Additional tasks in the Russian language at different levels. Non-traditional tasks in the Russian language Donetsk People's Republic

Russian language 4th grade




Level 1.

    Ask questions about these sentences. Write interrogative sentences.

The academic year begins on the first of September. Did you have a good rest. You are in fourth grade. Today all the students got up early. All the guys promise to study well.

    Write it down. Underline the subject and predicate in each sentence:

The children planted fruit trees near the school. In spring, apple trees will be covered with white flowers. Beautiful cherry trees will bloom in the school garden.

Level 2.

    Write sentences, changing them first to exclamations, then to interrogatives, changing the word order if necessary:

The whole class was at the party. Tomorrow we will go to the theater. Yesterday the schoolchildren went to the museum.

    Write it down and do a syntactic analysis of the highlighted sentence. Continue the text (2-3 sentences):

White, red, yellow, pink, tea, black rose. There are so many roses!

A wonderful flower pleases our eyes. It has a subtle, delicate aroma. At the same time, the rose is also a medicinal plant. Rose oil is literally more expensive than gold...

Level 3.

    Restore the riddles using these words, changing the endings, write them down along with the answers:

Hands, y, he, no, legs, y, he, no, but, without, shirt, no, live (p- - - - - a)

Without, body, a, live, without, mouth, without, tongue, a, speak (uh – o)

Teeth, he, has, tongue, he, doesn’t (p - - a)

Himself, iron, leg, y, he, wooden (m - - - - - k)

    Write by inserting letters, parsing the highlighted sentences.

The rain is bouncing down the path towards us on a long wet foot. The rain danced across the garden, pouring water on the beds. Like children at dawn, under the sun by the river, three-year-old little ones stand on a long bed. Our river is narrow, it’s shallow in our river. The boletus grows under the white-footed birch.




    Vocabulary dictation. Read the words and write them down from memory:

Ahead, eleven, road, library, alley, beautiful, hello, passenger.



1. The room where books are stored.

    The word is a greeting.

    The path from one point to another


    A person who travels in transport.

    A number between 10 and 12.

3. Where does the commander go in the formation?

    A road with trees planted on both sides.

    Beautiful, wonderful,...

    Speech development.

Compose a mini-essay with words from task 1, come up with a title.

a) In any sentence, underline the subject and predicate.

b) Parse any word according to its composition.

B) Write down two words with an unstressed vowel.




1. Vocabulary dictation. Read the words and write them down from memory:

Yellow, farm, back, car, yesterday, then, combine.



1. An event that happened the day before. When it was?

2. The son helps his father with the housework...

3. Something you didn’t do right away. Postponed for...


1. Dandelion color.

2. Forward, not a step...

3. Passenger transport.

4. The car is the king of the fields.

3. Compose a mini-essay with the words.


    Parse any two words according to their composition.

    Identify the parts of speech in two sentences. Underline the subject and predicate.

    Game “I am a poet” (come up with a rhyme)

but yesterday

(N.r. Summer ended yesterday -

It's time for everyone to study)




Level 1.

1. Write down, put commas, underline homogeneous terms with one line.

The rain poured from a dark cloud, refreshed the leaves of the birch tree, and rushed across the sky. In our fields we grow wheat, rye, oats, barley, buckwheat, millet. It's clear, calm, sunny, warm autumn weather outside.

2.Copy it down and put commas where necessary:

The sun appeared in the sky and began to scatter its golden rays. The first ray hit the lark. The lark perked up, flew out of the nest, rose high and sang its silver song.

Level 2.

    In which sentences should commas be placed between homogeneous members? Write down, put commas, underline homogeneous terms with one line:

People have long been friends with birch and have a love for this wonderful tree. Birch loves light and space and is not afraid of severe frosts and spring frosts. Our white-trunked beauty is growing quickly. Not only people but also animals drink birch sap with pleasure. Tits and robins feast on the life-giving moisture of tits. This juice contains sugar, malic acid and vitamins.

    Write, supplementing the sentences with homogeneous members:

The subject, ..., are the main members of the sentence. Noun, adjective, …, are parts of speech. Root, …, …, … are parts of the word. Top, top, surface, ... are the same root words.

Level 3.

    Write out, using commas, first sentences with homogeneous subjects, then with homogeneous predicates. Underline them:

It turns green, blooms, sings, shines, rings and all living things have fun. Invisible nightingales, cuckoos and starlings sang in the young foliage. Bumblebee wasp flies take refuge in dry shelters. The aspen buds are swelling and swelling. Dragonflies scurry and rustle with glass wings. In autumn, the flowers of the forest will fade, fade and disappear.

    Write, emphasizing homogeneous members as parts of the sentence. Complete the story:

When mother and Chuk returned home, Huck was nowhere to be found. The mother became alarmed and looked at the nail by the door... . Neither Huck's sheepskin coat nor his hat sat on a nail. The mother went out into the yard, walked around the hut, pulled the gun off the wall... took out cartridges, grabbed a lantern and threw it... out into the yard...




Level 1.

    Which word is the odd one out in each row? Write without these words, highlight the root:

Resin, grind, resinous. Garlic, honest, garlicky. Mountain, mountain, burn. Hospital, big, get sick. Catch, catch, word.

2. Write down, sort the highlighted words according to their composition:

There is melodiousness in sea ​​waves,

Harmony in spontaneous disputes.

Level 2.

    Write it down and sort the highlighted words according to their composition:

In Australia save And are being bred crocodiles. Many of them done housewarming on special farms. They are created for the purpose of preserving rare species of these animals.

Now it has become possible to obtain crocodile skin. For sale received crocodile meat. It tastes similar to crab.

    Write phrases with the adjective small in the order:

    Insignificant in size, 2. Shallow, 3 insignificant:

Chalk... soul, chalk... money, chalk... plate, chalk... lake, chalk... underlining, chalk... river, chalk... deed, chalk... letter.

Level 3.

    Make up a sentence with each word, write it down, analyze these words according to their composition:

Hunter, bunny, clearing, shooter, mason, teacher, wild rose.

    Read, come up with and write the title of the text. Write it down and sort the highlighted words according to their composition.

When along the rivers of our country swam first ships? For many years now, scientists conduct underwater research on the Dnieper, Volga, Don. Raised from the bottom of rivers vintage anchors, shuttles, vessels. They got here several centuries BC.

Recently on depths Dnieper archaeologists about discovered and carefully explored the ancient ship. Vessel wood analysis allowed establish that the ship is 600 years old!




Level 1.

    Form adjectives from nouns, write them, underline the spelling:

Honor - honest, sadness - ..., place - ..., star - ..., joy - ..., cabbage - ..., happiness - ..., heart - ..., sun - ... lovely - ...

    Write down, insert letters:

Gray sky, low, heavy clouds. Everything can be seen through and through in the deepest tree thicket. Only young birches still retain their yellowish leaves. Evergreen spruce and pine trees stand out brightly. The ground is covered with dry leaves, soft and plump in wet weather, hard and crispy in frost.

Level 2.

    Write down and insert the missing letters:

Iago...ka, camel..., rain...b, golo...ka, hunger...ka, fla..., zoo..., oshi...ka,, fish...ka, butcher...ka, re...ka, roar...b, autobu ..., book...ka, babu...ka, cook...ka.

    Write it down, insert the missing letters, complete the text:

There are many traditions in the life of Russian people. We honor war veterans. The country celebrates professional holidays: Teacher’s Day, Artist’s Day and many others. A wonderful tradition has become the planting of parks and a...s near the monuments to fallen soldiers.

We also have a lot of traditions at school.....

Level 3.

  1. Write down pairs of words that are pronounced the same way. Make up phrases with these words according to the example:

Sample: Pond - twig. Let's go to the pond, a thin rod.

Mushroom, mouth, fruit, flu, genus, young, horn, hammer, rock, carry, raft, lead.

    Write a fairy tale by inserting letters. Write a continuation:

Look out the window. A lonely leaf spins in the wind. It was once green. And then he sat on a branch next to the rosy Cherry. He loved her with all his heart. The wind often called him to wander around the world. But Leaf did not agree. And then his happiness ended - Cherry disappeared somewhere.

It was late autumn time. All the leaves from the tree have already fallen off. Only one Leaf, yellowed from grief, remained on its branch...




Level 1.

    Write it down by inserting the missing letter:

V...rshina, sn...govik, black...rnika, sh...rystyanoy,, in...selye, pl...sal, see...trel, repeat, pr...divy, m...dovy.

    Write, inserting the missing letters:

The heat of the day was replaced by the coolness of the night. Lights lit up in the windows of the houses. Long shadows of trees lay along the dusty road.

Level 2.

    Write it down, inserting unstressed vowels, and write test words in brackets:

answers, swallows...does, accepts...set, spills...melts, looks...trills, gets out...lives, passes...passes, laughs...laughs, blooms...tuts, waits...let,, howls...zet, deputy... teas.

In the sandy deserts of the Arabian land

Three proud palm trees grew high.

The river between them from the barren soil,

Murmuring, I tried in... the full cold water,

Kept, under the canopy of green leaves,

From the sultry sunshine and cloudy sands.

Level 3.

  1. Write the words in alphabetical order, inserting the missing vowels:

Ur...zhay,, psh...nitsa, g...rod, ...rekhi, p...midor, r...sthenia, k...rtofel, t...per, k...empty, tract...rist, lag...ry, g...rokh , m...rk, everywhere, b...library, d...horns, g...horizon.

    Write down A. Pushkin’s poem, insert the missing letters:

October has already arrived - the grove is already being torn off

The last leaves from the naked saints in... yours,

D...sniffed...the autumn chill, the road froze...

The stream still babbles behind the mill,

But the pond has already frozen, my neighbor is fast...

To departing places with the pleasure of my... her,

And the winter ones suffer from mad fun,

And the barking of dogs wakes up the sleeping oak forests.




Level 1.

    Write sentences by inserting a nounwinter in the correct case:

Coming soon (what?)… . Forest animals already feel the approach of (what?) ... . Children are happy (what?) ... . And for (what?) ... spring will come.

    Write down and determine the case of the highlighted nouns:

Yesterday I was at the factory, Today - at a construction site, and tomorrow maybe I will on mine or on a collective farm. It's because I'm working driver. I drive a truck car. That's beyond high fence are building house. The drivers brought brick And cement.

Level 2.

    Write it down, put case above the nouns.

The river has a scent. Willow blossoms. Her earrings were covered with fluff. Each one resembles a gosling sitting on a branch. At the tip of each fluff is a small dot of yellow pollen. If you touch a twig, a golden cloud will splash into your face.

    Write by changing the nouns in brackets. Determine the case of these nouns.

A robin flew over (the hut) and (the yard). The schoolchildren are busy (work), writing with pens and (chalk). Don’t look for cones under (oak), acorns under (tree). The schoolchildren went on an excursion with (teacher). Collective farmers sowed the field (rye).

Level 3.

    Write it down, put case above the nouns. Come up with a continuation and write it down:

I would like to become a doctor. This is a good profession. A doctor is needed everywhere. Doctors save the lives of many people. I also want to save people’s lives in the same way, improve their health, and people will be grateful to me.

    Write down phrases with nouns in the instrumental case:

I thought I'd write a song about it,

Just as the grove could not part with the summer,

How the leaves didn’t want to come off,

How autumn could not bargain,

Although she threw gold and copper,

Although it sparkled with the first ice. (A. Prokofiev)




Level 1.

    Decline the nouns:

Tree, street

    Write down and determine the declension of the highlighted nouns:

grain to the grain- there will be a bag. Its Earth and sweet in a handful. Is it true on fire does not burn and does not sink in water. Lie does not make a person beautiful. On mouse and cat beast.

Level 2.

    Write down the nouns in three columns according to declensions - 1st, 2nd, 3rd:

Luggage, shop, library, furniture, clothes, rye, bed, station, youth, region, frost, hero, dad, car, snow, snowflake, village.

    Write down, determining the case and declension of the highlighted nouns:

Since ancient times city Valdai is famous for its skill. Who doesn’t know the famous Valdai bells that sound under the arc melodious and whimsical music! Picturesque Valdai lake announced reserve. Here you can meet the animal peace And vegetation of this beautiful region.

Level 3.

    Make up and write down sentences. Write the declension above the nouns:

    For, snowy, autumn, winter, came, rainy.

    Uh, schoolchildren, the playground has been cleared, school.

    They watered the site, they, water.

    Skating rink, evening, there was a lot for everyone, children.

    The children were skating.

    It was fun for everyone.

    Compose and write a greeting card to your friend of your choice. Determine case, declension of nouns:

Happy birthday!

Happy start of the new school year!

Happy New Year!

Congratulations on your victory at the Olympics!


Happy holiday!





Level 1.

    Write it down. Determine the case and number of highlighted nouns:

Sitting on the feeding trough, birds

Cleaning beaks their.

Here goldfinches, siskins. tits

And the sneaks sparrows

They are also waiting for us patiently

And handsome men bullfinches.

    Form and write nouns from these words in the plural case:

Hare, passenger, woman, man, student, medal, ticket, teacher, carriage, shop, ticket.

Level 2.

    Write down, find the plural nouns, determine their case:

There is no Russia without forests, without snow and lakes,

There are no blue twilights and no pink dawns.

There is no Russia without meadows, where there is light from the poppies,

Where the whole ground was covered with a chamomile blizzard.

    Write by writing the words in brackets in the plural.

A new breed (chicken) was bred on a poultry farm. A flotilla of sailing ships appeared on the horizon. Holes are needed in the (bottom) of flower pots.

Level 3.

  1. Write down, find the plural nouns of the genitive case, highlight the ending:

To the deserted expanse of whitened fields

The forest looks cheerful from under the black curls.

As if he was happy about something, - and on the branches of birches,

Drops of suppressed tears burn like diamonds.

    Write down, inserting the missing letters, find the plural nouns, determine their case:

Autumn has hidden behind the last month of summer. The first yellow leaves are already hidden in the thick... foliage. The colors of autumn... in the yellow grains of wheat..., in the ruddy tints of apples, in the red clusters of rowan berries. And autumn is not yet noticeable in the forest. Is it just that there are more voices in the bird choir?





    Vocabulary dictation.

Highway, home, agronomist, everywhere, burn, horizon, about, calendar.

2. Crossword.


    The annual bush loses a leaf every day; a year will pass and the entire leaf will fall off.

    Fire (what does it do?) ... Put the answer in initial form )


    Replace the highlighted word with something close in meaning:

There is a forest near the village.

2. The house we live in .

3. Main road

4. What is the name of the space visible around us? ?

5. Who is in charge in the field? ?

6. Replace with one word:

Everywhere, everywhere .

3. Compilation of a mini-essay.


    Find 5 nouns, determine gender, number, case, declension.

    In the first sentence, underline the subject and predicate.

    Any vocabulary word is phonetically analyzed.




    Vocabulary dictation.

Shore, from afar, sixteen, interesting, address, station, kilogram, eight.


. Crossword.


    This day is Sunday

Was very …

3. The building in which a passenger waits for his train.

4. 1000 grams - ?


1. Two brothers look into the water, but they just can’t get together. (singular)

    Our message is not easy,

She came...

    A note on the envelope about who to send the letter to.

4. Name the number that stands in the series of numbers before the largest single-digit number.

3. Compilation of mini-essays with words.

a) Morphological analysis of two nouns.

b) Phonetic analysis of 1 noun.

c) Morphemic analysis of 1 noun.







for students of grades 5, 6, 7, 8

Agapova Victoria Sergeevna

2017-2018 academic year

5th grade

TASK 1/5

Exercise 1
In one African tribe there lives a family of four. The mother's name is Bere-rubo-toro-dak (dark, odorless flower), the father's name is Kobo-rudo-dir (large green mountain). The parents gave the eldest son the name Dak - rubu-pele (the smell of a flower field). What does the name of the youngest son Kobo-pele-toro-rubo mean?

Task 2
Match the outdated names of parts of the human body, often found in Russian poetry, with modern words: forehead, cheeks, mouth, eyes, neck.

Task 3
Make words from the letters of the word influx

Task 4
Write down phrases with these words (adj. + noun). Consider the gender of nouns.
Tulle, jury, foyer, kohlrabi, last name, piano, coffee, coat.

Task 5
An anagram is a rearrangement of letters in a word to create a new word (for example, novel is the norm). Make up one new word for each given word: address -..., hair -..., T-shirt -..., pine -...

An example of an answer to creative task No. 1:
Large field without a flower

Example of an answer to creative task No. 2
brow - forehead
cheeks - cheeks
mouth - lips
eyes - eyes
neck - neck

Example of an answer to creative task No. 3
court, shooting range, port, feast, mouth

Example of an answer to creative task No. 4
beautiful tulle (m.r.), strict jury (m.r.), large foyer (m.r.), delicious kohlrabi (f.r.), famous surname (f.r.), black piano (m.r.) r.), strong coffee (m.r.), new coat (m.r.)

Example of an answer to creative task No. 5
environment, word, border, pump

TASK 2/5

Imagine that Santa Claus disappeared on New Year's Eve. Which literary character would you turn to for help? Why? (0.5 pages)

TASK 3/5

TASK 4/5

1.Place emphasis in words:

Cakes, call, arrived, placed, funds.

2.We received an encryption code. Help me understand the meaning of the text by rewriting it in its original version.

I invite you to my daughter's wedding.

Volume No. andthere areT Toyell. Green Tturn left. Dthere will bea lot of Toawns. My Tpoints DohmV Vand those. Shalthat because TateI can't meet you.

Sides . WITH sugar

3. Mark the words in which the letters i, e, ё, yu convey 2 sounds.

b) counter

c) entrance

d) late

4.Make and write down a word using the following clues:

The word has the same root as in the word fairy tale, the suffix is ​​the same as in the word cab, the prefix is ​​the same as in the word consumption.

5. Highlight the main word (with a neutral connotation) in this series:

Whine, roar, sob, cry, howl, scream, whine

TASK 5/5

TASK 6/5

​ Is it easy to be kind?

​ Is the classic outdated or not?

​ In whose hands is our future?

​ Does society need leaders?

​ My contemporary... What is he like?

TASK 7/5

    Cross out the extra word in this row:

Growing, sprouting, protozoa, sprout;

    Fill in the missing letter:

a) offer a draw

b) supplement to the magazine

c) popular story

d) densely r...sti

e) small r...drain

3 Underline the highlighted words as parts of the sentence.

When a cat mourns a mouse, don't believe it.

    Phrases have been extracted from this sentence. Mark the wrong options.

Occasionally, snow fell from the branches and fell to the ground in heavy flakes.

a) occasional snow;

b) the snow fell off;

c) fell from the branches;

d) to the ground;

e) fell to the ground;

f) occasionally lost his temper;

g) fell in flakes;

h) heavy flakes.

5 Place punctuation marks in the text.

The horse came out, stretched out its head and neighed.

Filka broke the loaf, salted the bread from the salt shaker and handed it to the horse. The horse shook his head, thought, and then carefully stretched his neck and took it from the boy’s hands with soft lips. He ate one piece, sniffed Filka and took the second piece.

Filka grins through her tears. The horse chews bread and snorts.

Everyone is smiling and happy. Only an old magpie sits on a willow tree and chatters. Everyone knows that the magpie is the most talkative bird in the world.

TASK 8/5

1. Find the “extra” word.

Cheese, cheesecake, cheese, dampness.

    "Interesting Questions":

What letters can be used to make delicious food?

Houses, tables, cows, heads, foundations, necks, steppes, batteries, young men.

“I was once on friendly terms with him. But one day he ( got up on his left foot, or what?) started to fight me. I'm doing my best home! He barely carried his feet away!.. But now I don’t even set foot near him! He has bigger legs than mine will not be!

5 Name 8-10 names with a double consonant.

TASK 9/5

Afanasy Fet

A whole world of beauty...

A whole world of beauty

From big to small,

And you search in vain

Find its beginning.

What is a day or an age?

Before what is infinite?

Although man is not eternal,

What is eternal is human.

6th grade


Question 1
Find speech errors, write down corrected sentences
A) Voices were heard from both sides. B) Their child is poorly brought up. Q) My mother works as an engineer at a factory.

Question 2
Place stress on the words:
Cakes, call, arrived, placed, beautiful, pine, sentence, enviable, means, prey.

Question 3

Decipher these proverbs.

Question 4
From this sentence, write down the word(s) formed by addition.
The zebra fish owes its name to the numerous stripes that adorn its body.

Answer to question 1:
A) Voices were heard from both sides.
B) Their child is poorly brought up.
B) My mother works as an engineer at a factory.
Answer to question 2:

CAKES, call, arrived, placed, beautiful, needles, sentence, enviable, funds, spoils
Answer to question 3:
Business before pleasure
There is safety in numbers
All that glitters is not gold
It's not the gods who burn the pots
Answer to question 4:

zebra fish, numerous


Imagine that you have the opportunity to invite a fairy-tale hero to your home for the New Year. Who would you invite? How? Why? (0.5 pages)


Analyze the poem (optional), based on the “Approximate plan for an essay-analysis of a lyrical work”


1. Place stress in the following words: .

2. Perform a morphemic analysis of the following words:

3. Guess the words:

1) With the letter “D” I – time of day,

You can't count the minutes in me.

If you replace “D” with “T”,

I will be with you everywhere.

I'll be on my heels,

Along paths and bushes.

Where you go - there I go too,

You won't drive me away.

2) Part one - will warm the house,

Available in a heat engine.

The second is on a man’s face.

The whole word is in the blue sea...

Although a simple canvas,

But it moves the ship.

3) Everyone is looking for me

When there is a defect in the wheel.

To the driver for everyone on the road

Can I be of any use?

But swap the syllables -

And I will grow in the forest.

4. Insert the missing letters in the words: b..t..rea, co..section, f..ri, v..rm..shel, parach..tist, profession..iya, sh..colade, v..n..gret.

TASK 5/6

Write an essay “50 words about the main thing”

TASK 6/6

Topics for public speaking at a public speaking competition.

​ Is it easy to be kind?

​ What does it mean to be responsive?

​ What does it mean to be a selfless person?

​ Sympathy and kindness are synonyms?

​ Is it possible to live life without having friends?

​ Education is the way to the future?

​ How does a dream differ from a goal?

​ What life lessons help you develop a sense of compassion?

​ What is more important: sympathy or real help?

​ Is it important to be true to your word?

​ Is the classic outdated or not?

​ What is better: who to be or what to be?

​ Is it possible to say that courage is the engine of progress?

​ Do you need to have courage to say “no”?

​ Do you need to be true to yourself?

​ Are social norms of behavior necessary?

​ An active life position is a start to success?

​ In whose hands is our future?

​ Is someone else’s example the only school of humanity?

​ The highest happiness of a person - what does it consist of?

​ Love and villainy - incompatible things?

​ Does society need leaders?

​ What goals are important to set on your life’s journey?

​ What does reading experience add to life experience?

​ Man and time, society and era through the eyes of a 2018 graduate

​ My contemporary... What is he like?

​ Love, honor, patriotism... Words or life?


Task 1. Place stress in the following words:

statue, conscript, shop, hate, means, tool, kilometer, carpenter, driver, contract, quarter, calling.

Task 2. Perform a morphemic analysis of the following words:

underground, construction site, school, handbag, bathed.

Task 3. Explain the semantic difference between the words:

village - village, donkey - donkey, eat - eat, dare - dare, sky - sky.

Task 4. Parse the sentences by members, indicate the cases of nouns:

The sun was covered by a cloud. On the horizon, tourists saw a big city. Iceberg is a floating mountain of ice.

Task 5. Make up several sentences so that the word “ language" used in different meanings.

TASK 8/6

1. Find the “extra” word

Salt, salt marsh, salt, soloist

    "Interesting Questions":

What words contain three letters? e?

3 Which of these words have a zero ending?

Houses, heads, foundations, necks.

4 Write out only phraseological units from the text.

Yes, he behaves extremely badly. We should take it in our hands. To know : don't give your hands free rein! And then - I give you my hand to cut off - he will immediately stop letting go!

5 Name a few words related to the animal world with double consonants.

TASK 9/6

Analyze the poem according to your plan

Konstantin Balmont

There is only one beauty in the world...

There is only one beauty in the world.

Not the beauty of the gods of Hellas,

And not a dream in love,

Not heavy mountains,

And not seas, not waterfalls,

Purity is not the gaze of women

There is only one beauty in the world -

Love, sadness, renunciation,

And voluntary torment

Christ crucified for us.

7th grade

TASK 1/7

Question 1 Determine the number of letters and sounds in words.
Uncomfortable, hostility, wish, excited, move away, January.

Question 2 Place emphasis on the words:
Hyphen, calling, contract, cakes, percentage, catalog, arrived, put, draw, funds, dry, exorbitant prices .

Question 3 What Russian synonyms can replace borrowed words?
Route, discussion, avenue, maestro, fiasco, chief.

Question 4 Which of the given pairs of phraseological units has different relationships than the others?
Grated kalach - shot sparrow,
two boots in a pair – birds of a feather,
neither fish nor meat - not a candle to God, not a devil's poker,
run aground - run aground,
whatever the spirit has - to the fullest.

Question 5 Schoolchildren living and studying in Russia can say that they know the Russian alphabet from A to Z. What could the students of Ancient Greece say about knowing their alphabet? What about Ancient Rus'?

What could the students of Ancient Greece say about knowing their alphabet? What about Ancient Rus'?


Imagine that at night the words in the dictionary come to life and talk to each other. Describe one such night, a conversation of words from the Explanatory Dictionary. (0.75 pages)


Analyze the poem (optional), based on the “Approximate plan for an essay-analysis of a lyrical work”


    Place accents in words:

dancer, dispensary, nap, spark, quarter, beautiful, means, Christian, sorrel, gas pipeline.

    In which row do all words consist of 7 sounds?

And the sparrows will change the stitches;

B loom, cut, weeds;

Get carried away, boy, eat;

G leftovers, hurt, burn.

    What words of Russian origin can replace borrowed words?

Intuition, emergency, charm, absurdity, boss.

    What phraseological units are used in Russian to characterize people by their appearance, properties, qualities ?

About a person who is difficult to make believe or convince of anything.

About a meek, harmless person.

About a person who is constantly being blamed for someone else's actions, responsibility for someone else's actions.

About a person who often changes his decisions.

About a person who does not use anything himself and does not give to others.

About a very thin, emaciated man.

    In which series are not all words synonymous?

And the bonds, shackles, shackles

B imagination, fantasy, fiction

In zeal, favor, service

Hill, knoll, hill.


Write an essay “50 words about the main thing”


Topics for public speaking at a public speaking competition.

​ Is it easy to be kind?

​ What does it mean to be responsive?

​ What does it mean to be a selfless person?

​ Sympathy and kindness are synonyms?

​ Is it possible to live life without having friends?

​ Education is the way to the future?

​ How does a dream differ from a goal?

​ What life lessons help you develop a sense of compassion?

​ What is more important: sympathy or real help?

​ Is it important to be true to your word?

​ Is the classic outdated or not?

​ What is better: who to be or what to be?

​ Is it possible to say that courage is the engine of progress?

​ Do you need to have courage to say “no”?

​ Do you need to be true to yourself?

​ Are social norms of behavior necessary?

​ An active life position is a start to success?

​ In whose hands is our future?

​ Is someone else’s example the only school of humanity?

​ The highest happiness of a person - what does it consist of?

​ Love and villainy - incompatible things?

​ Does society need leaders?

​ What goals are important to set on your life’s journey?

​ What does reading experience add to life experience?

​ Man and time, society and era through the eyes of a 2018 graduate

​ My contemporary... What is he like?

​ Love, honor, patriotism... Words or life?

​ Does it all start with love?

​ Is it possible to live without art?


    Find and correct speech errors.

Having closed the book, the characters remain in our memory for a long time.

Due to severe frosts, fruit trees died.

This was the surest way to solve the problem.

He told me the autobiography of his life.

The theater seats up to five hundred and fifty spectators.

    Write the numbers in words.

In 2011, the lyceum's library collection was replenished with 3,846 books.

    Copy by opening brackets and inserting missing letters and punctuation marks .

Dark S..Birskaya autumn night..near Baikal. We are (still) swimming along the left bank of the winding...stop and empty...stop river. For the third day (after) it has been drizzling with light (not) rain. It doesn’t stop for a minute. We have woolen clothes and waterproof leather boots. But still, none of us manage to escape from the rain. It pierces (through) everywhere without giving any... any mercy, without leaving a single dry thread. (You can’t) run away from him.. and (not) hide.. from him.

(C) to the right (tsya, tsya) steep banks and (c) to the left.. without.. an end ribbon stretches.. (tsya, tsya) green forest. (Towards) the night you need to make sure you get to the village and (c) there is still... the most terrible roll ahead. In order to fly it, you need to read the time accurately to (half) a minute. Here he is making noise. (From) afar you can hear the beast... (n, nn) ​​the roar of its waves.

Because of the noise of the wind, we (not) notice everything as we approach the riffle almost (at) close.

After (a few) seconds, the fiercely rumbling roll remains somewhere behind.

TASK 8/7

    Find the "extra" word

Miner, mountain, hill, mountain.

2 “Interesting questions”:

What words begin with four consonants?

    Which of these words have a zero ending?

Cows, heads, batteries, young men.

    Write out only phraseological units from the text

No doubt about it - a hot head. But if we came to an agreement with him, on our own head, then now we are responsible for his behavior with our head.

5 “Name it in one word.”

A) An injection given by a nurse.

B) Meat decoction.

B) Weeds near the house.

D) Someone's personal opinion.

TASK 8/8

    Find the "extra" word

Floor, rug, floor, field

2 “Interesting questions”:

What letter must be written into the boy's name so that it turns into the name of wooden pointed poles?

    Which of these words have a zero ending?

Tables, cows, batteries, young men.

    Write out only phraseological units from the text

I don't know yet what we should do ( my head is spinning ) , but I think it’s not worth hanging your nose on. I guarantee my head that together we will always be able to soap his neck!

5 “Name it in one word.”

A) The one who brings newspapers and magazines.

B) Always accompanies the general.

B) Under construction...

TASK 9/7

Analyze the poem according to your plan

8th grade

TASK 1/8

Linguistic tests

    Write out the masculine nouns from the sentences.

1) A kangaroo, a panda, a gorilla, a fox, a raccoon dog, a turtle and two exotic snakes were brought to the zoo. 2) After a walk along the embankment, I went to a cafe with a cake. 3) The doctor in Nikolaev sees from 8.00 to 15.00. 4) Tokyo is the capital of Japan. 5) In our salon you can order tulle, curtains, blinds. 6) To enter a university you must pass exams.

    Establish a semantic correspondence between the words of the first group (Russian) and the words of the second group (borrowed). Indicate the names of the resulting pairs of words.

Apathy Philanthropy

Philanthropy Street

Current Failure

Dispute Impassivity

Fiasco Topical

Avenue Dispute

    Determine which part of the sentence is the infinitive.

1) Marina entered the room with an order to sleep. 2) In the morning, when he was asleep, he could not realize where he was. 3) I think, citizen, you will find yourself in such a situation and hire him to shear the herd. 4) Writing a note in French seemed inappropriate to her. 5) He agreed to meet his brother at noon.

    Which of the following words contain five morphemes? Comment your answer.

Exceeded, tired, in English, in love, studying, smiled.

    Write down incomplete sentences. Explain your choice.

    In which words is the stressed vowel incorrectly highlighted?

Catalog, quarter, boy New, enviable, meager, newborn, carpenter, sorrel, garbage chute, provision.

    Write down words that have a figurative meaning. Indicate what type of transfer is typical for these meanings (metaphor, metonymy).

An attentive audience, an interesting book, a service entrance, a brilliant success, a funny story, a distracted look, a kind person, it’s raining.

TASK 2/8

Linguistic tasks.

    What part of speech can the definition be expressed? Illustrate your answer with examples.

    List the five days of the week in order, using neither numerals nor names of the days of the week, but using adverbs. Max - 3 points.

    Word combinations are given, each of which has a specific meaning. Group the phrases based on the commonality of their meanings. Justify your answer.

Reading books, the whistle of a steam locomotive, analysis of a poem, a brother's book, a cup of tea, the cry of a seagull, father's house, division commander.

    Cross out the extra phraseological unit in each row. Give reasons for your answer.

Walk on the edge of a knife, chase dogs, chase a quitter, play the fool.

Hang your head, keep your nose in the wind, hang your nose as if lowered into water.

To be left in the cold, to play the fool, to be left with a nose, to be fooled.

    Find the general meaning of the borrowed words: circus, circular, compasses.

    Find the predicate in the sentences and determine its type. Explain your decision.

1) New buses will run along these streets. 2) The boys continued to kick the ball. 3) We immediately became quieter and more mature. 4) An hour later he came to his senses.

TASK 3/8

Creative tasks

Compose a text-argument (10 - 12 sentences) on the topic “Is it possible to use slang words in speech?” Give reasons for your position.

TASK 4/8

    What means of artistic expression did the authors use?

Your verse, like God's spirit, rushed above the crowd

And, a review of noble thoughts,

Sounded like a bell on the veche tower

On days of national celebrations and troubles.

M.Yu. Lermontov.

2) Hidden paths, deaf,

Into the forest thickets twilight is coming.

Covered with dry leaves

The forests are silent- they are waiting for the autumn night.

I. Bunin

2. Indicate the genre of Old Russian literature:

A) legend

A) Vladimir Monomakh

B) Yaroslav the Wise

B) Peter the Great

D) Ivan the Terrible

4. Determine the poetic size of this work.

The wonderful city will sometimes merge

From flying clouds;

But only the wind will touch him,

He will disappear without a trace;

So instant creatures

Poetic dream

Disappear from breath

Extraneous fuss.

E. Baratynsky

5. Read

TASK 5/8

1) Ochumelov.

2) Deforge.

3) Natalya Savishna.

4) Princess Volkonskaya.

    Which heroes of which work of Russian literature are we talking about? Name the author, work and characters.

A) He studied more willingly and without the stress with which a difficult and strong character is usually accepted. He was more resourceful than his brother; more often he was the leader of a rather dangerous enterprise and sometimes, with the help of his inventive mind, he knew how to evade punishment. He was also seething with a thirst for achievement, but at the same time his soul was accessible to other feelings.

B)…A kind fellow: he takes care of our horses, braids their manes, comes to the priest for a blessing; but if you don’t give him an extra spoon at the table or the priest doesn’t give him an extra blessing during his vacation in church, then... he’ll go on a spree...

3. Here are terms that were collected into three groups, but were accidentally mixed up. Determine what groups these are, give a name to each group of words, make corrections.

a) dactyl a) simile a) proverb

b) story b) iambic b) fable

c) romance c) anapaest c) hyperbole

d) trochee d) metaphor d) poem

e) epithet e) personification e) antithesis

Additional tasks in Russian for grade 3. Topic: Verb (for grade 3)

Exercise 1. Indicate the tense and gender of the verbs. Highlight the ending.
It's... clear... morning. The sun shone brightly in the deep sky... Its rays played... on the river... on the roofs of houses. The dew on the grass, on the leaves of the trees sparkled like diamonds. There was... silence all around. Only the swallow chirped cheerfully.
Sample: It was a clear morning.
Exercise 2. Write down the sentences. Instead of dots, insert the necessary verbs: put and put.
Father brought newspapers and... they were on the table. I always put my books... on the shelf. I’ll finish the work and... the notebook in my briefcase. You always need every thing... in its place.
Exercise 3. Write it down. Replace the singular number of the noun and verb with the plural, highlight the endings of the verbs, indicate the conjugation.
1. The nightingale sings.
2. The lark is ringing.
3. The oriole whistles.
4. The magpie is chattering.
5.The owl screams.
6. The woodpecker is knocking.
7. Crossbill creaks.
Sample: mosquito squeaks - mosquitoes squeak (2 spr)
Exercise 4. For these verbs, choose others that are opposite in meaning.
Speak-be silent
Spark off-
Exercise 5. Disassemble by composition.
Needle, crane, kindergarten, fiction, putty, day off, fake, construction, bell, colored, swallow, dark, night, snowy, fitting, northern, sweet, tray, warm, cutting down, you say, pencil, hut, white, lilac, animal, star, apple tree, collective farm, town, garden, running, think, change your mind, rural, ponytail, cunning.
Exercise 6. Write by inserting the missing letters. In verbs, highlight prefixes and roots.
1. The wind carried away the thundercloud. 2. The ducks woke up screaming. 3. Tanya carried her brother across the stream. 4.P...the postman brought a telegram from his sister. 5. Relate the book to a friend. 6. The waves brought the wreckage of the ship to the surface of the sea. 7. The dacha was surrounded by a new fence. 8.All the roads, all the steps...kicks with white snow are behind...the layer. 9.N...a flock of cranes is hovering in the sky.
Exercise 7. Conjugate the verbs.
I grow, I lie down, I decide, I cook.
Exercise 8. Change these verbs according to the example.

Verbs: sow, sow, see, see, hear, hear, watch, look.
Exercise 9. For these verbs, select and write those that are opposite in meaning and meaning. Put them in the 2nd person singular at the end of the verbs and highlight them.
Speak-be silent-be silent
Be silent-
Exercise 10. Write it off. Underline the infinitive verbs. Ask questions to them, determine the conjugation.
Our native land is the most magnificent thing we have been given for life. We must cultivate it, protect it and protect it with all the strength of our being.
Exercise 11. Read it. Write it off. Determine the tense of the highlighted verbs.
Costs There's an old poplar tree by the road. It's alarming in winter they make noise its bare branches. in spring covered poplar with green foliage.
- Tell me, grandfather, how old is our poplar? Who is it planted?
- A good man planted this poplar. As a boy I played under it, your mother and her friends have wreaths weaved, now you too playing in his shadow.

class 1 “ ” last name, first name: _________________________ (1 option)

  1. A). owl b). run
    V). wall d). animal

  1. A). steel b). village
    V). redhead d). bite

  2. A). work b). coming
    V). delicious d). shouting

  3. A). Ira b). Zhenya c). Misha

  4. A). in, lived, three, house, bear
    b). In, three, lived, a house, a bear
    V). Three bears lived in the house.

  5. Warm spring came, water began to flow, the children took a plank and made a boat, the boat floated on the water.

  6. A). The cat was sleeping on the roof.
    b). She pressed her paws together.
    V). A bird sat down near the cat.

A). sedge b). snowball
V). moon d). gaming

9. Enter the required letter:
A). h. gong b). area dka c). and. raf

A). scooter b). white c). Guys

1). ska. ka a). z b). With
2). ry. ka a). b b). P

12. How many sounds are in words:
A). goat b). horse c). anchor

Additional tasks:

A). con. ki b). plat. e
V). perch ki g). bol. she

A). apple b). garden
V). delicious d). tree

* * *

Russian language tests (grade 1/1-3/).

class 1 “ ” last name, first name: _________________________ (option 2)

  1. Which of these words denote objects:
    A). play b). mouse
    V). globe d). big
  1. What words denote the characteristics of objects:
    A). red b). city
    V). shout d). wood
  2. Which of the words denote the actions of objects:
    A). sculpts b). new
    V). class d). walks
  3. Check the names that can belong to both boys and girls:
    A). Misha b). Sasha c). Sveta
  4. Mark which groups of words are sentences:
    A). Dad and I went to the zoo.
    b). With, we, went, to the zoo, dad
    V). We, with, the zoo, went, to, dad
  5. Determine how many sentences are in the text:
    The snow fell and the children ran out and started building a snowman. It turned out to be a good snowman.
    A). 5 sentences b). 4 offers
    V). 6 sentences d). 3 offers
  6. Mark only the sentence that fits this scheme: .
    A). Spring came.
    b). Streams flowed along the roads.
    V). The birds sang merrily.

8. Determine the number of syllables in words:
A). lesson b). jumping
V). rowan d). beloved

9. Enter the required letter:
A). w. rocky b). growl d c). ch. shka

10. Put emphasis in words:
A). kids b). red c). plays

11. Which letter should be inserted into the word:
1). shlya. ka a). b b). P
2). pr. ki a). f b). w

12. How many sounds are in words:

A). dew b). elk c). spruce

Additional tasks:

13. Find words with a soft separator:

A). con. ki b). plat. e
V). perch ki g). bol. she

14. Which word is missing? Why?

A). apple b). garden
V). delicious d). tree

15. Read two groups of sentences and indicate which one
of these groups is a connected text:

A). There was only one mother at home. Nastya sat down at the table and took a book. She began to read a fairy tale. Mom was happy. Nastya came from school.

b). Nastya came from school. There was only one mother at home. Nastya sat down at the table and took a book. She began to read a fairy tale. Mom was happy.

Several years ago, while preparing children for school, I used S.I.’s manual. Ageeva "Learning with passion" (M., Laida, 1994). In this manual, the author offers “Magic Pictures” (until you color it, you won’t understand what is drawn) for better memorization of numbers and the results of addition and subtraction within the first ten. I noticed a genuine interest in these tasks not only among preschool children, but also among primary and secondary school students, who watched with envy as preschool children colored something incomprehensible, but the result was a colorful drawing. “If only we were given such tasks! I really want to!” the students said. And I tried to adapt some of S.I.’s pictures. Ageeva in Russian.
In elementary school, when children received such tasks, they were delighted. And even the “most harmful” vocabulary words were remembered by the children much faster and better (after all, you didn’t want there to be mistakes in the picture!). In addition, for elementary school students (and many fifth graders as well), coloring or shading is a useful exercise for developing fine motor skills.
Gradually, tasks appeared in the form of “Magic Pictures” for both 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and even 9th grades. These pictures forced the students to once again turn to a spelling or explanatory dictionary and write down difficult words. For secondary school students, the teacher can accompany these pictures with various additional tasks, for example,

  • write down 10 words for the various spellings found in the picture, explain the spelling (where possible);
  • write down 5 words for a specific spelling, perform phonetic (morphemic, word-formation, morphological) analysis;
  • write down one word for each encountered spelling (or for those spellings that the teacher indicates) and make up a sentence with them (preferably one) with homogeneous members of the sentence (with introductory words, with an address, with homogeneous members and a generalizing word, with a separate participial phrase etc.)

And the last thing I would like to say. It is advisable to give such tasks not very often (about 3-4 times a year), the rest of the time you can use other effective game tasks. It is better to offer children not all pictures at once, but only one. Then it is perceived as a holiday. And of course, the completed task must be checked and evaluated (though a mark is not always needed).

This work offers several “Magic Pictures”, in the appendix - what should happen.
1. Topic: "Vocabulary words"

I am black. I-red. O-green A-sin.

2. Topics: “Combinations -ova-(-eva-) and -ыва-(-iva-) in infinitives”, “Vowels Y, I after prefixes”, “Vowels Y, I after C”, “Vowels O, E ,Ё after sibilants and Ts", "Dictionary words with unstressed vowels in the roots", "Unstressed vowels in the roots, verified by stress", "Alternating vowels in the roots"

O-green Y-blue. E, E-yellow. I-ser. I am black. A-red E-sin.

3. Topics: “Dictionary words”, “Unstressed vowels in the root of a word, verified by stress”, “Doubtful consonants”

P-white. A, Z, G, D-green. E-ser. E-black. O-red J-cor. Z-yellow.

4. Topic: "Vocabulary words"

A-blue. I-green O-yellow. E-cor. U-white Yu-black. I'm red.

5. Topic: "Alternation of vowels in roots"

E-yellow. Y-black. U-beln. I-red. A-sin. O-blue.

6. Topic: “Vowels at the root of the word”

I-green E-sin. O-yellow. A-cor. E-red. I am sir. Yo-blue. Yu-bel.

7. Topic: "Spelling of adverbs"

E-salad. b-ser. A, I-red. O-blue. E-green SOLID yellow. SEPARATE-box HYPHEN-syn.

8. Topic: "Double consonants"

SS-syn. S-green LL-blue. L-yellow. MM-ser. M-red NN-black. N-white.

Several game tasks and exercises in the Russian language on various topics that can be used in both primary and secondary schools.

You need to find at least 7 names of states in this picture. Words can be read from right to left and top to bottom.

Write down the names of the countries in your notebook and write the capital of each country next to it. Put the name of the country and the capital in R., T., P. cases.

2. "Game of tag"

4. Decipher the inversion and write down the resulting text.

What can you say about its content?
Parse the last sentence.

5. "Patterns"

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