Dragon age inquisition walkthrough dls descent. Review of the Descent DLC for Dragon Age Inquisition. Segrummar's Sacrificial Gate

The addition is activated by performing a reconnaissance operation on the command headquarters table “Misfortune on the Deep Paths” for 16 influence points. After opening a new territory, you can hit the road. Before we had time to move away from the battle with the enraged Avvar god and to heal our wounds from frostbite, a new attack befell us. We quickly grab our emergency suitcase and rush headlong to help, in search of new adventures and troubles, on the hunt for ancient mysteries and secrets, forgotten and hidden for centuries.

Mugs from the Deep Paths

  • Part 2 – 5:09
  • Part 6 – 5:12
  • Part 7 – 4:25
  • Part 8 – 9:20
  • Part 9 – 20:08 (after the completion of Operation “Bridge at the Bastion of the Unsullied”)
  • Part 10 – 16:37
  • Part 13 – 5:45 (after the completion of the operation “Excavation at the Bastion of the Unsullied”)
  • Part 13 – 9:10 (after the completion of Operation “Bridge in the Underground Sea”)
  • Part 15 - 21:35, 21:55

Gears in the Deep Roads

For ease of reference, part of the video walkthrough and approximate time are indicated:

Habitats of the creatures of darkness - 8 pieces

  • Part 2 – 16:56, 17:09, 17:23, 17:33
  • Part 3 – 2:27, 14:01
  • Part 6 – 20:50 (after completion of the operation “Expedition: Upper Bridge of the Heydrun Teig”), 23:25 (after completion of the operation “Expedition: Upper Bridge of the Heydrun Teig”)

Ruins of the Heydrun teig - 22 pieces(some gears are buggy, there are more of them in the location than necessary, but the “extra” ones are not counted)

  • Part 3 – 16:50, 17:37, 19:06, 21:15, 21:24, 22:02
  • Part 4 – 00:09, 7:35, 10:45, 13:29, 14:35, 14:42, 14:50
  • Part 6 – 1:10, 4:55, 5:12, 7:32, 7:50
  • Part 7 – 9:00 (4 pieces), 15:20 (after completion of the operation “Expedition: Central Bridge of the Heydrun Teig”), 19:00 (after completion of the operation “Expedition: Lower Bridge of the Heydrun Teig”)
  • Part 9 – 11:14, 13:10, 16:09

Forgotten caves - 12 pieces

  • Part 8 – 23:45
  • Part 9 – 1:40, 5:14, 5:25, 5:45, 6:15, 6:30, 6:40
  • Part 10 – 1:00, 1:30, 17:10, 17:19

Bastion of the Unsullied - 12 pieces

  • Part 10 – 7:30, 15:25, 16:07
  • Part 11 – 11:10, 18:25, 23:45, 24:35
  • Part 12 – 3:35, 13:10
  • Part 13 – 4:15 (after completing Operation Unsullied Bastion Bridge), 4:30 (after completing Operation Immaculate Bastion Bridge), 7:30 (after completing Operation Unsullied Bastion Excavation)

Chronicles of Forgotten Wars

For ease of reference, part of the video walkthrough and approximate time are indicated:

  • Part 8 – 24:15
  • Part 10 – 1:18
  • Part 10 - 16:22
  • Part 11 - 17:49
  • Part 13 – 5:53 (after the completion of the operation “Excavation at the Bastion of the Unsullied”)


The quest is activated automatically upon arrival at the rift on the Storm Coast. And as usual, scout Harding meets us there, we listen to her report, learn the details and begin the long descent into the fault on the built lift. The chronicler Valta is waiting for us below, we get to know each other and have a nice conversation about pressing problems. During the conversation, we find out that besides us, simply no one is able to help Orzammar with a disaster of this magnitude, and it turns out that this is also vital for us ourselves. There is nothing to do, we follow Valta to the camp of the Legion of the Dead, located next to the seal split by the earthquake, which once locked the creatures of darkness on the deep paths. Having reached the camp, we find that the Legion is besieged and with difficulty holding back the onslaught of pestilent creatures. Headlong, we recklessly rush into the thick of the battle and help the soldiers of the Legion of the Dead repel the attack, then at the entrance to the tunnel we activate lyrium charges and rush as fast as we can for cover so that the blown up tunnel does not collapse on our heads.

And now, with a sense of accomplishment, you can set up camp, set up tents, light a fire and, by the fire, over a glass of tea in a casual conversation, get to know new comrades who will accompany us on our further journey to the deep paths. After an entertaining conversation about unknown wonders and secrets, having quickly cleaned ourselves up and patched up our armor, we gather our team and, grabbing a couple of miner’s flashlights and self-rescuers, we head towards the lift to descend even deeper into the stone abyss. After descending on the dwarven elevator through the darkness of the stone bag, having slightly restored our mental balance and calmed our stomachs, we set off in search of the next troubles on our bad head in the form of creatures of darkness and their habitats. Moving forward along the paths, we come across a sealed gate. That's bad luck, now you still need to contrive to open them. (Quest "The Gates of Segrummar").

And now the gates are finally open, and we, pleased with ourselves and guided by the heightened sense of the Stone of the Chronicler Valta, joyfully rush forward to the place of origin of earthquakes through the dwellings of the creatures of darkness, while deftly dodging and fighting off their fangs and claws. Having cleared the next lair and discovered in its center the desecrated bodies of warriors of the Legion of the Dead, we show them our final honors. After this, with slight sadness and thoughts about the frailty of this world, we hurry further to another lift to go down to the ruins of the Heydrun teig. Moving through the majestic ruins of this long-abandoned taiga, we come to the central nest of pestilent creatures. (Quest "The Second Sealed Gate"). However, we will be able to continue our journey further only after carrying out a general cleaning, started in order to sweep away all this dirt and evil spirits. Burning with righteous anger and headlong, we rush into battle for the possession of these territories.

After a rather grueling battle, fairly rumpled and grimy, we make a fire and set up our camp in order to take a breath, get ourselves in order and rest a little before further descent into the abyss, and also while away the evening by the fire with a glass of strong ale and relaxed social life chatter. But the holiday is coming to an end, but the problem of earthquakes has not gone away and we need to move on. We gather our squad, fill our backpack to the brim with medicines and various supplies and head towards the ancient lift with the thoughts: “What awaits us there?” Having completed the next descent, we find ourselves in the Forgotten Caves in complete darkness and uncertainty. Carefully moving forward, we come across yet another trouble in the form of an unknown silent enemy. We try our best to save our skin and get out of trouble with minimal injuries. After the brawl, we pay our last respects to the dead and hobble further through unknown caves.

Having passed the bridge and a network of caves, we come to another bridge over the gorge. But bad luck - some people who like to play with explosive materials are bringing it down right in front of our very noses. You will have to look for a workaround around the gorge and at the same time try not to fall off the narrow path into the abyss. After a short ordeal, our path leads us to the bastion of the Unsullied, only to again get into another brawl, and then be surprised to discover that some bad representatives of intelligent life here have built an unknown barrier with one sole purpose - not to let us in further. All that remains is to pause and look around to find a way to destroy this barrier. Literally two steps away we find a very interesting object, with the help of which we smash the obstacle into small pieces. We continue our way forward, simultaneously fighting off the attacks of the silent enemy and picking up strange artifacts that destroy barriers on our already difficult path.

The closer we get to the goal of our expedition, the more furious the enemy attacks become, and now we can see the last barrier blocking our path, to destroy which we must first break through the crowd of defenders, and then, seizing the moment, use five earthquakes. Finally, the path is clear, behind the opened gates we have the last opportunity to rest by the fire before the final leap to our soul-stirring secret. What awaits us next, what ancient secrets will we discover, will we find answers to our questions or will there be even more of these questions? So, having collected the last supplies and had a quick snack, we set off into the unknown. And now an incredible picture opens up to our eyes, and in the center we see the goal of our entire long descent into these uncharted depths. But we still have to fight our way to this “Something” through the ranks of fanatical Sha-Britols. The last push and the goal is close. The heart of it all, the Sanctuary, is here. However, that was not the case, this place is guarded and secure. There is no turning back, there is only one thing left - to fight for your life, and after a mortal duel, find out everything that is possible. During the battle, we try not to get hit by stone shoots from both below and above, and also avoid lyrium mines, which will be periodically placed by the guard.

Warm welcome

Only we decide to politely knock on the door and ask permission to enter Deep Paths, as an enraged rug with the words "Welcome" turns into a horned Ogre. In order to move forward, we need to somehow calm him down and put him in his place, and then, after wiping our shoes on him, we need to move further in the given direction.

Exploring the Deep Paths

Activates automatically immediately after establishing the Legion of the Dead base camp in the Deep Roads. To complete this quest, it is necessary to carry out a special strategic operation at the expedition table in the camp - an expedition to improve the base camp. After improvement, it will have additional features.

Gate of Segrummar

Activates automatically when a locked gate is detected. Some joker took some spare parts from the lock on the door, probably sold them for scrap metal. You'll have to run around and look for the missing parts to open the sealed gate and move forward. After finding the missing parts, we return back to the door and install the gears in place. Now we can look behind the door: what interesting things await us in Papa Carlo’s closet?

Builder Towers

The quest is activated automatically when reading a book in one of the surveyed rooms. The book contains hints for solving the puzzle. After we have completed this task, we can, with a clear conscience, take the reward from the nearby chest and proudly move on. (For those who don’t want to strain their brains, the solution to the riddle can be seen at about 11 minutes).

Kill me Softly

The quest is activated automatically when you find a page from the diary of a distraught gnome who loves experimenting with raw, unprocessed lyrium. To complete this quest, you simply need to collect the remaining pages of the diary, which are scattered throughout the dwellings of the creatures of darkness and the ruins of the Heydrun teig.

Segrummar's Sacrificial Gate

The quest is activated automatically when a locked gate is detected. Although, as Valta says, we don’t need to go there, curiosity killed the cat. And we are very curious by nature and love to climb into all unfamiliar doors. But again, some crazy mechanic dismantled the locking mechanism and scattered the gears wherever possible. And if we want to satisfy our idle curiosity, then we will have to run around a lot to collect the missing parts. So, we arm ourselves with a metal detector, take a powerful magnet with us and go ahead to search and collect scrap metal. By the way, don’t forget to take a cart as well, because there will be a lot of doors, and even more gears. You can’t carry them all the way. After opening the last door the quest will be completed.

On broken legs

The quest activates itself the moment we discover the diary of the female Guardian Ailsa on the deep paths. On her last trip, she scouted the area and drew a map. Once this location is found, the quest will be completed. (Searched as treasure using the letter V).

Second sealed gate

In the ruins of the Heydrun teig, our only path to the goal is blocked by a second sealed gate with a dismantled locking mechanism. The task is clear - collect the missing gears, repair the mechanism and open these gates. The quest will be completed automatically.

Chronicles of Forgotten Wars

The quest is activated automatically when you find the first ancient battle report. To complete the quest, you simply need to collect all the reports scattered throughout this section of the Deep Roads.

Video walkthrough

On August 11, 2015, a new story addition for the Inquisition appeared. "The Descent" tells us about the events taking place on the Deep Paths and about the past of the children of stone.

It all starts when a letter from Orzamar arrives at the Inquisition asking for help. Of course, we immediately rush to help. To get to the deep paths we need to complete the task on the table on the Ferelden side:

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

As soon as we arrive at the scene of events, we meet the chronicler Valta, who asked for help with strange earthquakes. And together with a new acquaintance we descend to the Deep Paths, where a group of the Legion of the Dead awaits us.

Who can we meet underground? Naturally creatures of darkness. In addition to the usual genlocks and garlocks, we will again meet with screamers. Gradually cutting out the creatures in the company of the leader of the Legion of the Dead and Valta, we will descend deeper and deeper. In total we have to go down 6 levels:

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

Some levels have their own initially hidden places, which can only be reached by completing tasks on the expedition table. We will have this table on the first level, there will also be a store with resources, a stand for making and improving weapons and armor. In general, this is a small camp that has everything. You can return here at any time to heal, sell, replenish your supplies of potions/bombs, if you need to change your squad and go back to the dark depths.

You need to move carefully and cautiously. There are cliffs and abysses everywhere. So you have to jump and fight carefully so as not to fall down.

In addition to the usual killing of enemies, we are offered to collect rusty gears. Along the paths there are a number of mechanical gates, behind which are hidden artifacts that need to be returned to Orzamar. The gears are lying around in different nooks and crannies. To collect them all, and to open all the doors, you need to complete several tasks on the table. In the meantime, we will collect rusty trash, along the way we will come across collectible mugs.

There will also be two logical riddles, although they are so primitive that they are simply funny.

In one room you need to extinguish the correct torches to open the sarcophagus: the two distant ones are lit, the two central ones are extinguished.

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

And the game rearrange the pyramid for children three years old:

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

Descending lower and lower, killing the creatures of darkness, simultaneously removing unique items from them (more on them below), we will get to the old lyrium mine. This is where the story begins to become clearer. Valta will tell you about the titans. But in the depths of the mine we will meet strange gnomes - shabritolls. How they survive here is a mystery. And they themselves are a complete mystery. The armor forms a single whole with the body. In addition to strange gnomes, you will also encounter creatals that were considered extinct.

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

As a result, we will descend into an amazing place, where it is not just light, but where there is real sunlight.

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

Here is the source of all troubles - the heart of the titan. As it turns out, titans are living beings. Essentially mountains, and lyrium is their blood. As soon as we get close to the heart, the Defender will attack us. The final boss stands in one place. A huge accumulation of stones reminiscent of the familiar stone spirit. With his “hands” he strikes the outer circle. Inside, he kicks with his shoots. Also, from time to time, stone spikes crawl out of the ground in the outer circle, so it’s better to stay close to the tentacle-legs.

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

After defeating the Defender, watch the final video. How it all ended is not clear in essence, whether another “luminary” is waiting for us, or who the hell knows.

Unique things we came across:

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

"The Descent" overview

Most video games open up in the first hours, and begin to lose ground closer to the middle. In the situation with the original, everything happened exactly the opposite: the starting locations were replete with grinding, so many gamers abandoned the passage.

Then the superbly staged story missions began, and the meatiest part BioWare saved for downloadable add-ons, hated by everyone since the trilogy Mass Effect . They are now available as a completed edition of the game. Review DLC The Descent is dedicated to a journey to the Deep Paths, familiar since the times. The story begins with the receipt of a letter in which a request for help comes from Orzammar.

DLC Descent Review: Atmosphere, Story, and Enemy Waves

Having descended to the depths so beloved by the dwarves (unlike our Varrica, which prefers to live on the surface. For this reason, I recommend taking him with you to the team, there will be a lot of funny phrases), let’s get acquainted with Valta. The Chronicle Girl will tell you about a situation that requires our intervention.

Then begins the exploration of endless catacombs and dungeons, as well as placing missions on a strategic map, which here will be unique and not duplicate the main narrative of the game. The tasks boil down to collecting gears to open massive doors, destroying screamers, genlocks and garlocks that have filled the tunnels. References to the caves of Moria from "The Fellowship of the Ring" arise instantly.

We will also meet giant ogres, each of which will take tens of minutes of battle. It is necessary to carefully work out the tactics of killing the adversary, knocking him down with magical attacks, and then hitting him with poisonous projectiles. In addition to battles, there are primitive puzzles such as sequentially lighting several torches.

The created environment perfectly conveys the greatness and decline of the dwarven culture. Sound effects create an amazing atmosphere, so play with headphones. Recommended character levels are 15 and above, which is enough to get a good competitive incentive.

A spoon of tar

Disadvantages include excessive hardcore individual tasks. For example, without the ability to save, we will be required to endure several waves of enemies and then kill their commanders. At this time, endless adversaries constantly respawn from different corners, preventing you from moving towards your goal.

After half an hour of pointless battles, I decided to lower the difficulty level in order to quickly get through this frankly stupid and annoying moment. The rest of the walkthrough DLC The Descent brings great pleasure, adding variety to missions Dragon Age Inquisition(like the addition "Jaws of Hakkon", but more about that another time).

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