Ancient stargate. Stargate: Universe. Known Ancient Colonies

Portal to the unknown

Stargate Universe

Sealed and buried for all time, lies the gateway to humanity's future.

One of the slogans from the movie "Stargate"

Egyptian gods and little gray men, parallel dimensions, modernity and travel to other planets - at first glance it seems that these things are incompatible with each other, and if you mix them, you get something unintelligible. However, it was from these elements that Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich created an amazing and exciting world, new stories about which continue to appear to this day.

A stargate is found buried in sand in Egypt.

The gate in action.

The Stargate universe dates back to 1994, when the movie of the same name was released, written by Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich. The plot of the film revolved around the star gate - ancient artifact, discovered during excavations in Egypt. This portal was capable of transporting a person (or other living creature) to another planet in a matter of seconds, which could be located millions of light years from the point of departure. After Egyptologist Daniel Jackson (James Spader) unraveled the secret of using this device, the American government sent a team led by Colonel Jack O'Neal (Kurt Russell) to the distant planet Abydos. The main objective of this operation was to find out whether there was a threat to the Earth on the other side of the gate. On Abydos, earthlings discover the ancient Egyptian god Ra, who, having learned that the gates are working again, decides to destroy the cradle of humanity...

The plot and ideas of the film were too large-scale to be limited to one picture. Devlin and Emmerich were unable to pursue a continuation of the original film (they had the cult “Independence Day” next), and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer decided to transfer the story of Stargate to television screens. The TV shows greatly expanded the original universe: new races, planets, technologies, and enemies appeared.

The series "Stargate: SG-1" became the longest-running science fiction show on American television (and second in the world after the British "Doctor Who"). The main trump card of this universe is the successful combination of our time and stories about the exploration of distant planets. The heroes of the series are not some space marines from the distant future, equipped with blasters and other examples of high technology, but our contemporaries, who had to face an enemy superior in both numbers and development. The characters, just like the viewer, find themselves on new worlds for the first time and meet other civilizations. Add to this appropriate humor, self-irony, numerous references to mythology - Egyptian, Celtic, the legends of Merlin and King Arthur - and you will understand why this world is so loved by both the average TV viewer and the fan of space adventures.

Star series

"Stargate: SG-1"

Stargate: SG-1

Format: 214-episode television series (10 seasons, 1997-2007)

Creators: Jonathan Glassner and Brad Wright

Cast: Richard Dean Anderson, Michael Shanks, Amanda Tapping, Christopher Judge, Don S. Davis, Ben Browder, Claudia Black, Beau Bridges

The premiere of the first episode, entitled “Children of the Gods,” took place in July 1997 on the TV channel Showtime . From the main characters of the film, Jack O'Neill and Daniel Jackson, whose roles were played by other actors, migrated to the series. “ZV-1” quickly gained unprecedented popularity: despite the fact that they tried to end it in the fifth (then sixth, seventh and eighth) season, consistently high ratings forced the authors to continue the show the next year.

"Stargate: Atlantis"

Stargate: Atlantis

Format: 80-episode television series (4 seasons, 2004-2008)

Creators: Brad Wright and Robert Cooper

Cast: Joe Flanigan, Tori Higinson, David Hewlett, Jason Momoa, Rachel Luttrell, Paul McGillion, Mitch Pileggi, Amanda Tapping

This spin-off original series started in July 2004 on the TV channel Sci Fi . To prepare the viewer for the new TV show, the finale of the seventh season of SG-1 was filmed as a kind of bridge between the two stories. Season 4 of Atlantis ends in March 2008, and the fifth begins this fall.

Races and civilizations

Having stopped Ra, Colonel O'Neill and his team returned home safely, Doctor Jackson remained on Abydos, taking a woman from a local tribe as his wife, and the stargate was blocked. It seemed that nothing threatened the Earth anymore.

Teal'c is the first Jaffa to defect to the Earthlings.

No, this is not The X-Files. These are the Asgards - one of the ancient races in the Stargate universe.

The galaxy is home to a huge number of different intelligent species. Some of them are descendants of people who were once taken from Earth, but there are also real aliens. For example, the Asgards are a highly developed race of “little gray men” who later became allies of earthlings. Or the Nox - a peaceful humanoid race, whose representatives know how to hide large objects from prying eyes, making them invisible, and also have an incredible healing gift. The Knox oppose violence in any form and, along with the Asgards, were part of the ancient alliance of four powerful races.

Of the distant descendants of enslaved earthlings, the Jaffa race deserves special mention. The Goa'uld genetically modified these creatures to act as incubators for their larvae. Having reached a certain age, the Jaffa can only exist in the presence of a Goa'uld larva, which gives them good health and long life. Another notable race is the Tok'ra. They belong to the same biological species as the Goa'uld, but unlike the latter, they do not suppress the consciousness of the people they inhabit, but coexist with them as a symbiont.

The Goa'uld are not the only enemies that have threatened our planet. People also encountered terrible replicators - a mechanical race of self-reproducing machines. These creatures, a threat to all life in the universe, turned out to be even more dangerous than the System Lords themselves. And after the replicators, a threat arose in the form of the Ori, a race that had risen to a new level of existence. The Ori created their own religion called the Source and, with the help of loyal priests and warriors, forced other peoples to worship them as gods. And those who refused to kneel were subjected to complete destruction.

When people discovered an outpost of the Ancient race in Antarctica, the exploration of a new galaxy began - Pegasus. It was there, on the planet Lantea, that the Ancients transferred their great city Atlantis, built several million years ago. In the Pegasus Galaxy, they began to create a new network of stargates and populate the planets with intelligent life. The command of the Stargate program decided to send an international expedition of scientists and military personnel to explore both the long-abandoned city and new planets in an unfamiliar galaxy.

Unfortunately, new worlds bring not only hitherto unknown technologies, but also new enemies. In the Pegasus galaxy, these are the Wraiths - a very powerful race that travels on huge hive ships and terrorizes local settlements. They, like vampires, suck out the life energy from the people they capture.

Many of the worlds of the Pegasus galaxy live in eternal fear of one after another invasion of the Wraiths and do not try in any way to fight the aggressors. Others are conducting research to find a way to defeat an indestructible enemy. These include the Jenai - one of the most technologically advanced peoples of the Pegasus galaxy. Realizing that their technology had reached a level that the Wraith would consider a threat, they decided to hide all their achievements in huge underground bunkers. It is there that these militaristic people conduct all their research, and on the surface they appear as harmless farmers. Another advanced civilization of the Pegasus galaxy is the population of the planet Hoff. For several generations now they have been trying to create a vaccine that would make people “inedible” for the Wraiths. In an effort to exterminate the enemy, the residents of Hoffa are ready to risk even their own safety.

Having traveled the length and breadth of two galaxies, earthlings met many races and civilizations. We can safely say that there will be more than one meeting with new cultures and peoples ahead.

Star books

One of the expansions of the Stargate universe were books based on both the movie and television series. Bill McKay's Pentateuch, which began publication in 1996, picks up the plot immediately after the events of the film. In the television series, the plots of Mackay's novels are completely ignored.

After the premiere of Stargate SG-1, more than two dozen novels were published, revealing the universe of the television series. And the official Stargate magazine published stories and short stories.

The universe was also expanded through comics. Since 2003 the publishing house Avatar Press published several issues about the adventures of the ZV-1 team, and in 2006 launched a new series dedicated to Atlantis. In this cycle, which consists of three issues and is called Wraithfall, readers will meet the Carrans - a people who made a terrible deal with the Wraiths. Chronologically, the comics in this series correspond to the beginning of the first season of Atlantis.

The original film was also continued with comics published by the publisher Entity Books . These hand-drawn stories represent another option for continuing the tape.

Technologies and inventions

Wormhole formation.

One of the reasons for the popularity of Stargate was the extraordinary “technological equipment” of the universe. The devices and inventions featured here are so diverse that their detailed consideration deserves a separate article. Therefore, we will tell you only about the most important “gadgets” - starting, of course, with the most important thing.

The Stargate is a huge ring made of a stone-like material unknown to earthlings. To open a passage to a gate on another planet, you need to dial the destination address on a special device, which is usually located next to the gate. Unfortunately, the earthly gates were deprived of such a “telephone”, so people had to come up with an alternative method of dialing. The number consists of seven symbols ("chevrons") on the stargate, six of which are needed to determine the location of other gates, and the seventh chevron indicates the reference point. Once the address is determined, the gate creates a wormhole through which one can enter another world. Transporting creatures and objects over vast distances requires colossal energy, the source of which, as a rule, is the “phone home”. However, even if the gate is “de-energized,” it can act as the receiving party: in this case, it will be provided with energy by the gate from which the address is dialed. In addition to planetary stargates, there are also orbital ones, which are located in space and are used to quickly move starships.

Since the Goa'uld are one of the most advanced races in our galaxy, it is not surprising that most of the super-inventions belong to them. In addition to the most advanced weapons, they also have force shields that protect them from attacks. And if he does get harmed, the Goa'uld can use the sarcophagus, which can heal almost any disease or wound. Another important Goa'uld device is ring transporters, which are used, for example, for moving from a ship to a planet. Transporters consist of five rings that appear above the surface and transfer whatever is in their field of action to another location.

Among other important inventions, it is worth noting zero point modules - the most advanced source of energy. These super batteries, created by the Ancients, serve to power their cities and outposts. The effectiveness of MNT is incomparable with any other energy source known to earthly science.

The Asgards also have unique technologies, being ahead in technological development not only of earthlings, but also of the Goa’ulds themselves. For example, their teleportation technology is much more advanced and allows you to instantly move over vast distances. Unlike the Goa'uld ring transporter, Asgard beam teleportation does not require any platforms and allows you to move to any point. Since the Asgard cannot reproduce sexually, they are very advanced in cloning technology. And with the help of consciousness transfer technology, an Asgard can transfer his own consciousness into a new body.

The Pegasus galaxy, where people reached in the TV series “Stargate: Atlantis,” also hid new technological secrets. The headquarters of the expedition was deployed in Atlantis, the famous city of the Ancients. This is not only an inexhaustible storehouse of inventions and devices that are far ahead of all earthly achievements, but also in itself an example of the highest technologies. Atlantis is equipped with a protective field that helps protect it from intruders, as well as incredibly powerful remote-controlled projectiles. More than a thousand of these projectiles can be launched at a time. In addition, Atlantis has a hangar with paddle jumpers - small spaceships of the Ancients. They are so small that they can even be used to pass through stargates. But despite their size, these machines are very valuable: many nations are willing to do anything to get their hands on one of them. Paddle jumpers are capable of not only flying in space, but also diving underwater. They are also equipped with a special stealth system, which allows them to get close even to Wraith ships.

And the most amazing thing about this city of the Ancients is that it is also a huge spaceship. This allows Atlantis to be moved to another planet in emergency situations. During space travel, the aforementioned energy field maintains the atmosphere around the city. And in the main hall of the city ship there is its own stargate.

Of course, for the operation of all these numerous devices, Atlantis requires an enormous amount of energy. Like most Ancient developments, the city is powered by zero point modules, which, despite the highest efficiency, sooner or later run out of resources. Therefore, the search for new MNTs became a priority problem for the Atlantis team.

There has not yet been a single major game made in the Stargate universe. But now the situation is starting to improve. Company Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment is developing a large-scale online game called Stargate Worlds. In this MMORPG, thousands of players will be able to interact with each other in a universe based on the television series SG-1. The developers promise that it will be possible to play for earthlings, Goa'uld, Jaffa and Asgard. If the player decides to play for the earthlings, he will be able to choose the profession of an archaeologist, scientist, soldier or special forces soldier. The game will take place during the first seasons of SG-1, when the earthlings had not yet equipped an expedition to Atlantis and had not encountered the threat of the Ori. In addition to the usual updates, the possibility of expansions to the game is also being discussed. The first addon is planned to be based on Atlantis.

And since April 2007, a collectible card game based on the serial universe has been released. Participated in the work on this CCG Sony Online Entertainment And Comic Images . For now, cards based on the SG-1 series are available to players, but they promise to use Atlantis in future expansions. In addition, the CCG is also available in electronic form for playing via the Internet.

The future of Stargate

Over its more than ten-year history, the Stargate universe has expanded in many directions. Two series have been released, there is talk about a possible third spin-off, books and comics are being published, a computer game is being developed, and even an animated series called Stargate: Infinity has been filmed. True, the animated branch of the universe is not considered canonical and was closed after episode 26.

Viewers followed the adventures of the ZV-1 team for ten seasons, but the TV channel Sci Fi , where the TV show moved after its fifth year of broadcast, decided that it was time to end the series. To the delight of fans, the last episode of the tenth season will not put an end to the history of SG-1. The DVD release of two feature films has been announced. The first painting that bears the title "Stargate: Ark of Truth"(Stargate: The Ark of Truth), continues storyline about the war with the Ori, the main enemies of the last two seasons. And here "Stargate: Continuum"(Stargate: Continuum) will be more independent history and touches on the topic of time travel. In its plot, the SG-1 team discovers that the course of history has changed and the Stargate program never existed. The creators of the show hope that these two films will not be the last and that we will see more than one story about the journeys of the desperate daredevils from SG-1.

As for the third series about the Stargate universe, here we are promised a show that will be different from everything seen before, and its action will not take place in a different era. The authors do not want to make either a prequel or a series about the distant future. The working title of the new project is “Stargate Universe”, which should begin after the completion of the full-length DVD films.

In turn, Dean Devlin, one of the creators of the original film, is thinking about filming new films based on Stargate. Yes, myself Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer , in light of the success of television series, has long been hatching plans to return the universe to the big screen. However, Devlin wants to create films that continue the story of the original, and are not based on the TV series. According to the producer, "Stargate" was originally planned as a film trilogy, so it would be great to finish the story that he and Emmerich conceived many years ago. If the sequels are greenlit, Devlin would like to see Kurt Russell and James Spader in the lead roles. But is there room for two versions of Stargate? It's all in MGM's hands...

Jonathan "Jack" O'Neill(Richard Dean Anderson) led SG-1 for seven years, carrying out missions throughout the galaxy and saving Earth countless times. He was later appointed head of the Stargate program command and then promoted to the rank of major general.

Daniel Jackson(Michael Shanks) is an archaeologist and linguist who can speak more than 20 languages. True, almost everyone in the galaxy understands English fluently, so Dr. Jackson does not have to use his knowledge very often.

Samantha Carter(Amanda Tapping) is a brilliant astrophysicist and stargate expert. Her knowledge has saved the team from hopeless situations more than once. In addition, Samantha is a born fighter.

Teal'c(Christopher Judge) - a mighty warrior of the Jaffa people who faithfully served the Goa'uld. He joined SG-1 in the hope that the earthlings could help free his people from the power of the System Lords.

Cameron Mitchell(Ben Browder) replaced O'Neill when he left operations. An unsurpassed pilot with a phenomenal memory.

Vala Mal Doran(Claudia Black) is the newest member of the team. This former thief was once the host of a Goa'uld symbiont.

John Sheppard(Joe Flanigan) - US Air Force officer, an excellent pilot who sometimes has slight discipline problems.

Stephen Caldwell(Mitch Pileggi) commands the battle cruiser Daedalus, which serves both as the defense of Atlantis and as an alternative means of returning to Earth.

Ronon Dex(Jason Momoa) - a soldier from the planet Sateda destroyed by the Wraiths. When the Atlantis team helped him, this mighty warrior decided to fight against the enemy along with the earthlings.

Tayla Emmagan(Rachel Luttrell) - a representative of the Atosian race, who decided to stay on Atlantis, since here she has a better chance of helping her people.

Carson Beckett(Paul McGillion) - head of the medical service of Atlantis, a very kind and gentle person. One of the owners of the rare gene of the Ancients.

Rodney Mackay(David Hewlett) is a true genius, a brilliant astrophysicist and one of the best experts on stargates. Without him, Atlantis would have had a hard time.

Elizabeth Weir(Tory Higinson) - leader of the expedition to Atlantis in the Pegasus galaxy. It is on the shoulders of Dr. Weir that the city is governed and important decisions are made.

Abstract on the topic:

The Ancients (Stargate)


  • 1. History
    • 1.1 Alterans
    • 1.2 Ancients
      • 1.2.1 Life in the Milky Way
      • 1.2.2 Plague
    • 1.3 Lantians
      • 1.3.1 Life in the Pegasus Galaxy
      • 1.3.2 War with the Wraith
      • 1.3.3 Defeat in the war
    • 1.4 Return to Milky Way
    • 1.5 Recent History of the Ancients
  • 2 Physiology
    • 2.1 Before ascension
    • 2.2 After Ascension
    • 2.3 "Partial" Ancients
  • 3 Culture
    • 3.1 Philosophy
    • 3.2 Language and writing system
      • 3.2.1 Alphabet
  • 4 Ancient Technologies
  • 5 Known Ancient Colonies
    • 5.1 Milky Way
    • 5.2 Pegasus
  • Notes


Ancients(Anquietas are also known as Alteran And Lantians) - fictional human race in the Stargate universe. They are one of the most advanced races to ever exist, as they evolved millions of years before earthlings. Their most famous invention is the stargate, which they scattered across many worlds. Modern people Another of their achievements is used - the city-ship Atlantis, in which the events of the television series "Stargate: Atlantis" take place.

1. History

1.1. Alteran

Settlement of the Ancients Ortus Mallum

Millions of years ago, the first humans evolved on the planet Celestis in a distant galaxy. They were the first evolution of the human race. This human race was called the Alterans ( Alteras). These were highly developed people who had reached the pinnacle of their evolution and were on the verge of ascension. But one day an ideological split occurred in their society: the Alterans, who later became known as the Ancients ( Anquietas), believed in the scientific basis of things, believed in logic, and their brothers, who after the split began to call themselves Ori ( Ori), believed in their religion called "Origin" and that enlightenment could be achieved spiritually.

An Ancient colony ship leaves its home galaxy Alteran

Despite the difference in outlook on life, the Ori and the Ancients were not at enmity, and the Ori had good intentions, but over time, the Ori worldview became distorted, and they began to become more and more convinced that they were the gods who created humanity. The Ori believed that people should worship them, and if they refused, they should be destroyed. The Ori also realized that the Ancients, who did not believe in the twisted proposals of the Ori, were a threat and wanted to destroy them too. To avoid hostility, the Ancients first took refuge in the mountains, where at the foot of one of the mountains, the Ancients built their settlement and pretended to be villagers, while in the mountain they kept all their technological achievements.

The Ori did not give up and began to gather an army to march against the Ancients. At first, Alieran Amelius proposed using the “brain-clearing” device, the Ark of Truth, to convince the Ori followers of their deceit, but the Council, in view of their moral principles, voted against it and decided to leave Celestis and the galaxy so as not to fight with their brothers. In the mountain at the foot of which the village of Alteran was located, a large spaceship was built. This ship burst out of the mountain, covered the village with stones and left the planet forever.

After this, the Ori proclaimed this day as their victory over evil, and not far from this place on a huge plain they built the golden City of the Gods - Celestis, where the ascended Ori subsequently settled.

1.2. Ancients

1.2.1. Life in the Milky Way

Approximately 60 million years ago, after several thousand years of wandering, the Ancients found a "great cluster of stars" which they called Avalon - now this galaxy is known as the Milky Way. The first planet on which the Ancients' ship landed after leaving its home galaxy Alteran was Dakarra. In a mountain on this planet, the Ancients built a temple and a huge device capable of generating life in the galaxy. (Tens of millions of years later - many thousands of years before our time - the first Jaffa was created in this temple of Goa by the Uldami.) The next planet that the Ancients colonized was Terra ( Terra), - currently known as Earth, and also as the Tau'ri (among the Goa'uld). To move between their planets, they built a stargate system ( Astria Porta). The Alteran Amelius developed this device back in his home galaxy. The coordinate system used by the gate was based on the constellations as seen from Terra, Earth. Other known planets of the Ancients in our Galaxy were Proklarush Taonas (), Taot Vaklarush () and Valos Kor ().

"Destiny" at superluminal speed

Around the same period, the Ancients discovered signals in the cosmic microwave background radiation. The ancients realized that this radiation could not be of natural origin, which indicated the presence of intelligence since the time big bang, and that this signal could be a message from this mind. Over time, the signal began to be interrupted, and some fragments disappeared, then the Ancients built several unmanned ships, with onboard factories for the production of stargates, so that they would travel at superluminal speed (but not in hyperspace) into the depths of the Universe and install gateways on planets in distant galaxies on paths to the source of cosmic microwave background radiation. Another ship, the Destiny, was supposed to collect the lost fragments of the signal and connect them. The ships set off on their journey, and about two thousand years later, “Destiny” also launched. When she was far enough away from the Milky Way, the Ancients were going to enter the ship through the star gate installed on the ship. But due to the ascension of the Ancients - or rather the first wave of the ascension of the Ancients - this plan was abandoned, and Destiny continued its mission on autopilot, continuing to fly to its destination.

1.2.2. Plague

Atlantis in Antarctica

About ten million years ago, an epidemic of an incurable disease, the plague, broke out in the Milky Way. The plague was similar to modern terrestrial meningitis, which affects the brain. The first symptoms of the disease are weakness and fever, which causes a person to lose spatial orientation and even balance. The virus later shut down the person's kidneys and ultimately killed them.

The exact origin of the plague is unknown, but the virus is similar to the plague that the Ori Priors used to demonstrate Ori power. The plague struck the Milky Way and devastated the colonies of the Ancients (the disease also most likely affected other species). To prevent the plague from spreading, the Ancients created a time machine to go back in time and rewrite history, but the machine never worked as intended. It just created a time loop every few hours. The ancients had to turn off this time machine.

Because of the plague, life in the Milky Way was on the verge of extinction. The surviving Ancients decided that the only way to escape was to either ascend or leave the galaxy. Some ascended, and the rest decided to go to the neighboring dwarf galaxy Pegasus. One of the last ones in the Milky Way at that time, the Ancients lived in Antarctica in the spaceship city of Atlantis. Before leaving for Pegasus, the Ancients left one Ancient on Earth, whom the Tau'ri named Ayana (apparently they left her because she was a carrier of the plague). At the place where Atlantis took off there remained a small outpost with a control chair, a stasis chamber, a database and a large supply of drones. Also, before leaving, the Ancients used the installation on Dakar to populate the galaxy with life and restart the process of the development of intelligent life.

1.3. Lantians

1.3.1. Life in the Pegasus Galaxy


Having reached Pegasus, the Ancients planted the city on a planet they named Lantea and subsequently in the Pegasus galaxy the Ancients became known as the Lantians. The Lantians arrived in an uninhabited galaxy and decided to populate it with life, as they did in the Milky Way millions of years ago. They also decided to build a new Stargate network targeting local constellations, thereby replacing the prototype network left behind by the gate installers sent to pave the way for Destiny.

The Lantians organized several outposts on the planets Atoz, Doranda, Taranis; studied the worlds of Pegasus and protected the cultures they created. One of the planets on which they launched the evolution of the human form of life was a planet inhabited by bugs that fed on the life forces of other creatures. Evolution on this planet has followed the path of hybridization between humans and the aforementioned beetles. As a result, a race of Wraiths appeared, humanoid creatures that needed people to maintain their vitality. By absorbing other people's lives, the Wraith gained the ability to regenerate tissue, and given their ability to hibernate, this means almost eternal life if they have sufficient nutrition.

1.3.2. War with the Wraith

Siege of Lantea

Eventually, the confrontation between the Ancients and the Wraith took the form of war. For a hundred years, the Lantians and Wraiths waged a bitter war against each other. At first, the Wraiths seriously lagged behind the Lantians both in technical terms and in numbers. The Lantians' crystal-based technology was many times better than the organic technology of the Wraith. A single Lantian Aurora-class cruiser could easily destroy an entire squadron of Wraith hive ships without suffering much damage thanks to its powerful energy shields and drones. (“Aurora” can fire a salvo of drones simultaneously at all enemy ships in the drone strike zone.) Infinitely confident in their military-technical superiority, the careless Lantians began sending their cruisers into space controlled by the Wraiths. Over the course of a long period of war and at great cost, the Wraith managed to capture several Lantian cruisers and used their MNT to power cloning stations and ship breeding stations. In this way, the Wraith were able to establish ultra-fast production of soldiers and warships and increase their army, which gave them an absolute advantage in the war. The tide of the war quickly turned in their favor. It no longer mattered that the Lantian warships could win any battle: the Wraith continued to advance and conquer one area of ​​the galaxy after another. Waging a war of attrition, the Lantians gradually retreated deeper into their domain, watching as the Wraith absorbed Lantian territories and destroyed defensive satellites with only one goal - to destroy the Lantians.

In desperation, the Lantians began to take more drastic measures against the war with the Wraith. On the planet Asuras (rich in neutronium), the Lantians built an outpost and began research in the field of nanotechnology. The results of the research were a self-replicating nanovirus, which was supposed to destroy the enemy from the inside, but instead the nanites of the virus began to group into more complex shapes cyber life, until they reached the perfect one - people. This is how the Asurans appeared - the replicators of the Pegasus galaxy. Built into the base code of this biological weapon was an aggression superior to that of the Wraith. The Asurans believed that it was aggression that prevented them from ascending, like their creators, and asked the Lantians to remove aggression from their code, but the creators refused and, considering that the experiment had failed, destroyed the city of Asuran on the planet Asuras and all data about them in the database, except for the address .

The weapon platform that ran on Arcturus energy and destroyed Doranda

Then the Lantians developed the “Arcturos project”, this project involved the extraction of zero point energy from our universe. The principle of operation was similar to the operation of MNT. This method of extracting zero point energy would make it possible to have unlimited energy reserves for Lantian technologies. The installation was located on the planet Doranda. But ultimately this experiment was stopped because it was highly unstable. Also, as a result of the experiment, the radiation emitted by the installation and Doranda’s protective weapon destroyed the entire population of the planet and the Ancients who were in the laboratory. 10,000 years later, Rodney McKay, attempting to continue his research on the Lantians, destroyed Doranda and 5/6 of the star system.

The closest thing to defeating the Wraith was the Attero Device. This device created interference on the hyperspace frequency used by the Wraith, which caused the Wraith's hyperdrives to explode upon entering hyperspace. Since each hyperdrive system has unique characteristics, and the Device was tuned to the Wraith system, the Lantians could freely travel through hyperspace and destroy the Wraith. But the Attero Device had a dangerous side effect - the radiation caused overloads on the Star Gate, leading to its explosion. Because of this, the project was also stopped.

By this point, it was obvious even to the Lantians that they were losing the war. They continued to lose territory to the Wraith until the Lantian system was all that remained of their empire. In their last attempt to end the war, the Lantians sent a delegation to meet with the Wraith to negotiate peace. The delegation was protected by the most powerful warships, but they were ambushed and destroyed. The last hope for peace has collapsed.

1.3.3. Defeat in the war

Bombing of Atlantis

For some time the Wraith could not reach Lantea due to the system of protective satellites surrounding Lantea. solar system, capable of destroying a hive ship with one shot. But after some time, most of the satellites were destroyed and the Wraith began the siege of Atlantis. Lantea's last line of defense has fallen. The only defense left for the city are drone guns and the city shield. Despite the fact that the Lantians could destroy all the ships attacking Atlantis, the Wraiths sent more and more. Unconditional superiority in numbers, the gradual depletion of drone weapons and constant bombardment of the shield forced the Lantians to sink the city to the bottom of Lantea's ocean (underwater the shield could withstand bombardment much longer than on the surface).

Around 8,000 BC. e. - one hundred years after the start of the war with the Wraith, - the Lanthian Council saw that nothing more could be done to win and decided to leave the galaxy through the stargate back to Earth, knowing that one day people would return to Pegasus. Before leaving Pegasus, the Lantians blocked the gates of Atlantis in such a way that they would now block any incoming wormhole except Earth, thereby ensuring that only earthlings would enter Atlantis. After the Lantians left, the Pegasus galaxy was left to be torn apart by the Wraiths.

1.4. Return to the Milky Way

Lantians leave Atlantis

After the Lantians returned to Earth, they found only primitive cavemen (Ta'uri). Realizing that the civilization of the Ancients could no longer be rebuilt, they settled around the planet, helping people. Some even had half-Ancient children with humans, which then gave some individuals the genetic code of the Ancients to work with their devices. Some of those who returned were also able to ascend. The language of the Ancients would later give rise to Latin. According to Roman mythology, the Romans were taught how to build roads by gods called “The Ancients.” The story of the fall of the Atlanteans was eventually retold (with some changes) by Plato in his works Timaeus and Critias.

Myrddin (Moros, aka Merlin, aka Emrys) - one of the ascended Ancients (quite possibly ascended before the migration of the Ancients to the Pegasus galaxy) - was able to “descend” to Earth to create a weapon against the Ori (at the same time, he retained some of the abilities of the Ancients and all your knowledge). He is known as Merlin in the Arthurian legends (Arthurian cycle), since some of the abilities of the Ancients (telekinesis, healing, etc.) clearly could have seemed like magic to the British of the early Middle Ages. Calling his weapon the Grail (Sangraal), he left his secrets to a narrow circle of people - King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

The Ancients, who left the Earth, created the Union of the Four Great Races, which also included the Nox, Furlings and Asgards. Together, they created a “real” universal language, in which atoms played the role of the simplest components. According to the inscriptions on the planet Heliopolis (the gates to which people were able to open back in 1945;), this union lasted for several centuries. Then even these, the last in our Galaxy, the Ancients ascended.

1.5. Recent History of the Ancients

On the planet where Harry Mayborn settled, SG-1 found a Jumper equipped with a time machine. According to the chronicle left by the Ancients on the columns of the ancient temple, some Ancients traveled through time. And they compiled a history of the planet that even covers its future. From the episode "Before I Sleep" it is clear that only Janus has such technology. It is logical to assume that the Ancient One who traveled through time is Janus or his descendant.

During excavations in Antarctica, an Alteran woman was found - Ayanna. Removed from the ice, she returned to life. But she was still infected with the plague, and soon died (after finally using all her strength to heal SG-1 from the disease she had revived).

In intergalactic space, halfway into the Milky Way, an entire ship of the Ancients (Aurora class) - Tria - was discovered. Apparently, the Tria was damaged in the battle with the Wraiths, and the crew was forced to fly at relativistic speed. Although ten thousand years had already passed, only a few years had passed for them. They regained Atlantis, practically driving Ta'uri out of there. But then the Asurans attacked the city and destroyed the entire Tria crew.

On one of the planets (), SG-1 found and resurrected Myrddin/Merlin, who was in stasis, who helped them complete the work of assembling the second Grail (Sangraal). Although the Ancient One's body succumbed, he placed part of his memory into Daniel's brain before dying, allowing him to complete his work, as well as temporarily turning him into an Ancient One. Later, Daniel, using a combination of Merlin's and Prior's abilities, as well as the assistance of SG-1, activated the Sangraal and sent it to the Ori galaxy in an Ori captured cruiser.

2. Physiology

2.1. Before the ascension

Alteran Amelius - creator of the Stargate and the Ark of Truth

Over the tens of millions of years of their existence, the Alterans evolved into the most advanced form of man. Over millions of years of evolution, they were able to achieve an incredibly complex genetic structure and level of physical and mental development. Since the Alterans have been developing for many millions of years, their mental abilities, which are not yet available to the second evolution of this species, have reached their maximum: the Alterans have mastered telekinesis, healing touch and telepathy. Also, the amount of knowledge that the brain could store has increased to the incredible - the brain of ordinary modern people cannot withstand this and “burns out,” that is, it dies.

The once ascended Merlin, having descended to the mortal plane of existence to construct a weapon against the Ori, returned in the most advanced genetic form that his species had achieved before his ascension, retaining his knowledge. He had the ability to foresee, control stargates mentally, and also emit energy rays from his hands. Most likely this is the last phase of human evolution before the ascension - in in this case Ancient.

Their genetic code contained the so-called Ancient Technology Activation gene. This special gene allowed it to activate and interact with the technologies of the Lantians (Ancient Pegasus). Control chairs and Jumpers are particularly sensitive to this gene. It is still not known whether this gene was a feature of Alteran genetics or a product of genetic engineering.

2.2. After Ascension

Ascended Fata Morgana

Upon ascension, the Ancients turn into pure energy and go to another level of existence. In doing so, they gain almost divine powers, but they do not use them to influence the fate of "mortals" and avoid the temptation to become fanatics like the Ori. According to the ascended, ascension is only the beginning of the journey. The Ori probably stopped there, which allowed the Ancients to hide the people of the Milky Way from them.

Although one of the Ancients was allowed to protect people and take care of them, but only in her world.

The only known non-human to ascend (with the help of Oma Desala) was the Goa'uld Anubis. But since Anubis was not going to adhere to their rules, the Ancients tried to send him back. They succeeded only partially. Now it exists as a clot of energy, which must be enclosed in a special shell. Despite the fact that Russian Air Force Colonel Alexey Vaselov, whose body was seized by Anubis, sacrificed himself and froze to death on the ice planet, Anubis managed to free himself and again try to take advantage of his “semi-exalted” status in the fight against the rest of the Goa'uld and humans, but was stopped by the combined efforts of Ta'uri, Jaffa and Baal, after which Jackson convinced Oma Desala to wage an ongoing battle with Anubis on top level being, which would prevent him from interfering in the affairs of the “unexalted” world.

2.3. "Partial" Ancients

Some people, for a variety of reasons, temporarily received some of the abilities of the Ancients. The first of them was Jack O'Neill, into whose brain the library of knowledge of the Ancients on planet P3R-272 () was downloaded. At the same time, he gradually switched to the language of the Ancients, forgetting English, since his brain simply could not assimilate such an amount of information. This happened to O'Neill twice. The second time (this time consciously) he received this knowledge and was even able to learn how to heal others with touch. Another such person was Daniel Jackson. When he gained some of Merlin's knowledge, he also gained the ability to telekinesis, creating lightning and force fields.

Jonas Quinn, as a result of genetic experiments carried out on him by the exiled system lord Nirrti using the Ancient machine, gained the ability to see a possible future. At the same time, he received a fatal tumor in the brain, which was urgently removed, depriving him of this ability.

Another person who became semi-Ancient due to genetic manipulation was Rodney McKay, who discovered a similar genetic machine in Atlantis. This machine started the process at the genetic level, forcing a person's progress along the path to ascension. As a result, ascension can be achieved not over the course of a lifetime, but in just a few days. The problem was that if a person does not ascend, he will die.

Other partial Ancients include the Priors, Dosai and Orisai - Adria - who share some of the abilities of the Ancients and the Ori. Adria is the most powerful of them, because she is the embodiment of the Ori in a human body - Orisai - and has most of the knowledge of the Ori, but still not all.

Attempts by some Goa'uld (in particular, Nirrti and Anubis) to create Hok'tar - improved people - culminated in the temporary appearance of the ability to manipulate electromagnetic fields in Cassandra and the creation of Kalek on the planet P3X-584 (). It is known that Kalec could read minds and had telekinesis, and was also close to ascension.

3. Culture

3.1. Philosophy

Ganos Lal pretends to be a hologram in Atlantis

The ancients are known for their unwavering belief in freedom of choice.

The ancients believed in science and the logical reasoning behind things. Knowledge and enlightenment were fundamental to their worldview. They believed that the Universe needed to be studied, and that Scientific research very important for understanding the universe. What was more important was that the Ancients believed in freedom of choice, and that they could not stop them from believing what they wanted. This did not work in their favor when the Ori began to spread the "Origin" among the second evolution of people and receive more and more energy, and their religious fanaticism gained momentum. The Ancients also believed that it would be immoral to brainwash Ori followers to remove their powers.

When they ascended, their main rule was the prohibition of accelerating the natural process of ascension of other, lower beings. Violation of this rule entailed serious consequences, including the most severe punishments. Because Oma Desala helped lower beings ascend, she was considered an outcast, but when she helped Anubis, who deceived her, ascend, she was punished by being forced to watch how he used the knowledge of the ascended to conquer the Milky Way. Orlin was also exiled from the Others for helping the Velona people construct a weapon against the Goa'uld, which they later decided to use against other races. The Lantian Chaya Sar was punished for intervening and destroying the Wraith fleet that was besieging her home planet of Proculus. Her punishment was to serve as protection only for the people of Proculus and no one else.

Ancients(Anquientas, also known as Alterans And Lantians listen)) - a fictional human race in the Stargate universe, the first generation of earthly evolution. They are one of the most highly evolved races to ever exist, as they evolved millions of years before modern humans. Their most famous invention is the stargate, which they scattered across many worlds in many galaxies. Modern people use another of their achievements - the city-ship Atlantis, in which the events of the television series “Stargate: Atlantis” take place.

Universe Star Gates
Creator Roland Emmerich
Dean Devlin
First appearance

"The Fifth Race" ( The Fifth Race)

"Maternal instinct" ( Maternal Instinct)

Race type Humans (first evolution)
Home planet Celestis
(Orii Galaxy)
(Milky Way)

(Pegasus Galaxy)

Government Others (ascension),
High Council of Ancients (mortals)

There are parallels between the race of the ancients and powerful races in other science fiction series, for example, Q Continuum from the Star Trek universe or Vorlons from the Babylon 5 universe. Also close to the ancients are elves from the works of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien: Warriors, Poets and Wizards.


Many millions of years ago, in the civilization of ancient people, a conflict occurred between religious fanatics and people who believed in a scientific approach to studying the world around them. As a result of the conflict, civilization was divided into two camps: the Ori, followers of the Origin religion, and those who are commonly called the ancients or Lantians. The Ancients were forced to leave their home world on an ark ship.

Exodus of the Ancients

It is unknown how long they drifted in space or when they encountered the Milky Way, and the location of their home galaxy is unknown, but they decided to create a new civilization in the Milky Way. In our galaxy they flourished for many millennia, and maybe even millions of years, until they were struck by a disease reminiscent of modern meningitis, and many people were forced to leave the Milky Way and move to Pegasus, having previously built a device for populating the Milky Way new life on Dakar. In the Pegasus galaxy, Atlantis splashed down on the ocean of a planet called Lantea, where their capital apparently formed.

In Pegasus, the human race, as in the Milky Way, spread until one day people encountered a species of Iratus beetles that were able to absorb the DNA of their food, feeding like vampires. Having tasted the taste of people, the Iratus evolved into a race of Wraiths, bloodthirsty humanoid vampires who became enemies of the Lantians. A war broke out that threatened the ancient extinction, and the Ancients had to retreat again to Earth, where the Wraiths could not reach, since they did not own intergalactic hyperdrives (their ships were organic), and the Pegasus stargate could not open a passage to Earth.

The Ancients are called the first generation of the evolution of humanoid life on Earth, so they meet the heroes of Stargate, modern earthlings, as children and even as their descendants. The first generation of people evolved over a very long time, millions of years, and therefore are physiologically capable of ascension - transformation into an accumulation of pure energy. This is why the ancients were rarely seen in the series, as they were either dead or ascended. In addition, ascended people created a set of rules that, for example, prohibited them from helping others ascend and from communicating with lower forms of life.

Ancient Technologies


The Ancients are considered the most advanced race in the Stargate universe. Their technology was not even fully understood by the Asgardians, and their weapons and defenses were the most powerful of all, second only to the Asgardian beam weapons created shortly before their mass suicide. A single Aurora-class battleship could destroy a large flotilla of Wraith hive ships without receiving significant damage, but most of that firepower was supported by the Zero Point Module (ZPM); without the MNT, Lantian ships were very vulnerable.

A characteristic feature of ancient technology is the highest energy consumption and reliability. This was also a significant drawback of the ancient ships, since without MNT the ships could not simultaneously shoot and maintain defense. The largest ship is the city-ship Atlantis, powered by three MNTs (standard power supply mode). Like all ships of the ancients, it has enormous firepower and very strong protection, although it is not a warship.

Shield of Atlantis


Another technological achievement ancient - intergalactic hyperdrive (almost the fastest of all known hyperdrives). So the ancients also invented a tunnel hyperdrive, comparable in speed to a stargate, obviously experimental, and therefore unreliable, dangerous and extremely difficult to launch.

The Ori possessed similar technologies, but their technologies were mainly created by those who had already ascended, while the most advanced technologies of the ancients were created by people before the ascension, which indicates the great superiority of the scientific and technological thought of the ancients.

The ancients differed from most other races in their unshakable belief that everything in nature is explainable. This is their main difference from the Ori, who went to ascension along the path of religion. Despite the huge scientific knowledge including in the military field, the ancients preferred not to enter into conflicts. This did not play into their hands in the war with the Wraiths, since, having no military experience, they made several tactical and strategic mistakes, one of which became fatal for them - overconfidence. Not realizing that the enemy's military forces were a force to be reckoned with, they sent their cruisers deep into enemy space and eventually lost them along with the power sources on board. The power supplies were used by the Wraith in cloning stations to rapidly grow soldiers and ships, and the Ancients were driven back to Lantea by a numerically superior enemy armada.

First mentioned - SG-1 (season 2, episode 15). First appearance - SG-1 (season 3, episode 20).

In the unfinished series Stargate: Universe, people discover the spaceship Destiny, created by the ancients, which was built by them an unknown number of millions of years ago and launched without a crew into deep space on an intergalactic reconnaissance mission. It contains a stargate of an older model than Atlantis. Since then, he managed to fly through many galaxies, and in order to get to him through the gate, it turned out that a lot of energy was needed, which people were able to take only from the core of the planet, consisting of naquadria. Due to a sudden alien attack on this planet, the personnel of the earth base were forced to go through the gate to this ship, as the planet exploded immediately after. It turned out that after the ascension of the ancients, they do not use the ship, and the ship flies in automatic mode, independently correcting the course and charging from the stars. Far ahead of him fly “gate installers,” who make them during the flight, and place gates on planets where landing is possible (only one is shown in the series). Thus, the people on Destiny were able to visit some planets, study them and collect some resources. Initially, people could not control the movement of the ship and depended on its periodic automatic stops, but then they gained almost complete control, although the ship entered into a long debate with them through neural interfaces. People communicated with the Earth through the “communication stones of the ancients” described in SG-1, which allow pairs of people to exchange consciousnesses at any distance and control someone else’s body in real time. According to data found on board, main task The ship is studying the cosmic microwave background radiation, in which the ancients discovered artificial signals from an unknown intelligence: presumably, “Destiny” is flying towards their source. The people (the crew and the Earth command) called it a “message from God” (in general, there are many religious allusions throughout the franchise) and took it upon themselves to continue this mission, where the series ends.

30.08.2016 - 16:39

Many ancient cultures have preserved legends about portals to other worlds or gateways to other Universes, where the “creators” of people live. In our world it is generally accepted that these are just myths and legends. However, recently declassified FBI documents indicate that our planet has been visited by beings from other planets and dimensions. And NASA announced that there appear to be hidden portals in the Earth's magnetic field. All this suggests that the legends about stargates, portals to parallel worlds and space-time holes may contain a significant amount of truth.

1. “Gate of the Gods”, Puerto de Hayu Marca, Peru

In 1996, they were discovered in the area of ​​​​Puerto de Hayu Marca by a novice guide, José Luis Delgado Mamani. Mamani claims that before this he saw these gates in his dreams for many years. He dreamed of a road that led to a mysterious gate, lined with pink marble, from which emanated “a bright blue light that looked like a shimmering tunnel.”
As local residents say, this gate served “for passage to the lands of the gods.” The gate has two openings - one in the form of a square 7 by 7 meters, and the second two meters high. Legends say that the large opening is for the gods, and the smaller one is for ordinary mortals. Those who dared to pass through the Gate of the Gods gained immortality and began to live among the gods.

One of the legends seems to confirm Mamani’s strange dreams. It says that when spanish conquistadors arrived in Peru in the 16th century and began to plunder the wealth of the Incas, one of the priests named Amaru Maru fled from the temple with a precious golden disk - the “Key of the Gods of the Seven Rays”. Amaru Maru found the Gate of the Gods and gave the disc to its guardians. After that, they performed a certain ritual, and the doorway opened - behind it was a tunnel with a bluish light. Aaru Maru entered the gate and disappeared forever, going to the land of the gods.

Interestingly, the researchers discovered a small circular depression on the right side of the Gate of the Gods.

2. Abu Ghurab, Egypt

The Temple of Abu Ghurab in Memphis is considered the oldest on the planet - it was built in the 3rd millennium BC. There is an ancient platform made of alabaster (Egyptian crystal) that supposedly can “vibrate in unison with the Earth.” It is also able to open to a person so that he can communicate and be one-on-one with the “gods - the high energies of the Universe” and move into the sky.

Interestingly, these legends about the connection and route of movement between worlds are similar to the myths of the Cherokee Indians. The Cherokees say that some formless thinking beings can travel on a “sound wave” from the Pleiades system to Earth.

In addition to the legends, the platform in the Abu Ghurab temple is surprising in that it seems to have been created using high technology. For example, perfectly even holes are drilled in it.

3. Rock structure in Lake Michigan

In 2007, while searching for the remains of sunken ships, scientists discovered a stone structure in Lake Michigan at a depth of 12 meters. The discovery was made by Mark Holley, a professor of underwater archeology at Northwestern Michigan University, and his colleague Brian Abbott. They believe the Stonehenge-like structure is about 9,000 years old, but what's interesting is that one of the stones has carvings of a mastodon, which went extinct more than 10,000 years ago.

The exact coordinates of the find are still kept secret - this condition was set by local Indian tribes who do not want an influx of tourists and curious people on their land.

Some researchers believe that this structure is the remains of a star gate.

This area was previously known as the "Michigan Triangle". Here, just like in the Bermuda Triangle, strange disappearances of people and ships occur.

In 1891, a schooner disappeared here along with seven crew members. In 1921, 11 people disappeared on board a boat that was later found empty. In 1937, the ship "McFarland" made a voyage on the lake. His captain retired to his cabin to rest. Three hours later, the second mate went to wake the captain. The door was locked, he did not respond to the knock. Then the door was broken open - the room was empty, and the portholes were tightly closed. However, the captain disappeared without a trace.

4. Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England

One of the most famous archaeological sites on Earth is Stonehenge. It is also one of the most controversial and discussed, because it is not known for certain when it was built and for what purpose. Most historians believe that it was created about 5,000 years ago from stones that were taken from a mine located 386 km from Stonehenge.

It is curious that Stonehenge is located at the intersection of several - imaginary lines that connect the most unusual traces of past civilizations on Earth - pyramids, temples, etc.
One theory about the purpose of Stonehenge is that it is a stargate. One strange incident that happened in these places may confirm this theory.

In August 1971, a whole group of hippies disappeared here, apparently while trying to “activate” the stargate. The day before, they pitched tents next to the monument. Eyewitnesses recall that at two o'clock in the morning lightning suddenly struck in the Stonehenge area, a bluish light appeared and strong screams were heard. When the police arrived at the scene, they did not find a single person - only tents and a still burning fire.

5. Sumerian Stargate on the Euphrates River

There is a famous Sumerian seal that depicts a Sumerian god apparently emerging from a stargate. On the sides of it some luminous columns are visible. Other seals with the image of the god Ninurta may also well serve as evidence of the existence of star gates.

Ninurta wears something very reminiscent of a modern watch on his hands and presses something that looks like a gateway button.

Researchers believe that the stargate of the Sumerian gods was located on the Euphrates River in modern Iraq and is located under the ruins of the Mesopotamian city of Eridu, which was destroyed before our era.

Researcher Elisabeth Wegh is confident that it is these gates that are spoken of in the Bible, in chapter 9 of Revelation. “And the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star from heaven fall to the earth, and the key of the deep well was given to him. And he opened the well of the deep, and smoke rose from the well like the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke of the well.”

“The well of the abyss,” according to Vogue, is the stargate.

6. “Gateway of the Sun”, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia

According to many researchers, the “Gate of the Sun” in Tiunako is a portal to the land of the gods. They are believed to be about 4,000 years old. Tiahuanaco is one of the most important sites of ancient America. Local legends say that the sun god Viracocha chose this place to create the human race.

The gate is carved from a single block of stone and decorated with human figures wearing “rectangular helmets”. The upper arch of the arch is decorated with an image of the sun god with rays around his head.

Although the gate is now upright, when it was discovered by European explorers in the mid-1800s, it was lying on the ground. In addition, they have a large crack in the upper right part of the arch. It is unknown who broke them and dropped them.

7. Stargate at Ramansa Uyana, Sri Lanka

Among the boulders and caves of Ramansu Uyana Park there is a star map carved on a large piece of stone. There are stone seats directly opposite the star map.

According to researchers, the symbols carved on the stone are a code that opens the stargate and allows travel from this world to other places in the Universe.

Locally the map is called Sakwala Chakraya, which translates to “The Rotating Circle of the Universe.” In many ancient Indian legends, stargates or portals were in the form of rotating circles. Similar star maps have been found at other ancient sites such as Abu Ghurab in Egypt and numerous other ancient sites in the South American Andes.

8. Abydos, Egypt

One of the oldest cities Ancient Egypt Abydos is perhaps one of the most important sites in Egyptology and certainly one of the most interesting. In particular, the Temple of Seti I is known for having hieroglyphs in the form of modern aircraft, such as a helicopter, as well as what looks very much like a flying saucer.

Dorothy often pressed on some of the stones in the walls, as if she wanted to open a secret door.

It is curious that in 2003, military engineer Michael Schratt said that there was a stargate in Abydos, and the US government knew about it, and the gate was allegedly even used for its intended purpose.

9. Gobekli Tepe, Türkiye

Ancients (English) Ancients)
View Ancient people)
Homeworld Unknown (possibly Celestis in the Ori galaxy), then Earth
and Lantia (in the Pegasus galaxy)
Management Unknown; formerly - High Council of Atlantis
Previous alliances Four Great Races
Key series "The Fifth Race" ( The Fifth Race; First mention)

"Maternal instinct" ( Maternal Instinct) (first appearance)

Ancients(also known as Alteran, Lantians And Anquitas) - the human race in the Stargate series. They are the most advanced known race to ever exist, as they evolved millions of years before earthlings. Their most famous invention is the stargate, which they scattered across many worlds. Modern people use another of their achievements - the flying city of Atlantis (Atlantis), in which the events of the television series “Stargate Atlantis” take place.


Alteran and Ori

Millions of years ago, these first representatives human species lived in another galaxy and achieved success on the path to exaltation. At that time, the Alterans and Ori were no different from each other and lived in the same society. But then a philosophical division emerged: the Ori became more and more intolerant and fanatical in their religious beliefs, while the Alterans (from altera, lat. other) preferred a scientific worldview and a rational outlook on life. Eventually, their society split in two, and the Ori attempted to destroy their brethren. Instead of fighting, the Alterans left their galaxy.

After several millennia, the Alterans found the Milky Way, where they then built a mighty empire. Apparently, they also populated the Earth ( Terre). To move between their planets, they built a stargate system ( Astria Portas). Other known Ancient planets in our galaxy were Proclarush Theonas (), Dakara and Valos Kor ().

At some point, the Alterans were infected with a terrible plague that nearly destroyed their civilization. Since the disease bore a striking resemblance to the infection spread by the Priors to the "non-believers", Daniel Jackson opined that the Alteran had been infected by the Ori, who still considered the Alteran to be enemies.

Although their attempts to travel back in time and prevent the infection were unsuccessful, some Ancients in the Milky Way still escaped death by leaving their bodies and becoming pure energy (in the process of ascension). According to Anubis, other Ancients attempted to recreate life in the galaxy using the generator on Dakar. It is possible that the second evolution of people on Earth is the result of this attempt.

Pegasus Galaxy

Several million years ago, the Ancients, supposedly fleeing a plague, were forced to leave Earth. They went to the Pegasus galaxy closest to the Milky Way on their spaceship, which was an entire city - Atlantis (Atlantis).

Upon arrival, they settled on a planet they named Lantia. Having discovered that there was no intelligent life in Pegasus, the Ancients began to populate the galaxy with people, connecting new worlds with Star Gates. Presumably, on one of these planets, people stumbled upon strange creatures - insects that feed on life itself. These creatures, later called Iratus beetles, in the process of feeding were able to somehow integrate human DNA into their own and develop into a completely new species - Wraith.

It is not known exactly how much time passed, but when the Ancients turned their attention to the Wraith, the latter were already a strong, highly developed society. However, they were underestimated - the Ancients, confident in their superiority, tried to destroy the race that was constraining them, but were careless enough, which allowed the Wraith to acquire some of their technology. The Wraith understood that they would still not be able to compete with the Lantians in technological terms, but captured in During the battles, the MNT, subsequently used to power cloning stations, allowed them to outnumber the Ancients many times over. The Lantians lost planet after planet...

Desperate, they set about developing new weapons capable of protecting entire planets from the invasion of the Wraith fleet and at the same time creating an alternative to the MNT - the Arcturos project showed great promise, but failed miserably: the entire population of the planet, including the Ancients themselves, died in an unsuccessful attempt to extract vacuum energy from of our Universe.

An even more desperate step was the creation of nanorobots - microscopic machines for destroying Wraiths at the cellular level. But this project also failed - instead of soulless killer robots, the Ancients created a new form of life that did not want to wage a merciless war. The Asurans (as they later called themselves) begged to be freed from the aggression that the creators had invested in them, but the Ancients, disappointed, tried to destroy their next unsuccessful project...

Soon the Wraith took control of the entire galaxy - Lantia was the last one left. But the force field of Atlantis nullified all the Wraith attacks. The ancients could win any battle, but they did not see a way to win the war. They sank the city to the bottom of the ocean and traveled through the Stargate back to Earth in the hope that one day they would be able to return home. And for 10,000 years now, the Wraith have kept the entire galaxy in fear...

Return to the Milky Way

After the Lantian returned to Earth, they found only primitive cavemen (Ta'uri). Realizing that the civilization of the ancients could no longer be rebuilt, they settled around the planet, helping people. Some even had half-Ancient children with humans, which then gave some individuals the genetic code of the Ancients to work with their devices. Some of those who returned were also able to ascend. The language of the Ancients would later give rise to Latin. According to Roman mythology, the Romans were taught how to build roads by gods called “The Ancients.” The story of the fall of the Atlanteans was eventually retold (with some changes) by Plato in his works Timaeus and Critias.

Hologram of Merlin/Myrddin/Moros in the series "Camelot"

Myrddin (Moros), one of the Ancients who ascended, was able to “descend” to Earth to create a weapon against the Ori. He is known as Merlin in the Arthurian legends (Arthurian cycle), since some of the abilities of the Ancients (telekinesis, healing, etc.) clearly would have seemed like magic to the early Middle Ages Britons. Calling his weapon the Grail (Sangraal), he left his secrets to a narrow circle of people - King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

Those Ancients who left the Earth established the Union of the Four Great Races, which also included the Nox, Furlings and Asgards. Together, they created a “real” universal language, in which atoms played the role of the simplest components. According to the inscriptions on the planet Heliopolis (the gates to which people were able to open back in 1945;), this union lasted for several centuries. Then even these, the last in our Galaxy, the Ancients ascended.

Recent History of the Ancients

Since the Ori were also able to ascend, both "factions" reached parity in power, but the Ori still wanted to destroy the Ancients. The Ori came to the conclusion that if "mere mortals" worshiped them, then the power of the Ori would increase. To counter this, the Ancients hid the people of the Milky Way from the sight of the Ori.

During excavations in Antarctica, an Alteran woman was found - Ayanna. Removed from the ice, she returned to life. But she was still infected with the plague, and soon died (after finally using all her strength to heal SG-1 from the disease she had revived).

An entire Ancient ship (Aurora class) was discovered in intergalactic space halfway into the Milky Way. Apparently, the ship was damaged in the battle with the Wraith, and the crew was forced to fly at relativistic speed. Although ten thousand years had already passed, only a few years had passed for them. They regained Atlantis, driving Ta'uri out of there. But then the Asurans attacked the city and destroyed the entire crew of the ship.

On one of the planets (), SG-1 found and resurrected Myrddin/Merlin, who was in stasis, who helped them complete the work of assembling the second Grail (Sangraal). Although the Ancient One's body succumbed, he placed his partial memory into Daniel's brain before dying, allowing him to complete his work, as well as temporarily turning him into an Ancient One. Later, Daniel, using a combination of Merlin's and Prior's abilities, as well as the assistance of SG-1, activated the Sangraal and sent it into the Ori galaxy.

Although all the Ori were destroyed by the Sangraal, Adria later ascended after Ba'al attempted to take over her body, becoming the only and strongest Ori. Although Ancient Morgan le Fay wanted to help SG-1 get rid of Adria, she was unable to do so herself. To do this, it was first necessary to take away the lion's share of the power of the Ori - the faith of people and priors. That is why she secretly helped Daniel find the Ark of Truth, a device of the Ancients created millions of years ago to fight the Ori, but never used. The Ark was discovered on the planet where the city of Celestis, the temple capital of the Ori, was located. While Vala distracted her daughter, Daniel managed to guess the password to activate the device - "Origin", an ancient synonym for the word "truth". By opening the Ark in front of Dosai, SG-1 made all the priors believe that the Ori were not gods. Thus, having taken away Adria's enormous power, SG-1 allowed Morgan to engage in an equal battle with her opponent. The fate of these ascended women is unknown. Either they destroyed each other or they are in an eternal confrontation, like Oma Desala and Anubis.


Before the ascension

The ancients were people externally and internally. The main difference between the first and second evolution of people is the gene for technological activation of the Ancients, which was present in all the Ancients. But, due to the mixing of some Ancients with primitive people, some earthlings also possess this gene. In addition, this gene can be obtained through genetic engineering (although this method was unsuccessful for the Czech doctor Radek Zelenka).

Before they ascended, the Ancients mastered almost the entire spectrum of their brain's capabilities such as telekinesis, telepathy, clairvoyance, healing, etc.

After Ascension

Upon ascension, the Ancients turn into pure energy and go to another level of existence. In doing so, they gain almost divine powers, but they do not use them to influence the fate of “mortals.”

The only non-human who managed to ascend (with the help of Oma Desala) was the Goa'uld Anubis. But since Anubis was not going to adhere to their rules, the Ancients tried to send him back. They succeeded only partially. Now it exists as a clot of energy, which must be enclosed in a special shell. Despite the fact that Russian Air Force Colonel Alexey Vaselov, whose body was seized by Anubis, sacrificed himself and froze to death on the ice planet, Anubis managed to free himself and again try to take advantage of his “semi-exalted” status in the fight against the rest of the Goa'uld and humans, but was stopped by the joint efforts of Ta'uri, the Jaffa and Baal, after which Jackson convinced Oma Desala to wage an ongoing battle with Anubis on the higher plane of existence, which would prevent him from interfering in the affairs of the "unexalted" world.

"Partial" Ancients

Some people, for a variety of reasons, temporarily received some of the abilities of the Ancients. The first of them was Jack O'Neill, into whose brain the library of knowledge of the Ancients on planet P3R-272 () was downloaded. At the same time, he gradually switched to the language of the Ancients, forgetting English, since his brain simply could not “digest” such an amount of information. This happened to O'Neill twice. The second time (this time consciously) he received this knowledge and was even able to learn how to heal others with touch. When Daniel Jackson gained some of Merlin's knowledge, he also gained the ability to telekinesis, creating lightning and force fields.

Jonas Quinn, after genetic experiments carried out on him by the exiled System Mistress Nirrti using the Ancient Machine, was able to see a possible future. At the same time, he received a fatal tumor in the brain, which was urgently removed, depriving him of his new ability. Another person who became semi-Ancient due to genetic manipulation was Rodney McKay, who discovered a similar genetic machine in Atlantis. This machine started the process at the genetic level, generally forcing a person on the path to ascension, but not throughout his entire life, but just a few days. The only problem is that if a person does not ascend, he will die. And to ascend, not to go to the store. Between useless (according to Rodney) meditations and the chance to leave invaluable knowledge and inventions to the galaxy, he chooses the latter... On the way to ascension, Rodney received a lot of super abilities, such as telekinesis, telepathy, healing, etc., but most importantly, he became serious progress in brain activity - get smarter (and not only) (and since he is already a super genius...) and created a lot of new inventions, and also improved the “old” ones many times over, for example: improved the energy supply system of Atlantis, increased the efficiency of shields “Dedalla”... In general, he did a bunch of useful things that influenced the further future of the galaxy. Before reaching the ascension-death itself, McKay managed to send a telepathic message to the expedition doctor, Carson Beckett, about how he could be saved (after all, he did not even count on ascension).

Other partial Ancients include Priors, Dosai and Adria, who share some of the abilities of the Ancients and Ori.

Attempts by some Goa'uld (in particular, Nirrti and Anubis) to create hok'tars (advanced people) culminated in the temporary appearance of the ability to manipulate electromagnetic fields in Cassandra and the creation of Kalek on the planet P3X-584 (). It is known that Kalec could read minds and had telekinesis, and was also close to ascension.


The Ancients have an unwavering belief in freedom of choice and therefore do not interfere in the affairs of those who have not ascended. The Ori are the complete opposite of this. The Ori religion explicitly states that refusal to share the secrets of the Universe with others is an evil that must be destroyed, but at the same time they understand such cooperation in a very specific way, in fact turning their followers into dumb slaves. The Ancients prevent the Ori from directly interfering with the Milky Way, but do not prevent the Ori from being worshiped by those who wish to do so.

Language and writing system



Famous words

In adverb Ancients In LatinIn RussianMeaningEpisode
AbicierumabicectumTo give upto pronounce carelessly, break off abruptly; to get rid of, give up; weaken
AdventusappositusApproachingplaced near, lying near; approaching, near to; fit, appropriate, appositeWindow of Opportunity (Season 4)
AmeriaArmariumArkThe arkcupboard, chest, safe, clothingThe Ark Of Truth (Movie)
AsordaadservioHelpHelpto aid, help, assistThe Fifth Race (season 2)
AniEsAream, isThe Fifth Race (Season 2)
AnquiatusAntiquitasthe AncientAncientsancient, old, hoaryThe Fifth Race (Season 2)
ComdocommodoPleasePleaseto make fit, adapt, please, oblige, serveThe Fifth Race (Season 2)
Cozarscrur, crurisLegsLegsLeg, shank, shin, also footThe Fifth Race (Season 2)
CruvascurvusWrongarched, bent, bowed, curved, crooked, wrong (morally crookedThe Fifth Race (Season 2)
derentiusdementisinsaneout of one's mind, insane, senselessThe Lost City Part 1 (Season 7)
DormodadormioSleepSleepto sleep; to rest, be inactiveThe Lost City Part 2 (Season 7)
DeserdidesideroWishto long for, wish for greatly, to missThe Fifth Race (Season 2)
DomatavusdominatusMastermasteryWindow of Opportunity (Season 7)
EetiumetiamYesYes(answer to question) yes, certainlyThe Fifth Race (Season 2)
EgoegoIII, selfThe Fifth Race (Season 2)
Eugeeu, euge, eugepaeGoodFinegood! well done! good job!The Fifth Race (Season 2)
FallatusfăcultasAbilitypower, means, opportunity, capacity, ability, stockThe Fifth Race (Season 2)
Feggusfio, fieri, factusFinishedEndingbe made, be done, becomeThe Fifth Race (Season 2)
FrontfronsHeadHeadforehead, brow, frontThe Fifth Race (Season 2)
GlaciuseglaciesIceIceLost City part 2 (Season 7)
HaudhaudNoNono, not at all, by no meansThe Fifth Race (Season 2)
IllacSemitaThe PathOver There/Along that Path, In that Direction.Talion (Season 10)
IncursisIncursoAttack/OverrunAn attack, assault / efforts, impulsesEchoes (Stargate Atlantis)
IndeeoindigeoNeedClearly understoodto require, need, stand in need ofThe Fifth Race (Season 2)
LacunLacunOf the LostA Hole, An Empty Space, Loss, Missing (letters).Fallen (Season 7)
LocasLocusLocationPlaceplace, location, situation, spotThe Fifth Race (Season 2)
MallumMalumEvilMisfortune, Misdeed, Evil, Crime, Injury, DamageThe Ark Of Truth (Movie)
MotabilumpraeteritusPastWindow of Opportunity (Season 4)
navonovoNewNewto make anew, refresh, revive, change, alter, inventThe Fifth Race (Season 2)
NousNosWeWewe, usThe Fifth Race (Season 2)
PerennialperniciesDisasterdestruction, disaster, ruin, baneWindow of Opportunity (Season 4)
PutaPutoBelieveBelieveto clear, settle up, consider, think, believe, suppose, judge.Avalon Part 1 (Season 9)
OrtusOrtusOriginOriginBirth, Origin, Rising, SourceThe Ark Of Truth (Movie)
ReninRegnumKingdomRule, Authority, Kingdom, RealmTalion (Season 10)
SuboSubUnderunderneath, under; close under, at the foot ofLost City part 2 (Season 7)
TaonasOrbisSphereSphere, Circle, can mean planet or star.Lost City part 2 (Season 7)
TerreTerraEarthEarthearth, land, ground, soil; a country, land, regionLost City part 2 (Season 7)
TuTuYouYouAvalon Part 1 (Season 9)
Ubanurbs, urbisCityCitya walled town or cityHomecoming (Season 7)
VeriumasVeritasTruthTruetruthfulness, truthThe Ark Of Truth (Movie)
VestulhesitoUncertainto be unsure, uncertain, be uncertain, wavering, be waveringWindow of Opportunity (Season 4)
VisAviusLostLostwandering, astray, lostHomecoming (Season 7)

Famous Expressions

In adverb Ancients WritingIn English (rough translation)Episode
Ortis Mallum The Origin of EvilThe Ark of Truth
Ameria Veriumas The Ark of TruthThe Ark of Truth
Nous ani Anquiatus We are the AncientsThe Fifth Race
Hic Qua Video The Place of our LegacyThe Fifth Race
Ego Indaeo Navo Locas I Need New LocationThe Fifth Race
Domatavus vestul Motabilum Master of Uncertain PastWindow of Opportunity
Perennial Adventus Approaching DisasterWindow of Opportunity
Vis Uban Lost CityHomecoming
Proclarush Taonas Lost in FireLost City part 2
Terre Atlantus Earth AtlantisLost City part 2
Subo Glaciuse Under the IceLost City part 2
Aveo Amacose GoodbyeLost City part 2

Known Ancient Colonies

Milky Way

  • Dakarra
  • Proclarush Theonas
  • Theot Voclarush / Castiana
  • Velos Kor / Sahal
  • Voras Jen Bree / Vegonbray
  • Vis Uban


  • Dagon
  • Dorandas
  • Lantea
  • Taranis
  • Asuras
  • Sateda

see also

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