Divya and div, Slavic gods symbolizing day and night. The gods of the Slavs are still with us! Divya goddess of the Slavs

The Moon Goddess in the beliefs of different peoples is a reflection of the ancient lunar cult related to fertility. The worship of the lunar goddess was intended to ensure a good harvest and the birth of a healthy child. Women of various ethnic groups turned to the Moon to perform magical rites and practices, which went down in history as lunar mysteries.

Greek goddess of the moon

The daughter of the famous titans Theia and Hyperion, the goddess of the moon in Greek mythology - Selene, personified the lunar radiance among the Greeks. All natural phenomena are cyclical. At the turn of the day, in the person of the goddess Hemera, the vault of heaven was illuminated with the quiet, thoughtful light of Selene, riding out on her silver chariot drawn by horses. Selena’s face is beautiful, but pale and sad. The Greeks worshiped her as the goddess of tides and fertility. Selene is associated with - ancient Greek priestesses called upon her through dreams for advice on important issues.

In the Hellenic (Greek) tradition, there were deities that migrated from other cultures. One of these figures is the moon goddess, her name is Hecate, gloomy and mysterious. She had three bodies and controlled the past, present and future; Zeus himself endowed her with this power. Faces of the Moon Goddess:

  1. Daytime Hecate is the image of a mature, wise woman who patronizes people in judicial research, military operations, and obtaining various knowledge.
  2. Night Hecate – brews love potions and poisons. Controls night hunting. The Dark Moon Goddess is depicted with a pack of red-eyed dogs running among the graves, with snakes in her hair, and her face is beautiful and terrible at the same time. Patronizes murderers, swindlers and lovers.
  3. Heavenly Hecate is the personification of spirituality, the image of an immaculate young maiden. In this incarnation he helps philosophers and scientists. Accompanies the souls of the dead on their way to the light.

Roman goddess of the moon

The lunar cult of ancient Rome was similar to the Greek one, and at the initial stage of worship the Roman goddess of the Moon was called Luna. Later the Romans began to call her Diana, and in some provinces Trivia. In the surviving frescoes, Diana is depicted in a moon-colored tunic, with beautiful flowing hair, holding a spear or bow. The Moon Goddess Diana, in the minds of people, performed the following functions:

  • protection and patronage of nature;
  • obstetrics;
  • goddess of the moon and hunting;
  • patronage of slaves and the poor;
  • mistress of crossroads and roads.

Interesting Facts:

  • the satellite of the planet Earth, the Moon, is named in honor of the goddess of the Moon;
  • Diana - asteroid 78 is named after the brilliant goddess of the Romans.

Goddess of the Moon among the Slavs

The Slavic goddess of the moon, Divia, who personified light in the night, was considered the mother of all living things. It was created by the supreme god Rod in order to light the way for people in the night, when, according to Slavic beliefs, evil spirits and dark forces roam. Divya was depicted with a golden shining crown on her head, which appeared in the sky in the form of the moon. The goddess protected people during sleep and sent bright images. Divya's husband was Dyy (Div) - together they personified the daily cycle: day and night.

Moon Goddess in Egypt

The cult of the lunar gods among the Egyptians was considered paramount; in their minds, the moon influenced the fertility of the earth more than the sun. The moon was worshiped in the person of Nut, Hathor, but the most majestic was the Egyptian moon goddess Isis, who lived on the star Sirius. The ancient magical cult of this goddess existed for a very long time and migrated to the esoteric circles of medieval Europe. Attributes of Isis:

  • a curl of hair in a hairstyle is a symbol of the moon influencing plants;
  • a ball on the head lying on a wreath of flowers - the universe;
  • snakes - the magical power of the moon and its path across the sky;
  • ears of wheat in the hair - a gift to humanity of the first grains and knowledge about cultivating fields;
  • a bucket in the left hand - the flood of the Nile;
  • musical instrument sistrum in the right hand - creates vibrations to scare away evil forces;
  • a mantle and tunic embroidered with stars, shimmering with lunar shades - a symbol of the sky;
  • the crescent moon in the womb spreads its rays to the earth for fertility.

Functions inherent in Isis:

  • protection of pregnant women and women in labor;
  • patronage of travelers and sailors;
  • discoverer and priestess of magical practices;
  • protects all living things.

Hindu Moon Goddess

The moon goddesses of different nations have a similar appearance and are endowed with the same powers. In some countries, the Moon deity has a male form. India is a country with a huge pantheon of gods and different types of entities. Soma is the ancient moon god in Hinduism. By his middle name he is known as Chandra. He controls time, the minds of people and the entire universe. Soma, the source of life force for all creatures, patronizes the northeast. In the images, Chandra appears as a copper-colored deity seated in a lotus flower on a chariot drawn by white horses or antelopes.

Chinese Moon Goddess

The original and more ancient name of the moon goddess in China is Changxi, which was later changed to Chang E. The Chinese are very fond of telling the legend about this beautiful goddess. A long time ago, when the Earth was under the scorching influence of ten suns, vegetation began to die, rivers dried up, and people died of thirst and hunger. The survivors prayed and the archer Hou Yi heard their prayers. The great hero shot down 9 suns with arrows from a bow, but left one, ordering him to hide for the night. This is how day and night appeared.

The Emperor of the Celestial Empire rewarded the shooter with the elixir of immortality. Hou Yi gave it to his beloved wife Chang E for safekeeping. In the absence of her husband, a certain Peng Meng broke into the house and wanted to take the elixir, but Chang E drank the drug so that the robber would not get it. The wind picked up Chang E, who had become light, and carried her to the sky to the Moon Palace. Hou Yi was very sad, but one day he saw his wife’s face on the moon and realized that she had become a lunar goddess. Interesting Facts:

  1. The 15th day of the 8th lunar month is considered the day of Chang E. On this day, people bring gifts and put various fruits on tables.
  2. The symbol of the goddess is the Yutu hare. According to legend, the animal offered itself as a sacrifice, for which the Heavenly Lord settled the big-eared one in the Moon Palace along with Chang E, so that she would not be so lonely. A hare crushes cinnamon in a mortar for potions.

Servants of the moon goddess Chanxi celebrate the lunar mystery every autumn. Lunar myths say that in the sands of the Great Desert there is a mountain of the Sun and Moon, where, according to legend, they set and rise, each luminary in its turn. Moon Goddess Changxi is the oldest Chinese lunar deity mentioned in mythological sources. Wang-shu (a character about whom little is known) carries Chansi across the sky in a chariot, illuminating the way for travelers late in the night. The moon goddess often appears in the form of a three-legged toad.

Japanese Moon Goddess

The servants of the Moon Goddess in Japan are Shintoists, preaching the Shinto religion, which has survived unchanged to this day. This is the “way of the gods” or kami - belief in the elements, nature spirits, and various deities. One of these kami is the moon goddess in Japan Tsukiyomo, who often appears in a male form and is called Tsukiyomi-no-kami (spirit calling the moon). Functions of the Moon Goddess/God:

  • dominates the ebb and flow of the tides;
  • is in charge of the lunar calendar;
  • patronizes sea travelers;

Scandinavian Moon Goddess

The gods and goddesses of the Moon are very revered by different peoples. The moon has always attracted people with its mysterious and gentle light. Looking into the Scandinavian Moon, you can see a cart driven by the lunar god Mani, in which he carries two children Bil (in a later period she began to indirectly personify the goddess of the moon and time) and Hyuk. The Scandinavians saw the Moon as a reflection of the masculine principle, and the Sun as a reflection of the feminine.

The legend of the northern tradition tells about the appearance of the moon god. Odin created the Sun and Moon from the fire of Muspelhein. The gods began to think about who would carry the stars across the sky. One heard how on earth, a man named Mundilfari boasted that his children, daughter Sol (Sun) and son Mani (Moon), surpassed in beauty the heavenly creations created by the gods. One punished the proud father and sent his children to heaven to serve people. From then on, Mani carries the Moon across the sky, and he is chased by the wolf Hati, who strives to swallow the luminary.

Moon goddess of the Gauls

The ancient Gauls preached the cult of the Great Mother Goddess, who appears under different names. The Gallic moon goddess is known as Cori, and temples were erected in her honor, in which only female priestesses could serve. Men worshiped solar gods. The lunar goddess Kori patronized such phenomena as:

  • a bountiful harvest;
  • birth of healthy children;
  • healing of women and.

Aztec Moon Goddess

In ancient Aztec beliefs, the goddess of the Moon and the night, as well as the Milky Way, Coyolxauqui, is the daughter of the goddess Coatlicue and a sword made of volcanic magma. According to legend, she tried to kill her mother when she became pregnant from the feathers of a hummingbird, but Huitzilopochtli jumped out of the womb of Coatlicue in a terrifying battle robe and killed Coyolxauqui by cutting off his head, which he threw high into the sky. This is how the moon goddess appeared. The Aztecs believed that the Coyolxauques had the ability to:

  • cause great harm to a person (damage his mind);
  • control the star deities of Witznaun;
  • help in military operations.

Celtic Moon Goddess

The ancient Celts noticed similarities between the cycle of the moon: growth, fullness, waning with the development cycle of a woman. The Great Goddess, so revered by the Celts, was also a lunar goddess in 3 forms: Maiden, Mother and Crone. The fourth form of the goddess, the Enchantress, was known only to those initiated into the cult of the Moon. The Celtic moon goddess personified the lunar phases at different periods:

  1. The New Moon is the time of the face of the Temptress. Magic rituals. The gift of clairvoyance to people.
  2. Growing Moon - Virgo. Symbolizes beginning, growth, youth.
  3. Full Moon - Mother. Maturity, strength, pregnancy, fertility, .
  4. Waning Moon - Old Woman. Withering, peace, wisdom, death as the end of the cycle.

“We are the children of the Gods!” - say the Slavs.

But which Gods of the Slavs would want to be your personal Patron?

You can find out by taking a twenty-question test. Slavic Patron Gods choose those who are similar to them in their character.

Choose the answer that best describes your behavior and character. As a result, you will find out which Slavic Gods and Goddesses have common character traits with you, you will find out which Slavic Patron Gods will respond to your call.

The gods of the Slavs are still with us!

test - free, does not require registration or SMS

Your Patron God:Divya, Moon Goddess

You are a dreamy, vulnerable and lyrical person.

Divya, Moon Goddess, arose simultaneously with Khors, the Sun God and is his opposite. Divya is needed so that people see the importance of dreaminess and romanticism, indifference to everything new, beautiful and unusual, spiritual subtlety, emotionality and charm. People close to Divya in spirit have a sophisticated perception of the world, are intuitive and clearly feel the magic spreading in our world under the magical light of the moon.

At the same time, the character of people living under the Divya Moon can be unbalanced, vulnerable and contradictory, unsure of themselves, prone to doubts and hesitations, the light phase naturally gives way to a dark one. In the dark period - reluctance to work and absent-mindedness, isolation, complaints of suffering, painful reaction to even slight criticism, emotionality, because of which the mind becomes silent. At the same time, there is stubborn, strong persistence in important desires, which results in illness and severe depression if you cannot immediately achieve what you want. But light period, who inevitably comes, shows us a renewed beautiful person - a generous, free, creative, broad-minded, gentle, tactful, charming person, who has a peculiar sense of humor, is romantic and optimistic. Just as the Moon from a narrow crescent becomes the complete mistress of the night sky, so in people close to Divya, we again see sorcerers, masters of minds, gentle leaders who can reveal to us many secrets, inspired wise men and strong knowing mothers.

Divya - The Moon, possessing magical powers, controls the minds, perhaps more subtly, but just as powerful as the Sun. It illuminates the path of people in the darkness, protects dreams, and symbolizes by its behavior the unchangeable law of existence - day must give way to night, night must go away, because after it there will come a light time. So, people living under Divya - the Moon show us with their changeable character that everything in this life can change, and we just need to continue living in order to meet the dawn.

Words that can be applied to you if this Goddess is close as a person:

Dreamer, romantic, sensitivity, criticism-averse, charm, magic, sophistication, humanity, modesty, disorganization and love of freedom.

Your amulet

If your patron is Divya, then your sign is Lunar.

Lunnitsa sign looks like a crescent. Its horns have long been considered a connection with cosmic energies. In the Bronze Age, where the first mention of lunars came from, these amulets were made of bronze, silver and other metals.

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Goddess Divya was perceived by the Slavs as a symbol of well-being, fertility, and wealth. Slavic amulets with the Lunnitsa sign were believed to be able to heal people from illnesses and ailments and reduce pain during childbirth. The Lunnitsa amulet has such a meaning for a reason. After all, the Goddess is a talisman Divya was perceived more as feminine. But in any case, the symbols of the Slavic Gods, namely Divya, helped everyone - guaranteed success in business and respect.

This amulet grants the development of magical abilities, intuition and creative talents, and will also bring love and strong family relationships into your life.

Material: thick canvas, colored durable threads.

The size of the patch is 8 cm in diameter.

Do you want to show your belonging to the Slavic Family? And thereby establish a connection with our ancestors? The symbols of the Slavic Gods will help with this! And the Goddess Divya especially! Possible Slavic stripes buy and sew it on a visible place - on a shirt, on a jacket, attach the patch to a sleeve, to a bag or to a headdress! Don't want to demonstrate your beliefs? Slavic chevrons can be easily hidden by sewing on the inside of sleeves, hems, bags, or wallets. In any case, you get a patch made by a northern master entirely from natural materials and filled with the fresh power of native Slavic symbolism.

Slavic amulets with the sign of the Goddess Divya They have the shape of a moon, with their horns facing downwards, which symbolizes the connection with cosmic energy.

How to care for stripes on clothes?

When washing Slavic chevrons, you should first of all take into account the recommendations for washing the item on which the chevron is sewn. If you just carry the Slavic patch with you, then you can wash it in warm soapy water, rinse and dry thoroughly. Ironing is recommended only if the chevron is heavily wrinkled and using a damp cloth.

The goddesses of the Slavs smile at us. If the Slavic goddess Divia is close to you, then your sign is Lunnits a , symbol of the goddess Divya. Sign of Goddess Divya,lunar, looks likea crescent moon with its horns turned downwards. Although sometimes there are moonlites with horns looking up. Its horns have long been considered a connection with cosmic energies. To this day, it is customary to depict various earthly elements on lunars as a symbol of the origin of life. So, the stripes symbolize rain, squares - earth. Flowers - that a person is under the protection of the Sun itself. Crosses – the unity of the male and female lunar principles. This is the power of the sign of the goddess Divya.

symbol of Goddess Divya

Divya goddess of the Slavs

Slavic goddess Divia -Goddess of the Moon, Daughter of the Family,arose simultaneously with Khors, the Sun God, so that people learned to distinguish Light in Darkness. Night is a symbol of darkness, inertia, delusion and the revelry of dark forces, but every night Divya rides out on her chariot in her long white clothes, with a crescent moon in her headdress, peacefully shining on the sleeping earth. Mysterious magic, fairy tales, dreams in which we fly -this is a manifestation of Divya - the Moon, her gift of the miraculous and inexplicable, contained in her Sign.The sign is suitable for married and unmarried women.

Symbol of Goddess Divya

chevron from the Slavic online store “Northern Fairy Tale”

Sign of Goddess Divyawill protect you by:

    will not let someone else's evil interference interfere with you,

    will protect you from everything dark, illuminating your path in impenetrable darkness.

If you are wearing a moonlight,symbol of the goddess Divya,then you may soon notice that:

    The doors to the world of magic and magic have opened before you,

    your life has become richer, more fruitful, those around you have begun to recognize your gift.

The goddesses of the Slavs still smile at us!

In general, the sign of the goddess Divya is considered to be a symbol of the young, nascent Moon, asa sign of something new emerging in your life. This is a female sign that brings secret powers to a woman, emphasizing the mystery and mysticism that this companion of the night carries within herself. Lunnitsa – ancienta sign symbolizing soft and flexible female power over the world. This is the power of the sign of the goddess Divya!

Read our next article "".

More articles about Slavic amulets:

What were they and what was their significance?

Tips on how to choose and.

Goddesses of the Slavs smile at us. If you are closeSlavic goddess Divia, which means your sign is Lunnitsa, goddess symbol Divya. Sign of Goddess Divya, lunar, looks like a crescent moon with its horns turned down. Although sometimes there are moonlites with horns looking up. Its horns have long been considered a connection with cosmic energies. To this day, it is customary to depict various earthly elements on lunars as a symbol of the origin of life. So, the stripes symbolize rain, the squares symbolize the earth. Flowers mean that a person is under the protection of the Sun itself. Crosses are the unity of the male and female lunar principles. This is the strength sign of the goddess Divya.More details… ">

The history of Slavic civilizations goes back thousands of years, and the Slavic gods are as old as the world. But historically, we have very little information about the religious beliefs of our ancestors, and the pre-Christian religious beliefs of the Slavs are sometimes reduced to banal demonology. But the facts allow us to assert that Slavic culture had its own pantheon of gods, similar to the pantheons of Ancient Rome and Greece. Using comparative mythology, hermeneutics, psychology, as well as analysis of the sacred vocabulary of Slavic languages ​​- after all, it is the language that preserves the memory of thousands of years that is the most objective tool for reconstruction - the author conducts a study of the cults of forgotten gods. Why is it that today we practically do not know the history of Slavic civilizations? At what historical stage was the memory of the Slavic gods lost, as well as the memory of Slavic prehistory? And how is this connected with a turning point in the history of the Russian people - the era of the adoption of Christianity? The “return” of the forgotten gods not only helps us unravel the spiritual world of forgotten Slavic civilizations, but also allows us to open new horizons, new guidelines for movement.

A series: Velesova Rus'

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book Forgotten gods of the Slavs (N. A. Lipin, 2017) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Moon gods. Lost integrity of the universe

The light in the darkness. Origins of the Moon Cult

The cult of the Moon is weakly visible in the Slavic spiritual heritage. This is due to the fact that this cult existed among the Slavs in hoary antiquity. To date, only scattered information has been preserved from him. In Slavic languages ​​this is evidenced by sacred terms, the origins of which should be sought in the forgotten cult of the Moon. The latter allows us to partially recreate some aspects of the lunar ideas of our distant ancestors. Apparently, the presence of the cult of the Moon among the Slavs should be attributed to the time of the so-called unity of the Indo-European peoples. At the same time, it would be completely wrong to associate the prevalence of the cult of the Moon with an era characterized by a low level of development of socio-economic relations. Relics of this cult indicate otherwise. Moon worship flourished in the so-called Proto-Slavic civilizations. Visual evidence of the latter is the preservation of the toponym in the Slavic world Minsk. This is a very ancient toponym, which is a legacy of the ancient civilizations of Western Asia. Actually, the root min (mon, men) is one of the two main languages ​​used for the Moon in Indo-European languages. It is characteristic of the languages ​​of the Germanic and Iranian groups, as well as dialects of the Greek language. The Slavic word is related to these words month in the meaning of the flawed moon. And more importantly, this root is contained in the word Mother. The semantics of these words is related to the numeral one, since the root min, in addition to the meaning of the Moon, in Anatolia it was used to designate units. That is, this word most likely also served to designate the Supreme God. This root is preserved in Latin in the form mono. In the latter case, an identity is drawn between the concepts of Moon and God. Thus, the preservation of the toponym Minsk is clear evidence of the presence of the cult of the Moon among the Slavs in ancient times. This conclusion is somewhat contradictory to the generally accepted point of view, according to which only the solar cult dominated among the Slavs. The invisible cult of the Moon is the unknown side of not only and not so much the unknown pages of the spiritual life of the Slavs, but also, most importantly, their unknown history associated with sovereignty. The second group of words used to designate the Moon in Indo-European languages ​​is associated with the Russian root ray (light). Names for the Moon related to this word are observed in Slavic, Anatolian and Romance languages. This is very interesting because the concept light is associated not with the Sun, but with the Moon. Most likely, we are talking about spiritual light that shines in the surrounding darkness. This can be clearly seen in the Anatolian etymological pair lusin (moon) – luys (light), and also in the name of the ancient Roman goddess Lutsiny, symbolizing the magical light of the Moon. Later, the cult of the goddess Lucina in Rome merged with the cult of the goddess Diana. Speaking about the identity of the Moon and spiritual light, it is appropriate to quote Holy Scripture. “The light shines in the darkness. And darkness did not overcome the light” (John 1:5).

Cult of the Moon and the calculation of time

The cult of the Moon and the solar cult are antagonistic cults, because they reflect diametrically different aspects of the existence of the universe. Unlike the solar cult, the cult of the Moon is more complex and multifaceted. The solar cult reflects a certain absolute, sometimes unattainable in its ideal. This ideal is often illusory. But it is necessary for realizing the divine dimension. The solar cult, in contrast to the cult of the Moon, establishes a distance between the world of the gods and the world of man. The cult of the Moon eliminates this distance, since the life of the Moon evokes empathy in humans. Lunar epiphany more accurately reflects the surrounding life, which manifests itself in countless metamorphoses. In other words, in dynamics the Moon, unlike the Sun, experiences metamorphoses that are visible to humans. These metamorphoses cannot leave a person indifferent, because they remind him of his life. An involuntary analogy is drawn between human life and the life of the Moon. Ups and downs, death and rise from oblivion. All these phases, not typical for the life of the Sun, are experienced by the Moon. By default, she is a person’s mentor and, most importantly, is a measure of the changes taking place in a person’s life. Perhaps this is why one of the most important aspects of the cult of the Moon is associated with the calculation of time. This is clearly evidenced by the Slavic word month, having two meanings: firstly, a period of time that initially reflects the full cycle of the Moon’s existence, and secondly, the actual name of the defective Moon. This etymological connection is characteristic of the Slavic languages. Other Indo-European peoples retained the memory of only one aspect of this issue. As a rule, this concerns a name associated with time. Let's point out the Italian word mesi, anatol. amis – month (part of the year)). In these languages, the memory of the sacred relationship between the categories of time and the Moon has been lost. The lunar calendar is the most archaic because it is convenient for calculating time. Actually, the Moon can be called a cosmic clock that is always at hand. It was the visible image of the Moon in its various states that was the prototype of a mechanical watch, the round dial of which was conceived by analogy with a celestial clock, that is, with the image of the Moon. The full cycle of the Moon's existence is completed in twenty-eight days. After which for three days the Moon completely disappears from view. The moon is dying. Perhaps that is why the newly born Moon in Iranian languages ​​is called death - Avest. tah; Arm. mahik. The Moon retained this name in the old Prussian language - mah. The further growth of the Moon reflects the triumph of life over death. Time is one of the main attributes of Power. This is especially true for civilizations with developed economic (and therefore socio-political) relations. Without clear time planning, economic activity is impossible. That is why the seemingly inconspicuous etymological pair contained in the Slavic word month, is indisputable evidence of the existence of developed Slavic civilizations. The localization of such civilizations can be evidenced by the place of preservation of such sacred terms. As stated above, this applies primarily to the Apennines and Anatolia.

One of the most important attributes of power is the ability to master time, that is, chronology. The master of time, by default, controls the energy potential of society. Perhaps this is why the god Sin, symbolizing the Moon, became the supreme god in the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia. An ancient Sumerian hymn dedicated to the moon god has been preserved. He is very curious, so let’s quote him: “ Sir, who is superior to you, who can compare with you? You are the lord and hero of the gods, who alone rises both in heaven and on earth... You are the mother's womb that gives birth to everything... The merciful father who took the life of an entire country into his hands... Who created the Earth, who founded the sanctuary... Father who conceived gods and men... Who called kings and gave them a scepter... Who goes ahead of everyone... Who makes decisions in heaven and on earth. He holds water and fire in his hands and rules over all creatures... Gives food and drink, raises livestock and plants, establishes law and justice... This is a shining lord. The one to whom the sunny youth Utu turns so that he may be appeased.". As follows from the text of the hymn, the Moon God is thought of as the Supreme Deity. The one that gives life to other gods. God Sin is called an Akkadian deity. It is with the cult of this god that the name of the house of worship of the Semitic peoples is connected - synagogue. The name of the spiritual center of the Jews, the mountain, is also associated with the name of this god. Sinai. It is important to understand that the mountain in this case is not a material, but a spiritual symbol. A dream, a guideline for understanding the world. The history of the establishment of the cult of the god Sin among the Semitic peoples is shrouded in darkness. It is known that the Semitic civilizations of Mesopotamia are the heirs of earlier civilizations that existed in this territory. In particular, the Sumerian civilization. The latter most likely had Indo-European roots. The Semitic population partially assimilated and reworked the pantheon of the ancient gods of the Sumerians. The process of syncretization of the cults of different gods in the civilizations of Mesopotamia was not painless. Nevertheless, the cult of the god Sin left its mark in the Slavic languages. The latter may indicate the veneration of this god by the Slavs (or Proto-Slavs) in hoary antiquity. Most likely, the name of this god is related to the Russian word blue, which refers to the designation of the color of the heavens - the place of residence of God, in this case Sin. The Russian language also preserves the phrase sublunary world. We have clear evidence of the importance of the Moon God in the spiritual life of our ancestors.

Name of God Sina the Russian word is also related puppy. The dog is originally a lunar animal. Yes, this is understandable. The sacred role of the dog is to protect not so much from night guests, but from the messengers of the night, like thiefs, stealing the soul. Let us point out that in French dog called the word shyan, and in Anatolian dialects - shun. These words are cognates of the name Syn. Most likely the word puppy in Russian is an Anatolian heritage. In this context, the etymology of the Russian word is interesting dog. According to our point of view, according to semantics the word dog means the one which is with God. Naturally, in this case we are talking about the god of the Moon, that is, the god Sin. Is this not another confirmation of the hypothesis about the significance of the cult of the Moon God in the everyday life of our distant ancestors? It was he, the god of the Moon, that our ancestors called the Supreme God. Indirect evidence of the Slavs’ veneration of the Moon God as the Supreme Deity in hoary antiquity are echoes of the cult of sacred prostitution, which can be traced in the civilizations of Anatolia and Western Asia. It is very interesting that in a word boz (god) in ancient Anatolia the term was (and is still denoted to this day) a prostitute. This one word reveals the essence of the mysteries of the cult of sacred prostitution, which flourished in Ancient Anatolia. We know about this strange cult, in particular, from the works of Herodotus. Herodotus in his “History”, describing the morals of the Lydians, writes that “ The young girls of the Lydians are all engaged in debauchery, earning dowries for themselves. They do this until they get married, and they choose their own husband.” A similar strange ritual existed among the Babylonians. “The most shameful custom among the Babylonians is this. Every Babylonian woman, once in her life, must sit in the sanctuary of Aphrodite and give herself to a stranger for money... A woman is not allowed to refuse to take money, since this money is sacred. The girl must follow the first person who threw her money without refusing. After intercourse, having fulfilled her sacred duty, she goes home, and for no amount of money you can take possession of her again.”. The question arises: what kind of God is this, on whose altar the virginity of young virgins is offered? We do not agree with the point of view according to which this deity was Aphrodite - Venus. Everything is much more subtle. An interesting image of the god Sin has been preserved, in which he is depicted together with a star. Apparently, this very star was his wife. This very star was the goddess Aphrodite (or the goddess Ishtar - Esther). Therefore, the essence of sacred rites in ancient temples most likely boiled down to the reproduction of heavenly mysteries, the main of which was the marriage of the gods. The main participant in the ritual was not Aphrodite - Ishtar, but the god of the Moon. This is precisely what the Anatolian word indicates boz. Tribute is paid to the Supreme God, not to the goddess Ishtar. The intercourse of virgins is seen as a combination with the creative god of the Moon. Aphrodite in this sacred rite is represented in the guise of the young maidens themselves. It is they who personify the heavenly goddess with whom the Supreme Lord, namely the moon god, is combined. The Moon God is the fertilizer and creator of life both in heaven and on Earth. That is why foreigners in one word boz denote both the Supreme God and his priestesses. The supreme god was originally, apparently, the moon god. This is evidenced by the sacred semantics of the ritual. It is quite remarkable that even then the Slavs (or Proto-Slavs) used the word itself God, which at that time referred to the moon deity. Another interesting pair of words in the Russian language in the context of the analysis of the lunar cult are the words month And meat. It is obvious that in a word meat our distant ancestors called the sacred sacrifice. The language indicates that this sacrifice was intended for the moon god. The latter is a clear confirmation of the significance and prevalence of the cult of the Moon God among the Slavs in ancient times. However, it is interesting to note that the analysis of the Slavic etymological pair month And meat unexpectedly leads us to the mysteries of the cult of the Egyptian god Osiris. Erich Ceren rightly calls Osiris the Moon God. The entire history of the dismemberment of Osiris was inspired by the heavenly mystery of the dismemberment of the initially solid lunar disk. In essence, the myth of Osiris is an attempt to explain these heavenly mysteries. The dismemberment of Osiris can be seen as an act of voluntary self-sacrifice by the Moon God. It is necessary for life to be born again. That is why the number of ears of corn that will grow from the torn body of Osiris is twenty-eight - according to the number of days of the lunar month. Based on the above, he month is sacrificial meat, which is necessary for the regeneration of the World. We are very far from thinking that the cult of the god Osiris had anything to do with the spiritual world of our ancestors. Osiris is an Egyptian god. At the same time, the obvious cannot be denied: the Russian language indicates that the ancient Slavs had mythological views regarding the cult of the Moon, identical to the mythology of the ancient Egyptians. Another important aspect of the lunar cult is associated with the idea of ​​the Moon as the border of different worlds: the world of existence and the world of non-existence, the world of the new time and the old, outdated time. Considering the moon god as the giver of life, it seems logical to assume that he is also a guide to the world of death. The Russian language has preserved the expression white as a harrier, that is, like a dead man. No more visual evidence is required to confirm the sacred nature of the cult of the Moon god, which concerns the mysteries of death. In this key we also note the word zero (null), which is an anagram of the word harrier Zero is the antithesis of life. It often happens that just one sacred term makes it possible to reconstruct a whole layer of a forgotten cult. The latter most accurately applies to the word zero. Etymological relationship of words Moon And zero is a relic of those concepts according to which the moon god acts as a sacred symbol of the world of non-existence. The categories of life and death are rather arbitrary. The ancient Greek thinker Archius of Miletus noted with surprise that the Thracians, by whom the archaic population of Bulgaria was called, accepted the newborn with great sorrow. At the same time, the one who goes to another world was considered happy. Similar rituals were observed until recently among the Slavs of the Carpathian region. An interesting ritual of ostentatious fun, which is celebrated immediately after the funeral of the deceased. Obviously, the relatedness of Polish words should also be considered a relic of the prevalence of the cult of the Moon among the Slavs priest - priest (Moon). The priest was originally a priest of the Moon God. The preservation of this word in modern Polish is one of the compelling arguments confirming the influence and power of the priests of the cult of the Moon among the ancient Slavs. This is all the more interesting if we consider that the name of Poland, Polonia, is etymologically connected with the name of the solar deity Apollo. On the other hand, it is very significant that the name of the capital of Poland, Warsaw, is a legacy of the ancient civilizations of Western Asia. Bathsheba (Warsaw) was one of the most striking Slavic place names of the Ancient World, which is mentioned in the Bible. The above confirms the thesis that the fullness of the lunar cult can only be understood when considering it in conjunction with the solar cult.

Gods war. Lun and Solun. Dyad of Sun and Moon

An interesting image of the war of the gods has been preserved, in which the god Sin kills the deity of the Sun. Interestingly, the deity of the Sun is represented by its female form. Thus, by default, its significance in relation to the deity of the Moon is leveled. One explanation for the essence of the war of the gods is the historical background. The War of the Gods reflects the clash of worldviews of different peoples. The global antagonists were peoples - adherents of the cult of the Moon and peoples - adherents of the cult of the Sun. The killing of the Sun by the Moon God implies the historical exaltation of the people who worshiped the Moon God. There is a rational grain in this theory. Actually, these conclusions are prompted, among other things, by an analysis of the history of the formation of the Jewish state, which is set out in the Bible, in "First Book of Samuel" An etymological analysis of the names of the main participants in those distant events indicates that their semantics is associated with the cults of the Sun and Moon. What is noteworthy is that these ancient names are Indo-European and not related to Semitic languages. In essence, we have a presentation of the solar-lunar mysteries, which unfolded against the backdrop of historical changes in Western Asia during the formation of Hebrew statehood. The first king of Israel was Saul, that is King Sun. becomes his successor David (David), that is King Snake. Son of David - Absalom, that is praising the Sun, yields the throne to his brother - Solomon, the androgynous king, who contains both the Sun and the Moon in his name. It is impossible not to pay attention to the fact that the name of the Sun in Slavic languages ​​is etymologically derived from the name of the Moon: sun - with moon. The Sun is thought of as a kind of appendage of the Moon. This is a bit strange. Because, according to the generally accepted point of view, the solar cult prevailed in the spiritual life of the Slavs. One of the explanations for the similarity of the names of the Sun and the Moon may be a reflection of some kind of clash of civilizations of worshipers of the Moon and the Sun. Judging by the language, the moon worshipers gained the upper hand in this struggle. Therefore, the same cult of the Moon can be traced in the name of the Sun. A possible confirmation of this point of view is the process observed in Mesopotamia of the replacement of the population of Indo-European origin with a population having predominantly Semitic roots. Another argument that testifies to the past confrontation between the cults of the Moon and the Sun is the witchcraft number thirteen. This number is perceived as one of the main attributes of the Enemy of the Human race. This number is not so magical. Initially, it corresponded to the number of months in the lunar year. With the establishment of the solar calendar, in other words, with the establishment of the supremacy of the solar gods, the number thirteen began to be associated with the power of the overthrown god of the Moon, who, apparently, began to be considered the Devil. With all this, I would like to dwell on the other side of the issue. In the Slavic name Sun (so-lun) the symbolism of an unidentified, esoteric aspect appears. The etymological similarity of the names of the Sun and Moon perhaps indicates the desire to reintegrate the Sun and Moon into the original unity, not yet differentiated and not split by the act of creation of the cosmos. In the words of Mircea Eliade, the desire “ return them to a transcendental, supercosmic state". It is the Slavic etymological pair harrier, like no other, it emphasizes the full drama of cosmic dualism and indicates the theoretical vector for overcoming this dualism of the world. This dualism is the source and root cause of the eternal cycle of forms that seem different, but in fact are not. The apparent absolute of the Sun is illusory. The Sun can be considered just an appendage of the Moon. Consequently, it is attached to the cycles and rhythms of the existence of the Moon. Therefore, the opposition of the cults of these two luminaries is, to put it mildly, far-fetched. In an etymological pair so-lun – Moon Once again the Russian universe is clearly observed. The question is not limited to the integration of the Sun and Moon into one cosmic absolute. More importantly, by default, man must also join this cosmic absolute. To rise above one's destiny, to reintegrate into a single divine rhythm - this is the longing of the Russian person, incomprehensible to others. In fact, the above is one of the cornerstone doctrines of the Hermetic teachings. Very interesting non-canonical icons have been preserved, interpreting in their own way the fact of the crucifixion of Christ. The thieves crucified with Christ are depicted as young boys, twelve or fourteen years old at the most. One of these youths is the crucified Sun. Another young thief is the crucified Moon. The sacred meaning of the crucifixion of Christ, therefore, lies in the achievement of lost cosmic integrity. This applies to both the human world and the world of the gods, the main of which are the Sun and the Moon. An echo of these views is one of the symbols of Orthodoxy - a cross (solar symbol), combined with a crescent (symbol of the moon), which rises above Russian churches.

Lunar goddesses Inana, Nana, Nane and Russian Nanny

The magical power of the Moon in archaic societies is personified and deified. If in patrilineal societies the Moon is represented by a male deity, in particular the god Sin, the Slavic Lun, then in matrilineal societies the cult of the Moon goddesses arises. The essence of the magic of the Moon can be clearly illustrated by the prophetic words of the Russian poet Nikolai Gumilyov. The poet, who is also the master of the divine word, has access to energy fields on a cosmic scale like no one else. " From the lair of Zmiev, from the city of Kyiv // I took not a wife, but a sorceress... // You call - he winces, you hug - he puffs up, // And the Moon comes out - it becomes languid. And he looks and groans, // as if he’s burying someone and wants to drown himself.” Actually, the poet described the image of the priestess of the Moon goddess. The magic of the Moon and its adherents exist forever, regardless of the era and the ruling ideology in society. Moon cult has a transcendental aspect. Despite this, in the history of human civilizations there are known periods when the cult of the Moon existed officially and was one of the cornerstones in the worldview of the ruling elites. One of the lunar goddesses of the Ancient world was the goddess Nana. Apparently, this goddess was very influential. It is the influence of this goddess that can explain the prevalence of her cult in different civilizations of the Ancient World. In the Sumerian civilization she was known as the goddess Inana, in the pantheon of Akkadian gods she was called Nana, in the pantheon of gods of Eastern Anatolia this goddess was called Nane. In the Russian language, the memory of this archaic goddess is preserved in the word nanny, and in Latin - nona, that is grandma. It is the last words that help us understand both the original sacred message of the cult of archaic goddesses and consider them as the spiritual heritage of our distant ancestors. The ancient goddesses personified the feminine principle of the universe. Some aspects of the cults of the lunar goddesses of Western Asia can be restored by analyzing sacred terms preserved in Slavic languages. The terms associated with the cult of the Moon are quite archaic. The material attribute of the cosmic feminine principle is the Moon. This is clearly evidenced by the Russian etymological pair Moon - womb. From the last etymological pair it follows that the Moon is considered as the source of the generation of life. The functions of reproduction and regeneration of the World are transmitted to the Moon. The magical growth of the Moon from oblivion, from darkness, cannot but delight. It is a visual divine mystery that plays out before the eyes of an amazed person. A person becomes an involuntary accomplice in this mystery of the birth of a new life. These ideas were not least based on the supposed empirical relationship between the menstrual cycles of the female body and the growth phases of the Moon. The moon was a visual explanation of women's cycles. Considering the world in dialectical unity, archaic man observed the obvious identity of the cyclic existence of both his body and the body of another divine creation - the Moon. That is why the Moon is a deity with a feminine nature rather than a masculine one. It is important to realize that the Moon was considered as an instrument of interconnection with the transcendental feminine principle of the universe. The moon is a visual attribute of this beginning. The magic of the Moon lies in the fact that many sacred aspects of the lunar cult are accepted as a visual divine revelation that does not require analytical justification. A person involuntarily compares the metamorphoses of his life with the metamorphoses of the life of the Moon. The moon and the cyclical nature of its existence introduce a person to the cosmic dimension. Through the lunar mysteries, the life of man and the cosmos is connected into a single organism. Unlike other women's cults, the cult of the Moon has cosmic integrity. The moon is the source of life not only for humans, but also for the entire plant world. It seems natural that the sacred background of the mystery of the birth of a new life is the same, both in the human world and in the natural world. This is all the more relevant if we remember that the symbolism of water is associated with the cult of the Moon. It is believed that it is the astral power of the Moon that is the cosmic force that brings about the growth of plants. This aspect of the cult of the Moon is preserved in the Russian word hole. The hole, according to our ancestors, has a direct magical relationship with the Moon. Some unknown force forces the plant to grow. It is the Moon that nourishes the seed with the magical power of growth. Another lunar sacred symbol in Russian is the word sickle. It is noteworthy that this word refers to braid, so Moon. The agricultural aspect of the lunar cult suggests that the death of the plant should naturally correspond to a similar stage of the lunar cycle. In this case we are talking about the decline and death of the Moon. That is why the name of the agricultural tool, with the help of which the life of the ear ends, is related to the name of the waning moon. Very often, terms relating to the forgotten cult of the Moon exist in the language in an implicit form. It is not so easy to identify the relationship of these terms with the cult of the Moon. One of these terms is the word pearl. Pearl is considered a moonstone because it is often seen as a visual embryonic symbol. The growth of pearls in shells was also associated with the magical influence of the Moon. On the other hand, pearls are associated with the sacred symbolism of water. Considering the Moon as a cosmic feminine principle that gives life to pearls, let us note the etymological connection of Russian words pearls, cutesy and, perhaps, wife. The word pearl is etymologically connected with the words of the feminine principle because it symbolizes this feminine principle.

End of introductory fragment.

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