Thesis: Improving marketing activities (using the example of an enterprise). Organization and improvement of marketing activities at the enterprise Proposals for improving the marketing activities of the enterprise

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The relevance of improving marketing activities at an enterprise is determined, first of all, by its focus on satisfying, first of all, the needs of product consumers. Marketing activities should contribute to the successful solution of seemingly mutually exclusive tasks: increasing production flexibility, quickly changing the range of products in accordance with consumer needs, and at the same time quickly introducing new equipment and technology.

Marketing is the coordination of an enterprise’s actions on the market; its characteristic features are consistency and complexity.

Marketing activities are the basis for a comprehensive solution to one’s problems: searching for consumers, determining one’s own capabilities, assessing the level of competitiveness of the company and products. Marketing activities involve a system of various activities that need to be analyzed and the best option selected.

Currently, not a single enterprise in the system of market relations can function normally without a marketing service at the enterprise. And the usefulness of marketing is increasing every moment. This happens because the needs of people, as we know, are limitless, and the resources of an enterprise are limited. Each subject has its own needs, which cannot always be satisfied efficiently. Everyone needs their own individual approach. Therefore, in the new conditions, the enterprise that can most accurately identify and capture the variety of tastes has a competitive advantage.

Modern marketing is considered as a system for organizing all the activities of an enterprise in the development, production and sale of goods, provision of services based on a comprehensive study of the market and real customer requests, in order to obtain maximum profit.

The goal of the marketing activities of retail enterprises is to obtain certain commercial results through the most effective management of their own resources, satisfying customer needs more effectively than competitors. The market is gradually becoming saturated; achieving strategic goals is only possible on the basis of building long-term, trusting relationships with consumers and participants in distribution networks.

Marketing management plays an important and sometimes decisive role in competition in the market. It is on the market that the product produced and the labor expended on it prove their social significance and gain recognition among consumers. Based on this, it can be noted that the topic of improving the marketing activities of an enterprise as the subject of study of this graduate work is not only relevant, but also quite promising.

In accordance with the chosen topic, the goal of the thesis was formulated, which was to improve marketing activities using the example of a retail enterprise.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are defined in the diploma project:

· consideration of the theoretical foundations of marketing activities;

· conducting an analysis of the enterprise’s activities;

· analysis of the organization of marketing activities;

· justification of the need to improve marketing activities at this enterprise;

· development of proposals for improving the organization of marketing activities.

The object of the study is a retail trade enterprise, and the subject of the study is the organization of marketing activities at a retail trade enterprise. The main theoretical and methodological sources when writing this work were Russian and foreign publications devoted to marketing and management of marketing activities at an enterprise. The practical part of the work is based on marketing research data, annual reports of the enterprise, and a business plan.

In the process of work, the concepts, essences and main features of marketing management at an enterprise were defined, the organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise were given, an analysis was made of the range of goods offered, and the organization of retail marketing. Based on the results of the study, measures were proposed to improve marketing activities at a retail enterprise, which contribute to an increase in the main indicators characterizing the effectiveness of activities

The structure of the work consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion and list of references.


1 The essence and main forms of marketing activities

The basis of market relations is the individual’s free choice of forms of economic activity; access to various types of resources; free choice of economic relations; free formation of prices depending on supply and demand for goods; free movement of capital, etc.

The subjects of market relations are entrepreneurs who are carriers of economic initiative. This means that they have administrative and economic independence and the right to dispose of production resources and manufactured products, thereby fully enabling the mechanism of market competition, one of the main requirements of which is the maximum possible adaptation of the production and commercial activities of commodity producers and resellers to market consumers and the emerging here is the situation. And it presupposes the need to organize the production and sale of products according to the principle “we offer what the market requires,” that is, based on market research.

Ensuring the effective development and functioning of both large enterprises and young firms in a market economic system is currently a complex, complex problem. Effective work in the domestic and foreign markets requires knowledge and consideration of objective market laws, the ability to organize the regular receipt and prompt use of market information, increase the competitiveness of one’s products, etc. All this is an element of marketing - one of the most effective concepts in economics. It is on the basis of marketing activities that most commercial transactions in the world market are carried out.

In the broadest sense, marketing is the organization of company management in the field of strategic planning aimed at satisfying consumer orders and making a profit.

In the economic literature, there are many definitions of marketing, resulting from different understandings of its essence and objectives.

Marketing is a system for organizing and managing the production and sales activities of enterprises, studying the market in order to create and satisfy demand for products and services and make a profit.

Experts put a double meaning into the term “marketing”: it is both one of the management functions and an integral concept of management in market conditions.

Marketing is a complex, multifaceted and dynamic phenomenon. This explains the impossibility of giving a complete description of marketing that is adequate to its essence, principles and functions in one universal definition.

The term “marketing” arose in the USA at the turn of the 20th century, and marketing began to be considered as a leading management function in the 50s.

Currently, about 2000 definitions of marketing have been put forward, each of which examines one or another aspect of marketing or makes an attempt to comprehensively characterize it.

F. Kotler offers the following definition: marketing is a social and managerial process aimed at meeting the needs and requirements of individuals and groups through the supply and exchange of goods. The key concepts of this definition are needs, requirements and demand; product; costs and satisfaction; exchange, transactions and relationships. The UK Public Marketing Institute defines marketing as “the management process of identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements and generating profit.” Similar American organizations define marketing in approximately the same categories.

Traditional marketing refers to the concept of sales of an enterprise, which consists in focusing sales on the demand currently available in the current markets of the enterprise to consumers, and selling them already produced goods, i.e. market orientation is not the main task of the enterprise; on the contrary, the market must already have sufficient ability to consume the goods produced by the enterprise.

The main place in the implementation of the sales concept is given to purely sales divisions of the enterprise, whose task in this case is reduced to searching for markets with the most favorable sales conditions and to selling products to consumers available in these markets.

Modern marketing primarily focuses on market demands, adapting the offer of goods by enterprises for this purpose. The task of marketing is not only to focus on the sale of already produced goods, but also to comprehensively study the needs and capabilities of consumers. These identified needs become the starting point for all decisions and actions taken in the enterprise. This understanding of marketing makes it not a private function of the enterprise, implemented by the sales department, but an integrated concept of enterprise management as a whole.

Marketing as a management concept means “planning, coordinating and controlling all activities of an enterprise related to existing and potential markets.” The set of marketing management activities can be defined as a uniquely identifiable management process, including the phases of analysis, planning, motivation, coordination and control, corresponding to the general management functions.

The main functions of marketing include environmental and consumer analysis; market research; planning of goods (services), sales; product promotion; prices; ensuring social responsibility in marketing management.

Marketing entities include manufacturers and service organizations, wholesalers and retailers, marketing specialists and various consumers.

Marketing activities are a set of activities focused on researching issues such as:

Analysis of the external (in relation to the enterprise) environment, which includes markets, sources of supply and much more. The analysis allows us to identify factors that contribute to or hinder commercial success. As a result of the analysis, a data bank is formed for making informed marketing decisions.

Analysis of consumers, both current (current, buying the company’s products) and potential (who still need to be convinced to become relevant). This analysis consists of studying the demographic, economic, geographic and other characteristics of people who have the right to make purchasing decisions, as well as their needs in the broad sense of this concept and the processes of purchasing both our and competing products.

Studying existing and planning future products, that is, developing concepts for creating new products and/or modernizing old ones, including its range and parametric series, packaging, etc. Outdated products that do not provide a given profit are removed from production and export.

Planning of product distribution and sales, including the creation, if necessary, of appropriate distribution networks with warehouses and stores, as well as agent networks.

A set of marketing communications, the essence of which is to provide complete information and bring it to the target audience (consumers) with the occurrence of a backlash. The company's communication policy is an important element of the marketing mix, which includes: advertising, public relations work, and personal selling.

Ensuring pricing policy, which consists of planning systems and price levels for exported products, determining the “technology” for using prices, credit terms, discounts, etc.

Satisfying the technical and social standards of the country importing the company’s products, which means the obligation to ensure adequate levels of safety in the use of products and environmental protection; compliance with moral and ethical rules; proper level of consumer properties of products.

To implement the above activities, it is necessary to take into account the large role of those on whom the effectiveness of the marketing strategy essentially depends, namely marketing subjects, which include manufacturers and service organizations, wholesale and retail trade organizations, marketing specialists and various consumers.

The marketing process begins with studying the buyer and identifying his needs, and ends with the purchase of goods by the buyer and the satisfaction of his identified needs.

The market in which marketing entities operate can be divided into a “seller’s market,” where the enterprise sells its own products, and a “buyer’s market,” where it purchases the necessary production components. Thus, marketing is mainly beneficial to both sellers and buyers of products.

Obviously, the type of marketing determines the way it is managed. Marketing management, as defined by F. Kotler, is the analysis, planning, implementation and control of activities designed to establish, strengthen and maintain profitable exchanges with target customers in order to achieve certain organizational objectives, such as making a profit, increasing sales volume , increasing market share, etc. The task of marketing management is to influence the level, timing and nature of demand in a way that will help the organization achieve its goals. Simply put, marketing management is demand management. There are five main forms (concepts) on the basis of which commercial organizations carry out their marketing activities:

· concept of production improvement;

· concept of product improvement;

· concept of intensifying commercial efforts;

· marketing concept;

· concept of social and ethical marketing.

The use of each of them is mandatory and, first of all, raises the question of what should be the balance of interests of producers, consumers and society as a whole. Indeed, quite often these interests come into conflict with each other.

Production concept, or concept of production improvement. Enterprises that adhere to this concept have predominantly serial or large-scale production with high efficiency and low cost, and the sale of their products is carried out through numerous trading enterprises.

The main idea of ​​the concept of product improvement is to orient consumers toward certain products or services that are superior in technical characteristics and performance to their analogues and thereby bring more benefits to consumers. Manufacturers are directing their efforts to improve the quality of their products, despite higher costs and, consequently, prices.

The sales concept, or the concept of intensifying commercial efforts, assumes that consumers will buy the products offered in sufficient quantities only if the company makes certain efforts to promote the product and increase its sales.

Marketing concept. This concept replaces the marketing concept and changes its content. The difference between the sales concept and the marketing concept is as follows: activities based on the sales concept begin with the products available to the company. In this case, the main task is to achieve the sales volume necessary to make a profit through various sales promotion activities. Activities based on the concept of marketing begin with identifying actual and potential customers and their needs. The firm plans and coordinates the development of specific programs to address identified needs.

The social and ethical concept of marketing, characteristic of the current stage of development of human civilization, is based on a new philosophy of entrepreneurship, focused on meeting the reasonable, healthy needs of the carriers of effective demand. Its goal is to ensure the long-term well-being of not only an individual enterprise, but also society as a whole.

It is precisely this kind of orientation of the enterprise’s image that should attract buyers as a factor in the competitiveness of this enterprise among others.

Every firm, enterprise or company is interested in effectively managing its marketing activities. In particular, she needs to know how to analyze market opportunities, select appropriate target markets, develop an effective marketing mix, and successfully manage the execution of marketing efforts. All this constitutes the marketing management process.

In market conditions, it is not enough to rely on intuition, judgment of managers and specialists and past experience, but it is necessary to obtain adequate information before and after making decisions. To reduce the degree of uncertainty and risk, the enterprise must have reliable, sufficient and timely information.

Marketing information is understood as information obtained during the study of the process of exchange of results of socially useful activities and interaction regarding such exchange of all subjects of the market system, used in all spheres (levels) of entrepreneurship, including marketing activities. The necessary information is obtained from the enterprise’s internal reporting, marketing observations, research and data analysis.

The modern concept of marketing is that all activities of an enterprise are based on knowledge of consumer demand and its changes in the future. Moreover, one of the goals of marketing is to identify unsatisfied customer needs in order to direct production to satisfy these requests. The marketing system makes the production of products functionally dependent on requests and requires the production of products in the range and quantity required by the consumer. That is why marketing, as a set of established methods for studying markets, also directs its efforts to creating effective sales channels and conducting comprehensive advertising campaigns.

Interest in such a multifaceted and now so relevant topic as marketing, and it should be noted that every year it becomes more and more, if not global, is growing not only within a single country, but also in the world as a whole. This is explained by the fact that marketing affects the interests of each of us every day of our lives. Whether we're selling a car, looking for a job, raising money for a charity, or promoting an idea, we engage in marketing. We need to know what the market is, who operates in it, how it functions, what its needs are.

Drawing a conclusion about the theoretical justification of the relevance of such a topic as management of marketing activities, it should be noted that marketing is an integral part of the life of society.

As already noted, in market conditions, marketing for enterprises is one of the most important functions. The effective functioning of enterprises depends on how well the marketing system is structured.

1.2 Organization and planning of marketing at the enterprise

Functional orientation is characterized by the production and sale of one product or a limited type of homogeneous goods, through the same distribution channels. With this form of management organization, homogeneous activities are grouped into functional units or departments that report to the marketing manager.

Such an organizational management structure allows the company to avoid duplication of operations by separate services. The functional principle of management is most successfully used by medium-sized firms. Large firms adhere to product orientation. In this case, markets are divided into markets for industrial goods and consumer goods. In firms with this orientation, the chief marketing officer coordinates and controls the marketing activities of all departments in the enterprise.

Marketing management on a product basis provides optimal conditions for the specialization of workers, coordination of the activities of individual departments, and their linkage with the general goals and objectives of the company.

Significant management efficiency is noted in cases where market requirements for advertising, sales organization, packaging, etc., for each product, have their own characteristics. The disadvantages of product orientation of management include duplication of operations within divisions.

Regional orientation of marketing management is also used by large companies with sales markets in different regions. Regional targeting is particularly widely used among international monopolies with large markets that can be divided into clearly defined geographic zones. With a regional orientation of management, the characteristics and requirements of buyers located in a certain area, district or territory are studied in relation to the company's products. Just like product orientation, in regional there is duplication of operations, the problem of coordination and communication. In an attempt to overcome these disadvantages, some firms combine the advantages of regional orientation with product or customer orientation.

Customer (market) orientation is the most common marketing management scheme. Its development was facilitated by the intensification of competition for the sales market of individual regions and groups of buyers. When managing with a customer (market) orientation, it becomes possible to most fully take into account the characteristics of consumer groups through appropriate organization of sales channels, pricing, packaging, and technical service.

Some firms sell their products to different consumer groups or in different markets, which have their own specific characteristics. The more specific the market being served, the more necessary a dedicated sales manager and dedicated personnel who know the customer's needs become.

When focusing on the buyer (market), the company creates conditions for coordinating the activities of the company's divisions and services. However, the possibilities for specialization of workers in individual goods are reduced.

Enterprises can conduct independent marketing research or entrust it to specialized agencies. The main directions of marketing research are as follows:

· sales market research;

· research of marketing tools;

· environmental research;

· studies of the internal environment;

· research of the market of productive forces;

· motive research;

· marketing intelligence.

One of the main goals of marketing research is to determine the market opportunities of a company. It is necessary to correctly assess and predict the market size, its growth potential and possible profits.

Market segmentation is one of the functions in the system of marketing activities and is associated with the implementation of work to classify buyers or consumers of products located on the market or introduced to it. After dividing the market into consumer groups and identifying the capabilities of each of them, the enterprise must evaluate their attractiveness and select one or more segments for development. When evaluating market segments, two factors must be considered: the overall attractiveness of the segment, and the goals and resources of the enterprise. When selecting target segments, business leaders decide whether it will concentrate its efforts on one segment or several, on a specific product or a specific market or on the entire market at once. Offering one product to one segment - concentrated segmentation - is more often used by small enterprises that seek to achieve advantages over competitors. Expansion of market segments, i.e. Offering one product to several segments allows the company to expand the market for the product. By offering multiple products to one segment, e.g. When resorting to assortment segmentation, related products are usually used. In differentiated segmentation, several different products are offered to several segments. To gain a competitive advantage, each business must find its own ways of differentiating its products.

Differentiation is the process of developing a number of significant features of a product designed to distinguish it from competing products.

The market offer can be differentiated in five areas: product, services, personnel, distribution channels, image.

After determining the target market segment, the enterprise must study the properties and image of competitors' products and assess the position of its products in the market. Having studied the positions of competitors, the company decides on the positioning of its products. Positioning is the way in which consumers identify a product based on its most important characteristics.

In practice, product positions are determined using positioning maps, which are a two-dimensional matrix of different pairs of characteristics. Correctly organized market positioning is a prerequisite for effective development of the marketing mix. The marketing complex is the link between producers and consumers who form market segments and includes: product, price, means of promoting the product to the market and distribution channels. Essentially, any product is a packaged service to solve some problem. The task of a market worker is to identify the hidden needs behind any product and sell not the properties of this product, but the benefits from it. Of course, the characteristics of the product - its size, color, packaging are also very important.

Price, like product, is an element of the marketing mix. A company pursuing a certain pricing policy actively influences both the volume of sales in the market and the amount of profit received. Commercial results and the degree of efficiency of all production and sales activities of the enterprise depend on how correctly and thoughtfully the pricing policy is structured.

Maintaining a pricing policy requires excellent knowledge of the market situation, highly qualified decision makers, and the ability to anticipate possible changes in the market situation.

Means of promoting a product to the market, the purpose of which is to stimulate demand, are one of the most important components of the marketing mix. The main ones are: advertising, public relations, organizing exhibitions, fairs, providing discounts, trading on credit, etc.

Advertising is a message intended for a certain predetermined group of people, paid for by a specific customer and intended to induce this group to take specific actions desired by the customer. Before starting an advertising campaign, businesses must decide what they want to achieve with advertising, which markets to conquer, how to formulate the message, what advertising media to use, when and how often to advertise, and how much to spend on it. Thus, advertising affects the interests of every person on any day of his life and is perceived by us as part of everyday public culture.

Public relations is defined as “promoting the establishment of mutual understanding of goodwill between an individual, an organization and other people, groups of people or society at large through the dissemination of educational material, the promotion of exchange and the assessment of public reaction.” The PR manager’s task includes preparing and holding press conferences, briefings, press cocktails, presentations, meetings with company executives, press releases, photographs and other press materials, on the basis of which articles, essays and reports will then be written.

A good way to introduce your company to a wider audience, as well as make new useful connections and maintain old ones, is to participate in exhibitions and industry conferences. To ensure that money spent on these purposes is not wasted, participation in events must be carefully prepared.

Thus, with the help of advertising and PR, a kind of contact is established with existing or potential customers, the purpose of which is to create a favorable impression of the goods and services provided and to form the image of the company.

Sales promotion, which is understood as a set of techniques that help increase sales throughout the entire life cycle of a product, has recently become particularly important. The means of incentives are, first of all, prices: reduced in honor of the holiday; discounted through coupons distributed through print media or direct mail.

In addition to monetary incentives, “natural” incentives are also possible: free distribution of samples, an invitation to try a new product; offering a gift either from related products or from something completely unrelated.

“Active” incentives have proven themselves well: competitions, games, lotteries. Today they are used by all leading consumer goods manufacturers, painstakingly seeking out fresh ideas and personalities, especially on television.

The considered sales promotion measures, used by enterprises together and in strict coordination with advertising, are widely used today, significantly increasing the volume and profitability of sales.

In marketing firms, all functions related to the implementation of the market management concept are concentrated in the marketing department, which is the center of the company's activities.

The main task of the marketing department is to develop a strategy and tactics for the company's behavior in the market, taking into account its goals, financial and production capabilities. Market research is the basis for developing a marketing strategy. The main strategic goal of the company is to conquer or expand the market, to obtain maximum profit in a constantly changing market situation. The responsibility for conducting market research falls entirely with the marketing department.

A typical organizational structure of a marketing department includes the following services:

· research and analysis of the sales market;

· advertising and sales promotion;

· product design;

· market planning, transport.

This number of services in the marketing department is conditional. In specific companies, the number of services in this department may be much larger, and they may have different names.

Marketing planning is carried out differently at different enterprises. This concerns the content of the plan, the duration of the planning horizon, the sequence of development, and the organization of planning.

The marketing plan may have the following sections:

· product plan (what will be released and when);

· research and development of new products;

· sales plan, increasing its efficiency (number of people, equipping with new modern equipment, training sales staff, stimulating their work, choosing their territorial structure);

· advertising and sales promotion plan;

· distribution channel operation plan (type and number of channels, management of these channels);

· price plan, including future price changes;

· marketing research plan;

· plan for the functioning of the physical distribution system (storage and delivery of goods to consumers);

· marketing organization plan (improving the work of the marketing department, its information system, communication with other departments of the organization).

A marketing plan is developed for each strategic business unit of the organization and, in terms of formal structure, usually consists of the following sections:

Executive Summary - The initial section of a marketing plan that provides a brief summary of the major objectives and recommendations included in the plan. This section helps management quickly understand the overall focus of the plan. This is usually followed by a table of contents for the plan.

The current marketing situation is the section of the marketing plan that describes the target market and the organization's position in it. Includes the following subsections: market description (down to the level of major market segments), product overview (sales volume, prices, profitability levels), competition (for major competitors, information is provided regarding their product strategies, market share, pricing, distribution and promotion), distribution (sales trends and development of main distribution channels).

Threats and Opportunities - A section of the marketing plan that identifies the major threats and opportunities that the product may face in the market. The potential harm of each hazard is assessed, i.e. a complication arising from unfavorable trends and events that, in the absence of targeted marketing efforts, can lead to the undermining of the survivability of the product or even its death. Each opportunity (an attractive direction of marketing efforts in which an organization can gain an advantage over competitors) must be assessed in terms of its prospects and the ability to successfully exploit it.

Marketing goals characterize the target orientation of the plan and initially formulate the desired results of activity in specific markets. Goals in the field of product policy, pricing, bringing products to consumers, advertising, etc. are lower level goals. They appear as a result of elaboration of initial marketing goals regarding individual elements of the marketing mix.

Marketing strategies are the main directions of marketing activities, following which organizations strive to achieve their marketing goals. Marketing strategy includes specific strategies for operating in target markets, the marketing mix used, and marketing costs. Strategies developed for each market segment should address new and launched products, pricing, product promotion, product delivery, and how the strategy responds to market threats and opportunities.

An action program (operational calendar plan), sometimes simply called a program, is a detailed program that shows what needs to be done, who should carry out the tasks and when, how much it will cost, what decisions and actions must be coordinated in order to complete marketing plan.

Typically, the program also briefly describes the goals towards which the program's activities are aimed. In other words, a program is a set of activities that must be carried out by marketing and other functions of the organization so that, with the help of the selected strategies, the goals of the marketing plan can be achieved.

Marketing budget is a section of the marketing plan that reflects the projected amounts of income, costs and profits. The amount of income is justified in terms of forecast values ​​of sales volumes and prices. Costs are defined as the sum of the costs of production, distribution and marketing, the latter are described in detail in this budget.

The “Control” section characterizes the control procedures and methods that must be carried out to assess the level of success of the plan. To do this, standards (criteria) are established by which progress in the implementation of marketing plans is measured. This once again emphasizes the importance of quantitative and temporal certainty of goals, strategies and activities of marketing activities. Measuring the success of the plan can be carried out for an annual time interval, quarterly, and for each month or week. All of the above sections characterize both strategic and tactical plans, but the main difference between them lies in the degree of detail in the elaboration of individual sections of the marketing activity plan.

In conclusion, we note that the specific set of marketing planning procedures varies from company to company. The system logic for making planned decisions is common.

1.3 Marketing activities in retail trade

Retailing is the process of bringing customers to the last link in the distribution chain and usually involves some form of direct contact with the actual consumer, which is an important feature of retailing. In a traditional store, the buyer and employees of the retail enterprise come into direct contact, similar to what happened in open markets, and this brings both benefits and inconveniences for the retail enterprise when selling goods.

In any market where there is direct contact between people, there is a premium on the interactive skills of the people involved and a close connection between marketing and sales. However, retailing is not just about selling, as even when there is personal contact, a number of marketing activities will need to be undertaken before, during and after the transaction to ensure complete customer satisfaction. This is a characteristic of many retail situations.

Retail businesses in the past were very different from those we know today, although some of the current companies have been in business for most of the last century, and their development has led to the forms of trade that exist today.

There are two specific aspects to retail marketing: firstly, it is necessary to attract customers to a store, restaurant, hotel or virtual online store, and secondly, to convince visitors to make a purchase in this store. Both are the main conditions for achieving success.

Retail trade in most Western countries is a dynamic and highly competitive business sector. As mentioned in paragraph 1.1, change occurs constantly, and in order to retain existing customers and gain new ones, the constant introduction of new ideas is required.





on the topic: Analysis and improvement of the marketing activities of the Nadezhda Trading House

Performer: full-time student of group 551

Specialty: 02/38/04 “Commerce (by industry)”

Laletina Alexandra Evgenievna

Moskaleva Victoria Ivanovna

Head of work: Rev. O.S. Seletskaya

Ulan-Ude, 2017



1. Features of marketing activities at the enterprise

1.1 The essence and basic principles of marketing

1.2 Features of the marketing mix

1.3 Formation of competitive advantages

2.Analysis and improvement of the marketing activities of the Nadezhda trading house

2.1 Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the Nadezhda trading house

2.2 Analysis of marketing activitiestrading house "Nadezhda"

trading house "Nadezhda"

2.4 Competitiveness analysistrading house "Nadezhda"

3.Ways to improve marketing activitiestrading house "Nadezhda"


List of sources used


In a competitive environment, the main task of the enterprise management system is to ensure that the organization wins and maintains a preferred market share and achieves the organization's superiority over its competitors. In order to strengthen the competitiveness of an enterprise, it is necessary to actively use a marketing approach to solving management and production problems. It is the relationship between consumer demands and enterprise capabilities that should form the basis for developing the right directions, goals and strategies for business activities, as well as marketing programs and strategic plans at the highest level.

The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that in conditions of acceleration and complexity of processes occurring in the market, the enterprise needs to develop qualitatively new methods for solving emerging problems of a managerial and other nature. The problem of strategic success of an enterprise, creating and maintaining competitive advantages is one of the most pressing. Marketing is designed to help solve such problems. Managers and specialists must study its essence, main aspects and concepts, have a good knowledge of the organization of marketing activities, use the methods and techniques of this activity, and also use with maximum efficiency all the positive things that the market gives, and smooth out its negative aspects. The efficiency of an enterprise in modern market conditions depends on how well the marketing system is structured. Based on the foregoing, it can be argued that the chosen topic is very relevant and requires special study and attention.

It should be noted that one of the main directions of the enterprise development strategy in the city of Ulan-Ude is to meet the needs of high-quality products, a competitive enterprise that meets the range and effective demand of various segments of the population.

It is possible to achieve such a high level of development provided that enterprises have an effective marketing service and a well-structured strategic policy of the enterprise.

The purpose of this work is that it is necessary to analyze and improve the marketing activities of the enterprise TD "Nadezhda", identify opportunities in organizing marketing activities and determine ways to improve them.

The object of the study is the Nadezhda Trade House (Ulan-Ude), which produces and sells food products. The subject of the study is the organization of marketing activities at this enterprise.

1 Features of marketing activities at the enterprise

1.1The essence and basic principles of marketing

Marketing(from the English market - “market”) is the original unity of strict science and the ability to work effectively in the market.

Marketingis a unified complex of organizing the production and marketing of goods (services), aimed at identifying and satisfying the needs of a specific group of consumers in order to make a profit.

Naturally, this was all at a primitive level. And only in recent decades has a new movement emerged in management science, with clearly defined boundaries, functions, goals, and methods, called “marketing.” This term first appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. in the USA, and after only 15 - 20 years it penetrated and began to be actively used and developed in many countries around the world.Marketing begins its development in 1960–1970, influenced by both external and internal factors:

a) increased standard of living;

b) an increase in the share of disposable income;

c) improving the quality of social services provided;

d) development of communication systems (people actively begin to travel, bringing with them not only new goods, but also new needs);

d) the desire to spend your free time profitably.

Marketing is a production philosophy that is constantly subject to market, political, economic and social influences. With a correct “understanding of the environment”, the ability to quickly respond to market changes, and the ability to accept flexibility in solving strategic and tactical problems, marketing can become the foundation for the long-term and profitable activities of any company.

The very essence of marketing contains certain concepts: need (need), request (demand), exchange of goods. The initial component of human nature is need: the need for food, clothing, warmth, safety, etc. i.e. need is the human feeling of scarcity. But a need that has taken a specific form under the influence of the level of culture and personality of the individual is called need.

A need backed by purchasing power is called demand. Demand is a variable quantity. It is influenced by factors such as price levels, income levels, fashion and many others.

Any transaction takes place on the market. In modern society, the market is not necessarily a physical quantity (place).

From herethe role of marketing for the economy– this is an increase in trade and market efficiency.

Basic principlesare:

1) achieving the final justified result of the company’s activities;

2) taking over a certain market share in the long term;

3) effective sales of goods;

4) choosing an effective marketing strategy and pricing policy;

5) creation of market novelty goods that allow the company to be profitable;

6) constantly conduct market research in order to study demand for further active adaptation to the requirements of potential buyers;

7) use an integrated approach to linking the goals set with the available resources and capabilities of the company;

8) searching for new ways for the company to increase the efficiency of the production line, the creative initiative of staff to introduce innovations;

9) improving product quality;

10) cost reduction;

11) organize the supply of the company’s products in such a volume, at such a place and time that would most suit the end consumer;

12) monitor the scientific and technological progress of society;

13) achieve advantages in the fight against competitors.

So, the main goals of marketing are the following:

1. Maximizationpossible high level of consumption - firms are trying to increase their sales, maximize profits using various methods and techniques (introduce fashion for their products, outline a sales growth strategy, etc.).

2. Maximizationconsumer satisfaction, i.e. the goal of marketing is to identify existing needs and offer the maximum possible range of homogeneous goods. But since the level of consumer satisfaction is very difficult to measure, it is difficult to evaluate marketing activities in this area.

3. Maximize choice.This goal follows and is, as it were, a continuation of the previous one. The difficulty in realizing this goal is not to create branded abundance and imaginary choice in the market. And some consumers, when there is an excess of certain product categories, experience a feeling of anxiety and confusion.

4. Maximizing quality of life.Many are inclined to believe that the presence of an assortment of goods has a beneficial effect on its quality, quantity, availability, cost, that is, the product is “improved”, and therefore, the consumer can satisfy his needs as much as possible and improve the quality of life. Supporters of this view recognize that improving the quality of life is a noble goal, but at the same time this quality is difficult to measure, which is why sometimes contradictions arise.

Marketing tasks:

1) research, analysis, assessment of the needs of real and potential buyers;

2) marketing assistance in developing a new product (service);

3) provision of service;

4) marketing communications;

5) research, analysis, assessment and forecasting of the state of real and potential markets;

6) research of competitors’ activities;

7) sales of goods (services);

8) formation of assortment policy;

9) formation and implementation of the company’s pricing policy;

10) formation of a company's behavior strategy.

1.2 Features of the marketing mix

The marketing mix is ​​a set of tools (objects, processes and functions), by manipulating which marketers try to best satisfy customers. The marketing mix refers to the variables that are under the control of marketing. The marketing mix usually includes the following elements:

Product (goods, service);

Its price (in relation to competitors and market needs);

How the product reaches the consumer;

The way the product is promoted.

The "7P" marketing mix includes all the elements of the "4P" marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion), as well as elements such as "people" - people, all those who are directly or indirectly involved in the marketing process, "process" - procedures, mechanisms and sequences of actions that provide marketing, "physical evidence" - the setting, environment in which a service is provided or a product is sold.

The marketing mix was first proposed in 1953 by Neil Borden in his presidential address to the American Marketing Association. Borden used the work of James Culliton, which described the marketer as a person who coordinates processes and combines various elements in the work. It was assumed that a diverse combination of elements could lead to positive market performance. In 1960, McCarthy formulated a classification called the 4Ps, which combines four elements (product, place, price, promotion)..

The marketing mix applies to both commercial and non-commercial activities.

Development of a marketing mix.

Having made a decision regarding the positioning of its product, the company is ready to begin. to planning the details of the marketing mix. The marketing mix is ​​one of the basic concepts of a modern marketing system.

The Four Ps of the Marketing Mix

A product is a set of “products and services” that a firm offers to its target market.

Price is the amount of money that consumers must pay to receive the product..

Distribution methods are all kinds of activities through which a product becomes available to target consumers.

Stimulation methods are all kinds of activities of a company to disseminate information about the merits of its product and persuade target consumers to buy it.

All decisions regarding the components of the marketing mix largely depend on the specific product positioning adopted by the company. The marketing mix is ​​a set of controllable marketing variables that a firm uses together to elicit the desired response from its target market.

The marketing mix consists of five main groups of activities:

1. A product is a set of products and services that a company offers to its target market.

2. Price is the amount of money that consumers must pay to receive a product. The price a firm charges must be consistent with the perceived value of the offering, otherwise customers will buy competitors' products.

3. Distribution is all kinds of activities through which the product becomes available to target consumers. There are two types of activities: distribution of goods and the process of goods circulation.

4. Stimulation methods (communication policy) are all kinds of activities of a company to disseminate information about the achievement of its product and persuade target consumers to buy it.

5. Implementation of marketing activities.

Conditions for the implementation of programs:

    influx of information;

    establishing strategic and tactical planning;

    determine the structure of the marketing department organization;

    control system.

External, internal and bilateral marketing complexes according to the traditional 4P concept have their own specific product categories, prices, distribution channels and product promotion.

The internal marketing complex describes the company-personnel relationship strategy. The two-way marketing mix describes the strategy of the “personnel-consumer” relationship.

Thus, the manageable parameters of the two-way marketing complex are:

    product - the process of providing a service and, as a consequence, its quality;

    price - the degree of consumer participation in the process, as well as the real price of the service received by the company;

    the method of bringing the product to the consumer - the style of behavior chosen by the company employee to communicate with the consumer;

    product promotion - information flows created and supported by company employees.

Comparison of the proposed approach with some service industry marketing models.

1.3 Formation of competitive advantages

Competitive strategies focus on creating a competitive advantage. Competitive advantage refers to advantages over a competitor by offering greater value to consumers. Great value is when an organization offers consumers a product or service greater benefits or the same benefits at a lower price than its competitors. There are three options for competitive advantage - in marketing, in costs, in a niche:

1) advantage in marketing in the market as a whole. Marketing advantage is a competitive advantage in products or services that better satisfy customer needs than those of competing firms. Marketing advantage in the market means that some properties of a product or service of a given organization are preferable to the consumer than those of a competing organization. Typically, marketing advantage is based on product uniqueness;

2) cost advantage in the market as a whole. Cost advantage is a competitive advantage that is achieved through lower production and marketing costs than competitors. This allows the company to reduce prices or use the savings for advertising and distribution. An organization that achieves a marketing advantage is typically more customer oriented than an organization that strives for a cost advantage. This is because superior product or service requires greater consideration of customer needs. However, an organization seeking cost advantages cannot completely ignore customer needs. If an organization is focused solely on production and is concerned only with cost efficiency at the expense of customer needs, any benefit gained from cost savings will be questionable;

3) niche advantage is based on either marketing leadership or cost leadership.

There are various ways to gain a competitive advantage with the help of more preferable goods and services - brand, service, technological leadership, assortment:

1) if it is possible to achieve a strong reputation for the brand, this will lead to securing a place for the product on store shelves, and consumers will be encouraged to purchase new products. The basis of a brand's reputation is the quality of the product;

2) another way to gain a competitive advantage can be to provide a higher quality service due to speed of delivery and quick response to customer requests;

3) one of the sources of competitive advantage can also be technological leadership, when a company is constantly one of the first to offer customers products with new characteristics;

4) a company that offers the most complete range of goods on the market has a better chance of achieving customer recognition than a company that produces a fairly limited range. Availability of a complete assortment is of great importance for institutional buyers, as they often require a variety of products in accordance with technical specifications.

Market attractiveness factors

When identifying opportunities for competitive advantage, there are three attractive factors to consider:

1) strengths and weaknesses of competitors in the market;

2) the company’s ability to achieve advantages over competitors;

3) the degree of attractiveness of the market as an object for obtaining benefits.

A company's ability to take advantage of marketing opportunities and competitive weaknesses is determined by the strengths and weaknesses of the firm itself. For this purpose, a marketing audit is used - a comprehensive analysis of the company’s marketing operations and resources. A marketing audit analyzes production, R&D, sales, distribution, product development, and resources for promoting products.

The following main types of competitive advantages are distinguished according to the source of their occurrence:

1. Competitive advantages based on economic factors, determined by:

Favorable general economic state of the markets in which the enterprise operates; stimulating government policies in the field of investment volumes, credit, tax and customs rates;

Objective factors stimulating demand;

Economies of scale, effects of experience;

The economic potential of the enterprise, the ability to find and effectively use sources of financing.

2. Competitive advantages determined by the system of state institutions and administrative measures: laws, regulations, special privileges and other decisions of government and administrative bodies, restrictions on the part of state and municipal authorities in the issuance of patents and licenses, quotas, complicated procedures for registering enterprises, obstacles in the allocation land plots, provision of production and office premises, etc.

Competitive advantages determined by the level of development of market infrastructure.

3. Technical (technological) competitive advantages.

4.Competitive advantages obtained through good information.

5. Competitive advantages based on geographical factors.

2 Analysis and improvement of the marketing activities of the Nadezhda trading house

2.1Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the Nadezhda trading house

The organization was registered on September 21, 2011 by the registrar Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 9 for the Republic of Buryatia. The general director of the organization is Alazhinov Mikhail Alexandrovich. The TDN Plus company is located at the legal address 670033, Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude, Pishchevaya street, 10b. The main activity is “Retail trade in food products, drinks and tobacco products in specialized stores”; 25 additional types of activity are registered. Type of property - private property, organizational and legal form - society with limited opportunity. Authorized capital – 10,000 rubles. registration data:

OGRN: 1110327011167

INN: 0323358474

Gearbox: n/a

OKATO: 81401368000

OKPO: 90040730

The display of goods is observed according to the product neighborhood, acceptance of goods. The store has all the necessary equipment for selling food and non-food products - cash registers, refrigeration equipment, counters, display cases).

The organizational structure is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Organizational management structure

Trading House "Nadezhda" has sufficient experience in managing the trading process; the established management structure of the enterprise ensures stable activity of Trading House "Nadezhda" produces the following types of products:

Production of meat and semi-finished meat products and finished products;

Production of milk and dairy products;


Production of bread and bakery products.

Supply of goods such as: tea, coffee; marinades; canned foods (pineapples, apricots, strawberries, green peas); canned food: (saury, stewed meat, sprat in tomato, herring in oil, sprats, pate, etc.); dairy cream, cheese, products (butter, cheese, sausage cheese, processed cheese, eggs, cottage cheese, kefir, milk powder, cream powder); condensed milk, jam (condensed milk, condensed cocoa, jam in buckets, jam in soft packaging, ice cream); snacks (chips, squid, amber fish, yellow minke whale, anchovies, roach, corn sticks, salted pistachios, sweet and salted peanuts, vinegar); cereals, porridge (rice, buckwheat, semolina, millet, rolled oats, oatmeal, sun muesli, quick porridge, minute porridge, peas, pearl barley, pasta, spaghetti); drinks (natural juices, cola, sprite, fanta, cold tea, mineral water, vodka, beer 0.5l, 1.5l, 2.5l, cognac, wine, champagne); tobacco products – different; vegetables, fruits (cucumbers, tomatoes, oranges, apples, tangerines, bananas, grapes, etc.); seasonings (black pepper, salt, sugar by weight, raffinate, bay leaf, chili ketchup, mayonnaise, tomato paste, vegetable oils); dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, raisins, dates, apples of paradise, dried bananas, a mixture of dried fruits, halva, kozinak (seeds, peanuts), etc.

Trade House "Nadezhda" is mainly focused on the production of dairy products - milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, whey, curd cheese, etc., as well as semi-finished meat products - cutlets, cabbage rolls, poses, dumplings, manti, hedgehogs. Sausages – sausages, bacon, wieners, smoked sausages, boiled sausages, semi-prepared sausages, mixed sausages. Bakery products - pies, bread (1st grade, 2nd grade, tower), buns, loaf, pie with filling, pizza. Confectionery – cakes, pastries, cookies.

The main activity of TD "Nadezhda" is the production of products from its own and imported semi-finished products. Produces and sells:

    Production of meat and semi-finished meat products

    Production of milk and dairy products

    Sausage production

    Production of confectionery products;

    Production of bread and bakery products.

To ensure production of products, it uses two types of main raw materials - meat and milk. TD "Nadezhda" allows you to obtain finished products from raw materials. This process involves special equipment that allows the production of these products and the premises in which these manufactured products can be stored.

The volume of production and sales of products is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 – production and sales indicators


(+,-), thousand rubles

Growth rate, %

Growth rate, %

Production volume, thousand rubles






Sales volume, thousand rubles.






Finding the change:

About pr. = 1675.3-1256.7 = 418.6 thousand rubles.

About real = 1456.4-1198.8 = 257.6 thousand rubles


T real.=1456.4/1198.8*100%=1.21%

T at.

T at. Volume real=121-100=21%

The change in production volume +418.6 t.r. increased by 33% and sales volume +257.6 t.r. increased by 2 1% in 2016 compared to 2015, this is due to an increase in demand for the goods produced.

Table 2-Change in sales profit

Change p\p=2100-1800=300 thousand rubles.

Change h\p=1762-1423=339 thousand rubles.





Based on the data found, we can conclude that net profit for 2016 increased by 300 thousand rubles compared to 2015, the growth rate was 116.7%, and the growth rate was 16.7%, due to an increase in production volumes and sales of products and the emergence regular customers.

Table 3 - Change in trade turnover

Change P/t=51476040-46375884=5100156 rub.

Change O/t=4375345-3654765=720580 rub.


T.r. O/t=4375345/3654765*100=119.9%



Based on the given tabular data, it turned out that retail turnover increased over the year by 10.9% and wholesale turnover by 19.9%. Based on the data, we can say that the enterprise does not hold losses, but increases turnover and tries not to exceed the norm of inventory by warehouses

2.2 Analysis of marketing activities trading house "Nadezhda"

In the process of development, the Nadezhda trading house created two types of marketing service departments:

Marketing and Development Department.

Department of Foreign Economic Activity.

The marketing service is built on a product-market type. There are both individual product managers and market managers. Individual product managers plan profit sales volumes for products, receive information about sales volumes from market managers. Individual market managers, in turn, are responsible for developing profitable markets for the organization's existing and potential products. The advantage of this marketing organization is that management attention is paid to each product and each market. However, this organization of marketing management increases management costs, does not have sufficient organizational flexibility and gives rise to conflicts.

The Marketing and Development Department works with an emphasis on the domestic market, mainly with the aim of expanding sales and finding promising developments for serial production. The Department of Foreign Economic Affairs searches for promising products and contacts on the foreign market, and also monitors and accompanies the implementation of previously concluded contracts for foreign trade supplies.

The task of the marketing service is to stay focused on the consumer, constantly monitor the activities of competitors, determine their strengths and weaknesses, determine areas for improving marketing activities, develop and achieve the implementation of plans and programs for marketing activities, and communicate marketing information to other departments of the enterprise . Negotiations with consumers confirmed the need for the product. Correct placement of advertising and management of advertising in the Nadezhda Trade House depends on the ability to evaluate its effectiveness. Most advertising measurement methods are of an applied nature and are applicable only to certain types of advertising.

The store is interested in finding out how low or high their advertising costs are. This means that a share of advertising revenue serves the share of votes that a store casts through advertising.

The dynamics of product sales is important for assessing the implementation of programs.

There is an increase in sales volume, it is necessary to start promoting the product on the market, develop a number of strategies, tactics and methods to create sustainable demand and stimulate sales, develop a pricing policy that would be attractive to both the buyer and the seller, and find reserves to increase the level of competitiveness products. Sales volume, sales revenue, and the amount of profit received also depend on the sales markets. Therefore, it is necessary to study the dynamics of the position of each type of product.

The vigorous activity of the enterprise in recent years has had a stabilizing effect on the economy of the enterprise, fueling the production and development of new types of products with cash.

2.3 Analysis of marketing results trading house "Nadezhda"

Of fundamental importance in ensuring the life of the enterprise TD "Nadezhda" in the conditions of retail trade is the justification of the strategic course and tactics of behavior in the specific situation. The well-being of an enterprise depends on many factors: the economic and political situation in the city, consumer demand for food products, the degree of “cruelty” of competition, the quality of the material and technical base, personnel qualifications, the level of organization and technology of food production.

The marketing activity of the enterprise TD "Nadezhda" is a short-term policy of the enterprise as a subject of a market economy, which consists in developing a specific course of its behavior based on an analysis of the external conditions of its functioning, assessment of the internal capabilities of the enterprise, and careful development of organizational and technical results. When developing a direction, the main task is to long-term coordinate the capabilities of the Nadezhda Trade House enterprise with the market situation in order to occupy an appropriate position in the market and solve the problems facing the enterprise.

The presence of a long-term program of their actions allows the managers of the Nadezhda Trade House enterprise to make systematic, targeted decisions in the field of operational activities (participation or non-participation in specific tenders, directions of diversification, production and credit policies, etc.).

The direction of marketing activities is determined by programs.

At the enterprise TD "Nadezhda" there are short-term and medium-term marketing programs.

Short-term programs are designed for one or two years and, because of this, practically do not affect the strategic goals of the enterprise, that is, those main goals that it must achieve. In other words, they are generally unable to influence the strategic goals of the trade organization.

However, this does not mean that they should not be aligned with strategic goals. In fact, it is short-term programs that are the means to achieve strategic goals.

Medium-term programs are programs designed for a period of two to five years, long-term - for a period of more than five years.

At the Nadezhda Trade House there is a marketing and sales department, which reports to the director.

The marketing and sales department is headed by a director, who is appointed and dismissed by the head of the enterprise TD "Nadezhda". It carries out:

Search and study of potential markets for profitable sales of products;

Reveals the dissatisfaction of demand in the market under study, as well as the capabilities of the enterprise TD "Nadezhda" to satisfy it;

Identifies the requirements, requests, wishes of consumers for the quality, assortment, design and methods of selling the company’s products;

Participates in the development of a strategy for market behavior TD "Nadezhda" collects, studies, evaluates, analyzes and develops potential markets for products, the possibility and economic feasibility of entering these markets;

Engaged in the collection and systematization of data on enterprises producing similar products, the behavior of competitors and their intentions in the markets being studied; conducts a comparative analysis of the properties and quality of products of the Nadezhda Trade House enterprise and competing stores; organizes the study of consumer ratings, opinions, claims of consumers regarding the quality and range of goods offered, their receptivity to advertising;

Identification and accounting of unsatisfactory demand and need for goods that the enterprise can master;

Respect the commercial interests of the enterprise, and not allow the disclosure of information that constitutes a commercial or other secret of the enterprise protected by law.

The marketing system is fundamental for the economic, technical, production, commercial, organizational policies and activities of the Nadezhda Trade House enterprise, since the financial and economic condition of the entire enterprise depends practically on the sale of manufactured products. The marketing concept is based on identifying needs and real consumer assessments of the range and quality of goods and recognizes the need to produce and sell to these needs and assessments, better and more efficiently than competitors do.

The basis of the marketing system is a set of organizations that interact in the process of providing necessary goods: suppliers of components, the public, financial circles, the press and advertising agencies, government organizations and legislative bodies, marketing intermediaries, the consumer.

Product quality management based on the marketing concept includes the following stages:

1. Study of the market and assessment of the enterprise’s capabilities to meet its requirements (“situation analysis”);

2.Development of market behavior of the enterprise in conditions of competition from manufacturers of similar products;

3. Coordination of the activities of enterprise divisions for flexible adaptation of production and sales in accordance with constantly changing market conditions.

The task of marketing specialists is to develop a plan and strategy for the creation and sale of goods, monitor their implementation, monitor the results and make the necessary adjustments to the marketing program.

Completing this task involves the following steps:

Development of long-term and annual marketing plans (including sales volume forecast) for a specific product;

Studying the need for a product and demand for it;

Collection of information about the attitude of consumers and trade workers towards the product;

Constant work to improve the product in order to meet changing consumer requirements, contacts with product developers and manufacturers, economic and other services;

Adjustment of the marketing plan, etc.

The main objectives of marketing activities are:

Search and study of the state of markets for products, identification of consumers, formation of the enterprise’s market policy;

Formation of a data bank for making informed marketing decisions;

Planning, participation in the implementation and control of the implementation of measures aimed at ensuring the effectiveness of the activities of the enterprise TD "Nadezhda" in market conditions;

Development of necessary control actions.

The main functions of the marketing service are:

Determining the market situation, establishing markets for products;

Assessment of the need for products similar to the enterprise’s products and the possibility of meeting this need by market segmentation and for each type of product;

Determination of the optimal product range;

Determination of market share for each type of product;

Determining the reasons for demand for all types of products;

Forecasting and determining market demand for the company's products;

Study of buyer groups and their purchasing power;

Information about products that are promising for sales markets;

Searching for information about competitors, their methods of work, technology development trends;

Preparation of reports on marketing activities to the management of the enterprise.

2.4 Competitiveness analysis trading house "Nadezhda"

In order to analyze the competitiveness of the Nadezhda trading house, a survey was conducted among residents of the Oktyabrsky and Sovetsky districts. The questions concerned the recognition of the trading house among the population, and were also aimed at identifying shortcomings in the operation of this store.


1. Do you know about the Nadezhda store?

2. Do you know that TD implements its own production?

3. Do you buy products from the Nadezhda Trade House?

4. What products do you most often purchase?

6. Do you like the quality of the products?

7. Are you satisfied with the prices in the store?

8. Are you satisfied with the service of the staff in the store?

9. What doesn’t suit you about the Nadezhda shopping center?

120 people took part in the survey: 60 people each in the Oktyabrsky and Sovetsky districts, respectively.

Based on the data obtained, we can draw up diagrams that clearly reflect the results of the study, as well as draw conclusions and suggestions for the further work of the Nadezhda Trade House.

Figure 2 - Do you know about the Nadezhda store?

Thus, based on this diagram, we see that in the Sovetsky district there is absolute (that is, one hundred percent) recognition of the Nadezhda trading house. No proposals are required at this stage as this is the highest possible outcome.

Figure 3 - Do you know about the Nadezhda store?

Based on this diagram, we can observe that in the Oktyabrsky district, 5 respondents out of 60 respondents answered the question about knowledge of this store negatively, which amounted to 9% in numerical equivalent. Perhaps this deviation from the 100% indicator is due to the fact that there are fewer outlets of the Nadezhda store in the Oktyabrsky district.

Figure 4 - Did you know that the Nadezhda Trade House sells its own products?

At this stage of the survey, we found that in the Sovetsky district, 32% of respondents answered negatively to the question about knowledge of how a store sells its own production, and 68% of respondents answered positively. We think that it would be rational to propose to the Nadezhda Trade House to change the display of goods in the store, moving its own products to more prominent places or to the center of the hall, in order to increase the concentration of customers’ attention on these goods.

Figure 5 - Did you know that the Nadezhda Trade House sells its own products?

At this stage of the survey, we found that in the Oktyabrsky district, 45% of respondents answered negatively to the question about knowledge of how a store sells its own production, and 55% of respondents answered positively. Compared to the survey in the Sovetsky district, there is a tendency to increase the number of respondents who do not know about their own products. We think that it would be rational to suggest that the Nadezhda Trade House increase the volume of advertising of its own products in this area of ​​the city, as well as change the display of goods in the store, moving its own products to more prominent places or to the center of the hall, in order to increase the concentration of customers’ attention. on these products.

Figure 6 - Do you buy products from the Nadezhda Trade House?

In these diagrams, we observe that in the Oktyabrsky district this store is visited by fewer people than in the Sovetsky district, the difference is 18%. Most likely, as previously assumed, this discrepancy in the data appears due to the lack of retail outlets in the area.

Question No. 4. What products do you buy most often?

On this issue, in the Sovetsky district of the city of Ulan-Ude, we found out that the greatest demand among consumers is: baked goods, dairy products, home-produced products, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, socially significant goods, snacks, baked goods, confectionery, fruits, vegetables. There is also impulse demand.

In the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Ulan-Ude, the situation is almost the same. The greatest demand among consumers is: dairy products, household chemicals, bakery products, tea, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, socially significant goods, breakfast cereals, semi-finished products, own production, cereals, confectionery products. Similarly with the Sovetsky district, there is impulse demand.

Having analyzed the answers of respondents from the Sovetsky district of the city of Ulan-Ude, we found out that consumers, for the most part, are absolutely satisfied with the completeness of the assortment currently available in retail outlets in this area, but at the same time we would like to see more dairy products and fruits in the assortment , alcoholic products of elite varieties, products of our own production.

Based on the results of a survey conducted in the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Ulan-Ude, we also saw that consumers, for the most part, are absolutely satisfied with the completeness of the assortment currently available in retail outlets in this area, but at the same time we would like to see more fruits in the assortment , vegetables, dairy products, tobacco products.

Figure 7 - Do you like the quality of the product?

Based on the analysis of this issue, it can be seen that in the Oktyabrsky district there is higher discontent than in the Sovetsky district. For both cases, we suggest that the management of TH Nadezhda conduct an in-depth study to identify dissatisfaction with specific products, and then change the production method or storage conditions.

Figure 8 - Are you satisfied with the prices in the store?

According to the survey results, there is high dissatisfaction with the established price level in the Sovetsky and Oktyabrsky districts of the city of Ulan-Ude, which negatively affects the overall store attendance by potential consumers. In this case, as proposals, we can put forward a revision of the pricing policy in the Nadezhda Trade House, holding promotions with the establishment of discount prices for products, and establishing “social” prices for certain categories of goods. Also, when following these recommendations, you should advertise reduced prices on goods to attract new customers and show the changes.

Figure 9 - Are you satisfied with the service of the staff in the store?

Dissatisfaction with staff in the Sovetsky district of the city of Ulan-Ude fluctuates within the normal range, since it is impossible to ensure complete customer satisfaction in one aspect or another. In the Oktyabrsky district, dissatisfaction with staff shows a fairly high result, so we can also propose conducting an in-depth study of consumer opinion on this matter to identify a specific retail outlet whose staff does not meet consumer requirements, as well as holding a conversation with the staff asking for more polite treatment of customers.

Based on the results of a survey in the Sovetsky district, we found that the main dissatisfaction of consumers is service, high prices for socially important goods, and non-compliance with sanitary standards.

In the Oktyabrsky district, consumers are not satisfied with: staff service, high prices, lack of luggage storage.

According to the survey data, we see a clear distribution of ratings given by consumers in the Sovetsky district to the Nadezhda trading house.

The majority of respondents rated the store 5 points, which is undoubtedly an excellent result. You should not ignore the existing percentage of consumers who rated the store 2 points, but their dissatisfaction is expressed in the data provided above and is removable.

Thus, the average rating for the store was 4.3 points.

Figure 11 - Store analysis

In this diagram we see the analyzed responses of respondents in the Oktyabrsky district, expressed in a visual representation of the ratings given by the respondents to the Nadezhda store.

There is a slight preponderance of the maximum score of 5 points over the score of 4 points, which is demonstrated by the result of the analysis for the Oktyabrsky district provided above.

The average score for the store was 4.4 points, which exceeds the average score for the Sovetsky district.

3 Ways to improve the marketing activities of Trade House "Nadezhda"

The largest event in the development of marketing of the Nadezhda trading house was the reorganization of the marketing service, which took place in 2012. The share of sales through the trade and commercial department (that is, products intended for the consumer market) in the total volume of revenues from product sales has increased.

Thus, the influence of marketing services on the economic activities of the entire Nadezhda Trading House is increasing; it cannot be said that at the moment this influence is only positive. The negative thing is that, given the fall in wholesale orders, the marketing service cannot yet ensure a sufficient volume of retail sales.

However, since marketing is still in its development stage, it is obvious that there is a real opportunity to eliminate the consequences of this lag in the medium term.

One of the main problems of the Nadezhda Trading House in reorienting the enterprise to retail products is that in order to obtain the same amount of profit and pay off the same amount of overhead costs, it is necessary to increase the number of ways to sell products. And the enterprise now has enough opportunities and experience to implement this. In addition, to increase sales volume, the turnover rate must be increased.

A favorable factor is that the reduction in wholesale orders does not occur instantly, that is, the marketing services of the enterprise are thus given some time to understand the problems, reorient, and reorganize the production and sales activities of the enterprise.

Current problems of improving marketing and the possibility of solving them in the Nadezhda Trade House:

    It is necessary to try to apply methods from global experience in the marketing system, and not just Russian ones.

    The management and marketing organization system of the Nadezhda trading house is characterized by a number of features that can be classified as specific and must be resolved collectively.

    New economic research services have been created to search for information on sales markets.

    Recently, the influence of the pricing system and price marketing has especially increased.

For effective marketing, it is necessary to monitor the results of marketing activities and develop specific marketing activities.

The enterprise currently has marketing services involved in assessing the company’s own capabilities, market research, holding presentation events, image formation, etc. At the same time, marketing management, in fact, is not centralized, so control over the effectiveness of marketing is also not centralized and is carried out subjectively, that is, the main criteria for effectiveness have not been formed and depend on the current situation.

In addition, the influence of the current moment, which arose as a consequence of the development of trends that arose in the past, is also formed as a result of the priority of selling an already produced product, which was created yesterday in the absence of the priority of studying market requirements. There is no marketing and there will not be any if the producer strives for market success, only at the stage of marketing an already created product.

On the other hand, marketing services are acquiring more and more coordinating and controlling functions. Therefore, we can say that the question of whether the Nadezhda trading house will join the number of enterprises successfully operating in market conditions based on the marketing concept is being decided right now.

Therefore, the goal of the marketing activities of TD “Nadezhda” is to increase sales volumes, expand market share, and increase profits.

To achieve this goal, the marketing department solves the following tasks:

Develop a strategy for marketing activities;

Increase the competitiveness of the enterprise;

Generate demand, stimulate sales;

Control over the production of quality goods;

Conduct marketing research on the food market of Buryatia once every six months.

Moreover, if you use marketing research data to determine competitive advantages, you can build the correct tactical plan for the development of the Nadezhda trading house.

It is planned to intensify sales on the basis of analysis of sales and monitoring of the market in Buryatia and nearby regions, which practically becomes the basis for analytical conclusions.

A management tool that allows you to coordinate the actions of services is a marketing plan. Based on the identified shortcomings, market research at the level of trends and in accordance with the planned development strategy, the economic justification of the goals that the enterprise sets for itself, an operational plan for the marketing activities of the enterprise has been drawn up, which identifies specific activities of the marketing department for the year.

Particular attention in the developed plan is paid to the work of promoting the product, namely, carrying out advertising activities and organizing public relations. Priority, organization and competent implementation of advertising and sales promotion activities will allow the enterprise to significantly increase its own gross income, and the marketing department will “justify” its own necessity and effectiveness, and cover the primary costs of its own formation and maintenance.

It should be noted that in order to maintain its position in the market, it is advisable for the Nadezhda trading house to:

Maintain a wide range of products offered;

Maintain a carefully considered pricing policy;

Select the most optimal suppliers;

Apply all possible methods of generating and stimulating customer demand (promotions, tastings, discounts, drawings, lotteries, etc.).

The proposed marketing activities will increase trade turnover by approximately 50%. Consequently, when using the proposed ways to improve the marketing service, the Nadezhda trading house will receive higher profits and opportunities for further development, which is simply necessary in modern market conditions.


The modern development of a market economy is the need to develop qualitatively new methods for solving management problems. Marketing contributes to strategic success and the creation and maintenance of competitive advantage.

Managers and specialists must be familiar with the organization of marketing activities, apply the methods and techniques of these activities, and also benefit from all the positive things that the market gives, align, and smooth out its negative sides.

The basis for managing the marketing activities of TH "Nadezhda" includes:

Planning of marketing activities;

Organizational structure of enterprise marketing services;

Implementation of planned marketing decisions;

Assessing their performance;

Control and adjustment.

In the course of analyzing the financial results of the Nadezhda trading house and researching consumer preferences, it was found that:

    TH "Nadezhda" is a dynamically developing enterprise; the volume of production increased by 33%, the volume of product sales increased by 21%, the profit from sales increased by 16.7% and turnover increased by 10.9%;

    In connection with the sanctions applied to Russia, the demand for domestic products has increased, contributing to an increase in demand for goods from TD Nadezhda, and therefore an increase in profits;

3) Trade House “Nadezhda” is not the last in terms of production volume in the Republic of Buryatia, which confirms the above study;

5) the degree of readiness of TH “Nadezhda” to implement the marketing strategy is average;

6) the market concept for managing the production, sales and scientific and technical activities of TD “Nadezhda” has not been defined;

7) TH "Nadezhda" takes an active part in the process of forming competitive advantages and image;

8) the specialized network of branded stores is expanding

9) Attracting customers through a wide range and inventory of finished products and semi-finished products.

List of sources used

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Modern approaches to the formation of an organization's marketing structure. Organizational structure of marketing management of MAAG-NN LLC. Analysis of the main directions and problems of the enterprise’s marketing activities, development of ways to improve it.

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The topic of this thesis is “Improving marketing activities at an enterprise” (using the example of MAAG-NN LLC). The topic of the thesis is relevant for the company at the moment, since improving marketing activities taking into account trends in its changes in the context of the ongoing economic crisis is a necessary condition for the effective implementation of enterprise management as a whole, ensuring the achievement of its goals.

The volume of the final qualifying work is 75 pages, including 6 appendices, 39 literature sources, 12 figures and 23 tables.

Objectives of the thesis:

The object of study of this thesis is MAAG-NN LLC. Research methods used in the thesis - comparative, marketing research methods, SWOT analysis, expert assessment method.


The degree of sustainability of an enterprise’s functioning is determined by the quality of its activities: production, financial, investment, social and marketing. With the transition to market conditions and the formation of a changing external competitive environment, the marketing activities of an enterprise are becoming increasingly important. The effectiveness of management decisions made within the marketing activities of an enterprise is largely determined by the results of its analysis and evaluation.

Marketing is the foundation for long-term and operational planning of the production and commercial activities of an enterprise, drawing up export production programs, organizing scientific, technical, technological, investment and production and sales work of the enterprise team, and marketing management is the most important element of the enterprise management system.

The relevance of the topic of the thesis is due to the following. The importance and promise of the marketing approach to management is determined by its organizing and coordinating role associated with the integration of individual types of enterprise activities into a single technological process aimed at satisfying consumers, gaining a certain position in the market and obtaining benefits from such activities. At the same time, improving marketing activities, taking into account trends in its changes in the context of the ongoing economic crisis, is a necessary condition for the effective implementation of enterprise management as a whole, ensuring the achievement of its goals. Thus, marketing is a system of organizing and managing all aspects of the business activity of an enterprise - from the idea of ​​​​creating a new product, using appropriate production technologies to delivering the product to the buyer and servicing. At the same time, the market (consumer) and its requirements are taken as the starting point of this activity and the completion of its cycle, as well as the choice of optimal solutions in the field of sales, pricing policy, communication policy in an unstable economic situation.

The topic of this thesis is “Improving marketing activities at an enterprise” (using the example of MAAG-NN LLC).

The purpose of the thesis is to study the organization of marketing activities of MAAG-NN LLC and develop ways to improve it.

Objectives of the thesis:

consider the theoretical foundations of managing the marketing activities of an enterprise;

conduct an analysis of the organization and assess the effectiveness of the marketing activities of MAAG-NN LLC;

develop practical proposals for improving the marketing activities of MAAG-NN LLC, as well as recommendations for the selection and implementation of the enterprise’s marketing strategy;

assess the economic efficiency of the developed proposals.

The object of study of this thesis is MAAG-NN LLC. The subject of the study is the system of marketing activities of an enterprise.

Research methods used in the thesis - comparative, marketing research methods, SWOT analysis, expert assessment method.

The degree of development of the problem in the literature. A large number of studies and publications by Russian and foreign scientists and specialists are devoted to aspects of marketing activities. The fundamentals of marketing were developed by such scientists as F. Kotler, I. Ansoff, D. Evans, J.-J. Lamben, L. Galloway, E. Sunday and others. The works of Russian and foreign scientists F. Webster, G.L. are devoted to the development of the theory and practice of marketing. Bagieva, O.Yu. Yuldasheva, E.P. Golubkova, E.V. Popova, E.S. Shusterman, N.V. Maslova, B.C. Ismagilova, A.M. Stepanova, A.P. Pinkova, A.B. Guseva, I.S. Vazhenina and others.

The structure of the thesis includes an introduction, three chapters, and a conclusion. The first chapter examines the theoretical foundations of managing the marketing activities of an enterprise. In the second chapter, an analysis of the organization and effectiveness of marketing activities of MAAG-NN LLC is carried out. In the third chapter, proposals are developed to improve the marketing activities of MAAG-NN LLC and recommendations for the selection and implementation of the enterprise’s marketing strategy. In addition, an assessment of the economic efficiency of the developed proposals was carried out.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of marketing activities in an enterprise

management marketing structure organizational

1.1 Essence, goals and objectives of marketing activities

The modern concept of marketing can be schematically shown in Figure 1. It includes three main tasks, the research and development of which form the basis for the successful sale of products:

focus on the consumer (his needs, requests, tastes, etc.);

approach to marketing as a company-wide business, the success of which depends on all functional units and requires their structural and organizational cooperation;

focus on profit as the end result of all production activities, which determines specific sales tactics.

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The interpretation of marketing as a market management concept is a system of organizing and managing the production, marketing and trading activities of enterprises and firms, focused on market requirements, the real needs of buyers for goods and services.

Deep and comprehensive knowledge of the market is the basis for generating and growing income (profit). For these purposes, there is a system of direct and feedback links between the developer (manufacturer) and the market, designed to ensure the maximum possible linkage of the developer’s scientific and production activities with the market situation and to reduce elements of uncertainty in the commercial sale of products.

The role of marketing in enterprise management is determined by the history of the development of entrepreneurship, when at a certain stage of development of concepts of entrepreneurial activity in the sequence - the concept of improving production, the concept of improving goods, the concept of intensifying commercial efforts - the next concept of entrepreneurial activity is replaced by the concept of marketing, which has since been understood as a modern concept entrepreneurship.

The market category was partially present in pre-marketing concepts of entrepreneurial activity, but to be called marketing, the enterprise must be oriented towards achieving its goals solely as a result of satisfying consumer needs. The essence of marketing is especially clearly manifested when comparing it with the concept of intensifying commercial efforts (Table 1). Today, many Russian companies are still under the directive control of a leader who is at the same time an owner, a manager, and a marketer. All decisions are made only by him, while employees have a very small degree of freedom of action.

The second type of company is intermediate, that is, there is a clear division of responsibilities between departments, there are top managers, but they all report directly to the general director and do not interact with each other.

Table 1. Pre-marketing and marketing concepts of business organization

In a marketing-oriented company, all services have the maximum degree of freedom of action, but also great responsibility; their work is assessed only by intermediate and final results. In such companies, marketing is usually delegated greater authority.

1.2 Main directions of marketing activities

The basic principle (goal) of marketing, which determines its essence, is to produce only what will certainly be sold, and not to try to sell what the enterprise was able to produce.

To implement this principle, you need to know the functions of marketing. Based on the fundamental methodology of marketing as a market concept of management and sales, we will try to find a universal approach to defining and describing marketing functions and bringing them into a logically consistent system. This approach consists of identifying four blocks of complex functions and a number of subfunctions in each of them. Let us consider these functions and subfunctions in more detail (Table 2).

Table 2. Marketing functions of an industrial enterprise

The analytical function of marketing, sometimes called research, is the foundation of all marketing activities of an enterprise. And this is understandable, since without a deep knowledge of the state and prospects for the development of the external environment, without an analysis of the internal environment of an enterprise, it is almost impossible to engage in economic and commercial activities, to purposefully manage the enterprise itself and to change controlled environmental factors in the interests of the enterprise.

The production function of marketing includes three subfunctions:

organization of production of new goods (market novelty goods);

organization of logistics;

quality management and competitiveness of finished products.

The sales function of marketing involves the implementation of the directions laid down in the plans:

product policy (production of a certain range of products, development of new products, after-sales service of goods, equipment renewal, etc.);

pricing policy;

sales policy (creating distribution channels, determining the moment to enter the market, ensuring a product distribution system, etc.);

communication policy (implementation of measures to promote goods on the market: conducting advertising campaigns, providing intermediaries and consumers with appropriate benefits and discounts, stimulating their own employees involved in product sales, participation in exhibitions and fairs, etc.;

personnel policy (recruitment, training and retraining of personnel, implementation of measures to motivate employees, etc.).

Management and control function. The control function of marketing is carried out in the process of implementing marketing programs, that is, throughout the entire marketing work, while assessing the effectiveness of marketing work makes it possible to make certain, justified amendments and adjustments to marketing activities during implementation to achieve set goals, which in turn also contributes to the overall increase in the effectiveness of ongoing activities in the field of sales and production. In addition, in the process of implementing the control function, a decision is made on which of the options for the developed marketing program will be implemented, which in turn is associated with which of the options for forecasting the development of the external and internal environment was implemented.

Table 3. Marketing functions and activities performed

In a number of textbooks on marketing, the listed marketing functions are summarized in a simplified form into blocks, which we decipher by the types of market actions performed (Table 3).

Any activity, entrepreneurial or marketing, is carried out with the aim of achieving a certain result. The main goal of the enterprise is, as is known, to make a profit and solve social problems through the timely and profitable sale of manufactured goods. To achieve this goal, the enterprise has to establish and realize its competitive advantages, produce competitive products and determine its niche in the market, a specific group of consumers.

Table 4. Main goals of the enterprise

The goals of marketing activities are closely related to the goals of the company and contribute to the achievement of the latter. The main goals of the company include: conquering the market; profitability, financial stability; provision of social factors of production; creation and strengthening of market positions and prestige of the company (Table 4).

Marketing objectives have a specific hierarchy and structure, which generally may include economic and psychographic objectives. The first group of goals is closely related to the general goals of the enterprise (profit, profitability, reliability, etc.), and the second group is focused on achieving the result of the impact of marketing activities on the mentality and purchasing behavior of the consumer, i.e. motivation, formation of ideas and assessment of the buyer’s image when willingness to make a purchase, which allows you to determine the likelihood of purchasing a product.

The main attention should be paid to developing a set of goals at the lower level in the hierarchy, which include goals related to pricing policy, product, distribution and communication policies, i.e., providing conditions for achieving the goals of the marketing mix. In this regard, marketing goals characterize the achievement of results in the field of marketing activities, which can be achieved through the use of marketing mix tools.

Professor E.P. Golubkov proposes the following structure of marketing activity goals.

The overall goal is to ensure the company's development goals by implementing an effective marketing policy; the goal for individual goods and markets is to obtain a certain profit (share of sales) in a certain market when selling a certain product; the goal of individual elements of the marketing mix for the corresponding product and market - product, price, product promotion, bringing the product to the consumer.

Ideally, the goal of marketing should be to ensure the optimal speed of matching supply and demand, i.e., such a speed that would combine the most profitable rates of ideas, their implementation in a product, its production, distribution, sales and turnover at minimal costs at all stages promoting goods from manufacturer to consumer, taking into account timely satisfaction of consumer demand.

Analysis of marketing goals allows us to formulate the main tasks for achieving them.

As a rule, there are three interrelated sets of marketing tasks:

tasks related to activities in the market, i.e. related to demand regulation;

tasks related to the sphere of the enterprise or company;

tasks related to the environment and public entities.

Marketing objectives are formed within the framework of a hierarchy of goals, time and type of demand in close coordination with the goals of the organization or company. Based on demand conditions, marketing tasks related to the market may be the following (Table 5).

The sphere of an enterprise or firm includes marketing tasks related to the coordination and integration of the interests of the enterprise's policy, focused on achieving the company's goals, defined by the marketing concept.

Such marketing tasks include coordinating strategies for research and development, production and storage of goods, as well as sales and financing activities. In addition, this also includes tasks for coordinating the use of marketing tools in the internal sales organization system of the enterprise.

Table 5. Marketing objectives

Marketing tasks at this level also include organizational tasks related to the integration of marketing in formulating the main directions of the enterprise's policy, i.e., tasks related to the institutionalization of marketing into the organizational structure of the enterprise.

As marketing moves from the instrumental phase into the phase of a general concept that unites all functions associated with the enterprise’s entry into the market, the responsibility of the head of the marketing service changes qualitatively. He becomes responsible for the market goals of the enterprise and their achievement. And the one who is responsible for the goals must inevitably be responsible for all the elements that lead to their achievement.

1.3 Modern approaches to the formation of an organization’s marketing structure

The purpose of the marketing department is to ensure sustainable sales of goods, services of the enterprise and profit in the planned market segments. The specific goals and functions of the enterprise marketing department are shown in Figure 2.

The main objects of interest of managers and specialists of marketing departments may be:

assessment of trends in changes in forces and environmental factors, behavior of buyers, competitors, suppliers, etc.;

development of goals and strategies for the marketing activities of the enterprise;

optimization of hierarchical levels of marketing management at an enterprise or levels of marketing decisions and responsibility for their implementation;

optimization of horizontal marketing links across management levels performing functional marketing activities (department marketers, sales agents, distributors, etc.).

Rice. 2. Goals and functions of the enterprise marketing department

Let us note that the marketing function at an enterprise makes it possible to raise the interests of individual types of activities and makes it possible, by adapting to market requirements, to ensure the effective operation of the enterprise as a whole.

There is no doubt about the validity of the statement that marketing is an integrating function in management decision making.

A flow chart showing the relationship between types of marketing activities and information flows, including feedback connections between them (Fig. 3) can serve as a generalization and specification of what has been said regarding the content of marketing. This scheme reflects the approach to marketing as a cybernetic control system with feedback.

It is the result of applying the concept of interaction and a systematic approach to the formation of a model of interaction between the marketing service and the enterprise. A special issue is the organization of relationships between the marketing department and other divisions of the company.

Rice. 3. Model of interaction between marketing and the enterprise

Much here depends on how well the structure of the enterprise as a whole meets the principles of marketing. If the structure of an enterprise is focused on production (and this is still very common), then most of its departments and structural units are not interested in realizing marketing goals, but only in minimizing production costs in every possible way. The marketing service in market conditions is the most important link in enterprise management, which, together with production, financial, trade and sales, technological, personnel and other activities, creates a single integrated process aimed at meeting market demands and generating profit on this basis.

Therefore, a marketing service is created at the enterprise, first of all, to ensure flexible adaptation of the enterprise to the changing market situation and the requirements of consumers in the market. This makes it possible to raise the interests of the market above the interests of individual types of activity of the enterprise and makes it possible to ensure effective activity as a whole. The basic principles of creating a marketing service can be presented as follows (Fig. 4). The leading principle of the service organization is the slogan “Marketing for the company, not the company for marketing.” This means that the service must constantly develop and adapt to the goals, objectives and features of the company’s functioning, providing it with effective conditions for market activity to the maximum extent possible.

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Rice. 4. Principles for creating a marketing service

The activities of the marketing department, as a rule, are based on the following fundamental principles:

scientific nature, i.e. compliance with the requirements of marketing and management theory when implementing marketing policy at the enterprise;

endowment of the marketing department with the necessary rights, including the right of coordination in order to integrate all economic activities of the enterprise to achieve market goals;

orientation of the marketing department towards end consumers;

mobility, i.e. mandatory implementation of decisions made;

flexibility, i.e. ability to quickly change tactics and
marketing strategy in accordance with changes in the market

the persistence of the marketing department employees, i.e. active
carrying out planned marketing activities and plans, bringing the negotiations to the end;

performance discipline, i.e. the obligation to carry out the planned marketing program within the established time frame.

It should be taken into account that in modern conditions, any progressive company very often rebuilds its organizational structure, and in this regard, K. Matsushita even has the following remark: “If a company does not rebuild and does not change its structure at least once a year, its position the market will be very difficult.” But this is one side of the matter. The other is related to the state and development of the market itself, and the organizational structure of the marketing service should naturally respond to these variables.

Thus, it turns out that the organization of marketing in a company should become a kind of synthesis of market requirements, on the one hand, and the actual development of the company, on the other. And all this is solely for one purpose - to ensure the most efficient functioning of the company in the market.

Marketing structure is critical to the successful implementation of a marketing concept. There is no universal scheme for organizing marketing. Marketing departments can be created on different bases. They are usually part of the commercial scope of the enterprise. However, in enterprises that produce specific products, these departments sometimes become an element of the technical sphere. Each company creates a marketing department in such a way that it best contributes to the achievement of marketing goals (identifying unsatisfied customer demand, geographical expansion of markets, finding new market segments, increasing profits, etc.).

At the same time, marketing structures largely depend on the size of the company's resources, the specifics of its products and the markets in which they are sold, and on the existing enterprise management structure.

Elements in the marketing organization are usually divided into structural and functional. Structural subsystems cover:

sphere of exchange (commercial transactions);

market channels (organizations, enterprises and institutions through which goods pass and which help to carry out exchange transactions);

market environment (competitors);

internal organization of marketing (studying and forecasting demand and product supply, making marketing decisions and monitoring their implementation).

As a large block of tasks, the internal organization of marketing is included in the structural subsystem, but is itself functional.

The organizational structure of the company includes four large blocks of specialized marketing divisions.

Sales operations, whose functions include training and organizing the work of personnel, forecasting and planning sales volumes and structure, distribution, storage and transportation, as well as statistical accounting and analysis.

Market research, which includes reference, library, information and research services.

Assortment planning, involved in determining product mix, pricing, packaging, and maintenance requirements.

Despite the very large number of options, the actual unification of the marketing activities of enterprises is most often carried out by function or by product.

The company-wide organizational structure of the marketing service can be of the following types:



regional (geographical);


In most cases, so-called combined organizational structures are used in practice, using simultaneously two or more signs of division of labor:

by function and product;

by function and market;

by goods and markets.

Such structures allow the organization to better adapt to multi-factor situations. True, this means a transition from relatively “flat” to “higher” ones, and, consequently, to more complex structures.

The matrix organizational structure of the marketing service requires special attention. The modern world is changing rapidly. In an effort to comply with it, companies increasingly form and prefer flexible structures, abandoning strict hierarchy, introducing temporary structures (for a certain period, to complete a specific task, project). The most common structure of this kind is matrix.

In general, when building organizational structures, it is important to observe the basic principles used by modern market-oriented firms:

1) balance of responsibility and rights;

2) unity, clarity of statement, accessibility and clarity of financial, market, and marketing goals throughout the structure;

3) simplicity of the structure, including small links and clarity of construction and management;

4) an effective system of communications with other departments, including feedback;

5) coordination of responsibility - at the highest level of company management;

6) flexibility, adaptability of the structure in accordance with market dynamics and the company's strategy.

Thus, the management of marketing activities can be represented as the analysis, planning, implementation and control of the execution of relevant programs aimed at creating, maintaining and expanding profitable relations between the enterprise and the target buyer (target group) to achieve its goals. The organization of management of marketing activities is associated with the development of a specific marketing strategy (strategies) aimed at achieving the goals of the enterprise. The sales function of marketing involves the implementation of the directions laid down in the plans: product policy; pricing policy; sales policy; communication policy.

1.4 Analysis of the features, structure and trends of the footwear market in Russia

Since the object of study of this thesis is MAAG-NN LLC, which is one of the most promising and dynamically developing enterprises in the footwear industry, within the framework of the study it seems important to analyze the main aspects of consumer preferences in the Russian footwear market, which are taken into account by both manufacturers and and sellers. This section contains a study that includes footwear consumption, characteristics of the main footwear suppliers to the Russian market, the structure and growth trends of this market, and an analysis of retail chains.

Today, shoes are one of the most competitive, but also the most purchased products, which is why it is very important to outline the principles and measures of success in selling them. Any, even a relatively small, distinctive feature can bring a very significant result, which determines the study of this topic. It is interesting that buyers are very careful when choosing and checking the brand of shoes than, for example, clothing. Most likely, this is due to the fact that low-quality shoes will be completely unusable and will not pay for themselves, while second-rate clothes will be able to pay for themselves. Thus, the quality of shoes and trust in a particular brand are very important when choosing shoes, and therefore also important for the manufacturer and seller.

Again, clothes and shoes are not only functional items that are absolutely necessary for every person to feel comfortable, but they are also a mirror of his social status. A certain style of clothing helps determine a person's social status or success, which thus necessitates the need to dress specifically in order to fit a certain segment of the population. This creates a kind of stratification of the market into goods of various categories, which are clearly separated and carried by a certain niche of the social structure. The same applies to shoes.

Today, the world produces 13.5 billion shoes annually. In 2015, this figure is predicted to increase to 15.5 billion. Interestingly, of this huge number, only 1.2 billion pairs of shoes are produced in Europe, despite the fact that a very significant proportion of which are high-quality shoes. At the same time, 75% is produced in Western Europe, and 25% in Eastern Europe. On average, 1.9 pairs of shoes are purchased per person per year worldwide. Moreover, depending on the region, the number of couples varies significantly and can show the relative wealth of citizens. In the USA it is equal to 6.5 pairs of shoes, and, for example, in Southeast Asia it is 0.7. In Russia this figure is 1.35. In Soviet times, this indicator was 3.2, which indicates the accessibility and prosperity of citizens at that time, which is currently significantly inferior.

At the moment, shoe suppliers to Russia consist of China, Turkey and Italy. China supplies about 80% of all shoes on the market, Turkey 9%, and Italy only 2%. Interestingly, this is due to the relocation of Italian shoe production to other countries. The study shows that this is due to constant globalization and the transfer of means of production to other places. In addition to the countries listed, many more shoes are supplied by Vietnam and Ukraine.

Due to the fact that Italian shoes have been extremely successful in terms of fashion and popularity, they are the third largest shoe manufacturer in the world. At the same time, Russia has only 0.3% of world production (zero compared to the titans of the industry).

The Russian market is growing at a rate of 16% per year, which currently amounts to $17 billion. The National Shoe Union also estimated the total volume of the Russian footwear market, which amounted to about 450 million pairs. The main shoe manufacturers in Russia are: Unichel, Ralph Ringer, Yegoryevsk-obuv, Moscow Order of the Red Banner of Labor shoe factory "Paris Commune", "Bris-Bosphorus", "Paritet", Spartak shoe factory, Injection molding shoe factory, Pskov-polymer , Vakhrushi-litobuv, production company "Lel", Kukmor fulling and felt plant, "Westfalika M", "StepTrade", "Ryazanvest", "Belvest", Shoe factory "Step", Kaluga shoe factory "Kalita", "Donobuv" , Tula shoe factory “TOFA”, etc. Note that domestic shoe production increased by an additional 14% but, nevertheless, is insignificant in the market.

The Russian shoe market is divided approximately as follows:

1) system players, who make up about 30% of the market;

2) companies engaged in the import and sale of cheap products, which account for about 60%;

3) expensive boutiques, which are at around 5%;

4) the remaining 5% are shoe factories.

Traditionally, the production and competitiveness of footwear on the Russian market is assessed as follows: men's, women's and only then children's. Thus, we see that beautiful and aesthetic shoes (for women) and functional, comfortable shoes for children need additional attention.

Historically, the Russian shoe market began its formation around the mid-90s, when Italian, Spanish and German manufacturers saw the potential and began to finance supplies or production. At that time, almost any product labeled “Made in Italy” was in great demand, and there was no knowledge of brands at all.

In addition to the fact that there was no brand definition, the consumer completely defined all Italian shoes as one large category.

As a result of the default, Western importers left the country, and their niche was immediately filled by Chinese suppliers. The Chinese were supplying a huge amount of brand-free goods. These same goods were provided to all categories of the population, and it was completely impossible to determine anything, due to the absence of any branding. The end of the 90s marked the formation of the Russian footwear industry, but not everything went smoothly. They lacked experience and equipment, and the demand existed mainly only for the low price category. Thus, despite the beginning of the formation of the Russian modern shoe industry, the brands did not have good soil to consolidate their positions.

Gradually, a worldview began to take shape in Moscow and St. Petersburg, which included shoes as part of a mandatory image element. Thus began a slow shift towards quality and the creation of targeted brand stores that began to diligently cater to the middle class and upper classes. This made it possible to create a fundamentally new direction in the development of the footwear industry, namely to focus more on quality and the formation of brands.

Today, about 260 large and medium-sized enterprises operate on the domestic market, but even this significant number constitutes only about 20% of all products in Russia. Volumes and demand are growing annually, increasing by approximately 25-30%. However, Russian shoe quality standards are superior to many imports and have significant potential to conquer their niche and conquer the buyer.

This is why Russian entrepreneurs have enormous potential to build this industry and gain a significant competitive advantage if they take the initiative. From year to year, the number of retail chains, factories and demand is growing, which means that the market is developing at its own pace, and any investments now will be able to pay for themselves very soon. Stores are being transformed into specialized points of sale of certain brands, focusing on the consumer.

Now there are 5 main price categories, between which the price variations are quite large. Thus, in the low price segment, a pair of shoes costs less than 1 thousand rubles, in the luxury segment - more than 7.5 thousand rubles. Currently, the majority of shoe purchases fall on the medium-low and medium-medium price segments, which are targeted by the majority of Russian manufacturers. The buyer now confidently maneuvers between brands, is able to evaluate quality, price and other characteristics, and is also familiar with the brands. Most clients want to buy shoes for one season, but at the same time quite fashionable and not very expensive. Consumers pay great attention to the brand and country of origin.

Thus, we can conclude that the quality of life of the middle and upper classes is currently developing comprehensively, and more and more attention is being paid to the quality of goods. The market is not yet saturated, because it is growing from year to year and the presence of domestic enterprises on the market is still insignificant.

Analysis of existing competitors in the Russian footwear market. The research agency compiled a rating of the largest shoe chains by segment. As of September 2014, the leader in the number of stores in the lower price segment is the company Centrobuv (1,200 stores), in the mid-price segment - Obuv Rossii (253 stores), in the upper price segment - CarloPazolini (165 stores). If we take the shoe market as a whole, the TOP 5 largest shoe chains in Russia include Centrobuv, Unichel, Kari, Belwest, Obuv Rossii. The main prospects for the shoe market are associated with the growth of large shoe chains and their expansion into the regions, strengthening consolidation processes, and the development of new sales channels, including Internet trade. At the same time, shoe chains are actively investing in the development of brands and improving collections, attracting foreign designers to cooperation, introducing new loyalty programs and expanding the range of services for customers (for example, selling shoes in installments).

Assessing the state of the footwear market, it is premature to talk about its oversaturation.

Even strong players may well be squeezed out by new retail chains and manufacturers pursuing an active marketing policy. Among the factors contributing to the development of the market, it is worth noting the increase in the well-being of the population, growth in spending on non-food products, and the growth in the size of the middle class.

Chapter 2. Analysis of the organization of marketing activities in MAAG-NN LLC

2.1 General organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise

Nizhny Novgorod shoe factory MAAG-NN LLC is one of the most promising and dynamically developing enterprises in the footwear industry. Created in 2001, the company is equipped with the latest modern equipment made in Italy and Germany and uses the most advanced technologies. The stitching-injection fastening footwear produced by the company meets the highest requirements for quality and protective properties.

The main goal of creating MAAG-NN LLC is to meet the needs of the population, enterprises and organizations for footwear products produced by the company, as well as to carry out business activities in order to make a profit on the invested capital.

The subject matter of MAAG-NN LLC is:

production of food and non-food products;

wholesale and retail sales of food and non-food products;

trade in consumer goods and industrial and technical goods;

organization of public catering.

purchasing securities and carrying out transactions with them;

acquisition of real estate and carrying out transactions with it;

investment (including in the securities market) and intermediary activities;

production, processing, storage and sale of agricultural products.

sale of motor vehicles and spare parts for them;

organization of paid parking, storage and parking of motor vehicles;

provision of transport services to individuals and legal entities;

repair and maintenance of motor vehicles;

educational activities;

consulting activities, as well as provision of legal services.

appraisal activities, as well as economic, financial and marketing analysis;

dealer activities;

foreign economic activity;

other types of activities not prohibited by current legislation.

The organizational and legal form of the organization is a limited liability company. Product production in physical terms is presented in the following table 6.

Table 6

The volume of commercial products of MAAG-NN LLC in 2014-2015.

Product names

Growth rate, %

quantity, t. steam

amount, million rubles

quantity, t. steam

amount, million rubles

number of pairs

1. Women's shoes

2. Men's shoes

3. Children's shoes

In 2014, 289.998 thousand pairs of shoes were produced, of which the share of women's shoes was 50.3%, men's - 17.9%, children's - 31.8%. In 2015, 295.388 thousand pairs of shoes were produced, of which the share of women's shoes was 56.7%, men's - 19.5%, children's - 23.8%.

Rice. 5. Number of pairs of shoes produced in 2014-2015.

Rice. 6. Structure of pairs of shoes produced in 2014

In 2014, 368.987 thousand pairs of shoes were shipped in the amount of 381.59 million rubles excluding VAT, including shoes produced by MAAG-NN in the amount of 308.5 million rubles. without VAT.

In 2016, it is planned to produce 188 thousand pairs of shoes, 30 thousand pairs of men's shoes (which is 16% of the total), 114 thousand pairs of women's shoes (this is 60% of the total) and 44 thousand pairs of children's shoes (this is 24 % of the total).

Rice. 7. Structure of pairs of shoes produced in 2015

As we can see, there has been a structural shift towards an increase in women's shoes (from 50 to 58%) and a decrease in the share of men's shoe production (from 26% to 23%).

The "Spring - Summer" collection will be produced in October - December, 128 thousand pairs of shoes, the rest of the year the "Autumn-Winter" collection will be produced - 194 thousand pairs.

The main performance indicators of the company for the reporting year 2015 (Appendix 1-2) are presented in Table 7 and Figures 8 and 9.

Table 7

Main performance indicators of MAAG-NN LLC in 2014-2015.

Rice. 8. Revenue and cost indicators of MAAG-NN LLC

Table 7 shows that revenue from the sale of goods and services for 2015 amounted to 394 million rubles (-5.8% compared to 2014), while the gross profit amounted to 92.5 million rubles (+3.2%) .

Rice. 9. Profit indicators of MAAG-NN LLC

Profit from sales amounted to 0.3 million rubles versus 1.2 million rubles. in 2014 (-72.2%).

Financial result - profit of 0.5 million rubles, which is 78.6% less than in 2014.

The organizational structure of the management of MAAG-NN LLC is built on a linear-functional principle (Appendix 3).

This type of organizational structure ensures such a division of managerial labor in which linear management links are called upon to command, and functional links are called upon to advise, assist in the development of specific issues and prepare appropriate decisions, programs, and plans.

Advantages of the structure:

freeing line managers from resolving many issues related to planning financial calculations, logistics, sales markets, etc.;

building relationships “manager - subordinate” along the hierarchical ladder, in which each employee is subordinate to only one manager.

At the same time, the disadvantages inherent in linear-functional structures:

rapid, difficult-to-control fragmentation and increase in the number of functional services;

difficulty adapting to innovations;

In general, the organizational structure of an enterprise corresponds to its goals, vision and mission.

In 2015, significant attention was paid by production service managers and specialists to improving the organization of workplaces in individual production areas and the interaction of services in resolving technical issues.

In the shoe assembly shop, an experimental site was created for the production of finished shoes using the “Rink” method (Japanese module), with the help of which the possibility of combining 2-3 technological operations by one operator, improving the controllability of the sites, and increasing the aesthetic appearance of shoes was studied. All work was carried out using a conveyor-free method, i.e. the transfer of components (upper blanks, lasts, insoles, etc.) from one worker to another was carried out using special carts with a ring system for arrangement of equipment.

This method of labor organization made it possible to work in small batches, speed up the turnover of lasts and reduce their quantity, reduce the time interval between “order” and “delivery,” and also improve the quality of manufactured shoes.

Work continued to improve business processes. The regulations “Introducing a new collection of shoes into mass production” have been completely revised.

The following areas have undergone significant changes:

on the preparation and movement of documents accompanying implementation work;

according to the procedure for carrying out experimental work between the participating services and departments in this chain (work schedules and movement of cutting, blanks, components, provision of accessories, threads in each implemented model; trained workers to perform key technological operations);

by stages of “Implementation” (medium size, cutting cut): in 58 models from 123 of the “Spring-Summer-2016” collection. a mixed form of implementation was used, i.e. The stage of conducting experimental work “Cutting cut” was excluded, with the development of criteria - “needed”, “not needed”.

As a result of improving this business process, production has reached the level of timely planned provision of all shoe materials, as well as the level of full readiness for the technical, technological and organizational release of new models in the collection.

2.2 Organizational structure of marketing management of MAAG-NN LLC

The company's marketing activities include:

conducting marketing research;

assortment, pricing, sales and communication policies.

At MAAG-NN LLC, the marketing department itself was created in 2012. The department was created on a functional basis. The structure of the marketing department is shown in Figure 10.

Head of the Marketing Department

Posted on

Rice. 10. Structure of the marketing department at MAAG-NN LLC

The marketing department organizes the sales and promotion of products of the MAAG-NN LLC company.

The objectives of the marketing department are to develop recommendations for the formation of the production and sales policy of the enterprise based on ongoing research into the internal and external environment and to coordinate the activities of the structural divisions of the enterprise to ensure its implementation. The main objectives of the marketing department of MAAG-NN LLC are:

studying markets, assessing their conditions, general and specific trends and opportunities;

monitoring the competitive environment and the company’s position in the market;

study of factors determining the interest or lack of interest of consumers in the products of MAAG-NN LLC;

Let's consider the functions of the marketing service employees of MAAG-NN LLC (Appendix 5).

Let's consider the qualifications of marketing employees. To do this, consider the level of education, work experience and number of years in this position (Appendix 6).

Thus, we can conclude that the most inexperienced in the marketing service is a marketing analyst who has worked for only a year, has only a secondary specialized education and has not taken any advanced courses. The work of the company's marketing service is based on the widespread use of information about consumers, competitors, intermediaries, and other market participants.

But the implementation of marketing functions is impossible without the participation of almost all divisions of the company in this process. This interaction occurs at the level of information flows, including feedback between them. The structure of marketing information for analyzing the enterprise, market and environment of MAAG-NN LLC is presented in Table 8.

Table 8. Structure of information for analysis of the enterprise, market and environment of MAAG-NN LLC


Information Provider

Information for environmental analysis

Technological environment

production technology;

technology (properties) of the product;

product innovation;

substitute technologies.

main and auxiliary workshops, service of the chief power engineer department, laboratories, technical department, production department, production preparation department

Economic environment

national income growth;

exchange rate changes;

inflation trends;

investment trends;

expected changes in market conditions;

development of special sectors.

Socio-demographic environment

population growth;

population structure.

marketing department

Political and legal environment

global political changes;

national political changes;

regional political changes;

economic and political development;

socio-political development.

Marketing Department, Foreign Economic Relations Department

Quantitative Market Data

market volume;

market growth;

market share;

stability of demand.

Qualitative market data

structure of need;

purchase motives.

marketing department, branded trade department, art and design department, foreign economic relations department

Competition Analysis

turnover/market share;

quality of management.

marketing department, branded trade department, art and design department, foreign economic relations department

Buyer structure

number of buyers;

types/sizes of buyers;

features characteristic of individual regions.

Marketing Department, Branded Trade Department, Art and Design Department, Foreign Economic Relations Department

Industry structure

number of sellers;

type of sellers;

nature of competition.

marketing department

Distribution structure


through sales channels.

marketing department, corporate trade department, foreign economic relations department

Information for enterprise analysis

General points in the development of an enterprise

increase in turnover;

increase in cash flow;

profit growth;

change in costs.

accounting, computer center, labor and wages department, economic planning department, financial department


the result of work in the market;

breadth of assortment;

depth of assortment;

quality of goods;

quality of additional work;

price policy;

sales conditions (eg discounts);

conditions of payment;

market activities;

sales promotion;

trade marks;


Marketing Department, Customer Service Department, Transport Department, Logistics Department

capital and capital structure;

funding potential;

working capital;

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Introduction 3

The course work consists of three chapters, introduction and conclusion. 4

The first chapter examines the theoretical aspects of constructing marketing activities and marketing services, their goals, functions and objectives. 4

The second chapter describes the activities of the enterprise, examines existing marketing activities and the marketing service. 4

The theoretical basis of the study is based on the works of leading economists, sociologists, lawyers and specialists in the field under study. The practical basis of the research is based on a study of the marketing activities of the commercial enterprise Anion LLC. 4

At the end of the work there is a list of references used. 4

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of marketing activities. 4

1.1. The essence, goals, objectives and concepts of marketing activities. 5

1.2 Marketing service at the enterprise: functions and tasks. 13

1.3 The process of interaction between commercial and marketing activities of an enterprise 19

Chapter 2. Analysis and evaluation of marketing activities of Anion LLC 24

2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise’s activities 24

2.2 Marketing activities and enterprise marketing service 29

Chapter 3. Improving the marketing activities of Anion LLC 34

Conclusion 41

References 42


The specifics of modern life require subjects of economic relations to conduct an in-depth analysis of the processes taking place in the market in order to ensure the effective use of rare available resources and high-quality satisfaction of consumer requirements. In order to make the optimal management decision in a highly competitive environment, an enterprise needs to have huge amounts of commercial information.

A serious study of the markets for products produced and planned for production and a feasibility study of planned changes at enterprises are necessary, which is completely impossible without marketing.

Significant changes currently taking place in production technology, trade, science and technology, coupled with the growing scale and complexity of commercial work, dictate the need for enterprises to choose the concept of marketing as the basis of their activities, this explains the relevance of choosing the topic “Improving the marketing activities of an enterprise using the example of Anion LLC” , as a course work.

The purpose of this course work is to develop measures to improve the marketing activities of an enterprise and marketing service.

The object of the course work is the marketing activities of the commercial organization Anion LLC.

The subject of the course work is marketing activities and the marketing service of this enterprise.

The work used methods of comparison, analysis, and synthesis.

The course work consists of three chapters, introduction and conclusion.

The first chapter examines the theoretical aspects of constructing marketing activities and marketing services, their goals, functions and objectives.

The second chapter describes the activities of the enterprise, examines existing marketing activities and the marketing service.

The theoretical basis of the study is based on the works of leading economists, sociologists, lawyers and specialists in the field under study. The practical basis of the research is based on a study of the marketing activities of the commercial enterprise Anion LLC.

At the end of the work there is a list of references used.

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