Dictations in the Russian language on the topic of winter (grade 2). Test dictations in the Russian language Dictations in the Russian language winter forest

To monitor students' literacy, two control dictations are conducted during each semester. Sample texts are provided below. They are taken from the book by V.F. Mazilova “Workshop on the Russian language.” – M.: Education, 1971. – P. 195, 202, 204, 206, 207.


Wherever you step, wherever you look, there is water everywhere. The first butterfly, like a lemon-yellow leaf, flutters above the water-soaked snow that has not yet melted in the ravine. Numerous streams and rivulets unite into foaming, frantic streams.

Birds returning from afar are already looking for places for future nests. Some of them made nests and lined the inside with down and fur. And the crow has hatched six voracious chicks, and from the nest you can hear their demanding squeak that never stops for a minute.

In a thawed patch under a bush, a gray fluffy lump is scurrying around - it’s a bunny. He was just recently born, very funny, but he already knows how to hide from enemies in last year’s grass.

At the end of April, the aspen and hazel trees are completely covered with long catkins, and in the puddles and ditches there are huge clods of gelatinous frog caviar.

Near the road there is a heap of ants, near which thousands of little workers run back and forth.

And how much new there is in the fields and gardens! In fields cleared of snow cover, mineral fertilizers are scattered to feed greening winter crops that need increased nutrition. The crops are fed manually or by plane, scattering fertilizers on top that look like grayish powder.

When the ground dries out slightly, the tractors will come, dragging harrows behind them, which will comb the ground to make it easier for the crops to grow.

In the garden, broken branches of pears, cherries, apples, and gooseberries are trimmed, and hives with bees are placed in the apiary.

With great skill, you need to plant young trees, dig a hole in such a way that the roots do not bend upward - such a situation is unnatural, and level the ground around the trunk.

The planted tree will continue to require tireless care: watering, fertilizing. We also have to protect the garden from uninvited guests: caterpillars, codling moths, May beetles, so harmless in appearance.

Forest in winter

Those who are not afraid of rain and cold should go into the forest on a November morning: many interesting meetings await you in the quiet, but still living forest.

At the beginning of winter, you can easily find a hare: its snow-white coat treacherously stands out on the brown ground, not covered with snow.

Dressed up with a scythe at the wrong time! Keep your eyes open. Maybe you will be able to sneak up on a sure shot: the little hare does not dare jump out of its hiding place.

Somewhere up on a pine tree, tits are jumping from limb to limb, looking for bugs not hidden under the bark. A hazel grouse whistles subtly in the spruce forest, and again there is silence, undisturbed by anything.

In the shallow growth of the forest, a rowan tree is visible from afar: its bright red clusters glow, like corals thrown by someone’s hand. Blackbirds, which have not yet flown south, are busy on its branches. An unpleasant cry of a jay is heard. Now, in the fall, when there is plenty of food, these birds store food for future use for the winter, stuffing acorns into different crevices. I wonder how much they will be able to find in winter that is hidden?

In the depths of the forest, a frightened hare cry is heard: apparently, some predator took the animal by surprise. Occasionally, a polar owl flies into our region - very beautiful, but a completely uninvited guest.

If you stay longer in the forest, you will see a long-tailed bunting. In late autumn, these birds also migrate from the tundra to the south.

In December, the forest is transformed beyond recognition: white feather feathers completely cover the ground.

It’s nice to go into the forest on a sleigh along a road that has not been traveled since the fall. In calm weather, dormant trees covered with frost stand as if wearing mittens. The forest is festively clean, everything sparkles with untouched whiteness. On the freshly fallen snow, just like in an open book, you will read about the life of forest inhabitants.

A labyrinth of someone's confused traces goes into the thicket of a mixed forest. It was none other than the fox who was tracking down the careless mouse.

There is a pile of pecking cones under the pine tree, and at the top of the trunk you will probably find a crevice - this is a woodpecker’s forge.

Pathfinders and young people will not return home empty-handed: many sketches and photographs can be made in the forest in winter.


The market was noisy. What did we not see in the food aisles! Behind the counters with white cabbage, behind scatterings of golden onions and saffron carrots, behind barrels of soaked apples and pickled cucumbers, behind pig carcasses stood sellers in white aprons.

In the rows behind them, one-and-a-half-meter-long homespun linen towels were flying in the wind, from which roosters were crowing, and viburnum was blazing in clusters; linen tablecloths were spread out, embroidered with allegorical scenes.

From a distance, a woolen “ryazanka”, made into a clear colored checkered pattern on a black field, was striking, which is better than any “tartan”. The mittens knitted into a Christmas tree attracted attention. But the surroundings of this town are not famous for their food and handicrafts.

All peasant women have been well aware of the Skopin “blues” for a long time. “Cyanosis is nothing more than a two-liter wide-necked, unflooded pot.

Who hasn’t eaten pink, ruddy milk simmered in a peasant’s oven? Such fragrant milk cannot be obtained either in a glass or in a doused jar. A good housewife will never take any other utensils if there is a simple fired clay pot on the counter: in any other utensil the milk “does not breathe” and will soon turn sour.

Skopin's fame has long been established thanks to his ceramic art, such as no one has ever seen anywhere.

Even in Moscow, at the spring bazaars, outlandish pottery items were in great demand, and not cheaply. These were mainly vessels, striking with their elegant and appropriate proportions of parts and variety of silhouette.

I was surprised by the ability to sculpt birds and animals so skillfully, as if the craftsmen had spotted them by surprise in natural movement. In the products one could vaguely feel some kind of handwriting of ancient chased silverware, which is now no longer preserved anywhere except in museums.

Moscow collectors and other antique ceramics dealers often visited Skopin for these items.

2nd grade


Goal of the work – check the ability to apply the rules learned: spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants at the end of a word, unstressed vowels, a soft separating sign, the ability to transfer words.

Option 1

Bird food

There was a blizzard at night. Egor and Oleg go into the forest. They carry food for the birds. Angry hits you in the face s th wind. The boys laid them on the old stumps e on the. They hang on tree branches And or dry rowan.
A flock of syns flew up And c. And here comes the food!

Grammar tasks

1. From the fourth sentence, write down a word that cannot be transferred.

2. Underline words in the text with a separating soft sign.

Option 2


Winter came. Snow lies like a fluffy carpet on the fields and hills. The trees are quiet O. All the paths in the forest were covered with snow. You can only walk through the forest on skis. Hit And or severe frosts. The river is frozen. Guys With they made a big skating rink. It's always fun at the skating rink O.

Grammar task

1. Write out three words from the text with an unstressed vowel being tested at the root of the word. Write down the test words next to it.


Goal of the work

Option 1

Glorious frost

The sun has set. The moon appeared in the blue sky, full, large, bright. The chain dog barked hoarsely. He turned around himself three times and lay down in his kennel. It was gloriously cold. The wind bit hard.
By morning, all the window glass was covered with a wonderful pattern of icy leaves. The weather was truly winter.

Option 2


Snowflakes fell from the sky onto the roofs of houses. Winter was coming. The water in the puddles froze. The ice crunched underfoot. The branches of the birch trees rang in the wind. Their tips were covered with ice. The sun came out. The snow became pure droplets of water. The droplets rolled to the ground like beads. Beautiful view from the ground.

Incident at the skating rink

It was a frosty sunny day. The boys played snowballs by the river. The girls were making a snowman.
Vitya ran onto the ice on skates. The thin ice crackled. Vitya fell into the water and screamed.
Uncle Fyodor came running to the scream. He threw the boy a rope. Vitya grabbed it and climbed out of the water.


Goal of the work – test the ability to detect spelling in text, write words in the range of learned rules.

Option 1

in winter

The wind howled. In the evening the sky was overcast with heavy, low clouds. At night, bad weather began. We flew snowy flakes. Blizzard tracks. At ten o'clock we looked out of the window. Crow and hare tracks are visible in the snow. There was a giant snowdrift on the porch. You must walk carefully on slippery steps. The cornice is hung with dangerous icicles.

Grammar tasks

1. In the second sentence, underline the main parts of the sentence.

2. Disassemble the highlighted words according to their composition.

Option 2

Winter forest

Miracles e n Russian forest in winter! White fluffy snow hung on the tree branches. Cm O leafy cones decorate the tops of fir trees. Nimble tits squeak in the branches. Patterns of hare and fox tracks are visible on the snowdrifts.
Here is a squirrel running across the road. She jumped onto a pine tree and waved her tail. Light snow dust flew. The woodpecker knocked on the trunk with a hammer.

Grammar tasks

1. In the third sentence, underline the main parts of the sentence.

2. Find and write down two words that have only a root and a zero ending.


Option 1

Copy the text. Find in the text words where the letter denoting an unpronounceable consonant is written. Underline this letter.

Autumn and winter

In late autumn, the weather in our area is often stormy. It’s as if autumn is grieving its loss to winter. Clouds are flying across the sky in clumps. It's raining. The sun looks like a soccer ball yellowed by rain. The trees sway and creak from the sharp gusts of the fierce wind.

Option 2

Snow pellets

stood last days late autumn. It rained all night, the wind roared and whistled. By morning it became sharply cold. I looked out the window. The clouds were flying low above the ground. Soon, prickly grains began to fall from them. She was hard as sand. It hit the glass sharply. A thick mound of snow quickly formed on the roof of our bathhouse. We wanted to go out onto the balcony, but we couldn’t open the door. The snow covered her. We walked along a narrow path to Aunt Zoya and took a shovel from her.

I. Working on the text

Change the text - write down a story not about a little kitten, but about a big fat cat. Determine which suffixes in words will help with this.

A small kitten is sitting by the porch. We named him Murzik. The kitten is gray, has a fluffy tail, and a white tie on its chest. The cat closed its eyes, arched its back, and moved its antennae. He hid his sharp claws in his paws and purred sweetly, amusing the little ones. We love to play with him.

II. Presentation of the text according to a collectively drawn up plan

Caring mother

A fox made its home under an old spruce tree. There were babies in the hole. Lisa was careful. Near the hole she meandered for a long time, confusing her tracks.
The foxes were very funny and very pliable. They kept trying to get out of the hole. The kids loved to play in the green meadow. Mother was returning. The foxes became quiet. The fox took each fox cub and dragged it into the hole.
Soon all the cubs were back in the hole. The mother calmed down.

4th grade


Goal of the work – test the ability to detect spelling in the text, write words in the range of learned rules, put a comma when homogeneous members of a sentence.

Option 1


They were born on a short autumn day. It was cloudy and boring on the ground. The cloud floated slowly. Snowflakes swirled in the air. In the whirlwind of the dance they flashed with amazing lights. Snowflakes flew over a grove, a field, a village. Where to stay for the night? The roof of the lonely hut was empty. The snow beauties decided to make a stop here. They decorated the path to the river, the top of an old spruce tree. They lay down on the meadow like a fluffy carpet. In the morning, the first traces of animals and birds appeared on the snow surface.

Words for reference: slow, stop, here.

Grammar tasks

1. In the last sentence, underline the main parts of the sentence.

2. Indicate the cases of all nouns in the tenth sentence. (They decorated the path...)

Option 2


In the winter cold there is silence in the spruce forest. Every living thing hid from the bitter cold.
Suddenly a whole flock of northern guests appeared. Crossbills flew noisily over the quiet clearing. Birds flocked to the top of the shaggy spruce. At the very top were clusters of pine cones. The birds began to carry tasty seeds with their tenacious claws.
Their homes are hidden between the branches of an old spruce tree. The chicks have already hatched there. Caring mothers feed them spruce porridge.
Why do crossbills winter in our area? They are warmer here than in the far North.

Grammar tasks

1. In the fourth sentence, underline the main parts of the sentence.

2. Indicate the cases of all nouns in the fifth sentence. (Birds surrounded...)


Goal of the work – test the ability to copy text and detect spelling.

Option 1

Mishka's childhood

Mishka loved to go to the forest with his grandfather. Bear felt in the forest as if someone big and affectionate was hugging him. The oaks smiled good-naturedly. The aspens happily clapped their hands, greeting old acquaintances. Closer to autumn, thin and tenacious hands of blackberries with handfuls of ripe berries stuck out onto the narrow forest road: here, good people, help yourself! The boy noticed long ago that under his grandfather the forest became brighter and more joyful. And the grandfather walked and hummed a song.

Option 2

Spruce is good in winter. Heavy caps of pure snow hang on its spreading branches. The high peaks are decorated with garlands of fir cones. Green young growth grows at the edge of the spruce forest. People especially love spruce. On New Year's winter days, they arrange holiday trees for children. Spruce is especially good in the forest, in freedom. On winter starry and moonlit nights, snow glistens on its branches. The tree looks fabulous in the moonlight.


I. Educational presentation

First steps

Early in the morning Marina woke up, looked out the window and gasped. The morning was sunny and frosty. The branchy trees were covered with shaggy frost. Such patterns are drawn by frost on the windows. The yard skating rink looked like a mirror saucer.
After breakfast, Marina threw on a down scarf, put on her white fur coat and ran out into the yard.
The brothers brought her brand new skates. Five minutes later, Marina was gliding on shiny, smooth ice. My legs were twisting. But the brothers took Marina by the arms.
A biting wind hit my face. It was breathtaking, but it was fun.

III. Free dictation

The trouble is over

A bunny ran across the field at night from a hungry wolf and from a sly fox. I fell into a hole and sprained my leg. He crawled to the forest to hide in it.
A long-eared owl saw the bunny and flew towards the poor animal. The bunny has nowhere to hide, trembling with fear. Suddenly he saw a Christmas tree and hid in the snow under its prickly needles.
The owl was circling under the tree, but could not do anything to the bunny. Soon the lame bunny recovered.

Winter night

Night fell quietly on the forest. The frost taps faintly on the tree trunks and branches. Silvery frost falls from the branches in fluffy flakes and circles in the air for a long time before falling to the ground.

Bright stars light up in the high winter sky. Now the moon has peeked out from behind a lonely cloud. Light rays snatched from the darkness a charming picture of a winter forest: trees wrapped in a veil of snow, snowdrifts on the path and a thin ribbon of a river bound in ice.

But winter night life goes on. An owl flew like a dark shadow over the edge of the forest. Somewhere a frozen branch crunched loudly. It was a white hare running by. The wolves howled. They went hunting in a formidable pack. The owl hooted and laughed. A caress ran across the diamond tablecloth of snow.

Like a night watchman, an owlet sits on a branch. His gray feathers blend into the darkness of the night. The owl watches the night forest.

(124 words)

Winter has come

At the end of November the frosts become increasingly severe. I can feel winter approaching.

The first snow fell tonight. Trees and bushes are wrapped in a snow-white cape. The wind howls, drifting snow swirls in the field.

And the forest is quiet. You enter the thicket of the forest and a feeling of real celebration comes over you. Nature fell into a long sleep. The trees and bushes became silent. A bear sleeps in a cozy den. A squirrel hid in a hollow tree and is waiting out the frosty season. Only the long-eared hare got out of the hole. He is looking for food.

The river was frozen. Transparent ice sparkles brightly in the sun. The guys went outside, skated and made a snowman. Everyone is happy about winter.

(96 words)


1. Find in the text difficult sentence. Do the parsing.

2. Find a sentence in the text with homogeneous members. Draw a diagram.

In a forest clearing

The forest clearing was covered in fluffy snow. White flakes of snow nestled comfortably on the branches of trees and bushes, and the snow spread like a smooth tablecloth on the ground.

Quiet in the forest. But this impression is deceptive. Polyana lives her own life. Small insects hid in a cozy crevice under the bark of a mighty oak tree. A lizard lies in a tight hole between the roots of a tree. The cold froze her movements. The lizard is fast asleep.

The beetle settled down in a tiny bedroom. At the edge of the clearing, frogs fell asleep in a shallow ditch. Nearby, in a pile of fallen leaves covered with snow, their eternal enemy, the prickly hedgehog, also fell asleep.

Suddenly a hare jumped out into the clearing. He had long ago exchanged his gray sheepskin coat for a luxurious winter fur coat. The hare froze and listened. A branch crunched in the bushes. This red fox is carefully watching the hare.

(117 words)


1. Parse 2 sentences. Draw a diagram.

2. Indicate the imperfect verbs in the text.

3. Write down sentences with homogeneous members.

Footprints in the snow

Cold winter has arrived. Snow covered the ground with a huge fluffy blanket. Frost bound the river and dressed it in an icy outfit.

In the forest, on a white tablecloth of snow, history is written. The entire clearing is covered with a dense scattering of various traces. An experienced hunter can identify an animal by its tracks.

A hare ran here. His tracks stretch in an uneven chain along the entire edge of the forest and are hidden in the bushes. The hare is cunning, meanders, and confuses its tracks. That’s why the chain of traces lies in intricate zigzags.

A sly fox was watching the hare. Her footprints are barely visible in the snow. The fox covers up paw prints with its fluffy tail. This trick saved her life more than once.

A squirrel trampled a path through the forest powder. Little paws left a patterned path in the snow. The path stretches from one tree to another.

(115 words)


. Indicate the case of adjectives.

. Find verbs of 1st conjugation in the text. Highlight their endings.

. Write down the verbs with a prefix.


Twelve days pass between Christmas and Epiphany. These days are called Christmastide - holy days.

Christmas time is the most fun time of winter. Traditionally, everyone stops working on these days. It is customary to visit acquaintances, friends, relatives and give gifts. These gifts are a memory of the gifts the Magi gave to the born Jesus.

Also on Christmastide, it is customary to visit hospitals, orphanages, and shelters. In the old days, even kings dressed in simple dresses during Christmas time and gave out alms.

The central part of the Christmas celebration is a family dinner. Traditionally, an odd number of dishes are prepared on Christmastide. There must be kutia on the table - rice porridge with honey and raisins. They also prepare special Christmas dishes: pancakes, oatmeal jelly and sbiten.

The main fun begins in the evening. Young people gather in groups, and everyone goes caroling.

It snowed at night. Morning has come. The forest is unrecognizable. The trees were wrapped in snow feather beds. The bushes turned into huge snowdrifts. All the paths were covered with fluffy snow.

A hare jumped out into the clearing. He had long ago changed his gray outfit to a new white fur coat. The hare looked around. He stretched out his long ears and listened. A quiet rustling sound was heard. This lump of snow fell from a high branch. The hare got scared and ran away.

(62 words)


A harsh winter has arrived. Everything was covered with white fluffy snow.

Masha went out into the yard and saw a flock of sparrows. The birds jumped in the snow and chirped pitifully. It is difficult for sparrows to find food in the snow.

Masha took a piece of bread from her pocket. She sprinkled bread crumbs onto the porch. The sparrows quickly pecked up all the crumbs.

(47 words)


. Find words in the text with a separating soft sign.


Snow. We went for a walk in the park. Sasha and Seryozha decided to build a snowman. This is a difficult matter!

First they rolled three huge snow globes. Snow globes were placed on top of each other. Instead of eyes, the snowman was stuck with pieces of coal. The nose was made from a large carrot. And they put a bucket on my head. The snowman turned out good!

(49 words)


. What is the last sentence's intonation?

. Find in the text related words to the word "snow".

. parse the word "snowman" according to its composition.

Who winters where?

Throughout the fall, animals prepare for the cold. Many birds fly south. Bears sleep in a warm den in winter. Hedgehogs and badgers are sleeping. The squirrels stocked up on nuts and berries. Winter is not scary for them.

Wolves and foxes go out to hunt at night. The hares have dug holes and are hiding in them from the frost. Hares do not stock up. In winter they chew the bark of trees.

(59 words)

New Year

New Year- my favorite holiday. Our school decorated a beautiful Christmas tree. Multi-colored balls hang on fluffy branches.

Our class is preparing for the holiday. Tanya and Katya dressed up as snowflakes. They will dance. Misha put on a wolf mask. And Styopa decided to become a bear. He walks around the classroom and growls menacingly.

(48 words)


. find proper names in the text.

Winter Games

Snow. Everything around became white. The children went out into the yard. The boys built a snow fort. They are playing in the snow. Tanya and Sveta are making a snow woman. Petya and Lenya brought a sled. They are sliding down an ice slide.

Fun for kids in winter!

(39 words)


. Make a phonetic analysis of the words: snowballs, around.

. In sentence 3, underline the grammatical basis.

. Sort out the words according to their composition: snow, sled.

Case in winter

During the night the frost froze the river. Seryozha and Tolya went to the river. They took skates with them.

The boys put on their skates and began to skate. Suddenly a crash was heard. It was the ice that broke. Seryozha and Tolya quickly went home.

Dangerous on ice in winter!

(42 words)


. Divide the word "skates" into syllables.

. Choose words with the same root for the word "ice".

. Explain the choice of punctuation at the end of the last sentence.

2nd grade


Goal of the work– check the ability to apply the rules learned: spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants at the end of a word, unstressed vowels, soft separating sign; ability to transfer words.

Option 1


Winter has come to the forest thicket. She dressed the trees in a fluffy outfit. Snow flakes fall on the trees. There are cones under the spruce. This is the job of a squirrel. There are fox and wolf tracks in the snow. Here's a glimpse of a hare's white coat. Woodpeckers knock on the trunk. It's good in the forest in winter!

Words for reference:falling, flashed.

Grammar tasks

1. From the fourth sentence, write down a word that cannot be transferred.

Option 2


It's frosty and blizzard outside. The wind swirls snow flakes. The bird voices fell silent. Only woodpeckers knock on the bark of trees. It's cold for the animals in winter. The bear lay down in a den. The fox climbed into the hole. A squirrel in a hollow is gnawing nuts. The hare is trembling under the bush. A crow sat on the top of the tree.

Words for reference: circles, den, climbed in.

Grammar tasks

1. Write out the words blizzard, birds and separate them for transfer.
2. Underline words in the text with a separating soft sign.


Goal of the work


Cold winds blew. It was frosty. He bound the pond with strong ice. It’s chilly for young aspen trees. The birch trees are freezing. They are waiting for winter clothes.
So it snowed. He lay down on the tree branches with his caps. There are fluffy snowdrifts all around. Young birch trees bent under the weight of the snow. The trees are quiet.

1. By the way chilly write down the closest value.

Grandfather Emelyan knew all the secrets of the forest. Grandfather found fox, wolf, and hare tracks. He showed the tracks of animals to his grandson Nikita.
One day Nikita and the guys got lost in the forest. Suddenly Nikita saw the dog's footprint.
The guys followed it to the forester’s dwelling. Thanks grandpa for the science!

Underline words in the text with a soft separator.

1. Text of the educational presentation on the issues.


It was soft fluffy snow all day. The children decided to build a snowman. The boys rolled three snowballs. The girls made eyes from coals and a nose from carrots. They put an old bucket on his head. They gave me a broom in my hand. The snowman turned out good!

Plan Issues

1. How much snow did it snow all day?
2. What did the children decide to do?
3. What did the boys do?
4. What did the girls do?
5. How did the snowman turn out?

2. Make a sentence from the words of each line.

    Russian, good, winter, forest

    trees, under, snowdrifts, deep

    in, hats, snowy, stumps, standing

    Traces of animals and birds appeared on the white carpet

3. Compose and write down a short story on the following topic:


winter, snow, trees, ground, woodpecker, footprints

3rd grade


Goal of the work– test the ability to detect spelling in text, write words in the range of learned rules.

Option 1


The Russian forest is wonderful in winter! White fluffy snow hung on the tree branches. Resinous cones decorate the tops of fir trees. Nimble tits squeak in the branches. Patterns of hare and fox tracks are visible on the snowdrifts.
Here is a squirrel running across the road. She jumped onto a pine tree and waved her tail. Light snow dust flew. The woodpecker knocked on the trunk with a hammer.

Words for reference:wonderful, resinous.

Grammar tasks

1. In the third sentence, underline the main parts of the sentence.
2. Find and write down two words that have only a root and a zero ending.

Option 2


Winter. It's a wonderful day. The guys made a bird feeder and hung it on a birch tree. The children poured bread crumbs into the feeder. For the tits, they tied pieces of lard to a tree.
Bullfinches, sparrows, and pigeons flew up to the feeder. Lovely birds sat on a birch branch. There is a black cap on the head. The back, wings, tail and head are blue.
These are tits. They are happy to have good friends.

Grammar tasks

2. Disassemble the words according to their composition feeder, bread


1. Copy only that part of the text where there is a description of the walrus.

The little walrus Nyurka was raised by Vera Vasilievna Chaplina. Nyurka became very attached to her.
The walrus was very funny: fat, snub-nosed. He walked awkwardly on his four flippers. Thick brown skin with almost no hair. A mustache sticking out in all directions, stiff as stubble. These mustaches and round, moist eyes gave the walrus an important expression. Nyurka was very smart.
In winter, Nyurka was moved to a closed room. A month later, Vera Vasilievna came to her pupil. Nyurka was lying in the pool. The woman called out to her quietly.
Instantly Nyurka found herself on the shore. She reared up and hugged the teacher with heavy flippers. The mustachioed muzzle poked into Vera Vasilyevna’s face. Streams of water ran down the coat. It's a joke - such a carcass has piled up!


1. Collective writing of a story on the topic “How schoolchildren take care of birds.”

Rough plan

1. Birds are hungry in winter.
2. Caring for birds.
3. Winged guests.
4. An elegant bird (description of it).

Words for reference: difficult to find, huddle close to housing, make, hang, feed, outfit, head, feathers, breast, tail.

2. Presentation of the text according to a collectively drawn up plan.


The guys organized a festival for birds and animals in the forest. On New Year's Eve they decorated the tree with berries. Carrots were attached to the lower branches. A head of cabbage was placed under the tree. In the morning, flocks of elegant birds arrived. They chirped joyfully and treated themselves to gifts. In the evening, two hares were having fun under the tree near a head of cabbage. They feasted on delicious cabbage and sweet carrots.

Rough plan

1. On New Year's Eve.
2. Wonderful Christmas tree.
3. Festive breakfast.
4. Delicious treat.

Words for reference: feasted, head of cabbage.

3. Make two riddles based on this sample.

Winged, loud-mouthed, red flippers. (Goose.)

4th grade


Goal of the work– test the ability to detect spelling in the text, write words in the range of learned rules, put a comma when homogeneous members of a sentence.

Option 1


The forest clearing was covered with fluffy snow. But the clearing lives. Here's an old stump. In a cozy apartment, insects hid from the cold under the bark. In a hole between the roots lies a lizard. The beetle lay down in the tiny bedroom. In a ditch at the edge of the clearing, frogs sleep under the snow. A hedgehog fell asleep in a pile of brushwood nearby.
Quiet and empty in the clearing. Only a woodpecker sits on a pine tree and takes tasty seeds from the cone. Sometimes a fox or hare will run across the clearing.

Words for reference:lizard, brushwood, seeds.

Grammar tasks

1. In the fourth sentence, underline the main parts of the sentence.
clearing, highlight endings.

Option 2

Tanya and Vitya lived in a forest lodge. In winter, Vitya hung a bird feeder from an old tree. One day a red squirrel appeared near the feeder. She carefully jumped onto the feeder. The guys quietly approached the tree and began to look at the squirrel. The animal took the rowan with its paws and deftly ate the berries.
The guys made a table for the squirrel. They put crusts of bread and dry mushrooms on her table. Every day the squirrel came running to the feeder.

Word for reference:crusts.

Grammar tasks

1. In the seventh sentence, underline the main parts of the sentence.
2. Indicate the cases of the noun feeder, highlight endings.


Goal of the work– test the ability to copy text and detect spelling.

Moose walked through the forest, made a noise, and scared a white hare. The cowardly little bunny jumped out of his lair. He sat down and listened. Scary for the timid bunny. He has many enemies in the forest.
The hare is afraid of any noise. The tree creaks - it seems to the hare that evil wolves are coming. A frog will jump from under your feet - it’s also scary for the bunny. An owl hoots at night and the white hare is in hot water.
The little bunny lives in fear all year. And he is most afraid on autumn days. You can see him everywhere.

Note: indicate noun cases hare.


1. Educational presentation.


All night the wind whistled and howled in the mountains. Early in the morning winter descended from the mountains. The sun appeared.
I walked slowly along the path. A fox was running along the river bank. She slid on the hard crust and sank into the soft snow. The fox had an amazing tail. It glowed silver.
I followed the fox's trail. Here she jumped over a stream and fell into the water. The tail is wet and fluffy. Now every hair was covered with ice. The sorceress winter cleverly deceived me. She showed me a beast with a fairy tail.

Rough plan

1. Winter has descended from the mountains.
2. Meeting with the fox.
3. The secret is revealed.
2. Come up with and write down a continuation of this text:

In the spring, Ilya forgot his hat in the forest. A month later the boy went into the forest to pick mushrooms.


3. Working with phraseological units.

For these phraseological units, write down a verb that is close in meaning.

1. Putting spokes in wheels –...
2. Circle your finger -...
3. Exhausted -...
4. Nodding off -...
5. Pat on the head -...
6. Notch on the nose - ...

Words for reference:tired, interfere, praise, deceive, doze, remember.

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