Exam in Russian language. Essay examples (Unified State Exam in Russian). How to write an essay on the Russian language

    You can often see a couple on the street in which one of the partners is not very handsome. Sometimes we think about what is unusual about such people if they are unattractive, and their chosen ones look at them with loving eyes? Perhaps we don’t understand something, because everyone’s concept of human beauty is different. And then the question arises: how exactly do lovers’ ideas about beauty differ from ordinary people? V.V. Veresaev reflects on these questions.

    In this text, the author describes an incident that occurred between a famous artist and his student. They wanted to participate in a competition for the best painting, which should depict “the highest Beauty captured in a female form.” Each hero had his own idea of ​​the beauty of girls and women. And as a first example to illustrate this problem, the author cites the opinion of the artist who “was looking for a maiden in whom nature had invested her best beauty.” And he found one. The girl was very attractive; at the competition, spectators could not take their eyes off her portrait. Thus, it becomes clear that true beauty in the artist’s view is external attractiveness. But his student had a different opinion: he considered his beloved Zorka to be a real beauty, although his teacher did not agree with him, because, in his opinion, Zorka is “an ordinary girl, of which you can meet dozens everywhere.” But on the day of the competition, everyone saw that this girl was actually a real beauty. Her face shone with happiness and love, and every person in the square remembered the best moments of their love. For example, the old driver looked differently at his old woman, in whose eyes he saw reflections of the light that came from Zorka, as well as love and tenderness. Thus, the author concludes that for a loving person, his chosen one is always beautiful, no matter how terrible his appearance may be.

    According to the writer, the ideas about beauty of a person who is in love differ from the opinions of ordinary people, because such a high feeling as love makes everything the world more beautiful than he really is. A person in love does not look at external beauty; it is important to him what his chosen one really is.

    I agree with the author's position. Indeed, a person who is under the power of love for another sees beauty completely differently, as they say, “through rose-colored glasses.” Love gives people happiness and joy from being near their loved ones. Such people accept the chosen one for who he is, not paying attention to any external shortcomings. And these people are truly happy.

    As a first example from fiction, confirming the fact that a person in love does not care about the appearance of his chosen one, one can cite the work of Charlotte Bronte “Jane Eyre”. The main character, a young girl named Jane, was very ugly. The heroine worked as a governess in the house of a wealthy gentleman, Mr. Edward Rochester, who fell in love with the girl, despite the fact that she was not a beauty. He appreciated Jane's kindness, honesty and sincerity; in his eyes she still remained the most attractive, although she, according to other people, was much worse in appearance than the proud and cold beauty Blanche Ingram. Thus, I would like to note that for a person in love, all the external flaws of his chosen one become invisible, because love reveals everything to him in a new light.

    Another example from literature is the work of L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”. Let's look at the images of two characters: Nikolai Rostov and Marya Bolkonskaya. Princess Bolkonskaya, as Tolstoy describes her, was a real ugly girl, even her own father thought so. Nikolai Rostov, on the contrary, was very attractive. It would seem, how could these two be together? As they say, love works wonders. Although the princess was ugly in appearance, Rostov fell in love with her for her kindness, sincerity and tenderness, which made her truly beautiful. And again I would like to note that even a very ugly person can look beautiful in the eyes of someone who loves him.

    In conclusion, I would like to say that a person will be truly attractive to someone who truly loves him. If people only like the appearance of their chosen ones, then this cannot be called true love. Therefore, I urge: love and accept each other for who you are. Only then will you be happy. And the more such people there are, the happier and brighter our world seems to us.

  • Essay 2.

There are a huge number of works of art in the world. Each author wants to convey something of his own to the reader, viewer. Some admire the beauty of nature, others admire the appearance of people. But which work has real beauty? This is precisely the question that worries V.V. Veresaeva.

In this text, the author talks about a competition between a teacher and a student. They had to depict “the highest Beauty” in the paintings. First, the writer shows how the public reacted to the artist’s work. He writes: “No one has ever seen such beauty in the world.” The picture was certainly lovely, but it made people look at the world around them differently, and then they noticed a bunch of flaws in it. Thus V.V. Veresaev wants to convey to the reader that real beauty should illuminate everything with light, and not oppress. In addition, the author describes the public's perception of the student's painting. At first there was murmur and bewilderment throughout the square, but later people saw the true beauty: “Everyone remembered the best moments of his love.” Thus, V.V. Veresaev shows how the joyful light from the painting illuminated everything around, and this is real beauty.

The author's position is extremely clear. He believes that a work in which the soul is invested has true beauty. It is this that will help awaken the best feelings in people, will help them see the beauty in what we have, because without it our life becomes gray and joyless.

It is difficult to disagree with the author's position. Indeed, real beauty depends on the soul that the author put into his work. After all, if a person works for profit, then he does not even try to convey at least some personal emotions and experiences.

To prove the validity of all of the above, I will give the following: literary example. Let us recall the work “Portrait” by N.V. Gogol. In it, the author writes about the young artist Chartkov, who loved to create and put his whole soul into his works. But one day a large sum of money ended up in his hands. At first he wanted to buy everything he needed for creativity, lock himself in the workshop and create. But then the desire for fame and profit got the better of him. Over time, Chartkov became a fashionable painter and lost his talent. One day he was invited to an exhibition of an artist who had come from Italy. When Chartkov saw his painting, he wanted to draw something similar, but it didn’t work out. Thus N.V. Gogol shows how, in pursuit of profit, a person stops putting his soul into his works, and as a result loses his talent.

As another example from literature, I will give the work of R. Bradbury “Smile”. The author writes about people who gathered in the square to destroy another piece of art. When the picture was presented to the public, everyone except Tom began spitting and throwing stones at it. The boy saw something beautiful in her. Suddenly someone threw him over the frame, and he tore out a piece of the canvas. But, despite other people who tore it all and trampled on it, he put it in his pocket. Perhaps Tom will be the one who can return civilization to the people. Thus, R. Bradbury shows how people without art become evil and cannot see real beauty.

In conclusion, I would like to say that people should try to feel the author’s work and understand what he wanted to tell them. Only then will they be able to truly appreciate it and know its true beauty.

The Unified State Examination in Russian consists of two parts and 25 tasks.

First part represents 24 tasks. They can be tests, for choosing one or several answers, open type(fill in the blank yourself).

The answer to the tasks of Part 1 is given by the corresponding entry in the form of a number (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers) written without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

Part 1 tasks test graduates’ mastery of educational material both basic and high levels difficulties (tasks 7, 23–24).

Second part - consists of one task - 25. This task involves writing an essay based on the read and analyzed text.

Part 2 task (task 25 - essay) can be completed by the examinee at any level of difficulty (basic, advanced, high).

The work is given 210 minutes - 3.5 hours.

Distribution of tasks into parts exam paper

Parts of the work Number of tasks Maximum primary score Type of tasks
1 part24 33 Short answer
part 21 24 Detailed response
Total25 57

Unpointing for tasks

Below I will give the “cost” of each task performed.

For the correct completion of each task first part (except for tasks 1, 7, 15 and 24) the examinee receives 1 point. For an incorrect answer or lack thereof, 0 points are given.

For completing tasks 1 and 15, you can score from 0 to 2 points.

The answer that contains all the numbers from the standard and no other numbers is considered correct.

For completing task 7, you can score from 0 to 5 points.

For each correctly indicated digit corresponding to a number from the list, the examinee receives 1 point (5 points: no errors; 4 points: one error was made; 3 points: two errors were made; 2 points: two digits were indicated correctly; 1 point: correctly indicated only one digit; 0 points: completely incorrect answer, i.e. incorrect sequence of numbers or lack thereof.

For completing task 24, you can score from 0 to 4 points. The answer that contains all the numbers from the standard and no other numbers is considered correct.

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive if he or she completes the task correctly second part , is 24 points.

For correct completion of all tasks of the examination paper, you can receive the maximum 57 primary points .

Preparing for and passing exams is every student's worst nightmare. In addition to the fact that you have to learn a bunch of theory and remember it on time on the test, you also need to write the text correctly. To fulfill this mission perfectly, you must first understand and remember what the structure of an essay in the Russian language (USE) is.

The main difficulty that most students face when writing their creations is the process of identifying the problem that is addressed in it. If you formulate it incorrectly, you will receive from 2 to 5 points for your work instead of the maximum 23.

Main components

After defining the topic, it’s time to move on to building its structure. Without this, it is impossible to pass the Unified State Exam (Russian language) with high quality. usually consists of the following parts:


Your opinion;


We are working on the introduction

The structure of an essay in the Russian language (USE) begins with an introduction. In it, you invite the reader to a conversation. First of all, name the topic and problem, introduce the author. After that, smoothly move on to the main part. At the same time, in no case should you retell the contents of the text at first. And its volume should not exceed 3-4 sentences.

When deciding on a problem, you can name several of them, but don’t get carried away. It is better to choose one main one than to be scattered among a bunch of secondary ones. In any case, you will not receive more than 1 point for this point, so there is no point in describing it too much.

Defining the problem

It is difficult for any student to pass the Unified State Exam. Writing in Russian has its own difficulties, among which is the ability not to confuse the problem (why the text was written, what conflict is revealed in it and the question asked of the readers) with the topic (what is being told). Not in every case is it easy to figure out the main idea the author wanted to convey the first time. There are a couple of secrets that will make this task easier:

1. Usually the writer formulates the problem closer to the beginning of the text or at its end. It all depends on what train of thought he prefers: first name the thesis and then the arguments, or do it in the reverse order.

2. Select key vocabulary from the text. It consists of words that contain the main idea of ​​everything said. This will help you at the next stage of work - writing a commentary on the main problem.

Write a comment

Also, the structure of an essay on the Russian language (USE) includes a commentary on the formulated problem. This is a kind of retelling of the proposed text in your own words. You can get 2 points for it. At the same time, you need to show that you were able to clearly understand what the conflict is and highlight its aspects. That is, in in this case it is necessary to disclose the author's position.

When commenting, try not to quote or paraphrase the content of the text too much, as this can reduce your score for this stage of work to zero. Also, do not make factual errors by attributing to the writer something that he did not say.

Then express own point vision. It does not necessarily have to correspond to the author's. But simply voicing it will not be enough. You must justify your opinion with at least 2 arguments. For each of them you will receive a point. At the same time, your arguments should not coincide with those given in the text, otherwise they will not be counted when checking your Unified State Examination. An essay in Russian should combine both the author’s position and your own.

How to select arguments?

So, you are taking the Unified State Exam in Russian (essay). Arguments are an integral part of it. To convincingly substantiate your opinion, you can use:

1. Examples from your life (it is not at all necessary that the selected events actually happened to you or your friends - you can just make them up, no one will investigate their authenticity).

2. Knowledge acquired at school (remember history, social studies, geography and any other sciences in which you can find relevant facts).

3. Experience in reading books (you can turn to Russian or world literature, they will contain a huge number of suitable life situations; both classics and works of modern authors will help you).

When choosing arguments (essay, Russian), carefully ensure that they confirm your thesis and do not contradict it. Experts will evaluate only 2 arguments, so there is no point in coming up with more of them. It’s better to have a couple of them, but both will be accurate and suitable for the given situation. In addition, the more you write down your thoughts, the more likely you are to make mistakes.

Combining the arguments

Arguments selected from journalism, scientific or fiction books are best evaluated. They are worth 2 points, while at best you will get 1 for an example from your life.

You can also use situations taken from folklore. For example, they will come in handy folk tales, sayings, songs and other similar works. You will also receive 1 point for these arguments.

Since you cannot give more than a three for argumentation, for the highest score you can use one of the following schemes:

2 arguments from your experience in reading books;

1 example from literature plus 1 from life or folklore.

Analyzing language means

You can also include in your Russian language essay plan an analysis of linguistic means of expression as a form of the author’s argument and a way of influencing the reader’s consciousness. To do this you need to do the following:

1. Check whether this list is given in the work and whether you have analyzed them.

2. Bring specific examples from the text (you can highlight them with brackets, but it is better to give preference to quotation marks).

3. Look at the correctness and appropriateness of the introduction to the essay language analysis(try not to write phrases like “the author uses, uses”).

Be sure to double-check the draft version of your essay and make sure the thoughts in it are logical. Look to see if there are any semantic inconsistencies and whether the text has been divided into paragraphs correctly enough. If the work will use a wide variety of words, many non-uniform grammatical structures, and thoughts are expressed accurately and clearly, for all these points you will receive 2 points.

Literacy is the key to success

The most high mark awarded because you know the Russian language well. to get the maximum 8 points for literacy? To achieve the best expert opinion, you need to adhere to these rules:

1. Avoid mistakes in spelling, punctuation, grammar and speech.

2. Adhere to ethical standards and avoid rudeness, obscene and vulgar statements.

3. Be accurate in presenting facts.

When writing a paper, there is no need to pour water, say obvious statements and beat around the bush to gain the required volume. You must write specific thoughts on the proposed topic. The text volume of 150 words is large enough to accommodate all the necessary arguments.

You won't get a lower grade if you write more, but it does increase your chances of making unnecessary mistakes. Therefore, it is better to make as much as needed, because for exceeding the specified size you will not receive extra points. If the specified volume is not reached, the score will decrease. And if you write less than half the required size, then the work will not be checked at all.

Drawing conclusions

The structure of the essay on the Russian language (USE) ends with a conclusion. Pay attention to the correctness of its design. If it is too long, it will be perceived as evidence that you do not know how to express your thoughts concisely. This means that this will be a clear disadvantage of your work. The introductory and final parts cannot make up more than a quarter of the entire text.

If you imagine an essay in the form of a diagram, it should be closed, like a circle. What was said at the beginning should be summarized at the end. Also in the last paragraph it is necessary to say how the text influenced you, whether you thought about your views on the world after reading it.

Separately, it is necessary to mention what place literature occupies in the history and life of this work, describe society's reaction to it. You can use a template for an essay on the Russian language: at the beginning of the work, ask certain questions, and at the end, give answers to them.

In the final part, it is necessary to show the completeness of the work and how the conclusion is connected with the main text and its conflict. This fragment should not exceed 2-3 sentences.

Remember the “golden” rules!

In addition to all the above rules, be guided when writing by the following tips:

1. Try not to use repetitions, not only in adjacent sentences, but throughout the entire essay. Do not forget that the size of your work is small, which means that phrases constantly flashing before your eyes will greatly spoil the impression of it. When you start writing, prepare a list of synonyms for the main words (“example”, “author”, “problem”, etc.). After completing your draft, carefully proofread it and underline repeated phrases. Then replace most of them with ones that are similar in meaning.

2. Don't split the text too much. It is best to use the following essay plan for the Russian language:

In the first paragraph, name the problem and comment on it;

In the third - give the first argument;

In the fourth - the second argument;

Fifth, write a conclusion.

If you express your thoughts in very short sentences, then you can break the text into 3 paragraphs, but there should not be less than this number.

3. Try to make sure that your speech contains minimal amount stamps. You can, of course, use some cliched phrases, but it's best to keep them to a minimum. A list of unwanted clichés can even be found in the textbook "Russian Language - Grade 6". An essay without such expressions is valued an order of magnitude higher than with them. Combine words correctly and avoid mistakes related to language and speech.

4. To avoid many errors related to punctuation, after writing a draft, parse the entire text. In this case, you will be able to understand in what places you missed the allocation of the involved and participial phrases and other constructions that require the use of commas. You will also see where you added extra punctuation. Separate parts of a sentence not intuitively, but following specific rules.

Make sure your handwriting is legible. This applies not only to essays in the Russian language, but also to any other exam. The expert will not decipher your scribbles, but will simply count them as errors and reduce the points.

Formulate your thoughts so that they are not fragmentary. Each part of the text must be brought to its logical conclusion. It is necessary to present your reasoning in such a way that it is understandable not only to you, but also to the readers. Explain specifically what you mean.

Make sure that the conclusion does not seem sparse in content compared to the rest of the text written during the Unified State Exam (Russian language). The essay plan should include at the end thoughts that have not been voiced before.

Unified State Exam in Russian (sheet 1)

1. The structure of an essay-reasoning. Speech clichés

2. The problem of the complexity of a person’s inner world (according to the text by G. Rogov)

(1) “I’m dreaming, here you go!..” (2) Who among us doesn’t remember the words of this famous song by Vladimir Vysotsky?

3. The problem of knowing the world around us (according to the text by G. Rogov)

(1) One of the mysteries in the history of the existence of all life on Earth is the appearance of winged insects.

4. The problem of the significance of antiques for humans and society (according to the text by L. Zhukhovitsky)

(1) They say that you can’t forbid living beautifully.(2) And for this you don’t always want to go to distant lands - it is desirable to see beauty every day in your own home.

5. The problem of human dignity (based on the story by A.P. Chekhov)

(1) The other day I invited my children’s governess, Yulia Vasilievna, to my office.(2) There was a reckoning to be made.

6. The problem of the national idea (according to the text by G. Rogov)

(1) Recently, we have often heard discussions from prominent public figures, people of art and science about the search for a saving “national idea” that could unite Russians in creating their future.

7. The problem of greed (based on the text by V.A. Soloukhin)

(1) At night we burned bedside tables. (2) In the attic of our dorm there was a storage area for old nightstands.

8. The problem of historical memory (based on the text by B. Vasiliev)

(1) In those days, the house - old, black, lopsided, under a rusty roof - stuck out among the new five-story buildings.

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