Email Corsica Alexander Leonidovich. Alexander Korsik – RBC: “The state assumes that I will continue to work. Bashneft and Lukoil seek protection from the Prosecutor General

Alexander Leonidovich Korsik (June 23, Minsk, USSR) - Russian top manager, former president and Chairman of the Board of PJSC ANK Bashneft, now a member of the Coordination Council of ANO RADS


Alexander Leonidovich Korsik in 1979 graduated with honors from the Moscow Higher Technical School named after N. E. Bauman (MBTU named after Bauman) and the Diplomatic Academy under the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

On October 13, 2016, he resigned from his duties as president and chairman of the board of PJSC ANK Bashneft in connection with the privatization and sale of PJSC NK ROSNEFT.


Married to Marina Korsik, two children. Eldest son Alexey, daughter Ekaterina.

Write a review of the article “Corsik, Alexander Leonidovich” Notes Excerpt characterizing Corsik, Alexander Leonidovich Kutuzov looked sternly at his adjutant and, after a pause, replied:
“I think that the battle will be lost, and I told Count Tolstoy so and asked him to convey this to the sovereign.” What do you think he answered me? Eh, mon cher general, je me mele de riz et des et cotelettes, melez vous des affaires de la guerre. [And, dear general! I’m busy with rice and cutlets, and you are busy with military affairs.] Yes... That’s what they answered me!

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Weyrother with his plans moved to Kutuzov's apartment, where a military council was appointed. All the commanders of the columns were requested to see the commander-in-chief, and, with the exception of Prince Bagration, who refused to come, everyone appeared at the appointed hour.
Weyrother, who was the overall manager of the proposed battle, presented with his liveliness and haste a sharp contrast with the dissatisfied and sleepy Kutuzov, who reluctantly played the role of chairman and leader of the military council. Weyrother obviously felt himself at the head of a movement that had become unstoppable. He was like a harnessed horse running away downhill with its cart. Whether he was driving or being driven, he did not know; but he rushed at all possible speed, no longer having time to discuss what this movement would lead to. Weyrother that evening was twice for personal inspection in the enemy’s chain and twice with the sovereigns, Russian and Austrian, for a report and explanations, and in his office, where he dictated the German disposition. He, exhausted, now came to Kutuzov.
He, apparently, was so busy that he forgot to even be respectful to the commander-in-chief: he interrupted him, spoke quickly, unclearly, without looking into the face of his interlocutor, without answering the questions asked of him, was stained with dirt and looked pitiful, exhausted, confused and at the same time arrogant and proud.
Kutuzov occupied a small noble castle near Ostralitsy. In the large living room, which became the office of the commander-in-chief, gathered: Kutuzov himself, Weyrother and members of the military council. They were drinking tea. They were only waiting for Prince Bagration to begin the military council. At 8 o'clock Bagration's orderly arrived with the news that the prince could not be there. Prince Andrei came to report this to the commander-in-chief and, taking advantage of the permission previously given to him by Kutuzov to be present at the council, remained in the room.
“Since Prince Bagration will not be there, we can begin,” said Weyrother, hastily getting up from his place and approaching the table on which the food was laid out. huge map surroundings of Brünn.
Kutuzov, in an unbuttoned uniform, from which, as if freed, his fat neck floated out onto the collar, sat in a Voltaire chair, placing his plump old hands symmetrically on the armrests, and was almost asleep. At the sound of Weyrother's voice, he forced his only eye open.
“Yes, yes, please, otherwise it’s too late,” he said and, nodding his head, lowered it and closed his eyes again.
If at first the members of the council thought that Kutuzov was pretending to be asleep, then the sounds that he made with his nose during the subsequent reading proved that at that moment for the commander-in-chief it was about much more important than the desire to show his contempt for the disposition or for anything else. be that as it may: for him it was all about irrepressible satisfaction human need– .sleep. He was really asleep. Weyrother, with the movement of a man too busy to waste even one minute of time, looked at Kutuzov and, making sure that he was sleeping, took the paper and in a loud, monotonous tone began to read the disposition of the future battle under the title, which he also read:
"Disposition to attack the enemy position behind Kobelnitsa and Sokolnitsa, November 20, 1805."
The disposition was very complex and difficult. The original disposition stated:
Da der Feind mit seinerien linken Fluegel an die mit Wald bedeckten Berge lehnt und sich mit seinerien rechten Fluegel laengs Kobeinitz und Sokolienitz hinter die dort befindIichen Teiche zieht, wir im Gegentheil mit unserem linken Fluegel seinen rechten sehr debordiren, so ist es vortheilhaft letzteren Fluegel des Feindes zu attakiren, besondere wenn wir die Doerfer Sokolienitz und Kobelienitz im Besitze haben, wodurch wir dem Feind zugleich in die Flanke fallen und ihn auf der Flaeche zwischen Schlapanitz und dem Thuerassa Walde verfolgen koennen, indem wir dem Defileen von Schlapanitz und Bellowitz ichen, welche die feindliche Front decken. Zu dieserien Endzwecke ist es noethig... Die erste Kolonne Marieschirt... die zweite Kolonne Marieschirt... die dritte Kolonne Marieschirt... [Since the enemy rests his left wing on the forest-covered mountains, and with his right wing he stretches along Kobelnitsa and Sokolnitsa behind the ponds located there, and we On the contrary, if our left wing surpasses his right wing, then it is advantageous for us to attack this last enemy wing, especially if we occupy the villages of Sokolnits and Kobelnits, being given the opportunity to attack the enemy’s flank and pursue him in the plain between Shlapanits and the Tyurassky forest, avoiding with those defiles between Shlapanitz and Belowitz, which covered the enemy front. For this purpose it is necessary... The first column marches... the second column marches... the third column marches...], etc., Weyrother read. The generals seemed reluctant to listen to the difficult disposition. The blond, tall General Buxhoeveden stood with his back against the wall, and, fixing his eyes on the burning candle, it seemed that he was not listening and did not even want to be thought that he was listening. Directly opposite Weyrother, fixing his shining open eyes on him, in a militant pose, resting his hands with his elbows outstretched on his knees, sat the ruddy Miloradovich with his mustache and shoulders raised. He remained stubbornly silent, looking into Weyrother’s face, and only took his eyes off him when the Austrian chief of staff fell silent. At this time, Miloradovich looked significantly back at the other generals. But from the meaning of this significant glance it was impossible to understand whether he agreed or disagreed, was pleased or dissatisfied with the disposition. Count Langeron sat closest to Weyrother and, with a subtle smile of a southern French face that did not leave him throughout the reading, looked at his thin fingers, quickly turning the corners of a golden snuffbox with a portrait. In the middle of one of the longest periods he stopped rotational movement snuffboxes, raised his head and with an unpleasant politeness at the very ends of his thin lips interrupted Weyrother and wanted to say something; but the Austrian general, without interrupting his reading, frowned angrily and waved his elbows, as if saying: later, then you will tell me your thoughts, now if you please look at the map and listen. Langeron raised his eyes upward with an expression of bewilderment, looked back at Miloradovich, as if looking for an explanation, but, meeting Miloradovich’s significant, meaningless gaze, sadly lowered his eyes and again began to twirl the snuffbox.

Russian top manager, member of the Coordination Council of ANO RADS, former president and chairman of the board of PJSOC Bashneft



Alexander Leonidovich Korsik in 1979 graduated with honors from the Moscow Higher Technical School named after N. E. Bauman (MBTU named after Bauman) and the Diplomatic Academy under the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Between 1979 and 1995 worked as a civil servant in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR and Russia.

From 1995 to 1997 - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC NK KomiTEK, Deputy General Director of CJSC KomiTEK-Moscow



Alexander Korsik: “I’m too stubborn: I don’t want to do something I don’t believe in”

Six theses of the president of Bashneft, who will resign due to the sale of the company to Rosneft

After the decision to sell the Bashneft oil company to Rosneft, Bashneft President Alexander Korsik resigns. This follows from the company’s message about the meeting of the board of directors, posted in the Interfax-SPARK database. There are five items on the agenda: on the early termination of the powers of the President of PJSOC Bashneft; on the appointment of the president; on early termination of powers of members of the board; on determining the quantitative composition of the board and electing its members; on convening an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders.

Extravagance and leadership: what is the President of Bashneft Corsik remembered for?

Today, September 13, the board of directors of Bashneft prematurely dismissed Alexander Korsik, president and chairman of the board of the company. Rosneft Vice President for Energy, former Deputy Minister of Energy Andrei Shishkin has been appointed head of the oil company for the next five years, Bashneft said in a statement.

Let us note that the entire management of the company has changed along with Corsica. The new board members are: Vice President for legal support Natalia Mincheva, Director of the HR Department Andrey Sudakov, Vice President, Chief Geologist Andrey Lazeev, First Deputy Head of Trading Direction Denis Nyrkov, Director of the Planning and Reporting Department Rostislav Latysh, CFO of Itera Sergey Lobachev. Note that all of them are employees of Rosneft.

Bashneft will undergo a complete change of management

On October 13, the Board of Directors of Bashneft will prematurely dismiss Alexander Korsik, President and Chairman of the Board of the Company, and replace the board, Bashneft reported. It is proposed to put Andrei Shishkin, Rosneft's vice president for energy and former deputy minister of energy, at the head of the company, two sources who know about Rosneft's proposal said. The contract with him will be concluded for five years, one of them added.

FAS asked Bashneft to register gasoline sales by phone

The FAS sent a recommendation to Bashneft President Alexander Korsik to register his own transactions for the small wholesale sale of gasoline. The company conducted some of these fuel transactions over the phone.

On August 27, the Basmanny Court will consider Sistema’s petition to lift the seizure of Bashneft shares.

On July 25, AFK Sistema of Vladimir Yevtushenkov filed a petition with the Basmanny Court of Moscow to lift the arrest of almost 85% of the shares of Bashneft (owned by Sistema itself and its subsidiary Sistema-Invest), a court representative told Vedomosti.

Rosneft and NOC Eduard Khudainatov are interested in Bashneft

Preliminary discussions of a possible transaction took place even before the announcement of Bashneft’s intention to locate in London

Bashneft and Lukoil seek protection from the Prosecutor General

The presidents of Bashneft and Lukoil  Alexander Korsik and Vagit Alekperov sent a letter to the Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Chaika on July 28 (Vedomosti has a copy). They are asking for an investigation into “probable corporate attacks” on the joint venture of two companies - Bashneft-Polyus, which holds the license and is developing the fields named after. Trebs and Titov with reserves of 141 million tons of oil. A Vedomosti source close to Bashneft confirmed that the letter was sent. Representatives of Lukoil and the Prosecutor General's Office did not respond to requests.

The authorities of Bashkortostan have declared non-interference in the conflict over Bashneft shares.

The authorities of Bashkortostan do not interfere in investigative actions related to Bashneft, and do not accept attempts to drag the region into the conflict, the press service of the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan told Interfax in response to a request to comment on the situation around Bashneft.

Bashneft's quotes accelerated their fall after the arrest of shares of its subsidiary

Ordinary shares of Bashneft fell by 4.7% to RUB 2,072.1 on Wednesday evening. per share on the news about the ban on writing off the company's securities from the personal accounts of Sistema-Invest.

The defense appealed the arrest of businessman Hayrapetyan in the Bashneft case

RBC 07/21/2014, Moscow 10:31:53 The defense of businessman Levon Airapetyan appealed his arrest in the Moscow City Court. Lawyer Ruben Markaryan reported this to ITAR-TASS. Let us remind you that on July 17, the Basmanny Court arrested the entrepreneur for a period until September 15.

Bashneft acquires the Optan gas station network for RUB 8.8 billion.

RBC 07/17/2014, Moscow 17:24:39 Bashneft reached an agreement to acquire a network of gas stations under the Optan brand, including 92 gas stations and 11 land plots in 12 regions of Russia - Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Ulyanovsk, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara and Sverdlovsk regions, as well as Bashkiria, Mordovia, Chuvashia, Tatarstan and Mari El, the company said in a statement.

A controlling stake in Bashneft was arrested in the case of an Armenian oligarch

The Basmanny Court of Moscow, at the request of the Investigative Committee, arrested the controlling stake in Bashneft owned by AFK Sistema. The investigation has nothing to do with AFK, but the investigation suspects businessman Levon Hayrapetyan of fraud, who could have participated in the sale of the oil company to Sistema in 2008. Bashneft's SPO in London, scheduled for September, will most likely have to be postponed, experts warn.

Sistema fell by almost $1 billion after the arrest of Bashneft shares

Shares of AFK Sistema on the Moscow Exchange fell by 7.42% or 32.266 billion rubles. (at 14.00 Moscow time). By this time, the company's receipts on the London Stock Exchange had lost 3.61% or $285 million.

After the decision to sell the oil company Bashneft to Rosneft, Bashneft President Alexander Korsik resigns. This follows from the company’s message about the meeting of the board of directors, posted in the Interfax-SPARK database. There are five items on the agenda: on the early termination of the powers of the President of PJSOC Bashneft; on the appointment of the president; on early termination of powers of members of the board; on determining the quantitative composition of the board and electing its members; on convening an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders.

According to RBC sources, Andrei Shishkin, who currently holds the post of vice president of Rosneft, will become the new president of the company. Vedomosti called Shishkin a tough person devoted to Igor Sechin. “Such things (changing management - RBC) must be done quickly, even in ideal companies there are a huge number of risks associated with a period of timelessness - a change in the controlling shareholder,” a source close to Rosneft told RBC. Korsik came to Bashneft in April 2011, when the company belonged to AFK Sistema. After the nationalization of the oil company, he retained his post. Shortly before this happened, Korsik gave a detailed interview to Forbes, in which he discussed, among other things, what would happen to Bashneft after nationalization. Here are some of the most interesting statements Alexandra Corsica. About my first days at Bashneft:

Came to the office. I started to think: who will work? I don’t like to work (laughs). This means that those who love and who know how to do it should work. It took us a long time to select people: 90% of success is the team. Some have changed, but the core is highly professional, company-loyal people. I knew many of them from previous places of work - from Sibneft, Russneft, Itera, people from other companies in the industry, people who worked at Bashneft and completely fit into our new corporate culture both professionally and according to personal qualities.

On a possible departure from Bashneft:

For many years now I have not sought to stay anywhere. The question is on a different plane: am I needed and am I ready to work in certain conditions? I don't want to think about it now. Today I have a different task - I need to lead the company through this difficult period without any losses, and then life will tell. I want to go to work and enjoy what I do. Walk just to make money? I had such a period in my life, but it is long behind me. I don’t have any special claims: I don’t need a personal plane or yacht. I love to travel, and I definitely have enough money for that.

I’ve thought more than once: maybe it’s time to finish? Why these sleepless nights, problems, nerves, stress, flights? The mind tells you that you need to take care of your family and pleasant things, for which you sorely lack time. But there is no certainty that subconscious motives will not defeat the mind.

On the fate of Bashneft after nationalization:

I would like Bashneft to remain an independent company, because I always believed that oil industry, like any other, there must be many players. It seems to me that it would be wrong to reduce their number and limit competition. Even those who determine the direction of an industry should always be able to compare. For example, there are companies X, Y and Z. The first company does it this way, the second does it the same way, the third does it differently, but somehow everything works out much better for it. Maybe the first and second companies have problems? This cannot be known and errors cannot be corrected if there is no way to compare.

On the impact of a change of ownership on the team:

I asked all my colleagues to follow a simple principle: what happens outside the company is absolutely outside our sphere of influence, and we cannot change anything here. I was pleasantly surprised by the endurance and efficiency of our employees in this situation. I'm proud of my team. Of course, people are tense. They think about the future, and this is completely natural. But, fortunately, there are no demob sentiments in the bad sense of the word, and I had no doubt that there would be none.

About Rosneft's interest:

Igor Ivanovich (Sechin, Chief Executive Officer of Rosneft), if I’m not mistaken, publicly stated that Rosneft is not interested in taking over Bashneft. If we are talking about some kind of abstract takeover, then the goal of the (failed) SPO was completely different - to radically increase the liquidity of the company’s shares, to accept strict additional obligations for corporate governance, making Bashneft more attractive to investors, which, naturally, should have lead to an increase in its value. And, of course, make money.

About my shortcomings: I think I'm too stubborn: I don't want to do something I don't believe in. For example, there is a certain brilliant project that many people believe in. But I don’t believe in it, because I’ve known this project inside and out for ten years. And I will resist to the last. In most cases, this resistance ends in the project not being accepted, but the one who believed in this project is probably left with the feeling that I am missing out on opportunities. But there is a clear criterion - how successful the company is. I won't talk about how successful it is. I just want to say that I don’t remember a single global error. Although there were local ones, of course.

Alexander Korsik Wikipedia Biography[ | code] Family[ | code] Notes[ | code]

Alexander Korsik Wikipedia

Alexander Leonidovich Korsik (June 23, 1956, Minsk, USSR) - Russian top manager, former president and chairman of the board of PJSC ANK Bashneft, currently a member of the Coordination Council of ANO RADS, on the board of directors of PJSC Transneft .


Alexander Leonidovich Korsik in 1979 graduated with honors from the Moscow Higher Technical School named after N. E. Bauman (MBTU named after Bauman) and the Diplomatic Academy under the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Between 1979 and 1995 worked as a civil servant in the central office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in the embassy of the USSR and Russia in the UK.

From 1995 to 1997 - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC NK KomiTEK, Deputy General Director of CJSC KomiTEK-Moscow

From 1997 to 1999 - OJSC Sibneft, head of department strategic development. In 1999, he became first vice-president of OJSC Sibneft; remaining in this position until 2005, he managed the company’s production activities.

Since 2006 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Renaissance Capital investment group, later, in the period from 2006 to 2007, he was the head of ITERA Group of Companies as President. In the course of its activities at ITERA Group of Companies, it creates a new team of professional managers and develops a plan for conducting an IPO.

2007 - 2009 - OJSC NK "RussNeft", Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Since 2009, he has been senior vice president of AFK Sistema, within which he manages the fuel and energy complex business unit.

In April 2011, he became president of JSOC Bashneft.

In September 2011, Alexander Korsik took 20th place in the ranking of the influence of large entrepreneurs and top managers of the Russian fuel and energy complex, prepared by the Agency for Political and Economic Communications (APEC).

On October 13, 2016, he resigned from his duties as president and chairman of the board of PJSC ANK Bashneft in connection with the sale of PJSC NK Rosneft.


Married to Marina Korsik, two children. Eldest son Alexey, daughter Ekaterina.


Alexander Leonidovich Corsik Wikipedia

Alexander Leonidovich Korsik (June 23, 1956, Minsk, USSR) - Russian top manager, former president and chairman of the board of PJSC ANK Bashneft, currently a member of the Coordination Council of ANO RADS, on the board of directors of PJSC Transneft .


Alexander Leonidovich Korsik in 1979 graduated with honors from the Moscow Higher Technical School named after N. E. Bauman (MBTU named after Bauman) and the Diplomatic Academy under the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Between 1979 and 1995 worked as a civil servant in the central office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in the embassy of the USSR and Russia in the UK.

From 1995 to 1997 - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC NK KomiTEK, Deputy General Director of CJSC KomiTEK-Moscow

From 1997 to 1999 - OJSC Sibneft, head of the strategic development department. In 1999, he became first vice president of Sibneft OJSC; remaining in this position until 2005, he managed the company’s production activities.

Since 2006 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Renaissance Capital investment group, later, in the period from 2006 to 2007, he was the head of ITERA Group of Companies as President. In the course of its activities at ITERA Group of Companies, it creates a new team of professional managers and develops a plan for conducting an IPO.

2007 - 2009 - OJSC NK "RussNeft", Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Since 2009, he has been senior vice president of AFK Sistema, within which he manages the fuel and energy complex business unit.

In April 2011, he became president of JSOC Bashneft.

In September 2011, Alexander Korsik took 20th place in the ranking of the influence of large entrepreneurs and top managers of the Russian fuel and energy complex, prepared by the Agency for Political and Economic Communications (APEC).

On October 13, 2016, he resigned from his duties as president and chairman of the board of PJSC ANK Bashneft in connection with the sale of PJSC NK Rosneft.


Married to Marina Korsik, two children. Eldest son Alexey, daughter Ekaterina.


Alexander Korsik - biography and family Biography

In 1979 he graduated from the Moscow Higher Technical School. Bauman, Diplomatic Academy under the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

When Alexander Korsik decided to leave the Itera group in August 2007, his colleagues wondered what their former leader had decided to do. However, observers had only two options - either Mr. Corsica was called by the former shareholders of Sibneft, or he was looking for a suitable place for himself after the company, which he considered the best in the Russian oil market. Mr. Corsic did not have to wait long. In mid-September he became chairman of the board of directors of RussNeft, which in lately every now and then it was distinguished by scandals in the media.

This is Corsica’s third job in two years. He managed to promise to bring Renaissance Capital and Itera to the leaders of his segments. At Sibneft, it was Korsik who represented the company at the presentation of its merger with Yukos in April 2003, describing the capabilities and prospects of the united company. In June 2005, at an oil conference in Paris, he assured that he was not aware of Gazprom’s intentions to buy Sibneft. Four months later, Sibneft was transferred to Gazprom, and Korsik was quick to resign.


1979: Moscow Higher Technical School named after. Bauman, Diplomatic Academy under the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


2007-present: Russneft, head of the board of directors;

2006-2007: Itera, president;

2006: Renaissance Capital, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Investment Group;

1999-2005: OJSC Sibneft, first vice president; member of the Board of Directors of OJSC * ONAKO, OJSC Orenburgneft;

1997-1999: OJSC KomiTEK, member of the Board of Directors, head of the strategic development department;

1995-1997: CJSC Komi-TEK-Moscow, Deputy General Director;

1990-1995: Third Secretary of the USSR Embassy in Great Britain, First Secretary of the Russian Embassy;

until 1995: service in the Armed Forces, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation;

1980: central office of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Alexander Korsik Wiki

Alexander Leonidovich Korsik (June 23, 1956, Minsk, USSR) - Russian top manager, former president and chairman of the board of PJSC ANK Bashneft, currently a member of the Coordination Council of ANO RADS, on the board of directors of PJSC Transneft .

Biography[ | code]

Alexander Leonidovich Korsik in 1979 graduated with honors from the Moscow Higher Technical School named after N. E. Bauman (MBTU named after Bauman) and the Diplomatic Academy under the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Between 1979 and 1995 worked as a civil servant in the central office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in the embassy of the USSR and Russia in the UK.

From 1995 to 1997 - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC NK KomiTEK, Deputy General Director of CJSC KomiTEK-Moscow

From 1997 to 1999 - OJSC Sibneft, head of the strategic development department. In 1999, he became first vice president of Sibneft OJSC; remaining in this position until 2005, he managed the company’s production activities.

Since 2006 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Renaissance Capital investment group, later, in the period from 2006 to 2007, he was the head of ITERA Group of Companies as President. In the course of its activities at ITERA Group of Companies, it creates a new team of professional managers and develops a plan for conducting an IPO.

2007 - 2009 - OJSC NK "RussNeft", Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Since 2009, he has been senior vice president of AFK Sistema, within which he manages the fuel and energy complex business unit.

In April 2011, he became president of JSOC Bashneft.

In September 2011, Alexander Korsik took 20th place in the ranking of the influence of large entrepreneurs and top managers of the Russian fuel and energy complex, prepared by the Agency for Political and Economic Communications (APEC).

On October 13, 2016, he resigned from his duties as president and chairman of the board of PJSC ANK Bashneft in connection with the sale of PJSC NK Rosneft.

Family[ | code]

Married to Marina Korsik, two children. Eldest son Alexey, daughter Ekaterina.

Notes[ | code]

Korsik Alexander Leonidovich - Wikipedia

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Alexander Leonidovich Korsik (June 23, 1956, Minsk, USSR) - Russian top manager, former president and chairman of the board of PJSC ANK Bashneft, now a member of the Coordination Council of ANO, and is on the board of directors of PJSC Transneft.

Biography[ | ]

Alexander Leonidovich Korsik in 1979 graduated with honors from the Moscow Higher Technical School named after N. E. Bauman (MBTU named after Bauman) and the Diplomatic Academy under the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Between 1979 and 1995 worked as a civil servant in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR and Russia

From 1995 to 1997 - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC NK KomiTEK, Deputy General Director of CJSC KomiTEK-Moscow

From 1997 to 1999 - OJSC Sibneft, head of the strategic development department. In 1999, he became first vice president of Sibneft OJSC; remaining in this position until 2005, he manages the company’s production activities.

Since 2006 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Renaissance Capital investment group, later, in the period from 2006 to 2007, he was the head of ITERA Group of Companies as President. In the course of its activities at ITERA Group of Companies, it creates a new team of professional managers and develops a plan for conducting an IPO.

2007 - 2009 - OJSC NK "RussNeft", Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Since 2009, he has been senior vice president of AFK Sistema, within which he manages the fuel and energy complex business unit.

In April 2011, he became president of JSOC Bashneft.

In September 2011, Alexander Korsik took 20th place in the ranking of the influence of large entrepreneurs and top managers of the Russian fuel and energy complex, prepared by the Agency for Political and Economic Communications (APEC).

On October 13, 2016, he resigned from his duties as president and chairman of the board of PJSC ANK Bashneft in connection with the privatization and sale of PJSC NK ROSNEFT.

When Alexander Korsik decided to leave the Itera group in August 2007, his colleagues wondered what their former leader had decided to do. However, observers had only two options - either Mr. Corsica was called by the former shareholders of Sibneft, or he was looking for a suitable place for himself after the company, which he considered the best in the Russian oil market. Mr. Corsic did not have to wait long. In mid-September, he became chairman of the board of directors of RussNeft, which has recently been plagued by scandals in the media.

This is Corsica’s third job in two years. He managed to promise to bring Renaissance Capital and Itera to the leaders of his segments. At Sibneft, it was Korsik who represented the company at the presentation of its merger with Yukos in April 2003, describing the capabilities and prospects of the united company. In June 2005, at an oil conference in Paris, he assured that he was not aware of Gazprom’s intentions to buy Sibneft. Four months later, Sibneft was transferred to Gazprom, and Korsik was quick to resign.


1979: Moscow Higher Technical School named after. Bauman, Diplomatic Academy under the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


2007-present: Russneft, head of the board of directors;

2006-2007: Itera, president;

2006: Renaissance Capital, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Investment Group;

Best of the day

1999-2005: OJSC Sibneft, first vice president; member of the Board of Directors of OJSC * ONAKO, OJSC Orenburgneft;

1997-1999: OJSC KomiTEK, member of the Board of Directors, head of the strategic development department;

1995-1997: CJSC Komi-TEK-Moscow, Deputy General Director;

1990-1995: Third Secretary of the USSR Embassy in Great Britain, First Secretary of the Russian Embassy;

until 1995: service in the Armed Forces, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation;

1980: central office of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The court deprived Bashneft managers of remunerations worth 2.7 billion rubles. ... improve the situation of employees, it looks strange, A2 lawyer Mikhail Alexandrov told RBC. Previously, companies and their owners fought against the abuses of specific managers... in fact, they stood up to protect the interests of the new owner of Bashneft, Rosneft, Alexandrov is surprised. According to him, managers who were entitled to bonuses could apply... The ex-head of Bashneft became a candidate for the board of directors of Transneft... Bashneft Alexander Korsik, who left the company immediately after the sale of its controlling stake to Rosneft ", became a candidate for the board of directors of Transneft. Corsica's nomination to... will be determined in March-April, one of RBC's interlocutors clarified. Alexander Korsik held various positions in the company from 1997 to 2005... up to first vice president). Then Korsik worked as a top manager at Itera and RussNeft. At Bashneft, Korsik served as president of the company since 2011 ... Vedomosti learned about the non-payment of bonuses to top managers of Bashneft ... efficiency. Among the ex-executives left without payments is the former president of the company, Alexander Korsik. As reported by the Vedomosti newspaper with reference to three Bashneft employees... Rosneft vice-president Andrei Shishkin, who replaced Alexander Korsik in this post, who led the company for five years half years. The Board of Directors also elected... Vice President of Rosneft headed Bashneft... Bashneft Andrey Shishkin will replace Alexander Korsik, who has headed the company since April 2011. In 2014, Corsica’s contract was extended until 2017... A team from Rosneft will join the board of Bashneft... energy and localization Alexander Shishkin. Currently, the board of Bashneft includes seven people, including the chairman and president of the company, Alexander Korsik. On Wednesday, Bashneft announced that on October 13, the board of directors will discuss the early resignation of Corsica and the current members of the board... The new president of Bashneft was found in Rosneft... RBC sources. Alexander Korsik, who has headed Bashneft since 2011, resigns early. Andrey will become the new president of Bashneft instead of the resigning Alexander Korsik... the directors will consider issues of early termination of Alexander Korsik’s powers and the appointment of a new president of the company. Korsik has held the post of president of Bashneft since 2011... Sechin’s team: why Rosneft will change the management of Bashneft. .. purchase of a controlling stake in Bashneft, Rosneft decided to completely change its management. Alexander Korsik, who has headed the company since 2011, is resigning early, his... about the early termination of the powers of the company's president Alexander Korsik, says a Bashneft statement published on Wednesday morning. Korsik will be replaced as president of the company by Andrey... The head of Bashneft named the fair value of the company... President of Bashneft Alexander Korsik, during the annual meeting of shareholders of the company, said that its fair...

Business, 19 Feb 2016, 15:37

The President of Bashneft supported Bashkiria in the dispute over the privatization of the company... The President of Bashneft, Alexander Korsik, said that it is now “wrong” to sell the republic’s share in the company. Previously... . Bashneft will become more efficient if privatized, said company president Alexander Korsik. “I am a supporter of the fact that companies should be private. Other than that... I would have left it if I had made the decision,” he noted. Thus, Corsica actually supported the head of Bashkiria, Rustem Khamitov. The day before he said that...

Business, 11 March 2015, 23:14

Alexander Korsik - RBC: “The state assumes that I will continue to work” ... Chairman of the Board of Bashneft Alexander Korsik remains at the helm of the oil company. Despite rumors about his...

Business, 11 March 2015, 13:54

Bashneft will allocate up to 30% of net profit for dividends... for a year, possibly more. This was stated by the chairman of the board of the oil company, Alexander Korsik, at an extraordinary meeting of the company’s shareholders. A new member of the board of directors of Bashneft... only two will continue to work on the board - the current president of the company, Alexander Korsik, and independent director Charles Watson, a member of the board of directors of KAZ Minerals...
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