DNR: Bedtime stories. The decision on Donbass has been made

I have written repeatedly that propaganda in war is the most important and very serious weapon, its tasks are to smooth out rough edges, to minimize one’s losses, and, on the contrary, to slightly exaggerate the enemy, to reassure the population...

But all this works for smart people, but for fools...for fools, propaganda works against their loved ones.

In 2014, Ukrainian propaganda with its “no losses” and “armored cavalry Buryat militia” caused serious damage to the Ukrainians themselves, on the one hand giving a picture infinitely divorced from reality, on the other - frightening their own army with countless hordes of the Russian Armed Forces, in the best Goebbels style.

But the year 2015 came, and professional propaganda delivered by advisers from the Russian Federation like Kazakov fell on our heads. Moreover, the degree of insanity of our propaganda is such that it creates the impression of an exchange of propagandists between us and the Ukrainians; apparently, we got the most unsuitable ones...

At first, only the Head was weird - he alternately attacked London and New York, then took revenge on the Ukrainians for (insert as necessary) by returning to Ukraine, then he was going to turn into a ghost in order to torment the Ukrainians after death...

All this could be attributed to the whims of an illiterate, in general, man who is more of a soldier than a leader, but when Basurin joined him... It’s impossible to consider a Soviet-made colonel a fool, however, judge for yourself:

“Today, the situation in the Ukrainian army is such that it will not be able to conduct full-scale combat operations either in the short or long term.”

Arithmetic - the Ukrainians have 90 thousand CONTRACTORS at the front alone, we have 20-30 thousand TOTAL, they have old rubbish as weapons, and we have old rubbish, they have lost every idea, and so do we...

A simple question - what prevents 90 thousand unmotivated men with old weapons from killing 30 thousand exactly the same? Answers from Eddie will “lose” Basurin:

""catastrophic shortage of personnel", which is aggravated by desertion of security forces"

Yeah, dead souls, wage earners, thieves...I heard this somewhere, and in Donetsk, not among the Ukrainians.

“a restriction was introduced on the movement of military personnel from 22.00 to 5.00 in the settlements of Kramatorsk, Dzerzhinsk, Dimitrov and Konstantinovka.”

Basurin, don't disgrace yourself, in what army do soldiers hang around alone at night in the front-line zone? This is called a curfew, and it has been in Donetsk since 2014.

“In units storing Ukrainian ammunition, DPR intelligence reports gross violations of safety standards and shortages. A striking example of this was the explosion in one of the largest missile and artillery warehouses in Balakleya, Kharkov region.”

I can’t imagine how the explosion in Balakleya affects the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ ability to attack... as for the violations, he didn’t see how the soldiers on both sides of the BC were on the front line in the open and laying on the damp ground, war, however, and accessibility is more important than risk.

“Basurin recalled that after a short period of time an Mi-2 helicopter crashed near Kramotorsk”

Well, if there are fifty serviceable COMBAT helicopters, the loss of one CIVIL vehicle brings the Armed Forces to its knees... By the way, how many vehicles do the valiant DPR Air Force have? And nothing, we are fighting, and in 2014 we even thinned out the enemy’s combat aircraft quite well.

“All that Ukrainian security forces can do is shelling peaceful cities and villages of the Republic using heavy weapons prohibited by the Minsk agreements”

But they don’t need anything more, except to start shelling the green areas, after which the people will either run away or rebel...

After reading this, I really wanted to move Comrade Basurin to these places:

and after a couple of weeks, in a cozy cellar (if your physical form is in order, you also have to run to the cellar), ask - shelling every night is military action or so, and Basurin’s task as an officer is to 3.14 worry about the enemy or defend peaceful population?

Their results will be a little later. As a result of the audit, gigantic amounts of theft in the departments were revealed. Theft of everything from fuels and lubricants to food and car components.
And while Basurin is looking on the Internet for “colleagues of fascist underdogs,” we will help him find those who fit the description.
Colleagues of the fascist underdogs are those who do not conduct the necessary theoretical and practical training for their fighters.
Colleagues of the fascist underdogs are those who use the resources allocated to this territory to buy cars for their wives on March 8th.
Colleagues of the fascist underdogs are those who dismiss the dead guys retroactively or indicate the cause of death as careless handling of weapons.
Colleagues of the fascist underdogs are those who still have not adopted the law on the militia, which, by the way, has already been adopted in the LPR. If it weren’t for the militia, you wouldn’t have your positions and your pocket state.
Colleagues of the fascist underdogs are those who fine a pensioner tens of thousands of rubles for selling her pickles from the cellar, because it is impossible to live on 2 thousand rubles.
Colleagues of the fascist underdogs are those who are to blame for today’s incident in the Novoazovsk area, where the AFU DRG entered the positions of the DPR Armed Forces, eliminating those in these positions. They are to blame for the fact that they have in their service those whom they do not even want to teach in military affairs.
There are no practical and theoretical classes for military personnel.
This is all there on paper, but in reality, as you can see, it is not always the same as on paper.
Colleagues of the fascist underdogs are people like Basurin, for example.
Who, by their criminal inaction, and perhaps by their action, while holding the position of an officer of the armed forces, absolutely neglect the meaning of military honor and dignity.
Instead of making up for what was lost during the truce period, and this will soon be very necessary, they are looking for enemies on the Internet.
You idiots, look in your units for those who steal tons of diesel fuel and leave cars in a state unsuitable for carrying out tasks - this will be a fight against accomplices, and not the fart in agony that you are used to doing.
Look for those who organized a clownery with the use of hazing or hazing with the use of clownery in the units, whichever is better.
Take care of fortifications and other engineering work required in many areas.
Make sure that functionaries from the Party of Regions are not in your state apparatus.
Now you have been grounded by the fact that your commander-in-chief was banned from entering the Russian Federation (in Moscow he “has everything” and “we will buy everyone”, but they will not allow him to go to the World Cup). Then maybe the state apparatus doesn’t have much time left. Then there is nothing to worry about.
Other people will still come and do everything for you.
You are no stranger to this." A well-known Kremlin telegram insider unexpectedly published a forecast that the Kremlin is ready to implement “Minsk-2” in the near future and from Monday the vector of political broadcasting on Russian TV will change dramatically

On the evening of June 16, a rather detailed and unexpected insider appeared on the Nezygar telegram channel, in which he reports that the decision on the situation in Donbass was made in the Kremlin and practically agreed upon with European leaders - “Minsk-2” will be implemented by Russia in the near future.

As a well-known Kremlin insider writes, Merkel and Macron agreed to come to Moscow for their teams’ football matches, but in reality to hold blitz negotiations with Putin.

To briefly summarize Nezygar’s hints, it is reported that Merkel and Macron want and are ready to be friends with Putin against Trump, but this friendship is hampered by the situation with Ukraine, which “needs to be resolved urgently.”

In more detail, Nezygar reports that the Kremlin is ready to implement Minsk 2, and Europe has also taken the first steps. As an example of such steps, the insider points to the freeze on the seizure of Gazprom's assets and the EU's rejection of support for sectoral sanctions against Russian companies on the latest “list of three.”

The insider also includes in this list the EU's allocation of the next tranche for reforms in Ukraine for $1 billion, the decision on which was made on June 13.

“Nezygar” claims that supposedly from Monday all Russian TV channels will begin to prepare the population “for the surrender of Donbass,” that is, to form a positive view of the Ukrainian “brotherly people,” and President of Belarus Lukashenko is ready to become a mediator between the influence groups of Ukraine and the Russian Federation, and Minsk will help bring business back to both countries.

However, the Kremlin fears that Washington will begin to interfere with the implementation of the plan and that it will allegedly force Ukraine to escalate the conflict in Donbass in the first ten days of July.

The insider also predicts that the next week (from June 18 to 24) will be decisive in the process of exchanging prisoners between Moscow and Kiev

It is also reported that the Roadmap for the exchange has already been agreed upon by both countries.

Of course, such insight must be treated with caution. It is not known for what purpose the Kremlin suddenly made such an information leak - we all understand that there is a war going on on the information front, and “Nezygar” is not a neutral insider, but, obviously, working for one of the famous “Kremlin towers.”

However, judging by the forecast, there is not long to wait: from Monday, as Nezygar writes, Russian television should fall in love with Ukraine. So we’ll see if the broadcasting policy on Russian TV channels will change starting tomorrow.

Recently portal TheInsider, specializing in exposing the actions of the current Kremlin regime, decided, as it is fashionable to say, to hype up the topic of Donbass coal. The reason for the investigation was the material RBC with reference to a certain telegram Ministry of Economic Development Russia to " RZD-Logistics", in which the monopoly right to export coal from the DPR and LPR is assigned to Gas-Alliance. This company allegedly belongs to someone close to the ex-president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych businessman Sergei Kurchenko.

Based on this information, The Insider prepared a lengthy text about the connection between the Russian authorities and the financing of the “separatists” through the resale of coal. However, the Internet accusers did not say anything new. Vgudok. com more than once about this topic. Representatives of the DPR noted that Ukraine, as before, is the largest buyer of DPR coal, but “it is very difficult to carry out direct deliveries due to the blockade.” We concluded that Donetsk coal enters Nezalezhnaya bypass, through Russia. For example, the route through Valuiki - Topoli (a station on the border with Russia) - Kupyansk, the line of which passes through the territory controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. It was there that Russian coal was transited to Ukrainian ports even before the civil war.

A huge black hole (both in the nature of financial transactions and in the color of the mined mineral) has emerged on the western borders of Russia.

The Insider, citing a source “close to the DPR leadership,” claims that the trains are reaching the station Uspenskaya in the Rostov region, and in the dark they are driven across the border, where they are filled with Donbass coal. After this, the trains return to Russia, but with what appears to be Russian coal. It is alleged that about 1 million tons of coal per month.

However, all these names of transshipment stations and production volumes are just clarifying details. Russia's support for separatists through coal schemes is not even an open secret, but a commonplace. The question is different. In fact, on the western borders of Russia, which when applied to Ukraine are of a conditional nature, a huge black hole has arisen (both in the nature of financial transactions and in the color of the mined mineral) that is outside of any legal and economic norms. Legal field DPR and LPR Let's leave it aside: it simply does not stand up to any criticism.

And one of the main participants in these very murky schemes is the subsidiary of Russian Railways - RZD Logistics, as well as some Russian operators, including " UVZ-Logistics", about what website Also . Does the Russian railway monopoly make a profit from its work? with Donbass coal or does it as part of charity, one can only guess. And if this is done at a loss, then who compensates for the losses? Russian budget or shippers?

Another topic that The Insider was forced to mention, but without the traditional accusatory comments, is the end consumers of this very “separatist” coal. It turns out there is a whole network firms and firms, in particular in Austria And Poland, which legalize solid black gold and quietly sell it to reputable companies in Europe, as well as Ukraine itself. At the same time, Poland, which has the largest number of new members EU screams about the “Putin threat”, makes more money than anyone else from these frauds involving Russian companies.

True, the author does not provide any evidence for his assertion. We can say that this is a real fake.

However, it seems that the publication in The Insider was not intended to expose the participation of the Kremlin elites in financing anti-Poroshenko regimes. The main thread in the material is the idea that coal from Donbass is supplied by Russian operators and Russian railways not just anywhere, but even to North Korea. Which, as you know, is under the strictest international sanctions. True, the author does not provide any evidence for his assertion. We can say that this is whatever it is a real fake.

Firstly, transporting coal over a distance of 7-8 thousand km is simply economic madness from an efficiency point of view. It is much easier to pass it off as South African and sell it through Poland to Ukraine - the mileage is several times less. Secondly, DPRK It itself has sufficient reserves of coal, from the sale of which it earned money before the sanctions, but now, out of despair, the authorities are forced to distribute coal to apartments and houses. Thirdly, not a single Russian operator will risk incurring the wrath of the Americans, although coal supplies to the North Korean port of Rajin are formally excluded from the UN sanctions list. This was confirmed by the Russian Ambassador to the DPRK Alexander Motsegora: “We haven’t had a ton of cargo there for 4 months now... Not a single Russian coal miner wants to go to Rajin now, there is only one explanation - the Americans are scary.”

Therefore, in our opinion, The Insider's coal investigation aims, using a combination of truths, half-truths and outright lies, to formalize the accusation against Russia of supporting all kinds of rogue regimes from Donetsk to Pyongyang. But, apparently, the publication will not confirm its conclusions: like the British beacon of freedom of speech and the rule of law, it will not bother itself with evidence if it is already clear that Russia is to blame. How would it be in English Newspeak? HighlylikelyRussia.

Semyon Karabanov

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