the spelling.

2) Exercises where there are holes (gaps) in the words, but the test word is ahead.

For example, the text is given: "(Beautiful) Beautiful. (Ponds) pr. near our village. A (narrow) street (path) road. ka leads to it. On the shore there is a (gazebo) bese. ka."

We invite the children to use the test word and insert the missing spelling.

3) Exercises where the test word must be placed after the word with

Missing spelling.

For example, the text is given: “A rooster came to the house where the kras (. . .) lived. The cockerel bowed to them ni. feathers. ki (...) on the tail. Green - wings. ki (...). And the yellow edge (.) - gro. ku (...). Such a beautiful cockerel has become! "

We invite the children to insert the missing spellings and write a test word.

  • 4) Dictation.
  • 5) But there is also an intermediate technique: find the desired one in the finished text

spelling, write a test word above the word. The core of the system of spelling exercises is the degree of independence of students in the course of their implementation. In this case, the connection between class and homework should be taken into account. Exercises such as cheating, usually performed at home, are a continuation of the work on developing spelling skills begun in the classroom; in other words, home exercises are an integral part of a system of spelling exercises that contribute to the development of a particular spelling skill.

As for class work, the following sequence of dictations is usually outlined: first, students write warning dictations, then explanatory, selective, creative, and free ones. I would like to note that creative and free dictations contribute to the fact that students go “through the stage of “combining” two tasks: expressing their thoughts in writing and at the same time observing spelling norms.” This is their value.

But in general, we determine the sequence of dictations, as already mentioned, by the degree of independence of students.

When conducting a precautionary dictation, before recording a separate sentence or an entire text, oral work is usually organized: students explain the rules for writing certain spelling patterns found in words. For example, I dictate the sentence: “The guys walked along a narrow forest path to a small hut” (4th grade).

Let's count how many spellings are there in this sentence?

More than ten, capital letter at the beginning of a sentence;

the preposition “by” is written separately, we check - according to (which?) narrow one;

at the root we write “z”, check - narrow;

unstressed ending “oh”, check with a question - which one?

in the word “forest” we write the letter “e” at the root, check - forest;

in the word “path” we write the letter “o” at the root, check - paths;

in the word “path” the unstressed ending “e” is 1st cl., dative case;

in the word “guys” we write the letter “e”, which cannot be verified by stress;

in the verb “came out” the prefix “you” is written together;

the preposition "to" is written separately, check - to (which?)

in the word “small” there is a suffix “enk”, there is no suffix “ink”;

ending “oh”, check with the question - “which one?”;

in the word “izbushka” there is a paired consonant “sh”, check - izbushka;

ending "e" - 1st syllable, prepositional case

Only after the guys name all the spellings is the text written down under dictation.

These types of dictations develop auditory perception of the text, i.e. Students learn to determine spelling by ear. And this is very valuable, because... then the developed auditory perception of spelling helps students write dictations correctly.

When conducting an explanatory dictation, an explanation of spelling patterns, i.e. reasoning about why it is necessary to write one way and not another is carried out after writing the text.

In order for all students to carry out an appropriate grammatical and spelling analysis of words with the required spelling, it is proposed to explain in writing (by conventional abbreviations and underlining) the spelling of the analyzed words (without preliminary reasoning). This is the next level of student independence. Here the visual perception of the text is already developing. In our work we try to use the work of different analyzers (auditory and visual).

Since we are talking about the visual and auditory perception of younger schoolchildren, we would also like to mention kinesthetic (kinesthesia in this case - speaking) and hand-motor perception (memory of hand movements). These 4 types of perception (visual, auditory, kinesthetic and manual) constitute the sensory basis of spelling skill. The more sense organs (according to K.D. Ushinsky) take part in the perception of any impression, the more firmly these impressions lie on the children’s memory. In addition, in the program we read: “Spelling exercises are conducted every day, based on different methods of perception: hearing, vision, memory, thinking. All this contributes to the formation of the conscious skill of competent writing and developed speech.” A modern teacher, working creatively, tries to use all known types of sensory perceptions in order to achieve the desired results.

Warning and explanatory dictations complement each other. They contribute to the fact that teachers have the opportunity to teach children the ability to connect a rule with a word, a word with a rule. The difference between these dictations is the degree of independence of students.

Selective dictation speeds up the pace of work and helps focus students’ attention on the desired spelling. When writing words or phrases selectively, students explain the corresponding spelling. Often this explanation comes down to the classification of words “by rule”: for example: in one column, students write down nouns of the 3rd declension with a sibilant stem (help, wilderness, etc.), in the other - nouns of the 2nd declension of the masculine gender ( doctor, brick, watchman, etc.).

Selective dictation is one of the most active methods of teaching spelling. Time-saving, it makes it possible to teach schoolchildren to quickly grasp the features of the sound and morphological composition of a word and, while reading, the teacher selects what is needed by ear. This is the next level of student independence.

Next, dictations are carried out with changes in the text: creative dictation, free dictation. When writing a creative dictation, students, on assignment, insert certain words into the dictated text or change the grammatical form of the dictated words and explain the corresponding spellings in writing and orally. At the same time, students develop the skill of using spelling rules in conditions where they have to think about the content and grammatical design of a sentence.

With free dictation, the student has to think not only about the content and grammatical design of sentences, but also about the coherence of the presentation of thoughts. If a student explains spellings in writing (usually for a specific rule), then, just as with creative dictation, he learns to apply spelling rules in conditions similar to those when he has to express his thoughts.

This is the dictation system, taking into account the gradual increase in student independence.

It is also very important that the system of spelling exercises be built “on the development of those mental abilities that make it possible to master such a complex set of knowledge, skills and abilities as error-free writing.” To write in accordance with the spelling rule, the student must:

detect the spelling (identification stage of analysis);

establish which spelling rule needs to be applied in this case (selective stage of analysis);

solve the issue of a specific spelling, highlighting the essential features necessary and sufficient for applying the spelling rule (the final stage of analysis).

The task at the first stage is to identify the spelling, at the second - to select the desired rule, at the third stage - to apply the rule to this particular case. These are the differences in the tasks of the individual stages of applying spelling rules.

At each stage of teaching spelling, the exercises include various words with the same spelling variant, if there are many such words: lju, pyu, vyu (dividing b); explain, announce, go around (dividing ъ); sail, run away, draw, write (spelling of prefixes on verbs); on the path, on a branch, on the table (preposition with a noun), etc.

The next type of exercise for developing spelling vigilance is writing with gaps. During educational dictation, creative work (presentation, composition), students are given the right to skip spellings that cause them doubts. At the same time, they make notes with a pencil in the margins in the form of a question on the line where the gap was made. The teacher helps resolve these issues during the work. Such an omission contributes to the development of spelling vigilance in the student, helps him pay attention to the word, and teaches him to doubt, which is something students usually lack. Aristotle also said: “Doubt is the beginning of the search for truth.” Indeed, doubt arose - the truth will be found.

The next type of exercise I would call commentary writing. This type of dictation is also based on pronouncing syllables. Students not only pronounce words and sentences, but base their spelling on the rules and selection of test words. It is very important here that everyone works simultaneously with the commentator, without falling behind or getting ahead of themselves. Only under this condition are errors prevented. First, strong students are asked to comment on the letter, and gradually everyone else is included in this work. This type of writing develops attention to the word, its meaning, intelligence, speech, phonemic awareness, and thinking.

Letter from memory. This type of writing develops memory, thinking, speech, and attention. Diligence, accuracy, discipline, and self-control are fostered.

The system of working on errors is also subject to the formation of spelling vigilance. Of no small importance for the successful organization of this work is the correction of errors by the teacher at the time of checking the notebooks.

“The general principle of correcting errors,” says N.S. Rozhdestvensky, “comes down to not paralyzing the independence of students, so that they work on their mistakes. The teacher does not so much give the words in a ready-made form, but forces the students to think and work independently.”

The following methods for correcting errors are also practiced: incorrectly written letters are not corrected, but, as a rule, the entire word with the incorrect spelling is underlined, and a note indicating the presence of an error is made in the margins. The purpose of such correction is to make the student think about the given word, see the spelling in it, recognize its type, and then correct the error in this position.

Progress of individual work on errors:

  • Stage 1 - search, when the child looks for an error in the word indicated by the teacher. If children have difficulty finding an error, they ask the teacher. Mutual assistance is also practiced. If a student finds it difficult to detect an error, a neighbor at his desk is allowed to help him do it.
  • Stage 2 - write the word in which the mistake was made in a separate notebook and work to correct the mistake.

Progress of collective work on bugs:

Words in which errors were made are written down on the board, but interspersed with correctly written words using the same spelling. It is proposed to find spelling patterns in erroneously written words; Explain how to write them correctly, and put the spelling number in the margins of the notebook. Only after such collective work do we begin independent, individual work.

At the next stage of work, in order to develop spelling vigilance, in each Russian language lesson we use five-minute spelling exercises with the inclusion of words in which mistakes were made or for the purpose of repeating spellings. Charging is carried out in different ways. This can be oral work with signal cards or written on pieces of paper. This can be team work or independent work. Here are examples of such charges:

"Work in pairs." Pupils in pairs work independently on one card, where words with a missing spelling are given according to options; The correct spellings are written on the right side and covered with a ruler or a narrow strip of paper. These spelling patterns are determined and gradually opened by one student first, and the second one checks it at this time, then the spelling patterns are opened by the second student, and the first one checks it.

“Divide into two columns” (I dictate the words, the children divide them into groups in writing; at this time you can ask two people to write the words on the board independently, each with only one group). For example, when repeating the 1st and 2nd conjugations of verbs, the teacher dictates the words: advance, drive, wear, think, swim, drive, drive out, feed, light up, dress. All the guys write in notebooks in columns, and two at the board, each with their own conjugation. This kind of work can be done with different spellings.

“Write down only those words where there are spellings”

“Write down only those words where there are no spellings.”

"Find the extra word." For example: family...I, friend. I, leaf. I would. Yu, V. ride, p.u.

"Write from dictation." For example, in 4th grade: left, left, right, right, left, right (spelling adverbs).

“Write down the words where there is only a root and a suffix” (etc.).

For spelling exercises we use children's poems, rhymes, riddles, sayings, excerpts from fairy tales, and from works studied in literature class.

I would like to note that children really love “Spelling exercises”; for them it is not a tedious process, but an exciting game. This work enlivens the lesson and prevents it from becoming boring and monotonous.

Spelling vigilance is easy to account for. For this purpose, a spelling numbering system was introduced - work is carried out according to the “Memo”

What is behind the spelling numbers? Each rule has its own serial number, but this does not mean that the student must remember it and correlate it with the spelling. The serial number is offered so that the student can quickly and easily find the spelling he needs in the “Memo”. The “memo” is filled out as you learn the rules. It is good because it helps the student see the spelling and correctly define it.

In the work system (starting from 1st grade) the following tasks take place:

1) Indicate above the letters the serial numbers of the spellings written on the board:

"5" - word wrapping;

“1” - zhi, shi, cha, sha, chu, schu;

"3" is a capital letter in proper names;

"2" - tested unstressed vowels in the root;

"18" - unstressed vowels at the endings of nouns;

"19" - unstressed endings of adjectives;

"22" - unstressed personal endings of verbs;

"6" - spelling of prefixes and prepositions, etc.

In grades 2-3, children complete tasks like this:

6 19 10 18 6 9 9 9 1

A birdhouse hung on a tall apple tree in the garden.

4th grade students complete this task like this.

When checking written work, I put in the margins the number of the spelling in which there was an error in one of the words of a given line. The student must find a word in which there is an error in a given spelling (using the number in the memo, he must determine the name of the spelling) and work on the mistakes. In this case, a greater degree of independence is manifested.

2) During spelling five minutes: determine the total number of spellings. The work is carried out both on the material of the exercises in the textbook “Russian Language” by Polyakova and with the assistance of “Books for Reading”.

Auction game "Buy offer".

“Light the lanterns”, etc.

3) Digital designation of spellings is also practiced at the stage of preliminary analysis of what is to be recorded (i.e., to prevent errors). In this case, the sentence diagram drawn on the board is filled in with spelling numbers. Such tasks are performed both at the stage of training exercises and control type exercises. For example, 9 6 18 9 1 22 7 23.

Task: find the names of the designated spellings in the list (there is no need to memorize the numbering of spellings, the list is given on individual cards); remember the rules; Using the rules, write a sentence from dictation.

9 6 18 9 1 22 7 23

Water is rare in the desert.

The numbers that children put above the letter help them fix their attention on this spelling and concentrate when checking.

At the same time, they gradually remember the names of spelling patterns.

Systematically carried out work on the formation of spelling vigilance based on graphic and digital notation gives positive results: children determine the place in the word where the spelling task arose.

Along with the technology of developmental training, game teaching techniques were used. Upon entering school, the child’s leading activity becomes educational, while maintaining the importance of play. One of the most effective means of arousing interest in Russian language classes is a didactic game. The goal of the game is to awaken interest in knowledge, science, books, and learning. At primary school age, play, along with learning, occupies an important place in the development of the child. When children are included in a didactic game situation, interest in educational activities increases sharply, the material being studied becomes more accessible to them, and their performance increases significantly.

After all, the fact that play is part of the educational process is no secret to anyone. The game helps the formation of phonemic perception of words, enriches the child with new information, activates mental activity, attention, and most importantly, stimulates speech. As a result, children develop an interest in the Russian language. Not to mention the fact that didactic games in the Russian language contribute to the formation of spelling vigilance in younger schoolchildren.

Over the course of several years of working in primary classes, we have observed that Russian language classes do not always arouse interest among students. Some children find it a boring subject. Reluctance to study the Russian language gives rise to illiteracy. Thinking about how to arouse interest in classes, how to improve writing literacy, we came to the conclusion that it is possible to arouse interest in the Russian language if we systematically accumulate and select exciting material that can attract the attention of every student. This work took place in the developed system in stages:

Preparatory - the use of game exercises in literacy lessons in 1st grade.

The main one is the use of game exercises in Russian language lessons in grades 2 and 3.

The final one is the use of game exercises in lessons on consolidating spelling rules in the 4th grade.

spelling vigilance junior schoolboy

Let us give examples of game exercises of the preparatory stage in literacy lessons in 1st grade, developing phonemic awareness.

Exercise 1. "Attentive shoppers"

The teacher lays out various objects on his desk. Among them are those whose names begin with the same sound, for example: doll, cube, cat; mask, bear, ball, bowl, etc.

You have arrived at the store. Your parents paid for toys whose names begin with the sound [k] or [m]. You can take these toys. Be careful, don’t take a toy you didn’t pay for! The difficulty of the task is that instead of taking a toy whose name begins, say, with the sound [m] (matryoshka, mouse), you do not take a toy whose name begins with the soft sound “m” (ball, bear). Option: the buyers and seller are children portraying literary characters.

Exercise 2. Lotto “Read it yourself”

I option. Children are given cards with 6 words written on each card. The presenter shows the picture and asks: “Which of the guys has the name of the picture written? (Who has the word?).” The first one to fill out the card without errors wins.

Option II. The children are dealt cards. The presenter shows the sound diagram of the word, the students correlate it with the word on their map. The winner is the one who correctly fills his card with word patterns.

Exercise 3. "Wolf, dog hunter."

First, children find the first sound in the word. - Now there is a big hunt in the forest: wolves are hunting for hares, and hunters with dogs are hunting for wolves. Let the sound be [r] for the wolf, [n] for the dog, let the other sounds be hares, and let you be hunters. Now be careful. As soon as you hear [r] in the words I pronounce, “shoot” - clap your hands! Just don't hit the hare or your hunting dog. Attention! Let's start the hunt!

Exercise 4. “The animals got lost.”

A donkey, a rooster, a horse, a mouse, a cat, a dog, a pig, a chicken, a cow got lost in the forest. Katya will call the animals, and let Kolya listen carefully and draw a syllable diagram of each word on the board. It should show which syllable was drawn out when Katya called the animals. If they do the job right, the animals will come together again.

Exercise 5. "Mathematical grammar."

The child must perform the actions on the card ("+", "-") and use the addition and subtraction of letters, syllables, and words to find the desired word. For example: s + tom - m + fox - sa + tsa? (capital).

Exercise 6. Game "One sound, march!"

  • 1. Take out one sound from each word. Do this so that the remaining sounds form a new word with a different lexical meaning. For example: a handful is a guest. (To your heart's content, paint, slope, regiment, heat, trouble, screen.)
  • 2. Now, on the contrary, add one sound to make a completely new word. For example: rose - thunderstorm. (Table, paw, ball, chopping, treasure, bite, mustache, gift.)
  • 3. Replace one consonant sound in words. For example: cake - walrus. (Nails, bun, paw, teeth, pussy, sand, jackdaw, eagle, wedge, mink, longing, light, log, frame).

Exercise 7. "Collect a flower."

The “middle” of the flower lies on the table. There is a letter written on it (for example, c). “Flower petals” are laid out nearby, on which pictures with the sounds [s], [z], [ts], [sh] are drawn. The student must choose among these “petals” with pictures those with the sound [s].

Using the games listed above allows first-graders to master the following skills:

name the sounds that make up a word;

do not confuse the concepts of “sound” and “letter”;

determine the role of vowels coming after letters denoting consonant sounds, paired in softness;

determine the number of letters and sounds in a word, etc.

Examples of the main stage where game exercises are used in Russian language lessons in grades 2 - 3:

“Choose three words” (the game can be used to reinforce any topics in the Russian language)

Goal: To monitor the formation of spelling skills, taking into account the stage of work on spelling.

The choice of words depends on the topics being studied or completed.

Nine words are written on 9 cards:

  • 1st set: fish, blizzard, stocking, oak trees, jam, scarecrow, streams, plague, mushroom.
  • 2nd set: entrance, warehouse, crow, hail, shooting, treasure, gate, rise, sparrow.

Two people take turns taking cards, the first one to have three words with the same spelling wins.

I fish blizzard stocking entrance warehouse raven

oak jam scarecrow shooting hail gate

mushroom streams chum rise treasure sparrow

Game "Postman"

Goal: To consolidate students’ knowledge of selecting a test word, expand their vocabulary, develop phonemic awareness, and prevent dysgraphia.

Procedure: The postman distributes invitations to a group of children (4-5 people each).

Children determine where they have been invited.

vegetable garden park sea school dining room zoo

grya-ki roads-ki plo-tsy books-ki bread-ki Kle-ka

kali-ka bere-ki fla-ki oblo-ki piro-ki martya-ka

redi-ka doo-ki lo-ki tetra-ka sli-ki tra-ka

carrot-ka-li-ki-spicy-ki-get-wet-ka cabbage-decided

Explain spellings by choosing test words.

Make up sentences using these words.

Game "Cryptographers"

Goal: automation of sounds, development of phonetic-phonemic perception, processes of analysis and synthesis, understanding of the semantic-distinctive function of sounds and letters, enrichment of students’ vocabulary, development of logical thinking.

Progress: Play in pairs: one as a coder, the other as a guesser.

The cryptographer conceives a word and encrypts it. Players can try their hand at deciphering phrases and sentences.

The guesser has to not only guess the words, but also choose the extra word from each group.

For example:

Aaltrek, lazhok, raukzhk, zoonkv (plate, spoon, mug, bell)

Oarz, straa, enkl, roamksha (rose, aster, maple, chamomile)

Plnaeat, zdzeav, otrbia, sgen (planet, star, orbit, snow)

Game "Nicknames"

Goal: formation of the process of inflection and word formation, consolidation of phonetic and grammatical analysis of words, spelling of proper names.

Progress: Form animal names from the following words:

Ball, arrow, eagle, red, star (Ball, Arrow, Eagle, Star)

Task: Make sentences. Highlight the part of the word that you used to compose nicknames (suffix, ending).

Gaming techniques.

Game "Settled in the House" on the topic "Paired consonants"

Whose group, couple, or who will “populate their house” faster and more correctly with letters denoting paired consonant sounds according to their voicedness and deafness?

Game "Find the letter"

This game is played on the topics: “Testable unstressed vowels at the roots of words”, “Testable paired consonants at the roots of words”. There are as many words on the board as there are children in the class. Instead of physical training, it is carried out as follows:

Guys, Senor Tomato snuck into our class. He stole the letters from the words and locked them in the houses. Who will help me get them back? There is only one condition: the lock will open only if you can choose the correct test word.

Who will come to the board and help me return the letter to the right word?

Game "Find a pair"

This game can be played on the following topics: “Testable unstressed vowels at the roots of words”, “Testable paired consonants at the roots of words”, “Testable unpronounceable consonants at the roots of words”. It is also carried out instead of physical training, when each student goes to the board, finds a couple of words with the same root and attaches them to the correct column, explaining the spelling and the rule.

At the final stage in the 4th grade, non-traditional lessons with game exercises are developed to reinforce the spelling rules learned in the elementary grades.

It is known from experience that when using any methodology, it is extremely necessary to systematically check the assimilation of basic knowledge and the formation of students’ skills and abilities on their basis. It can be carried out with the help of testing, which allows us to identify the level of preparedness of each student, track the pace of his progress in learning, as well as timely detect and eliminate gaps in the knowledge of individual students, and prevent failure. The developed system of testing provides for testing students' knowledge at three main stages of learning: initial assimilation of the material, its subsequent consolidation, and active use of what has been learned.

To check initial assimilation, we give the simplest tasks that allow us to determine the degree of students’ understanding of the material being studied.

To test the strength of assimilation of the material and the ability to operate with what was learned, more complex tasks were taken, including questions on repetition.

The third stage is the stage of control or creative testing of knowledge, skills and abilities on a specific topic; its goal is to establish how fluently and confidently students possess knowledge and how developed their abilities and skills are.

The testing time is 5 - 7-10 minutes; final, creative tasks are designed for 15-20 minutes of lesson or homework).

I will give the texts of some works on the topic “Verb” for grade 4, which ensure the development of skills in recognizing parts of speech, selecting words with the same root, and establishing the morphemic composition of words;

  • 1) verbs of motion;
  • 2) verbs of “speaking”;
  • 3) verbs of manifestation of feelings.

Say, go, drive, talk, rejoice, explain, swim, fly, babble.

2. Why are the words ringing and ringing different parts of speech?

  • 1. Write down the verbs in this order:
  • 1) verbs denoting labor processes;
  • 2) verbs denoting a person’s state;
  • 3) verbs of motion. Which of them are synonyms? Why?

Prick, study, smolder, build, sleep, ran, rushed, wandered, walked, crawl.

2. Compare the words talk and talk.

1. Write out the verbs from the text, indicating the spelling at the root.

Books treasured pages

Help people live

And work and study,

And cherish your homeland.

2. Form perfect and imperfect verbs with the roots years - (fly), yes- (give).

  • 1. How do the words in the first line differ from the words written in a column?
  • a) Moon-moons, moon, moon. the moon, oh the moon.

Lunar landing, lunar landing, lunar, lunar rover, lunar.

  • b) Earth - earth, earth, earth, earth, about earth. Countryman, earthy, strawberry, earthy, land.
  • 2. Write down the verb, identify the morphemes in it and write down some forms of this verb.

The given works are works of the first level of difficulty. They test the depth and accuracy of understanding of the material being studied.

Thus, the first tasks of test papers No. 1 and 2 involve grouping verbs. Using the features of a verb as a part of speech, taking into account their lexical commonality, students group words within a grammatical class.

When performing test work No. 2, students must correlate the concepts of “part of speech” and “synonym” (which of these verbs are synonyms?). This contributes to better assimilation of knowledge, its differentiation and systematization.

The second test questions (Why are the words ringing and ringing different parts of speech? Compare the words talk and talk.) require defining this part of speech and distinguishing it from another part of speech.

Test No. 3 helps to develop the ability to recognize a verb in a connected text. In addition, as a further expansion of knowledge about the characteristics of parts of speech, the independent formation of perfective and imperfective verbs from given roots is provided.

Thus, by completing these tasks, students move from simply reproducing theoretical information to their conscious application in various situations. Thanks to this, theoretical thinking develops, and students’ skills are improved faster and more successfully, allowing them to sufficiently deeply comprehend the linguistic phenomena being studied. Students often complete test work on a topic in the form of test tasks using multi-level tasks.

The results of test work provide the teacher with specific facts, on the basis of which management of the mental actions of students is ensured, the results of learning are brought closer to the best, and the rapid advancement of each student. This work is of a research nature.

Thus, on the one hand, knowledge of the native language is given to the child from childhood; he masters it as naturally as he breathes and grows. With another

On the other hand, this is a complex academic discipline that requires a lot of work.

We come to the conclusion that students’ ability to see spelling patterns is a necessary and most important condition for improving their literacy. This means that it (the ability) needs to be nurtured in students.

Teachers who have worked for many years in primary school are convinced that spelling vigilance is formed and developed gradually, in the process of language analysis and synthesis, the selection of sounds and letters, morphemes during reading, when writing dictations, when copying and in the process of performing other exercises. For the successful development of vigilance, it is very important for the students themselves to have an attitude towards its development and a conscious attitude towards it. With systematic practice, vigilance is automated and becomes a component of spelling skill.

Developing spelling skills is a long process. To teach children to successfully overcome certain spelling difficulties, you need to work systematically and painstakingly over many years. But it's very boring for children! So we try to structure practical work so that it can captivate the children and surprise them.

The student should be surprised that...

he sees spellings,

he can write them correctly,

he likes to work

It’s interesting in Russian language lessons,

all this gives good results!

Systematic work based on the use of effective methods and techniques for developing spelling vigilance has given the following results:

students have mastered the basic types of spelling patterns;

a fairly high level of development of students’ spelling vigilance has been achieved;

Children's interest in the Russian language and, in particular, in spelling has increased.

The techniques and means for developing spelling vigilance as the most important means of improving students' literacy, described in the work, have been tested many times and have given good results.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Saki Secondary School No. 2”


Meridians of a modern lesson”

Nomination “Effective methodological ideas”

The topic of the speech is “

among younger schoolchildren

in the implementation of the federal state educational standard for primary general education

Muravyova Olga Nikolaevna,

primary school teacher

Formation of spelling vigilance

among younger schoolchildren

in the implementation of the federal state educational standard for primary general education.

The incorrect use and spelling of words leads to errors in the field of thought and then in practical life.

The Federal State Educational Standard of Education sets a specific task for the teacher: to teach the student to recognize error-free writing as one of the manifestations of his own level of culture, to apply spelling rules when writing his own and proposed texts, to master the ability to check what has been written, i.e. solve a spelling problem.

Relevance This topic is due to the persistence of spelling errors in students’ work, as well as the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education.

Goal of the work : show methods of working on the formation of spelling vigilance in Russian language lessons in elementary school, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.

The study of the development of spelling vigilance in students made it possible to identify a contradiction between the fact that students have a desire to write without errors and the fact that they do not have certain skills for this. Therefore, the teacher must create conditions that will help to acquire these skills.

To reduce the number of mistakes made, the teacher must increase the motivation for spelling work, that is, develop spelling vigilance.

Spelling vigilance in Russian language lessons will develop provided:

a) systematically conducting special exercises (commented writing, visual dictation, modeling, signal cards, orthographic pronunciation);

b) developing the ability to detect spelling, determine its type, and find mistakes.

To achieve results in developing strong, error-free writing skills, constant work is required. It often happens that a student knows the rule, but makes mistakes when writing, because... phonetically deaf. The teacher must teach the student to see and recognize spellings. And this skill is formed in activity and is the result of repeated actions. Also, the teacher must teach children self-control, i.e. The student must be able to control himself while checking his work. So, sound analysis, i.e. correlation of sound units of speech and graphic units of writing, spelling vigilance and self-control - this is what is necessary to develop error-free writing.

The problem of students' spelling vigilance is associated with the peculiarities of storing material in memory and its reproduction, the complex composition of the spelling skill and the duration of its formation. That is why, without knowledge and consideration of the individual characteristics of younger schoolchildren and the organization of productive activities in the classroom, it is impossible to achieve the solution of the main tasks formulated in the Federal State Educational Standard of the NEO.

The difficulty of the spelling task, in comparison with the arithmetic one, is that the student, in essence, must set this task for himself: in the process of writing, he must, without being distracted from the content of what he is writing and from the writing technique, find in the word spelling and understand it as a problem that needs to be solved.

To solve a spelling problem, a student must go through 6 stages: see the spelling in the word; determine its type; determine a way to solve a problem; create an algorithm for solving the problem; To solve the task; write the word and do a self-test.

The main reasons for misspelling words:

1. The student does not see “dangerous places.”

2. Cannot select test words due to a small vocabulary and decreased interest in reading.

3. Low level of independence when performing.

Highlight Withthe following spelling features:

Writing that requires checking (letter, combination of letters, morpheme, position between words, junction of morphemes, place of word division during transfer);

The presence of at least two different spellings, only one of which is correct.

Spelling skill is very difficult because... it includes a number of skills that a child must possess at the same time:

1) The ability to distinguish between vowels and consonants; stressed and unstressed vowels.

2) The ability to correlate the spelling and pronunciation of a word, to establish similarities and differences.

3) The ability to parse a word according to its composition (conduct morphemic analysis).

4) The ability to select words with the same root.

5) The ability to change the form of a word.

The first stage of the formation of spelling accuracy – propaedeutic work on the formation of spelling vigilance. In accordance with the program, propaedeutic work on spelling begins with the alphabetic period, with work on Copybooks in the process of sound-letter analysis of words.

Second phase - stage of active development of spelling vigilance.

    Pronunciation- this is pronouncing a word as if all the phonemes in it are represented by their strong positions. And since letters are phoneme icons, reading a word letter by letter means imagining the letter as a sign of the strong position of the phoneme.

The meaning of this technique : spelling helps children write without omissions or distortions; acts as a control operation when re-reading an already written word.

    Letter with missing letters- mastering this skill means liberating the student from the fear of making mistakes when performing various written works, primarily when freely expressing his own thoughts. Students are given permission to skip a letter if they don't know how to write. Children receive this permission for a long period of time .

For example:M_r_strong, n_sleep_not, winter_ _, twilight, in_the_trees, healthy, _healthy, _happy_day, playing_t with a friend.

Mastering skip writing is not easy. It is advisable to start with an exercise that is performed as follows: after listening to a word, students write down as many lines as there are sounds in the word, then circle those sounds that cannot be identified by ear, and only after that write down the word with gaps. Or students make up a sound diagram of a word, then put dots under the sign of sounds in weak positions, after which they write (type) the word with a gap.

One of the options for writing with missing letters is the dictation “Testing myself.” During this dictation, you are allowed to skip the letter you are in doubt about. Then students can ask a question to their friends and teacher. Then they fill in the gaps or make the necessary corrections.

The advantage of this technique is that students look for spelling patterns that are difficult for them not after recording, but at the moment of translating oral speech into its written form.

    The next way to develop spelling vigilance is a specially organized cheating.

    Cheating without assignments: write words, sentences, text; no instructions are given: to copy accurately, without a single mistake, without any distortions;

    Copying with insertion of missing letters. Missing letters, on the one hand, reduce the level of cognitive independence, on the other hand, they increase the focus of work, eliminate the likelihood of unconscious guessing, because they require an informed choice;

    Cheating with underlining(in the text, underline the words denoting natural phenomena: The trees went wild. Large drops of rain began to knock sharply, splashed on the leaves, lightning flashed, and a thunderstorm broke out)

    Writing off with distribution based on the logical principle(write down these words in this order: names of the plant, names of parts of the plant: stem, root, carrot, leaves, clover, ear).

    Cheating complicated by lexical tasks. Among them are:

    Copying with underlining synonyms and antonyms .

a) In each sentence, underline words that are close in meaning:

Loafers and slackers are also celebrated on Monday.

b) In each of the following sentences, underline the words that have opposite meanings:

The brave will find where the timid will lose.

    Copying by replacing some words with their synonyms or antonyms.

a) replace the underlined words in phrases with adjectives that are similar in meaning:

A neat girl (tidy), a serious matter (responsible), an impenetrable forest (dense).

b) Replace the first words in these phrases with opposite meanings:

Sunset, departure of the train, end of the book, mother's grief.

    Copying with insertion..

a) insert into sentences words similar in meaning to those underlined:

Honor and... are collected drop by drop.

b) instead of dots, insert words that are opposite in meaning to those underlined:

Better the bitter truth than the beautiful...

V) insert into the sentence the words that are most appropriate in meaning:

Our borders are vigilantly guarded by the faithful (sons, sons) of the Fatherland.

    Combined write-off

They can combine tasks of different nature. So, for example, two spelling tasks can be combined (when copying, insert the missing letters and underline the dubious consonants: In the winter cold... every young...).

    Copying with grammatical and spelling tasks:

      Add endings indicating the grammatical form with a sample ( in the desert..., for construction...). Sample: (1st letter, sentence) – in a desert.

      Adding endings indicating the grammatical form without a sample: to the collective farm..., to ride horses... .

    Copying in which grammatical and spelling tasks are organically linked with tasks on speech development.

Examples of similar exercises on the topic “Nouns of the 1st and 3rd declension singular with sibilants at the end.”

Replace each group of words with one word. Before nouns in brackets indicate the declension, b emphasize.

A remote place in the forest (wilderness); white bread, similar to a castle with a bow (kalach).

When conducting exercises in cheating, it is important to ensure that students not only accurately write down what they are observing, but also be able to justify the correctness of what they are copying, relying on the learned grammatical and spelling rules.

Great importance in training and education (development of spelling vigilance when studying vocabulary words) is given to dictionaries.

Work on developing spelling vigilance when studying vocabulary words is carried out in stages:

1 . Preparatory.

    Systematization of vocabulary words by class

    Preparation of dictionaries

2. Introductory.

At this stage, work is carried out with a vocabulary word or group of words.

For example:

1) Looking at a picture of the word being studied or through a riddle. Explanation of the lexical meaning of the word.

2) Pronouncing a word in chorus or individually in order to determine the number of syllables, stress, pronouncing all sounds in order.

3) Reading a printed word from a card: establishing the difference in pronunciation and spelling.

4) Solving spelling problems, for example:

    Which letter should be checked and why?

    How can I check this letter?

    Is it possible to check this letter?

    Collective analysis is proof of a strong and weak position.

    Recording words with emphasis, highlighting letters that need to be remembered when writing.

5) Compiling phrases and sentences.

6) Selection of synonyms, antonyms, polysemy of words, where possible.

Traditional exercises for developing spelling vigilance when learning vocabulary words:

1. Exercises involving working with its constituent letters.

Name two words from the dictionary.

OZABVTERADK ( breakfast lunch)

2. Exercises involving working with numbers and codes.

First word: 3,5,7,4,9,4.

Second word: 3.5,7,4,11,3.

Each number corresponds to a specific letter.

What words are these?

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

A G I O B R L S K P N T ( apple, apple tree)

Look at the code.

Key to it: 1 word – 2-8, 1-4, 2-3, 1-4, 2-5.

2nd word – 1-5,1-4, 2-6, 1-4, 2-8, 1-4, 1-7. ( axe, hammer)

Cross out the letters representing the unvoiced consonant sounds in this chain.

P F B K T H E SH S R H Y SCH Z C A ( birch)

3. To develop attention and memory

Assignment: “You will name the new word that we will get acquainted with in the lesson if you correctly complete the task of identifying the letters of the desired word.

1) The first letter is a consonant of the third syllable in the word straw.

2) The second letter is an unverified unstressed vowel in the word sand.

3) The third letter denotes the paired deaf in the word return.

4) The fourth letter is the last in the root of the word north.

5) The fifth letter is the ending in the word apple. (Vocabulary word metro).

    Exercises related to children establishing a semantic connection or identifying the pattern of formation of a new vocabulary word.

Assignment: “You will be able to name a new word if you determine the nature of the semantic connection between the words in these pairs.”

m...g...zin – prod...vec

b... hospital - doctor...

t...atr -...kter

to... spaceship to... ship - ? (ASTRONAUT)

3. Training and consolidation.

At this stage, you have to use multiple repetitions of words with clear articulation. It is advisable to use different types of work.

1) Writing using tracing paper using a stencil, copying from the board with missing letters. Work in pairs followed by testing, use of puzzles or crosswords, tongue twisters, games. For example:

    It has dried out in the hot sun and is bursting out of the pods...(peas)

    I ask you to name all the words where - oro - need to write.

2) You can also use humorous questions and riddles.

    What words are the notes hidden in?

Tomato, guys, road,...

    In what words does spruce grow?

Monday, teacher...

2) Spelling five minutes.

(Write on the board)

Ly, schu, pru, ka, zhi, na, na, lok, but, chu.

Read the syllables. Make up as many words as possible from them.

Indicate the spelling.

3) Exercises with elements of cacography.

Dear friend!

Pyos writes to you. How are you doing?

I like to do my homework.

4) Spelling tale.

One day the vowels O and A were walking through the forest, picking berries. Suddenly they quarreled so much that the birds scattered, the animals ran away and hid, the trees drooped, because a quarrel does not make anyone look good. Why did the vowels quarrel? When O and A are unaccented, both want to take the place. And then the wizard Accent came to the rescue. As soon as he hit the vowel with his magic wand, it began to be heard clearly, and there could be no doubt about its spelling. Children who walked by learned about this. They became friends with the wizard and always called him for help when words contained unstressed vowels O and A. Since then, these children write correctly

5) Oral work using cue cards, on which the vowels are written: A, O, I, E, Z. I name the words from the dictionary. Children raise a signal card with the desired spelling.

6) Selective dictation according to options (1 – with vowel A, 2 – with vowel O).

    Write down the words that answer the questions who? (What) . Write down words that have two syllables.

    Write down words on the topic “Animals”.

    I read the text, the children must write down the vocabulary word that they encountered.

4. Educational test.

These are auditory dictations, vocabulary, tests and tests.


As a result, monitoring is carried out based on the results of the work.

For example:

    Write words on the topic from the dictionary:

- “School”, “Pets”, “Wild Animals”, “Birds”, etc.

Write down words starting with a certain letter: p, s, k, etc.

Write down words (3-5) with an unstressed vowel: a, o, e.

    Write out only vocabulary words from the text.

Answer the questions: Who lives in the forest? Who is studying at school?

    Compiling short stories on the topics: “Our class”, “My

friends”, etc.

    Riddles on the topics: “Vegetable garden”, “Dishes”, etc.

    Complete the sentences.

Entered the class... Sleeping in the den...

Game: “The first syllable is lost.”

...radi (notebook), ..baka (dog), etc.

    Collect the syllables.

de, ny, zhur (on duty)

voch, de, ka (girl)

    Guess the words.

Mo..., sa..., wok..., co....

    What words have vowels dropped from?

h. V. d (factory)

d.r. city ​​(road)

    Which word is missing?

Water, earth, vegetable garden, tree, flower.

    How to say it in one word?

    • Fruits and berries boiled in sugar (jam).

      Severe blizzard, blizzard , (snowstorm).

      Part of the day from the end to the beginning of the night, (evening).

Unconventional methods and techniques for developing spelling vigilance.


This method is especially good for those children whose visual memory predominates. To memorize particularly difficult words, I don’t spare 2-3 minutes in class to discuss what the letter that needs to be memorized looks like. I would like to note that children are not limited to 1-2 options. For example, in the word “driver”, instead of the untestable vowel “o”, children were asked to draw a steering wheel, a wheel, or a road sign, which were similar in outline to the letter “o”. And it also happened that, having worked on a word with this method in class, someone came up after the lesson and offered other options for graphically depicting an untestable letter. So one student suggested drawing the sun rising in front of the road instead of the letter “o” (apparently, when getting to school in the morning by car, this child watches the sun rise). What does this mean? Yes, that this child will definitely remember this spelling, because... I was thinking about her the whole lesson!


It is used when there is a successful consonance between a phrase and a dictionary word.

WITH O baka – st O face

B e reza – b e barking

L And mon - k And layered

St. And tsa – dl And naya

M e tall – bl e sk

Etc O stor – sv O gore

Tr e wog - waves e tion

F A ntasia – dream A

B A groovy – zak A T

TO O R And dor - kh O d m And mo

M O roses - uz O ry

T e trad – kl e weave

L O pata – O straya

TO O suit - m O bottom

B A zar-tov A R

G A zeta - boom A ha

TO O rzina – onion O school

TO O instructor - r O bot

TO O ruble - in O lny

TO O ncert – n O You

R e mont-instrument e nt, etc.

Children do not make mistakes in such words; they have something to rely on.


Also one of the favorite types of work for children. The teacher or “leading” student silently, but clearly moving his lips, “pronounces” the vocabulary word. The rest of the children guess the word, then also silently “pronounce” it again and write it down, commenting on it. This type of work develops the skill of commentary writing, which is very important to be able to do in any written work, and especially when writing dictations, when the child writes with silent pronunciation. The number of errors, especially those related to missing or replacing letters, is reduced.


The presenter, without naming a dictionary word, explains to everyone the lexical meaning of the word. Children guess and write down with pronunciation. This type of work develops attention, expands vocabulary, and develops the skill of competent sentence construction in the leading student...


The presenter tells the origin of the hidden word. Children guess and then write down the word and pronounce it.


These can be individual subject pictures for a specific vocabulary word. But this type of work can be complicated. To do this, you need to either select or draw a plot picture (which is easier to do if words are studied in groups on a specific topic). You need to find as many vocabulary words as possible. Then you can match these words with signs, actions... As a result, you can write a short essay on this picture, using the worked out blanks.


The presenter reads a sentence or text. The rest of the children determine the vocabulary word by ear and write it down while pronouncing it. It could be visual selective dictation. In this case, it is necessary to determine the time limits for completing the work and then identify which of the children found more words. Moreover, in this work it is important not just to copy out dictionary words, but also to work with the word (selecting spellings).


On the board or on cards are diagrams of words with the indicated “dictionary” spellings. For example, checkable spellings can be indicated by a dot, and uncheckable spellings can be underlined (minus sign - weak position):

O___O___ (sparrow, milk...)

A___KK_____ (neat)

СС__ (cash, mass...)

E_____Дь (bear, notebook...)


A group of vocabulary words is written on the board. Not necessarily thematic. This could be a selection of words for a specific spelling for a specific lesson topic. For example, when studying paired consonants, a group of vocabulary words with paired consonants is taken, similarly - doubled consonants, unpronounceable consonants, etc.

There must be at least 10 of these words. You are given 1 minute to memorize the words. I ask you to speak the words silently. Then I remove (erase) the words. Again I give 1 minute to write the words. Task: remember and write down as many vocabulary words as possible. We definitely check (self-check, mutual check...), emphasize spelling.


This work can be done at the beginning of the lesson instead of a warm-up or as a lead-in to new material.

For example. Lesson topic: “Animate and inanimate nouns.”


I carefully select words in advance so that more than one word can be highlighted. The most important thing is to justify the choice of the “extra” word (this perfectly develops creative thinking!). The following are the arguments:

1.I think that the “superfluous” word rooster, because it took 6 words to write all the words, and for the word rooster- only 5.

2. I think that the “superfluous” word rooster, because all words have 3 syllables, but this word has 2

3….word rooster, because all words end in a vowel, and this word ends in a consonant .

4…..word road, because all words answer the question WHO?, and the word road - to the question WHAT? Etc.

There are a lot of arguments, and “extra” words too!

    LETTERS - Velcro (MAGNETS).

A specific letter (spelling) is given. For a certain time, it is necessary to “magnetize” letters to it (on one or both sides) so that you get dictionary words. For example:




This work is good to do when the dictionary has a lot of words for a certain spelling. You can use this technique as an option for homework, for example, when studying the topic “Double consonants...”


This is also a very interesting and unusual way of working with dictionary words.

Children, with the help of a teacher or parents, or themselves (by analogy) using the method of phonetic associations, compose a sentence with a vocabulary word that is consonant with part of another word in a sentence or phrase.

For example:

UL AND TA. I went outside and saw many familiar FACES.


COAT. P A LOT is worn by DAD. (My children absolutely love this phrase. Because if dad wears a coat, then who, or rather what, wears a coat?... It’s an amazing thing - no one in the class makes a mistake in this word.)


I often give this work to children outside of class, because... a task for quick wits and logical thinking. Moreover, each child has a different speed of thinking. What’s important to me in this task is not speed, but quality results. The most interesting thing here is the work process itself. Children can join groups and work together if they wish. Encryptions can be very different. Sometimes the children themselves come up with them or suggest an idea.

    Encryption "syllabic addition".

    Divide these words into syllables.

    Compose a vocabulary word from the resulting syllables, taking one syllable from each word.

    Put an accent, highlight the spelling.




You can give the opposite task by analogy: come up with your own encryption.

    Encryption - alphabet.

Each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a serial number.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 …

a b c d e f f h...

In the Alphabet theme you can encrypt and decrypt dictionary words.

1, 13, 13 , 6, 33 - (A LL EA) - in this version you can immediately notice that the word will have a double consonant spelling.

    Encryption "Remove the unnecessary."

The letters of the dictionary word are mixed with other letters, which can be removed for some specific reason. For example:

K, B, P, E, S, R, E, T, Z, K, A, Sh

    Cross out the paired voiceless consonants and you will get the vocabulary word (BIRCH).

This exercise is good to use as an introductory part of a lesson when reviewing certain topics (for example, paired consonants).

    Ciphering "Parts of a word".

I use this type of task when repeating or consolidating the topic “Word Composition”. Most often, the result is not the dictionary word itself, but a related one.

For example:

    The prefix in our word, like the word BEHIND I WAS SICK.

    The root is like the word FREEZING ILCA.

    Suffix - like the word BEREZ TO A.

    The ending is like the word SKATE AND.

The result is the word Frost.

    Encryption "Add vowels".

Sets of consonant letters are given (in strict order). It is necessary to insert suitable vowels between them so that the result is a dictionary word.

For example: CPST (CABBAGE).

You can take not one word, but a group of words united by some common feature. For example:

Living things: KRV (COW)




This is growing: CHRMKH (CHERRY)



Very often, within the framework of a certain topic, I work with dictionary words in the following way. Vocabulary words given...


1. Form related words (in the topic “Similar words”).

2. Select signs for these words, change them by numbers, by gender... (in the topic “Adjective”, “Spelling the endings of adjectives”...).

3. Change the form of the number, case... (in the topic “Changing nouns by number, by case...”).


I use proverbs, sayings, and phraseological units in my work. This type of work instills a love for the Russian language. Children from a very early age learn to speak competently, beautifully, and interestingly. The active vocabulary of words is enriched.

For example, you need to add vocabulary words:

Like hitting a wall _____________(PEAS).

Take care of your nose in the big ______________ (FROST).

Feed______________(COW) more nourishingly,

_____________ (MILK) will taste better.


This is another convenient way to memorize difficult spellings. Most often it is suitable for words with strong characteristics. For example:




I practice work on speech development when the individual dictionary is sufficiently full. (Moreover, I would like to note that for capable children the dictionary has been supplemented with words that are not included in the program for this class). From Friday until Monday, I suggest that the children write a story or fairy tale, using vocabulary words on a specific topic. For example, you can give the task to describe your apartment (room), using as many vocabulary words as possible.

“Test of the Pen” is a very exciting creative work. Children willingly compose, design and defend their works. And again, vocabulary words flash by and are remembered easily and interestingly.


Children love the “I know - I don’t know” game. I take the child’s dictionary and randomly ask how this or that dictionary word is spelled. The student must clearly pronounce the word syllable by syllable. If a child pronounces a word clearly, without doubt, correctly, then he does not write down this word (the word “resting”). If difficulties arise when pronouncing a dictionary word (the word sounds uncertain, with errors or confidently incorrect), then in this case we begin to work on the word (we choose various techniques for working with dictionary words). After which the word must be written down with clear pronunciation in a notebook and put under control (with a simple pencil in the form of a tick in the dictionary). The guys really enjoy competing WITH THEMSELVES. For the sake of this game, the children were ready to repeat vocabulary words every day. As it turns out, this is a game of chance for them. For a more successful outcome of this game, you can pre-determine a group of vocabulary words that we will work with in the next lesson. For example, I give the instruction that in the lesson next week we will play with words starting with the letter “a”, or with words with double consonants... But how do we prepare for the game? Cramming? NO!!! There is a very simple way to remember. Do you remember the sign when preparing for an exam - a book under the pillow? It is enough just before going to bed (practically while lying in bed) once, slowly, to clearly pronounce a certain group of words syllable by syllable. Then close the dictionary or book and go to bed. Scientists have proven that when falling asleep, the human brain “scrolls through” the information received during the day. And in reverse order. And most of the time for understanding and processing the information received is allocated to those events that occurred at the end of the day. And least of all - with which the day began. Thus, the brain will spend the most time on memorizing vocabulary words read at night and will work fruitfully without the participation of the child himself.

When working on vocabulary words, the main emphasis is on memorization, but not mechanically.

Such work on words develops speed reading, memory, logical thinking, increases the active vocabulary and lexical stock of words, develops spelling vigilance and writing literacy.

The work being carried out shows that the development of spelling vigilance depends on a number of conditions:

    clear planning of all work;

    the systematic and versatile nature of spelling work;

    the formation of spelling skills should be based on all types of memory: auditory, visual, speech motor - syllable-by-syllable orthographic pronunciation of words, as a result of which the composition of the word being studied is fixed in the muscular movements of the speech organs; motor - repeated recording of the same words.

    Constant monitoring of students’ mastery of completed spellings.

This gives primary school students the opportunity to write a vocabulary dictation with a minimum number of errors.

Work on developing spelling vigilance is carried out throughout the entire primary school course. Systematic work on the word contributes to the development of students’ mental activity - it teaches them to perform a number of mental operations: observation, comparison, comparison, establishing similarities and differences.

It is very important to teach children to see mistakes in words. The error should “hurt” the eye. This gives the student a great opportunity to see the mistake made and correct it in time. Children love to play “teacher.” This enables the student to find all errors.


In my work, I shared the methods of working on the formation of spelling vigilance in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard.

At the end of the work done, the following methodological recommendations can be formulated on the organization and use of work methods for the formation of spelling vigilance.

    Work on the formation of spelling vigilance must be carried out purposefully by the teacher in Russian language lessons.

    Avoid mechanical learning of this or that spelling rule, and children’s passivity in mastering this or that type of spelling.

    Know and competently compose various types of exercises to develop spelling vigilance.

    Teach children to see the spelling in a word and determine its type.

    The teacher must be fluent in the methodology of conducting various exercises to develop spelling vigilance.

    Use various types of exercises in the system, which in turn activate the mental activity of children and develop spelling vigilance.

    Develop the ability to find spelling patterns before writing, and determine its type.

    When preparing a teacher for Russian language lessons, it is necessary to select techniques that stimulate children to do good work and use them in every lesson.

Summing up the results of the work done, it must be said that the work on developing spelling vigilance is an integral part of Russian language lessons, is of great importance and takes a lot of work and time.

Thus, the systematic use of the above exercises and types of work makes it possible to significantly develop students’ spelling vigilance. Therefore, we will continue to work on the development of spelling vigilance in the following grades, providing students with increasing independence and at the same time developing general educational activities in them.


“Formation of spelling vigilance in primary schoolchildren”


The most important role in realizing the goals and objectives facing primary school belongs to the study of the native language.

In a modern school, the main task of teaching the Russian language to junior schoolchildren is the formation of spelling literacy. It is one of the components of the general linguistic culture, ensuring the accuracy of expression of thoughts and mutual understanding in written communication.

From the practice of teaching in primary grades, it is known that students’ spelling literacy does not reach a sufficiently high level, as evidenced by the results of final tests in the Russian language conducted in grades 3-4.

This quality of literacy raises concerns among teachers, parents and, ultimately, the public. Student literacy has definitely declined in high school (though it has remained the same in elementary school, but has not improved over the past two decades).

Therefore, scientists (psychologists, methodologists), teachers are looking for the reasons for this phenomenon (low spelling literacy) in order to take effective measures to improve the situation in this component of education.

One of the reasons for the insufficiently high spelling literacy of younger schoolchildren is the immaturity of their spelling vigilance.

Spelling vigilance is the ability to quickly detect spelling patterns in the text, in words and their combinations that are intended for recording or have already been written down, and also quickly determine their types. The lack of spelling vigilance or its poor development is one of the main reasons for mistakes made by students.

Forming a competent student's letter is not an easy task. Quite often, schoolchildren master theory well, but suffer from the inability to write correctly.

According to D. N. Bogoyavlinsky, spelling skill, like any other, is “automated components of conscious activity.” “Conscious activity” is carried out on the basis of knowledge of the rules and their correct application.”

Currently, the work of a teacher in spelling is mainly carried out in a stereotypical manner: children first learn the rule, then practice. But knowing the rules and writing freely are two different things!!! It is believed that one of the main goals is to teach the child to accurately determine the location of the spelling and solve spelling problems. Therefore, great attention in teaching spelling is paid to the formation of spelling vigilance.

An old problem: children seem to know the rule, give examples of words and sentences that illustrate the rule, perform the exercises correctly, but in dictations they violate these rules, and when working independently, they do not know how to spell their thoughts correctly. What is the reason for this phenomenon?

The rules in Russian language textbooks appear to schoolchildren as a chaotic set of disparate instructions. And the main thing that is required of a child in the traditional approach is to remember many rules, and then an even greater number of exceptions.

The method of teaching spelling is not perfect: it does not provide for special training aimed at developing spelling vigilance.

A study of the state of spelling vigilance of primary school students showed that the percentage of vision of spelling patterns by junior schoolchildren is low. This state of affairs in elementary school stems: firstly, from the lack of unity of views on the nature of Russian orthography, on the principles underlying it (at present, two theoretical concepts of Russian orthography have been clearly defined: morphological and phonemic), secondly, due to the lack of development of a scientifically based system for the formation of spelling vigilance in younger schoolchildren.

Relevance of this topic is that the first steps on the path to learning your native language are always the most difficult. Further successful learning of any school discipline largely depends on how the basics of spelling literacy are formed at the initial stage of education. In elementary school practice, various aids are used. Consequently, it is necessary to understand not only general approaches to teaching spelling, but also take into account the specifics of each system, program, textbook. The object of the study is the process of teaching Russian to primary schoolchildren, aimed at improving spelling literacy.

The subject of the research is methodological techniques for teaching Russian spelling

Goal of the work:

It is an attempt to identify effective ways to develop spelling vigilance and create a system of spelling exercises for its development.

The following Objectives follow from this goal:

Based on the analysis of linguistic and psychological-pedagogical literature on the problem, determine the degree of knowledge of the chosen topic;

Determine the methodological support for teaching spelling by analyzing Russian language programs and teaching aids for primary school students;

To develop a methodological system for the formation of spelling vigilance and test the effectiveness of the proposed methodology through experimental work at school.

Methods and techniques for developing spelling vigilance.

Having worked on techniques for developing spelling vigilance for quite some time, I consider it advisable to carry out the following games or exercises to develop the corresponding skill.

1. Game “Light the beacon”. We carry out sound analysis of words or copying words and sentences in copybooks. Children place green circles under the “dangerous place”.

2. Letter from dictation. First I dictate the words as they are written. Later I’ll play the “Echo” game. I read the words, and the children repeat in a whisper, but so that I can hear. If someone copied incorrectly, they correct the mistake by saying it again, then write everything down.

3. A special way of writing words. During dictation, letters in “dangerous places” are skipped. These letters must first be recognized, and this is not easy: not all the rules are known yet. Therefore, it is advisable to put gaps. When the text is written down, the teacher answers the children’s questions and fills in the missing letters.

4. Phonetic analysis (conducted throughout all four years of study). Its principle can be briefly represented using the example of the word Earth. I pronounce [z" and m l" a]. The word has two syllables [z" and m] - [l" a]. The second syllable is stressed.

[z"] – consonant, soft, voiced, I write z;
[ and ] – vowel, unstressed, I check [ z "em l" and ], after a soft consonant I write e;
[m] – consonant, hard, voiced, I write m;
[l"] – consonant, soft, voiced, I write l;
[a] – vowel, stressed, after a soft consonant I write the letter I.

5. Analysis of a word according to its composition is one of the main stages of learning spelling.

Before the child writes a word, he must put emphasis and determine in which part of the word there are “dangerous places”. Some prefixes and suffixes are known to children. They pronounce them and write them. If you are not familiar, the teacher must dictate clearly. Vowels and consonants are fundamentally checked according to the rules or clearly dictated by the teacher if the rules for a given spelling have not been studied.

For example, the word is written runs through.

- Runs through. The student's line of reasoning: the stress falls on the penultimate syllable. I'm writing a prefix about- because prefixes great-- No. Root unstressed vowel e, because run. I don’t know the ending, I skip it (the teacher clearly dictates this part).

6. Self-check of what you have written. Students find and highlight “dangerous places” in an already written sentence or word.

7. Cheating. Particular attention should be paid to the issue of cheating, since it is the most important type of spelling exercises, which includes the operation of preliminary highlighting the overwhelming number of spellings in the copied text.

Various reminders help develop self-testing skills, for example:

1.Have you missed any letters?

2.Did you write the unstressed vowels correctly? What about paired consonants?

3.Not sure, ask your teacher.

Spelling exercise system

Taking into account the two principles underlying the acquisition of spelling, conscious and mechanical, teaching spelling includes the following operations:

copying from the correct text; reading;

writing a coherent text memorized;

warning dictations;

explanatory dictations;

creative, free dictations;

selective, silent, visual dictations;

use of spelling dictionaries;

test dictations;

work on mistakes.

It is worth noting that teaching spelling, as is known, is based primarily on the study of spelling rules. It should be borne in mind that the rule organizes the teaching of writing, but it in itself does not lead to correct writing: writing must be consolidated through long exercises, so that it becomes a skill.

Types of exercises.

1. Decipher the fairy tale (based on the text of “Turnip”)

Psdl dd rpk. Vrsl rpk blsh-prblsh. Stl dd rpk z zml weight. Tnt ptnt, tnt n mzht. Pzvl dd bbk. BBk z ddk, ddk z rpk. Tnt ptnt, tnt n mgt. Pzvl bbk vnchk. Vnchk z bbk, bbk z ddk, ddk z rpk. Tnt ptnt, tnt n mgt. Pzvl vnchk Zhchk. Zhchk z vnchk, vnchk z bbk, bbk z ddk, ddk z rpk. Tnt ptnt, tnt n mgt. Pzvl Zchk kshk. Kshk z Zhchk, Zhk z vnchk, vnchk z bbk, bbk z ddk, ddk z rpk. Tnt ptnt, tnt n mgt. Pzvl kshk mshk. Mshk z kshk, Kshk z Zhchk, Zhk z vnchk, vnchk z bbk, bbk z ddk, ddk z rpk. Vtnl rpk!

2. Name and write down only the vowels of the dictated words:

House, smoke, ladies

Cat, porridge, gut

Little, soap, crushed

Young, hungry, cold

3. Encryptor

Find words on the page of the ABC book and encrypt them, writing down only the vowels or consonants of them.

4. Find a dangerous place

Clap as soon as you hear a sound you can't trust.

5. Traffic light

Show a red traffic light as soon as you find “dangerous place” in the word.

6. Finding "danger spots" in the written word

Completing this exercise is the beginning of learning to self-test.

In grades 2–4, you can use the following types of exercises aimed at developing spelling vigilance.

Letter with missing spellings


1. Copy by inserting the missing letters. Put an accent, highlight the root.

Peace, for example, peaceful, remember, for everyone.

K...k...tok, k...tit, k...tit, k...tanie, k...talk.

Hungry, g...hungry, g...hunger, hunger, g...l...giving.

Mol...t, m...l...tit, m...l...tba, m...l...tit, m...l...tilka.

2. Write down, insert the missing letters

Between r...dealing in...rhushek

P...k...shared with...Neva.

The guns made noise

Bright yellow foliage.

The spruce tree has become more noticeable in the forest,

B... r... there is a thick shadow.

P...dosinovik p...last

Moved his hat on one side (A. Tvardovsky)

3. Write it down. Before words with unstressed vowels at the root, write test words.

sat in the garden - I’ve turned gray a long time ago

drink medicine - sing a song

live in the city - chew food

made a nest - took her down the steps

get off the roof - lick the sour cream

copy it off the board - hurry home

open the door - boil the potatoes

reconcile enemies - try on a suit

caress the cat - rinse the laundry

It is necessary, starting from elementary school, to develop articulatory memory on the basis of orthographic reading (Totsky P.S. Spelling without rules. M., 1991). The author has developed a system for training spelling vigilance.

If every day in each lesson (mathematics, Russian language, reading, natural history) you spend 5-7 minutes for spelling reading, this will bring a good result (tasks, rules, specially selected texts, columns of words, phrases, in pairs, according to a memo, according to exercise, etc.)

Commented letter indicating spellings

When commenting, a high level of self-control is achieved, since the student does not just record, but explains the spelling. Commenting is a type of exercise that includes explanatory reasoning in the process of writing down words and sentences. When commenting or spelling analysis, the student, first of all, finds the object of explanation, i.e. spelling.

Letter with pronunciation

Writing with pronunciation ensures a large volume of writing, accuracy, beautiful writing, and an almost complete absence of errors. Writing with pronunciation unites the whole class, gradually all the children begin to work at a good pace. First, the teacher can speak, then the strong students, then both average and weak students get involved in the work. Pronunciation is a kind of error prevention. And if a student suddenly pronounces a word with a mistake, then the class and the teacher will prevent trouble in time, i.e. They will not allow you to record this error in writing.

Visual dictation

I consider visual dictation, the purpose of which is to prevent mistakes, to be a very effective means of increasing students’ spelling literacy.

Several sentences or text are written on the board. This text is read expressively, then the most interesting words from the point of view of spelling are highlighted, their spelling is explained, individual words are pronounced (you can carry out a spelling reading of all sentences).

Then students are asked to “photograph” individual words and see them with their inner vision (close their eyes and write). The text is closed for a while, and the children answer the questions again and pronounce difficult words. If necessary, the text is opened again. The class is set to write a text without errors. Along the way, sharpening your visual memory. But if suddenly a student doubts the spelling of a word, he still has the right to put a dot in the place of the dubious letter.

Dictation “Testing myself”

While completing this dictation, students can ask the teacher how to spell a particular word. But the trouble is that at first, weak students do not ask anything and make a large number of mistakes - this is the negative side of the “Testing Myself” dictation. Therefore, it is important to equip students with knowledge of the most common features of spellings as early as possible.

The first and main advantage of the dictation ““Testing myself”” is that children begin to find their weak points, learn to question and doubt, we give them the opportunity to write without mistakes, and warn them.

This dictation allows you to write often and a lot, and make few or no mistakes: spelling skills are improved and strengthened.

Specially organized write-off

The proposed cheating technique was developed by a group of psychologists led by V.V. Repkin and P.S. Zhedek. In order for this work to bring the desired result, firstly, it must be carried out daily, preferably throughout primary school, and secondly, the writing algorithm itself must be strictly observed, since each step has a certain semantic load and cannot be thrown out of list. Only complete reproduction of the algorithm guarantees success.

In the classroom, a cheating algorithm is compiled with the children collectively and placed next to the board. Each student receives an additional card on which the entire procedure for cheating is written down.

1.Read the sentence to understand and remember it.

2.Repeat the sentence without looking at the text to check if you remember it.

3. Highlight spelling patterns in the copied text.

4. Read the sentence as it is written.

5.Repeat, without looking at the text, the sentence as you would write it.

6.Write, dictating to yourself as you spoke the last two times.

7.Check what you wrote:

a) read what you wrote, marking the syllables with arches;

b) underline the spelling in what is written;

c) check each spelling with the source text.

Cacographic exercises

In my practice, I use cacographic exercises, which involve students correcting intentionally erroneous spellings in texts.

Work on mistakes

Starting from 1st (2nd) grade, when checking any work, I do not correct errors in words based on the rules I have learned; instead, I put a stick in the margin (for weaker students, the spelling number), and at the end of the work, instead of a mark, I put a dot. The student, having received work without a mark, begins to look for errors in the line where the stick (or spelling number) is placed in the margins.

Then the student writes down the word in which the mistake was made below the work and works on the mistakes in accordance with the “Memo” (the list of spellings with numbers provides a way to explain and check it).

After the work on the errors is completed, a mark is set.

Every time, working with the “Memo”, the student sees in front of him a list of studied spellings and knows how to correct errors. All this contributes to better memorization of spellings and increased spelling literacy

Dictation with tapping.

During a dictation, the teacher taps on the table at the moment when he pronounces a word with a spelling. This tapping makes the student think.

Selective dictation, self-dictation, mutual dictation

I conduct selective dictation in lessons, when children, on the instructions of the teacher, select parts of the text that correspond to a specific task for writing. Selective dictation, in comparison with other types of dictation, is valuable in that it eliminates the possibility of mechanical recording, allows you to give material rich in studied spellings in a very concentrated manner, and promotes better perception and memorization of the spelling of words.

A special place among dictations is occupied by self-dictations, mutual dictations and graphic dictations.

Self-dictation is a type of dictation in which:

1. The text before recording is visually perceived by the children, their attention is fixed on the spelling pattern being studied, the students explain the conditions for choosing words with this spelling pattern, after completing such work, the students dictate the text to themselves from memory, and then check their recording with the sample;

2. Home preparation is carried out: finding and writing out 3–5 words with a given spelling from a work of fiction studied in reading lessons in a workbook. After writing out the required words with the spelling, a graphic designation of the conditions for its selection is carried out, selection (if necessary) of test words for the data, then self-preparation and comparison of your recording with the original one.

Interdictation carried out after the preparation described for self-dictation:

1. In pairs with mutual verification when using a sample;

2. One of the students, who dictates to the class the words he has selected from the book for reading; After recording, several students comment on what was recorded (their number corresponds to the number of recorded words), then the work is submitted to the teacher for checking.

The sharpening of spelling vigilance is facilitated by the “The Secret of Writing with Green Paste” technique, with the help of which children prepare written work in notebooks: as soon as a rule appears, green paste begins to work. The more spelling patterns are studied, the more often the green light “lights up” in the students’ notebooks.

Possible psychological reasons for the underdevelopment of spelling vigilance: low level of development of voluntary attention, lack of formation of methods of educational activity (self-control, ability to act according to the rule), low level of volume and distribution of attention, low level of development of short-term memory.

The search and application of intensive forms of teaching the Russian language, new approaches to the use of existing methods and means of increasing students' spelling vigilance is accompanied by an in-depth analysis of the results achieved. For this purpose, it is necessary to constantly diagnose the qualitative level of students’ knowledge and monitor specific errors made by students in all types of written work.


1. Betenkova N.M. Spelling, grammar - entertaining rhymes. M.: Education, 1995.

2. Ilyashenko V.A. Primary school No. 6. M: Primary school, 2000.

3. Totsky P.S. Spelling without rules. M.: Education, 1991.

4. Chistyakova L.I. Primary school No. 2. M: Primary school, 1997.
5. Shklyarova T.V. . How to teach your child to write without mistakes. M.: Gramotey, 2000.

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