Friends took Dana Borisova to Thailand for treatment for drug addiction, a video was published. Where did the fashion for drug addiction treatment come from on Koh Samui?

When Dana flew to Thailand, the girl was with her dad, Maxim Aksenov. Today, a schoolgirl, in the hope that her mother will read, wrote on her page on the Instagram social network open letter, in which she said that she was afraid of her scandalous grandmother and the journalists chasing her and her dad (the author’s spelling and punctuation were preserved):

"Hi, Mom! This is Polina. Sorry for writing on your Instagram, I just haven’t been able to talk to you for several weeks (dad even asked grandma Katya and Let They Say that they let me talk to you, I’m very worried about you, where are you?? Where have grandma Katya and her journalists taken you? They're just lying, I don't believe them.

The other day I took part in a singing competition and they gave me a cup with a certificate, I wanted to show you) Can you imagine all this time Grandma Katya has been living in our apartment, I can’t pick up my things and books, I don’t want to go there because there are journalists and cameras there (thank you For my dad, he bought me everything new.

In my opinion, Grandma Katya has completely gone crazy, she is hiding you and disgracing our family, let them talk to their journalists. She gave them all our addresses and now they are spying on us, because of them I cannot walk in peace. And yesterday she brought these journalists to school and created a scandal there. Dad asked them to stop the programs and Grandma K. said that they would never end, although I also asked her, I’m afraid they’ll kick me out of school. I’m thinking of asking my dad not to let me go to school on Monday, although I want to, I’m just afraid that grandma will make a scandal there again!!! I hope you see my message and call, I'm worried where are you? And How? I am kissing you, bye. From the Polinka.”

Maxim Aksenov was also surprised by the intrigues of his former mother-in-law. The man actually filed a lawsuit so that his daughter could officially live with him. But we are talking only about guardianship.

“I’m not going to deprive Dana of parental rights and communication with Polina,” Aksenov said in an interview. “Back in the winter, we agreed with her that Polina would live with me.

Aksenov does not understand why his ex-mother-in-law made a fuss, but he suspects that she could receive a substantial fee for this show.

“The material intent is visible,” says Maxim. – Dana was hidden from the child, there has been no contact with her for several weeks. Journalists and Ekaterina Ivanovna harassed Polina at school. The girl cannot go to classes and study normally.

By the way, as we found out, Dana is in Samui at the “12 Steps” rehabilitation center. This is not a typical drug treatment center. Patients there live in comfortable villas on the ocean. The staff speaks two languages: English and Russian. Borisova has an individual psychologist, massage, herbal medicine, and yoga at her disposal.

There is another interesting detail in the treatment. The patient’s relatives (in in this case, this function is probably performed by the presenter’s mother, since the father of Dana’s child does not know where she is. – Ed.) can be observed in live via webcam from your computer. Cameras are installed throughout the villa where Dana lives.

And yesterday Maxim Aksenov wrote the following message: “Finally, my efforts yielded results: Polina talked to her mother for the first time in the past month!”

Borisova also admitted that her mother Ekaterina Ivanovna constantly interfered in her daughter’s life and even I tried to kill myself twice, using this as blackmail to take Polina away.

Dana Borisova does not deny that she had alcohol problems, but she was able to cope with them for the sake of her daughter. Another reason for the loud accusations was taking diet pills regularly containing narcotic substances to reduce appetite.

    Recently, celebrities have begun to save each other from alcohol and drug addiction. The pioneer of the movement was 41-year-old Dana Borisova, who was sent to a rehabilitation center on the island of Koh Samui in Thailand, where she spent five months.

    The VIP-center for the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction “Sabai” became popular with the easy suggestion of Andrei Malakhov, who suggested sending Dana there. Channel One spent more than a million rubles on the rehabilitation of the former host of the Army Store - a month’s stay in the center costs 200-250 thousand rubles, which is approximately 8,000 rubles a day. During this time, Dana should have been brought out of depression and instilled in her with thoughts of benefit healthy image life.

    Time will tell whether the rehabilitation was effective. In the meantime, Dana happily gives interviews, telling how she “became stronger,” and actively helps other celebrities who are also in trouble. For example, she persuaded Chris Kelmi and Evgeniy Osin to come to the rehabilitation center for alcoholics. And last week she announced that she had become the face of a psychological recovery center.

    To understand how therapy takes place in a Thai center, just look at the schedule of events on the official website. There is everything for a patient’s happy life: shopping, spa treatments, boxing classes, play therapy, English language, watching movies, chef dinners, yoga, swimming, and an item called “daily reflection.” Once a day, the patient can listen to a lecture on a healthy lifestyle, talk with a psychologist and make an entry in personal diary on the topic “How my life is changing.”

    Dana even began writing a book in Thailand called “Obsession,” where she admitted that she first tried illegal drugs at the age of 16.

    « My mother, who worked in an ambulance, brought phenazepam and told me: “You sleep so poorly... (And I was already working as a TV presenter.) Take them and you will be rested.” Since then, I constantly began to escape reality. Maxim saw how handfuls I always drank of them, and this infuriated him. All my relationships ended because of pills. Only in the 2 years that I was pregnant and breastfeeding did I not drink one. Then alcohol and drugs joined them. Pills have always been evil number 1 and at the same time salvation. I couldn't live without them, it was an obsession....", says Borisova

    There is also an Orthodox priest in Thailand who helps patients cleanse themselves of sins, as well as an equestrian instructor, a meditation coach, in short, everyone who can distract addicts from thoughts about illegal drugs.

    However, not everyone recognizes such a system as useful; there are also negative reviews about the clinic. The Thai rehabilitation center also has opponents, for example, State Duma deputy Nikolai Valuev, who published information about the true activities of Dana Borisova’s savior Nikita Lushnikov on his website: “I I consider cooperation with the “Center for Healthy Youth” charity foundation to be my mistake and I do not at all regret that I cut off all possible contacts with this organization».

    According to Valuev, the declared activities of the Center of Health Outwardly look great and involve many famous personalities - domestic artists, doctors and even politicians, but the flip side of the fund’s work is the introduction of all these people, as well as their charges, into deep misconception by hiding real connections with the neo-Pentecostal movement. religious organization "Kingdom of God", whose headquarters are located in Ukraine.

    In the end, due to the provision of false information about the activities of the Center for Health Protection, Nikita Lushnikov was removed from work in the State Duma. But he did not stop his activities.

    There are indeed many popular people associated with the activities of the Center for Healthy Youth. For example, TV presenter Alexey Lysenkov, Ksenia Rappoport, Pavel Derevyanko, Vera Brezhneva actively help him... Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev gave gratitude for the active life position of the CZM organization.

    But Lushnikov’s most zealous defender was TV presenter and journalist Andrei Malakhov, who, due to his profession, simply could not help but know about the strange past of the group for rescuing drug addicts. He continues to promote the activities of an organization with a tarnished reputation and involve unfortunate artists in it, writes

    Last week, the TV presenter and her daughter Polina, who just had school break, flew to Thailand on vacation. Borisova has a lot in common with the famous resort, because it was there that her new life began last spring.

    “The island has already become home,” Dana shared with StarHit. – We stayed in a wonderful hotel. Its owners, Russians, recently invited me to become the face of this hotel. We were not very lucky with the weather, it was not the season: the sea was cold and cloudy. Despite the fact that we mostly swam in the pool, we got a good tan. We walked a lot, rode a bike and ate seafood. I showed my daughter all the sights that I know myself - the Buddhist temple, the Namuang safari park and much more. Polina really liked it.

    A separate point in the program was a visit to the elite rehabilitation center “Sabai”, where Dana spent the spring and summer of last year. It was there that the star was helped to get rid of addictions.

    “I met new guests,” Borisova told StarHit. – Three girls and six young men are currently being treated there. All are from wealthy families. It was very pleasant when the majority of those present said that they watched Andrei Malakhov’s program and it was my story that inspired them to make drastic changes. I hope everything works out for the guys, because I did it. On October 26, I celebrated a year and a half without alcohol.”

    Now Dana lives in Moscow with her daughter Polina in a new apartment, which she completely furnished in two months - she bought furniture, appliances, and ordered curtains, which cost her half a million rubles. The day before, the TV presenter announced that she was going to sue her husband Maxim Aksenov in order to recover child support from him.

    Rehabilitation in Thailand is a popular trend this season. Our Koh Samui center is a professional addiction treatment clinic located in a popular seaside resort on the Pacific Gulf of Thailand. Recently, drug addiction treatment in Thailand has become an increasingly popular option. On this page we will tell you about what makes this exotic country so attractive for relatives of people who have become dangerously dependent.

    Read on this page:

    Where did the fashion for drug addiction treatment on Koh Samui come from?

    We recorded the most significant surge in interest in the treatment of drug addicts on Samui after reports that the famous TV presenter Dana Borisova was being treated on the island.

    Star problems always attract a lot of people, which is why many artists help us in our work - both in terms of promoting a healthy lifestyle, and convincing fans of the most difficult issue for them to understand - that they need to be treated. Unfortunately, many people, like Dana Borisova, do this by their own example,

    A screen star is always an opinion leader, an authority for fans. People traditionally believe that since a famous actor (and therefore a fairly wealthy person) is treated in a particular clinic, it means that this is a good place. This is not always the case, but in the case of our drug treatment clinic in Thailand, it is true.

    What is good about drug addiction treatment in Thailand?

    In addition to the fact that the islands are simply great, there are a number of things that make drug addiction treatment in Thailand more effective than even in the best clinics in Moscow. Let's look at them in a little more detail.

    As you know, one of the important things on the way to getting rid of drug addiction is giving up your usual social circle, as well as completely stopping the use of illegal drugs. We will take the patient to a tropical island - to a country where the strictest anti-drug legislation in the world is in force, and even for a small amount of the potion they can be imprisoned for a long time, and can even be sentenced to death. In Thailand, a person will definitely not relapse, which means that treatment will take much less time than a similar program in leading drug treatment centers in Russia.

    Many people start using drugs because their lives look like a black and white movie filled with melancholy and despair. Thailand is a complete contrast to this. Drug addiction treatment on Samui means extraordinary air, mild climate, fresh fruit and the sea. And also Thai massage, famous for its healing properties.

    A qualified team of Russian specialists is supported by the best Thai colleagues. We learn many things from them - they are so interesting, unusual and effective that we don’t even know yet how to transfer new knowledge to Russia. And what massage does to people is completely difficult to put into words. From time immemorial, Thais have been able to remove various poisons from the body and treat not only the body, but also the soul.

    Drug addiction treatment on Koh Samui is confidential

    It can be difficult for society to accept back a person who has recovered from drug addiction. We do everything to maintain the anonymity of patients in Russia, but, alas, many still have to explain themselves to colleagues and friends.

    Having gone to Thailand for drug treatment, a person can relax - for everyone, he has flown away to rest, spend the winter, hang out, or whatever people usually do on tropical islands. Cool photos will come naturally – Koh Samui is beautiful everywhere you look.

    Rehabilitation in Thailand - for those who do not want to undergo treatment

    If a loved one does not want treatment, call our hotline (it works for you around the clock and is completely free). Qualified addiction consultants and psychologists will help you convince the patient of the need for treatment. Do not forget that compulsory treatment of drug addiction is possible only by a court verdict - if someone promises you to hospitalize a person by force, you cannot trust such a person.

    We have extensive experience working individually with patients who show aggression when offered treatment. The doctor will consistently and logically explain why you need to go to the clinic. You will see that there will be no trace of objections left. Still, we have very good psychologists.

    How does Dana Borisova feel now?

    Dana is very smart and, of course, an exceptionally strong girl. As you already know, she had to be lured to the island by deception - many were worried whether she would agree to treatment after learning that she was in a drug treatment clinic. She agreed. Moreover, she was very actively involved in treatment - she listened carefully to doctors, worked with psychologists, played sports and ate right.

    Now nothing threatens the life and health of Dana Borisova - she has moved on to the rehabilitation stage, and it is progressing very vigorously. Dana’s mother sounded the alarm early enough - if time had been lost, it would have probably taken much longer for successful treatment. But everything happened for the best.

    There is more good news. Dana is determined to help others overcome their addictions - she is now preparing to open her own drug treatment clinic in Koh Samui, Thailand. The girl knows better than anyone else what it means to return to normal life, to live life to the fullest again, to breathe deeply.

    Dana will take care of it organizational issues and marketing. In addition, she plans to meet with patients herself, tell them her story, and inspire them to do great things.

    How much does drug addiction treatment cost in Thailand?

    Each case is individual, and the cost of drug addiction treatment on Samui is different each time. Usually it depends on the duration of treatment, the number of procedures required, the flight distance and the requirements of relatives and friends for the patient’s accommodation.

    And although treatment in Thailand often costs a little more than in many Russian clinics, in the end everything is comparable. It is worth noting that on the islands a person recovers faster, his mood and desire to live fully return to him more actively. In addition, medical costs are significantly reduced, because the generous Thai nature also actively participates in the treatment.

    Our hotline specialists will be happy to advise you on all issues related to drug addiction treatment in Thailand, as well as the rehabilitation process. A wide variety of options are possible, including those suitable for people with different levels prosperity.

    How drug addiction treatment works in Thailand

    The main thing is that it goes unnoticed - the person does not have the feeling that he is in a hospital or is limited in any way. Our patients live in comfortable cottages, and a whole team of chefs led by a chef is responsible for their meals. Three meals a day - quite restaurant level.

    Medical treatments, sports activities and educational events occupy the entire day on the island. Traditionally, much attention has been paid individual work and interaction in groups. In addition to the usual activities, there are also specific ones – Thai ones. These are, for example, Thai boxing and Thai massage. Well, and of course, a variety of SPA treatments - this is Thailand.

    • The rehabilitation period is 1-6 months.
    • Accommodation in a comfortable villa with 5 meals a day.
    • The stages of treatment are carried out using the most effective rehabilitation programs for psychological behavior correction.

    The mild climate and average annual air temperature, not exceeding 18 degrees C, have a beneficial effect on the restoration process.

    We guarantee changes in the quality of life of an addicted person by developing healthy lifestyle skills

    Channel One paid for Dana Borisova’s treatment

    Continuation: Dana Borisova’s closest friend was discouraged by her confession

    The news that the famous TV presenter Dana Borisova is a drug and alcohol addict was openly reported on Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk” by her mother Ekaterina. The woman with tears in her eyes admitted her powerlessness in the fight against the heiress’s addictions. The apotheosis of the show was the recognition of Malakhov himself that he had been silent for two years in the hope of Dana’s correction, but this did not happen, and he was forced to resort to this method.

    Many of Dana’s friends were present at the program. In particular, Lera Tuvina and Prokhor Chaliapin almost unanimously argued that Borisova should be placed in a specialized clinic. Later, on her Instagram page, Lera summed up the controversial program. “Dear friends, colleagues, journalists and just people! Everything is fine with Danochka now, she was saved in time! As for her mother, there is no need to so categorically condemn the act of making everything public, I myself criticized this on the program, but believe me, in this situation there was no other way to save the “Russian Brigitte Bardot” and this would have been another sad topic. “- addressed the public of Tuvina.

    Next, she thanked Andrei Malakhov, who opened up to her not only from a professional, but also a human side. According to her, he is “no stranger to other people’s grief.” Lera also thanked Prokhor Chaliapin and Rustam Solntsev - “we did a good deed,” the girl is sure.

    It's interesting to read the comments on this post. In particular, it turned out that Channel One paid for Dana Borisova’s treatment. Prokhor Shalyapin reported this. “The channel paid for the treatment, which was about a million rubles for the first time. So while you get used to it, we are acting concretely,” the singer said, addressing Internet users who were “shocked” by the story that had come to light.

    The singer also stated: “A concrete action in the name of saving a LIFE is better than quiet inaction in the name of preserving a reputation... Health to everyone and long life! And so we are all not saints..” When Lera was asked how long Dana would be treated, she replied: “No one can ever predict this for sure, but not quickly.”

    It is interesting that in the same comments there was an assumption that Borisova was being sent to Thailand for treatment. This version is supported by the words of Dana herself, written by her on Instagram. The presenter published a photo with Andrei Malakhov, Elena Vorobey and Prokhor Chaliapin captured in it.

    “They came again. I walked around sleepy and without makeup and drank tea. This is a fresh photo from an hour and a half ago))) We are already in Sheremetyevo, I have a ticket to #Samui, so hello #Thailand,” Borisova wrote.

    Note that Dana’s post is very confusing, illogical and more like a stream of consciousness. “Imagine, the ratings showed that in terms of ratings among ordinary people, I am ahead of many, many presenters. We will film new project for Channel One. Today Andryusha will call Maxim himself, and I think that soon she (apparently we are talking about his daughter Polina. – Ed.) will return to me😊😊😊😊😊,” Dana Borisova concluded her post.

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