Dragon age inquisition dwarves. Walkthrough of Dragon Age: Origins - Dwarves. Looking for an urn

Enlisting Orzammar's support in the war against the Blight will not be an easy task. King Endrin Educan has died, and the deshir, the dwarven lords, cannot choose a successor. There is no hereditary right to the throne. Reigning King may nominate its heir, but only the Council ultimately decides who gets power. Two dwarves claim the throne of Orzammar at once - Belen Educan, younger son the king, and Lord Piral Harrowmont, the king's closest advisor, who is known as a good steward who has repeatedly reached compromises in the strife-torn Council. The future way of life of the dwarves primarily depends on who ends up in power; despite this, both contenders will keep their word and help the Gray Guardians cope with the Pestilence. Most likely, the developers have paved the way for future games in the series, where the decisions made will play a more significant role in the development of the plot than in the original game. For example, the first echo is this: if you support Bhelen, Lord Harrowmont will be killed, and his family will be persecuted (the quest “Last of the Line” will appear (a typical story Without Compromise or Martyr), in which you will need to save Lord Renvil Harrowmont from the thugs from the Charter ).

Prince Belen is an adventurer, a lover of intrigue, and does not hesitate to use dirty methods to eliminate competitors, but his progressive views allow him to hope for global reforms of dwarf society. These qualities clearly characterize his personality. Piral Harrowmont, unlike Belen, is a conservative, diplomat, adherent of traditions, who will not allow global changes and upheavals. Each candidate has his own supporters and opponents, who are ready to give their lives in the fight for their ideals and beliefs. In order for the Council to make a unanimous decision and elect the future ruler, a number of tasks must be completed, the main ones of which will be a battle at the tournament or the delivery of promissory notes, the destruction of the Charter along with Jarvia, etc. Having decided who to support, you will have the opportunity to change your choice at the last meeting of the Council, when the future of Orzammar will depend on the words of the Gray Guardian. Depending on the choice made, one of the achievements “Companion of Harrowmont” or “Companion of Belen” opens.

Gift from Belen for your support in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Triana Hammer- strength: 34; damage: 13.50; +4 damage against creatures of darkness, 2 slots for runes.

Gift from Harrowmont for supporting Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Harrowmont's Staff- magic: 20; damage: 4.80; +1 to magic, +2 to constitution.

The influence of the decision made about the fate of the Dwarven kingdom on the ending of the game Dragon Age: Origins:

  • King Bhelen of Orzammar quickly established himself as a reformer, lending his support to overland merchants and easing the oppression of caste restrictions. The untouchables were allowed to own weapons to fight the creatures of darkness. For the first time in many generations, an entire section of the Deep Paths, along with the taigs, was reconquered. When human armies began to arrive from Ferelden, King Bhelen welcomed them with open arms. In a matter of months, the creatures of darkness were pushed back beyond the Dead Ditches, and the first warrior to return with a trophy from the gates of Bonammar was greeted with universal rejoicing. However, with his reforms, Belen made many enemies among the nobility and among the warrior caste, and after several attempts on his life, the Council was dissolved. Now the king rules alone. Some call him a tyrant, others call him an enlightener who was determined to drag Orzammar screaming and kicking into a new era by the scruff of the neck.
  • In Orzammar, King Harrowmont quickly crushed Bhelen's rebellion and then passed a series of laws to appease the clan lords. Alas, these laws further isolated the gnomes from the upper world. Caste restrictions increased, the rights of the nobility increased, and trade with the lands of people practically dried up. When human troops arrived from Ferelden, they were not allowed into Orzammar. Harrowmont feared that people would bring ruin to the city and only accepted help in the form of equipment and healing potions. After the publication of a law that prohibited untouchables from appearing in in public places, an uprising began, as a result of which the slums were practically razed to the ground. Discontent is growing, although the Assembly still fully supports King Harrowmont...
  • King Harrowmont of Orzammar found himself embroiled in a protracted war with the rebels of Bhelen, preventing him from providing the necessary stability. The clan lords rejected many of his proposals in the Council, and only attempts to further isolate the dwarves from the upper world were met with approval. Over time, Harrowmont's health began to deteriorate. Some spoke of poisoning, others referred to mental weakness. Be that as it may, after a long illness, the king died. And disputes about a successor immediately began in the Council.

Crown Prince (Noble Dwarf)

The story begins in the diamond halls of Orzammar in the royal palace. You will play as the second eldest son of the current dwarven king from the Educan family. We talk to our bodyguard, after which we go to the main hall. Here you can choose: wander around the city or go straight to the feast.
At the celebration, talk to your father. He will ask you to find your younger brother Belen in the testing arena. We go there and talk to the relative. He will say that our elder brother is plotting to kill us. We thank Belen for the information and invite you to the banquet. After a sea of ​​ale and a snack, it will be announced that you and your older brother should go to the abandoned teig of the Educan house.
When we find ourselves in place, we make our way to the crossroads through clusters of spiders and squads of creatures of darkness. At the crossroads we will receive the first reinforcements, through two underground rooms we will receive the second (beware of ambushes by the creatures of darkness). Having completed the squad completely, go to the teig. Inside you will run into a squad of mercenaries. We send them to a meeting with the Creator and take the signet ring from their leader. Afterwards we go into the house and solve one simple puzzle. You need to open the sarcophagus with a shield; to do this, simply place your companions on the shifted tiles on the floor. We take the shield, go out into the street and break the wall with a shot from the ballista. A flock of deep hunters will run out at you. We deal with them and return to the crossroads. Your elder brother has prepared a trap for you. There is nothing to do, you will have to kill him. Once you do this, your father and Belen will appear. You will be accused of murdering your brother, deprived of your title and put in jail, and our brother Belen arranged all this. In prison, a former bodyguard will visit you and tell you that they are going to expel us, sending us to the deep paths even without cotton swab, but with weapons. Also, out of old friendship, they will hint to us that perhaps there are still gray guards in that sector who can help us. Next there will be a short scene of expulsion: they will give us weapons, they will read out the verdict and push us out the door, after which it will be battened down. Then everything is simple: we make our way through the creatures of darkness to the gray guards behind the collapse. Along the way, we search the dead gnomes and equip ourselves. Having reached the guards, we speak with Duncan and tell about what happened. He will be extremely surprised by all this and will offer us help and the opportunity to become a gray guard. We agree and go to Ostagar.


This story begins in the most obscene quarter of Orzammar (Dusty City), where the untouchables live (dwarves without caste, without clan, without tribe, and without anything at all). We are one of those lucky ones. We earn our living by working for the criminal group Charter. Your boss, a certain Berat, is dissatisfied with your work as a racketeer and the work of your prostitute sisters. We receive the task of pressing one of the traders on the topic of the lyrium stolen from the Charter. The merchant sits in the Tavern Tavern. With my accomplice Leske, we need to either kill the merchant or threaten to get the lyrium. When we get the goods, we take them to Berat’s shop. there we will be accused of ratting (they say there is not enough lyrium). You won't be able to get away with it. We will be sent to the testing arena with the goal of poisoning a fighter named Mylar (for this you will need to add poison to his wine), who must fight against one of your boss’s lackeys named Everd. Later it turns out that Everd is drunk as a pig and therefore we will have to fight in the arena for him (in his armor). We suit up and go to distract Mylar while Leska adds poison.
Then go down to the arena and start fighting. Instead of one battle, you will get five. As a result, you will be exposed and arrested, because... untouchables have no right to take part in battles and will be sent to jail. Only not for ordinary gnomes, but to Berat under the dusty city. We get out of the cell with the help of the guard, free our accomplice and go to take revenge. Having found Berat, we kill him for everything good. We go outside and find ourselves in a store where we recently gave an order to the deceased. We go out into the street, there the guards will be waiting for us. Unexpectedly, Duncan will intervene, give us a mace named after Educan (the current king of the dwarves) and take us to Ostagar.

"Since ancient times, in the depths of Thedas there lived a hardworking, and to be honest, somewhat... thrifty people. And they were called - gnomes..."

"Stop stop- the attentive reader will correct me - But “gnomes” is not their self-name"And he will be absolutely right - gnomes call themselves" Dwarva"which is close to the English name" Dwarves"And in the original, apparently it was from the self-name that the name that was given to this people by the other races of Thedas came from. However, for the convenience of readers, I will continue to call them" gnomes" - which, although not entirely true, is more common.

So - who are the gnomes? Dwarves are a humanoid race that has inhabited the depths of Thedas since ancient times, as mentioned above. In ancient times they had their own underground empire, about which almost nothing is now known. Dwarves are also known for their resistance to magic and lyrium - unless the latter gets into open wounds. A sad example of what happens then can be seen in " Dragon Age: Origins" in the person of a trinket merchant in Orzammar.

However, after the First Blight, the ancient gnome empire fell into decline, as it was destroyed by the Spawns of Darkness. Actually, the gnomes were the first to encounter the Spawns, and suffered the most from them. More than 90% of territories were lost former empire, many dwarves died in battles with the Spawns of Darkness, and many of those who survived, due to defilement, which had a bad effect on the wounded, became infertile. Here it is worth noting the excellent health of the gnomes - people or elves, in most cases, upon contact with evil, went to meet the Creator (or whoever they believed in) or became ghouls. The gnomes “got away” with only infertility - which, however, caused serious fears for the future of the race: there were already only a handful of them left, compared to ancient times, in addition, the gnomes continued to die in battles with the Spawns, and then there was this misfortune.

Which, however, gave rise to a rather interesting phenomenon - the institute " noble hunters" (or, more correctly - " noble huntresses"). Women who wanted to rise in society seduced a member of one of the rich families and gave birth to a child from him. If this child was male, then both he and his mother “rose” in society, entering the father’s caste. Well, what if no, then I'm sorry - it happened the other way around. In a similar way, most often, they tried to increase their status " untouchables" - which is quite understandable and understandable. The hunters were called “noble” because they hunted mainly representatives of noble houses ( yes, yes, your K.O .).

Dwarves, as mentioned above, are resistant to lyrium, and as a result, to magic. Which is a source of great headache for magicians - because most spells cannot penetrate gnomes. However, this also closes the way for gnomes to study magic in principle - because lyrium immunity results in the inability to manipulate magical energy. There is an interesting effect - gnomes who live on the surface for a long time gradually lose resistance to lyrium and magic, but there are no reliable cases of gnomes using magic.

Dwarves also have unique ability- “Sense of stone”, received from the progenitor of the race. It helps them navigate underground, acting as a kind of internal compass. Just like resistance to lyrium, this ability atrophies over time in surface-dwelling gnomes.

*This ability of gnomes is not displayed in any way in the game, so how it serves to navigate gnomes underground is unknown.


Read more about the history of the Dwarf kingdom and the race as a whole in this article.

Dwarves are one of the oldest races of Thedas and have an eventful history.

In ancient times, a huge Dwarven Empire existed and developed, consisting of many underground cities and communications, whose trade turnover with Elvenan and the Tevinter Empire reached enormous proportions. Then the dwarves reached the peak of their power.

However, during the First Blight, the dwarves suffered enormous damage from the Spawn of Darkness. And as a result of fierce battles, only two teigs survived - Orzammar and Kal'Sharok, and the latter was sealed until recently, and everyone considered its inhabitants dead.

By the Age of the Dragon, the gnomes had lost almost all of their possessions, but Orzammar continues to hold out, sometimes winning back and, conversely, losing several small thaigs. The Dwarf population is slowly but steadily declining. And traditionalism prevents you from actively interacting with the surface, which, however, you can try to change as the game progresses by assisting Belen Educan in his rise to the throne.

Culture and society

Caste system

The Dwarf social hierarchy is quite unique - particularly in the presence of castes. Members of different castes differ sharply in rights (and responsibilities), and transition from one caste to another is very difficult.

"Psprouts" (they are - " untouchables") - outcasts living in the Dusty City - old ruins, a kind of "ghetto" for the "declassed element". If we draw analogies, then they are closest to the caste of the same name in India - these are the despised scum of society, who have no rights, descendants of criminals, exiles and other similar brethren. "Anthers" do not have the right to work, cannot defend their honor at the Test, cannot serve in the army in order to fight the Spawns of Darkness (well, except in the Legion of the Dead - everyone is accepted there). that in this state of affairs, this is the most criminalized and asocial part of the dwarven society. Also belonging to this caste were those dwarves who abandoned the Stone and went to the surface (which, it must be said, is identical in the understanding of the dwarves), or were expelled to the surface.

However, recently, with an increase in the percentage of representatives of rich and respected clans among terrestrials, the situation and attitude towards the gnomes, who preferred the sun to the vaults of caves, is changing. This also did not happen suddenly and spontaneously - the gnomes realized their profit from trade with the inhabitants of the surface, and noble rich houses took up this issue closely. However, most gnomes are afraid to go to the surface; there are many superstitions and prejudices about this, such as “falling into the sky,” or the sun falling to the ground, and the rulers of the gnomes, not wanting the emigration of their subjects, are in no hurry to carry out an educational program. Among the overlanders there are many merchants, traders and blacksmiths, but there is also a “criminal element” such as thieves, murderers and other dubious occupations of citizens. For example, after the murder of their leaders Berat and Jarvia, the largest gang of the Dust City, known as the Charter, was able to get to the surface almost in full force: they settled near Kirkwall.

Above the "anthers" are located servants(who are very proud that, unlike the despised “dusters”, they can find work), traders, miners, blacksmiths, warriors, aristocrats And deshiri. Aristocrats occupy a dominant position in Dwarven society, while the Deshir are " first among equals" This is a special group that governs all dwarven life, meeting in Assemblies on behalf of their houses, and can even advise (strongly) the king what to do in a given situation.

Despite the rigidity of the hierarchy, it is still possible to move from caste to caste. The first way is to do something unique, out of the ordinary. Then even an untouchable can receive the status of a Perfect One and the right to found his own noble House. However, this happens extremely rarely. Much more often, the status of a family increases due to the birth of a male child from a representative of a higher caste. Then the mother's family is included in the caste of the child's father - but this only works when a boy is born. The girl inherits her mother’s caste and has no rights to increase her social status.

Monarchy is a common form of government for dwarves. However, heredity is not a determining factor in who sits on the throne after the king's death. The king can only propose the most suitable candidate from his point of view, and the Assembly will meet and determine the next king.

Most of the dwarves' wealth does not come from selling jewelry, or mining, or even trading in weapons (although dwarven blacksmithing is famous throughout Thedas) - the biggest income comes from trading in lyrium. The gnomes successfully sell this substance to both the Tevinter Empire and the Church, which with its help controls the Order of the Templars (and at the same time the magicians), and in such volumes that Colombian and Afghan drug dealers would cry burning tears of envy in their arms if it were in reality. Well, where there is trade, there is also its illegal, but very profitable sister - smuggling. It is the smuggling of lyrium that is the main source of income for the shadowy tycoons of the dusty city.


The diet of gnomes is unique compared to the other races of Thedas, because gnomes lead an underground lifestyle. The most famous diet of the dwarves of Orzammar is... they have contacts with outside world, in contrast to the more secretive gnomes of Kal "Sharok. The basis of the gnomes' diet consists of animals that live underground and plants, mainly mushrooms (who said "Castaneda"?). This shows the wisdom and foresight of the gnomes, who had the opportunity to purchase food on the surface , but did not become dependent on them.

Due to the loss of many thaigs captured by the Spawns of Darkness, the gnomes were forced to partially purchase food on the surface, but they continued to grow the plants available to them and breed animals.


Not many plants can grow underground, but the gnomes make every effort to breed them. An additional danger with such “farming” is the fel of the Spawn of Darkness and the proximity of lyrium, but the gnomes do not give up. They grow a range of plants:

  • Lichen- bread is usually made from it;
  • Deep mushroom- it usually grows near the habitats of the Spawn of Darkness, which gives it, according to the gnomes, a “unique taste and intoxicating aroma”;
  • Moss- used to create alcohol of dubious quality, but of undoubted strength;
  • Mushrooms- used for food and beverages.


  • Nag- a small animal, something between a hare and pork (the taste of the meat is appropriate);
  • Bronto- used both as a draft vehicle and for food;
  • Cave beetle- Dwarves eat them fried in a shell.

Alcoholic drinks

Dwarves love and know how to drink. They export and import alcoholic beverages and actively consume alcohol in immeasurable quantities.

  • Dwarf Ale— the black viscous liquid that is prepared with mushrooms is unsuitable for drinking by non-dwarves;
  • Beer "Brakien"- beer with a deep, rich taste;
  • "Coconut Draft"— a drink offered by the waitress at the Tapster Tavern in "The Tale of Orzammar";
  • "Hirola Lava Eruption"- produced in Kal'Hirol;
  • Lichen Ale- a poisonous ale common in Dusty City;
  • Moss wine- wine made from moss;
  • "Valenta's Red".

Food from the surface

With the development of trade with the surface, food appeared among other goods. Products from the surface were new, exotic, accessible to few. In truth, it is generally accessible only to nobles or very influential individuals and families. Of course, the nobles and those who could afford this luxury did not complain. Famous delicacies supplied to Orzammar include plum jam and caviar, and drinks include mead, supplied by the owner of the Tapster Tavern, who trades with the dwarf families settled on the surface.

Famous dishes:
  • Aged cheese And minced meat- very common;
  • Naga empanadas- often used as food for children;
  • "Naga Pieces"- also often used as food for children;
  • Braised nag— fried in a similar frying pan and then stewed in the oven in a creamy mushroom sauce;
  • Fried porridge.


Unlike many other cultures of Thedas, dwarves do not worship anthropomorphic deities. Instead, they developed a deep reverence for the Stone. Dwarves are the children of the Stone, they respect it, fear it, they bow before it, and in gratitude they receive the protection and favor of their “deity.” This tradition is already almost two thousand years old.

Another tradition is ancestor worship. If the gnome led a correct life, was honest, noble in his actions and thoughts - “strengthened the Stone” - then after death he was revered as an ancestor. If the dwarf behaved cowardly, vilely, lied and committed unworthy acts - “weakened the Stone” - then his name was forever subject to oblivion.

Another unique dwarf tradition is the Institute of the Paragons. If a gnome did something great during his life that saved many lives, gave a new impetus to science or helped gnomes survive their difficult life, then the Assembly had the right to award such a gnome the title of Perfect. In addition to the benefits in the form of full respect and the right to found his own aristocratic family, the Perfect One was also endowed with the right to “speak as the Stone pleases” - i.e. his words and decisions were interpreted as expressing the will of the Stone. This was not always true - as the example of the Perfect Branca shows - but nevertheless it was so. In addition, after death, a dwarf who had the status of a Perfect One automatically began to be revered on an equal basis with the Ancestors.

But other religions and churches did not take root well with the gnomes. Their religious beliefs were not significantly influenced by the religion of Tevinter, a longtime ally, or by the Church of Andraste.

Intimate life and marriage

Despite the conservatism of gnome culture, their intimate life is not limited by Puritan rules. The reason for this is as simple as kylo - due to corruption and attacks by the Spawn of Darkness, the number of the race is slowly but surely decreasing. Therefore, gnomes do not adhere to strict rules in their personal lives, because they understand that otherwise they will die out like mammoths. However, aristocrats prefer to marry within “their circle”, and keep “noble huntresses” as concubines, so that they can continue the family line if the “main” wife cannot cope with this - three or four concubines, just in case case." “Contacts of the third kind” with representatives of other races are not common - due to the fact that Orzammar is still a closed city. In any case, dwarves consider themselves superior to other races of Thedas, and such contacts are looked down upon.

For noble gnomes, everything is dual - men are allowed a lot; there were cases when a noble gnome was allowed to have as many children as possible from “noble huntresses.” But women from noble families must “maintain cleanliness,” and this is closely monitored by the relatives of the young ladies. So that, so to speak, there are no “unpleasant incidents.”

For the “common people”, everything is much simpler - either within the caste, or if a woman gives birth to a boy to a representative of a higher caste, the whole clan goes “for promotion”. For women of the “anther” caste, this was generally the only chance to “move up in life.” But men, alas, either have their own caste, or those who are lower (well, except for the “anthers” - there was no one lower than them).

A dwarf wearing bracers showed that he was not married.



Guardians are a special entity in gnome society. Members of this peculiar order are scientists, judges, specialists in genealogy and philosophy of gnomes. Their task is almost sacred - preserving the knowledge of gnomes and about gnomes, everything that happened throughout the history of the underground people. Guardians are outside politics and try to adhere to this rule, although they do not always succeed. They preserve history, keep records of births, deaths and marriages - based on their data, you can trace the history of almost any dwarven family.

In addition, the duties of the Guardians include searching for and preserving knowledge lost during the fall of the Dwarven Empire. Knowledge is sought in lost tags, which, of course, is not the easiest or safest activity.

The Guardians are the source of knowledge in Orzammar. Their archives are open to members of any caste, perhaps even untouchables can enter. Some scientists receive “grants” from noble families for a more detailed study of the history of these families. They also regulate changes in the structure of society in Orzammar - for example, they can decide whether those who worship someone other than the Stone, the Ancestors and the Committed are considered criminals or not.

The Guardians are apolitical, although on sensitive issues (like the murder of members royal family) their powers are severely limited by the Assembly. They can also act as judges, as they are considered impartial and disinterested.

However, they cannot be considered completely objective. For example, they never write down anything related to the “anthers” - they don’t even record the fact that the last children were born (which is very important among gnomes). May they seize records of an "unworthy" gnome (or gnomes) who discredit their race - in the opinion of the Guardians. In addition, some inconvenient moments in the history of noble families can be cleaned up

And finally, the Guardians are responsible for the maintenance of the golems.

There are three branches of the Guardians - the Memory Guardians, the Golem Guardians, and the Stone Guardians.

“Memory Keepers” - as a rule, these are nobles, since Memory Keepers are the most respected and “elite” part of the Keepers. Their "ranks":

  • Memory Keeper;
  • The keeper;
  • Guardian Assistant;
  • Scientist;
  • Guardian-scribe;
  • Guardian-cataloguer.

“Golem Guardians,” as you might guess, are responsible for golems; Previously, this was also a fairly significant part of the Order of the Guardians, but with a decrease in the number of golems, its importance gradually faded away;

The Keepers of the Stone keep records of work, marriage, fertility, and other aspects of the inner life of dwarf society.

Legion of the Dead

One of the most powerful - and darkest units of the Dwarf army. Reporting directly to the king or queen of Orzammar, the Legion accepted everyone into its ranks. Whether you are a nobleman trying to avoid disgrace for his family, a commoner, or even an untouchable, the Legion is open to everyone. On the eve of joining the Legion, those who were accepted into the Legion said goodbye to their relatives, who celebrated a memorial service for him and fell into mourning, after which the “deceased” left his home and joined the Legion - from now on and forever he was dead to everyone who knew him. Legionnaires usually wore dark tattoos and heavy armor, each of them fought desperately, because he had nothing to lose - he was already dead. The Legionnaires see off their dead brothers on their last journey, calling it the “Second Death” and rejoicing for them - after all, their torment on this earth finally came to an end, and they were free. They tried to bury legionnaires in crypts, in securely walled sarcophagi - in order to avoid desecration of the bodies of those who were not afraid to abandon everything they knew to fight the Darkness, the filth of the Spawns.

In general, the Legion fights the Spawns of Darkness, holding back their onslaught, and almost never comes to the surface. However, cases did occur - although they were rare. In 8:99 of the Blessed Age, then-Prince Maric Theirin asked the dwarves for support in overthrowing the Orlesian yoke - and the Legion of the Dead came to his aid. The dwarves must have respected him greatly, but Marik also had to make concessions - he promised that all the legionnaires who died above would be buried underground so that they could be reunited with the Stone. The second time, during the Fifth Blight, the Gray Warden helped the Dwarves of the Legion at the Battle of the Dead Ditch, and the Legionnaires came to the aid in the final battle for Denerim with the Archdemon Urthemiel. However, their main task is still to contain the Spawn of Darkness on the Deep Paths.


Trials are fights in a public arena, where fighters fight for honor and glory, and to entertain the people, of course. For although gnomes are gnomes, nothing human is alien to them, and the crowd demands “Bread and circuses,” and preferably bloody spectacles. Of course, usually Trials are a kind of “Judgment of God” - if two individuals or two communities cannot otherwise resolve the dispute, they field fighters (or come out themselves) and decide in the arena who is right. The winner receives the “Approval of the Perfect”, and he is recognized as being right. Naturally, only warriors and nobles fight in the arena, so even if the fighters fight to the death, this is acceptable. After all, the death of one fighter in the conditions of a severe shortage of personnel is preferable to a full-scale massacre between clans a la Corsican vendetta.

By the way, the first gladiatorial battles in the Tevinter Empire were based precisely on the Trials of the Dwarves. Most likely, Tevinter merchants “spied” the battles and decided to make the same entertainment for themselves.

However, if a fight to the death was not agreed upon in advance, and the fighter killed his opponent, he is rejected and condemned by society as unworthy - this was the case with Ogren.


Read more about golems in this article.

The most powerful and most destructive creatures of the gnomes. One stone golem was worth ten dwarves in battle. But the price for their creation was prohibitively high. Caridin developed the technology for creating golems on the Anvil of the Void, but he could not breathe life into his creations, so he used the souls of gnomes for this. However, over time, in addition to volunteer warriors, criminals or political opponents of the king began to come to his anvil. Caridin refused, and was turned into a golem by order of the king, but he managed to escape with the Anvil, as he was able to retain his mind. Before the Gray Warden discovered the location of the anvil, the technology was considered lost. However, many other magicians and blacksmiths tried to repeat Caridin’s experiments, and even more terrible creatures were born, already made of flesh and blood.



As mentioned above, only two settlements survived - Orzammar and Kal'Sharok. Moreover, Orzammar was for a long time considered the only city of the gnomes that even exists. However, at 9:12 Dragon it turned out that Kal'Sharok had been written off early. It survived - at the cost of enormous hardships, only thanks to the courage of its defenders, deprived of any support. Therefore, when the “brotherly peoples” finally found each other, in response to Orzammar’s demands to again recognize him as the supreme power, Kal “Sharok refused, citing the fact that they themselves, without anyone’s help, lived all these years and survived, therefore, they have absolutely no need for new owners.

After the Fifth Blight, the gnomes recovered, and were even able to oust the Spawn from Kal'Hirol - now it is being re-inhabited, recreating the third of the twelve ancient “kingdoms”.


Politics is a very unscrupulous activity, but, alas, necessary for every developed society. Dwarves also have it, and I must say, it has its own flavor.

Little is known about the ancient Dwarven Empire. Moreover, the meaning of the name “Empire” among the dwarves may be somewhat different from the meaning that people (and other races of Thedas) put into this word. In any case, this period in the history of the gnomes is a mystery, shrouded in darkness (and in our case that’s exactly it, with a capital letter and literally). With regards to modern politics, the management of dwarven society (at least in Orzammar for sure) is shared between the Assembly and the king.

Assembly- This is the central legislative body of the kingdom since the times of the ancient empire. She can even replace the king in a number of powers. She is elected from members of rich and noble families, who become deshirs - the “Assembly of Lords” (sometimes mockingly called “Deep Lords”). However, this only happens in Orzammar - in Kal'Sharok, a member of any caste can become a member of the Assembly, which, understandably, conservatives from Orzammar do not like, but the gnomes of Kal'Sharok spit into the well of their opinions. In Orzammar, becoming a deshir is not easy - firstly, this title is for life, and you can fill a vacant vacancy only after the death of one of the deshirs or his resignation (which, however, for obvious reasons, happens extremely rarely), and secondly, for this you need spend a lot of money - establish political alliances, the necessary connections, and just give it to “whoever should” on a thick, furry paw.

The Assembly is a legislative body, as already mentioned, so its main function is to introduce bills for consideration and recommend to the king about their adoption. The law must be adopted by a majority vote, however, as in any parliament, its discussion and back and forth can continue for years. However, the ruler has the right to impose his big veto on this law and send it for revision. However, the Assembly can also veto the king’s decision - this is how, by vetoing each other, they maintain political balance. In addition, on very rare occasions, the Assembly considers particularly serious crimes against the state, such as the murder of members of the royal family. The punishment for this is extremely severe. The Assembly also approves the candidacy of the heir to the throne, which is submitted by the king. Usually this is the eldest son, but there are exceptions - for example, a woman’s inheritance of the throne is not prohibited. However, submitting a candidacy does not automatically make that candidate an heir - the Assembly may reject this proposal. What can cause a wave of chaos, intrigue, bloodshed, murder and other delights political life during a troubled period - as was the case during the Fifth Blight. Well, another function of the Assembly is to award the title of Perfect to one or another dwarf whose merits the deshirs consider worthy. Since along with the title the dwarf also receives the right to found his own noble house, the Assembly awards the title of Perfect extremely rarely and reluctantly - who needs competitors. And the awarding of this title must be unanimous, or at least with one abstention.

King or Queen - has the status of the highest authority since the times of the ancient Empire. However, their power is not absolute - rather it is a constitutional monarchy, which is checked and balanced by the Assembly, and to a lesser extent, the Guardians. The king can also introduce bills to the Assembly, which can approve or disapprove them. The king has the greatest influence on foreign policy, as well as the army of the gnomes, being the Supreme Commander. The Legion of the Dead also obeys him.

International relationships

Dwarves are a very proud people. Their contribution to history can hardly be overestimated, their achievements in science and architecture are amazing, the quality of their weapons and blacksmithing skills are known far beyond the borders of their dungeons.... There is only one “but” - all their great achievements are long in the past. And no matter how the dwarves swagger, no matter how much they hit themselves in the chest with their heels, the fact remains that it is highly doubtful that they could withstand the onslaught of a powerful ground army if there was a ruler who would send his troops underground. And all the achievements - golems, majestic halls, rich mines - all this has practically disappeared a long time ago.

Dwarves are not xenophobes, but they believe that it is unlikely that anything worthy of attention can be found outside of their underground cities. They consider themselves the most formidable nation of Thedas, and only condescend to strangers in rare and very unusual cases. However, it is worth noting that if the gnomes consider a person (or any other stranger) worthy based on their observations, they willingly cooperate and are open to him. At the same time, they will foam at the mouth to prove that this particular person/elf/other is an exception to the rule, and the rest of his kind cannot hold a candle to the gnomes.


Once upon a time, they sheltered the Avar woman Kalah and helped her deal with the magician Ruadan. In addition, with the help of the dwarves, the Avars built the Kinloch fortress - and I must say, this fortress stood for a very long time.

Gray Wardens

The Gray Guardians are highly respected by the dwarves - after all, they are united by their opposition to the Spawn of Darkness. Dwarves are perhaps the best candidates for the Gray Wardens of all; history has preserved quite a few examples when gnome Guardians bravely resisted the Spawns. However, due to the gradual decline in the number of gnomes, they fall into the ranks of the Guardians less and less often. However, the Guardians are the only organization on the surface that helps the dwarves fight the Spawns. And the dwarves respect the Guardians for their sacrifice, greeting with honor those who arrive Deep Paths, to die in battle with the Spawns of Darkness.


The Dwarves have very good relations with Orlais; they would not have good relations with one of their main trading partners. And although they are separated by mountains, this does not prevent the dwarves from having very large volumes of trade in lyrium and minerals with the Orlesian Empire. Lyrium is one of the most important goods - since with its help the Church keeps both the templars and magicians under control, so Orlais benefits from good relations with the gnomes - Orlais receives lyrium, the gnomes get their share, and everyone is happy.

Tevinter Empire

Long-standing and the largest of all trading partners of the gnomes. They trade, as you might guess, the same lyrium. The connections go back 2,000 years, and the gnomes even live within the Tevinter Empire - however, with the rights of “non-citizens,” they are nevertheless respected. However, the gnomes there have their own authority - the Embassies located underground - which allows them to stay “within the Stone”, and some do not leave the dungeons for years. There are no recorded gnome slaves in Tevinter - apparently, knowing full well that if they attempt to enslave the gnomes will act according to the principle: “If they don’t take it, we’ll turn off the gas” and cut off the supply of lyrium.

The cooperation pact lasted for thousands of years, relations cooled and rose again, but in general the gnomes and Tevinter maintain parity. There are only two known cases of violation of the agreement by the gnomes: the first, when in the Kadash taiga the gnomes sheltered the elves who fled after the destruction of Arlathan by Tevinter, the second - when Tevinter tried to conquer Ferelden, but the gnomes did not stop trading with the Avars.

Language and linguistics

Dwarves have several dialects, however, as a rule, they speak in phrases and words that are common to all. Some words have origins borrowed from humans and elves. When contact was first made with the surface, the Dwarves developed a "common language" for trading with outsiders. It's rare these days to find a dwarf who can't speak fluently. common language, although the gnomes of Kal "Sharok speak their own dialect, most similar to the ancient language of the gnomes - this is due to their isolation and weak contacts with the surface. Dwarven runes are used by gnomes, and sometimes by people.

Phrases known from games and books

  • "Aedros Atuna": underground river. Its clay is used by dwarven blacksmiths.
  • "Amgarrak": Victory
  • "Amgeforn"(ahm-geh-forn): Surface
  • "Amgetoll": Duty
  • "Atrast nal tunsha" (a-TRAST NAWL TON-shah): Formal farewell. Possibly an archaic form of “atrast tunsha”, because Only Karidin says this when the Gray Guardian interrupts him. Rough translation: “You can always find your way in the Darkness.”
  • "Atrast tunsha"(a-TRAST TON-shah): Formal farewell.
  • “Atrast tunsha. Totarnia amgetol tavash aeduc.”: Words spoken during the official rites of repose among the Dwarves.
  • "Atrast vala"(a-TRAST VA-la): Formal greeting. Literally - “speak”, “find your language”.
  • "Cloudgazer": The name of the dwarves who live on the surface and “lost the Stone”
  • "Deshyr": The name of the members of the Assembly, roughly equivalent to "Lord".
  • "Dust to dunkels": “Dust on the dusty” (approximately) is a phrase indicating a great deal of confidence
  • "Dwarva": Self-name of gnomes.
  • "Gwah": Salt
  • "Isana": Name of lyrium. It can roughly be translated as “singing stone.”
  • "Kallak": War.
  • "Kalna"(KAL-nah): "House" or "lineage."
  • “Mathas gar na fornen pa salroka atrast.”: Meaning unknown.
  • "Mud Splashers": Naga name
  • "Partha": World. (meaning “non-war”)
  • "Ren": Body of water, swimming pool
  • "Rock Licker": Bronto name
  • "Salroka"(sal-ROW-cah): "Friend." Most often used by The Untouchables, the literal translation is "one who is on my side."
  • "Stalata Negat": Part of the title of the book of the dwarves.
  • "Sun-touched": “Sun-touched” is a contemptuous nickname for surface gnomes.
  • "Tezpadam": "Deep Seeker"
  • "Thaig"(TAIG): This was the name of the dwarven colonies. Usually the name “teig so-and-so” was given, in honor of the House that founded it.
  • "Valos atredum"(VAH-lows a-TRAY-doom): “favor of the ancestors,” voice of the ancestors,” “blessing of the ancestors.”
  • "Veata"(VEE-et-ah): “Stand still” or “not go further”
  • "Wim and Wam": “Whining (or whining) and begging.”
  • Initially, the developers planned that the gnomes would speak with a German accent. However, they decided not to do this; as a result, the gnomes speak with various North American accents.
  • None of the gnome heroes have been announced as love interests for the main characters, although the gnome protagonist in the first part of the game is no different romantically from heroes of other races.
  • Oddly enough, dwarves are completely absent from Dragon Age II.
  • Dwarven culture is borrowed in some ways from the Aztec and Mayan cultures.
  • The Qunari probably call all dwarves "short-haired".

Worked on the article: Umbra (translation), Darth LegiON (addition, editing, design).

I discovered that the link in the Guide is just a collection of instructions for leveling up a character with some general spoilers on the plot, which, of course, IMHO, is not fully called a walkthrough.

So, you are the second child of King Endrin Aedukan of Orzammar. The story begins with what you learn from your closest ally Gorim from the Warrior caste of an operation against the Spawn of Darkness scheduled for tomorrow. This is your first assignment as the new commander-in-chief of Orzammar, and your appointment will take place today. This event will be marked by battles in the sacred Arena of Trials, and a feast is planned at the end.

Gorim will present you with a shield as a gift and ask how you want to spend the time remaining before the feast - either watch the battles, or visit the merchants who today, with the permission of King Endrin, can trade in the quarters of the nobility.

I recommend going through the rooms and cleaning out all the shelves, chests and cabinets available to you - you will get additional experience, pages in the codex and things that you can sell to merchants and get small sums. In your brother Belen's room, you will find his girlfriend Riku (more details about her can be found in the background for the Dwarf Commoner), but you will not learn anything particularly important.

Not far from the entrance you will see two loudly arguing gnomes - Brantin Volney and Guardian Gertek. If you demand an explanation, you will find out that Gertek unearthed some facts compromising Volney's ancestor, which his descendant would prefer not to see published. You can support Gertek for the sake of historical truth (and also demand a reward if you want, and even order Gorim to kill Volni), or take the side of the aristocrat - hint that the scientist can be removed, or convince him to spare the Guardian.

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

Merchants can sell all the rubbish that you find in the rooms of the palace. The arms dealer standing near the exit from the Diamond District will offer you an amazingly crafted dagger, claiming that it is just a gift - you can simply refuse, accept this gift, or kill the giver for daring to offer it to a member of the royal family.

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

In the Diamond District, you can meet ladies whom Gorim calls “noble hunters,” who are engaged in seducing aristocratic men in order to conceive a son with them, which can serve as a reason for assigning the mother a higher status.

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

If your character is a man, then you can invite these ladies to your room for the evening (this can give an additional quest in the future), or recommend them to your brothers. Trian, your older brother and heir to the throne of Orzammar, and Belen, your younger brother, are also now walking through the Diamond District.

You will be escorted to the Arena by special security - you will be able to watch the fights or take part in them. In the latter case, you will have to fight 4 opponents in turn, and you will be awarded a helmet for victory. You can sell it later or give it to one of your opponents.

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

When you return to the Palace, go straight to the Throne Room - Gray Warden Duncan and Lord Days will be there. The latter will ask you to support his claims to return the rights to the surface people - the gnomes who left Orzammar to the surface.

Lady Helmy will immediately tell you that Lord Days also has a vested interest in this matter. You can immediately fulfill Dace's request, or first talk to him and either demand a duel of honor in the Arena (you will have to fight with Dace's son), or demand a decent bribe. In the latter case, it is worth changing the receipt from the merchants before talking with the king - later you will no longer have this opportunity. As a result, you will receive decent starting capital.

After speaking with your father King Endrin, you will need to find Trian. He will either be in the arena, or, if you have already been there, or in his chambers.

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

After this conversation, you will be transported to the next day, to the abandoned Edukan teig, where you will need to find a relic of your family - the shield of the Perfect Edukan. There will be nothing particularly interesting here - rare attacks by the Spawn of Darkness and a meeting with a couple of comrades: a warrior and a robber. The latter will be useful in light of the presence of locked chests and traps in the locations. The biggest problem is a fairly large group of Spawn of Darkness led by Garlock the leader, but you can lure enemies towards you using bows.

In the Edukan taiga, you will come across a detachment of mercenaries who have already killed the Spawn of Darkness and now want to find out from you the exact location of the Edukan shield. In a conversation, you will in any case provoke a fight.

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

Be careful - there are many traps here, and the ballista can cause serious damage to you. It is better to retreat from the firing zone and lure the enemy towards you. Nearby there is a passage to a secret room, where you needed to get. After killing the mercenaries, remove the signet ring from the leader’s body that opened the door to the teig, and go there.

To get the shield, place your companions on three slabs slightly recessed into the floor (they still creak at the same time), and then use the ring entrusted to you to open the sarcophagus.

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

Outside, a pack of creatures of Darkness will immediately attack you. After clearing the area, return to the meeting point with the rest of the troops. To avoid running around, load the ballista with bolts found in the barrel and demolish the stone blockage. The opened passage will lead you straight to the right place.

Depending on the outcome of your conversation with Belen (whether you decided to deal with Trian or do nothing), either you will stumble upon Trian and he will attack you, and you will have to kill him, or his already dead brother.

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

In any case, immediately after this, your father, Belen and Lord Harrowmont will appear nearby, and you will be accused of murdering your brother and heir to the throne. Gorim will convince everyone of your innocence, but two other companions will betray you and announce the treacherous murder of Trian. And if there is no faith in the words of the rootless scout, then the words of the second warrior, whom, by the way, you could be the last to defeat in the Arena, will become fatal.

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

As a result, you will be thrown into prison (all things will be lost except DLC and money), and after some time Gorim will come and inform you that you will be sent to the Deep Roads to die from the clutches of the Spawn of Darkness. You will also have the opportunity to gossip about Belen’s long preparation for such an event. Gorim will also inform you that Duncan and several other Gray Guardians went to the Paths in this area - so your salvation is in meeting them. In addition, Gorim will tell you that he was expelled from the warrior caste and is being sent to the surface. Lord Harrowmont will give you a sword and shield just before the exile.

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

On the Deep Roads you will encounter several single spiders and Spawn of Darkness. Duncan is located in the very south of the location.

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

Having seen you and listened to your story, Duncan will invite you to join the ranks of the Gray Guardians (using the Right of Summoning, if necessary), and after that you will go to Ostagar.

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

Walkthrough: Background - Noble Dwarf

Noble origins

This quest is only available during Orzammar if your character is a male Dwarf of noble birth and if he spent the night with Mardi, the Nobility Hunter in the prologue. After this night you will have a son (yours), but since you were declared an outcast and you lost your caste, then her child is also out of caste. You can ask Belen or Harrowmont (depending on who you chose as king) to accept your son into their family. Do this immediately after the coronation, otherwise the child will remain Out of Caste. But you can give it a name anyway.

Note: You will later meet Gorim in the Denerim Trade Quarter, where he sells weapons and armor. You will be able to sell him things at only half price (and not 4-6 times cheaper than cost). He will give you his father's last gift - the Shield of the Perfect Aedukan.

“Let those who enter the teig know

That there were Perfect Ones in these halls,

And the mothers gave birth in pain.

When darkness came from the Deep Paths,

We rose up, made a vow,

The vow is deadly.

And tears flowed from my eyes."

Source unknown.

Thaig is a Dwarven term meaning a type of large cave.

They are one of three playable races in Dragon Age: Origins. A Dwarf can be a warrior or a robber, but not a magician, because these people do not have access to the Shadow. In their language they call themselves "Dvarva".


Unlike other beliefs in Thedas, the religion of the Dwarves is not based on the worship of anthropomorphic gods. On the contrary, they worship their ancestors, as well as the Stone that surrounds them. They say that strong and noble representatives of the mountain people return to the Stone after death and strengthen it. Rejected and disgraced gnomes, on the contrary, weaken the rock.

On the shoulders of the Guardians (something like a ruling council) rests the selection of those worthy of the title of Perfect, who are worshiped even after their death. After the candidate is approved in the Assembly, a Rod is created that will bear the name of the gnome. All the deeds of the Perfect One are recorded in the Traditions, and his word is respected in the same way as the word of a king.

Dwarf society is divided into castes. Those who do not belong to any caste have the lowest position. Although no, even lower are the exiles and those born on the surface, who were generally excluded from society. An ordinary gnome is unlikely to ever see the surface, taking stereotypes quite seriously, such as the sky falling on his head. The mountain folk who travel above are usually traders, but among the dwarves they could be assassins or thieves.

The foothill people have a king, but the throne is not inherited. When the time comes, the Clans fight for the power that the throne gives.

“We dwarves are very passionate about the fight for the scepter. No one stands aside. There are no observers. In Orzammar, everything is resolved quickly and... bloodily."

Nalthur, Legion of the Dead

Legion of the Dead

Reputation and authority among relatives are very important for any gnome. Various actions one family member can greatly shake the position of the entire Family in the social hierarchy. Some of those tainted with shame decide to wash away all the shame from themselves and their families through a “funeral” ceremony. They leave Orzammar for the Deep Roads and, in the ranks of the Legion of the Dead, fight the creatures of darkness for the rest of their lives. When one of them dies, the Legion buries him in stone, rejoicing that the fallen has finally found peace.

Nalthur and his soldiers, members of the Legion, helped King Maric regain the throne of Ferelden. He was able to convince them to help, promising to tell Orzammar about their exploits and bury them in stone rather than in the dirt under the sky. This, and the great respect the Dwarves had for the kings of Men, were excellent motivations for leaving the Deep Roads and heading to the surface.

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